

第5章 国际服务贸易自由化政策

第5章 国际服务贸易自由化政策
中国—东盟的服务贸易自由化问题 CEPA中的内陆、香港服务贸易开放
2007年1月14日 中国—东盟签署《中国政府与东 南亚国家联盟成员国政府全面经济合作框架协 议服务贸易协议》 ,并于2007年7月1日施行。
中国和东盟9国(老挝为非WTO成员)相互提交 的减让承诺表是在WTO《服务贸易总协定》承 诺基础上的进一步开放。其开放的范围涵盖商 业服务、建筑及相关工程服务、环境服务、娱 乐文化体育服务、运输服务等5个部门的26个分 部门。具体包括进一步开放上述服务领域,允 许设立独资企业,放宽设立公司的股比限制以 及允许享受国民待遇等。
服务自由化主要从以下几个方面影响发展中国 家的国家安全利益:
第一,可能对发展中国家幼稚服务业,特别是 国有或国家控制的服务企业,造成毁灭性打击, 不利于保护民族服务业,影响劳动力就业,动 摇国家经济独立性的基础;
第二,可能要取消的对外国投资的某些限制会 对发展中国家金融服务市场稳定和安全构成潜 在威胁,进而可能波及国家政权的稳定;
乌拉圭回合是关税与贸易总协定主持下的第八轮多边贸易谈判, 也是关税与贸易总协定的最后一轮谈判。
从1986年9月谈判的启动到1994年4月最终协议的签署历时8年。 参加乌拉圭回合谈判的国家和地区从最初的103个,增加到
1993年底的117个和1994年4月谈判结束时的128个。 此次多边贸易谈判的主要成果一是强化了多边贸易体制,特别
第三,服务大量进口诱使外汇外流,不利于发展 中国家实现国际收支平衡目标,从而可能弱化国 家的总体经济目标;
第四,服务贸易可能影响发展中国家电讯服务市 场的正常发展,这不仅可能弱化对国家政治、军 事和经济机密的保护,而且可能侵犯国家主权;



国际服务贸易外文翻译文献(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:《World Development》,2015,12(1):35-44.英文原文The research of international service trade and economic growth theoryChakraborty Kavin1 IntroductionThe study of the relation between international trade and economic growth is one of the most active issues. Since 1980s, the world has been in transition from national economy orientating towards natural resources and manufacturing industry to global and regional economy orientating towards information resources and service industry. After the signature of GA TS in1994, the institutional arrangements on liberalizing service trade result in a world-wide involvement division and exchanges of service trade, and it is undoubtedly that the positive interaction between service trade and investment leads to economic growth. But the theoretical research on service trade lags behind practice.Is it a statistic phenomenon or a universal rule of economic growth? To approach the above two issues from theoretical and empirical perspective is of great value to policy-making.For the proposition of that "International service trade will drive economic growth". Theoretical analysis shows that although service tradeis not a direct interpretative variable to economic growth, it can effect economic growth indirectly through other growing factors and technology upgrade, but the ways and mechanisms are different in different stages. In a certain stage of economic development, service trade (including investment) will have static and dynamic effect on factors supply and technology upgrade in one county, which will lead to the domestic alteration of resources condition structure. It is the enterprises that select industry structure, technology structure and trade structure according to dynamic alteration way of comparative technology structure and trade structure, which will ultimately promote evolution of economic growth gradually. So far as operational mechanism of service trade and investment is concerned, service trade affects factors supply in one country by physical capital accumulating effect, human capital effect, technology upgrade effect, institutional transition effect, employment effect and externality of technology, then influences the upgrade of industrial structure, the upgrade of technological structure and the transition of mode of economic growth. It is obvious that dynamic effect is greater than static effect; that external effect is playing more important role than internal effect; and that technology spillover effect of foreign direct investment in service industry is greater than that of service trade in a narrow sense (including across-border supply, consumption abroad and movement of natural person).For the research of mechanism about how service trade drive economic growth. Firstly, the paper verifies the causality between service trade and economic growths concerning different economic bodies and the representative countries. The results show that there are causalities between international service trade and economic growth in the whole world, in the developed countries, in the US and in china. In the developing countries, service trade is the Granger cause of economic growth; In the whole world and the developing countries, economic growth is the Granger cause of service trade; In the US, service export is the Granger cause of economic growth, and economic growth is the Granger cause of service import. On this basis, it is concluded that the opening of service industry will benefit economic growth in one country. Secondly, in order to explore on how the service trade and investment act on economic growth, empirical studies are employed to explain the case of US and that of China. The results show that the routes by which service trade affects economic growth in the US can be rowed as follows from more significant to less: employment effect, human capital effect, physical capital effect, technology effect, institution effect. The results of empirical analysis of China can be summarized that: the routes by which service export affects economic growth can be rowed as follows: employment effect, physical capital effect, institution effect, human capital effect, technology effect; the routs by which service import affectseconomic growth can be rowed as follows: technology effect, institution effect, employment effect, human capital effect, physical capital effect; the routes by which FDI in service affects economic growth can be rowed as follows: technology effect, human capital effect, institution effect, employment effect, physical capital effect. Moreover, the effect of FDI in service is stronger than service import, and the effect of service import is stronger than service export.According to the empirical test in this paper, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: service trade in a narrow sense will have static and dynamic effects on factor supply in one country through import and export of service, FDI in service industry is one of the most important cross-border transactions and is another important channel which will affect the transition of advantages on factor supply in one country. It should be emphasized that the above-mentioned channels will have different effects on countries at different stages of economic development. Whether the roles can be brought into play or not depends on given restraints. The input output of factors themselves cannot form a clear function, but will interact together and act on economic growth hand in hand through numerous feedback chain.Chinese economy is now undergoing transformation from elementary age to middle age of industrialization. Service trade and investment in current period have both advantages and disadvantages.Based on these judgments, we propose that China should pursue a policy favoring protectionism on management of service trade and adopt relevant countermeasures as follows. Scientific development view should be formed with an eye to harmonizing development of three industries so as to lay a solid industries foundation for service trade; The strategic programming should be stipulated and the market of service trade should be opened gradually; The rule of international transfer of service trade should be mastered and environment of utilizing foreign investment on service industry should be improved.As the characteristics of the world's service-oriented economy have gradually emerged, service trade originating from the upgrading of industrial structure has developed rapidly, and the scale of service trade is rapidly expanding. From the statistical data, the total exports of world service trade rose rapidly from 365 billion U.S. dollars in 1980 to 377.779 billion U.S. dollars in 2008, an increase of 9.35 times. Compared with the trade of goods with a long history, service trade is a new form of trade. With the continuous increase in absolute size and relatively low levels, service trade has become a focus of attention in modern society.2 The impact of overall service trade on economic growthAccording to the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GA TS), which was signed in 1994, trade in services includes Cross- border Supply, Consumption A broad, Commercial Presence, and naturalperson mobility. (Movement of Natural Persn) Four modes. The service trade of these four modes has completely different properties and characteristics. Therefore, it is difficult to establish a unified theoretical framework for service trade to affect economic growth. The corresponding literature is very rare. The only foreign documents are mainly Robinson et al. (2002), who simply regard service trade as a commodity. Trade, without taking into account differences in the four trade models, studied the economic growth effects of service trade liberalization using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model.Using empirical methods to study the literature on the impact of overall service trade on economic growth is more, but such studies are mostly domestic scholars. Research shows that the average contribution of China's overall service trade to economic growth is 18.9%.3 Effect of Service Trade in Different Industries on Economic GrowthAt present, the literature on the impact of industry trade in service trade on economic growth is mostly concentrated in such service sectors as finance, telecommunications, and health care. These studies have basically reached a relatively unanimous conclusion that the opening of the service sector or the increase in productivity can significantly promote economic growth. . For example, studies by Beck et al. (1998), M urinde & Ryan (2003), and Eschenbach (2004) suggest that the opening of the financial sector has, to a certain extent, broken the monopoly of domesticfinancial markets and prompted the orderly competition of financial markets. On the normal development track, productivity has improved, and it has finally led to economic growth in the country. Kim (2000) studied the relationship between the development of service trade in the distribution sector and the growth of total factor productivity (TFP) using Korea's input-output data. The results show that the liberalization of service trade not only significantly promoted its own TFP. The promotion also promoted the improvement of total factor productivity in the related manufacturing sector. The total factor productivity growth brought about by service trade almost covered the entire economic sector.4 Effect of Service Trade on Economic Growth by Different Trading ModesThere are few literatures on specific transaction models and theoretical studies on the impact of trade in services on economic growth. Carr et al. (2001) & M arkusen et al. (2005) theoretically examined the commercial existence model by means of the CGE model. The impact of the trade in services on economic growth shows that the opening up of trade in services is an important source of the increase in economic welfare of a country. From the perspective of economic welfare, the opening up of trade in services is a general trend. Subsequently, the use of CGE models to theoretically examine the impact of service trade on economic growth began to prevail. For example, Rutherford et al. (2005)used the CGE model to evaluate Russia's WTO accession effects, and Ko nan &Maskus (2006) used CGE models. The potential effects of Tunisia's elimination of barriers to trade in services were studied. Their conclusions indicate that the increase in the level of economic welfare in one country can benefit from the opening up of the service market, while the elimination of FDI market access barriers in the service sector is a pattern of four trades. The most important liberalization measures are the main sources of increased welfare in a country. There are a lot of literatures on the relationship between service trade and economic growth in specific models using empirical methods. In the four modes of trade in services, commercial presence is the most important one, and from the point of view of data availability, although statistical data is still not very accurate, commercial existence of service trade is based on service industry FDI as a carrier. To achieve this, researchers can use service industry FDI data to characterize the scale of service trade in this model, and this type of trade model has received more attention. Among them, Markusen (1989) believes that the existence of commercial trade in services has two positive and negative effects. The positive effect is that competition in the service sector has led to an increase in domestic demand for the sector’s production factors, which is conducive to output growth. The effect of market size and negative effects means that the intensified competition in the domestic market of service industries has led to the withdrawal ofdomestic service-oriented enterprises from the market. The study by Markusen (1989) shows that the effect of market size after the opening of the service market far exceeds the crowding-out effect. After offsetting the crowding-out effect, it can still promote the productivity improvement of the non-service sector and further lead to the structure of domestic trade in goods. The changes, those sectors that were previously low in productivity and dependent on imports, will evolve into high-productivity export sectors, which is quite similar to the latest research findings on the interactive development of producer services and manufacturing. Hoekman (2006) and Hoekman (2006) used India as an example to examine the impact of the existence of commercial trade in services in the finance, telecommunications, and transportation sectors on the competitiveness of the goods export sector, and believe that these sectors have been liberalized. The level of soft facilities has been increased, which in turn has greatly reduced the operating costs of the downstream product manufacturing sector, which has increased the export competitiveness. With the inefficiency of the domestic service industry, the unfavorable pattern is reversed with the help of commercial presence of service trade. Feasible choice. Guerrieri et al. (2005) took the EU as the research object and analyzed the role of commercial trade in services for knowledge accumulation and economic growth. The study concluded that the openness of the service market or the relaxation of domesticservice regulations has positively promoted economic growth. It was found that the imported service items may be more able to promote economic growth than the domestic same service items due to high technological content.5 Possible Future Research DirectionsIt is not difficult to find from the above-mentioned documents that since the development of service trade started late, research on the growth of service trade began to rise gradually from the 1980s, and more than 20 years of research in this area is in the ascendant. With the further enhancement of the status of trade in services, the possible directions for future research will generally include the following aspects.From the point of view of research methodology, classification of service trade can be studied. As the theory of goods trade has gradually matured, the development practice of service trade still calls for the birth of the theory of service trade. Helpman and Markusen, international economists, expressed on different occasions that the difficulty in establishing the theoretical system of service trade lies in the fact that there are large differences in various types of service trades, and it is difficult for researchers to overcome the gap between them. Classifying service trade according to certain standards and exploring the impact of various types of service trade on economic growth is a possible direction for future research.From the perspective of the research subjects, it is possible to study China’s service trade and economic growth. China’s GDP has already ranked second in the world. However, the service industry’s added value accounted for only 40% of GDP, which is obviously not commensurate with the status of an economic power. In addition, the trade in services is still relatively small compared to the trade in goods. Under such a realistic background, what is the relationship between China's service trade and economic growth? How will service trade contribute to China's economic growth? What impact will service outsourcing have on China's economy? With China in In the next decade, how will China make service trade an engine of economic growth? From the academic point of view, economists from all countries are paying attention to China’s economic development, and China’s service trade will also be improved. It will become a research hotspot.From the perspective of research topics, it is possible to study the impact of service outsourcing on economic growth. In 2008, the scale of global service outsourcing market has reached 1.5 trillion US dollars. According to the UNCTAD (UNCT AD) speculation, the global service outsourcing market will increase by 30%-40% in the next 5-10 years.The surging service industry outsourcing is a new form of service trade. How does service outsourcing drive economic growth through employment, industrial structure upgrading, and technology spillovers?What are the differences in the impact of contracting and receiving services on economic growth in the service industry? Research on these issues will start with the development of service outsourcing to important theoretical guidance.中文译文国际服务贸易与经济增长理论与实证研究Chakraborty Kavin1 引言国际贸易与经济增长始终是国际经济学最生动的论题之一。











关键词:国际服务贸易自由化;发展中国家;中国International Service Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries and the Impacts of AnalysisABSTRACTInternational service trade in global economic development plays a more and more important role. Services trade liberalization for growing developing countries, with a duality, both provide them with unprecedented opportunities, but also bring those many problems. The development of trade liberalization in developing countries increased specialization of labor, economic efficiency, the comprehensive national strength, etc in introducing foreign capital to promote domestic service opening up and economic development. Meanwhile, International trade liberalization also restricted the industrial structure of developing countries, influenced the development of economic structure, Make commodity price and trade structure seriously deteriorating, Thus affecting developing countries import and export of goods. With the development of world economy, trade liberalization has become the inevitable trend. China is the biggest developing country, since joining WTO, China's economic development more dependent on international trade liberalization. In this form, this article from theinternational service trade liberalizations of the production, development. Combined with the liberalization of services under the present situation and problems, Detail of trade liberalization, the influence of developing countries, meanwhile from law, trade protectionism, multilateral negotiations and strategy for selection of baking proposed the countermeasures. Thus develop of China's service trade in the world economy, for a wider fan development space.Keywords:international service trade liberalization; developing countries; China.目录摘要 (1)1.概述 (6)1.1国际服务贸易自由化的产生和背景 (6)1.2国际服务贸易自由化的含义和表现 (7)2.发展中国家服务贸易自由化的现状 (8)2.1发展中国家的贸易自由化处于成长阶段 (8)2.2贸易自由化增强了发展中国家的市场竞争力 (9)2.3服务贸易壁垒形式更为隐蔽,手段更加多样化 (10)3.服务贸易自由化对发展中国家的影响 (11)3.1国际贸易自由化对发展中国家的积极影响 (11)3.1.1服务贸易自由化有利于提高发展中国家经济效率 (11)3.1.2改善了劳资问题 (12)3.1.3有利于加快服务业和综合国力的提高 (12)3.1.4提高了发展中国家的出口商品竞争力 (13)3.1.5有利于引进利用外资 (14)3.2国际服务贸易自由化对发展中国家的消极影响 (15)3.2.1制约了发展中国家服务业的产业结构 (15)3.2.2影响了发展中国家的经济环境 (15)3.2.3贸易自由化加大了发展中国家与发达国家间的不平衡性 (16)3.2.4商品价格变化与贸易条件的恶化 (16)4.以中国为例分析面对国际服务贸易自由化发展中国家的对策 .. 174.1我国应积极进行贸易自由化进程的战略选择 (17)4.2参加国际服务贸易的双边与多边谈判,争取更有利的国际环境。










金融服务贸易自由化对中国的影响外文翻译外文翻译原文The Impact of Financial Services Trade Liberalization on ChinaMaterial Source: The Impact of Financial Services Trade Liberalization on ChinaAuthor: Li-Gang LiuAbstractThis paper shows that financial services trade liberalization in China has set impetus for accelerated domestic financial liberalization. Foreign banks, though still relatively small in size, have already exerted considerable influence on China’s capital flows. Empirical finding from the cross-country study indicates that financial services trade liberalization under the WTO promotes bank loans to developing economies strongly though not evenly conditional on country characteristics.Keywords: Financial services trade liberalization, capital flows, financial and capital account liberalization, gravity modelI. IntroductionChina is undertaking a set of simultaneous, though gradual, domestic financial and capital account liberalization. At the same time,its financial sector is also experiencing increased foreign competition as the country has already started to allow considerable foreign participation in its domestic financial sector. 2007 will be a watershed year as China will have to fully implement its WTO commitments on financial services trade liberalization.While foreign banks in emerging markets promote efficiency through enhanced competition and transfer of skills Claessens, et al … 2001, Committee on the Global Financial System CGFS, 2004, they also pose challenges to policy makers in areas of managing liberalization pace, upgrading supervision skills, and conducting monetary policy. Empirical findings suggest that with more countries embarking upon financial liberalization, the risk of financial crises has also increased. It was observed that since the 1980s, over two-thirds of IMF member countries have experienced significant problems in the banking sector Lindgren, et. al…1996. Studies on the relationship between financial liberalization and banking crisis also indicate that financial liberalization raises the probability of a banking crisis Demirguc-Kunt & Detragiache, 1998. Moreover, in emerging market economies, a banking crisis is usually associated with a balance of payment crisis when the country’s capit al account is open Kaminsky & Reinhart, 2000.Because financial services trade liberalization often involves capital flows, foreign participation will certainly complicate theongoing process of domestic financial and capital account liberalization in emerging market economies. It is hypothesized that foreign bank participation would accelerate both domestic financial and capital account liberalization and in particular, it would make a host country’s capital control regime progressively more ineffective, thus leading to de facto capital account liberalization. Without necessary modifications regarding their exchange rate regimes and the ways they conduct monetary policies, emerging market economies may experience inherent policy inconsistencies that could eventually lead to capital account crises This paper intends to examine these issues raised above in two segments: First, it examines the impact of foreign bank presence on China’s rapidly evolving domestic and external financial liberalization. Using China as a case study, the paper intends to shed light on whether foreign participation helps accelerate China’s domestic financial and capital account liberalization. The paper then examines the impact of the WTO financial services trade liberalization commitments and especially the banking sector commitments on bank loans to developing economies. Specifically, the empirical study of this section hopes to shed light on whether financial services trade liberalization helps promote bank loans to developing economies.The paper proceeds as follows: Section II provides an updated review on the General Agreement of Trade in Services with a focus on thefinancial services. Section III examines whether foreign bank presence in China helps accelerate domestic financial and capital account liberalization. Section IV presents some empirical findings on whether the financial services trade liberalization commitments promote bank loans to emerging market economies. Section V discusses implications for policy.II. Financial Services Trade Liberalization under the GATSII. 1: GATS Rules: An updated reviewFinancial services trade liberalization negotiations FSTLN, under the General Agreement on Trade and Services GATS, aims at reducing or even totally removing all trade barriers in financial services sector by allowing foreign financial firms in insurance, banking, securities industry and other related financial services sectors to enter a host country and enjoy national treatment. The GATS, launched in the Uruguay Round in 1986, was not able to reach any agreement until April 1994, several months after the conclusion of the Uruguay Round at the end of 1993 Kono, et al …, 1997. Negotiations on financial services agreements were also extended far beyond the Uruguay Round and finally reached agreement in 1997. In the current and new Doha round of WTO negotiations, financial services and other services will be a “built-in” agenda, thus having the benefit of renewed emphasis Key, 2003.FSTLN specifies general commitments, specific exemptions, andmodes of supply of services. These commitments governing modes of financial services supplied and they can differ from country to country and can be phased in over time depending on the initial agreements. However, the general commitments of GATS also apply to FSTLN have the following features Kono, et al …, 1997: 1? Most favored nation MFN: All liberalization measures must be extended to all WTO members equally ? Market access and national treatment: WTO member countries can not discriminate between domestic and foreign firms, except when explicitly indicated at the time of joining the GATS ? Transparency: Local regulations should be published and made accessible to all ? Progressive liberalization: Member states agree to increase the number of liberalized sectors and to eliminate exceptions within sectors by committing to future negotiating rounds ? Dispute settlement mechanism: All commitments are legally binding. Harmed states can initiate an arbitration procedure. If found harmed, the country can impose sanctions against the violating country However, FSTLN also has some important exemptions:? Exemption for government services: Activities of the central banks or other government authorities carrying out monetary and exchange rate policies are excluded from GATS ? Prudential carve-out: It is exempted from GATS and is designed to ensure that host country governments can protect their domestic financial system and participants of thefinancial system through the application of the host country prudential standards. These prudential measures in principle do not have to comply with the national treatment, market access commitments and its most favored nation responsibility Key, 2003. However, the prudential carve-out is not meant to be an overriding exception to a member’s obligations, as prudential measures should not be used to avoid a member’s obligation or commitments ? Some non-prudential related government regulations for example, practices related to industrial policy to provide credit to certain industries are also exempted from the commitments of the GATS unless such policies violate the general commitments as specified above Kono, et al …, 1997 Similar to other types of services, FSTLN also covers four modes of supply: cross-border, consumption abroad, commercial presence, and movements of natural persons.Mode 1 or cross-border supply: If a consumer in country A and a supplier in country B, the service crosses the border to meet the need of the consumer in Country A e.g., A Japanese bank in Tokyo lends to a Chinese firm in Shanghai. Depending on the nature of transactions, this mode of supply in financial services will often involve not only financial services but also capital flows Table 1 ? Mode 2 or consumption abroad: It refers to a scenario that a consumer in Country A will have to travel to Country B where the service supplier is located in order to conducta transaction e.g., A Japanese company opens a bank account with a bank in China a Japanese, other foreign, or even a domestic Chinese bank for transactions occurring in China ? Mode 3 or commercial presence: It refers to a service in country A provided by a supplier in country B took place at a permanent place of business located in country A e.g., A Japanese bank lends firms in China through its branch in China Table 2 ? Mode 4 or movement of natural persons: It refers to a service in countryA is provided by countryB with personnel imported from country B e.g., A branch of a Japanese bank draws its management from its headquartersin Tokyo As discussed above, measures undertaken for prudential purposes are exempted from the basic rules. Because there is no necessity test of validity, such “carve-outs” could be potentially used as restrictions or barriers for foreign entry. In addition, only a sovereign, not a private bank, can bring complains to the WTO dispute panel Key, 2003 Although financial services often involve capital flows, the FSTLN under GATS does not have any authority to override the measures of capital controls in a host economy. Under capital controls, a cross-border financial service trade may occur but not necessarily the capital flows associated with the service. This is because FSTLN under GATS has to be consistent with the current account transactions of the IMF Articles of Agreement. It does not, however, cover capital account transactions. In principle, countries that have signed on the GATS in financial servicescan continue to engage their capital control measures and practices Table 3 uses the banking business as an example to highlight the areasin which foreign bank entry not only brings financial services trade but also cross-border capital flows. Out of 17 categories of banking businessin Mode 1, only three types of banking business can take place without involving capital flows financial leasing, provision of financial information, and financial advisory. Only in Mode 3 Commercial Presence, most financial services trade can occur so long as foreign capitals are not involved.Despite these perceived limitations, FSTLN under GATS is an important step forward in liberalizing the financial service trade worldwide as it provides national treatment to foreign financial firms, promotes transparency of financial regulations, and promises further liberalization in financial services. Similar to foreign direct investment in manufacturing sectors, the impact of foreign participationin a host country may be much larger than one can contemplate based only on th e existing WTO rules and regulations III. China’s WTO Financial Services Commitments and their ImplicationsChina signed the GATS upon its WTO accession at the end of 2001. Although there is a phasing-out period of five years with respect to business scope local currency vs. foreign exchange banking business, customers resident vs. nonresident, consumer vs. firms, and geographiclocation Appendix I, its overall commitment is relatively liberal compared with countries in East Asia and most of the developing economies Figure 1. Even before its WTO commitments, foreign banks have already been allowed to operate in certain geographic areas with progressively liberalized scope of banking businesses Table 4. However, the opening was relatively modest because such liberalizations were only unilateral and based on the country’s own economic needs, which may be quite different from the multilateral and rule-based financial services trade liberalization under the GATS that are anticipated, transparent, and extended to all members of the WTO.译文金融服务贸易自由化对中国的影响资料来源:金融服务贸易自由化对中国的影响作者:刘利刚摘要本文表明,在中国金融服务贸易自由化已经成为加速国内金融自由化的推动力量。









































1. 引言1.1 国际服务贸易自由化的定义国际服务贸易自由化是指各国在服务领域开展贸易活动时,避免采取歧视性措施并逐步降低限制和障碍,使服务市场更加开放和竞争。






1.2 国际服务贸易自由化对发展中国家的意义国际服务贸易自由化对发展中国家的意义在于促进经济发展和提升国际竞争力。





文献出处:Siles., The free trade and protectionism under the economic crisis [J]. New Political Economy, 2014, 16(5): 627-653.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,其他网站不得转载,完整译文请到百度文库。

)原文The free trade and protectionism under the economic crisisAuthor: Siles.AbstractIn 2008,with the outbreak of the global financial crisis on the global trade has brought the huge impact. Drop in trade growth and deteriorating economic conditions for economic protectionism policy provides the cutting edge of opportunity. Article aims to study the free trade and protectionist policies to New Zealand industry group, such as agricultural industrialization, and the "buy American" influence on the international trading system, to explore the protection strategy and the advantages and disadvantages between the free trade.Keywords:financial crisis; Free trade; Protectionism strategy; Advantages; disadvantagesThe introductionIn 2007, the United States housing bubble of the real estate market brought down the banking system, and eventually led to the 2008 global recession.This year's financial crisis on global trade has brought the huge impact.Since the 1980 s, sustained growth of international trade for the first time has a tendency to decline.It is reported that as of November 2008, world trade fell by 5% of the total, December is further reduced by 7% of the total.As is known to all, the decline of international trade will be a serious threat to a country's economy, whether developed or developing countries, especially those that the countries of the economic foundation for export trade.As one of the largest exporters of cars in Japan, this caused by the housing bubble of the global financial crisis caused severe blow to its car exports;Other majorindustrialized economic system such as the European Union and similar also suffered a big blow.Although since early February 2009, the international trade has been showing signs of recovery, but still can see trade will always stay with before the financial crisis in a relatively low level.Drop in trade growth and deteriorating economic conditions to protect main economic policy provide the chance of a cutting edge.Nobody can clearly calculated how much and how long will last the world recession and the ubiquitous could panic emphasized the importance of economic protectionism, since the trade via the elimination of import tariffs and reduce the export tax free market.Different from free trade policy, trade protection is advocated by imported products add tariffs or other trade restrictions, such as direct subsidies mechanism, resistance to outsiders encroach on the local market.At present, there is a by increasing import customs taxes and surcharges for some countries to restore Zionist domestic trade growth pattern.The United States, for example, the government rescue plan announced in the "Buy American, Buy American" clause.Under this clause has been regarded as the recession a form of protectionism.The implementation of this clause, the New Zealand export driven to the brink of a global market.Preserved and protective strategies between free trade and the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the once again become the focus of the economic field.The purpose of this paper is to through research since by trade and protectionism policy to New Zealand industry set group (such as the agricultural industrialization), the influence of and the "buy American" influence on the international trading system, to discuss the problem.With the deepening of the study, related concepts of free trade and protectionism will be applied to the discussion.Second, the body of the free trade is associated with liberalism.According to the learned by the socialist economic base this principle, the elements of free markets and free trade is no government intervention.Capital and labor are the two fundamental elements in economic hair.In theory, labor and capital would flow from adverse market environment to the good air conditioning pletely free trading system is the guarantee of capital and Labour are themost advantageous production conditions of the premises.According to the classical theory of free trade, in the absence of government intervention, every country can find their own place in the world economic system, and better the condition of country will be richer than other countries.Therefore, reduce the regulation for import and export restrictions will be more conducive to free trade.The free trade policy is to support any to the construction of the free market.For example, to remove tariffs on imported products, reduce the export tax, as well as any legislation to clear the obstacles to labor productivity.Free trade treaties and changes of the agriculture development in New Zealand has a significant impact, New Zealand is a small, follow the rule of the free market type agricultural exporter, is currently the world's most open markets for agricultural pletely against protectionist stance, New Zealand agricultural industry is one of the most big beneficiaries of free trade policy.Since 1983 the government of New Zealand and Australia since the first free trade agreement, signed by regional and bilateral free trade agreement to become New Zealand agricultural products and market strategies of successful diversification.In 2005, for example, has established close economic partnership, with Thailand and Chile, brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and China free trade agreement, and negotiation of free trade terms and south Asian countries.Support the export of agricultural products trade policy is not does not make the agriculture department become the New Zealand government high agricultural subsidies object, on the contrary, the department of agriculture has become the New Zealand's largest source of export earnings.95% of New Zealand dairy products have been exported to other countries and regions of the world, meat and wool products is expected to reach 20% of New Zealand's total exports.The annual report in 2007, about 30% of world trade, dairy products from New Zealand dairy industry bring countries each year nearly 63 billion New Zealand dollars export income;While its exports of agricultural products value is about 15 to 16 million New Zealand dollars.These is helpful to agricultural economic strategy of free trade and market not only has made a outstanding contribution to the economic recovery of New Zealand, for the development of theagricultural sector and agricultural productivity growth also played a crucial role.This suggests that New Zealand in the mid - 1980 - s to the early 90 s cancel agricultural subsidies made the right decision, it promoted the rapid development of the commercial farming in New Zealand.Cancel agricultural subsidies triggered a fierce market competition mechanism, promote the efficiency of resource utilization and the diversity of products.Example, during 1983 and 2005, the average weight of the cattle grew by 15%, lamb grew by 28%, lamb grew by 18%.Believe that supporters of free trade policy of free trade policy to New Zealand agricultural guide to the correct development direction.2008 economic crisis makes the trade protection in different parts of the world alive.The New Zealand herald reported pointed out that the dairy industry The anger of New Zealand dairy industry.After experiencing the economic collapse, American farmers pay more attention to by foreign competitors bring loss caused by fierce competition.The report points out, the Washington announced "dairy industry export incentive plan", officially became "buy American" part of the rescue plan.The plan aims to improve the competitiveness of the dairy farming U.S. exporters in the global market.A comparative study of the United States, New ZealandThe U.S. government export subsidy plan will be pushed to the New Zealand agriculture risk to the edge.The New Zealand herald reported, the us government plan not only by the mass media criticism in New Zealand for "short-sighted", but also to convey to the world economy a wrong signal.Some scholars of New Zealand, the mass media and politicians say repeat of export subsidy policy beneath the New Zealand exports mechanism, and release the wrong message to the market interest rates.Snarr pointed out that to protect the "temporary" policy of the national commercial interests, often leads to competition in the market of lax.The temporary subsidy policy in the United States, is likely to increase international trade can last long with the cost of a long-term.Feenstra protectionist policies have discussed the us government's cost.He pointed out that the United States in the 80 s generation has restricted the number of imported Japanese cars into the soil, the government also soin order to make up for the economic consequences of the policy, American consumers have to accept the vehicle unit price soared 14% from the previous case, Washington government subsidy policy of Taiwan exports will disrupt the world agricultural market price system.And consumers (including the United States and other countries consumers) will have to pay for the consequences of this kind of protectionist policies.The more in-depth study of the "buy American" policy, is increasingly suspect this so-called tarp Actually destroys the bilateral relations.New Zealand and other WTO members will have to face by protecting the main economic pressures brought by the policy of righteousness.Actually the idea behind protectionism involving a maintain a positive trade balance.Washington is initially planned to use economic stimulus policies to balance the purpose of the government's huge trade and budget deficits.The government chose to adopt protectionist remedy to restore global economic decline.New Zealand in the face of the 20th century when the generation of the great recession in 80 Hou also made the same decision, set up a "buy" in New Zealand.But, with the United States "buy American" policy, in contrast, New Zealand "buy New Zealand goods" strategy for reducing the government's economic control start signal.The New Zealand government reduced tariffs on imported products, stimulate the native New Zealand products competitive on imported products and advertising boom.The Obama administration chose a reverse direction of economic policy to recovery the economic losses caused by the great recession.But the fact proved that, the government to reduce market interference, indeed promoted the sustained growth of the New Zealand economy.As more and more international trade and economic system tends to the free market system, the Obama administration chose to protectionist policies, Sue and run counter to the direction of trade development in the global economy.McGee had said that protectionism is not saving the medicine of the global recession.Conclusion the financial crisis of 2008 brought huge impact on global trade.Drop in trade growth and deteriorating economic conditions for the forefront of economic protectionism policy provides the opportunity to, for example,huasheng's government announced "buy American" article.ConclusionBased on New Zealand agricultural industry as an example, this paper discussed about the benefits and disadvantages of free trade and protection.According to the analysis of this article, it is obvious can find free trade treaty and its change has a significant influence on the development of agriculture in New Zealand.From "support the export of agricultural products trade policy did not make the agricultural sector object, the New Zealand government high agricultural subsidies to the agricultural sector has become the New Zealand's largest source of export income", this, can fully show cancel agricultural subsidies and promote free trade market mechanism to let got rapid development of agriculture in New Zealand.While the U.S. government export subsidy plan to New Zealand agricultural pushed to the brink of risk.Can only say that the government's export subsidies policy in Washington to disrupt the world agricultural market price system, and destroy the state of bilateral relations.Compared to the New Zealand government when facing the global economic crisis with the us government's response, the New Zealand government chose free trade market strategy, by lowering import tariffs and other policies to stimulate the economy, and then through the "buy New Zealand goods" campaign to boost the domestic goods competitive against imported goods.The U.S. government adopted a protectionist policies, by limiting the number of imported goods, such as "buy American" strategy to reduce the negative effects of the global economic crisis.However, when the major premise of liberalizing global economic system to market system environment, the Obama administration's protectionist economic decisions is run against the direction of the global economic recovery in trade.When the global economy is in a recession right now, protectionism system will undoubtedly have to say it's not a wise choice.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,其他网站不得转载,完整译文请到百度文库。

















目录内容摘要 (2)Abstract (2)关键词 (2)Key words (2)一、国际服务贸易自由化的起源 (3)(一)国际服务贸易的概念 (3)(二)国际服务贸易自由化的概念 (3)(三)国际服务贸易自由化出现的原因 (3)二、推动国际服务贸易自由化的因素 (3)(一)国际服务贸易的迅速发展 (3)(二)发达国家的积极倡导 (3)(三)国际多边贸易体制的推动 (3)三、国际服务贸易自由化的发展趋势 (3)四、国际服务贸易自由化对发展中国家的影响 (4)(一)积极影响 (4)(二)消极影响 (5)五、制约发展中国家国际服务贸易自由化的因素 (6)(一)发展中国家自身经济条件的制约 (7)(二)国际经济环境的制约 (7)(三)发展中国家内部产业结构的制约 (7)六、发展中国家应对国际服务贸易自由化采取的对策 (8)七、新常态理论对中国国际服务贸易自由化之路的指导 (9)八、参考文献 (11)九、致谢 (12)内容摘要:国际服务贸易自由化是当今世界经济领域中引起发达国家与发展中国家普遍关注的一个重大问题,而国际服务贸易自由化对发展中国家的影响更是令人深思。


关键词:国际服务贸易经济全球化贸易自由化贸易政策Abstract:International service trade liberalization is regarded as the important problem by developed countries and developing countries, and influences of developing countries affecting developed countries is veryworth considering. Under the striking from economic globalization, on theone hand, international service trade liberalization has brought better chance to develop their economy for developing countries; on the other hand, measures which developing countries deal with the difficulties fromthe service trade liberalization is the hot topic. How developing countries to deal with the problem from international service trade liberalization is very meaningful.Key words:International service trade economic globalization trade liberalization Trade policy一、国际服务贸易自由化的起源(一)国际服务贸易的概念国际服务贸易,学术性地讲,就是提供服务的一方从一国境内通过商品交易现场或自然人现场向消费者提供服务,并从中获取外汇收入的过程;通俗地讲,就是指在服务这个无形商品产生并为消费者提供了它的使用价值的同时,也获得了它的价值,并且是建立在对等的外汇价值之上的,构成了服务提供者的收入,服务提供者让渡了商品的使用价值,获得了价值,消费者让渡了价值,获得了商品的使用价值,并且价值由外汇来体现,这一过程称为国际服务贸易。



CEPA服务贸易自由化的制度绩效分析——以粤港经济合作为例摘要内地与香港更紧密经贸关系安排(英文简称 C E P A)的签订与实施,为粤港两地经贸合作提供了制度安排, C E P A通过制度变迁的方式降低了广东与香港经贸合作的交易成本,对粤港两地经济发展起到了明显的促进作用。

服务贸易是继货物贸易之后国际贸易发展的新潮流,服务贸易自由化作为 C E P A最为核心的内容,给粤港两地带来不同的制度绩效。

粤港如何在 C E P A框架下进一步加强合作,成为学界普遍关注的问题。

本文在吸收和借鉴国内外关于 C E P A和粤港合作研究的基础上,首先运用制度经济学相关理论,从历史发展进程分析了粤港各个阶段经济合作的主要特征。

接着从粤港经济合作的相互依赖性推导出 C E P A制度创新的合理性和必要性。


其次通过将理论模型计量化,结合粤港产业发展和经济增长的相关数据进行动态效应分析,从而详细考察了 C E P A实施服务贸易自由化对粤港两地的制度绩效及其差异。

最后,在理论和实证分析的基础上,对进一步加强粤港合作 ,提升 C E P A的制度绩效提出具有针对性的政策建议。

关键词: C E P A 粤港经济合作服务贸易制度绩效IA b s t r ac tK e yw or d s :A b s t r ac tA A b b s s t t r r ac ac t tS ub s c r i be a n d i m p l e m e nt o f ‘ C l o s e E c o n o m i c P a r t n e r s hi p A r r a n ge m e nt b e t w e e nH o n g K o n g a n d C h i ne s e m a i nl a n d ’ C E P A pr o v i de a n i ns t i t ut i o n f r a m e w o r k f o re c o n o m i c a n d t r a de c oope r a t i o n of G ua n gdo ng a n d H o n g K o n g. C E P A n o t o n l y c ut dow nt r a n s a c t i o n c o s t s b e t w e e n G ua n gdo n g a n d H o n g K o n g t h r ough i ns t i t ut i o n i nn o v a t i o n , b uta l s o pl a y a s i g ni f i c a nt r o l e i n pr o m ot i n g t w o r e gi o n a l ’ s e c o n o m i e s de v e l o pm e ntT r a de i ns e r v i c e s i s a n e w t e n de n c y f o l l o w i ng t r a de i n goods i n i nt e r n a t i o n a l m a r ke tA s a m o s ti m po r t a n t c o n t e n t o f C E P A , l i be r a l i z a t i o n o f t r a de i n s e r v i c e s b r i ngs di f f e r e nt i ns t i t ut i o npe r f o r m a nc e f o r t w o di s t r i c t sS o h o w t o s t r e n gt h e n c oope r a t i o n b e t w e e n G ua n gdo n g a n dH o n g K o n g un de r t h e C E P A f r a m e w o r k b e c o m ea ge n e r a l c o n c e r n e d o f a c a de m i c sT h i s di s s e r t a t i o n ab s o r b s a n d l e a r ns f r o m r e s e a rc h o f C E P A a nd c oope r a t i o nb e t w e e n H o n g K o n g a n d G ua n gdo n g, F i r s t l y , i l l us t r a t e e ac h s t a ge s f e a t ur e s o f e c o n o m i cc oope r a t i o n b e t w e e n G ua n gdo n g a nd H o n g K o n g us i ng i ns t i t ut i o na le c o n o m i c s t h e or y ,de duc e r a t i o n a l i t y a n d n e c e s s i t y o f C E P A i ns t i t ut i o n i nn o v a t i o n f r o m i nt e r de pe n de n c ee c o n o m i c a n d t r a de c oope r a t i o n b e t w e e n G ua ngdo n g a n d H o n g K o n g. T h e n c o n s t r u c t i o n t h e or e t i c a l m o de lf o r m t h e l i be r a l i z a t i o n o f t r a de i n s e r v i c e s a n gl e , c a r r y out s t a t i ca n a l y s i s c o mb i ne d w i t h s e r v ic e i ndus t r y de v e l o p m e nt s i t ua t i o n o f G ua n gdo n g a nd H o n g K o n g, c a r r y out dy na m i c a n a l ys i s c o m b i ne d w i t h e c o n o m i c gr ow t h da t a of t w o a r e a st h r ough c o m put a t i o n t h e t h e or e t i c a l m o de lC o m pr e h e n s i ve r e v i e w di f f e r e nt i ns t i t ut i o npe r f o r m a nc e e f f e c t s o f t h e i m p l e m e nt a t i o n o f C E P A o n t h e l i be r a l i z a t i o n o f t r a de i n s e r v i c e s b e t w e e n G ua n gdo n g a n d H o n g K o n g.A t t h e e n d o f t h i s di s s e r t a t i o n w e putf o r w a r d s o m e pe r t i n e n c e po l i c y r e c o m m e n da t i o n s f o r r e i nf o r c e t h e c oope r a t i o n b e t w e e nG ua n gdo n g a n d H o n g K o n g a n d e n h a nc e t h e i ns t i t ut i o n pe r f o r m a n c e o f C E P A b a s e d o n t h e or e t i c a n d de m o n s t r a t i o n a n a l ys i sK K K e e e yw yw yw or or or d d d s s s : : : C E P A e c o n o m i c c oope r a t i o n b e t w e e n G ua n gdo n g a n d H o n g K o n g t r a de i n s e r v i c e s i ns t i t ut i o n pe r f o r m a n c eI I10C E P A1 18目录中文摘要 (Ⅰ)英文摘要……………………………………………………………………………………… (Ⅱ)目录 (Ⅲ)图表索引 (VI)1第一章导论1 11.1研究背景和选题意义. 11.1.1 研究背景 11.2 逻辑思路和研究方法 31.2.1 逻辑思路. 31.2.2研究方法. 31.3研究框架和研究内容 41.3.1研究框架. 41.3.2 研究内容. 51.4 创新和不足之处. 51.4.1创新之处. 51.4.2 不足之处 国内外有关 C E P A研究现状6第二章相关概念及理论 10 10 10.制度的概念及新制度经济学理论. 102.1.1 制度的概念 102.1.2 新制度经济学理论102.2服务贸易的基本概念及相关理论. 122.2.1服务贸易的定义 服务贸易的分类 132.3服务贸易自由化的新制度经济学阐释. 14C E P A 18第三章粤港合作历程与 C C E E P P A A的制度特性18 183.1 粤港经济合作历程回顾 18I I IC E P AC E P AC E P A2441“前店后厂”阶段 183.1.2 过渡阶段 193.1.3 竞争性互补阶段 193.2 从制度变迁角度看 C E P A的制度特性. 203.2.1 C E P A的签订过程:由经济相互依赖到制度互相需求203.2.2 C E P A的生成机理 :由互相制度需求到诱致制度创新 213.2.3 C E P A的制度特性 23第四章 C C C E E E P P P A A A服务贸易自由化的静态效应分析 24 24 244.1 C E P A服务贸易自由化静态福利效应的理论分析244.2 C E P A服务贸易自由化静态福利效应的理论模型254.2.1模型的基本假设及框架 254.2.2 粤港两地生产者服务贸易自由化的一般分析 结合粤港两地实际情况的具体分析284.3.3粤港交通运输业比较分析 39第五章 C C C E E E P P P A A A服务贸易自由化的动态效应分析 41 41 415.1 C E P A服务贸易自由化对广东制造业影响的规范分析415.1.1广东制造业将获得先发优势. 415.1.2广东制造业获得规模经济效应。
















英文文献翻译:评估服务贸易自由化给发展中国家带来的好英文文献翻译英文文献翻译Assessing the Benefits to Developing Countries of Liberalisation in Services Trade1John Whalley The University of Western Ontario1 INTRODUCTIONa BackgroundThis paper assesses the present state of quantitative literature which seeks to evaluate the potential impacts which would follow from global services trade liberalisation as it relates to developing countries It is important to emphasize that what are frequently referred to as developing countries are themselves also a heterogeneous group of countries They span rapidly growing economies in Asia negative growth economies in GDPcapita in Africa middle income and very poor countriessmall and large landlocked and ocean access heavily regulated and recently Liberalised I prefer the term poorer countries and use this interchangeably with the term developing countries in the text Much of the literature at issue is relatively recent and is scattered in working papers and other less accessible sources Policy makers clearly need helpin unraveling this at times confusing and fragmentary picture of what the research community has to offer to guide their deliberations This paper aims to do this rather than to advocate particular policy positions on global services liberalisationb Nature of ServicesThe paper begins by characterizing services as a majority of activity for most OECD economies as measured by employment and by value added originating and a smaller but still large portion of activity for poorer developing countries It suggests that so-called 庆oreservices can best be thought of see Melvin 1989 as relating to1 This is a draft of a report prepared for the OECD Trade Directorate The author is grateful to KcnHcydon and his colleagues at OECD for extensive comments and help with logistical and bibliographical support 1英文文献翻译intermediation through time banking insurance or space telecoms transportation retailing wholesaling with a wide range of diverse additional service items making up the balance of what most people refer to as services tourism consulting services government services utilities This diverse range of activities is typically treated in quantitative studies as a single homogeneous entity frequently labeled as services for analytical convenience when in fact its heterogeneity suggests adifferent treatment for each This heterogeneity isin my view key to better understanding how services trade liberalisation could affect poorer countriesc Impacts of Liberalisation on Poorer CountriesThere is a general presumption in the poorer countries that they will lose from global services trade liberalisation since their domestic service industries are inefficient and non-competitive This view is despite the arguments from economists as to the gains to domestic consumers from lower prices and the joint benefits which accrue to both exporting and importing countries from exploiting comparative advantage and improved market access opportunities abroad It is also despite the commonly held view that the production of many services are labor intensive which economists believe should be the source of comparative advantage for poorer developing countries in services provision There unfortunately appear to be few if any studies of the relative inefficiency of local versus Foreign Service providers in developing country service markets which allow the strength of these arguments to be evaluated on empirical groundsThis caution towards global services trade liberalisation in the developing world seems to reflect two concerns One is the general assumption in the developing world that any future negotiated global liberalisation of services trade will be largely one sided in the resultsit will yield Their belief is that if new WTO multilateral or even regional services liberalisation is negotiated developed country service providers will likely gain significantly improved access to developing country service markets but the converse significantly improved access for developing country service providers to developed country service markets will likely not happen Asymmetry in negotiating power is one reason cited for this possible outcome The presumption is that the present regulatory structure for most service market segments will remain英文文献翻译in place in OECD countries and few significant improvements in access to developed country markets for developing country service providers will occur This outcome for instance is reflected in recent US bilateral agreements including the US-Chile agreementIn reality through the process of ongoing regulatory reform in the OECDchanges are in fact being made in market access arrangements for developing country service providers though these are not necessarily reflected in scheduled commitments in GATS in the WTO Another important and neglected dimension to this conclusion is South-South trade and the potential that developing countries have much to gain from liberalisation of markets in other developing countries The point is that in terms of model-based or quantitative evaluations of the impacts of servicestrade liberalisation were genuine two-sided liberalization to take place with their low wage ratesdeveloping country providers could well benefit This is especially so if there are scale economies in service provision as in banking for instance Most of the available studies of what benefits might flow from services liberalisation assume there will be full multilateral opening of service markets and results of studies must be interpreted in light of this presumption If one-sided liberalisation is the expected outcome developing countries may well remain opposed to liberalisation on the grounds it is non-reciprocal despite the results of studiesThe second caution that developing countries express is the nature and size of the adjustments in domestic economies which services liberalisation may imply One dimension of adjustment relates to potential foreign majority ownership and control of provision in key service sectors and the related security and cultural concerns Foreign entities having access to and control over bank records and financial information of domestic residentsfor instance is seen in some countries as unacceptable Also a vibrant and vital domestic broadcast or film industry may be viewed as integral to national cultural identity Added to such concerns is the potential size of labour market adjustments if domestic banks are displaced by foreign banks domestic by foreign airlines and other large changes in the organization of labour-intensive sectors which mightfollow after liberalisation英文文献翻译2 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IN EVALUATING THE IMPACTS OF SERVICES TRADE LIBERALISATION ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIESPrior to reviewing existing literature relevant to the developing country interest in global services trade liberalisationit may be helpftjl to first highlight a number of wider conceptual issues relevant to the discussiona The Developing Country Interest in Trade Liberalisation in GeneralThe presumption behind most discussion of potential developing country interests in services trade liberalisation is that countries gain from more open services trade in ways which are similar to trade liberalisation in goods This reflects the idea that countries have differing comparative advantage in the production of both goods and services and more open trade will allow comparative advantage to be more fully exploited in all countries Put simply the thinking is that propositions regarding the gains from freer trade apply equally to both goods and services There are however many complications with this line of argument even though it is instinctively where most academic economists finish up in their thinkingFirst accepting for now the proposition that trade in services and goods can be treated as analytically similar in this way the issue of howdeveloping countries benefit from services trade liberalisation is subject to all of the nuances set out in the literature on trade policy While most academic economists instinctively believe that there are benefits for all countries from freer trade over the years they have nevertheless devoted a considerable portion of their intellectual energy to producing arguments as to why the contrary may be true These include arguments for an optimal tariff terms of trade improvement from protection for infant industry protection for tariffs which transfer rents rent shifting and tariffs that offset other domestic distortions These arguments presumably apply equally to trade in services and goods if they are analytically similar and hence qualify the presumption that freer global trade in service is a good thingSecond there are a series of arguments about protection of trade in goods that relate in one way or another primarily to developing countries and these presumably also come into play in discussing trade in services Examples are that increased tradecan be immiserising due to a terms of trade deterioration in a Lewis model with英文文献翻译traditional practices in agricultural sectors average rather than marginal product pricing of labour protection of traded goods sectors is called for to pull labour into import-competing modem sectors in aHarris-丁odaro model with an urban sector specific downward rigid real wage and unemployment an import subsidy can be beneficial In addition there are many broader issues identified in the literature about the form global trade liberalisation takes and hence its impacts on developing countries and these would again apply equally to services and goods If as is usually argued countries gain more from improved access to larger foreign markets given the larger size of OECD markets than from their own liberalisation what they should seek is genuinely multilateral liberalisation rather than only participate in unilateral liberalisation This should include freer South-South trade in services as well as OECDnon-OECD trade Being smaller economically developing countries have less bargaining power than larger developed countries in trade negotiations and this applies equally to trade in goods and services and hence globally negotiated outcomes may well be asymmetric Developing countries also often argue that both trade liberalisation and its impacts need to be evaluated in the context of its wider impacts on the developmental process including implications for growth and poverty which are not typically centrally discussed in conventional trade literature These arguments also presumably apply equally to trade in goods and servicesHence while the presumption is that global liberalisation of trade in services will yield gains for both developed and poorer developingcountries and hence the central issue is to evaluate the size of any resulting gains it needs to be borne in mind that the arguments even from conventional literature on trade in goods are more nuanced than thish Differences Between Trade in Services and Trade in GoodsAccepting for now that there is a general presumption that global trade liberalization in either goods and services is broadly beneficial for developing countries a contention some would challenge the next issue is whether goods and services differ in some important way Do they need to be approached differently in英文文献翻译evaluating the quantitative impacts involvedThis is a key issue in discussing the impacts of services liberalisation on poorer developing countries since much if not most of the existing quantitative literature treats services as analytically similar to goods The approach is to define a single product commonly called producer services which is an input into production and against which trade protection operates with a tariff-like instrument Liberalisation is then a reduction in or elimination of the tariff Not surprisingly numerical results from models are similar to those of trade liberalization in goods Small positive gains accrue to most countries if there are no factor mobility effects captured as in goods liberalisation models In reality however the term services captures a heterogeneous groupof activities spanning banking insurance transportation telecoms consulting s captures ervices retail and wholesale trade and several others Much of this activity facilitates transactions providing the economic fiinction of intermediation either through time or space which as pointed out by Melvin 1989 when explicitly modeled as such can produce different implications for trade liberalisationRyan 1990 and 1992 for instance shows that when banking is explicitly modelled as intermediation services that themselves do not directly provide utility but instead facilitate intermediation between borrowers and lendersliberalization of trade in banking services can reduce GDP and even welfare Chia and Whalley 1997 have produced a numerical example of welfare worsening trade liberalisation in banking services based on this approach The results from such examples reflect the use of specific formulations and parameter values and functional forms and are hence not general results They do howeversuggest a weakening in the general presumption that gains will be automatically shared between developed and poorer developing countries if global liberalisation of services trade occurs Bhatterai and Whalley 1999 provide a related analysis of the implications of liberalisation in network services effectively telecoms where the same theme emerges that recognition of the special features of individual services changes the analysis of the impacts of services liberalisationAnother difference is that to achieve meaningful trade liberalisation in services英文文献翻译may require modifications of factor mobility restrictions which may not be needed for goods liberalisation This is recognized in Modes 3 and 4 of GATS which effectively relate to capital FDI mobility and labour service provider mobility With restricted or segmented global factor markets and especially labour markets large effects can come from services liberalisation if such liberalization becomes an indirect mechanism for liberalising global factor markets This is a central issue for the poorer developing countries who have long pushed for liberalization of immigration controls in OECD countries since global services liberalization may be a vehicle for them to achieve this end Thus whether services are treated as being different from goods whether their economic characteristics are explicitly modeledand how factor flows are treated can all make a large difference to the perceived effects of trade liberalisation in servicesc Types of Services Trade Liberalisation DeregulationCompetitionBarrier ReductionA further key issue in discussing tradeliberalisation in services and its impacts on poorer developing countries is that the types and forms of liberalisation need to be fully and carefully specified As a resultthese often have to be discussed in ways which do not arise with liberalisation in goods trade Barriers to the flow of goods typically arise as customs and other physical restraints on trade are administered at national borders Thus for goods trade most discussion of liberalization focuses on tariffs and less so on other instrumentsWithin the services trade community and in the policy literature in general there is an understanding that the outcomes of services liberalisation will depend heavily on the regulatory environment and the need for liberalisation to be underpinned by a sound regulatory framework Restraints on trade no longer apply in the same way as for goods at borders a wider variety of restraints than those typically applicable to goods apply beyond borders and hence within national markets Also since services generally have no tangible form and hence cannot be physically restrained at the border but typically foreign service providers need to have entry to the national market for the service itself The entity that provides the service or service providers themselves may be restricted in terms of their mobilityand it is here that restraints on英文文献翻译services trade effectively operateBarriers to service provision may operate through entry barriers to local markets rights to establish or to provide services rules on conduct regulation on the number and size of competitors in a marketcompetition rules and in other ways As a result many more barriers come into play with services than with goods trade They are more complex and their effects more numerous Market structure conduct and performance are all key and all need to be evaluated when discussing quantitative impacts of global liberalisation of services trade on poorer developing countries3 THE REPRESENTATION AND MEASUREMENT OF BARRIERS TOSERVICES TRADE As noted earlier both characterising and measuring the size of barriers to the international flow of services is considerably more complex and nuanced than is true for barriers faced by international trade in goods and the problems encountered in this area also affect any discussion of the quantitative impacts of services trade liberalisation on developing countries Thinking on barriers facing international trade in goods in part reflects the structure of the 1967 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade incorporated into the Charter of the WTO as GATT 1994 The GATT structure tries to limit barriers to goods flows to transparent and bound tariffs which can then be negotiated down to progressively lower levelsThe principle of National Treatment no discrimination against foreign goods within national economies in the WTO Charter implies that all barriers apply only at the border as goods enter national markets This is typically through a tariff or quota although quotas are formally banned under Article 11 of GATT 1994 in the WTO charter For services the structureunder the 1994 GATT is different No national borders apply for services trade since there is no customs clearance Barriers to the free international flow of services take many other forms in place of tariffs regulation entry barriers restrictions on the mobility of service providers The structure of the GATS thus differs from the GATT for instance National Treatment does not stand as an automatic right and must be bargained for This all makes discussion of and classification of barriers to service flows more difficult than for goods since trade economists are usually drawn back to analogies with restrictions on goods flows and 英文文献翻译look for tarifflike measures of barriers Many analogies can be misleading and evenultimately uninformativea Approaches to Classifying and Measuring Barriers to Services TradeThere are basically two different approaches used in the literature to classify barriers to trade in service items for the purposes of both measurement of their size and wider liberalisation discussion One is to separately examine the structure of regulation entry barriers and mobility restrictions in each service market Different restrictionsregulations apply say in banking from say road transport because of the differences in the characteristics of the service Under this approach a restriction on the value of reserves of a foreign bankto be retained within a country is a different restriction to one which requires say that trucks at the border must enter with a full tank If they are converted into any comparable form in terms of economic impact this can be attempted by examining their cost implications However some restrictions imply a fixed cost for entering a market others change marginal costs others effectively set upper bounds on the quantity of service providedor establish minimum quality standards Comparing barriers and evaluating their impacts is thus inherently difficult and the heterogeneity among broad service types banking transportation for instance is a fiuther complication as is the heterogeneity within categories types of services offered by financial institutions The other approach is that which has been taken in most of the numerical modeling literature on trade in services and is to treat all services as a single homogeneous entity Unfortunately this forced and artificial generality can yield misleading results if used as the basis for policy debate on global services trade liberalisation and its impacts on developing countries In some more recent literature there are partial modifications to the approach such as attempts to differentiate among the various ways that services can be supplied The typical treatment is to model FDI flows as linked to services provision along the lines of GATS Mode 3 commercial presence Labour mobility arrangements under GATS Mode4 temporary movement of service providers has also been separatelymodeled But classifying functional barriers which may be service category specific as part of a general categorisation by mode of supply remains as the central feature of the英文文献翻译approach4 CONCLUDING REMARKSThis paper both discusses the potential impacts of services trade liberalization on developing countries and reviews existing quantitative studies Its purpose is to distill themes from studies rather than to advocate policy change The picture that emerges is seemingly one of valiant attempts to quantify in the presence of formidable analytical and data problems The basic intuition seems to be that with genuine two-sided OECDnon-OECD liberalisation in services that are seemingly considerably labour intensive the potential may be there for significant developing country gains This position is seemingly not endorsed by studies neither is it contradicted10英文文献翻译评估服务贸易自由化给发展中国家带来的好处约翰华里西安大略大学 1引言A 背景本文评估了目前定景文献的状况因为它涉及到发展中国家旨在评估全球服务贸易ft由化所带来的潜在影响重耍的是需耍强调经常被发展中国家提到的是他们本身也是一种非均质的国家集团他们在亚洲的经济迅速增长在非洲经济出现负增长国内生产总值人均中等收入和非常贫穷的国家小型和大型内陆封闭和海洋准入严格管制和近期的开放我选择长期贫穷的国家并在文章中与长期发展中国家互换大部分文献的问题是相对较新而且是分散在工作文件中的而可以取得的是其他较少的文献来源决策者显然需耍帮助来解开这一困惑研究界所提供的零碎图片可以措导他们的讨论本文的目的是做到这一点而不是对全球服务贸易自由化的进程所做特定的政策立场B 服务的性质本文开头所描述的服务是大多数经合组织的主耍活动通过就业和原产的增值来横景对于较穷的发展中国家来说规模较小但所占比重较大这表明所谓的核心的服务最好被看成一种见梅尔文1989年通过时间银行保险或空间电信运输零售批发的相关中介机构与许多不同的额外的服务项目组成一般人所称的服务旅游咨询服务政府服务水电费的平衡这些丰富的活动通常是在定量研究中被看做一个单一的实体为分析方便就经常被标记为服务而事实上其异质性表明应该把每一个都区别开来在我看来这种异质性是更好地了解服务贸易自由化如何影响到较贫穷的国家的关键C 自由化对较穷的国家的影响根据一般推定较贫穷的国家在全球服务贸易自由化中处于不利地位因为它们的国内服务行业的效率低下和非竞争力这一观点的依据是经济学家认为国内消费者可以从低物价和联合中获得好处这利于进出口国家发展比较优势并通过国外的机会来改善市场尽管普遍认为许多服务是劳动力密集型英文文献翻译产品而经济学家认为在服务的提供方面对于较贫穷的发展中国家来说这应该是比较优势的来源遗憾的是似乎很少有研究发展中国家服务市场中的相对低效地区与外国服务提供者的这就为进行的实证评估加强了论点这种对于在发展中世界实现服务贸易自由化的谨慎的观点似乎反映了两方面的关注一个是在发展中世界的一般假设任何未来的全球服务贸易自由化都是它产生的结果中的一个主耍方而他们认为如果新的世贸多边组织甚至区域组织谈判服务贸易自由化发达国家服务供应商进入发展中国家的服务市场的渠道可能会得到显着改善但相反获得显着改善的发展中国家服务供应商进入发达国家服务市场可能将不会发生谈判力量不对称是提到的这个可能的结果的原因之一推定的是目前的规管架构对P大部分经合组织国家的服务市场将持续有效但发展中国家的服务提供者进入发达国家市场却很少有显着的改善这一结果例如反映在美国最近的双边协定中包括美国和智利的协定现实是在经合组织管理改革进程中变化实际发生在为发展中国家服务供应商安排的市场准入中虽然这些并不一定反映在WTO服务贸易总协定的预定承诺中对丁这一结论另一个重耍的被忽视的层面是南南贸易发展中国家更具在市场自由化中获得收益的潜力还有一点是基于模型或定景的服务贸易行由化影响的评估是真正的采取低工资率的双面自由化发展中国家供应商很可能从中受益尤其是如果在提供服务中存在规模经济例如银行大多数关于服务贸易尚由化可能产生哪些好处的研究都假设将有充分的多边开放服务市场而且研究结果也应该在这一假设中有所解释如果片而开放是预期的结果发展中国家很可能仍然反对开放理由是它的非互惠发展中国家要第二谨慎的是服务贸易自由化所包含的国内经济的性质和规模的调整调整的一个方面涉及到潜在的外国多数的所有权和关键服务部门的控制权以及相关的安全和文化方面的关注例如外国实体获得和控制的国内居民的银行交易记录和财务信息这在一些国家是不可接受的此外一个充满活力的重耍的国内广播或电影业可能会被看作是不可分割的国家的文化特征额外的关注是如果国内银行被外国银行代替国内航空公司被国外的代替而产生的劳动力市场调整的潜在规模及自由化后其他劳动密集部门组织发生的大变化12英文文献翻译2评估服务贸易自由化对发展中国家影响的概述事先参阅了现有的有关全球服务贸易自由化中发展中国家利益的文献它可能对首次突出一些与讨论相关的更广泛的概念问题有帮助A 发展中国家在贸易自由化中的利益概述讨论发展中国家在服务贸易I"由化中的潜在利益之后的猜想是各国受益丁更加开放的服务贸易这与货物贸易I1由化方式相似这反映了这样一种观点国家在商品和服务生产中有不同的比较优势更开放的贸易将让所有国家更加充分地利用比较优势简而言之他们的主张是向由贸易的收益也同样适用丁商品和服务然而即使大多数学术经济学家本能的完成了 _己的思想还是有许多这种复杂的论点首先目前接受的主张服务贸易和货物可以被视为这样类似的分析发展中国家如何受益于服务贸易H由化的问题在文献所列的贸易政策中存在细微差别虽然大多数经济学家本能认为所有国家会在自由贸易中受益这几年来他们付出了相当一部分的智力资源产生相反的论据也可能是真的这些论点包括最佳关税在贸易保护中贸易条件的改善对幼稚工业的保护转让租金的关税租金转移以及抵销其他国内扭丨山的关税如果分析是相似的话这些论点也同样适用于服务贸易和货物因此推定全球服务贸易自由化是一件好事第二有一系列关于保护货物贸易的争论这以一种或另一种方式涉及发展中国家而这些国家大概也开始在讨论服务贸易例子是由于贸易条件恶化增加贸易可以被忽略在刘易斯模型农业部门平均而不是劳动的边际产品定价保护的货物交易部门的传统做法要求把劳动力转移到进口竞争的现代部 n在哈里斯托达罗模型城市部门的具体实际工资下降和失业进口补贴是有益的此外还有许多更广泛的关于全球贸易自由化形式的问题在文献中提出因此其对发展中国家的影响将再次同样适用于服务和货物如果像通常认为的那样国家从改善的国外市场经合组织市场规模的扩大中获得更多而不是他们自己的开放他们应该寻求的是真正的多边贸易自由化而不只是参加单边开放这应当包括h由的南南服务贸易以及经合组织非经合组织贸易发展中国家经济规模较小在贸易谈判中的议价能力远远低丁发达国家这同样适用于货物和服务贸易因此全球谈判的结果很可能是不对称的13英文文献翻译发展中国家还经常辩称贸易fl由化及其影响都需耍加以评估在其更广泛的影响的发展进程中其中包括增长和贫困的影响这在常规贸易文献中不做主要讨论这些论点也大概也同样适用T货物和服务贸易因此而推定的是全球服务贸易"由化对发达国家和较穷的发展中国家产生收益因此核心问题是评估由此产生的任何收益的大小需耍牢记的是即使是有关货物贸易的传统文献也比这更细致B服务贸易与货物贸易的区别现在接受的一般推定是全球货物和服务贸易自由化大致有利丁发展中国家这个争议有些人可能质疑下一个问题是货物和服务是否在某些重要方而存在不同他们需要不同的定量评估吗这是一个讨论服务贸易自由化影响贫穷发展中国家的关键问题因为如果不是现有的文献大多数都把服务与货物看成相似的该方法是确定一个单一的产品通常称为服务生产者这是一项投入生产和针对贸易保护运作的关税样文书开放之后就是削减或消除关税不足为奇的是从模型中获得的数据结果与货物贸易行由化的相似如果没有要素流动的影响大多数国家会收到积极的成果如货物贸易自由化的模型实事上长期的服务包含很多活动遍及银行保险运输电信咨询服务批发和零售贸易和其他一些大部分这类活动提供便利的交易或者通过时间或空间提供了中介的经济功能正如梅尔文1989年所桁出的明确这种模式可以对贸易自由化产生不同的影响例如瑞安1990年和1992年表明当银行明确作为中介服务本身并不直接提供实用而是促进借方和贷方之间的中介银行服务的贸易ft由化可以降低国内生产总值甚至福利基于这种方法嘉和华里1997年产生了。



随着全球化的深入发展,服务贸易自由化逐渐成为推动世界经济一体化的重要 力量。在众多服务贸易自由化安排中,GATS(General Agreement on Trade in Services)因其独特的特征和影响力而备受瞩目。本次演示将以GATS为基 础,对区域服务贸易自由化安排的特征进行分析。
GATS的灵活性表现在其允许成员国在一定范围内自行确定开放服务业的进程和 程度。这种灵活性使得各成员国可以根据自身经济发展水平和政策需求,逐步 推进服务贸易自由化。同时,GATS还设立了规则和纪律,以确保成员国的灵活 性不会损害其他成员国的利益。
从GATS到TiSA全球服务贸易 自由化规则的建构与中国的选

01 一、GATS与全球服务 贸易自由化
03 三、中国的选择:积 极参与与合理应对
02 二、TiSA与全球服务 贸易自由化的深化
04 参考内容
随着全球பைடு நூலகம்济结构的不断调整,服务贸易自由化逐渐成为各国经济发展的重要 议题。在此背景下,从GATS到TiSA,全球服务贸易自由化规则的建构呈现出 不断深化和拓展的趋势。作为全球最大的服务贸易国之一,中国在这个过程中 面临着怎样的挑战和选择?本次演示将对此进行探讨。
3、强调了国内监管的灵活性:TiSA在强调服务贸易自由化的同时,也了国内 监管的灵活性。协议允许各国在保护公共利益的前提下,采取合理的国内监管 措施。
三、中国的选择:积极参与与合 理应对
作为全球最大的服务贸易国之一,中国在从GATS到TiSA的全球服务贸易自由 化过程中扮演着重要角色。面对不断深化的全球服务贸易自由化趋势,中国需 要采取以下措施:















[4] 各国外资法一般都不在资本输入国所有经济领域内对外国投资者给与完全的国民待遇。




20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 rca 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 759077896
• 我国RCA 指数多年一直徘徊于0.5 左右, 说明我国服务贸易 国际竞争力很弱, 属于服务贸易落后国家。从RCA 指数变 化趋势来看, 我国服务贸易处于波动中, 尚未形成竞争力。 其中之一的原因 ----------------
为使各国逐步放宽服务市场开放的领域,加深市场开放的程 度,最终实现服务贸易自由化,GATS提出了市场准入原则 ,即一成员方给予其他成员方服务提供者的待遇应不低于其 在承担义务的计划表中确定的期限、限制和条件。而且 GATS还规定各国在其做出市场准入承诺的服务部门中,除 非在其承担义务的具体承诺表中列出外,不能维持或采用数 量配额、垄断和专营服务提供者方式;
从1986年A 10月27 日正式开始到
1988年12月中期 审议前为止。谈 判的主要内容包 括服务贸易定义 ;适用服务贸易 的一般原则、规 则;服务贸易协 定的范围;现行 国际规则、协定
从中期审议至 1990年6月为止。 在加拿大蒙特利 尔举行的中期审 议会上,谈判的 重点集中在透明 度、逐步自由化 、国民待遇、最 惠国待遇、市场 准入务贸易自由化 1982年后,美国在国际货物贸易中赤字日增,
而在服务贸易领域却占据明显优势,连年顺差。美 国急切地希望打开其他国家的服务贸易市场,通过 大量的服务贸易出口来弥补货物贸易逆差。
• 2.发展中国家对服务贸易自由化由坚决抵制到逐 步接受。一开始都坚决反对服务贸易自由化,理由 为:①服务业中的许多部门竞争力薄弱;②过早地 实行服务贸易自由化会挤垮这些尚处于幼稚阶段的 民族服务业;③有些服务行业还涉及国家主权、机 密和安全。后来立场有所改变。首先,一些新兴的 发展中国家和地区某些服务业已取得相当的优势。 其次,大部分发展中国家一方面迫于来自发达国家 的压力,另一方面也认识到如果不积极地参与服务 贸易的谈判,将会形成由发达国家制定服务贸易的 规则,其利益将会受到更大的损害。









一、中国服务贸易发展的swot分析(一)国内服务贸易行业的发展优势1、劳动力、原材料等用于服务生产的要素禀赋充裕且成本低廉众所周之,中国拥有13亿人口,人口总量占世界总人口的1/4 还要多,因而其在劳动力的供给方面是相当充裕的,同时劳动力市场竞争激烈,从事服务业的劳动力价格相对低廉。




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文献出处:Barattieri A. The mechanism of service trade liberalization[J]. Journal of International Economics, 2014, 92(1): 1-13.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。

)原文The mechanism of service trade liberalizationBarattieri AAbstractIn this paper, Service trade liberalization is the key areas of the United States to promote the TPP negotiations, the United States in the negotiations are pushing mechanism of a high standard of service trade liberalization. In this paper the progress of the TPP negotiations and services trade issues important position, on the basis of the acceptance, architecture design, focus on services, regulatory consistency four aspects in the TPP uncovers the "high standards" service trade liberalization mechanism establishment. American "high standards" service trade liberalization mechanism is tailored to the interests of the United States, actually services in the service of the United States. These mechanisms are through to strengthen and promote the TPP platform, forming reversed transmission to other countries.Key words: the TPP; The United States; Service trade liberalization; High standards; Mechanism designAmerica is the first largest exporter global trade in services, and for many years, continues to service trade surplus. Competitive advantage based on service industry and service industry The importance of promoting American exports, jobs and economic growth, the United States in the multilateral, bilateral and regional multiple layers jointly promoting service trade liberalization. In the Uruguay round negotiations, the United States has overcome many obstacles, for the first time to include the Service Trade in multilateral negotiations, contributed to the general Agreement on Trade in services (the Genre - al Agreement on Trade and Service,GATS) signed and implemented. Liberalization of GATS commitments, however, very limited in breadth and depth, it is difficult to meet the more open the foreign service the needs of the market. Due to the World Trade Organization (World Trade Organization, the WTO), a new round of talks to stagnate, the United States under the global multilateral system for the desire of promoting service Trade liberalization, bilateral and regional levels of the Free Trade Agreement (Free Trade Agreement, FTA) as one of the main platforms of the United States promote Free Trade in services. Of particular concern is that the United States is using the cross Pacific Partnership Agreement (Trans - Pacific Partnership Agreement, the TPP) the dominant platform for American values, build a new international trade rules, in order to obtain control of international rules. Under the TPP agreement, service trade as the TPP leaders to enforce the integral part of the "high standards" agreement was incorporated into the negotiations agenda.TPP in service trade agreement a denier, service trade liberalization will greatly promote the TPP region, with the will of the entire Asia-pacific region and the world service trade liberalization have a strong demonstration effect, will also for China's service trade liberalization reform in the future and promote have a powerful driving force, so it is necessary to pay close attention to the United States with the aid of TPP create specific design of international service trade rules1 The TPP talks progress and issues related to trade in services1.1 The TPP negotiationsSince U.S. President barrack Osama in November 2009 when visiting Tokyo high-profile, declared the United States to participate in the pact, led and driven by, in the United States has quietly held 19 rounds of group negotiations and minister level conference for many times. From March 2010 to the end of 2013, the TPP members first advanced the 19th round team talks. During this period, the TPP members from the initial eight countries also extended to the current 12 countries, South Korea is to join the TPP double edge consultation process, is expected to be at the end of 2014 officially became the TPP talks to 13 members. The TPP talks scheduled for the end of 2013, but until close to the end of the 19 rounds of negotiations, the TPPnegotiations team still has not agreed a final text of the TPP. Since the end of 2013 to May 2014, the TPP members has held many ministerial meeting in Singapore, Vietnam and chief negotiator for the meeting. From May 2014 ministerial meeting of the end of the Vietnam and Singapore, the TPP members still tries on the question of the rules of market access and reduce differences, in market access package of goods and services, intellectual property rights, legal and institutional transparency, pharmaceutical industry, investment, environment, state-owned enterprises, the rules of origin of textiles, such as financial services, there are still various problems more outstanding, the TPP talks a long way to go.1.2 The TPP attaches great importance to the issues related to service trade talksAccording to the TPP negotiations reach an outline and the framework of the Chinese and foreign related research can be known, the TPP the tentative negotiating text for the 29 chapters, it covers issues extensively than ever. Among them, in addition to trade in services, special issues, such as telecommunications, financial services, investment in e-commerce, the issue of regulatory consistency, business turnover also involved in the service trade related content. Throughout the United States trade representative's office announced each round issue can be found: to issues related to the trade in services are always appear in each round of TPP liberalization of trade negotiations, especially the competitive advantage of financial services, telecommunications and other issues, almost become the TPP negotiations will talk about issues in each round. That highlights the TPP agreement of service trade liberalization negotiations the importance and difficulty of the task, and the United States to tap the TPP and determination to set new rules on service trade liberalization.2 The United States to tap the TPP creating high standards of service trade liberalization mechanismIn the WTO multilateral level under the situation of lack promoting service trade liberalization, the United States to use its dominant TPP as set up a new generation of "high standard" service trade liberalization mechanism is one of the ways. Based on the related academic research and keeping track of the TPP negotiations, found that the current TPP service trade from the mechanism in the way of commitment, overallarchitecture, key services liberalization, with consistent "regulatory issues to promote" service market opening, etc all shows the characteristics of high standard, the following will focus on from four aspects, analyze the mechanism of TPP service trade liberalization.2.1 using "negative list" commitmentDominant in the United States and, driven by the TPP in the mode of service trade liberalization commitment choose to adopt the way of "negative list" promise, it is the TPP as a new generation of one of the iconic features of the trade agreement.” Negative list" and "Ken listing" completely different way of commitment, "negative list" from top to bottom commitment ways can cover the entire service trade activities, the measures listed in the list Belong to the exception. And "must list" of promises by way of commitment applies only to specific services or a specific service mode, higher levels of service trade liberalization must be gradually implemented through several rounds of service trade negotiation. In essence, "must list" and "negative list" promise way can promote the service sector liberalization, however the latter than the former has more transparency, stability, the advantages of the universal applicability and efficiency, therefore, using "negative list" is also thought contains the high standards of liberalization.In terms of transparency, applicability, because "must list" of a particular phase locked rule did not make commitment to service department or of the service commitments If there are no promises in the service mode is not binding, and commitment has been made in the service department or service model may use exception list also does not require; The listing requirements for "negative list" model retained by the listed exceptions measures. This means that the mode based on "negative list" promise is intrinsically transparency. In terms of stability rules, based on the way "must list" commitment in providing special services or service mode of making a new commitment to achieve the level of service trade liberalization may be lower than both the level and thus may result in service trade liberalization reversal; But based on "negative list" of service trade liberalization "ratchet mechanism", this kind of mechanism to ensure the "negative list" does not weaken the service tradeliberalization in the existing water flat, thus ensure the relative stability of the service trade rules.Is universal applicability, "negative list" promise mode, the first member countries negotiate the general rules of service trade liberalization, the inventory list Only on the general rule of exceptions or retain, for no exception or retain members, universal; And "must list" commitment to the member states of the mode of liberalization commitment level may be uneven, and the rules apply only to make a promise between countries, this reduces the universal applicability of commitment. In terms of service trade liberalization negotiations efficiency, in the subsequent further since the negotiations, "negative list" simply listing the reserved liberalization measures in negotiations, the negotiations time and cost less, that means free talks of high efficiency; While "must list" for listing outside the service mode, the principle of departments or negotiate one by one, may be more than the "negative list" take time and cost of negotiation. The pact is choice is much more open-ended way of "negative list" commitment, to expand and deepen service liberalization commitments more effectively, meet the maximum open the interests of other countries' trade in services market requirements. In the long run to see, because the TPP members covered with wider range of area, through extension mechanism of TPP and demonstration effect, the United States can naturally, to improve and strengthen the NAFTA model introduced by the mechanism of service trade liberalization, and the way of "negative list" to the world, and then realize the United States continues to lead the global service trade liberalization mechanism of strategic purpose.2.2 service trade liberalization architecture design innovationThe pact is the text of the integral design of the mechanism of service trade liberalization TPP is actually dominated by the United States, the United States wants to continue making the TPP a high standard of comprehensive free trade agreement template.TPP in mechanism design presents the service trade and merchandise trade liberalization is neck and neck, which conforms to since the beginning of the 21st century a free trade agreement in parallel trend of trade in goods and services trade-In addition, due to the unique competitive advantage in trade in services, which isdominated by the United States of TPP, the system of trade in services architecture design is completely different from the pattern design of GATS four kinds of trade in services. Specifically, the TPP service trade issues related to both exist in separate chapters way special topics, such as the TPP "cross-border trade in services" "telecommunications service", "financial services" are distributed in the other chapters of liberalization arrangements, such as "investment" (pattern 3) involved in the service industry investment, "business personnel temporary into the" chapter involving natural flow of trade in services provide pattern 4 phase content, involved in the "regulatory consistency" services consistency issues, etching addition, e-commerce, government procurement, competition policy, legal release, institutional arrangements and the issue of dispute settlement and so on also to services and service trade with constraints on stakeholders.The GATS four kinds of trade in services model of discrete arrangement According to the mechanism of TPP service trade liberalization of architectural design, the TPP four service mode under the GATS definition from the cross points, corresponding to the related rules of model 3 and model 4 are divided in investment rules and business personnel temporary entry section. Specific as follows: (1) cross-border services trade and investment division "must list" of GATS commitments under way, according to the service trade agreement framework of four provide models were set up, the trade in services (mode 1, 2, 4) and investment rules (pattern 3) are integrated in the service trade agreement. However, with the development of international trade in services, through the trade in services in the form of commercial presence has increased the proportion of the total trade in services. According to the U.S. bureau of economic analysis (BEA) statistics, as early as in 1996, the United States through set up branches abroad, trade in services in the form of commercial presence is the total amount is more than the total amount of cross-border trade in services. Investment rules under the service trade agreement architecture has been difficult to meet through commercial modes of existence XiangDongDao provide to serve the interests of the investors, investment rules and service division Profit as an objective need for expanding trade in services.3 Conclusions and ProspectService trade liberalization is one of the key areas of the TPP negotiations, in the us, driven by the TPP aims to establish high standards of service trade freedom mechanism is made, reshape the rules of service trade liberalization in the Asia-pacific region, and further move Multilateral international service trade liberalization talks. This article through to the TPP negotiations progress and content analysis, reveals the United States from four aspects with the aid of the TPP talks to create one of the main features of the high standard of service trade liberalization mechanism. Namely "negative list", different modes of service trade liberalization commitments way points set rules of architecture system, focus on high standards of services liberalization, creating "regulatory consistency issues" in the face of the domestic regulatory barriers. The above situation shows that the United States as the leader of the TPP negotiations, is with the aid of the TPP talks to build new rules of international service trade liberalization. The design rules of service trade liberalization, to some extent, is tailored for the interests of the United States, cut field services in the service of the United States. Its most significant performance is: in the United States has the advantage of departments, such as financial, telecommunications and other sectors, create high standard since the rules; Sensitive sectors in the United States, such as natural person, the us has been in the prudent open state, to avoid the excessive open through separate chapters. Although the TPP negotiations is not yet the final result, but the TPP negotiations this body for the global pattern of international trade have a significant impact, the rules of the TPP negotiations also affects the course of the international rules. As China's important trade partner in the Asia-pacific region have joined the TPP negotiations, China's face are the TPP marginalized embarrassing position. Whether in the future the TPP negotiations can reach an agreement, the TPP rules of service trade liberalization to expand in the Asia-pacific region has been open to China's service industry forming reversed transmission of power. In the trend of service trade liberalization in the trend of The Times, the Chinese also can't stay, especially strong to add on the depth offocus in the field of service liberalization and research on the effects of transverse issues on international service regulation.译文(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。
