新标准大学英语—综合教程1 标准译文
大学已经不再特别了1 有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20世纪60年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。
2 20世纪60年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。
1966 年,罗纳德·里根竞选加州州长,问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、唱反调的少数人征服。
3 在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。
4 20 世纪60年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。
5 可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。
例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50%的30 岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。
新标准大学英语综合教程1 第六单元
Your answer Correct answer1. comparable comparable2. bankrupt bankrupt3. temptation temptation4. excursion excursion5. exception exception6. recovery recovery1. when you buy clothes, there are often two labels, one which shows the price and theother, the make and other information.Your answer Correct answerlabels labels2. When researchers claim something is a fact, it's because it's true.Your answer Correct answerclaiming claim3. Someone who is fashion-conscious likes to wear clothes which are very up-to-date.Your answer Correct answerfashion-conscious fashion-conscious4. To do something with ease means doing it without any difficulties.Your answer Correct answerease ease5. Something which is the norm is usual or expected.Your answer Correct answernorm norm1. When the three main symptoms of shopaholism are put together, it becomes an addiction.combinationYour replacement:Your answer Correct answercombination combined2. A rough guess at the amount of what Victoria Beckham spends on clothes every year is£100,000.estimateYour replacement:Your answer Correct answerestimate estimation3. You may have a (an) false impression of freedom when you're a shopaholic.illusionYour replacement:Your answer Correct answerillusion illusion4. Most people today consider it normal being in debt.acceptableYour replacement:Your answer Correct answeracceptable accept1. If you smile broadly , your smile is ____.(a) very happy and wide(b) very small and quick2. Buzz is likely to be ____.(a) a pleasant feeling(b) an unpleasant feeling3. A mall is ____.(a) a department store(b) a large building with a lot of shops and restaurants4. If you're addicted to something, it is likely to be____.(a) good for you (b) bad for you5. A mail order catalogue is ____.(a) a magazine for women(b) a magazine with photographs of things you can buy by mail6. If you take it one day at a time , you do something ___.(a) step by step(b) in one go7. If you look for all the world like someone else, it is likely that you look____ like them.(a) a little bit (b) exactlyfascinating 1. very interestingendurance2. the ability to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant grab3. to take hold of something roughlyitem4. an individual thingenthusiasm 5. the feeling of being very interested insomething or excited by itconviction6. a strong belief or opinion about somethingaffirmative7. the word "yes" or a sign that you agreewith somethingconfirmation8. the proof that something you believed isdefinitely true1. I think you're a very good chap to go shopping with your girlfriend.Your answer Correct answerchap chap2. When a woman finds something which suits her, she's not simply a woman, she becomesa princess.Your answer Correct answerprincess princess3. It's important not to provoke your boyfriend by spending too long at the shops.Your answer Correct answerprovoke provoke4. Your boyfriend will not cooperate with you if you spend all day shopping and buynothing.Your answer Correct answercooperate cooperate5. For some women, the sheer excitement of a day's shopping is almost too much tobear.Your answer Correct answersheer sheer6. The football commentator screamed wildly when Italy scored.Your answer Correct answercommentator commentatorYour replacment (1):fashionableYour answer Correct answerfashionable fashionableYour replacment(2):rarelyYour answer Correct answerrarely rarelyYour replacment (3):objectivesYour answer Correct answerobjectives objectivesYour replacment (4):crucialYour answer Correct answercrucial crucialYour replacment (5):favourableYour answer Correct answerfavourable favourableYour replacment (6):retail outletsYour answer Correct answerretail outlets retail outletsYour replacment (7):demonstrateYour answer Correct answerdemonstrate d emonstrateYour replacment(8):collapseYour answer Correct answercollapse collapseYour replacment (9):intentionYour answer Correct answerintention intention1. alcohol alcoholicYour answer Correct answeralcoholic alcoholism2. addict addictionYour answer Correct answeraddiction addiction3. affect affectionYour answer Correct answeraffection affection / affecting 4. amuse amusingYour answer Correct answeramusing amusing5. attend attendanceYour answer Correct answerattendance attendance6. attract attractionYour answer Correct answerattraction attraction7. combine combinationYour answer Correct answercombination combination8. comfort comfortableYour answer Correct answercomfortable comfortable9. enjoy enjoyableYour answer Correct answerenjoyable enjoyable10. excite excitingYour answer Correct answerexciting exciting / excitable 11. except exceptionYour answer Correct answerexception exception / excepting 12. intend intentionYour answer Correct answerintention intention13. tempt temptationYour answer Correct answertemptation temptation / tempting Your answer Correct answer1. (a) addiction (a)addiction2. (c) exciting (c)exciting3. (e) intention (e)intentionYour answer Correct answer4. (b) amusing (b)amusing5. (d) exception (d)exception6. (f) temptation (f)temptation1. There's nothing comparable to the feeling of power and importance I get when I goshopping.Suggested answer:购物时,那种地位显赫、身价不凡的感觉真是无与伦比。
Unit 6Text A翻译A Valentine Story爱情故事Doug Bell道格·贝尔1John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station.约翰·布兰查德从长凳上站起身来,整了整军装,留意着格兰德中央车站进出的人群。
2He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn't, the girl with the rose. His interest in her had begun twelve months before in a Florida library. Taking a book off the shelf he soon found himself absorbed, not by the words of the book, but by the notes penciled in the margin. The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.他在寻找一位姑娘,一位佩带玫瑰的姑娘。
3In the front of the book, he discovered the previous owner's name, Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he located her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond. The next day he was shipped overseas for service in World War II.在书的前页,他找到了前一位拥有人的姓名,霍利斯·梅奈尔小姐。
实用英语综合教程第一册6单元翻译1 。
迈耶写下的一切银行家做了在他漫长的工作日- 银行家每周工作80小时。
他们是怎么发现的?他们发现,这名男子花了80 %的时间在做忙碌的工作。
2 。
3 。
4 。
5 。
Animal IntelligencePart I Pre-reading TaskListen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions:1. What do you know about Michael Jackson?2. How does he feel about Ben? Why?3. Do you think the song Ben reveals something about the relationship between man and animals? If so, what is it?4. Is the song related to the theme of the unit —animal intelligence? How?Part IITextFood, warmth, sleep? Their thoughts may be much deeper than that.WHAT ANIMALS REALLY THINKEuqene LindenOver the years, I have written extensively about animal-intelligence experiments and the controversy that surrounds them. Do animals really have thoughts, what we call consciousness? Wondering whether there might be better ways to explore animal intelligence than experiments designed to teach human signs, I realized what now seems obvious: if animals can think, they will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.And so I started talking to vets, animal researchers, zoo keepers. Most do not study animal intelligence, but theyencounter it, and the lack of it, every day. The stories they tell us reveal what I'm convinced is a new window on animal intelligence: the kind of mental feats animals perform when dealing with captivity and the dominant species on the planet — humans.Let's Make a DealConsider the time Charlene Jendry, a conservationist at the Columbus Zoo, learned that a female gorilla named Colo was handling a suspicious object. Arriving on the scene, Jendry offered Colo some peanuts, only to be met with a blank stare. Realizing they were negotiating, Jendry raised the stakes and offered a piece of pineapple. At this point, while maintaining eye contact, Colo opened her hand and revealed a key chain.Relieved it was not anything dangerous or valuable, Jendry gave Colo the pineapple. Careful bargainer that she was, Colo then broke the key chain and gave Jendry a link, perhaps figuring. Why give her the whole thing if I can get a bit of pineapple for each piece?If an animal can show skill in trading one thing for another, why not in handling money? One orangutan named Chantek did just that in a sign-language study undertaken by anthropologist Lyn Miles at the University of Tennessee. Chantek figured out that if he did tasks like cleaning his room, he'd earn coins to spend on treats and rides in Miles's car. But the orangutan's understanding of money seemed to extend far beyond simple dealings. Miles first used plastic chips as coins, but Chantek decided he could expand the money supply by breaking chips in two. When Miles switched to metal chips, Chantek found pieces of tin foil and tried to make copies.Miles also tried to teach Chantek more virtuous habits such as saving and sharing. Indeed, when I caught up with theorangutan at Zoo Atlanta, where he now lives, I saw an example of sharing that anyone might envy. When Miles gave Chantek some grapes and asked him to share them, Chantek promptly ate all the fruit. Then, as if he'd just remembered he'd been asked to share, he handed Miles the stem.Tale of a WhaleWhy would an animal want to cooperate with a human? Behaviorists would say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so. This is true, but I don't think it goes far enough.Gail Laule, a consultant on animal behavior, speaks of Orky, a killer whale, she knew. "Of all the animals I've worked with, he was the most intelligent," she says. "He would assess a situation and then do something based on the judgments he made."Like the time he helped save a family member. When Orky's mate, Corky, gave birth, the baby did not thrive at first, and keepers took the little whale out of the tank by stretcher for emergency care. Things began to go wrong when they returned the baby whale to the tank. As the workers halted the stretcher a few meters above the water, the baby suddenly began throwing up through its mouth. The keepers feared it would choke, but they could not reach the baby to help it.Apparently sizing up the problem, Orky swam under the stretcher and allowed one of the men to stand on his head, something he'd never been trained to do. Then, using his tail to keep steady, Orky let the keeper reach up and release the 420-pound baby so that it could slide into the water within reach of help.Primate Shell GameSometimes evidence of intelligence can be seen in attemptsto deceive. Zoo keeper Helen Shewman of Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo recalls that one day she dropped an orange through a feeding hole for Melati, an orangutan. Instead of moving away to get it, Melati looked Shewman in the eye and held out her hand. Thinking the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible, Shewman gave her another one. But when Melati moved off, Shewman noticed the original orange was hidden in her other hand.Towan, the colony's dominant male, watched this whole trick, and the next day he, too, looked Shewman in the eye and pretended that he had not yet received an orange. "Are you sure you don't have one?" Shewman asked. He continued to hold her gaze steadily and held out his hand. Giving in, she gave him another one, then saw that he had been hiding his orange underneath his foot.What is intelligence anyway? If life is about survival of a species — and intelligence is meant to serve that survival — then we can't compare with pea-brained sea turtles, which were here long before us and survived the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs. Still, it is comforting to realize that other species besides our own can stand back and assess the world around them, even if their horizons are more limited than ours.New Words and Expressionsextensivelyad. to a large extent, or in a large amount 广泛地;大量地intelligencen. 智力intelligenta. 聪明的,有才智的controversyn. 争论,争议surroundvt. be or go all around (sth. or sb.) 围绕;包围consciousnessn. 意识explorevt. examine thoroughly, learn about 探究,探索obviousa. easy to see and understand; clear 明显的vetn. 兽医encountervt. meet, esp. unexpectedly 遇到,遭遇revealvt. make (sth.) known 展示;揭露convincevt. make (sb.) feel sure by the use of argument or evidence 使确信,使信服feat▲n. 技艺;业绩,功绩captivityn. 被俘;监禁;束缚dominanta. ruling; most important or strongest 统治的;占优势的speciesn. (单复同)物种make a dealreach an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business or politics 达成交易conservationistn. 自然资源保护论者femalea. 雌的;女(性)的n. 雌性的动物或植物;女人gorillan. 大猩猩suspicious▲a. causing or showing a feeling that sth. is wrong 可疑的;猜疑的peanut▲n. 花生blanka. without expression; without writing, or other marks 没有表情的;空白negotiatevi. discuss in order to come to an agreement 谈判,协商staken. (usu.pl) 奖品;奖金;赌注pineapplen. 凤梨,菠萝maintainvt. continue to do or have (sth.) 保持;继续relievevt. free (sb.) from pain, anxiety, etc.; ease (pain, anxiety, etc.) 使减轻痛苦或焦虑等;减轻(痛苦或焦虑等)linkn. 链环;环节;联系v. join or connect 联系,连接orangutann. 猩猩undertakevt. (undertook, undertaken) carry out; take upon oneself (a task, etc.) 从事;承担(任务等)anthropologistn. 人类学者figure outunderstand; reason out 理解;推断出extendv. (cause to) stretch or reach; make larger or longer 延伸,伸展;扩大;加长dealingn. (usu.pl) business relations 交易,买卖plastica. 塑料的chipn. 薄片;碎片;集成电路片expandv. (cause to) grow larger 扩大,扩展switchv. change; shift 转换,变换foil▲n. 金属薄片,箔virtuousa. showing moral goodness 有道德的;善良的envyvt., n. 妒忌;羡慕grapen. 葡萄promptlyad. immediately 立即地stemn. 茎,(树)干,(叶)梗whalen. 鲸cooperatevi. act or work together 合作,协作behavioristn. 行为主义者in sb.'s interest(s)to sb.'s advantage 为了某人的'利益go farhelp very much; achieve much success 帮助很大;很有成效consultantn. 顾问behaviorn. the way one acts or behaves 举止,行为assessvt. judge the quality, importance or worth of 评估,估量judgmentn. 判断;意见,看法maten. 配偶;伙伴,同事thrivevi. grow strong and healthy; develop well 茁壮成长;兴旺at firstat the beginning 起先stretchern. 担架emergencyn. an unexpected and dangerous happening which must bedealt with at once 紧急情况;突然事件go wrongstop developing well 有毛病,出故障haltv. (cause to) stop 停住,停止throw up(infml) vomit 呕吐apparentlyad. it is clear (that) 明显地size upcarefully examine (a situation or person) in order to make a judgement 估量,判断releasevt. set free 释放slidev. (cause to) move smoothly along a surface (使)滑动primaten. 灵长目动物evidencen. sth. that gives a reason for believing sth.; trace 证据;迹象deceivev. try to make(sb.) believe sth. that is false 欺骗inaccessiblea. very difficult or impossible to reach 达不到的;难得到的originala. first or earliest 最初的;原始的colonyn. (生长在同一地方的动物或植物)群,群体;殖民地malen. 雄性动物或植物;男子a. 雄的;男(性)的gazen., v. 凝视,注视give in让步;屈服;投降underneathprep., ad. under or below 在…下面,在…底下pea-braineda. 笨的turtlen. (海)龟survivev. remain alive in spite of; continue to live or exist after 幸免于;继续存在,幸存survival n.disastern. an event causing great suffering and damage 灾难wipe outget rid of or destroy 消灭,消除dinosaurn. 恐龙horizonn. 眼界,见识;地平线Proper NamesUgene Linden尤金·林登Charlene Jendry查伦·延德里Columbus Zoo哥伦布动物园Colo科洛(文中指动物名) Chantek夏特克(文中指动物名)Lyn Miles琳·迈尔斯University of Tennessee田纳西大学Zoo Atlanta亚特兰大动物园Gail Laule盖尔·劳尔Orky奥基(文中指动物名)Corky科基(文中指动物名)Helen Shewman海伦·休曼Seattle西雅图(美国华盛顿州西部港市) Woodland Park Zoo伍德兰公园动物园Melati梅拉蒂(文中指动物名) Towan托温(文中指动物名)。
UNIIT1汉译英1 等我们终于找到8号房间时妈妈已经涨红了脸累的上气不接下气我打开门锁我们都走了进去2 她给我留下了深刻的印象我觉得我自己太无知了甚至不陪跟她呼吸同样的空气3 我不知道为什么我非得了解文学可是招生办公式的那位女士说虽然我读过读陀思妥耶夫斯基罪与罚,梅尔维尔的小说虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人钦佩但这门课是必修课4 我乐的漂漂然了第一件事就是去买所需要的课本然后用纽约大学自白相间的呼风把他们套起来这样死铁力的乘客就会想我投来艳慕的目光了5 接着教授告诉我们观念并不是从天而降得现成品从长远来看清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观并且他们对孩子的态度也由此体现了宗教改革运动的思想1. Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impresses Sophie so much that she signed up for it.2. Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time.3. When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth.4. No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile.5. Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so.UNIT21 外面天空灰蒙蒙的海面上刮来一整强风天气看起来和我的心情一样2 “好啦,别抱怨了就给我尝一只牡蛎然后你就可以吃一些好吃的顺口的东西比如虾加黄油面包”他提议说。
大学英语综合教程Unit1-6课后翻译Unit 1苏珊因车祸失去了双腿。
Susan lost her legs because o f / in a car accident. For a time, she didn't know how toUnit 2和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。
Unit 3很难想像我们的先辈们没有现代化技术带来的这么多方便,那日子是怎么过的。
但是Unit 4托尼大学毕业后决定自己开业。
Unit 5李大伯自己虽然并不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时他从不犹豫。
新标准大学英语 综合教程1 课文翻译讲解
新标准英语 1 课文翻译Unit 1大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。
全新版大学英语大一综合教程1课文翻译Unit 1-6及课后练习翻译题答案
Unit 1The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这—想法才有了实现的可能。
Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my notebook, and scanned it. The topic on which my eye stopped was “The Art of Eating Spaghetti.”我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗……看。
When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to compose a proper, respectable essay for Mr. Fleagle.等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。
I did my best to avoid showing pleasure, but what I was feeling was pure delight at this demonstration that my words had the power to make people laugh.我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。
新标准综合教程1 Unit6-10课文翻译
新标准大学英语综合教程1 课文翻译及课后翻译题答案
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1 程教合综语英学大准标新
�佩敬人令确的书些这读能人的中高过上没个一然虽 �说小的尔维尔梅和基斯夫也妥思陀过读 我然虽�说士女位那的室公办生招是可。学文解了得非我么什为道知不我。 ”史育教国美“ 和”论概学文“ �程课门两修选我许允只们他�作工职全份一有且而生业毕中高是不我于由 �选节� 》录忆回《
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新标准大学英语综合教程1Unit 1 Active Reading 1Diary of a fresher大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。
新标准大学英语综合教程(一)教学素材翻译及课后练习答案Unit 6
Shop till you drop! 6Unit 6 Shop till you drop!Teaching suggestions and answer keysStarting pointMatch the questions with the answers.1 How often do you go shopping?M ost days I buy food to prepare meals in the students’ home. I prefer to cook food myself ratherthan go to the canteen. Sylvia, Florence2 What do you spend most money on?I buy a lot of music. It’s a hobby of mine, and I like to keep up with the latest bands. Jo, San Diego3 How often do you buy clothes?I usually go clothes shopping at the weekend, although I don’t always buy anything. I probablybuy something once every two weeks. Nadia, Moscow4 Which items you buy are essentials?Cosmetics. If I don’t wear eye make-up and lip gloss, I look awful. Danielle, Paris5 How often do you buy presents for other people?I buy something for all my family and friends at Christmas, although obviously I get presentsthrough the whole year. Toby, London6 Which do you prefer to use, credit cards or cash?M y father doesn’t allow me to get into debt, so I only ever use the money I have in my wallet.Teresa, Buenos Aires7 Do you ever borrow money from friends or family, or from a bank?Sometimes my mother lends me some money if I’ve used up my allowance. Jaime, Lima8 Do you try to save money?Well, I try, but I’m not very successful! Judy, Sydney158Shop till you drop! Unit 6Active reading (1)1 Work in pairs. Discuss which kind of shopping you enjoy most.Examples:•going to the shopping mallI like going to the mall because it’s clean, modern and interesting, but sometimes things are moreexpensive.•home shopping on televisionI know the idea is that you see things on TV and then buy them by phone or email. It’s useful if whatyou see is exactly what you want, but remember those programmes are really just adverts.•online shoppingT his can be a good way to buy things at bargain prices. I know someone who actually makes money bybuying and selling on the Internet. However, you need to be careful with online transactions; sometimesthe goods never reach you.•mail order catalogue shoppingI’ve never done this myself, but I’ve heard that buying clothes and household items this way is reallyfast because a good mail order company sends things immediately. Sometimes what you get may notlook like the item in the catalogue photo, but it’s easy to return things you don’t like and get a refund.2 Read about the people below and decide if their behaviour shows retail therapy or shopaholism.1 S andra has an addictive desire to shop. Shopping gives her a sense of temporary satisfaction followedby a feeling of shame which can be relieved by going shopping again. She feels lonely and has low self-esteem, especially as she is spending too much money and is in debt.Sandra’s behaviour shows shopaholism. She seems to be a shopaholic.2 R ose goes shopping to make herself feel more cheerful, especially if she is feeling slightly depressed orunhappy. She has a pleasurable experience and feels better afterwards, and regards shopping as a bit likegoing to the doctor for some medicine.Rose treats shopping as retail therapy.159Unit 6 Shop till you drop!160Retail therapy or shopaholism?Background informationThis passage is a magazine or newspaper article for general readers. It focuses on shopping addiction – shopaholism – and its causes and effects. The term shopaholic is similar in word formation to the words workaholic and chocaholic, and shopaholism can be regarded as harmful. While many people like shopping and sometimes feel that shopping can be retail therapy when they are under stress, shopaholics can suffer severe financial and social-psychological consequences. The passage suggests some solutions and practical steps which shopaholics can take.Culture pointsYou get into debt by spending more money than you have; so you end up in debt and the debts may accumulate. You can get out of debt by paying off or repaying what you owe. If the creditors (the people or companies to whom you owe money) decide that you no longer need to pay, then the debt is written off, or cancelled. The 2008 “credit crunch”, in which American and European banks found they couldn’t pay their debts to other banks and had been over-lending by giving mortgages to people who did not have the means to pay, shows how heavily some Western societies have relied on systems of debt.Language points1 I get a real buzz when I hand over my credit card … (Para 3)The word buzz here means “a strong feeling of pleasure, excitement or achievement”, eg I get a real buzz out of travelling.2 ... but it’s not good when someone loves shopping so much that they go into debt or worse, bankrupt.(Para 4)G oing bankrupt means that someone – or a company – has officially admitted that they have no moneyand cannot pay what they owe. This is a serious situation in law. If they become solvent again, they can clear their debts. Notice some metaphoric uses: intellectually bankrupt (a person or group with poor ideas or lacking in real thought) and morally bankrupt(a person or society with very poor moral standards).3 Psychologists see shopaholism as an addiction which can benefit from treatment. (Para 5)Shopaholism refers to the general condition or “illness” of being a shopaholic – someone who enjoys going shopping even when they don’t need anything and cannot pay for what they buy. Sufferers may not recognize the effect of their shopping behaviour (they “avoid reality”), they cannot control their spending habits (“a loss of control”), but think they are free to spend the money they don’t have (“an illusion of freedom”). Shopaholism may bring a temporary feeling of well-being and distract the person from the worries or anxieties of everyday life, but sufferers often feel guilt or shame. Doctors and psychologists use the medical term oniomania to refer to shopaholism and they would advise the sufferers to be treated.4 … to shop till you drop … (Para 5)This means to keep on shopping until you are exhausted. Then you drop, or fall down.5 … they take it one day at a time. (Para 11)The expression take it one day at a time is used when you are in a difficult situation or have such severe problems that you can only plan and act for the present, and adopt the step-by-step approach.Shop till you drop! Unit 6Reading and understanding3 Answer the questions.1 What is unusual about Linda, Kate and Carina’s attitude to shopping?The scale of their shopping is unusual; they spend a lot on shopping.2 What are the dangers of shopaholism?The dangers are debts and eventual bankruptcy.3 Who does shopaholism affect?It can affect anyone, though it usually affects women.4 What are the causes for shopaholism?T he causes include the fact that shopping appears attractive and exciting, that many young people feelanxious and lonely, angry or lacking in love and in need of comfort. Also it’s easy to obtain credit.5 What should you do if you’re a shopaholic?F irst, you should admit that you have a problem and work out why you are shopping so much and whatis missing in your life to make you behave like this. Then you need to find an alternative activity whichgives you pleasure and take practical steps, like destroying your credit cards and only buying what’s onyour shopping list.6 Do Linda, Kate and Carina enjoy retail therapy or suffer from shopaholism?A ll the three of them enjoyed retail therapy at the beginning, but it has become a problem for them andhas developed into shopaholism.Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 equal to something else in quality or importance (comparable)2 having no money and unable to pay what is owed (bankrupt)3 a strong feeling of wanting to have or to do something, especially something that is bad for you(temptation)4 a short journey that you take for pleasure (excursion)5 someone or something that is different in some way from other people or things and so cannot beincluded in a general statement (exception)6 the process of becoming fit and healthy again after an illness or injury (recovery)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1 When you buy clothes, there are often two labels, one which shows the price and the other, the makeand other information.2 When researchers claim something a fact, it’s because it’s true.3 Someone who is fashion-conscious likes to wear clothes which are very up-to-date.4 To do something with ease means doing it without any difficulties.5 Something which is the norm is usual or expected.161Unit 6 Shop till you drop!6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 When the three main symptoms of shopaholism are put together, it becomes an addiction. (combined)2 A rough guess at the amount of what Victoria Beckham spends on clothes every year is £100,000.(estimation)3 You may have a false impression of freedom when you’re a shopaholic. (illusion)You may have an illusion of freedom when you’re a shopaholic.4 Most people today consider it normal being in debt. (accept)7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you smile broadly, is your smile (a) very happy and wide, or (b) very small and quick?2 Is buzz likely to be (a) a pleasant, or (b) an unpleasant feeling?3 Is a mall (a) a department store, or (b) a large building with a lot of shops and restaurants?4 If you’re addicted to something, is it likely to be (a) good for you, or (b) bad for you?5 Is a mail order catalogue (a) a magazine for women, or (b) a magazine with photographs of things youcan buy by mail?6 If you take it one day at a time, do you do something (a) step by step, or (b) in one go?7 If you look for all the world like someone else, is it likely that you look (a) a little bit, or (b) exactly likethem?Reading and interpreting8 Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passage and decide if they show facts or opinions.1 “There’s nothing comparable to the feeling of power and importance I get when I go shopping.”(opinion)2 Psychologists see shopaholism as an addiction which can benefit from treatment. (fact)3 Research suggests that shopaholism is a global problem, claiming that 90 per cent of shopaholics arewomen. (fact)4 ... Victoria Beckham spends £100,000 yearly on shopping. (fact)5 But today it’s the norm to have a credit card, and it’s acceptable to be in debt. (opinion)6 What’s more, using a credit card doesn’t feel like spending real money. (opinion)Developing critical thinking9 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1 Do you enjoy retail therapy, or have you ever experienced shopaholism? Do you know anyone who has?I enjoy retail therapy after exams, but I would rather call it “a celebration” after working hard for solong. I don’t know any shopaholics, but I have read about some. It seems they have a quite normal lifeand then suddenly go mad about shopping. I suppose they have too much stress.162Shop till you drop! Unit 6 2 Do you agree that it’s easy to get credit or borrow money today?Well, banks like to encourage people to use credit cards and to borrow money, because they then canmake money by charging you interest on what you borrow. But I don’t agree that it’s easy to get credit,at least it isn’t for students. Even if you can get credit the bank will give you a low credit limit so thatyou can’t spend too much.3 Who should take the responsibility for an addiction to shopping, the individual, the shop or theconsumer society?This is a complex question. The individual shopper is responsible, really, but addicts will always find itdifficult to control themselves. Shops may have some responsibility, but it’s the job of shop assistantsto encourage everyone to buy, so that’s what they do. The consumer society gives constant messagesthrough advertising and the media that it is good to have plenty of things, so people are encouraged tobuy. Perhaps we should be careful about these messages.4 Do you think that well-known people who spend a lot of money on shopping are attractive role models?I think if well-known people spend their money unwisely in public, they are surely not attractive rolemodels. We should make judgment by ourselves, instead of just following the well-known people.Talking pointWork in pairs and discuss the questions.1 How has the experience of shopping changed for people over recent years?When I talked to my mother about this, I realized that the experience of shopping in China is generallydifferent now compared to 20 years ago. There are more goods available, and much more choice (egdifferent kinds of food), and many shops are bigger, better and cleaner. We are a lucky generationbecause our parents worked hard for these things.2 How do assistants serve customers in supermarkets compared with traditional shops, eg a grocery?In supermarkets, an assistant usually serves only one person at a time. But traditional shops, eg agrocery, normally have fewer assistants, so an assistant may serve several people at the same time.3 How are goods presented in shops and markets?In Chinese supermarkets and shops, goods are normally presented on open shelves with prices on thewrapped goods or on the boards. This is very much the same in Western supermarkets or shops. Oneobvious difference between a Chinese and Western supermarket or shop is that there are more assistantsin a Chinese supermarket, perhaps because there are more people and customers in China.4 Do people say “please” or “thank you” when they go shopping?In Chinese, saying “please” or “thank you” is perhaps less common than it is in English for day-to-day shopping – this may surprise English speakers (or speakers of many European languages) who areused to using these expressions every time they go shopping. But visitors to China should not assumethat using fewer of these expressions means that Chinese people aren’t polite! There are many ways ofshowing politeness, apart from using these social formulae.163Unit 6 Shop till you drop!164Active reading (2)1 Work in pairs and answer the questions.1 When you shop, do you prefer to go with someone or to go alone?If I am shopping for clothes, music or something like a camera or a mobile phone, then I would prefer to go with my friends, because they can help me to choose things. If I am shopping for food, then it doesn’t matter if I am alone, but still I usually go with friends.2 How often have you been shopping with a boyfriend or a girlfriend?Well, I don’t have a partner just at the moment. If I had, then I expect we would go shopping together quite a lot.3 Who likes shopping more, men or women?I think that generally women are more choosy and more patient than men, so women perhaps enjoyshopping more than men. On the other hand, I know some men who love shopping, so I suppose it may also depend on individual personality.4 What are the risks of shopping with someone who is not enjoying it as much as you are?The main risk is that they will become bored or impatient, so I would try to go to a shopping place where I know there will be something interesting to them.2 Read the passage and decide if:1 the writer is a man or a womanA woman, because the writer talks about women using “we”, but talks about men using “he” or “yourboyfriend”.2 the writer is addressing men or womenWomen, because the writer says “your boyfriend”, “You are the princess of High Street retail outlets, the Queen of the shopping mall!”, “trying on a new skirt” and “your poor, broken man”.How to shop with your boyfriendBackground informationThe style of the passage is that of a light-hearted magazine article for young women, which offers advice about shopping with men. The humour comes through the use of informal language, such as footie (football), telly (television), a chap (person / guy), yeah babe (yes, dear), and the exaggerated perception of shopping (for men) as an endurance test or a total waste of time, the far-fetched comparison between men and ancient hunter-gatherers, waiting outside the changing rooms as one of the most dangerous activities in the world, the colour which will provoke a citizen’s arrest, and chewing the carpet (this is not literal).The passage can be used for understanding the style of a magazine article and thus for learning different writing styles. This can be important for Ss in their future career if they need to write articles for different readers.Shop till you drop! Unit 6Culture pointsShopping is the general activity of going round different shops, looking at or looking for various things. This would normally include buying something, but not so if something is not available or you can’t find exactlywhat you want. So buying is usually, but not necessarily, part of shopping. Window shopping would normally mean just looking at items in the windows, even when the shops are closed. On the other hand, you can buy something without going shopping, eg through mail order, the Internet, or responding to a newspaper advert.In the passage, men prefer buying (they want a result), while women prefer shopping (the process of looking, searching, trying on and trying out).A league is a group of sports teams or players who regularly compete against one another, put in order according to how many points they have won. The Premier League in England is the group of the very best football teams (there are other groups in lower leagues). At the end of the football season, the team with the most points is at the top of the league and wins the Premiership Cup. Other European countries have similar systems, eg Series A in Italy.Language points1 … where we saw something fashionable or of incredibly good value … (Para 1)Something of incredibly good value refers to an unbelievable bargain.2 Men don’t get this. (Para 2)The word get here means “to understand something” in informal usage, eg Finally, I got the joke, I don’t get what you mean, or Oh, I see ... yes, I get it.3 It’s because he knows no one can shop single-handed. (Para 4)The expression to do something single-handed means that it is done by one person without help from anyone else. This joking comment implies that the boyfriend understands that women need someone to help them shop. They can’t go shopping alone because they need support.4 ... he’ll demonstrate his total conviction about your sense of fashion. (Para 5)The boyfriend will give favourable comments and support whatever his girlfriend likes or dislikes by talking about her sense of fashion. This will make her feel good, like the princess or the Queen.5 … the only answer is in the affirmative … (Para 6)The main idea of this paragraph is the humorous comment that the boyfriend will always agree with what his girlfriend likes, so ask him yes / no questions instead of either / or questions because he won’t want to risk disagreeing with his girlfriend by answering “No”.6 He won’t want you to be uncertain, because it will simply be confirmation of his expectations aboutwomen. (Para 8)He expects women to be uncertain – a stereotype – but he doesn’t want his girlfriend to be uncertain. He doesn’t want his girlfriend’s behaviour to confirm the stereotype.7 You see … (Para 9)This expression is used when you are explaining something.165Unit 6 Shop till you drop!166 8 Even you know the colour will provoke a citizen’s arrest or frighten the children when you walkdown the street wearing it. (Para 9)A citizen’s arrest is an arrest made by a member of the public, rather than by the police, who believessomeone has committed a crime and takes them to the police. This is humorous exaggeration: Wearing a bright colour is not actually a crime nor will it frighten children.9 … peer through the changing room curtains to try and spot him chewing the carpet ... (Para 10)The word chew means “to use your teeth to bite something into small pieces so that you can swallow it”.The exaggerated expression chewing the carpet gives an image of the boyfriend’s extreme boredom or frustration.10 … when he sees you, out of hearing, at the cash desk looking for all the world as if you’re about tobuy something. (Para 11)If you are out of hearing, you can be seen but not heard because you are too far away. The expression for all the world is used for emphasis, meaning “exactly as if”. The sentence means the girlfriend makes the boyfriend think she is buying the item of clothing, but actually she is just asking for a different size.11 … your man run the full range of human emotions from A to ... well, B. (Para 12)The expected expression here is “from A to Z”, meaning “through the entire range of emotions”. By saying from A to B, with the hesitation word well, the writer makes a joking critique of the range of emotions that men feel – very limited.12 “Oh, it’s just my luck.” (Para 13)This means “It’s bad luck”, which is said after something bad has happened because you think you are not a lucky person. This is similar to “It’s just my fate” or “It’s fate”, which is said as if you accept a difficult situation because you think you cannot change it. These expressions are not exactly the same as “Bad luck”, which is said to show sympathy if someone fails to do something.13 … you must reward your boyfriend with beer and the footie on the telly. (Para 14)Footie, or footy, is a short form for football. Like telly(television), it has the informal suffix -ie or -y.These forms are especially common in Australian English, where they are usually used to show affection or positive attitudes: kiddie (child or kid), brekkie (breakfast), veggies (vegetables), comfy (comfortable), undies (underwear), townie (a town person), greenie (a person who is concerned with the environment), smoothie (a smooth talker, or a cold drink made with blended fruit).Reading and understanding3 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 The difference between women and men when they shop is (a).(a) women enjoy the process whereas men need a result(b) women like hunting but men don’t(c) men think it’s a waste of time, but women like to waste time(d) men enjoy more dangerous activities than shopping2 In the past men used to go hunting only when they needed to, so today (c).(a) he goes shopping to show his affection(b) he only enjoys shopping reluctantly, in order to please his girlfriend(c) he shops when he needs to and is in a hurry to get home quickly(d) he goes shopping because he doesn’t want his girlfriend to spend too much money3 It’s important to ask for your boyfriend’s opinion (a).(a) because he’ll make you feel good about your fashion sense(b) even though he knows he might not give you the answer you want(c) as long as you ask him long, complicated questions(d) if you want him to take a genuine interest4 If you intend to buy something, (d).(a) try not to make your boyfriend bored(b) you’ll only confirm your boyfriend’s expectations about women(c) be careful because it’s one of the most dangerous activities in the world(d) make quite sure it suits you and fits you before you tell your boyfriend5 Make sure you’re kind to your boyfriend by (b).(a) watching his face when you buy something and taking him home to watch football(b) rewarding him with beer and football(c) asking if he has the clothes in a different size(d) making him wait a long time outside the changing roomDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 very interesting (fascinating)2 the ability to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant (endurance)3 to take hold of something roughly (grab)4 an individual thing (item)5 the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it (enthusiasm)6 a strong belief or opinion about something (conviction)7 the word “yes” or a sign that you agree with something (affirmative)8 the proof that something you believed is definitely true (confirmation)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1 I think you’re a very good chap to go shopping with your girlfriend.2 When a woman finds something which suits her, she’s not simply a woman, she becomes a princess.3 It’s important not to provoke your boyfriend by spending too long at the shops.4 Your boyfriend will not cooperate with you if you spend all day shopping and buy nothing.5 For some women, the sheer excitement of a day’s shopping is almost too much to bear.6 The football commentator screamed wildly when Italy scored.1676 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 incredibly good value Is it extremely good or not very good value?It is extremely good value, or an unbelievable bargain.2 Men don’t get this. What does get mean in this context?It means that men don’t understand this. The word get means “to understand” or “to appreciate” here.3 snack What kind of meal is a snack? A large meal or a quick meal?It’s a quick meal, something small and light to eat, or a small amount of food eaten between meals.4 checkout What do you do at the checkout?Checkout is the place where you pay for the goods before leaving a supermarket or a large shop. It isnormally near the door of a shop.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.Many women like to wear clothes which are (1) popular at a particular time. The problem is their boyfriends (2) don’t often enjoy shopping. So before you leave home, it’s important to have specific(3) plans about what you hope to achieve. While you’re shopping, it’s (4) essential to get your boyfriendto show he’s (5) approving when you choose something new. You can visit as many (6) shops as you like, as long as you buy something. When you get back you should (7) show your kindness by allowing him to(8) drop into a comfortable chair, drink beer and watch television. But if it isn’t your (9) plan to spendmoney but only to window-shop, maybe you shouldn’t take your boyfriend along.Key: (1) fashionable(2) rarely(3) objectives(4) crucial(5) favourable(6) retail outlets (7) demonstrate(8) collapse(9) intentionReading and interpreting8 Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.1 You are the princess of High Street retail outlets, the Queen of the shopping mall! What does thissuggest about the self-confidence of the shopper?It suggests that the shopper is very confident indeed and is the centre of attention. She feels she is incomplete control and probably the boyfriend will respect and admire her like a princess or the Queen.2 Trying clothes on while your boyfriend is waiting outside the changing room is one of the mostdangerous activities in the world. Why is it so dangerous?Because there is a high risk that your boyfriend will get bored and frustrated. He thinks there shouldbe a result and you should buy something in the end. But you are simply trying clothes on for fun andprobably have no intention of buying anything.168。
外研社新标准大学英语综合教程1(完整课后翻译答案)包含1-10单元每一单元的英译汉、汉译英行走的小鱼,2013年12月29日整理、排版,欢迎使用!Unit 1●英译汉1. Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.(☞介词 with 表示状态,不必直译。
2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。
3. I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education.(☞翻译时将 be introduced to literature 变成主动语态更通顺。
4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(I am in heaven 不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。
新标准大学英语综合教程1Unit 1 Active Reading 1Diary of a fresher大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。
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在2006年的德国世界杯期间,所谓的WAGs(足球明星的太太和女友们)名声大噪,因为她们其中的六个人竟然在一小时之内就花掉了57,000 英镑买衣服和鞋子。
在20 世纪70年代之前,买东西都是用现金,而且女性不能以自己的名义借钱。