

八年级英语专项复习题- 补全对话

(John wants to invite Sue and Judy to see a film. He is calling Sue )

Sue Hello!

John Hello! May I speak to Sue ?

Sue This is Sue speaking . 1. _________________________?

John This is John.

Sue Hi , John. How are you ?

John Fine, thank you. And you?

Sue I ’ m OKWhat.’up?s

John 2. _________________________?

Sue Yes, I’m free.

John I ’ ve got three tickets for a film this Saturday evening. I’d like to invite you and Judy to s the film. Would you like to go with me ?

Sue 3. _________________________.

John Great! By the way, do you have Judy elephone’ number?st

Sue. Yes.

John 4. _________________________?

Sue Sure. I’ll call her as soon as possible. Whenand where shall we meet ?

John 5. _________________________?

Sue OK. Let’s meet at005.pm at the cinema.

John All right. See you then.

Sue See you.

Amy: 1. _________________________?

Bob: Speaking!

Amy: I ’ mcalling to thank you for your present.

Bob: 2. _________________________?

Amy: Yes, I like it very much. It is a beautiful sweater. I really like the color.

Bob: By the way, you looked wonderful at the party.

Amy: Thank you! I really enjoyed it. 3. _________________________?

Bob: Oh, I went to the History Museum.

Amy: 4. _________________________?

Bob: Well, I saw many old inventions on show.

Amy: Wow! Are there any new inventions?

Bob: Yes, many more! 5. _________________________.

Amy: Sounds great.


(L----Li Ming,W-----Wang Hai)

L:Hello ,Wang Hai .Where are you going?

W:1. _________________________.

L:A flower shop? 2. _________________________?

W:Don’ t you know tomorrow is the second Sunday of May ?

L: Oh, I se e. Tomorrow is Mother’ s Day!

W: Yes ,you are right. 3. _________________________?

L:O f course. Let ’ s go to the shop together. But I think I should abuygood present such as a dress for my mother.

W: 4. _________________________. I think sending my mother some beautiful flowers is the best.

L: Perhaps you are rig ht . I’ ll follow you .

W: 5. _________________________?

L: I think carnations are the best. How do you like them?

W: That ’ s great! Let’ s go.


A:Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?

B:1. _________________________.

A:Sorry to hear that. 2. _________________________?

B:Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.

A:3. _________________________?

B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor ’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine

and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.

A:4. _________________________?

B:Because I ’m afraid I ’ missll more lessons and I ’ bell left behind.

A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _________________________.

B: Thank you.


M: Good morning.

W: Good morning, doctor.

M: 1. _________________________?

W:I ’ m not feeling well2.. _________________________.

M:3. _________________________?

W:About one week ago.

M:4. _________________________?

I had to deal with something important.

M:Oh, I see. Take this medicine and you will feel better then.

W:5. _________________________?

M:Three times a day and remember to stay in bed for two days.

W:Thank you, doctor.


A:I ’ ve learned you are going to France to studyaintingp. 1. _________________________ B:Well, I leaving’m on Monday.

A:2. _________________________?

B:No, never. It ’ s the first time for emto go to France.

A:Paris is a beautiful city. It has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower. 3. _________________________?

B: No, not far. the Eiffel Tower is near my art school, so I’ ll visit it first.

A: 4. _________________________?

B: Yes. I’ ve learned a little French school,in so I’ ll try to speak.

A: 5. _________________________?

B: If I want to eat Chinese food,I ’ ll cook itmyself.

A: That sounds good. Hope you can enjoy yourself.

B: Thanks.

(七 )

A : Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?

B:1. _________________________ . You may ask that policeman over there.

A : Thank you all the same .

(The man goes to the policeman)

A : Excuse me. 2. _________________________?

C: No,there isn’ t a hotel near here,but there is one near the Bank of China.

A : 3. _________________________?

C: It ’s about two kilometers away .

A : 4. _________________________?

C: You’ d better take a taxi,because it’ s so late,there aren’ t any buses now.

A : 5. _________________________.

C: You’e.

(八 )

A:1. _________________________ ?

B:I ’m going to Taishan.

A:That sounds nice. 2. _________________________?

B:My parents.

A:3. _________________________?

B:I ’goingm to go hiking in the mountains.

A:4. _________________________?

B:Just six seven days.

A:5. _________________________?

B:It ’s always sunny and warm.

A:That sounds good. Hope you will have a good time.



A:Susan, 1. _________________________ ?

B:Oh, it was exciting.

A:2. _________________________?

B:I watched a chess game on Sunday.

A:I don ’ t likechess. 3. _________________________?

B:Yes. I enjoyed myself a lot. It was an exciting and special game. A:Special ? 4. _________________________?

B:Because you won ’ t know who is the winner until the last minute. A:Yeah, you are right. 5. _________________________?

B:Sure, I can play it very well.


A: Did you make a New Year’ s resolution this year, Kim?

B: Yes, Lucy. I did.

A:1. _________________________ ?

B:Well, I’ m goingse t oup a soccer team.

A: 2. _________________________?

B: I’ m goingto study playing soccer really hard, and I’ m going to a summer3. camp. _________________________? Did you make a resolution?

A: Oh, sure. I’ m goinglearntoto play an instrument.

B: Cool. 4. _________________________?

A:Maybe the guitar, but I am not sure.

B:That sounds good! 5. _________________________?

A:I am going to learn it for one month.

B:Good, have fun!

A:Thanks, you too.
