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课时作业(五)Interviews & Nine to Five


1.It is ________(违法的)to sell tobacco to someone under 16 in the USA.

2.________(牛)give milk and meat;sheep give meat.

3.There are still a lot of problems which need to be


4.I remembered a real story the ________(片刻)I finished the film.

5.The English language is________(不断地)changing.

6.I made an________(约见)with my dentist this afternoon.

7.He was still________(犹豫)over whether to leave or not.

8.The generals must understand that winning a ________(战役)is only temporary.

9.Our trade is conducted on the________(基础)of quality.

10.Tanzania is a country________(投入)to building socialism in the long term.


1.She________before picking up the phone because she didn't know how to refuse the invitation.

A.wondered B.hesitated

C.determined D.charged

2.(2013·长春高二质检)The beauty of Hangzhou is________words can describe.

A.much than B.more than

C.only D.no more than

3.He________about his job but said little about his family during our conversation.

A.went detail B.set into detail

C.went into details D.set details

4.She said to me,“I'll tell you the result of the match

________I know it.”

A.after B.because

C.the instant D.though

5.Lin Dan had practised playing badminton very hard before the Beijing Olympic Games,and it ________.His dream of winning a gold medal in Beijing came true.

A.went off B.turned up

C.paid off D.came up

6.(2013·凤阳高二检测)He is a talkative man,but he didn't say a word in today's discussion.I am not sure how to________his silence.

A.treat B.master C.grasp D.read

7.You should________and let others know what you are really thinking about at the meeting.

A.speak to B.speak up C.speak for D.speak of

8.The people in this area had ________the serious flood disaster and made advance in agriculture.

A.overcome B.conquered

C.succeeded D.defeated

9.(2013·安阳高二调研)If you want to have an examination,please make an________with my secretary.

A.appointment B.equipment

C.entertainment D.announcement

10.The government must ________itself to improving social security and health care.

A.communicate B.commit

C.complain D.contrast

11.—What are you reading,Tom?

—I'm not really reading,just________the pages.

A.turning off B.turning around

C.turning over D.turning up

12.Without my glasses, I couldn't ________whether that figure on the blackboard was 3 or 8.

A.make out B.make up

C.make up for D.make off

13.I________you so I________all that you said.

A.believe;believe B.believe in;believe

C.believe;believe in D.believe in;believe in

14.Scientists have many theories about how the universe first________.

A.brought into existence B.came into existence

C.came into exist D.came into power

15.Their suggestions have no scientific________.

A.base B.aim C.basis D.aid
