从 1991 年 日 本 SONY 公 司 首 次 推 出 商 品 化 锂
1 2 3 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 Introduction Performance requirements of electrode materials for lithium ion battery Positive electrode matry LiFePO 4 Li 3 V 2 ( PO 4 ) 3 positive electrode material — — LiNi 0. 5 Mn 1. 5 O 4 5V Positive electrode material — Preparation of LiCoO 2 and LiMn 2 O 4 by radiated polymer gel method
new electrode materials are urgently needed to meet the demands of the society. In this review ,some knowledge about lithium ion battery is first given. Then we focus on several new positive / negative electrode materials reported up to date. When they were used as lithium ion battery electrode materials ,how they are synthesized ,the main improvement methods and their electrochemical performance will be presented. Finally ,we give a short summary of the advantages / disadvantages of these new electrode materials. applications of lithium ion batteries in the future is proposed. Key words lithium ion battery ; new electrode materials ; high performance 4 4. 1 4. 2 4. 3 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 5 Negative electrode materials of lithium ion battery VO x compounds Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 C / Si composite material α -Fe 2 O 3 thin film Fe 3 O 4 Li 3 V 2 ( PO 4 ) 3 negative electrode material Conclusions and outlook Furthermore , an outlook for the potential
重 点 专 项 中将 石 墨 烯 立 项 并 批 准 了 两 个 石 墨 烯 相 关 的 重
郑双好, 博 士研究生 ; 吴忠帅 , 研究员 ; 包信 和, 研究 员,中国科学 院院士:中国科学 院大 连化 学物理研究所 , 大连 l 1 6 0 2 3 。
Zh e n g S h ua n g ha o , Do c t o r a l Ca n d i d a t e ;W u Zh o n gs h ua i , Re s e a r c h P r of es s or ;Ba o Xi n he ,Re s e a r c h P r o f e s s o r ,M e mbe r of CAS:Da l i a n I ns t i t u t e of Ch e mi c a l P h ys i c s ,Ch i n e s e Ac a de my o f S c i e n c e s , Da l i a n
建 若 干 石 墨 烯 产 业 链 和 建 立 一 批 产业 集 聚 区, 越 来 越 多 的石 墨 烯 产 品 将 陆 续 在 市场 中 流 通 。
究 方 向 之一 。 中 国 对 石 墨 烯 的研 究 亦 非 常 活 跃 , 已形成 政 府、 科 研机 构和企 业协 同创新 的产学研 合作 对接 机制, 极 大 地
点 专 项 :石 墨 烯 宏 观 体 材 料 的宏 量 可 控 制 备及 其 在 光 电 等 方 面Байду номын сангаас的 应 用 研究, 纳 米 碳 材 料 产 业 化 关 键 技 术 及 重 大 科 学 前 沿 。 所 有 这 些 举 措 都
温 条 件 下 真 实 存 在 的 一 种 最 薄 的材 料 。 世 界 各 国均 高 度 重 视 开 展 石 墨 烯 的基 础 研 究 并 积
在 国家 9 3项 目、国家 自然科 学 7 基金委重大研究计划 、中科 院 “ 引进 海
外 杰 出 人 才 ” 百 人 计 划 等 项 目的 支 持
下, 由合肥物质科 学研 究院智能所刘 锦 淮研 究员和 黄行 九研究 员领 导的课 题
组 首 次 制 备 了 具 有 蛋 形 水 母 状 的
土 荧光生物 标记材 料 的制备 、表面修
饰 、 物 偶 联 、 谱 性 质 以及 生ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 应 用 生 光
将原本三 维 ( D)或二维 (D)无序 3 2 的导 电聚合物 结构降 为一 维 ( D)有 1
检测等方面 的研究 , 取得 了系列创新性
研究成果 : ( ) 制 了一 类 新 颖 的稀 土 发 光 I研 纳米材料 , 巧妙 地 将 时 间分 辨 技 术 和 荧
具 有 简 单 器 件 工 艺 的 高 性 能 双 侧 栅 晶
体 、 比优化聚合环境 , 功实现 了吡 参 成 咯 单体在 含纳米 孔 的金 属有机 框架 中 的高度有序聚合 。 该 小组在世界上 率先使用含有 仅
lm 大 小 一 维 孔 道 的金 属 有 机 框 架 为 n
用 水 中,只 要微量 浓度 即产生 毒性 效
读者 服 务 卡 编 号 0 2 1 2 1 -
件、 纳米传感器 、分子机器 等器件 中获
得应用 。
读者服务卡编 号 03 2 口
yAI O 勃姆石) i /eO4 - O H( @SO2 3 空心 磁 F
性 微 球 ,能 够 高 效 地 去 除水 中 的 P 2、 b+
cu2 、 Hg2 + +
元研究员主持完成 。 审委 员会 一致认 评
为 , 项 目研 究 处 于 国 际前 沿 领 域 , 该 项
储能界的一颗新星——M Xene材料
他 们发 现利 用氢 氟酸 ,可 以将 一 系列 化 合 物 转 变 为二 维 材 料 , 如
T i 2 A 1 C 、T a l C 3 、( T i n 5 N b 0 5 ) 2 A 1 C、
扩散 ,这 对柔性 储 能应 用非 常关 键。 与 聚合物 相 比, 碳 纳米 管也 可
M X e n e s的 历 史 非 常 短 暂 。
2 0 1 1 年, 美 国德雷 赛 尔 大学 的材 料学 教 授 Y u r y G o g o t s i 和 Mi c h e l
W.B a r s o u m 在 锂 离 子 电 池 阳 极
具有 导 电性 、 亲水性 , 并且 在 水 中 高度 稳定 。 在其他 的研 究成果 中 ,
但是 该研 究小 组得 到 的结果
远 远超过 他们 原先 的设 想 。研究
单层 原子 薄片结 构 的稳定 性等 性
能 ,可满 足高性 能 电池制 备材 料 的要 求 。
人 员惊 讶地 发现 , 氢 氟 酸将 A l 层
超 级 电容 器 电极类 似 ,在 1 0 0 0 0
同的 主题 —— 简单 的制 备方 法 和
不 断增 加 的 MX e n e s 产品。 在 该 领 域 的早 期 研 究 中 , 分 离 出 的 MX e n e板 为 纳 米 尺 度 的
体结 构 ,其 中 , M 为前过 渡金 属 , A象征 A l 和s i 等 主族元 素 , x表
( V n 5 C r n 5 ) 3 A 1 C 2 和T i 3 A 1 C N等 。 类 似研 究 在全 球 迅 速 蔓 延 , G o g o t s i 认 为 这 要 部 分 归 功 于 石
一、先进储能材料的制备1. 石墨烯石墨烯是一种由单层碳原子组成的二维薄膜材料,具有良好的储能特性。
2. 金属有机框架材料(MOF)MOF是一类由有机配体和金属离子组成的晶体材料,具有高度可调性和储能特性优良的特点。
3. 硫化锂硫化锂是一种具有高能量密度和长循环寿命的储能材料,在锂离子电池中得到广泛应用。
二、先进储能材料在能源存储中的应用1. 锂离子电池锂离子电池是一种高效能、长存储期和低自放电的电池,其应用广泛。
2. 超级电容器超级电容器是一种高功率、长循环寿命和充电速度快的电池,其主要应用于领域需要大功率瞬间释放的场合。
3. 燃料电池燃料电池是一种将燃料与氧气进行反应产生电能的电化学装置,是一种清洁而高效的能源转换系统。
1. 郭永泉(Yongquan Guo)教授:郭教授是国际著名的材料科学家和教育家。
2. Jean-Pierre Colinge:Colinge教授是国际上知名的半导体材料专家和科学家。
3. 朝永振一郎(Shin'ichirō Tomonaga):朝永振一郎是日本著名的物理学家,他是量子场论和量子电动力学领域的先驱。
4. Michael Graetzel:Graetzel教授是瑞士知名的化学家和材料科学家。
5. 王阳明(Yung-Ming Wang)教授:王教授是美国工程院院士,他在材料科学和工程领域的研究和创新方面具有卓越贡献。
功能高分子学报 聚合物介电储能
《功能高分子学报:聚合物介电储能》1. 概述功能高分子学报是一本致力于介绍新颖、高质量聚合物材料在储能领域的最新研究成果的期刊。
2. 什么是聚合物介电储能?在功能高分子学报中,聚合物介电储能被定义为一种利用聚合物材料作为介电储能材料的技术。
3. 聚合物介电储能的深度分析从深度上来看,聚合物介电储能需要从材料、结构和性能三个方面进行深入研究。
3.1 聚合物材料的选择在功能高分子学报中,对于聚合物介电储能来说,材料的选择至关重要。
3.2 结构设计和工艺优化除了聚合物材料的选择,结构设计和工艺优化也是聚合物介电储能研究的关键。
3.3 性能评价和表征在功能高分子学报中,对于聚合物介电储能材料的性能评价和表征也是研究的重点之一。
4. 聚合物介电储能的广度探讨从广度上来看,聚合物介电储能涉及到多个领域的交叉,包括材料科学、化学工程、电子学、能源科学等。
4.1 与电子学的交叉聚合物介电储能作为一种新型储能技术,与电子学领域有着紧密的通联。
E⁃mail :*******************,**********************.cn第37卷第1期2021年1月Vol.37No.1171⁃179无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRYCoNi 2S 4上电沉积NiS 用于柔性固态非对称超级电容器何业增*,1赵后强1柳朋1隋艳伟1委福祥1戚继球1孟庆坤1任耀剑1庄栋栋*,2(1中国矿业大学材料与物理学院,徐州221116)(2江苏大学材料科学与工程学院,镇江212013)摘要:采用一种在CoNi 2S 4上电沉积NiS 的有效方法来改善钴/镍硫化物的性能。
CoNi 2S 4@NiS 电极材料在1A·g -1时比电容达到1433F·g -1,并具有很好的倍率性能。
CoNi 2S 4@NiS 和还原氧化石墨烯组装成的柔性固态非对称超级电容器的能量密度在功率密度为800W·kg -1时达到36.6Wh·kg -1,并且在10000次充放电后表现出良好的循环性能,循环保持率达87.8%。
关键词:电化学;超级电容器;设计合成;CoNi 2S 4;NiS ;电沉积;固态中图分类号:O614.81+3;O614.81+2文献标识码:A文章编号:1001⁃4861(2021)01⁃0171⁃09DOI :10.11862/CJIC.2021.011Electrodeposition of NiS on CoNi 2S 4for Flexible Solid⁃State Asymmetric SupercapacitorsHE Ye⁃Zeng *,1ZHAO Hou⁃Qiang 1LIU Peng 1SUI Yan⁃Wei 1WEI Fu⁃Xiang 1QI Ji⁃Qiu 1MENG Qing⁃Kun 1REN Yao⁃Jian 1ZHUANG Dong⁃Dong *,2(1School of Materials and Physics,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China )(2School of Material Science and Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013,China )Abstract:An effective approach of depositing NiS on CoNi 2S 4was adopted to improve the performance of bimetalliccobalt/nickel⁃sulfide.The as⁃obtained CoNi 2S 4@NiS had an excellent specific capacitance of 1433F·g -1at 1A·g -1and shows a superior rate performance of 69.6%at 10A·g -1.A flexible solid ⁃state asymmetric supercapacitorassembled with CoNi 2S 4@NiS and the reduced graphene oxide showed a high energy density of 36.6Wh·kg -1at a power density of 800W·kg -1and had a fantastic cycle performance of 78.7%retention after 10000cycles,indicat⁃ing that the CoNi 2S 4@NiS nanocomposite is a promising electrode material for energy storage devices.Keywords:electrochemistry;supercapacitor;synthesis design;CoNi 2S 4;NiS;electrodeposition;solid⁃state0IntroductionWith the development of science and technology,the increasing demands of high efficiency energy stor⁃age units in modern electronics are becoming more salient [1⁃4].In the last few years,the supercapacitor hasbecome one of the promising effective and practical energy storage devices for its high power density,goodcycle stability and fast charging rate [5⁃7].The perfor⁃mance and application of supercapacitors are mainly determined by the electrode materials.Therefore,improving the performance of the electrode materials has become a hotspot in the field of energy storage [8⁃9].Transition metal sulfide,a new type of electrodematerial,has been extensively researched due to its su⁃perior electrochemical performance [10⁃12].Among all sul⁃无机化学学报第37卷fides,CoNi2S4has received increasing attention be⁃cause of the synergistic effect of nickel sulfide and co⁃baltous sulfide[13⁃16].Compared with the oxidation prod⁃ucts(CoNi2O4),the extension of chemical bonds inCoNi2S4is beneficial to form a more flexible structureand makes it easier for ion transport[17⁃20].However,therapid decay of specific capacitance during the charge⁃discharge cycles restricts the further application inenergy storage[21⁃24].To overcome this shortcoming,de⁃veloping composite materials has been proven to be themost efficient way and has been widely used in thepreparation of the electrode materials[25⁃26].It has beenreported that the hierarchical CoNi2S4@CC nanowire issuccessfully designed and synthesized by the hydro⁃thermal process,which shows excellent specific capaci⁃tance(1872F·g-1at1A·g-1),fantastic rate capabilityand superior cycling stability when utilized as the elec⁃trode material of supercapacitors[27].Furthermore,Co0.85Se@CoNi2S4/GF(graphene foam)nanotubes,applied to the electrode material of supercapacitors,are successfully prepared by a concise one⁃step electro⁃chemical method,which have excellent interface effectand hollow structure and show outstanding specificcapacitance of5.25F·cm-2at1mA·cm-2,remarkablecharge storage capacity and superior rate perfor⁃mance[28].In this work,CoNi2S4@NiS nanocomposites weresuccessfully synthesized by combining the hydrother⁃mal and electrodeposition methods.The synthesizedCoNi2S4@NiS electrode showed an excellent perfor⁃mance of1433F·g-1at1A·g-1,which is superior tothe CoNi2S4and NiS electrodes.Moreover,a flexiblesolid⁃state asymmetric supercapacitor CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO was assembled by CoNi2S4@NiS and reduced gra⁃phene oxide(rGO),which exhibits an outstanding elec⁃trochemical performance and has promising potentialfor application in supercapacitors.1Experimental1.1Synthesis of CoNi2S4on carbon fiber cloth(CoNi2S4@CC)The carbon fiber cloth(CC,1.0cm×2.0cm)was ultrasonically cleaned with0.5mol·L-1KMnO4for30min individually and then was washed with ethanol and deionized water for several times and desiccated in a vacuum oven at70℃for12h.The CoNi2S4was pre⁃pared by a hydrothermal reaction.0.291g Co(NO3)2·6H2O,0.237g NiCl2·6H2O,0.060g CO(NH2)2and 0.300g thioacetamide(TAA)were used as sources, respectively.Under the continuous magnetic stirring for30min,the above reagents were immersed in30 mL deionized water to get a uniform solution.Subse⁃quently,the uniform solution was transferred into50 mL Teflon⁃lined autoclave and the treated CC was immersed into the solution,then the autoclave was heated at180℃for24h.The final product was ultra⁃sonically rinsed with deionized water and ethanol, respectively.After dried at70℃for12h,the product was denoted as CoNi2S4@CC.1.2Synthesis of CoNi2S4@NiSThe NiS was synthesized by facile and effective three⁃electrode system electrodeposition.2.376g NiCl2·6H2O and7.612g CH4N2S were mixed in100 mL deionized water and stirred for30min to obtain a homogenous solution.Then,the electrodeposition pro⁃cess was conducted for5min at an invariable voltage of0.9V,while the CoNi2S4@CC was served as the work electrode.After that,the samples were washed with eth⁃anol and deionized water separately,and the products were dried in a vacuum environment at70℃.For com⁃parison,the pure NiS without CoNi2S4was also synthe⁃sized on the CC under the same procedure.1.3CharacterizationThe crystalline and structural of the synthesized samples were examined by X⁃ray diffraction(XRD) using Bruker D8Advance diffractometer with Cu Kαradiation(0.154nm)at40kV and30mA,and at a scan rate of6(°)·min-1in the2θrange from10°to80°. The microstructure of the samples was investigated using scanning microscopy(SEM)at5kV,transmis⁃sion electron microscopy(TEM)with an accelerating voltage of200kV,high⁃resolution transmission elec⁃tron microscopy(HRTEM)and selected area electron diffraction(SAED).X⁃ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,1486.7eV)was used to observe the elemental analysis and chemical valence state of the lased irradi⁃172第1期ated samples.1.4Electrochemical measurementsThe electrochemical performance of the samplewas measured on an electrochemical workstation(CHI660E).Cyclic voltammetry (CV),galvanostaticcharge/discharge (GCD)and electrochemical imped⁃ance spectroscopy (EIS)were conducted as the mainpaths to exhibit the electrochemical behaviors.The electrochemical test was proceeded in a three⁃electro configuration in 2mol·L -1KOH electrolyte and the positive and the negative electrode were the as⁃sample and the Pt,the Hg/HgO serve as the reference elec⁃trode,respectively.The specific capacitance can be calculated from the GCD curves by the following equa⁃tion (1):C A =I Δtm ΔV(1)Where I (A)represents discharge current,m (g)repre⁃sents the accurate weight of the active material,Δt (s)represents the discharge time,and ΔV represents the potential window,respectively.1.5Fabrication and electrochemical measure⁃ments of asymmetric supercapacitorThe all⁃solid⁃state asymmetric hybrid supercapac⁃itor (ASC)device was assembled by using the CoNi 2S 4@CC as the positive electrode and rGO as the negativeelectrode,while the PVA⁃KOH gel (PVA=polyvinyl al⁃cohol)performed as the electrolyte.The positive andnegative electrode were dissolved in the PVA⁃KOH gel solution,then two electrodes were combined at roomtemperature and dry until the electrolyte is completely cured,and the solid⁃state supercapacitor was prepared.So as to obtain an ASC with excellent electrochemical properties,it is required to balance the relationship (q +=q -)of the two electrodes charge.As the stored charge of the electrode,the q can be calculated by theequation (2):q =Cm ΔV(2)where C (F·g -1)represents the specific capacitance,m(g)is the mass of the active material and ΔV (V)is the potential window.Meanwhile,the ideal mass ratio canbe calculated by the equation (3):m +m -=C -ΔV -C +ΔV +(3)Where,C +(F·g -1)and C -(F·g -1)represent the specificcapacitance of CoNi 2S 4@NiS and rGO electrode.ΔV +(V)and ΔV -(V)represent the voltage range of CoNi 2S 4@NiS and rGO electrode,respectively.The power den⁃sity (P ,W·kg -1)and the energy density (E ,Wh·kg -1)of CoNi 2S 4@NiS//rGO ASC device can be calculated bythe equations (4,5):E =12C (ΔV )2(4)P =E Δt(5)Where Δt (s)is the discharge time,ΔV (V)is the volt⁃age range and C (F·g -1)is the specific capacitance ofCoNi 2S 4@NiS//rGO ASC device.2Result and discussions2.1Structural and morphological characteriza⁃tionThe XRD patterns of NiS,CoNi 2S 4@CC and CoNi 2S 4@NiS composite are illustrated in Fig.1.TheXRD pattern of the NiS had the same diffraction peakswith the CoNi 2S 4@NiS at 2θ=30.31°,34.77°,46.08°and 53.58°,which can be attributed to the (100),(101),(102)and (110)planes of the NiS (PDF No.75⁃0613).The patterns of the CoNi 2S 4@CC and CoNi 2S 4@NiSshow the same peaks at 2θ=16.28°,26.82°,31.52°,38.30°,47.33°,50.29°and 55.22°,which are indexed to the (111),(220),(311),(400),(422),(511)and (440)planes of the CoNi 2S 4(PDF No.24⁃0334),respectively.In addition,the XRD patterns of the threesamples Fig.1XRD patterns of the NiS,CoNi 2S 4@CC and CoNi 2S 4@NiS何业增等:CoNi 2S 4上电沉积NiS 用于柔性固态非对称超级电容器173无机化学学报第37卷exhibited the extra diffraction peak at2θ=26°,which can be contributed to the carbon fiber cloth substrate (PDF No.26⁃1080).Moreover,there were no other im⁃purity peaks on the patterns,indicating that the suc⁃cessful synthesis of CoNi2S4@NiS on the carbon fiber cloth.The surface element analysis and chemical valence state of the CoNi2S4@NiS sample were further confirmed by XPS as plotted in Fig.2.Fig.2a exhibited the survey spectrum and revealed the presence of Ni, Co,S and C elements in the multiple materials.The Co2p XPS spectrum of the CoNi2S4@NiS is shown in Fig.2b.The peaks situated at779.78and795.15eV are attributed to the Co2p3/2and Co2p1/2levels of Co2+. The peaks situated at778.55and793.33eV reveal the Co2p3/2and Co2p1/2levels of Co3+.It proves that the coexistence of Co2+and Co3+in the CoNi2S4@NiS composite[29].The Ni2p spectrum is shown in Fig.2c, the diffraction peaks situated at853.45and872.38eV are attributed to Ni2+and the peak at856.16and 876.21eV are related to Ni3+[30].The S2p spectrum is displayed in Fig.2d,the diffraction peaks located at 162.98and161.68eV can be assigned to S2p1/2and S2p3/2[18].Moreover,the peak at169.13eV indicates that the existence of S⁃O[31].The morphology of NiS,CoNi2S4/CC and CoNi2S4 @NiS electrode materials can be observed in SEM im⁃ages(Fig.3).As exhibited in Fig.3a and3b,the Co⁃Ni2S4@CC presented a hexagonal flaky cubic structure and were tightly attached to the CC.Fig.3c and3d ex⁃hibit the morphology of the NiS,which presented a granular structure with a size of about50~200nm. These cross⁃linked nanoparticles would provide a high⁃er electrode/electrolyte active sites for reaction and a shorter ion diffusion way[32⁃33].The microstructure of the CoNi2S4@NiS is shown in Fig.3e and3f,the NiS nanoparticles were anchored onto the surface of Co⁃Ni2S4@NiS and form a dense film.The unique structure provides a large specific surface area,which enhance the active sites and would effectively enhance the spe⁃cific capacitance of composite materials.To better understand the chemical compositeand Fig.2(a)XPS survey spectrum of CoNi2S4@NiS;(b~d)XPS spectra of Co2p,Ni2p and S2p174第1期detailed structures of the synthesized CoNi2S4@NiS, HRTEM and element mapping analyses were conduct⁃ed.The HRTEM images of the CoNi2S4@NiS are shown in Fig.4a and4b.The interplanar spacing can be mea⁃sured to be0.20and0.28nm,which can be ascribe to the(102)lattice plane of NiS and(311)lattice plane of CoNi2S4,respectively.The consequences are match with the XRD and XPS tests.Fig.4c and4f displays the elemental mappings of the Co,Ni,Co/Ni and S in the CoNi2S4@NiS samples.The distribution area of the Ni element was slightly larger than the Co element.The Ni and Co element coexisted in the central regionof Fig.3SEM images of(a,b)CoNi2S4@CC,(c,d)NiS and(e,f)CoNi2S4@NiSFig.4(a,b)TEM images of CoNi2S4@NiS;(c~f)Element mappings of the Co,Ni,Co/Ni and S何业增等:CoNi2S4上电沉积NiS用于柔性固态非对称超级电容器175无机化学学报第37卷the sample,while in the outside of the sample there is only Ni element left.In consideration of that CoNi2S4 contained Ni and Co element while NiS had no Co ele⁃ment,it can be deduced that the outer layer of the com⁃posite is NiS which wraps the inner CoNi2S4.2.2Electrochemical performanceThe electrochemical performance of CoNi2S4@CC, NiS,and CoNi2S4@NiS electrodes were tested on a three ⁃electrode configuration with2mol·L-1KOH electro⁃lyte.Fig.5a shows the CV curves for CoNi2S4@CC,NiS, and CoNi2S4@NiS electrodes measured at a scan rate of 10mV·s-1.The CoNi2S4@NiS exhibited superior specif⁃ic capacitance and the redox peaks can be regard as the symbol of Faradaic feature.The improvement of the specific capacitance of the CoNi2S4@NiS is mainly con⁃tributed to the fact that the elements in the two sub⁃stances have multiple valence states,which can carry out the redox reaction more effectively[34].The CV curves of CoNi2S4@NiS electrode at different scan rates from10to50mV·s-1are shown in Fig.5b.The trend of the CV curves was basically maintained with the scan rate increasing,indicating the CoNi2S4@NiS electrode possess ideal pseudocapacitance characteristic and superior rate performance.The large deviation of the shape in large scan rate can be explained by the mis⁃match between charge transfer and diffusion.It can be observed that the cathode peak moved to a lower poten⁃tial,and meanwhile,the anode peak moved to ahigherFig.5Electrochemical performance of CoNi2S4,NiS and CoNi2S4@NiS:(a)CV curves of the CoNi2S4,NiS and CoNi2S4@NiS samples at a scan rate of10mV·s-1;(b)CV curves of the CoNi2S4@NiS sample at various scan rates;(c)GCD curvesof the CoNi2S4CC,NiS and CoNi2S4@NiS samples at a current density of1A·g-1;(d)GCD curves of the CoNi2S4@NiSat various current densities;(e)Comparison of specific capacitance;(f)EIS Nyquist plots of the CoNi2S4,NiS andCoNi2S4@NiS samples176第1期potential when the scan rate continued to increase, which can be explained by the polarization in different scan rates[35].As displayed in Fig.5c,the GCD curves of CoNi2S4@CC,NiS,and CoNi2S4@NiS electrode were measured at a current density of1A·g-1to confirm the advantage of the CoNi2S4@NiS.The discharge time of CoNi2S4@NiS was larger than NiS and CoNi2S4@CC, suggesting the composite structure is conducive to en⁃hance the specific paring to the NiS (1245F·g-1at1A·g-1)and CoNi2S4/CC(1165F·g-1 at1A·g-1),CoNi2S4@NiS(1433F·g-1at1A·g-1)ex⁃hibited higher specific capacitances.Fig.5d illustrates the GCD curves of CoNi2S4@NiS at different current densities to further investigate charge and discharge mechanism.It can be found that the curves show an apparent voltage platform,which is characteristic of typical pseudocapacitor behavior.The result can sup⁃plement the above conclusion.Moreover,the nonlinear curves of the GCD maintained the similarity and sym⁃metry indicating the good stability.The specific capaci⁃tances of NiS,CoNi2S4@CC and CoNi2S4@NiS calculat⁃ed are illustrated in Fig.5e.The specific capacitances of CoNi2S4@NiS were1433,1284,1248,1170,1073 and998F·g-1at1,2,3,5,8and10A·g-1,which possess better rate stability compared with the NiS and CoNi2S4@CC.The electrode cannot fully participate in the reaction when the current density increases,and the utilization rate of the electrochemically active mate⁃rial is insufficient,so the specific capacitance will decrease at a higher current density.As is shown in Fig.5f,the EIS curve of CoNi2S4@CC,NiS,and CoNi2S4 @NiS were fitted using the equivalent circuit model, where CPE is the constant phase angle original and Z W is the Warburg resistance.The equivalent series resis⁃tance(R s)value of NiS,CoNi2S4@CC and CoNi2S4@NiS were1.12,1.56and1.01Ω,indicating that the CoNi2S4 @CC electrode had the lowest internal impedance. Moreover,the value of charge transfer resistance(R ct) can be fitted to be0.25,1.62and0.56Ωfor the NiS, CoNi2S4@CC and CoNi2S4@NiS,suggesting that the CoNi2S4@CC electrode had much large R ct than that of the NiS and CoNi2S4@NiS electrode.Besides,the slope of the samples was greater than45°in the low frequen⁃cy region,indicating the ions and electrolyte are effec⁃tively diffused in the entire system,resulting in a re⁃duction in the diffusion resistance of the NiS,Co⁃Ni2S4@CC and CoNi2S4@NiS electrodes[36].A flexible solid⁃state asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC)device(CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO)was assembled to confirm the energy storage properties for practical ap⁃plication.Fig.6a is the CV curves of the CoNi2S4@NiS and rGO electrode under the three⁃electrode configura⁃tion at the scan rate of10mV·s-1.Obviously,the poten⁃tial windows of the positive and negative electrode were connected,indicating that the loss of potential is nonexistent.The CV curves of CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO at different scan rates(10~100mV·s-1)are displayed in Fig.6b.Significantly,the curves maintained the similar trend with the scan rate increase,and the polarization phenomenon was minimal even at the scan rate of100 mV·s-1,suggesting the device has excellent electro⁃chemical reversibility.Fig.6c exhibits the GCD curves of CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO at different current densities, which possessed good symmetry and had no obvious electrochemical reaction platform.Fig.6d exhibits an excellent specific capacitance of the CoNi2S4@NiS// rGO ASC(103.43F·g-1at1A·g-1and maintained 61.25F·g-1at10A·g-1),revealing excellent rate capa⁃bility.The EIS of the CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO ASC device is shown in Fig.6e.In the high⁃frequency region,the R s and R ct can be calculated to be1.019and4.89Ω.Fur⁃thermore,cycling performance is also a significant indi⁃cator to evaluate the practical application of superca⁃pacitor electrode materials.Fig.6f exhibits a superior cycle performance,which maintained78.7%after 10000cycles at10A·g-1.The superiority of specific capacitance and capacitance retention may be contrib⁃uted to the special nanostructure.The unique structure can provide large space for reaction between electrode and electrolyte by large interface which may supply more active sites.The energy and power density calculated to evalu⁃ated the properties of the CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO ASC device.Fig.7exhibits the Ragone plot of the CoNi2S4 @NiS//rGO ASC.The CoNi2S4@NiS//rGO ASC device exhibited a high energy density of36.6Wh·kg-1at800何业增等:CoNi2S4上电沉积NiS用于柔性固态非对称超级电容器177无机化学学报第37卷W·kg -1and the energy density maintained 21.7Wh·kg -1even at 8000W·kg -1.The CoNi 2S 4@NiS//rGOASC device have an advantage over some other report⁃ed devices,such as CoNi 2S 4//YS⁃CS (yolk⁃shell carbonspheres)(35Wh·kg -1at 640W·kg -1),Ni 3S 2/MWCNT(multiwalled carbon nanotube)⁃NC//AC (19.8Wh·kg -1at 798W·kg -1),NiCo 2S 4//rGO (16.6Wh·kg -1at 2348W·kg -1)and NiS/rGO//AC (18.7Wh·kg -1at 1240W·kg -1)[37⁃40].3ConclusionsIn conclusion,the CoNi 2S 4@NiS was successfullysynthesized by combining the hydrothermal and elec⁃trodeposition methods.The as⁃obtained samples exhib⁃ited an excellent specific capacitance (1433F·g -1at 1A·g -1)and superior rate performance (998F·g -1at 10A·g -1).The flexible solid⁃state asymmetricsupercapac⁃Fig.7Ragone plot of the ASC deviceFig.6Electrochemical measurements of the resultant CoNi 2S 4@NiS//rGO:(a)CV curves of the resultant CoNi 2S 4@NiSand rGO at 10mV·s -1;(b)CV curves of the device at different current densities;(c)GCD curves of the ASC device;(d)Specific capacitance at various current densities;(e)EIS Nyquist plots of the device;(f)Cycling performance ofthe device at 10A·g -1for 10000cycles178第1期itor assembled with CoNi2S4as the positive electrode and the reduced rGO as the negative electrode showed superior energy density of36.6Wh·kg-1at a power density of800W·kg-1,remarkable rate performance, and excellent cycle performance(78.7%at a high current density of10A·g-1after10000cycles).The results 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功能高分子学报 聚合物介电储能
三、聚合物介电储能的关键技术1. 材料设计与合成:功能高分子学报聚合物介电储能的研究需要合成具有优异介电性能的聚合物材料。
2. 结构与性能表征:通过对聚合物介电材料的结构与性能进行表征,可以深入了解其介电性能和电学行为,为进一步提高聚合物介电储能性能提供理论基础。
3. 提高介电性能的方法:针对聚合物介电材料的电学性能,研究人员提出了多种提高介电性能的方法,如填充剂改性、界面工程、复合材料等。
纳米石墨基导电复合涂料的电磁屏蔽性能作者:汪桃生, 吴大军, 吴翠玲, 陈国华, WANG Tao-sheng, WU Da-jun, WU Cui-ling,CHEN Guo-hua作者单位:华侨大学,材料科学与工程学院,福建,泉州,362021刊名:华侨大学学报(自然科学版)英文刊名:JOURNAL OF HUAQIAO UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE)年,卷(期):2007,28(3)被引用次数:6次1.邓安平;桂恒清;陈世山导电涂料性能的研究 1999(z1)2.严冰;邓剑如;吴淑清炭黑/聚氨酯泡沫导电复合材料的开发[期刊论文]-化工新型材料 2002(09)3.刘际伟;高晓敏;刘金城导电石墨/丙烯酸的电磁屏蔽涂料的研制 1998(10)4.CARROLL D L;CZERW R;WEBSTER S Polymer-nanotube composites for transparent,conducting thin films[外文期刊] 2005(03)5.AZIM S S;SATHEESH A;RAMU K K Studies on graphite based conductive paint coatings[外文期刊]2005(01)6.CHEN Guo-hua;WENG Wen-gui;WU Da-jun Nonlinear conduction in nylon-6/foliated graphite nanocomposites above the percolation threshold[外文期刊] 2004(1)7.CHEN Guo-hua;WU Da-jun;WENG Wen-gui Dispersion of graphite nanosheets in a polymer matrix and the conducting property of the nanocomposites[外文期刊] 2001(12)8.CHEN Guo-hua;WENG Wen-gui;WU Da-jun Preparation and characterization of graphite nanosheets from ultrasonic powdering technique[外文期刊] 2002(04)9.吴翠玲;翁文桂;陈国华膨胀石墨的多层次结构[期刊论文]-华侨大学学报(自然科学版) 2003(02)10.YASMIN A;LUO Jyi-jiin;DANIEL I M Processing of expanded graphite reinforced polymer nanocomposites 200611.LUO Xiang-cheng;CHUNG D D L Electromagnetic interference shielding using continuous carbon-fiber carbon-matrix and polymer-matrix composites[外文期刊] 1999(03)12.WU Jun-hua;CHUNG D D L Increasing the electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of carbon fiber polymer-matrix composite by using activated carbon fibers[外文期刊] 2002(03)13.YANG Shu-ying;KAREN L;AZALIA L Electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of carbon nanofiber/LCP composites[外文期刊] 200514.赖祖武电磁屏蔽的理论基础 199315.HAIM C;SHABTAY S;MONICA H An iterative method for calculating the shielding effectiveness and light transmittance of multilayered media[外文期刊] 1993(04)1.陈国华.吴翠玲.吴大军.翁文桂.黄双喜.林善旭聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯/石墨薄片纳米复合及其导电性能研究[期刊论文]-高分子学报2003(5)2.翁建新.吴大军.陈国华.Weng Jianxin.Wu Dajun.Chen Guohua环氧树脂/石墨微片复合导电材料的导电性[期刊论文]-华侨大学学报(自然科学版)2004,25(4)1.曲宝龙.李旭东.李俊琛碳填充型电磁屏蔽复合材料进展[期刊论文]-甘肃科技 2010(13)2.张庆之.杜运波.周佳奇.陈瑞峰.邵先亦水性电磁屏蔽涂料研究进展[期刊论文]-台州学院学报 2011(6)3.魏宁.沈勇.张惠芳.王黎明电磁屏蔽织物的发展现状及研究方向[期刊论文]-上海纺织科技 2010(2)4.武俐明.苏勋家.侯根良.贾海鹏炭系导电涂料的研究进展[期刊论文]-热固性树脂 2008(5)5.赵初明.谭业发.何龙.李宏伟.郝胜强纳米颗粒改性功能涂料的研究进展[期刊论文]-装备制造技术 2011(12)6.孙贵磊纳米石墨的制备方法及机理与应用研究进展[期刊论文]-材料开发与应用 2011(4)本文链接:/Periodical_hqdxxb200703015.aspx。
Eform = E (doped) − E (LiCoO2)
− E (Mgdoped) + E (host) , (1)
其中 Eform 表示形成能, E (doped)为掺杂 Mg 后体 系 的 总 能 量 , E (LiCoO2)为 纯 LiCoO2 的 总 能 量 , E (Mgdoped)为掺杂的 Mg 原子的能量, E (host)为被 替代的原子的能量.
关键词:LiCoO2, 形成能, 电子结构, 第一性原理 PACS:82.47.Aa, 71.15.Mb, 71.20.–b, 71.30.+h
DOI: 10.7498/70.20210064
1 引 言
近年来, 随着电动汽车、智能电子设备等领域 的快速发展, 作为主要动力来源的锂离子电池成为 众多科研人员的研究热点. 锂离子电池正极材料是 制约电池能量密度的关键因素, 开发高电压、高容 量的正极材料对于提升电池能量密度至关重要. 在 众多正极材料中, 作为商业化最早的锂离子电池正 极材料 LiCoO2 因具有工作电压高、比容量高、循
环性能好等优点至今仍受到人们的广泛关注 [1,2]. LiCoO2 的结构属于空间群为 R¯3m 的菱面体
(a-NaFeO2 型层状结构), 其中 Li 原子在 3a 位置, Co 原子和 O 原子分别在 3b 和 6c 位上. LiCoO2 具有 274 mAh/g 的理论比容量, 但是实际使用时 的充电截止电压为 4.2 V, 充电脱锂过程仅有 50% 的锂离子脱出. 通过增加充电截止电压可以脱出更 多的锂离子从而增加 LiCoO2 容量, 例如当充电截 止电压为 4.5 V 时, 将有高达 68% 的锂离子脱出. 然而, 当电压增加时, LiCoO2 的晶体结构变得不
Xu Bo1, Jin Linghua2
(1.Zhuzhou Times New Material Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou 412007; 2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001)
灵敏度曲线. 图,数字电流
那么流过负载 R 的电流为
图 2 分压电路图
式 压
(1 端
)R中L 之,R间W
器的滑动端 R = E,引进参数
RWL,x 为滑动端 特R0征系数,则有
2第01398年卷7第月7 期
大 学 物 理
Vol.38 No.7 July 2019
李震春,许积文 ,陈国华
(桂林电子科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,广西 桂林 ) 541004
( ) 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: O 441.1
1000 0712 2019 07 0031 05
【 】 DOI 10.16854 / j.cnki.1000 0712.190004
电位器(又称变阻器)的制流、制压特性广泛运 用于调光、调速、调音等工业生产领域[1],另外电位 器本身是一个很好的位置传感器[2],负载不同时其 调节灵敏度曲线也不相同. 电位器调节特性和调节 灵敏度实验是高校工科物理实验常开设的一个经典 实验[37]. 传统的电位器调节特性和调节灵敏度实 验装置中,由于采用的机械式电位器配套标尺与电 阻丝有效长度不匹配,滑动片与电阻丝线圈的接触 面较大且常常出现接触不良,导致电位器的滑动端 位置读数误差较大,测出的调节特性曲线和调节灵 敏度曲线误差较大,尤其是调节灵敏度曲线与理论 曲线相比出现严重失真,这也是很多高校没让学生 测定电位器调节灵敏度的原因. 文献 提 [5] 出用电阻 箱来代替电位器,这种办法理论上应能解决电位器 滑动端位置精确可控的问题,但由于电阻箱阻值不 同时,其精度不同,使得等效滑动端位置读数也存在 很大的误差,而且实验操作过程非常繁琐.
SrTiO3基陶瓷具有高介电常数,低介电损耗和稳定的温度、频率和电压特性,是用于制备大容量陶瓷晶界层电容器的理想材料,具有吸收高达1000~3000 A/cm2这样的电涌的能力,所以该材料兼有大容量电容器和压敏电阻器的功能。
在SrTiO3-m ( Bi2O3·nTiO2)系陶瓷基础上加入BaTiO3等烧制而成的新型材料,具有介电常数大,介质损耗小,击穿场强高的特点。
TiO2陶瓷具有高达350 kV/cm的耐击穿强度和较高介电常数(~110),从而具有可观的储能密度,并支持几百次的充放电。
问题:1.先进的储能材料有哪些2.电容器储能与电池储能的优缺点各是什么3.反铁电材料的储能原理是什么1/ 1。
Structural characterization(XRD)
Only one crystalline phase(Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb 2O6) for CeO2 from 0.5 to 2mol%
Secondary phase SrNb2O6
Structural characterization(XRD)
850℃ /3 h 7.0
800 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Addition of CeO2(mol%) 2.0
1.5mol% kV/cm
Energy storage properties
700C 750C 800C 850C
0.06 0.05
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00
0.5 1.0 1.5 CeO2 addition( mol%)
Dielectric breakdown strength (DBS)
0mol% =kV/cm Weibull 0.5mol% 0 kV/cm
(2013).:30 m-thick Pb0.97La0.02(Zr0.97Ti0.03)O3 antiferroelectric films added with PbO B2O3-SiO2-ZnO glass ①添加3wt%玻璃厚膜样品 Jreco=3.1 J/cm3 , E=581 kV/cm ② 未掺杂玻璃的厚膜样品 Jreco=1.4 J/cm3
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850℃ /3 h 7.0
800 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Addition of CeO2(mol%) 2.0
Байду номын сангаас
1.5mol% kV/cm
Energy storage properties
Polarzation(C/cm 2)
0mol% 0.5mol% 1mol% 1.5 mol% 2 mol%
8 6 4 2 0 0
-4 -6 -8 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 Electric field (kV/cm) 600
Polarzation(C/cm 2)
0mol% 0.5mol% 1mol% 1.5mol% 2 mol%
(2013).:30 m-thick Pb0.97La0.02(Zr0.97Ti0.03)O3 antiferroelectric films added with PbO B2O3-SiO2-ZnO glass ①添加3wt%玻璃厚膜样品 Jreco=3.1 J/cm3 , E=581 kV/cm ② 未掺杂玻璃的厚膜样品 Jreco=1.4 J/cm3
All samples: η ≥ 68%
200 300 400 500 Electric field(kV/cm)
Thank you
for your attention
Energy-storage efficiency
① High electric breakdown field (高介电击穿强度) ② Large saturated polarization (大的饱和极化) ③ Small remnant polarization (小的剩 余极化)
先进介电储能材料 Advanced dielectric energy-storage materials
陈国华 桂林电子科技大学 2015.07.04
钠离子电池 丰田氢燃料电池 薄膜脉冲储能电容
850℃ /3h
2mol% kV/cm
CeO2 =0.5mol% Jcmax=2.74J/cm3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Electric field(kV/cm)
Energy storage properties
Discharged energy storage density (Jd)
Disharged energy density(J/cm )
0 mol% 0.5mol% 1 mol% 1.5mol% 2 mol%
CeO2 =0.5mol % Jd max=1.95J/cm3
100 200 300 400 Electric field(kV/cm) 500 600
Energy storage properties
200 400 Electric field (kV/cm)
Energy storage properties
Charged energy storage density (Jc)
Charged energy density(J/cm )
0 mol% 0.5mol% 1 mol% 1.5mol% 2 mol%
Composition of SrO–BaO–Nb2O5–B2O3–CeO2 system glasses
C0 C1 C2 C3
14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4
17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6
32 32 32 32
36 36 36 36
0 0.5 1 1.5
传统的介电电容器: 主要是由介电聚合物和介电陶瓷制造而
2J/cm3) 电化学超级电容器: ①具有适中的能量密度,但功率密度仍无
如电子枪、定向能量武器、激励器等。 ②常常具有复杂的物理结构,非常小的操 作电压(3.0V)、高的漏电流(低的能量 效率)、有限的循环寿命(105)。这些
700C 750C 800C 850C
0.06 0.05
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00
0.5 1.0 1.5 CeO2 addition( mol%)
Dielectric breakdown strength (DBS)
0mol% =kV/cm Weibull 0.5mol% 0 kV/cm
Discharged energy density : Jd = SABD Unreleased energy density: Ju = SOBDC Charged energy density : Jc = SAOCD
Energy storage properties
8 6 4 2 0
典型铁电体 顺电体 (线性电介质)
Relaxor ferroelectrics (弛豫铁电体)and
antiferroelectrics (反铁电体)are more likely to be used for high energy storage because of their larger saturated polarization, smaller remnant polarization and moderate breakdown field. With development of new manufacturing processes of materials,another two kinds of materials, glass-ceramic(微 晶玻璃或玻璃陶瓷) and polymer-based ferroelectrics(聚 合物基铁电体), are also be found to have the potential for application in this area, which combine with the higher breakdown field of linear dielectric and larger polarization of ferroelectrics.
Structural characterization(XRD)
Only one crystalline phase(Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb 2O6) for CeO2 from 0.5 to 2mol%
Secondary phase SrNb2O6
Structural characterization(XRD)
Microstructural analysis(SEM) 850℃/3h
0mol%CeO2 0.5 mol%CeO2
1.5 mol%CeO2
2 mol%CeO2
Dielectric properties
175 150
Dielectric constant
125 100 75 50 25 0
Unreleased energy storage density :Ju=Jc-Jd
Unreleased energy density (J/cm )
0mol% 0.5mol% 1mol% 1.5mol% 2mol%
CeO2 =0.5mol % Ju max=0.78J/cm3
高能量密度介电电容器 可以替代电解电容器和 聚合物基电容器。最为 重要的例子是应用到混 合电动汽车、脉冲激光 武器、枪炮、船舰。在 整流器或逆变器有重要 应用: 高能量 小型化 长寿命
可植入 的医疗 装置
按照能量储存时间长短,储存电能的装置一般分为短期和长 期两类。
如果介电电容器的能量密度能提高到电化学超级电容器的水平, 将会大大扩展在脉冲功率系统中的应用。并能使电子、电器系统 微型化、轻量化和集成化。
电池储能特点: 1. 长期 2. 高能量密度 (10-300W.h/kg), 低功率密度(≤ 500 W/kg) (电荷输运慢引起) 3. 主要用于长期稳定的能源供应。 电容器储能特点: 1. 短期 2. 高功率密度 (101 ~ 106 W/kg:电化学超级电容器; 108 W/kg:介电电容器);小的能量密度(≤ 30 W.h/kg) 3. 主要用于脉冲电压或电流的供应。