








2.边际分析(Marginal Analysis)边际分析是指在决策过程中考虑每个额外的单位或变动的效果。



3.供给与需求(Supply and Demand)供给与需求是经济学中最基本的概念之一。






5.固定成本与变动成本(Fixed Costs and Variable Costs)固定成本是指在生产或经营过程中无论产量多少都不会改变的成本,如租金、设备折旧等。



6.机会成本(Opportunity Cost)机会成本指的是由于某个选择而放弃的最高价值的替代选择的成本。




经济学专业术语(中英文对照)目录1. 经济学原理 (2)2. 像经济学家一样思考 (2)3. 相互依存性与贸易的好处 (3)4. 供给与需求的市场力量 (3)5. 弹性及其应用 (4)6. 供给需求与政策 (4)7. 消费者、生产者与市场效率 (4)8. 赋税的应用 (4)9. 国际贸易 (5)10. 外部性 (5)11. 公共物品和公共资源 (5)12. 税制设计 (5)13. 生产成本 (6)14. 竞争市场上的企业 (7)15. 垄断 (7)16. 垄断竞争 (7)17. 寡头 (7)18. 生产要素市场 (8)19. 收入与歧视 (8)20. 收入不平等与贫困 (8)21. 消费者选择理论 (9)22. 微观经济学前沿 (9)23. 一国收入的衡量 (10)24. 生活费用的衡量 (10)25. 生产与增长 (10)26. 储蓄、投资和金融体系 (11)27. 金融学的基本工具 (11)28. 失业 (12)29. 货币制度 (12)30. 货币增长与通货膨胀 (13)31. 开放经济的宏观经济学 (14)32. 开放经济的宏观经济理论 (14)33. 总需求与总供给 (14)34. 货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响 (15)35. 通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍 (15)1.经济学原理经济:(economy)稀缺性:(scarcity)经济学:(economics)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)机会成本:(opporyunity cost)理性人:(rational people)边际变动:(marginal change)边际收益:(marginal benefit)边际成本:(marginal cost)激励:(incentive)市场经济:(market economy)产权:(property rights)市场失灵:(market failure)外部性:(externality)市场势力:(market power)生产率:(productivity)通货膨胀:(inflation)经济周期:(business cycle)2.像经济学家一样思考循环流量图:(circular-flow diagram)生产可能性边界:(production possibilities)微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)实证表述:(positive statements)规范表述:(normative statements)有序数对:(ordered pair)3.相互依存性与贸易的好处绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机会成本:(apportunity cost)比较优势:(comparative advantage)进口品:(imports)出口品:(exports)4.供给与需求的市场力量市场:(market)竞争市场:(competitive market)需求量:(quantity demand)需求定理:(law of demand)需求表:(demand schedule)需求曲线:(demand curve)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)替代品:(substitutes)互补品:(complements)供给量:(quantity supplied)供给定理:(law of supply)供给表:(supply schedule)供给曲线:(supply curve)均衡:(equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibrium price)均衡数量:(equilibrium quantity)过剩:(surplus)短缺:(shortage)供求定理:(law of supply and demand)5.弹性及其应用弹性:(elasticity)需求价格弹性:(price elasticity of demand)总收益:(total revenue)需求收入弹性:(income elasticity)需求的交叉价格弹性:(cross-price elasticity)供给价格弹性:(price elasticity of supply)6.供给需求与政策价格上限:(price ceiling)价格下限:(price floor)税收归宿:(tax incidence)7.消费者、生产者与市场效率福利经济学:(welfare economics)支付意愿:(willingness to pay)消费者剩余:(consumer surplus)成本:(cost)生产者剩余:(producer surplus)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)8.赋税的应用无谓损失:(deadweight loss)9.国际贸易世界价格:(world price)关税:(tariff)10.外部性外部性:(externality)外部性内在化:(internalizing the externality)矫正税:(corrective taxes)科斯定理:(coase theorem)交易成本:(transaction cost)11.公共物品和公共资源排他性:(excludability)消费中的竞争性:(rivalry in consumption)私人物品:(private goods)公共物品:(public goods)公共资源:(common resources)俱乐部物品:(club goods)搭便车者:(free rider)成本-收益分析:(cost-benefit analysis)公地悲剧:(tragedy of commons)12.税制设计纳税义务:(tax lianility)预算赤字:(budget defict)预算盈余:(budget surplus)平均税率:(average tax rate)边际税率:(marginal tax rate)定额税:(lump-sum tax)受益原则:(benefits principle)支付能力原则:(ability-to-pay principle)纵向平等:(vertical equity)横向平等:(horizontal equity)比例税:(proportional tax)累退税:(regressive tax)累进税:(progressive tax)13.生产成本总收益:(total revenue)总成本:(total cost)利润:(profit)显性成本:(explicit costs)隐性成本:(implicit costs)经济利润:(economic profit)会计利润:(counting profit)生产函数:(production function)边际产量:(marginal product)边际产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)固定成本:(fixed costs)可变成本:(variable costs)平均总成本:(average total cost)平均固定成本:(average fixed costs)平均可变成本:(average variable costs)边际成本:(marginal cost)有效规模:(efficient scale)规模经济:(economies of scale)规模不经济:(diseconomies of scale)规模收益不变:(constant returns to scale) 14.竞争市场上的企业竞争市场:(competitive market)平均收益:(average revenue)边际收益:(marginal revenue)沉没成本:(sunk revenue)15.垄断垄断企业:(monopoly)自然垄断:(natural monopoly)价格歧视:(price discrimination)16.垄断竞争寡头:(oligopoly)垄断竞争:(monopolistic competition) 17.寡头博弈论:(game theory)勾结:(collusion)卡特尔:(cartel)纳什均衡:(Nash equilibrium)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)占优策略:(dominant strategy)18.生产要素市场生产要素:(factors of production)生产函数:(production function)劳动的边际产量:(marginal product of labor)边际产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)边际产量值:(value of the marginal product)资本:(capital)19.收入与歧视补偿性工资差别:(compensating differential)人力资本:(human capital)工会:(union)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(efficiency)歧视:(discrimination)20.收入不平等与贫困贫困率:(poverty rate)贫困率:(poverty line)实物转移支付:(in-kind transfers)生命周期:(life cycle)持久收入:(permanent income)功利主义:(utilitariansm)效用:(utilitariansm)自由主义:(liberalism)最大最小准则:(maximin criterion)负所得税:(negative income tax)福利:(welfare)社会保险:(social insurance)自由至上主义:(libertarianism)21.消费者选择理论预算约束线:(budget constraint)无差异曲线:(indiffernnce curve)边际替代率:(marginal rate of subtitution)完全替代品:(perfect substitudes)完全互补品:(perfect complements)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)收入效应:(income effect)替代效应:(substitution effect)吉芬物品:(Giffen good)22.微观经济学前沿道德风险:(moral hazard)代理人:(agent)委托人:(principal)逆向选择:(adverse selection)发信号:(signaling)筛选:(screening)政治经济学:(political economy)康多塞悖论:(condorcet paradox)阿罗不可能性定理:(Arrow’s impossibility)中值选民定理:(median vater theorem)行为经济学:(behavioral economics)23.一国收入的衡量微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)国内生产总值:(gross domestic product,GDP)消费:(consumption)投资:(investment)政府购买:(government purchase)净出口:(net export)名义GDP:(nominal GDP)真实GDP:(real GDP)GDP平减指数:(GDP deflator)24.生活费用的衡量消费物价指数:(consumer price index,CPI)通货膨胀率:(inflation rate)生产物价指数:(produer price index,PPI)指数化:(indexation)生活费用津贴:(cost-of-living allowance,COLA)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)25.生产与增长生产率:(productivity)物质资本:(physical capital)人力资本:(human capital)自然资源:(natural resources)技术知识:(technological knoeledge)收益递减:(diminishing returns)追赶效应:(catch-up effect)26.储蓄、投资和金融体系金融体系:(financial system)金融市场:(financial markets)债券:(bond)股票:(stock)金融中介机构:(financial intermediaries)共同基金:(mutual fund)国民储蓄:(national saving)私人储蓄:(private saving)公共储蓄:(public saving)预算盈余:(budget surplus)预算赤字:(budget deficit)可贷资金市场:(market for loanable funds)挤出:(crowding out)27.金融学的基本工具金融学:(finance)现值:(present value)终值:(future value)复利:(compounding)风险厌恶:(risk aversion)多元化:(diversification)企业特有风险:(firm-specific risk)市场风险:(market risk)基本面风险:(fundamental analysis)有效市场假说:(efficient markets by pothesis)信息有效:(informational efficiency)随机游走:(random walk)28.失业劳动力:(laborforce)失业率:(unemployment rate)劳动力参与率:(labor-force participation rate)自然失业率:(natural rate of unemployment)周期性失业:(cyclical unemployment)失去信心的工人:(discouraged workers)摩擦性失业:(frictional unemployment)结构性失业:(structural unemployment)寻找工作:(job search)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)工会:(union)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(essiciency wages)29.货币制度货币:(money)交换媒介:(medium of exchange)计价单位:(unit of account)价值储藏手段:(store of value)流动性:(liquidity)商品货币:(commodity money)法定货币:(fiat money)通货:(currency)活期存款:(demand deposits)联邦储备局:(Federal Reserve)中央银行:(central bank)货币供给:(money supply)货币政策:(monetary policy)准备金:(reserves)部分准备金银行:(fractional-reserve banking)准备金率:(reserve ratio)货币乘数:(money multiplier)银行资本:(bank capital)杠杆:(leverage)杠杆率:(leverage ratio)资本需要量:(capital requirement)公开市场操作:(open-market operations)贴现率:(discount rate)法定准备金:(reserve requirements)补充金融计划:(supplementary financing program)联邦基金利率:(federal funds rate)30.货币增长与通货膨胀铲除通胀:(whip Inflation Now)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)名义变量:(nominal variables)真实变量:(real variables)古典二分法:(classiacl dichotomy)货币中性:(monetary neutrality)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)数量方程式:(quantity equation)通货膨胀税:(inflation tax)费雪效应:(Fisher effect)皮鞋成本:(shoeleather cost)菜单成本:(menu costs)31.开放经济的宏观经济学封闭经济:(closed economy)开放经济:(open economy)出口:(exports)净出口:(net exports)贸易余额:(trade balance)贸易盈余:(trade surplus)贸易平衡:(balanced trade)贸易赤字:(trade deficit)资本净流出:(net capital outflow)名义汇率:(nominal exchange rate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)真实汇率:(real exchange rate)购买力平价:(purchasing-power parity)32.开放经济的宏观经济理论贸易政策:(trade policy)资本外逃:(capital flight)33.总需求与总供给衰退:(recession)萧条:(depression)总需求与总供给模型:(model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply)总需求曲线:(aggregate-demand curve)总供给曲线:(aggregate-supply curve)自然产出水平:(natural level of output)滞胀:(stagflation)34.货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响流动性偏好理论:(theory of liquidity)财政政策:(fisical policy)乘数效应:(multiplier effect)挤出效应:(crowding-out effect)自动稳定器:(automatic stabilizers)35.通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍菲利普斯曲线:(phillips curve)自然率假说:(natural-rate hypothesis)供给冲击:(supply shock)牺牲率:(sacrifice ratio)理性预期:(rational expectations)。



经济学基础术语中英对照经济学词汇Aaccounting:会计accounting cost :会计成本accounting profit :会计利润adverse selection :逆向选择allocation 配置allocation of resources :资源配置allocative efficiency :配置效率antitrust legislation :反托拉斯法arc elasticity :弧弹性Arrow's impossibility theorem :阿罗不可能定理Assumption :假设asymetric information :非对称性信息average :平均average cost :平均成本average cost pricing :平均成本定价法average fixed cost :平均固定成本average product of capital :资本平均产量average product of labour :劳动平均产量average revenue :平均收益average total cost :平均总成本average variable cost :平均可变成本Bbarriers to entry :进入壁垒base year :基年bilateral monopoly :双边垄断benefit :收益black market :黑市bliss point :极乐点boundary point :边界点break even point :收支相抵点budget :预算budget constraint :预算约束budget line :预算线budget set 预算集Ccapital :资本capital stock :资本存量capital output ratio :资本产出比率capitalism :资本主义cardinal utility theory :基数效用论cartel :卡特尔ceteris puribus assumption :“其他条件不变”的假设ceteris puribus demand curve :其他因素不变的需求曲线Chamberlin model :张伯伦模型change in demand :需求变化change in quantity demanded :需求量变化change in quantity supplied :供给量变化change in supply :供给变化choice :选择closed set :闭集Coase theorem :科斯定理Cobb—Douglas production function :柯布--道格拉斯生产函数cobweb model :蛛网模型collective bargaining :集体协议工资collusion :合谋command economy :指令经济commodity :商品commodity combination :商品组合commodity market :商品市场commodity space :商品空间common property :公用财产comparative static analysis :比较静态分析compensated budget line :补偿预算线compensated demand function :补偿需求函数compensation principles :补偿原则compensating variation in income :收入补偿变量competition :竞争competitive market :竞争性市场complement goods :互补品complete information :完全信息completeness :完备性condition for efficiency in exchange :交换的最优条件condition for efficiency in production :生产的最优条件concave :凹concave function :凹函数concave preference :凹偏好consistence :一致性constant cost industry :成本不变产业constant returns to scale :规模报酬不变constraints :约束consumer :消费者consumer behavior :消费者行为consumer choice :消费者选择consumer equilibrium :消费者均衡consumer optimization :消费者优化consumer preference :消费者偏好consumer surplus :消费者剩余consumer theory :消费者理论consumption :消费consumption bundle :消费束consumption combination :消费组合consumption possibility curve :消费可能曲线consumption possibility frontier :消费可能性前沿consumption set :消费集consumption space :消费空间continuity :连续性continuous function :连续函数contract curve :契约曲线convex :凸convex function :凸函数convex preference :凸偏好convex set :凸集corporatlon :公司cost :成本cost benefit analysis :成本收益分cost function :成本函数cost minimization :成本极小化Cournot equilihrium :古诺均衡Cournot model :古诺模型Cross—price elasticity :交叉价格弹性Ddead—weights loss :重负损失decreasing cost industry :成本递减产业decreasing returns to scale :规模报酬递减deduction :演绎法demand :需求demand curve :需求曲线demand elasticity :需求弹性demand function :需求函数demand price :需求价格demand schedule :需求表depreciation :折旧derivative :导数derive demand :派生需求difference equation :差分方程differential equation :微分方程differentiated good :差异商品differentiated oligoply :差异寡头diminishing marginal substitution :边际替代率递减diminishing marginal return :收益递减diminishing marginal utility :边际效用递减direct approach :直接法direct taxes :直接税discounting :贴税、折扣diseconomies of scale :规模不经济disequilibrium :非均衡distribution :分配division of labour :劳动分工distribution theory of marginal productivity :边际生产率分配论duoupoly :双头垄断、双寡duality :对偶durable goods :耐用品dynamic analysis :动态分析dynamic models :动态模型EEconomic agents :经济行为者economic cost :经济成本economic efficiency :经济效率economic goods :经济物品economic man :经济人economic mode :经济模型economic profit :经济利润economic region of production :生产的经济区域economic regulation :经济调节economic rent :经济租金exchange :交换economics :经济学exchange efficiency :交换效率economy :经济exchange contract curve :交换契约曲线economy of scale :规模经济Edgeworth box diagram :埃奇沃思图exclusion :排斥性、排他性Edgeworth contract curve :埃奇沃思契约线Edgeworth model :埃奇沃思模型efficiency :效率,效益efficiency parameter :效率参数elasticity :弹性elasticity of substitution :替代弹性endogenous variable :内生变量endowment :禀赋endowment of resources :资源禀赋Engel curve :恩格尔曲线entrepreneur :企业家entrepreneurship :企业家才能entry barriers :进入壁垒entry/exit decision :进出决策envolope curve :包络线equilibrium :均衡equilibrium condition :均衡条件equilibrium price :均衡价格equilibrium quantity :均衡产量eqity :公平equivalent variation in income :收入等价变量excess—capacity theorem :过度生产能力定理excess supply :过度供给exchange :交换exchange contract curve :交换契约曲线exclusion :排斥性、排他性exclusion principle :排他性原则existence :存在性existence of general equilibrium :总体均衡的存在性exogenous variables :外生变量expansion paths :扩展径expectation :期望expected utility :期望效用expected value :期望值expenditure :支出explicit cost :显性成本external benefit :外部收益external cost :外部成本external economy :外部经济external diseconomy :外部不经济externalities :外部性FFactor :要素factor demand :要素需求factor market :要素市场factors of production :生产要素factor substitution :要素替代factor supply :要素供给fallacy of composition :合成谬误final goods :最终产品firm :企业firms’demand curve for labor :企业劳动需求曲线firm supply curve :企业供给曲线first-degree price discrimination :第一级价格歧视first—order condition :一阶条件fixed costs :固定成本fixed input :固定投入fixed proportions production function :固定比例的生产函数flow :流量fluctuation :波动for whom to produce :为谁生产free entry :自由进入free goods :自由品,免费品free mobility of resources :资源自由流动free rider :搭便车,免费搭车function :函数future value :未来值Ggame theory :对策论、博弈论general equilibrium :总体均衡general goods :一般商品Giffen goods :吉芬晶收入补偿需求曲线Giffen's Paradox :吉芬之谜Gini coefficient :吉尼系数goldenrule :黄金规则goods :货物government failure :政府失败government regulation :政府调控grand utility possibility curve :总效用可能曲线grand utility possibility frontier :总效用可能前沿Hheterogeneous product :异质产品Hicks—kaldor welfare criterion :希克斯一卡尔多福利标准homogeneity :齐次性homogeneous demand function :齐次需求函数homogeneous product :同质产品homogeneous production function :齐次生产函数horizontal summation :水平和household :家庭how to produce :如何生产human capital :人力资本hypothesis :假说Iidentity :恒等式imperfect competion :不完全竞争implicitcost :隐性成本income :收入income compensated demand curve :收入补偿需求曲线income constraint :收入约束income consumption curve :收入消费曲线income distribution :收入分配income effect :收入效应income elasticity of demand :需求收入弹性increasing cost industry :成本递增产业increasing returns to scale :规模报酬递增inefficiency :缺乏效率index number :指数indifference :无差异indifference curve :无差异曲线indifference map :无差异族indifference relation :无差异关系indifference set :无差异集indirect approach :间接法individual analysis :个量分析individual demand curve :个人需求曲线individual demand function :个人需求函数induced variable :引致变量induction :归纳法industry :产业industry equilibrium :产业均衡industry supply curve :产业供给曲线inelastic :缺乏弹性的inferior goods :劣品inflection point :拐点information :信息information cost :信息成本initial condition :初始条件initial endowment :初始禀赋innovation :创新input :投入input—output :投入—产出institution :制度institutional economics :制度经济学insurance :保险intercept :截距interest :利息interest rate :利息率intermediate goods :中间产品internatization of externalities :外部性内部化invention :发明inverse demand function :逆需求函数investment :投资invisible hand :看不见的手isocost line :等成本线,isoprofit curve :等利润曲线isoquant curve :等产量曲线isoquant map :等产量族Kkinded—demand curve :弯折的需求曲线Llabour :劳动labour demand :劳动需求labour supply :劳动供给labour theory of value :劳动价值论labour unions :工会laissez faire :自由放任Lagrangian function :拉格朗日函数Lagrangian multiplier :拉格朗乘数,land :土地law :法则law of demand and supply :供需法law of diminishing marginal utility :边际效用递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution :边际替代率递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution :边际技术替代率law of increasing cost :成本递增法则law of one price :单一价格法则leader—follower model :领导者--跟随者模型least—cost combination of inputs :最低成本的投入组合leisure :闲暇Leontief production function :列昂节夫生产函数licenses :许可证linear demand function :线性需求函数linear homogeneity :线性齐次性linear homogeneous production function :线性齐次生产函数long run :长期long run average cost :长期平均成本long run equilibrium :长期均衡long run industry supply curve :长期产业供给曲线long run marginal cost :长期边际成本long run total cost :长期总成本Lorenz curve :洛伦兹曲线loss minimization :损失极小化1ump sum tax :一次性征税luxury :奢侈品Mmacroeconomics :宏观经济学marginal :边际的marginal benefit :边际收益marginal cost :边际成本marginal cost pricing :边际成本定价marginal cost of factor :边际要素成本marginal physical productivity :实际实物生产率marginal product :边际产量marginal product of capital :资本的边际产量marginal product of 1abour :劳动的边际产量marginal productivity :边际生产率marginal rate of substitution :边替代率marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率marginal returns :边际回报marginal revenue :边际收益marginal revenue product :边际收益产品marginal revolution :边际革命marginal social benefit :社会边际收益marginal social cost :社会边际成本marginal utility :边际效用marginal value products :边际价值产品market :市场market clearance :市场结清,市场洗清market demand :市场需求market economy :市场经济market equilibrium :市场均衡market failure :市场失败market mechanism :市场机制market structure :市场结构market separation :市场分割market regulation :市场调节market share :市场份额markup pricing :加减定价法Marshallian demand function :马歇尔需求函数maximization :极大化microeconomics :微观经济学minimum wage :最低工资misallocation of resources :资源误置mixed economy :混合经济model :模型money :货币monopolistic competition :垄断竞争monopolistic exploitation :垄断剥削monopoly :垄断,卖方垄断monopoly equilibrium :垄断均衡monopoly pricing :垄断定价monopoly regulation :垄断调控monopoly rents :垄断租金monopsony :买方垄断NNash equilibrium :纳什均衡Natural monopoly :自然垄断Natural resources :自然资源Necessary condition :必要条件necessities :必需品net demand :净需求nonconvex preference :非凸性偏好nonconvexity :非凸性nonexclusion :非排斥性nonlinear pricing :非线性定价nonrivalry :非对抗性nonprice competition :非价格竞争nonsatiation :非饱和性non--zero—sum game :非零和对策normal goods :正常品normal profit :正常利润normative economics :规范经济学Oobjective function :目标函数oligopoly :寡头垄断oligopoly market :寡头市场oligopoly model :寡头模型opportunity cost :机会成本optimal choice :最佳选择optimal consumption bundle :消费束perfect elasticity :完全有弹性optimal resource allocation :最佳资源配置optimal scale :最佳规模optimal solution :最优解optimization :优化ordering of optimization(social) preference :(社会)偏好排序ordinal utility :序数效用ordinary goods :一般品output :产量、产出output elasticity :产出弹性output maximization 产出极大化Pparameter :参数Pareto criterion :帕累托标准Pareto efficiency :帕累托效率Pareto improvement :帕累托改进Pareto optimality :帕累托优化Pareto set :帕累托集partial derivative :偏导数partial equilibrium :局部均衡patent :专利pay off matrix :收益矩阵、支付矩阵perceived demand curve :感觉到的需求曲线perfect competition :完全竞争perfect complement :完全互补品perfect monopoly :完全垄断perfect price discrimination :完全价格歧视perfect substitution :完全替代品perfect inelasticity :完全无弹性perfectly elastic :完全有弹性perfectly inelastic :完全无弹性plant size :工厂规模point elasticity :点弹性post Hoc Fallacy :后此谬误prediction :预测preference :偏好preference relation :偏好关系present value :现值price :价格price adjustment model :价格调整模型price ceiling :最高限价price consumption curve :价格费曲线price control :价格管制price difference :价格差别price discrimination :价格歧视price elasticity of demand :需求价格弹性price elasticity of supply :供给价格弹性price floor :最低限价price maker :价格制定者price rigidity :价格刚性price seeker :价格搜求者price taker :价格接受者price tax :从价税private benefit :私人收益principal—agent issues :委托--代理问题private cost :私人成本private goods :私人用品private property :私人财产producer equilibrium :生产者均衡producer theory :生产者理论product :产品product transformation curve :产品转换曲线product differentiation :产品差异product group :产品集团production :生产production contract curve :生产契约曲线production efficiency :生产效率production function :生产函数production possibility curve :生产可能性曲线productivity :生产率productivity of capital :资本生产率productivity of labor :劳动生产率profit :利润profit function :利润函数profit maximization :利润极大化property rights :产权property rights economics :产权经济学proposition :定理proportional demand curve :成比例的需求曲线public benefits :公共收益public choice :公共选择public goods :公共商品pure competition :纯粹竞争rivalry :对抗性、竞争pure exchange :纯交换pure monopoly :纯粹垄断Qquantity—adjustment model :数量调整模型quantity tax :从量税quasi—rent :准租金Rrate of product transformation :产品转换率rationality :理性reaction function :反应函数regulation :调节,调控relative price 相对价格rent :租金rent control :规模报酬rent seeking :寻租rent seeking economics :寻租经济学resource :资源resource allocation :资源配置returns :报酬、回报returns to scale :规模报酬revealed preference :显示性偏好revenue :收益revenue curve :收益曲线revenue function :收益函数revenue maximization :收益极大化ridge line :脊线risk :风险satiation :饱和,满足saving :储蓄scarcity :稀缺性law of scarcity :稀缺法则second—degree price discrimination :二级价格歧视second derivative :--阶导数second—order condition :二阶条件service :劳务set :集shadow prices :影子价格short—run :短期short—run cost curve :短期成本曲线short—run equilibrium :短期均衡short—run supply curve :短期供给曲线shut down decision :关闭决策shortage 短缺shut down point :关闭点single price monopoly :单一定价垄断slope :斜率social benefit :社会收益social cost :社会成本social indifference curve :社会无差异曲线social preference :社会偏好social security :社会保障social welfare function :社会福利函数socialism :社会主义solution :解space :空间stability :稳定性stable equilibrium :稳定的均衡Stackelberg model :斯塔克尔贝格模型static analysis :静态分析stock :存量stock market :股票市场strategy :策略subsidy :津贴substitutes :替代品substitution effect :替代效应substitution parameter :替代参数sufficient condition :充分条件supply :供给supply curve :供给曲线supply function :供给函数supply schedule :供给表Sweezy model :斯威齐模型symmetry :对称性symmetry of information :信息对称tangency :相切taste :兴致technical efficiency :技术效率technological constraints ;技术约束technological progress :技术进步technology :技术third—degree price discrimination :第三级价格歧视total cost :总成本total effect :总效应total expenditure :总支出total fixed cost :总固定成本total product :总产量total revenue :总收益total utility :总效用total variable cost :总可变成本traditional economy :传统经济transitivity :传递性transaction cost :交易费用uncertainty :不确定性uniqueness :唯一性unit elasticity :单位弹性unstable equilibrium :不稳定均衡utility :效用utility function :效用函数utility index :效用指数utility maximization :效用极大化utility possibility curve :效用可能性曲线utility possibility frontier :效用可能性前沿Vvalue :价值value judge :价值判断value of marginal product :边际产量价值variable cost :可变成本variable input :可变投入variables :变量vector :向量visible hand :看得见的手vulgur economics :庸俗经济学Wwage :工资wage rate :工资率Walras general equilibrium :瓦尔拉斯总体均衡Walras's law :瓦尔拉斯法则Wants :需要Welfare criterion :福利标准Welfare economics :福利经学Welfare loss triangle :福利损失三角形welfare maximization :福利极大化Zzero cost :零成本zero elasticity :零弹性zero homogeneity :零阶齐次性zero economic profit :零利润。



经济学常用英语词汇英汉对照经济学常用英语词汇英汉对照economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的` developing 发展中的。


AC(Average Cost):平均总成本
AFC(Average Fixed Cost):平均固定成本
AP(Average Product):平均产量
AR(Average Revenue):平均收益
AVC(Average Variable Cost):平均可变成本
CBA(Cost Benefit Analysis):成本收益分析
PEL(Production Expansion Line):生产扩展线
PS(Producer Surplus):生产者剩余
TVC(Total Variable Cost):总可变成本
VMP(Value of Marginal Product):边际产品价值
Game Theory:博弈论
MC(Marginal Cost):边际成本
MFC(Marginal Factor Cost):边际要素成本
DC(Demand Curve):需求曲线
MTR(Marginal Tax Rate):边际税率
EP(Economic Profit):经济利润
MR(Marginal Revenue):边际收益
MRP(Marginal Revenue):边际收益产品
MRS(Marginal Rate ofSubstitution):商品边际替代率


AC(Average Cost):平均总成本
AFC(Average Fixed Cost):平均固定成本
AP(Average Product):平均产量
AR(Average Revenue):平均收益
AVC(Average Variable Cost):平均可变成本
CBA(Cost Benefit Analysis):成本收益分析
PEP(Price Expansion Path):价格扩展线
PEL(Production Expansion Line):生产扩展线
PS(Producer Surplus ):生产者剩余
FP(Factors of Production):生产要素
Q(Quantity ):数量
MC(Marginal Cost):边际成本
MFC(Marginal Factor Cost):边际要素成本
DC(Demand Curve):需求曲线
DM(Diminishing Marginal):边际递减
MTR(Marginal Tax Rate):边际税率
EP(Economic Profit):经济利润
ES(Economies of Scale):规模经济
DS(Diseconomies of Scale):规模不经济
CM(Competitive Market):竞争性市场
MC(Monopolistic Competition):垄断竞争
OC(Oligopoly Competitive):寡头竞争
MP(Marginal Product):边际产量/产品
TFC(Total Fixed Cost):总固定成本





一、效用曲线(Utility Curve)效用曲线是描述消费者满足程度的曲线,它反映了消费者在各种消费组合下所获得的效用水平。



二、边际效用(Marginal Utility)边际效用是指消费者在增加一单位产品(或服务)后所获得的额外满足程度。



三、机会成本(Opportunity Cost)机会成本是指由于做出某种决策而放弃的最有利可得的替代选择所产生的成本。



四、边际成本(Marginal Cost)边际成本是指生产或经营单位产品(或服务)增加一单位产量所需的额外成本。



五、固定成本(Fixed Cost)固定成本是在短期内不随产量变化而发生变化的企业成本。



六、边际收益(Marginal Revenue)边际收益是指企业销售额增加一单位产品(或服务)所带来的额外收益。




1.正常利润:正常利润(Normal profit)是指企业主如果把资源用于其它相同风险的事业所可能得到的收入,它属于机会成本性质。




2.经济利润:经济利润(Economic profit)是指厂商的收益与它的成本之差,后者包括从最有利的另外一种厂商资源的使用中可以获得的收益。




5.内部人控制:内部人控制(Insider Control)是指现代企业中的所有权与经营权(控制权)相分离的前提下形成的,由于所有者与经营者利益的不一致,由此导致了经营者控制公司,即“内部人控制”的现象。

6.私人成本:私人成本(Private cost)是指单个使用者为了能够使用某一资源而带来的费用指厂商生产过程中投入的所有生产要素的价格。


7.社会成本:社会成本(Social cost)是指按全社会各个生产部门汇总起来的总成本,也可以指某一种产品的社会平均成本。


8.会计利润:会计利润(Accounting Profit) 是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果。






经济学专业术语(中英文对照)经济学专业术语(中英文对照)1.经济学原理经济:(economy)稀缺性:(scarcity)经济学:(economics)效率:(efficiency)同等:(equality)机遇本钱:(opporyunity cost)理性人:(rational people)边际变动:(marginal change)边沿收益:(marginal benefit)边沿本钱:(marginal cost)激励:(incentive)市场经济:(market XXX)产权:(property rights)市场失灵:(market failure)外部性:(externality)市场势力:(market power)生产率:(productivity)通货膨胀:(inflation)经济周期:(business cycle)2.像经济学家一样思考循环流量图:(circular-flow diagram)生产可能性边界:(production possibilities) 微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)实证表述:(XXX)规范表述:(normative statements)有序数对:(ordered pair)3.相互依存性与贸易的好处绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机遇本钱:(apportunity cost)比力上风:(comparative advantage)入口品:(imports)出口品:(exports)4.供给与需求的市场力量市场:(market)竞争市场:(competitive market)需求量:(quantity XXX)需求定理:(law of demand)需求表:(demand schedule)需求曲线:(demand curve)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)替代品:(substitutes)互补品:(complements)供给量:(quantity supplied)供给定理:(law of supply)供给表:(supply schedule)供给曲线:(supply curve)均衡:(equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibrium price)均衡数量:(equilibrium quantity)多余:(surplus)短缺:(shortage)供求定理:(law of supply and demand)5.弹性及其使用弹性:(elasticity)需求代价弹性:(price elasticity of demand)总收益:(total revenue)需求收入弹性:(income elasticity)需求的交叉价格弹性:(cross-price elasticity)供给价格弹性:(price elasticity of supply)6.供给需求与政策价格上限:(price ceiling)代价下限:(price floor)税收归宿:(tax incidence)7.消费者、生产者与市场效率福利经济学:(XXX)领取志愿:(willingness to pay)消费者剩余:(consumer surplus)成本:(cost)出产者残剩:(producer surplus)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)8.钱粮的使用无谓损失:(deadweight loss)9.国际商业天下代价:(world price)关税:(tariff)10.外部性外部性:(externality)内部性内涵化:(internalizing XXX)改正税:(corrective taxes) 科斯定理:(coase XXX)生意业务本钱:(XXX cost)11.公共物品和公共资源排他性:(excludability)消耗中的合作性:(XXX)私人物品:(private goods)公共物品:(public goods)公共资源:(common resources)俱乐部物品:(XXX goods)搭便车者:(free rider)成本-收益分析:(cost-XXX)公地悲剧:(tragedy of commons)12.税制设想征税任务:(XXX)预算赤字:(budget defict)预算盈余:(budget surplus)平均税率:(average tax rate)边沿税率:(marginal tax rate)定额税:(lump-sum tax)受益准绳:(benefits principle)领取本领准绳:(ability-to-pay principle) 纵向同等:(XXX)横向同等:(XXX)比例税:(proportional tax)累退税:(regressive tax)累进税:(progressive tax)13.出产本钱总收益:(total revenue)总本钱:(total cost)利润:(profit)显性成本:(explicit costs)隐性本钱:(implicit costs)经济利润:(economic profit)会计利润:(counting profit)生产函数:(production function)边际产量:(marginal product)边沿产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)牢固本钱:(fixed costs)可变成本:(variable costs)平均总成本:(average total cost)平均固定成本:(average fixed costs)平均可变成本:(average variable costs)边沿本钱:(marginal cost)有效规模:(efficient scale)范围经济:(economies of scale)规模不经济:(diseconomies of scale)范围收益稳定:(constant returns to scale)14.竞争市场上的企业竞争市场:(competitive market)均匀收益:(average revenue)边际收益:(marginal revenue)漂浮本钱:(sunk revenue)15.把持垄断企业:(XXX)天然把持:(XXX)价格歧视:(price discrimination)16.垄断竞争寡头:(oligopoly)把持合作:(XXX)17.寡头博弈论:(game theory)勾搭:(collusion)XXX:(cartel)纳什均衡:(Nash equilibrium)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)占优策略:(XXX)18.生产要素市场生产要素:(factors of production)出产函数:(production function)劳动的边沿产量:(marginal product of labor)边沿产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)边沿产量值:(value of the marginal product)本钱:(capital)19.收入与歧视抵偿性人为不同:(compensating differential)人力本钱:(human capital)工会:(union)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(efficiency)歧视:(discrimination)20.收入不平等与贫困贫困率:(poverty rate)贫困率:(poverty line)实物转移支付:(in-kind transfers) 生命周期:(life cycle)持久收入:(permanent income)功利主义:(utilitariansm)功效:(utilitariansm)自由主义:(liberalism)最大最小准则:(maximin criterion) 负所得税:(negative income tax)福利:(welfare)社会保险:(social insurance)自在至上主义:(libertarianism) 21.消耗者挑选实际预算约束线:(budget constraint)无不同曲线:(indiffernnce curve)边沿替换率:(marginal rate of subtitution) 完全替代品:(perfect substitudes)完全互补品:(perfect complements)一般物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)收入效应:(income effect)替代效应:(substitution effect)XXX物品:(Giffen good)22.微观经济学前沿道德风险:(moral hazard)代理人:(agent)委托人:(principal)逆向选择:(adverse selection)发旌旗灯号:(signaling)筛选:(screening)政治经济学:(political XXX)康多塞悖论:(condorcet paradox)XXX不成能性定理:(Arrow’XXX)中值选民定理:(XXX)行动经济学:(XXX)23.一国收入的衡量微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)国内生产总值:(XXX,GDP)消费:(consumption) 投资:(investment)政府购买:(government purchase)净出口:(net export)名义GDP:(nominal GDP)真实GDP:(real GDP)GDP平减指数:(GDP deflator)XXX.糊口用度的衡量消耗物价指数:(consumer price index,CPI)通货收缩率:(inflation rate)出产品价指数:(produer price index,PPI)指数化:(indexation)生活费用津贴:(cost-of-living allowance,COLA)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)25.出产与增加生产率:(productivity)物资本钱:(physical capital)人力本钱:(XXX)自然资源:(natural resources)手艺常识:(XXX)收益递减:(diminishing returns)追逐效应:(catch-up effect)26.储蓄、投资和金融体系金融体系:(financial system)金融市场:(financial markets)债券:(bond)股票:(stock)金融中介机构:(financial intermediaries)配合基金:(mutual fund)国民储蓄:(national saving)公家储蓄:(private saving)大众储蓄:(public saving)预算盈余:(budget surplus)预算赤字:(budget deficit)可贷资金市场:(market for loanable funds)挤出:(crowding out)27.金融学的根本工具金融学:(finance)现值:(present value)终值:(future value)复利:(compounding)风险厌恶:(risk aversion)多元化:(diversification)企业特有风险:(firm-specific risk)市场风险:(market risk)基本面风险:(fundamental analysis)有效市场假说:(efficient XXX)信息有效:(informational efficiency)随机游走:(random walk)28.失业劳动力:(laborforce)赋闲率:(XXX)劳动力参与率:(labor-force participation rate)自然失业率:(natural rate of XXX)周期性失业:(cyclical unemployment) 失去信心的工人:(discouraged workers)磨擦性赋闲:(frictional unemployment)布局性赋闲:(structural XXX)寻找工作:(job search)失业保险:(XXX)工会:(union)个人商洽:(collective bargaining)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(essiciency wages)29.泉币制度货币:(money)交流序言:(medium of exchange)计价单位:(unit of account)价值储藏手段:(store of value)流动性:(liquidity)商品货币:(commodity money)法定货币:(fiat money)通货:(currency)活期存款:(demand deposits)XXX:(Federal Reserve)中心银行:(central bank)货币供给:(money supply)货币政策:(monetary policy)XXX:(reserves)局部筹办金银行:(fractional-reserve banking)筹办金率:(reserve ratio)货币乘数:(money multiplier)银行本钱:(bank capital)杠杆:(leverage)杠杆率:(leverage ratio)本钱需求量:(capital requirement)公布市场操纵:(open-market operations)贴现率:(discount rate)法定筹办金:(reserve requirements)弥补金融打算:(supplementary financing program)联邦基金利率:(federal funds rate)30.泉币增加与通货收缩铲除通胀:(whip Inflation Now)货币数量论:(XXX)名义变量:(nominal variables)实在变量:(real variables)古典二分法:(classiacl dichotomy)货币中性:(XXX)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)数目方程式:(XXX)通货膨胀税:(inflation tax)XXX效应:(Fisher effect)皮鞋本钱:(XXX)菜单成本:(menu costs)31.开放经济的宏观经济学封闭经济:(closed XXX)开放经济:(open XXX) 出口:(exports)净出口:(net exports)。



Free goods 免费品 不属于经济品 (economic goods)的物品。如空气或海水,它们大量存在于全世界,无需在需求者中间进行配给。因此,这些物品的市场价格为零。
Free trade 自由贸易 政府不采用关税、配额或其他形式来干预国际贸易的政策。
Frictional unemployment 磨擦性失业 由个别市场变化所引起的暂时性失业。例如,无经验的工人需要花费时间比较和选择不同的工作机会;甚至有经验的工人往往也需花费少量时间进行工作转换。磨擦性失业有别于周期性失业(cyclical unemployment),后者是在工资和价格呈粘性的条件下,由于总需求水平的低下而造成的。
Flexible exchange rates 弹性汇率制 一种国际汇率制度。在该制度条件下,汇率主要由市场力量(即供给和需求)决定,政府不设定及维持某种特定的汇率。有时也称作“浮动汇率制”(floating exchange rates)。当政府对外汇市场不加干预时,该制度称为纯粹的浮动汇率制。
Expenditure multiplier 支出乘数 参见乘数(multiplier)。
Exports 出口 在本国生产而卖给别国的商品或服务。包括商品(如汽车)、服务(如运输)和贷款及投资的利息。进口正好是一种反方向的流动——商品和服务从别国流入本国。
External diseconomies 外部不经济 指生产或消费给其他人造成损失而其他人却不能得到补偿的情况。例如,钢铁厂排放的烟雾及含硫气体损害当地人的财产和健康,但受害者并不能得到补偿。污染是一种外部不经济。
External economies 外部经济 指生产和消费能给其他人带来收益而其他人却不必进行支付的情况。一个企业雇用了安全保卫,使得小偷不敢在附近社区活动,这就为居民提供了外部的安全服务。外部经济与外部不经济通常被统称为“外部性”(externalities)。



经济术语价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight单价price码头费wharfage总值total value卸货费landing charges金额amount关税customs duty净价net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税portdues回佣return commission装运港portof shipment折扣discount,allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价wholesale price目的港portof destination零售价retail price进口许口证inportlicence现货价格spot price出口许口证exportlicence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price国际市场价格world (International)Marketprice离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight裙带资本主义(Crony Capitalism)道德风险(Moral Hazard)产权(property rights)公地悲剧(Tragedy of the commons)垄断(monopoly)逆向选择(adverse selection)常用经济学术语:economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产real estate 不动产,房地产circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金,储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资,资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给current account 经常帐户(美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户(美作:checking-account holder) cheque 支票(美作:check)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票crossed cheque 划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook 支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook) endorsement 背书transfer 转让,转帐,过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票,纸币(美作:bill)to pay (in) cash 付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可自由兑换货币exchange rate 汇率,兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券hard currency 硬通货speculation 投机saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价,贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃stock exchange 股票市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所stock exchange 证券交易所,股票交易所quotation 报价,牌价share 股份,股票shareholder, stockholder 股票持有人,股东dividend 股息,红利cash dividend 现金配股stock investment 股票投资investment trust 投资信托stock-jobber 股票经纪人stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司securities 有价证券share, common stock 普通股preference stock 优先股income gain 股利收入issue 发行股票par value 股面价格, 票面价格bull 买手, 多头bear 卖手, 空头assigned 过户opening price 开盘closing price 收盘hard times 低潮business recession 景气衰退doldrums 景气停滞dull 盘整ease 松弛raising limit 涨停板break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券Wall Street 华尔街short term loan 短期贷款long term loan 长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人,借方borrower 借方,借款人borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日,偿还日amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务funded debt 固定债务,长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴output 产出,产量producer 生产者,制造者productive, producing 生产的products, goods 产品consumer goods 消费品article 物品,商品manufactured goods, finished goods 制成品,产成品raw product 初级产品semifinished goods 半成品by-product 副产品foodstuffs 食品raw material 原料supply 供应,补给input 投入productivity 生产率productiveness 赢利性overproduction 生产过剩农业farming林业forestry畜牧业animal husbandry副业sideline production渔业fishing第一产业primary industry第二产业secondary industry第三产业tertiary industry生产资料means of production生活资料means of livelihood/subsistence生产关系relations of production生产力productive forces公有制public ownership私有制private ownership全民所有制ownership by the entire/whole people社会主义集体所有制socialist collective ownership厉行节约,反对浪费to practice strict economy and combat waste外资企业foreign-funded enterprise合资企业joint venture合作企业cooperative enterprise独资企业wholly foreign owned/funded ente。



《管理经济学》中英文术语Chapter I The Fundamentals Managerial Economics accounting cost 会计成本accounting profits 会计利润constraints 约束条件consumer-consumer rivalry 消费者-消费者竞争consumer-producer rivalry 消费者-生产者竞争economic profits 经济利润economics 经济学ex-dividend date 分红期前explicit cost 显性成本five forces framework 五力构架模型future value(FV) 将来值implicit cost 隐性成本incentives 激励incremental cost 增量成本incremental revenue 增量收益manager 管理者managerial economics 管理经济学marginal analysis 边际分析marginal benefit 边际收益marginal cost 边际成本marginal net benefit 边际净收益net present value(NPV) 净现值opportunity cost 机会成本perpetuity 永续年金present value (PV) 现值producer-producer rivalry 生产者-生产者竞争profit 利润time value of money 货币的时间价值value of a firm 企业价值Chapter 2 Market Forces: Demand and Supplyad valorem tax 丛价税change in demand 需求的变动change in quantity demanded 需求量的变动change in quantity supplied 供给量的变动change in supply 供给的变动comparative static analysis 比较静态分析complements 互补品consumer expectations 消费者预期consumer surplus 消费者剩余decrease in demand 需求的减少demand 需求demand function 需求函数demand shifters 影响需求变动的因素equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium quantity 均衡数量excise tax 消费税full economic price 完全经济价格increase in demand 需求的增加inferior good 劣等品informative advertising 信息型广告inverse demand function 反需求函数inverse supply function 反供给函数law of demand 需求定律law of supply 供给定律linear demand function 线形需求函数linear supply function 线形供给函数non pecuniary price 非金钱价格normal good 正常品persuasive advertising 诱导型广告price ceiling 最高限价price floor 最低限价producer expectation 生产者预期producer surplus 生产者剩余shortage 短缺stockpiling 储备存货substitutes 替代品supply 供给supply function 供给函数supply shifters 影响供给变动的因素Chapter 3 Quantitative Demand Analysiscross-advertising elasticity 交叉广告弹性cross-price elasticity 交叉价格弹性econometrics 计量经济学elastic demand 需求富有弹性elasticity 弹性income elasticity 收入弹性inelastic demand 需求缺乏弹性least squares regression 最小二乘回归linear demand 线形需求log-linear demand 对数线形需求own price elasticity of demand 需求的自价格弹性perfectly elastic demand 需求完全弹性perfectly inelastic demand 需求完全无弹性regression analysis 回归分析regression line 回归直线standard error 标准差unitary elastic demand 需求单位弹性Chapter 4 The Theory of Individual Behaviorbudget constraint 预算约束budget line 预算线budget set 预算集“ buy one, get one free” deals “买一赠一”交易completeness 完全性consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡diminishing marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率递减income effect 收入效应indifference curve 无差异曲线more is better 越多越好substitution effect 替代效应transitivity 可传递性Chapter 5 The Production Process and Costsaverage fixed cost 平均固定成本(AFC)average product 平均产量(AP)average total cost 平均总成本(ATC) average variable cost 平均可变成本(AVC) capital 资本constant returns to scale 固定规模收益cost function 成本函数cost minimization 成本最小化decreasing ( or diminishing ) marginal returns 边际报酬递减diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率递减diseconomies of scale 规模不经济economies of scale 规模经济economies of scope 范围经济fixed costs 固定成本increasing marginal returns 边际报酬递增isocost line 等成本线isoquant 等产量线long run 长期long-run average cost curve 长期平均成本曲线marginal ( incremental ) cost 边际(增量)成本(MC)marginal product 边际产量(MP)marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率(MRTS)negative marginal returns 负边际报酬production function 生产函数profit-maximizing input usage 利润最大化的投入使用量short-run 短期short-run cost function 短期成本函数sunk costs 沉没成本total cost 总成本(TC)total product 总产量(TP) value marginal product 边际产品价值variable costs 可变成本variable factors of production 可变生产要素。





1. 边际成本(Marginal Cost):在经济学中,边际成本指的是为生产或消费一单位额外产品或服务所需的额外成本。


2. 边际效益(Marginal Benefit):边际效益是指一个额外单位的产品或服务为个人或组织带来的额外效益。


3. 生产函数(Production Function):生产函数描述了输入和输出之间的关系,即企业如何将输入(例如劳动力、资本和技术知识)转化为输出(产品或服务)。


4. 边际产出(Marginal Product):边际产出是指增加一个额外单位的输入所带来的额外产出。


5. 规模报酬递增(Increasing Returns to Scale):规模报酬递增是指当企业的输入(例如劳动力和资本)增加时,生产产出相应地按比例增加的现象。


6. 规模报酬递减(Decreasing Returns to Scale):规模报酬递减是指当企业的输入增加时,产出相应地按比例减少的现象。


7. 边际替代率(Marginal Rate of Substitution):边际替代率是指个体或组织在两种产品或服务之间进行替代时,所愿意放弃一种产品或服务的边际效益相对于获得另一种产品或服务的边际效益的比率。

8. 最佳投入组合(Optimal Input Combination):最佳投入组合是指在给定的输入和输出价格下,企业如何选择最有效的输入组合来最大化产出。


PEL(Production Expansion Line):生产扩展线
PS(Producer Surplus):生产者剩余
FP(Factors of Production):生产要素
CS(Consumer Surplus):消费者剩余
ED(elasticity of Demand):需求的价格弹性
ES(Elasticity of Supply):供给的价格弹性
CPE(Cross-price Elastic):交叉价格弹性
CPED(Cross-price elasticity of demand):需求交叉价格弹性
AC(Average Cost) :平均总成本
AFC(Average Fixed Cost):平均固定成本
AP(Average Product):平均产量
AR(Average Revenue):平均收益
AVC(Average Variable Cost):平均可变成本
CBA(Cost BenefitAnalysis):成本收益分析
Exy( Elastic):交叉弹性的系数xy
K(Capital简称, C被Cost占用):资本
LAC(Long-run Average Cost):长期平均成本
LMC(Long-run Marginal Cost):长期边际成本
LTC(Long-run Total Cost):长期总成本



economist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济planned economy 计划经济controlled economy 管制经济rural economics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protectionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分private sector 私营成分,私营部门public sector 公共部门,公共成分economic channels 经济渠道economic balance 经济平衡economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability 经济稳定economic policy 经济政策economic recovery 经济复原understanding 约定concentration 集中holding company 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长economic trend 经济趋势economic situation 经济形势infrastructure 基本建设standard of living 生活标准,生活水平purchasing power, buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气underdevelopment 不发达underdeveloped 不发达的developing 发展中的initial capital 创办资本frozen capital 冻结资金frozen assets 冻结资产fixed assets 固定资产real estate 不动产,房地产circulating capital, working capital 流动资本available capital 可用资产capital goods 资本货物reserve 准备金,储备金calling up of capital 催缴资本allocation of funds 资金分配contribution of funds 资金捐献working capital fund 周转基金revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金contingency fund 意外开支,准备金reserve fund 准备金buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金sinking fund 偿债基金investment 投资,资产investor 投资人self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给current account 经常帐户 (美作:checking account)current-account holder 支票帐户 (美作:checking-account holder) cheque 支票 (美作:check)bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票crossed cheque 划线支票traveller's cheque 旅行支票chequebook 支票簿,支票本 (美作:checkbook)endorsement 背书transfer 转让,转帐,过户money 货币issue 发行ready money 现钱cash 现金ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠change 零钱banknote, note 钞票,纸币 (美作:bill)to pay (in) cash 付现金domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币convertibility 可兑换性convertible currencies 可自由兑换货币exchange rate 汇率,兑换率foreign exchange 外汇floating exchange rate 浮动汇率free exchange rates 自由汇兑市场foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券hard currency 硬通货speculation 投机saving 储装,存款depreciation 减价,贬值devaluation (货币)贬值revaluation 重估价runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩capital flight 资本外逃stock exchange 股票市场stock exchange corporation 证券交易所stock exchange 证券交易所,股票交易所quotation 报价,牌价share 股份,股票shareholder, stockholder 股票持有人,股东dividend 股息,红利cash dividend 现金配股stock investment 股票投资investment trust 投资信托stock-jobber 股票经纪人stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司securities 有价证券share, common stock 普通股preference stock 优先股income gain 股利收入issue 发行股票par value 股面价格, 票面价格bull 买手, 多头bear 卖手, 空头assigned 过户opening price 开盘closing price 收盘hard times 低潮business recession 景气衰退doldrums 景气停滞dull 盘整ease 松弛raising limit 涨停板break 暴跌bond, debenture 债券Wall Street 华尔街short term loan 短期贷款long term loan 长期贷款medium term loan 中期贷款lender 债权人creditor 债权人debtor 债务人,借方borrower 借方,借款人borrowing 借款interest 利息rate of interest 利率discount 贴现,折扣rediscount 再贴现annuity 年金maturity 到期日,偿还日amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付redemption 偿还insurance 保险mortgage 抵押allotment 拨款short term credit 短期信贷consolidated debt 合并债务funded debt 固定债务,长期债务floating debt 流动债务drawing 提款,提存aid 援助allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴output 产出,产量producer 生产者,制造者productive, producing 生产的products, goods 产品consumer goods 消费品article 物品,商品manufactured goods, finished goods 制成品,产成品raw product 初级产品semifinished goods 半成品by-product 副产品foodstuffs 食品raw material 原料supply 供应,补给input 投入productivity 生产率productiveness 赢利性overproduction 生产过剩。



A 20accounting 会计accounting cost 会计成本accounting profit 会计利润adverse selection 逆向选择allocation 配置allocation of resources 资源配置allocative efficiency 配置效率antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法arc elasticity 弧弹性assumption 假设asymmetric information 非对称性信息average 平均average cost 平均成本average cost pricing 平均成本定价法average fixed cost 平均固定成本average product of capital 资本平均产量average product of labour 劳动平均产量average revenue 平均收益average total cost 平均总成本average variable cost 平均可变成本B 12barriers to entry 进入壁垒base year 基年bilateral monopoly 双边垄断benefit 收益black market 黑市bliss point 极乐点boundary point 边界点break even point 收支相抵点budget 预算budget constraint 预算约束budget line 预算线budget set 预算集C 75capital 资本capital stock 资本存量capital output ratio 资本产出比率capitalism 资本主义cardinal utility theory 基数效用论cartel 卡特尔ceteris paribus assumption “其他条件不变”的假设ceteris paribus demand curve “其他因素不变”的需求曲线Chamberlain model 张伯伦模型change in demand 需求变化change in quantity demanded 需求量变化change in quantity supplied 供给量变化change in supply 供给变化choice 选择closed set 闭集Coase theorem 科斯定理Cobb-Douglas production function 柯布--道格拉斯生产函数cobweb model 蛛网模型collective bargaining 集体协议工资collusion 合谋command economy 指令经济commodity 商品commodity combination 商品组合commodity market 商品市场commodity space 商品空间common property 公用财产comparative static analysis 比较静态分析compensated budget line 补偿预算线compensated demand function 补偿需求函数compensation principles 补偿原则compensating variation in income 收入补偿变量competition 竞争competitive market 竞争性市场complement goods 互补品complete information 完全信息completeness 完备性condition for efficiency in exchange交换的最优条件condition for efficiency in production生产的最优条件concave 凹concave function 凹函数concave preference 凹偏好consistence 一致性constant cost industry 成本不变产业constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变constraints 约束consumer 消费者consumer behavior 消费者行为consumer choice 消费者选择consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡consumer optimization 消费者优化consumer preference 消费者偏好consumer surplus 消费者剩余consumer theory 消费者理论consumption 消费consumption bundle 消费束consumption combination 消费组合consumption possibility curve 消费可能曲线consumption possibility frontier 消费可能性前沿consumption set 消费集consumption space 消费空间continuity 连续性continuous function 连续函数contract curve 契约曲线convex 凸convex function 凸函数convex preference 凸偏好convex set 凸集corporation 公司cost 成本cost benefit analysis 成本收益分析cost function 成本函数cost minimization 成本最小化Cournot equilibrium 古诺均衡Cournot model 古诺模型cross-price elasticity 交叉价格弹性D 32dead-weights loss 重负损失decreasing cost industry 成本递减产业decreasing returns to scale 规模报酬递减deduction 演绎法demand 需求demand curve 需求曲线demand elasticity 需求弹性demand function 需求函数demand price 需求价格demand schedule 需求表depreciation 折旧derivative 导数derive demand 派生需求difference equation 差分方程differential equation 微分方程differentiated good 差异商品differentiated oligopoly 差异寡头diminishing marginal substitution 边际替代率递减diminishing marginal return 收益递减diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减direct approach 直接法direct taxes 直接税discounting 贴水、折扣diseconomies of scale 规模不经济disequilibrium 非均衡distribution 分配division of labour 劳动分工duopoly 双头垄断、双寡duality 对偶durable goods 耐用品dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic models 动态模型E 50economic agents 经济行为者economic cost 经济成本economic efficiency 经济效率economic goods 经济物品economic man 经济人economic mode 经济模型economic profit 经济利润economic regulation 经济调节economic rent 经济租金exchange 交换exchange efficiency 交换效率exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线economy of scale 规模经济Edgeworth box diagram 埃奇沃思图exclusion 排斥性、排他性Edgeworth contract curve 埃奇沃思契约线Edgeworth model 埃奇沃思模型efficiency 效率、效益efficiency parameter 效率参数elasticity 弹性elasticity of substitution 替代弹性endogenous variable 内生变量endowment 禀赋endowment of resources 资源禀赋Engel curve 恩格尔曲线entrepreneur 企业家entrepreneurship 企业家才能entry barriers 进入壁垒entry/exit decision 进出决策envelope curve 包络线equilibrium 均衡equilibrium condition 均衡条件equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium quantity 均衡产量equity 公平equivalent variation in income 收入等价变量excess-capacity theorem 过度生产能力定理existence 存在性existence of general equilibrium 总体均衡的存在性expansion paths 扩展径expectation 期望expected utility 期望效用expected value 期望值expenditure 支出explicit cost 显性成本external benefit 外部收益external cost 外部成本external economy 外部经济external diseconomy 外部不经济externalities 外部性F 24factor 要素factor demand 要素需求factor market 要素市场factors of production 生产要素factor substitution 要素替代factor supply 要素供给fallacy of composition 合成谬误final goods 最终产品firm 企业firms' demand curve for labour 企业劳动需求曲线firm supply curve 企业供给曲线first-degree price discrimination 第一级价格歧视first-order condition 一阶条件fixed costs 固定成本fixed input 固定投入fixed proportions production function 固定比例的生产函数flow 流量fluctuation 波动for whom to produce 为谁生产free entry 自由进入free goods 自由品、免费品free mobility of resources 资源自由流动free rider 搭便车、免费搭车者future value 未来值G 11game theory 博弈论、对策论general equilibrium 总体均衡、一般均衡general goods 一般商品Giffen goods 吉芬商品Giffen's Paradox 吉芬之谜Gini coefficient 吉尼系数golden rule 黄金规则government failure 政府失败government regulation 政府调控grand utility possibility curve 总效用可能曲线grand utility possibility frontier 总效用可能前沿H 9heterogeneous product 异质产品Hicks-kaldor welfare criterion 希克斯-卡尔多福利标准homogeneity 齐次性homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数homogeneous product 同质产品homogeneous production function 齐次生产函数horizontal summation 水平和human capital 人力资本hypothesis 假说I 52identity 恒等式imperfect competition 不完全竞争implicit cost 隐性成本income 收入income compensated demand curve 收入补偿需求曲线income constraint 收入约束income consumption curve 收入消费曲线income distribution 收入分配income effect 收入效应income elasticity of demand 需求收入弹性increasing cost industry 成本递增产业increasing returns to scale 规模报酬递增index number 指数indifference 无差异indifference curve 无差异曲线indifference map 无差异族indifference relation 无差异关系indifference set 无差异集indirect approach 间接法individual analysis 个量分析individual demand curve 个人需求曲线individual demand function 个人需求函数induced variable 引致变量induction 归纳法industry 产业industry equilibrium 产业均衡industry supply curve 产业供给曲线inelastic 缺乏弹性的inferior goods 劣品inflection point 拐点information 信息information cost 信息成本initial condition 初始条件initial endowment 初始禀赋innovation 创新input 投入input-output 投入-产出institution 制度institutional economics 制度经济学insurance 保险intercept 截距interest 利息interest rate 利息率intermediate goods 中间产品internalization of externalities 外部性内部化invention 发明inverse demand function 反需求函数invisible hand 看不见的手isocost line 等成本线isoprofit curve 等利润曲线isoquant curve 等产量曲线isoquant map 等产量族K 1kinked-demand curve 弯折的需求曲线L 30labour demand 劳动需求labour supply 劳动供给labour theory of value 劳动价值论labour unions 工会laissez faire 自由放任Lagrangian function 拉格朗日函数Lagrangian multiplier 拉格朗日乘数law of demand and supply 供需法则law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution边际替代率递减法则law of increasing cost 成本递增法则law of one price 单一价格法则leader-follower model 领导者-跟随者模型least-cost combination of inputs最低成本的投入组合leisure 闲暇Leontief production function 里昂惕夫生产函数licenses 许可证linear demand function 线性需求函数linear homogeneity 线性齐次性linear homogeneous production function线性齐次生产函数long run 长期long run average cost 长期平均成本long run equilibrium 长期均衡long run industry supply curve 长期产业供给曲线long run marginal cost 长期边际成本long run total cost 长期总成本Lorenz curve 洛伦兹曲线loss minimization 损失极小化lump sum tax 一次性征税luxury 奢侈品M 45macroeconomics 宏观经济学marginal benefit 边际收益marginal cost 边际成本marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价marginal cost of factor 边际要素成本marginal period 市场期marginal physical productivity 边际实物生产率marginal product 边际产量marginal product of capital 资本的边际产量marginal product of labour 劳动的边际产量marginal productivity 边际生产率marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率marginal returns 边际回报marginal revenue 边际收益marginal revenue product 边际收益产品marginal revolution 边际革命marginal social benefit 社会边际收益marginal social cost 社会边际成本marginal utility 边际效用marginal value products 边际价值产品market clearance 市场出清market economy 市场经济market equilibrium 市场均衡market failure 市场失灵market mechanism 市场机制market structure 市场结构market separation 市场分割market regulation 市场调节market share 市场份额markup pricing 加减定价法Marshallian demand function 马歇尔需求函数maximization 最大化microeconomics 微观经济学minimum wage 最低工资misallocation of resources 资源误置mixed economy 混合经济monopolistic competition 垄断竞争monopolistic exploitation 垄断剥削monopoly 垄断,卖方垄断monopoly equilibrium 垄断均衡monopoly pricing 垄断定价monopoly regulation 垄断调控monopoly rents 垄断租金monopsony 买方垄断N 17Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡natural monopoly 自然垄断natural resources 自然资源necessary condition 必要条件necessities 必需品net demand 净需求nonconvex preference 非凸性偏好nonconvexity 非凸性nonexclusion 非排斥性nonlinear pricing 非线性定价nonrivalry 非对抗性nonprice competition 非价格竞争nonsatiation 非饱和性non-zero-sum game 非零和对策normal goods 正常品normal profit 正常利润normative economics 规范经济学O 17objective function 目标函数oligopoly 寡头垄断oligopoly market 寡头市场oligopoly model 寡头模型opportunity cost 机会成本optimal choice 最佳选择optimal consumption bundle 消费束optimal resource allocation 最佳资源配置optimal scale 最佳规模optimal solution 最优解optimization 优化ordering of optimization (social) preference (社会)偏好排序ordinal utility 序数效用ordinary goods 一般品output 产出output elasticity 产出弹性output maximization 产出极大化P 68parameter 参数Pareto criterion 帕累托标准Pareto efficiency 帕累托效率Pareto improvement 帕累托改进Pareto optimality 帕累托优化Pareto set 帕累托集partial derivative 偏导数partial equilibrium 局部均衡patent 专利pay off matrix 收益矩阵、支付矩阵perceived demand curve 感觉到的需求曲线perfect competition 完全竞争perfect complement 完全互补品perfect monopoly 完全垄断perfect price discrimination 完全价格歧视perfect substitution 完全替代品perfect inelasticity 完全无弹性perfect elasticity 完全有弹性plant size 工厂规模point elasticity 点弹性positive economics 实证经济学Post Hoc Fallacy 后此谬误prediction 预测preference 偏好preference relation 偏好关系present value 现值price adjustment model 价格调整模型price ceiling 最高限价price consumption curve 价格消费曲线price control 价格管制price difference 价格差别price discrimination 价格歧视price elasticity of demand 需求价格弹性price elasticity of supply 供给价格弹性price floor 最低限价price maker 价格制定者price rigidity 价格刚性price seeker 价格搜求者price taker 价格接受者private benefit 私人收益principal-agent issues 委托-代理问题private cost 私人成本private goods 私人用品private property 私人财产producer equilibrium 生产者均衡producer theory 生产者论product transformation curve 产品转换曲线product differentiation 产品差异product group 产品集团production contract curve 生产契约曲线production efficiency 生产效率production function 生产函数production possibility curve 生产可能曲线productivity 生产率productivity of capital 资本生产率productivity of labour 劳动生产率profit function 利润函数profit maximization 利润最大化property rights 产权property rights economics 产权经济学proposition 定理proportional demand curve 成比例的需求函数public benefits 公共收益public choice 公共选择public goods 公共商品pure competition 纯粹竞争pure exchange 纯交换pure monopoly 纯粹垄断Q 3quantity-adjustment model 数量调整模型quantity tax 从量税quasi-rent 准租金R 18rate of product transformation 产品转换率rationality 理性reaction function 反应函数regulation 调节,调控relative price 相对价格rent 租金rent seeking 寻租rent seeking economics 寻租经济学resource 资源resource allocation 资源配置returns 报酬、回报returns to scale 规模报酬revealed preference 显示性偏好revenue 收益revenue curve 收益曲线revenue function 收益函数revenue maximization 收益最大化ridge line 脊线S 43satiation 饱和,满足saving 储蓄scarcity 稀缺性law of scarcity 稀缺法则second-degree price discrimination 二级价格歧视second derivative 二阶导数second-order condition 二阶条件service 劳务shadow prices 影子价格short-run 短期short-run cost curve 短期成本曲线short-run equilibrium 短期均衡short-run supply curve 短期供给曲线shut down decision 关闭决策shortage 短缺shut down point 关闭点single price monopoly 单一定价垄断slope 斜率social benefit 社会收益social cost 社会成本social indifference curve 社会无差异曲线social preference 社会偏好social security 社会保障social welfare function 社会福利函数socialism 社会主义solution 解space 空间stability 稳定性stable equilibrium 稳定的均衡Stackelberg model 斯塔克尔贝格模型static analysis 静态分析stock 存量stock market 股票市场strategy 策略subsidy 补贴substitutes 替代品substitution effect 替代效应substitution parameter 替代参数sufficient condition 充分条件supply schedule 供给表Sweezy model 斯威齐模型symmetry 对称性symmetry of information 信息对称T 16tangency 相切technical efficiency 技术效率technological constraints 技术约束technological progress 技术进步third-degree price discrimination 第三级价格歧视total cost 总成本total effect 总效应total expenditure 总支出total fixed cost 总固定成本total product 总产量total revenue 总收益total utility 总效用total variable cost 总可变成本traditional economy 传统经济transitivity 传递性transaction cost 交易费用U 8uncertainty 不确定性uniqueness 唯一性unit elasticity 单位弹性unstable equilibrium 不稳定均衡utility index 效用指数utility maximization 效用最大化utility possibility curve 效用可能性曲线utility possibility frontier 效用可能性前沿V 8value judge 价值判断value of marginal product 边际产量价值variable cost 可变成本variable input 可变投入variables 变量vector 向量visible hand 看得见的手vulgar economics 庸俗经济学W 8wage rate 工资率Walras general equilibrium 瓦尔拉斯总体均衡Walras's law 瓦尔拉斯法则Wants 需要Welfare criterion 福利标准Welfare economics 福利经济学Welfare loss triangle 福利损失三角形Welfare maximization 福利最大化Z 4zero cost 零成本zero elasticity 零弹性zero homogeneity 零阶齐次性zero economic profit 零利润1、绝对优势(Absolute advantage)如果一个国家用一单位资源生产的某种产品比另一个国家多,那么,这个国家在这种产品的生产上与另一国相比就具有绝对优势。



经济学基础术语中英对照经济学词汇Aaccounting:会计accounting cost :会计成本accounting profit :会计利润adverse selection :逆向选择allocation 配置allocation of resources :资源配置allocative efficiency :配置效率antitrust legislation :反托拉斯法arc elasticity :弧弹性Arrow's impossibility theorem :阿罗不可能定理Assumption :假设asymetric information :非对称性信息average :平均average cost :平均成本average cost pricing :平均成本定价法average fixed cost :平均固定成本average product of capital :资本平均产量average product of labour :劳动平均产量average revenue :平均收益average total cost :平均总成本average variable cost :平均可变成本Bbarriers to entry :进入壁垒base year :基年bilateral monopoly :双边垄断benefit :收益black market :黑市bliss point :极乐点boundary point :边界点break even point :收支相抵点budget :预算budget constraint :预算约束budget line :预算线budget set 预算集Ccapital :资本capital stock :资本存量capital output ratio :资本产出比率capitalism :资本主义cardinal utility theory :基数效用论cartel :卡特尔ceteris puribus assumption :“其他条件不变”的假设ceteris puribus demand curve :其他因素不变的需求曲线Chamberlin model :张伯伦模型change in demand :需求变化change in quantity demanded :需求量变化change in quantity supplied :供给量变化change in supply :供给变化choice :选择closed set :闭集Coase theorem :科斯定理Cobb—Douglas production function :柯布--道格拉斯生产函数cobweb model :蛛网模型collective bargaining :集体协议工资collusion :合谋command economy :指令经济commodity :商品commodity combination :商品组合commodity market :商品市场commodity space :商品空间common property :公用财产comparative static analysis :比较静态分析compensated budget line :补偿预算线compensated demand function :补偿需求函数compensation principles :补偿原则compensating variation in income :收入补偿变量competition :竞争competitive market :竞争性市场complement goods :互补品complete information :完全信息completeness :完备性condition for efficiency in exchange :交换的最优条件condition for efficiency in production :生产的最优条件concave :凹concave function :凹函数concave preference :凹偏好consistence :一致性constant cost industry :成本不变产业constant returns to scale :规模报酬不变constraints :约束consumer :消费者consumer behavior :消费者行为consumer choice :消费者选择consumer equilibrium :消费者均衡consumer optimization :消费者优化consumer preference :消费者偏好consumer surplus :消费者剩余consumer theory :消费者理论consumption :消费consumption bundle :消费束consumption combination :消费组合consumption possibility curve :消费可能曲线consumption possibility frontier :消费可能性前沿consumption set :消费集consumption space :消费空间continuity :连续性continuous function :连续函数contract curve :契约曲线convex :凸convex function :凸函数convex preference :凸偏好convex set :凸集corporatlon :公司cost :成本cost benefit analysis :成本收益分cost function :成本函数cost minimization :成本极小化Cournot equilihrium :古诺均衡Cournot model :古诺模型Cross—price elasticity :交叉价格弹性Ddead—weights loss :重负损失decreasing cost industry :成本递减产业decreasing returns to scale :规模报酬递减deduction :演绎法demand :需求demand curve :需求曲线demand elasticity :需求弹性demand function :需求函数demand price :需求价格demand schedule :需求表depreciation :折旧derivative :导数derive demand :派生需求difference equation :差分方程differential equation :微分方程differentiated good :差异商品differentiated oligoply :差异寡头diminishing marginal substitution :边际替代率递减diminishing marginal return :收益递减diminishing marginal utility :边际效用递减direct approach :直接法direct taxes :直接税discounting :贴税、折扣diseconomies of scale :规模不经济disequilibrium :非均衡distribution :分配division of labour :劳动分工distribution theory of marginal productivity :边际生产率分配论duoupoly :双头垄断、双寡duality :对偶durable goods :耐用品dynamic analysis :动态分析dynamic models :动态模型EEconomic agents :经济行为者economic cost :经济成本economic efficiency :经济效率economic goods :经济物品economic man :经济人economic mode :经济模型economic profit :经济利润economic region of production :生产的经济区域economic regulation :经济调节economic rent :经济租金exchange :交换economics :经济学exchange efficiency :交换效率economy :经济exchange contract curve :交换契约曲线economy of scale :规模经济Edgeworth box diagram :埃奇沃思图exclusion :排斥性、排他性Edgeworth contract curve :埃奇沃思契约线Edgeworth model :埃奇沃思模型efficiency :效率,效益efficiency parameter :效率参数elasticity :弹性elasticity of substitution :替代弹性endogenous variable :内生变量endowment :禀赋endowment of resources :资源禀赋Engel curve :恩格尔曲线entrepreneur :企业家entrepreneurship :企业家才能entry barriers :进入壁垒entry/exit decision :进出决策envolope curve :包络线equilibrium :均衡equilibrium condition :均衡条件equilibrium price :均衡价格equilibrium quantity :均衡产量eqity :公平equivalent variation in income :收入等价变量excess—capacity theorem :过度生产能力定理excess supply :过度供给exchange :交换exchange contract curve :交换契约曲线exclusion :排斥性、排他性exclusion principle :排他性原则existence :存在性existence of general equilibrium :总体均衡的存在性exogenous variables :外生变量expansion paths :扩展径expectation :期望expected utility :期望效用expected value :期望值expenditure :支出explicit cost :显性成本external benefit :外部收益external cost :外部成本external economy :外部经济external diseconomy :外部不经济externalities :外部性FFactor :要素factor demand :要素需求factor market :要素市场factors of production :生产要素factor substitution :要素替代factor supply :要素供给fallacy of composition :合成谬误final goods :最终产品firm :企业firms’demand curve for labor :企业劳动需求曲线firm supply curve :企业供给曲线first-degree price discrimination :第一级价格歧视first—order condition :一阶条件fixed costs :固定成本fixed input :固定投入fixed proportions production function :固定比例的生产函数flow :流量fluctuation :波动for whom to produce :为谁生产free entry :自由进入free goods :自由品,免费品free mobility of resources :资源自由流动free rider :搭便车,免费搭车function :函数future value :未来值Ggame theory :对策论、博弈论general equilibrium :总体均衡general goods :一般商品Giffen goods :吉芬晶收入补偿需求曲线Giffen's Paradox :吉芬之谜Gini coefficient :吉尼系数goldenrule :黄金规则goods :货物government failure :政府失败government regulation :政府调控grand utility possibility curve :总效用可能曲线grand utility possibility frontier :总效用可能前沿Hheterogeneous product :异质产品Hicks—kaldor welfare criterion :希克斯一卡尔多福利标准homogeneity :齐次性homogeneous demand function :齐次需求函数homogeneous product :同质产品homogeneous production function :齐次生产函数horizontal summation :水平和household :家庭how to produce :如何生产human capital :人力资本hypothesis :假说Iidentity :恒等式imperfect competion :不完全竞争implicitcost :隐性成本income :收入income compensated demand curve :收入补偿需求曲线income constraint :收入约束income consumption curve :收入消费曲线income distribution :收入分配income effect :收入效应income elasticity of demand :需求收入弹性increasing cost industry :成本递增产业increasing returns to scale :规模报酬递增inefficiency :缺乏效率index number :指数indifference :无差异indifference curve :无差异曲线indifference map :无差异族indifference relation :无差异关系indifference set :无差异集indirect approach :间接法individual analysis :个量分析individual demand curve :个人需求曲线individual demand function :个人需求函数induced variable :引致变量induction :归纳法industry :产业industry equilibrium :产业均衡industry supply curve :产业供给曲线inelastic :缺乏弹性的inferior goods :劣品inflection point :拐点information :信息information cost :信息成本initial condition :初始条件initial endowment :初始禀赋innovation :创新input :投入input—output :投入—产出institution :制度institutional economics :制度经济学insurance :保险intercept :截距interest :利息interest rate :利息率intermediate goods :中间产品internatization of externalities :外部性内部化invention :发明inverse demand function :逆需求函数investment :投资invisible hand :看不见的手isocost line :等成本线,isoprofit curve :等利润曲线isoquant curve :等产量曲线isoquant map :等产量族Kkinded—demand curve :弯折的需求曲线Llabour :劳动labour demand :劳动需求labour supply :劳动供给labour theory of value :劳动价值论labour unions :工会laissez faire :自由放任Lagrangian function :拉格朗日函数Lagrangian multiplier :拉格朗乘数,land :土地law :法则law of demand and supply :供需法law of diminishing marginal utility :边际效用递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution :边际替代率递减法则law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution :边际技术替代率law of increasing cost :成本递增法则law of one price :单一价格法则leader—follower model :领导者--跟随者模型least—cost combination of inputs :最低成本的投入组合leisure :闲暇Leontief production function :列昂节夫生产函数licenses :许可证linear demand function :线性需求函数linear homogeneity :线性齐次性linear homogeneous production function :线性齐次生产函数long run :长期long run average cost :长期平均成本long run equilibrium :长期均衡long run industry supply curve :长期产业供给曲线long run marginal cost :长期边际成本long run total cost :长期总成本Lorenz curve :洛伦兹曲线loss minimization :损失极小化1ump sum tax :一次性征税luxury :奢侈品Mmacroeconomics :宏观经济学marginal :边际的marginal benefit :边际收益marginal cost :边际成本marginal cost pricing :边际成本定价marginal cost of factor :边际要素成本marginal physical productivity :实际实物生产率marginal product :边际产量marginal product of capital :资本的边际产量marginal product of 1abour :劳动的边际产量marginal productivity :边际生产率marginal rate of substitution :边替代率marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率marginal returns :边际回报marginal revenue :边际收益marginal revenue product :边际收益产品marginal revolution :边际革命marginal social benefit :社会边际收益marginal social cost :社会边际成本marginal utility :边际效用marginal value products :边际价值产品market :市场market clearance :市场结清,市场洗清market demand :市场需求market economy :市场经济market equilibrium :市场均衡market failure :市场失败market mechanism :市场机制market structure :市场结构market separation :市场分割market regulation :市场调节market share :市场份额markup pricing :加减定价法Marshallian demand function :马歇尔需求函数maximization :极大化microeconomics :微观经济学minimum wage :最低工资misallocation of resources :资源误置mixed economy :混合经济model :模型money :货币monopolistic competition :垄断竞争monopolistic exploitation :垄断剥削monopoly :垄断,卖方垄断monopoly equilibrium :垄断均衡monopoly pricing :垄断定价monopoly regulation :垄断调控monopoly rents :垄断租金monopsony :买方垄断NNash equilibrium :纳什均衡Natural monopoly :自然垄断Natural resources :自然资源Necessary condition :必要条件necessities :必需品net demand :净需求nonconvex preference :非凸性偏好nonconvexity :非凸性nonexclusion :非排斥性nonlinear pricing :非线性定价nonrivalry :非对抗性nonprice competition :非价格竞争nonsatiation :非饱和性non--zero—sum game :非零和对策normal goods :正常品normal profit :正常利润normative economics :规范经济学Oobjective function :目标函数oligopoly :寡头垄断oligopoly market :寡头市场oligopoly model :寡头模型opportunity cost :机会成本optimal choice :最佳选择optimal consumption bundle :消费束perfect elasticity :完全有弹性optimal resource allocation :最佳资源配置optimal scale :最佳规模optimal solution :最优解optimization :优化ordering of optimization(social) preference :(社会)偏好排序ordinal utility :序数效用ordinary goods :一般品output :产量、产出output elasticity :产出弹性output maximization 产出极大化Pparameter :参数Pareto criterion :帕累托标准Pareto efficiency :帕累托效率Pareto improvement :帕累托改进Pareto optimality :帕累托优化Pareto set :帕累托集partial derivative :偏导数partial equilibrium :局部均衡patent :专利pay off matrix :收益矩阵、支付矩阵perceived demand curve :感觉到的需求曲线perfect competition :完全竞争perfect complement :完全互补品perfect monopoly :完全垄断perfect price discrimination :完全价格歧视perfect substitution :完全替代品perfect inelasticity :完全无弹性perfectly elastic :完全有弹性perfectly inelastic :完全无弹性plant size :工厂规模point elasticity :点弹性post Hoc Fallacy :后此谬误prediction :预测preference :偏好preference relation :偏好关系present value :现值price :价格price adjustment model :价格调整模型price ceiling :最高限价price consumption curve :价格费曲线price control :价格管制price difference :价格差别price discrimination :价格歧视price elasticity of demand :需求价格弹性price elasticity of supply :供给价格弹性price floor :最低限价price maker :价格制定者price rigidity :价格刚性price seeker :价格搜求者price taker :价格接受者price tax :从价税private benefit :私人收益principal—agent issues :委托--代理问题private cost :私人成本private goods :私人用品private property :私人财产producer equilibrium :生产者均衡producer theory :生产者理论product :产品product transformation curve :产品转换曲线product differentiation :产品差异product group :产品集团production :生产production contract curve :生产契约曲线production efficiency :生产效率production function :生产函数production possibility curve :生产可能性曲线productivity :生产率productivity of capital :资本生产率productivity of labor :劳动生产率profit :利润profit function :利润函数profit maximization :利润极大化property rights :产权property rights economics :产权经济学proposition :定理proportional demand curve :成比例的需求曲线public benefits :公共收益public choice :公共选择public goods :公共商品pure competition :纯粹竞争rivalry :对抗性、竞争pure exchange :纯交换pure monopoly :纯粹垄断Qquantity—adjustment model :数量调整模型quantity tax :从量税quasi—rent :准租金Rrate of product transformation :产品转换率rationality :理性reaction function :反应函数regulation :调节,调控relative price 相对价格rent :租金rent control :规模报酬rent seeking :寻租rent seeking economics :寻租经济学resource :资源resource allocation :资源配置returns :报酬、回报returns to scale :规模报酬revealed preference :显示性偏好revenue :收益revenue curve :收益曲线revenue function :收益函数revenue maximization :收益极大化ridge line :脊线risk :风险satiation :饱和,满足saving :储蓄scarcity :稀缺性law of scarcity :稀缺法则second—degree price discrimination :二级价格歧视second derivative :--阶导数second—order condition :二阶条件service :劳务set :集shadow prices :影子价格short—run :短期short—run cost curve :短期成本曲线short—run equilibrium :短期均衡short—run supply curve :短期供给曲线shut down decision :关闭决策shortage 短缺shut down point :关闭点single price monopoly :单一定价垄断slope :斜率social benefit :社会收益social cost :社会成本social indifference curve :社会无差异曲线social preference :社会偏好social security :社会保障social welfare function :社会福利函数socialism :社会主义solution :解space :空间stability :稳定性stable equilibrium :稳定的均衡Stackelberg model :斯塔克尔贝格模型static analysis :静态分析stock :存量stock market :股票市场strategy :策略subsidy :津贴substitutes :替代品substitution effect :替代效应substitution parameter :替代参数sufficient condition :充分条件supply :供给supply curve :供给曲线supply function :供给函数supply schedule :供给表Sweezy model :斯威齐模型symmetry :对称性symmetry of information :信息对称tangency :相切taste :兴致technical efficiency :技术效率technological constraints ;技术约束technological progress :技术进步technology :技术third—degree price discrimination :第三级价格歧视total cost :总成本total effect :总效应total expenditure :总支出total fixed cost :总固定成本total product :总产量total revenue :总收益total utility :总效用total variable cost :总可变成本traditional economy :传统经济transitivity :传递性transaction cost :交易费用uncertainty :不确定性uniqueness :唯一性unit elasticity :单位弹性unstable equilibrium :不稳定均衡utility :效用utility function :效用函数utility index :效用指数utility maximization :效用极大化utility possibility curve :效用可能性曲线utility possibility frontier :效用可能性前沿Vvalue :价值value judge :价值判断value of marginal product :边际产量价值variable cost :可变成本variable input :可变投入variables :变量vector :向量visible hand :看得见的手vulgur economics :庸俗经济学Wwage :工资wage rate :工资率Walras general equilibrium :瓦尔拉斯总体均衡Walras's law :瓦尔拉斯法则Wants :需要Welfare criterion :福利标准Welfare economics :福利经学Welfare loss triangle :福利损失三角形welfare maximization :福利极大化Zzero cost :零成本zero elasticity :零弹性zero homogeneity :零阶齐次性zero economic profit :零利润。



经济学专业名词中英文对照EnterpreneurArbitrage 套利non-arbitrage 无套利autarky 封闭的balance of paymentdividend 红利barriers to entry/exit 进入、退出壁垒capital adequacy ratioBretton woodscapital flight 资本外逃compound interest 复利Schumpetercurrency board system 货币局制度portfolio theory:diversification can produce the same total returns with less riskdivision of labor 劳动力分工efficient marketexternalityfederal reserve system 美联储gearing or leverage 杠杆hawala 地下钱庄hysteresis 滞后infrastructure 基础设施建设adverse selection and moral hazardintervention 干预、介入life cycle hypothesisliquidity 流动性mercantilism 重商主义mergers and acquisitions 企业并购M&Amaney has three main qualities: medium of exchange, unit of account, store of valuemultiplier 乘数nationalisation 国有化privatisation 私有化pligopoly 寡头垄断open-market operations 公开市场操作overshooting 超调Pigou effect:大的价格下跌会刺激消费Plaza accord 广场协议PPP pirchasing power parity 购买力平价proce discrimination 价格歧视progressive taxation 累进税property rights 产权prospect theoryreal option theory 实物期权理论(可以选择期权执行的时间,以在资金充足的时候执行期权)reciprocity 互惠reflation 通过扩大货币供给或减税等刺激经济增长regulatory arbitrage 监管套利(即利用制度漏洞)replacing cost 重置成本reserve currency 准备金reserve ratio 准备金率李嘉图认为,预算赤字和减税的效果是相同的,现期的赤字和减税将导致未来的高税收预期,从而家庭在现期会增加储蓄以应付未来的高税收,消费不发生变化。

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管理经济学中英文术语及其解释Ability-to-Pay principle (税收的)能力支付原则the idea that taxes should be levied on a person according to how well that person can shoulder the burdenAbsolute advantage绝对优势the comparison among producers of a good according to their productivityAccounting profit会计利润total revenue minus total explicit costAdverse selection逆向选择the tendency for the mix of unobserved attributes to become undesirable from the standpoint of an uninformed partyAgent代理人 a person who is performing an act for another person, called the principalArrow ‟s impossibility theorem阿罗不可能定理a mathematical result showing that, under certain assumed conditions, there is no scheme for aggregating individual preferences into a valid set of social preferencesAverage fixed cost平均固定成本fixed costs divided by the quantity of outputAverage revenue平均收益total revenue divided by the quantity soldAverage tax rate平均税率total taxes paid divided by total incomeAverage total cost平均总成本total cost divided by the quantity of outputAverage variable cost平均可变成本variable costs divided by the quantity of outputBenefits principle受益原则the idea that people should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government servicesBudget constraint预算约束the limit on the consumption bundles that a consumer can afford Budget deficit预算赤字an excess of government spending over government receiptsBudget surplus预算盈余an excess of government receipts over government spending Business cycle经济周期fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production Capital资产the equipment and structures used to produce goods and servicesCartel卡特尔a group of firms acting in unisonCircular-flow diagram循环流向图 a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firmsCoase theorem科斯定理the proposition that if private parties can bargain without cost over the allocation of resources, they can solve the problem of externalities on their ownCollusion共谋an agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or prices to chargeCommon resources共源goods that are rival but not excludableComparative advantage比较优势the comparison among producers of a good according to their opportunity costCompensating differential补偿性工资差别 a difference in wages that arises to offset the nonmonetary characteristics of different jobsCompetitive market竞争性市场 a market with many buyers and sellers trading identical products so that each buyer and seller is a price takerComplements互补性商品two goods for which an increase in the price of one leads to a decrease in the demand for the otherCondorcet paradox孔多塞悖论(投票悖论)the failure of majority rule to produce transitive preferences for societyConstant returns to scale规模报酬不变the property whereby long-run average total cost staysthe same as the quantity of output changesConsumer surplus消费者剩余 a buyer‟s willingness to pay minus the amount the buyer actually paysCost成本the value of everything a seller must give up to produce a goodCost-benefit analysis成本收益分析 a study that compares the costs and benefits to society of providing a public goodCross-price elasticity of demand需求的交叉价格弹性 a measure of how much the quantity demanded of one good responds to a change in the price of another good, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded of the first good divided by the percentage change in the price of the second goodDeadweight loss无谓损失the fall in total surplus that results from a market distortion, such as a taxDemand curve需求曲线 a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demandedDemand schedule需求表 a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demandedDiminishing marginal product边际产品递减the property whereby the marginal product of an input declines.As the quantity of the input increasesDiscrimination歧视the offering of different opportunities to similar individuals who differ only by race, ethnic group, sex, age, or other personal characteristicsDiseconomies of scale规模不经济the property whereby long-run average total cost rises as the quantity of output increasesDominant strategy占优策略 a strategy that is best for a player in a game regardless of the strategies chosen by the other playersEconomic profit经济利润total revenue minus total cost, including both explicit and implicit costsEconomics经济学the study of how society manages its scarce resourcesEconomies of scale规模经济the property whereby long-run average total cost falls as the quantity of output increasesEfficiency效率the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources Efficiency wages效率工资above-equilibrium wages paid by firms in order to increase worker productivityEfficient scale有效规模the quantity of output that minimizes average total costElasticity弹性 a measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded or quantity supplied to one of its determinantsEquilibrium均衡 a situation in which the price has reached the level where quantity supplied equals quantity demandedEquilibrium price均衡价格the price that balances quantity supplied and quantity demanded Equilibrium quantity均衡数量the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded at the equilibrium priceEquity平等the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of societyExcludability排他性the property of a good whereby a person can be prevented from using it Explicit costs显性成本input costs that require an outlay of money by the firmExports出口goods produced domestically and sold abroadExternality外部性the uncompensated impact of one person‟s actions on the wellbeing of a bystanderFactors of production生产要素the inputs used to produce goods and servicesFixed casts固定成本costs that do not vary with the quantity of output producedFree rider免费搭车者 a person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it Game theory博弈论the study of how people behave in strategic situationsGiffen good吉芬商品 a good for which an increase in the price raises the quantity demanded Horizontal equity横向公平the idea that taxpayers with similar abilities to pay taxes should pay the same amountHuman capital人力资本the accumulation of investments in people, such as education andon-the-job trainingImplicit costs隐性成本input costs that do not require an outlay of money by the firmImport quota进口配额 a limit on the quantity of a good that can be produced abroad and sold domesticallyImports进口goods produced abroad and sold domesticallyIncome effect收入效应the change in consumption that results when a price change moves the consumer to a higher or lower indifference curveIncome elasticity of demand需求的收入弹性 a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in consumers‟ income, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in incomeIndifference curve无差异曲线 a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfactionInferior good低档物品 a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to a decrease in demandInflation通货膨胀an increase in the overall level of prices in the economyIn-kind transfers实物转移支付transfers to the poor given in the form of goods and services rather than cashInternalizing an externality外部性的内在化altering incentives so that people take account of the external effects of their actionsLaw of demand需求定理the claim that, other things equal, the quantity demanded of a good falls when the price of the good risesLaw of supply and demand需求与供给定理the claim that the price of any good adjusts to bring the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded for that good into balanceLiberalism自由主义the political philosophy according to which the government should choose policies deemed to be just, as evaluated by an impartial observer behind a “veil of ignorance”Libertarianism自由至上主义the political philosophy according to which the government should punish crimes and enforce voluntary agreements but not redistribute incomeLife cycle生命周期the regular pattern of income variation over a person‟s lifeLump-sum tax定额税 a tax that is the same amount for every personMacroeconomics宏观经济学the study of economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growthMarginal changes边际变动small incremental adjustments to a plan of actionMarginal cost边际成本the increase in total cost that arises from an extra unit of production Marginal product边际产品the increase in output that arises from an additional unit of input Marginal product of labor劳动的边际产品the increase in the amount of output from an additional unit of laborMarginal rate of substitution边际替代率the rate at which a consumer is willing to trade one good for anotherMarginal revenue边际收益the change in total revenue from an additional unit soldMarginal tax rate边际税率the extra taxes paid on an additional dollar of incomeMarket市场 a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or serviceMarket economy市场经济an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services Market failure市场失灵 a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficientlyMarket power市场势力the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market pricesMaximin criterion极大极小准则the claim that the government should aim to maximize the well-being of the worst-off person in societyMedian voter theorem中位选举人定理 a mathematical result showing that if voters are choosing a point along a line and each voter wants the point closest to his most preferred point, then majority rule will pick the most preferred point of the median voterMicroeconomics微观经济学the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in marketsMonopolistic competition垄断竞争 a market structure in which many firms sell products that are similar but not identicalMonopoly垄断 a firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutesMoral hazard道德风险the tendency of a person who is imperfectly monitored to engage in dishonest or otherwise undesirable behaviorNash equilibrium纳什均衡 a situation in which economic actors interacting with one another each choose their best strategy given the strategies that all the other actors have chosenNatural monopoly自然垄断 a monopoly that arises because a single firm can supply a good or service to an entire market at a smaller cost than could two or more firmsNegative income tax负所得税 a tax system that collects revenue from high-income households and gives transfers to low-income householdsNormal good正常商品 a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to an increase in demandNormative statements规范性表述claims that attempt to prescribe how the world should be Oligopoly寡头 a market structure in which only a few sellers offer similar or identical productsOpportunity cost机会成本whatever must be given up to obtain some itemPerfect complements完全互补品two goods with right-angle indifference curvesPerfect substitutes完全替代品two goods with straight-line indifference curvesPermanent income持久性收入 a person‟s normal incomePhillips curve菲利普斯曲线 a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemploymentPigovian tax庇古税 a tax enacted to correct the effects of a negative externalityPositive statements实证表述claims that attempt to describe the world as it isPoverty line贫困线an absolute level of income set by the federal government for each family size below which a family is deemed to be in povertyPoverty rate贫困率the percentage of the population whose family income falls below an absolute level called the …poverty linePrice ceiling价格天花板(上限) a legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold Price discrimination价格歧视the business practice of selling the same good at different prices to different customersPrice elasticity of demand需求的价格弹性 a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in pricePrice elasticity supply供给的价格弹性 a measure of how much the quantity supplied of a good responds to a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in pricePrice floor价格地板I下限) a legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold Principal委托人 a person for whom another person, called the agent, is performing some act Prisoners‟ dilemma囚徒困境 a particular “game” between two captured prisoners that illustrates why cooperation is difficult to maintain even when it is mutually beneficialPrivate goods私人物品goods that are both excludable and rivalProducer surplus生产者剩余the amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller‟s cost Production function生产函数the relationship between quantity of inputs used to make a good and the quantity of output of that goodProduction possibilities frontier生产可能性曲线 a graph that shows the combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce given the available factors of production and the available production technologyProductivity生产率the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker‟s timeProfit利润total revenue minus total costProgressive tax累进税 a tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a larger fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayersProportional tax比例税 a tax for which high-income and low-income taxpayers pay the same fraction of incomePublic goods公共产品goods that are neither excludable nor rivalQuantity demanded需求数量the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase Quantity supplied供给数量the amount of a good that sellers are willing and able to sell Regressive tax累退税 a tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayersRivalry竞争the property of a good whereby one person‟s use diminishes other people‟s use Scarcity稀缺性the limited nature of society‟s resourcesScreening筛选an action taken by an uninformed party to induce an informed party to reveal informationShortage短缺 a situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied Signaling信号显示an action taken by an informed party to reveal private information to anuninformed partyStrike罢工the organized withdrawal of labor from a firm by a unionSubstitutes替代品two goods for which an increase in the price of one leads to an increase in the demand for the otherSubstitution effect替代效应the change in consumption that results when a price change moves the consumer along a given indifference curve to a point with a new marginal rate of substitution Sunk cost沉淀成本 a cost that has already been committed and cannot be recoveredSupply curve供给曲线 a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity suppliedSupply schedule供给表 a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity suppliedSurplus过剩 a situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demandedTariff关税 a tax on goods produced abroad and sold domesticallyTax incidence税收归宿the manner in which the burden of a tax is shared among participants in a marketTotal cost总成本the market value of the inputs a firm uses in productionTotal revenue (for a firm)总收益the amount a firm receives for the sale of its outputTotal revenue (in a market)总收益the amount paid by buyers and received by sellers of a good, computed as the price of the good times the quantity soldTragedy of the Commons公共地的悲剧a parable that illustrates why common resources get used more than is desirable from the standpoint of society as a wholeTransaction costs交易成本the costs that parties incur in the process of agreeing and following through on a bargainUnion工会 a worker association that bargains with employers over wages and working conditionsUtilitarianism功利主义the political philosophy according to which the government should choose policies to maximize the total utility of everyone in societyUtility效用 a measure of happiness or satisfactionValue of the marginal product边际产品价值the marginal product of an input times the price of the outputVariable costs可变成本costs that vary with the quantity of output producedVertical equity纵向公平the idea that taxpayers with a greater ability to pay taxes should pay larger amountsWelfare福利government programs that supplement the incomes of the needyWelfare economics福利经济学the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-beingWillingness to pay支付意愿the maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a goodWorld price世界价格the price of a good that prevails in the world market for that good。
