我的家乡潜山 英文

hometown潜山作文英文回答:Home is where we belong, where we feel loved and accepted. It's a place where we can relax and be ourselves. For me, my hometown of Shanxi holds a special place in my heart. It's where I grew up, where my family and friends live, and where I have some of my fondest memories.Shanxi is a beautiful province in eastern China. It's home to some of the country's most famous mountains, rivers, and temples. The landscape is varied, with rolling hills, lush valleys, and towering peaks. The climate is temperate, with hot summers and cold winters.The people of Shanxi are warm and friendly. They are known for their hard work and dedication. They are alsovery proud of their culture and traditions. Shanxi is hometo a number of ethnic minorities, including the Hui, the Mongols, and the Manchus. Each of these groups has its ownunique customs and traditions.I grew up in the city of Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi. Taiyuan is a modern city with a rich history. It's home toa number of universities, museums, and theaters. I attended school in Taiyuan and spent many happy hours exploring the city's parks and gardens.One of my favorite things about Shanxi is the food. Shanxi cuisine is known for its use of vinegar and noodles. Some of the most popular dishes include Shanxi sliced noodles, Taiyuan steamed buns, and vinegar stewed pork.I am grateful to have grown up in Shanxi. It's a beautiful province with a rich culture and friendly people.I am proud to call Shanxi my hometown.中文回答:故乡潜山作文。

The Wonders of Anhui: A Province of Endless CharmNestled between the verdant hills of the Yangtze River and the historical plains of Central China, Anhui is a province that exudes a timeless beauty and profound cultural significance. From its breathtaking natural landscapes to its rich historical heritage, Anhui offers an enticing tapestry of experiences for travelers and locals alike.Natural WondersThe province is renowned for its stunning natural beauty. The Huangshan Mountains, also known as the Yellow Mountains, stand as a symbol of Anhui's natural grandeur. Their jagged peaks, lush forests, and cascading streams make for a breathtaking sight. In addition, the九华山(Jiuhua Mountain), a sacred Buddhist site, boasts serene temples and stunning vistas. The gentle waters of the Yangtze River and the Anhui segment of the Grand Canal also contribute to the province's serene natural ambiance.Rich HistoryAnhui boasts a rich and diverse history that dates back thousands of years. Ancient villages like Xidi and Hongcun preserve traditional architecture and cultural practices, providing a window into the past. These villages, along with other historical sites like the Anhui Provincial Museum, house numerous artifacts that tell the story of Anhui's vibrant history and civilization.Cultural VibrancyThe cultural landscape of Anhui is equally as captivating. Traditional arts like Chinese opera, calligraphy, and painting thrive in the province, reflecting its deep-rooted cultural heritage. Anhui's cuisine is also a delight, offering a range of savory dishes that are influenced by its geographical location and historical trade routes.Warmth and HospitalityThe people of Anhui are known for their warmth and hospitality. They pride themselves on their generosity and kindness, making visitors feel welcome in this charming province. Whether it's a stay in a traditional guesthouse or a chat with a local over a cup of tea, the friendly and welcoming nature of Anhui's people makes for an enriching experience.ConclusionIn conclusion, Anhui is a province that offers an unforgettable blend of natural wonders, rich history, cultural vibrancy, and warmth. Its diverse attractions and captivating landscapes make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the essence of China. From its rolling hills and serene rivers to its ancient villages and vibrant cities, Anhui trulyembodies the beauty and charm of this ancient and storied land.。

四宝之乡饱眼福,今生之喜在皖南 ------日本一画家
Pear Garden
Pear Garden
Pear Garden
Pear Garden
my classmates
There are lots of mountains, such as Yellow Mountain , JiuHua Mountain and so on.a3源自 五岳归来不看山, 黄山归来不看岳
World Natural and Cultural Heritage
Mount Tianzhu
(安徽绩溪) (安徽肥东) (安徽定远) (安徽宿州)
Minister of Education
袁贵仁 (安徽蚌埠固镇)
祖海 解晓东
the stars of Anhui
The national AAAAA scenic spot
world cultural heritage ------Hongcun
JiuHua Mountain is one of the four scared mountains of Chinese Buddhism
The celebrities of Anhui
我的家乡 安庆潜山

S31514003 程双双
• 地理位置 • 历史 • 风景名胜 • 小吃
潜山县位于安徽省西南部,大别山东南麓,辖16 个乡镇、1个国家级风景名胜区、2个省级经济开发区和1个省级旅游度假区,185个村(居)。
潜山县,安徽省安庆市辖县,地处安徽省西南部,大别山东南麓, 素有古皖之源、皖国古都、二乔故里、安徽之源、京剧之祖、 禅宗之地、黄梅之乡”的美誉。地貌特征呈“七山一水两分田”分布, 是全国粮食大县和安徽省十大药材基地县。 舒席、雪湖贡藕、胡萝卜、 石耳、生姜、天柱剑毫、瓜蒌子等名优特产闻名遐迩。花岗石、瓷土、 优质黄砂、铁精砂、金红石、水能等蕴藏量十分丰富。
痘姆乡政府所在地旧称“马道 头”,又叫“窑头”。此地处 于黄泥岗,由于大自然恩赐, 沉积了大量优质的黄粘土,具 有得天独厚的生产陶器和砖瓦 的条件。从大量考古发现看, 这里古窑密布,窑基呈状展布, 是历代陶器的产地。而且民间 至今仍流散有众多造型奇特、 做工考究的古陶器。据专业人 士推测,这里制陶的历史可以 追溯到五六千年前。
三祖寺,一名山谷寺,又称乾元禅寺 ,建寺逾1500周年,这里道教、 佛教文化几度辉煌,鼎盛时期有“三千道人八 百僧”之说,佛道寺观达3600余间,是中国禅 宗文化发祥地之一,现为全国重点对外开放寺 庙。坐落在潜山县城西北9公理处的谷口凤形 山上。水光山色,浑作一体,构成了谷口的独 物风貌,成为天柱山风景名胜的重要一景。
天柱山,亦称“皖山”或“潜山”,在潜山县城西北部,汉武帝曾封为 南岳。 主峰天柱峰,海拔1485米。四周有飞来峰、天狮峰、莲花峰、观音峰、 黑虎峰等山峰。 有三祖寺、马祖庵、司元洞、渡仙桥、炼丹台、石牛洞等名胜古迹。 山中有“天柱云雾”名茶及瑞香木、鱼鳞木等多种珍贵植物。 为世界地质公园、国家重点风景名胜区。 1982年被国务院公布为全国首批44家国家级重点风景区胜区之一, 2011年5月5日批准为安徽继黄山、九华山之后, 第三家“AAAAA”级旅游区、并获得国家森林公园、国家地质公园、中 国自然和文化遗产地等称号, 2011年9月被联合国教科文组织正式批准成为世界地质公园。[

我的家乡——My Hometown——Anqing市位于省西南部,长江下游北岸,是长江沿岸著名的港口城市。
现辖桐城市、怀宁、枞阳、潜山、岳西、太湖、望江、宿松7县及迎江、大观、宜秀3区,总面积1.5 3万平方公里,总人口6 1 0万人。
其中市区面积8 2 1平方公里,人口7 3万。
Anqing, lying on the north bank of the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the southwest of Anhui province, is a famous port city. Under its jurisdiction are one county-level city of Tongcheng, seven counties of Huaining, Zongyang, Qianshan, Yuexi, Taihu, Wangjiang, Susong and three urban districts of Yingjiang, Daguan and Yixiu. It covers a total area of 15.300km2 with a population of 6.1million, with an urban area accounting for 550 km2 and urban residents of 730,000.国家历史文化名城National-level Historical and Cultural City历史悠久,人文荟萃,是国家历史文化名城。

我的家乡英语作文安徽版Title: My Hometown: An Ode to AnhuiNestled in the heart of East China, my beloved hometown, Anhui Province, is a land of breathtaking scenery, rich history, and profound cultural heritage. It's a place where ancient traditions intertwine with modern developments, weaving a captivating tapestry of life.Anhui, meaning "Peaceful Hills" in Chinese, truly lives up to its name. The province boasts an extraordinary array of natural wonders, from the majestic Huangshan Mountains, renowned for their spectacular peaks, eerie misty clouds, and pines that cling to the cliffs like sentinels, to the serene West Lake in Hangzhou, though technically across the border in Zhejiang, it is often considered an extension of Anhui's natural beauty due to its proximity and cultural ties.Wandering through the ancient streets of Xidi and Hongcun, one is transported back in time to the Ming and Qing dynasties. These picturesque villages, with their beautifully preserved ancient architecture, winding lanes, and serene waterways, are testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the past. The black-and-white tile roofs, wooden structures, and intricate carvings tell stories of generations long gone, inviting visitors to slow down and soak in the tranquility. Anhui is also renowned for its rich cultural traditions. The province is home to the Anhui Opera, a vibrant and colorful form of theater that combines singing, dancing, acrobatics, and storytelling. Its unique musical scores and intricate costumes captivate audiences worldwide, showcasing the depth and diversity of Chinese performing arts.Moreover, Anhui is famous for its delicious cuisine, which reflects the province's diverse geography and history. From the spicy and flavorful Ma'anshan-style braised duck to the delicate and fragrant Huangshan hairy tofu, each dish is a testament to the culinary prowess of the local people. Tea lovers will also find paradise in Anhui, as the province is renowned for producing some of China's finest teas, including the famous Huangshan Maofeng, known for its delicate aroma and refreshing taste.In recent years, Anhui has also embraced modernization while preserving its cultural roots. High-tech industries and cutting-edge infrastructure projects have sprung up alongside the ancient temples and villages, creating a unique blend of old and new. Cities like Hefei, the provincial capital, have transformed into vibrant hubs of innovation and progress, while still retaining a sense of warmth and familiarity.In conclusion, my hometown, Anhui, is a treasure trove of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural richness. It's a place where the past and present harmoniously coexist, offering visitors a glimpse into the soul of China. As I roam its scenic landscapes, explore its ancient villages, and savor its delicious cuisine, I am filled with a profound sense of pride and gratitude for being a part of this remarkable province.。

Tianzhu Mountain, also
known as "Wan Shan"
or "hill"Tianzhu Peak
is1485 meters above
sea level .And it's the
world geological park
and AAAAA level scenic
acroos it,also the train
ways included.
In a word ,the
transportation is
4/17/2020 千山小流氓制作
Culture • The ancient high celebrity, literati, such as
Li Bai, Bai, Su, Huang, Lu, Yang Wanli,
have been there or official or Range Rover,
leaving many wonderful poetry handed
• Of course, there are some wellknown people such as chengchanggen , performing artists Han zaifen and novelist zhanghenshui,etc.
Have you ever heard of Qianshan?

My Hometown -QianshanGood morning/afternoon. My name is [Your Name] and I come from Anhui Province in China. Specifically, I come from a town called Qianshan.Qianshan is located in the southwest of Anhui province and at the southeast foot of Dabie Mountains. The Mountain is known as "the ancient capital of Anhui, the hometown of Erqiao, the source of Anhui, the ancestor of Peking Opera, and the hometown of Huangmei".From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty, Qianshan was the prefecture for 800 years, and is now a famous historical and cultural city in the province. The site, over 5,000 years ago, is an important representative of Chinese prehistoric civilization; the eastern Jin Taiping Pagoda of more than 1,700 years, is the first ancient pagoda in the valley, with more than 400 inscriptions of Wang Anshi, Su Dongpo, Huang Tingjian and other celebrities; and the Sanzu Zen Temple, which was built for more than 1,500 years, is one of the six ancestral courts of Zen Buddhism in China.Qianshan is the birthplace of Peking Opera and the place of the long narrative poem "Peacock Fly Southeast". It is the place where the "two Qiao" of The Three Kingdoms grow up. It gives birth to ancient and modern cultural celebrities such as Cheng Changgeng, the master of popular novels, Zhang Henshui, the queen of Acrobatics, and Han Zaifen, the performing artist of Huangmei Opera. Existing Xuejiagang site, valley flow spring cliff stone carving, Taiping tower, wild village anti-Japanese soldiers killed cemetery 4 national protection units. The legend of peacock flying southeast, the technique of making mulberry paper and making acne pottery were selected as national intangible cultural heritage.Tianzhu Mountain in Qianshan city is a world geopark, the first national scenic spot and a national 5A tourist attraction. The forest coverage rate of the main scenic spot reaches 98%. The "Russian Village" under Tianzhu Mountain attracts a large number of foreign tourists to stay there for health every year.That's all for my introduction of Qianshan. If you have any questions about my hometown, feel free to ask me. Thank you!。

安徽旅游景点英语作文Anhui is a province in eastern China, known for itsrich cultural heritage and beautiful natural scenery. One of the most famous tourist attractions in Anhui is Huangshan, or Yellow Mountain, which is renowned for its stunning granite peaks, pine trees, and hot springs.Another must-see destination in Anhui is the ancient village of Hongcun, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The village is famous for its well-preserved traditional architecture, including ancient houses, bridges, and a peaceful waterway that winds through the village.For those interested in history and culture, Anhui is home to the ancient city of Shexian, also known as Huizhou. This historic city is famous for its well-preserved ancient streets, traditional Huizhou architecture, and beautiful gardens, making it a great place to immerse oneself in the rich cultural heritage of the region.In addition to its cultural attractions, Anhui also offers stunning natural scenery, such as the Jiuhua Mountain, one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful mountain landscapes, explore ancient temples, and experience the tranquility of the natural surroundings.Overall, Anhui is a diverse and fascinating destination for travelers, offering a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and traditional culture. Whether you're interested in exploring ancient villages, hiking in the mountains, or simply relaxing in the hot springs, Anhui has something to offer for everyone.。

介绍安徽家乡英语作文My beloved hometown is located in the eastern part of China,a region steeped in history and culture known as Anhui. Withits rich tapestry of traditions, Anhui is not only a place of natural beauty but also a treasure trove of Chinese heritage.Nestled among picturesque landscapes, Anhui is home to the Huangshan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, evergreen trees, and views of the clouds from above. The mountain is a symbol of Anhui's natural beauty and a popular destination for hikers and photographers alike.The province is also famous for its traditional villages,such as Hongcun and Xidi, which are prime examples of Hui-style architecture. These villages are characterized by their white walls, black-tiled roofs, and the intricate woodcarvings that adorn the buildings. They offer a glimpse into the past and are a testament to the craftsmanship of the Hui people.Anhui's cultural significance extends beyond its architecture. It is the birthplace of the Anhui Opera, a traditional formof Chinese theater with a history that dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The music is melodious, and the performances are a vibrant mix of singing, dancing, and acrobatics, which are deeply rooted in the local culture.One cannot speak of Anhui without mentioning itscontributions to the culinary world. Anhui cuisine, known for its use of wild herbs and game, is a delightful experiencefor the palate. Dishes such as "Beggar's Chicken" and "Smelly Tofu" are unique to the region and offer a taste of Anhui's rich gastronomic traditions.Moreover, Anhui is a province of innovation and progress. It has been at the forefront of China's economic development, with thriving industries in technology, manufacturing, and agriculture. The people of Anhui are known for their hard work and entrepreneurial spirit, which has helped transform the province into a modern and dynamic place while still preserving its cultural identity.In conclusion, my hometown of Anhui is a place of breathtaking natural scenery, historical significance, and cultural depth. It is a region that proudly showcases the best of China's past and present, and it is with great pride that I call Anhui my home.。

介绍安徽省英语作文Located in the eastern part of China, Anhui Province is a region rich in history and culture. Its landscape is a tapestry of mountains, rivers, and ancient towns that have been preserved through the ages.Anhui is home to the Yellow Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for their breathtaking views and unique rock formations. Visitors often marvel at the misty peaks and the way the sun's rays play upon the ancient pine trees.The province is also famous for its traditional Chinese ink-making, with the city of Jixi being a renowned center for this craft. The art of ink-making has been passed down through generations, and it's a testament to the province's cultural heritage.In the realm of cuisine, Anhui is celebrated for its distinctive flavors. The local dishes are known for their use of bamboo shoots and the famous "Hu Nan vinegar," which adds a tangy twist to many recipes.Education in Anhui is deeply rooted in Confucian values, with a strong emphasis on respect for teachers and thepursuit of knowledge. Schools across the province strive to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for the future.The people of Anhui are known for their warm hospitality and their love for traditional festivals. During the Spring Festival, families gather to celebrate with lanterns, firecrackers, and a feast of delicious foods.In conclusion, Anhui Province is a place where the past and present coexist, offering a glimpse into China's rich cultural tapestry. It's a province that invites you to explore its natural beauty, savor its culinary delights, and immerse yourself in its vibrant traditions.。

英语作文介绍家乡安徽Nestled in the eastern part of China, my hometown, Anhui Province, is a place of rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural landscapes. Known for its ancient villages, picturesque mountains, and the serene waters of the Taihu Lake, Anhui is a gem that offers a unique blend of tradition and tranquility.The province is home to the Huangshan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site, famous for its peculiarly shaped granite peaks, evergreen trees, and views of the clouds from above. The mountain is a testament to Anhui's commitment to preserving its natural beauty, attracting tourists and nature lovers from all over the world.Anhui's cultural tapestry is woven with the threads of history, evident in its ancient towns like Xidi and Hongcun. These villages are well-preserved examples of traditional Chinese architecture, with their white walls and black-tiled roofs, they stand as silent witnesses to the passing of time.The province is also renowned for its contributions to the arts. Hui Opera, a form of Chinese opera that originated in Anhui, is known for its intricate costumes and expressive performances. It is a cultural treasure that continues to be cherished and passed down through generations.In addition to its cultural and natural attractions, Anhui isa place where one can find a warm and hospitable community. Locals take pride in their homeland and are always eager to share their customs and cuisine with visitors. The Anhui cuisine, characterized by its use of wild herbs and fresh water products, is a delightful experience for the palate.Moreover, Anhui has a strong educational tradition, with Hefei, the capital city, being a hub for higher education and scientific research. The city is home to several prestigious universities and research institutions, making it a centerfor innovation and learning.In conclusion, Anhui Province is more than just a place on the map; it is a destination that offers a window into the heart of China's cultural and natural diversity. Whether you are a lover of nature, history, or culture, Anhui has something for everyone, making it a place I am proud to call my hometown.。

译林版七年级下册英语介绍安徽家乡满分作文Anhui is a province located in the eastern part of China, and it is my beloved hometown. Known for its beautiful landscapes and rich cultural heritage, Anhui has a lot tooffer to both locals and visitors. In this essay, I will introduce some of the unique features that make my hometown special.First and foremost, Anhui is famous for its stunning natural scenery. The province is home to the mighty Huangshan, also known as Yellow Mountain. This mountain range is renowned for its spectacular peaks, deep valleys, and unique granite formations. Every year, thousands of tourists visit Huangshan to experience its breathtaking views and to hike along its various trails. The sunrise at Huangshan is a sight to behold, with the sun casting golden rays over themountains, creating an enchanting atmosphere that leaves everyone in awe.In addition to its natural beauty, Anhui is rich inhistory and culture. The province is known for its ancient towns, such as Huizhou. This historical area showcases traditional architecture, with wooden houses and stonebridges that reflect the wisdom of ancient builders. Walking through the narrow streets of Huizhou feels like steppingback in time, where one can see the remnants of an era filled with tea culture and classical arts.Talk about Anhui without mentioning its famous cuisine would be incomplete. Anhui cuisine, also known as Hui cuisine, is known for its focus on preserving the original flavor of ingredients. One of the most popular dishes is the stinky tofu, which has a strong odor but is loved by many for its unique taste. Additionally, the famous Anhui stewed dishes, made with various meats and vegetables, are cooked slowly tobring out the flavors, making them a must-try for food enthusiasts.Moreover, Anhui is famous for its tea production. The famous Maofeng tea, known for its delicate flavor and fragrant aroma, is grown in the high mountains of the province. Tea planting is a cultural tradition in Anhui, and many families have been cultivating tea for generations. Visitors can enjoy the tea experience by participating in tea-tasting sessions, learning about the tea-making process, and appreciating the significance of tea in Chinese culture.In conclusion, Anhui is a remarkable province that showcases the beauty of nature, rich history, and delicious cuisine. My hometown is a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, making it a wonderful place to live and visit. I am proud to call Anhui my home, and I hope more people will come to explore its treasures.。

美丽安徽英语作文Anhui, a beautiful province located in eastern China, is known for its stunning natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. The picturesque mountains, tranquil rivers, and charming villages make Anhui a popular destination for travelers seeking a peaceful and authentic experience.The Huangshan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Anhui. Its unique granite peaks, ancient pine trees, and mystical sea of clouds create a breathtaking scene that has inspired countless artists and poets throughout history.In addition to its natural beauty, Anhui is also home to a number of well-preserved ancient villages, such as Hongcun and Xidi. These traditional villages showcase the elegant architecture and rich history of Anhui's rural communities, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's cultural past.Anhui's cuisine is another highlight, featuring a wide variety of delicious dishes that reflect the province's agricultural abundance. From delicate bamboo shoots to savory stinky tofu, Anhui's culinary traditions are a true delight for food enthusiasts.The people of Anhui are known for their warm hospitality and strong sense of community. Whether you're exploring a local market or attending a traditional festival, you're sure to be greeted with smiles and open arms, making your visit to Anhui a truly memorable experience.。

介绍潜山的英文作文I come from a small town called Qianshan in Anhui Province, China. It's a beautiful place with lush green mountains and clear rivers. The air is fresh and the people are friendly. It's a great place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.Qianshan is famous for its delicious local cuisine. The food here is amazing, especially the braised pork and the bamboo shoots. I always look forward to going back home to enjoy these mouthwatering dishes.One of the things I love most about Qianshan is itsrich history and culture. There are many ancient temples and traditional festivals that are celebrated with great enthusiasm. It's fascinating to learn about the customs and traditions that have been passed down for generations.The natural scenery in Qianshan is breathtaking. The mountains are covered with dense forests and there are manybeautiful hiking trails to explore. The rivers are crystal clear and there are plenty of opportunities for fishing and boating.The people in Qianshan are incredibly warm and welcoming. They are always ready to lend a helping hand and make you feel at home. It's a tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and looks out for one another.In conclusion, Qianshan is a place that holds a special plce in my heart. It's a place of natural beauty, rich culture, and warm hospitality. I feel lucky to have grown up in such a wonderful town.。

Brief Introduction of Qianshan CountyQianshan County is located in the southwest of Anhui Province, southeast to Dabie Mountain, known as “ancient Anhui Kingdom, the source of Anhui Province, the land of Buddhism, the birthplace of Peking Opera and Huangmei Opera, the hometown of the Qiaos(two beauties during the Three Kingdom period)”. It covers 1,686 square kilometers totally, including 16 towns, one National Tourist Attraction, two Provincial Comprehensive Economic Development Zone and one Provincial Tourist Resort and has a total population of 580 thousand.Qianshan has a long history. It was subordinate to Wan State in Chunqiu Period. The mountain is called Wan mountain, the river is called Wan river and the city is called Wan City, so Anhui province is briefly referred to as Wan. From East Han dynasty to South Song dynasty, Qianshan was occupied successively by state, county and office for 8 hundred years. Now Qianshan County is awarded with the title of Famous Historical and Cultural County.Qianshan has profound culture. It is the birthplace of the founder of Peking Opera Cheng Changgeng, the novelist of Zhang Henshui, “Acrobatics Queen” Xia Juhua, the artist Huangmei Opera Han Zaifen and other cultural figures. There are 3 national cultural relic protection units and 11 provincial cultural relic protection units.Qianshan has favorable natural conditions and good ecological environment. The forest coverage of the county is 53%. Tianzhushan in Qianshan County is characterized by its majesty, wonder, sacredness and beauty. It is ratified as one of the first batch of key National Tourist Attractions by the State Council of China in 1982, national key scenic and historic interestarea, 5A tourist attraction, and global geo-park.Qianshan has superior location. HeJiu Railway(Hefei-Jiujiang),HuRong Expressway(Shanghai-Chengdu), JiGuang Expressway(Jinan-Guangzhou) intersect here,with 105 national way (Beijing-Zhuhai), 318 national way (Shanghai-Xinjiang Lie Lamu) passing through. The county is 50km away from Anqing Port and Anqing Airport. It is 3 hours way to four capitals by bus: Hefei, Nanjing, Wuhan and Nanchang.Qianshan is national big county to produce vegetable oils、tea、mulberry、wild gourds pekoe seeds、camellia, which cover more than one million square kilometers. In 2011, the total output value of five industries, namely Mechanical and Electrical Manufacturing、Pharmaceutical and Chemical、Textile and Apparel、Light Industrial Brush、Primary products、Tourist crafts, has reached to 11.3 billion RMB. There are 350 industrial projects、one industry-academia model enterprise、five Enterprise Technology Centers、eight High-tech enterprises. Five enterprises have been appraised as Provincial Quality Management Award, 16 enterprises have ranked among municipal level top 100 private enterprises and five enterprises are the provincial level top 200 private enterprises. More than 500 new products have been produced.Mechanical and Electrical Manufacturing Industry, one of the mainstay industries in Qianshan County, has created an output value of 2.75 billion RMB in 2011. Zhonghe Machinery Manufacturing Industry Park and 20 thousand-output-value tractors project are eagerly looking for cooperators, in which 35 million RMB and 40 million RMB have been invested respectively.。
[自然作文]去潜山的一次秋游英语作文范文去潜山的一次秋游英语作文范文Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty miles from the city. We planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.As soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. How great the sight is! We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. There are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. As the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.Before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. Unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. Suddenly thinravs of red hue spread across the sky. As the redness deepened, somemysterious clouds moved across thc sky, piding heaven from the earth. Just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. Up, up it rose, addingto itself strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays ofthe sun with the peak till it was time for our return.去年秋天,我们游览了潜山的巴士。

Introducing AnhuiAnhui is a province full of charm and diversity in eastern China. It has a rich history and unique cultural heritage.The landscapes in Anhui are simply breathtaking. There are magnificent mountains like Huangshan, which is renowned worldwide for its spectacular peaks, strange rocks, and beautiful clouds. The Yangtze River flows through Anhui, adding to its natural beauty.Anhui is also famous for its ancient villages. Hongcun and Xidi, for example, are well-preserved historical settlements that showcase traditional architecture and folk customs. These villages give us a glimpse into the past and the lives of people in ancient times.In terms of culture, Anhui has its own distinct characteristics. It is the birthplace of many famous operas and art forms. The local cuisine is delicious, with specialties like Mao Tofu and Stinky Mandarin Fish.Furthermore, Anhui has made significant contributions in various fields. It has a vibrant economy and is home to many industries and enterprises. The people of Anhui are hardworking and hospitable.Anhui also has a rich educational and cultural resources. There are many universities and research institutions that cultivate a large number of talented individuals.In conclusion, Anhui is a province that combines natural wonders, historical sites, cultural traditions, and modern development. It is a place worth exploring and experiencing, and it offers a unique and unforgettable journey for both tourists and locals alike.译文:《介绍安徽》安徽是中国东部一个充满魅力和多样性的省份。

NON MATERIAL (非物质文化遗产)
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NON MATERIAL (非物质文化遗产)
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Anqing, lying on the north bank of the mid-lower reaches of the
Yangtze River in the southwest of Anhui province, is a famous port
city. Under its jurisdiction are one county-level city of Tongcheng,
seven counties of Huaining, Zongyang, Qianshan, Yuexi, Taihu,
Wangjiang, Susong and three urban districts of Yingjiang,
Nowadays, Huangmei Opera has also spread its fame both home and abroad with its sweet melodies and lyrics, graceful sounds and movements, and beautiful costumes and sets.
I LOVE YOU Although my almamater (母校)
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Faggeng, the founder of Peking Opera,he is leader of SanQing opera organizion . His peer always call him “ the big boss ”.
Mount Tianzhu, also known as "Wan Shan" or "Qianshan", in the North West of Qianshan County, the Han Dynasty had called nanyue. Tianzhu mountain is about 1485 meters . Around the main peak , there are some other peaks ,such as Feilai peak, Tianshi peak, lianhua peak, Guanyin peak, Black Tiger peak mountain. There are so many precious plants ,such as "Tianzhu cloud" tea , Yulin wood and lots of herbal medicine in the mountain . It was was officially approved as a world geological park by he United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization In September 2011
Famous people and culture
Huangmei Opera in Qianshan is very popular, most of the famous Huangmei Opera repertoire is “Tianxianpei“and “Nv fuma”, nearly everyone can sing one of the songs. Han Zaifen is a famous opera actor.
• Geographical Position • Long History • Famous people and Culture • Scenery • Delicious Food
Geographical Position
Qianshan is a county of Anhui Province, Anqing City, it is located in southwestern of dabieshan .We always call Qianshan as the source of ancient Anhui, the hometown of daqiao and xiaoqiao , the progenitor of Peking and so on. It is one of the big food county in China and,one of the ten major traditional Chinese medicine base in Anhui Province.
水萩粑: mixed a wild herbs , bacon, and rice noodles , then fired them in the pan
The chicken soup with the fried rice
瓜蒌子:one of the herbal medicine , Can treat constipation(便秘)
Tianzhu mountain
Delicious Food
雪 湖 贡 藕
Roast chestnut板栗烧肉
the lotus tribute to the emperor
Delicious Food
Made by sweet potato powder
Famous people and culture
Zhang Henshui is a famous Chinese novelist, he is the representative writer of the mandarin duck butterfly(鸳鸯 蝴蝶派). Known as the first person in the history of modern Chinese Literature “novels” and the best popular literature master.(通俗文学大师)
Long History
Qianshan was exist in Zhou dynasty, it was the capital of Wanguo , the history is nearly 2000 years. In order to commemorate the beneficent Wanguo monarch,now we call Anhui “Wan”.