
第一章:软件工程概述1.1 问题1. 什么是软件工程?答:软件工程是一种应用工程原理、方法和工具来开发和维护高质量软件的学科。
1.2 问题1. 什么是软件?答:软件是一系列按照特定顺序组织的计算机数据和指令。
第二章:软件过程模型2.1 问题1. 软件过程模型有哪些类型?答:常见的软件过程模型包括瀑布模型、迭代模型、螺旋模型和敏捷开发模型等。
2.2 问题1. 瀑布模型的特点是什么?答:瀑布模型是一种线性顺序模型,以阶段划分为基础,每个阶段的任务在进入下一个阶段前必须完成。
第三章:需求分析与规格说明3.1 问题1. 软件需求描述包括哪些方面的内容?答:软件需求描述需要包括功能性需求、非功能性需求、用户需求和系统需求等。
3.2 问题1. 什么是需求跟踪?答:需求跟踪是指在软件开发过程中,通过建立需求和软件项目中其他相关工件之间的关联,确保需求的准确实现和变更的有效管理。
第四章:软件设计4.1 问题1. 软件设计的目标是什么?答:软件设计的目标是通过确定软件的整体结构和组成部分,确保软件满足需求并具有良好的可维护性和可重用性。
第五章:软件测试与维护5.1 问题1. 什么是软件测试?答:软件测试是一种评估和改进软件质量的过程,目的是发现错误并提高软件的可靠性和可用性。
5.2 问题1. 什么是软件维护?答:软件维护是指在软件交付后的整个生命周期中对软件进行修改和改进,以满足用户需求和修复错误。
第六章:软件配置管理6.1 问题1. 软件配置管理的目标是什么?答:软件配置管理的目标是确保软件在开发和维护过程中的可控性和可追踪性,以及保持软件配置的稳定性和一致性。
6.2 问题1. 软件版本控制是什么?答:软件版本控制是指对软件的不同版本进行管理,包括版本的创建、检出、合并和更新等操作。

2.什么缘故会产生软件危机?(1) 开发人员方面,对软件产品缺乏正确认识,没有真正明白得软件产品是一个完整的配置组成。
(2) 软件本身方面,关于运算机系统来讲,软件是逻辑部件,软件开发过程没有统一的、公认的方法论和规范指导,造成软件爱护困难。
(3) 专门是随着软件规模越来越大,复杂程度越来越高,原有软件开发方式效率不高、质量不能保证、成本过高、研制周期不易估量、爱护困难等一系列咨询题更为突出,技术的进展差不多远远不能适应社会需求。
3.如何样克服软件危机?(1) 充分吸取和借鉴人类长期以来从事各种工程项目中积存的行之有效的有效原理、概念、技术与方法,专门是吸取几十年来人类从事运算机硬件研究和开发的体会教训。
(2) 推广在实践中总结出来的开发软件的成功的技术和方法,并研究更好、更有效的技术和方法,尽快克服在运算机系统早期进展时期形成的一些错误概念和作法。
(3) 按照不同的应用领域,开发更好的软件工具并使用这些工具。

电话号码=[校内电话号码|校外电话号码] 校内电话号码=非零数字+ 3 位数字 //后面继续定义 校外电话号码=[本市号码|外地号码] 本市号码=数字零+8位数字 外地号码=数字零+3位数字+8位数字 非零数字=[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9] 数字零=0 3位数字=3{数字}3 //3至3个数字 8位数字=非零数字+7位数字 7位数字=7{数字}7 数字=[0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]
从问题陈述可知,本系统数据源点是“病人”和“护士”,他 们分别提供生理信号和要求病情报告的信息。进一步分析 问题陈述,从系统应该“定时记录病人情况以形成患者日 志”这项要求可以想到,还应该有一个提供日期和时间信 息的“时钟”作为数据源点。
2-4 医院对患者2监护系统的基本要求是随时接收每个病人 的生理信号(脉搏、体温、血压、心电图等),定时记录病 人情况以形成患者日志,当某个病人的生理信号超出医生 规定的安全范围时向值班护士发出警告信息,此外,护士 在需要时还可以要求系统印出某个指定病人的病情报告。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

课后练习题答案序-—练习题一、回答问题:1.项目集成管理(Project Integration Management)是什么?➢集成项目管理是项目成功的关键,它贯穿了项目的全过程,包括从初始、计划、执行、管理到结束等过程。
3.项目成本管理(Project Cost management)包括哪些过程?➢项目成本管理(Project Cost management)包括成本估算(Cost estimating),成本预算(Cost budgeting),成本控制(Cost control)等过程。
(√)8.项目管理核心的三角形是范围、进度、风险.()9.过程管理与项目管理在软件组织中是两项最为重要的管理,项目管理用于保证项目的成功,而过程管理用于管理最佳实践.(√)10.运作管理(Operation Management)是从宏观上帮助企业明确和把握企业发展方向的管理。
(×)第一章练习题一、名词解释1.项目章程➢项目章程(project charter)是指项目执行组织高层批准的一份以书面签署的确认项目存在的文件,包括对项目的确认、对项目经理的授权和项目目标的概述等。


软件⼯程课后习题答案习题答案习题⼀答案⼀、选择题1. 软件的主要特性是(A B C)。
A) ⽆形 B) ⾼成本C) 包括程序和⽂档D) 可独⽴构成计算机系统2. 软件⼯程三要素是(C D)。
A) 技术、⽅法和⼯具B) ⽅法、⼯具和过程C) ⽅法、对象和类D) 过程、模型、⽅法3. 包含风险分析的软件⼯程模型是(A)。
A) 螺旋模型 B) 瀑布模型C) 增量模型 D) 喷泉模型4. 软件⼯程的主要⽬标是(C)。
A) 软件需求B) 软件设计C) 风险分析D) 软件实现5. 下列属于⾯向对象开发⽅法的是(A B C D)。
A) Booch B) UML C) Coad D) OMT6. 软件危机的主要表现是(B D)。
A) 软件成本太⾼B) 软件产品的质量低劣C) 软件开发⼈员明显不⾜D) 软件⽣产率低下7. 软件开发⽅法的主要⼯作模型有(A B C)A) 螺旋模型B) 循环模型C) 瀑布模型D) 专家模型8. 软件⼯程的⽬标有(A B C)。
A) 易于维护B) 低的开发成本C) ⾼性能D) 短的开发期9. 软件⼯程学的⽬的和意义是( )。
A) 应⽤科学的⽅法和⼯程化的规范管理来指导软件开发B) 克服软件危机C) 作好软件开发的培训⼯作D) 以较低的成本开发出⾼质量的软件⼆、判断题1. 软件就是程序,编写软件就是编写程序。
(×)2. 瀑布模型的最⼤优点是将软件开发的各个阶段划分得⼗分清晰。
(×)3. 结构化⽅法的⼯作模型是使⽤螺旋模型进⾏开发。
(×)4. 结构化⽅法和JSP⽅法都不适合于⼤型软件的开发。
(√)5. 原型化开发⽅法包括⽣成原型和实现原型两个步骤。
(×)6. ⾯向对象的开发⽅法包括⾯向对象的分析、⾯向对象的设计和⾯向对象的程序设计。
( √)7. 软件危机的主要表现是软件的需求量迅速增加,软件价格上升。
(×)8. 软件⼯具的作⽤是为了延长软件产品的寿命。

2.为什么会产生软件危机?(1) 开发人员方面,对软件产品缺乏正确认识,没有真正理解软件产品是一个完整的配置组成。
(2) 软件本身方面,对于计算机系统来说,软件是逻辑部件,软件开发过程没有统一的、公认的方法论和规范指导,造成软件维护困难。
(3) 尤其是随着软件规模越来越大,复杂程度越来越高,原有软件开发方式效率不高、质量不能保证、成本过高、研制周期不易估计、维护困难等一系列问题更为突出,技术的发展已经远远不能适应社会需求。
+ 软件工程方法学5.什么是软件生存周期?软件生存周期是指从软件定义、开发、使用、维护到淘汰的全过程。
6.软件生存周期为什么划分成阶段?(1) 任何一个阶段的具体任务不仅独立,而且简单,便于不同人员分工协作,从而降低整个软件开发工作的困难程度。
(2) 可以降低每个阶段任务的复杂程度,简化不同阶段的联系,有利于工程的组织管理,也便于采用良好的技术方法。
(3) 使软件开发的全过程以一种有条不紊的方式进行,保证软件的质量,特别是提高了软件的可维护性。
Software Engineering第8版《软件工程》课后习题答案

Software Engineering8th editionSolutions to selected exercisesThese solutions are made available for instructional purposes only. They may only be distributed to students and it is a condition of distribution that they are only distributed by accredited instructors using ‘Software Engineering, 8th edition’ as a textbook.. The solutions may be made available to students on a password-protected intranet but must not be made available on a publicly-accessible WWW server.Solutions to the exercises are organised by chapter and I have provided solutions for 6 or 7 exercises for each chapter in the book. In some cases, where the material is likely to be unfamiliar or where I have found students to have particular difficulties, a larger number of solutions are given. Overall, I have provided solutions for about 60% of the exercises. For exercises concerned with ethical issues, there are of course, no definitive solutions. For these exercises, I have included issues that might be addressed.However, the solutions here are simply indications of what might be expected from students attempting the exercises. Many of the exercises have been deliberately designed so that they may be adapted to local situations; therefore they are not specified in a rigid way. Instructors, therefore, may use these solutions as a guide but many other possible, equally valid, solutions may also be generated.There are still a small number of chapters where there are fewer than 6 solutions to exercises. These additional solutions will be available in the next release of this document in October 2006.NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONChapter 1 IntroductionSolutions provided for Exercises 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and essential difference is that in generic software product development, the specification isowned by the product developer. For custom product development, the specification is owned by the customer. Of course, there may be differences in development processes but this is not necessarily the case.1.3For important attributes are maintainability, dependability, performance and usability. Otherattributes that may be significant could be reusability (can it be reused in other applications), distributability (can it be distributed over a network of processors), portability (can it operate on multiple platforms) and inter-operability (can it work with a wide range of other softwaresystems). Decompositions of the 4 key attributes e.g. dependability decomposes to security,safety, availability, etc. are also possible answers.1.4 A software process is what actually goes on when software is developed. A software processmodel is an abstraction and simplification of a process. Process models can be used to helpunderstand real processes and to identify which aspects of these processes could be supported by CASE tools.1.6Method support provided by CASE tools:Editors for specific graphical notations u sedChecking of the 'rules' and guidelines of the methodAdvice to tool users on what to do nextMaintenance of a data dictionary - all names used in the systemAutomatic generation of skeleton code from the system modelsGeneration of reports on the design1.7Problems and challenges for software engineeringDeveloping systems for multicultural useDeveloping systems that can be adapted quickly to new business needsDesigning systems for outsourced developmentDeveloping systems that are resistant to attackDeveloping systems that can be adapted and configured by end-usersFinding ways of testing, validating and maintaining end-user developed systems There are obviously lots of other problems that could be mentioned here.1.9 Advantages of certification•Certification is a signal to employers of some minimum level of competence. •Certification improves the public image of the profession.•Certification generally means establishing and checking educational standards and is thereforea mechanism for ensuring course quality.•Certification implies responsibility in the event of disputes.Certifying body is likely to be accepted at a national and international level as ‘speaking forthe profession’.•Certification may increase the status of software engineers and attract particularly able people into the profession.Disadvantages of certification•Certification tends to lead to protectionism where certified members tend not to protect others from criticism.•Certification does not guarantee competence merely that a minimum standard was reached at the time of certification.•Certification is expensive and will increase costs to individuals and organisations. •Certification tends to stultify change. This is a particular problem in an area where technology developments are very rapid.These are possible discussion points - any discussion on this will tend to be wide ranging and touch on other issues such as the nature of professionalism, etc.NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONChapter 2 Computer-based system engineeringSolutions provided for Exercises 2.1, 2,2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, and systems in the system's environment can have unanticipated effects because they haverelationships with the system over and above whatever formal relationships (e.g. dataexchange) are defined in the system specification. For example, the system may share anelectrical power supply and air conditioning unit, they may be located in the same room (so if there is a fire in one system then the other will be affected) etc.2.2This is an inherently wicked problem because of the uncertainties associated with theproblem. It is impossible to anticipate exactly when and where a disaster will occur, thenumbers of people involved, the effects on the environment, the technology available to theemergency services, etc. Planning can only be in very general terms and detailed softwarespecifications to cope with specific situations are almost impossible to write.2.3When a car is decommissioned, not all of its parts are worn out. Software systems can beinstalled in the car to monitor the different parts and to compute the lifetime which they arelikely to have left. When the car is to be decommissioned, the parts which can potentially bereused can then easily be discovered.2.4An overall architectural description should be produced to identify sub-systems making up thesystem. Once these have been identified, they may be specified in parallel with other systems and the interfaces between sub-systems defined.2.6The key features of the solution are:•Database with different types of data•Video control system•Operator console system•River data collection•Weather system links•Communication control systemSee Figure issues covered in the solution might be:•Museums are conservative places and some staff may resent the introduction of new technology.•Existing museum staff may be asked to deal with problems of the equipment not working and may not wish to appear unable to deal with this.•Other areas of the museum may oppose the system because they see it as diverting resources from their work.•Different museums may have different preferred suppliers for the equipment so that all equipment used is not identical thus causing support problems.•The new displays take up a lot of space and this displaces other displays. The maintainers of these displays may oppose the introduction of the system.•Some museums may have no mechanism for providing technical support for the system.NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONiver sensorsOperator displaysOperator displaymanagerComms controllerContacts data Sensor data collectionWeather info systemResources dataTide tables Site dataRiver data Weather dataMet office.Other servicesSystem databaseFigure 2.1 Block diagram of the flood control system2.8Legacy systems may be critical for the successful operation of a business for two basic reasons • They may be an intrinsic part of one or more processes which are fundamental to the operation of a business. For example, a university has a student admissions process and systems which support this are critical. They must be maintained.• They may incorporate organisational and business knowledge which is simply notdocumented elsewhere. For example, exceptions on student admissions may simply have been coded directly into the system with no paper record of these. Without this system, the organisation loses valuable knowledge.Camera controlsystemcamerasVideo monitorsVide Video switcherOperator communications (phone, radio, etc)Chapter 3 Critical systemsSolutions provided for Exercises 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10 and reasons why dependability is important are:a)Users may not use the system if they don't trust it.b)System failure may lead to a loss of business.c)An undependable system may lose or damage valuable data.d)An undependable system may damage its external environment.d)The reputation of the company who produced the system may be damaged hence affectingother systems.e)The system may be in breach of laws on consumer protection and the fitness of goods forpurpose.3.5Internet server: Availability as failure of availability affects a large number of people,reputation of the supplier and hence its current and future income.A computer-controlled scalpel: Safety as safety-related failures can cause harm to the patient.A directional control system: Reliability as mission failure could result from failure of thesystem to perform to specification.An personal finance management system: Security because of potential losses to users.3.6Possible domestic appliances that may include safety-critical software include:Microwave ovenPower tools such as a drill or electric sawLawnmowerCentral heating furnaceGarbage disposal unitFood processor or blender3.7Ensuring system reliability does not necessarily lead to system safety as reliability isconcerned with meeting the system specification (the system 'shall') whereas safety isconcerned with excluding the possibility of dangerous behavior (the system 'shall not'). If the specification does not explicitly exclude dangerous behavior then a system can be reliable but unsafe.3.8Possible hazard is delivery of too much radiation to a patient. This can arise because of asystem failure where a dose greater than the specified dose is delivered or an operator failurewhere the dose to be delivered is wrongly input.Possible software features to guard against system failure are the delivery of radiation inincrements with a operator display showing the dose delivered and the requirement that theoperator confirm the delivery of the next increment. To reduce the probability of operatorerror, there could be a feature that requires confirmation of the dose to be delivered and thatcompares this to previous doses delivered to that patient. Alternatively, two differentoperators could be required to independently input the dose before the machine could operate.3.10An attack is an exploitation of a system vulnerability. A threat is a circumstance that hasthe potential to cause loss or harm. An attack can lead to a threat if the exploitation of thevulnerability leads to a threat. However, some attacks can be successful but do not lead tothreats as other system features protect the system.3.11The ethics of delivery of a faulty system are complex. We know that this happens all the time,especially with software. Issues that might be discussed include the probability of the faultoccurring and the consequences of the fault – if the fault has potentially seriousconsequences then the decision may be different than if it is a minor, easily recoverable fault.Other issues are the price charged for the system (if its low, then what level of quality is itreasonable for the customer to expect). The recovery mechanisms built into the system and the compensation mechanisms that are in place if consequential damage occurs. Making thecustomer aware of the fault is the honest decision to make but may be unwise from a business perspective.Claims about the reliability of the software should not be made in such circumstances as thesoftware provider does not know how the software will be used and so cannot estimate theprobability of occurrence of the fault.NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONChapter 4 Software processesSolutions provided for Exercises 4.1, 4.3, 4.7, 4.9, 4.10 and Anti-lock braking system Safety-critical system so method based on formaltransformations with proofs of equivalence between each stage.(b)Virtual reality system System whose requirements cannot be predicted in advance soexploratory programming model is appropriate.(c)University accounting system System whose requirements should be stable because ofexisting system therefore waterfall model is appropriate.(d)Interactive timetable System with a complex user interface but which must be stable andreliable. Should be based on throw-away prototyping to find requirements then eitherincremental development or waterfall model.4.3The waterfall model is accommodated where there is a low specification risk and no need forprototyping etc. for risk resolution. The activities in the 2nd quadrant of the spiral model areskipped. The prototyping model is accommodated when the specification phase is limited and the prototyping (risk resolution) phase predominates. The activities in the 3rd quadrant of the spiral model are skipped or reduced in scope.4.4Solution to be added.4.7 Components of a design method are:A defined set of system modelsRules that apply to these modelsGuidelines for design 'good practice'A model of the design processFormats for reports on the design4.9Systems must change because as they are installed in an environment the environment adaptsto them and this adaptation naturally generates new/different system requirements.Furthermore, the system's environment is dynamic and constantly generates new requirements as a consequence of changes to the business, business goals and business policies. Unless the system is adapted to reflect these requirements, its facilities will become out-of-step with thefacilities needed to support the business and, hence, it will become less useful.4.10 A classification scheme can be helpful for system procurement because it helps identify gapsin the CASE tool coverage in an organisation. Procurement may be aimed at filling thesegaps. Alternatively, a classification scheme may be used to find tools which support a rangeof activities - these may represent the most cost effective purchases if funds are limited.4.12 There are obviously different views here and a lot depends on the development of CASEtechnology in the future. A major difference between the introduction of CASE technologyand, for example, the introduction of CAD technology which made draftsmen redundant, isthat the routine elements in the design and development of software are relatively minor parts of the whole development process. Therefore, savings are not that large. However, if AItechnology develops so that truly intelligent tools can be developed than, obviously, thissituation will change.Chapter 5 Project managementSolutions provided for Exercises 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.9,5.10 and activities such as proposal writing, project planning and personnel selectionrequire a set of skills including presentation and communication skills, organisational skillsand the ability to communicate with other project team members. Programming skills aredistinct from these (indeed, it is a common criticism of programmers that they lack humancommunication skills) so it does not follow that good programmers can re-orient theirabilities to be good managers.5.3Project planning can only be based on available information. At the beginning of a project,there are many uncertainties in the available information and some information about theproject and the product may not be available. As the project develops, more and moreinformation becomes available and uncertainties are resolved. The project plan therefore must be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect this changing information e nvironment.5.6 The activity chart and bar chart are shown as Figures 5.1 and possible risks are:Technology: Communications network saturates before expected transaction limit is reached.People: Level of skill of available people is lower than expected.Organisational: Organisational changes mean that the project schedule is accelerated.Tools: CASE tools cannot handle the volume of data available for large systems.Requirements: New non-functional requirements are introduced that require changes to thesystem architecture.Estimation: The difficult of the software is underestimated.15M2M11010T1T320M4T4Start10T5M520 35T7 M7 T8 M8M315 15T9M635M910T14M1420T1510M122010M15 T16FinishFigure 5.1 Activity chart 5T10M10T12T11T2T13T6NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONFigure 5.2 Task bar chartStart M2 M M7 1 M8T14M14 M1 T16T15T12M10 T110 T M9 T8T9 M6 T7T6 T13 3 M4T2M5M1 T5T4 T1 Finish5 1/9/991/8/99 1/7/99 1/6/99 1/5/99 1/4/99 1/2/99 1/3/99 1/1/99 T35.10Fixed price contracts increase the chances of product risks because they remove options fromthe development process. Because the contract is fixed-price, the contractor is naturallyreluctant to increase the effort or time expended on the project as this will reduce their profits on the work. Therefore, if problems arise they will look for ways to reduce the scope of theproduct or to reduce the costs of product development (e.g. by reducing the effort devoted to testing). Both of these factors can lead to products that are not as expected by the customer.5.11Issues which might be covered include the problems of finding a balance between family lifeand organisational demands, whether or organisations should expect people to behave asprofessionals. This perhaps implies working the number of hours required to complete some job but also implies that engineers should have a degree of autonomy about how they arrange their working lives (e.g. they may choose to work from home or their own working hours).Factors which affect this decision might be the financial state of the company, the generalcompany culture and attitude, the availability of alternative local employment, particularpersonal circumstances (e.g. are people single parents, do they have babies which don’t sleep well, etc.)NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONChapter 6 Software requirementsSolutions provided for Exercises 6.1, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 and Functional requirements that specify some services or functionality to be provided by thesystem.Non-functional requirements that define operational constraints on the behaviour of thesystemDesign requirements that define constraints on the system design and implementationProcess requirements that define constraints on the system development process.6.3 Ambiguities and omissions include:•Can a customer buy several tickets for the same destination together or must they be bought one at a time?•Can customers cancel a request if a mistake has been made?•How should the system respond if an invalid card is input?•What happens if customers try to put their card in before selecting a destination (as they would in ATM machines)?•Must the user press the start button again if they wish to buy another ticket to a different destination?•Should the system only sell tickets between the station where the machine is situated and direct connections or should it include all possible destinations?6.6Note that Figure 6.1 is a top-level requirements definition for the whole system. Figures 6.2and 6.3 are more detailed function definitions.NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION3.If the amount breaches either of these limits, then a message is issued which tells thecustomer of the maximum amount allowed and the transaction is cancelled.4.If the amount is within limits, the requested cash should be dispensed5.The customer’s account b alance and daily card limit should be reduced by the amount ofcash dispensed.Specification : ATM/Customer functionality/FS. Section 2.1The customer inputs the amount of cash requiredThe system checks this against daily card limits and the customer’s overdraft limit. to customers. The amount is requested by the customer but the system may reduce this amount if the customer’s daily limit or overdraft limit is reached. 2.1.1 The sequence of actions to dispense cash should be:1. 2. 2.1 The system must provide a facility which allows a specified amount to cash to be issued Dispensing cash2. 7.2.1 The system shall provide a user-activated facility which checks the spelling of words in the document against spellings in the system dictionary and user-supplied dictionaries.Spell checking7.2Figure 6.1 Requirements for a fuel delivery systemFigure 6.2 ATM system - cash dispensing1. Fuel delivery system1.1 The system should provide an unattended fuel delivery service where a specified amount of fuel is delivered to customers, The cost is deducted from the customer’s credit card account. 1.2 The sequence of actions to dispense fuel should be:1. The customer selects the type of fuel to be delivered.2. The customer inputs either a cash limit or a maximum amount of fuel to be delivered3. The customer validates the transaction by providing credit card account d etails.Rationale : The amount of fuel a llowed depends on the credit limit but customers may wish to ‘fill up’ rather than have a specified amount of fuel. By specifying a maximum, the system can check if credit is available. Note that the definition does not set out how credit card details should be provided.4. The pump is activated and fuel is delivered, under customer control.5. The transaction is terminated either when the pump nozzle is returned to its holster for 15 seconds or when the customers fuel or cash limit is reached.Rationale : Termination should not be immediate when the nozzle is returned as the customer may wish to restart the transaction e.g. to fill a fuel can as well as the car fuel tank. If a pump display is available, it may be appropriate to issue a ‘Please wait for your receipt’ message.6. A receipt is printed for the customer.7. The fuel stock is updated. Specification : PUMP_SYS/FS. Section 1Figure 6.3 Spell checking 6.7There are many possibilities here. Some suggestions are shown in Figure 6.4.Non-functional requirement DescriptionExamplesPerformancePerformance requirements set out limits to the performance expected of the system. These may be expressed in differentways depending on the type of system e.g. number of transactions processed per second, response time to user requests, etc.The system must process at least 150 transactions per second.The maximum response time for any user request should be 2 seconds. ImplementationDefines specific standards or methods which must be used in the development process for the system The system design must be developed using an object-oriented approach based on the UML process.The system must be implemented in C++, Version 3.0.UsabilityDefines requirements which relate to the usability of the system by end-users. All operations which are potentially destructive must include an undo facility which allows users to reverse their action.(This is an example of a functionalrequirement which is associated with a non- functional requirement)All operations which are potentiallydestructive must be highlighted in red in the system user interface.SafetySafety requirements are concerned with the overall safe operation of the systemThe system must be certified according to Health and Safety Regulations XYZ 123. Figure 6.4 Non-functional requirements7.2.3 When a word is discovered which is not in the dictionary, the system should propose 10alternative words based on a match between the word found and those in the dictionaries.Specification : NewWP/Tools/FS. Section 7.2Ignore this instance of the word Ignore all instances of the wordReplace the word with a suggested word from the dictionary Replace the word with user-supplied textIgnore this instance and add the word to a specified dictionarybe issued with the following options:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.2.2 When a word is found in the document which is not in any dictionary, a user query should6.8Possible non-functional requirements for the ticket issuing system include:1.Between 0600 and 2300 in any one day, the total system down time should not exceed 5minutes.2.Between 0600 and 2300 in any one day, the recovery time after a system failure shouldnot exceed 2 minutes.3.Between 2300 and 0600 in any one day, the total system down time should not exceed20 minutes.All these are availability requirements – note that these vary according to the time of day.Failures when most people are traveling are less acceptable than failures when there are fewcustomers.4.After the customer presses a button on the machine, the display should be updated within0.5 seconds.5.The ticket issuing time after credit card validation has been received should not exceed 10seconds.6.When validating credit cards, the display should provide a status message for customersindicating that activity is taking place.This tells customer that the potentially time consuming activity of validation is still inprogress and that the system has not simply failed.7.The maximum acceptable failure rate for ticket issue requests is 1: 10000.Note that this is really ROCOF. I have not specified the acceptable number of incorrect tickets as this depends on whether or not the system includes trace facilities that allow customerrequests to be logged. If so, a relatively high failure rate is acceptable as customers cancomplain and get refunds. If not, only a very low failure rate is acceptable.6.9Keeping track of the relationships between functional and non-functional requirements isdifficult because non-functional requirements are sometimes system level requirements ratherthan requirements which are specific to a single function or group of functions.One approach that can be used is to explicitly identify system-level non-functionalrequirements and list them separately. All system requirements which are relevant for eachfunctional requirement should be listed. Then produce a table of requirements as shown inFigure 6.5.Figure 6.5 Functional and non-functional requirementsNotice that in this example, the system non-functional requirement would normally takeprecedence over the timing requirement which applied to the specific operation.NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTIONChapter 7 Requirements engineering processes Solutions provided for Exercises 7.1, 7.4, 7.6, and stakeholders in a student records system include:•University central administration including those responsible for registration, payment of fees, examinations and assessment and graduation.•The students whose details are recorded in the system.•University departmental administrators who supply information to the system and use information from it.•Academic staff who use information from the system.•Data protection officers (local and national).•Potential employers of students (who may require information from the system).7.2Solution to be added.7.3You can tackle this problem using a brainstorming approach. Obviously, there are manyalternatives to the solutions suggested here. Note the printing conflict is deliberate.Viewpoint: Library managerRequirement: Access to the LIBSYS system shall be restricted to accredited users of thelibrary.Requirement: The LIBSYS system shall provide a reporting facility that allows usagereports (who used the system, how often, what libraries were accessed) to be created andprinted.Requirement: The LIBSYS system shall be configured so that only document printing onspecific library servers is permitted.Viewpoint: UsersRequirement: The LIBSYS system shall be accessible from any location, includinglocations away from the university campus.Requirement: It shall be possible to save LIBSYS queries, recall them and modify themfor subsequent use.Requirement: The LIBSYS system shall allow documents to be printed on user printers.Viewpoint: System managersRequirement: The restart time of the LIBSYS system after failure shall not exceed 5minutes.Requirement: The LIBSYS system shall provide a backup facility for user’s personalworkspaces.Requirement: The LIBSYS system shall be available for a range of platforms includingWindows 2000, Windows XP and Mac OS X.7.4Important non-functional attributes for the cataloging services might be:•Availability (because the system may be required at any time)•Security (because the books data base musn’t be corrupted)•Efficiency (because the system must respond quickly to each transaction)For the browsing services, usability is also very important as these services should be easy to use without extensive training.。

软件工程课后习题:⏹What are the differences between generic software product development and custom software development?⏹Solution:The essential difference is that in generic software product development, the specification is owned by the product developer. For custom product development, the specification is owned by the customer. Of course, there may be differences in development processes but this is not necessarily the case.重要区别为:在通用软件的开发过程中,详细说明(规格说明书)由产品开发者来制定,在定制软件产品开发过程中,详细说明(规格说明书)由客户来制定。
⏹What are the four important attributes which all software products should have? Suggest four other attributes that may sometimes be significant.⏹Solution:For important attributes are maintainability可维护性,dependability 可靠性, performance(efficiency)有效性andusability可用性.Other attributes that may be significant could be reusability可复用性 (can it be reused in other applications),distributability 可分发性(can it be distributed over a networkof processors), portability可移植性 (can it operate onmultiple platforms) and inter-operability互用性 (can it workwith a wide range of other software systems).⏹What is the difference between a software process model and a software process? Suggest two ways in which a software process model might be helpful in identifying possible process improvements.⏹Solution:A software process is what actually goes on when software isdeveloped. A software process model is an abstraction andsimplification of a process. Process models can be used to helpunderstand real processes and to identify which aspects of theseprocesses could be supported by CASE tools. 软件过程就是指在软件开发过程中所做的一些事情。


第一章概述1.2 通用的软件产品开发和定制化软件开发之间最重要的区别是什么?这在实践中对于通用软件产品的用户意味着什么?根本区别在于,在通用软件产品开发中,规范由产品开发者拥有。
1.3 软件产品应该具有的4个重要属性是什么?另外举出4个可能有意义的属性。
对 4 个关键属性的分解,例如可靠性分解为安全性、安全性、可用性等,也是这个问题的有效答案。
1.4 除了异构性、企业和社会的变革、可信和信息安全之外,说一说软件工程在21世纪有可能面对的其他问题和挑战(提示:想一想环境)。

第8章面向对象设计(习题与参考答案)[选择题]1. ()面向对象设计是在分析模型的基础上,运用面向对象技术生成软件实现环境下的设计模型。
A. 真B. 假2. ()系统设计的主要任务是细化分析模型,最终形成系统的设计模型。
A. 真B. 假3. ()关系数据库可以完全支持面向对象的概念,面向对象设计中的类可以直接对应到关系数据库中的表。
A. 真B. 假4. ()用户界面设计对于一个系统的成功是至关重要的,一个设计得很差的用户界面可能导致用户拒绝使用该系统。
A. 真B. 假5. 内聚表示一个模块()的程度,耦合表示一个模块()的程度。
A. 可以被更加细化B. 仅关注在一件事情上C. 能够适时地完成其功能D. 联接其他模块和外部世界6. 良好设计的特征是()。
A. 模块之间呈现高耦合B. 实现分析模型中的所有需求C. 包括所有组件的测试用例D. 提供软件的完整描述E. 选项B和DF. 选项B、C和D7. ()是选择合适的解决方案策略,并将系统划分成若干子系统,从而建立整个系统的体系结构;( )细化原有的分析对象,确定一些新的对象、对每一个子系统接口和类进行准确详细的说明。
A. 系统设计B. 对象设计C. 数据库设计D.用户界面设计8.下面的( )界面设计原则不允许用户保持对计算机交互的控制。
A. 允许交互中断B. 允许交互操作取消C. 对临时用户隐藏技术内部信息D.只提供一种规定的方法完成任务[练习题]1. 面向对象设计与面向对象分析的区别是什么?设计包括哪些活动? 答案要点:面向对象分析是重点考虑系统“做什么”的问题,即运用面向对象方法对问题域进行分析和理解,建立系统的分析模型;面向对象设计重点考虑系统“怎样做”的问题,即在分析模型的基础上形成实现环境下的设计模型。
2. 3. 课程在类设计中,为什么建议使用set 方法和get 方法进行属性设置和读取? 答案要点:目的在于降低类之间的耦合度。

2.什么缘故会产生软件危机?(1) 开发人员方面,对软件产品缺乏正确认识,没有真正明白得软件产品是一个完整的配置组成。
(2) 软件本身方面,关于运算机系统来讲,软件是逻辑部件,软件开发过程没有统一的、公认的方法论和规范指导,造成软件爱护困难。
(3) 专门是随着软件规模越来越大,复杂程度越来越高,原有软件开发方式效率不高、质量不能保证、成本过高、研制周期不易估量、爱护困难等一系列咨询题更为突出,技术的进展差不多远远不能适应社会需求。
3.如何样克服软件危机?(1) 充分吸取和借鉴人类长期以来从事各种工程项目中积存的行之有效的有效原理、概念、技术与方法,专门是吸取几十年来人类从事运算机硬件研究和开发的体会教训。
(2) 推广在实践中总结出来的开发软件的成功的技术和方法,并研究更好、更有效的技术和方法,尽快克服在运算机系统早期进展时期形成的一些错误概念和作法。
(3) 按照不同的应用领域,开发更好的软件工具并使用这些工具。

P 0.00332 0.7219951974 73577679 7,127(美元)
如果一条指令为一个字长,则为使存储器装满程序共需 73,577,679条指令。
在上列公式中Y代表年份,M是存储容量(字数),P1和P2代 表价格。
基于上述假设可以比较计算机硬件和软件成本的变化趋势。 要求计算:
(1) 在1985年对计算机存储容量的需求估计是多少?如果字 长为16位,这个存储器的价格是多少?
(2) 假设在1985年一名程序员每天可开发出10条指令,程 序员的平均工资是每月4000美元。如果一条指令为一个 字长,计算使存储器装满程序所需用的成本。
P 0.048 0.7219851974 4474263 5,789(美元)
(2)如果一条指令的长度为一个字,则使存储器装满程序共 需4474263条指令。
在1985年一名程序员每天可开发出10条指令,如果每月 有20个工作日,则每人每月可开发出10×20条指令。
是: 4474263 22,371(人月) 200
程序员的月平均工资是4000美元, 开发出4474263条指
令的成本是 22371 4000 89,484,000(美元)
(3) 假设在1995年存储器字长为32位,一名程序员每天可 开发出30条指令,程序员的月平均工资为6000美元,重 复(1)、(2)题。

B. 适用于客户需求难以清楚定义的情况
C. 最适合于大规模团队开发的项目
D. 很难产生有意义产品的一种冒险模型
7. 演进式软件过程模型(
A. 本质上是迭代的
B. 可以很容易适应需求的变化
C. 通常不会抛弃所产生的系统
D. 以上所有选项
8. 螺旋模型(
A. 在软件产品发布时结束
B. 比增量模型更加混乱
(4) 形式化方法模型 项目举例:某公司开发一个汽车防抱死刹车控制系统。 选用分析:由于该系统对安全性和可靠性要求极高,需要在系统运行之前进行相关性能的检 验,因此适合采用形式化方法开发该系统。 阶段说明:略。
(5) 基于组件的开发模型 项目举例:某公司开发企业管理 ERP 系统,包括销售、库存、生产、财务、物流、人力资 源等部分,在系统实施过程中不同的企业具有一定的需求差异。 选用分析:企业 ERP 系统具有组件化的结构,在不同企业实施时应该尽量重用已有的组件, 因此适合采用基于组件的开发模型开发该系统,在直接应用或者修改使用的基础上,最终进 行组件开发和系统集成。 阶段说明:略。
A. 从来不为个人获利而窃取数据
B. 从来不散布或出售项目中自己工作的信息
C. 从来不故意毁坏或修改别人的程序、文件或数据
D. 从来不侵犯个人、小组或组织的隐私
E. 以上所有选项
答案要点: (1) 软件是人类思维和智能所延伸的产物,其数据、状态和逻辑关系的组合以及人类思维的 复杂性和不确定性导致它本身具有极高的复杂性; (2) 软件具有不可见性,它是抽象的,形式化和逻辑化的。 (3) 软件具有可变性,有用的软件需要不断地修改和扩展,但是频繁的修改可能导致软件的 退化;

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目前常见的群件产品有:IBM公司的lotus Note、Microsoft公司的Exchange Server 、Novell公司的Group Wise等4.计算机的软件是由哪几部分组成的,各自的作用是什么?软件由:软件程序(解题步骤)+数据(描述事物的属性和状态)+文档(功能性能的说明性信息)组成。
5. 什么是指针变量?指向数据的地址的变量。
8.一棵度为2的树与一棵二叉树有何区别?度为2的树:树的最大结点的度为2二叉树:不存在度大于2的结点.五种基本形态:空二叉树,仅有根节点的二叉树,左子树为空的二叉树,右子树为空的二叉树,左右子树均不为空的二叉数10.已知某二叉树的前序遍历序列为ABDEGCFHIJ,中序遍历为DBGEAHFIJC,写出该二叉树后序遍历的序列DGEBHJIFCA11.试用VC语言写出起泡排序的算法#include <stdio.h>int sort(int n){ int i,j,temp;for (i=1;i<n;i++)for (j=0;j<n-i;j++)if (a[j]>a[j+1]) {temp=a[j];a[j]=a[j+1];a[j+1]=temp;}}int main(void){ int i,n;scanf("%d",&n);int *a=new int[n];for (i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%d",&n);sort(n);for (i=0;i<n;i++)printf("%d ",a[i]);return 0;}12.试分别说明堆栈、队列和数组之间的相同于不同点。
5.用于多媒体计算机的外部设备有哪些,各有什么用途?音频设备:实现模拟音频与数字音频之间的转换视频设备: 存储光盘:6.多媒体应用系统的制作过程与一般应用系统的制作有什么不同?与传统的开发计算机应用程序方法不同,多媒体程序开发是一种现代计算机应用软件开发与创意相结合的崭新制作方式,也是人民正在实践与探索的研究课题。
第六章1.操作系统主要功能是什么?1)处理器管理 2)存储器管理3)设备管理 4)文件管理 5)作业管理。
11.常见的UXIX系统主要有哪些,各有什么特性?常见的UNIX系统:IBM公司的AIX系统、SUN的SunOS系统、HP公司的HP-UX系统、Compaq公司的Digital UNIX系统等常见UNIX系统的特性:Solaris:使用SUN公司自己的RISC芯片的工作站和服务器上。