



第1章 概 述欢迎您使用太原大豪益达电控有限公司生产的电脑刺绣机控制系统。



1.1 安全警告和注意事项使用本产品时,为了减少火灾、触电或人员伤亡的危险,应始终遵守下列基本的安全预防措施。







注意U 盘在使用中应注意插入的方向,当插入方向不对时切勿用力,否则可能导致USB 口、U 盘的损坏。





















Á 对使用遥控器涉及到的技术安全和事故预防,必须遵守相关的规则。
Á 只有经过批准的特定通用型遥控器才可以投入使用。 在使用遥控器工作之前 ,你需要熟悉这套系统。
Á 仅有认可的和特定受过训练的人员才可以使用遥控器。
Á 在紧急停止状态和工作区域有故障的情况下,遥控器系统要能立即停掉运行以消除故障: − 拿掉发射器的钥匙. 如果需要,拆掉接收机的连接电缆. 大车
........................................................................................................................ 12 小车
...................................................................................................................... 12
纸卷被行车垂直的堆成很多塔位,输送系统输送纸卷到达仓库的入库点。纸卷在入库点被行车上的真空吸盘自动提取,并且存放在仓 储管理电脑指定的位置。反之,行车亦可以在指定的塔位上提取纸卷并将纸卷放到出库点。 正常的行车就位运行模式是自动模式,然而, 出于使命令生效或者维护行车的目的,依靠遥控器可以对行车进行手动操作
4.3.2 主控制器: 卷扬单元
............................................................................................. 13 卷扬单元 .......................................................................................................................... 13





MPU-11中频电源控制板可应用于各种金属的熔炼、保温、烧结、透热、金属液78净化以及晶体生长等各种感应加热领域并具有以下特点9具有积木式运行方式:独特的联机功能(6脉 12脉 24脉 48脉……等,每10台设备之间只需连接三根控制线)可轻松实现多台设备联机以达到更大功率输出11和有特别要求的设备使用。

12配合相应的供电电源及供电方式:可有效的去除因设备运行所产生的高次谐波,用户无须增加消谐设备(针对用可控硅整流的设备中6脉最低谐波次为5次,131412脉最低谐波次为11次,24脉最低谐波次为23次)可达到国标GB/T14549-93 15的用电要求。











DH-NMS绣花管理系统界面功能说明北京大豪科技股份有限公司(版权所有,翻版必究)目录1需求描述 (3)2系统拓扑图 (4)3界面功能 (5)3.1登陆 (5)3.2服务器 (6)3.3机器管理 (6)3.3.1机器信息 (6)3.3.2历史事件 (8)3.3.3工作记录 (9)3.3.4工作统计 (11)3.4花样管理 (13)3.4.1花样信息 (13)3.4.2花样→机器 (16)3.4.3机器花样 (18)3.5现场管理 (19)3.5.1现场监控 (19)3.5.2现场指令单 (21)3.6绣工管理 (22)3.6.1绣工资料 (22)3.6.2工资计算 (23)3.7系统设置 (25)3.7.1登陆管理 (25)3.7.2权限管理 (26)3.7.3修改密码 (26)4产品优势 (27)4.1系统使用简单,价格存在优势 (27)4.2支持电脑,手机,PAD,随时随地访问 (27)4.3实时监控工厂信息 (27)4.4实时计算工资 (27)4.5减少机器闲置时间 (28)4.6大数据下的监视 (28)4.7大豪科技金牌服务 (28)5问题解答 (29)如何使用账号登陆 (29)如果电脑显示实时监控状态不更新了,怎么办 (29)如果程序很卡,或者死机了怎么办 (29)如果有其他情况,请重启电脑 (29)实时显示界面调整 (29)1需求描述随着绣花厂生产规模的扩大,绣花厂对绣花机的管理、对绣花厂人员绩效的管理、对生产物料的管理、对生产成本的精确计算、对订单生产进度的管理需求日益突出,希望有相应的系统来提高其机器的生产效率、有效减少机器闲置、对订单进度进行有效控制、对生产物料成本进行清晰的核算、对职工能方便监控和方便考核绩效、对订单受理进行风险预测。









二、设定电子齿轮比PA02、PA03(需重新上电才能生效)电子齿轮比设置规律为:A、框架轴套采用°对应移框0.1mm的机器,则电子齿轮比的设置为半径二级传动减速装置小轮半径二级传动减速装置大轮电子齿轮比分母电子齿轮比分子⨯=5.12)03()02(PA PAB 、框架轴套采用°对应移框0.1mm 的机器,则电子齿轮比的设置为半径二级传动减速装置小轮半径二级传动减速装置大轮电子齿轮比分母电子齿轮比分子⨯=10)03()02(PA PA注: 如果是采用三洋伺服参数设置的机器,则可以根据上述的AB 两条折算。



手动移框一小段距离(比如5mm)后,将XY 位移清零,在台板上做标记,接着移框100mm ,停止移框后在台板上做标记,用尺子测量这两个标记之间的距离是否也是100mm 。

如果测量结果是100mm ,那说明驱动器的电子齿轮比设置是对的。

具体步骤如下:① 设置成低速移框;按电脑操作面板上的键,屏幕上显示为“”: 手动高速移框;: 手动低速移框②向X 方向移框一段距离(比如5mm)后,按电脑操作面板上的键,将位移清零,屏幕上显示,在台板上做标记③接着按这个方向继续移动100mm ,屏幕上,显示或者④停止移框,在台板上做标记 ⑤测量两标记之间的距离⑥如果测量结果符合100mm,那么证明电子齿轮比设置是对的三、机械回差补偿PA18根据机械情况一般设为10~20之间,即0.1mm~0.2mm。



During this period:Avoid full-throttle starts and rapid acceleration.We recommend gasolines containing detergent additives that help prevent fuel system and engine deposits.Avoid hard braking.New brakes need to be broken-in by moderate use for the first 200miles (300km).In Canada,some gasolines contain an octane-enhancing additive called MMT.If you use such gasolines,your emission control system performance may deteriorate and the Malfunction Indicator Lamp on your instrument panel may turn on.If this happens,contact yourauthorized Honda dealer for service.Help assure your car’s futurereliability and performance by paying extra attention to how you driveduring the first 600miles (1,000km).Using gasoline containing lead will damage your car’s emissions controls.This contributes to air pollution.You should follow these same re-commendations with an overhauled or exchanged engine,or when the brakes are relined.Do not change the oil until the recommended time or mileage interval shown in the maintenance schedule.Your Honda is designed to operate on unleaded gasoline with a pump octane number of 86or e of a lower octane gasoline can cause a persistent,heavy metallic rapping noise in the engine that can lead to mechanical damage.Break-in Period,GasolineBreak-in PeriodGasoline118Open the fuel fill door by pulling on the handle to the left of the driver’s seat.Remove the fuel fill cap slowly.You may hear a hissing sound as pressure inside the tank escapes.Stop filling the tank after the fuel nozzle automatically clicks off.Do not try to ‘‘top off’’the tank,leave some room for the fuel to expand with temperature changes.Your car has an on-board refueling vapor recovery system to help keep fuel vapors from going into the atmosphere.If the fuel nozzle keeps clicking off even though the tank is not full,there may be a problem with this system.Consult your dealer.Because the fuel fill cap is on the passenger’s side of the car,park with that side closest to the service station pumps.1.2. 3.4.CONTINUEDFilling the Fuel TankService Station Procedures119Screw the fuel fill cap back on,tighten it until it clicks several times.If you do not properly tighten the cap,the Malfunction Indicator Lamp may come on (see page ).Push the fuel fill door closed until it latches.Standing in front of the car,put your fingers under the front edge of the hood to the right of center.Slide your hand to the left until you feel the hood latch handle.Push this handle up until itreleases the hood.Lift the hood. Station Procedures120If you can open the hood without lifting the hood latch handle,or the hood latch handle moves stiffly or does not spring back as before,the mechanism should be cleaned and lubricated (see page ).After closing the hood,make sure it is securely latched.184CONTINUEDService Station Procedures121Insert it all the way back in its tube.Remove the dipstick (orange handle).Check the engine oil level every time you fill the car with fuel.Wait a few minutes after turning the engine off before you check the oil. 3.1.Oil CheckService Station Procedures122Remove the dipstick again and check the level.It should be between the upper and lower marks.If it is near or below the lower mark,see on page .Refer to on page for information on checking other items in your Honda.4.165167Adding Oil Owner MaintenanceChecks Service Station Procedures123The condition of your car and your driving habits are the two mostimportant things that affect the fuel mileage you get.Always maintain your car according to the maintenance schedule.This will keep it in top operating condition.An important part of that mainte-nance is the (see page ).For example,an underinflated tire causes more ‘‘rolling resistance,’’which uses fuel.It also wears out faster,so check the tire pressure at least monthly.Engine oil also affects fuel economy.The fuel efficient,low-viscosity 0W-20oil recommended for your Insight is formulated to help the engine use less fuel.This oil is available at your Honda dealer.In winter,the build-up of snow on your car’s underside adds weight and rolling resistance.Frequent cleaning helps your fuel mileage and reduces the chance of corrosion.You can improve fuel economy by driving moderately.Rapid acceler-ation,abrupt cornering,and hard braking use more fuel.To get the best fuel mileage,drive in the highest gear that is practical for the speed you are driving,and always accelerate slowly.You may find that your Insight’sunique combination of an engine and an electric motor has drivingcharacteristics that are somewhat different from what you are used to.Shift Up and Shift Down indicators (5-speed manual transmission only)on the instrument panel show when to shift to a higher or lower gear.By shifting as soon as the indicator comes on,you will keep the engine operating in its most economical range.Wind resistance causes vehicles to use more fuel at higher speeds.Driving at moderate speeds on the highway reduces wind resistance and conserves fuel.Depending on traffic conditions,try to maintain a constant speed.Every time you slow down and speed up,your car uses extra fuel.165Fuel EconomyVehicle ConditionOwner Maintenance Checks Driving Habits124A cold engine uses more fuel than a warm engine.It is not necessary to ‘‘warm-up’’a cold engine by letting it idle for a long time.You can drive away in about a minute,no matter how cold it is outside.The engine will warm up faster,and you getbetter fuel economy.To cut down on the number of ‘‘cold starts,’’try to combine several short trips into one.The air conditioning puts an extra load on the engine which makes it use more fuel.Turn off the A/C to cut down on air conditioning e the flow-through ventilation when the outside air temperature is moderate.If air conditioning is needed,you can save some fuel by using the A/C in ‘‘ECON’’mode.When the outside temperature is above 41°F (5°C),this mode allows the Auto Idle Stop function to shut off the engine when the vehicle is stopped,resulting in fuel savings.You may notice that using the A/C causes a greater drop in fuel economy than you are used to in other vehicles.Although the amount of extra fuel used by the A/C load on the engine is no greater than other vehicles,it is more noticeablebecause of your Insight’s excellent fuel ing the A/C in hot weather may result in fuel economy that is lower than expected.Fuel Economy125。



2. 安全注意事项/Safety Matters for Attention
Danger 打开控制箱时,先关闭电源开关并将电源插头从插座上拔下后,等待至少 5 分钟后,再打开控制箱盖。触摸带有高电压的区域会造成人员受伤。 For opening the control box, please turn off the power and take away the plug from socket firstly, and then wait for at least 5 minutes before opening the control box. Touching the part with high voltage will cause the person injury. Caution 使用环境 Usage Environment 应避免在强电气干扰源(如高频焊机)的附近使用本缝纫机。 强电气干扰源可能会影响缝纫机的正常操作。 Try not to use this sewing machine near the sources of strong disturbance like high-frequency welding machine. The source of strong disturbance will affect the normal operation of the sewing machine. 电源电压的波动应该在额定电压的±20%以内的环境下使用。 电压大幅度的波动会影响缝纫机的正常操作,需配备稳压器。 The voltage fluctuation shall be within 20% of the rated voltage. The large fluctuation of voltage will affect the normal operations of sewing machine, Therefore a voltage regulator is needed in that situation. 环境温度应在 0℃~50℃的范围内使用。 低温或高温会影响缝纫机的正常操作。 Working temperature: 0℃~50℃. The operation of the sewing machine will be affacted by environment with temperature beyond the above range. 相对湿度应在 5%~95%的范围内,并且设备内不会形成结露的环境下使用。 干燥、潮湿或结露的环境会影响缝纫机的正确操作。 Relative Humidity: 5%~95%(No dew inside the machine), or the operation of sewing machine will be affected. 压缩空气的供气量应大于缝纫机所要求的总耗气量。压缩空气的供气量不足 会导致缝纫机的动作不正常。 The supply of compressed gas shall be over the consumption required by the sewing machine. The insufficient supply of compressed gas will lead to the abnormal action of sewing machine. 万一发生雷电暴风雨时,关闭电源开关,并将电源插头从插座上拔下。雷电 可能会影响缝纫机的正确操作。 In case of thunder, lightning or storm, please turn off the power and pull plug out the socket. Because these will have influence on the operation of sewing machine.













输入电压电机转速最大输出力矩单相187VAC1500RPM12.4N.m单相220VAC2000RPM6.8N.M 因此若用户使用刺绣机转速为750RPM,在2:1传动比的情况下对应伺服电机转速为1500RPM,在3:1传动比对应伺服电机转速为2250RPM。



版本:V1.1DahaoⅢ型断线检测系统用户手册北京兴大豪科技开发有限公司目录第一章概述 (3)1.1系统的组成 (3)1.2功能及特点 (4)第二章选型说明 (5)2.1 纯机头控制板HCO4O2 (5)2.2 挑线簧式机头信号板HT154 (6)2.3 斩光轮式机头信号板 (7)2.4 机头灯开关板 (12)第三章安装指南 (16)3.1 电控的安装 (16)3.1.1 纯断检机头控制板的安装 (16)第四章调试指南 (17)4.1 接线 (17)4.2 纯断检机头控制板供电的测量 (17)第五章在线升级和写地址操作说明 (18)5.1 HC0402在线升级操作说明 (18)5.2 316机型主控在线升级操作说明 (18)5.3 328机型主控在线升级操作说明 (21)5.4 写板地址步骤 (23)5.5 检查板地址步骤 (23)5.6 查询机头信息步骤 (24)第六章组合绣操作说明 (25)附录一系统框图和线缆图 (48)附录二外围信号板安装尺寸图 (58)附录三簧式断检接线示意图 (60)第一章概述我公司为了适应市场需求,开发了纯断检机头控制系统。





如HT154(尺寸和EF154X、EF120X 相同);(4)机头灯开关扳:如果只使用轮式断检,则使用机头灯开关板。

Omega EP510, IP510, EP511, IP511 电磁泵控制器用户指南说明书

Omega EP510, IP510, EP511, IP511 电磁泵控制器用户指南说明书

e-mail:**************For latest product manuals: Shop online at User’sGuideEP510, IP510, EP511, IP511 SERIES ELECTROPNEUMATIC CONVERTERSThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.Servicing North America:U.S.A.Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters:Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwide***********************California Proposition 65WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm !AIR CONNECTIONSSUPPLYConnect air supply to 1/4 NPT port marked "IN." If the above specifications are not met, possibility of internal clogging exists. Also see MAINTENANCE section.OUTPUTConnect output to 1/4 NPT port marked "OUT.”GAUGEThe plugged 1/8 NPT port in the base of the transducer is internally connected with the "OUT" port. A pressure gauge can be attached to this port to monitor output pressure.WARNINGIn order to get optimal service from this transducer and ensure warranty coverage the following MUST be followed:ŸThe supply air quality to this instrument must be instrument quality air as defined by ISA Standard 57.0.01-1996.1. Dew point not higher than 35˚F.2. No particulates larger than 3 microns in size.3. Maximum oil content of 1 ppm.ŸNo mechanical adjustments or calibrations are necessary or allowed. All calibration MUST be done with electrical potentiometers on the enclosed circuit board only. See “CALIBRATION” section of instructions for more information.3M4109/0719 IP510, EP510, IP511, EP511 SERIESA 4MOUNTINGGENERALNEMA 1 and NEMA 4X transducers can be mounted in any position.DIRECT MOUNTING PIPEŸAny NEMA 1 transducers may be supported by its own plumbing for air supply and output. NEMA 4X transducers may also be supported using 1/2" explosion proof conduit in the electrical port.PANELŸNEMA 1 transducers may be mounted to a panel with two No. 10-32 screws using threaded holes in the back of a transducer or with two to four No. 8-32 screws using threaded holes in the bottom of a transducer.ŸNEMA 4X transducers may be mounted to a panel with three No. 10-32 screws using threaded holes in the back of a transducer or with four No. 8-32 screws using threaded holes in the bottom of a transducer. In the case of back-mounting, if the panel extends towards the screw-on cover, a 3/16-inch-thick spacer MUST be used between the back of the transducer and the panel in order for the panel to clear the transducer's screw-on cover.EP510 AND IP510WE I V E D I S W E I V T N O RF WE I V P O T BOTTOM VIEW Drawings and dimensions are for reference only.5DIRECTIONS 1.Remove the cover (see WARNING above).2. Bring wiring to the terminal block, located on the circuit board, through 1/2 NPT electrical conduit connection. 18 A.W.G. is recommended; 14 A.W.G. is the maximum wire size. Connect wires to the terminal block per TABLE 2. Care must be exercised to prevent damage to delicate internal parts when inserting wiring through the 1/2” NPT conduit opening.3. An internal grounding screw is provided on all units to facilitate separate ground when required. An external grounding lug is also provided on NEMA 4X enclosures.4.Reinstall the cover tightly using all o-rings and locking devices to insure compliance with Agency Approvals.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSPRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED DURING INSTALLATIONThe Transducers were tested at the EMC Test Centre, Dunfermline, Fife, KY11 5LB to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive effective January 1, 1996. The relevant EMC specifications tested were the following: EN 50081-1 (1992) and EN 50082-1 (1992). A Technical Construction File, Serial #107 was written and Certificate of Conformity issued by a Competent Body.EN 50081-1 (1992): Test results confirmed that no precautions need to be observed during installation regarding electro-magnetic emissions from the IP510A Transducers.EN 50082-1 (1992): The following precautions should be taken during installation to maintain the advertised accuracy specifications for the Transducers. The input wiring to the transducer should be isolated from other high voltage transient wiring. The momentary switching on and off of nearby relays, motors, or other high capacitive or inductive loads can have a minor effect on the terminal based linearity specification (1.0% of span, standard range models). Any change in output pressure is minimal and momentary, and is considered to be within its performance capabilities. Use of a ferrite bead collar on the input wires entering the transducer is recommended shouldinstallation next to high electromagnetic interference be necessary.WARNING1.Remove the cover to gain access to the “SPAN”, (marked S), “FINE ZERO”, (marked Z) and the “DAMPING”, (3/4 turn low profile ) potentiometers. The unmarked pot “COURSE ZERO”, is used only for major calibration range changes. This adjustment should only be attempted by factory trained personnel. For NEMA 1 enclosure, just slide open the access door on the top of the cover.2.Set electrical input signal to 0% (e.g. 4 mA or 0 VDC ).3. FORWARD ACTING UNITS: Using "FINE ZERO" potentiometer, adjust output pressure to 0% output (e.g. 3 psi).4.Set electrical input signal to 100% (e.g. 20 mA or 10 VDC).5. FORWARD ACTING UNITS: Using "SPAN" potentiometer, adjust output pressure to 100% output (e.g. 15 psi).6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until output pressures are properly set.NOTE: Under certain circumstances, output pressure may exhibit cycling action. To eliminate this condition, use the “DAMPING”potentiometer.7. Reinstall cover using original screws and gaskets, if equipped.MAINTENANCEWhen used properly, these transducers should provide more than one million cycles without failure. If a situation should occur in which the transducer's behavior is abnormal, the cause is usually related to a pneumatic problem.ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCEAn electrical problem must be isolated by a skilled technician. The power source and all wiring should be checked first. Circuit board failures are very rare, and can be confirmed by the following method. Loosen the screws, or posts that hold the circuit board in place. Unplug the blue connector from the circuit board, and insert two small pieces of wire into the connector.IMPORTANT: Connect a current source with the polarity as follows. Positive to the (RED) coil wire and Negative to the (BROWN) coil wire of 10 mA to the connector, which powers the yellow coil. With supply pressure on, the unit should produce an output pressure equivalent to 80% or more of the maximum output pressure. If there is little or no output, then the unit is clogged. Should it produce an adequate output pressure, then the circuit board is the primary suspect. The unit must be returned to the factory for repair. PNEUMATIC MAINTENANCEAll 510 and 511 Series transducers also have an internal orifice filter, but if contaminates do invade the transducer, they can clog the internal orifice and block the flow, or jam open the internal supply valve. The problem can be corrected through replacement of the orifice (see TABLE 5: KITS) or by cleaning the internal supply valve, or both.6REPLACING ORIFICE:This can be accomplished without removing the unit from its mounting or plumbing.1. Turn off supply pressure and unscrew the brass orifice assembly located on the side of the housing with the gauge port. NOTE: Small sealing o-ring may remain inside of the housing. If it does, remove it with a paper clip or some other small probe. The replacement assembly will contain this o-ring.2. Install the new orifice assembly making sure the o-ring is seated on the end of the screw.CLEANING INTERNAL SUPPLY VALVE:1. Turn off the supply pressure.2. Use a 9/16" socket or wrench to unscrew the brass plug in the bottom of the transducer.NOTE: Take care not to lose the supply valve spring which is retained by the bottom plug.3. Clean out any dirt or debris and reassemble, making sure the stem of the supply valve is nested in the supply valve spring.AGENCY APPROVALS, SPECIAL NOTES, AND CAUTIONSINTRINSIC SAFETYAll 510 and 511 Series transducers are rated intrinsically safe by both FM and CSA for:CLASS I, DIVISION 1, GROUPS A,B,C,D HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS.Proper FM-approved intrinsically-safe wiring requires external FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION ENTITY-APPROVED SINGLE-CHANNEL barriers to be selected, based upon MAXIMUM ENTITY PARAMETERS of 510 and 511 Series transducers:ENTITY PARAMETERS:Vmax = 28 V, Imax = 150 mA, Ci = 0.22uF, Li = 0 mH.Voc and Isc of a barrier shall not exceed Vmax and Imax of the transducer.(Li + Lwiring) and (Ci + Cwiring) shall not exceed La and Ca of a barrier.NOTICE: For proper FM and CSA approved intrinsically-safe wiring, request Drawing Number 990-439-000 from the Factory.NONINCENDIVEAll 510 and 511 Series transducers are approved as NONINCENDIVE by FM and approved as suitable by CSA for: CLASS I, DIVISION 2, GROUP A, B, C, D HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS.A barrier is not necessary when these transducers are in these locations.ENCLOSURESCompliance with NEMA 4X and CSA ENC4 enclosure ratings require that the screw-on cover has the O-ring installed. In case of a need for replacement parts, see TABLE 3.78EXPLOSION & DUST-IGNITION PROOF CERTIFICATIONS FACTORY MUTUAL and CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATIONEXPLOSION PROOF FOR CLASS I, DIV 1, GROUP B, C, D.DUST-IGNITION PROOF FOR CLASS II, DIV 1, GROUP E, F, G.SUITABLE FOR CLASS III LOCATIONS.EP511 AND IP51110Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCETransducers & Strain GagesLoad Cells & Pressure GagesDisplacement TransducersInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersAir Velocity IndicatorsTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesBenchtop/Laboratory MetersControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsData Logging SystemsWireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversSignal ConditionersData Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSHeating CableCartridge & Strip HeatersImmersion & Band HeatersFlexible HeatersLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLMetering & Control InstrumentationRefractometersPumps & TubingAir, Soil & Water MonitorsIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM4109/0719OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2017 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFORE contactingOMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the productwas PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESWARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA's WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA's WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.。



One of the best ways to enhance the enjoyment of your new Honda is to read this manual.In it,you will learn how to operate its driving controls and convenience items.Afterwards,keep this owner’s manual in your vehicle so you can refer to it at any time.Several warranties protect your new Honda.Read the warranty booklet thoroughly so you understand the coverages and are aware of your rights and responsibilities.Maintaining your vehicle according to the schedules given in this manual helps to keep your driving trouble-free while it preserves your investment.When your vehicle needs maintenance,keep in mind that your Honda dealer’s staff is specially trained in servicing the many systems unique to your Honda.Your Honda dealer is dedicated to your satisfaction and will be pleased to answer any questions and concerns.As you read this manual,you will that is preceded by a symbol.This is intended to help you avoid damage to your Honda,other property,or the environment.California Proposition 65WarningThis product contains or emits chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.Congratulations!Your selection of a 2003Honda Element was a wise investment.It will give you years of driving pleasure.Introduction WARNING:iYour safety,and the safety of others,is very important.And operating this vehicle safely is an important responsibility.You will find this important safety information in a variety of forms,including:on the vehicle.To help you make informed decisions about safety,we have provided operating procedures and other information on labels and in this manual.This information alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others.Of course,it is not practical or possible to warn you about all the hazards associated with operating or maintaining your vehicle.You must use your own good judgement.These signal words mean:preceded by a safety alert symbol and one of three signal words:,,or such as Driver and Passenger Safety.how to use this vehicle correctly and safely.such as Important Safety Reminders or Important Safety Precautions.This entire book is filled with important safety information please read it carefully.A Few Words About SafetySafety Labels Safety Messages Safety Section Instructions Safety Headings DANGER WARNING ii You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.You CAN be KILLED or SERIOUSLY HURT if you don’t follow instructions.You CAN be HURT if you don’t followinstructions.These advantages come at some cost.Because your vehicle is taller and rides higher off the ground,it has a high center of gravity.This means your vehicle can tip or roll over if you make abrupt turns.Utility vehicles have a significantly higher rollover rate than other types of vehicles.In a rollover crash,an unbelted person is significantly more likely to die than a person wearing a seat belt.As a reminder,make sure you and your passengers always wear seat belts.For information on how to reduce the risk of rollover,read ‘‘Driving Guidelines’’on page of this manual and the section on page .Failure to operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss of control or an accident.Your Element has higher ground clearance than a passenger vehicle designed for use only on pavement.Higher ground clearance has many advantages for off-highway driving.It allows you to travel over bumps,obstacles,and rough terrain.It also provides good visibility so you can anticipate problems earlier.172200Off-Highway Guidelines Important Handling Informationiii。




























USER’S MANUALFor Battery-Powered Fence Controllers Part I: Fence Controller InstallationBefore You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . 2 Fence Controller Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . 4 Fence Controller Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 10 B10LI Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 11 B10LI Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 18Part II: Electric Fencing BasicsElectric Fencing Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 19 Electric Fence Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 20 Grounding System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 22 Fence Posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 24 Insulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 26 Fence Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 27 Gate Openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 29 Lightning/Surge Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 30 Electric Fence Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 32 Testing/Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 37 Fence Controller Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 40All Zareba brand pulse-type electric fence controllers meet Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards for safety .☐ WARNING: Read ALL these instructions. Only use electric fence controller products for the purposeintended as defined in this manual .☐WARNING: Never run more than one fence controller on the same fence line at one time . The pulse timebetween the fence controllers will be too close together and could be hazardous to animals and people . Itcould also damage your fence controllers .☐WARNING: Install fence lines powered by separate fence controllers far enough apart to prevent contactwith both fence lines at the same time . Simultaneously touching two fences powered by separate energizerscould be hazardous .☐WARNING: In brushfire-prone areas, turn the fencer off on extremely dry days . For backup, be sure othersknow how to disconnect the fence controller . Also,never disconnect wires or approach a fence duringlightning storms .☐WARNING: Do not operate fence controllers near any combustible materials including gasoline, kerosene and cleaning fluids .☐WARNING: Never electrify barbed wire or similar fence types where an animal or human may become tangled in the fence or caught against the fence .To reduce risk of electrical shock, do notfence controller cover . Refer to service personnel .WARNING: Check local zoning laws for electric fencing guidelines in your area . Also check with localutilities before digging to identify any buried cables or natural gas lines .Tools Required• Wire cutter/stripper (part no. FWC-1)• Flathead and phillips screwdrivers• Adjustable wrench• Voltage tester (part no. DEFT-1 or RSVT8)Other Required Components• Two lengths of 20 KV insulated hook-up wire (one long enough to connect fence controller to ground system and one long enough to connect fence controller to fence line)• Fence line connector (part no. 07110-96 for steel or poly wire; PRS2 for poly rope; or PTCC1 for poly tape)• 6- to 8-foot ground rod(s) (part no. GR8 or 07104-96)• Ground rod clamps–one per ground rod (part no. CGR1 or 07105-96)NOTE: For model B10LI instructions, go to page 11.Overview of Installed Fence ControllerSTEP 1: Mount Fence Controller IMPORTANT: Mount inside or in a waterproof enclosureSTEP 2: Connect Ground and Fence TerminalsConnect hook-up wire toFENCE terminalConnect hook-up wire toGROUND terminal1½“20KV hook-up wire– or –Your fence controller willhave one of two types ofterminals – strip wire and connect as shown belowTip: The fence controller must be grounded sufficiently for the system to work effectively . Improper grounding can also cause inter-ference on telephone lines, radios and television and could invalidate your warranty .STEP 4: Connect to Fence LineCheck fence system reliability • IMPROPER CONNECTION POINTS WILL AFFECT THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR FENCE CONTROLLER!• Make sure splices and insulators are sound and secure.Poly tape connectionAluminum/Steel/Poly wire connectionSTEP 5: Power Fence ControllerNOTE: Fence controller will be producing voltage at this point – to avoid shock do not touch fence terminal or fence wire.WARNING: Never connect a battery powered fence controller toan AC power supply .46- or 12-volt rechargeable deep cycle marine battery (low impedance models require 12-volt battery)1Red (+)Black (–)23• connect to fence lineOverview of Installed Fence ControllerSTEP 1: Connect to BatteryWARNING: Never connect a battery powered fence controller toOption 2: Install four, 1.5-volt/D-Cell batteriesTip: The fence controller must be grounded sufficiently for the system to work effectively . Improper grounding can also cause inter-ference on telephone lines, radios and television and could invalidate your warranty .Check fence system reliability • IMPROPER CONNECTION POINTS WILL AFFECT THEPERFORMANCE OF YOUR FENCE CONTROLLER!• Make sure splices and insulators are sound and secure.Poly tape connectionAluminum/Steel/Poly wire connectionOption 2: Connect directly to fence lineElectric fencing is an easy-to-install system for containing animals or keeping them out. A short, safe pulse of electricity creates a psychologi-cal barrier that trains animals to avoid the fence. In order for the animal to feel a shock, the voltage produced by the fence controller must penetrate the animal’s hair, hide and hoof.The system works when an animal provides an electrical path by touch-ing the fence wire and the earth simultaneously. The electricity then passes through the animal, into the soil and back to the ground rods, which are connected to the fence controller. At that point the circuit is complete and the animal instantly receives an electrical shock.Tip: For permanent, high tensile fence installation instructions, refer to Zareba’s High Tensile Electric Fence Guide available atzarebasystems .com .2Overview of Grounding SystemAn effective ground system consists of:• (3) 6’ to 8’ ground rods (part no. 07104-96 or GR8)• (3) ground rod clamps (part no. 07105-96 or CGR1)• 20 KV insulated hook-up wire (part no. UGC50, UGC250,1404-92 or 7090-92)Tip: Watering or sprinkling the soil around the ground rods in dry weather will improve ground system performance .because electricity can not flow back to the fence controller. To compensate, create a ground wire return system with one fence wire carrying electricity back to the fence controller’s ground terminal. Run the ground return wire between hot/electrified wires and drive a6-foot galvanized steel or copper rod every 1,300 feet. Regardless of the soil conditions, when the animal contacts the hot and ground wires simultaneously, they will feel a shock.Tip: Because the animal must contact the hot and ground return wire SIMULTANEOUSLY, we recommend these two wires be spacedwithin two to three inches of each other .WARNING: Do not install ground rods within 50 feet of a utility ground rod, buried telephone line or buried metal water line, as they3Fence posts fall into two categories: corner/gate posts, which must withstand tension; and line posts, which simply support the fence line between corner/gate posts. Post material varies and should be selected by fence type.Electric fencing will usually use fewer posts than conventional barbed or woven-wire fencing, making it less expensive and easier to install. Most posts are spaced 12–20 feet apart depending on terrain and animal being controlled.Don’t try to space posts evenly. In level terrain, posts can be spaced farther apart; for uneven terrain, a post should be placed at high and low points; and on hillsides, posts should be installed perpendicular to the slope. This keeps the wire at the proper height and prevents it from binding on insulators or clips.5Electric fence wire carries the electrical current from the fence control-ler around the perimeter of the fence. Galvanized steel and aluminum wire carry electricity best. Poly wire, tape and rope have strands of conductive wire twisted or woven into the fabric and are ideal for electric fencing because of its ease-of-use, light weight and visibility. Tip: For equine enthusiasts, we recommend using 1½ inch white poly tape or ¼ inch white poly rope . They are highly visible, easy to install and safer than steel wire for horses .The height and spacing of the wires will vary with the animal being contained (or kept out). Always position one electrified wire at the animal’s shoulder height; the animal will hit the fence with its nose, making it back up. Proper spacing of the wires for the animal controlled is more important than overall fence height.When installing fence wire, pull wire taut to maintain the same height and spacing between the posts.Tip: To prevent energy drain, keep electric fence wire clear of vegeta-tion or objects touching the fence line .To maximize power on the fence, good electrical connections and splices are critical.Gate openings can be installed a variety of ways. Typically the same fence wire is used across the opening. If a metal gate or spring gate is used, 20 KV insulated hook-up wire should be used to carry the elec-Lightning is one of the main causes of fence controller failure. If a storm is forecast, disconnect your fence controller from the fence in advance, and unplug if it is an AC-powered unit. Using a ZarebaCut-Off Switch (part no. COS1) is a simple way to quickly disconnect your fence controller. If you are in an area with frequent electrical storms, be sure to keep a spare fence controller for backup.☐WARNING: Never disconnect a fence controller or approach an electric fence during a lightning storm .☐WARNING: Risk of electric shock! Do not connect an electric fence to any other device such as a cattle or poultry trainer, as light-ning striking a fence will be conducted to other devices .Zareba offers several products designed to help minimize damage from lightning:Lightning Constrictor (part no. LC1) –A combination lightning diverter andlightning choke that installs between thefence line and the fence controller.Lightning Arrestor/Lighting Diverter (part no.LA1/07106-96) – Helps protect fence controllerfrom lightning by diverting strike into theground.Storm Guard (part no. 01667-92) –Helps protect fence controllers rated at1 joule of energy output or greaterfrom lightning strikes.Spring Gate Kit (part no. SG1) – Spring coilhelps to dissipate lightning surges.AC Surge Suppressor (part no. 1549-96) – ProtectsAC-powered fence controllers from power surges upto 6,000 volts.Tip: While lightning protection devices can reduce damage by up to 75%, no device provides 100% protection from lightning .Design Your FenceNow that you understand how each component works in your fence, sketch your fence layout to get a count of materials you’ll need, including number of posts, wires, insulators, gate openings, etc.Tip: An electric fence line does not have to be constructed in a continuous loop; it also works effectively when dead-ended .Estimate Your Electric Fence SuppliesUse the chart below to get a rough idea of what you’ll need for different size enclosures.Tip: Visit zarebasystems .com to use our online Fence Builder TM . It will recommend the correct products in the correct amounts for yourelectric fence .Fence Configurations By Species Tip: Electric fence systems can be built in any configuration as needed by the end user . The following pages show recommended voltage levels and wire spacings to safely contain different species .Regular testing and maintenance of your electric fence system is important to assure performance. We recommend Zareba voltage testers DEFT-1 or RSVT8 for this purpose.Tip: Testing voltage by touching the fence line with your hand or a weed is not recommended . In addition, if you do this wearingrubber-soled shoes you will NOT feel a shock .STEP 1: Test the Fence LineCheck for adequate voltage at thefurthest end of the fence line fromthe fence controller.STEP 2: Test Fence ControllerRemove fence controller power source(unplug or disconnect from battery) and disconnect fence and ground wires. Power fence controller and touch metal bolts of ground and fence terminals with ground and fence prongs of tester.If output is less than 5,000 volts*, there is a fence controller problem – please call Zareba Customer Service at 800-800-1819. (*2,000 volts for models 10ACRE, 20ACRE, ACC2, 33C, RS3, SP3 or LIS3) Electric Fence ControllerSTEP 4: Test Hook-Up Wirehook-up wire as shown.STEP 5: Check Fence Componentsclean and not cracked. Fence wire should be properly spliced, not touching fence posts and properly connected at all points. Verify weeds, branches or other debris are not touching the fence line.STEP 6:If you are still getting inadequate voltage readings visit for further tips or call Zareba Systems customer service at 800-800-1819.30-DAY FULL WARRANTYZareba Systems® guarantees your satisfaction. You can return product with its receipt tothe place of purchase within 30 days for a full refund. Proof of purchase is required for a full refund.LIMITED WARRANTYThis fence controller is warranted for one year from the date of sale to be free from defectsof material and workmanship and from damage caused by lightning. Fencers that are equipped with the Storm Guard lightning protection module are warranted only whenthe Storm Guard is properly installed on the fence controller. Proof of purchase is requiredfor warranty consideration, and may be returned to Zareba Systems® or any of the Zareba Authorized Repair Centers for warranty repair. If no sales receipt has been returned, the date of manufacture will be used to determine the warranty period.Neither the full or limited warranty applies to any defect in the product caused by improper installation, misuse, tampering, neglect, moisture or any other reason not related to defects in material or workmanship of the product.The full and limited warranties are not assignable or transferable. It is for the benefit of and given only to the first consumer purchaser of the product, and shall not be for the benefit of nor given to any subsequent owners or any other user or to any person.The obligation of Zareba Systems® under the limited warranty is only to repairing or replacing, at its option, any part of the product that is defective and is covered by the terms of this warranty. If any covered defect occurs during the warranty, return the product for replacement or repair, with freight prepaid, to any Authorized Repair Center or directly to Zareba Systems®, 69 N. Locust Street, Lititz, PA 17543. There will be no further cost to you if it is a result of defects, failures or malfunction of the product.(Note: The following fence controller models can only be returned to the factory for warranty consideration: 601, 8574, A5, WD56, 30, 10 ACRE, 20 ACRE, 415, 410, 4444, 4612, 4465, 4309, 8565, 8555, 8612, 77, 98, S12, S100, 980, 57, S12, TCC2, ACC2 and 33B. Any model of fence controller not listed can be sent to any Authorized Repair Center or to the factory). UPON EXPIRATION OF THE FULL 30-DAY WARRANTY, ZAREBA SYSTEMS® MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY ORANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED; ANY IMPLIED WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHICH EXCEEDS THE FOREGOING WARRANTY, IS HEREBY DISCLAIMED BY ZAREBA SYSTEMS®. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FACE HEREOF. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.In no case shall Zareba Systems® be liable for incidental, consequential, special or indirect damages of any kind. Any action for breach of warranty must be started within one yearafter the cause of action shall occur, and no such action shall be maintained which is not commenced within such a period.Some states, however, do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.If you have any questions about how to exercise your rights under the terms of either the full orlimitedwarranty,youmaycallZarebaat800-800-1819,***************************** or write to Zareba Systems®, 69 N. Locust Street, Lititz, PA 17543LIMITATION OF DAMAGESThe directions for use of this product should be followed carefully. It is impossible to eliminate all risk inherently associated with use of the product. The effectiveness of Zareba Systems®brands of fence controllers may depend on the effectiveness of connections, interruption of power source, accidental grounding of wires, weather conditions, or the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Zareba Systems® or the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by the buyer.Zareba Systems® warrants that this product is reasonably fit for the purposes referred to in the directions for use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above. Zareba Systems® makes no other expressed or implied warranty of fitness or merchantability or any other expressed or implied warranty. IN NO CASE SHALL ZAREBA SYSTEMS® OR THE SELLER BE LIABLEFOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT. ZAREBA SYSTEMS® AND THE SELLER OFFER THIS PRODUCT AND THE BUYER AND USER ACCEPT IT, SUBJECT TO THE FOREGOING CONDITIONS OF SALE AND WARRANTY WHICH MAY BE VARIED ONLY BY AGREEMENT IN WRITING SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF ZAREBA SYSTEMS®.Some states, however, do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Woodstream Corp.69 N. Locust StreetLititz, PA 17543Contact us:**********************800-800-1819Part # 0077368-002 Rev1。


在设定最高转速、 最低转速和降速针长后,主轴转速根据针码大小自动 调整。同时,当前主轴转速还受手动按键转速设置的控制。最高转速可设为650~800转/分。当前转速可在250转/分~最高转速间随时调整,并可在刺绣中实时显示。
1.数码管显示区 显示工作方式、反复方式、累计针数、主轴转速、换色顺序等参数。
2.液晶显示区 显示剩余针数,反复距离,旋转缩放,绣框位移,刺绣针位,是否设有 另外起点、贴布绣、循环绣等参数,以及输入换色顺序、操作工作方式和辅 助方式等功能时的内容。
1.数码、液晶显示本机采用数码管及液晶复合显示,即具高亮度、满足多头机远距离观察 之要求,又有文字提示,使操作学习极其方便、快捷。
内装式软磁盘驱动器,可直接读取田岛格式盘上的二进制(.dsb)、三 进制(.dst)、Z进制(.dsz)磁盘花样及百灵达FDR格式盘文件上的二进 制、三进制、Z进制磁盘花样至内存,并可把内存花样以二进制格式输出到 田岛格式磁盘。
16.循环绣作功能 当设有循环绣作功能时,花样刺绣完毕,可自动返回原点,开始下一绣 作过程。该功能配合特殊打版或反复绣作,可使工作效率大大提高。该功能 的设置在辅助方式七绣作参数中的数据部分。
17.长针处理功能 可指定长针数据和自动跳跃针长数据, 以使机器在刺绣中对长针进行自
10.定位高速空走 能按功能码(换色码、停止码)或指定针数使绣框快速前进或后退,使 补绣操作更加灵活、便捷。



Dahao刺绣机电脑B EC S - 0 7A00C操作手册金鼎绣花网目录第一部分功能及特点简介…………………………………1第二部分刺绣机电控系统有关部位名称…………………32.1 电脑操作面板………………………………………32.2 刺绣操作杆及慢动按钮……………………………8 2.3 补绣开关……………………………………………8第三部分怎样开始刺绣……………………………………93.1 概述.........................................................9 3.2 把磁盘花样存入内存....................................9 3.3 刺绣前的准备 (10)3.4 选择内存花样及刺绣确定 (11)3.5 正常刺绣及回退和补绣 (11)3.6 解除刺绣确定 (12)第四部分正常绣作与空走 (13)4.1 正常绣作与空走的关系 (13)4.2 低速空走 (13)4.3 高速空走 (14)4.4 低速空走及高速空走的解除 (14)4.5 * 定位空走 (14)第五部分有关换色操作 (16)5.1 停车时手动换色 (16)5.2 绣作中手动换色手动启动 (16)5.3 绣作中自动换色手动启动(或自动启动) (16)5.4 设置自动换色顺序 (16)第六部分设置图案方向 (17)第七部分有关绣框操作 (18)7.1 手动移框 (18)7.2 返回原点 (18)7.3 回停绣点 (18)第八部分有关刺绣转速 (19)8.1 设置最高转速 (19)8.2 设置刺绣转速 (19)第九部分手动剪线 (20)第十部分有关磁盘操作 (21)10.1 列磁盘目录 (21)10.2 磁盘花样输入到内存 (21)10.3 内存花样输出到磁盘 (22)10.4 磁盘花样删除 (22)10.5 格式化720K磁盘 (22)10.6 格式化1.4M磁盘 (23)第十一部分显示参数与显示画面 (24)11.1 查看机器参数 (24)11.2 设定显示 (24)11.3 绣作时花样跟随显示或参数跟随显示的切换 (24)11.4 清除累计针数及X、Y位移 (24)11.5 绣框X、Y位移的显示 (25)11.6 显示的中英文切换 (25)第十二部分手动设置及修改各类参数 (26)12.1 设定放大,旋转及反复 (26)12.2 花样周边 (28)12.3 另外起点设置 (29)12.4 断电框保护设置 (30)12.6 设定机器参数 (30)12.7 内存花样平包针补偿 (31)第十三部分内存花样管理 (32)13.1 列内存花样 (32)13.2 选择花样显示颜色 (33)13.3 磁盘花样输入到内存 (33)13.4 花样复制 (33)13.5 删除花样 (34)13.6 花样分割 (34)13.7 花样拼接 (34)13.8 编辑组合花样 (35)13.9 总清花样 (36)第十四部分内存花样编辑 (37)14.1 进入内存花样编辑 (37)14.2 怎样编辑一针 (37)14.3 快速找针 (38)14.4 快速找特殊针 (39)14.5 块操作 (39)14.6 保存编辑文件 (40)14.7 编辑帮助 (40)14.8 退出编辑 (40)第十五部分操作帮助 (41)附录1:操作注意事项 (42)附录2:刺绣工作流程图 (43)附录3:有关字母花样、高速花样的操作 (45)3.1 字母花样操作 (45)3.2 高速花样操作 (46)附录4: 有关编译组合花样、编译现刺绣花样的操作 (47)4.1 编译组合花样 (47)4.2 编译现刺绣花样 (47)第一部分功能及特点简介1、操作简单该机采用了专为刺绣机自动控制而开发的微机控制系统,具有很高的可靠性。












如果扩音器处于待机状态,蓝色的LED 指示灯会每三秒钟闪烁一下。










2.按手机的send (发送)键。






五.指示灯夜间开车时,为了避免labraSp500的LED灯分散您的注意力,LED 灯会在您打完电话后一分钟熄灭。

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版本:V1.1DahaoⅢ型断线检测系统用户手册北京兴大豪科技开发有限公司目录第一章概述 (3)1.1系统的组成 (3)1.2功能及特点 (4)第二章选型说明 (5)2.1 纯机头控制板HCO4O2 (5)2.2 挑线簧式机头信号板HT154 (6)2.3 斩光轮式机头信号板 (7)2.4 机头灯开关板 (12)第三章安装指南 (16)3.1 电控的安装 (16)3.1.1 纯断检机头控制板的安装 (16)第四章调试指南 (17)4.1 接线 (17)4.2 纯断检机头控制板供电的测量 (17)第五章在线升级和写地址操作说明 (18)5.1 HC0402在线升级操作说明 (18)5.2 316机型主控在线升级操作说明 (18)5.3 328机型主控在线升级操作说明 (21)5.4 写板地址步骤 (23)5.5 检查板地址步骤 (23)5.6 查询机头信息步骤 (24)第六章组合绣操作说明 (25)附录一系统框图和线缆图 (48)附录二外围信号板安装尺寸图 (58)附录三簧式断检接线示意图 (60)第一章概述我公司为了适应市场需求,开发了纯断检机头控制系统。





如HT154(尺寸和EF154X、EF120X 相同);(4)机头灯开关扳:如果只使用轮式断检,则使用机头灯开关板。

1.2功能及特点(1)支持在线写地址和组合刺绣功能,组合刺绣等参数如分组、扩针杆和扩幅面等都可以在操作头上进行设置;(2)支持在线升级功能,纯断检机头控制板HC0402的程序可以通过操作头在线升级并且可以在线升级所有头或者指定头,操作方便,便于扩展新功能;(3)支持轮式(斩光轮)断检和簧式断检两种断检方式,支持面线夹持功能和机头电磁铁锁头功能;(4)轮式断检支持50齿和24齿,簧式断检支持最多支持15针;(5)一块机头控制板控制两个机头,安装在大梁后,安装方便,接线简单;(6)采用CAN总线通讯方式,便于功能扩展;双绞线差分信号传输,抗干扰能力强;(7)防反插电源插座,防止电源插头插反烧坏外围板,(8)支持4、6、9、12针等多针位机器;第二章选型说明2.1 纯机头控制板HCO4O2纯机头控制板HC0402支持簧式断检功能和轮式断检功能,可以控制两个机头电磁铁和两个面线夹持电磁铁;一块HC0402控制两个机头,安装在大梁后。


2.2 挑线簧式机头信号板如果是簧式断检的机型则要用到挑线簧式机头信号板HT154和HT156,安装在过线器后,HT154安装尺寸和I型断检板EF154X、EF120X相同(具体安装尺寸见附录二《外围信号板安装尺寸图》),配合EF154X、EF120X使用的过线器就可以使用HT154。



2.3 斩光轮式机头信号板斩光轮式机头信号板的选型需要确定以下三点:1、夹线座斩光轮的形式:是单排斩光轮还是双排斩光轮;2、确定斩光轮中心点的间距(用以确定光耦间距, 是30mm还是24mm等等);3、用户根据夹线座上的安装孔1、安装孔2的距离和斩光轮式机头信号板的安装孔尺寸确定相应的安装座。

目前斩光轮式机头信号板见下表所示:8910表格2-1 斩光轮式机头信号板安装尺寸2.4 机头灯开关板开关、灯板的选型根据夹线座上开关、灯板的安装孔的位置和尺寸确定。

考虑到安装尺寸的覆盖面,我公司综合市场上普遍采用的开关、灯板的安装尺寸,提供以下六种开关、灯板:KD007A,EF230C ,KD001,KD002,KD008、KD035。



开关、灯板的型号安装尺寸示意图尺寸说明KD007A使用范围:兼容EF120系列开关、灯板安装孔和安装尺寸;两安装柱(孔)之间距离:66.0 mm;外形尺寸:76.0×27.0 mm;安装孔径: 4.1 mm;安装孔数:2;灯、开关高度:29.0~30.0 mm;开关K1印有圆圈的管脚对应元器件的(ON)。

KD001四安装柱(孔)之间距离:53.0×10.0mm;外形尺寸:64.0×22.0 mm;安装孔径: 3.5 mm;安装孔数:4;灯、开关高度:22.0~23.0 mm;开关K1印有圆圈的管脚对应元器件的(ON)。

开关、灯板的型号安装尺寸示意图尺寸说明KD002两安装柱(孔)之间距离:78.0 mm;外形尺寸:92.0×30.0 mm;安装孔径: 4.2 mm;安装孔数:2;灯、开关高度:29.0~30.0 mm;开关K1印有圆圈的管脚对应元器件的(ON)。

KD008两安装柱(孔)之间距离:66.0 mm;外形尺寸:76.0×47.0 mm;安装孔径: 3.5 mm;安装孔数:2;灯、开关高度:29~30mm;开关K1印有圆圈的管脚对应元器件的(ON)。

开关、灯板的型号安装尺寸示意图尺寸说明EF230C使用范围:双排斩光轮,9针、12针夹线座使用;外形尺寸:37.0×19.0 mm;安装孔径: 4.2 mm;安装孔数:1;灯、开关高度:29~30mm;开关K1印有圆圈的管脚对应元器件的(ON)。

KD035使用范围:双排斩光轮,6针夹线座使用;两安装柱(孔)之间距离:55.0 mm;外形尺寸:65.0×16.5mm;安装孔径: 3.5 mm;安装孔数:2;灯、开关高度:29~30mm;开关K1印有圆圈的管脚对应元器件的(ON)。

表 2-2 开关、灯板的安装尺寸说明第三章安装指南3.1 电控的安装3.1.1 纯断检机头控制板的安装纯断检机头控制板HC0402安装在大梁后,两个机头对应一个纯断检机头控制板,纯断检机头控制板应放在两个机头的中间位置,保证线缆长度一致。



第四章调试指南4.1 接线系统框图和线缆图见附录一《系统框图和线缆图》,簧式断检的接线见附录三《簧式断检接线示意图》。

如果最后一个头为奇数头则所有信号线都接到HC0402的A插座上(电路板上有中文注释,如簧检A、轮检A、机头A和灯开关A等),同时把CZ008 (灯开关B)上的4脚和6脚短路,防止接轮式断检时最后一块板的偶数头误报。


4.2 纯断检机头控制板供电的测量纯机头控制板HC0402的电源输入端有三路信号,12V、24V和GND,其中24V供机头电磁铁和面线夹持电磁铁使用。


具体供电模式见下表:第五章在线升级和写地址操作说明5.1 HC0402在线升级操作说明(1)HC0402上电后机头开关在中位时机头灯不亮表明HC0402没有烧写BOOTLOADER程序,需先用烧写器烧写BOOTLOADER程序再在线升级应用程序才能正常使用。





5.2 316机型主控在线升级操作说明操作步骤:(1)→(2)→(3)→(4)→(5)→(6)→(7)(1)按“”键,出现辅助管理菜单如图示:(2) 按“”键到第四页;(3) 如上图示,用“”、“”或数字键“4”,选择“机器的外围板管理”项,按“”键;(4) 依照提示,用“”、“”或数字键“1”,选择“机头板升级程序”项,按“”键;【辅助管理】上下键或数字键移动光标,回车选择菜单⊗设定放大、旋转及反复 ②定位空走 ③花样周边操作 ④另外起点设置→未设 ⑤断电框保护设置/设绣框原点 ⑥断电框保护恢复 ⑦设定机器参数 ⊗设定金片绣、特种绣、气框绣参数 ⑨中文/ENGLISH/SPANISH ⑩设置循环绣开或关→关 ⊗是否刺绣前预显花样→否 ②选择屏幕颜色(维修人员使用) ③选择花样显示颜色 ④刺绣范围的软件设置 ⊗机器自检(用于维修) ⑥编码器自检(用于维修) ⑦主轴转速自检(用于维修) ⑧机器部件测试 ⑨转动主轴从100°到一定角度 ⑩从磁盘升级机器软件 ①生成高速花样 ②从组合花样生成基本花样 ③从刺绣参数生成基本花样 ⊗移框生成花样 ⊗花样增加贴布绣功能 ⊗内存花样平包针补偿 ⊗普通花样产生轮廓花样 ⑧设置是否所有机头补绣→否 ⑨针停下位后移框 ⑩禁止花样输出→关 3 1 2 ①设置系统时钟 ②编辑金片花样 ⊗调试伺服绣框的X 和Y 参数 ④机器的外围板管理 4 ①机头板升级程序②机头板按顺序写入地址 ③单个机头板写入地址 ④全部机头板检查地址 ⑤单个机头板检查地址 ⑥查询一个机头信息 上下键或数字键移动光标,回车选择菜单磁盘花样列目录001:XXXX DST上下键或数字键移动光标,回车选择菜单(5)如上图示,可用“”、“”键, 选择“XXXX. DST”按“”键;开始升级?是/否(6) 如上图示,用“”、“”键,选择“是”,按“”键进入后等候;升级成功(7) 如上图示,出现升级成功,即在线升级完成。
