






1、商务英语函电中的语境分析2、旅游业中商务英语重要性分析3、在对外贸易谈判过程中商务英语的应用与技巧4、商务英语在对外贸易中的技巧与应用5、浅析商业文化传播中商务英语的应用6、基于商务英语写作的反馈研究7、基于语料库的商务英语信函多维度对比分析8、论商务英语语篇阅读中的语块效应9、英语商务文本翻译策略总结性研究10、基于语言经济价值的商务英语研究11、目的论视角下的商务英语信函中模糊限制语的汉译方法研究12、浅析功能对等理论在商务英语广告翻译的运用13、基于语用连贯的商务函电谋篇探析14、跨文化情境下商务英语口译研究--从释义理论解析文化意象处理策略15、基于功能对等理论探究商务英语翻译16、论译者隐喻能力与商务英语翻译17、基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译研究18、商务谈判中的英语委婉语的运用及其表达方法19、商务英语口译能力要素的基本构成20、高职商务英语人才在“互联网+”新常态下的需求分析21、首要教学原理模式下商务英语口译的探索与实践22、基于顺应论的商务英语翻译研究--以玉器广告翻译为例23、商务英语谈判中模糊语语用功能24、商务英语在对外贸易中的技巧与应用25、试析国际贸易中商务英语要素分析及其应用价值26、商务英语在国际物流中发挥的作用研究27、浅析商务信函翻译策略28、商务英语专业跨文化营销能力体系构建研究29、气氛营造对商务英语谈判的影响--以开局阶段为例30、大型茶博会英语口译策略分析31、商务话语共同体的词汇建构--商务英语专业话语建构研究之一32、英美CEO风险话语的隐喻建模研究33、社交类应用文翻译的语用观34、从英汉语态中看中西文化差异35、对外贸易中商务英语信函翻译方式初探36、商务英语的语言特征及其翻译技巧37、词块在商务信函写作中的实证研究38、基于“ESP理论”的电子商务英语翻译研究39、商务英语谈判中商务文化的体现研究40、从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译41、商务英文合同中被动语态的功能分析及其翻译42、商务英语在外贸谈判中的应用43、从文化差异角度论国际贸易合同的释意失真44、商务英语谈判口语的语言特征及应用探究45、试析商务英语在贸易谈判中的应用技巧46、贸易国际化下商务英语的实践与思考47、商务英语听力障碍分析及提高方法48、刍议商务英语广告的语言艺术49、商务英语专业跨文化交际能力探析50、应用文的特点及其汉译英的基本原则探析51、试论商务英语语言的新经济原则52、浅析商务合同的对等翻译原则及策略53、论商务英语零部件组装式写作54、英汉商务信函语料库中语块提取研究55、浅析外贸函电长句的翻译方法56、商务英语的语言特点及翻译技巧57、商务英语新词翻译探析58、模糊语言在商务英语中的语用分析59、刍议变通理论在商务英语翻译中的应用60、外贸英语信函中的表情功能分析61、商务英语翻译的4Es标准研究62、商务英语言据性的人际功能研究63、商务英语词汇的经济性特征64、基于图式理论的商务英语写作65、生态翻译学视角下的商务合同翻译66、论商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素67、商务谈判英语口语风格探索68、商务谈判中英语口语的运用69、浅谈商务英语培训市场的营销策略70、浅析商务英语在对外贸易中的应用71、浅谈商务合同的翻译72、浅谈商务英语翻译的原则73、从商务英语的特点探讨翻译技巧74、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用75、浅谈商务英语的翻译技巧76、论涉外贸易的茶叶专业词汇翻译77、跨国贸易中茶叶专有词汇英语翻译研究78、商务英语中动向隐喻应用研究79、ESP语言特点及翻译策略80、商务合同风险防范关照下语态转换的翻译研究--以汉译英过程为例81、论商务合同英语的词汇特征及其汉译82、商务合同语态转换的汉译研究--基于英汉句式比较的认知视角83、浅析当代商务英语词汇的特点84、对外贸易谈判中商务英语的应用策略85、外贸函电的语篇特征86、语言经济学视角下商务广告语的翻译原则87、商务广告英汉互译中的文化过滤现象研究88、“以礼成效”:商务谈判中礼貌原则的应用89、商务翻译中的跨文化传播90、商务英语常用词汇一词多义研究91、研究商务英语活动中的跨文化因素92、价值导向下的商标翻译93、商务英语翻译中存在的问题与措施94、论中西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响及对策95、目的论视域下的商务广告翻译探析96、商务合同英汉平行语料库的设计及其在翻译中的应用97、话语标记语you know在商务英语谈判中的语用功能分析98、从语用学角度看商务英语信函翻译原则99、商务英语委婉语及其翻译100、论影视字幕翻译的语言特点以及翻译策略101、浅析商务英语语言特色102、论商务英语文化交流103、英汉商务合同语言对比及翻译104、商务英语文本翻译的美学视角探析105、商务英语在贸易谈判中的应用技巧106、英文商务书信中介入标记的语用移情107、商务英语翻译原则探讨108、浅谈商务英语函电在国际贸易中的变化和作用109、商务英语在国际商务谈判中的应用探析110、商务英语在对外贸易中的应用111、商务英语在外贸谈判中的应用技巧112、浅谈商务英语函电翻译的得体性113、商务英语中俚语的翻译技巧114、商务英语合同的语言特征研究115、商务广告翻译的现状及翻译策略116、商务英语广告中的修辞手法运用分析117、商务英语合同的文体特征及翻译标准探析118、跨文化背景下的商务英语翻译技巧119、企业商务英语人才管理方法探析120、商务英语在企业外贸业务中的应用121、英汉商务书信中互动式元话语的对比研究122、关于商务英语中跨文化交际语用失误探析123、商务文化在商务英语中的重要性124、探析报刊财经英语的语言特征125、商务英语语言特点及涉外谈判中的巧妙应用“商务英语”的概念从提出到今天,起始时间已经不短了,但在国际化大趋势下,英语学习市场风起云涌的今天,很多培训机构又把商务英语作为了其主要的培训项目。



课题研究中期工作主要进展范文英文回答:Mid-term progress in my research project has been quite significant. I have made substantial advancements in data collection and analysis, as well as in the development of my research methodology.One major accomplishment has been the successful completion of my literature review. I have thoroughly reviewed and analyzed relevant academic papers and books, which has provided me with a solid foundation for my research. This has allowed me to identify gaps in the existing literature and to formulate research questionsthat address these gaps.In terms of data collection, I have collected a substantial amount of qualitative and quantitative data. For example, I conducted interviews with industry experts to gather insights and perspectives on the topic of myresearch. These interviews have been invaluable in providing me with real-life examples and anecdotes that support my research findings.Furthermore, I have also conducted surveys and experiments to collect quantitative data. This has involved designing survey questionnaires and experimental protocols, as well as recruiting participants for the studies. The data collected from these surveys and experiments are currently being analyzed to uncover patterns and trends.In addition to data collection, I have also made progress in data analysis. I have been using statistical software to analyze the quantitative data and to test hypotheses. This has involved running regression analyses, conducting t-tests, and performing other statistical tests to determine the significance of the findings.Overall, the mid-term progress in my research project has been quite promising. I have made significant advancements in data collection, analysis, and methodology development. I am confident that these accomplishments willcontribute to the overall success of my research.中文回答:我的课题研究中期工作取得了相当大的进展。

英文期刊《Chinese Herbal Medicines》来稿中常见的中文式表达

英文期刊《Chinese Herbal Medicines》来稿中常见的中文式表达
山西科技 文章编 号: 1 0 0 4 — 6 4 2 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 2 — 0 1 2 4 — 0 5
2 0 1 5 年
第3 O 卷
第2 期
央又期 英文期 刊《 C h i 收 稿 日 期 : 2 0 1 5 — 0 2 — 2 7 n e s e H e r b a l M e d i c i n e s > > 来稿 中 常见 的 中文式表达

要: 如何克服 中国式英文的表达是科技期刊 英文编辑的难点 , 对 于学术期刊提 高
英文编辑质量 ,特 别是 英文学术期刊进入 S C I 数 据库 具有 重要 意义。总结 了( C h i n e s e H e r b a l Me d i c i n e s > ) 来稿 中常见的 中国式英语现 象, 从 主语 、 句内、 句间、 句群等 4个层 次
p l a n t n e ma t i c i d e s , w a s u s e d t o e x p l o r e t h e p o p u l a t i o n d y n a mi c s o f t h e oo r t — — k n o t n e ma t o d e s i n An g e l i c a a n d t h e d i s e a s e i n d e x .
修改为 : G e n t i a n a m a c r o p h y n a i s r e p r o d u c e d b y s e e d [ . 原 句 语 法 上 没 有 错 误 ,主 语 是 T he b r e e d i n g o f G e n t i a n a



The Founder’s Mentality(节选)中的增词法策略汉译实践报告摘要随着经济全球化进程的发展,无论是规模宏大的跨国公司,还是新兴的中小型公司,都面临着经济危机的困扰。










关键词:《创始人之心态》,翻译目的论,增词法,翻译实践报告ContentsAbstract (i)摘要 (iii)1.Introduction (1)2.A Brief Introduction of Translation Task (3)2.1Background of translation task (3)2.2Significance of translation task (3)2.3Analysis of source text (4)3.Description of Translation Process (7)3.1Translation process (7)3.1.1Preparation before translation (7)3.1.2The process of translation (8)3.1.3Proofreading after translation (9)3.2Theoretical basis (10)4.Case Analysis of Translation (13)4.1Structural amplification (14)4.2Semantic amplification (15)4.3Rhetorical amplification (19)5.Summary (23)Bibliography (25)Appendix A (27)Appendix B (101)Acknowledgements (105)This report is based on the translation practice of The Founder’s Mentality:How to Overcome the Predictable Crises of Growth,which is an economic book published by Harvard Business Review Press in June,2016.Along with the rapid development of global economy,the economic exchanges between countries have become more and more frequent. So translation plays an important role in the international communication.Translation is needed in different areas of the world,which brings more convenience and information to people’s life.As a result,the translation of business is relatively rare.This will not only cause serious influence on individual business,but also do great harm to the economic growth in China.Therefore,the translator begins to surf the Internet to find a new book about business. Due to the passion to non-literary and interest to the title of this book,the translator chooses this book as the source text of the translation report.At the same time,this book offers great insights for business owners and leaders by heavily researching.The writers are American Chris Zook and James Allen.The author found that when the enterprises failed to achieve their growth targets,most of the enterprises thought that the root causes are internal rather than external.It mainly includes increasing distance from the front lines,the loss of accountability,proliferating processes and bureaucracy.Moreover,the companies experienced a lot of predictable internal crises at the predictable period while growing.These internal crises had great impact on the sustained economic growth even if it was a healthy company.So the top management should improve the ability to deal with crises properly so as to achieve higher growth targets.The author also talked about the three traits of the founder’s mentality,which included the insurgent mission,the front-line obsession and the owner’s mindset.Based on the decade-long research of enterprises in over forty countries, the author cited a set of inspiring examples to show the strong relationship between these companies.Not only talk about the start-ups,but also the ability to grow the business.The Founder’s Mentality demonstrated how the leaders keep their founders’mentality to achieve the lasting and profitable growth.precise understanding of the original text,the translator takes Skopos Theory as the guidance of the translation.The translator follows the three rules of skopos,coherence and fidelity,so that the translation can express the meaning of the source text and be faithful to the readers.This report is based on the translation practice of The Founder’s Mentality:How to Overcome the Predictable Crises of Growth,which mainly studies and analyzes the amplification strategies in the English-Chinese translation.This translation report consists of five parts as follows.The first part is about a brief introduction of this translation report, which introduces the translation reasons,the authors of the book and the structure of the report.And then the translation task is briefly described.This part introduces the background of translation task,the significance of translation task and the analysis of source text.The third part is the description of translation process.This part introduces preparation before translation,translation process and proofreading after translation.It is important for the translator to make preparation and plans.In addition,the translator also gives further introduction about the Skopos Theory in this part.Next,on the basis of specific examples,the translator mainly analyzes the amplification method from the structural amplification, semantic amplification as well as rhetorical amplification.At last,the translator comes to a conclusion from the translation practice.Through this translation practice,the translator finds the problems and shortcomings while translating the source of text,which provides experience and guidance for the translator in the future translation.2.1Background of translation taskWith the accelerated process of globalization,the economic connections between the countries and the regions in the world have been getting closer and closer.However, enterprises are facing more risks in such an increasingly fierce competition environment.At present,the management of the enterprise is becoming more complicated.The word of competition is frequently referred to in the economic area,and the competitiveness of enterprises has become an important index to evaluate a country’s economic strength.On the other hand,quickening flow of international capital has increased instability to world financial markets and even triggered financial crises.Due to the continual investment of foreign capital,some multinational companies dominated the domestic market share,which not only can threaten the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises,but also weaken the competitive advantage of domestic enterprises.The competitiveness of enterprises is closely related to the internal management. There are still some deficiencies in the financial management of enterprises by now.How to run an enterprise?How to improve the enthusiasm of the staff?How to implement the humanized management?These are the enterprises need to learn from foreign countries.2.2Significance of translation taskThe source text belongs to economic articles with strong profession.As an integrated subject,it often relates to the wide knowledge.It not noly involves the literal knowledge of the economic and trade,but also more commonly involves all subject areas.In order to understand exactly and creatively present the original meaning again,the translator should master more professional knowledge about economy.In the process of translation practice, the translator needs to grasp the knowledge comprehensively,and make best use of thetranslated such economic articles over ten thousand.To some extent,the traslator hopes that summarize the problems in translation and the solutions for improving the translation ability by this translation practice,which can provide more valuable experience for the future translation work.2.3Analysis of source textThe source text,The Founder’s Mentality:How to Overcome the Predictable Crises of Growth belongs to the economic text.As we all know,economic book has its own stylistic features.It is important for the translator to have a whole comprehension to the source text before translating.And then the translator will analyze the source text from two levels.First of all,on the lexical level,the proper nouns used in economic text are rich and varied,and the use of technical terms is the most prominent feature.Proper nouns include the names of persons and places of foreign countries.Meanwhile,there are many names of foreign companies and brands in this book.The translator should first refer to encyclopedias, dictionaries or Table on English-Chinese Transliteration as revised by the Xinhua News Agency to translate.Some common vocabularies have their specific definitions in the economic text.For example,revenue,net profit,grosses industrial output and so on.On the one hand,the abbreviation is used frequently.On the other hand,as the rapid development of global economy,many new words are introduced constantly.Thus,the translator should keep pace with times to improve the translation skills.Moreover,on the sentence level,it is common that there are a lot of long and complicated sentences in the economic text.The English language is characterized by its frequent use of some hereditary inflections and variety of conjunctions.As we all know, English speakers often build up the long and complicated sentences in an“architectural style”. From this book,we can learn that the author builds the basic sentence structures by inserting phrase and subordinate clause.Sometimes one sentence can form a paragraph.These complex long sentences not only can express complicated meaning,but also make theused to building the long sentences in chronological order.That is to say,Chinese people usually arrange their ideas according to temporal or logical sequences to express the main meaning.Take one long sentence of this book as an example,convinced that he could succeed,Wexner founded his own business:a specialized clothing store for women at the Kingsdale Shopping Center,in Upper Arlington,Ohio,that,in contrast with his parents’general-merchandise strategy,would stock only a limited selection of clothing and focus on what sold best.He called his store The Limited.3.1Translation processThere are three steps to finish the whole translation process.At first,the translator should search the related parallel texts to read before translating the source text.The parallel texts,electronic dictionaries and the CAT soft-wares are helpful for translating in the translation process.Next,the translator needs to mark and write down key and difficult points during the translation process.Finally,the translator should spend more time correcting and polishing the translation version after translating.The following is a detailed description of the translation process.3.1.1Preparation before translationA full preparation plays a great role in the process of translation.The translator has made lots of preparatory work before translating,which includes carefully read the original text to ensure accurate understanding,download a lot of relevant information about the authors from Internet,such as the background of wring,the experience of life as well as other famous books.This preparation work is helpful for understanding the source text and ensures the quality of the translation version.Without a correct understanding of the original text, although the translation is fluent,it is a self-creation rather than translation.It is difficult for the translator to achieve the purpose with the obscure translation.In the book of Translating English and Chinese,it is mentioned that in the process of translation,the translator must understand the original words,syntax and idioms from the context of the relationship,and explore the correct translation(Zhang,2009:10).Mr.Liu Congqing once has made detail explanation about understanding,which was a universal cognitive activity.In general, understanding refers to the comprehension of meaning,and focuses on Wernike area of brain, which decodes the meaning of language.In fact,the decode meaning is multitask,in other words,not only refers to master the concept but also the intention of dialysis discourse (sentence,syntagmatic),which mainly involves emotion,attitude and purpose.And discoursestudying the author,the translator has read the published books that written by Chris Zook and James Allen.It mainly includes Profit from the Core,Beyond the Core and Unstoppable. On the other hand,the translator prepared more aided translation tools before translating as much as possible.It is essential for the translator to make full prepare in advance.These translation tools mainly include“Advanced Oxford English-Chinese and Chinese-English Dictionary”,“Lu Gusun English Chinese dictionary”and“Youdao Dictionary”.At the same time,the translator has made full use of the network resources to ensure correct understanding of original meaning,such as Wikipedia,Baidu encyclopedia,Google,Yahoo. At last,the translator also made systematic plan for translation to ensure finish the translation task on time.The translator excerpted the Chapter One and Chapter Two from The Founder’s Mentality,which amounts12,000words in total.The translator planned to spend three months finishing the translation task during the summer holiday.The first translation version was completed at the end of October.Then the translator proofread and revised the version over and over again.After handing to the tutor,the translator began to finalize the translation version with the advice of tutor.3.1.2The process of translationDuring translation,the translator has read a lot of reference books that related to the source texts,most of them were written by Chris Zook,such as Profit from the Core,Beyond the Core and Unstoppable.These three books were based on a growth study,began in1990at Bain&Company,which involved thousands of companies all over the world.The translator not only could learn some useful translation methods from these books,but also master the characteristics of the economic text,so it could help the translator to understand the original text better.What’s more,there was no doubt that the translator would have some problems and difficulties in the process of translation.Then the translator paid attention to taking notes and surfing related information from the Internet,which especially about the translation of propermeaning after looking up the dictionary.So the translator began to surf the Internet to look for information and found out the meaning in the end.In fact,it was a brand of bathing business. Another example was that in the Chapter One of the three defining traits of the founder’s mentality,there was a word named insurgent.The Chinese meaning is“起义者,反叛者”, which means a person fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country. If translate this word into“造反”,it will not accord with the context.There was no proper meaning to translate,so the translator asked the tutor for help.The tutor told her the true meaning was“违背”in the terms of business English.At the same time,under the guidance of Skopos Theory,the translator used different translation strategies to translate the source text in the process of translation.3.1.3Proofreading after translationAfter translating the whole source text,proofreading plays an important role in guaranteeing the quality of the translation version.At first,the translator has checked the translation version on her own.There were a lot of grammar mistakes and unfaithful expression in the translation version.And then the translator paid attention to reading the original text again so as to make sure the expression meaning more complete and clearer.In addition,in order to improve the quality of version further,the translator has asked her best friend who was major in MTI to check the translation version again.Her best friend gave her some advice and discussed the mistakes together.She pointed that there was still spelled words mistakes,logical mistakes and misunderstanding in the translation.Then the translator tried her best to correct and polish the translation over and over again.At last,the translator handed in the translation version to the supervisor.Under the guidance of the supervisor,the translator revised the translation version again.All of this work is helpful to improving the quality of translation and make the target language readers have better understanding.Skopos Theory was first developed in Germany in1970s.The representatives are Katharina Reiss,Hans J.Vermeer,Justa Holz Manttari and Christiane Nord.As we all know, Hans J.Vermeer,one of the important founders of German Functionalist School,she got rid of functional equivalence theory and created Skopos Theory.Skopos Theory is the leading theory of functionalist translation theory.Skopos,a Greek word,means purpose,motivation and function.The term of Skopos usually refers to the purpose of the target text.Each translation points to its intended readers,as the translation means to create the text to the target readers by the given way and purpose(Nord,2001:28).Vermeer believes that translation is a purposeful behavior instead of literal translation between languages.The Skopos Theory pays attention to the purpose of translation,which influences the choice of translation strategies and methods by the translators.Only in this way can they translate the purposed text that reaches the functional requirement(Vermeer,1989:221).Functionalist translation theory is originated from Germany.There many ways to study the Skopos Theory in the domestic,such as review,comment and translation.These ways mainly involve in translation criticism,translation skills and translation methods,which includes literary translation and non-literary translation(Hu,2014:69).However,the development of functionalist translation theory can be divided into four stages as follows.In the first stage,Katharina Reiss was the first person who introduced the functional category into the translation criticism.She developed the pattern of translation criticism on the basis of relationships between the linguist function,text type and translation strategy,which put forward the prototype of functionalist translation theory.Reiss thought that the conceptual content,linguistic form and communicative function should be equivalent to the original text. However,the functional features of the translation should be the top priority in the translation practice.In the second stage,Hans J.Vermeer,Reiss’s student,first put forward the word of Skopos in the book of A Framework for a General Translation Theory in1978(Reiss, 2004:17).The purpose of the translation would decide to the adoption of translation strategy. That is to say,the translation depends on the purpose of translation.So the Skopos rule is thecorresponding translation strategies according to different translation purposes.In the third stage,in view of communication and behavior theory,Justa Holz Manttari came up with translation action theory.It could further improve the functionalist translation theory.She thought that the translation practice was driven by different purposes.Thus,the result was oriented by interactions between people and people.The translation action theory and Skopos Theory have something in common,and then Vermeer merged these two theories together.In the last stages,Christiane Nord improved the functionalist translation theory through learning the translation theories of all schools.It was the first time that she set forth the internal and external factors when analyzed the original text in the process of translation.And the translator should adopt appropriate translation strategy on the basis of the function of the original text.Christiane Nord has studied the functionalist translation theories of all schools, and then she came up with that the translator should abide by the principle of function plus loyalty.The translator not only is loyal to the original text,but also takes the purpose of translation into account.Therefore,what she did has made the Skopos Theory get further improvement.There are three major rules of Skopos Theory:skopos rule,coherence rule and fidelity rule.There are also three kinds of explanations about it:the purpose of the translator,the communicative purpose of the target text and the one of special translation method(Nord, 2001:83).The skopos rule holds that the translation is an activity which has a purpose.A translation is finished by the translator with a purpose or intention.The whole activity depends on the purpose of the translation.The coherence rule requires that the translation must conform to the standard of intratextual coherence.In other words,the target text must be understood by the readers of target language.Moreover,it is meaningful for communicating in the cultural context of the target language.Fidelity rule refers to keep intertexual consistent with the original text and the version,which is faithful to the original text.The degree of fidelity is determined by the Skopos and the translator understands of the original text.The relations of the three rules are that fidelity rule is subject to coherence rule,and the formerTranslation is no longer a simple process of code switching,which is a purpose behavior.The purpose of translation determines the translation strategy.In order to achieve the purpose of translation,the translator may adopt the method of literal translation,the method of complete rewriting,or adopt any translation strategy between them(Mao,2012:116).These three rules solve the contradictions between the translation strategies and methods,so that the translator can choose different translation strategies and methods according to the purpose of translation. The translator takes coherence rule and fidelity rule into consideration in the process of translation.As we all know,English and Chinese have something in common,such as the classification of lexical category,the structure of sentence,and the order of words.However, these two languages belong to different language families,which consequently results in some differences in their essence.For example,Chinese characters are different from English words.There is not only pictogram,ideogram but also phonogram.The English language is a purely alphabetic writing,which does not involve such classification(Ye,2008:101).In this section,the translator discussed translation strategies with the specific case analysis of translation,which mainly analyzed the amplification method from structural amplification,semantic amplification and rhetorical amplification.At the same time,it is also necessary to take the Skopos Theory into account,and the target version will play a great role in understanding the target text.On the basis of the expected function of the target text,the cultural background of target language readers,the social knowledge and the expectation of translation effect,the translator needs to decide which appropriate translation strategies should be adopted in the process of translation.Therefore,it is important for the translator to consider the transfer of information and the function of communication,which is not just to achieve the complete equivalence with the original text.Vermeer emphasizes that translation is to provide the corresponding information of the source text in the target language culture,which is a kind of imitation of the language of the source text.In other words,translation is not a simple conversion from one language to another,but to adapt to the new function and culture.In the process of translation,in order to express the meaning of source text accurately,it is necessary to amplify or omit the words according to the meaning of the sentence and the grammatical structure.According to different expressed ways and language habits between the English and Chinese,amplification method refers to add the necessary components to the target text.As a result,the grammar,vocabulary and mood of the original text can be expressed more nature and clearer,but also conform to the target language expression habits.Structural amplification is mainly due to the structural or grammatical differences between English and Chinese.Omission is one of the features of English.The translator should supply what is omitted in accordance with syntactic need.Although these words are unnecessary in English,it may be indispensable in Chinese(Lian,2010:129).Therefore,the principle of amplification should be taken into account to make sure the sentence meaning more complete and fluent in the translation process.Here some examples are as follows.Example1:Wexner enthusiastically took this idea to his father,who,less than receptive,told him to get a job.So he did.(p.3)Version1:瓦克斯纳满腔热情地打算把这个想法告诉父亲,而父亲却不乐意接受,反而让他找一份工作,所以他去做了。

刘颖会 外文翻译原文及译文

刘颖会 外文翻译原文及译文

大连民族学院国际商学院英文翻译2007级毕业论文外文翻译资料Microfinance's Latest Growing Pains小额信贷业的发展阵痛《Knowledge Wharton》February 2nd 2011《沃顿知识》杂志 2011年2月2日译者:刘颖会大连民族学院国际商学院国际经济与贸易072班2011年6月小额信贷业发展阵痛近期的小额信贷危机源于印度南部城市安得拉邦,当地过度负债、暴力催款和借款者被迫自杀等问题引发了民众对小额信贷行业的广泛指责,并强烈呼吁政府加强监管。






小额信贷业经历了一场由坏账“大地震”所引发的“痛苦的觉醒”,26名来自全球各地的社会财富计划参与者之一Kamran Azim在一堂主题为小额信贷业的增长与可持续发展的讨论中如此比喻道。

Azim是创立于1996年的巴基斯坦拉合尔小额信贷机构Kashf 基金的运营总监。









本文通过实例,从修辞资源和“受众”角度探讨学术论文摘要翻译中需要特简述人文社科类论文摘要特点及翻译问题和应对措施本文内容:摘要:本文在简述人文社科类论文摘要特点及翻译困难的基础上, 采用汉英“原生性”学术论文摘要平行语篇对比路径, 围绕论证、诉求、形式和辞格等层面具体对比分析两种语言中同类学术论文摘要的异同点。

本文通过实例, 从修辞资源和“受众”角度探讨学术论文摘要翻译中需要特别关注的瓶颈问题并探讨其解决对策。

关键词:人文社科论文摘要; 特点; 平行语篇; 修辞对比; 翻译;一、引言本文拟选取“原生性”汉英人文社会学科论文摘要平行文本, 从修辞资源和“受众”角度探讨学术论文摘要翻译中需要特别加以关注的瓶颈问题及应对策略。

选取的分析案例语料为九组相同专业、相近主题的汉英学术论文摘要, 分别涉及文化、传媒、法律、考古、修辞、金融、心理学、社会学等领域。

其中, 汉语语篇选自中国知网()收录期刊论文, 英语语篇选自剑桥学术期刊网及Taylor&Francis等期刊数据库收录论文。

二、人文社科类论文摘要特点及翻译困难科技论文摘要往往是对实验步骤和科学方法的介绍, 着重数据和客观原理;而人文社科类论文摘要, 尤其非基于实证研究类的语篇多是对某一现象结合相关理论进行探讨, 主观性更强, 范畴包括文化、政治、经济、法律等, 涉及意识形态领域。

根据勒菲弗尔的定义, 意识形态指“占主导性的社会观念” (Lefevere, 2004:14) , 即普遍接受的社会认知, 与熟知的事物、概念和习俗相关。





关键词:自由锻造液压机发展历程发展趋势Abstract: This paper mainly introduced the domestic and foreign forging hydraulic press development process and significant results. an alysis of the status of free forging machine , and make a summary of its future development trend .Keyword: Free forging hydraulic press The course of development Development trends前言自由锻造液压机的改型还贷和现代化技术改进是近几十年来的发展趋势,60MN以下自由锻造液压机大部分都采用矿物油作为工作液,用正弦泵直接驱动;在结构上采用下拉式、两根方立柱、大间距;在控制方面而采用计算机控制,向速度快、精度高、自动控制压下量、自动测量锻件尺寸、自动记录生产管理数据、自动诊断故障等功能;在机械化方面,都配用锻造操作机与液压联动,提高锻件质量。










二、缩写的分类1. 首字缩写法:即取每个单词的第一个字母构成缩写的方法,比如NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)。

2. 部分缩写法:即取部分字母构成缩写的方法,比如info (information)、Ave(avenue)。

3. 省略法:即省略词中的某些字母或音节,比如Dr.(Doctor)、St.(Saint)。

4. 混合缩写法:即将不同单词的部分字母组合成新词的缩写,比如smog(smoke + fog)。

三、缩写的用途1. 简化表达:缩写可以使文章简洁明了,减少重复的词语,提高阅读效率。

2. 节约时间:在书写和交流中使用缩写可以节约时间,尤其是在打字和信息传递中。

3. 表达惯例:某些行业或领域中存在着特定的缩写惯例,使用缩写可以更好地融入相关领域交流。

四、缩写的规范使用1. 清晰明了:使用缩写时应当确保对读者清晰可辨,避免产生歧义。

2. 符合规范:应当遵循相应行业或领域的规范使用缩写,不得私自创造或滥用缩写。

3. 适当控制:在正式文件或场合,应当适当控制缩写的使用频率,避免过度使用。

4. 统一标准:在团队或组织内部应当统一缩写的使用标准,避免因为缩写不一致而引发混乱。

五、缩写的注意事项1. 区分正误:缩写可能存在相似的情况,需要注意区分正确的缩写和错误的缩写。

2. 坚持更新:随着新词的出现,原有的缩写可能会失效或者更新,需要及时更新自己的知识库。

3. 谨慎使用:在正式场合或者与不熟悉缩写规范的人交流时,应当谨慎使用缩写。

六、缩写的例子1. NASA:National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国国家航空航天局)2. CEO:Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)3. VIP:Very Important Person(非常重要的人)4. ASAP:As Soon As Possible(尽快)5. RSVP:Répondez s'il vous plaît(请回复)七、总结缩写是一种常用的语言表达方式,可以使语言更加简洁高效。

智能家居 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

智能家居 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

Increasing an individual’s quality of life via their intelligent home The hypothesis of this project is: can an individual’s quality of life be increased by integrating “intelligent technology” into their home environment. This hypothesis is very broad, and hence the researchers will investigate it with regard to various, potentially over-lapping, sub-sections of the population. In particular, the project will focus on sub-sections with health-care needs, because it is believed that these sub-sections will receive the greatest benefit from this enhanced approach to housing. Two research questions flow from this hypothesis: what are the health-care issues that could be improved via “intelligent housing”, and what are the technological issues needing to be sol ved to allow “intelligent housing” to be constructed? While a small number of initiatives exist, outside Canada, which claim to investigate this area, none has the global vision of this area. Work tends to be in small areas with only a limited idea of how the individual pieces contribute towards a greater goal. This project has a very strong sense of what it is trying to attempt, and believes that without this global direction the other initiatives will fail to address the large important issues described within various parts of this proposal, and that with the correct global direction the sum of the parts will produce much greater rewards than the individual components. This new field has many parallels with the field of business process engineering, where many products fail due to only considering a sub-set of the issues, typically the technology subset. Successful projects and implementations only started flow when people started to realize that a holistic approach was essential. This holistic requirement also applies to the field of “smart housing”; if we genuinely want it to have benefit to the community rather than just technological interest. Having said this, much of the work outlined below is extremely important and contains a great deal of novelty within their individual topics.Health-Care and Supportive housing:To date, there has been little coordinated research on how “smart house” technologies can assist frail seniors in remaining at home, and/or reduce the costs experienced by their informal caregivers. Thus, the purpose of the proposed research is to determine the usefulness of a variety of residential technologies in helping seniors maintain their independence and in helping caregivers sustain their caringactivities.The overall design of the research is to focus on two groups of seniors. The first is seniors who are being discharged from an acute care setting with the potential for reduced ability to remain independent. An example is seniors who have had hip replacement surgery. This group may benefit from technologies that would help them become adapted to their reduced mobility. The second is seniors who have a chronic health problem such as dementia and who are receiving assistance from an informal caregiver living at a distance. Informal caregivers living at a distance from the cared-for senior are at high risk of caregiver burnout. Monitoring the cared-for senior for health and safety is one of the important tasks done by such caregivers. Devices such as floor sensors (to determine whether the senior has fallen) and access controls to ensure safety from intruders or to indicate elopement by a senior with dementia could reduce caregiver time spent commuting to monitor the senior.For both samples, trials would consist of extended periods of residence within the ‘smart house’. Samples of seniors being discharged from acute care would be recruited from acute care hospitals. Samples of seniors being cared for by informal caregivers at a distance could be recruited through dementia diagnosis clinics or through request from caregivers for respite.Limited amounts of clinical and health service research has been conducted upon seniors (with complex health problems) in controlled environments such as that represented by the “smart house”. For exa mple, it is known that night vision of the aged is poor but there is very little information regarding the optimum level of lighting after wakening or for night activities. Falling is a major issue for older persons; and it results in injuries, disabilities and additional health care costs. For those with dementing illnesses, safety is the key issue during performance of the activities of daily living (ADL). It is vital for us to be able to monitor where patients would fall during ADL. Patients and caregivers activities would be monitored and data will be collected in the following conditions.Projects would concentrate on sub-populations, with a view to collecting scientific data about their conditions and the impact of technology upon their life styles. For example:Persons with stable chronic disability following a stroke and their caregivers: to research optimum models, types and location of various sensors for such patients (these patients may have neglect, hemiplegia, aphasia and judgment problems); to research pattern of movements during the ambulation, use of wheel chairs or canes on various type of floor material; to research caregivers support through e-health technology; to monitor frequencies and location of the falls; to evaluate the value of smart appliances for stroke patients and caregivers; to evaluate information and communication technology set up for Tele-homecare; to evaluate technology interface for Tele-homecare staff and clients; to evaluate the most effective way of lighting the various part of the house; to modify or develop new technology to enhance comfort and convenience of stroke patients and caregivers; to evaluate the value of surveillance systems in assisting caregivers.Persons with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers: to evaluate the effect of smart house (unfamiliar environment) on their ability to conduct self-care with and without prompting; to evaluate their ability to use unfamiliar equipment in the smart house; to evaluate and monitor persons with Alzheimer’s diseas e movement pattern; to evaluate and monitor falls or wandering; to evaluate the type and model of sensors to monitor patients; to evaluate the effect of wall color for patients and care givers; to evaluate the value of proper lighting.Technology - Ubiquitous Computing:The ubiquitous computing infrastructure is viewed as the backbone of the “intelligence” within the house. In common with all ubiquitous computing systems, the primary components with this system will be: the array of sensors, the communication infrastructure and the software control (based upon software agents) infrastructure. Again, it is considered essential that this topic is investigated holistically.Sensor design: The focus of research here will be development of (micro)-sensors and sensor arrays using smart materials, e.g. piezoelectric materials, magneto strictive materials and shape memory alloys (SMAs). In particular, SMAs are a class of smart materials that are attractive candidates for sensing and actuating applications primarily because of their extraordinarily high work output/volume ratiocompared to other smart materials. SMAs undergo a solid-solid phase transformation when subjected to an appropriate regime of mechanical and thermal load, resulting in a macroscopic change in dimensions and shape; this change is recoverable by reversing the thermo mechanical loading and is known as a one-way shape memory effect. Due to this material feature, SMAs can be used as both a sensor and an actuator.A very recent development is an effort to incorporate SMAs in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) so that these materials can be used as integral parts of micro-sensors and actuators.MEMS are an area of activity where some of the technology is mature enough for possible commercial applications to emerge. Some examples are micro-chemical analyzers, humidity and pressure sensors, MEMS for flow control, synthetic jet actuators and optical MEMS (for the next generation internet). Incorporating SMAs in MEMS is a relatively new effort in the research community; to the best of our knowledge, only one group (Prof. Greg Carman, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles) has successfully demonstrated the dynamic properties of SMA-based MEMS. Here, the focus will be to harness the sensing and actuation capabilities of smart materials to design and fabricate useful and economically viable micro-sensors and actuators.Communications: Construction and use of an “intelligent house” offers extensive opportunities to analyze and verify the operation of wireless and wired home-based communication services. While some of these are already widely explored, many of the issues have received little or no attention. It is proposed to investigate the following issues:Measurement of channel statistics in a residential environment: knowledge of the indoor wireless channel statistics is critical for enabling the design of efficient transmitters and receivers, as well as determining appropriate levels of signal power, data transfer rates, modulation techniques, and error control codes for the wireless links. Interference, channel distortion, and spectral limitations that arises as a result of equipment for the disabled (wheelchairs, IV stands, monitoring equipment, etc.) is of particular interest.Design, analysis, and verification of enhanced antennas for indoor wirelesscommunications. Indoor wireless communications present the need for compact and rugged antennas. New antenna designs, optimized for desired data rates, frequency of operation, and spatial requirements, could be considered.Verification and analysis of operation of indoor wireless networks: wireless networking standards for home automation have recently been commercialized. Integration of one or more of these systems into the smart house would provide the opportunity to verify the operation of these systems, examine their limitations, and determine whether the standards are over-designed to meet typical requirements.Determination of effective communications wiring plans for “smart homes.”: there exist performance/cost tradeoffs regarding wired and wireless infrastructure. Measurement and analysis of various wireless network configurations will allow for determination of appropriate network designs.Consideration of coordinating indoor communication systems with larger-scale communication systems: indoor wireless networks are local to the vicinity of the residence. There exist broader-scale networks, such as the cellular telephone network, fixed wireless networks, and satellite-based communication networks. The viability and usefulness of compatibility between these services for the purposes of health-care monitoring, the tracking of dementia patients, etc needs to be considered.Software Agents and their Engineering: An embedded-agent can be considered the equivalent of supplying a friendly expert with a product. Embedded-agents for Intelligent Buildings pose a number of challenges both at the level of the design methodology as well as the resulting detailed implementation. Projects in this area will include:Architectures for large-scale agent systems for human inhabited environment: successful deployment of agent technology in residential/extended care environments requires the design of new architectures for these systems. A suitable architecture should be simple and flexible to provide efficient agent operation in real time. At the same time, it should be hierarchical and rigid to allow enforcement of rules and restrictions ensuring safety of the inhabitants of the building system. These contradictory requirements have to be resolved by designing a new architecture that will be shared by all agents in the system.Robust Decision and Control Structures for Learning Agents: to achieve life-long learning abilities, the agents need to be equipped with powerful mechanisms for learning and adaptation. Isolated use of some traditional learning systems is not possible due to high-expected lifespan of these agents. We intend to develop hybrid learning systems combining several learning and representation techniques in an emergent fashion. Such systems will apply different approaches based on their own maturity and on the amount of change necessary to adapt to a new situation or learn new behaviors. To cope with high levels of non-determinism (from such sources as interaction with unpredictable human users), robust behaviors will be designed and implemented capable of dealing with different types of uncertainty (e.g. probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainty) using advanced techniques for sensory and data fusion, and inference mechanisms based on techniques of computational intelligence.Automatic modeling of real-world objects, including individual householders: The problems here are: “the locating and extracting” of information essential for representation of personality and habits of an individual; development of systems that “follow and adopt to” individual’s mood and behavior. The solutions, based on data mining and evolutionary techniques, will utilize: (1) clustering methods, classification tress and association discovery techniques for the classification and partition of important relationships among different attributes for various features belonging to an individual, this is an essential element in finding behavioral patterns of an individual; and (2) neuro-fuzzy and rule-based systems with learning and adaptation capabilities used to develop models of an individual’s characteristics, this is essential for estimation and prediction of potential activities and forward planning.Investigation of framework characteristics for ubiquitous computing: Consider distributed and internet-based systems, which perhaps have the most in common with ubiquitous computing, here again, the largest impact is not from specific software engineering processe s, but is from available software frameworks or ‘toolkits’, which allow the rapid construction and deployment of many of the systems in these areas. Hence, it is proposed that the construction of the ubiquitous computing infrastructure for the “smart house” should also be utilized as a software engineering study. Researchers would start by visiting the few genuine ubiquitous computing systems inexistence today, to try to build up an initial picture of the functionality of the framework. (This approach has obviously parallels with the approach of Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides deployed for their groundbreaking work on “design patterns”. Unfortunately, in comparison to their work, the sample size here will be extremely small, and hence, additional work will be required to produce reliable answers.) This initial framework will subsequently be used as the basis of the smart house’s software system. Undoubtedly, this initial framework will substantially evolve during the construction of the system, as the requirements of ubiquitous computing environment unfold. It is believed that such close involvement in the construction of a system is a necessary component in producing a truly useful and reliable artifact. By the end of the construction phase, it is expected to produce a stable framework, which can demonstrate that a large number of essential characteristics (or patterns) have been found for ubiquitous computing.Validation and Verification (V&V) issues for ubiquitous computing: it is hoped that the house will provide a test-bed for investigating validation and verification (V&V) issues for ubiquitous computing. The house will be used as an assessment vehicle to determine which, if any, V&V techniques, tools or approaches are useful within this environment. Further, it is planned to make this trial facility available to researchers worldwide to increase the use of this vehicle. In the long-term, it is expected that the facilities offered by this infrastructure will evolve into an internationally recognized “benchmarking” site for V&V activities in ubiquitous computing.Other technological areas:The project also plans to investigate a number of additional areas, such as lighting systems, security systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc. For example, with regard to energy efficiency, the project currently anticipates undertaking two studies:The Determination of the effectiveness of insulating shutters: Exterior insulating shutters over time are not effective because of sealing problems. Interior shutters are superior and could be used to help reduce heat losses. However, their movement and positioning needs appropriate control to prevent window breakage due to thermalshock. The initiation of an opening or closing cycle would be based on measured exterior light levels; current internal heating levels; current and expected use of the house by the current inhabitants, etc.A comparison of energy generation alternatives: The energy use patterns can easily be monitored by instrumenting each appliance. Natural gas and electricity are natural choices for the main energy supply. The conversion of the chemical energy in the fuel to heat space and warm water can be done by conventional means or by use of a total energy system such as a V olvo Penta system. With this system, the fuel is used to power a small internal combustion engine, which in turn drives a generator for electrical energy production. Waste heat from the coolant and the exhaust are used to heat water for domestic use and space heating. Excess electricity is fed back into the power grid or stored in batteries. At a future date, it is planned to substitute a fuel cell for the total energy system allowing for a direct comparison of the performance of two advanced systems.Intelligent architecture: user interface design to elicit knowledge modelsMuch of the difficulty in architectural design is in integrating and making explicit the knowledge of the many converging disciplines (engineering, sociology, ergonomic sand psychology, to name a few), the building requirements from many view points, and to model the complex system interactions. The many roles of the architect simply compound this. This paper describes a system currently under development—a 3Ddesign medium and intelligent analysis tool, to help elicit and make explicit these requirements. The building model is used to encapsulate information throughout the building lifecycle, from inception and master planning to construction and ‘lived-in’ use. From the tight relationship between m aterial behaviour of the model, function analysis and visual feedback, the aim is to help in the resolution of functional needs, so that the building meets not only the aims of the architect, but the needs of the inhabitants, users and environment.The Problem of Designing the Built Environment:It is often said that architecture is the mother of the arts since it embodies all the techniques of painting: line, colour, texture and tone, as well as those of sculpture: shape, volume, light and shadow, and the changing relative position of the viewer, andadds to these the way that people inhabit and move through its space to produce—at its best—a spectacle reminiscent of choreography or theatre. As with all the arts, architecture is subject to personal critical taste and yet architecture is also a public art, in that people are constrained to use it. In this it goes beyond the other arts and is called on to function, to modify the climate, provide shelter, and to subdivide and structure space into a pattern that somehow fits the needs of social groups or organizations and cultures. Whilst architecture may be commissioned in part as a cultural or aesthetic expression, it is almost always required to fulfill a comprehensive programme of social and environmental needs.This requirement to function gives rise to three related problems that characterize the design and use of the built environment. The first depends on the difference between explicit knowledge—that of which we are at least conscious and may even have a scientific or principled understanding—and implicit knowledge, which, like knowing your mother tongue, can be applied without thinking. The functional programmes buildings are required to fulfill are largely social, and are based on implicit rather than explicit bodies of knowledge. The knowledge we exploit when we use the built environment is almost entirely applied unconsciously. We don’t have to think about buildings or cities to use them; in fact, when we become aware of it the built environment is often held to have failed. Think of the need for yellow lines to help people find their way around the Barbican complex in the City of London, or the calls from tenants to ‘string up the architects’ when housing estates turn out to be social disasters.The second is a problem of complexity. The problem is that buildings need to function in so many different ways. They are spatial and social, they function in terms of thermal environment, light and acoustics, they use energy and affect people’s health, they need to be constructed and are made of physical components that can degrade and need to be maintained. On top of all this they have an aesthetic and cultural role, as well as being financial investments and playing an important role in the economy. Almost all of these factors are interactive—decisions taken for structural reasons have impacts on environment or cost—but are often relatively independent in terms of the domains ofknowledge that need to be applied. This gives rise to a complex design problem in which everything knocks on to everything else, and in which no single person has a grasp of all the domains of knowledge required for its resolution. Even when the knowledge that needs to be applied is relatively explicit—as for instance in structural calculations, or thoseconcerning thermal performance—the complex interactive nature of buildings creates a situation in which it is only through a team approach that design can be carried out, with all that this entails for problems of information transfer and breakdowns in understanding.The third is the problem of ‘briefing’. It is a characteristic of building projects that buildings tend not to be something that people buy ‘off-the-shelf’. Often the functional programme is not even explicit at the outset. One might characterise the process that actually takes place by saying that the design and the brief ‘co-evolve’. As a project moves from inception to full sp ecification both the requirements and the design become more and more concrete through an iterative process in which design of the physical form and the requirements that it is expected to fulfill both develop at once. Feasible designs are evaluated according to what they provide, and designers try to develop a design that matches the client’s requirements. Eventually, it is to be hoped, the two meet with the textual description of what is required and the physical description of the building that will provide it more or less tying together as the brief becomes a part of the contractual documentation that theclient signs up to.These three problems compound themselves in a number of ways. Since many of the core objectives of a client organization rest on implicit knowledge—the need for a building to foster communication and innovation amongst its workers for instance—it is all too easy for them to be lost to sight against the more explicitly stated requirements such as those concerned with cost, environmental performance or statutory regulations. The result is that some of the more important aspects of the functional programme can lose out to less important but better understood issues. This can be compounded by the approach that designers take in order to control themcomplexity of projects. All too often the temptation is to wait until the general layout of a building is ‘fixed’ before calling in the domain experts. The result is that functional design has to resort to retrofitting to resolve problems caused by the strategic plan.The Intelligent Architecture project is investigating the use of a single unified digital model of the building to help resolve these problems by bringing greater intelligence to bear at the earliest ‘form generating’ phase of the design process when the client’s requirements are still being specified and when both physical design and client expectations are most easily modified. The aim is to help narrow the gap between what clients hope to obtain and what they eventually receive from a building project.The strategy is simple. By capturing representations of the building as a physical and spatial system, and using these to bring domain knowledge to bear on a design at its earliest stages, it is hoped that some of the main conflicts that lead to sub- optimal designs can be avoided. By linking between textual schedules of requirements and the physical/spatial model it is intended to ease the reconciliation of the brief and the design, and help the two to co-evolve. By making available some of the latest ‘intelligent’ techniques for modelling spatial systems in the built environment, it is hoped to help put more of the implicit knowledge on an equal footing with explicit knowledge, and by using graphical feedback about functional outcomes where explicit knowledge exists, to bring these within the realm of intuitive application by designers.The Workbench:In order to do this, Intelligent Architecture has developed Pangea. Pangea has been designed as a general-purpose environment for intelligent 3D modelling—it does not pre-suppose a particular way of working, a particular design solution, or even a particular application domain. Several features make this possible.Worlds can be constructed from 3D and 2D primitives (including blocks, spheres, irregular prisms and deformable surfaces), which can represent real-world physical objects, or encapsulate some kind of abstract behaviour. The 3D editor provides a direct and simple interface for manipulating objects—to position, reshape, rotate andrework. All objects, both physical and abstract, have an internal state (defined by attributes), and behaviour, rules and constraints (in terms of a high-level-language ‘script’). Attributes can be added dynamically, making it possible for objects to change in nature, in response to new knowledge about them, or to a changing environment. Scripts are triggered by events, so that objects can respond and interact, as in the built environment, molecular systems, or fabric falling into folds on an irregular surface.Dynamic linking allows Pangea’s functionality to be extended to include standard ‘off-the-peg’ software tools —spreadsheets, statistical analysis applications, graphing packages and domain-specific analysis software, such as finite element analysis for air- flow modelling. The ‘intelligent toolkit’ includes neural networks [Koho89] [Wass89], genetic algorithms [Gold89] [Holl75] and other stochastic search techniques [KiDe95], together with a rule- based and fuzzy logic system [Zade84]. The intelligent tools are objects, just like the normal 3D primitives: they have 3D presence and can interact with other 3D objects. A natural consequence of this design is easy ‘hybridisability’ of techniques, widely considered as vital to the success of intelligent techniques in solving realistically complex problems [GoKh95]. This infrastructure of primitive forms, intelligent techniques and high-level language makes it possible to build applications to deal with a broad range of problems, from the generation of architectural form, spatial optimisation, object recognition and clustering, and inducing rules and patterns from raw data.Embedding Intelligence:Many consider that there is an inevitable trade-off between computers as a pure design medium, and computers with intelligence, ‘as a thinking machine’ [Rich94]. We propose here that it is possible to provide both these types of support, and allow the user to choose how best to use each, or not, according to the situation.It is essential that the creative role of the architect is preserved as he or she uses the work bench, that the architect as artist may draw manipulate the world as seen through the workbench as freely as they would when using a sheet of paper. Much of。


1 2 3 4
Popular Science Articles Translation Theories Pre-translation Preparations
Translation Strategies
Aim, purpose, function, intention
• Aim: the final result an agent intends to achieve by means of an action. • Purpose: a provisional stage in the process of attaining an aim. • Function: what a text means or is intended to mean from the receiver‘s point of view. • Intention: function of the action, from viewpoint of the sender who wants to achieve a certain purpose.
– Or: Human action (and its subcategory: translation) is determined by its purpose, and therefore it is a function of its purpose.
Adequacy and equivalence
• 定义:科普类文章是指通过通俗易、懂深入 浅出的语言传播和普及科学知识和技术技能, 提高大众科学素养的文章。 • 类型:科普说明文、科学小品文 • 文体特征: 科学性、知识性、通俗性、文 学性、趣味性、娱乐性为一体 • 目的:丰富知识、开拓视野、活跃思维 • 理解和翻译:当做科技说明文(内容的科学 性);当做散文式的文学作品 (文笔的生 动性)



・课程整合 - 118 -2016年11月下 第22期(总第400期)10.3969/j.issn.1671-489X.2016.22.118高职院校土建专业教学改革探讨*◆崔启兵摘 要 以高职土建类专业为例,探讨教学改革的重要性,提出一些建议和看法,可以为高职教育改革提供参考。

关键词 新常态;高职院校;土建专业;教学改革中图分类号:G712 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-489X(2016)22-0118-02Discussion of Civil Engineering Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational Schools //CUI QibingAbstract In the civil engineering major, for example, the paper dis-cusses the importance of teaching reform, and puts forward some proposals and ideas. It can provide the reference for the higher voca-tional education reform.Key words new normal; higher vocational colleges; civil engi-neering specialty; teaching reform1 新常态的提出新常态是经过一段不正常状态后重新恢复正常状态。





























企业品牌战略研究的论文外文文献及中文翻译Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. Kogan Page, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establish a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness, have become pressing issues facing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strategy an its functional significance, to discuss the brand strategy in enterprise marketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competition to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market, it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not strong, it is difficult to judge according to their marker launch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international route and whether the enter prise of “Japanese Company” to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current SituationMany old famous “flash in the pan”Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war; just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-known 80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, is to beacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited. Here a typical case, the last century 80s to early 90s, he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998, was acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government to support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has maderemarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economyera Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-name, organization promoting the efforts, policies measures have greatly enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali an 3 million Yuan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..January 8th 2009 year to January11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian hotel opening. National enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results. It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES, including1manufacturers, media and spectators, in the exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors. Haier is the w orld’smost authoritative consumer electronics industry media “TWICE” named for the Chinese consumerelectronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shakeHowever, we should also see the face of numerous products on the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. With the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeezeinto the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled with “Sony”, “Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” andvarious other international brands, many of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China .Although the appliance industry, led by Haier brand, “Konka” , “Changhong” , “TCL” and otherdomestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic” “Samsung” and other brands, theyare still there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry, “Lenovo” , “Founder” , “Great Wall” and thebrand’s competitiveness has improved significantly, but with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compared to, brand awareness is still insufficient; in Consumer Goods market, “P&G”, “Oliver” ,“Henkel” , and other international companies have formed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems andErrorsCurrently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable, but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a lace of technology development, brand competitiveness is not strong; brand personality, lack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale production and management, brand development lack of overall planning; ability of weak exports and international operations, Brand awareness is not strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range of factors such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social factors: social mechanisms need to be improved, policies and regulations support the need to further strengthen the country’s industrial policy, export-oriented policies for different sectors play different rolein the promotion and limitation, the financial environment for business investment capacity and market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishment of market system in China has for many years, despite a significant improvement but still not perfect, there still has not really adapt to the market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the errorof the brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition isin creasingly reflected in the brand’scompetition, the overwhelming majority of the modern world famous multinational companies with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupation of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations sharp weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short time, but ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy. The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientific management idea and superb2operational skills, but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many such errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the product, improve productawareness, or what the product packaging; good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only; Advertising is the only way to cultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the media, big, the other no attention; scale enterprise product once formed, well-known brands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent to high price, to be unrealistically improve the product price. Some companies even go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business, with foreign companies, brands, or to sell its own brand low-cost transfer, such as our present more than 20 million “three capital” enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands; cleansilver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding example of the terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand, product and intellectual property rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the marketcan be quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation, in order to “change” should be “status quo”Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness. The market is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do notattach importance to innovation, leading to a lot of brand-name “dismount” the major reason. Coca-Cola’sformer chief marketing officer Sergio Zyman, “The brand is o nly the company logo products and servicesare different from competitors, is the most effective weapon to open up the market, excellent brand can make your product stand out .” Products physical properties, quantity, price, quality, service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itself, also includes an attached product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things, so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization processof how to brand positioningBacked by science and technology, establish a “quality first, winning by quality” business philosophy,the brand’s fas hion elements, the outstanding individualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitiveness of their products performance in the competition for the brand, and brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth for the brand through a brand is the quality of a brandin the market down are also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can be said, quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability. Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; we must work hard in the transformation. Personalization trend in the world changes, the value of customer experience and the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales, personal services are indispensable! 2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote the overall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand3strategy is not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and business are closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the brand to expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurate market positioning, brand performance and outstanding value emotional communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its own market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a novel or unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, the eyes of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consumer impulse. Enterprises should take the market as guide, technology as a means to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishment of information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to maketheir own in a good position in the competition.st The world has entered the 21 century brand international competition, branding has become a newinternational language into millions of households. To establish the brand products in the market position establish a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means business. Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Enterprise management system must be adopted, technological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same time to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand research and planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand’s international competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in thegrowth stage now, brand strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, market and enterprise resources, while avoiding disadvantages, choose the best brand strategy is a wise choice.Such as is now more prevalent and has a well-known brand outside the company’s co-production, reverse merger;use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more brands collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social acceptance of such brand. In short choose the right brand strategy, brand marketing creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensational effect and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand in the world brand.4企业品牌战略研究资源:卡普费雷尔,J.H 战略品牌管理研究[J]. 伦敦出版社在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。

A Study of Tourism Text Translation From the Persp

A Study of Tourism Text Translation From the Persp

US-China Foreign Language, ISSN 1539-8080September 2014, Vol. 12, No. 9, 745-749A Study of Tourism Text TranslationFrom the Perspective of Corpus-Based Approach∗QI Jian-taoNingbo Dahongying University, Ningbo, ChinaCorpus-based translation studies is a new branch of Corpus-based linguistic studies. With the booming of Chinesetourism, tourism text translation study has come into a new stage. The application of corpus-based approach to tourismtext translation study can deepen the research and help the translators in finding the essence of the translation oftourism. The paper aims at a discussion of making use of translation corpus to study the tourism text translation in theaspects of corpus construction, research tools, and research contents. With a brief analysis of corpus-based approach,the paper points out that a proper use of translation corpus in tourism text translation study may result in morescientific conclusion in interpreting some phenomena of translation and thus help better tourism text translation.Keywords: corpus-based translation studies, tourism text translation, ways of studyIntroductionAll Rights Reserved.Corpus-based translation studies, as a branch of translatology, has made great progress and achievements in some traditional translation fields such as translation of literature, culture, science, and technology in recent yearsin China. But corpus for study of tourism text translation has not been well constructed. The study of tourism texttranslation is still in a traditional and low stage. The booming of domestic tourism in China makes it urgent tostudy tourism text translation with a more modern and scientific way by which tourism translation practice can beeffectively improved. Corpus-based approach applied in tourism will lead to objective description of language inthe text and text style. A contrastive analysis on English and Chinese tourism text will result in a complete andsystematic description of its translation principles and methods, a mastery of its translation rules, and finally theimprovement of translation quality.Literature ReviewIn 1993, Mona Baker published “Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies: Implications and Applications”,which symbolizes the start of a new branch of translation studies—corpus-based translationstudies. The construction of translation corpus together with its methods can uncover the essence of texttranslation (Baker, 1993, p. 243). Tymoczko (1999) points out that corpus-based approach will be the first choicein the future translation study. Laviosa (1998) thinks that corpus-based translation studies has constructed a∗本文为浙江省旅游局科学研究项目阶段性成果。


提升品牌形象:通过广告、 公关等方式提高品牌知名度 和美誉度
优化产品组合:根据市场需 求调整产品结构,推出更具
加强客户关系管理:提高客 户满意度和忠诚度,建立长
拓展新市场:寻找新的市场需求和机会 创新产品:研发新产品或服务,满足消费者需求 优化供应链:提高供应链效率,降低成本 加强品牌建设:提升品牌形象,增强市场竞争力
参与国际竞争: 积极参与国际市 场竞争,提高自 身竞争力
加强国际合作,共同应对全球经济风险 提高自身竞争力,应对国际贸易挑战 推动创新驱动发展,提高经济质量 加强金融监管,防范金融风险
绿色发展的定义:以保护环境、节约资源、促进可持续发展为目标的经济发展方式 绿色发展的重要性:保护环境、减少污染、提高资源利用效率、促进经济可持续发展 绿色发展的措施:推广清洁能源、发展循环经济、加强环境监管、提高环保意识 绿色发展的挑战:技术难题、资金投入、政策支持、公众参与
政府出台政策,降低企业税收负担 简化审批流程,提高行政效率 加强知识产权保护,鼓励创新 推动产业升级,促进经济发展
政府出台相关政策,鼓励企业进行转型升级和创新发展 政府提供资金支持和技术支持,帮助企业解决转型升级和创新发展中的难题 政府加强知识产权保护,为企业的创新发展提供良好的环境 政府推动产学研合作,促进企业与高校、科研机构的合作,共同推动创新发展
加强创新驱动,提高经济发 展质量
推进供给侧结构性改革,优 化产业结构
推进财税体制改革,提高财 政资金使用效率



企业转型文献英文 2021Enterprise transformation refers to the improvement of business performance through structural changes in business and management. Transformation is systematic, leapfrog, and phased. It is often top-down and involves a series of changes in concepts, organizations, processes, and personnel capabilities. Relying on experience and intuition is no longer effective, but requires a set of scientific methods. methodology. Through the overall transformation of the company's long-term management direction, operation mode, and its corresponding organization methods and resource allocation methods, it is a process for enterprises to reshape their competitive advantages, enhance social value, and achieve a new corporate form. At present, the transformation of most enterprises in my country mainly belongs to the strategic transformation of enterprises. From the perspective of the development of international enterprises, it can be roughly classified into three situations.One is the financial problems of the company.This is often the most direct reason for a company's transformation. This kind of transformation is called crisis transformation. The company encounters deep-seated problemsand must make drastic changes. In this case, the cost of transformation is very high, and the probability of success is relatively low, but enterprises still need to transform, otherwise they have to wait for death.Transformation idea: Let the financial department transform from the traditional bookkeeping and control functions to become a management cooperation department that pays more attention to the creation of company value. Through financial data, it can provide managers with a better basis for future business development decisions. Let the financial staff and the company's management have closer cooperation and work together to create the company's value.Second, there are problems in business operations.In this case, the company did not encounter great pressure to survive, but just needed to adjust its business. This kind of situation is called revitalization transformation, and it is also the one that we encounter the most, and this transformation has a higher probability of success.Transformation thinking: The first step is determination. It is necessary to consider whether the final result of enterprise transformation is for survival or development. Transformation requires boldness and meticulousness in themanagement operation of the entire enterprise, and the structure requires a certain degree of management strength. The general transformation model is to diversify product categories and sales channels. Improve the product use feedback system, according to the feedback, quickly improve, iterate product quality and enrich product content. Strengthen the human resources management system to make talents more diversified, from offline sales to online first-hand, divide the sales level, formulate corresponding training, improve the overall sales business level, and make the sales sector knowledgeable and professional. Pull the core technology driver, simplify the product production process steps, shorten the product production cycle, improve the product content and so on.The third is the strategic transformation of enterprises.It is a forward-looking transformation. In this case, the development of the enterprise is very smooth, but the leaders and decision makers of the company focus on the long-term, pay attention to where the business opportunities of the company will be in the future, and what preparations need to be made in advance.Transformation ideas: The main forms of corporatestrategic transfer include parallel transfer andcross-transfer. Parallel transfer is the transfer of an enterprise from the original strategy to a new strategy of the same kind. Cross-transfer is the transfer of an enterprise from the original strategy to a different type of strategy. The essence of corporate strategic transformation is to create a new market atmosphere through the transfer of service objects, subdivide customer needs, or develop new products to lead the market demand, or to pave the way for a large number of products in the market, develop customer needs, and achieve sustainable consumption. To achieve the ultimate goal of enterprise strategic transfer.企业转型是指企业通过对业务和管理进行结构性变革,获取经营绩效的改观。

政论文翻译探索——以 《十九大报告》 英译文为例

政论文翻译探索——以 《十九大报告》 英译文为例

政论文翻译探索——以《十九大报告》英译文为例作者:张萃来源:《河南农业·教育版》 2018年第1期摘要:政论文是一种特殊文体,通常被用于正式和严肃的场合。














英译文:Remaintruetoouroriginalaspirationandkeepourmissionfirmlyinmind,holdhighthebannerofs ocialismwithChinesecharacteristics,secureadecisivevictoryinbuildingamoderatelyprosp eroussocietyinallrespects,striveforthegreatsuccessofsocialismwithChinesecharacteris ticsforanewera,andworktirelesslytorealizetheChineseDreamofnationalrejuvenation.在这里,“不忘初心”翻译为remaintruetoouroriginalaspiration,十分贴切。



C h i n as t o r a g e&t r a n s p o r t m a g a z i n e 2020.06探讨与研究D I S C U S S I O N A N D R E S E A R C H中国特色社会主义新时代正值经济新常态和供给侧结构性改革时期。













Research Methodology TranslationResearch methodology translation is a crucial aspect in academic research, especially in the field of social sciences and humanities. It involves the process of converting a research proposal or study design from one language to another without losing the original meaning or intent. This translation process is essential for ensuring that the research methodology is clearly understood by a wider audience and can be effectively implemented in diverse cultural and linguistic contexts.Importance of Research Methodology Translation1.Cross-cultural Communication: Research methodology translationplays a vital role in facilitating cross-cultural communication amongresearchers from different linguistic backgrounds. By translating researchproposals and study designs, scholars can collaborate and exchange ideas more effectively, leading to a more inclusive and diverse research community.2.Global Collaboration: In an increasingly globalized world, researchcollaborations often transcend national boundaries. Research methodologytranslation enables researchers to work together across countries andcontinents, fostering international cooperation and synergy in the pursuit of new knowledge and innovation.3.Accessibility and Dissemination of Knowledge: Translatingresearch methodologies into multiple languages enhances the accessibility of research findings and ensures that valuable insights are disseminated to abroader audience. This promotes the democratization of knowledge andenables researchers from non-English-speaking countries to contribute to the global academic discourse.Challenges in Research Methodology Translation1.Semantic Equivalence: One of the key challenges in researchmethodology translation is achieving semantic equivalence between the source and target languages. Some concepts and terms may not have directequivalents in other languages, requiring translators to find appropriatelinguistic and cultural equivalents that preserve the intended meaning.2.Contextual Adaptation: Translating research methodologies ofteninvolves adapting the content to suit the specific cultural and academic norms of the target audience. Researchers must consider the socio-cultural context and academic conventions of the intended readership to ensure the translated text is relevant and comprehensible.3.Quality Control: Ensuring the accuracy and quality of translatedresearch methodologies is essential to maintain the integrity of the originalstudy design. Quality control mechanisms, such as peer review and professional editing, are crucial in verifying the fidelity and accuracy of the translation.Best Practices in Research Methodology Translation1.Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborating with experts intranslation studies, linguistics, and the research topic area can enhance thequality and accuracy of research methodology translation. Drawing on diverse expertise ensures that the translation process captures the nuances andcomplexities of the original text.2.Back Translation: Utilizing a back-translation process, where thetranslated text is retranslated back into the original language by a differenttranslator, can help identify discrepancies and ensure the accuracy of thetranslated research methodology.3.Continuous Review and Feedback: Engaging in an iterative processof review and feedback with stakeholders, including researchers, translators, and subject matter experts, can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of thetranslated research methodology. Incorporating feedback from multiplesources improves the overall quality of the translation.ConclusionResearch methodology translation plays a critical role in facilitating cross-cultural communication, global collaboration, and knowledge dissemination in academic research. By overcoming challenges such as semantic equivalence and contextual adaptation, researchers can ensure that their study designs are accurately translated and effectively communicated to diverse audiences. Adopting best practices, such as transdisciplinary collaboration, back translation, and continuous review, enables researchers to produce high-quality translations that advance the international exchange of scholarly knowledge.。



2472018年50期总第438期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS翻译特性视域下汉语文化负载词语英译探析——以葛浩文译作为例文/朱嘉蓉【摘要】汉语文化负载词具有特殊的魅力,它承载着中华独有的文化,其英译更是需要细细推敲才能既保留其原味又能以另一种语言的形式向外传播。


【关键词】 葛浩文;翻译特性;文化负载词【作者简介】朱嘉蓉,女,辽宁师范大学国际商学院英语笔译专业在读研究生。












翻译活动之所以存在的原因,即不同语言之间的人有交流的需要,而这交流所形成的关系必定具有社会性(许钧 2009:37)。

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Matlab Based Interactive Simulation Program 外文题目
for 2D Multisegment Mechanical Systems



1 简介















图1. 力的分解
2 力的分解
假设物体的长度和质量恒定,在中心的定位点(X,Y),在下断点(x1,y1), (x2,y2)和垂直倾斜角度是ϕ(图1)。

F 2分解成为水平力f2x 和垂直力f2y ,外力控制扭矩用字母M 表示。

g 代表的重力加速度和I 表示一部分的转动惯量,相对于它的轴心旋转交叉中心的质量为I=ML 2/ 12。


状态方程所代表的中心坐标为(X,Y ),垂直和水平分量的质心坐标( X, Y),角度和角速度。

两端的加速度和外部力的影响之间的关系式——力和控制力矩M 的状态方程。

符号Mcoef 代表系数矩阵确定的公式(8),(9),代入方程方程(1),(2)


3 多段运动模型


图2 力的分解示意图
将F x UL,F y UL,设为力在变化过程中的符号。


方程(14)可以计算力矩分解过程中的未知力,UL UL x y F F 的大小,因此,部分方
程的系数矩阵,U L coef coef
M M 可以取代公式(10),并且,系数矩阵依赖于方程 (11),(12),(13)。


图3 “双足”多段机械系统模型
(1) 双腿交替走动(分为左腿和右腿)
(2) 左腿在连接的关节处不动,右腿向上走动。

(3) 与地面接触的一条腿(分为左腿与右腿)
双足数字模型的建立由matlab 的软件包来进行仿真实验。




4 在单个实验中的测试运行












图4 膝盖2端之间的距离(A为左膝盖图, B右膝盖图)
图5 根式中共同部分的距离
5 结论



