



答案:D 考点:现在分词
set up temporary… 此 句 为 主 A. operates
句,ABC 都是完整句子,故 B. is operating
C. has operated
D. operating
18. The quantum theory states that energy, such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite
05. There are rumors of an economic menace from the dairy cooperatives. 句义:传言牛奶合作社出现了经济危机。 答案:D 划线词义:威胁,危险气氛 分析:
A. problem B. ultimatum
问题 最后通牒
C. disaster
A. foolishness
B. sanity
C. pride D. selfishness
骄傲,傲慢 自私
02. The child was uncomfortable under the scrutiny of his grandfather. 句义:祖父的监督让这个孩子感到很不舒服。 答案:A 划线词义:监视,细查 分析:
17. During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross, operating out of emergency headquarters in
Mississippi, set up temporary shelters for the homeless. 句义:1927 年洪水泛滥期间,红十字会在密西西比紧急行动指挥部之外运作,为无家



2015年南京大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 3. 名词解释5. 应用文写作7. 现代汉语写作名词解释1.经济发展的本质是技术的不断创新和产业的不断升级,发展中国家具有后发优势,可以引进、消化、吸收发达国家的技术,从而使技术创新、产业升级的风险和成本比发达国家低很多,经济增长速度可以数倍于发达国家。















2. 一进学校我们就呆了,这美国人怎么这样!所有学生都穿破破烂烂的蓝色劳动布裤 子(后来才知道这叫牛仔裤),在膝盖那儿还有两个大窟窿,上身就是一件小衬衫, 都印着英文字(后来才知道这叫 T 恤衫),不三不四的。老师比学生还糟糕,一点 没有中国老师的尊严,老跟学生嘻嘻哈哈,成何体统!开学典礼在一个大礼堂里, 所有学生都席地而坐,一点组织纪律性都没有,说话、打闹、嘴里还老嚼着跟橡皮 差不多的东西(后来才知道这叫泡泡糖)。
例7 原文:我们必须扫除这个最大的障碍。这个障碍的扫除要靠中美两国政府的共同努力。 译文:
(三) 改变句子结构 1. 分句译为短语 例8 原文:中国昂首挺立于世界之林,越来越成为任何人都不能忽视的巨大力量。 译文:
例9 原文:目前下岗职工重新安排工作还有一定困难,具有高薪技术的劳动力同样感到不足。 译文:
(四) 汉语无主语句的译法 汉英最大的不同之一就是:汉语中只有谓语而无主语的句子比比皆是,如“下雨了”,
“市郊建了许多花园别墅”等。英语的句子一般都需要主语。因此,汉语的无主语句译 成英语时,就需要补充主语或改变其句型,使句子结构符合英语习惯用法。汉语无主语 句的译法有一下几种: 1. 广泛运用英语的被动结构
1) 将汉语无主语句中的宾语转为英语被动结构中的主语 例 15 原文:几年前发现了一种新的彗星。 译文:
2) 某些表示规定和要求的汉语无主语句 例 16 原文:一旦发现错误,必须立即改正。 译文:
2. 采用 There be…, It +be …+ to…等结构 汉语中的格言、谚语、哲理、经验的无主语句译成英语时经常采用这类结构。
4.作文。The function of a university (at least 400 words) 前 面给了几句不同人的看法,关于大学要不要提供和工作有关的课程。



2015年苏州大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(总分:54.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:25,分数:50.00)1.背景:1964年( )发表《林纾的翻译》一文,提出:“文学翻译的最高标准是‘化’”。


(分数:2.00)A.钱钟书B.谭嗣同C.严复D.郭沫若2.背景:印度人( )不但一生从事创作,写了50余部诗集、12部中长篇小说、100余篇短篇小说,而且还创作了2 000余首优美的歌曲,其中一首被定为今日印度的国歌。

(分数:2.00)A.泰戈尔B.果戈理C.甘地D.阿兰达蒂3.背景:中篇小说《伊豆的舞女》是日本作家( )的作品,借此他成为当年日本文坛的风云人物。



”此人就是( )。

(分数:2.00)A.亚瑟.韦利B.爱德华兹C.劳费尔D.庞德5.背景:( )是20世纪英国最伟大的哲学家、思想家、数学家和逻辑学家,他提出了“中立一元论”的学说,并撰写了大量的哲学著作。

(分数:2.00)A.罗素B.杜威C.笛卡尔D.休谟6.背景:在下面的四部作品中,哪一部不是杰克.伦敦的著作?( )(分数:2.00)A.《马丁.伊登》B.《白牙》C.《野性的呼唤》D.《嘉莉妹妹》7.背景:梁启超翻译的很多小说用的都是( ),与林纾和严复的古奥的译文形成了鲜明的对比,具有很强的文学感染力。

(分数:2.00)A.白话文B.文言文C.方言D.北京话8.背景:莫扎特生前未完成的作品是( )。

(分数:2.00)A.《卡农》B.《婚礼进行曲》C.《安魂曲》D.《欢乐颂》9.背景:1936~1939年西班牙内战期间,在共和国后方活动的叛徒、间谍和破坏分子等反革命分子被统称为( )。













作文:问Repetition memorazition (rote learning) usefulness overweigh limitation?听说是雅思作文,这又是一大变化。






2015中国人民大学翻译硕士百科知识选择(50分)1、东汉()写了《两都赋》(班固)2、不属于唐朝笔记小说的是(a隋唐嘉话b世说新语c唐国史解d 朝野佥载)答案b3、考察《忏悔录》的作者(卢梭)4、题干中给出几条信息:1936年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,美国戏剧家,四次普利策奖获得者(欧金.奥尼尔)5、中国最早论及性格的著作是三国刘邵的(《人物志》)6、(伏契克)的长篇特写《绞刑架下的报告》在监狱中秘密完成7、因之因非,因非因之,所非皆是,方生方死,方死方生,虽死犹生选自庄子的哪部著作(选项有逍遥游齐物论养生主另外一个不记得了答案是齐物论)8、社会学中“镜中我”的结论表明什么(他人对自己的评价、态度等等,是反映自我的一面“镜子)9、谁翻译了《铁流》,并被鲁迅赞为“一声不响不断译”(曹靖华)10、1911年()杂志首先提出了‘表现主义“(《狂飙》)11、美国文学之父是(选项里有杰克伦敦、马克吐温、欧文,答案是欧文)12、大方无隅,大器晚成,大音希声,大象无形出自哪部著作(《老子》)13、布莱希特领导的柏林剧团改编了中国哪一部戏剧(此题目在网上未找到明确答案)14、(布鲁诺)继承了哥白尼的日心说,被烧死15、哪位女作家获得1993年诺贝尔文学奖(莫里森)16、别林斯基关于艺术的著名论断是(艺术是形象思维)17、我思故我在是(笛卡尔)的名言18、2014apec的主题是(共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系)19、12生肖中羊是第几位(数数看)20、追忆似水年华属于(意识流)小说21、考察藏族的一部哲理格言集,作者萨班·贡噶坚赞(萨迦格言)22、中国第一部笑话集《笑林》23、詹姆斯琼斯《细细的红线》书名取自英国作家()的诗句“战鼓一敲响,变作一根英雄们做成的细细的红线“(吉普林)24、萨特代表作(《恶心》)25、中国少数民族三部史诗,其中藏族的是《格萨尔王》应用文写作假如你是中国人民大学外国语学院翻译硕士研究生,明年7月毕业,现要求写一封申请工作信件,要求符合信函写作风格,450字以内大作文假定场景:一架待起飞的飞机上,经济舱:有人玩手机游戏,有人聊天;商务舱,有人在用电脑工作;头等舱,有人带着耳机看书,有人闭目养神思考,价值与位置,写一遍议论文,800字以上一、十大解题思路1、细节题5个"w",一个"h":who、which、when、what、where、how。







该行为违反最高法院 2013年的规定:终止“种族倾向”录取政策。


(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.我这次访问澳大利亚还有一个重要日程,就是出席在布里斯班举行的二十国集团领导人第九次峰会。



(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.值此全球孔子学院建立10周年之际,我收到来自90个国家和地区286名孔子学院校长、院长的来信,并得知首个全球“孔子学院日”将在五大洲同时举行,感到非常高兴。




1/9【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年暨南大学考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。


全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试《翻译硕士英语》考试大纲一、考试目的:《翻译硕士英语》作为全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试的外国语考试,其目的是考察考生是否具备进行MTI 学习所要求的外语水平。


考试范围包括MTI 考生应具备的外语词汇量、语法知识以及外语阅读与写作等方面的技能。








I.词汇语法1.要求1)词汇量要求:2/9【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2考生的认知词汇量应在10,000以上,其中积极词汇量为5,000以上,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。











阅读理解只有一篇is artificial intelligence a threat,但占据了一张半的试卷啊,后面题目分五个部分,第一部分是五个理解选择题,第二部分是根据一起在所提段落找出相应的单词,第三部分是单词在文章中的意思,第四部分是根据理解解释什么是superintelligence,为什么说它是威胁,怎么解决这个问题,第五部分是一篇与文章观点不同的短文,问是否赞成及原因,作文是说英语作为通用语的讨论,观点一是中文也可以成为通用语甚至取代英语,观点二是中文不可能达到全球范围通用,说出你的观点。

翻译基础:短语翻译很多都在以往的真题中有,没有的包括IOC, local什么network,WWW,网络交易平台,中国国家旅游局,转基因食品,大多数比较简单,就算没见过也可以自己写出来,段落翻译,英译中只记得开头了,大家可以搜原文,应该蛮有名的文章吧。

the scientific interest of american history centered innational character and in the workings of a society destined to become vast in which individuals were important chiefly as types...中译英是讲香港的发展的,开头是香港坐落在中国南端的一个弹丸小岛上,后面不太记得了,还说了它集装箱港口扩建什么的百科:名词解释只记得八达岭长城,李自成,明代,撒切尔,经济体,印象派,先锋派,歌德,塞万提斯,发达国家,时尚,衍生品应用文是介绍中国的一个传统节日,写说明文,大作文是给一个名言写心得体会,名言如下:机智主要的用处是教我们与没有它的人相处得很好——爱默森《断片》以上便是跨考小编为大家整理的网友回忆版2015年考研南大翻译硕士真题,文章来源网络,广大考生可参考下。



统计,每年这个上面考察的内容很多。此外育明教育内部编写的翻译硕士词汇的参加价值也比较大。 ■语法:
[1]熟练掌握非谓语动词、定语从句、虚拟语气等重难点语法及其综合运用; [2]在英汉互译及英语写作中不出现语法错误及常见用法错误; [3]掌握时态、语态、主从句、特殊修辞(如倒装、省略)等综合运用。 ■阅读:
一是涵盖尽可能多的语法点。不少同学认为,语法中定语从句、非谓语从句、虚拟语气是难点,因此应该“抓 大放小”的训练。但上述三个语法点并不是孤立的,而是与不规则动词、情态动词、关系代词、关系副词等紧密相 连。因此,同学们应该向对待词汇那样,构建完善、牢固的语法网格,在一轮复习的查漏补缺阶段更需要扩大知识 点的覆盖面,不断夯实语法基础。
二是要注重基础语法的训练。“基础语法”是一个我国语法教学实践中容易被忽视的概念,虽然教师反复强调 以屈折形式为代表的基础内容,但学生对这一部分的重视程度不高,强化训练不够,以至于在硕士生甚至博士生的 英语作品中仍会发现动词第三人称单数缺失、不规则动词变位错误、时态判断及表达错误等“低级错误”。不少教 师和学生都表达了相似的疑问:基础语法从初中就开始讲,怎么讲到现在还是有这样的错误?我们认为这一局面的 原因有二:一是学生普遍对这一类型的错误认识不深刻,大多数情况下归结为“笔误”;二是在本科以上阶段鲜有 该部分的强化训练,导致上述错误时有发生。
报录比: 1:6
2019 年停招。 笔译招生 20 人,口译 10 人。复试分数线一般在国家线左右。 育明教育咨询师认为,东南大学翻译硕士难度中等偏低,适合跨专业考生报考。



从2015年翻译真题谈翻译做题方法今年的考研英语一翻译文章来源于An Outline of American History,《美国历史纲要》,是一本历史学方面的专著。
























2015年硕士英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12015年硕士英语考试真题及答案Part I Reading Comprehension (40%) (40 Points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.In the United States, increasing fuel efficiency used to be seen as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on costly foreign oil. But the collapse of the price of oil has changed the equation. “People pretty commonly think of fuel efficiency as dodging the price bullet,” says Joseph Aldy, a professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School. Basically, when the price of oil drops, so does the cost at the pump. Thismakes fuel efficiency less of a priority. Yet, fuel efficiency should still be a consideration.1. According to the passage, what is the main argument for increasing fuel efficiency in the U.S.?A. To reduce greenhouse gas emissionsB. To reduce dependence on costly foreign oilC. To dodge the price bulletD. All of the aboveThe correct answer is D.2. Which of the following best describes the author’s view on the importance of fuel efficiency in light of the drop in oil prices?A. It is no longer necessary to consider fuel efficiency.B. Fuel efficiency is still important.C. The importance of fuel efficiency has drastically increased.D. The author does not express an opinion on the importance of fuel efficiency in light of the drop in oil prices.The correct answer is B.3. According to the passage, what has changed the equation in terms of fuel efficiency?A. The cost at the pump has increased.B. The price of oil has dropped.C. People are driving less.D. All of the aboveThe correct answer is B.4. What is the relationship between fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in the passage?A. There is no relationship.B. There is a positive relationship.C. There is a negative relationship.D. The relationship is unclear.The correct answer is C.5. What is a major argument against increasing fuel efficiency in the passage?A. The price of oil has dropped.B. People commonly think of fuel efficiency as dodging the price bullet.C. People are driving less.D. All of the aboveThe correct answer is A.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.When it comes to goal setting, many of us tend to only focus on the end result. We set a goal, work towards it, and believe that once we achieve it, we will be happy and fulfilled. However, what research shows is that it’s actua lly the process, not the outcome, that matters most for our happiness.6. Based on the passage, what do many people tend to focus on when setting goals?A. The processB. The end resultC. Achieving happinessD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.7. Which of the following best describes the author’s view on what matters most for our happiness when it comes to goal setting?A. The end resultB. The processC. Achieving fame and fortuneD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.8. What does research show is most important for our happiness when setting goals?A. Achieving fame and fortuneB. The processC. The end resultD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.9. What is the main point the author is trying to make in the passage?A. Achieving goals is not important.B. The process of working towards a goal is more important than the end result.C. Happiness comes from achieving goals.D. Believing in oneself is the key to achieving goals.The correct answer is B.10. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The importance of setting goalsB. Achieving fame and fortuneC. The process of working towards a goalD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is C.Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.The use of technology in education has long been a topic of debate. While some see it as an essential tool for learning, others believe that it is a distraction that hinders academic progress. One study found that students who use laptops in class score lower on exams than those who take notes by hand. The reasonfor this is that students tend to type verbatim what the professor says, without processing the information.11. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The benefits of using technology in educationB. The drawbacks of using technology in educationC. The importance of taking notes by handD. The impact of technology on academic progressThe correct answer is D.12. What does the passage say about students who use laptops in class?A. They score higher on exams.B. They score lower on exams.C. They process information better.D. They tend to type verbatim what the professor says.The correct answer is B.13. Why do students who use laptops in class score lower on exams, according to the passage?A. They do not listen to the professor.B. They do not take notes.C. They type verbatim what the professor says.D. They process information better.The correct answer is C.14. According to the passage, what is one reason why some believe technology is a distraction in education?A. Students tend to take notes by hand.B. Students type verbatim what the professor says.C. Students do not use technology.D. Students are easily distracted.The correct answer is B.15. What is one argument for using technology in education, according to the passage?A. It is a distraction that hinders academic progress.B. It helps students process information better.C. It decreases exam scores.D. It is not an essential tool for learning.The correct answer is B.Passage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.The Mediterranean diet has long been hailed as one of the healthiest diets in the world. It is characterized by high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil, as well as moderate consumption of fish and poultry. A recent study found that people who follow the Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.16. What is the Mediterranean diet characterized by, according to the passage?A. High consumption of red meatB. Low consumption of fruits and vegetablesC. High consumption of fish and olive oilD. Moderate consumption of fish and poultryThe correct answer is D.17. What did a recent study find about people who follow the Mediterranean diet?A. They have a higher risk of heart disease and cancer.B. They have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.C. They have a higher risk of obesity.D. They have a lower risk of diabetes.The correct answer is B.18. Why is the Mediterranean diet considered one of the healthiest diets in the world?A. Because it is high in red meat.B. Because it is low in fruits and vegetables.C. Because it is high in saturated fats.D. Because it includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil.The correct answer is D.19. What does the passage say about the consumption of fish and poultry in the Mediterranean diet?A. It is high.B. It is low.C. It is moderate.D. It is non-existent.The correct answer is C.20. What is one benefit of following the Mediterranean diet, according to the passage?A. A higher risk of heart disease and cancerB. A lower risk of heart disease and cancerC. A higher risk of obesityD. A lower risk of diabetesThe correct answer is B.Part II Vocabulary (20%) (20 Points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In 2009, Catherine and Eric adopted two children from Ethiopia, housing them in a small home _21_ the outskirts of Addis Ababa. They lived in _22_ with no running water, and _23_ as little as a dollar a day. But they were determined to provide a better _24_ for their children, so they began to search for ways to _25_ more children and schools _26_ Ethiopia. They began by writing a heartwarming story about their experiences and _27_ it to various publishers. After numerous rejections, one publisherfinally agreed to _28_ their story. The book became an instant hit, encouraging others to _29_ Catherine and Eric in their mission to help Ethiopian children. Through their story became known across the world, they _30_ to remain humble and true to their values.21. A. inB. onC. atD. toThe correct answer is B.22. A. povertyB. luxuryC. simplicityD. wealthThe correct answer is A.23. A. earnedB. spentC. savedThe correct answer is B.24. A. environmentB. lifeC. futureD. momentThe correct answer is C.25. A. adoptB. educateC. avoidD. ignoreThe correct answer is A.26. A. inB. onC. ofD. forThe correct answer is C.B. submitC. mailD. deliverThe correct answer is B.28. A. refuseB. publishC. declineD. acceptThe correct answer is B.29. A. supportB. questionC. challengeD. confuseThe correct answer is D.30. A. learnB. meanC. decideD. tryThe correct answer is C.Part III Cloze Test (10%)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the age of the internet, social media is a key _31_ of communication. It allows people to connect, share information, and stay _32_ with friends and family. However, the rise of social media has also led to concerns about privacy and data security. Many companies _33_ user data to target ads and track user behavior. This has raised _34_ about the ethics of using personal information for commercial gain. Despite these concerns, social media remains a powerful _35_ for individuals and businesses to reach a wide audience.31. A. formB. meansC. methodD. wayThe correct answer is B.32. A. evolvedB. engagedC. entertainedD. informedThe correct answer is D.33. A. sellB. analyzeC. shareD. stealThe correct answer is B.34. A. questionsB. doubtsC. queriesD. issuesThe correct answer is A.35. A. toolB. weaponC. resourceD. deviceThe correct answer is A.Part IV Translation (30%)Direction: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.在当今世界,科技的发展日新月异。



2015年南京大学翻译硕士考研真题分析翻译硕士英语第一题改错10(15分),关于teaching的作用的,感觉相对以往真题,今年的改错容易不少,第二部分两篇阅读理解,第二篇是对第一篇的反驳,然后让你总结,跟14年风格一样,第一篇长阅读是Is Artificial Intellegence a threat?(好像是这样,具体记不清了)第三部分写作关于English become dominant,有些人认为不用担心,中文将来也会dominant,有些人担心不会,发表你的意见,500字左右,一如既往的二选一话题。

3.翻译基础第一大题20个词组翻译,新出现的有WWW,GNP,中国国家旅游局,local area network第二部分3个句子翻译(30分)政经类,难度不算大,第三部分两篇段落翻译,英翻中,好难,不知道在讲什么,感觉自己是在乱翻的,哎,不知道会不会死在这片翻译上,第一句是Scentific interest of American history centered in national character and in the workings of a society destined to become vast in which individuals are important mainly as types.第一句就泪崩,不知道在讲什么。







2015年硕士英语考试真题及答案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The 2015 Master's English ExamHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm in the 5th grade. My older brother Mike just took the master's English exam last year to get into a fancy university. It was really hard! He studied like crazy for months. I helped him practice some of the questions and I want to tell you all about the exam he took. It was crazy!The reading section was super long. Mike said there were passages about science, history, literature, you name it! They gave him these massive reading passages, then asked all these tiny detail questions to see if he actually read and understood everything. Some of the questions were easy, like "What color was the bird mentioned in paragraph 3?" But others were really hard. They'd ask him to infer things that weren't directly stated, or analyze the author's tone and attitude. Yikes!My favorite part was the vocabulary questions. They'd give Mike these super advanced vocabulary words, like "quintessential" or "ubiquitous." Then they'd ask him to choosethe right definition from a list of possibilities. Sometimes they wanted him to fill in the blank of a sentence with the correct word too. Vocabulary is my strongest subject so I thought those questions were kind of fun!Then there was the writing section. Mike had to write two essays, one analyzing an argument and one taking a position on an issue. The argument analysis made him read through a long persuasive passage full of evidence and examples. Then he had to pick apart the argument, discussing things like the assumptions, logic, evidence, and counterarguments. It reminded me of that critical thinking unit we did in class. For the issue essay, Mike had to take a stance on a controversial topic and build a solid case supporting his viewpoint using reasoning and examples. His topic was something about international trade policies. I'm glad I didn't have to write about that!But by far the hardest section for Mike was the speaking. He had to actually talk out loud and record his responses! For some questions, he saw a paragraph and had to read it aloud clearly and with good pronunciation. Easy for a reading superstar like me, but Mike always struggled with that. Then they showed him a graphic like a chart or diagram, and he had to describe it in detail just from memory. The final speaking task was wild - Mikehad to choose between two противоположные мнения and defend одно из них как аргумент, backing it up with specific examples and reasoning spontaneously. No notes, no preparation, just free-flowing speech! I don't know how he pulled that one off.When Mike finally finished the whole exam, he was exhausted. But he felt pretty good about it overall. We're still waiting to hear if he got accepted to that fancy school. I sure hope so after all that hard work! As for me, I'm staying far away from anything called a "master's exam" until I'm much, much older. Third grade reading and math is hard enough! Let me know if you want to see Mike's actual exam with the reading passages and question prompts. I managed to...borrow...his test booklet after he was done. But shhh, don't tell anyone! An elementary school super-spy has to keep some secrets.篇22015 Master's English Exam - The Whole Truth From a KidHey guys! You'll never believe what happened to me last week. My big sister Emily is in grad school studying to be an English teacher. She had to take this huge exam called the Master's English exam. It's supposed to be really hard with allthese reading passages, essays to write, and grammar questions. Emily was stressing out big time!The night before the exam, she was up late cramming all the practice tests and study guides. I felt bad for her so I snuck into her room with some warm milk and cookies to help her relax. That's when I saw her exam materials just sitting there on her desk! My curiosity got the better of me and I took a peek.Well, one peek turned into reading the whole thing cover to cover. I couldn't help myself! The passages were actually kind of interesting. There was one about the history of computers that talked about these huge ancient machines that took up entire rooms. Can you imagine?! And another one discussed barriers that women faced in becoming scientists back in the 1800s. It was just fascinating stuff.The grammar questions weren't too tricky either. Identifying verb tenses, fixing run-on sentences, spotting misplaced modifiers - that's child's play compared to the games me and my friends come up with at recess. We ought to be teaching the grammar lessons!As for the essay prompts, I got the urge to just start writing. One prompt asked you to discuss an obstacle you overcame and how it changed your perspective. I wrote a killer essay about thetime I fell off the monkey bars and broke my arm, but refused to cry because crying is for babies. Taking the tough route built my inner strength and bravery that day. The graders would have eaten that essay up, I'm telling you!Another prompt wanted you to analyze the importance of preserving cultural traditions in an increasingly globalized world. Hello, my family is Indian and we go all out for Diwali every year!I had so many rich examples about the beautiful clothing, bright lights, amazing food, and most importantly the bonding between generations as we celebrate together. Nailed it!By the end, I had the whole exam completed - every single reading passage, grammar question, and essay outlined and ready to rock. I just had to see if my stellar work would get a passing score.Using Emily's scoring guide, I graded my exam...drumroll please...and I got an A+ Obviously my sister didn't need to stress so much. I slid the test back onto her desk, grinning at my secret accomplishment.The next day after Emily's exam, she came home looking defeated. I asked how it went and she said, "Let's just say you won't be calling me 'Master' Emily anytime soon. That thing was BRUTAL!" I just smiled, nodded, and offered her a couple of myfamous homemade chocolate chip cookies to make her feel better.Little does she know her dummy little brother just crushed the test behind her back! Hah, I should have been the one to get the Master's degree. But don't worry, I'll let Emily believe she actually earned that thing...for now. The secret's safe with me.篇32015 Master's English Exam: A Kid's ViewHi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. My big sister Katie is studying to become a master at the university. Last year, she had to take this crazy hard test called the Master's English Exam. It was full of really tough questions that even made my parents scratch their heads! But Katie studied super duper hard and she rocked that test. Let me tell you all about it!The Reading SectionThe first part was all about reading. There were some long, boring passages to read. I probably would have fallen asleep halfway through! But not my sis. She's a reading master. One passage was about the history of zipline tours. Who even cares about that? There were questions like "According to the passage,what was the main reason ziplines became popular in Costa Rica?" I'd be like "Uhhh, because people thought it would be fun to fly through the air while attached to a cable?"Another reading had to do with changes in urban planning over the years. Unfortunately, I can't remember much else, because my mind wandered to thinking about my Pokemon cards. Sorry! The questions were sick hard though. Things like "Which of the following statements from the passage best describes the author's main claim?" I'd just pick C for all of those.The Writing SectionThen came the writing part, which was a million times worse in my opinion. Katie had to write a whole essay about whether broadcasters should be allowed to use offensive language on television. Writing is like my worst nightmare! She had to take a stance, provide examples, consider different perspectives, and structure her thoughts logically. No thanks!There was also a second writing task where Katie summarized the key points made in a lecture and reading passage. The lecture was about environmental policies and climate change. I can't imagine anything more mind-numbing than listening to a long lecture and trying to write a nice summary. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap!The Speaking SectionIf you thought those sections were hard, hold onto your hats for the speaking part! Katie had to give spoken responses to a bunch of questions, all while being recorded. The first question was an opinion one, where she had to explain her views on whether internships should be paid or unpaid. I'd just be like "Ummm, paid please! Money is awesome!"Then she had to look at a picture and describe it in as much detail as possible, like the colors, shapes, what the people were doing, stuff like that. For one of them she had to describe a graph tracking enrollment numbers over time. Sheesh, I'm already sweating just thinking about doing all that speaking!The final speaking task was totally bonkers. Katie read a passage about new technologies in public transportation. Then she had to summarize the key points, and give her opinion on the author's views, all in a tight time limit. If it was me, I'd probably say something like "Yeah public transportation is cool I guess. Except for buses because they're smelly and have chewing gum all over them. Did I summarize it good?"The Listening SectionPhew, those first three sections sound impossible, right? Well, there was still the mega difficult listening part to go! Katie had to listen to recordings of conversations and lectures, then answer comprehension questions about the main points, opinions stated, and implied meanings.For one of the conversations, it took place between a student and university advisor. They talked about things like changing majors and fulfilling requirements. If you asked me what it was about, I'd probably just respond "Umm...school stuff?" The questions were nuts like "What was the student's primary reason for making the appointment?" No clue! I'd just pick C again.Another listening passage was a lecture from an archeology professor about some recent excavation in Egypt. It covered all these dates, places, and ancient civilizations that I can't even pronounce. The questions asked specific details that I never could have caught, like the names of the artifacts discovered. I'd be completely lost!The Integrated TasksAs if those reading, writing, speaking, and listening sections weren't hard enough, there were also combined tasks that Katie had to do. For example, read a passage about urban planningstrategies, listen to a lecture discussing the same topic, then write a essay contrasting the key points made in each. Could you imagine?!For another integrated task, she read a passage about the environmental impact of air travel. Then she listened to two students discussing the reading. Afterwards, Katie summarized the gist of the conversation including their perspectives in her own words. I can't even summarize the plot of a 22 minute cartoon show!The AnswersNow let me briefly go over some of the answers Katie came up with for the test. Obviously I can't reveal them all or that would be cheating. But here's a little peek:For the writing essay about offensive language on TV, Katie argued that while free speech is important, broadcasters have a responsibility to avoid excessive profanity and hate speech that could be disturbing or offensive to viewers.For the unpaid internships speaking question, she said she believes internships should be paid positions, at least minimum wage. She gave examples of how unpaid work could be exploitative, especially for students without financial support.Katie's summary for the public transportation lecture emphasized how new technologies like smartphone apps and automated systems were making public transit easier and more efficient in many urban areas.In her contrast essay for the integrated task, Katie analyzed the differing perspectives in the reading and lecture regarding challenges and strategies for urban development and renewal.See what I mean? This master's exam was absolutely insane! I'm getting tired just talking about it. Katie is seriously a genius for doing so well.That's all I've got to share about my big sis' crazy experience with the 2015 Master's English Exam. I don't know how she kept her cool through all those intense tasks. If you happened to take that exam too, let me know how you did! And try not to brag too much if you killed it - some of us are still working on reading and writing at an 8-year-old level. Catch you later!篇42015 Master's English Exam Question and Answer (Kid's Voice)Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm gonna tell you all about this crazy test I took last year. It was called the "Master's English Exam" but I'm only 10 years old, so I don't know why they let me take a grown-up test like that. But anyway, here's what happened!The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. I was pretty nervous for the listening part because sometimes I zone out when people talk for too long. But it wasn't too bad! They just played some audio clips about random topics like how ice cream is made or why dogs chase cats. After each clip, they asked a few questions to see if you understood the main ideas. Easy peasy!Then we had to do the reading section. This was the hardest part for me because the passages were sooooo long and boring. Like, who wants to read a giant essay about the history of paper clips? Not this kid! The questions were okay though. They just asked stuff like "what was the main idea?" and "which of the following is NOT mentioned?" As long as you didn't fall asleep while reading, you could probably get through it.Next up was the writing section, which was actually kind of fun! The prompt was "Describe your favorite place to visit and why you like it." I wrote all about my grandma's house becauseshe has a huge backyard with a treehouse and a stream where I can catch frogs and tadpoles. I worked really hard on my grammar and vocabulary too, throwing in great words like "beckon" and "serenity." Hopefully I impressed those test graders!The very last part was the speaking section, which was a little strange. You had to go into this tiny room alone with a recording device and answer some opinion questions that popped up on the computer. One of them was "Some people think kids should not have to go to school in the summer. How would you respond to this view?" I basically just rambled about how summer break is awesome because you can sleep in late and play video games all day. Not sure if that's what they wanted to hear, but at least I got some good practice speaking English!Well, that's pretty much all the details I can remember about that brutal Master's English Exam. Taking a test meant for grown-ups was no joke, let me tell you! My poor little kid brain was fried by the end of it. I'm just hoping I did okay so I can go to a good college one day. Although honestly, being a professional video game player sounds way more fun. A boy can dream, right?Anyway, let me know if you have any other questions! I'll do my best to use proper English and big vocabulary words instead of just saying things like "That test was super duper hard!" Oh wait, I guess I just did that. Oops! Better luck next time, Timmy.篇52015 Master's English Exam - A Kid's TellingHi there! My name is Sophie and I'm 10 years old. My big sister Jessica just took the crazy hard master's English exam last year in 2015. She's really smart but even she said it was super difficult. I helped her study for it though, and I got to see a lot of the practice questions and stuff. Let me tell you all about that big important test!First off, the reading section was no joke. There were these massively long passages about history, science, literature, you name it. And the questions were really tricky too. Like one might ask what the main idea of paragraph 5 was, but that paragraph didn't really have one main point - it was talking about a bunch of different things! Jessica had to read very carefully to pick up on all the details.Then there were the vocab questions testing if you knew the precise meaning and usage of crazy advanced words like"proclivity" or "sanguine." I had no clue what those meant, but thank goodness Jessica already knew all that stuff from years of reading. The questions would give you a sentence with the word blanked out, and you'd have to figure out which definition fit best in that context. So not just vocab memorization - you had to do a lot of critical thinking too.Then we get to the writing section, which was in two parts: first an essay prompt, and then revising a rough draft of an argument essay. For the essay, you had to write a whole persuasive essay in like 45 minutes! The prompts could be about anything from technology to education to the environment. You had to take a clear stance, use solid examples and reasoning, organize it all logically, and have flawless grammar too. Talk about pressure!As for revising that argument essay draft - boy, was that a nightmare. The draft would have all kinds of silly mistakes, repetition, lack of clear flow, you name it. And you'd have to go through and answer multiple choice questions about how to correct each individual error and improve the whole thing. It really tested your eye for detail and ability to communicate ideas effectively in writing.Finally, the speaking section literally had me sweating! You had to go in a soundproof room, put on headphones, and then a recording would give you prompts to speak about for 60 seconds at a time. The test graders were literally evaluating your pronunciation, grammar, vocab usage, fluency, everything!Some prompts asked you to explain a personal preference, like your favorite book. Others were more academic, like having to summarize the core ideas from a short lecture you heard through the headphones. Or you might have to take a stance and present a persuasive argument about some controversial issue. No time for "umms" or "uhhs" - you had to just go with clear, natural speech from the get-go.I was amazed at how poised and well-spoken Jessica was during all her practice tests. Me, I would've been a babbling mess for sure! She put in so much hard work though, going through practice materials, taking tons of mock tests, getting feedback from tutors, and drilling her English skills over and over again.When exam day came, she was ready. She emerged from that 4-hour test a warrior! Maybe a very mentally drained and slightly traumatized warrior...but she made it through in one piece at least.A few months later, Jessica's scores came back and she totally aced it! All that intense preparation really paid off for her. Her speaking and writing were extremely strong, and she did well on the other sections too despite how tough they were. She's now doing her master's program at a top university.As for me, I still have about 8 more years before I'll be taking any crazy English exams like that! But I got great practice helping Jessica get ready, and I have a much better idea of what to expect. I just hope my exam days won't be quite as intense as what she went through. Wish me luck - I've got to go study now before Ms. Wilson's spelling test tomorrow! Bye!篇62015 Master's English Exam Questions and AnswersHi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 10 years old. I just took the 2015 Master's English exam last week and boy was it hard! I thought I'd share some of the questions and answers with you in case you want to take it someday too.The first section was listening comprehension. They played these really long conversations and lectures and then asked questions about them after. One was about a student talking to his professor about doing an internship over the summer. I hadto answer things like what the internship was for and where it was located. The answers weren't always obvious from what they said! Another listening was this crazy long lecture on the history of the printing press. I could barely stay awake, let alone remember all the details to answer the questions. Yawn!Next up was reading comprehension. We had to read all these super boring passages and answer questions on the main ideas, writers' purposes, vocabulary in context, that kind of thing. One passage was about the impacts of commercial whaling which was sad but interesting. Another was on the philosophy of Aristotle which went completely over my head. How am I supposed to know what he was talking about? I'm only 10!The writing section was probably the hardest part. First we had to read a short argument about something and then summarize the author's view and respond with our own opinion. The sample I got was about allowing more commercial advertising in schools. Can you believe some schools actually do that?! Then we had to write a full essay from scratch on a general topic, taking a clear position. I wrote mine on why kids should get less homework. Hopefully the grader agrees with me on that one!Lastly, there were sections testing our knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and idioms/phrases. We had to identify errors in sentences, define hard vocabulary words, and explain the meanings of idioms like "getting cold feet." English is my first language and even I struggled with some of those obscure words and sayings. Who comes up with this stuff?All in all, it was a really challenging exam. I'm not sure how well I did, but I gave it my best shot. A few weeks from now I'll get my score back and find out if I passed or failed. Wish me luck! If you're thinking of taking this Master's exam yourself, be sure to study hard. It's no walk in the park, that's for sure.Phew, I'm exhausted just recounting all that. Time for a snack break! Thanks for reading, friends. Let me know if you have any other questions!。



【真题】2015南师MTI翻译基础短语互译1.OPEC,2.GPS 3.APEC,4.GMT,5.PBOC 6.IMF,7.UNESCO,8.corporate income tax, 9.break a fly upon a wheel, 10.opportunity cost 11.清洁能源,12.杀鸡用牛刀,13.物以类聚人以群分,14.虎父无犬子,15.航站楼,16.凡人自有风光时,17.军备竞赛,18.aa制,19.土豆泥,20.一个中国原则英译汉及答案The OrangeOf the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange.在一年四级的水果当中,我最喜爱的就是橙子In the first place it is perennial—if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer’s shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when macedoine de fruits(果蔬拼盘) is the title bestowed on two prunes and a piece of rhubarbs, then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of when cherries and strawberries and raspberries and gooseberries riot together upon the table, the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and butter, beef and mutton, eggs and bacon,橙子是四季不断的(至少在蔬菜水果零售店是这样的)。





第二,针对211、985,参评的多数都是理工类院校,比如MTI招生校中的华南理工,但MTI 毕竟是个语言类专业,一些非常不错的,比如北语比如广外,既不是211也不是985。













MTI 这个专业一些名校的题真的不难,大家千万不要被名校的名声吓到,一想北外,上外,广外就可望不可即的想法真的错误。













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今年花很多时间背gre单词,事实证明,一定要背gre 啊。

15基英,词汇选择做起来比去年顺手许多,但是还是有许多蒙的,我背了一遍新东方的gre词汇书43个list,最后没有时间再背一遍,所以很多单词只是眼熟,16年考的学弟学妹一定要好好背gre,还有就是新东方的gre 绿皮书,不是单词书,是练习的,只有淘宝有卖。



总之基英重点,gre 单词!!!






















还有,东南的题要准备的东西少,除了gre 是比较痛苦的大块头,像我室友考北航,每天花很多时间在古文观止,北航百科应用文考古文赏析,还要背翻译术语,想想都头疼。

