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外文题目:For perfect agreement divorce system





The family is the basic factor of society, the increasing divorce means that familyinstability, instability of the family will lead to social instability, thus, divorce is no longer merely personal and family problems, but social problems. Chinesedivorce system is divided into the agreement divorce and divorce proceedings in two categories, the divorce agreement is mainly asked both sides to reach a consensus, and on their children and property management. The grounds for divorce is the core content of the referee of the divorce legislation, is one party of the couple files for divorce is the legal reasons, the court's judgment whether to allow divorce law according to the. In recent years, China's divorce rate is soaring, more and more attention. Divorce by agreement system is an important system in the marriage law. China's first "marriage law" established a divorce by agreement system, with the perfect legal system of marriage, also has the perfect our country the divorce agreement, but the agreement divorce system objectivelyalso brought some social problems, there are some defects, so the analysis of China's divorce by agreement system deficiencies, learn from the foreign divorce by agreement system and these to improve our divorce by agreement systemhas a very important significance.

Keywords:divorce agreement;program;free;limit


前言 (1)

1 我国协议离婚制度的不足之处 (2)

1.1 协议离婚的实质要件规定不够清晰明确 (2)

1.2 高度自由的离婚制度 (2)

1.3 未成年子女的利益未能得到充分保护 (2)

1.4 对于无效协议离婚行为以及可撤销协议离婚行为未作出具体法律规定 (3)

2 国外关于协议离婚要件规定 (4)

2.1 协议离婚的条件 (4)

2.2 协议离婚的限制性规定 (5)

3 完善我国协议离婚制度 (6)

3.1 适当限制协议离婚的自由 (6)

3.2 应当加大对未成年子女的利益保护 (7)

3.3 增加对离婚协议的实质审查 (7)

3.4 对无效协议离婚行为和可撤销协议离婚行为作出法律规定 (8)

结论 (9)

致谢 (10)

参考文献 (11)


