中西方饮食文化差异(英文) PPT课件




Introduction to Regional Specialty Cuisine
Chinese cuisine has many regional specialties, such as Sichuan cuisine knowledge for its flavor and numbering flags, Cantonese cuisine knowledge for its light and fresh vegetables, and Beijing cuisine knowledge for its rich and healthy dishes
02 Ingredients selection and cooking methods
Main Western ingredients and cooking techniques
Key Western talents include while, before, day products, and variable vegetables and fruits
Economic and technological developments
Changes in economic conditions and technological advancements have affected food production, processing, and consumption patterns, leading to differences in dietary concepts
Characteristics of Chinese dietary concepts
Emphasis on overall balance

中西方饮食文化差异 PPT

中西方饮食文化差异 PPT

中国人用餐使用的是筷子,汤匙,吃饭用碗盛; 而西方人则是盘子盛食物,用刀即切即吃,喝汤则有 专门的汤匙。刀的最初起源和欧洲古代游牧民族 的生活习惯有关,他们马上生活随身带刀,往往将肉 烧熟,割下来就吃。中国人早在春秋战国时期就开 始使用筷子。筷子可说是人类手指的延伸,手指能 做的事它几乎都能做,而且不怕高温与寒冷。中国 以筷子取代餐桌上的刀叉,反映了学者以文化英雄 的优势胜过了西方的野蛮武士。一双筷子和一张 要滋味的嘴巴造就了富于中国特色的饮食文化。
一、 中西饮食文化 (一)中国的饮食文化
中国有着五千多年的历史,形成了灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化。中国 人注重“天人合一”。中国饮食以食表意,以物传情。中国的饮食文化令人拍 案叫绝,赏心悦目。这种悦目,是指中国饮食活动形成与内容的完美统一,是 指给人们所带来的审美愉悦和精神享受。
中国的传统饮食有四大特点: 1.重食:古人就有“民以食为天”之说。见面常问“吃了没有”,可见饮 食文化的地位。朋友离合,送往迎来,人们都习惯在饭桌上表达惜别和欢迎的 心情。感情上的风波,人们也往往借酒菜平息。这是饮食活动对社会心理的调 节功能。 2.重养:以“五谷”养“六脏”,饮食中重视人体养生保健。中国的饮食 注意各种食物的搭配,以相生相克、相辅相成等阴阳调和之理性认识指导烹饪 。 3.重味:中国的饮食最注重食物的味,讲究“色、香、味、型”。孙中山 先生讲“辩味不精,则烹调之述不妙”,将审美视作烹调的第一要义。 4.重理:对于饮食活动中的情感文化,有个引导和提升品位的问题。中国 的饮食提倡健康优美、奋发向上的文化情调,追求一种高尚的情操。
西方人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉、整块鸡等“硬 菜”。而中国的菜肴是“吃味”的,所以中国烹调在用料上也显 出极大的随意性:许多西方人视为弃物的东西,在中国都是极好 的原料,外国厨师无法处理的东西,一到中国厨师手里,就可以 化腐朽为神奇。足见中国饮食在用料方面的随意性之广博。


• Dynamic Periods: Through China's dynamic periods, cuisine evolved to reflect the taxes and preferences of different employees and social classes This LED to the development of regional cuisines with distinct flavor profiles and cooking methods
Typical Ingredients Used in Chinese Cooking
Rice is the staple food in China and is preserved with most meals It is cooked in various ways, including steaming, boiling, and frying
Major Characteristics of Western and Chinese Diets
Typical Ingredients Used in Western Cooking
Dairy products
Milk, cheese, butter, and cream are widely used in Western cooking, often as a base for sales, soups, and dessers
Origin and Evolution of Chinese Dietary Culture
• Incident China: Chinese cuisine has a long history dating back to incident times It is characterized by a balance of flavors and the use of various cooking techniques, such as still frying, steaming, and braising


❖ 中国人的饮食强调感性和艺术性,追求饮食的口味感觉,而不注意食物的营 养成分。
❖ The Chinese diet emphasize perceptual and artistic quality, the pursuit of the diet taste feeling, and do not pay attention to the nutrition of food.
❖ 还有不同文化中不同的祷告仪式。 ❖ There are different culture in different prayer.
Different culture in different prayer.
❖ 东西方文化中不同的葬礼仪式
❖ Different in the form of a funeral. Chinese usually took the form of weeping mourners.Americans are in a manner of silence to honor.
❖ 西方人认为在吃东西时发出声音是不合适的。但是,在亚洲地区吃东 西发出声音则被看做是对厨师的赞赏和满足。
❖ In life some minor a neglected social practice can also be seen as the differences in Western culture.For example, Westerners think the sound while eating is not appropriate. But eat in Asian the sound is considered to the cook, appreciation and satisfaction.

中西方饮食文化差异 英文

中西方饮食文化差异 英文
developed muscles
there are relatively well-developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food and so on,although taste is monotonous, but to save time, and the well-nourished
Comparison of Chinese and Western table manners
.Leabharlann Chinese table manners
The general etiquette on the table
➢➢AKveoeidp cyoouugr hfeineg.t uandesrnyeoeuzrinsgeaotn,atanbdleb.aIcfkyosutraciagnh’tt. ➢hKeelpecpoquugiheitnwgi,thremmoeumthbefurltlo say "sorry." ➢➢TThaeblevweanrteoffoar cycoiudreonwtsn, ssuhcohuladsnwoitnbee, wpuateinr, tshoeup
spulabslhicepdlainteto. others’ clothes, you can apologize. ➢ThTeorteakisenfoondeescdotopbseopuapn, iyco. u should use ➢ cInhothpestcicakssepoufbthlice kmeay.ster himself cooking food, do ➢noNtefovergredtigtoteaeptphrewciitahteyothuer foinwgneersr., apply a ➢tooWthhpiliecke,ating, you’d better not smoke.You should aasnkdfocroyvoeurrwniethighhabnodr’sorphearmndiskseiorcnhiief fy.ou have to.


Dining culture differences between China and the West
Cultural differences between Chinese and Western food
1.Because of the differences in geographical features, climate of the environment, customs and other factors, food products will appear different degrees of differences in the raw materials, taste, cooking methods, eating habits.
➢ When Westerners go to a restaurant they ask for
a good table,which means a good position from
which to and be seen.They usually there to be
entertained socially---also,incidentally,to eat.
Comparison of Chinese and Western table manners
Chinese table manners
The general etiquette on the table
➢➢AKveoeidp cyoouugr hfeineg.t uandesrnyeoeuzrinsgeaotn,atanbdleb.aIcfkyosutraciagnh’tt. ➢hKeelpecpoquugiheitnwgi,thremmoeumthbefurltlo say "sorry." ➢➢TThaeblevweanrteoffoar cycoiudreonwtsn, ssuhcohuladsnwoitnbee, wpuateinr, tshoeup


• In the west ,people often use several typed of table wares for one purpose, which may also probably result from the influence of the idea of individualism.
7Leabharlann • Among the tablewar e, knives and forks are two kinds of ta ble wares with very long history in the west .
• They play the same role dinning and th ey are always used together. One hand holds the knife, on the other hand hold the fork .cut the f ood with knife, and then put the food i nto the mouth with the fork.
Are you familiar with it?
• Not rude to reach i n front of someone to grab something
• Polite to reach for food with chopstick s
• Chinese host like to put food on your plate for you
用餐礼仪 饮食文化 饮食观念
The difference of tableware Chopsticks and bowls


Байду номын сангаас
influences, will appear in raw material, 法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的
the taste, the cooking method, the habit varying degree difference.
Was precisely because of these differences, the dining product had the intense localization. Between The Chinese pays great attention “the beauty to unite”, the westerner pays great attention “humanist”. here chats the Western diet culture difference briefly from the following three aspects. • 正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了 强烈的地域性。中国人注重“天人合 一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。 这里简要从下面三个方面谈谈中西方 饮食文化的差异。
所以,归根结底还是感性与 理性之间的差异。这种差异似乎 在随着科学的发展而变的模糊。 这样一来在饮食上差异也就不太 分明了。
The Tableware餐具
The Western use plates as containers of food. They eat food as soon as they cut them. They also have special tbsp (table spoon).
• 1.Less sound ,and less movements. • 2.Start with soup. • 3.All the guests get their food ,the hostess

中西饮食文化差异 英文版

中西饮食文化差异 英文版
Grill 或Broil (烧烤) Roast (炉烤) Bake (烘培,烘烤) Pan Broil (锅烧烤) Gratin (焗烤) Deep Fry (深油炸) Pan Fry (浅油炸) Saute (煎炒)


• Tea
On Differences Between Chinese and We stern Dietary Cultures
"food is the heaven to the people"
the difference idea about food
the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares
Enjoy yourselves
Put food into the plates of their guests
the difference of drinking
Tableware order
When you have not finished, you have to put knife and fork like this
When you have finished, you have to put knife and fork like this
• Chinese tableware is mainly chopsticks and spoons
• 中国餐具以筷子和勺子为 主
Americans meal commandment serve six 美国人用餐的戒条六条
• 其一、不允许进餐时发出声响



Differences between Chinese and Western diet culture Can you imagine the difference between the Western diet culture and the Chinese diet culture?First of all, I will introduce the general characteristics of Western diet culture. Western diet historyItaly cuisine is the originator of the Western diet culture, French cuisine is the Western diet culture king, American food is the Western diet culture upstart.Western food making skillsIn the production of the Western diet, they love the pursuit of perfection, but also attach importance to cooperation with a delicacy.Western diet varietiesThe famous dishes are Italy, French, American, German, Russian, etc. famous drinks include wine, coffee and black tea.Do you know,why there are so many differences between Chinese and Western diet culture ?just like the menu,western diet is very tidy and serious,but the Chinese is multifarious.Now, you have known the difference of the menu,but do you know why diet has a strong regional character?Actually, western diet due to geographical characteristics, environment, customs, appears in cooking methods ofdifferences in eating habits. People in western countries like to eat pizza, while Chinese people like to eat dumplings.Differences between Chinese and Western culture makes a difference of Chinese and Western food culture.事实上,西方饮食由于地域特色、环境、风俗习惯,出现烹调方法不同程度的差异。

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Dietary differences in the way
➢ When the chinese go to a restarant,however, they ask for a small room with plain walls where they cannot be seen except by the members of their own party, where jackets can come off and they can proceed with the serious business which brought them there.The chinese intentions are both honourable and whole-hearted.
Man”(天 人合), Westerners focus on “people oriented”(以人为本 ).
1.The concept of two different diet
2.Differences between Chinese and Western food objects
developed muscles
there are relatively well-developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food and so on,although taste is monotonous, but to save time, and the well-nourished
3.Dietary differences in the way
The concept of two different diet
the key why Chinese cuisine has its own unique charm lies in its taste. The delicious generation is to reconcile, to make the taste of food heated after the cooked flavor, and plus ingredients to reconcile the taste. Smell spices, mixed together with integration of co-ordination is added so that they can complement each other harmoniously.
Differences between Chinese and Western food objects
Westeners think "food is just used for filling your stomack".
eCathlainrgeesepieccueissionfemeenapt,hwahsoilseepsie"cteasotfec"haicken and other "halordt vegetables." According to the Western diet was significant dcCaifhMflPlienatraanheyyeanrWmcCeeeuehsscxitncheineernalslteehtetnrest“nwmcthopiaoualtaenlrdrnaioactcnloscten.htsrhaiidseretaicrccowsteohorka”fitntihsg,wetphhorrioolbewcjenecsatsw, .athyeiny WmtoehwrseehteWeilrmeenspetthherasernsciCsdaihoellintencdnehusa“terraittipchoteneeortiahzpenalednimbtwhayeeltrhCceehhilriaonoreoawskceneteodconr”hueonhtrratyes,.rI,hfeaedl narrow shouder,legs are short, weak quality. 有I人n t根hei据r c中ou西ntr方ies饮, th食e 对hu象ma的n bo明dy显ge差ne异ra这lly一rob特us点t t,han把the 中Ch国ine人se称p为eo植ple物: ta性ll,格lon,g 西leg方s, 人wid称e 为sho动ul物de性rs,格w。ell-
Tchheorepsisticnkos npeuebdlictokebye. panic. ➢➢INnethveercdaisgeteoef tthhewmithaysoteurrhfiinmgseerlsf,caopopkliynga ftoooodth, pdiock,
naont dfocrgoevtetrowaitphphreacnidatoerthheanodwkneercr.hief. ➢ While eating, you’d better not smoke.You should
ask for your neighbor’s permission if you have to.
Western table manners
➢ In the hostess picked up her spoon or a fork before the guests can
not➢eaWt ahnye. dnisyho. Euaachrehoinstveistseudsutoalltyhheavbeatnoqwuaeit tu,nytiol aufter the geuaets.shWtsohbueenlgdsahsnehtopoigwcektemfdoooudpre.tShaehtestepwoniloltninooontrlfitkooerktthhweeheCtnohiipnt eimcseesahhnasabtrihteaodtf,waescyaonu all doonstoa.ble rather than the food.
➢ I➢f thAerfetearrethfieshhdoissht,ethsesnpmicosktsly uinpthtehseounpaapfkteirni,t iysoburocugahnt to the tsaimbaliellasmr,oauyspuhicaalkvlyeusampsayplleoecru,iarinl nfsisahhpofrkot,rinkh,aowrpnhoicothhnsefoorlknattpoh.eeSamtoemmaet eafottrimkmafaeyrstahlesor be awathyefrroemisthealastmeraallsl ibdereoaf dtheinpltahtee. napkin,you can put ➢ Biteofonretthhee fsismh aarlel dusisuhallyonplatcaebdleon. the tables, fish bones have lon➢g tiDckinthneenreti,sifuysouu aealltyasptiaercteeodf ffirsoh,mthethreeasreotuhpor.nTs,hyeou can be lteoftsbhtaiogbldgpienogksetb.rkeeayd rIonll,foror na tpioefceyoofubriseatdh,ehissprigohot nhafnodrhsoolduinpg. a knife ➢ IDf thoenmootumthihsaussbeeethnea tshpoorno, nit sohnoutlhd ebemquidiedtllyeaosffayroausrpossible nottatobaltetr,abcteacttaenutsioen itto mit waiythbyeouur fsinegdertsooutat kaned put the edge of the plavtee, gdoetnaobt olensthaentadblsea, olar dth.row in the ground.
Comparison of Chinese and Western table manners
Chinese table manners
Байду номын сангаасThe general etiquette on the table
➢➢AKveoeidp cyoouugr hfeineg.t uandesrnyeoeuzrinsgeaotn,atanbdleb.aIcfkyosutraight. c➢anK’eet p quiet with mouth full ➢hTealpblceowuagrheinfogr, yreomureomwbnershtoousladyn"ostobrrey.p" ut in the ➢ Tphuebleicvepnlattoef. accidents, such as wine, water, soup ➢sTpolatsahkeedfoinotdo socthoeorps’soucplo,thyoeus,syhoouucldanusaepologize.
2.The differences between Chinese and Western culture has also created differences between Chinese and Western food culture.This difference is from a different way of thinking and philosophy. Chinese people focus on “Heaven and
Dining culture differences between China and the West