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2).Although it is our usual practice to take out insurance for the invoice value plus 10%,we are prepared to comply with your request for getting cover for 130% of the invoice value. 3.说明保险费的偿付问题 1).The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to yu by next Tuesday together with our debit note for the prmium. 2).The extra prmium will be for your account.
平安险(Free from Particular Average,FPA) 水渍险(With Particular Average,WPA or WA) 一切险(All Risks)
偷窍提货不着险(Theft Pilferage and NondeliveryT.P.N.D) 淡水雨淋险(Fresh Water RainDamage,F.W.R.D) 短量险(Short-weight) 混杂、沾圬险(Rish of Intermixture &Contamination) 串味险(Risk of Odour) 碰撞险(Risk of Clash) 破碎险(Risk of Breakage) 锈损险(Risk of Rusting) 渗漏险(Risk of Leakage) 受潮受热险(Risk Caused by Heating &Sweating) 钩损险(Hook Damage)
Unit 12 Insurance
12.1 wk.baidu.comntroduction
货物运输保险:指投保人(insured)在货物装运前向保 险人(insurer)投保,即办理保险手续(insurance formalities)、选择保险险别(coverage)、确定保险金 额(insurance amount)、支付保险费(premium)并领 取保险单证(insurance documents)的过程。 保险合同(insurance contract)常采用大保单 (insurance policy)的形式,是指保险合同的保险人同意 接受风险而向投保人提供风险保障,在投保人支付一定的 保费后,保险人同意被保险人支付的一笔钱,一般是货物 金额的一定比例。
战争险(War Risk) 罢工险(Strik Risk) 交货不到险(Failure to Deliver Risk) 进口关税险(Import Duty Risk) 拒收险(Rejection Risk) 舱面险(On Deck Risk) 黄曲霉素险(Aflatoxin Risk) 出口货物到香港、九龙或澳门存仓火险扩展条款 (Fire Risk Extension Clause for Storageof Cargo at destination Hongkong,includingKowloon,or Macao简称FREC)
对于FOB和CFR交易,由进口方对货物投保,一般是货物金 额的一定比例。对于CIF交易,习惯上由出口方按发票金 额(invoice value)的110%投保一切险(all risks),即100%是 CIF发票总值,10%是合理的利润和其他费用。有时进口方 要求投保的金额会超过110%,此时,额外保险费应有进口 方承担(for the buyer's account)。
12.2 Writing Skills
进口方写给出口方请其代办保险信函的写 作步骤及常见表达方式:
1.说明某合同项下来函 1).We wish to refer you to…… 2).We are pleased to inform you that …… 2.说明所投保的险别,确定投保的金额 1)Please see to it that the insurance is coveredfor…… 2)As we now desire to have the consignment insured at your end, we shall be much pleased ifyou will kindly arrange to insure the goods on our behalf against ……at invoive value plus……%,amounting to ……
出口方回复进口方请其代办保险信函 的写作步骤及常见表达方式
1.确认对方要求办理保险的来函 1).This is to acknowledge receipt of ……requesting us to effect insurance on theshipment for your account. 2).We have received your letter of ……asking us to insure the goods for an amount of…… 2.告知对方保险条款、催促险别、保险金额、保险单据 等 1). We are pleased to inform you that we have covered the shipment with……against……
12.3 Specimen Letters
Letter 1: The importer asks the exporter to cover insurance Dear Sirs, Re:Our Order No.101.Your S/C No.013 Covering 500 Cases Electronic Toys We wish to refer you to our Order No.101 for 500 cases electronic toys, from which you will see that this order was placed on CFR basis. As we now desire to have the consignment insured at your end,we shall be much pleased if you will kindly arrange to insure the goods on our behalf against All Risks at invoice value plus 10% ,that is ,USD2,200.00
投保人写给保险公司信函的写作步骤及常 见表达方式
1.说明写信的目的(关于保险住处或要求特惠保险费率 等) 1).We have known that your company is tha largest insurance company in China 2).We have known that your company in the largest insurance company in China. 3)We write this letter to you in the hope of getting some information about the special rate of insurance. 2.提出保险要求(保险险别、保险金额、保险费率等) 1).We wish to insure with your company a shipment of ……valued at……against……
保险公司回复投保人信函的写作步骤及常 见表达方式
1.确认对方来函收悉 1). We have acknowledged receipt of your letter of ……and are pleased to note your readiness to insure with us a shipment of …… 2).We are pleased to receive your letter of ……in regard to insurance. In reply, we would like to inform you of …… 2.告知保险条款及保险要求(保险险别,保险金额、保 险费率等) 1).The prevailing rate for the shipment against ……is ……%,subject to Ocean Marine Cargo Clause.
2)Would you please tell us whether you can cover ALL Risks for the consignments? 3).We wish to know whether you can issue a special rate for shipments. 3.希望对方同意保险要求,并盼早日回复 1).We shall appreciate it if the goods could be insured at favorable rate. 2). We are awaiting your early reply.
保险索赔时需要提交以下文件:保险单(insurance policy) 或保险凭证(insurancecertificate)、提单(bill of lading)、原 始发票(original invoice)、检验报告(survey report)、船长 声明书(master’s protest)和索赔报告书(statement of claim)等。
3.告知保险费的支付方法 1).We shall of course refumd the premium to you upom receipt of your debit note. 2).If you like, you may draw on us at sight for theamount required. 3).As we understand that as per your customarypractice, you only insure the shipment for 10% above the invoice value, the extra premium for additional coverage shall be for our account. 4.进一步提出办理保险的要求 1).We sincerely hope our request will meet with your approval 2)Please arrange insurance according to our request.
2).Generally we cover insurance ……in the absence of definite instructions from our clients. If you desire to cover ……,we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher prmium. 3.表示希望对方及时确认 1).If you find our rate acceptable,please let us know. 2). We trust the information will serve your purpose and await your further news.