下面我将为你提供一些关于科技类话题的素材,供你参考:1. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI),AI是近年来发展迅速的一项技术,它在医疗、交通、教育等领域都有广泛的应用。
2. 无人驾驶汽车,无人驾驶技术是未来交通领域的一个重要发展方向。
3. 互联网,互联网的普及和发展改变了人们的生活方式。
4. 社交媒体,社交媒体如Facebook、Twitter等已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。
5. 3D打印技术,3D打印技术可以将数字模型转化为实体物体,为制造业带来了革命性的变化。
6. 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR),虚拟现实技术可以创造出一种仿真的虚拟环境,使用户身临其境。
以下是一些关于科技的素材提炼,供考生参考:1. 科技对教育的影响:- 引入科技设备和在线研究平台可以提高教育的效率和质量。
- 在线教育可以解决地理和时间的限制,让更多学生有机会接受高质量的教育。
- 使用教育应用程序和视频教学可以使研究变得更加生动和有趣。
2. 科技对健康的影响:- 随着科技的发展,医疗设备和技术的提升,人们的健康状况得到了显著的改善。
- 通过健康监测器和智能手表等设备,人们可以更好地掌握自己的健康状况。
- 借助互联网和移动应用程序,人们可以获取健康资讯和咨询医生,提高健康意识。
3. 科技对社交交流的影响:- 科技的发展使得人们能够更便捷地进行社交交流,无论时间和地点的限制。
- 社交媒体平台和即时通讯工具让人们能够与世界各地的朋友保持联系。
- 人们可以通过社交媒体平台分享自己的生活、观点和经验,促进文化交流和了解。
4. 科技对工作和职业前景的影响:- 科技的发展带来了新的职业机会和工作岗位,如数据分析师、软件工程师等。
- 自动化和人工智能的应用使得一些传统职业面临替代的风险。
- 人们需要更新自己的技能,以适应科技发展所带来的工作市场变化。
参考文献:- 张帆. (2020). 科技与英语教育. 吉林大学学报(社会科学版),51(1), 113-118.- 王静. (2020). 科技与医疗卫生. 广东科技, 36(15), 147-148.- 胡安然. (2020). 科技与社交媒体平台. 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版), 41(1), 76-81.- 许革. (2020). 科技与职业发展. 经济与管理评论, 38(5), 129-133.注:以上素材提炼仅供参考,如需引用请确认可信来源。
雅思写作大作文科技类话题素材总结1. 信息技术对教育的影响
- 网络教育的普及和便利性,为更多人提供了研究机会
- 在线教育平台让学生可以根据自己的节奏和需求研究
- 数字化教学工具可以提高学生的研究效果和兴趣
- 远程教育让教育资源得以共享,实现教育公平
2. 科技的创新和发展带来的益处
- 科技革命推动经济发展,创造就业机会
- 新兴科技行业可以带动其他相关行业的发展
- 科技创新可以提高生活质量,满足人们的需求
- 科技的应用改善工作条件,提高工作效率
3. 科技对环境的影响及可持续发展
- 科技的发展可以减少能源消耗和环境污染
- 可再生能源技术的应用有助于减少对传统能源的依赖
- 绿色科技创新可以提高资源利用效率
- 科技的应用可以监测和预测自然灾害,并采取相应的措施减少损失
4. 科技带来的挑战和风险
- 科技发展不平衡会造成数字鸿沟,增加贫富差距
- 科技滥用可能导致个人隐私泄露和信息安全问题
- 科技对传统行业和就业形势的冲击
- 科技发展可能引发伦理和道德问题的争议
5. 未来科技发展趋势
- 人工智能的普及和应用将深刻改变各行业和生活方式
- 互联网的发展将连接更多的人和设备
- 生物技术和医疗科技的进步将提高人类健康水平
- 可穿戴设备和智能家居将进一步融入日常生活
雅思写作大作文科技类话题素材集合1. 科技对生活的影响- 科技的迅速发展已经深刻地改变了我们的生活方式和社会结构。
- 人们现在更加依赖科技,例如智能手机、社交媒体和互联网。
- 科技的发展提高了生产效率和便利性,加速了信息传播和全球交流。
- 然而,科技的高速发展也带来了一些问题,例如信息安全、隐私保护和数字鸿沟等。
2. 科技在教育领域的应用- 科技在教育领域扮演着重要的角色,如在线研究平台、虚拟实境教学等。
- 学生可以通过科技获得更多的研究资源,提高研究的灵活性和便利性。
- 教师通过科技工具可以更好地展示课程内容和与学生互动。
- 虚拟实境技术可以使学生获得更实际的研究经验,增加研究的兴趣和动力。
3. 科技创新对经济发展的影响- 科技创新对经济发展起着重要作用,可以推动产业升级和增加就业机会。
- 先进的科技创新可以提高生产效率,降低生产成本,提高产品质量。
- 电子商务和互联网平台的兴起,为企业提供了更大的市场机会和全球化发展的可能性。
- 技术创新可以激发创业精神和推动整个经济生态系统的发展。
4. 科技在医疗领域的应用- 科技在医疗领域的应用极大地改善了医疗服务和病人生活质量。
- 医疗设备和技术的进步使诊断更准确,治疗更有效。
- 远程医疗技术使得病人可以在家中获得医疗服务,方便了偏远地区的病人。
- 科技帮助研发新药和治疗方法,为治愈一些罕见病和慢性病提供了希望。
5. 科技对环境的影响- 科技的发展对环境产生了双重影响,既有正面的,也有负面的影响。
- 科技可以提高能源利用效率,降低排放量,推动可持续发展。
- 然而,科技的发展也带来了环境问题,如电子废物、能源消耗和空气污染等。
- 在科技发展的同时,我们需要注重环境保护和可持续发展的平衡。
例如:讨论是否将动物用于科学实验:Some scientists claim that experiments carried out on animals would be crucial for potential breakthroughs in treating some of the most-feared incurable diseases.讨论社会道德下滑:Development of science and technology has given birth to materialism and capitalism which favor the research for economic growth and freedom of men. Consequently, no spiritual, moral, and traditional values are taken into account.压力大的原因:The rapid development of science and technology makes work today more demanding than it used to be.亲情淡漠的原因:The availability of a great variety of high-tech recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families.环保全球化的原因:Developing countries lack sufficient numbers of qualified scientists and other skilled personnel to cope with the increasingly serious environmental problems, such as the ozone depletion, the marine pollution and the like.如果说科技的发展是人类社会进步的助推器,那么经济的影响就是社会前进的方向标。
科技类1.Some people think that robots are very important for humans’ future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.The field of science and technology has advanced throughout the past decades and has changed our perspectives of life. Among those advancements, robots have become significant by trying to get close to human lives. While some people argue that though these robots have managed to solve most of our day-to-day problems, they can still create problems, I believe that robots are significant for humans’ current and future development.It is normal for people to be worried about the rise of robotics in every aspects of our lives. In workplace, one of the real impacts humans face is the loss of jobs and the economic displacement of workers. As prices continue to drop for advanced technology, the result is that robots cost less than a human does to complete the same job. Consequently, wages are slashing and pay inequality is worsening. Moreover, when societies become too dependent on robots, humans become lazy and begin to lose the skills that they has replaced. Last but not the least, it’s not a stretch to imagine that untrustworthy robo ts may cause over-trust issue and deception. As anthropomorphic robots come to the physical world, people, children particularly, are susceptible to telling their deepest, darkest secrets to these robots whose cute faces may hide exploitative code.Nevertheless, the benefits that robots bring about could outweigh these potential risks. Many robotic solutions have been introduced in order to help disabled people. For example, wheelchairs, robotic arms, and many other robotic devices are created to help the disabled to perform their day-to-day tasks. Moreover, some of the greatest technologies are now in medicine, particularly with robot surgeons. In addition, robots are used in many high end factories to make their production lines more efficient and time saving. Compared with humans, robots rarely make mistakes and are more precise. As long as they have power, they can work continuously without any pauses or breaks and does not get tired as humans.In conclusion, there are good aspects as well as bad aspects about robots being a part of our lives. As long as humans remember that it is we who should decide on how much we let them control our lives, we could enjoy the life with robots around.2.Today, advanced science and technology have made great changes to people’s life, but artists such as musicians, painters and writers are stillhighly valued. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?Almost every aspect of modern human life has been influenced by science and technology. One area where technology is already having a profound impact is the world of art. Art is one affected and redefined by technology in a new way. Yet, some people argue that even with advance technologies that enable faster creation of works, artists are still high valued. I totally agree with this idea since efficient creation does not necessarily mean highly appreciable works.Admittedly, technology is shedding light on the ability to duplicate and create arts. For example, pianist robots are created to sit in front of a piano center stage and move their fingers with great accuracy and speed to play a piece from Mozart. Additionally, sketching portraits of humans, spontaneously composing music, and writing traditional Chinese calligraphy are already possible in the world of robots. Further, digitizing artwork help to make it more accessible to a wider audience. Livestreaming opera performance, for instance, enables people to enjoy the show online at home instead of taking a trip. Lastly, advanced technology have also allowed contemporary artists to reduce time spent in the actual execution of artwork to a minimum thereby freeing them to focus more on contemplation, creativity and developing groundbreaking ideas, as well as sound preparation for artwork. Nevertheless, technology unavoidably surface a lot of works with less artistic value and will never outshine artists’ creativity and imagination. The interpretation and creation of music is basically the expression of feelings. For example, when an artist sees beautiful scenery, he may immediately make a sketch, paint then, or just write a poem about what he saw. In contrast, machines that humans are used to operating as tools have little emotive understanding of the social, historical, psychological and physiological factors that inspire human artists, which makes it difficult to accept them as having the ability to be creative.In conclusion, contemporary art has been greatly influenced by the rapid development in digital technology. Given that these influences are inevitable, artists need to hone their skills and understand these techniques well in order to translate their vision and creativity into great and distinctive art pieces. 3.Nowadays, high-technologies such as mobile phones and internet are rarely used by old people. How should these technologies be useful to old people? How to encourage old people to use the technologies.Seniors consistently have lower rates of technology adoption than the general public. Given that high-technologies and internet could certainly benefit the elderly, it is necessary to come up with solutions to encourage them to take advantage of technologies.Both technologies and internet are useful to old people in all aspects of their life. Firstly, the elderly could maintain constant contacts with their relatives, friends, and children via video chat services like Skype, or other Internet-based communication channels such as email and social media. Secondly, smart technologies can assist older people to live safely and live well at home. With certain devices like a watch, senior people could easily call for help in case of emergency with the simple push of a button. Further, there are video games designed to help seniors exercise physically and mentally. For example, owning a Wii or other video game system offer a fun opportunity for old people to engage in light physical activity from the comfort of their own living room. Lastly, smartphone apps and cloud-based health information tracking systems can help seniors and their family caregivers keep information such as medical history, physician contacts, medication schedules, and health conditions organized and handy.However, older adults do face some unique barriers and challenges when it comes to adopting new technologies and Internet. In order to make seniors become perfectly capable of using new devices and visiting digital world, it would be helpful to develop devices tailored to the aging population and provide them with the right training. Currently, the reality is that a lot of applications and devices are designed mainly for the young, which makes it hard for old people to utilize. Therefore, high-tech companies and organizations should take the unique features of seniors into account in the R&D process. Communities and governments should organize some public classes specifically for the aging citizens to train them how to surf online, use smartphones, and other useful devices and applications. The aging populating themselves should be open to new technologies and actively engage in the learning process.In conclusion, technologies generally lead to a healthier lifestyle by helping senior citizens stay in touch with people, maintain their health, manage diseases and conditions, and tract treatments. Old people themselves, communities, and governments should work together to increase the rates of technology adoption by seniors.4.Some people believe that computers and internet carry more weight than traditional education in children’s study. Some others believe that traditional schooling and teachers are still essential and more effective. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion.It is undeniable that computers and internet has played an increasingly significant role in education. More and more schools and institutions start to adopt such advanced technologies to educate children, but I believe that traditional schooling and teachers should still play the dominant role. Indeed, children can get a variety of benefits from using advanced computers and the Internet. Firstly, there are a wide range of information and knowledge that covers all areas, such as mathematics, literature, and geography, available online. In other words, children can now access information on every conceivable subject. Secondly, the Internet together with computers make education an equal opportunity for every child, especially for those who in impoverished and remote areas without any access to schools and teachers. Thirdly, computers allow students to have e-mail or other forms of internet-based conversations with experts on any subject around the world. No longer will students be limited by their own classroom or teachers. Lastly, the Internet has created a creative and interesting learning environment where children can explore, convey, create knowledge as never before.However, compared to computers and the Internet, traditional schooling and teachers are still important and more effective. To begin with, teachers know well about their students and normally impart them the most relevant and valuable knowledge. On the contrary, finding and retrieving information from a web site can be sometimes tedious and time-consuming. Moreover, children are too young to develop self-control and self-discipline ability. Therefore, the supervision and guidance from teachers become fundamental and necessary. Further, schooling provides children with a collective and interactive environment where they can learn not only from their teachers but also from their peers and classmates. Only in this way can they develop team work and cooperation skills which are essential and indispensable for their future life and career.In conclusion, despite the convenience and popularization of the Internet and computers, teachers and schools are still play an significant and irreplaceable role in children’s education. Yet, educational experts and institutions could take advantage of these advance technologies to offer better education to students.5.Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?Distance learning has become increasingly popular, and Universities and institutions are offering an enormous range of Undergraduate, Postgraduate,as well as short-term courses. Some people argue that this development could worsen the quality of teaching and learning, while I think there are many obvious advantages in using distant education.Online colleges have been criticized for a variety of reasons. Firstly, some say that the quality of online education cannot be comparable to face-to-face learning since the main driver for opening up online courses is to spend less on teachers and buildings. Secondly, there is no direct contact with faculty. Lack of personal interaction with teachers could affect the learning curve for some students. Thirdly, students, especially those lack of self-control and self-discipline, are likely to fail in courses since without teachers they will not take distance learning seriously. The last argument is that qualifications offered by distant learning are not valued by employers. Some employers will always prefer a candidate who has pursued a regular program over holders of the distance learning program qualification.However, the advantages of distant education outweigh the above mentioned disadvantages. One of the biggest advantages of studying from home is the cost comparative to studying full time at school. Internet-based education usually involves more affordable tuition than traditional college or university. In addition, part time distance learning students can work while studying towards their qualification. Also, with web-based classes, students are capable of saving time far more since they do not need to travel to schools for all classes registered. This enables those who have a job or have important personal responsibilities, like looking after family members, to get their degrees. Moreover, some accelerated programs enable students to complete their education in a short period and they can engage and pursue a career faster as well by completing a degree earlier.In conclusion, although distance learning is not suited for everyone, it does allow individuals who cannot attend regular education programs to get educated and gain their qualification.。
比如说有这样一个题目:“Some people think that modern technology is making people more sociable, while others think it is making them less sociable. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.”1. 认为现代技术让人更善于社交的观点阐述。
2. 认为现代技术让人不善于社交的观点阐述。
One main drawback of distance learning is that lecturers have no interaction with students, leading to a feeling of isolation in some cases.2.家庭办公取代了通勤,很多上班族从这个技术革新中受益。
Many working people benefit from this technological innovation that teleworking replaces commuting.3.新技术正导致互联网经济的转型。
The new technologies are transforming the Internet economy.4.科学家们最近宣布了一项技术突破,可以把二氧化碳排放物转化为燃料。
Scientists recently announced a technological breakthrough that is capable of transforming carbon dioxide emissions into fuel.5.最受欢迎的方式是与科学家交换意见的机会(67%),其次是其他私人交流的机会。
Most popular were opportunities to exchange opinions with scientists (67 per cent), followed by other opportunities for personal interaction.6.技术发展所需的自由竞争受到政府监管。
Free competition necessary for technological development is under the guidance of the government.7.换句话说,在新兴技术的帮助下,师生关系以及课堂本身将得到重塑。
1. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)
- AI在医疗领域的应用:比如辅助诊断、手术机器人等,能够提高效率和精准度,但也引发隐私和道德问题。
- AI对就业的影响:部分工作岗位可能被机器人取代,但同时也会创造新的就业机会。
- AI在教育领域的发展:个性化教育、智能教辅等,对研究方式和教学模式产生积极影响。
2. 科技对环境的影响
- 电子垃圾处理:随着科技的迅猛发展,电子垃圾成为了一个问题,需要加强回收和处理。
- 可再生能源的推广:科技的进步可以推动可再生能源的发展和利用,减少对化石燃料的依赖,从而降低环境污染和碳排放。
- 环境监测技术的进步:科技的应用可以提高环境监测的精确度和效率,帮助解决污染问题。
3. 网络与社交媒体
- 网络对交流的影响:人们通过网络可以方便地进行信息传递和沟通,但也引发了信息泛滥和虚假信息的传播。
- 社交媒体对个人隐私的影响:社交媒体的普及使得个人隐私面临更大的风险,需要加强隐私保护措施。
- 网络对教育的影响:网络技术的应用改变了传统教学模式,提供了更多在线研究机会和资源。
4. 科技与经济发展
- 科技创新对经济的推动:科技创新可以带来新的产业和就业机会,促进经济增长。
- 数字经济的兴起:科技的进步推动了数字经济的发展,改变了传统产业和商业模式。
- 科技对就业结构的影响:科技进步可能导致部分工作岗位的消失,需要加强职业转型和培训。
雅思写作大作文-科技类(共5篇)第一篇:雅思写作大作文-科技类雅思写作大作文-科技类范文Question:Nowadays, more modern technologies have been used in entertainment, which may lead to the decrease of human creative power.Do you agree or disagree?Model Answer:With more advanced technologies applied widely in our entertainment, some people are quite worried about the possibility that human creative power will be hampered and we tend to be less innovative compared with that in the past.As for me, however, it is somewhat exaggerated.The wide technological applications have aroused great interests in modern technology, thereby boosting strong passion for science.In the past, lack of modern techniques, entertainment seemed rather monotonous, and people usually resorted to exercises in the open air to relax.At present, relaxation has been rendered more comfortable and convenient, such as playing on-line games, singing Karaoke, both diversifying people's after-work time.Meanwhile, people marvel at this dramatic change, and focus more on miraculous human wisdom, which partly accounts for an increasing number of youngsters choosing science and engineering as their majors.Moreover, modern people have gained easy access to recreational activities owing to puter or mobile phone, can realize the dream of entertainment whenever and we are.For example, electronic games, MP3 players, and e-books all help relax us after arduous work, so we can be more motivated next day.By contrast, if we are under constant pressure anyinteresting spare time, then working efficiency, not to mention creative power, is bound to be affected considerably.While eulogizing benefits brought out by the combination between technology and entertainment, we should not be blind to its relevant detriments.For example, some on-line games rife with violence and smut are so poisonous but attractive that vulnerable kids tent to submit to them and accordingly abandon precious study.Moreover, heavily dependent on technological conveniences, we grow more indolent, which will lead to lack of creative power.All in all, modernized entertainment is more beneficial to our life, so it will not decrease human creative power.Meanwhile, with the concerted efforts both from government and individuals, its potential dangers can be avoided. 第二篇:雅思大作文教育类写作雅思大作文教育类写作模板教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。
太空探索的利弊; 科技发展对于农业生产和食 品质量的利弊; 广泛使用机器人的利弊;科技 发展使工作,上学,购物等在家就可以完成的 利弊; 任何时间和地点都能打电话的利弊; 科技 发展改变了人们的娱乐方式,使人变得缺乏创 造力AD; 早期科技的影响比最新科技的影响大 AD; 有人认为科技发展拉大了贫富差距AD; 飞 机(互联网等)是最伟大的发明AD; 科学研究应 由政府实施控制,而不是私人公司AD;
Consequence, conservation, critic, harmony, hazard, indulgence, depression, curiosity 更有甚者,一些老师对学生采取体罚的方式,导致想 象不到的后果。 而且,年轻人比老年人更加开放,而老年人更趋于保 守。 批评家门认为这种做法与目前高度尊崇自由和个性的 文明社会不一致。(liberty, individuality, coincide with) 水彩画描绘的是人与自然的协调。(water-color painting)
Money-consuming, waste money, spend a large sum of money on, lay a heavy financial burden on, on a tight budget Money-saving, save money, release/ease the financial burden, contribute much to the government’s revenue, create/yield economic profits
雅思写作大作文科技类话题素材集锦Topic 17: XXX Positive and Negative EffectsXXX an essential part of our daily lives。
offering us benefits and drawbacks。
On the positive side。
cellphones can be used to make calls。
send text messages。
and surf the。
In case of an emergency。
people XXX.However。
there are also negative effects associated with XXX。
XXX driving can result in traffic accidents。
endangering both the driver and other passengers.Topic 18: Modern Technology and Its Effects on Leisure TimeXXX has had both positive and negative effects on leisure time。
On the one hand。
people can work beyond normal working hours through the use of computers and the XXX。
XXX to keep pace with the fast development of XXX.On the other hand。
technology has made life XXX automobiles。
air travel。
and rail has ced the time people spend commuting。
雅思写作科技类话题高分论据汇总细心的考生不难发现,在雅思写作以往出现的考题中,话题类型基本是固定的(e.g. 教育,科技,社会,生活,国际,政府,文化,媒体,环境,发展)。
雅思写作科技类话题高分论据汇总那么,就“科技”这一常考话题而言,在每一个方面会用到什么样的论据呢?针对每个方面可能涉及到的考试真题,论据的归纳如下:经济社会环境boost efficiency/productivity提高效率/生产率increase/decrease cost 增加/减少成本widen / expand(narrow/diminish) the gap between the wealthy and the needy 加大(缩小)贫富差距facilitate import and export 促进进/出口environmentally friendly technology 环保科技consume natural resources 消耗自然资源exacerbate surroundings 加剧环境恶化exhaust / emission / sewage 废气/ 排放/ 污水学习工作生活improve efficiency of study/work 提高学习/工作效率stimul ate sb’s interest in sth 激发兴趣diversify modes of knowledge acquisition多样化知识获取渠道liberate workers / release physical burden 解放工人distract sb from sth (sth leads to a distraction) 分心render sb indulge in sth 沉溺于enrich people’s lives 丰富生活make life more convenient 使生活更便捷ameliorate living standard 提高生活水平raise the cost of life 增加生活成本complicate life 让生活更复杂accelerate / quicken the tempo of life 加速生活节奏精神行为健康spiritual recreation / stimulus 精神娱乐/刺激mental relaxation / tension 精神放松/紧张suffer from solitude and estrangement 忍受孤独和疏远promote / impede mutual communication 促进/阻碍双向沟通improve interpersonal relationship 改善人际关系alienate individuals 导致人际关系疏远cure diseases 治疗疾病immune system 免疫系统build up a resistance to the antibiotics 抗生素抗药性genetically modified /transgenic technology 转基因技术epidemics (obesity,cancer,cardiovascular diseases,hypertension,myopia)流行病(肥胖,癌症,冠心病,高血压,近视)impair mental soundness 损害心理健康法律权利义务ensure social security确保社会安全monitor / invigilator /surveillance cameras 监视器cutting-edge technological crime 高科技犯罪Infringement of privacy 侵犯隐私在阅读过以上对四个方面论据的总结之后,考生再碰到“科技”类话题时,就可以胸有成足的挑选自己擅长的论据来完成一篇高质量的作文了。
雅思口语之科技话题范文Topic: Technology1.What types of technology are commonly used in your daily life?In my daily life, I use many types of technology. For example, I use a smartphone to communicate with friends and family, check emails, and browse the internet. I also use a computer to complete work, watch movies, and listen to music. Additionally, I often use social media on my smartphone to keep up with friends and the latest news.2.What technology did you use before the widespread use of smartphones?Before the widespread use of smartphones, I used a regular mobile phone that only made phone calls and text messages. I also used a computer to communicate with friends and family through email and instant messaging. In addition, I often used the internet to search for information, watch movies, and listen to music on my computer.3.Do you think technology has made our lives easier or more difficult?I think technology has made our lives easier in many ways. For example, smartphones and computers allow us to communicate with people quickly and easily, regardless of where we are. Technology also makes it easier to search for information, watch movies, listen to music, and access social media. However, technology can also make our lives more difficult in some ways, such as with cyberbullying and the rise of screen addiction.4.What new technology are you looking forward to in the future?In the future, I am looking forward to more advanced AI technology that can help us perform tasks more efficiently and easily. I also hope to see more environmentally friendly technology that can help reduce pollution and waste. Additionally, I am looking forward to more virtual reality technology that can help us enjoy entertainment and educational programs more interactively.。
•→ • Disrupt the food chain 扰乱自然界里的食物链
• Pose health risks to consumers 给消费者们带来健康风 险
• Regulate genetically-modified food/regulate GM food 对转基因食品进行严格的监管
Keep in touch with their family and friends
• Stay connected with their family and friends
• Live away from home /live far from family
E-books/electronic books
• Are interactive 是有互动性的 • Provide many search options 提供很多的搜索选择 • Can change the font size 读者可以改变字号 • Take up much less space 所占的空间远远更小 • Are easy to store and carry 方便存储和携带
• Revolutionized=transformed 彻底改变
The information age 信息时代
• The knowledge-based economy 以知识 为主导的经济
• The technology-driven economy 主要受 科技推动的经济
• 转基因农作物
• Increase crop yield 提高农作物的产量 • Make food look more attractive 让食品看起来更诱
真题一览:1.Nowadays cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?(如今,价格低廉的打折航空旅游已经在世界范围内越来越为人们所接受。
对此,你认为在何种程度内打折的航空旅行是利大于弊的?)2.Some people think space travel is important. Others think people will not remember this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(有些人认为太空旅行时间十分重要的事情。
请讨论双方的观点并给自己的看法)3.Modern technology is increasing the gap between the rich and poor. To what extent do you agree?(现代科技使得社会中贫富差距不断被拉大。
对此,在何种程度内你同意这个观点?)4.Long distance flight consumes natural resources and pollutes the air. Some people think it should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree.(长距离飞行会耗费大量自然资源并对大气造成污染。
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Keep in touch with their family and friends
• Stay connected with their family and friends • Live away from home /live far from family • Feel homesick 非常思念亲人 • Video chat (v.)/video chatting (n.) 视 频聊天
Genetically-modified food GM food
• • • • •
Genetic engineering technology 基因工程技术 Genetically-modified crops/GM crops 转基因农作物 Increase crop yield 提高农作物的产量 Make food look more attractive 让食品看起 来更诱人 • Are more resistant to decreases and insects. 对病虫害的抵抗力更强
Industrial automation 工业自动化
• Office automation 办公自动化 • → • Perform repetitive tasks 从事重复性 劳动
Increase efficiency Improve efficiency
• Boost productivity/make people more productive 提高人们的生产率 • Reduce costs 减少成本 • Meet consumers’ needs 满足消费者们 的需求
• Should limit the time their children send on electronic devices • (家长们)应该限制孩子使用电子设备的 时间 • Should limit the time their children spend on the internet/video games
E-books/electronic books
Paper books/printed books
• The texture of the pages 纸张的质感 • Enjoy turning the pages 喜欢翻阅书籍的体 验 • Are easier on the eyes 不容易导致眼睛疲劳 • Can take notes comfortably 可以舒服的做 笔记 • Prefer to hold a real book in their hands 喜 欢手执一卷的感觉
Technology in education
• Technology is a powerful tool to engage(吸引) students. • Technology can make lessons much more interesting. • Students can do research using online resources. • Students can study at their own place. • Adults can take distance learning courses. • Students can study whenever and wherever they want. • Students also learn skills which are useful for their future job. • For example, they learn to write reports using a word processor.
Farming machinery 农用机械
• • • • → Pose health risks 构成健康方面的风险 Organic food 有机食品 Is safer and more nutritious 更安全而 且更有营养 • Offer subsidies to organic farmers • 向生产有机食品的农民们提供补贴
• Are interactive 是有互动性的 • Provide many search options 提供很多的搜 索选择 • Can change the font size 读者可以改变字号 • Take up much less space 所占的空间远远更小 • Are easy to store and carry 方便存储和携带 • Meet their needs 满足他们的要求 • Reed books on a screen 在屏幕上看书 • May cause eye strain or headache. 有可能 会导致眼睛疲劳或头痛
Genetically-modified food GM food
• → • Disrupt the food chain 扰乱自然界里的食物链 • Pose health risks to consumers 给消费者们带来 健康风险 • Regulate genetically-modified food/regulate GM food 对转基因食品进行严格的监管 • Regulate+宾语 = 对…严格的监管 • Eg. The government is looking at whether it should regulate the use of wild animals in the entertainment industry.
Farming machinery 农用机械
• • • • • • • • • • Machine 一台具体的机器 Machinery 泛指机械 Factory farming 工厂化养殖 Use chemical fertilizers 使用化肥 Increase crop yield 提高农作物的产量 Reduce hunger 减少饥饿现象 Increase food supplies 增加食品的供应 Prevent food shortages 避免食品短缺 Boost farming productivity 提高农业的生产率 Help fo keep food prices stable 有助于保持食品的 价格稳定
Technology in education
• People rely too much on computers. • Young learners do not become proficient(精通) in some basic skills. • They use word processors and spelling may suffer. • People should be able to write a letter by hand. • Technology is no substitute for(取代) a real teacher. • Learners need a structured course. • An experienced teacher knows what materials to choose. • Computers are expensive to maintain and can be unreliable.
Online shopping
• • • • • • • • Online shops 网店 Physical shops 实体店 Provide more choices 提供更多的选择 Is easy and efficient Is more eco-friendly 是更有益于环保的 Shop (v.) at lower prices Can easily compare prices Can read customer reviews 可以阅读评语
Are widely used 被广泛的使用
• Assembly lines 工业装配线 • Mass-produced goods 被批量生产的产 品
Has revolutionized the way we communicate
彻底地变革了我们=transformed 彻底改变
Technology in education Opinion
• Institutions should supplement (增加) traditional teaching with the use of technology. • Technology is part of our daily life. • It can enhance a teacher’s lessons. • Students can use online resources to help with homework. • Students must still learn to write by hand • They should still use traditional sources of information such as books.
• Adopt new technologies. 采用新的科技 • Adopt→在雅思作文为接受,采纳新事物的意思 • Eg. People should be encouraged to adopt a healthier lifestyle. • this policy has been adopted by some educational authorities(教育问题的主管部门). • Meet new challenges 应对新的挑战
The information age 信息时代
• The knowledge-based economy 以知识 为主导的经济 • The technology-driven economy 主要 受科技推动的经济