William Wordsworth 威廉-华兹华斯
But his uncle to his political activities dissatisfied, not wish again to increase. Are desperate, a has been sympathy and admiration of his old classmates died and left him 900 pounds. And in October 1795, he and dorothy move the country together, achieve close to nature, and discusses his old dream the meaning of life. Dorothy intelligent and considerate, and give he created writing conditions
1787年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,大学毕业 年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习, 年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习 后去法国 住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情, 法国, 后去法国,住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情, 认为这场革命表现了人性的完美, 认为这场革命表现了人性的完美,将拯救帝制之 下处于水深火热中的人民。 下处于水深火热中的人民。在布卢瓦他结识了许 多温和派的吉伦特党人。 年华兹华斯回到伦 多温和派的吉伦特党人。1792年华兹华斯回到伦 年华兹华斯回到 仍对革命充满热情。 敦,仍对革命充满热情。但他的舅父对他的政治 活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时, 活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时, 一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世, 一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世,留给他 900英镑。于是在 英镑。 英镑 于是在1795年10月,他与多萝西一起 年 月 迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。 迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。 多萝西聪慧体贴, 多萝西聪慧体贴,给他创造了写作条件
如歌行板She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways[她住在人迹罕至的地方]---by William WordsworthShe dwelt among the untrodden ways,Beside the springs of Dove,A Maid whom there were none to praise,And very few to love:A violet by a mossy stone,Half hidden from the eye!—Fair as a star, when only one,Is shining in the sky.She lived unknown, and few could know,When Lucy ceased to be.But she is in her grave, and, oh,The difference to me!译文一:(译朱光潜)幽人在空谷,结居傍明泉。
她生无人知,死也无人唁,不知何时去了人间;但她安睡在墓中,哦可怜,对于我呵,是个地异天变!诗词注解1dwell v.【文】(在某一地方)居住,eg. They dwelt in the forest.他们住在森林。
英国文学史英国浪漫主义作家威廉_华兹华斯_William_Wordsworth 4
青苔石畔紫罗兰, 半隐半现于眼前, 凄美犹如星一点 独自闪耀在长天。
伊人在世无人知, 伊人离世无人提, 而今已是人天隔, 惟有诗客情自迷。
Relevant Background
Wordsworth grew up in England’s Lake District and spent much of his life there. • Lucy may have been Dorothy, the poet’s beloved sister and companion. In that case, this poem imagines the beautiful and solitary life of Dorothy who lived close to nature. It dramatises the poet’s grief at her future death. • This poem is one of a group of five poems called ‘The Lucy Poems’.
Main Idea
• William Wordsworth returned to the Wye valley in July 1798, five years after he had first toured the region with his sister, Dorothy. • As he looks at the valley, through the lens of memory, he sees himself—both as he once was, and as he is now. • With his “Lines,” Wordsworth attempts to make sense of the changes he has undergone, and, in the process, he offers some interesting insights into the machinery of memory and the Romantic lyric.
William Wordsworth
Week 2William Wordsworth(1770-1850)威廉·华兹华斯1. His LifeWilliam Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in the Lake District. His father was John Wordsworth, Sir James Lowther's attorney. The magnificent landscape deeply affected Wordsworth's imagination and gave him a love of nature. He lost his mother when he was eight and five years later his father. The domestic problems separated Wordsworth from his beloved and neurotic sister Dorothy, who was a very important person in his life.With the help of his two uncles, Wordsworth entered a local school and continued his studies at Cambridge University. Wordsworth made his debut as a writer in 1787, when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine . In that same year he entered St. John's College, Cambridge, from where he took his B.A. in 1791. During a summer vacation in 1790 Wordsworth went on a walking tour through revolutionary France and also traveled in Switzerland. On his second journey in France, Wordsworth had an affair with a French girl, Annette Vallon, a daughter of a barber-surgeon, by whom he had a illegitimate daughter Anne Caroline. The affair was basis of the poem "Vaudracour and Julia", but otherwise Wordsworth did his best to hide the affair from posterity.In 1795 he met Coleridge. Wordsworth's financial situation became better in 1795 when he received a legacy and was able to settle at Racedown, Dorset, with his sister Dorothy.Encouraged by Coleridge and stimulated by the close contact with nature, Wordsworth composed his first masterwork, Lyrical Ballads, which opened with Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner." About 1798 he started to write a large and philosophical autobiographical poem, completed in 1805, and published posthumously in 1850 under the title The Prelude.Wordsworth spent the winter of 1798-99 with his sister and Coleridge in Germany, where he wrote several poems, including the enigmatic 'Lucy' poems. After return he moved Dove Cottage, Grasmere, and in 1802 married Mary Hutchinson. They cared for Wordsworth's sister Dorothy for the last 20 years of her life. Wordsworth's second verse collection, Poems, In Two Volumes, appeared in 1807. Wordsworth's central works were produced between 1797 and 1808. His poems written during middle and late years have not gained similar critical approval. Wordsworth's Grasmere period ended in 1813. He was appointed official distributor of stamps for Westmoreland. He moved to Rydal Mount, Ambleside, where he spent the rest of his life. In later life Wordsworth abandoned his radical ideas and became a patriotic, conservative public man.In 1843 he succeeded Robert Southey (1774-1843) as England's poet laureate. Wordsworth died on April 23, 1850.2.His Major Works2.1 Lyrical Ballads ( 《抒情歌谣集》,1798):“We Are Seven”“Tintern Abbey”2.2 Lucy Poems (《露茜》,1799):“She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways”2.3 Sonnet (1802):“Westminster Bridge”“Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” 不朽颂2.4 Poems in Two Volume (1807):“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”“The Solitary Reaper”2.5 The Prelude(《序曲》,1850).3.His poetic outlook1)Wordsworth is regarded as a " worshipper of nature." He can penetrate to the heart of things & give thereader the very life of nature. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature, & one that takes us to the core of Wordsworth's poetic beliefs. To Wordsworth, nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstances. It is nature that gives him "strength & knowledge full of peace."2)Common life is Wordsworth's only subject of literary interest. The joys & sorrows of the common people are his themes. His sympathy always goes to the suffering poor. Wordsworth is a poet in memory of the past. To him, life is a cyclical journey. Its beginning finally turns out to be its end.3)Wordsworth's deliberate simplicity & refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure & profound poetry which no other poets has ever equaled. Poetry, he believes originates from "emotion recollected in tranquility." Rejecting the contemporary emphasis on form & intellectual理性的approach that drained poetic writing of strong emotion, he maintains that the scenes & events of everyday life & the speech of ordinary people are the raw material of which poetry can & should be made.4. Selected Readings1) “I wandered lonely as a cloud” / “The Daffodils”Background:written at Town-end, GrasmereDorothy Journals,15 April 1802The Inspiration Dorothy’s JournalDorothy wrote in her journal :'When we were in the woods beyond Gowbarrow Park, we saw a few daffodils close to the water side. We fancied that the lake had floated the seed ashore and that the little colony had so sprung up. But as we went along there were more and more and at last under the boughs of the trees, we saw that there was a long belt of them along the shore, about the breadth of a country turnpike road.I never saw daffodils so beautiful they grew among the mossy stones about and about them, some rested their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness and the rest tossed and reeled and danced and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, they looked so gay ever dancing ever changing.This wind blew directly over the lake to them. There was here and there a little knot and a few stragglers a few yards higher up but they were so few as not to disturb the simplicity and unity and life of that one busy highway. We rested again and again. The Bays were stormy, and we heard the waves at different distances and in the middle of the water like the sea'.Dorothy Wordsworth, The Grasmere Journal- Thursday 15 April 1802.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud /Is it a good poem? Do you like it?Which lines/parts do you like best/dislike most? Why?Does the poem remind you of any past experience?What’s your own personal response to t his poem?我孤独地漫游,像一朵云(飞白译)我孤独地漫游,像一朵云在山丘和谷地上飘荡,忽然间我看见一群金色的水仙花迎春开放,在树荫下,在湖水边,迎着微风起舞翩翩。
威廉· 华兹华斯
华兹华斯(William Wordsworth, 1770~ 1850),英国诗人。华兹华斯诗歌创作的黄 金时期在1797~1807年。随着声誉逐渐上升, 他的创作逐渐走向衰退。到了1830年,他的 成就已得到普遍承认,1843年被封为英国桂 冠诗人。由于他与柯尔律治等诗人常居住在 英国西北部多山的湖区,1807年10月的《爱 丁堡评论》杂志称他们是湖畔派诗人。早期 诗歌《晚步》和《素描集》中,对大自然的 描写基本上未超出18世纪的传统。然而,从 《抒情歌谣集》开始,一反18世纪的诗风, 将一种崭新的风格带到诗歌创作中,开创了 英国文学史上浪漫主义诗歌的新时代。他为 《抒情歌谣集》的再版所写的序言被认为是 浪漫主义文学的宣言。他的作品还有《不朽 的征兆》以及由《序曲》和《漫游》两部分 组成的哲理性长诗《隐者》等。
《东方叙事诗》中的主人公都是悲剧性的孤傲的反抗社会制度的叛逆 者,他们都有不凡的才能和力量,但在社会中却找不到用武之地。他 们为自己的无所作为而感到痛苦,因自己的力量和情感的虚耗而感到 绝望。他们以挑战示威的态度,以异样的勇敢和热情,以不屈不挠的 意志和毫不妥协的精神,或报复或反抗社会的专制与压迫,甚至宗教 和道德。但他们又都是以个人的力量反抗社会,因其轻视群众,脱离 社会,最后只能在绝望中毁灭自己。拜伦通过这些形象表现了自己对 社会的反抗,也反映出忧郁、孤独的悲观情绪,因为叙事诗中的主人 公都带有拜伦个人的性格特点,所以被称为“拜伦式的英雄”。 1816年4月,拜伦因统治阶级利用其同妻子分居的家庭纠纷对他进行诋 毁而永远离开了英国。流亡瑞士期间,他创作了《锡隆的囚徒》和 《曼弗雷德》。前者主人公博尼瓦尔是历史人物,为捍卫瑞士独立而 被囚入监狱长达六年之久。长诗为了民族自由而遭受苦难的战士充满 了同情。《曼弗雷德》表现了启蒙主义理想的幻灭:知识只能给人带 来痛苦从而怀疑知识的成果。诗剧中对英国社会的否定,发展成对整 个人类生存意义的怀疑和否定,主人公只寻求“忘却”和死亡。诗人 过分地夸大和美化了孤独者的精神力量,而且没有认识到曼弗雷德脱 离人脱离生活实践和社会斗争,正是他自我毁灭的真正原因。
William Wordsworth
华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗人中成就最高的一个, 也是莎士比亚和弥尔顿以后英国最重要的诗人。
一、与柯尔律治共同开创 了英国文学的浪漫主义 时代。 “一切好诗都是强烈感情 的自然流溢” 二、二十世纪欧美新诗理 论的先驱 《抒情歌谣集》 三、“第一位现代诗人” 四、“讴歌自然的诗人” 五、首创了洗尽铅华的新型 的诗歌用语 六、终生定居于田园乡野, 更加接近和关切下层劳动 群众。 七、热心关注国家命运和欧 洲政治形势 八、在诗歌体裁方面,使素 体诗和十四行诗获得了新 的生命和力量。
Daffodils, by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud.....
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in a sprightly dance
The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed-and gazed-but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought; For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.
像银河的繁星连绵不断, 辉映着夜空,时暗又时亮; 水仙就沿着那整个湖湾, 望不到尽头地伸向前方; 我一眼望去便看到万千---在欢舞中把头点了又点。
13 The waves beside them danced, but they 14 Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:--15 A Poet could not but be gay 16 In such a jocund company! 17 I gazed---and gazed---but little thought 18 What wealth the show to me had brought;
完成于1805年、发表于1850年的长诗《序 曲》则是他最具有代表性的作品。代表作还 有《丁登寺》,《露西组诗》,《决心与独 立》,《我们是七个》,《咏黄水仙花》等。
华兹华斯诗才最旺盛的时期是1797至 1807年的10年。 1843年被任命为“桂冠诗 人”
THE DAFFODILS 1 I wander'd lonely as a cloud 2 That floats on high o'er vales and hills, 3 When all at once I saw a crowd, 4 A host of golden daffodils, 5 Beside the lake, beneath the trees, 6 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)是英国浪漫主义时期的一位诗人,他的诗歌中经常描写孤独的感受。
例如,在他的诗歌《孤独的人》(The Solitary Reaper)中,他描述了一名女子独自在山间采药,她的歌声传遍山谷,却没有人与她分享这份快乐。
在华兹华斯的另一首诗歌《游荡者》(The Wanderer)中,他描述了一名旅人在山间漫步,他的心情孤独而悲伤。
一、浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学兴起于 18 世纪末至 19 世纪初,强调个人情感、想象力和自然的重要性。
(一)英国浪漫主义作家1、威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)他是英国浪漫主义诗歌的先驱之一,其作品强调对自然的热爱和对普通人生活的关注。
代表作有《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)。
2、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)他的诗作充满奇幻的想象和神秘的元素,《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)是其经典之作。
3、乔治·戈登·拜伦(George Gordon Byron)拜伦以其奔放的激情和叛逆的精神著称,作品有《唐璜》(Don Juan)等。
4、珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)雪莱的诗歌富有理想主义和革命精神,《西风颂》(Ode to theWest Wind)广为流传。
(二)美国浪漫主义作家1、华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)他的作品具有浓厚的地方色彩和幽默风格,《瑞普·凡·温克尔》(Rip Van Winkle)是其代表作。
2、詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper)以描写边疆生活和印第安人而闻名,《皮袜子故事集》(The Leatherstocking Tales)是其重要作品。
二、现实主义文学现实主义文学在 19 世纪中叶兴起,注重真实地反映社会现实和生活。
(一)英国现实主义作家1、查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)狄更斯的作品生动描绘了英国社会底层人民的生活,如《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)。
华兹华斯诗歌的艺术成就 他不仅创立理论,而且本人就实践理论。他与柯尔律治合作 的《抒情歌谣集》这本小书所开始的,不止是他们两人的文学 生涯,而是一整个英国浪漫主义诗歌运动。对于中国读者,华 兹华斯却不是一个十分熟悉的名字。能读英文的人当然都看过 他的若干小诗,如《孤独的割麦女》,但不懂英文的人却对他 的诗没有多少印象,原因之一是他的诗不好译——哲理诗比叙 事诗难译,而华兹华斯写得朴素、清新,也就更不 好译了。原因之二是,他曾被评为“反动的浪漫主义” 的代表,因此不少人未读他的作品, 就已对其人有了反感。还有一个原因可能 是:他那类写大自然的诗在我国并不罕见, 他的思想也类似老庄,因此人们对他无新奇感。
威廉.华兹华斯 ——《水仙花》
生平及创作生涯 所有的好诗都是强烈情 感的自然流露
艺术成就 美好的回忆
华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)的生平及创作生涯
华兹华斯(1770~1850)英国诗人,华兹 华斯生于律师之家,1783年他的父亲去世, 他和弟兄们由舅父照管,妹妹多萝西 (Dorothy)则由外祖父母抚养。多萝西 与他最为亲近,终身未嫁,一直与他作伴。 1787年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,大 学毕业后去法国,住在布卢瓦。他对法国 革命怀有热情,认为这场革命表现了人性 的完美,将拯救帝制之下处于水深火热中 的人民。在布卢瓦他结识了许多温和派的 吉伦特党人。1792年华兹华斯回到伦敦, 仍对革命充满热情。但他的舅父对他的政 治活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走 投无路时,一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同 学去世,留给他900英镑。于是在1795年 10月,他与多萝西一起迁居乡间,实现接 近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。多萝西聪 慧体贴,给他创造了写作条件。
威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物,他的诗歌具有浓郁的浪漫主义情怀,强调自然与人文之间的联系,具有深刻的社会意义。
华兹华斯英语作文As a notable figure of the Romantic era, William Wordsworth was a prolific poet and a key figure in the English Romantic movement.作为浪漫主义时代的杰出人物,威廉·华兹华斯是一位多产的诗人,也是英国浪漫主义运动的重要人物。
His contributions to English literature, particularly his focus on nature and the human experience, have left a lasting impact on poetry and literary criticism.他在英国文学领域的贡献,特别是他对自然和人类经验的关注,对诗歌和文学批评产生了深远的影响。
Wordsworth's most famous work, "Lyrical Ballads," written in collaboration with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is considered a cornerstone of Romantic poetry.华兹华斯最著名的作品《抒情小曲集》,与塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治合作创作,被认为是浪漫主义诗歌的重要里程碑。
The collection, first published in 1798, showcases Wordsworth's belief in the power of emotions and the beauty of everyday life, setting a new standard for poetry in the Romantic period.这部作品于1798年首次出版,展示了华兹华斯对情感力量和日常生活之美的信仰,为浪漫时期的诗歌设定了新的标准。
威廉·华兹华斯 《水仙花》
它们和长满青苔的岩石点缀在一起,有的把花序倚靠在岩石 上,仿佛枕着枕头在休息;有的摇曳、摆动,舞蹈着,就象 是迎着从水面上吹来的风在欢笑。它们看来是那么欢乐,光 彩夺目,千姿百态,这里一堆,那里一簇,再高处还有零零 落落的几棵。不过也只有那么几棵,并不破坏那条热闹的大 道上的单纯、协调和生机。我们休息了又休息。海湾起了风 浪,远近是一片涛声……”大自然的奇妙景色使诗人 感到兴奋,成为一种美好的回忆, 于是诗人写下了这首不朽的抒情诗。
但他是值得一读的。除了历史上的重要性之外,他 有许多优点,例如写得明白如话,但是内容并不平 淡,而是常有神来之笔,看似普通的道理,却是同 高度的激情结合的。
这首诗是华兹华斯抒情诗的代表作之一。它创作于 1804年,发表于1807年。诗中所描写的是华兹华 斯在1802年所见到的一片水仙花的景象。据诗人的 妹妹多萝西回忆,华兹华斯在一次拜访友人归来之 时:“来到考罗巴公园那边的树林里,看见水边长 有几棵水仙。我们想这一定是湖水把种子漂到岸上, 这小小的群体就此繁殖起来了。可是再往前走却越 来越多。最后,在那树荫下面, 我们看见,沿着湖岸约有乡间公路宽的 一长条地方长着我从未见过的那么美丽的 水仙。
波的浪漫主义诗风。其最重要的全集《抒情 歌谣集》于1798年与科尔律治共同发表, 宣告了浪漫主义新诗的诞生。他于1843年 被授予桂冠诗人。
《水仙花》在英国深受广大学生喜 爱。在英国华兹华斯基金会2004 年组织的背诵活动中,超过26万 名的英国中学生同时背诵此一首诗, 创造了同时背诵一首诗人数最多的 新世界记录。
The Daffodils 原文
Written by William Wordsworth
I wondered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once i saw a crowd, A host,of golden daffodils; Beside the lake,beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky Way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw i at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
外国浪漫主义诗人 名字大全
外国浪漫主义诗人名字大全篇一:外国浪漫主义诗人的名字大全如下:1. 贺拉斯·德·奥尔科特(H拉斯 de奥尔科特):19世纪英国著名的浪漫主义诗人,以其独特的清新自然的诗歌风格著称。
2. 威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth):19世纪英格兰著名的浪漫主义诗人,被誉为“英国浪漫主义诗歌之父”,其诗歌风格以自然、抒情和感性为主。
3. 艾米丽·布朗特(Emily Browning):20世纪英国著名的浪漫主义诗人,以其优美的诗歌和独特的女性视角而著名。
4. 保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin):20世纪法国著名的浪漫主义画家,他的作品融合了西方现代艺术和东方禅宗思想,对20世纪艺术产生了深远的影响。
5. 约翰·济慈(John Keats):19世纪英国著名的浪漫主义诗人,被誉为“浪漫主义诗歌之父”,其诗歌风格以感性、抒情和唯美为主。
6. 萨缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Swift):20世纪美国著名的浪漫主义诗人,以其简洁、明快的诗歌风格和优美的文字表现力著称。
7. 理查德·德·阿弗尔(Richard de A一派):19世纪瑞士著名的浪漫主义诗人,以其独特的诗意和抒情风格而著名。
8. 托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy):19世纪英国著名的浪漫主义诗人,以其深情、深刻的诗歌风格和悲剧性的结局而著名。
9. 约翰·洛克(John Locke):18世纪英国著名的哲学家和诗人,被誉为“启蒙运动”的重要代表人物之一。
华兹华斯(William Wo
1.华兹华斯华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850年),英国浪漫主义诗人,曾当上桂冠诗人。
他是文艺复兴运动以来最重要的英语诗人之一,其诗句“朴素生活,高尚思考(plain living and high thinking)”被作为牛津大学基布尔学院的格言。
2. 《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)1798年,华兹华斯与柯勒律治将各自的诗歌合为一册,定名为《抒情歌谣集》。
• Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems (1800) • Preface to the Lyrical Ballads • "Strange fits of passion have I known” • “She Dwelt among the Untrodden Way” • "Three years she grew" • "A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal” • "I travelled among unknown men" • "Lucy Gray” • "The Two April Mornings" • "Solitary Reaper" • "Nutting” • "The Ruined Cottage" • "Michael" • "The Kitten At Play"
Features of his works
Wordsworth can penetrate to the heart of things and give the reader the very life of nature. And he thinks that common life is the only subject of literary interest. The joys and sorrows of the common people are his themes. His sympathy always goes to the suffering poor.
Lyrical Ballads
Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems is a collection of poems by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, first published in 1798 and generally considered to have marked the beginning of the English Romantic movement in literature. The immediate effect on critics was modest, but it became and remains a landmark, changing the course of English literature and poetry.
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The Solitary Reaper(孤独的割麦女)--William Wordsworth
The Solitary Reaper(孤独的割麦女)--William WordsworthThe Solitary Reaper 孤独的割麦女--William Wordsworth 威廉.华兹华斯华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850),著名的英国浪漫主义诗人,与科尔律治(S. T. Coleridge)、骚赛(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”(the Lake Poets)诗人。
主要作品有长诗《漫游》(The Excursion),《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)、《序曲》(Prelude)等。
BEHOLD her, single in the field, 看,一个孤独的高原姑娘,Yon solitary Highland Lass! 在远远的田野间收割,Reaping and singing by herself; 一边割一边独自歌唱,Stop here, or gently pass! 请你站住.或者俏悄走过!Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 她独自把麦子割了又捆,And sings a melancholy strain; 唱出无限悲凉的歌声,O listen! for the Vale profound 屏息听吧!深广的谷地Is overflowing with the sound. 已被歌声涨满而漫溢!No Nightingale did ever chaunt 还从未有过夜莺百啭,More welcome notes to weary bands 唱出过如此迷人的歌,Of travellers in some shady haunt, 在沙漠中的绿荫间Among Arabian sands: 抚慰过疲惫的旅客;A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard 还从未有过杜鹃迎春,In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, 声声啼得如此震动灵魂,Breaking the silence of the seas 在遥远的赫布利底群岛Among the farthest Hebrides. 打破过大海的寂寥。
威廉华兹华斯英文作文英文:William Wordsworth is one of the most famous English Romantic poets. His works are known for their focus on nature and the human experience. As a poet, Wordsworth believed that poetry should be written in a language thatis accessible to everyone. He believed that poetry shouldbe simple and should reflect the natural rhythms ofeveryday speech.One of Wordsworth's most famous poems is "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," also known as "Daffodils." In this poem, Wordsworth describes a field of daffodils that he came across while wandering in the countryside. The poemcaptures the beauty and simplicity of nature and the joythat can be found in even the smallest things.Another important aspect of Wordsworth's poetry is his focus on the individual's experience of the natural world.He believed that nature was a source of inspiration and that it could help individuals to connect with their own emotions and experiences.中文:威廉·华兹华斯是最著名的英国浪漫主义诗人之一。
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(4)Many of the subjects of these poems deal with elements of nature such as birds, daffodils and simple rural folk. (5)The majority of poems in this collection were written by Wordsworth. The poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language. (6) Some of the best poems in the collection are: “Lines Written in Early Spring” (“早春诗行”), “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”) “Tintern Abbey” (“丁登寺”).
• 1793 saw Wordsworth's first published poetry with the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. He received a legacy of £900 from Raisley Calvert in 1795 so that he could pursue writing poetry. • In 1797 Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Somerset. The two poets quickly developed a close friendship .Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, moved to Alfoxton House, Somerset, just a few miles away from Coleridge's home in Nether Stowey. Together, Wordsworth and Coleridge (with insights from Dorothy) produced Lyrical Ballads (1798), an important work in the English Romantic movement.
The second of five children born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson, William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Cockermouth in Cumberland — part of the scenic region in northwest England, the Lake District. Wordsworth made his debut as a writer in 1787 when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. That same year he began attending St John's College, Cambridge, he developed a keen love of nature as a youth. and received his B.A. degree in 1791 . He returned to Hawkshead for his first two summer holidays, and often spent later holidays on walking tours, visiting places famous for the beauty of their landscape. In 1790, he took a walking tour of Europe, during which he toured the Alps extensively, and also visited nearby areas of France, Switzerland, an1791, Wordsworth visited Revolutionary France and became enthralled with the Republican movement. He fell in love with a French woman, Annette Vallon, who in 1792 gave birth to their child, Caroline. • Because of lack of money and Britain's tensions with France, he returned alone to England the next year. and war between France and Britain prevented him from seeing Annette and Caroline again for several years.
• In 1802 Wordsworth married Mary Hutchinson ,a childhood friend ,who is portrayed in the charming lyric as “a Phantom of Delight.” • In 1813,Wordsworth moved to Rydal Mount ,a few kilometers from Dove Cottage ,and there the poet spent the remainder of his life ,expect for Periodic travels .In his later years ,his position as a great poet was firmly established.
Lyrical Ballads
(1)This is a joint work of Wordsworth and his friend Coleridge. (2)The publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 marks the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England. (3)It begins with Coleridge’s long poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”) and ends with Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”(“丁登寺”).
• During the harsh winter of 1798–1799, Wordsworth lived with Dorothy in Goslar, and despite extreme stress and loneliness, he began work on an autobiographical piece later titled The Prelude. He also wrote a number of famous poems, including "the Lucy poems". He and his sister moved back to England, now to Dove Cottage in Grasmere in the Lake District, and this time with fellow poet Robert Southey nearby. Through this period, many of his poems revolve around themes of death, endurance, separation, and grief.
William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) A major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads. Wordsworth's masterpiece is generally considered to be The Prelude, a semi autobiographical poem of his early years which the poet revised and expanded a number of times. The work was posthumously titled and published, prior to which it was generally known as the poem "to Coleridge". Wordsworth was England's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.
• In 1842,Wordsworth received a government pension ,and in the following year he succeeded Southey as Poet Laureate.
Major Literary Works
• Descriptive Sketches, an Evening Walk (1793): his first volume written in the 18th century feeling for natural description • Lyrical Ballads (1798): the manifesto of English Romanticism • The Prelude (1805): posthumously in 1850; his greatest work • Poems in Two Volumes (1807): contains “Ode: Intimations of Immortality”, the autobiographical narrative “Resolution and Independence” • The Excursion (1814)