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The power of the system: only the rules and the system can make the dark of human nature nowhere to play!


There are seven people living together, divided into a bucket of porridge a day. The devil is that porridge is not enough every day. At first, they cast lots to decide who would share the porridge, one a day. So, at the end of the week, they had only one full day, the day they divided the porridge. Then they began to elect a man of high moral character to share porridge.


Power monopolizes, without restriction, also can produce corruption. They began to curry favor with him, colluding with each other and making the whole group smoke. Then they started to form a three-person porridge committee and a four-person selection committee. They attacked each other and got cold in their mouths.


Finally came up with a way: divide porridge in turn, but the porridge will wait until everyone else picks up the last bowl. In order not to eat the least, everyone tries to get average, even if uneven, can only recognize. Everyone happy, and spirit, the better the day.

据说盗墓一般要两个人,比如打一个洞,其中一人下去取珠宝玉器,另一人上面用绳子系上来,但一开始,经常发生了拉绳人见财起异抛弃下面同伙而去的事。于是演变为盗墓团伙以父子居多,但也发生了儿子扔下墓里亲爹的事。最后行成行规:儿子下去取货,老子上面拉绳子,就再没出现过把人落在墓坑的事。如果这算是制度建设的鼻祖,那么不妨以贼为师。It is said that burglaries usually require two people, such as a hole in which one goes down to fetch jewelry and jade, the other is tied with a rope, but at first, it often happens that the rope puller sees the money and abandons his accomplices below. As a result, grave-robbing gangs were dominated by fathers and sons, but there was also a case of son throwing his father away from the tomb. Finally, the rules: my son went down to pick up the goods, Lao Tzu pulled a rope, there was no more people left in the grave pit. If this is the originator of system building, then you might as well learn from thieves.


Germany has a habit, the front of the people like to help others help door, some people say that the quality of the German people born high, in fact, is not exactly the case. The real reason is that after the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany, the government established a set of rules, such as the German law, the closing door accidentally hit a person, you have to pay unconditional compensation, but also to help people to heal. These provisions are very specific,
