
[1]A cargo exception would appear onA. a Bill of Lading.B. the cargo manifest.C. the-Export Declaration.D. a Letter of Indemnity.Key: A货物免责条款将出现在提货单上[2]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is aA: Polluter B. Emitter C. Spiller. D. OilerKey : A(光盘)船舶排放有害物质进入空气或溢出流入海中的石油是污染源[3]Antiseptics防腐剂are used principally主要toA. speed-healingB. prevent infectionC. reduce inflammation.D. increase blood circulationKey: B(光盘)防腐剂主要用于防止感染[4]Any partial loss or damage shall be pro rata 按比例on the basis of such declared value申报的价值.A. adjustedB. arrangedC. determinedD. fixedKey : A(光盘)任何部分的损伤或损害应根据这类申报的价值被按比例核算。
[5]At the time of ,you will be credited with认为某人有某物two days' extra额外的basic salary. A: paying-off B. signing off C. sending off D. going offKey: B在签署解雇合同时,你将得到两天额外的基本工资。
参阅《劳务输出合同》第9条[6]Beams are cambered弧型toA. increase their strengthB. provide drainage from the decksC. relievedeck stress D. All of the aboveKey: B甲板横梁被制成弧型是方便甲板排水。

11规则最新航海英语试题【单选】 What are essential to ensure the effective implementation of the ship security plan? ___B___--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Controlling access to the ship.B.Training and drills.C.Controlling the restricted areas.D.Monitoring the ship at times.【单选】 The expression STAND-BY ENGINE means __A____.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.to get the engine readyB.to respond to the engineC.to maneuver the engineD.to change the engine【单选】 Precautionary areas and IMO-adopted TSS have been established through the Straits between Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) and the entrance to South China Sea in the vicinity of Horsburgh Light.In this sentence, "TSS" is the abbreviation of _c____.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Traffic Selection SchemeB.Traffic Solution SchemeC.Traffic Separation SchemeD.Traffic Separation System【单选】 Section V of Admiralty Notice to Mariners weekly edition is___C___.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Reprints of Radio Navigational WarningsB.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsC.Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog SignalsD.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals【单选】 All marks within the IALA system are distinguished by __D___.①shape ②top mark ③light characteristics ④color --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.①②B.③④C.②③④D.①②③④【单选】 THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFELY EMBARK is __B____.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.ground speedB.boarding speedC.relative speedD.vessel speed【关联题】 At French ports of any consequence pilotage is carried out by pilots commissioned by the state and belonging to an organization associated with each port authority. It is compulsory for vessels of a certain length or tonnage as laid down for each port. Further details are given in the text of this book.In naval ports the pilotage service comes under the authority of the Harbor Master and pilotage is provided by naval pilots.In ports where pilotage is compulsory, requests for a pilot should be made between 12 and 48 hours in advance of arrival, or on leaving the previous port of call if this is later. Pilotage fees are surcharged if the request is late.Vessels requiring a pilot are required to make the usual signals given in International Code of Signals on entering the pilotage district. Masters are required to tell the pilot, when he boards, the draught, speed and any special conditions affecting the manoeuvrability of their vessels.(1)At French ports, pilotage is ________ for the vessels ofa certain length or tonnage.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.freeB.voluntaryC.difficultD.forced(2)If the request of pilot is late, which of following is true? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.The pilotage will be delayedB.It will be refused to enter French portsC.not mentionedD.You have to pay more pilotage fees(3)When pilot on board, master of the ship is required to tell the pilot a lot of information except _____.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.ship's draftB.ship's speedC.ship's crew membersD.ship's manoeuvrability(4)In naval ports the pilotage service is provided by ____. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Harbor MasterB.port authorityC.naval pilotsD.pilots commissioned by the state【单选】 You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard. You have 3 radar targets bearing 090°relative at ranges of 0.5 mile,1 mile,and 1.5 miles. In this case,the unwanted echoes are called ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.multiple echoesB.spokingC.indirect echoesD.side-lobe echoes【单选】 Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that (1) she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision; (2) be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. ________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.(1) onlyB.(2) onlyC.Both (1) and (2)D.Neither (1) nor (2)【单选】 ______ is normally responsible for maintaining records of corrections to navigational charts and nautical publications.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.The Chief OfficerB.The Second OfficerC.The Third OfficerD.The PSC Officer【单选】 The shearing stresses on a ship's structure are usually greatest at ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.the bowB.the sternC.midshipsD.the ship's quarter-length points【关联题】 A general cargo ship sank in front of the Catalonia Coast (Spain) after two hours of her departure, the weather conditions being excellent. The information given by the port authorities revealed that the ship was overloaded at her departure, with an extra weight of 370 T, and that she arrived at the port with ballast, which made her trim aft. Both the ballast water formerly carried and the extra weight on board made the ship leave port overloaded and she did not reach the minimum stability criteria established by the IMO. These studies showed the deficiency of stability as the main reason for the loss of the ship.The studies concluded that the ship did not have enough reserve of stability to confront a cruise and therefore could not recover from a small heel, which made her heel over completely until she sunk.(1)It was concluded that the main reason for the loss of the ship is______ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Excessive free surfaceB.Excessive shear forceC.Sufficient freeboardD.Un-proper stability(2)The general cargo ship sank in front of the Catalonia Coast ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.before her reaching the portB.during her transit to the portC.Soon after leaving the portD.right after entering the port(3)The port authorities stated that the ship arrived at the port ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.with cargo and made her trim by the headB.without cargo and trimmed by the sternC.with ballast on even keelD.with ballast and trimmed forward(4)When the accident happened, the weather was ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.boisterousB.severeC.not so goodD.favorite【单选】 A medical examiner should be satisfied that the candidate has ability to ______ as to emergency duties on board. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.don lifejacket or immersion suitB.operate the windlassC.correct chartsD.handle cargo【单选】 Variation is defined as the angle ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.between the direction of true (geographic) north and the direction of the meridian between the magnetic poles.B.between the magnetic north and vessel's courseC.between the vessel's heading and the magnetic northD.between the compass north and the magnetic north【单选】 A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind, the vessel will most likely back ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.straight asternB.to portC.to starboardD.in no particular direction【单选】 The uppermost deck on a ship must be______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.forecastle deckB.weather deckC.bulkhead deckD.tween deck【关联题】 The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The GPS program provides critical capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world. In addition, GPS is the backbone for modernizing the global air traffic system.The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automated tracking system used on ships and by Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and VTS stations. AIS information supplements marine radar, which continues to be the primary method of collision avoidance for water transport. Information provided by AIS equipment, such as unique identification, position, course, and speed, can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS.An Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a computer-based navigation information system that complies with International Maritime Organization regulations and can be used as an alternative to paper nautical charts. An ECDIS system displays the information from electronic navigational charts (ENC) and integrates position information from the Global Positioning System and other navigational sensors, such as radar and AIS. It may also display additionalnavigation-related information, such as Sailing Directions and fathometer.(1)Which is not the information source of ECDIS system?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.electronic navigational chartsB.Global Positioning SystemC.Sailing DirectionsD.Vessel Traffic Service(2)Which equipment is the most important method of collision avoidance at sea?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.RADARB.GPSC.VTSD.ECDIS(3)Which of following is not true?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Global Positioning System (GPS) is a land-based global navigation satellite system.B.GPS can provide position and time information in all weatherC.GPS program can be used by military, civil and commercial usersD.GPS also is the backbone for modernizing the global air traffic system(4)______ will display some information, such as ship's position, course and speed.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.APARB.GPSC.VTSD.ECDIS【单选】 An isotherm is ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.a line on a weather map connecting equal points of both temperature and pressureB.an instrument that measures the climatological effects of temperatureC.a line connecting points of equal barometric pressure on a weather mapD.a line connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map【单选】 MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to ______ in a certain area.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.visibilityB.windsC.seasD.fog【单选】 All echo-sounders can measure the ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.actual depth of waterB.actual depth of water below keelC.average depth from waterline to hard bottomD.average depth of water to soft bottom【单选】 A light is ____________ from ChangshanZui, the SE extremity of the island.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.exhibitedB.establishedC.constructedD.built【单选】 ______ is not contained in the NM Weekly.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsC.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsD.Supplement to Guide to Port Entry【单选】 Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmarkare printed in ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.capital lettersB.italicsC.boldface printD.underlined letters【单选】 When you navigate outside special area, which of the following garbage is always prohibited to be disposed into the sea.①food wastes②dunnage③synthetic ropes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.①B.②C.③D.②③【单选】 You are about to cross a narrow channel when you see an approaching vessel that can only be navigated safely within the channel. You should ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.cross the channel as you are the stand-on vesselB.cross only if the vessel in the channel is approaching on your port sideC.not cross the channel if you might impede the other vesselD.sound the danger signal【单选】 A vessel which detects ______ the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close-quarters situation is developing and /or risk of collision exits.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.by radar aloneB.by long-range scanningC.by systematic observationD.by all available means【单选】A petroleum liquid has a flashpoint of 85℃.This liquid is in IMDG Code classed as a(n) ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.flammable liquidB.nonflammable liquidC.inflammable liquidD.incombustible liquid【单选】 Reserve buoyancy is the ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.unoccupied space below the waterlineB.volume of intact space above the waterlineC.excess of the buoyant force over the gravity forceD.difference in the buoyant force in salt and fresh waters 【单选】 The VDR system is designed to operate ______ once itis set up correctly. There is no user interaction.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.automaticallyB.accuratelyC.promptlyD.conspicuously【单选】 We took usual steps:sounding the depth,reversing and stopping engine,paying out anchor and 60 fathoms of chain cable in the depth of 12 fathoms.The operation above is ______. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.berthingB.searchingC.anchoringD.mooring【单选】 ______ directly affect the fitness and ability of a seafarer to perform watchkeeping duties.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.SmokingB.Drug and alcohol abuseC.FruitD.Vegetables【单选】 The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.IMDG conferenceB.American Bureau of ShippingC.International Maritime OrganizationD.American Institute of Maritime Shipping【单选】 The overall set in Malacca strait is to the NW, but from May to September there is a tendency for SE sets to prevail in some N and central parts. In this sentence, "set" refers to ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.the direction of traffic flowB.the direction of currentC.the direction of monsoonD.the direction of wind【单选】 In terms of vessel manning,a watch is the ______. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.direct performance of deck or engine operations in a scheduled and fixed rotationB.performance of lookout dutiesC.performance of maintenance workD.direct performance of cargo loading and discharge operations【单选】 A sea breeze is a wind ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.that blows towards the sea at nightB.that blows towards an island during the dayC.caused by cold air descending a coastal inclineD.caused by the distant approach of a hurricane【单选】 When shall the stand-on vessel change course and speed?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.The stand-on vessel may change course and speed at any time as it has the right-of-wayB.After the give-way vessel sounds one blast in a crossing situationC.When action by the give-way vessel alone cannot prevent collisionD.When the two vessels become less than half a mile apart【单选】 You are standing the wheelwatch on entering port and the Master gives you a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot. What should you do?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Obey the Master'sB.Obey the Pilot'sC.Bring the rudder to a position midway between the two conflicting ordersD.Ask the Pilot if he relinquishes control【单选】 The dew point temperature is ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.always higher than the air temperatureB.always lower than the air temperatureC.equal to the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperaturesD.the temperature at which the air is saturated with water vapor【单选】 Furnishings for recreational facilities should______include a bookcase and facilities for reading, writing and, where practicable, games.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.as a minimumB.as a maximumC.as a ruleD.as a result【单选】 Some of these shoals have been disproved and are not charted.Nevertheless mariners should ______ with particular caution in this area.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.exceedB.proceedC.moveD.remove【单选】 _______ on board ship need not be reported and analysed according to the ISM Code.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Non-conformitiesB.AccidentsC.Hazardous occurrencesD.Daily life of crew【关联题】 With respect to requirements for hospital accommodation, ships carrying 15 or more seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three days' duration shall provide separate hospital accommodation to be used exclusively for medical purposes; the competent authority may relax this requirement for ships engaged in coastal trade; in approving on-board hospital accommodation, the competent authority shallensure that the accommodation will, in all weathers, be easy of access, provide comfortable housing for the occupants and be conducive to their receiving prompt and proper attention.(1)The hospital accommodation can be used when______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.when no cabin availableB.ship owner use onlyC.local pilot use onlyD.for patient only(2)the word "exclusively" in this passage can be replaced by______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.speciallyB.excludedC.includedD.made public(3)For coastal trade vessels, the standard for carry hospital accommodation can be______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.same as ocean going vesselB.high than ocean going vesselC.lower than ocean going vesselD.decided by ship master(4)Which one is not the requirement for hospital accommodation______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.for medical purposes onlyB.convenient to reachfortable housingD.sufficient decorated【单选】 Instructions for on-board maintenance of eachlife-saving appliance shall not include ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.a checklist for use when carrying out the inspectionsB.list of crew membersC.maintenance and repair instructionsD.schedule of periodic maintenance【单选】 The company should establish and maintain proceduresto control all documents and date which are relevant to ______. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.ISMB.SOLASC.DOCD.SMS【单选】 Any action taken to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.be positiveB.be positive and made in ample timeC.be positive,made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanshipD.be positive,made in ample time,with due regard to the observance of good seamanship and avoiding complying with local regulations【单选】 ______________ is not ordinarily applied to passenger or to combination passenger and freight ships.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.displacement tonnageB.deadweight tonnageC.registered tonnageD.gross tonnage【单选】 Monsoons are characterized by ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.light,variable winds with little or no humidityB.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all yearC.steady winds that reverse direction semiannuallyD.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system【单选】 A ship's main emergency fire system consists of a specific number of ____________ located at strategic positions across the ship.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.fire axesB.portable extinguishersC.fire hydrantsD.CO2 gas【单选】 Each member shall require the posting of a table with the shipboard working arrangements ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.in an easily accessible placeB.on the bridgeC.in the engine roomD.in cabins【单选】 Any vessel ______ any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.overtaking/overtakenB.being overtake/being overtakenC.overtaking/being overtakenD.being overtaking/overtaken【单选】 Cloud formations are minimal when the ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.surface temperature and temperature aloft are equalB.surface temperature and temperature aloft differ greatlyC.barometric pressure is very lowD.relative humidity is very high【单选】 Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Aero lightB.Radar stationC.Radar transponder beaconD.Radiobeacon【单选】 Which of the following shall not the officer in charge of the navigational watch do? ______--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the ship.B.Leave the bridge.C.Keep the watch on the bridge.e any available navigational aids necessary to ensure that the ship follows the planned course.【单选】 In the Southern Hemisphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.clockwise directionB.northeasterly directionC.northerly directionD.counterclockwise direction【单选】 ______ means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the date of expiry of the relevant document or certificate.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.DateB.Anniversary dateC.PeriodD.Inspecting date【单选】 ________ is any cargoes that are transported in a loose form without any packaging in large quantities.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.General cargoB.Bulk cargoC.ContainerD.Awkward cargo【单选】 Electronic Chart Display and Information System can assist the mariner in _____.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.voyage planB.Stability calculateC.calculate ETAD.monitor strength【单选】 With respect to automatic identification system(AIS), which information is required to be broadcast every 1 to 10 seconds?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Call sign and IMO numberB.Course over ground and speedC.MMSI number and call signD.Route Plan and navigational status【单选】 ______ will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Cargo-handling expensesB.Tally moneyC.Cargo-tallying duesD.Tally fees【单选】 A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position. You could expect all of the following EXCEPT ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.higher than normal swellsB.high windsC.winds veering from south,through west,to northwestD.light showers【单选】 What is the meaning of the term tare weight?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Half weight of a containerB.Total weight of a container and contentsC.Weight of a containerD.Weight of the contents of a container【单选】 Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.temperatureB.visibilityC.predicted weather for the next twelve hoursD.barometric pressure and change in the last three hours【单选】 Fog is likely to occur when there is little difference between the dew point and the ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.relative humidityB.air temperatureC.barometric pressureD.absolute humidity【单选】 Manoeuvring information can not be obtainedfrom________.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.construction plansB.sea trialsC.calculation estimatesD.SMS procedure file【单选】 Traffic separation schemes shall be _____by the Organization for the purpose of these Rules.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.adoptedB.adaptedC.adoredD.adorned【单选】 From ______ the information concerning the tons per centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.Variation curveB.Dead weight scaleC.Table of AzimuthD.Freeboard assignment【单选】 According to the relevant regulation, lifeboat should be powered by_____________.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.inboard diesel engineB.outboard diesel engineC.outboard gasoline engineD.Inboard gasoline engine【单选】 On the approach of a warm front the barometric pressure usually ______.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.fallsB.risesC.is steady。
11规则甲类大副航海英语阅读理解真题 必看2---带答案

Passage 01-Passage 36为航海英语光盘题库无限航区大副所附的36篇阅读理解Passage 01-Passage 50为航海英语大副考证精选习题大连2501题所附的50篇阅读理解Passage 51-Passage 59为航海英语大副考证历届真题所附题库范围外的9篇阅读理解Passage 03Whilst proper care must be taken with the stowage of all iron and steel,cargoes of pig iron,steel billets,round bars and pipes are particularly difficult to secure effectively.In the upper tween decks of many two and three deck ships the absence of hatch coamings more than a few inches high adds to the difficulty of securing pig iron and billets carried abreast the hatchways and there appears to be a greater risk of cargo shifting in these spaces than in the lower holds.The most effective way to secure these cargoes is to level them and over stow them with other suitable cargo.The over stow should have sufficient rigidity or weight to act as a positive preventative to the movement of pig iron,steel billets,bars,etc.Large quantities of uncovered pig iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks with the intention of obtaining an unduly low metacentric height since this does not eliminate the risk of cargo shifting and may endanger the ship if it does shift.Where the pig iron,steel billets,round bars and pipes are stowed in ________ of a ship,their risk of shifting is the greatest.A.the upper tween deckB.the lower tween deckC.the lower holdD.in any tween deck without hatch coamingsAThe most effective way to stow such cargoes as pig iron,steel billets,round bars and pipes is to _______.A.place them in the upper tween deckB.over stow them with sufficient rigidity or weight to act as a positive preventative to the movement C.lower the metacenter of the shipD.obtain an unduly low metacentric heightBIt will endanger the ship if the pig iron,steel billets,round bars and pipes ________.A.have no risk of shiftingB.are over stowed with other cargoes of sufficient rigidity or weightC.are stowed in lower holdD.shiftDThis passage is likely extracted from ________.A.a B/LB.GenconC.BaltimeD.a Ship Repair ContractDPassage 04With one possible exception,activity in the Dover Strait during the closing hours of 5 May 1998 was normal.It was a dark clear night,the wind was west-south-west force 5 to 6 and traffic was moving easily both ways in the traffic separation scheme.As so often happens a“rogue”ship was heading north-east on the northern edge of the south-west bound lane.It was not identified.The only additional,but by no means unusual,activity that night was a cross channel survey by the 1,774gt survey vessel STM Atria.She was traversing the channel between a position off St Margaret's Bay and the Belgian coast.She was showing the lights of a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre,red white and red all round lights,and alsodisplaying an orange flashing light.Regular traffic information about her activities was broadcast by the CNIS every hour.She was making GOOD between 4 and 5 knots.The traffic separation scheme ________ in the Dover Strait.A.was not establishedB.will be establishedC.was in operationD.was removedCSTM Atria was ________.A.a“rogue”shipB.a survey vesselC.CNISD.Dover StraitBThe speed of the survey vessel is between ________ knots.A.4 and 5B.5 and 6C.6 and 7D.7 and 8AThe ship heading north-east ________.A.was in the wrong lane of the traffic separation schemeB.was carrying out survey operationsC.did not carry any cargo on boardD.was a pirate boatAPassage 05The bulk carrier,long recognized as the workhorse of the world merchant fleet,has over the years had its design refined and optimized on the basis of previous successful experience.This provided what many considered to be a relatively uncomplicated and safe structural configuration.Recently,and regrettably with loss of human lives,a series of tragic ship losses has focused the attention of the marine industry and the public on the performance and inherent safety of this ship type.Extensive research and development,principally by the major classification societies,has highlighted the possible causes of the bulk carrier losses and brought about necessary changes to the design and scantlings for new ships.For existing ships,improvements to safety are anticipated throughthe reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkhead,and the double bottom structure in way,of the foremost cargo hold,the introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating procedures,particularly during cargo loading and discharge,in order to avoid over stressing of the structure or mechanical damage.In this paragraph,the term“workhorse”means ________.A.the ship that performs dependably in marine industriesB.a horse that is used for labor rather than for racing or ridingC.a person who works tirelessly,especially at difficult or time-consuming tasksD.something that performs dependably under heavy or prolonged useAThe refined and optimized design of bulk carriers,considered by many people,________.A.is relatively uncomplicated and safe in their structural configurationB.is relatively complicated compared with previous structural configurationC.is relatively not safe on the basis of previous successful experienceD.will join world fleet recentlyAThe ________ is not included in the anticipated improvements to safety for existing bulkships.A.introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating procedures B.introduction of necessary changes to the design and scantlingsC.reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkheadD.reinforcement of the double bottom structure in wayBIt is implied that a series of tragic bulkship losses ________.A.will not be avoided even new design of their structure are introducedB.were contributed by the improvements to safety for existing shipsC.has little effect on the marine industry and the publicD.were caused by their inherent structuresDPassage 06The ship loaded with general cargo had parcels of steel pipes of 13 inch diameter stowed 6 tiers high in the aft end of the tween decks.Two lengths of 2.25 inch steel wire were laid athwartships across the top of the third tier of pipes,taken back over the top of the sixth tier on completion of stowage and tightened by bottle screws secured to the ship's framing.In very heavy weather the steel pipes broke adrift and extensive damage resulted to framing,bulkheads,air and sounding pipes,etc.The wire lashings and bottle screws were completely destroyed.The diameter of the steel pipes is ________ inches.A.not mentionedB.13C.6D.2.25BThe steel pipes were stowed in ________ ties.A.2B.3C.5D.6DThe steel pipes did not cause damage to ________.A.framingB.bulkheadsC.air and sounding pipesD.the aft end of the tween decksDThe steel pipes were lashed with ________ wires.A.2B.3C.4D.5APassage 10The hull structure within the cargo area of a bulk carrier can be considered as comprising two barriers;namely,the primary and secondary barrier.The primary barrier is formed by the single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks,and the cross deck strips,hatch covers and coamings.A failure of the primary barrier would allow water to enter the hold space.The secondary barrier is formed by the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads and the inner bottom.A failure of the secondary barrier will permit flood water in the hold to enter the neighbouring hold space.Cracking at hatch corners will directly permit water to enter ________.A.topside tanksB.the cross deck stripsC.hopper tanksD.the primary barrierDGrab and bulldozer damage to the inner bottom will allow water to enter ________.A.the secondary barrierB.transverse watertight bulkheadsC.the primary barrierD.the topside and hopper tanks,AHatch covers are ________.A.primary barrierB.secondary barrierC.either primary barrier or secondary barrierD.neither primary barrier nor secondary barrierAIn accordance with the passage,the bridge deck should be considered as ________.A.primary barrierB.secondary barrierC.either primary barrier or secondary barrierD.neither primary barrier nor secondary barrierDPassage 11The damage scenarios applicable to single side skin bulk carriers assume initial damage to the primary barrier,formed by the shell and hatch covers,followed by the failure of the secondary barrier formed by the double bottom and the transverse bulkheads.Primary barrier failure could occur in one of two ways.The side shell could be damaged or the hatch covers could fail under the pressure from green seas on deck or be swept away,thereby allowing water to enter the hold.The most likely cause of initial side shell failure,other than collision,results from the progressive reduction of support from corroded and fractured side shell frame end bracket connections to topside tanks and hopper tanks.Corrosion of end bracket toes creates a stress concentration with the location being subjected to fatigue loading from the passage of waves along the side shell.This can lead to the growth of fatigue cracks until the end brackets are completely detached from the side shell.Similarly,weld grooving of side frames and brackets can lead to detachment.In each case,loss of secondary support will lead to loss of the side shell and water will enter the hold.According to this passage,________ will be suffered from damage first.A.primary barrierB.secondary barrierC.double bottomD.transverse bulkheadsACorrosion of ________ is not likely lead to detachment of the corresponding structural member.A.weld grooving of side frames and bracketsB.end bracket toesC.side shell frame end bracket connections to topside tanks and hopper tanksD.the shell and hatch coversDFatigue loading to end bracket toes is created by ________.A.the passage of waves along the side shellB.the side shell frame end bracket connections to topside tanks and hopper tanksC.the detachmentD.the secondary supportAIn general,loss of secondary support will ________.A.create a stress concentration with the locationB.assume initial damage to the primary barrierC.lead to loss of the side shell and water will enter the holdD.lead to the growth of fatigue cracksCPassage 14Many carriers today make use of relay ports at which GOODs destined for more remote locations are transshipped onto substituted ships or“feeder vessels”,in order to secure faster and more efficient delivery than would be possible if the cargoes concerned were carried all the way to destination aboard the liner vessels on which they were firstloaded.The transshipment of cargo at such intermediate ports has been judged not to constitute an unreasonable deviation where it is shown to be a custom of the trade.Nor,of course,is it an unreasonable deviation where the shipper acquiesced in it,had notice of it or could have expected it based on prior shipments with the same carrier,or where the carrier has made known its ordinary stops by its advertisements,publications or other means.A Relay Port means a/an_______.A.port of destinationB.port of sailingC.intermediate portD.port of refugeCCargo will be possibly delivered slower to its destination by _______.A.a feederB.a substituted shipC.the liner on which it was first loadedD.the liner on which it would be loaded should a feeder or substituted ship not be availableCUnder which of the following conditions is it not sufficient to judge that transshipment at the relay port doesnot constitute an unreasonable deviation ___________.A.the transshipment is shown to be a custom of the tradeB.the shipper had notice of the transshipmentC.the shipper could have expected it based on prior shipments with the same carrierD.the carrier has not made known its ordinary stops by its advertisements or publicationsDThe purpose of making use of a relay port by the carrier is to achieve the end of _______.A.faster and more efficient deliveryB.avoiding unreasonable deviationC.making known its ordinary transportation by its advertisements,publications or other means D.preventing the adverse influence to the carriage by a custom of the tradeAPassage 17On the bridge for the approach to the pilot boarding ground were the Master,who had the con,the Mate,as Watch Officer,and a seaman at the wheel,while the Third Mate went on deck to meet the pilot.The normal procedure onboard was for the Second Mate to prepare the voyage plan and to lay off the courses onthe charts.However,because the passage from Burnie to the Tamar River was relatively short and because he intended stopping and drifting for two to three hours,the Master decided to lay off the courses himself.In the past,when the company employed Japanese officers,the Master would discuss operational and navigational procedures with them.However,since the introduction of the employment of Filipino officers,the Master no longer did this,with the result there was no cohesive bridge team.When the pilot launch arrived alongside,the Mate went to the port bridge wing and remained there until such time as the Pilot had gained the deck.At a critical stage,when manoeuvring close to a reef,he was providing no active support to the Master by monitoring the vessel's progress,either by radar or by the electronic plotting table.With no active support from the Mate,the Master had quickly plotted the position at a time he recorded as 0606,from which he realised there was a danger of the stern swinging into the eastern shallows of Hebe Reef.In instructing the helmsman to steady on 1600,however,he does not appear to have appreciated the developing situation with West Reef,created by that action,and the vessel grounded fast in the Reef.The Master did not discuss operational and navigational procedures with his mates because _______.A.he has ethnic or cultural prejudice in his dealings with those officersB.he laid off the courses himselfC.the bridge was adequately manned for the operationD.the Second Mate did not prepare the voyage plan and lay off the courses on the chartsAOf the following _______ is not a contributing factor leading to the grounding accident.A.that Master did not inform the Mate of his intended actions or seek the Mate's support in monitoring and advising him on the progress of the manoeuvresB.that the Mate did not provide active support to the MasterC.that navigational equipment was either ignored or not used to full effectD.that the Mate went to the port bridge wing and remained thereDIt is inferred that the vessel started the voyage in _______.A.an early morningB.a late eveningC.an afternoonD.a midnightAThe main cause of this accident is the lack of _______.A.seamanship skill of the Master and the Mates on the bridgeB.Bridge Resource Management proceduresC.academic education of the crew members,including the Master and Mates D.communications between the Pilot,the Master and the Mates on board the vesselBPassage 24On 22 February 2005 the Bahamas flag bulk carrier Clipper Kawa was lying at the outer anchorage off the port of Albany,Western Australia.At about 0815,the Bosun,with the two deck cadets and two seamen set to work transferring used dunnage lying on the hatch cover of No.3 hold,to the space between the break of the forecastle and No.1 hatch.The Bosun and the two cadets went to unlash the forward gantry crane of the ship.This done,the senior cadet remained in the starboard driving cab while the Bosun,the junior cadet and the two seamen slung the dunnage.On completion,the Bosun and the two seamen alighted from the port side of the hatch cover,while the junior cadet alighted on the starboard side.The two seamen then went forward,and the Bosun,having received an“all clear” signal from the cadet on the starboard side,signaled the driver to move the gantry forward to No.1 hatch.After the gantry crane arrived at No.1 hatch and lowered the dunnage,the Bosun noticed that the junior cadet had not arrived up forward.He walked aft on the starboard side and found the cadet,apparently unconscious,lying against the hatch coaming of No.2 hold.The crew carried him into the crew's recreation room in the accommodation and the Chief Officer started to apply CPR(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation,心肺复苏).Shortly afterwards,on unzipping the overalls of the cadet,it was found that his abdomen had burst open and it was concluded that he was.The post mortem revealed that he had died from shock and haemorrhage(大出血)following multiple crush injuries.The dead person was ________.A.one of the two seamenB.the junior cadetC.the senior cadetD.the driver of the craneBALL CLEAR was signaled by ________.A.one of the two seamenB.the BosunC.the junior cadetD.the senior cadetCThere were ________ people working on the fore deck at the time of the accident.A.4B.5C.6D.7BIt can be concluded that ________.A.Either fatigue or alcohol or both shall be considered to have been contributing factors in the death B.the person was killed by one of the crew members,such as C/O,Bosun or any other persons on board the shipC.the dead person committed suicide himself for unknown reasonsD.the person died of an accidentDPassage 25Coils should be properly secured and lashed on board ship.The objective is to form one large,immovable block of coils in the hold by lashing them together.In general,strip coils in three end rows in the top tier should be lashed.To prevent fore-and-aft shifting in the top tier of bare-wound coils group-lashing should not be applied due to their fragile nature;the end row of a top tier should be secured by dunnage and wires,which are to be tightened from side to side,and by additional wires to the bulkhead.When coils are fully loaded over the entire bottom space and are well shored,no lashings are required except for locking coils.The lashings can be of a conventional type using wire steel band or any equivalent means.Conventional lashings should consist of wires having sufficient tensile strength.The first tier should be chocked.It should be possible to re-tighten the lashings during the voyage.Wire lashings should be protected against damage from sharp edges.If there are few coils,or a single coil only,they should be adequately secured to the ship,by placing them in cradles,by wedging,or by shoring and then lashing to prevent transverse and longitudinal movement.LOCKING COIL is the coil ________.A.which is placed between two underneath coils to prevent their shiftingB.which has a few locks on or around itC.which can be locked from inside of the axe in the fore-and-aft directionD.to which wedges should be used as stoppers when necessary during loading and discharging to prevent shiftingA________ should be secured by dunnage and wires.A.the top tier of bare-wound coilsB.strip coils in three end rows in the top tierC.the first tier coilsD.the end row of a top tier coilsDCradles are usually needed for the stowage of ________.A.the end row of a top tier of coilsB.strip coils in three end rows in the top tierC.a few coils or only one coil on board the shipD.the top tier of bare-wound coilsCThis passage is probably extracted from ________.A.IMDG CodeB.BC CodeC.CSS CodeD.SOLASCPassage 31Class 4 of dangerous cargoes deals with substances,other than those classed as explosives,which,under conditions of transport,are readily combustible or may contribute to a fire or cause one.Class 4.1 cover readily combustible solids and solids which may cause fire through friction;self-reactive(solids and liquids)and related substances;and desensitized explosives.The substances in this class are solids possessing the properties of being easily ignited by external sources,such as sparks and flames,and of being readily combustible,or of being liable to cause fire through friction.Class 4.2 are substances liable to spontaneous combustion.The substances in this class are either liquids or solids which are liable to spontaneous heating under normal conditions encountered in transport,or to heating up in contact with air,and being then liable to catch fire.Class 4.3 include substances which,in contact with water,emit flammable gases.The substances in this class are either liquids or solids which,by interaction with water,are liable to become spontaneously flammable or to give off flammable gases in dangerous quantities.Liquids which are liable to spontaneous heating under normal conditions encountered in transport shall be classed into ________.A.Class 4.1B.Class 4.2C.Class 4.3D.other class than class 4BSelf-reactive liquids shall be classed into ________.A.Class 4.1B.Class 4.2C.Class 4.3D.other class than class 4A________ does not belong to Class 4.1.A.substances which,in contact with water,emit flammable gasesB.desensitized explosivesC.solids which may cause fire through frictionD.readily combustible solidsAThis paragraph is most likely extracted from ________.A.Marpol 73/78B.SOLASC.CSS CodeD.IMDG CodeDPassage 32The main part of a ship is the hull.This is the area between the main decks,the sides and the bottom.It is made up of frames covered with plating.The hull is divided up into a number of watertight compartments by decks and bulkheads.Bulkheads are vertical steel walls going across the ship and along.Decks divide the hull horizontally.Those dividing up cargo spaces are known as tween decks.The hull contains the engine room,cargo space and a number of tanks.In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds,in liquid cargo ships it is divided into tanks.At the fore end of the hull are the fore peak tanks and at the after end the after peak tanks.They are used for fresh water and water ballast.The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains double bottom tanks.These are used for ballast water and fuel.The bulkheads are vertical structures of ships which go ________.A.across the shipB.along the shipC.either across the ship or along the shipD.both across the ship and along the shipC________ are known as decks.A.Those structures dividing up cargo spacesB.Vertical steel walls going across the ship and alongC.The walls of engine room,cargo space and a number of tanksD.Those structures dividing the hull horizontallyD________ are used for fresh water and water ballast.A.The space between the holds and the bottom of the hullB.liquid spacesC.bottom tanksD.peak tanksDThis paragraph is most likely extracted from ________.A.Marpol 73/78B.SOLASC.Stability BookletD.Other documentsDPassage 33Failing to identify pre-shipment damage and neglecting to make appropriate notations on bills of lading will deprive the carrier of his rights,limitations and immunities under the contract of carriage and may prejudice Club cover.Assertions are sometimes made by cargo interests that rust on a particular shipment is normal and will not affect its market value.Such comments should be disregarded.In all cases where a steel cargo is found to be rusty,it is imperative that remarks are made on the bills of lading,irrespective of the apparent severity of the rust.The bills of lading should also be claused to reflect any physical pre-shipment damage to the steel and/or wrappers(bends,tears,crimps,dents,deformation,crushing).Selecting the most appropriate clauses to describe pre-shipment damage is not always easy,and the attending surveyor should be consulted for advice.Where possible,the clausing should list the identification marks of the damaged GOODs,failing which the number of coils or packages should be quantified.Percentage estimates regarding the number of damaged pieces should not be given.If it is not possible to identify the damaged GOODs specifically,the words”some”or”several” may be acceptable.Any differences found between the ship and shore tally or ship and bill of lading figures must be noted on the bill of lading in the usual manner.The clausing on B/L is to reflect and make notation of ________ the cargoes and/or their wrappers.A.all damages incurred during the carriage by sea toB.all possible damages to and/or losses ofC.physical pre-shipment damages toD.pre-shipment damages toDThe pre-shipment rusts for which there are assertions made by cargo interests that they are normal and would not affect the cargo's market value shall ________.A.be claused on the Bill of LadingB.not be claused on the Bill of LadingC.be disregardedD.not be disregardedAThe proper topic of this paragraph is ________.A.The Principles for Clausing on Bills of LadingB.Losses of and Damages to Steel CargoesC.Legal Actions to Be Taken When Losses of and Damages to Cargoes IncurredD.The Functions of Clauses Made on Bills of LadingAThis paragraph is most likely compiled to protect the interests of ________.A.the carriersB.the shippersC.the merchantsD.the cargo ownersAPassage 34Both biotic and chemical stresses are closely interrelated both with each other and with climatic stresses.It may accordingly be assumed that biotic and chemical reactions proceed particularly well when exposed to certain temperature and moisture conditions.Biotic stresses are deemed to be present if GOODs,packaging or parts thereof are damaged by living organisms of whatever kind.Chewing damage may,however,cause considerable losses.The risk is relatively low in closed containers,provided that no animals have taken up residence before packing or“sneak in”during packing.Since many rodents are nocturnal creatures,cargo transport units which are being packed should be closed during work breaks or at the end of a shift especially during the hours of darkness.Prior inspection of cargo transport units for tightness is a basic requirement.Insects,for example,can nonetheless still get into such closed containers which,although classed as unventilated,still have openings of small cross-section.It will be virtually impossible to avoid damage if GOODs and/or packaging are infested before packing and such infestation is not noticed.In the case of “open”cargo transport units,infestation can only be prevented by providing sufficiently tight packaging or suitable preservation.Chewing damage is a kind of ________ damage.A.bioticB.climaticC.chemicalD.virtually impossibleAThe risk of biotic damage to the cargoes in closed containers ________ that in open containers.A.is lower thanB.is higher thanC.is the same asD.can hardly be told if lower or higher thanAThe purpose that cargo transport units which are being packed should be closed during work breaks or at the end of a shift is to ________.A.reduce climatic stresses when cargo working is resumedB.inspect cargo transport units for tightnessC.provide sufficiently tight packaging or suitable preservationD.avoid rodents to sneak inDIn the author's opinion,damage to cargoes by insects contained in closed containers is likely to happen ________.A.only before packingB.only during packingC.only after packingD.in the whole process of transportation by seaDPassage 36Dangerous GOODs shall be packed in GOOD quality packagings,including IBCs and large packagings,which shall be strong enough to withstand the shocks and loadings normally encountered during transport,including trans-shipment between cargo transport units and between cargo transport units and warehousesas well as any removal from a pallet or overpack.Packagings,including IBCs and large packagings,shall be constructed and closed so as to prevent any loss of contents when prepared for transport which may be caused under normal conditions of transport,by vibration,or by changes in temperature,humidity or pressure(resulting from altitude,for example).Packagings,including IBCs and large packagings,shall be closed in accordance with the information provided by the manufacturer.No dangerous residue shall adhere to the outside of packages,IBCs and large packagings during transport.These provisions apply,as appropriate,to new,reused,reconditioned or remanufactured packagings,and to new,reused,repaired or remanufactured IBCs,and to new or reused large packagings.Parts of packagings,including IBCs and large packagings,which are in direct contact with dangerous GOODs shall not be affected or significantly weakened by those dangerous GOODs;and shall not cause a dangerous effect,such as catalysing a reaction or reacting with the dangerous GOODs.The loss of contents referred to in this passage in packagings,including IBCs and large packagings,are not caused by ________.A.vibrationB.changes in temperatureC.changes in humidity or pressureD.trans-shipment between cargo transport units and between cargo transport units and warehouses as well as any removal from a pallet or overpackDWith regard to the parts of packagings,including IBCs and large packagings,which are in direct contact with dangerous GOODs,________ is correct.A.they shall not be affected by those dangerous GOODsB.they shall not be significantly weakened by those dangerous GOODsC.they shall not catalyze a reaction or react with those dangerous GOODsD.they shall not be closed so as to prevent any loss of contents when prepared for transportDThese provisions shall not apply to ________.A.repaired or remanufactured large packagingsB.repaired or remanufactured IBCsC.new or reused IBCsD.new,reused,reconditioned or remanufactured packagingsA。
大连海事大学 海商实用英语课后习题翻译

汉译英1、Charterers to provide:(1)provide cargo(2)carry the cargo to the ship board(3)full and complete cargo(4)load in stipulated time2、The charter and charterer can freely make a charter-party in the form they choose, but must inwritten form.3、Cancelling clause provides the charterer a right to avoid the contract in such circumstanceswhen the ship cannot arrive at the certain port in certain time.4、Deviation for saving life is allowable, but deviation for saving property is not allowable,unless there are specific rules.第三节:英译汉1、经纪人是作为船东和承租人之间的中间人或者磋商人而促成合同订立的人;2、有时租期可以由承租人进行选择,比如:租期24/30个日历月,在第二十二个月结束后的约15天之内,承租人可以在还船之前进行选择是否续租;3、如果承租人使船舶进入不安全港口致使船舶受损,那么承租人要给船东以赔偿;4、租船合同可以订明在支付了额外保费时承租人有权利不受航区限制条款的约束;5、在承租人违约后,出租人必须在合理的时间内向承租人发出撤船通知,至于什么算是合理时间则要依据具体情况而定;汉译英1、In time c/p, the charter is responsible for crewing master and seamen; the charterer isresponsible for management and operation of the vessel, and pay operating cost.2、If the actual ship speed cannot reach the agreed speed and thus causes loss to charterer, thecharterer can claim ship speed loss.3、The charterer should make punctual and full payment, without discount, unless off-hire occursaccording to contract or legal rules.4、The charterer shall guarantee that the ship shall be employed in the agreed maritime transportbetween the safe ports or places within the trading area agreed upon.5、At the time of delivery, the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy.The ship delivered shall be fit for the intended service.第四节:英译汉:1、在光船租赁下:(1)船东仅支付船舶固有成本;(2)承租人占有、控制和使用(运营)船舶;(3)承租人支付所有与营运费用和船员工资、修理费、维护保养费用等。

11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(一)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-02-21] 点击数: 761第一节 1.1.11. With____, the engine needs not to be aligned with reduction or propeller shaft.A. diesel engine propulsionB. diesel electric propulsionC. steam engine propulsionD.gas turbine propulsionB对于发电式柴油机,发动机不需要与减速齿轮或螺旋桨轴对中。
2. The_____ engine is used for alternators and sometimes for main propulsion witha gearbox to provide a propeller speed of between 90 and120 r/min.A. four-strokeB. slow-speedC. two-strokeD. reversibleA 四冲程柴油机用于交流发电机,有时用于主推进装置,带有减速齿轮箱,提供螺旋桨的速度为90-120转/分。
3. Each type of engine has its applications, which on board ship have resulted in the slow-speed main propulsion diesel operating ______cycle.A. on four-strokeB. both on two-stroke and on four-strokeC. on two-strokeD. either on two-stroke or on four-strokeC 每种柴油机都有其船上的应用,低速柴油机是以二冲程循环来工作的。

轮机英语问答题答案及翻译1. how long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 10 years.1。
2. which certificate do you have now?I have the second engineer’s certificate.2。
该证书你有吗?我有个工程师的证书3. what is your marital status?how many departments are there on board?I am married. There are there departments on board.3。
4. how many people are there in your family? Are you married?There are there people in my family. Yes,I am married.4。
是的,我结婚了5. how many countries have you ever been to?I have been to seven countries.5。
6. when did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on?I began to work on board in 2000.i have worked on bulk sarriers.6。
7. how many importment canals are there all over the world?Three . the pamama ,suez and kiel.7。

机械制图Mechanical Drawing< xmlnamespace prefix ="o" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />体育Physical Education大学英语College English思想道德修养Morals and Ethics毛泽东思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想Introduction to Deng XiaoPing Theory and Three Representatives军事理论Military Theory法律基础Fundamentals of Law计算机应用技术基础Basis of Computer Application Technology计算机技术基础Basis of Computer Technology高等数学Advanced Mathematics大学英语English of lisening ,Speaking and Writing大学物理College Physics大学物理实验Experiments in Physics英语口语Oral English工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械设计基础The Fundamental of Machine Design电路与电子技术Electronics in Electrical Engineering轮机工程材料Marine Engineering Materials工程热力学与传热学Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer流体力学Fluid Mechanics船舶电气设备及系统Shipping electrical devices and systems船舶电站及其自动装置Ship power station & automatic device船舶管理Ship Management微机原理及其应用Principle and Application of Microcomputer船舶柴油机Marine Diesel Engine船舶辅机Naval Auxiliary Machinery轮机英语会话Conversation of Marine Engineering English轮机英语Marine Engineering English专业英语阅读Professional English船舶动力装置技术管理Marine Diesel Power Plant Regarding Management 轮机维护与修理Maintenance and repair of ships轮机自动化Marine Automation。

11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(四)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-03-12] 点击数: 490生活污水处理装置的工作原理及运行管理1. Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of all the following parts except ____.A. aeration tanksB. settling tanksC. disinfection agentD. anaerobic bacteria大多数船用生化生活污水处理装置包含曝气柜,沉淀柜和消毒,不包含厌氧菌 D2. A number of biological sewage treatment plants are in use at sea but nearly all work on the principle called ______.A. deoxygenatingB. extended aerationC. oxygenationD. bubbling air船上使用的生活污水处理装置有几种,但是都是以连续曝气过程来工作的。
B3. The extended aeration process consists of _____ the liquor either by bubbling air through it or by agitating the surface.A. deoxygenatingB. oxygenatingC. chemicalizingD. disinfecting充分曝气的过程可由液体充氧构成,可向液体通入冒泡空气,或搅动其表面。
B4. ______ are used to digest the sewage to produce innocuous sludge in a biological sewage treatment plant.A. Anaerobic bacteriaB. Aerobic bacteriaC. Air bubblesD. Disinfection chemicals好氧菌被用来吸收生活污水,产生无毒的油泥 B5. In order to culture and propagate bacteria enough to treat the body and galley wastes, ______A. a new bacteria colony should be put into the plant in advanceB. the disinfection chemicals should be always usedC. the air blower should be started and kept running in advanceD. the nutrient for the bacteria should put into the plant in advance为了培养和繁殖足够的细菌来处理人体和厨房废弃物,应提前启动鼓风机并保持运转。

11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(二)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-02-24] 点击数: 533第二节 1.2.11. The abbreviation “MIP” stands for____.A. middle indicating pressureB. mean indicated pitchC. mean indicated pressureD. middle indicate powerC缩写MIP指的是平均指示压力2. Which of the following can be obtained by means of an indicator card?A. the peak pressure in a cylinderB. the fuel consumptionC. the temperature of the cooling waterD. none of the other alternativesA气缸的爆发压力可以通过测取示功图获取3. The distance between TDC and BDC of the diesel engine is called a ____A.gapB. radiusC. clearanceD. strokeD从上止点到下止点的距离被称为冲程4. Energy losses due to ______occur in every machine.A. speedB. impactC. frictionD. atmosphereC机械中摩擦产生能力消耗5. The mechanical efficiency of an engine _____because losses occur in the form of frictionA. is always less than 100%B. is always equal to 90%C. is always more than 100%D. is always less than 90%A发动机的机械效率总是低于100%因为摩擦损失了不少能量6. Which of the following statements is not true?A. the slow-speed engine is the most common diesel engine throughout the world.B. the majority of high-speed engines operates on the four-stroke cycle.C. high-speed engines are suitable for driving trucks and busesD. if the rotational speed of an engine is over 1200r/min then it is a high-speed diesel engineA 全世界使用最广泛的柴油机是高速机,而不是低速机7. The main factor determining the output of each cylinder is the cylinder_______.A. densityB. boreC. weightD. materialB 决定气缸的输出功率的主要因素是缸径大小8. The rotating range of the slow-speed diesel engine is usually lower than ______.A.100 r/minB.200 r/minC.300 r/minD.500 r/minC低速机的旋转速度范围通常低于300转每分9. The ______the compression ratio, the _____the proportion of the heat energy of the combustion turned into useful work at the crankshaft, other things being equal.A. high/largeB. higher/largerC. lower/largerD. low/largeB压缩比越大,转换的有用功就越大10. Suppose the rated capacity of the main engine of a ship is 10000KW at 100 rated r/min, then when at 80 r/min its capacity should be ______.A.800 KWB.5120 KWC.6400 KWD.4180 KWB假定主机的额定功率是在100转每分的情况1000千瓦,如果转速是80转每分,功率是5120千瓦11. The minimum speed an engine must attain before ignition can occur dependupon____A. the type and size of the engineB. the condition of the engineC. ambient temperatureD. any one of the other alternativesD在发火之前发动机所能达到的最低速度取决于发动机的类型尺寸,发动机的工况以及环境温度12. Maximum horsepower of a diesel engine is attained_______.A. when the engine speed is pulled down by overloadB. at rated engine speedC. at 95% of rated engine speedD. at 95% of a properly adjusted governor rpm with the engine under full loadB发动机的最大功率是在额定转速下实现的13.”amidships” refers to _____.A. the back of vesselB. the middle portion of a shipC. the backward movement of a vesselD. across the ship, at right angles to the fore-and-aft centerlineB “amidships”指的是船舶的中间部分14. The order “_______” means “maximum maneuvering engine revolution for ahead propulsion”.A. full aheadB. half aheadC. full asternD. half asternA 全速前进是指最大的发动机转速,正车推进。

11规则最新大副英语题库翻译版120篇阅读理解第一章航海仪器1. The VDR system is designed to operate once it is set up correctly. There is no user interaction.A. automaticallyB. accuratelyC. promptlyD. conspicuouslyVDR系统被设置成自动操作?一旦正确设置?就没有用户的干扰A2. ________ is not an alarm required by IMO standards to be available on the ECDIS.A. Deviating from a planned routeB. Approach to waypoints and other critical pointsC. Light house detectingD. Larger scale chart available在ECDIS上灯塔的发现不是一个被IMO标准要求的报警.C3. ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT ___________________A. determining true bearing and distance! between two geographical pointsB. determining magnetic compass deviationC. transforming a local datum to the WGS-8A datumD. converting “graphical coordinates” to “display coordinates”ECDIS必须能够执行以下功能?除了测定磁罗经自差。
B4. Electronic Chart Display and Information System can assist the mariner in ___________________A. voyage planB. stability calculateC. calculate ETAD. monitor strength 电子海图显示和信息系统在航次计划中协助海员。

最新海员机⼯英语考试题库单词1/captain A:海员B:⼤副C:船长D:⽔⼿长2/chief engineer A:⼤管轮B:管事C:机⼯D:轮机长3/motorman A:机⼯B:⽔⼿C:⼆副D:⽊匠4/sailor A:服务员B:⽔⼿C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:⼤副B:⼆管轮C:管事D:⽔⼿长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:⼤管轮C:⼆管轮D:⼆副7/carpenter A:管事B:⽔⼿C:⽊匠D:⼆副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:⼤管轮D:⼆管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:⼆副D:⼆管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:⼤厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进⼝14/steering gear room A:出⼝B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:⼤厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:⼤厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼⾁间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:⼆副C:⼤副D:⽔⼿23/bosun A:⽊匠B:海员C:⽔⼿长D:机⼯24/fourth engineer A:⼆管轮B:⼤管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机⼯C:⽊匠D:⽔⼿26/steward A:医⽣B:服务员C:管事D:⼤副27/doctor A:服务员B:⽔⼿C:医⽣D:管事28/engineer A:机⼯B:⼆副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:⽔⼿B:机⼯C:⼤副D:⼤管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳⼿C:卡钳D:斧⼦32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯⼦D:管钳33/file A:锉⼑B:台钳C:刨床D:刮⼑34/hammer A:扳⼿B:榔头/铁锤C:车⼑D:螺丝⼑35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳⼿C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳⼿B:刮⼑C:斧⼦D:车⼑37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:⼿电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧⼦C:刮⼑D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧⼦C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧⼦D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉⼑B:车⼑C:刮⼑D:螺丝⼑42/saw A:凿⼦B:斧⼦C:锯⼦D:台钳43/axe A:锯⼦B:钻C:斧⼦D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:⼿电筒D:起吊⼯具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝⼑D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:⼿电筒B:⽜油枪C:风焊机D:刮⼑48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝⼑49/grease gun A:⽜油枪B:⼿电筒C:起吊⼯具D:螺丝⼑50/lifting gear A:螺丝⼑B:起吊⼯具C:⼿电筒D:斧⼦51/flash light A:斧⼦B:⽜油枪C:⼿电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车⼑B:卡钳C:尺⼦D:盘根⼑53/ruler A:尺⼦B:锯条C:砂轮D:车⼑54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳⼿C:台钳D:环形扳⼿55/ring spanner A:套筒扳⼿B:活络扳⼿C:环形扳⼿D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿⼦B:环形扳⼿C:榔头D:活络扳⼿57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉⼑B:车床C:⼯具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:⼆冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸⽓冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:⼆冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸⽓冲程63/suction stroke A:排⽓冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸⽓冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排⽓冲程C:做功冲程D:吸⽓冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排⽓冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸⽓冲程66/working stroke A:吸⽓冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排⽓冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:⼗字头C:⽓缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:⽓缸套B:⽓缸C:⽓缸盖D:⽓缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:⽓缸套B:填料箱C:扫⽓箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:⽓缸衬B:⽓缸盖C:⽓缸套D:扫⽓⼝71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫⽓⼝C:填料箱D:排⽓⼝72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:⼗字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排⽓⼝78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:⽓缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空⽓起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空⽓起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排⽔泵D:⽔泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却⽔泵C:船底排⽔泵D:海⽔泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡⽔泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排⽔泵D:⽔泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污⽔泵C:压载泵D:供⽔泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上⽡103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空⽓B:空⽓箱C:空调D:⽓塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:⽕炉B:⽓缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造⽔机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造⽔机C:⽔箱D:淡⽔机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓⽃B:运粮机C:漏⽃D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:⽔箱D:⽔管116/ mast A:吊杆B:⼤桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:⽔柜C:⽔房D:淡⽔机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:⽔柜C:油泵D:⽔泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:⽔柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:⽔门B:⽔密舱C:⽔房D:⽔密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡⽔机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:⽓缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车⼑B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造⽔机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:⽓缸给⽔泵B:锅炉给⽔泵C:锅炉⽔泵D:⽓缸⽔泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压⼒表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压⽔泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造⽔机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸⼊阀B:应急阀C:排⽓阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:⽇光灯B:指⽰灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废⽔锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空⽓箱C:⽓阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:⽔密门B:⽔门C:⽔密舱D:⽔密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯⼦D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截⽌阀B、速闭阀C、停⽌阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救⽕泵B、速闭阀C、停⽌阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救⽕泵B、速闭阀C、停⽌阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救⽕泵B、速闭阀C、救⽣艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底⽔泵C、停⽌阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载⽔泵B、舱底⽔泵C、油⽔分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载⽔泵B、舱底⽔泵C、油⽔分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底⽔泵C、油⽔分离器D、压载⽔泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭⽕器B、泡沫C、⼆氧化碳D、⼲粉15 CO2 system A、灭⽕器B、泡沫C、⼆氧化碳系统D、⼲粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭⽕器B、⽕灾警报C、灭⽕系统D、救⽕泵17 dry powder A、灭⽕剂B、⽕灾警报C、灭⽕系统D、⼲粉18 hydrant A、灭⽕器B、消防栓C、灭⽕剂D、⼲粉19 foam A、消防⽪龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、⼲粉20 hoses A、灭⽕器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防⽪龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马⼒B、千⽡C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马⼒B、千⽡C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马⼒B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡⽔B、海⽔C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、⽔⼿C、⼈⼯D、⾃动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、⾃动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、⾃动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、⾃动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、⼈⼯C、运转D、⾃动40 RUNNING A、运转B、⼈⼯C、开关D、⾃动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A 、右车停 B 、双车停 C 、主机定速 D 、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA 、左车微速前进 B 、双车微速进 C 、主机定速D 、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A 、双车全速退 B 、停车 C 、主机定速 D 、微速前进 57 Stop engine A 、微速前进 B 、停车 C 、备车 D 、完车 58 Ring off engines A 、微速前进 B 、停车 C 、主机定速 D 、备车 59 Finished with engine A 、主机定速 B 、停车 C 、备车 D 、完车 60 Emergency full astern A 、主机定速 B 、停车 C 、双车停 D 、强速后退 61 Port fifteen A 、左15度 B 、右15度 C 、右50度 D 、左50度 62 Starboard fifteen A 、左15度 B 、右50度 C 、右15度 D 、左50度 63 Port 10° A 、左舵10 B 、右舵10 C 、左右舵10 D 、右10度 64 Starboard 5° A 、左右舵5 B 、右舵5 C 、左5度 D 、左舵5 绝密★启⽤前2017年⼴州市普通⾼中毕业班综合测试(⼀)理科数学注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(⾮选择题)两部分。

11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(十)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-04-02] 点击数: 918样章第2章船舶辅助机械第4节船舶防污染设备【知识点】船舶防污染设备(pollution prevention equipment)主要包括以下三种设备:1. 油水分离器oily water separator2. 焚烧炉 incinerator3. 生活污水处理装置 sewage treatment equipment【词汇记忆】Aaeration tank 曝气柜aerobic 好氧的anaerobic 厌氧的agitate 搅动Bbacteria 细菌ballast water 压载水bilge water舱底水bio-filter tank 生物滤池bubble 气泡Ccatch plate捕集板clog 堵塞coalescer 聚合过滤器coalescence 聚合coalescing insert 聚合滤芯coarse separating compartment 粗分离室contamination 污染demulsibility 抗乳化性detect v. 探测detector 探测器disinfection 消毒disinfection agent 消毒剂dump chute 投料口Eemulsify v. 乳化emulsification n. 乳化Gglobule 水滴Iimpurity 杂质incinerator 焚烧炉inert 惰性interval 间隔Mmaceration 粉粹monitor监测器Ooil/water mixture油水混合物oil collecting space集油室oily water separator油水分离器organic matter 有机物overhaul 大修oxygen 氧气Ppollution prevention equipment 防污染设备purity 净化Ssensor 感应器sewage 生活污水slop tank 污水舱sludge 油渣,污油solenoid valve 电磁阀sterilization compartment 消毒室,灭菌室surface tension 表面张力【习题详解】2.4.1 油水分离器的工作原理及运行管理1. Would an increase in flow rate through the separator improve the separation of oil and water?A. NoB. YesC. It makes no differenceD. The separator works under all condition答案为A。

11规则大连海事轮机英语最新题库翻译(八)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-04-02] 点击数: 486第2节船用泵词汇记忆:air cushion 气垫Bbalancing hole 平衡孔ballast 压载水bi-directional operation 双向操作bilge water 舱底水branch 支路,支管bursting discharge pressure破坏性排放压力Ccasing 泵壳cavitation 气蚀charge-over chest 转换阀箱clog 脏堵circuit breaker 回路断路器Ddeck scupper 甲板排水孔diffuser 扩压器discharge head 排放压头domestic water 日常用水Eeductor喷射泵ejector pump 喷射泵emergency bilge pump应急舱底水泵Ffeeler gauge塞尺/测隙规floating ring 浮环fluid 流体Gglobe valve 球阀Hheel 横倾helical pump螺旋泵hydro-pneumatic tank 液压气动柜Iidle 从动impeller 叶轮in series 串联in parallel 并联Kkinetic energy 动能Lleakage 泄漏Mmanufacturer 生产商mechanical energy 机械能mechanical seal 机械密封megger 兆欧表misalignment 未对中mono type 单螺杆式mud box 泥箱multistage 多级Nnegative suction head负吸入压头Ppack 填料(盘根)pitch 螺距potable water 饮用水potential energy 势能pressure energy 压力能prime 引液,灌注(-r引液装置)pulsation 脉动(non-无脉动)Rradial thrust 径向力regardless of 无关rotational ring 转环rotor 转子Ssaturation temperature 饱和温度scoring 划痕Sea chest 海底阀箱self-priming 自吸sleeve 轴套square 平方static suction lift 静吸入提升(压头)stationary ring静环steady 平稳,稳定stop-check valve 截止阀stuffing box 填料函suction head 吸入压头symmetrical impeller 对称叶轮Tthrottle 节流triple -screw pump 三螺杆泵Vviscosity 黏度Volume 体积Volute 涡壳Wwearing ring 承磨环考点一:泵的类型☐displacement pump 容积泵☐reciprocating pump 往复泵☐direct acting type直接作用式☐Power type动力驱动式☐crank-fly wheel type曲轴飞轮式☐rotary pump 回转泵☐Gear type齿轮式☐Vane type叶片式☐screw type螺杆式☐piston type柱塞式☐cam-and-piston type凸轮柱塞式☐Centrifugal离心泵☐Volute type涡壳式☐Diffuser type导轮式☐mixed-flow type混流式☐axial flow type轴流式☐turbine or regenerative type旋涡式2.2.1 船用泵类型1. A vane pump belongs to _____according to its working principleA. reciprocating pumpsB. positive displacement pumpsC. centrifugal pumpsD. centripetal pumps答案为B。

11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(九)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-04-02] 点击数: 453第3节船舶制冷和空调装置2.3. 1 制冷原理和制冷循环词汇记忆Aabsorb 吸收ammonia 氨水Bboiling point 沸点Ccoil 盘管compressor 压缩机condensation point 冷凝点condense 冷凝condenser 冷凝器Eevaporate 蒸发evaporator 蒸发器expansion valve 膨胀阀Fflash 闪发Freon 氟利昂fusion 熔化Hhalogenated hydrocarbon 卤化烃Llatent heat 潜热Rrefrigerant 制冷剂release 释放Ssaturation temperature 饱和温度sensible heat 显热solenoid valve 电磁阀subcool 过冷superheat 过热Tthrottle 节流Vvaporize 汽化1. The temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator coil,depends mostly uponthe _.A. refrigerant pressure in the evaporatorB. cooling water temperature to the condenserC. heat load in the refrigerator compartmentD. solenoid valve in the liquid line答案为A。
2. The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is considered to exist from the _.A. expansion valve to the compressorB. receiver to the expansion coilC. expansion valve to the evaporatorD. condenser to the expansion valve答案为A。

[0001] is not a criteria for fixing the reward of salvage operations.A. The value of the vessel and other property of the vessel being salvedB. The skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimizing damage to the environmentC. The measure of success obtained by the salvorD. The nature and degree of the dangerKEY: ACriteria n.标准property[]n.财产, 所有物, 所有权reward[]n.报酬, 奖金salvage[5sAlvidV]n.抢救财货,海上救助, 抢救, 打捞salve[] n.油膏,药膏,抢救,打捞被救助船舶的其它财产和船舶的价值不是确定海上救助报酬的标准。
[0002] is not a factor which will affect the accuracy of GPS receiver.A. Detective Availability.B. Local environmental conditionsC. Autonomous mode versus differential correction mode versus RTCM modeD. The averaging of recorded locationsKEY: Adetective [di'tektiv] n.侦探a.侦探的,检测的;探测的versus[ˈvəːsəs]prep. 1. (诉讼、运动等中的)对2. 相对; 相比autonomous[]adj.自治(权)的; 自主的【生】有独立机构的; 自发的differential correction差动修正,微分修正RTCM=Radio Technology Committee of Marine 海事无线电技术委员会探测的有效性不是一个影响GPS接收机精度的因素。
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11规则大连海事最新轮机英语题库翻译(三)作者:系统管理员来源:发布时间: [2014-02-25] 点击数: 6831.2.21. A diesel engine is similar to a gasoline engine except that the former has no______.A. pistonB. connecting rodC. cylinderD. spark plugD柴油机与汽油机相似除了柴油机没有火花塞2. Fuel oil begins to inject into the cylinder of a four-stroke diesel engine during the _____.A. intake strokeB. exhaust strokeC. power strokeD. compression strokeD燃油开始喷射进入柴油机气缸是在压缩冲程末3. Oil for piston cooling is delivered through rod to a compartment in the piston heat, then distributed as a result of piston motion, and finally drained to the crankcase through one or more holes or pipes; this procedure is known as the _____.A. splash methodB. spray methodC. shaker methodD. throw-off methodC活塞冷却油通过活塞杆进入一个空间,由于活塞的往复运动,将通过一些小孔管加热,分配最后排放冷却油到曲轴箱,这个过程被称为震荡冷却4. Successful combustion inside the cylinders of a diesel engine depend upon______.A. fine atomizationB. high temperatureC. good mixing of fuel and airD. any one of the other alternativesD柴油机气缸内完全燃烧取决于良好雾化,高温,以及燃油空气的良好混合5. The function of diesel engine valve springs is to ______.A. hold the valves openB. keep the valves off their seats until the exhaust stroke is completedC. close the valvesD. open inlet valves when the air injection cycle beginsC 柴油机阀件弹簧的作用是关闭阀6. Cast iron pistons used in large propulsion diesel engines are constructed with_____.A. no taperB. the skirt being tapered and smaller than the crownC. the skirt being tapered and larger than the crownD. the crown being tapered and smaller than the skirtD 使用在大型推进装置的铸铁活塞的建造是使用活塞头呈锥面,并且小于活塞裙7. In a full floating piston pin, the pin is prevented from sliding against the cylinder walls by _______A. snap ringsB. seal weldingC. a press fittingD. a tongue-and-grooveA 在全浮动的活塞销上,扣环可以防止活塞销滑动而碰壁8. The use of push rods is necessary in a diesel engine when______A. the camshaft located some distance below the rocker armsB. the rocker arms are pivoted near their centersC. two or more valves must be opened and closed at same timeD. hydraulic valve lash adjusters are usedA当凸轮轴位于摇臂之下距离时,推杆的使用是必要的9. In a large slow-speed propulsion diesel engine, the force applied to the crosshead is ______A. against the crosshead during power stroke and away from the crosshead during the compression strokeB. against the crosshead during the compression stroke and away from the crosshead during the compression strokeC. against the crosshead during the power and compression strokesD. away from the crosshead during the power and compression strokesC在大型低速主推进柴油机中,施加给活塞的力,在压缩冲程和作功冲程期间是对着十字头方向的。
10. Diesel engine cylinder head test cocks are used to ______.A. check cylinder lubrication prior to starting engineB. connect exhaust gas analyzers to determine engine efficiencyC. hydraulic test exhaust heats for leakingD. remove moisture accumulations from cylinders prior to startingD柴油机缸盖上的示功阀用来除掉启动前气缸内的残余物。
11. Besides assisting in cooling, the piston cooling fins also provide extra strength for the piston______.A. skirtB. crownC. wrist pinD.oil ringsB除了冷却外,活塞冷却翅片也为活塞头提供了附加的力12. In diesel engines, the four basic events (intake, compression, power and exhaust) are performed once in _______.A. two crankshaft revolutions in a two-stroke engineB. two power stroke in a two-stroke engineC. collecting the air charge at the air cleanerD. combustion and expansion of hot gasD在二冲程柴油机中,活塞两个冲程期间,进气、压缩、作功和排气等四个动作各进行一次13. In describing basic diesel engine operation, the term”event” refers to the______.A. production of high pressure gasesB. removal of expended combustion gasesC. admission of air to the cylinderD. any one of the other alternativesD在描述柴油机基本工作过程中,术语"event"指的是,高压气体的产生,废气的排出和新鲜空气的吸入14. The term”diesel engine scavenging” means______A. delivering more air into the cylinder than it would normally receive during an ordinary charging processB. forcing the products of combustion out of the cylinder with the fresh air chargeC. collecting the air charge at the air cleanerD. combustion and expansion of hot gasB柴油机的扫气是利用新鲜的空气将废气排除的过程。
15.If fuel oil injects into the cylinder of a diesel engine just after the piston passes top dead center, it will_______A. increase engine powerB. increase engine loadC. decrease engine powerD. improve fuel economyC在柴油机上止点后喷油将降低柴油机的功率。
16. The air supplied to a diesel engine is compressed to ______A. provide heat for the ignition of the fuelB. start the engineC. decrease injection delayD. improve fuel economyA供给柴油机的空气被压缩,以提供足够的热量引燃燃油,但不能减少喷油延时17. In a single-acting diesel engine, the cylinder liner area that is most difficult to lubricate is the _____A. major thrust sideB. minor thrust sideC. top circumferenceD. bottom circumferenceA在单作用的柴油机上,最难润滑的汽缸套区域是主推力侧18. A naturally aspirated diesel engine at full throttle will have an intake manifold pressure______A. slightly less than atmospheric pressureB. approximately equal to exhaust manifold pressure at all timesC. that is widely fluctuatingD. constantly decreasing as engine load increasesA对于自然吸入的柴油机,进气总管内的压力稍低于大气压。