



Enjoy the following passages and
pick out the shining points of them:
What a fine Sunday! I was planning to play football with Xiao Ming, but while I was going out, I found my mother was washing clothes. Mum was busy working and doing housework after work day and night without complaining. She was so tired. Thinking about this, I decided to help do the washing.
式表达。对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 2. 应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性。值得 注意的是语法结构或词汇方面虽有些许错误, 但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致; 具 有较强的语言运用能力。
1、 细读提示——明白写什么,日记、信函 、报导或叙事描写 2 、写全要点——了解核心内容,非重要情 节,图画作文应认真分析判断才能分清主次 。表格类原则上一个不能少 3 、层次分明——为使短文令人感到赏心悦 目分成2甚至3段为好 4、承上启下——简而言之是连接词、过渡 句他们是组成文章粘和剂,上下沟通的纽带
I don’t want to live with a stranger in a hotel room. I don’t want to share a hotel room with a stranger.
She shouted loudly , “I’ve succeeded!” She shouted at the top of her voice, “I ‘ve made it!”



Only by combining various sentence patterns appropriately can
we create excellent articles.
Las_t_b__u_t_n_,omtalkeiansgt use of “cohesion”
Appearance is important but people often pay more attention to what’s inside. 外表虽然重要人们更多关注内在 Advanced expressions can make your writing stand out from others’. 亮点使你的作文从千万篇作文中脱颖而出.
高三英语作文备考 How to polish your writing
能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不 能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本 人从事10多年教学经验总结出的超实用新高考英语专题复习讲义希望可以帮助 大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成!
I. Lead-in : ways to improve your writing.
She got full marks for writing in NMET!
Discuss: How can w考场e作i文m,请p打r分o﹗ve our writing while taking the English test?
As the proverb goes…

外研 高中英语选 修8Module3Polish your composition课件(共33张PPT)

外研 高中英语选 修8Module3Polish your composition课件(共33张PPT)

•in short; briefly speaking; in a word; in conclusion;generally speaking; •表条件关系:
if; unless; as long as; on condition that
therefore; although; on one hand, on the other hand; what’s worse; when
To take this opportunity is of help.
look forward to be keen to/on be longing for
2. 丰富的句式
1.吸引眼球的特殊句式 4.灵活易用的名词性从句 2.彰显实力的定语从句 5.提升档次的非谓语动词 3.富有文采的状语从句 6.避免单一的被动句
5.有效地使用了语 句间的连接成分, 使全文结构紧凑。
1. 完全完成试题规定的内 容2 覆盖所有内容要点
3. 应用较多语法结 构和词汇
4. 使用较复杂结构或 较 高级词汇;具备较强的语 言运用能力。
Polish your composition
1. 运用高级 词汇与短语
2. 丰富的句式 3. 恰当的连接词
4. __A_lt_h_o_u_gh___ he is poor, she loves him. 5. _____________, the sharing bicycle is convenient. _____________, it is environmentally-friendly.
• Word phrase sentence • Conjunction adds significance • Add a little confidence • You will make a difference.



20%的学生认为“狼 80%的学生不赞成这种方法 爸”方法正确
1. 教会孩子自律
1. 方法粗暴, 甚至是违法的
2. 解决中国父母过分 2. 使孩子更叛逆(rebellious)
3. 孩子童年快乐更重要
1. 以上表格的内容; 2. 你的看法。 3.只能用5句话。 4.开头已给出,不算句数。
1. 使用较高级的词汇

2. 使用较丰富的句式

3. 使用恰当的连接词
Jeremy Lin —New York Knicks (尼克斯队 )star
名词性从句 状语从句 定语从句 强调句 倒装句 非谓语动词 被动结构 with 结构
Activity 1: Compare two compositions and decide which one is better
The Chinese government had been consider to limit the people who will smoking in public in the beginning of next year. It will acquire public places around China should put on the signs of “Don’t smoke”. And the aim is achieving no smoking in publics. It is necessary to do it base on that about 3.5 million people who were smoker and men accqure 75%, another 25% were women. What’s more, around 5.4 million people die of second-hand smoke, over 1 million people die every year because of this, and that is why reason the government do this conclusion, and hope all Chinese can understand special the smoker.

高中英语课件:Polish Your Composition

高中英语课件:Polish Your Composition
Polish Your Composition
What is the girl doing?
taking a selfie
How can she make herself look more beautiful quickly?
by making up
by using facial beautification App
• 越来越流行骑自行车。
Cycling is more and more popular. Cycling is gaining its
• 我只能选择接受现实。 • I can only choose to accept the truth. I have no choice/ alternative but to accept the truth.
It is good. would like/ love • nice fancy 高级词语勤思考 • great desire feel like • fantastic hope for / wish for • amazing be mad about be crazy about • outstanding be keen/ hooked on • attractive be eager for be dying for • excellent be starving/ starved for • awesome be thirsty for • terrific be hungry for be longing for • fabulous…
Although / Though an iPhone6 is expensive, it is quite outstanding.


_c_la__im__/_s_u_p_p_o__se____ that it is a waste of time.
Task2:Beautify words and expressions by using words .
1. He was so angry that she had forgotten his birthday. He was so _a_n_n_o_y_e_d_ that she had forgotten his birthday. 2. A short break from routine will benefit our study.
A short break from routine is __b_e_n_e_fi_c_ia_l_t_o_ our study. A short break from routine is ___o_f_b_e_n_e_f_it__ our study.
3. They are not satisfied with their academic results. Their academic results are beyond their __s_a_t_is_f_a_ct_i_o.n 4.It is obvious that a refreshed mind will handle your school work more efficiently. _O__b_v_i_o_u_sl_y__ , a refreshed mind will handle your school work more efficiently.
(A) Their homework was finished, they felt happy.
(B)With their homework finished, they felt

江苏省海安中学高三英语复习:How to polish your writing(newest)教案

江苏省海安中学高三英语复习:How to polish your writing(newest)教案

How to polish your writing?Teaching objective:By the end of the class, the students are supposed to:1. know the factors contributing to an excellent composition2. be able to polish a composition using the skills learntTeaching procedures:Step one: What makes a good writing?Watch a short video, and fill in the blanks.1. _____________ your readers and what they want2. _____________ your writing3. Organize your ideas into paragraphs, with _____________ idea each paragraph4. Cut _____________ words and sentencesThree aspects: _____________ _____________ _____________Step two: How to polish your language used in the writing?Tip 1: Language variation1. ____________________________________ (words)2. ____________________________________ (phrases)3. ____________________________________ (sentences)Practice:Fresh and not overused words (one or more words)1. It can be difficult to figure out what to save and what to toss.It can be ____________ to figure out what to save and what to toss.It can be __________ __________ to figure out what to save and what to toss.It can be__________ __________ __________ to figure out what to save and what to toss. (an idiom is suggested)2. It is classmates’ encouragement and love that help me go through this period of difficult time. (南京、盐城2017二模作文)It is classmates’ __________ and __________ that help me go through this period of __________ time.3. With our economy going from strength to strength, China has become a strong nation and is playing an important role in the world.(2018苏锡常镇二模作文)With our economy going from strength to strength, China has become a __________ nation and is playing a/an__________ role in the world.4. On-line voting becomes more and more popular, and many competitions have people take part in it. (2016江苏卷作文)On-line voting becomes __________, and many competitions __________.5. For many reasons, we often have to meet unfairness in a complex society. (2018无锡一模作文)For many reasons, we often have to __________ unfairness in a complex society.Phrases come first (one word for each blank)1. He ignored what had happened to his friends, which made them upset.He ________ _______ ________ _______ to what had happened to his friends, which made them upset.2. We try our best to promote the traditional friendship between us.We ________ _______ ________ to promote the traditional friendship between us.3. Your fluency in English makes you better than the other candidates for the job.Your fluency in English gives you _______ _______ ________ the other candidates for the job.4. We should remember that everyone is the master of his own fate.We should ________ _______ ________ that everyone is the master of his own fate.Variation of sentences1. Trevor puts his genius idea into action by doing a favor for three people. He also appeals to the recipients of favor to pay the favor forward. (苏州2017一模)Tip: transitional words______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________2. When people talk about success, they often fix their mind on success itself and ignore some hidden factors. (镇江2017一模)Tip: non-finite verb______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________3. If you use it and see it more frequently, it can be better remembered. (常州2017一模)Tip: inversion______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________4. From my perspective, such an initiative and behavior should be encouraged. (苏锡常镇2017二模)Tip: change the word order______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________5. Because there is no enough relevant regulations, some uncivilized people deliberately damage shared bikes. They throw them into rivers or pile them up randomly. (南京、淮安2017三模作文)Tip: use the phrases to replace sentences______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Tip 2: Language richnessCompare: Which sentence is better and why?1. We can feast our eyes on the flowers in the wild.2. We can feast our eyes on the dedicate flowers in the wild in various colors and gestures.______________________________________________________________________________ Practice:1. For the benefit of the future generation, it is our duty to seek a/an_____________ economic growth (adj.)______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________2. _____________laws and regulations (v.)______________________________________________________________________________ issue _____________laws and regulations (adj.)______________________________________________________________________________ issue effective laws and regulations_____________ (topic of the writing)______________________________________________________________________________ Step three: Group work—Peer assessmentComment on the given writing from the three aspects mentioned: structure, content, language. The students are supposed to:1. Mark the writing2. Polish the writingStep four: Homework1. polish your writingMaterial (2018南通市二模作文)。

公开课Polish your writing

公开课Polish your writing
(倒装句) Only when I paid a visit to HongKong did I realize the importance of English.
Conclusion: We can polish our writing by using
the following sentence patterns:
Last weekend, a debate was held in my school about
whether Wolf Dad approach is wrong and students hold
diffTerheinntkopaibnoiounts.th20e%foollfotwheinstguqdeunetssttihoinnsk: Wolf Dad
government do this conclusion, and hope all Chinese can
understand special the smoker.
8 points
The Chinese government has recently llaauunncchheedd a nation-wide ban on smoking in public, which will come into effect on January 1st, 2011. Aimingg aatt banning smoking in all indoor public locations, the government is going to put up no smoking signs in such places. Among the roughly 350 million smokers, males account for 75%, while females take up 25% Moreover, about 540 million people are being negatively influenced by second-hand smoke. And more than 10 thousand people lose their lives owing to second-hand smoke every year, which indicates the great need to bbrrininggththeebbaanninintotoffoorrccee.

高考英语复习 Polish your writing

高考英语复习 Polish your writing

Principle 3 Selection of sentence patterns
1. 定语从句 2. 非谓语 3. 主语从句
4. 同位语从句 5. With的结构 6. 倒装句(as, there, hardly, not until, only... ) 7. 强调句 8. 虚拟语气 9. so…that… 10. not only…but also…
study and growth.
6. Regular class meetings are beneficial to/ are conducive to my study and growth.
Principle 2 Selection of phrases
7. Without cameras, it will be harmful to
students’ security.
7. Without cameras, it will have a detrimental effect on / exert a negative impact on students’ security.
8. Without cameras, police cannot find the criminals while teachers cannot
Principle 3 Selection of sentence patterns 1. 定语从句
②My teacher arranged class meetings for us on a regular basis. They exerted positive influence on my study and growth.
1. I am convinced/hold the belief that security cameras bring more harm than good.


Better wording
Which sentence do you think attracts teachers?
3. Computers are very important in our life. Not all people can use it.
4. Computers play a very important part in our daily life. However, not all people can make use of them.
7. I very like playing basketball.
I like playing basketball very much.
8. The exam will came. come
9. In my eyes, if everyone not use a car one day
正确地使用好连接词,过渡词, 使文章 流畅
Check the sentences.
1.There are many students watch the match. watching / who are watching
2. If you can come, we will very happy. /\ be
自我介绍;写信目的; 推荐话题:我们应该感恩; 推荐理由 : 感恩父母;感恩老师;感恩是传统美德; 预祝活动成功。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.邮件格式已为你给出。
Dear Sir,
1 . 确定体裁 form 2. 确定人称 person 3. 确定时态 tense 4. 确定要点 required points


in summary… 4. chance →opportunity 5. choice →alternative; option 6. consider →take…into consideration/account 7. enough →ample; adequate; abundant…
How to polish your composition
Helping others is a traditional virtue. When we meet with difficulties, we hope for others’ help. It brings us much comfort and happiness and enables us to overcome the troubles.
As the saying goes “ Roses given, fragrance in hand .” We should be ready to give others in trouble a helping hand. Only in this way can we truly live a happy and harmonious life.
Take myself as an example. There was a time when I felt a strong sense of failure. I fell seriously ill and missed many classes. After I recovered, I returned to school, but found I fell behind others. It made me depressed and I couldn’t find confidence. I almost lost heart. At that time, my headteacher found my situation and came to comfort and encourage me. He also helped me with my lessons after class. Because of his help, I made great progress and I owed it to my teacher.

高考英语写作提升专题 polish Your Writing Language课件(共29张PPT)

高考英语写作提升专题 polish   Your  Writing  Language课件(共29张PPT)

Language Polishment Guidelines
S1: By using complex sentence Tip 1: Vary your sentence S2: By using inversion or emphatic sentence
S3: By using participle phrase Language
S1: Try to use some high-level words Tip 2: Select Effective Words S2: Try to use some explicit words
S3: Try to use expressive phrases or transitional word
S1: By using complex sentence Tip 1: Vary your sentence S2: By using inversion or emphatic sentence
S3: By using participle phrase Language
S1: Try to use some high-level words Tip 2: Select Effective Words S2: Try to use some explicit words
•Group one/Para 1: With the soaring of house prices, the topic that renting or purchasing a house has provoked a fierce controversy among many people. From my opinion, it is more advisable to rent a house for us than to buy a house. •Group two/Para 2:Purchasing a house is unrealistic for the majority due to the high price of house. Most people can’t afford the house price and it will be a burden for their whole family if they firmly decide to buy a house.

How to polish your writing公开课课件教案教学设计

How to polish your writing公开课课件教案教学设计

2. Seeing the scene, I felt sad at the thought “all the flowers would fall.”
How to polish it? Struck by the situation, I was seized with sadness at the thought “all the blossoms are doomed to fall.”
How to polish it?
When questioned, he was too shocked to give
an account of what had happened when the
attack took place.
7. Country life is always lonely and isolating. How to polish it? Isolation and loneliness are often associated
with a rustic life.
8. The doctors and nurses didn’t sleep for many nights because of the patient’s dangerous condition. How to polish it? The patient’s dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night.
3. Seeing her condition, I felt sympathetic. The feeling came from the bottom of my heart.
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名词性从句 状语从句 定语从句 强调句 倒装句 非谓语动词 被动结构 with 结构
Activity 1: Compare two compositions and decide which one is better
The Chinese government had been consider to limit the people who will smoking in public in the beginning of next year. It will acquire public places around China should put on the signs of “Don’t smoke”. And the aim is achieving no smoking in publics. It is necessary to do it base on that about 3.5 million people who were smoker and men accqure 75%, another 25% were women. What’s more, around 5.4 million people die of second-hand smoke, over 1 million people die every year because of this, and that is why reason the government do this conclusion, and hope all Chinese can understand special the smoker.
(倒装句) Only when I paid a visit to HongKong did I realize the importance of English.
Conclusion: We can polish our writing by using
the following sentence patterns:
The Chinese government has recently launched a nation-wide ban on smoking in public, which will come into effect on January 1st, 2011. Aiming at banning smoking in all indoor public locations, the government is going to put up no smoking signs in such places. Among the roughly 350 million smokers, males account for 75%, while females take up 25% Moreover, about 540 million people are being negatively influenced by second-hand smoke. And more than 10 thousand people lose their lives owing to second-hand smoke every year, which indicates the great need to bring the ban into force.
Translate the sentence in varied ways.
(一般句式)I realized the importance of English when I paid a visit to HongKong.
(强调句) It was when I paid a visit to HongKong that I realized the importance of English.
Although Lin is very popular, he still has to improve his strength to compete in the NBA.
Popular as Lin is, he still has to improve his strength to compete in the NBA.
润色写作的策略1. 使用较高Fra bibliotek的词汇策
2. 使用较丰丰富富的的句句式式

3. 使用恰当的连接词
Jeremy Lin —New York Knicks (尼克斯队 )star
New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin has not only sparked NBA basketball interest in China, he may also inspire fans to learn English. Not only has New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin sparked NBA basketball interest in China, he may also inspire fans to learn English.
2. His words impressed us so deeply.(主语从句) What he said impressed us so deeply.
3. Zhou Wenjuan is a fast speaker. Nobody can understand her.( 状语从句)
Zhou Wenjuan is such a fast speaker that nobody can understand her.
Rewrite the following sentences
1. More and more teachers came in, and the classroom became crowded.(with结构)
With more and more teachers coming in, the classroom became crowded.