1.《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor)- 本杰明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham):这是一本被公认为经典的股市投资指南,被誉为价值投资之父。
2.《股票大作手回忆录》(Reminiscences of a Stock Operator)-艾德温·勒菲弗:这本书是一位真实投资者的回忆录,涵盖了他在股市中的成功和失败经历。
3.《彼得·林奇的成功投资》(One Up on Wall Street)- 彼得·林奇(Peter Lynch):这本书通过彼得·林奇的亲身经历和成功案例,向投资者们介绍了如何通过个人生活和工作经验中的观察和思考,发现潜在的投资机会。
4.《巴菲特致股东的信》(Buffett's Letters to Shareholders)- 沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett):这本书是沃伦·巴菲特多年来给伯克希尔·哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)股东的年度信函的集合。
5.《技术分析权威指南》(Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets)- 约翰·J·墨菲(John J. Murphy):这本书是一本技术分析的权威指南,详细介绍了诸如图表模式、技术指标和趋势分析等工具和方法。
历年 巴菲特致股东的信 英文原版
历年巴菲特致股东的信英文原版Warren Buffett's Annual Letters to ShareholdersIntroduction:Every year, legendary investor Warren Buffett writes a letter to the shareholders of his company, Berkshire Hathaway. These letters are eagerly anticipated by investors, analysts, and the general public, as they provide valuable insights into Buffett's investment philosophy, views on the economy, and updates on the company's performance. Over the years, Buffett's letters have become a treasure trove of wisdom for investors looking to learn from one of the most successful investors of all time.Year 1: 1977In his first letter to shareholders in 1977, Buffett outlined his investment principles and the philosophy that would guide his investment decisions for decades to come. He emphasized the importance of investing in companies with strong competitive advantages, a competent and trustworthy management team, and a long-term mindset. Buffett also stressed the importance of focusing on the intrinsic value of a company rather than its stock price, and the importance of having a margin of safety when making investment decisions.Year 2: 1985In 1985, Buffett's letter focused on the importance of staying true to your investment principles, even in the face of market volatility or criticism. He emphasized the importance of patience, discipline, and a long-term perspective in investing, and stressed that short-term fluctuations in the market should not deter investors from sticking to their investment strategy. Buffett also discussed the importance of having a diverse portfolio of investments to reduce risk and increase the chances oflong-term success.Year 3: 1999In 1999, Buffett warned investors about the dangers of speculation and excessive risk-taking in the stock market. He cautioned against investing in overvalued companies or in industries with uncertain futures, and advised investors to focus on companies with sustainable competitive advantages and strong financials. Buffett also discussed the importance of maintaining a margin of safety in all investment decisions, and stressed the importance of doing thorough research before making any investment.Year 4: 2008In 2008, Buffett's letter addressed the global financial crisis and its implications for investors. He discussed the importance of staying calm and rational during times of market turmoil, and emphasized the importance of focusing on the long-term prospects of companies rather than short-term market movements. Buffett also discussed the importance of having a strong balance sheet and ample liquidity in times of economic uncertainty, and stressed the importance of being prepared for any eventuality in the market.Year 5: 2016In 2016, Buffett's letter focused on the changing landscape of the investment industry and the impact of technology on the economy. He discussed the importance of staying flexible and adaptable in an ever-changing world, and emphasized the importance of continuously learning and evolving as an investor. Buffett also discussed the importance of having a sound investment process and sticking to your principles even in the face of uncertainty, and stressed the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective in investing.ConclusionWarren Buffett's annual letters to shareholders are a valuable resource for investors looking to learn from one of themost successful investors of all time. His insights, wisdom, and investment philosophy have stood the test of time and continue to be relevant in today's ever-changing investment landscape. Buffett's letters serve as a guidepost for investors looking to navigate the complexities of the stock market and achievelong-term success in their investment journey.。
重仓苹果股票的人,和All in比特币的人,可能都觉得自己是价值投资者。
历年巴菲特致股东的信1. 引言巴菲特是世界著名的投资大师,他每年都会给伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的股东写一封信,回顾过去一年的投资业绩并分享他的投资理念和经验。
2. 信件内容分析2.1 信件的风格与结构巴菲特的致股东信件以其简洁直接的风格著称。
2.2 投资哲学与核心观点巴菲特的投资哲学主要包括以下几个核心观点:2.2.1 长期投资巴菲特强调长期投资的重要性。
2.2.2 价值投资巴菲特是价值投资的倡导者。
2.2.3 经济周期和风险在信件中,巴菲特经常提到经济周期和风险的影响。
2.3 具体案例分析在信件中,巴菲特经常会通过具体案例来说明自己的投资决策和经验。
巴菲特给股东的一封信沃伦 E. 巴菲特(Warren E. Buffett)伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司CEO,全球最知名的投资大师,被誉为“股神”。
劳伦斯 A.坎宁安(Lawrence A. Cunningham)巴菲特的“御用”编辑。
致的股东:2011年我们的A股和B股每股账面增长了%.在过去47年,即现任层就职以来,账面价值从每股19增长到99860美元,年复合增长%.伯克希尔副董事长,我的合伙人查理-对2011年取得的进展感到满意,以下是要点:董事会的主要工作是确保让合适的人选来运营我们的业务,确认下一代领导人并让他们做好准备明天就可以接管公司.我在19个公司董事会任职,伯克希尔董事们在继承方案上投入的时间和努力是最多的.更重要的是,他们的努力得到了回报.2011年开始的时候,Todd Combs作为一名经理加入了我们,在年末结束不久,Ted Weschler也加入了我们.他们两个人都拥有杰出的投资技能,以及对伯克希尔的承诺.在2012年他们两人只掌管数十亿美元资金,但他们拥有的大脑、判断力和魅力,可以在我和查理不再运营伯克希尔时掌管整个投资组合.你们的董事会对于谁会成为CEO的继任人也同样热情.同样我们也有两个非常好的超级替补.我们到时候可以做到无缝交接,而伯克希尔的前途将保持光明.我的98%以上净都是伯克希尔,他们将进入各种慈善.将如此多资金投入到一只股票中并不符合传统智慧.但我对这一安排感到满意,我知道我们的业务质量好并且多元化,而管理他们的人又如此能干.有了这些资产,我的继任者就有了良好的开端.不要把这段话解读为我和查理会去哪里.我们仍非常健康,并且喜欢我们做的事情.在9月16日,我们收购了路博润,一家生产添加剂和其他特殊化学制品的全球性公司.自James Hambrick在2004年成为CEO以来取得了杰出的成绩.税前利润从亿美元增长到亿美元.路博润在特殊化学领域将会有很多附加的收购机会.其实,我们已经同意了三起收购,成本为亿美元.James是一个有原则的买家,一个超级的公司运营者.查理和我都迫切希望扩张他的管理领域.我们的主要业务去年也表现很好.实际上,我们五个最大的非公司,BNSF,Iscar,路博润,Marmon集团和中美能源都取得了创纪录的盈利.这几项业务2011年税前共盈利超过90亿美元.而在七年前,我们只拥有其中一家,就是中美能源,当时其税前盈利为亿美元.除非在2012年走弱,我们这五项业务应该都能再创纪录,总盈利能够轻易超过100亿美元.总体来说,我们运营的所有公司2011年在房地产、工厂和设备上投入了82亿美元,比之前的记录还要高20亿美元.大约有95%的支出都是在美国,这可能会让那些觉得我们的国家缺乏投资机会的人感到吃惊.我们欢迎海外的项目,但是预期未来伯克希尔的资金承诺主要还是在美国.2012年这方面的开销会再创纪录.我们的保险业务继续为无数其他机会提供没有成本的.这个业务制造的是“浮款”——这些钱不属于我们,但我们可将之用于投资给伯克希尔带来好处.同时如果我们在损和成本方面的支出比我们收到的保费少,我们就赢得了一笔额外的承销费用,意味这比浮款的成本比零还要少.尽管我们不时会出小一些承保损失,我们现在已经连续9年都获得了承销利润,总额高达170亿美元.在过去的9年时间,我们的浮款从410亿美元上升到现在创纪录的700亿美元.保险是我们的一个好业务.最后,我们在上做了两项重大投资:1、50亿美元购买美国6%的优先股,同时获得权证可以在2021年9月2日之前以每股美元的价格购买7亿股普通股.2、6390万股IBM股票,成本为109亿美元.加上IBM,我们现在在四家非常优秀的公司里占有大量股份:美国运通13%,可口可乐%,IBM %,富国银行%.当然,我们也拥有很多小一点,但同样重要的仓位.我们将这些持仓视为在伟大的公司里的合伙人利益,而不是基于短期前景可供出售的.这些公司的盈利情况还远未反应在我们的盈利中.只有我们从这些公司的分红反应在我们的报告中了.长期来说,在这些公司未分配的盈利中,归属我们所有权的那一部分对我们来说至关重要.因为我们将通过各种方式使用这些盈利,来增加未来的盈利和投资对象的分红.他们也可以用来回购股票.如果我们在去年就持有我们现在的仓位,我们从这“四大”公司中就可以获得亿美元的分红.这一部分就会出现在伯克希尔的收入报告中.我们这个季度的盈利就会高得多,为33亿美元.查理和我相信我们账本上没有报告的24亿美元将为伯克希尔创造同等的价值,因为它可以增加未来数年的盈利.我们预期这四家公司的盈利和分红2012年会继续增长,并在未来许多年都会增长.十年后,我们持有的这四家公司盈利可能为我们带来会70亿美元盈利,其中有20亿美元的分红.我的好消息报完了.接下来是2011年伤害我们的一些事情:过去几年,我花了20亿美元购买了Energy Future Holdings发行的多种,后者是一家为德克萨斯州的部分地区提供服务的电力运营商.这是一个错误-巨大的错误.从大的方面衡量,这家公司的前景与天然气价格的前景联系在一起,而后者在我们购买后大幅下跌并一直在低估徘徊.尽管自购买后我们每年收到大约亿美元的利息支付,但除非天然气价格大幅上升,否则这家公司的支付能力将很快耗尽.我们在2010年对这笔投资提了10亿美元减记.去年又补提了亿美元.在年底,我们将这笔债券的账面价值按其市值亿美元确认.如果天然气价格维持在目前水平,我们很可能将面临更多损失,金额甚至最终能够抹去目前的账面价值.相反,如果天然气价格大幅回升,我们将会恢复部分,甚至全部的减记额.无论结果如何,在我购买债券的时候都算错了损失概率.在网球术语中,这是你们的主席一次非常重大的非受迫性失误.在2011年,三项大规模的同时也是非常有吸引力的固定收益投资被其发行人赎回了.瑞士再保险,高盛和GE在赎回证券时一共向我们支付了128亿美元,这些证券此前每年给伯克希尔创造12亿美元的税前收益.这么一大笔收益需要再投资,尽管我们对Lubrizol的收购抵消了大部分的影响.去年,我告诉你们“房地产复苏很可能在一年左右时间内开始.”我错的离谱.我们拥有5家,其业绩受到房地产业的显着影响.这直接影响了Clayton Homes的业绩,后者是美国最大的移动房屋制造商,占到2011年此类房屋建造量的7%.此外,Acme Brick,Shaw地毯,Johns Manville隔热层和MiTek建筑产品都受到建筑活动的极大英系那个,我们的5家房地产相关公司在2011年共录得税前收益亿美元.这与2010年类似,但低于2006年的18亿美元.房地产会复苏的-你能够对此确信无疑.长期看,房屋的数量需与家庭的数量相当在考虑通常比例的空置率后.然而,在2008年前的一段时期内,美国增加的房屋数量高于家庭数量.不可避免的,最终我们造了太多的房屋,泡沫破裂的威力动摇了整个经济.这还给房地产业带来了另一个问题:在衰退初期,新家庭形成的速度放缓,在2009年这一下滑非常剧烈.这一毁灭性的供求关系等式如今逆转了:每天新的家庭数量要多于房屋.人们可能在充满不确定的时期搁置置业,但最终荷尔蒙会接管一切.在衰退期间,一些人最初的反映可能是“暂时同居一室”,但与对方父母同居一室很快会失去吸引力.我们目前每年建造60万个家庭房屋-远低于新家庭形成的数量-购买和租赁需求正在吸收此前遗留下的过度供给.这一过程在美国各地已不同速率开展;不同地区的供需情形不同.然而当这种修复发生时,我们的房地产相关企业却手忙脚乱,他们在2006年的员工数字为58769,而如今却只有43315.作为经济中至关重要的部门,它不仅包含建筑业,还包含所有对其依赖的,房地产业仍然在经历其自身的衰退过程中.我相信这是就业复苏远远落后于我们在经济的绝大部分行业所看到的稳固和显着的复苏的原因.明智的货币和财政政策在缓和衰退中起到重要作用,但这些政策工具不会创造家庭,也不能消除多余的房屋.幸运的是,人口因素和我们的市场体系将会恢复所需的平衡-很可能在不久之后.当那一天来临的时候,我们的年均住宅建造量将再度达到100万栋或更多.我相信,一旦这种情形发生后,那些自命权威的人将对失业率的下降程度感到惊讶.他们将再度意识到1776年以来就一直确认的事实:美国的好日子还在前面.内含查理和我使用的每股内含价值的增长率来衡量我们的业绩表现.如果我们的长期内超过标普500的表现,我们就配得上自己的薪水.如果未能超过,那么我们得到的薪水太多了.我们没有办法准确定位内含价值.尽管其价值被大幅低估,但我们确实有一个有效的代理指标:每股账面价值.这一指标在大部分毫无意义.然而在伯克希尔,账面价值大致追随企业价值波动.这是因为伯克希尔的内含价值超过账面价值的幅度不会每年大幅变化,尽管这一差异在大部分年份内都是增加的.长期看,这一差异在绝对值上可能越来越大,但企业价值/账面价值的比例却大致稳定,因为其分子、分母同时变大.我们此前经常强调我们的账面价值表现在糟糕的日子里几乎确定超过标普500的表现,在股市强劲的时候将会弱于指数表现.真正的考验是我们长期做的如何.去年的年报包含了一张表格列出了自我们在1965年接手伯克希尔后的42个5年期间例如1965-69,1966-70的业绩表现.所有的期间都显示我们的账面价值表现击败了标普,我们的记录一直持续到2007-11.去年我列出了两张表,阐明一些关键数据以帮助你估算我们每股的内在价值.上次那两张表中需要有所更新的是,2011年每股增长4%至98366.我们从商业本身而非或投资获得的税前收益增长18%至每股6990美元.我和查理都乐见这两方面的增长,但我们更关注营业收益.我们现在拥有的公司应该增加他们的总收入.同时,我们希望购入一些大型业务,以获得更大的收入增长.我们现在有8个子公司位列500强,所以还剩492个选择.我的任务非常明确,而我现在仍在考虑中.股份回购去年九月,我们宣布,伯克希尔将以最高为账面价值的110%回购股份.我们入市仅几天,在触及我们所限定的价格之前,回购了价值6700万美元的股份.当满足两个条件时,我和查理会选择股份回购:1、公司拥有充裕的资金来维持日常运转和所需的现金流;2、股票价格远低于保守估计的公司内在价值.我们曾目睹很多股份回购并非满足上述第二条条件.你要知道,很多CEO永远认为他们公司的股票太便宜了.但事实上,股份回购并非简单用来抵消股票增发带来的股权稀释,或者仅仅因为公司手握多余的现金.只有当回购价格低于股票内在价值时,继续持有的才不会利益受损.考虑是否要收购或者股份回购时的第一准则是,在某一个价格你是明智的,但在另一个价格时你可能就是愚蠢的what is smart at one price is dumb at another.摩根大通的Jamie Dimon就始终重视价格/价值因素在回购决定中的重要性.我建议你们去读读他的年度信.当很多人在伯克希尔股票低于内在价值时抛售时,我和查理心情复杂.一方面,我们希望帮助继续持有的股东获得更丰厚的利润,而最好的方法无疑是购入我们自己的股票,因为我们知道现在的只是内在价值的九成、八成,甚至更低.这就像我们一位董事曾经说过的,这在就好比在一个水已流干的桶里,射那些已经停止跳跃的鱼.另一方面,我们并不希望我们的股东在股票价格还未达到内在价值时就出仓,尽管我们回购股份的价格或许比一些股东预设的出仓价位要高.我们回购时,希望那些退出的股东能充分意识到他们所抛售的资产究竟价值几何.我们预设回购价格上限为账面价值的110%,回购明显增加了伯克希尔每股的内在价值.而且我们买得越多,买的价格越便宜,继续持有的股东获得的利润将更丰厚.因此,如果有机会,我们希望积极回购股票,甚至在价格上限或略低于价格上限的价位上.但是,你要知道,我们对支持股市并无兴趣.另外,如果我们持有的现金少于200亿美元,我们也不会进行股票回购操作.在伯克希尔,实力毫无疑问比其他所有事情都要重要.对回购的讨论为我提供了一个阐述众多投资者对股价变化非理性反应的机会.当伯克希尔购买一家正在回购股票的公司时,我希望出现两件事情:首先,我们通常希望企业盈利在未来一段较长时期将有良好的增长;第二,我们还希望股票在相当长一段时间表现落后于大市.对第二点的一个推论就是:“按照我们的剧本”持有我们拥有的股票——假设这能够有效——事实上将会对伯克希尔有害,而不是评论家惯常认为的有益.让我们以IBM为例.正如许多观察者所知,其CEO郭士纳Lou Gerstner 和彭明盛Sam Palmisano作出了出色的工作,把IBM从20年前濒临破产变成了今天的卓越领先,他们的经营成果是极不平凡.但是他们的财务也同样辉煌,特别是近年来改善了公司的财务灵活性.事实上,我能认为没有其他大公司有更好的财务管理,这一技能实实在在的增进了IBM股东的获利.该公司明智地使用债务,几乎全部用现金完成增值收购,并积极的回购自己的股票.今天IBM有亿股流通股,我们拥有约6390万股占到%.当然公司未来五年的盈利对我们而言尤其重要.除此之外该公司还可能会花500亿美元左右在未来几年回购股份.我们今天的测验就是:一个长期投资者,比如伯克希尔,应该在这段时间内期待什么呢我们不会让你保留悬念.我们应该期待IBM股价在未来五年内下跌.让我们做数学题.如果IBM股价在这一时间段的平均价格为200美元,公司将用500亿美元收购亿股股票.这将导致流通股数量为亿股,我们将拥有7%的公司股份.反之如果股价未来五年以平均300美元的价格出售,IBM将仅仅能购买亿股.这将导致在五年后有约亿股流通股,而我们将拥有其中的%.如果IBM将盈利,比如第五年有200亿美元,我们享受的份额将是一个完整的1亿美元,而在“令人失望”较低股价下享受的收益大于高股价的情况.逻辑很简单:如果你将要在未来成为某只股票的净买方,要么直接用自己的钱购买或者间接通过持有一家正在回购股票的公司,当股价上升时你就受害,当股价不振时你获益.不过,情感因素通常会令事情变得复杂:大多数人,包括将在未来成为净买入者那些人,看到股价上升会觉得舒服.这些股东就像是看到汽油价格上涨感到高兴的通勤者,仅仅因为他们的油箱里已经装满了一天汽油.查理和我并不指望能赢得你们中的很多人用与我们相同的思维思考,我们已经观察到了足够多人的行为,知道这是徒劳的.但是我确实想要你了我们的个人算法.并且在这里陈述是为了:在我早期的日子里,我也乐于看到上涨.然后我读到的“聪明的投资者”第八章,这章说明了投资者如何对待股价的波动.立刻一切在我眼前发生了变化,低价成为了我的朋友.拿起那本书是我一生中最幸运的时刻之一.最后,IBM的带给我的投资成本主要取决于它未来的盈利.但是一个重要的辅助因素是,公司愿意拿出多少可观的资金来购买自己的股票.如果回购一旦令IBM的流通股跌到了6390万股,那么我将放弃我们着名的节俭,给伯克希尔公司所有员工有薪假期.首先看保险,的核心业务,这个在过去几年推动我们发展的引擎.财产险保险在前期收保费和以后支付索赔,极端的例子下,比如那些工人事故赔偿,可能要几十年才会产生支付.这个现在收钱,以后付款的模式让我们持有大量现金,我们称这位“浮动”的钱,并最终向流到别人的地方.与此同时,我们将这些浮存金令伯克希尔.虽然个人保单来来往往,但是我们持有的浮存金相对于保费量仍然保持稳定.因此随着我们业务的增长,浮动金也在增长.下表反应了我们的增长情况:我们的浮存金从目前的水平上可能不会再增长多少,如果还有的话.这主要是因为相对于我们的保费收入,已经有一个超大型的浮存金规模.浮存金是否会出现一个下降,我将会补充,它将几乎肯定以一个缓慢的形式出现,因此不会令我们付出大量资金.如果我们的保费收入超过我们的开支和最终损失的总额,我们把浮存金产生的获利加入到投资收入中.当这样的一个利润发生时,我们享受自由使用资金——并且更好的是,持有资金还能获利.不幸的是,所有保险人希望发生的情况导致了激烈竞争,如此激烈导致大量年份中财产保险业整体出现损.比如State Farm,这个迄今为止美国最大的保险公司,并且作为一个良好的公司,在过去11年中的8年产生承保亏损.保险业出现亏损的方式有很多,这个有办法创造新的亏损.正如本报告第一部分所指出的,我们经营的业务连续九年有承保利润,我们在这阶段的收益总计达到170亿.我们相信我们将在大多数年份继续承保利润,但肯定不是全部年份.如果我们果我们实现这个目标,我们的浮存金将好过免费午餐.我们的获利就像是如果某些团体在我们这里存了706亿美元,向我们支付一笔费用持有这些钱,并允许我们用这笔钱为自己获利投资.那么这些浮存金是如何影响内在的估算呢我们的浮存金作为一笔负债从伯克希尔的账簿中减去,如同我们要在明天付掉,并且无法补充它.但这是一种对浮存金不正确的看法,而正确的看法应该是作为周转来看.如果浮存金既是无成本的,又是长期持久的,这个负债的真正价值远低于会计定义上的负债.部分抵消这种夸大的负债是对我们保险公司的155亿美元“商誉”作为资产纳入账簿,事实上,商誉代表了我们为浮存金支付的价格.然而商誉的成本没有体现真正的价值.如果如果保险业产生巨大和持续的承保损失,任何任何商誉的资产都应该被视为毫无价值,不论其原始成本多少.幸运的是,在伯克希尔情况并非如此.查理和我认为我们保险业务的商誉的真正价值——我们将以此作为支付购买浮存金——要远远超过其历史账面价值.我们的浮存金价值是其中的一个原因——一个很大的原因——这就是我们为什么相信伯克希尔的内在商业价值大大超过帐面价值.让我再次强调一点,无成本的浮存金不是整体财产保险业预期都能产生的结果:我不认为有很多“伯克希尔”式的浮存金在保险业界中存在.在大多数年份里,包括2011年,该行业的保费收入已不足以支付索赔和费用.因此,该行业几十年来的有形资产整体回报为,远远短低于美国工业的平均回报.这一遗憾的表现几乎可以肯定将继续.伯克希尔优秀经济性只是因为我们有某些了不起的经理人在运营某些非凡的保险业务.让我告诉你们一些主要的部门.以浮存金规模计,排名第一的是Ajit Jain管理的伯克希尔-再保险集团.Ajit担保的风险没有别的人愿意或者有能接纳得了.他的运作结合了容量、速度、果断.最重要的是,他的思维方式在保险业中独一无二.然而他从来没有把伯克希尔暴露到与我们的资源不适当的风险中.事实上事实上,我们在这方面比大多数大型保险公司更为保守.举例来说,如果保险业应该经历一个从一些亏损2500亿美元特大灾难——损失相当于任何时候曾经历的三倍——作为一个整体伯克希尔可能会录得适度利润的一年,因为它有许多盈利流.目前所有其他主要保险公司和再保险公司都离上涨的红色很远,有些人还将面临破产.从1985年开始,Ajit已创造了有340亿美元浮存金的保险业务和巨大的承保利润,一个没有任何其他保险公司的首席执行官能够接近的壮举.这些成就使他为伯克希尔价增加了数十亿美元的价值.查理很乐意拿我换第二个Ajit,但是第二个不存在.我们另一个强力保险部门是由Tad Montross管理的General Re.作为一个优秀保险人他的经营要坚持四条准则,他必须1了解所有敞口可能会导致的保单损失;2保守评估任何敞口可能导致的真实损失以及可能造成的成本 3设置能提供利润的一保费,能平均的把两个潜在损失成本和运营费用都覆盖在内 4如果不能得到适当的保费溢价.愿意离场.许多保险公司通过前三个测试但第四个不及格.他们就是无法转身离开其竞争对手都热切进入的业务.老话:“其他人正在这么干所以我们必须也干”,在任何行业都会出问题.,但是没有其他行业的情况会比保险业更坏.事实上,一个好的有独立思维的承报人,必须像在开车回家途中接到妻子电话的那个人一样聪明.”“Albert,当心“,她妻子警告:”我刚刚听到广播说有一辆成出问题卡在了州际公路上.“Mabel,他们根本什么都不懂,“Albert回答说,“不只是一辆车,而是有上百辆”.Tad明白保险业四条军规,而这也反映到他的成绩单上.General Re 在他的领导下创造了巨大的浮存金,我们希望,从平均的角度而言他能继续.在我们收购General Re的最初几年,它是一个麻烦,现在它是一笔.最后还有GEICO,这个保险人让我在61年前获得了经验.GEICO由Tony Nicely运营,他18岁加入公司,2011年已经供职了50年.GEICO 令人羡慕的业绩,来自Tony完美的执行一个几乎无法被复制的运营模式.在他担任CEO的18年中,我们的份额从%增长到%.如果公司的仍然维持静止的份额——如同他担任CEO以前的情况——那么现在我。
大家都知道,我们持股60%的蓝筹邮票业已并入伯克希尔的合并报表之中,然而依照现行会计原则规定,蓝筹邮票的股票投资仍必须按照旧制-也就是成本与市价孰低法列示,换句话说,以同一种价格买进同一种股票,不同公司的会计评价方法竟不一样,(这是不是让你毛骨悚然),蓝筹邮票持股的市值请参阅18 页的附注三。
1979 年营运成果就短期间而言,我们一向认为营业利益(不含出售证券损益)除以股东权益(所有股票投资按原始成本计算)所得出的比率,为衡量单一年度经营成果的最佳方式。
BUFFETT PARTNERSHIP. LTD.610 KIEWIT PLAZAOMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131TELEPHONE 042-4110January 25, 1967The First DecadeThe Partnership had its tenth anniversary during 1966. The celebration was appropriate -an all-time record (both past and future) was established for our performance margin relative to the Dow. Our advantage was 36 points which resulted from a plus 20.4% for the Partnership and a minus 15.6% for the Dow.This pleasant but non-repeatable experience was partially due to a lackluster performance by the Dow. Virtually all investment managers outperformed it during the year. The Dow is weighted by the dollar price of the thirty stocks involved. Several of the highest priced components, which thereby carry disproportionate weight (Dupont, General Motors), were particularly poor performers in 1966. This, coupled with the general aversion to conventional blue chips, caused the Dow to suffer relative to general investment experience, particularly during the last quarter.The following summarizes the year-by-year performance of the Dow, the performance of the Partnership before allocation (one quarter of the excess over 6%) to the general partner, and the results for limited partners:Year Overall Results FromDow (1)Partnership Results (2)Limited Partners’Results (3)1957-8.4%10.4%9.3%195838.5%40.9%32.2%195920.0%25.9%20.9%1960-6.2%22.8%18.6%196122.4%45.9%35.9%1962-7.6%13.9%11.9%196320.6%38.7%30.5%196418.7%27.8%22.3%196514.2%47.2%36.9%1966-15.6%20.4%16.8% Cumulative Results141.1%1028.7%641.5%Annual CompoundedRate9.7%29.0%23.5%(1)Based on yearly changes in the value of the Dow plus dividends that would have been received throughownership of the Dow during that year. The table includes all complete years of partnership activity.(2)For 1957-61 consists of combined results of all predecessor limited partnerships operating throughoutthe entire year after all expenses, but before distributions to partners or allocations to the generalpartner.(3)For 1957-61 computed on the basis of the preceding column of partnership results allowing forallocation to the general partner based upon the present partnership agreement. but before monthlywithdrawals by limited partners.On a cumulative or compounded basis, the results are:Year Overall Results FromDow Partnership Results Limited Partners’Results1957-8.4%10.4%9.3%1957 – 5826.9%55.6%44.5%1957 – 5952.3%95.9%74.7%1957 – 6042.9%140.6%107.2%1957 – 6174.9%251.0%181.6%1957 – 6261.6%299.8%215.1%1957 – 6395.1%454.5%311.2%1957 – 64131.3%608.7%402.9%1957 – 65164.1%943.2%588.5%1957 – 66122.9%1156.0%704.2%Annual CompoundedRate11.4%29.8%23.9%Investment CompaniesOn the following page is the usual tabulation showing the results of the two largest open-end investment companies (mutual funds) that follow a policy of being, typically, 95-100% invested in common stocks, and the two largest diversified closed-end investment companies.Year Mass. Inv.Trust (1)InvestorsStock (1)Lehman (2)Tri-Cont(2)Dow LimitedPartners1957-11.4%-12.4%-11.4%-2.4%-8.4%9.3%195842.7%47.5%40.8%33.2%38.5%32.2%19599.0%10.3%8.1%8.4%20.0%20.9%1960-1.0%-0.6% 2.5% 2.8%-6.2%18.6%196125.6%24.9%23.6%22.5%22.4%35.9%1962-9.8%-13.4%-14.4%-10.0%-7.6%11.9%196320.0%16.5%23.7%18.3%20.6%30.5%196415.9%14.3%13.6%12.6%18.7%22.3%196510.2%9.8%19.0%10.7%14.2%36.9%1966-7.7%-10.0%-2.6%-6.9%-15.6%16.8% CumulativeResults118.1%106.3%142.8%126.9%141.1%641.5% AnnualCompoundedRate8.6%7.9%9.8%9.0%9.7%23.5%(1)Computed from changes in asset value plus any distributions to holders of record during year.(2)From 1966 Moody's Bank & Finance Manual for 1957-1965. Estimated for 1966.These investment company performance figures have been regularly reported here to show that the now is no patsy as an investment standard. It should again be emphasized that the companies were not selected on the basis of comparability to Buffett Partnership, Ltd. There are important differences including: (1) investment companies operate under both internally and externally imposed restrictions on their investment actions that are not applicable to us; (2) investment companies diversify far more than we do and, in all probability, therebyhave less chance for a really bad performance relative to the now in a single year; and (3) their managers have considerably less incentive for abnormal performance and greater incentive for conventionality.However, the records above do reveal what well-regarded, highly paid, full-time professional investment managers have been able to accomplish while working with common stocks. These managers have been favorites of American investors (more than 600,000) making free choices among many alternatives in the investment management field. It is probable that their results are typical of the overwhelming majority of professional investment managers.It is not true, however, that these are the best records achieved in the investment field. A few mutual funds and some private investment operations have compiled records vastly superior to the Dow and, in some cases, substantially superior to Buffett Partnership, Ltd. Their investment techniques are usually very dissimilar to ours and not within my capabilities. However, they are generally managed by very bright, motivated people and it is only fair that I mention the existence of such superior results in this general discussion of the record of professional investment management.Trends in Our BusinessA keen mind working diligently at interpreting the figures on page one could come to a lot of wrong conclusions.The results of the first ten years have absolutely no chance of being duplicated or even remotely approximated during the next decade. They may well be achieved by some hungry twenty-five year old working with $105,100 initial partnership capital and operating during a ten year business and market environment which is frequently conducive to successful implementation of his investment philosophy.They will not be achieved by a better fed thirty-six year old working with our $54,065,345 current partnership capital who presently finds perhaps one-fifth to one-tenth as many really good ideas as previously to implement his investment philosophy.Buffett Associates. Ltd. (predecessor to Buffett Partnership. Ltd.) was founded on the west banks of the Missouri. May 5. 1956 by a hardy little band consisting of four family members, three close friends and $105,100. (I tried to find some brilliant flash of insight regarding our future or present conditions from my first page and a half annual letter of January, 1957 to insert as a quote here. However, someone evidently doctored my file copy so as to remove the perceptive remarks I must have made.)At that time, and for some years subsequently, there were substantial numbers of securities selling at well below the "value to a private owner" criterion we utilized for selection of general market investments. We also experienced a flow of “workout” opportunities where the percentages were very much to our liking. The problem was always which, not what. Accordingly, we were able to own fifteen to twenty-five issues and be enthusiastic about the probabilities inherent in all holdings.In the last few years this situation has changed dramatically. We now find very few securities that are understandable to me, available in decent size, and which offer the expectation of investment performance meeting our yardstick of ten percentage points per annum superior to the Dow. In the last three years we have come up with only two or three new ideas a year that have had such an expectancy of superior performance. Fortunately, in some cases, we have made the most of them. However, in earlier years, a lesser effort produced literally dozens of comparable opportunities. It is difficult to be objective about the causes for such diminution of one's own productivity. Three factors that seem apparent are: (1) a somewhat changed market environment;(2) our increased size; and (3) substantially more competition.It is obvious that a business based upon only a trickle of fine ideas has poorer prospects than one based upon a steady flow of such ideas. To date the trickle has provided as much financial nourishment as the flow. This is true because there is only so much one can digest (million dollar ideas are of no great benefit to thousand dollar bank accounts - this was impressed on me in my early days) and because a limited number of ideas causes one to utilize those available more intensively. The latter factor has definitely been operative with us in recent years. However, a trickle has considerably more chance of drying up completely than a flow.These conditions will not cause me to attempt investment decisions outside my sphere of understanding (I don't go for the "If you can't lick 'em, join 'em” philosophy - my own leaning is toward "If you can't join ‘em, lick'em”). We will not go into businesses where technology which is away over my head is crucial to the investment decision. I know about as much about semi-conductors or integrated circuits as I do of the mating habits of the chrzaszcz. (That's a Polish May bug, students - if you have trouble pronouncing it, rhyme it with thrzaszcz.) Furthermore, we will not follow the frequently prevalent approach of investing in securities where an attempt to anticipate market action overrides business valuations. Such so-called "fashion" investing has frequently produced very substantial and quick profits in recent years (and currently as I write this in January). It represents an investment technique whose soundness I can neither affirm nor deny. It does not completely satisfy my intellect (or perhaps my prejudices), and most definitely does not fit my temperament. I will not invest my own money based upon such an approach hence, I will most certainly not do so with your money.Finally, we will not seek out activity in investment operations, even if offering splendid profit expectations, where major human problems appear to have a substantial chance of developing.What I do promise you, as partners, is that I will work hard to maintain the trickle of ideas and try to get the most out of it that is possible – but if it should dry up completely, you will be informed honestly and promptly so that we may all take alternative action.Analysis of 1966 ResultsAll four main categories of our investment operation worked out well in 1966. Specifically, we had a total overall gain of $8,906,701 derived as follows:Category Average Investment Overall GainControls$17,259,342$1,566,302Generals – Private Owner$1,359,340$1,004,362$21,847,045$5,124254Generals – RelativelyUndervaluedWorkouts$7,666314$1,714,181 Miscellaneous, including US$1,332,609$(18,422)Treasury BillsTotal Income$9,390,677Less: General Expense$483,976Overall Gain$8,906,701A few caveats are necessary before we get on with the main discussion:1.An explanation of the various categories listed above was made in the January 18, 1965 letter. If yourmemory needs refreshing and your favorite newsstand does not have the pocketbook edition. we'll beglad to give you a copy.2.The classifications are not iron-clad. Nothing is changed retroactively but the initial decision as tocategory is sometimes arbitrary.3.Percentage returns calculated on the average investment base by category would be understated relativeto partnership percentage returns which are calculated on a beginning investment base. In the abovefigures, a security purchased by us at 100 on January 1 which appreciated at an even rate to 150 onDecember 31 would have an average investment of 125 producing a 40% result contrasted to a 50%result by the customary approach. In other words, the above figures use a monthly average of marketvalues in calculating the average investment.4.All results are based on a 100% ownership, non-leverage, basis. Interest and other general expenses arededucted from total performance and not segregated by category. Expenses directly related to specific investment operations, such as dividends paid on short stock, are deducted by category. When securities are borrowed directly and sold short, the net investment (longs minus shorts) is shown for the applicable average investment category.5.The above table has only limited use. The results applicable to each category are dominated by one ortwo investments. They do not represent a collection of great quantities of stable data (mortality rates of all American males or something of the sort) from which conclusions can be drawn and projectionsmade. Instead, they represent infrequent, non-homogeneous phenomena leading to very tentativesuggestions regarding various courses of action and are so used by us.6.Finally, these calculations are not made with the same loving care we apply to counting the money andare subject to possible clerical or mathematical error since they are not entirely self-checking. ControlsThere were three main sources of gain during 1966 in respect to controlled companies. These arose through: (1) retained business earnings applicable to our holdings in 1966; (2) open market purchases of additional stock below our controlling interest valuation and; (3) unrealized appreciation in marketable securities held by the controlled companies. The total of all positive items came to $2,600,838 in 1966.However, due to factors mentioned in my November 1, 1966 letter, specific industry conditions, and other relevant valuation items, this gain was reduced by $1,034,780 in arriving at our fair valuation applicable to controlling interests as of December 31, 1966. Thus the overall gain in the control category was reduced to $1,566,058 for the year.We were undoubtedly fortunate that we had a relatively high percentage of net assets invested in businesses and not stocks during 1966. The same money in general market holdings would probably have produced a loss, perhaps substantial, during the year. This was not planned and if the stock market had advanced substantially during the year, this category would have been an important drag on overall performance. The same situation will prevail during 1967.Generals -Private OwnerOur performance here falls in the "twenty-one dollars a day, once a month" category. In the middle of 1965 we started purchasing a very attractive widely held security which was selling far below its value to a private owner. Our hope was that over a two or three year period we could get $10 million or more invested at the favorable prices prevailing. The various businesses that the company operated were understandable and we could check out competitive strengths and weaknesses thoroughly with competitors, distributors, customers,suppliers, ex-employees, etc. Market conditions peculiar to the stock gave us hope that, with patience, we could buy substantial quantities of the stock without disturbing the price.At yearend 1965 we had invested $1,956,980 and the market value of our holding was $2,358,412 so that $401,432 was contributed to performance luring 1965. We would have preferred, of course, to have seen the market below cost since our interest was in additional buying, not in selling. This would have dampened Buffett Partnerships Ltd.’s 1965 performance and perhaps reduced the euphoria experienced by limited partners (psychically, the net result to all partners would have been a standoff since the general partner would have been floating) but would have enhanced long term performance. The fact that the stock had risen somewhat above our cost had already slowed down our buying program and thereby reduced ultimate profit.An even more dramatic example of the conflict between short term performance and the maximization of long term results occurred in 1966. Another party, previously completely unknown to me, issued a tender offer which foreclosed opportunities for future advantageous buying. I made the decision that the wisest course (it may not have been) for us to follow was to dispose of our holdings and we thus realized a total profit of $1,269,181 in February, of which $867,749 was applicable to 1966.While any gains looked particularly good in the market environment that intimately developed in 1966, you can be sure I don't delight in going round making molehills out of mountains. The molehill, of course, was reflected in 1966 results. However, we would have been much better off from a long range standpoint if 1966 results had been five percentage points worse and we were continuing to buy substantial quantities of the stock at the depressed prices that might have been expected to prevail in this year's market environment.Good ideas were a dime a dozen, such a premature ending would not be unpleasant. There is something to be said, of course, for a business operation where some of the failures produce moderate profits. However, you can see how hard it is to develop replacement ideas by examining our average investment in the Private Owner category - we came up with nothing during the remainder of the year despite lower stock prices, which should have been conducive to finding such opportunities.Generals - Relatively UndervaluedOur relative performance in this category was the best we have ever had - due to one holding which was our largest investment at yearend 1965 and also yearend 1966. This investment has substantially out-performed the general market for us during each year (1964, 1965, 1966) that we have held it. While any single year's performance can be quite erratic, we think the probabilities are highly favorable for superior future performance over a three or four year period. The attractiveness and relative certainty of this particular security are what caused me to introduce Ground Rule 7 in November, 1965 to allow individual holdings of up to 40% of our net assets. We spend considerable effort continuously evaluating every facet of the company and constantly testing our hypothesis that this security is superior to alternative investment choices. Such constant evaluation and comparison at shifting prices is absolutely essential to our investment operation.It would be much more pleasant (and indicate a more favorable future) to report that our results in the Generals -Relatively Undervalued category represented fifteen securities in ten industries, practically all of which outperformed the market. We simply don't have that many good ideas. As mentioned above, new ideas are continually measured against present ideas and we will not make shifts if the effect is to downgrade expectable performance. This policy has resulted in limited activity in recent years when we have felt so strongly about the relative merits of our largest holding. Such a condition has meant that realized gains have been a much smaller portion of total performance than in earlier years when the flow of good ideas was more substantial.The sort of concentration we have in this category is bound to produce wide swings in short term performance – some, most certainly, unpleasant. There have already been some of these applicable to shorter time spans than Iuse in reporting to partners. This is one reason I think frequent reporting to be foolish and potentially misleading in a long term oriented business such as ours.Personally, within the limits expressed in last year's letter on diversification, I am willing to trade the pains (forget about the pleasures) of substantial short term variance in exchange for maximization of long term performance. However, I am not willing to incur risk of substantial permanent capital loss in seeking to better long term performance. To be perfectly clear - under our policy of concentration of holdings, partners should be completely prepared for periods of substantial underperformance (far more likely in sharply rising markets) to offset the occasional over performance such as we have experienced in 1965 and 1966, and as a price we pay for hoped-for good long term performance.All this talk about the long pull has caused one partner to observe that “even five minutes is a long time if one's head is being held under water." This is the reason, of course, that we use borrowed money very sparingly in our operation. Average bank borrowings during 1966 were well under 10% of average net worth.One final word about the Generals - Relatively Undervalued category. In this section we also had an experience which helped results in 1966 but hurt our long term prospects. We had just one really important new idea in this category in 1966. Our purchasing started in late spring but had only come to about $1.6 million (it could be bought steadily but at only a moderate pace) when outside conditions drove the stock price up to a point where it was not relatively attractive. Though our overall gain was $728,141 on an average holding period of six and a half months in 1966, it would have been much more desirable had the stock done nothing for a long period of time while we accumulated a really substantial position.WorkoutsIn last year's letter I forecast reduced importance for workouts. While they were not of the importance of some past years. I was pleasantly surprised by our experience in 1966 during which we kept an average of $7,666,314 employed in this category. Furthermore, we tend to ascribe borrowings to the workout section so that our net equity capital employed was really something under this figure and our return was somewhat better than the 22.4% indicated on page six. Here, too, we ran into substantial variation. At June 30, our overall profit on this category was $16,112 on an average investment of $7,870,151 so that we really had a case of an extraordinarily good second half offsetting a poor first half.In past years, sometimes as much as 30-40% of our net worth has been invested in workouts, but it is highly unlikely that this condition will prevail in the future. Nevertheless, they may continue to produce some decent returns on the moderate amount of capital employed.MiscellaneousOperationally, we continue to function well above rated capacity with Bill, John, Elizabeth and Donna all contributing excellent performances. At Buffett Partnership. Ltd. we have never had to divert investment effort to offset organizational shortcomings and this has been an important ingredient in the performance over the years.Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., aided for the second year by their computer, turned in the usual speedy, efficient and comprehensive job.We all continue to maintain more than an academic interest in the Partnership. The employees and I, our spouses and children, have a total of over $10 million invested at January 1, 1967. In the case of my family, our Buffett Partnership, Ltd. investment represents well over 90% of our net worth.Within the coming two weeks you will receive:1. A tax letter giving you all BPL information needed for your 1966 federal income tax return. This letteris the only item that counts for tax purposes.2.An audit from Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. for 1966, setting forth the operations and financialposition of BPL, as well as your own capital account.3. A letter signed by me setting forth the status of your BPL interest on January 1, 1967. This is identicalwith the figures developed in the audit.Let me know if anything in this letter or that occurs during the year needs clarifying. My next letter will be about July 15 summarizing the first half of this year.Cordially,Warren E. BuffettWEB ehBUFFETT PARTNERSHIP. LTD.610 KIEWIT PLAZAOMAHA, NEBRASKA 68131TELEPHONE 042-4110July 12, 1967First Half PerformanceAgain, this is being ,written in late June prior to the family's trip to California. To maintain the usual chronological symmetry (I try to sublimate my aesthetic urges when it comes to creating symmetry in the profit and loss statement), I will leave a few blanks and trust that the conclusions look appropriate when the figures are entered.We began 1967 on a traumatic note with January turning out to be one of the worst months we have experienced with a plus 3.3% for BPL versus a plus 8.5% for the Dow. Despite this sour start, we finished the half about plus 21% for an edge of 9.6 percentage points over the Dow. Again, as throughout 1966, the Dow was a relatively easy competitor (it won't be every year, prevailing thinking to the contrary notwithstanding) and a large majority of investment managers outdid this yardstick. The following table summarizes performance to date on the usual basis:Year Overall Results FromDow (1)Partnership Results (2)Limited Partners’Results (3)1957-8.4%10.4%9.3%195838.5%40.9%32.2%195920.0%25.9%20.9%1960-6.2%22.8%18.6%196122.4%45.9%35.9%1962-7.6%13.9%11.9%196320.6%38.7%30.5%196418.7%27.8%22.3%196514.2%47.2%36.9%1966-15.6%20.4%16.8% First half 196711.4%21.0%17.3%Cumulative Results148.3%1419.8%843.3%Annual CompoundedRate9.1%29.6%23.8%(1)Based on yearly changes in the value of the Dow plus dividends that would have been received throughownership of the Dow during that year. The table includes all complete years of partnership activity.(2)For 1957-61 consists of combined results of all predecessor limited partnerships operating throughoutthe entire year after all expenses but before distributions to partners or allocations to the general partner.(3)For 1957-61 computed on the basis of the preceding column of partnership results allowing forallocation to the general partner based upon the present partnership agreement, but before monthlywithdrawals by limited partners.BPL's performance during the first hall reflects no change in valuation of our controlled companies and was thus achieved solely by the 63.3% of our net assets invested in marketable securities at the beginning of the year.Any revaluation of Diversified Retailing Company (DRC) and Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (B-H) will be made in December prior to the time the commitment letters become final and will be based upon all relevant criteria (including current operating. market and credit conditions) at that time.Both DRC and B-H made important acquisitions during the first half. The overall progress of DRC (80% owned) and both of its subsidiaries (Hochschild Kohn and Associated Cotton Shops) is highly satisfactory. However, B-H is experiencing and faces real difficulties in the textile business, while I don't presently foresee any loss in underlying values. I similarly see no prospect of a good return on the assets employed in the textile business. Therefore, this segment of our portfolio will be a substantial drag on our relative performance (as it has been during the first half) if the Dow continues to advance. Such relative performance with controlled companies is expected in a strongly advancing market, but is accentuated when the business is making no progress. As a friend of mine says. “Experience is what you find when you're looking for something else.”Investment CompaniesThe usual comparison follows showing the results of the two largest open-end and two largest closed-end investment companies which pursue a policy of 95-100% investment in common stocks.Year Mass. Inv.Trust (1)InvestorsStock (1)Lehman (2)Tri-Cont(2)Dow LimitedPartners1957-11.4%-12.4%-11.4%-2.4%-8.4%9.3%195842.7%47.5%40.8%33.2%38.5%32.2%19599.0%10.3%8.1%8.4%20.0%20.9%1960-1.0%-0.6% 2.5% 2.8%-6.2%18.6%196125.6%24.9%23.6%22.5%22.4%35.9%1962-9.8%-13.4%-14.4%-10.0%-7.6%11.9%196320.0%16.5%23.7%18.3%20.6%30.5%196415.9%14.3%13.6%12.6%18.7%22.3%196510.2%9.8%19.0%10.7%14.2%36.9%1966-7.7%-10.0%-2.6%-6.9%-15.6%16.8%First half196711.3%12.3%19.3%14.4%11.4%17.3%CumulativeResults143.3%126.4%185.4%156.8%148.3%843.3%AnnualCompoundedRate8.9%8.1%10.5%9.4%9.1%23.8%(1)Computed from changes in asset value plus any distributions to holders of record during year.(2)From 1967 Moody's Bank & Finance Manual for 1957-1966. Estimated for first half of 1967.The tide continues to be far more important than the swimmers.TaxesWe entered 1967 with unrealized gains of $16,361,974. Through June 30 we have realized net capital gains of $7,084,104 so it appears likely that we will realize in 1967 a fairly substantial portion of the unrealized gain attributable to your interest at the beginning of the year. This amount was reported to you as Item 3 of our February 2, 1967 letter. A copy of that letter, along with a tax letter, will be mailed to you in November giving a rough idea of the tax situation at that time.。
波克夏海瑟崴股份有限公司致股东函董事长的信1978波克夏海瑟崴股份有限公司致Berkshire 公司全体股东:首先,是会计相关的议题,在年底与多元零售公司的合併后,对于公司的财务报表有两项影响,首先在合併案完成后,我们对蓝筹邮票的持股比例将提高至58%左右,意味著该公司的资产负债以及盈余数字必须全部纳到Berkshire的报表之内,在此之前,我们仅透过权益法按投资比例认列蓝筹邮票的净值与收益。
合併案所引发的第二项影响则是今年报表中秀出1977年的数字与去年提供给各位同一年度的数字有所不同,会计原则要求当像多元零售与Berkshire这样二个独立个体合併时,所有报告的财务数字都必须假设这两家公司原本就在一起, 所以后续呈现所有数字,是假设这两家公司早在1977年(甚至更早以前)就已经合併,虽然真正合併的日期是1978年的12月30 日,这样的改变使得比较性的评论很容易产生混淆, 因为以往的报告中, 我们告诉各位的都是Berkshire的歷史记录,而非依照合併多元零售后重新修正数字。
然而即便在这样的前提下,我们还是可以如此说,不论财报数字是否重编, 1978年都是丰收的一年,不含资本利得的营业利益约为期初股东投资成本的19.4%,虽然低于1972年的歷史记录,我们认为评估单一年度的表现,不适宜将资本利得或损失纳入计算,但不可否认他们却是衡量长期绩效的重要指标,拜这类利得所赐,Berkshire每股权益长期的成长率远大于每年年度营业利益所带来的复利报酬。
1957年巴菲特致股东的信1958年巴菲特致股东的信1959年巴菲特致股东的信1960年巴菲特致股东的信1961年巴菲特致股东的信1962年巴菲特致股东的信1963年巴菲特致股东的信1963年巴菲特致股东的信(半年度)1964年巴菲特致股东的信1964年巴菲特致股东的信(半年度)1965年巴菲特致股东的信1966年巴菲特致股东的信1966年巴菲特致股东的信(半年度)1967年巴菲特致股东的信1967年巴菲特致股东的信(半年度)1968年巴菲特致股东的信1968年巴菲特致股东的信(半年度)1969年巴菲特致股东的信1969年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1969年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1970年巴菲特致股东的信1972年巴菲特致股东的信1973年巴菲特致股东的信1974年巴菲特致股东的信1975年巴菲特致股东的信1976年巴菲特致股东的信1977年巴菲特致股东的信1978年巴菲特致股东的信1979年巴菲特致股东的信1980年巴菲特致股东的信1981年巴菲特致股东的信1982年巴菲特致股东的信1983年巴菲特致股东的信1984年巴菲特致股东的信1985年巴菲特致股东的信1986年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1986年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1987年巴菲特致股东的信1988年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1988年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1989年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1989年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1990年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1990年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1991年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1991年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1992年巴菲特致股东的信1993年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1993年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1994年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1994年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1995年巴菲特致股东的信1996年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1997年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1997年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1998年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1998年巴菲特致股东的信(下)1999年巴菲特致股东的信(上)1999年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2000年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2000年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2001年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2001年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2002年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2002年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2003年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2003年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2004年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2004年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2005年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2005年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2006年巴菲特致股东的信(上) 2006年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2007年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2007年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2008年巴菲特致股东的信(上) 2008年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2009年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2009年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2010年巴菲特致股东的信2011年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2011年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2012年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2013年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2013年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2014年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2014年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2015年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2015年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2016年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2016年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2017年巴菲特致股东的信(上)2017年巴菲特致股东的信(下)2018年巴菲特致股东的信2019年巴菲特致股东的信2020年巴菲特致股东的信2021年巴菲特致股东的信相关合集链接:投资名家访谈录(持续更新)。
除非是特殊的情况(比如说负债比例特别高或是账上持有重大资产未予重估),否则我们认为股东权益报酬率(return on equitycapital)应该是衡量管理当局表现比较合理的指标。
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Buffett’s Letters To Berkshire Shareholders 1977巴菲特致股东的信 1977年Operating earnings in 1977 of $21,904,000, or $22.54 per share, were moderately better than anticipated a year ago. Of these earnings, $1.43 per share resulted from substantial realized capital gains by Blue Chip Stamps which, to the extent of our proportional interest in that company, are included in our operating earnings figure. Capital gains or losses realized directly by Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or its insurance subsidiaries are not included in our calculation of operating earnings. While too much attention should not be paid to the figure for any single year, over the longer term the record regarding aggregate capital gains or losses obviously is of significance. 1977年本公司的营业净利为2,190万美元,每股约当22.54美元,表现较年前的预期稍微好一点,在这些盈余中,每股有1.43美元的盈余,系蓝筹邮票大量实现的资本利得,本公司依照投资比例认列投资收益所贡献,至于伯克希尔本身及其保险子公司已实现的资本利得或损失,则不列入营业利益计算,建议大家不必太在意单一期间的盈余数字,因为长期累积的资本利得或损失才是真正的重点所在。
Textile operations came in well below forecast, while the results of the Illinois National Bank as well as the operating earnings attributable to our equity interest in Blue Chip Stamps were about as anticipated. However, insurance operations, led again by the truly outstanding results of Phil Liesche’s managerial group at National Indemnity Company, were even better than our optimistic expectations. 纺织事业的表现远低于预估,至于伊利诺国家银行的成绩以及蓝筹邮票贡献给我们的投资利益则大致如预期,另外,由Phil Liesche领导的国家产险保险业务的表现甚至比我们当初最乐观的期望还要好。
Most companies define “record” earnings as a new high in earnings per share. Since businesses customarily add from year to year to their equity base, we find nothing particularly noteworthy in a management performance combining, say, a 10% increase in equity capital and a 5% increase in earnings per share. After all, even a totally dormant savings account will produce steadily rising interest earnings each year because of compounding. 通常公司会宣称每股盈余又创下历史新高,然而由于公司的资本会随着盈余的累积扩增,所以我们并不认为这样的经营表现有什么大不了的,比如说每年股本扩充10%或是每股盈余成长5%等等,毕竟就算是静止不动的定存帐户,由于复利的关系每年都可稳定地产生同样的效果。
Except for special cases (for example, companies with unusual debt-equity ratios or those with important assets carried at unrealistic balance sheet values), we believe a more appropriate measure of managerial economic performance to be return on equity capital. In 1977 our operating earnings on beginning equity capital amounted to 19%, slightly better than last year and above both our own long-term average and that of American industry in aggregate. But, while our operating earnings per share were up 37% from the year before, our beginning capital was up 24%, making the 除非是特殊的情况(比如说负债比例特别高或是帐上持有重大资产未予重估),否则我们认为 “股东权益报酬率”应该是衡量管理当局表现比较合理的指针,1997年我们期初股东权益的报酬率约为19%,这比去年同期稍微好一点,但远高于本身过去长期以及当年美国企业整体的平均数,所以虽然我们每股的盈余成长了37%,但由于期初的资本也增加了34%,这使得我们实际的表现并没有想象中那么gain in earnings per share considerably less impressivethan it might appear at first glance.好。
We expect difficulty in matching our 1977 rate of return during the forthcoming year. Beginning equity capital is up 23% from a year ago, and we expect the trend of insurance underwriting profit margins to turn down well before the end of the year. Nevertheless, we expect a reasonably good year and our present estimate, subject to the usual caveats regarding the frailties of forecasts, is that operating earnings will improve somewhat on a per share basis during 1978. 我们预期未来年度将很难再达到1977年这样的报酬率水准,一方面是因为期初资本又增加了23%,一方面我们预期保险核保利润率会在年底以前开始反转,尽管如此,大家还是可以期待丰收的一年,而我们现在的估计是,虽然预测有其先天上的限制,我认为每股营业利益在1978年应该还有些许成长的空间。
Textile Operations 纺织事业The textile business again had a very poor year in 1977. We have mistakenly predicted better results in each of the last two years. This may say something about our forecasting abilities, the nature of the textile industry, or both. Despite strenuous efforts, problems in marketing and manufacturing have persisted. Many difficulties experienced in the marketing area are due primarily to industry conditions, but some of the problems have been of our own making. 1977年纺织事业的表现依旧低迷不振,过去两年我们乐观的预期纷纷落空,这或许也说明了我们预测能力的薄弱,或是纺织产业的本质,尽管一再地努力与挣扎,行销与制造的问题依旧存在,虽然市场上面临的困境与产业情势相关,但也有不少问题是我们自己造成。
A few shareholders have questioned the wisdom of remaining in the textile business which, over the longer term, is unlikely to produce returns on capital comparable to those available in many other businesses. Our reasons are several: (1) Our mills in both New Bedford and Manchester are among the largest employers in each town, utilizing a labor force of high average age possessing relatively non-transferable skills. Our workers and unions have exhibited unusual understanding and effort in cooperating with management to achieve a cost structure and product mix which might allow us to maintain a viable operation. (2) Management also has been energetic and straightforward in its approach to our textile problems. In particular, Ken Chace’s efforts after the change in corporate control took place in 1965 generated capital from the textile division needed to finance the acquisition and expansion of our profitable insurance operation. (3) With hard work and some imagination regarding manufacturing and marketing configurations, it seems reasonable that at least modest profits in the textile division can be achieved in the future. 部份股东开始质疑我们是否应该继续留在纺织产业,虽然就长期而言其投资报酬率明显低于其它的投资,但我们的理由有以下几个:(1)我们在纽贝福及Manchester的工厂都是当地最大的聘雇业者,员工的年龄偏高,缺乏转换工作的能力,同时我们的员工及其公会也已经尽其所能地与经营阶层配合努力改善成本结构及产品组合,以使我们的经营得以维持下去(2)管理阶层也相当努力同时坦承面对产业的问题,尤其是在1965年经营权易主后,Ken Chace依然尽力尽力地协助我们把纺织部门产生稳定的资金流入转到获利更加的保险事业投资与购并之上(3)努力工作加上对制造与行销组合的乐观预期,我们的纺织事业在未来看起来应该可以维持一个起码的利润空间。