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()1. A I don't know. B No problem. C. No,you can't.

()2.A. I have a cold B. Lie down and rest C . I like English

()3.A. You are right B. Is that right? C .All right

()4.A. But you can B. why don't you talk to her? C . Me ,too

()5.A.It was raining B. Yes, I was C. I was cooking

()6.A.from an accident B. early In the morning C. In the hospital .

Ⅱ. 对话理解。听一遍。

()7. A. Go to bed early . B. Go out . C. Go to the party .

()8. A. She caught a cold . B. She got a headache . C She had a fever .

()9.A. Black tea . B. White coffee . C. Black coffee .

()10.A. Next Saturday . B. Next Sunday . C. This Sunday .

()11.A. He can't sleep well . B. He often does some exercise .

C. He should listen to music .

()12.A. Beside the supermarket . B. Across from the supermarket . C In the supermarket . Ⅲ. 长对话理解。听两遍

()13. When was Jack watching the V oice of China ?

A. From 8:00-9:00 pm last night .

B. From 6:00-7:00 pm last night .

C. From 18:00-19:00 pm last night .

()14. Who was reading a story book ?

A. Jack's father .

B. Jack's mother .

C. Jack's sister.

()15. How long will Jane stay in London ?

A. One day .

B. One week .

C. One month .

()16. How often should tom give food to the cat ?

A. Three times a day .

B. Twice a day .

C. Four times a day .


()17. The person may be telling the story __________________

A.At a bus stop .

B. In a car .

C. In a classroom .

()18.__________ needs to go to hospital .

A.His best friend

B. The old woman .

C. The young lady .

()19. There are______________ in the story .


B. 4


()20. The driver can take__________ person(s) with him in the car .

A. 1

B. 2



()21.--- When did the terrible rainstorm come?

--- This morning ,while we _____________a physics lesson.

A. had .

B. were having .

C. are having.

D. Will have .

()22.___________, I didn't like English , but now it's my favorite subject .

A. As usual .

B. At first .

C. After all .

D. until now ()23. He is very angry with his mother because his mother always _______ him with the best student .

A. compares .

B. continues .

C. tells .

D. competes .

()24. After school, he didn't go home .___________he went to the internet cafe .

A. Anyway .

B. Instead .

C. Instead of .

D. Since

()25.--- Are you going to Tom's birthday party ?

--- I'm not sure . It _________ time .

A. depends on

B. cares about

C. agree to

D. fix up

()26.---- Excuse me . Can I _________ your dictionary ?

----Sorry, I can't ________ it to you. I am using it now .

A. borrow, lend

B. borrow, borrow

C. lend, lend

D. lend, borrow

()27. ----Could you please help me _________ the picture on the wall ?

-----OK, no problem .

A. put up

B. put on

C. put off

D. put out

()28.__________ our good teacher ,all the students in our class passed the exam .

A. Get on with

B. Thanks to

C. Thanks for

D. give up

()29. There are a lot of passengers and the bus is too crowded .The bus driver expects some passengers __________ the bus .

A. get off

B. to get off

C. cut off

D. to cut out

()30. He __________ a lot of money to the people in the earthquake area to __________.

A. gave out; to give up well

B. gave away; help out them

C. gave out; give them up

D. gave away; to help them out


It is reported that over 300 million people in China are suffering from nearsightedness. As more children have got 31 trouble, many parents hope to cure(治愈) the illness in some different ways, such as by correcting the way children 32 and sit. But in fact, one should start with the exercise with one's feet. Here are three 33 to save eyes.

First, don't tie(系) your shoes too tightly(紧). Try to wear comfortable and soft shoes and 34 or walk without shoes or socks at home while you are traveling try to 35 cloth shoes in order to improve blood circulation(循环).

Second, walking on tiptoes(脚尖)is good 36 one’s eyesight. It can fight against. eyesight trouble. Numbers show that 37 of ballet(芭蕾) performers’ eyesight is better.

Third ,rope skipping(跳绳) 38 good for one's eyesight. When skipping the rope, one has to move quickly, making both the brain and the eyes excited. It may also help 39 one grow taller.

Besides foot exercise, it is good to 40 one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times quickly is also a great way. It can keep one's eyes healthy.

()31. A . eyesight B. head C . school D. life .

()32. A. Play B. move C. speak D. read

()33. A. Messages B. roads C. ways D. medicine ()34. A. Clothes B. socks C. shirts D. trousers
