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1. The boy is play ing basketball.

否定句: _____________________

一般疑问句: _________________

肯定回答: ___________________

对“ The boy ” 提问: _______________________________



.she,the window,open,now.( 用现在进行时连词成句 .) __________________________

2) .is,who,the wi ndow,clea nin g?( 3) .She is closi ng the door no w.( 4. )You are doing your homework.(

5).they,the tree,s ing,now,un der.( 6).The

Young Pion eers are help ing the old woma n.(


( )1.我在照看孩子•

(A)l am look ing after the baby.(B)l'm look afteri ng the baby.

(C)l look am afteri ng the baby.(D)I look ing after the baby.

( )2. _______ f rien d's making ___________ a kite. (A)I,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his

( )3.Is the woma n _______________ yellow your teacher?

(A)in (B)putt ing on (C)weari ng (D)havi ng

( )4.Look!The twins ______________ their mother do the housework.

(A)are wan ti ng (B)help(C)are helpi ng (D)are look ing

( )5. __________ a re the birds doing? They are si nging in a tree.

(A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where

()6.Is she ___________ s omethi ng?

(A)eat (B)eati ng

(C)eatti ng (D)eats ()7. 你在干什么?

(A)What is you doi ng?

(B)What are you do? (C)What are you doin g? (D)What do you do?

()8.What are you listening _______________ ?

(A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to

()9. 我正在听他说话.

(A)I liste ning to him. (B)I'm liste ning to him.

(C)I'm liste n to him. (D)I'm liste ning him.

()10.They are _____________ their clothes.

(A)make ing (B)putt ing (C)put away (D)putt ing on

()11.Liste n! She ___________ in the classroom.

连词成句) ________________________________

改成否定句) _________________________________

用T 作主语改写句子) _________________________

用现在进行时连词成句.) ______________________ 改成一般疑问句)

(A)is si ngi ng (B)si ng (C)to si ng (D)is si ng

( )12.Today Jim _______________ his white shirt and brow n trousers. (A)is putt ing on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is weari ng

()13. ____________ are you eat ing?l'm eating _____________ meat.

(A)What,some (B)Which,a ny (C)Where, not (D)What,a

( )14.They TV in the eve nin g.They do their homework.

(A)are watch ing (B)ca n't watchi ng (C)d on't watch (D)d on't watch ing ()15.The children ______________ football.

(A)is playi ng (B)are playi ng (C)play the (D)play a

()16.They are flyi ng kites.

(A)他们喜欢放风筝.(B) 他们在放风筝吗?

(C)他们在放风筝.(D) 他们常放风筝.

( )17.Look,They are swimmi ng in the river.

I wan t you.

(A)to go with (B)go with (C)help ing (D)help

()18.Look.Lucy is ______________ a new bike today.

(A)jump ing (B)r unning (C)ridi ng (D)takei ng


1.What _______________you (do)?

2.I ___________________ (sing) an En glish song.

3.What ____________ he ___________________(men d)?

4.He ____________________ (mend) a car.

5._______ you _________________ (fly) a kite?Yes, ___________ .

6._______ she _________________ (sit) in the boat?

7._______ you ____________________ (ask) questi ons?

8.We ______________________ (play) games now.
