高中英语《Sir Gawain and the Green Knight》优质课教案、教学设计
25. Which play is regarded as the best English comedy since Shakespeare?
A. She Stoops to Conquer B. The Rivals
7. The Elizabethan Age was largely one of drama eminently represented by _ and Shakespeare.
A. Christopher Marlowe B. John Donne C. John Milton D. Alexander Pope
2. Who was called “father of English poetry”?
A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. William Shakespeare C. Edmundch one of the following is not a feature in the poetical form of Beowulf?
A. realistic B. satiric C. romantic D. poetic
21. The poem _ indicates Pope’s political and philosophical views on human nature and relation with the universe, the society and himself.
6. The _ sonnet consists of an octave (an eight-line stanza) and a sestet (a six-line stanza).
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Bertilak’s Home
On his quest to meet the Green Knight, Gawain stays here for a short pel
The supposed home of the Green Knight. Gawain is sent here to keep his end of the bargain which he made with the Green Knight at Arthur’s holiday celebration a year prior.
• related words: cavalier (Fr., L.), cavalry (from L. caval), caballero (Sp.)
• Faith in God/Piety • Loyalty to the King • Bravery • Respect for women • Chastity (see “piety” and “respect for women”)
Minor Characters
• Bertilak’s wife- During the competition between Gawain and her husband, she tests Gawain’s integrity and honesty
• Definition: A tale in verse, embodying the life and adventures of knights, reflecting the spirit of chivalry, i.e, the quality and ideal of knight conduct.
第二部分章节题库第1单元杰弗里·乔叟Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.1. The Canterbury Tales contains in fact a general prologue and only _____ tales, of which two are left unfinished.【答案】24【解析】乔叟的代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》计划写120个故事,但最后只完成总序和24个故事,其中两个未完成。
2. The Canterbury T ales contains the _____ and 24 tales, two of which left unfinished. 【答案】General Prologue【解析】乔叟的代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》包括总序和24个故事,其中两个未完成。
3. Chaucer employed the _____ couplet in writing his greatest work The Canterbury Tales.【答案】heroic【解析】乔叟在《坎特伯雷故事集》中使用了英雄双韵体(heroic couplet)4. The _____ provides a framework for the tales in The Canterbury T ales, and itcomprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.【答案】Prologue【解析】《坎特伯雷故事集》的序言部分提供整本书的基本框架,生动地刻画了一群各种各样的中世纪人物画卷。
5. In The Canterbury Tales, from the character of _____, we may see a very vividsketch of a woman of the middle class, and a colorful picture of the domestic life of that class in Chaucer’s own day.【答案】the Wife of Bath【解析】《坎特伯雷故事集》中,乔叟通过对来自中产阶级的巴斯夫人的生动细腻的描写,展示了当时中产阶级多彩的生活画卷。
羅經國《新編英國文學選讀第二版》自製筆記1. 盎格魯撒克遜時期钱俊@ 2009/8/23 13:08 阅读(291) 无评论推荐值(0)引用通告分类: 學習筆記羅經國《新編英國文學選讀第二版》自製筆記1. Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon Period (450 —— 1066) 1. Historical backgroundThe Celts 〉the Brythons.The Iron Age.The ceremonies of May Day and the cult of mistletoe.From 55 BC to 407 AD, the Roman Empire, a slave society.London was founded.Little influence on the cultural life of the Celts,Town with names ending in “chester” or “caster”.De Bello Gallico by Julius Caesar and Germania by Publius Cornelius Tacitus450 AD, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.“angul” means a hook; “seax” means a short sword.Around 500 AD, the Celtic King Arthur fought against Cerdic, the founder of the kingdom of Wessex. Camelot, King Arthur’s capital.Later 8th, the Danes, or the Vikings.King Alfred the Great of Wessex (849-899)Harold, the last Saxon King 〉William the Duke of Normandy.597, Pope Gregory the Great sent St. Augustine to England and the first converted king was King Ethelbert of Kent.2. Northumbrian School and Wessex literature——two highlights in the development of the Anglo-Saxon literature.Monasteries and abbeys in the kingdom of Northumbria.Caedmon in the 7th turned the stories in the Bible into verse form ——Paraphrase. Inspired by God.The Venerable Bede (673-735), wrote in Latin The Ecclesiastical History of the English People from Caesar to 731. It was Bede who told about the story of Caedmon.The reign of King Alfred (871-899)First, Latin books into West Saxon dialect. It is said that King Alfred translated the history of Bede.Second, the launching of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, from Caesar’s conquest to 1154.Third, created a style of Anglo-Saxon prose which was not obscure.3. Anglo-Saxon poetryThe earliest is Widsith and the last is Maldon.BeowulfAs early as the 6th in oral formWritten down in the 8th.The manuscript preserved dates back to the 10th and in Wessex dialect.One datable fact in the poem is a raid on the Franks by Gelac in 520.3183 lines.Danish King Hrothgar built a hall called Heorot.Grendel for 12 years.Beowulf, nephew to King Hygelac of the Geats. With 14 companions.Hrothgar's friend Aeschere killed by Grendel's mother.Killing Grendel’s mother with a magic sword in the cave.One of the 12 companions, Wiglaf, helped Beowulf kill the dragon.Physical strength demonstrates his high spiritual qualities.A mixture of paganism and Christian elements.Old English Poetry:1. The technical structure:1)Every line consists of two clearly separated half lines betweenwhich is a caesura. The two parts of the line are united byalliteration, a form of initial rhyme, which is the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other.2)Every half line consists of two feet and each foot is made up ofan accented syllable and a varying number of unaccented syllables.3)Generally there are 3 alliterations per line, two in the first halfline and one on the first foot of the second half line.2. The scop also used a figurative language called “kenning”, a metaphor usually composed of two words, which becomes the formula of a special object: “helmet bearer” for “warrior.”3. The use of repetition and variation. Same idea expressed more than once by synonyms.2. Chapter Two The Norman Period (1066-1350)1. Historical background1066, the battle of HastingsThe Normans, also descendants of Scandinavian marauders, having seized a wide part of northern France.Accelerated the feudalism in England.Large tracts of land by the king, barons, knights and the church.A peasant uprising in 1381.2. Middle EnglishFor 3 centuries after the Norman conquest, two languages were used side by side in England: Latin and French.Words and expressions from Latin and French and Greek in the 14th.Inflectional forms dropped and grammar simplified.3. Religious literatureThe issue of personal salvation.Moral and spiritual responsibilities of individual rather than his ethical and social responsibilities.Conventional theme: homiletic paraphrases of the Gospels4. Romance and the influence of French literatureThrough French literature the introduction of Italian literature.Chief breeding ground was the aristocratic society in France in the 12th and early 13th and was introduced into England in the second half of the 13th and the 14th.In subject matters, romance naturally falls under three categories.1) The matter of France: the exploits of Charlemagne the Great and Roland,a national hero in the 8th, Chanson de Roland.2) The matter of Rome: Alexander the Great and the siege of Troy.3) The matter of Britain: the Arthurian legend, Sir Gawain, Launcelot, Merlin, the Holy Grail, the death of King Arthur.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightWritten about 1375-1400.About 2500 lines.Four “fyttes”.Green ChapelFirst day, a deer; second day, a boar; the third day a fox. A girdle. —〉the Order of GarterA true knight should not only dedicate himself to the church but also should possess the virtues of great courage, of fidelity to his promise, and of physical chastity and purity.It contained several element which prepared for a new culture.A vivid portrayal of the hero and a fine analysis of his psychology.A well unified and exciting plot full of climaxes and surprises.The three hunting scenes and the three bedchamber scenes are closely related with each other.A mixture of Anglo-Saxon poetry, the musical effect of which depends on the alliterated initial syllables and French poetry, the musical effect of which depends on the fixed number of accented and unaccented syllables in a verse line. Paragraphs of long alliterative lines of varying length are followed by a single line of two syllables, called “the bob”, and a group of four-stressed lines called “the wheel”, i.e., a set of short lines forming the concluding part of a stanza.3. Chapter Three The Age of Chaucer (1350-1400) Historical backgroundChaucer and William Langland (1330?-1400?) and the writer of Sir Gawain were contemporaries.But he deserves a period of his own.Two historical events which their influence can be detected in the writings of Chaucer and Langland: The Hundred Years’ War from the reign of Edward III (1327-1377) to the reign of Henry VI (1421-1471), or from 1337-1453; the peasant uprising of 1381, the reign of King Richard II.The Hundred Years’ War for the French throne.The first seven English kings were in fact living in France.Starting from King Henry III, England became the principal concern of the English kings.An awakening of national consciousness in England. No longer vassals to the French but claimed that they had the right to succeed the French throne. And the French language was gradually replaced by the native tongue.Peasant uprising. John Ball: “When Adam delved and Eve span / Who was then the gentlemen?”From Kent to London under the leadership of Wat Tyler.William Langland and another writer John Wycliff (1324?-1384) expressed people’s hatred for the church and the government.John Wycliff (1324?-1384)One of the first figures who demanded to reform the church.Translated the Bible into standard English. Fixed a national standard for English prose to replace various dialects. Father of English prose.Many pamphlets in Latin to attack the feudal lords and the church. Opposed to the claim of the Pope to the English throne. Civil authority had the right to deprive the church of the property if it proved unworthy of people’s trust. The views were taken over by the peasants in their uprising.William Langland (1330?-1400?)Piers Plowman, or The Vision of Piers Plowman, another alliterative poem besides Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Giving a realistic picture of the 14th century England.The form of allegory, a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching. An allegory has a double meaning. A primary or surface meaning, and a secondary meaning, or underlying meaning. In an allegory, abstract qualities or ideas, such as patience, purity or truth, are personified as characters in the story.The visions the poet had on a May morning.A high tower ——TruthA deep dungeon ——the Father of FalsenessPeople from all walks of life, laymen and religious people.Gluttony.Lady Meed (bribery) to be married to Falseness but protested by Theology. The king proposed to marry her to Conscience but failed. Meed is expelled and Conscience and Reason become king’s counsellers.Conscience preaching to the people and Repentance moving their hearts, including the Seven Deadly Sins.People came to seek for truth but no one knows the way. Then Piers Plowman appears. This episode suggests that man should do the task that falls to his lot.Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1340-1400)Born in a wine merchant family with rising fortunes.Grew up in London.1357, a page at court.1359, joined the army in the Hundred Year’s War and was taken prisoner. 1360, returned to England and married a maid of honour of the queen. For the next ten years in the Continent on diplomatic missions.1382, Controller of Customs at the port of London.1386, PM from KentJohn of Gaunt(Duke of Lancaster. 1340-1399. English soldier. The fourth son of Edward III, he ruled England during his father's last years and in the beginning of Richard II's reign.) as his patron.〉A great variety of occupations and experiences as well as close observation of life made him familiar with the lives of various classes. Died on Oct 25, 1400, the Poet’s Corner in WestminsterAbbey.Works divided into 3 periods, corresponding to the 3 periods of his life.(1) 1360-1372, wrote under the influence of the French literature, even translated French poems himself. Poem The Book of the Duchess, much of conventional romance elements in it.(2) 1372-1386, under the influence of the Italian literature. Troilus and Cryseyde, adapted from a long poem by Boccaccio, the writer of The Decameron. The Parliament of Fowls and The House of Fame.(3) the last 15 years of his life. The Canterbury Tales between 1387 and 1400. A general prologue and 24 tales that are connected by “links”. Tarbard Inn. 29 pilgrims to St. Thomas Beckett’s tomb at Canterbur y.The host is Harry Bailey. Expected to tell 120 tales, i.e. each person tells 4 tales.The significance of The Canterbury Tales(1). A comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. The gentle class; the burgher class, the wife of Bath included, who has married five times; the professionals. All persons connected with the church are drown with touches of gentle irony and mild satire, with the exception of the poor parson. His satire can be the bitterest in the portrayal of the pardoner and the summoner. In this sense Chaucer himself is “the smyler with the knyf under the cloke.”Each character not only a representative of his or her class but also has an individual character of their own.(2). The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended by critics. Unlike The Decameron, it is cleverly woven together by links between the stories. Most of the stories are related to the personalities of the tellers, the personalities of each character, his or her private life and habits, his or her mood and social status are revealed in the prologue and in the story he or she tells, as well as by their behaviour along the road and their remarks on the way.Most important is the part played by the host Harry Hailey.(3). Chaucer’s humour: a characteristic feature of the English literature.(4). Contribution to the English language: wrote in the London dialect of his day. He was at one moment serious and another light-hearted and full of fun and sometimes he could be very poetical. He proved that the English language is a beautiful language can be easily handled to express different moods.In doing so Greatly increase the prestige of the English language.PS: 文中的《十日談》作者意大利作家薄伽丘用的單詞是“Boccacio”,但是維基百科和朗文當代英語詞典查詢出的都是“Boccaccio”。
1. Beowulf赏析英国现存最早、最完整的民族史诗。
2. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight赏析传奇文学是贵族人生理想的反映,与平民百姓没有丝毫的关系。
3. Chaucer特点“英国诗歌之父”。
首创heroic couplet。
八音节对偶句(octosyllabic couplet),iambic pentameter的heroic couplet。
4. Canterbury Tales赏析现实主义。
名词解释Heroic Couplet: a couplet consisting of two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter, and written in an elevated style.1.Renaissance: a revival or rebirth of the artistic and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. It has two features: a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and keen interest in activities of humanity.2.Sonnet: 14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter.3.Blank verse: poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.4.Neoclassicism: the Enlightenment brought about a revival of interest in Greek and Roman works. This tendency is known as Neoclassicism.5.Sentimentalism: it was one of the important trends in English literature of the later decades of the 18th century. It concentrated on the free expression of thoughts and emotions, and presented a new view of human nature which prized feeling over thinking, passion over reason. 6.Romanticism: imagination, emotion and freedom are certainly the focal points of romanticism. The particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism include: subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism; freedom from rules; solitary life rather then life in society; the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason; and love of and worship of nature. 7.LakePoets: the English poets who lived in and drew inspiration from the Lake District at the beginning of the 19th century.8.Byronic Heroes: a variant of the Romantic heroes as a type of character( enthusiasm, persistence, pursuing freedom), named after the English Romantic Poet Gordon Byron. 9.Realism: seeks to portray familiar characters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner. This is done primarily by using an objective narrative point of view and through the buildup of accurate detail.10.Aestheticism: an art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than socio-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts.11.Stream-of-Consciousness: it is a literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur without any clarification by the author. It is a narrative mode. 12.Dramatic Monologue: a kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in the poem.13.Iambic Pentameter: a poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, that is, with each foot an iamb.14.Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.15.Elegy: a poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual; may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation of the nature of death; a type of lyric poem. 16.Canto: a section of a long poem. The cantos can be a great poem17.Ode: a complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subjects. Odes are written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a season or to commemorate an event.Spenserian Stanza: a nine-line stanza made up of 8 lines of iambic pentameter ending with an Alexandrine. Its thyme scheme is ababbcbcc. This stanza was common to travel literature. 18.Metrical Pattern: a lyric poem of five 14-lined stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet. The rhyme scheme is aba bcb cdc ded ee.文学史中古时期1.Beowulf?贝奥武甫?: the natural epic of the English people; Denmark story, alliteration, metaphor, understatements2.Sir Gawain and Green Knight?高文爵士和绿衣骑士?3.Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里乔叟〕:the Father of English Poetry; The Canterbury Tales?埃特伯雷故事集?〔24stories)文艺复兴时期1.Thomas More: Utopia?乌托邦?- the communication between more and the traveler which just came back from Utopia.2.Francis Bacon: the first English Essayist; Essays?随笔集?- Of Studies, Of Truth (philosophical and literary works)3.Thus Wyatt: first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.4.Edmund Spenser: Poet's poet; The Fairy Queen?仙后?(to Queen Elizabeth I)5.William Shakespeare:Sonnet 18(Shall I compare thee to a summer's day)17世纪英国文学1.John Donne: the leading poet of Metaphysical school of poetry; A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning?别离:莫忧伤?2.John Milton: Paradise Lost?失乐园?〔a revolt against God's authority), Paradise Regained?复乐园?〔how Christ overcame Santa) ——stories were taken from Bible3.John Bunyan: the son of Renaissance; Pilgrim's Progress?天路历程?(imagination, shadowing, realistic religious allegory)18世纪英国文学Novel:1.the age of reason, classicism, sentimentalism and romanticism (novels, prose, dramas, poetry)2.Daniel Defoe: representative of English realistic novel; Robinson Crusoe?鲁滨逊漂流记?(the development of a young man from a naive and artless youth to a clever and hardened man)3.Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels?格列佛游记?(fictional, satirical- human nature, the European Government, the differences between religions, whole English state system)4.Henry Fielding: the Father of English novel; The History of Tome Jones, a Foundling ?汤姆琼斯?,satiricPoetry:5.Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard?墓园挽歌?6.Alexander Pope: perfected in heroic couplet; An Essay on Criticism?论批评?7.William Blake: pre-romantic; Songs of Innonce?天真之歌?,Songs of Experience?经历之歌?-London, The Tiger8.Robert Burns: A Red Red Rose?一朵红红的玫瑰?Drama:9.Richard Brinsley Sheridan:Master of Comedy of manners;The School for Scandal?造谣学校?浪漫主义时期1798-18321.William Wordsworth: the Lake Poets; The Prelude?序曲?;I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud?我似流云天自游?;The Solitary Reaper?孤寂的割麦女?;features: poet of nature and human heart2.Samuel Taylor Coleridge: the first critic of the Romantic school; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?古舟子咏?3.George Gordon Byron: vigorous, strong and beautiful; Childe Harold's Pilgrimage?恰尔德哈罗尔德游记?(spenserian stanza, fights for liberty); Don Juan?唐璜?(a broad critical picture of European life); When We Two Parted?昔日依依别?;She Walks in Beauty?她走在美的光影中?;The Isles of Greece?哀希腊?4.Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ode to the West Wind?西风颂?-赞颂西风,希望与其严密相连; Prometheus Unbound?解放了的普罗米修斯?(the victory for man's struggle against tyranny and oppression)5.John Keats: sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery; Ode to a Nightingale?夜莺颂?;Ode on a Grecian Urn?希腊古瓮颂?6.Walter Scott: Father of Historical Novel; combine historical fact and romantic imagination7.Jane Austen: wit, dry humour, subtle irony,realistic; Pride and Prejudice?傲慢与偏见?(Elizabeth and Darcy);Sense and Sensibility?理智与情感?;Emma?爱玛?8.Charles Lamb: Poor Relations?穷亲戚?; Dream-children?童年梦幻?; A Reverie?梦想曲?维多利亚时期1.summit:realistic novel2.Charles Dickens: critical realist writer; humour, wit, happy endings; A Tale of Two Cities?双城记?(London & Paris, where there is oppression, there is revolution); David Copperfield?大卫科波菲尔?;Oliver Twist?雾都孤儿?;Hard Time?困难时世?;Great Expectations?远大前程?;Dombey and Son?董贝父子?;Pickwick Papers?匹克威克外传?3.William Makepeace Thackeray: Vanity Fair?名利场?(to satirize the social more, decadence and corruption of his time; to criticize the values measured by wealth)4.George Eliot: novelist, her novels are celebrated for their realism and psychological insights; Adam Bede?亚当比德?(social inequality);The Mill on the Floss?弗洛斯河上的磨坊?;Silas Marner?织工马南?5.Alfred Tennyson: succeeded Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850; Break, Break, Break?拍吧,拍吧,拍吧?;Crossing the Bar?过沙洲?6.Robert Browning: dramatic monologues; My Last Duchess?我已故的公爵夫人?7.The Bronte Sisters:Charlotte: Jane Eyre?简爱?:简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。
The Green Knight《绿衣骑士(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本
![The Green Knight《绿衣骑士(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b7b6fa3f01dc281e43af090.png)
看看这个世界Look, see a world自地球诞生以来世界奇迹层出不穷that holds more wonders than any since the earth was born. 在所有的统治者中没有一个像这个孩子一样有名望And of all who reigned o'er, none had renown like the boy 因为他能从石头中拔剑who pulled sword from stone.但我们现在要讲的不是这个国王...But this is not that king...也不是歌♥颂他的诗歌♥nor is this his song.而是一个全新的故事Let me tell you instead a new tale.我会把所有我听到的一一道来I'll lay it down as I've heard it told.它的文字历史无一不在诉说着Its letters sent, its history pressed,一个勇敢而大胆的冒险of an adventure brave and bold.就像所有古代的伟大神话故事一样Forever set, in heart, in stone,被人们熟记于心镌刻在石头上代代相传like all great myths of old.基♥督♥诞生Christ is born.确实Christ is born indeed.你要去哪儿?Where are you going?去教堂To church!为什么?Why?我的靴子你好艾格妮丝My boots. Hello, Agnes.我的靴子呢?Where are my boots?你成为骑士了吗?You a knight yet?什么?你成为骑士了吗?You a knight yet?还没有最好快点Not yet. Better hurry up.我有时间I've got time.我有的是时间I've got lots of time.嘿!埃塞尔Hey! Essel.嘿慢点埃塞尔快点!Hey, slow down. Essel: Hurry up!埃塞尔Essel.埃塞尔Essel.我们就呆在这儿来吧我们就呆在这儿Let's just stay here. Come on. Let's just stay here. 起来不Get up. Man: No.我还没准备好I'm not ready yet.我还没准备好I'm not ready.圣诞快乐格林格勒Merry Christmas, gryngelot.你去哪儿了?Where have you been?做弥撒At mass.你做弥撒?是的You, at mass? Gawain: Yeah.一整晚?All night?是的Yes.你的靴子呢?Well, where are your boots?什么?What?Where are...你全身一股做弥撒的味道You do smell like you've been at mass.怎么你整晚都在吃圣餐吗?What, have you been drinking the sacrament all night? 我爱你妈妈I love you, mother.你没穿该穿的衣服You are not dressed.今年我没那个心情I've got no guts for merriment this year.但今天是圣诞节But it's Christmas.以后的圣诞节多着呢There'll be more christmases,更多的宴会更多的好消息more feasts, more glad tidings.你去吧尽情欢乐吧You go, make merry.告诉我你看到了什么And tell me what you see.把那个年轻人高文带来Bring young gawain here.国王要跟你谈话The king would speak with you.你母亲呢?Where is thy mother?她有点不舒服陛下She was not feeling herself, my lord.过来坐到我们旁边来Then come. Sit here, besides us.挨着我和我的王后Besides me and my queen.我不配坐在那儿That is not my place.没关系让你坐你就坐吧No. Let it be, today.这个位置的主人不在Its owner is away.谁知道他什么时候回来?Who knows when he will return?请吧Please.很高兴见到你高文Good to see you, gawain.有家人在身边真好Good to have one's family by one's side.人的血液One's blood.你的骑士们肯定Surely your knights have已经为你流了太多的血了spilled enough blood in your name所以他们与你关系更紧密to bind them closer to you than I.是的True.但你是我妹妹的儿子But you are my sister's boy,从她肚子里生出来的queefed from her womb.事实并非如此They are not.我今天在这里看着我的朋友们我看到...I look out upon my friends here today and I see... 歌♥曲Songs...没有一个缪斯女神能够歌♥唱或梦想No muse could ever sing or dream of.但是我转向你我看到了什么?But I turn to thee and I see what?我知道你却一点都不了解你I recognize but I do not know thee.我这么说不是要责备你而是觉得遗憾I say this not in reproach, but regret直到今天我才好好的that I have never asked you to sit at my side和你坐在一起before this day甚至在你小的时候我都没有让你承欢膝下or upon my knee when thy was newborn.But now it is Christmas,我希望借此机会and I wish to build Bridges.在我们开始庆祝圣诞活动前So before we make merry...你可以送个礼物给我You make for me a gift.告诉我你的故事You tell me a tale of yourself,好让我重新认识你so that I might know thee.我无话可说国王I have none to tell, king.是的Yet.你现在还没什么可说的You have none to tell yet.是的Yet.看看你周围年轻的高文Look around you, young gawain.你看到了什么?What do you see?我看到了传说I see legends.不要无所事事地站在他们中间Do not take your place amongst them idly. 嗯Hmm.那还有谁So who else then...嗯?Hmm?朋友们...Friends...兄弟们...Brothers...兄弟们...Brothers...兄弟们...姐♥妹♥们♥... 姐♥妹♥们♥... Sisters all... Sisters all.谢谢你们I thank thee在这个神圣的日子里与我共进晚餐for breaking bread with me this blessed day.这是受祝福的...And it is blessed...今天早上For out my window我往窗外望去this morn I looked,看到了一片土地and I saw a land这片土地...shaped...是你亲手打造的By your hands.你也以同样的方式对待我们的撒克逊同胞You have lain those same hands upon our Saxon brethren,他们现在就像孩子一样who now in your shadow bow their heads在你的影子里低头like babes.和平和平你带给你的王国Peace, peace you have brought to your kingdom,所以我是在和平中so it is in peace that I...我现在对你们说I now say to you...我...That I...今天我是这里最幸运的人I am the luckiest here today...因为我就在你们中间Because I am amongst thee.我就在你们中间I am amongst thee.所以在庆祝So before we celebrate我们的耶稣基♥督♥诞辰之前the birth of our Christ,让我们敬那个以自己的名义let us honor one of our own为我们做了很多伟大的事的人who has done great things in his name.可以是个故事或者So a tale, or...或者是一场表演Or a show perhaps.任何你会的What have thee?那么谁来取悦一下我和我的王后呢Who can regale me and my queen用一些神话with some myth或者是诗歌♥or canto自己随意of thine own purport?慢着Hold.最伟大的国王Oh, greatest of kings,让我们沉浸在这场友好的圣诞游戏中吧indulge me in this friendly Christmas game. 不管你的骑士是谁Let whichever of your knights是最勇敢的血还是最狂野的心is boldest of blood and wildest of heart向前一步拿走武器step forth, take up arms,然后光荣地和我对决and try with honor to land a blow against me. 无论是谁砍断了Whomsoever nicks me我的手臂我宣布shall lay claim to this, my arm.荣耀和财富将属于他It's glory and riches shall be thine.但是But...冠军必须铭记这一点Thy champ must bind himself to this:一旦他赢了Should he land a blow,一年后的圣诞节then one year and yuletide hence,他必须在那边找到我he must seek me out yonder,去北边的绿色小教堂六天车程to the green chapel six nights to the north.他会在那里找到我然后跪下He shall find me there and bend the knee让我以牙还牙and let me strike him in return.不管是抓脸还是割喉Be it a scratch on the cheek or a cut on the throat, 我都会报仇I will return what was given to me,我们彼此信任成为朋友最终分离and then in trust and friendship we shall part.那么谁愿意来挑战呢?Who, then, who is willing to engage with me?救命皇后Help. Queen.这是你自己的挑战吗?This challenge is thine own?虽然我的意志渴望Though my will longs跳过这张桌子与你相见to leap across this table and meet thee,我的身体不会跟随my body will not follow.我们当中肯定有一个Surely there is one amongst us here会按照骑士的条件去见他who will meet this knight on his terms.我来I will do it.我来会会他I will meet him.我来会会你I will meet thee.你明白这个挑战吗?You understand this challenge?我知道I do.我想我知道I think I do.记住这只是一个游戏Remember, it is only a game.我需要一把剑I need a sword.我需要... 需要一把剑I need... I need a sword.高文Gawain.来吧绿衣骑士Have at me, green knight.动作快点儿不然我就动手了Make a move or I shall make mine. 这是什么?What is this?一个诡计?A trick?站起来面对我Stand up and face me!你想让我怎么做?What do you expect me to do?要有勇气Have courage.很好Very well.很好Very well.你放弃了挑战You laid down your challenge.我接受了现在仍然接受I accepted it and I accept it still.永远不要忘记圣诞节Never forget what happened here 这里发生的事儿!upon this Christmas day!一年后...One year hence...那是什么感觉?What did it feel like?感觉就像你...What did it feel like when you... 把一个甜瓜切成两半Like cutting a melon in two.那是什么感觉?And what does that feel like? 什么都不是Like nothing.你害怕吗?Were you afraid?不No.你只是说说而已Are you just saying that?我在这里而他不在I am here, and he is not.国王把他的剑借给了我The king lent me his sword,你知道吗?did you know that?你拿着它You held it?我不仅仅是拿着它Well, I did more than hold it.瞧一瞧勇敢的高文先生Behold, brave sir gawain,砍头就像chopper of heads...切甜瓜一样简单severer of melons,独一无二who cannot...起来get it up.你是高文是吗?You 're gawain, aren' t you?不你一定是搞错了Nah, you must be mistaken.是是你是他No, no, you're him.你总是在这里总是在附近You're always here. Always about. 大多数夜晚几乎不能直立行走Scarcely leave upright most nights. 但不是在圣诞节But not on Christmas.你听说了吗?Have you heard?这个男孩用他自己的斧头This boy slew the green knight.杀死了绿衣骑士With his own axe,他砍掉了巨人的头he lopped off the giant's head,现在他和我们一起喝酒!and now he drinks with us!但他妈妈是个女巫But his mother's a witch.起来Rise.起来Rise.坐Sit.我一直在等你I've been waiting for you.你没听到我在叫你吗?Did you not hear me calling?我牙疼My tooth hurts.又一年快过去了Another year nearly gone already. 你有没有想过圣诞节Have you thought what you will do 自己要做什么?when Christmas comes?这不就是个游戏吗?Was it not just a game?也许吧Perhaps.但它并不完整But it is not complete.你真的相信他坐在教堂里You truly believe he's sitting in a chapel,数着时间counting the hours,无所事事一整年就为了等我?whiling away the year waiting for me to come?我不知道Well, I do not know.你得告诉我You will tell me.你一定要找到他You must seek him out.如果等着我的是死亡呢?And if death awaits me?哦我还从未见过有人Oh, I do not know of any man在死期到时大张旗鼓地迎接死亡who has not marched up to greet death before his time. 为什么是我?Why are you holding me to this light?希望自己成为伟人是错误的吗?Is it wrong to want greatness for you?恐怕我不是注定要成为伟人的I fear I am not meant for greatness.嗯Mm.你脸上有泥巴You have mud on your face.愿圣母玛利亚May the blessed virgin保佑你五个手指强壮keep your five fingers strong,五官敏锐your five senses sharp.愿她的五大快乐激励你May her five joys inspire you.她儿子身上的五处伤口让你热血沸腾The five wounds of her son give you fervor. 骑士的五大美德照亮了你前进的道路And the five virtues of a knight light your way. 遵守你的契约年轻的高文Keep thy covenant, young gawain.如果上帝对你微笑And if god smiles on thee,那就赶快回来then hurry thee back.我身边留着你的座位Thy seat besides us waits.你真的要去吗?Are you really going to go?我应该吗?Should I?我更喜欢你现在的样子I like your head better where it is.我发过誓我立过约I gave my word. I made a covenant.愚人就是这样死去的This is how silly men perish.或者勇敢的人变得多么伟大Or how brave men become great.为什么是伟大?Why greatness?为什么善良是不够的呢?Why is goodness not enough?拿着这个Take this now.走的时候把它系在腰上Wear it about your waist as you go.如果你回来的时候还戴着它...And if you wear it still when you return...我会回来吗?Will I return?你回来的时候When you return,要昂首挺胸you will come with your head held high.我保证你不会受到伤害I promise, you will not come to harm.还有孩子And, boy...我的孩子My boy...不要浪费这个Do not waste this.高文!高文!Gawain! Gawain!我有一把剑I've got a sword!高文!大潮Gawain! Great tide.祝你好运!Good luck!祝你好运高文!Good luck, gawain!你还喜欢我吗?Do you still fancy me?我让你快乐吗?Do I make you happy?是的Yes.即使我们天各一方?Even though I'm here and you're there?是的Yes.如果我请求你让我成为你的女人你会说什么?What will you say if I asked you to make me your lady? 一位女士?你的女士A lady? Your lady.我可以给你比任何女人都多的金子I could give you more gold than any lady has.我已经拿到你的金子了I already have your gold.如果我想坐在你身边...What if I wanted to sit by your side and...握住你的手...Take your hand and...在你耳边轻语?Have your ear?你对此有什么看法?What will you say to that?“为什么是的埃塞尔'Why, yes, essel.我非常喜欢那个'I' d like that very much.“你可以拥有我的耳朵我的手和我的心”'You may have my ear and my hand and heart.' “我将成为国王你将成为我的王后”'And I will be king and you my queen.'“你将成为我的夫人...'You' ll be my lady...“我会成为你的男人”'And I'll be your man.'你是谁?Who are you?只是一个旅行者朋友Just a traveler, friend.你看起来像个骑士You look like a knight.只是路过Just passing through.啊你是想分点什么吧?Ah. I take it you'll want some of the shares, so, huh? 分什么?Of what?目之所及!All of this!为什么他们没有埋葬?Why weren't they buried?都死了所有人都死了All dead. All dead.没人埋葬他们No one to Bury 'em.'虽然你知道自然会发挥它的作用Though you know, nature will do its trick.她会把它们吸进去埋葬She'll suck 'em in and tuck 'em tight.呃说到这个Eh, in saying that,我确实有两个兄弟在这附近I do have two brothers out here somewhere.然后他们离开了再也没有回家And they marched off. They never came home. 如果不是为了我妈妈You know, if it weren't for my ma,我会在这里我会在这里!I would've been here. I would've been here!我也会在这里的!I would've been here too!他们都来过这里!They all came here!虽然我坚持的时间更长Though I'd have lasted longer.国王他们说...The king, they say...他们说国王They say the king,他一个人杀了960个人he killed 960 all on his lonesome.九百嗯?嗯Nine hundred, eh? Uh-huh.如果是我的话Now, if it was me,我挺直了身子准备开枪I'da stayed upright long enough to take my shot. 你的斧头真不错That's a nice axe you got.你用那把斧头打过架吗?You do some fighting with that axe?-这里那里 -这里?Here and there. Here?只有那里Only there.在这里我只是路过Here, I'm just passing through.去哪儿?To where?我去北方I go north.北方哦!North, oh!北边是个方向North is a direction, all right.就在北边?Just north?去那个绿色的小教堂To the green chapel.哦!Oh!你知道吗?Do you know of it?绿色小教堂嗯?The green chapel, eh?那边有一条小溪There's a stream yonder.它像北方一样向北延伸It runs northlike.我的意思是如果我... 如果我有我的方向I mean, if I 've... If I' ve got my bearing.是的是的它向北延伸Yeah, yeah, it runs northlike.但如果你沿着它走上个一天半But if you follow that for a day and a half,你会来到一个小教堂you'll come to a chapel.至少我认为它是个小礼拜堂At least I think it's a chapel.是...是...是...是...It's, uh... it's, uh, yeah, it's...总的来说不是绿色的It's not green on the whole,但我的意思是它绝对是绿色的but I mean, it's definitely greenish,苔藓和... 腐烂和废墟with the moss and the, uh... The rot and ruins, 但也许这就是你想要的but perhaps it's what you seek.小溪在那边儿?The stream is yonder?嗯哼Mmm-hmm.这边走穿过田野森林的交汇处Past the field, where the forest meets.我会找出来的谢谢你I will seek it out. My thanks to you.谢谢你My thanks to you.来吧Come on.我的指示对你来说一文不值吗?Are my directions not worth anything to you?谢谢My thanks.我说我的指示对你来说一文不值吗?I said, are my directions not worth anything to you? 我的意思是像你这样的骑士可以放过像我这样的无赖I mean, a knight like you could spare a wretch like me 只是一个小小的善举just a small, small act of kindness.给你一份善意Here. A kindness.哦Oh!等等Wait.北方样儿看到了吗?Northlike. See?谢谢你Thank you.记住小溪Remember the stream.我会的I will.“因为这很棘手”'Cause it gets tricky.'给你孩子Here you go, boy.真是个好孩子That's a good boy.好孩子Good boy.Come on. Let's go.你好啊Hello, there.你好Hello.别动别动No, no.求你了是的求你了?Please. Thief 1: Yeah, please?求你了求你了求你了!Please. Please. Please! Thief 2: Please!求你了!Please. Thief 2: Please!求你了!求你了!求你了!求你了!Please! Please! Please! Please!求你了Please.哦Oh.哦Oh.这就够了这就够了'Tweren't enough. Just 'tweren't enough. 嘿嘿嘿!你要去哪儿?Hey, hey, hey! Where you off to, huh?你要去哪儿?骑士之旅?Where you off to? A knightly quest?我不是骑士I'm not a knight.但是你说你是的But you said you were.我从没那么说过你说过I never said that. You said that.我从没说过我是骑士I never said I was a knight.你说过?不不我没有But are you? No! No, I'm not.哦嗯Oh.hmm.好吧你看起来像个贼Well, you look like one. Thief 1: Aye.闻起来像个骑士Smells like a knight.求你了Oh... please...是的Yeah.哦哦!Oh. Oh!啊Ah.哇!Whoa!喔!Whoo!耶!Yeah!那就告诉我真的有礼拜堂吗?Just tell me, then. Is there really a chapel? 你已经到了You're in it.小心点Whoa! Watch it.让我拿着Let me hold that.很适合我It suits me.这很适合我对吧?This suits me, huh?安息吧我勇敢的小骑士You rest your bones, my brave little knight. 我会完成你的使命I'll finish your quest for you.我会好好完成的I'll finish it good.嘿!你要去哪儿?Hey! Where are you going?-嘿!清道夫 -嘿!Hey! Scavenger: Hyah!格林杰洛特!Gryngelot!你好Hello.你在我床上干什么?What are you doing in my bed?你在我床上干什么?What are you doing in my bed?我很抱歉我... 我没看见你I'm very sorry. I... I did not see you.我以为这附近没有人I thought there was no one about.我无意冒犯你I did not mean to offend thee.等等Wait.是我父亲叫你来的吗?Did my father send for you?不他没有No. He did not.我不认识你父亲I do not know your father.我只是迷路了想找一个过夜的地方I am just a lost traveler, seeking rest for the night, 但我可以马上离开but I will leave forthwith.你要去哪儿?Where are you going?家Home.我要回家了I'm headed home.你迷路了?And you've lost your way?是的Yes.我也失去了一些东西I've lost something as well.你能帮我找到它吗?Will you help me find it?你在干什么?What are you doing?我只是... 别碰我I was just... Do not touch me.一个骑士应该知道更多A knight should know better.小姐你叫什么名字?What is your name, my lady?我叫威妮弗蕾德I'm called winifred.你听说过我?You heard of me?没有No.好了There.你说你要找什么?What is it I'm looking for?我的头My head.你的头不是在你的肩膀上吗Your head is on your neck, my lady.不不是的No. It is not.看起来是这样但实际上不是It might look like it is, but it is not.那是在春天It is in the spring.那时候发生了什么?Well, how did it happen to get there?一个领主来寻求庇护像你一样A lord came seeking shelter, like thee.也许你就是那个人Perhaps he was thee.是吗?不是Was he? Gawain: No.你确定?You certain?是的Yes.这位领主企图强♥奸♥我This lord sought to lay with me.我把他赶走了但他夜里又回来了I fought him off, but he returned in the night撞破了我的门and broke down my door.我试图逃跑但他砍下了我的头I tried to flee, but he cut off my head.他在春天把它扔了出去现在我越想找回我的头He threw it in the spring, and now, try as I might, 就越找不到I cannot get at it.夫人My lady...夫人My lady.你是真实的还是幽灵?Are you real, or are you a spirit?有什么区别吗?What is the difference?我只想要回我的头I just need my head.年底前我得找回我的头As will I before the year is out.如果我进去找到它If I go in there and find it,你会给我什么作为交换?what would you offer me in exchange?你为什么问我这个?Why would you ask me that?你为什么要问我这个?Why would you ever ask me that?高文...Gawain...夫人My lady.现在我能看见你了Now I can see thee.我会尽我所能And I will strike thee down将你击倒with every care I have for thee.你认识绿衣骑士The green knight is someone you know.你想进来就进来吧Well, come on in if you want.嘿!嘿!Hey! Hey!你要往哪个方向走?Which direction are you headed?可以带我走出这片山谷吗?Might a weary traverse the valley on your shoulder?朋友!Friend!欢迎!Welcome!放松放松Easy now, easy.你是谁?别害怕Who are you? Have no fear.你是我们的朋友我的衣服呢?You're among friends. Where are my clothes?嘘放松点Shh. Easy.什么...Wha...今天是星期几?What day is it?今天是12月21日It is December the 21st.别担心高文爵士Oh, fear not, sir gawain.你只是睡了一整夜You've only slept through the night.你怎么知道我的名字?How do you know my name?我知道的不仅仅是你的名字I know more than just your name.你得吃点东西You must eat.看新年那天我去了西方旅行See, upon the new year, I travel to the west.一周后你再来这里这个房♥子是空的Came you one week hence and an empty home greet you. 不过在那之前我要去打猎Till then, though, I will hunt.我去打猎你休息I will hunt, you shall rest我们都会因此而变得更好and we shall both be all the better for it.啊Ah.这是我的朋友亲爱的And here is our friend, my lady,刚从睡梦中醒来fresh from his slumbers.还有这里朋友And here, friend,就是你的早餐is your breakfast好让你补充点体力to replenish your strength.当然你会需要它的Surely, you will need it.为什么?Why is that?因为你很勇敢高文爵士Because you are brave, sir gawain,来面对绿衣骑士come to face the green knight.我敢说这片土地上的每一张桌子I dare say every table in this land都听说过你唱过你的歌♥has heard of you and sung your song.高文爵士最优秀最贤惠的骑士Sir gawain, the finest and most virtuous knight, 在这片土地上寻找他的命运seeking his destiny across these lands.也许你认错人了Perhaps you think that I am something I'm not. 比如什么?Such as what?你要和我们住多久?How long will you stay with us?我要赶上圣诞节的约会I must make my appointment by Christmas.所以我会把饭吃了并感谢你们然后离开I will eat and give thanks and then take my leave. 一派胡言你不知道吗?Nonsense. Don't you know?绿色教堂就在附近The green chapel is not far.你知道在哪儿?Do you know of it?你已经离它很近了You are very nearly there.它在河的下游走过去不需要一天It's down the river, not one day's journey.你确定就这么近吗?Are you certain it is that close?你的任务到此为止了高文You are at the end of your quest, gawain.也许比你预期的要早一点A little sooner than you expected, perhaps.但对我们所有人来说都是如此But such is the case for us all.以下是将要发生的事情Here is what will happen.在圣诞节的早晨我们将送你上路On Christmas morn, we will send you on your way. 到了夜幕降临And by nightfall,你就要面对你的命运了you will be at the doorway of your destiny.所以多待一会儿休息一下So stay a while. Rest.让自己开心一点And make yourself content.你发现了什么?What did you find?我从来都不知道原来还有这么多书存在I never knew so many books even existed. 你... 你都读过了吗?Have you... Have you read them all?是的Yes.这些我都读过All of them I've read.有些是我写的有些是我抄的Some I've written, some I've copied.这些故事和歌♥曲They 're tales I' ve heard,都是我曾经听过的songs that have been sung to me.我有时候会把它们写下来...I write them down and sometimes...别告诉别人这件事儿Don't tell anyone this.有时当我看到有改进的空间Sometimes when I see room for improvements... 我就把它们做成书I make them.你喜欢书吗?是的Do you like books? Yes.好吧Well...你为什么不带上一本呢?Why Don't you take one with you?我不能I couldn't.哦但是快到圣诞节了Oh, but it is nearly Christmas.给你Here.这是给你的This one's for you.谢谢你I thank you.难道骑士不应该给一位女士一个吻以示感谢吗?Should not a knight offer a lady a kiss in thanks? 你愿意为我坐下吗?Will you sit for me?为你坐下?Sit for you?一幅肖像画For a portrait.啊我的肖像已经画好了Ah. I've had my portrait made already.不是我画的Not by me.“蚂蚁的爱是对我的爱”'Ant love is to myn herte gon'“用一个如此精致的...”'with one spere so kene...'最好别动Hold very still.“今天我的兄弟打了德林克斯”'Nyht ant day my blod hit drynkes'“我不知道我是谁”'myn herte deth me tene.'那是一幅非常奇怪的画That's a very queer painting.那是什么?What's that?什么?What?这个This.这是个标志It's a token.为什么?为了好运?For what? For good luck?为了爱?For love?都不是No.一个骑士一定知道什么是爱情Surely a knight knows something of love.我不知道I Don't.真的吗?Truly?高文!Gawain!看我给你带来了什么!Look what I have brought you!我抓到他的时候就在想这是一个多么好的礼物啊!When I dispersed of him, I thought what a gift!简直是为你量身打造的What a gift for my new friend.我该拿它做什么呢?What shall I do with it?也许带着它一起走吧Well, take it with you for your journey.你不是说就在附近吗?I thought you said it was not far.我是说你回家的路I mean your journey home, after.让我们彼此承诺Let us make a promise to each other.我明天和后天去打猎I hunt tomorrow and the day after.无论森林给了我什么Whatever the forest offers me,我会把最好的带回家I will bring you home the best.作为回报无论你是在这里收到什么And you give me in turn都要把最好的给我whatever you might receive here.我在这里可以得到什么是不属于你的?What might I receive here that is not already yours? 谁知道呢?Who knows?这房♥子里到处都是奇怪的东西This house is full of strange things.但话又说回来But then again,我看到到处都是不合逻辑的东西I see things everywhere that bear no logic.你见过老鹰杀死马吗?Have you ever seen a hawk kill a horse?俯冲下来然后Just swoop down and...太可怕了Phew. It's terrible.每个男人都应该至少看一次Every man should see it at least once.但这就是世界But that is the world.这个世界适合各种各样的神秘事物And the world is fit for all manner of mysteries.然而一个人的家应该远离这一切A man's home, though, should be safe from all that. 一堵墙连接着另一堵墙One wall joined with another,直线和垂线line and plumb.坚固的墙壁Good, strong walls,和内心的火焰and a fire within.你觉得他为什么是绿色的?Why is he green, do you think?那个骑士?The knight?对Yes.他天生如此吗?Was he born that way?可能就是他脸红时血液的颜色Perhaps it is the color of his blood when he blushes. 但为什么是绿色的呢?But why green?为什么不是蓝色Why not blue或者是红色的?or red?因为他不属于这个世界Because he is not of this earth.但是绿色是大地的颜色But green is the color of earth,生物生命of living things, of life.还有腐烂对And of rot.Yes.嗯Yes.我们用它来装饰我们的大厅给亚麻布料染色We deck our halls with it and dye our linens.但是如果它爬上鹅卵石But should it come creeping up the cobbles,。
national epic of the Anglo-Saxons is ____.A Robin HoodB Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC The Canterbury TalesD Beowulf2. ____was the most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend written inalliterative verse.A The Canterbury TalesB Piers the PlowmanC Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD Beowulf3. ____was famous for The Canterbury Tales.A Geoffrey ChaucerB John MiltonC William ShakespeareD Francis Bacon4. Most of the ballads of the15th century focused on the legend about ____ as a heroicfigure.A Green NightsB GawainC Robin HoodD Hamletthe 16th century, Thomas More’s work ____became immediately popular after itspublication.A Paradise LostB A Pleasant Satire of the Three EstatesC Of StudiesD Utopia6. ____was Edmund Spencer’s masterpiece which has been regarded as o ne of the great poems in the English language.A AmorettiB The Shepherd’s CalendarC The Faerie QueeneD Four Hymns7. ____ is from Shakespeare’s sonnet .A “Let me not to the marriage of true minds”B “To be or not to be: that is the question”C “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”D “No longer mourn for me when I am dead”8. _____, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London about 1340.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Sir GawainC. Francis BaconD. John Drydenfour great tragedies written by Shakespeare are Hamlet, Macbeth, Oth ello and ____.A. Antony and CleopatraB. Julius CaesarC Twelfth NightD King Lear10. Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare’s romanticlove comediesA Twelfth NightB The TempestC As You Like ItD The Merchant of VeniceD C A C D C C A D B1. All of the following are the most eminent dramatistsin the Renaissance England except______.a. William Shakespeareb. Ben Jonsonc. Christopher Marlowed. Francis Bacon2. The English Renaissance period was an age of_________.a. poetry and dramab. drama and novelc. novel and poetryd. romance and poetry3. Paradise Lost is the masterpiece of _____a. William Shakespeareb. Robert Burnsc. John Miltond. William Blake4. Which of the following plays written by Shakespeareis history playa. A Midsummer Night’s Dreamb. The Merry Wives of Windsorc. H enry IVd. King Lear5. The first official version of Bible known asthe Great Bible, was revised in ______a. 16th centuryb. 17th centuryc. 18th centuryd. 19th century6. Francis Bacon’s Essays first published in 1597 hasbeen considered as an important landmark in thedevelopment of English_______, and as the first collection of essays in the English language.a. poetryb. epicsc. fictiond. prose7. Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel ____ which first established his reputation.a. Gulliver’s Travelsb. The Adventure of Robinson Crusoec. The Pilgrim’s Progressd. Oliver Twist8. The famous poem “ A Red Red Rose” was written by_________a. William Wordsworthb. George Byronc. Robert Burnsd. William Blake9. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein bel gs to the type of ____ which is often set in gloomy castles where horrifying, supernatural events take place.a. Gothicb. Realismc. Romanticismd. Classicism10. The first complete English Bible was translated by _______, “the morning star of the Reformation”and his followers.A. William LanglandB. James IC. John WycliffeD. Bishop Lancelot AndrewsD A C C B D B C A C1. The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions, ______ and Christian.a. Paganb. Romanc. Frenchd. Danish2. “ Poetry is Spontaneous” was put forward by________a. Robert Burnsb. William Blakec. William Wordsworthd. Charles Lamb3. Which of the following writings can be regarded as typical belonging to the school of Romanticliteratureb. Ulyssesa. Don Juanc. Jane Eyred. Sons and Lovers4. ______is the first important Englishessayist and the founder of modern science in England.a. Francis Baconb. Edmund Spenserc. Thomas Mored. Sidney5. What is flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literaturea. novelc. essayd. poetry6. The publication of _______marked the beginning of the Romantic Age.a. Don Juanb. The Rime of the Ancient Marinerc. The Lyrical Balladsd. Ode to the West Wind7.Which of the following did not belong to Romanticisma. John Keatsb. Percy Shelleyc. William Wordsworthd. Alfred Tennyson8. Frankenstein was filmed many times. Who wrote the booka. Edgar Allan Poeb. James Joycec. Mary Shelleyd. Walter Scott9. In the mid-18th century, a new literary movement called _______came to Europe and then to England.a. Romanticismb. Classicismc. Realismd. Restoration10. Which of the following poem was not written by John Keatsa. Ode to the West Windb. Ode to Autumnc. Ode on a Grecian Urnd. Ode to a NightingaleA C A ABCD C A A1. William Shakespeare is one of the giantsof________a. Romanticismb. Critical Realismc. Aestheticismd. the Renaissance2. ________is the first important religious poet in English literature.a. John Donneb. George Herbertc. Caedmond. Milton3. _________was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.a. Thomas Wyattb. William Shakespearec. Philip Sidneyd. Thomas Gray4. The English poets________, William Wordsworth, and Robert Southey, were known as “ Lake Poets” because they lived in the Lake District Northwestern England at the beginning of the 19th century.a. George Byronb. John Keatsc. Percy Shelleyd. Samuel Coleridge5. The most gifted of the “University Wits” was____.A. John LilyB. Thomas KydC. Thomas GreeneD. Christopher Marlowe6. _____is one of the forerunners of modernsocialist thought.A. Phillip SidneyB. Edmund SpenserC. Thomas MoreD. Christopher Marlowe7. Morality plays appeared after_____.A. miracle playsB. mystery playsC. interludeD. Classical plays8. Which of the following is NOT regarded as oneof characteristics of Renaissancea. Exaltation of man’s pursuit of happiness inthis life.b. Cultivation of the genuine flavor of ancientculture.c. Tolerance of human weaknesses.d. Praise of man’s efforts in having his souldelivered.9. The most intellectual movement of the Renaissance was ________.A. the ReformationB. HumanismC. the Italian revivalD. Geographical exploration10. What is the relationship between Claudius and HamletA. CousinsB. Uncle and nephewC. Father-in-lawD. Father and sonD C A D D C A D B B1. Which of the following is a typical feature of Swift’s writingsA. Great wit.B. Bitter satire.C. Rich mythic allusions.D. Complicated sentence structures.2. ____ is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry.A. John DonneB. George HerbertC. Andre MarvellD. Henry Vaughan3. The ______ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A. RomanticismB. HumanismC. EnlightenmentD. Sentimentalism4. Who was the greatest dramatist in the 18th centuryA. Oliver GoldsmithB. Richard SheridanC. Laurence SterneD. Henry Fielding5. In which of the following works can you find the proper names “Lilliput”, “Brobdingnag”, “Houyhnhnm” and “Yahoo”A. The Pilgrim’s ProgressB. The Faerie QueeneC. Gulliver’s TravelsD. The School for Scandal6. ____ poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the later sacred verses.A. John MiltonB. John BunyanC. John DonneD. John Dryden7. In The Pilgrim’s Progre s,s John Bunyan describes TheVanity Fair in a _____ tone.A. delightfulB. solemnC. sentimentalD. satirical8. Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe created the image of anenterprising Englishman, typical of the English bourgeoisie in the _____ century.A. 17thB. 19thC. 18thD. 20th9. _____ compiled the A Dictionaryof the EnglishLanguagewhich became the foundation of all the subsequent English dictionaries.A. Ben JohnsonB. Samuel JohnsonC. Alexander PopeD. John Dryden10. ____ found its representative writers in the field ofpoetry, such as Edward Young and Thomas Gray, but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Lawrence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith.A. Pre-romanticismB. RomanticismC. SentimentalismD. NaturalismB AC B C CD C B C。
高中英语_Sir Gawain and the Green Knight教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思
![高中英语_Sir Gawain and the Green Knight教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84e78d76e2bd960590c67762.png)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight教学设计主题语境:“人与社会”主题群中的主题群“文学、艺术与体育”话题:文学适用对象:高二学生教材分析:本文是根据一首诗歌改编的故事,取自北师大版高中英语必修模块五Literature Spot。
(二)语篇类型选修I 2. 记叙文,如:小说、科幻故事、幽默故事等。
具体解读“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”是一篇小说的概要,通过了解主要故事情节,分析骑士具备的品质,并总结这本小说所承载的文化意义。
(三)语言知识1. 词汇知识必修3. 在语境中,根据不同主题,运用词汇给相关事物命名、进行指称、描述行为、过程和特征、说明概念等;具体解读根据上下文,使用brave、honest、temptation等词描述骑士Sir Gawain的品质。
girdle, then sets off with Gringolet to seek the Green Knight. A guide accompanies him out of the estate grounds. When they reach the border of the forest, the guide promises not to tell anyone if Gawain decides to give up the quest. Gawain refuses, determined to meet his fate head-on. Eventually, he comes to a kind of crevice[5krevis](墙壁, 岩石等的)裂缝 in a rock, visible through the tall grasses. He hears the whirring of a grindstone, confirming his suspicion that this strange cavern is in fact the Green Chapel. Gawain calls out, and the Green Knight emerges to greet him. Intent on fulfilling the terms of the contract, Gawain presents his neck to the Green Knight, who proceeds to feign假装 two blows. On the third feint 佯攻, 虚击, the Green Knight nicks刻痕于 Gawain’s neck, barely drawing blood. Angered, Gawain shouts that their contract has been met, but the Green Knight merely laughs.
高中英语_Sir Gawain and the Green Knight教学课件设计
![高中英语_Sir Gawain and the Green Knight教学课件设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e12707f2804d2b160b4ec0b8.png)
Next morning the hunter left the lodge early. Sir Gawain was still in bed when the hunter’s lovely young wife came into his room and sat on his bed where she made advances to Sir Gawain. He refused these advances so she kissed him on the cheek. That evening the hunter came home and gave to Sir Gawain the animals that he had caught. Sir Gawain gave him a kiss on the cheek. They laughed, and everybody went to bed.
the lord of
the castle
Para 9:
1. Why did Sir Gawain feel sad? Because he hadn’t been honest.
2. What was his decision then? He decided to wear the belt around his neck for the rest of his life. To remember that he was not perfect.
the test the bravery of… with a game
without hesitation… cut off…
Sir Gawain
picked up…got on… left… (a man with super natural power)
高文爵士与绿衣骑士 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
![高文爵士与绿衣骑士 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a1423c408a1284ac85043c2.png)
《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)2. Romance (名词解释)3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story4. Ballad(名词解释,歌谣,民谣)5. Character of Robin Hood6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释,英雄偶句诗)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene”13. Francis Bacon “essays”esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。
第一轮必答题:1-1. is the most accomplished example of medieval romance, dealing with Arthurian romance.A. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. The Canterbury TalesC. Piers the PlowmanD. The Song of Beowulf2-1.Christopher Marlowe first made ______ the principal instrument of English drama.A. blank verseB. heroic coupletC. free verseD. monologue3-1.Paradise Lost is a(n) ________ in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton.A. historical tragedyB. satirical comedyC. epic poemD. metaphysical poem4-1.Modern English novel, as a product of the 18th century Enlightenment and industrialization, really came with the rising of the class.A. workingB. aristocraticC. bourgeoisD. capitalist5-1.The Romantic Age is said to have begun in 1798 when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their joint work .答案:Lyrical Ballads .抒情歌谣集6-1.written by Charles Dickens is generally taken as the most autobiographical novel.答案:David Copperfield7-1. Which of the following works is NOT written by Virginia Woolf?A. Mrs. DallowayB. Finnegans WakeC. To the LighthouseD. Orlando第一轮必答题:1-2. In , the chaos of the contemporary world and the despair of westerners after the first world war are expressed.A. Ode to the West WindB. The Waste LandC. I Wandered Lonely as a Clou dD. Tess of the D’Urbervilles2-2. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to ____.A.1798—1832B.1837—1901C.1558—1603D.1660—17853-2.________ was an Irish playwright who wrote more than fifty plays, including Pygmalion.答案:George Bernard Shaw4-2. ―Art for Art's Sake‖ is the slogan for the ________ Movement .A. RomanticB. TranscendentalistC. RealisticD. Aesthetic5-2. Which of the following novels is commonly seen as a forerunner of later stream of consciousness?A. Defoe’s Robinson CrusoeB. Fielding’s Tom JonesC. Smollett’s Roderick RandomD. Sterne’s Tristram Shandy6-2. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from .A. Gulliver’s TravelsB. The Pilgrim’s ProgressC. Childe Harold’s PilgrimageD. The Canterbury Tales7-2. Who was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature .A. Thomas WyattB. William ShakespeareC. Philip SydneyD. Geoffrey Chaucer第一轮必答题:1-3. My Last Duchess is a poem by ________.A. Alfred TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Matthew Arnold2-3. Oscar Wilde was the representative among the writers of ________ .A. aestheticismB. critical realismC. neo-classicismD. sentimentalism3-3. Which of the following contributed a lot to the Irish literary revival called the Irish Renaissance?A.W.B. Yeats B.William WordsworthC.John KeatsD.George Bernard Shaw4-3. The most famous English ballads of the 15th century is the Ballads of , a legendary outlaw.答案:Robin Hood5-3. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is a(n) .A. comedy of mannersB. romanceC. allegoryD. realistic novel6-3. Araby is a short story for the anthology ________ published in 1914.答案:Dubliners7-3. Who wrote Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard答案:Thomas Gray第二轮必答题:1-1.The principal elements of ()novel are mystery, horror and suspense.A. RealisticB. RomanticC. Sentimental 多愁善感的D. Gothic 哥特式2-1. Who leads Adam and Eve out of Paradise?A. GodB. The SonC. MichaelD. Raphael3-1. The ________ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century.答案:Enlightenment (启蒙运动)4-1. Which of the following plays is NOT written by the Irish dramatist Oscar Wilde?A. Saint JoanB. A Woman of No ImportanceC. An Ideal HusbandD. The Importance of Being Earnest答案:A. Saint Joan was written by George Bernard Shaw5-1. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the ______.A. External worldB. Inner life of an individualC. Social activities of human beingsD.Public life of an individual6-1. Which of the following is generally considered as James Joyce's masterpiece?A. DublinersB. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. UlyssesD. Finnegans Wake7-1. In Greek mythology, ( ) are creatures with the head of a female and the body of a bird, living on an island.答案:Siren第二轮必答题:1-2. The following lines are excerpted from ______ written by ______.―In Xanadu did Kubla KhanA stately pleasure-dome decree:Where Alph, the sacred river, ranThrough caverns measureless to manDown to a sunless sea.‖答案:Kubla Khan; Samuel Taylor Coleridge2-2. How does Tess react when she is caught for her crime?A. She commits suicide instead of submitting herself for a trial.B. She accepts her punishment, telling her captors that she is ready.C. She does not react, for her captors kill her before she awakes.D. She weeps, lamenting her miserable fate.3-2.Identify the poem and the poet.―… All is no lost: the unconquerable will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield ……‖答案:It is taken from John Milton’s ―Paradise Lost‖.4-2. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author ______.A. E. M. ForsterB. William GoldingC. Doris LessingD. John Fowles5-2. ―Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear!‖ was from ________.A. Ode to a SkylarkOdeB. Ode on a Grecian UrnC. Ode to the West WindD. Ode to a Nightingale6-2. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are _____.A. William Wordsworth and John KeatsB. John Keats and Jane AustenC. Jane Austen and Walter ScottD. Walter Scott and P.B. Shelly.7-2. Who is NOT one of the Victorian poets?A. Alfred TennysonB. Andrew MarvellC. Robert BrowningD. Matthew Arnold答案:(Andrew Marvell (1621 – 1678) was an English metaphysical poet)第二轮必答题:1-3. The Golden Notebook is a novel by British author ______, known for her strong sense of feminism.A. Mrs. BrowningB. Virginia WoolfC. Antonia Susan ByattD. Doris Lessing2-3. Who is NOT the major figure of the Modernist Movement?A. T. S. Eliot.B. James Joyce.C. Thomas Carlyle.D. Ezra Pound.答案:Thomas Carlyle belongs to the Victorian Era.3-3. Heart of Darkness(1902) is ________’s most famous shorter work.答案:Joseph Conrad4-3. — Is he married or single?— Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls! Who are the two speakers?答案:Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet.5-3 .Greek drama evolved from the song and dance in the ceremonies honoring ____ at Athens.答案:Dionysus6-3. The rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter is _______. 答案:Heroic couplet7-3. Which of the following is NOT from Ireland?A. Jonathan Swift C. George Bernard ShawB. Daniel Defoe D. James Joyce第一轮抢答题1.1. The emphasis on imagination2. The idealization of nature3. The praise of individualism4. The glorification of the commonplace5. The lure of the exoticThe above features are of the English ________ movement. 答案:romantic2.Tell the order of the literary movements in British literature.a. Realismb. Aestheticismc. Romanticismd. Modernisme. Classicisme→c→a→b→d3.Guess the term.It is a term referring to the deliberate departure from tradition and the use of innovative forms of expression that distinguish many styles in the arts and literature of the 20th century.Modernism4.As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novels by ______.A. D. H. LawrenceB. John GalsworthyC. James JoyceD. George Eliot5.The poetry is characterized by verbal wit and excess, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas.what is the term?答案:Metaphysical poetry6.阶段抢答题。
英国⽂学练习题及答案(national epic of the Anglo-Saxons is ____.A Robin HoodB Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC The Canterbury TalesD Beowulf2. ____was the most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend written inalliterative verse.A The Canterbury TalesB Piers the PlowmanC Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD Beowulf3. ____was famous for The Canterbury Tales.A Geoffrey ChaucerB John MiltonC William ShakespeareD Francis Bacon4. Most of the ballads of the15th century focused on the legend about ____ as a heroicfigure.A Green NightsB GawainC Robin HoodD Hamletthe 16th century, Thomas More’s work ____became immediately popular after itspublication.A Paradise LostB A Pleasant Satire of the Three EstatesC Of StudiesD Utopia6. ____was Edmund Spencer’s masterpiece which has been regarded as o ne of the great poems in the English language.A AmorettiB The Shepherd’s CalendarC The Faerie QueeneD Four Hymns7. ____ is from Shakespeare’s sonnet .A “Let me not to the marriage of true minds”B “To be or not to be: that is the question”C “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”D “No longer mourn for me when I am dead”8. _____, the “father of English poetry”and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London about 1340.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Sir GawainC. Francis BaconD. John Dryden four great tragedies written by Shakespeare are Hamlet, Macbeth, Oth ello and ____.A. Antony and CleopatraB. Julius CaesarC Twelfth NightD King Lear10. Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare’s romantic love comediesA Twelfth NightB The TempestC As You Like ItD The Merchant of VeniceD C A C D C C A D B1. All of the following are the most eminent dramatistsin the Renaissance England except______.】a. William Shakespeareb. Ben Jonsonc. Christopher Marlowed. Francis Bacon2. The English Renaissance period was an age of_________.a. poetry and dramab. drama and novelc. novel and poetry)d. romance and poetry3. Paradise Lost is the masterpiece of _____a. William Shakespeareb. Robert Burnsc. John Miltond. William Blake4. Which of the following plays written by Shakespeare is history playa. A Midsummer Night’s Dream(b. The Merry Wives of Windsorc. H enry IVd. King Lear5. The first official version of Bible known asthe Great Bible, was revised in ______a. 16th centuryb. 17th centuryc. 18th centuryd. 19th century6. Francis Bacon’s Essays first published in 1597 has been considered as an important landmark in the development of English_______, and as the first collection of essays in the English language.a. poetryb. epicsc. fictiond. prose7. Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel ____ which first established his reputation.(a.Gulliver’s Travelsb. The Adventure of Robinson Crusoec.The Pilgrim’s Progressd. Oliver Twist8. The famous poem “ A Red Red Rose” was writtenby_________a. William Wordsworthb. George Byronc. Robert Burns.d. William Blake9. Mary Shelley’s novel Frank enstein belongs to the type of ____ which is often set in gloomy castles where horrifying, supernatural events take place.a. Gothicb. Realismc. Romanticismd. Classicism10. The first complete English Bible was translated by _______, “the morning star of the Reformation” and his followers.A. William LanglandB. James IC. John WycliffeD. Bishop Lancelot Andrews~D A C C B D B C A C1. The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions, ______ and Christian.a. Paganb. Romanc. Frenchd. Danish2. “ Poetry is Spontaneous” was put forward by________;a. Robert Burnsb. William Blakec. William Wordsworthd. Charles Lamb3. Which of the following writings can be regarded as typical belonging to the school of Romantic literaturea. Don Juanb. Ulyssesc. Jane Eyred. Sons and Lovers4. ______is the first important English essayist and the founder of modern science in England.【a. Francis Baconb. Edmund Spenserc. Thomas Mored. Sidney5. What is flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literaturea. novelc. essayd. poetry6. The publication of _______marked the beginning of the Romantic Age.a. Don Juan,b. The Rime of the Ancient Marinerc. The Lyrical Balladsd. Ode to the West Wind7. Which of the following did not belong to Romanticisma. John Keatsb. Percy Shelleyc. William Wordsworthd. Alfred Tennyson!8. Frankenstein was filmed many times. Who wrote the booka. Edgar Allan Poeb. James Joycec. Mary Shelleyd. Walter Scott9. In the mid-18th century, a new literary movement called _______came to Europe and then to England.a. Romanticismb. Classicismc. Realismd. Restoration¥10. Which of the following poem was not written by John Keatsa. Ode to the West Windb. Ode to Autumnc. Ode on a Grecian Urnd. Ode to a NightingaleA C A ABCD C A A1. William Shakespeare is one of the giantsof________"a. Romanticismb. Critical Realismc. Aestheticismd. the Renaissance2. ________is the first important religious poet in English literature.a. John Donneb. George Herbertc. Caedmond. Milton3. _________was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.—a. Thomas Wyattb. William Shakespearec. Philip Sidneyd. Thomas Gray4. The English poets________, William Wordsworth, and Robert Southey, were known as “ Lake Poets” because they lived in the Lake District Northwestern England at the beginning of the 19th century.a. George Byronb. John Keatsc. Percy Shelleyd. Samuel Coleridge5. The most gifted of the “University Wits” was ____.A. John LilyB. Thomas KydC. Thomas Greene)D. Christopher Marlowe6. _____is one of the forerunners of modernsocialist thought.A. Phillip SidneyB. Edmund SpenserC. Thomas MoreD. Christopher Marlowe7. Morality plays appeared after_____.A. miracle plays>B. mystery playsC. interludeD. Classical plays8. Which of the following is NOT regarded as oneof characteristics of Renaissancea. Exaltation of man’s pursuit of happiness inthis life.b. Cultivation of the genuine flavor of ancientculture.c. Tolerance of human weaknesses.d. Praise of man’s efforts in having his souldelivered.》9. The most intellectual movement of the Renaissance was ________.A. the ReformationB. HumanismC. the Italian revivalD. Geographical exploration10. What is the relationship between Claudius and HamletA. CousinsB. Uncle and nephewC. Father-in-lawD. Father and son )D C A D D C A D B B1. Which of the following is a typical feature of Swift’s writingsA. Great wit.B. Bitter satire.C. Rich mythic allusions.D. Complicated sentence structures.2. ____ is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry.A. John DonneB. George Herbert。
英国文学史习题全集(含答案)Part One Early and Medieval English LiteratureⅠ. Fill in the blanks.1. In 1066, ____, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.A. William the ConquerorB. Julius CaesarC. Alfred the GreatD. Claudius2. In the 14th century, the most important writer (poet) is ____ .A. LanglandB. WycliffeC. GowerD. Chaucer3. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is ____.A. novelB. dramaC. romanceD. essay4. The story of ___ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.A. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. BeowulfC. Piers the PlowmanD. The Canterbury Tales5. William Langland?s ____ is written in the form of a dream vision.A. Kubla KhanB. Piers the PlowmanC. The Dream of John BullD. Morte d?Arthur6. After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke _____.A. FrenchB. EnglishC. LatinD. Swedish7. ______ was the greatest of English religious reformers and the first translator of the Bible.A. LanglandB. GowerC. WycliffeD. Chaucer8. Piers the Plowman describes a series of wonderful dreams the author dreamed, through which, we can see a picture of the lifein the ____ England.A. primitiveB. feudalC. bourgeoisD. modern9. The theme of ____ to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.A. loyaltyB. revoltC. obedienceD. mockery10. The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on thestories about a legendary outlaw called _____.A. Morte d?ArthurB. Robin HoodC. The Canterbury TalesD. Piers the Plowman11. ______, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about 1340.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Sir GawainC. Francis BaconD. John Dryden12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in ____.A. FlandersB. FranceC. ItalyD. Westminster Abbey13. Chaucer?s earliest work of any length is his _____, a translation of the French Roman de la Rose by Gaillaume de Lorris a ndJean de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France but throughout Europe.A. The Romaunt of the RoseB. “A Red, Red Rose”C. The Legend of Good WomenD. The Book of the Duchess14. In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings.Which one isnot his career? ____.A. engineerB. courtierC. office holderD. soldierE. ambassadorF. legislator (议员)15. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio?s poem “Filostrato”.A. The Legend of Good WomenB. Troilus and CriseydeC. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD. BeowulfKey to the multiple choices:1-5 ADCAB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ADAAB自考真题2002-4.Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ___ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A.ChristianB.knightlyC.GreekD.primitive(B)●Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ___.A.Piers PlowmanB.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC.Confessio AmantisD.The Canterbury Tales(D)●The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval Englishsociety and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely ______________.A.William Langland? s Piers Plowman B.G eoffrey Chaucer?s The Canterbury TalesC.John Gower?s Confession Amantis D.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(B)Ⅱ. Questions1.What are the features of Beowulf?/doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on the social significance and language in The Canterbury Tales.Part Two The English RenaissanceⅠ. Match the writer and his work s.1.Thomas More2.Holinshed3.Hakluyt4.Richard Tottel5.Philip Sidney6.Walter Raleigh A.Apology for PoetryB.Miscellany of Songs and SonnetsC.UtopiaD.Discovery of GuianaE.Principal Navigations, V oyages and DiscoveriesF.ChroniclesThe key: (1—C 2—F 3—E 4—B 5—A 6—D)Ⅱ. Choose the best answer.1._____ founded the Tudor Dynasty, a centralized monarchy of a totally new type, which met the needs of the rising bourgeoisie.A. Henry VB. Henry VIIC. Henry VIIID. James I2.The first complete English Bible was translated by _______, “the morning star of the Reformation” and his followers.A. William TyndalB. James IC. John WycliffeD. Bishop Lancelot Andrews3.The progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. ____ encouraged exploration and travel, whichwere compatible with the interests of the English merchants.A. Henry V.B. Henry VIIC. Henry VIIID. Queen Elizabeth4.Except being a vic tory of England over ___, the rout of the fleet “Armada” (Invincible) was also the triumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the declining old feudalism.A. SpainB. FranceC. AmericaD. Norway5.Those, both traders and pirates like ____, established the first English colonies.A. Francis DrakeB. Lancelot AndrewsC. William CaxtonD. William Tyndal6.____ was a forerunner of classicism in English literature.A. Ben JohnsonB. William ShakespeareC. Thomas MoreD. Christopher Marlowe7.The most gifted of the “university wits” was ____.A. LylyB. PeeleC. GreeneD. Marlowe8.Morality plays appeared after_____.A. miracle playsB. mystery playsC. interludeD. Classical plays9._____ is used to say and do good things.A. MercyB. FollyC. ViceD. Peace10._____is one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.A. Phillip SidneyB. Edmund SpenserC. Thomas MoreD. Walter Raleigh11._____ is not a famous translator in the English Renaissance.A. Thomas NorthB. Thomas WyattC. George ChapmanD. John Florio12.____ had supplied Shakespeare with the material for Julius Caesar.A.Lives of Greek and Roan Heroes《希腊罗马名人传》B.Miscellany of Songs and SonnetsC.Don QuixoteD.History of the World13.____ was one of the first to see the relation between wealth and poverty to understand that the rich were becoming richer by robbing the poor.A. John WycliffeB. William CaxtonC. Geoffrey ChaucerD. Thomas More14.Utopia was written in the form of _____.A. proseB. dramaC. essayD. dialogue15.One of the popular morality plays was ____.A. The ShepherdsB. EverymanC. The Play of the WeatherD. Gammer Gurton?s Needle16.Shakespeare?s plays written between _____ are sometimes called “romances” and all end in reconciliation and reunion.A. 1590 and 1594B. 1595 and 1600C. 1601 and 1607D. 1608 and 161217.Miranda is a heroine in Shakespeare?s ______.A. PericlesB. CymbelineC. The Winter?s TaleD. The Tempest18.In _____ appeared Shakespeare?s Sonnet,Never before Imprinted(《莎士比亚十四行诗》“迄今从未刊印过”)which contains154 sonnets.A. 1606B. 1607C. 1608 160919.Shakespeare is one of the founders of ____.A. romanticismB. realismC. naturalismD. classicism20.Among many poetic forms, Shakespeare was especially at home (good at) with the _______.A. dramatic blank verseB. songC. sonnetD. couplet21.In the plays, Shakespeare used about ______words.A. 15000B. 16000C. 17000D. 1800022._____has been called the summit of the English Renaissance.A. Christopher MarlowB. Francis BaconC. W. ShakespeareD. Ben JohnsonKey to the multiple choices:1-5 BCDAA 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 BDADA 16-22 ACBADDBⅢ. Fill in the blanks.1.The ____ was universally used by the Catholic Churches.2.The English translation of the Bible emerged as a result of the struggle between ____ and ___.3.The Bible was notably translated into English by the ____.4.The first complete Engl ish Bible was translated by ____, “the morning star of the _____”.5._____ translated the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament, which is known as Tyndale?s Bible.6.After Tydale?s Bible, then appeared the ______, which was made in 1611 under the aus pices of _____. And so was sometimes called the ____.7.Apart from the religious influence, the Authorized Version has had a great influence on English ___ and ____.8.With the widespread influence of the English Bible, the standard modern English has been _____ and _____.9. A great number of ____and phrases have passed into daily English speech as household words.10.The ____and ____ language of the Authorized Version has colored the style of the English prose for the last 300 years.11.____ was the first English printer.12.William Caxton was a prosperous merchant himself, but he was fond of ___ , and his interest was turning to ____.13.He translated The Recuyell of Historyes of Troy into English from French which was the ___ book printed in English.14.The Recuyell served as a source for ____ Troilus and Cressida. 《特洛埃勒斯与克雷雪达》15.After having established his printing press, William Caxton devoted himself to the career of a ____ and _____.16.William Caxton published about ____ books, ___ of which were translated by himself.17.By rendering (翻译) French books into English, Caxton exercised the youthful language in the airs (曲调), the graces, the crafts of the elder and contributed to the development of the style of ___ century English ____.18.The influence of Caxton?s publications is also great in fixing a ____ language in England.19.As the first English printer, Caxton invented in England the profession of ____, which in fact has had a lasting significance to the development of English ___ as a whole.20.The Renaissance started in the ______ century and ended in the ______century.21.The word, “renaissance” means ________, which was stimulated by a series of historical events, such as ________.22.In the Renaissance, the humanist thinkers and scholars tried to get rid of those old ____in medieval Europe, to introduce newideas that expresses ____ of the rising bourgeoisie, and torecover the ____of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.23.____ is the theme of the English Renaissance, which emphasized the capacities of ____and the achievements of ____.24.____ Stanza is a verse form created by _____ for his poem, ______, in which the rhyme scheme is ____.25.The Wars of the Roses (1455—1485) between the House of ___ and the House of ___ struggling for the Crown continued for30 years.26.Because of the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the King of England, the far-reaching movement of ___ tookplace in England, started by Henry VIII.27.After ___ in England, the helpless, dispossessed peasants, being compelled to work at a low wage, became hired laborers forthe merchants. These laborers were the fathers of modern English ___.28.The introduction of ___ to England by William Caxton (1476) brought classical works within reach of the common multitude.29.The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up ____of relations and the establishing of the foundations of ____.30.Because the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk, it wasa time when, according to Thomas Mor e, “___”.31.____ broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries and abbeys in the country, confiscated their lands and proclaimedhimself head of the Church of England.32.Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state this period is marked bya flourishing of national culture known as ____.33.____, in his translation of Virgil?s Aeneid, wrote the first English blank verse.34.Richard Tottel?s Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets contained _____ poems by ______ and _____ by _____.35.Philip Sidney thought that _____ had superiority over philosophy and history.36._____ is a picture of contemporary England with forcible exposure of the ___ among the laboring classes.37.More points out that the root of poverty is the ____ _____ of social wealth.38.Sonnets contain _____ sonnets and ____ sonnets.39.The highest glory of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its ____.40.The “miracles” were simple plays based on ______stories.41.There are significant touches of _____ life in the play titled The Shepherds.42. A morality play presented the _____ of good and _____ with _____personages.43.Vice was the predecessor of the modern _____.44.Through the revival of classical literature, English playwrights came into contact with ______ and ______drama.45.From the contact with Greek and Latin drama, English playwrights learned all the important rules in ____ and ____, the moreexact conception of ____ and ____.46.English comedies and tragedies on classical modelsappeared in the middle of the ____ century.47.The first English comedy is ______.48.The first English tragedy is _____.49.Miracle plays, morality plays, interludes and classical plays paved the way for the flourishing of ____.50.In the 16th century _____ became the centre of English drama.51.By ____, professional actors were organized into companies.52.____ were wooden buildings, usually circular in form, with tiers(一排排)of galleries surrounding a roofless pit(楼下剧场).53.In the Elizabethan Theater, there were no ____ and women?s parts were always taken by ____.54.Shakespeare?s narrative poem, Venus and Adonis, is full of vivid images of the ______, and aphorisms (格言、警句) on life.55.Shakespeare was a great ____ of the English language.56.Shakespeare?s dramatic creation often used the method of _____.57.Shakespeare?s drama becomes a monument of the English ______.58.Shakespeare was a _____ for play-writing.59.Shakespeare?s _____ people represent all the complexities and implications of real life.Key to the blanks:/doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html tin Bible2.Protestantism; Catholicism3.Protestants4.John Wycliffe; Reformation5.William Tyndal6.Authorized Version, James I; King James Bible./doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html nguage; literature8.fixed; confirmed9.Bible coinages10.simple; dignified11.William Caxton12.Reading; literature13.First14.Shakespeare15.Printer; publisher16.100; 2417.15th ; prose18.National19.Publisher; culture20.14th; 17th21.Religious reformation22.feudalist ideas; interests; purity23.Humanism; human mind; human culture24.Spenserian; Edmund Spenser; The Faerie Queene;ababbcbcc/doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ncaster; York26.The Reformation27.the Enclosure Movement; proletarians 28.printing29.feudal; capitalism30.sheep devours men31.William VIII32.Renaissance33.Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey34.96, Sir Thomas Wyatt, 40, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey35.poetry36.Utopia, Book One; poverty37.private ownership38.Italian/Petrarchan ; Shakespearean39.Drama40.Bible41.real42.Conflict; evil; allegorical43.Clown44.Greek; Latin45.Structure; style; comedy; tragedy46.16th47.Gammer Gurton?s Needle 《葛顿大娘的缝衣针》48.Gorboduc 《高波特克》49.Drama50.London51.156752.Elizabethan theatres53.actress; boys54.countryside55.master56.adaptation (revision)57.Renaissance 58.master-hand (能手)59.full-bloodⅣ. Say true or false.1.The old English aristocracy having been exterminated (wiped out) in the course of the War of the Roses, a new nobility, totallydependent on King?s power, come to the fore.2.Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.3.The progress of bourgeois economy made England a powerful state and enabled her in 1588 to inflict a defeat on the SpanishInvincible Armada.4.The Protestant Reformation was in essence a religious movement in a political guise.5.Before the Reformation, the English Bible was universally used by the Catholic churches.6.Walter Raleigh wrote his History of the World in imprisonment.7.More the man is even more interesting than More the writer.8.Utopia, Book One, describes an ideal communist society.9.Translations occupied an important place in the English Renaissance.10.Philip Sidney?s collection of love sonnets is Astrophel and Stella.11.The Miracle plays were not forbidden to perform in churches after the actors introduced secular and even comical elementsinto the performance.12.The writer of Gammer Gurton?s Needle is unknown.13.Two lawyers who wrote Gorboduc were Thomas Sackville (托马斯·萨克维尔) and Thomas Norton(托马斯·诺顿).14.Shakespeare?s sonnets are divided into three groups: Numbers 1—17, Numbers 18—126, and Numbers 127—154.15.Shakespeare?s sonnets are written for variety of virtues.16.Engels said, “Realism implies, besides truth in detail, thetruthful reproduction of typical characters under typical circumstances.”17.Shakespeare wrote about his own people and for his own time.18.Shakespeare?s one play contains one theme. (contains more than one theme)19.To reproduce the real life, Shakespeare often combines the majestic with the funny, the poetic with the prosaic(散文体的) andtragic with the comic.20.Engels called Shakespeare?s plays the “Shakespearean vivacity (活泼、快活) and wealth of (大量的) action”.21.Utopia is More?s masterpiece, written in the form of letters between More and Hythloday, a voyage.22.Sir Philip Sidney is well-known as a poet and dramatist.23.Carl Marx commented highly on More?s Utopia and mentioned it in his great work, The Capital.24.The highest glory of the English Renaissance was unquestionably its poetry.25.The miracle plays were simple plays based on Bible stories, such as the creation of the world, Noah and the flood, and the birth of Christ.26.Grammer Gurton?s Needle is the first English comedy, Gorboduc the first English tragedy.27.Both the gentlemen and the common people went to the theatres. But the upper class was the dominant force in Elizabethantheatre.28.After Shakespeare?s death, Herminge and Condell collected and published his plays in 1623.29.From Shakespeare?s history play s, it can be seen that Shakespeare took a great interest in the political questions of his time.30.In Shakespeare?s historical plays, historical accuracy is not strictly regarded.31.King Lear is a tragedy of ambition, which drives a brave soldier and national hero to degenerate into a bloody murder anddespot right to his doom./doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ing from an old Danish legend, Othello is considered the summit of Shakespeare?s art.33.Shakespeare is one of the founders of romanticism in world literature.34.Generally speaking, after Shakespeare, the English drama was undergoing a process of prosperity.35.English Renaissance Period was an age of poetry and drama, and was an age of prose.36.There are two main characters in As You Like It: Orlando and Rosalind.37.Ben Johnson?s comedies are “comedies of humors” and every character in his comedies personifies a definite “humor”.38.In Ben Johnson?s later years he became the “literary king” of his time.Key to the True/False statements:1.T2.T3.T4. F. (a political movement in a religious guise)5. F. (the Latin Bible)6.T7. F (Sidney)8.T9.T10.T11.T12.T13.F ( Book Two)14.T15.T16.T17.T18.F19.T20.T21.F (a conversation)22.F (poet and critic of poetry)23.F24.F(darma)25.T26.T27.T28.T29.T30.T31.F (Macbeth)32.F (Hamlet)33.F (realism)34.F(decline)35.F (not an age of prose)36.T37.F (ordinary people were)38.TⅤ. Questions on the English Renaissance/doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on the image of Henry V and Sir John Falstaff./doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on the character of Hamlet.3.What are the features of Shakespeare?s drama?4.Remember Shakespeare?s major plays in each literary career./doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on Marlowe?s social significance and literary achievement./doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on The Faerie Queene.Part Three The Period of the English Bourgeois RevolutionI.Choose the right answer.1.The rhyme scheme of Milton?s L?Allkegro and Il Penseroso is _____.A. aabbccbbcB. abbacdccdC. abacdeecD. ababcdcdd2. _____ , as a declaration of people?s freedom of the press, has been a weapon in the later democratic revolutionary strugg les.A. On the Morning of Christ?s NativityB. ComusC. Of Reformation in EnglandD. Areopagitica3. ____ poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the later sacred verses.A. John MiltonB. John BunyanC. John DonneD. John Dryden4. _____ expressed Donne?s own way of describing love.A. Holy SonnetsB. Witchcraft by a PictureC. The Sun RisingD. Death, Be Not Proud5. George Herbert?s ______ is a well-known shaped poem.A. The AltarB. To His Coy MistressC. To DaffodilsD. Gather Ye Rose Buds While Ye May6. ____ is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry.A. John DonneB. George HerbertC. Andre MarvellD. Henry Vaughan7. Which of the following is not a Metaphysical poet?A. Richard CrashawB. Henry VaughanC. Andrew MarvellD. Robert Burton8. ____is a prose poem on death and immortality.A. The Anatomy of MelancholyB. Religio MeciciC. Holy DyingD. Urn-Burial9. Izaak Walton?s ____ is a delightful description of the English countrysi de and the simple and kind people.A. The Compleat AnglerB. Holy LivingC. To His Coy MistressD. To Daffadils10. Who is the greatest figure of the Cavalier poetry?A. John SucklingB. Richard LovelaceC. Robert HerrickD. John Dryden11. ____was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 19th century.A. John DrydenB. Richard SteeleC. Joseph AddisonD. Alexander PopeKey to the multiple choices: 1-5 CDCBA 6-11 ADDAADII.Fill in the blanks.1.In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, _______ occupies the most important place.2.The Pilgrim?s Progress is one of the most popular pieces of Christian writing produced during the _____ Age.3.______gives a vivid and satirical picture of Vanity Fair which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration.4._____masterpiece, The Pilgrim?s Progress, is an allegory, a narrative in which general concepts such as sins, despair, and faithare represented as people or as aspects of the natural world.5._____ is the most excellent representative of English classicism in the Restoration period.6.In English literature, the Restoration period is traditionally called “Age of _____.7.In political affairs, ____ was quite changeable in attitude.8.In his “An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”, ____ showed his famous appreciation of Shakespeare.9.Dryden wrote about 27 plays. The famous one is _______, a tragedy dealing with the same story as Shakespeare?s Antony andCleopatra.10.The main literary achievements of the 17th century lies in the poetry of John Milton, in the prose writing of John Bunyan, andin the plays and literary criticism of ______.11.Paradise Lost is one of Milton?s ______.12.Satan is the hero in Milton?s masterpiece __________.13.Paradise Lost took its material from ______.14.The works of the Metaphysical poets are characterized, generally speaking, by _____in content and fantasticality in form.15._______ was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 18th century.16.Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost embody Milton?s belief in the powers of _____.17.The Pilgrim?s Progress is a religious allegory and _____ is another writing feature.18.In the second half of the 17th century we may hear the voices of the private citizens by letters and _____.Key to the blanks:1.(John Bunyan)2.(Puritan)3.(The Pilgrim?s Progress)4.(John Bunyan?s)5.(John Dryden)6.(Dryden)7.(John Dryden)8.(John Dryden)9.(All for Love)10.(John Dryden)11.(epics)12.(Paradise Lost)13.(mysticism)14.(the Bible)15.(Dryden)16.(man)17.(symbolism)18.(diaries)III.Say true or false.1.The major parliamentary clashes of the early 17th century were over land ownership.2.After the victory of the English Revolution, the movement of the Diggers broke out. The leader of this revolt is Wat Tyler.3.With the establishment of the bourgeois dictatorship, Charles II became the Protector of the English Commonwealth.4.The spirit of unity and the feeling of patriotism ended with the reign of James I, and England was then convulsed (shook, quivered) with the conflict between the two antagonistic camps, the Royalists and the Puritans.5.In 1644, James I was sentenced to death and Cromwell became the leader of the country.6.English literature of the 17th century witnessed a flourish on the whole.7.The Revolution Period produced one of the most important poets in English literature, William Shakespeare.8.The Revolution Period is also called Age of Milton because it produced a great poet whole name is William Milton.9.The main literary form in literature of Revolution Period is drama.10.Among the English poets during the Revolution Period, John Donne was the greatest one.11.John Milton towers over his age as Byron towers over the Elizabethan Age, and as Chaucer towers over the Medieval Period.12.On his first wife?s death, Milton wrote his only l ove poem,a sonnet, on His Deceased Wife.13.The greatest epic produced by Milton, Paradise Lose, is written in heroic couplets.14.The poem of Samson Agonistes was “to justify the ways of God to man”, i.e. to advocate submission to the Almighty.15.It has been noticed by many critics that the picture of Satan surrounded by his angels who never think of expressing anyopinions of their own, resembles the court of an absolute monarch.16.Izaak Walton?s The Compleat Angler becomes a “Piscatorial classic”.17.Thomas Bro wne?s Religia Medici is a collection of opinions on a vast number of subjects more or less connected with religion.Key to True/False statements:1. F (ownership: monopolies)2. F (Wat Tyler: Gerald Winstanley)3. F (Charles II: Oliver Cromwell)4. F (Donne: Milton)5. F (James I: Charles I)6. F (flourish: decline)7.T (William Shakespeare)8. F (William: John)9. F (drama: poetry)10.F (James I: Elizabeth I)11.F (Byron: Shakespeare)12.F (first: second)13.F (heroic couplets: blank verse)14.F (Satan: God)15.F (Samson Agonistes: Paradise Lost)16.T17.TIV. Questions1.What are the writing features of The Pilgrim?s Progress?/doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on the image of Satan./doc/c589abb268dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd 126ff4224.html ment on Samson.Part Four The English Century Ⅰ. Match the works and the characters. (3 points)A1. ( ) Tome Jones2. ( ) The Vicar of Wakefield3. ( ) Robinson Crusoe。
一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫(national epic民族史诗)采用了暗喻、押头韵手法。
3、The ancestors of the English are Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. 1066年诺曼人入侵,带来了欧洲大陆的封建制度,也带来了一批说法语的贵族。
文学上也出现了新风尚,盛行用韵文写的骑士传奇,它们歌颂对领主的忠和对高贵妇人的爱,其中艺术性高的有Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士与绿衣骑士。
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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight教学设计主题语境:“人与社会”主题群中的主题群“文学、艺术与体育”话题:文学适用对象:高二学生教材分析:本文是根据一首诗歌改编的故事,取自北师大版高中英语必修模块五Literature Spot。
(二)语篇类型选修I 2. 记叙文,如:小说、科幻故事、幽默故事等。
具体解读“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”是一篇小说的概要,通过了解主要故事情节,分析骑士具备的品质,并总结这本小说所承载的文化意义。
(三)语言知识1.词汇知识必修3. 在语境中,根据不同主题,运用词汇给相关事物命名、进行指称、描述行为、过程和特征、说明概念等;具体解读根据上下文,使用brave、honest、temptation 等词描述骑士Sir Gawain 的品质。
2.语篇知识选修I 1. 小说、诗歌、剧本、散文、广告、访谈等语篇类型的主要写作目的,如:表达情感、创作、娱乐、传递信息、以及这些语篇类型的语篇结构特征;具体解读“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”这篇根据诗歌改编的故事所承载的关于完美骑士的文化意义,以及这篇文章以“测试”为线索和以“悬念”推动故事情节的特征。
3.语用知识选修II 3. 熟悉英美国家的文化特征和思维方式,有效运用得体的语言开展文化交流,体现多元思维,与不同文化背景的人进行顺利沟通。
(四)语言技能必修理解性技能1. 从语篇中提取主要信息和观点,理解其要义;具体解读从语篇中提取与情节有关的主要信息,并从中分析Sir Gawain 所具备的品质,从而理解骑士精神;2.理解语篇中显性或隐性的逻辑关系;具体解读从语篇中提取隐藏的线索:绿衣骑士和高文爵士见面时各个场景测试的目的;3.把握语篇中主要事件的来龙去脉;具体解读能够根据暗线和场景说出主要故事情节;选修II (提高类) 理解性技能1. 阐述和评价语篇反映的情感、态度和价值观;具体解读根据测试的目的说出文章所承载的骑士精神;3. 将语篇的内容与自身的经历联系起来/联系自身经历解读语篇;具体解读能够用代入法站在主人公的角度做出选择并说出选择的理由;表达性技能2. 清楚地描述事件的过程;具体解读能够说出某个场景的情景;选修I 表达性技能2. 以口头或书面形式传递信息、论证观点、表达情感;具体解读能够口头上分析、归纳骑士精神,并举出具体例子;(五)文化知识选修I 6. 理解和欣赏部分英语优秀文学作品(戏剧、诗歌、小说等);从作品的意蕴美中获得积极的人生态度和价值观启示;具体解读能够从文章中了解勇敢、诚实、抵制诱惑、自省、诚实等重要品质;选修II(提高类)2. 了解英美等国家重要历史文化现象的渊源,人事人类发展的相互依赖性和共同价值。
(六)学习策略必修认知策略3. 在语境中学习词汇和语法;具体解读能够根据举例、肢体语言、图片等学习词汇;5. 利用笔记、图表、思维导图等收集、整理信息;具体解读能够根据板书归纳高文爵士的品质和骑士精神;10. 通过扫读获取篇章具体信息;具体解读能够通过阅读文章和回答问题,了解主要故事情节;必修情感策略2. 有合作学习的意识,愿意与他人分享各种学习资源;具体解读能够通过小组合作分析、归纳并解决问题。
1.教学目标:①. 通过跳读, 扫读等阅读技巧和回答阅读问题形式让学生了解主人公Sir Gawain 和the Green Knight 在宫廷、城堡和一年后的故事情节,并分析、归纳出测试的各种目的;②. 通过回顾故事情节,根据故事中Sir Gawain 的举止,分析归纳出Sir Gawain 所具备的骑士精神的内涵;并结合创作的时代背景,通过小组讨论探讨这种骑士精神所代表的含义。
2.教学效果评价设计:教学评价其实是贯穿整个教学活动始终的,本着评价设计指向教学目标的原则,为检测本课时的3 个教学目标的达成情况,逐一设定了如下的评价方案:1.关于目标1::学生能否根据主要故事情节回答出绿衣骑士测试的真实目的,并举例说明。
2.关于目标2:学生能否根据对测试目的提炼,总结Sir Gawain 所具备的骑士精神,并结合当时时代背景探讨出这种骑士精神代表了当时社会对士兵阶层的期待。
二、教学流程设计:环节一:导入Step 1:Lead in:【教师活动】利用亚瑟王导入,引出骑士T:Have you heard of King Arthur?In British legend, King Arthur is a leader who led the Knights of the Round Table fighting against invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD. From this description, can you know the duty of a knight? Yes, it is to defend his country. Today, we’ll learn a passage entitled “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is a poem, written in the late 14th century. But today what we’ll learn is a story based on the poem.【学生活动】回答骑士的责任,了解骑士的责任。
环节二:阅读Step 2:Read Para 1-3:【教师活动】提出问题:1.Why did the Green Knight come to the court of King Arthur?2.What was Sir Gawain’s reaction? And what was the result?【学生活动】阅读并回答问题。
Step 3:Read Para4:【教师活动】过渡并提出问题:Ten months later, Sir Gawain went off to find the Green Knight…It’s a journey to .【学生活动】回答问题。
【教师活动】提出问题:1.Did Sir Gawain find the Green Knight? Who did he met?2.What happened between them?Read Para5-6:Did they keep their promise all the time? Supporting examples?【教师活动】补充描述城堡中贵妇诱惑的两个段落【学生活动】阅读并回答问题【设计意图】引导学生了解第二个故事情节:城堡测试,并分析测试的目的。
Step 4:Read Para7-8:【教师活动】提出问题:On New Year’s day, …1.Was Sir Gavain killed by the Green Knight?2.How many times did the Green Knight cut him? And why?【学生活动】阅读并回答问题。
Step 5:Read Para 9:【教师活动】提出问题:1.Why did Sir Gawain feel sad?2.What was his decision then?【学生活动】阅读并回答问题。
【教师活动】引导学生思考:Do you think he’s still honest? And why/ why not?Why did Sir Gawain wear the belt?【学生活动】根据高文爵士回到城堡后佩戴腰带这一事例进行分析。
环节三:输出Step 6:Discussion:【教师活动】提出问题:What’s the real purpose of the game? Supporting examples?【学生活动】根据故事情节归纳测试的真正目的,并举例说明理由。
环节四:归纳、总结Step 7:Summarize:【教师活动】提出问题:What quality should a knight have?【学生活动】根据测试目的和测试结果,归纳骑士精神。
Step 8:Exploring:【教师活动】提出问题并给出提示:Why a poem about knights was written in the late 14th century? Background:It was a time when the feudalism (封建主义) declined and a time when the serfs (农奴) and peasants (农民) frequently fighted against the lords.【学生活动】根据时代背景,通过讨论,归纳出这种骑士精神代表了当时社会对士兵阶层的期待。