本科毕业论文英文翻译专业班级:08电子商务01班学生姓名:程龙学号:0820070102指导教师:朱湘晖职称:副教授管理学院制英文原文:(二号黑体)Internet advertising(二号Times N ew Roman)(小四Times New Roman,1.5倍行距)As the Internet continues to develop with new technique and technology, Web Advertisement is nothing new to Internet user these days. It uses a paid advertising method to disseminate information through the net to persuade potential consumer. Today, Web Advertising, to the bulk of the masses, is a mean for information receiving not to be missed, being also the key to keep cash register of web sites ringing.With the influx of new technology, Web Advertising appears in multiple form and format. Base on different criteria, Web Advertising can be categorizes into several group. Judging from the mode of presentation and standard o f current technique, Web Advertising can be grouped as, Banner Ads, Co-brand Contents Ads, Advertorial Ads, pop up Ads, Special Dynamic Ads, Email Ads, Event Ads, offline Ads and more. From Web Advertising's design point of view, Web Advertisement format can be divided into words advertisement, pictorial advertisement, animation advertisement and Online Video advertisement.Being part of the Internet, Chinese web site's approach of Web Advertising s similar to that of the rest of the world. But due to the particularity of the Chinese Internet users, and their level of acceptance, the following are the most common form of Chinese Web Advertising: MNTL, NP, EU2, Monster, pop up Ads, Flash- out Banner and Slide News. Although similar to those used internationally, but in term o f design and impact, they are still unable to induce the full potential of the market. Comparing to world class Web Advertising design abroad, Chinese Web Advertising designs till has room for improvement.译文: (二号黑体,要另起一面)南京链家地产的背景(二号黑体)2001年11月12日,链家在北京正式成立,目前北京有三百多家店,在北京房地产行业中,是龙头老大。
6、信封上的邮政区号(zip code),在美国州名之后以五位数阿拉伯数字表⽰,前三位数代表州或都市,后两位数表⽰邮区,⾄于邮政区号10027的念法是one double o two seven。
7、住址中常⽤字:有简写的多⽤简写:楼F(e.g. 2F) 巷Lane ( e.g. Lane 194) 段Section;Sec. (e.g. Sec.Ⅱ) 弄Alley (e.g. Alley 6) 路Road;Rd.( e.g. Chunghua Rd.) 街Street;St.(e.g. Yangkwang St.)例⼦:Zhang XiangNO.56 Middle School stampShanghai 200433People’s Republic Of ChinaProf.K.F.HillDepartment of MathematicsThe University of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan 48109U.S.A.发信⼈的地址应写在信封的左上⾓,收信⼈的地址应写在信封偏中右偏下处。
住址中常⽤字:*** 室/房Room*** *** 村(乡)*** Village*** 号No.*** *** 号宿舍*** Dormitory*** 楼/层***/F*** 住宅区/⼩区*** Residential Quarter 甲/ ⼄/ 丙/ 丁 A / B / C / D*** 巷/ 弄*** Lane*** 单元Unit ****** 号楼/幢*** Building*** 公司⽤拼⾳拼写*** ⼚*** Factory*** 酒楼/酒店*** Hotel*** 路*** Road*** 花园*** Garden*** 街*** Street*** 县*** County*** 镇*** Town*** 市*** City*** 区*** District*** 信箱Mailbox ****** 省*** Prov.****表⽰序数词,⽐如1st、2nd、3rd、4th……如果不会,就⽤No. ***代替,或者直接填数字吧!另外有⼀些***⾥之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼⾳*** 。
南京理工大学泰州科技学院专业外语外文资料翻译学院 (系): 土木工程学院专 业: 土木工程姓 名:学 号:外文出处:附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
(用外文写)附件1:外文资料翻译译文(空一行)译文标题(3号黑体,居中)(空一行)(可作为正文第1章标题,用小3号黑体,加粗,0.5行,段后0.5行)4号宋体,1.5倍行距,首行缩进2字符)×××××××××××××××××××××………1.1 ××××××(作为正文2级标题,用4号黑体,加粗)×××××××××(小4号宋体,1.5倍行距,首行缩进2字符)××××××…………1.1.1 ××××(作为正文3级标题,用小4号黑体,不加粗)×××××××××(小4号宋体,1.5倍行距,首行缩进2字符)×××××××××××××××××××××××××××………2 ×××××××(作为正文第2章标题,用小3号黑体,加粗,并留出上下间距为:段前0.5行,段后0.5行)×××××××××(小4号宋体,1.5倍行距,首行缩进2字符)×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××………参考文献:(“参考文献”四个字为小四号黑体加粗,内容字体为Times New Roman,字号为小四号,不需要翻译,如下所示)[1] Frangopol, D. M., Structural optimization using reliability concepts. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 1985,111, 2288-2301.2.12.2(1)说明:1、针对科技文献的翻译只要翻译题名、摘要、关键词、正文部分,作者、单位、注释和参考文献部分不用翻译;针对书或教材章节的翻译,直接翻译从正文部分开始。
二、基本格式1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。
原文出处:期刊类文献书写方法:[序号]作者(不超过3人,多者用等或et al表示).题(篇)名[J].刊名(版本),出版年,卷次(期次):起止页次.原文出处:图书类文献书写方法:[序号]作者.书名[M].版本.出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页次.原文出处:论文集类文献书写方法:[序号]作者.篇名[A].编著者.论文集名[C]. 出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页次。
毕业论文外文文献翻译院年级专业:2009级XXXXXXXXXXX 姓 名:学 号:附 件:备注:(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可)1.从所引用的与毕业设计(论文)内容相近的外文文献中选择一篇或一部分进行翻译(不少于3000实词);2.外文文献翻译的装订分两部分,第一部分为外文文献;第二部分为该外文文献的中文翻译,两部分之间用分页符隔开。
3.格式方面,外文文献的格式,除了字体统一使用Times new roman 之外,其他所有都跟中文论文的格式一样。
(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可,定稿后,请删除本页.)范文如下:注意,下面内容每一部份均已用分页符分开了,如果用本模板,请将每一模块单独删除,直接套用到每一模板里面,不要将全部内容一次性删除.【Abstract】This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based onthe theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.,Times New Roman.【Key Words】Brand positioning; Marketing mix; Positioning Strategy; enlightenment, lessons;ABC(本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一起单独一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距)(注:以下为英文文献正文内容,英文全文3000字.具体标题以原文为准.全文字体为Times New Roman.行间距为1.5倍.字号大小与论文正文的各级标题一致.如下:)I.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons fromthe failure of the WONG LO KAT.II.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.III.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal teabeverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.【摘要】本文是对凉茶饮料的宏观环境以及凉茶市场内部主要品牌的竞争对手进行了系统分析。
英语作文本封面封面设计:创意英文作文本封面Subtitle: "A Collection of English Compositions"Author's Name: [Your Name Here]School/Institution: [Your School's Name]Class: [Your Class]Date: [Submission Date]Design Elements:1. Background: A soft, watercolor gradient that evokes a sense of creativity and exploration. The colors could range from light blues to purples, symbolizing the vastness of the imagination.2. Title Typography: The title "Journeys of the Imagination" is written in a bold, serif font to give it a classic and academic feel. The subtitle "A Collection of EnglishCompositions" could be in a smaller, italicized font for contrast.3. Author's Signature: A small, elegant signature line for the author's name, possibly with a decorative flourish to add a personal touch.4. School Emblem: The school or institution's emblem or logo could be placed in one corner, subtly integrated into the design.5. Class and Date: These details are presented in a neat, sans-serif font, placed at the bottom of the cover.6. Illustration: A minimalist illustration of a quill pen ora book could be included to represent the theme of writing.7. Border: A simple, thin border around the edges of the cover to frame the design.8. Space for Personalization: A small area at the bottom where the student can add their personal touches, such as a quote or a short message.Instructions for Personalization:- Choose a quote or a short message that inspires you and reflects the spirit of your compositions.- Use a color that complements the background to make yourpersonalization stand out.Printing Tips:- Opt for high-quality paper to ensure the colors and details are crisp and vibrant.- Consider a matte finish for a sophisticated look.This cover design aims to inspire and showcase the creativity and hard work of the student behind the compositions. It is a blend of traditional and modern elements, reflecting the timeless nature of written expression.。
英文信封格式范文第1篇Dear Mr Minister,Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.Sincerely尊敬的部长先生:请允许我向您升任贸易部长表示祝贺,英文商务信函-祝贺信Ⅰ,商务英语《英文商务信函-祝贺信Ⅰ》。
诚挚的英文信封格式范文第2篇英文信封的书写格式not “bread-and-butter-letter”)在各种不同情况下的写法。
寄信人的`姓名和地址也可写在信封背面,也可以用印好的address stamp 封口。
收信人称呼不可用职务名称,如局长,处长等,这和中国习惯不一样,除Mr. Mrs. Miss之外,之可用学衔,学术职称,勋爵;但也有例外,如参议员可以用Sen.(Senator),船长 Captain.与性别无关的有 Dr. 博士或大夫, Prof. 教授, Sen. 参议员, Captain 船长收信人为男性时用 Mr. Sir. Lord (以上后两者是由于爵位的) Sir是勋爵不世袭Lord是世袭的。
翻译正文格式说明及实例一、翻译分项说明1.注释以脚注形式出现,每页单独编号,注释1 先说明原文出处,格式按参考文献。
2.译文题目为英文的:采用3号字、Times New Roman字体、加黑、居中、与内容空1行;译文题目为汉语的:采用3号字、黑体、加黑、居中。
3.译文为英文的:内容采用小4号Times New Roman字体,1.5行距,首句空4格。
7.翻译问题研究报告部分一般应包括:时间(time),工作量(workload),安排(arrangement),措辞(diction)句式(syntax),文体(style),技巧原则(skill and principle),工具(dictionary and technology)等。
翻译心得部分一般应包括:收获(achievement or progress ),发现(findings),思考(reflections),局限(limitation),建议(suggestions),未来努力方向(further research),等。
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Development of LCD Telephone Alarm System
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