
①The heavy rain forbade us to go out/ us from going out, so we had to stay at home②We were forbidden to go out/from going out, so we had to stay at home aimlessly.③Forbidden to go out/from going out, we had to stay at home aimlessly.④The heavy rain forbidding us to go out/ us from going out, we had to stay at home aimlessly.2.一看到可怕的熊在咬我们的金属丝栅栏,我就屏住呼吸,一动不敢动。
①The instant I saw a frightening bear biting our wire fence, I held my breath, not daring to make a movement.②On seeing a frightening bear biting our wire fence, I held my breath, not daring to make a movement.③Hardly had I see a frightening bear biting when I held my breath, not daring to make a movement.3.一想到Ingler一家的艰难情况,我的同情心涌上心头。
①The thought of the Inglers’ difficult situation overwhelmed me with a surge of sympathy.②A flood of sympathy took hold of me when I thought of the Inglers’ difficult situation.③Thinking of the Inglers’ difficult situation, I was seized by a strong sense of sympathy.4.当我以为我把钥匙弄丢的时候,我吓死了。

高考英语读后续写公式第一部分动作描写【公式一】三连动作链:Sb.+ did A, did B and did C..She woke up, slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the door.她醒了,溜下床,踮着脚走到门口。
2.John pressed his finger against his lips, pointed to the cat, and shook his head gently.约翰把手指放在嘴唇上,指着猫咪,轻轻摇了摇头。
3.He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and fell over.他失去了平衡,往后趔趄撞在栏杆上摔倒了。
4.Ben also ran in my direction, gathered me into his arms and kept patting my back.本也朝我这个方向跑过来,把我拥入怀中,不停地轻拍我的后背。
【公式二】主语+did,非谓语动词 A, and非谓语动词 B/主语+did A and did B,非谓语动词.1.They ran in bare feet, laughing and teasing.他们光着脚跑着,笑着闹着。
ing its head, it touched our hands, seemingly saying that we were to be thanked.它用头碰了碰我们的手,好像在说,它要感谢我们。
3.He laid his fishing pole down and dragged his feet, moving toward me at a snail's pace.他放下钓鱼竿,像蜗牛一样磨磨蹭蹭地向我走来。
【公式三】主语+did, with+名词+非谓语动词/形/副/介词短语.1.When Karina saw it, she hugged it tightly with tears filling her eyes.当 Karina 看到它时,她紧紧地拥抱着它,双眸满是泪水。

【续写范文】My turn finally came. As I urged Cowboy forward, he stumbled, and almost fell, much to the delight of the other riders. I jammed my hat down on my head, stroked Cowboy's big red neck and entered the arena. At the signal, we dashed toward the first barrel, quickly whipped around it and with perfect precision rounded the second and thundered on to the third. We tore around the final curve and shot for the finish line.No cheers filled the air when I finished my show. The end of our run was met with surprised silence. With the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, I heard the announcer call our time. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her proud fancy horse! I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that I'd always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it. I can be the master of myown destiny.【范文译文】终于轮到我了。

高考英语读后续写片段一、开心激动【基础篇】The auditorium buzzed with a palpable energy as the orchestra tuned their instruments. Lily, a young violinist, stood backstage, her heart pounding in anticipation. This was her debut performance, and she was both nervous and excited. As the conductor raised his baton, the room fell silent. The first note sheplayed resonated through the hall, and as the music swelled, so did her confidence. When the final crescendo peaked and the music faded, the audience eruptedinto applause. Lily beamed, her eyes sparkling with joy and pride. This was the moment she had dreamed of, and it was everything she had hoped for and more.当乐队调着乐器时,礼堂充满一种明显的能量。

高考英语读后续写高分佳句一、情绪描写1.So humiliated was I that I wished I could vanish into thin air, with shame flushing through my entire being.我羞愧难当,真希望自己能凭空消失,满脸通红,仿佛血液都在燃烧。
2.I tried my best to suppress the tears that welled up in my eyes, but they eventually rolled down uncontrollably like pearls falling from a broken string.我竭力忍住眼中的泪水,但它们最终还是不受控制地滚落下来,像断了线的珍珠一样。
3.Hiding her face in her trembling hands, she sobbed quietly, shoulders shaking with each breath.她把脸埋在颤抖的双手中,轻声啜泣着,肩膀随着每一次呼吸而微微颤动。
4.He returned to his room, slumped onto his bed, and tears streamed down his cheeks before he could even take off his shoes.他回到房间,一头栽倒在床上,鞋子还没脱,眼泪就已经沿着脸颊滚滚而下。
5.Upon hearing the unexpected news, he was so astonished that he froze in place, mouth agape, as if turned into a statue.听到这个突如其来的消息,他惊呆得定在原地,张着嘴,仿佛变成了一尊雕像。
6.Seeing the last lines of the letter, she could no longer contain the grief surging in her heart, and tears burst forth like a flood breaching a dam.看到信的最后几行字,她再也无法压抑心中的悲痛,泪水如同决堤的洪水般倾泻而出。


高考英语读后续写语料一、情绪刻画1.高兴· Joy welled up inside her.她心中涌起喜悦。
well做名词时有“水井”的意思,up是“向上”的意思,想象一下,水井向上,不就是涌起吗~· She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。
以后想写she smile时,就可以想到这个句子。
2.恐惧· Fear slowly creeps upon her.恐惧慢慢地蔓延到她身上。
creep upon悄悄爬上,袭来可以自由发挥,把fear替换成其他词,如:I felt a smile creep upon my face.· At the sight of the ferocious wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.一见到这只凶野的狼,我就吓呆了,丝毫不敢动弹。
freeze-froze-frozen冻结too...to...太……而不能……3.愤怒· His anger boiled over.他的愤怒爆发了。
除了形容情绪愤怒,boil over还可以比喻事态的恶化,如:Racial tension finally boiled over in the inner city riots.种族间的紧张状态最终演化成了市中心贫困区的暴乱。
· He was fuming with rage.他气得大发雷霆。
Fuming with rage还可做伴随状语,使描写更加生动,如:Fuming with rage, Hung said, How do you know I bully her?4.绝望· Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他绝望地把悲伤淹没在酒里。

新高考英语读后续写主题升华高分万能句一、家庭生活1.Through his loyalty to his friends and family, the young boy discovered the true meaning of friendship and the power of a strong bond.通过对朋友和家人的忠诚,这个小男孩发现了友谊的真谛和牢固联系的力量。
2.From my father's words, I have realized that family matters the most in the world.从父亲的话中,我意识到家庭是世界上最重要的。
3.From my mother's kindness, I have felt the warmth of our family.I willtreasure/value/cherish it with all my heart.从母亲的善意中,我感受到了家的温暖。
4.It was Mom who taught me we should never take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.(强调句)是妈妈教会我,我们永远不要把最值得我们感激的事情视为理所当然。
5.Mother's Day is a heartfelt reminder to honor and appreciate the selfless sacrifices and boundless love that mothers give, shaping our lives with unwavering dedication.(非谓语)母亲节是一个衷心的提醒,提醒我们要尊重和感激母亲们无私的牺牲和无限的爱,她们以坚定不移的奉献精神塑造了我们的生活。

3道高中英语读后续写题目1.故事续写:In a sunny morning, Emily found a young injured bird. She decided to take it home and care for it, but the bird soon developed a deep attachment to her. Emily named the bird "Bobby" and took good care of him. She provided food and water and protected him from any harm. At first, Bobby was weak and couldn't fly, but Emily's dedication and care gradually helped him recover. Emily was patient with Bobby and treated him with love and kindness. She handled him gently, singing to him and talking to him in a soft voice.As time passed, Bobby's health improved and he started to chirp and flap his wings. Emily was overjoyed to see him recovering and became more attached to him. They would spend long hours playing together, flying a toy airplane or playing fetch with a small stick. Bobby would chirp happily, hopping around Emily, and Emily would laugh and giggle, feeling a sense of pure joy and happiness.The emotional bond between Emily and Bobby grew stronger day by day. They were inseparable, always together. Emily would talk to Bobby, sharing her thoughts and feelings, and Bobby would chirp in response, understanding Emily's words and feelings. They were like best friends, relying on each other for companionship and support.— 1 —Emily's love for Bobby was unconditional, and she would do anything for him. She knew that Bobby was not just a bird, but a member of her family. They shared a special bond that could only be understood by the two of them. And Emily was happy to have found such a special friend in Bobby, a friend who would always be there for her no matter what.2.情境续写:Jack and Lili were childhood friends, inseparable since they were young. However, due to a misunderstanding, they lost touch with each other. Years later, Jack unexpectedly ran into Lili again.The moment Jack saw Lili, his heart skipped a beat. Despite the passing years, he still remembered her distinct, bright eyes and her easy-going smile. He walked towards her, his feet moving slowly through the crowd. "Lili?" he called out, his voice filled with disbelief and amazement.Lili turned around, her long hair swinging gracefully. When she saw Jack, her face lit up with a smile. "Jack!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with equal parts of surprise and joy.They stood there, facing each other, the noise of the city fading into the background. Jack looked at Lili, his heart filled with a mixture of familiarity and longing. "I can't believe it's you," he said, his voice low and hoarse.— 2 —"Me too," Lili replied, her voice equally hoarse. "I thought I'd never see you again.""Me too," Jack echoed, his heart heavy with emotion.For a moment, they just stood there, lost in the moment of familiarity and longing. Then Jack cleared his throat and said, "So, what happened? Why did we lose touch?"Lili bit her lip and looked down at her feet. "There was a misunderstanding," she said finally. "I thought you were mad at me for some reason and I didn't want to talk to you."Jack sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I was mad at myself," he said. "I thought I let you down.""What happened?" Lili asked tentatively.Jack took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "It was my fault," he said. "I made a mistake and I thought you were mad at me because of it."Lili looked at him, her eyes wide and earnest. "I wasn't mad at you," she said sincerely. "I was just confused."Jack nodded, a relieved expression on his face. "Me too," he said. "I'm so glad we can finally clear this up.""Me too," Lili echoed, a smile curling on her lips. They stood there, facing each other, the weight of the past few years lifting off— 3 —their shoulders. The misunderstanding that had kept them apart for so long was finally resolved.From that day on, Jack and Lili recommenced their friendship, stronger than ever before. They laughed, they cried, they supported each other through the highs and lows of life. And whenever they looked back on that fateful day when they had been reunited, they knew that it was all part of the bigger plan. A plan that brought them back together again, to live out the rest of their lives as the best of friends.3.悬疑续写:In an ancient mansion, the protagonist discovered a mysterious diary that revealed a family secret. As he delved deeper into the investigation, he found that the secret was connected to a series of strange occurrences in the mansion. Please continue the suspenseful story, revealing the truth behind the family secret and the strange events.注意:续写时应保持与原文风格一致,注重情节连贯性和角色形象塑造。

高考英语读后续写历年真题及答案一(2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher asked me to enter a writing contest. I said no without thinking. I did not love writing. My family came from Brazil, so English was only my second language. Writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic by acting out a play, where I played all the parts. No one laughed harder than he did.So, why did he suddenly force me to do something at which I was sure to fail? His reply: “Because I love your stories. If you’re willing to apply yourself, I think you have a good shot at this.” Encouraged by his words, I agreed to give it a try.I chose Paul Revere’s horse as my subject. Paul Revere was a silversmith (银匠) in Boston who rode a horse at night on April 18, 1775 to Lexington to warn people that British soldiers were coming. My story would come straight from the horse’s mouth. Not a brilliant idea, but funny; and unlikely to be anyone else’s choice.What did the horse think, as he sped through the night? Did he get tired? Have doubts? Did he want to quit? I sympathized immediately. I got tired. I had doubts. I wanted to quit. But, like Revere’s horse, I kept going. I worked hard. I checked my spelling. I asked my older sister to correct my grammar. I checked out a half dozen books on Paul Revere from the library. I even read a few of them.When I handed in the essay to my teacher, he read it, laughed out loud, and said, “Great. Now, write it again.”I wrote it again, and again and again. When I finally finished it, the thought of winning had given way to the enjoyment of writing. If I didn’t win, I wouldn’t care.注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

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The rain came down steady and hard. Jason Storie heard it but was not worried as he prepared for a day of caving with five friends in a remote spot 80 miles northwest of his home in Duncan, on Canada’s Vancouver Island.It was 6 a.m. on December 5, 2015. As a newcomer to the sport, Jason had gone caving only four times. This would be his toughest outing yet: a cave called Cascade. It was dangerous enough that the entrance was blocked by a locked metal door to keep the casual cavers out. About a mile long and 338 feet deep,Cascade was full of tums and barely passable tight squeezes.Jason was new among the group, with the least experience and, at 43, older by a decade or more. It was his friend Andrew Munoz, 33, who introduced him to the sport. Unlike Jason,Andrew was an expert caver-a former caving guide, actually. They hiked a bit before coming to the door, which sat in the ground—you’d miss it if you weren’t looking for it. It was 10 a.m. With their way lighted by headlamps, they walked down a narrow passage studded with sharp rocks. The silence was broken by a drip-drip-drip from above. Soon the drip turned into a light but steady flow, and they were wading in water up to their ankles, then to their shins.Two hours later, they approached one of the features that made the cave unique: a narrow passage not big enough to stand up in that led into a short, tight downhill. This had a name: Bastard’s Crawl. Four streams met here, and indeed, the water was flowing more quickly. The sound of the water had turned into a roar. When they finally neared the top of the Crawl, there were barely four inches of air left between the water and the ceiling. not enough for them to keep their heads up to breathe. They came to terrifying realization that they were in danger!注意:1. 所续写短⽂的词数应为150左右;2. 应使⽤5个以上短⽂中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请⽤下划线标出你所使⽤的关键词语。

高考英语读后续写高分表达一、人物情感表达1.喜悦Her face lit up with joy.她的脸上洋溢着喜悦。
A smile spread across his face like sunlight.笑容像阳光一样在他脸上蔓延开来。
She was overjoyed and couldn't stop giggling.她欣喜若狂,忍不住咯咯笑。
2.悲伤Tears welled up in her eyes.她的眼中涌出泪水。
His heart ached with sadness.他的心因悲伤而疼痛。
She was overcome with grief and buried her face in her hands. 她被悲伤淹没,双手掩面。
3.愤怒His eyes flashed with anger.他的眼睛里闪烁着愤怒。
She was fuming and clenched her fists.她怒火中烧,握紧了拳头。
Anger boiled inside him.愤怒在他心中沸腾。
4.恐惧Fear gripped her heart.恐惧紧紧抓住了她的心。
His face paled with fright.他吓得脸色苍白。
She was terrified and couldn't move a muscle.她惊恐万分,动弹不得。
二、人物动作描写1.走路He strode purposefully down the street.他大步流星地走在街上。
She tiptoed quietly along the corridor.她踮着脚悄悄地沿着走廊走。
They wandered aimlessly through the park.他们漫无目的地在公园里闲逛。
2.跑步He dashed off in a hurry.他匆匆忙忙地跑开了。
She sprinted as fast as she could.她尽可能快地冲刺。

Mom was a good cook. No, I take that back. She was a great cook. She could take a little hamburger a few potatoes and some tomatoes to make a feast that would make everyone drool(流口水) .And the dishes she could do with chicken well, it makes my mouth water to think about her delicious fried chicken. Her homemade chili sauce was second to none. Her bottled peaches were better than candies. When I was a little girl I once offered to make my sister Kathy’s bed fora week if she would give me the last slice of toast made with Moms homemade bread and pineapple jam. Kathy w ouldn’t go for it. She prefe rred to eat the toast.There is no doubt that Mom was a great cook most of the time. But if you put a steak in her pan, she would turn it into a texture(口感) of shoe leather. Of course, she didn’t do that on purpose She really did try her best. The night before I was married, she thought she was giving me a special treat by preparing a thick steak. It tasted as terrible as usual.Several months later, my elder brother Bud took me out for lunch and ordered steaks. I wasn’texcited, but since he was paying I figured I could try a few bites. When the waitress served our steaks, I was surprised at how good they smelled .Mom's steaks never smelled like that. Suddenly,I understood why others spoke of steak fondly. I finished my steak greedily, and even stole a bite of Bud’s."“ You k now," I said to Bud, patting my stomach with real satisfaction, "I used to think Mom was a great cook. But it's hard to believe her steaks come from the same animal as these steaks. Of course she is, Bud said. "But think about it. She grew up during a time when her family was very poor. That’s when she learned to cook. How often do you think they had steak? Probably not very often, I guessedParagraph 1“Probably never,”Bud said ._____________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:But then it occurred to me that "great” do esn' t mean" perfect”_____________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案Paragraph 1:“ Probably never," Bud said.“ And when I was a little boy and Dad was in the army, don't remember ever having steak. It's only after our youngest sister was born that Mom and Dad could afford steak. So it isn’t that Mom isn't a good cook. It's just that she didn’t have a lot of experience of cooking steak. That’s the reason for my mother’s having a weakness in the kitchen. It was difficult for me to understand this at first, especially after we enjoyed Moms incredible fried chicken the day before.Paragraph 2But then it occurred to me that“ great” doesn' t mean" p erfect”. It just means" great”It's great of Mom to have cooked delicious food for us for years and make everyone feel happy. But what did I do for her? I determined to give Mom a surprise. After learning froma friend, I prepared a big dinner for Mom .When she saw the nice steak and had her firstbite of it, a happy smile appeared on her face.2阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As the bell was about to ring, our teacher announced a special assignment for next Monday: to share our gratitude for someone instead of giving a daily report.Hearing this, anxiety crawled over my body as the last thing I would do was speaking in front of the entire class! I couldn't help complaining to my best friend Jenny.“You are the chief violinist in our school orchestra,aren't you?"she said.“So what's the point of being afraid of speaking to a few our own classmates since you can handle acting in front of a large audience?”Her point made sense, but being in a performance meant being part of a team.I shook my head.Besides,there were so many people I was grateful to, and choosing just one seemed difficult.Even if I could pick someone,I wouldn't know how to say thank you.And even if I figured out what to say, I was sure I'd stumble(结巴地说)on my words when speaking aloud! Standing there, with everyone's eyes on me,I would feel the spot light was wholly on me,and there would be no place for me to hide!“Ohno!”I covered my face with my hands and said, “I can't do it, just can't!”Real friends,the ones who know you well,don't just do exactly what you ask.Jenny, always supportive and helpful, wrote something on a piece of paper and gently removed my hands from my face.She had drawn a cute cat with the word “CALM” written below it.“Nice meeting you; I am the ‘everything will be fine’ cat,” Jenny laughed and sounded exac tly like a cat.Pretending to listen to the cat,she asked,“Well, kitty, you think my friend should come to my house tomorrow, so we can prepare our speeches together?” I laughed out loud and relaxed a lot.I have to say Jenny was there for me, always!注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。

The Sea’s SurpriseJim and Andy walked along the beach, looking for an adventure. They joked that some day they would find a talking fish or a mermaid or a bottle with a treasure map inside. So far they had only found shells and rocks and seaweed. Today though was different. The boys felt excited.Sea crabs scampered on the rocks. Up one side and down the other. They were quick and lively. The tide didn’t seem to ever wash them a way. Then Jim saw a fish. It was stranded on the beach, just flopping around.“Can it talk?” Andy asked.“It looks like any other fish,” Jim said. He picked it up gently and carried it to the water.“Do you think it will grant us any wishes?” Andy laughed.The boys watched as the silver fish sped off through the water. “No. Maybe next time.” Jim grinned.As the two friends walked farther down the beach they came upon a bottle. It was green with a cork in the mouth.“Our luck will change. Does it have a map inside or a genie?” joked Andy.Andy reached down and picked up the bottle. He rubbed it. Nothing happened. He pulled on the cork. Nothing happened. He shook it. Nothing happened.“ Try the cork again. I bet the genie is waiting for us to release him. Or w e’ll find a treasure map and have a real adventure,” Jim exclaimed.Andy tugged again on the cork. He wiggled it back and forth. He twisted it around and around. Finally it popped out without breaking. Andy shook the bottle. Nothing came out. Looking inside he couldn’t see anything. Jim looked too and shook his head. Empty.“It’s just an old wine bottle,” Jim complained. He grabbed the bottle and tossed it back onto the sand.读后续写注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
高中英语 精选读后续写50篇

On a Saturday afternoon in Wichita Falls, Texas, three kids talked and laughed happilyas they took turns riding a scooter (滑板车) on their quiet street. 11-year-old TJ Smith hadjust jumped off the scooter as his neighbors Kim, age 7, claimed her turn, and Julie, 9, looked on. Ten minutes later, Kim sat down on the scooter to catch her breath, That was when a bearded man with a head of messy hair appeared. The kids didn't see where he came from, but they saw exactly what happened next: Without saying a word, the man picked Kim up off the scooter and calmly stepped away.The guy held Kim gently like a baby and just walked down the street In fact, the calmway the man behaved led TJ to believe that he must be a relative of Kim's. But something wasn't right.“I could see Kim's face," TJ said.“She was scared.As the man walked on, Kim's fear transformed into weeps, and then she cried for help. She began kicking and moving, trying to get free of the man's control.“What are you doing?" Julie shouted. But the man, undisturbed, just walked the length of the block until he reachedan alley(小巷) and disappeared.TJ was frightened, yet he never thought about the danger to himself. The only thing he wanted to do was to get Kim back. But what was a 4-foot-tall kid going to do to stop a grown man?“I wanted to help_but I couldn't do it myself," he thought to himself. “Tell Kim's parents, Julie!” He shouted as he started running towards the alley.Kim's parents were relaxing on the sofa in their living room when their front door burst open.Paragraph 1:“A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!”yelled Julie.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:At that very moment. Kim's parents arrived.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
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Para 3: A specific example
One morning she told her children about aa ffaammiillyy she had vviissiitteeddtthheeddaayy before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy - his name was Bernnaarrdd - had interested her very much.
their families were struggling to make ends meet.
People were trying to hheellpp each other mmeeeett the
Para 2: General statement
主题句:Bernard is positive and optimistic.
拓展句:He always sees the glass as half full, not half empty and tells me that a man only can be destroyed but cannot be defeated.
2. read deeply and thoroughly the given story subtopic
two given sentences details
The given story:
How did y wanted to help
Transition examples
How to make your writing
topic / theme general statement specific examples /details conclusion / ending
MMrrss.. Meredith was aammoossttkkininddanadnd tthhoouugghhttffuull woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them.
主题句:John is very helpful.
拓展句:Whenever you are in trouble, he is always the first one who comes up and gives you the shirt off his back.
细节支撑句:Once my computer was attacked by Trojan horse, it is he who spent four hours helping me get rid of it.
细节支撑句:Last term, when he failed again in the maths exam, he complained nothing but reviewed the paper again and again.
细节支撑句:Whenever I feel frustrated or disappointed, I will think of him.
English continuation writing 读后续写
How to make your writing coherent? (连贯)
Warmming up: My daddy is a liar.
Daddy is the sweetest Daddy in the world; Daddy is the most handsome,
the smartest, the most clever, the kindest; He is my superman; Daddy wants me to do well at school; Daddy is just great. But he lies. ......
He lies about having a job; He lies about having money; He lies that he's not tired; He lies that he's not hungry; He lies that we have everything; He lies about his happiness; He lies because of me ... I love you, Daddy!
What is the theme of the story? help each other meet the challenges
To be coherent in writing,
1. stick to the topic / theme
To be coherent in writing,
Para 1: Background + Topic
The Meredith family lived in a small
community. As the economy was in decline, some
people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of