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阿尔茨海默(Alzheimer)病Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease

匹克(Pick)病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Pick is diseasf

享廷顿(Huntington)病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Huntington is disease

帕金森(Parkinson)病所致精神障碍[Mental disorders due to Parkinson is disease

肝豆状核变性(Wilson病)所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to hepatolenticular degeneration(Wilson is disease)

颅内感染所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to intracranial infection

急性病毒性脑炎所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to acute virus encephalitis

克—雅病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease

脑炎后综合征Postencephalitic syndrome

躯体疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical diseases

躯体感染所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical infection

人类免疫缺陷病毒所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

内脏器官疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to visceral organdisease

内分泌疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to endocrine disease

营养代谢疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to nutritional and metabolic disease

结缔组织疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to disease of connective tissue

系统性红斑狼疮所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)

染色体异常所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to chromosomal abnormality

物理因素所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to physical factors

以上未分类的其他躯体疾病所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecifide

围生期精神障碍Puerperal mental disorder

其他或待分类器质性精神Organic mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecified

器质性智能损害(痴呆)Organic intellectual deficiency(dementia)

器质性遗忘Organic amnesic syndrime

器质性人格改变、习惯与冲动改变、性心理改变Organic personality change, habit and impulse change, psychosexual change

器质性意识障碍(如谵妄)Organic consciousness disorders (e.g, delirium)

器质性精神病性症状Organic psychotic symptoms

器质性情感障碍Organic mood disorders

器质性神经症样综合征Organic neurosis-like syndrome

精神活性物质所致精神障碍或非成瘾物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due psychoactive substances or non-addictive substances

精神活性物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of psychoactive substances

酒精所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of alcohol

阿片类物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of opioids

大麻类物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of cannabinoids

镇静催眠药或抗焦虑药所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics

兴奋剂所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of stimulants

致幻剂所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of hallucinogens

烟草所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of tobacco

挥发性溶剂所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to use of volative solvents

其他或待分类的精神活性物质所致精神障碍Mental disorders due to other psychoactive substances,or unspecifide
