
(3) Order B/L (指示提单)----Endorsement is neede 被通知方
Carrier by or on behalf of the Holder, the rights and liabilities arising in accordance with the terms hereof shall (without prejudice to any rule of
According to different Consignee, Bs/L can be devided into: AToBCBOerCdaoermerrpany
Received in apparent good order and condition except as otherwise noted the total number of container or other packages or units
Slow passage
Vulnerable to bad weather
Less punctual
1 Ocean Transport 3) Division of merchant vessels
•国际商务学院——陈豪Company Logo
1 Ocean Transport Characteristics of liner transport:
Importer’s full name and address and phone no.
when being transferred to other common law or statute rendering them binding on the Merchant) become

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国际贸易实务双语教程Chapter 9 Force Majeure and Arbitration in International Trade32页PPT

Chapter 9 Force Majeure and Arbitration in International Trade
Force Majeure Arbitration Cases
9.1 Force Majeure
Definition Significance of Force Majeure Clause Stipulation of Force Majeure Clause Notes to Quoting Force Majeure Clause
Essential ways of stipulation
Brief Stipulation Concrete Stipulation Synthesized Stirce Majeure Events
There are two kinds of legal consequences arising from a force majeure event: (1) termination of the contract (2) postponement of the contract fulfillment
9.1 Force Majeure
Stipulation of Force Majeure Clause › Scope of Force Majeure Events › Essential ways of stipulation › Settlement of Force Majeure Events › Notification and Proof of Force Majeure Events
The adoption of the settlement ways is dependent on the effect of the force majeure event.
Force Majeure Arbitration Cases
9.1 Force Majeure
Definition Significance of Force Majeure Clause Stipulation of Force Majeure Clause Notes to Quoting Force Majeure Clause
Essential ways of stipulation
Brief Stipulation Concrete Stipulation Synthesized Stirce Majeure Events
There are two kinds of legal consequences arising from a force majeure event: (1) termination of the contract (2) postponement of the contract fulfillment
9.1 Force Majeure
Stipulation of Force Majeure Clause › Scope of Force Majeure Events › Essential ways of stipulation › Settlement of Force Majeure Events › Notification and Proof of Force Majeure Events
The adoption of the settlement ways is dependent on the effect of the force majeure event.
Chapter 5 Price of Commodity 国际贸易实务双语教程(课件PPT)

Profit and Loss Ratio of Export Commodities= (RMB Net Income of Export Sales – Total Export Cost)/ Total Export Cost ×100%vious one Please calculate the profit and loss ratio
Case Study:
A trading company exports 10,000 units of arts and crafts which cost 300,000 Yuan (30 Yuan per unit), other domestic cost: 8000 RMB, expected profit: 10%, freight: 10 units/CTN, 1000 cartons, carton size: 255632, GW: 32KG NW: 30KG, the freight to Europe is calculated by W/M as 120 Dollars per ton. The price of 40 containers to Europe: 3500 Dollars, insurance by 11% of the invoice value against all risks at the premium rate of 0.8%, foreign sales price: USD4.85/PC CIF London. Please calculate the export exchange cost respectively by container and by cargo.
Case Study:

双方义务: 卖方 在合同规定的时间、地点,将合同规定的货物置于买方指定 的承运人控制下,并及时通知买方。 承担将货物交给承运人控制前的一切费用和风险。 自负风险和费用,取得出口许可证或其他官方批准文件,并 办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续。 提交商业发票或具有同等作用的电子信息,并自费提供通常 的交货凭证。 买方 签订从指定地点承运货物的合同,支付有关运费,并将承运 人名称及有关情况及时通知卖方。 根据合同的规定受领货物并支付货款。 承担受领货物之后发生的一切费用和风险。 自负风险和费用,取得进口许可证或其他官方文件,并办理 货物进口所需的海关手续。
卖方 合同期内,货物装船,并通知买方; 负责租船订舱并支付至目的港的正常运 费; 负责为货物在运输中损坏、丢失风险取 得海上保险,办理保险业务,支付保费 买方:支付货款、承担货越船舷后的风险 费用、办理进口手续、受领货物
注意事项: 租船订舱责任:卖方只负责按通常条件租船订舱; 保险责任:为了买方利益。如无相反明文规定,卖 方只需按《协会货物保险条款》或其他类似保险条 款中最低责任的保险险别投保,最低保险金额是合 同价款加成10%。按合同计价货币投保。 卸货费用: 班轮:卖方。可采用CIF Liner Terms (CIF 班轮条 件) 租船: 在合同中明文规定 用CIF的变型表示:CIF Landed (CIF 卸至码头) ;CIF Ex Tackle (CIF 吊钩下交接);CIF Ex Ship’s Hold (CIF舱底交接);
CASE A Chinese import and export company concluded a Sale Contract with a German firm on October 5, 2006, selling a batch of certain commodity. The contract was based on CIF Hamburg at USD 2500 per metric ton; The Chinese company delivered the goods in compliance with the contract and obtained a clean on board B/L. During transportation, however, 100 metric tons of the goods got lost because of rough sea. Upon arrival of the goods, the price of the contracted goods went down quickly. The buyer refused to take delivery of the goods and effect payment and claimed damages from the seller. Question: (1) Is the buyer’s refusal reasonable? Why? (2)How should the buyer to deal with the loss?
教学课件 国际贸易实务双语教程(第二版)傅龙海

• Among the 11 trade terms, FOB, CFR and CIF are the most commonly used terms.
• Nowadays, they are used as trade terms for symbolic delivery.
• The Buyer’s Obligations 买方义务
a. All expenses and risks after the goods delivered on board at port of shipment.
b. Accept related documents provided by the seller and take delivery the goods and pay for them.
c. Accept related documents provided by the seller and pay duly according to the contract
• Some points for attention about FOB
要注意的几个问题 – The cancellation of the concept “cross the rail” “船舷为界”概念的取消 – Shipping charges
• Definition 概念
The seller is responsible for booking space and delivering the goods on board the vessel sailing for the destination in due time according to the contract and covering the risks and expenses during carriage. The risks of loss or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel.
• Among the 11 trade terms, FOB, CFR and CIF are the most commonly used terms.
• Nowadays, they are used as trade terms for symbolic delivery.
• The Buyer’s Obligations 买方义务
a. All expenses and risks after the goods delivered on board at port of shipment.
b. Accept related documents provided by the seller and take delivery the goods and pay for them.
c. Accept related documents provided by the seller and pay duly according to the contract
• Some points for attention about FOB
要注意的几个问题 – The cancellation of the concept “cross the rail” “船舷为界”概念的取消 – Shipping charges
• Definition 概念
The seller is responsible for booking space and delivering the goods on board the vessel sailing for the destination in due time according to the contract and covering the risks and expenses during carriage. The risks of loss or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel.
国际贸易实务双语课件chapter nine.ppt

Delivery of Goods 货物的装运
Delivery of Goods 货物的装运
Section One: Methods of Delivery (装运方式)
Section Two: Delivery Conditions (装运条件)
Section Three: Shipping Documents (货运单据)
计费标准为W/M,根据已知条件,可求出积载系 数为大于1,故按重要计算运费
每吨单位运价:80*(1+20%+10%)=104美元 该货总运费:104*10=1040美元
2.Railway Transport (铁路运输)
特点:货运量大、速度快、安全可靠、运输成本低、运 输准确和受气候影响较小等
铁路运输有4种: a. 国内铁路运输; b. 往香港澳门的铁路运输; c. 国与国之间的铁路运输; d. 国际铁路货物联运。
Air Transport (航空运输)
优点:速度快、交货迅速、货损率低以及节省 包装、储存等费用。
缺点:运量小、运价高,易受恶劣气候的影响。 航空运输可分为以下4种: a. Scheduled airliner班机运输 b. Charted carrier包机运输 c. Consolidation集中托运 d. Air express急件运送
International Combing Transport / International Multimodal Transport (国际多式联运)
一般是以集装箱为媒介,把海、陆、空多种传统的单 一运输方式有机地结合起来,组成一种国际间的连贯 运输。 在中国的主要多式联运: 1)火车、飞机的联合运输方式 2)火车、船的联合运输方式 3)集装箱运输方式
Delivery of Goods 货物的装运
Section One: Methods of Delivery (装运方式)
Section Two: Delivery Conditions (装运条件)
Section Three: Shipping Documents (货运单据)
计费标准为W/M,根据已知条件,可求出积载系 数为大于1,故按重要计算运费
每吨单位运价:80*(1+20%+10%)=104美元 该货总运费:104*10=1040美元
2.Railway Transport (铁路运输)
特点:货运量大、速度快、安全可靠、运输成本低、运 输准确和受气候影响较小等
铁路运输有4种: a. 国内铁路运输; b. 往香港澳门的铁路运输; c. 国与国之间的铁路运输; d. 国际铁路货物联运。
Air Transport (航空运输)
优点:速度快、交货迅速、货损率低以及节省 包装、储存等费用。
缺点:运量小、运价高,易受恶劣气候的影响。 航空运输可分为以下4种: a. Scheduled airliner班机运输 b. Charted carrier包机运输 c. Consolidation集中托运 d. Air express急件运送
International Combing Transport / International Multimodal Transport (国际多式联运)
一般是以集装箱为媒介,把海、陆、空多种传统的单 一运输方式有机地结合起来,组成一种国际间的连贯 运输。 在中国的主要多式联运: 1)火车、飞机的联合运输方式 2)火车、船的联合运输方式 3)集装箱运输方式
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Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade
3 Licensing (许可证贸易) 4 Trading Companies (贸易公司) 5 Joint Ventures (合资企业) 6 Investment
1) Direct Investments (直接投资)
Specialists involved in export and import transactions
A shipping agent and /or foreign forwarder (forwarding agent) will take responsibility for the documentation and arrange for the goods to be shipped by air, sea, rail or rail. Theses services may be carried out by the supplier’s own export department, if they have the expertise. Airlines, shipping lines, railway companies or haulage contractors will actual transport the goods. Both the importer’s and exporter’s banks will be involved in arranging payments if a letter of credit or bill of exchange is used. Customs and Excise officers may need to examine the goods, check import or export licences and charge duty and /or VAT. A chamber of Commerce may need to issue a certificate of origin, if this is required by the importer’s country. An insurance company insures goods in transit. A lawyer if a special contract has to be drawn up.
Section Three Forms of International Trade (国际贸 易形式)
1 Merchandise Exports and Imports (商品进出口)
1) Exporting(商品出口) (1) Direct exporting(直接出口) (2) Indirect exporting(间接出口) 2) Importing (商品进口)
Chapter 11 Payment of Goods (2hrs) Chapter 12 Disputes, Claim, Arbitration (2hrs)
Picture of the Course
工交 作易 前 的 准 备 谈 判
对国外市场调查研究 制定出口方案 发展客户 交易洽商 广告宣传 询盘 发盘 还盘 接受 签合同
1) Making market research
2) Marketing and Promotion
3 What is Importing 4 Parties involved in export and import transaction 5 Specialists involved in export and import transactions 6 Basic Documents needed in Export and Import Transaction Please look at the following draft (Export Procedures under CIR on the side of Seller)
Contents to be studied in this course: Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade (2hrs) Chapter 2 General Procedures of Export and Import Transaction (2hrs) Chapter 3 Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of International Commodity (2hrs ) Chapter 4 Trade Terms (4hrs) Chapter 5 Quality of Commodity (2hrs)
Export Procedures under CIR on the side of Seller
Signing Contract
Applying Import License
Procedures of Import Transaction
Opening L/C
Chartering Space Ship
备货 合 同 履 行 报验
催证 租船订舱
改证 (审核发现的修改)
投保(必须在发货以前) 货发码头
所有单据送银行议付 议付结汇合同履行完毕 发生争议处理索赔
银行 海关 税务局
Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade
Parties involved in export and import transaction
* the exporters * the importers * the port authority * the shipping company (for sea freight) * the airline (for air freight) * the insurance company or brokers * the exporter’s bank * the importer’s bank * the railways (in some cases) in the importer’ country * the road hauler ( in some case) in the importer’ country * the shipping agent at the port or airport of discharge * the shipping agents at the port or airport of loading * the railway (in some cases)in the exporters’ country * the road hauler (in some cases) in the exporter’s country
Parties Involved in Exp. & Imp. Transaction * the railways (in some cases) in the importer’ country * the road hauler ( in some case) in the importer’ country * the road hauler ( in some case) in the importer’ country * the shipping agent at the port or airport of discharge * the shipping agents at the port or airport of loading * the railway (in some cases)in the exporters’ country * the road hauler (in some cases) in the exporter’s country
Checking L/C
Track Goods
Declare and Discharge
Claims, Adjustment
Market Research
Any exporter who wants to sell his products in a foreign country or countries must first conduct a lot of market research. Market research is a process of conducting research into a specific market for a particular product. Export market research, in particular, is a study of a given market abroad to determine the needs of that market and the methods by which the products can be supplied. The exporter needs to know which foreign companies are likely to use his products or might be interested in marketing and distributing the products in their country.