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school hall on March 12, at 4:30 pm ) is to be held( the opening ceremony of the club is be held in our
school hall on March 12, at 4:30 pm ) Scheduled on…,the opening ceremony…
roller skating)
希望:hope( we hope all the members would take active part in it )
look forward to(we are looking forward to all the members’
At the end of next month, a Roller Skating Contest will be held in our school and we hope all the members would take active part in it.
The Students’ Union
开篇:讲明通知的事情时间地点(简单明了即可,定语从句的使用地。 若为口头通知,须+hello,everybody)
中篇:按题目中所给的相关要求,依照顺序一个一个写下来,句型尽量 是复合句(倒装句,不但…而且…,从句,强调句型),多用生动的词 汇表达(形容词、副词等小词,一些套路的短语),连接顺畅(连接 词),也可以使用几个高级词汇(前提是要有把握,不能堆砌高级词 汇)
appreciate(all the members’ active involvement will be greatly
踊跃参加:take active part in
actively/enthusiastically join in jump into the activity enthusiastic participation/involvement
之后: after( After the ceremony a lecture about the history of roller
skating will be given )
follow(Following the ceremony is a lecture about the history of
假如你是学生会主席李华,你校学生将于12月12日下午4 点在学校报告厅举办高一、高二年级英语短剧大赛。请你 根据以下信息,用英语写一篇书面通知。 内容如下: 活动目的:激发学生学习兴趣,丰富课外生活 参赛要求:每班学生自编自导一个英文短剧 报名时间及地点:12月8日之前高一高二英语老师办公室 评选:各年级前三名获奖 注意:1.字数100字左右
举行: fall on(the opening ceremony will fall on March 12,at 4:30 pm in
our school hall) will be held( the opening ceremony of the club will be held in our
格式问题注意—通知不像信件,不用写dear…,末尾落款也不用写名字, yours之类的,需要落款学生会(The Student Union、The Student’s Union ),就算你是学生会主席且题目中没有说明你代表学生会发通 知,落款也只能是学生会
The opening ceremony of the club will be held in our school hall on March 12, at 4:30 pm. After the ceremony a lecture about the history of roller skating will be given. And we can also enjoy wonderful performance of roller skating. The Roller Skating Club has decided to supply every member with a free book about skill in roller skating.
2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3.参考词汇:报名:sign up 激发:motivate
假如你是李梅,打算给在北京留学的朋友Dick写一 封邀请信,希望他来参加1月25日晚上你校师生 举办的春节晚会。 晚会安排如下:
1. 时间:1月25日晚上7:00,大约两个半小时; 2. 地点:本校大礼堂; 3. 活动:老师和同学们演唱中国传统歌曲以及英语
【优秀满分范文】 You are welcome to join the Roller Skating Club, which has been set up in
our school recently. All the students who want to join the club may sign up in Room 305, No. 1 Building from next Monday to next Friday. If you want to become a member of the Roller Skating Club, remember to do it!
假设最近你校成立了“轮滑俱乐部(Roller Skating Club)”。请根据以下内容以学生会的名义写一篇150 词左右的书面通知。 报名时间: 下周一至周五 报名地点:1号楼305房间 活动安排:3月12Fra Baidu bibliotek日下午4:30在学校礼堂举行成立仪 式,之后有一场轮滑历史的讲座,还有精彩的轮滑表 演。俱乐部将向所有的会员免费提供一本有关轮滑技 能的书。 比赛通知:下个月月底将进行一次全校滑轮大赛,希 望所有会员踊跃参加。