期货顶尖交易员的交易思路(Trading ideas for futures top traders
青泽: 关于期货交易思路明确正确的期货交易思路今天我讲的是市场交易的思路。
因为我感觉交易思路的问题, 可能是股票投资也好, 期货投资也好最本质的性能问题。
一个人思路不明确, 那无论是股票市场也好, 期货市场也好, 那你赚来的钱必然对交易的赢利, 很有可能是偶然的运气带来的。
证券市场的投资者进入投资市场以前, 首先可能解决一个基本的交易思路的问题。
这个用《孙子兵法》的话, 就是还没有打仗, 这个胜仗就定了, 然后从交易的角度来说, 你还没有进市场以前, 你就知道怎么在市场里面赚到钱, 大家别以为这个是不可能的, 实际上我感觉是应该可能的, 而且我手头的朋友也好, 确确实实在市场里面赚钱。
可能有很多交易是亏钱的, 但是总交易结果非常非常的好。
去年5.6月份我有一个朋友, 他有一笔资金让我给他操盘, 当时我特别忙, 我说这样, 我给你推荐另一个操盘手, 做期货, 130万的资金, 我前几天看的帐户余额大概900多万, 中间有好多交易是亏欠的, 曾经一度亏了30、40万, 也有日常交易中很多钱损失, 但是总得交易结果非常的好。
对于这样的操盘手来说, 实际上他已经是一个交易风格是非常成形的, 什么时候进场, 进场以后不对了, 可能眼睛都不眨, 两分钟以后就退场了, 该持有的无论价格多高他都会持有。
所以这样的交易的时候, 我感觉他的交易思路已经形成了一种交易习惯, 最后变成一种交易套路也好, 模式也好, 这样这种人做交易的, 我想继续做下去, 特的赢利应该越来越可观。
实际上, 市场交易中从我自己的理解的话, 应该是一个比较复杂的系统的动态的过程。
交易预测也好, 只是整体交易的一个很小的部分, 一个环节。
所以交易思路其实像刚才这张图上写的, 实际上涉及到各个环节的问题。
从对市场的一个基本认识, 你眼中你持什么样的市场, 这个市场有没有规律, 这个规律在哪, 什么时候有机会, 你需要有这么一套东西。
第二个, 你有这套思路以后, 头脑中有这套知识准备以后, 你看待市场, 可能你就能发现你的交易机会, 然后整个流程应该是, 我感觉整个交易的流程应该一环都不能少。
期货顶尖交易员的交易思路(Trading ideas for futures top traders
![期货顶尖交易员的交易思路(Trading ideas for futures top traders](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/80ec2c6d7f1922791788e8a9.png)
期货顶尖交易员的交易思路(Trading ideas for futures toptraders)Trading ideas for futures top traders1. peace of mind:For each transaction, you should clearly establish the reason for the position. You should be fully aware of your expected development so that you can feel comfortable with the deal and the parts. If you don't feel secure, don't trade. Trading plans are a necessary prerequisite for trading at ease, and this is the fundamental concept of trading.2. plan:Top traders usually pick the triggers and targets of the deal". They will not spur of the moment. The plan is definitely a key factor in the success of the transaction, and even if the floor trader needs immediate response to the market, there is a need for a clear plot analysis of "if...". They considered all possible developments and Countermeasures in advance. So trading plans can reduce stress, boost confidence, and make traders feel reassured. The main benefits are clear thinking and self-discipline.3. my experience:There is no good reason not to buy the stock (buy should be confident and not hesitate), buying stocks with the market price should be low and the band decided that unless experienced,it is very necessary to make a plan in advance.Two, futures risk1. patience:Top traders are averse to risk, and they wait patiently for the most favorable risk / reward relationship. As Bill Lipschutz puts it, "if traders can reduce the number of transactions by 50%, they can usually make more money."".Good traders are patient because they don't worry about losing opportunities. It's a very important mindset - opportunities are always there.2. funding:The sources of trading funds may affect the * * * style, especially at the risk level.3. luck:Top traders put themselves in a position where they can accept good luck. Try to improve your odds.Both David Kate and Bill Lipschutz point out that only a handful of deals can make a big difference every year. When they feel that there is a high profit potential in some area, they will "pull the lucky sail", enlarge the size of the part, and don't prematurely finish the position. In this case, they had the guts to bet a big bet.4. gradual transactions:Top traders adopt a gradual approach to trading, slowly accumulated profit - don't take risks, don't try to hit the home run. They understand that it is still possible to enter tomorrow, and the importance of trading is far greater than today's profit. As a result, they absolutely do not allow continued losses to force them back5. comfort limits:Top traders place risk within their comfort limits. If the risks are found to be too high, they narrow down the size of the market or trade in spreads. Only stay within the comfort limits, thoughts will be clear, decision-making will be objective, and transaction performance will be promoted accordingly.6. my experience:The purchase price and the stop price gap with the author is proportional to the level (i.e., the higher the level of the more comfortable position stop), the key is to buy the best price is the outcome of the winning hand, buy after closing should know that winning or wrong out as soon as possible. My approach is that there is no chance of 90%, no entry, the potential space and the maximum potential loss ratio is at least three:1. Short line does not have 10% space, the central line does not have 20% of the theory space, is the knife edge lick blood,because must take into account the early elimination. (it can't be sold at the highest price every time.)Loss 1. admit error:Top traders are not afraid to admit mistakes. Self recognition or self esteem is not wrong. They know that judgment is a sure thing to happen in a trade. Regain clear thinking and concentration through compensation. In fact, many injured people mention how to learn from loss. Phil Flynn even says, "learn how to love small losses."".2. appearances:Top traders will pre plan the losses they are prepared to accept, and they have firm self-discipline to play at the scheduled stop loss price.For the case of Bernard,Or expect what has happened, he will appear. For Bill Lipschutz, if he loses more than he would like to accept, he will appear. In other words, the position of the play depends on a certain level of pain, and once the pain is above this level, it represents itself beyond the comfort threshold.3. my experience:The maximum loss per transaction is 3%, that is, as long as the share price falls below 3% of the buying price, unless it is a very sure bottom, I will recognize it. Because my purchaseprice is very particular, the purchase requirement can not be covered (95% success rate), so I have this opportunity to recognize the loss as soon as possible. The buying price has fallen by 3%, which has been a great failure for me. It should be a buy or sell or a buy at the closing price1, from the bottom up analysis.* understand all the players and watch what they say and do. The so-called player, refers to have the influence of the people can not be ignored.* understand what they should say for their own benefit, or what interest they may have in their words. What is the motivation? What are the hidden issues? As long as it involves the interests of any conversation, can not believe.For each interest group, what are the best, suboptimal, and third outcomes they want?* where is the focus and influence of each interest group?.* how will each group react to each outcome? If someone has done so, how about other people's reactions and subsequent developments?2 dynamic analysis* there must be a story behind every event, and you must know the story.* must know what his opponent thinks, and what exactly is the difference between him and him?3, treat positions* maintain an open mind and an objective position to deal with an open position.* when you try to evaluate an open stock with an objective perspective, emotions always interfere.* for an excellent trader, how to control the ability of the mind is much more important than how to use the brain".* deceiving oneself is the main reason for a loss in the market.4 how to face losses and deal with profits* stress and fear, it's important experience.* facing a new price, you ask yourself a question: if you haven't built a position yet, would you like to buy at this price? The answer is no, then you sell.* quickly admit losses and allow profitable areas to continue to develop.* is the basis for establishing the position correct?.5 fund managementWhat is the maximum amount of risk you can afford in any single transaction?* when I establish the position, what percentage of the loss will I be prepared to pay?6 strategies for diversification* if individual parts share the same market risk, the benefits of diversification can not be provided.* the size of individual sites must be similar. If the size of the nine locations is $100 and the tenth is $10000, such diversification will not make much sense.* price fluctuations in individual locations should be similar.7, the characteristics of traders* enthusiasm. You have to understand why this happens in the market. You have to decide who buys and who sells. What are their motives? The answer to these questions all the time must be 8 extraordinary patience, energy, and desire.* courage. If you have a knack for it, any mistake is your problem. It takes courage to hold a different view. But different views do not mean that a certain 9 can make money. The best trading opportunities must not be universally accepted.* open mind.* self-discipline.10 funding* the sources of funding for transactions may affect the style and performance* money management is a very complex game, often contrary to common sense11, the advantages of individual traders* Don't need to make a deal. Be sure to know what the market looks like. If you don't have the right market, if you don't have a high chance of winning, don't force yourself into the game. The 12 key to the whole game is to keep your edge* decision control procedures* information. Never make information convenience a negative number. All information must be managed, otherwise it doesn't make much sense* elasticity and sharpness* pressure13 concentration and enthusiasm* if the motive of the transaction is money, the direction isclearly wrong* many people have no way to maintain long-term hard work because they are reluctant to invest time* in the face of everything in life, you have to be highly organized and able to assess priorities so that you can stay focused14, the characteristics of traders* confidence in loss, courage to overcome self and admit errorThe so-called courage, confidence and self. The object is not the other person, but must be able to often admit the psychological characteristics of mistakes* there is no such thing as an upside down trait, and each trait needs to be balanced by another auxiliary traitIntrospection and self evaluation are part of the self15 luck* there are many helpless things or incapable of action on the market, completely exceeded the scope of control traders. Traders can control the only sensible analysis and bet. The so-called wise, is to grasp the odds or increase the probability of a favorable outcome.* luck is always an important variable in the trading business16 fear and anxiety* a trader can not feel paralyzed by loss because of his confidence. He must feel the pain of loss, but it must not turn fear into fear* regardless of your personal psychological drive, fear comes from yourself* after introspection, there may be something useful, but that does not mean that the transaction is profitable, but that it represents the ability to deal with fear* sheer willpower can overcome any personality disorder17 information* one of the difficulties of market analysis is that when you get an information or determine the most likely outcome of an event, you have to decide how the market will react* before you evaluate any part or potential, be sure to understand the market's interpretation and response to an information* deep and multifaceted communication is an important part of dealing with market information, market perception, market feeling and market reaction* never allow other people's analysis to replace their pointof view, and must evaluate other people's analysis18 evaluate profit potential and potential loss* to structure a transaction, you must also consider risk protection in addition to trying to make a profit potential* dealing with rewards and risks should not be symmetrical. For long-term success, you must focus on issues related to loss* must know the degree of preparation for the loss, absolutely not allow themselves to be out of the three shock, must maintain the ability to approach again* two reasons for ending a loss: first, if the expected scenario should not occur, two is the price to the predetermined level of stop loss. No matter how accurate it is, once it happens, play immediatelyBill. Lipschutz (director, Hasse sage capital management, foreign exchange trading director brothers Saro Mongolia19 risk management* as long as there is risk taking behavior, there is a need for risk management, and there is a need to clearly measure risk* a trader must have an ideal mental structure, ability to take risks, courage, and psychological stabilityThe key to winning or losing is not how to start a deal at first* once a loss occurs on the site, the first principle is not to increase the price* do not try to establish hedging positions on two very different commodities, because their profits and losses cannot be written off against one another* the initial loss is often the smallest loss. The right thing to do is to go straight20 step by step* in order to achieve the best trading results and long-term profits, trading should be done step by step* must be willing to stay on the sidelines* no trading is a discipline of self-discipline - a very important norm21 categorically admit compensation* for each trader, the most difficult part of the game is how to judge the right time to playFirst, if the market adverse situation, part of a loss, this is the first warning. The second is your tolerance for pain,The ability to tolerate losses* the loss of funds, the pain and pride, the pain of being hurt* the market will reflect any information and then determine the price* the market is a fact of existence, not a counterweight. You can't take the initiative and react passively. You shouldn't try to beat the market or try to beat him. There's a mentality that might be 22 easier* you don't have to be smarter than the market. Don't let pride prevent you from identifying earlyPat arbor (Chicago futures exchange, {zhuxi})The quality of top traders* love your job, and trading is an integral part of life.* if you are blocked out of the door, you must have the courage to hit the door with your head, or you won't succeed.Whether you need to copy the mentor* the hottest traders on the floor are usually the worst masters.* what is the timeframe for the transaction? Do you prefer short-term trading or long-term investment?What is the preferred trading tool?Quality of an excellent trader* self disciplined, outgoing personality and strong desire to compete.* self-discipline is what you should do, and what you should do in trading is often the hardest.* if the market continues to go against the spot, it's a bad deal, no matter how high the cost is.* you can't eat like a bird, but pull like an elephant...* not only to avoid losses, but also to avoid distortions in the trading mentality. A part of the loss may bring a loss or other parts of the.* recognize the spirit of self-discipline, I also not Huang Huai* a loss is equivalent to the abandonment of pain. If you are still looking after a lost wound, you will have no time to look for other opportunities.* learning from mistakes is an inevitable process and must be learned because it has already paid the price.* everyone has a tolerance limit to the loss, so as long as the pain exceeds the limit, don't sit there and enjoy it foolishly.Cultivate self-discipline* the hardest part is how to learn to admit mistakes in front of everyone and not feel bothered.* lack of self-discipline comes from unbridled psychology.* be honest with yourself: are you running away from reality and unwilling to admit the loss? Do you wish to take one of the most painless paths possible?Perceived transaction risk* it is important to establish any position that you can continue trading tomorrow, and to retain the strength of tomorrow's trading, which is more important than it is today.risk analysis* wrecks under the ocean have a stack of charts.Appearance: pull the trigger and hit the target.* many traders pay much attention to how to choose a trading partner, but ignore how to end it.* the reason for entering the game is closely related to the reason for the appearance.* as soon as the expected event occurs, the end area.* even did not reach the target price of the stock, the triggerconcept applies, but often difficult, if not up to the expected price, will certainly be disappointed, may re explain the trigger, persuade his original trigger is not suitable, or to find a new trigger, anyway. Seek various reasons and avoid ending the original. You must understand the psychological temptation and try to avoid the trap.* the trigger is part of the deal.Correct attitude* lack of accountability, we can not analyze the cause of the loss, and more importantly, there is no opportunity to correct the error, resulting in losses for some of the same reasons.The difference between waiting and courage* in some ways, the success of the transaction is only a matter of timing, in other words, the timing of entry and exit. Mastery of timeliness is a decision and judgment.* people who want to do it once at the bottom or head will always get hot potatoes.* to know the difference, the key is to trade according to plan.* to stick to your trading plan, you can improve the timing。
交易模型是操盘手长期交易实践以后,对市 场价格波动的高度抽象。
交易模型的建立为交易创造了一个对交易者 有益的环境,每个想成功的人都应该有一系列 适合他自己的交易模型。
每一个投机者都要明确自己交易的时间尺度 和模型。
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所谓关键点,里费默指的是一段时间内市场价格 波动中形成的重要低点或者高点,一些整数位置。
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二、天下没有完美的预测、交易理论,市场交 易的根本原则和有效的资金管理是投机者的立 身之本。
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投机者要有抓住市场大行情的激情、勇气和眼光, 在顺势赢利的头寸上,敢于加码,放胆搏取暴利。
1、一个优秀操盘手的三个内在特征 2、市场交易的基本观念和原则
期货市场是一个复杂之至的迷宫,成功的期货交易是 一条漫长的路。
一位朋友在做了10年期货以后,写下了这样一段话, 发人深省。
“我的十年期货历史,如果用金钱来衡量的话很失败。 用一个比喻不知恰不恰当:我是跟着红军一路从江西 出发,走到瓦窑堡时还是个士兵,连个班长都没有混 上。常于夜深人静时自问:失败之人自有失败之理, 人说十年磨一剑,为何你十年竟磨不出一把菜刀?”
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• 1、有些点,你知道它还会涨,但并不适合进场,因为 风报比不佳;
• 2、有些点,你并不知道他会涨或会跌,但仍可以进场, 因为获利可能很可观;
• 3、别人买进的点,并不一定适合你进场;你进场的点, 别人也不一定适合进场。所以别人认为会涨或跌,对 你来说可能没有意义。
以下是期货长线高手的一些操作方法:1. 精心选择标的品种:作为长线高手,投资者需要对不同的品种进行深入分析和研究。
2. 研究基本面和技术面:长线高手需要结合基本面和技术面进行分析。
3. 制定明确的投资计划:长线高手会制定一份明确的投资计划,包括风险承受能力、预期收益、投资周期等方面。
4. 策略多样化:长线高手会采用多样化的投资策略,以分散风险。
5. 合理的资金管理:长线高手非常重视资金管理,他们会在每笔交易中设立止损和止盈位。
6. 长期持有:相对于短线交易者,长线高手更注重长期持有。
7. 不被情绪左右:长线高手在操作期货时要保持冷静和理性,不受市场情绪所左右。
8. 持续学习和调整:长线高手不断学习和提升自己的知识水平,关注市场动态和研究新的投资机会。
期货最简单的炒单方法 期货高手教你把控心态
![期货最简单的炒单方法 期货高手教你把控心态](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7bd87f36647d27284b735174.png)
顶尖期货高手操作心法六招本文讲的是兵法,如果你问我市场操作有没有什么绝招,那我说最好的绝招是你坚持每天4小时交易时间盯盘,然后每天晚上再复盘研究两小时,星期天最好别出去,再花8小时总结全周的情况,如果你真能做到全心全意,“衣带渐宽终不悔” “实践实践再实践”必成赢家。
所谓“见风转舵”,并不是单指短线操作,而是说你具有了顺势而为的能力,下跌势, 顺势作空 , 先空再补,“下跌中不自作聪明抢反弹” ,等“跌势停止”再切入;上涨势,顺势作多, 高点出场,“上涨中不自作聪明逆势作空”等“涨势势停止”再切入,不必像过去那样的苦等,“点”和“时机”很重要,不一定要买在最低,但机会来时绝对不能错过。
进行机动作战 , 当机立断,见风转舵。
这就是典型的对手盘游戏,在特定的时间集中优势力量打掉对手盘,虽然多头又make new news说什么冰雹,减产,打死我都不信,就是对手盘游戏。
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期货顶尖交易员的交易思路(Trading ideas for futures toptraders)Trading ideas for futures top traders1. peace of mind:For each transaction, you should clearly establish the reason for the position. You should be fully aware of your expected development so that you can feel comfortable with the deal and the parts. If you don't feel secure, don't trade. Trading plans are a necessary prerequisite for trading at ease, and this is the fundamental concept of trading.2. plan:Top traders usually pick the triggers and targets of the deal". They will not spur of the moment. The plan is definitely a key factor in the success of the transaction, and even if the floor trader needs immediate response to the market, there is a need for a clear plot analysis of "if...". They considered all possible developments and Countermeasures in advance. So trading plans can reduce stress, boost confidence, and make traders feel reassured. The main benefits are clear thinking and self-discipline.3. my experience:There is no good reason not to buy the stock (buy should be confident and not hesitate), buying stocks with the market price should be low and the band decided that unless experienced,it is very necessary to make a plan in advance.Two, futures risk1. patience:Top traders are averse to risk, and they wait patiently for the most favorable risk / reward relationship. As Bill Lipschutz puts it, "if traders can reduce the number of transactions by 50%, they can usually make more money."".Good traders are patient because they don't worry about losing opportunities. It's a very important mindset - opportunities are always there.2. funding:The sources of trading funds may affect the * * * style, especially at the risk level.3. luck:Top traders put themselves in a position where they can accept good luck. Try to improve your odds.Both David Kate and Bill Lipschutz point out that only a handful of deals can make a big difference every year. When they feel that there is a high profit potential in some area, they will "pull the lucky sail", enlarge the size of the part, and don't prematurely finish the position. In this case, they had the guts to bet a big bet.4. gradual transactions:Top traders adopt a gradual approach to trading, slowly accumulated profit - don't take risks, don't try to hit the home run. They understand that it is still possible to enter tomorrow, and the importance of trading is far greater than today's profit. As a result, they absolutely do not allow continued losses to force them back5. comfort limits:Top traders place risk within their comfort limits. If the risks are found to be too high, they narrow down the size of the market or trade in spreads. Only stay within the comfort limits, thoughts will be clear, decision-making will be objective, and transaction performance will be promoted accordingly.6. my experience:The purchase price and the stop price gap with the author is proportional to the level (i.e., the higher the level of the more comfortable position stop), the key is to buy the best price is the outcome of the winning hand, buy after closing should know that winning or wrong out as soon as possible. My approach is that there is no chance of 90%, no entry, the potential space and the maximum potential loss ratio is at least three:1. Short line does not have 10% space, the central line does not have 20% of the theory space, is the knife edge lick blood,because must take into account the early elimination. (it can't be sold at the highest price every time.)Loss 1. admit error:Top traders are not afraid to admit mistakes. Self recognition or self esteem is not wrong. They know that judgment is a sure thing to happen in a trade. Regain clear thinking and concentration through compensation. In fact, many injured people mention how to learn from loss. Phil Flynn even says, "learn how to love small losses."".2. appearances:Top traders will pre plan the losses they are prepared to accept, and they have firm self-discipline to play at the scheduled stop loss price.For the case of Bernard,Or expect what has happened, he will appear. For Bill Lipschutz, if he loses more than he would like to accept, he will appear. In other words, the position of the play depends on a certain level of pain, and once the pain is above this level, it represents itself beyond the comfort threshold.3. my experience:The maximum loss per transaction is 3%, that is, as long as the share price falls below 3% of the buying price, unless it is a very sure bottom, I will recognize it. Because my purchaseprice is very particular, the purchase requirement can not be covered (95% success rate), so I have this opportunity to recognize the loss as soon as possible. The buying price has fallen by 3%, which has been a great failure for me. It should be a buy or sell or a buy at the closing price1, from the bottom up analysis.* understand all the players and watch what they say and do. The so-called player, refers to have the influence of the people can not be ignored.* understand what they should say for their own benefit, or what interest they may have in their words. What is the motivation? What are the hidden issues? As long as it involves the interests of any conversation, can not believe.For each interest group, what are the best, suboptimal, and third outcomes they want?* where is the focus and influence of each interest group?.* how will each group react to each outcome? If someone has done so, how about other people's reactions and subsequent developments?2 dynamic analysis* there must be a story behind every event, and you must know the story.* must know what his opponent thinks, and what exactly is the difference between him and him?3, treat positions* maintain an open mind and an objective position to deal with an open position.* when you try to evaluate an open stock with an objective perspective, emotions always interfere.* for an excellent trader, how to control the ability of the mind is much more important than how to use the brain".* deceiving oneself is the main reason for a loss in the market.4 how to face losses and deal with profits* stress and fear, it's important experience.* facing a new price, you ask yourself a question: if you haven't built a position yet, would you like to buy at this price? The answer is no, then you sell.* quickly admit losses and allow profitable areas to continue to develop.* is the basis for establishing the position correct?.5 fund managementWhat is the maximum amount of risk you can afford in any single transaction?* when I establish the position, what percentage of the loss will I be prepared to pay?6 strategies for diversification* if individual parts share the same market risk, the benefits of diversification can not be provided.* the size of individual sites must be similar. If the size of the nine locations is $100 and the tenth is $10000, such diversification will not make much sense.* price fluctuations in individual locations should be similar.7, the characteristics of traders* enthusiasm. You have to understand why this happens in the market. You have to decide who buys and who sells. What are their motives? The answer to these questions all the time must be 8 extraordinary patience, energy, and desire.* courage. If you have a knack for it, any mistake is your problem. It takes courage to hold a different view. But different views do not mean that a certain 9 can make money. The best trading opportunities must not be universally accepted.* open mind.* self-discipline.10 funding* the sources of funding for transactions may affect the style and performance* money management is a very complex game, often contrary to common sense11, the advantages of individual traders* Don't need to make a deal. Be sure to know what the market looks like. If you don't have the right market, if you don't have a high chance of winning, don't force yourself into the game. The 12 key to the whole game is to keep your edge* decision control procedures* information. Never make information convenience a negative number. All information must be managed, otherwise it doesn't make much sense* elasticity and sharpness* pressure13 concentration and enthusiasm* if the motive of the transaction is money, the direction isclearly wrong* many people have no way to maintain long-term hard work because they are reluctant to invest time* in the face of everything in life, you have to be highly organized and able to assess priorities so that you can stay focused14, the characteristics of traders* confidence in loss, courage to overcome self and admit errorThe so-called courage, confidence and self. The object is not the other person, but must be able to often admit the psychological characteristics of mistakes* there is no such thing as an upside down trait, and each trait needs to be balanced by another auxiliary traitIntrospection and self evaluation are part of the self15 luck* there are many helpless things or incapable of action on the market, completely exceeded the scope of control traders. Traders can control the only sensible analysis and bet. The so-called wise, is to grasp the odds or increase the probability of a favorable outcome.* luck is always an important variable in the trading business16 fear and anxiety* a trader can not feel paralyzed by loss because of his confidence. He must feel the pain of loss, but it must not turn fear into fear* regardless of your personal psychological drive, fear comes from yourself* after introspection, there may be something useful, but that does not mean that the transaction is profitable, but that it represents the ability to deal with fear* sheer willpower can overcome any personality disorder17 information* one of the difficulties of market analysis is that when you get an information or determine the most likely outcome of an event, you have to decide how the market will react* before you evaluate any part or potential, be sure to understand the market's interpretation and response to an information* deep and multifaceted communication is an important part of dealing with market information, market perception, market feeling and market reaction* never allow other people's analysis to replace their pointof view, and must evaluate other people's analysis18 evaluate profit potential and potential loss* to structure a transaction, you must also consider risk protection in addition to trying to make a profit potential* dealing with rewards and risks should not be symmetrical. For long-term success, you must focus on issues related to loss* must know the degree of preparation for the loss, absolutely not allow themselves to be out of the three shock, must maintain the ability to approach again* two reasons for ending a loss: first, if the expected scenario should not occur, two is the price to the predetermined level of stop loss. No matter how accurate it is, once it happens, play immediatelyBill. Lipschutz (director, Hasse sage capital management, foreign exchange trading director brothers Saro Mongolia19 risk management* as long as there is risk taking behavior, there is a need for risk management, and there is a need to clearly measure risk* a trader must have an ideal mental structure, ability to take risks, courage, and psychological stabilityThe key to winning or losing is not how to start a deal at first* once a loss occurs on the site, the first principle is not to increase the price* do not try to establish hedging positions on two very different commodities, because their profits and losses cannot be written off against one another* the initial loss is often the smallest loss. The right thing to do is to go straight20 step by step* in order to achieve the best trading results and long-term profits, trading should be done step by step* must be willing to stay on the sidelines* no trading is a discipline of self-discipline - a very important norm21 categorically admit compensation* for each trader, the most difficult part of the game is how to judge the right time to playFirst, if the market adverse situation, part of a loss, this is the first warning. The second is your tolerance for pain,The ability to tolerate losses* the loss of funds, the pain and pride, the pain of being hurt* the market will reflect any information and then determine the price* the market is a fact of existence, not a counterweight. You can't take the initiative and react passively. You shouldn't try to beat the market or try to beat him. There's a mentality that might be 22 easier* you don't have to be smarter than the market. Don't let pride prevent you from identifying earlyPat arbor (Chicago futures exchange, {zhuxi})The quality of top traders* love your job, and trading is an integral part of life.* if you are blocked out of the door, you must have the courage to hit the door with your head, or you won't succeed.Whether you need to copy the mentor* the hottest traders on the floor are usually the worst masters.* what is the timeframe for the transaction? Do you prefer short-term trading or long-term investment?What is the preferred trading tool?Quality of an excellent trader* self disciplined, outgoing personality and strong desire to compete.* self-discipline is what you should do, and what you should do in trading is often the hardest.* if the market continues to go against the spot, it's a bad deal, no matter how high the cost is.* you can't eat like a bird, but pull like an elephant...* not only to avoid losses, but also to avoid distortions in the trading mentality. A part of the loss may bring a loss or other parts of the.* recognize the spirit of self-discipline, I also not Huang Huai* a loss is equivalent to the abandonment of pain. If you are still looking after a lost wound, you will have no time to look for other opportunities.* learning from mistakes is an inevitable process and must be learned because it has already paid the price.* everyone has a tolerance limit to the loss, so as long as the pain exceeds the limit, don't sit there and enjoy it foolishly.Cultivate self-discipline* the hardest part is how to learn to admit mistakes in front of everyone and not feel bothered.* lack of self-discipline comes from unbridled psychology.* be honest with yourself: are you running away from reality and unwilling to admit the loss? Do you wish to take one of the most painless paths possible?Perceived transaction risk* it is important to establish any position that you can continue trading tomorrow, and to retain the strength of tomorrow's trading, which is more important than it is today.risk analysis* wrecks under the ocean have a stack of charts.Appearance: pull the trigger and hit the target.* many traders pay much attention to how to choose a trading partner, but ignore how to end it.* the reason for entering the game is closely related to the reason for the appearance.* as soon as the expected event occurs, the end area.* even did not reach the target price of the stock, the triggerconcept applies, but often difficult, if not up to the expected price, will certainly be disappointed, may re explain the trigger, persuade his original trigger is not suitable, or to find a new trigger, anyway. Seek various reasons and avoid ending the original. You must understand the psychological temptation and try to avoid the trap.* the trigger is part of the deal.Correct attitude* lack of accountability, we can not analyze the cause of the loss, and more importantly, there is no opportunity to correct the error, resulting in losses for some of the same reasons.The difference between waiting and courage* in some ways, the success of the transaction is only a matter of timing, in other words, the timing of entry and exit. Mastery of timeliness is a decision and judgment.* people who want to do it once at the bottom or head will always get hot potatoes.* to know the difference, the key is to trade according to plan.* to stick to your trading plan, you can improve the timing。