
Beat generation 垮掉的一代Tea-ceremony ['seriməni]茶道Badger game 美人计Scene stealer 抢镜头的人Hooligan 阿飞,足球流氓Repeated offender 惯犯Double agent 双重间谍Mr. Big 黑社会老大Love child 私生子Hand-to-hand fighting 肉搏Box news 花边新闻Screen agers 整天看电视玩电脑的孩子June-December wedding 双方年龄悬殊的婚姻King’s English 标准英语Leap day/year 闰日2.29/年366Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德Narrow squeak(口)九死一生的脱险Ninja turtle 忍者神龟Poet laureate 桂冠诗人Ponytail 马尾辫Protestant 新教徒Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖Rat race 激烈的竞争Red-light district 红灯区Reader’s Digest 读者文摘Russian roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌Sexual harassment 性骚扰Short fuse 易怒的脾气Soft-soap 奉承讨好Silent contribution 隐名捐款Silly money 来路不明的钱Silver screen 银幕,电影界Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate 最低等的,劣等的 Vertical/lateral thinking 纵向,横向思维Wide-body 大部头的作品Wheel of life (佛教)轮回Xenomania 媚外Yearbook 年鉴年刊Zen 禅Paparazzi 狗仔队Show people 娱乐界人士Exotic dance 脱衣舞Bearish 行情下跌的Bullish 行情上涨的State prisoner 政治犯Stowaway 偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman 便衣警察Police dog 警犬Police post 派出所Negligent homicide 过失杀人Impostor 江湖骗子ICJ International Court of Justice国际法院Espionage 间谍间谍活动Lifer 职业军人Mine 地雷水雷Panzer 装甲车坦克Off limits 军事禁区Q-boat 伪装成商船或渔船的武装船只Riot corps 防暴部队Standing army 常规军Sniper 狙击手Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲Brain drain 脑力人才外流Brawn drain 劳力外流Break- dancing 霹雳舞French windows 落地窗Funeral home 殡仪馆Taillight 车尾灯Visiting team 客队Runner-up 亚军Black referee 黑哨Foul play 犯规动作Standing broad jump 立定跳远Underachiever 差等生Hothouse 对儿童进行学前教育Whiz kid 神童优等生Newsbreak 重要新闻Needle trade 成衣业Massage parlour 挂按摩牌子的妓院Moonlight 作动词,干第二职业Mixed marriage 异族通婚Moon roof 汽车的顶窗Egghead 对知识分子的蔑称Dog days 七八月份的酷暑期,伏天Connoisseur 鉴赏家Box office 票房Bridesmaid 女傧相Bee(美)为互助友好而举行的聚会Bigtime 红极一时的,赫赫有名的Bank of issue 发行银行Cater ∏ 美国总统克林顿(卡特二世。

adj. 老练癿、复杂癿
adj. 使人感到癿,非常好癿
adj. 很棒癿、惊人癿
adj. 极大癿、巨大癿
adj. 混乱癿、乱七八糟癿
n. 温度
['sɪtʃʊeɪt; -tjʊ-]
[træ k]
Grand Prix
['skræ mb(ə)l]
(70) opponent
[gæ r(ə)n'tiː]
n. 住处、膳宿
['kæ rəvæ n; kæ rə'væ n] n. 沙漠旅行队、大篷车
['kæ mpsaɪt]
n. 野营地
n. 送快信癿人、旅行从仆
n. 游艇、快艇
[ə'rɪdʒɪn(ə)l; ɒ-]
adj. 最初癿、原始癿

This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds ofbandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolvedto refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies。
囧be sunk/sunken网义:郁闷、悲伤、无奈、无语等等,示意很好很强大,指处境困迫,喻尴尬,为难。
This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced jiong. It means"light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to expressembarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it looklike a disappointed face?很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent网络流行语,语出2007年12月27日CCTV新闻联播一则关于净化网络视听的新闻里,一个名叫张殊凡的小学生接受央视记者采访时说道:“上次我上网查资料,突然弹出来一个网页,很黄很暴力,我赶紧把它给关了。
”During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation,a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up onher computer.She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Somebelieve the girlwas told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mockthe way thenetwork covers news。

适合形容[时髦]的英语词汇1. Buzzword:流行词汇,时髦用语。
2. Cool:酷,时髦的。
3. Trendy:时髦的,流行的。
4. Fashionable:流行的,时髦的。
5. Hip:时髦的,流行的。
6. Keep up with the Joneses:赶时髦,追求流行。
7. In the know:熟悉最新流行趋势。
8. On-trend:时髦的,流行的。
9. Up-to-date:最新的,时髦的。
10. With it:跟上流行趋势。
11. Trendsetter:引领潮流的人。
12. Front-runner:引领时尚潮流的人。
13. Pulse of the nation:了解全国最新流行趋势。
14. Hit the nail on the head:正好符合最新的潮流。
15. Right on trend:正好符合最新的潮流。
16. Tick all the boxes:满足所有最新时尚要求。
17. On-message:符合最新的宣传信息。
18. In the groove:熟悉最新流行趋势。
19. With it:跟上流行趋势。
20. The height of fashion:最时髦的。
21. A step ahead of the game:领先于潮流。
22. In step with the times:与时代步伐一致。
23. At the forefront of fashion:在时尚的最前端。
24. On the cutting edge:在最前沿。
25. The latest in fashion:最新的时尚。
26. Stylish:时髦的,有风度的。
27. Vogue:时尚,流行。
28. Glamorous:光彩夺目的,时髦的。
29. Fierce:激烈的,时髦的。
30. Dapper:精致的,整洁的,时髦的。
31. Chic:别致的,时髦的。
32. Groovy:绝妙的,时髦的。

流行时尚英语单词Sure, here are some popular fashion English words:1. Trendy - 时尚2. Stylish - 时尚的3. Chic - 时髦4. Fashionable - 时尚的5. Couture - 时装6. Haute couture - 高级定制7. Designer - 设计师8. Runway - T台9. Glamorous - 令人崇拜的10. Edgy - 前卫的11. Vintage - 复古的12. Bohemian - 波西米亚的13. Avant-garde - 先锋派的14. Couturier - 时装设计师15. Ensemble - 服装套装16. Accessory - 饰品17. Statement piece - 有型的单品18. Street style - 街头时尚19. Fashionista - 时尚达人20. Wardrobe - 衣柜Fashion plays a crucial role in our lives. It is a reflection of our personality and style. With the ever-changing trends and styles, it is essential to keep up with the latest fashion vocabulary to stay ahead in the fashion game. Whether it's staying trendy with the latest runway looks or mastering the art of mixing and matching different ensembles, having a good grasp of fashion English words is important for fashion enthusiasts.时尚在我们的生活中扮演着至关重要的角色。

杂志内容 (Magazine content)
应用场景 (Application scenario)
• 职场交流 (Career communication) • 社交活动 (Social activity) • 时尚购物 (Fashion shopping) • 跨国合作 (International collaboration)
• 棉 (Cotton) • 丝绸 (Silk) • 麻 (Linen) • 羊毛 (Wool)
03 服装尺寸 (Size)
• 小号 (Small) • 中号 (Medium) • 大号 (Large) • 加大号 (Extra large)
首饰 (Jewelry)
• 手链 (Bracelet) • 项链 (Necklace) • 耳环 (Earring) • 戒指 (Ring)
01 服装款式 (Fashion styles)
• 连衣裙 (Dress) • 西装 (Suit) • 牛仔裤 (Jeans) • T恤 (T-shirt)
02 服装面料 (Fabric)
语音特点 (Phonetic feature)
• 发音 (Pronunciation) • 语调 (Intonation) • 重音 (Accent) • 音标 (Pronunciation symbol)

1. selfie ['selfi] - n. 自拍。
2. app [æp] - n. 应用程序(application的缩写)3. Wi - Fi [ˈwaɪ faɪ] - n. 无线网络。
4. blog [blɒɡ] - n. 博客;v. 写博客。
5. vlog [vlɒɡ] - n. 视频博客;v. 录制视频博客。
6. podcast ['pɒdkɑːst] - n. 播客。
7. emoji [ɪˈməʊdʒi] - n. 表情符号。
8. hashtag ['hæʃtæɡ] - n. 话题标签(用于社交媒体)9. cyber ['saɪbə(r)] - adj. 网络的,与电脑有关的,如cyber - space (网络空间)10. AI (Artificial Intelligence) [ˌeɪ aɪ] - n. 人工智能。
1. influencer [ˈɪnfluənsə(r)] - n. 有影响力的人(尤指在社交媒体上)2. fandom ['fændəm] - n. 粉丝圈。
3. meme [miːm] - n. 文化基因(通过模仿等传递的文化现象,常指网络上流行的梗图、梗文等)4. gender - fluid ['dʒendə(r) ˈfluːɪd] - adj. 性别流动的(不局限于传统的男性或女性性别定义)5. woke [wəʊk] - adj. (对社会公正等问题)警觉的,清醒的(尤指在政治、社会意识方面)6. cancel culture ['kænsl ˈkʌltʃə(r)] - n. 取消文化(因某人的不当行为而抵制、排斥某人的现象)7. squad [skwɒd] - n. 小队,团队(可指一群朋友或有共同目标的群体)8. troll [trəʊl] - n. 网络喷子;v. 在网络上挑衅、骚扰他人。

目录服装专业英语综合词汇服装尺寸表英语词汇服装辅料英语词汇服装疵点英语词汇服装机械英语词汇常用服装英语缩写服装标准术语服装专业英语综合词汇——Jandy Zhu 编辑(cutting piece) numbering 给裁片编号3-plys export carton 三坑出口纸箱a pair of braces 一副裤子背带aceta lining 亚沙迪里布air freight 空运费allover embroidery 全身绣花antistatic finish 防静电处理apparel 成衣applique 贴布绣approved swatch 经认可的样布armhole, scye 夹圈, 袖窿, 袖笼,袖孔ART. NO. /style NO. 款号assembling of front & back part 前后幅合并assorted color assorted size 混色混码assorted color 混色attach collar 上领attach cuff to sleeve 车鸡英到袖子上attachment (车缝)附件autolock zipper 自动锁拉链azo dye 偶氮染料back cover front 后搭前back rise 后浪back stitches 返针,回针,倒针back 后幅backless dress 露背裙barb wire 行李索bargaining 讨价还价bar-tack 打枣,套结baste 粗缝basting 疏缝beading 玻璃珠,钉珠bell bottom 喇叭裤脚belt 腰带belt-loop, beltloop (裙、裤腰头上用以穿过腰带的)耳仔bias cut 斜纹裁,纵纹裁binder 包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶(一种用来辅助滚边的车缝附件)binding tape 包边滚条binding 包边bleach spot 漂白渍bleach 漂白blend fibre 混纺纤维blends 混纺blind stitches 挑脚线步blouse 类似衬衫的女上衣bodice, body 衣大身, 衫身body piece 大身衣片body rise 直浪bottom vent of sleeve 细侧bottom 衫脚,裤脚,裙脚,下摆bottoms 下装bow-tie 蝴蝶结boxer 平脚裤/ 孖烟通box-pleat 外工字褶boy's style fly / left fly 男装钮牌/门襟, 左钮牌/门襟bracelet cuff 紧袖口braces skirt 吊带裙braces 吊带,背带briefs 贴身的男装短内裤brown 麻布和花边的胚buckle loop 钮圈bulk production 大量生产,大货bundle code / number 扎号bundle system 执扎系统bundling 执扎button distance 扣眼档,钮距button stand 钮子,钮门搭位button-hole 钮门, 扣眼button-holing 开钮门,打扣眼buttoning 钉钮camouflage color 迷彩色camouflage pattern 迷彩图案canvas 马尾衬,帆布carton number 箱号casing 容位casual wear 便装center back vent 后中叉(有搭位/叠位的)center back 后中center crease fold 中骨对折center crease line 中骨线center front 前中certified sub-contractor 认可加工厂chain stitches 锁链线步chic 时髦的,流行的circular knit 圆筒针织布circular knitting machine 针织大圆机clapper 拱形烫木(烫后袖缝、摆缝等的工具)classic look 经典款式clean finish 还口,卷边close fitting 贴身close side seam 埋侧骨,缝合侧骨closure 门襟coating 外套大衣collar fall 上级领collar notch 领扼位collar point 领尖collar stand 下级领collar 领子collection 系列color/size breakdown 颜色尺码分配combi program 配色组合commodity inspection 商检conceal zipper 隐形拉链constructed specification 结构细节continuous placket R折(袖叉)contrast color 撞色corduroy 灯芯绒cost sheet 成本单cover stitches 拉冚线步(600类)covered edge 包边crank opening 曲襟crease & wrinkly resistant finish 防皱处理crease line 折线crepe 绉纱, 绉绸crocking test 摩擦测试cross crotch 十字缝,十字骨cross cut 横纹裁crotch point 浪顶点crotch 浪顶,小浪cuff bottom 类似介英的衣脚/裤脚cuff hem 类似介英的衣脚/下摆cuff opening 袖侧, 袖叉cuff vent 袖侧, 袖叉(有搭位/叠位)cumulative units inspected 累计验货数curve bottom 弧形下摆customs declarer 报关员cut & sewn 切驳cutting piece 裁片cutting room 裁剪车间,裁床部cutting table 裁床dart 省(死的),如bust dart(胸省)decorative stitches 装饰线步delivery date 落货期,出货期denim 粗斜纹棉布,牛仔布design feature 设计特征detachable cuff 活动袖头detachable lining 活动里die cutting machine 冲床die 刀模,冲模discount / sales off 打折dobby (多臂机织的)小提花织物documentary secretary 单证员double cuff 双层鸡英double needles fell seam 双针埋夹dressing room / fitting room 试衣间drill 锥子drilling position 钻孔位drop test 跌落测试dry clean 干洗dry rub 干擦dyelot 缸号dying 染色easing 容位easy care 免烫edge stitching 间边线,车边线edge trimmer 修边器edge-finishing 边脚处理edge-stitching dart 边线褶egg pad 铁凳(熨烫肩部等部位的工具)elastic waistband is extension of body 原身出橡筋裤头elastic 橡筋elbow dart 肘省elbow patch 肘部垫布elastic cuff 松紧袖口embroidery 绣花/车花epaulet 肩章ever pleat 耐久不变的褶裥expiry date 有效期export carton 出口箱extension of waistband 裤头搭咀eyelet buttonhole 圆锁眼eyelet 凤眼,鸡眼fabric construction 布料结构fabric consumption 布料用量fabric swatch 布办,样布fabric width 布封,幅宽fabric 布facing 贴false fly 假钮牌,假门襟false placket 假门筒fell seam 埋夹figure-clinging 紧身的,贴身胸围fil-a-fil 米通条布final inspection 尾期检查finished product 成品fitness wear 女式紧身衣fitting 试身flameproof fabric 防火布flannel 法兰绒flare skirt 喇叭裙flat knitting 横机织物flat lock 虾须线flax 亚麻fleece 抓毛布,磨毛布flow chart 流程图flow control 流程控制fly 门襟(常用于裙、裤)fold back facing 原身出贴fold back hidden placket 原身双层钮筒fold line for lapel 领驳口fold line 折线folding line 折线forwarder,shipping agent 货代,船公司freight collect 到付freight prepaid 预付frills 荷叶边fringe 须边,毛边front edge 前幅边,前襟边front facing 挂面front opening 前开口front rise 前浪front yoke 前过肩front 前幅fullness 宽松位fully fashion sweater 全成型毛衫fully lining 全里fully opening 全开口fur garment 裘皮服装,毛皮服装fur 皮草,毛皮fusible interlining 粘合衬fuzzing 起毛garment dye 成衣染色,件染garment finishing 成衣后处理garment sewing technology 成衣工艺garment wash 成衣洗水,普洗garment 成衣gathering 碎褶girl's style fly / right fly 女装钮牌/门襟,右钮牌/门襟godet <法> (女人裙后所附的)三角形布, 用以显示褶纹gorge line 领串口grading 放码grain 布纹gray cloth, greige cloth, gray goods, Loom-state 胚布grommet 凤眼,金属扣眼,索环gross weight 毛重grown-on sleeve 原身出袖gusset 三角插布half lining 半里half moon patch 半月形龟背half opening 半开口hand loom 手织样hand shear 剪刀handbag 手袋handfeel 手感handling 执手,处理,操作hanger 衣架hanging loop 吊袢,挂耳heavy fabric 厚重面料hem, bottom 衣脚,下摆,衫脚hemmer 卷边靴hemming with folder 用拉筒卷边hemming 卷边,还口hemp 大麻herringbone twill 人字斜纹布hidden bartack 隐形枣,暗枣hidden placket 暗门筒high-waist skirt 高腰裙imitation cuff 假袖头in seam 内浪骨inner extension 搭咀内层in-process inspection 中期检查in-seam 内骨inspection 检查inspector 验货员interlacing 交织interlining 衬,朴inverted pleat 内工字褶jacquard 提花织物jeans 牛仔裤jersey 平纹单面针织布join crotch 埋小浪jute 黄麻khaki 卡其knit 针织knitted rib collar 针织罗纹领knowledge of material 材料学lab dips 色样labor turnover 劳工流失labour cost 劳工成本lastest size specification 最新尺寸表layout 排唛,排料lead time 生产周期leather 皮革left cover right 左搭右leftover stock 库存尾货leggings 开裆裤leisure wear 休闲服license 许可证linen 亚麻lining 里布lock stitch 平车线步loop fabric 毛圈布machine maintenance 机械保养magic tape 魔术贴man-made fibre 人造纤维manufacturer 制造商mark buttonhole & button position 标出钮门与钮扣的位置mark pocket position with template 用纸板点袋位marker copier 唛架复印机marker 唛架,排料图mass production 大批量生产match color 配色material 物料measurement allowance 尺寸允许公差measurement chart 尺寸表measurement discrepancy 尺寸差异(一般指实际量度结果)measurement 尺寸melton 领底绒merrow 钑骨,锁边mini markers 小唛架mock buttonhole, decoration buttonhole 假扣眼mock fly 假门襟moth resistant finish 防虫处理nail-button 钉脚钮扣natural fibre 天然纤维neck dart 领省neck 领窝net weight 净重non-fusible interlining 非粘朴non-woven fabric 无纺布normal machine 平车notch 扼位off pressing 终烫on board 上船on sale 换季one layer yoke 一片担干one(two) –button cuff 单(双)扣袖头open seam pressing 烫开骨open seam 开骨opening 开口operation break down 分工序,分科out of season 过季的out-seam, outseam 外骨,侧骨overall 工作服overalls 吊带裤overhead 厂皮(企业一般管理费)overlap 重叠,搭位overlock & blind-stitches 锁边并挑脚overtime working 加班工作packing list 包装单packing method 包装方法paper pattern 纸样piece rate 记件piece yardage 单耗pile fabric 毛圈布piping 嵌边,滚条pipper 镶边蝴蝶pique 单珠地placket 门筒plaids / checks 格仔布plaids matching 对格planning board 经济排唛plant layout 厂房布置plastic string 胶针pleat 褶(活的),如西裤的腰褶pocket bearer 袋衬pocket facing 袋贴pocket facing 袋贴pocket flap 袋盖pocket mouth 袋口pocket opening 袋口pocket-bag (裁好的)袋布pocketing (成卷的)袋布pointed shape belt-loop 三尖裤耳polybag 胶袋pre-shrinking 预缩pressing cloth 水布(熨烫服装时覆盖在上面的布)previous shipment 以前走的货princess line 公主线princess seam 公主线缝骨printing 印花production pattern 生产纸样production schedule 生产排期production status 生产情况puckering 起皱QC sticker “鸡纸”,QC贴纸,箭头纸quilting 绗缝,间棉,打缆rag 碎布raglan sleeve 牛角袖rayon 人造丝ready-to-wear 成衣regenerated fibre 再生纤维remnant 布尾,零码布resin finish 树脂处理reverse side 反面re-washing 返洗rib bottom 罗纹下摆rib stop (暗)格子rib 罗纹rivet 撞钉roll 疋,一疋布就是一卷布rotary knife 圆刀式电剪round bottom 圆下摆round corner cuff 圆角介英round corner extension 圆形裤头搭咀ruffles 荷叶边saddle width 臀围safari jacket 猎装safety pin 扣针,别针safety stitches 五线钑骨,五线锁边salesman 业务员sateen 棉缎,色丁satin 缎子, 假缎,色丁scalloped 贝壳边seam allowance 止口,子口,缝头,缝份seam 缝骨selvedge 布边serge,overlock 锁边,钑骨,拷边set in sleeve 上袖,绱袖sewing machine attachments 车缝附件shank (纽扣)绕脚shell fabric 面料shield 腋部吸汗垫布shipment under consignment 寄卖shipping date 落货期shipping mark 箱唛shop pack 商店包装(一般为按配比单色混码)short in size 断码short shipment 短装shorts 短裤shoulder dart 肩省shoulder point 肩点shoulder 肩show 展示会shrinkage 缩水shrink-proof 防缩shrink-resistant 防缩处理side mark (纸箱)侧唛side panel 侧幅,小身side seam 侧骨size assortment 尺码分配size specification 尺寸表sizing 上浆slacks 松身裤slant corner cuff 斜角介英slant-cut bottom 斜下摆slanting front, side opening 偏襟sleeve crown 袖山sleeve head 袖头sleeve opening 袖口sleeve placket rooftop (袖叉)宝剑头,三尖头sleeve placket 袖叉(有搭位/叠位)sleeve slit 袖叉(无搭位/叠位)sleeve 袖子slim waist line 修腰线slit 叉(无搭位/叠位)smocking 装饰用缩褶solid color solid size 单色单码solid color 单色solid size 单码sorting 分床分码spandex (美)弹力纤维special machine 特殊机器,特种车splicing 驳布位spreading machine 拉布机spreading 拉布spun yarn 纺纱stay tape 胸衬条steam pressing stand 蒸汽烫台sticker 贴纸stitches type 针步类型stitches 线步storm cuff 防风袖头straight bottom 直筒裤脚straight cut 直纹裁straight end buttonhole, flat buttonhole 平锁眼straight knife 直刀式电剪strike-off, strike off 印花样, 手刮样,印花面料打样stripes fabric 条子布stripes matching 对条stuffing 填充物style 款式sub-contractor 外发厂substitute fabric 代用布suit 套装sunray pleats 光线式褶裙, 散褶裙sweep 下摆swiftach 枪针swimsuit (女)泳装tab 袢扣taffeta 塔夫绸tape 带条taper bottom 萝卜裤脚taping 镶边tarp=tarpaulin防水布, 油布tension 张力terry cloth 毛巾布thread 缝线thread clips (剪线用)纱剪three points cuff 三尖介英three points extension 三尖裤头搭咀three points pocket 三尖袋tipping 镶边,唧边tolerance 抛位,宽松量top collar 领面top sleeve 大袖top stitches 面线,明线top vent of sleeve 大(袖)侧top vent 叉的面层tops 上装towel 毛圈布trim front edge 修剪前幅边trim or snip along curve edge 沿弯位修剪trimming 剪线trimmings 部件,衣服上的点缀物trousers 裤子tucking 打排褶tuxedo 男士无尾半正式晚礼服twill 斜纹布two layer yoke 双层担干under arm seam 夹底线,袖底骨under closure 底襟under pressing 中烫under sleeve 小袖under vent 叉的底层underarm dart 肋省underarm gusset 腋下镶布underwear 内衣unit price 单价velcro 魔术贴,维可牢尼龙搭扣(商标名称)velvet 天鹅绒velveteen 棉绒,仿天鹅绒vent 叉(有搭位/叠位)V-neck V形领窝waffle 华夫格waist band 裤头,裙头,腰头waist dart,waistband 腰省waistband is extension of body 原身裤头warehouse 仓库warp / ends 经纱warp knitted fabric 经编针织布warp knitting 经编织物wash-and-wear of shirt 免烫衬衫washing initial load 头缸洗水washing instruction 洗水指示water repellent 泼水处理waterproof 防水web 网状物weft / picks 纬纱weft knitting 纬编织物weights 压铁welt buttonhole 滚眼wet rub 湿擦windproof sleeve opening 防风袖口woolen 粗纺羊毛work ticket 工票workmanship 手工worsted 精纺羊毛wrapseam 包骨yarn count 纱支yarn 纱线zig-zag stitches 人字线步zip-out lining 脱卸里zipper fly 拉链门襟裁片cutted pieces, cut pieces, cut parts平下摆square-cut bottom, square front, plain bottom, flat bottom前幅forepart, front, front panel下摆bottom, hem, lap, sweep, expansion, suso服装尺寸表英语词汇回页首——Jandy Zhu 编辑across measure 横度,横量armhole(curve/straight)夹圈(弯度/直度)back cross 后背宽back rise 后浪长bicep 袖肥,袖髀宽bust (女)胸围bust width (女)胸宽,胸阔center back length 后中长chest (男)胸围chest width (男)胸宽,胸阔collar band height 下级领高collar length 领长collar point spread 领尖距collar point 领尖长cuff width 介英宽elbow width 肘宽fly length 钮牌长fly width 钮牌宽front cross 前胸宽front neck drop 前领深front rise 前浪长hem, bottom 脚宽,脚阔high hip 上坐围hip 坐围inseam length 内(骨)长knee 膝围leg opening 裤脚围neck across, neck width 领宽neck drop 领深outseam length 外(骨)长,侧骨长overarm 上袖长placket width 门筒宽pocket high point 袋尖高(袋最长的高度)shoulder across 总肩宽,肩阔sleeve crown height 袖山高sleeve length 袖长sleeve opening 袖口宽small shoulder 小肩长sweep 裙阔thigh(under crotch)脾围,大腿围underarm 下袖长upper arm width 袖髀阔upper collar height 上级领高waist 腰围waist(relax)腰围(松度)waist(stretched)腰围(拉度)waistband height 裤头高服装辅料英语词汇回页首——Jandy Zhu 编辑accessory 辅料attention card 注意卡bar code sticker 条形码贴纸bead 作衣服饰物用之小珠子binding tape (包边)滚条braid 织带brocade 织有金银丝浮花的, 织锦, 锦缎buckle 皮带扣button mould 钮模button 钮扣cardboard 纸板care label 洗水唛,洗水标carton sticker 外箱贴纸carton 纸箱collar butterfly 领蝴蝶collar stay 领插竹conceal zipper 隐形拉链content label 成份唛cotton string 棉绳country of origin label 产地唛cowhide paper 牛皮纸drawstring (穿在口袋或裤腰的)拉带,细绳elastic band 橡筋带elastic 橡筋embroidery patch 绣花章epaulet 肩章eyelet 鸡眼eyes & hooks 乌蝇扣,钩棒扣fastener 系结物flag label 旗唛frills 荷叶边gusset 三角形插布half moon patch 半月形龟背hang tag sticker 挂卡贴纸hang tag,swing tag 挂牌,吊牌,挂卡herringbone tape 人字带inner box 内箱,内盒lace 花边magic sticker 魔术贴main label,brand label 主唛nylon string 尼龙绳paper belt 纸腰带paper shirt band 纸领条pin 大头针plastic bag,polybag 胶袋,塑料袋plastic butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托plastic clip 胶夹plastic collar support 胶领圈plastic shirt band 胶领条plastic string 胶针polybag sticker 胶袋贴纸popper 五爪扣press button 急钮,五爪钮price ticket 价钱牌rectangle clip 方型胶夹Rhin stone=Rhine stone 作衣服饰物用之小石头ribbon 缎带,丝带rivet 铆钉rubber string 橡筋safety pin 扣针sequin 作衣服饰物用之小金属片,珠片shoulder pad 肩垫,肩棉shoulder tape 肩带size label 尺码唛,西士唛size sticker 西士贴纸,尺码贴纸sliver lurex,sliver glitter 一种带闪光效果的银线,多用于绣花smocking (装饰用的)缩褶snap 急钮,按钮,揿钮sticker 贴纸tag pin 枪针tissue paper 衬纸,拷贝纸triangle gusset 三角脚贴twill tape 斜纹带wash care label 洗水唛woven label 织唛zipper 拉链服装疵点英语词汇回页首——Jandy Zhu 编辑armhole pucker 袖窿皱,夹圈皱back vent unmeet 背叉豁bad join-stitches,poor repair-stitches 驳线不良,接线不良broken hole 破洞broken stitches 断线broken yarn 断纱bubble 起泡bump at placket edge 筒边钮门位突起center back ride up 后中起吊center back seam pulling 后中起吊checks not match 不对格collar points high / low 领尖高低collar stand away from neck 领离脖color deviation 色差color fading 褪色color fastness problem 褪色问题color fibre woven in 杂色纤维织入color shading within one garment 衣服裁片色差color shading 色差color thread end left inside 藏色线color too dull / bright 颜色太哑/闪color yarn 杂色纱crease line leans to inside 烫迹线内撇crease line leans to outside 烫迹线外撇crease mark 摺痕crossed back vent 背叉搅crotch cross unmatch 下裆十字骨错位crumple at top collar 领面起泡cuff edge not level 鸡英袖口高低dart point crumple 省尖起泡dirty dot (较小的)污点dirty mark,dirty stain 污渍,污迹dirty spot (较大的)污点drop needle 漏针,抽针,抽条,抽窿empty hem 边缘缺棉excess extension 突咀excessive thread end 多余的线头fabric defect 布疵fabric too close to zipper 面布车得太贴近拉链facing leans out from front edge 前襟止口反吐fly up 飞起,翘起glaze mark (熨烫)起镜grin 露齿笑,裂口笑hem not level 高低脚hiking up 起吊horizontal seams not level 水平缝骨不对称incorrect linking 错误的连接inner cuff visible/exposed 介英反光(止口反吐)iron mark 烫痕knot 结头lapel roll line not straight 驳口不直lining too full / tight 里布太多/太紧loom fly飞花织入looping 起耳仔major defect 大疵,严重疵点material defect 布疵minor defect 小疵,轻微疵点mix color yarn 杂色纱织入neck drop pucker 筒顶起皱needle damage 车针导致的(布料)损坏needle hole 针孔off grain 布纹歪oil stain 油渍open seam 爆口outseam / inseam pulling 吊脚overlapping collar 叠领overlapping lips 叠唇overlapping stitches 驳线overpress 熨烫过度overwash 洗水过度padded cotton uneven 絮棉不均pilling 起球placket bottom spread open 筒脚张开placket wavy 门筒起波浪pleated sewing 车缝打褶pocket flap stick up 袋盖反翘pocket opening spray open 口袋“笑口”pockets high / low 高低袋poor back-stitches 回针不佳poor ironing 烫工不良pressing mark 烫痕,压痕printing scrimp 印花裂痕pucker 起皱raw edge 散口run off stitches (车缝)落坑rust 锈迹seam gapping 藏木虱,藏止口(烫工)seam overturn 止口反骨seam slippage 爆口seam twist 缝骨扭seam wavy 缝骨起波浪sewn in waste 车缝时混有杂物shiny (烫)起镜shoulder pucker 小肩皱skip stitches 跳线skirt flares uneven 裙浪不匀slanting pocket 歪袋sleeve leans to back 袖子偏后sleeve leans to front 袖子偏前slub 毛粒smiling pocket 袋“笑口”stitches not in seam shadow 露暗线stitching density uneven 线迹密度不均匀stitching tension uneven 线迹张力不均匀stripes not match 不对条support stitches visible 辅助线外露thick yarn 粗纱thread end 线头top collar too tight 领面紧total different color 颜色完全不同trapped color thread end 藏色线twist leg 扭髀扭脚twist 扭under placket exposed 底筒外露underply exposed 反光,止口反吐underply turn out 反光,止口反吐underpress 熨烫不够undesirable odor 臭味,不可接受的气味uneven collar 歪领uneven color 深浅色uneven dying 染色不均匀uneven length of plackets 长短筒uneven length of sleeves 长短袖uneven lips 大小唇uneven plaids 格仔不均匀washing streak 洗水痕water stain 水渍wrinkle 起皱wrinkles at collar band facing 下级领底皱wrinkles at top collar 领面松wrong color combo 颜色组合错误wrong pattern 图案错误wrong seam type 错误的缝骨类型wrong size indicated 错码yarn drawn out 抽纱zipper not movable 拉链难以开合zipper wavy 拉链起波浪服装机械英语词汇回页首——Jandy Zhu 编辑1-needle chainstitch machine单针链缝平车1-needle lockstitch machine单针平车3-needles interlock machine三针网车3-threads overlocking machine三线锁边车4-needles interlock machine四针虾苏网车5-threads safety stitches machine五线锁边车auto cuff turning machine自动反介英机automatic cutting machine自动裁剪机auto printing machine自动印花机baler打包机, 压捆机bartack machine打枣车bartack sewing machine套结机bartacker 打枣车blind stitch machine 盲缝车blue print machine晒网机boiler锅炉bulk washer大货洗衣机button attaching machine钉钮车button-holing machine 钮门车button sewer 钉钮车button-hole machine钮门车buttoning machine 钉钮车chain stitch feed-off arm machine埋夹车chain stitch machine 锁链车chain-blindstitch machine锁链挑脚车cloth cutting machine切布机collar cutting machine切领机collar turning machine反领机collar trimming machine切领机computer sewing machine电脑缝纫机"一" laser light一字镭射定位灯cross laser light十字镭射定位灯crossing thread machine翻线机cutter电剪cutting bed裁床dryer烘干机edge sewing machine撬边车elastic sewing machine橡筋车electric /steam iron电/蒸气熨斗embroidering machine绣花机eyelet buttonhole sewing圆头锁眼机eyelet end machine凤眼车feed-off-the-arm,4 needle both cut flat seamer四针拼缝车flat lock machine绷缝机flat machine横机flat sewing machine平缝车fusing machine粘合机fusing press machine粘合机heat notching machine点领机hemmer 包缝机hemming machine卷边机holing machine钻孔机hydraulic cutting presser啤机industry coloring machine工业染色办机industry spin-dryer工业脱水机industry washer工业洗衣机interlining cutting machine切朴机ironing drawing熨画机ironing machine整烫机light box标准灯箱lockstitch trimming machine切刀平车loop cutting machine切耳仔机loop sewing machine耳仔机manual printing machine手动印花机needle detector 验针器,验针机net drying machine干网机net washing machine洗网机overlock machine包缝机,锁边车placket cutting machine切筒车placket trimming machine切筒机pocket machine开袋机pocket-hole sewing machine开袋机pressing stand with a vacuum真空抽湿烫台shaking machine震动机single needle lockstitch machine 单针平车single needle flat sewing machine单针平车snap fixing machine啤钮机special streamlined lockstitch辘脚车spreader拉布机straight buttonholing machine平头锁眼机straight knife machine直刀电剪twin-needles machine双针车vacuum board for thread end sucking machine吸线头机winding interlining machine卷朴机zig-zag stitch machine人字平车常用服装英语缩写回页首——Jandy Zhu 编辑A & E= American & Efirdinc. 美国线业公司A/H, A.H.= armhole 夹圈a/c, acc.= account 账单a/w., aw= actual weight 实际重量ABS= area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布add.= address 地址ADL= acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准agt.= agent 代理商,代理人amt.= amount 总计,合计,总额AOP=all over printing 全身印花approx.= approximately 约计Apr.= april 四月AQL= acceptable quality level 质量接受标准art.= article (欧洲)款式asap.= as soon as possible 尽快ATTN.= attention 注意,收件人aud.= audit 稽查Aug.= august 八月av.= average 平均awb. no.= air way bill no. 运单号b.= back 后b.= bust (女)胸围B.L.= back length 后长B.N.P.= back neck point 后颈点B.P.= bust point 胸高点,乳峰点B.T.= bust top 乳围B.W.= back width 后背宽b/l= bill of lading 提单,提货单bk.= black 黑色BMS.= body measurement system 人体尺寸测量系统BMT.= basic motion time 基本动作时间BNL.= back neckline 后领圈线BNP, BNPT.= back neck point 后领点BOC.= band of china 中国银行BSP.= back shoulder point 后肩颈点BTM.= bottom 下摆BTN.= button 钮扣bx.= boxes 箱,盒c.&d. = collected and delivered 货款两清C.= chest (男)胸围C.A.D.= cash against documents 凭单据付款C.B., C/B= centre back 后中C.F., C/F = centre front 前中C.F., C&F= coat and freight 离岸加运费价格C.P.L.= collar point length 领尖长c.v.c.= chief value of cotton 以棉为主的混纺物c/d.= certificate of delivered 交货证明书C/O, C.O.= country of origin 原产国,产地证c/o label= country of origin label 产地唛CAD= computer aided design 电脑辅助设计CAE= computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程CAL= computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料CAM= computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造CAP= computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样cat.= catalogue 样品目录cbd.= cash before delivery 付款交货CBL.= center back line 后中线CBN-W= center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰CECF= chine export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会(广交会)cell.= cellular phone 手机cert.= certificate 证书,执照CFS.= container freight station 走拼箱CI= corporate identify 企业标识CIF= cost, insurance & freight 到岸价clr.= color 颜色CMPT.= cut, make, pack, trimCMT.= cutting, making, trimming 来料加工col.= color 颜色coo. label= country of origin label 原产唛cord.= corduroy 灯心绒CS= commercial standards 商业标准ctn.= cotton 棉ctn. no.= carton no. 纸箱编号CY.= container yard 走整柜d. & k.= damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔d.= denier 旦d/y= delivery 出货,交付date of dispatch 出货日期ex-factory date 离厂日期dbl.= double 双dbl. ndl.= double needles 双针dept.= department 部门dk.= dark 深色doz.= dozen 打dtmsa.= dye to match surrounding area 配所在部位颜色e.g.= (拉丁)exampli gratia, for example 例如e.p.= elbow point 肘点el.= elastane fiber (西欧)弹力纤维emb.= embroidery 绣花,车花eq.= excluding quota 不包括配额eta.= estimated to arrival, estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间etc.= (拉丁)et cetera等等etd.= estimated to departure 预计开船时间etd.= estimated time of delivery 预计出货时间exp.= export 出口ext.= extension number分机号F.= front 前F.L.= front length 前长F.N.P.= front neck point 前颈点F.O.A.= feed off arm 埋夹fab.= fabric 布料faq.= fair average quality 中等品fb.= freight bill 装货清单FCL.= full container load 走整柜fluo.=fluorescence 荧光FNP.= front neck point 前颈点FOB.= free on board 离岸价FYR.= for your reference 供参考FQC.= field quality control 现场质量控制fty.= factory 工厂fyi. = for your informationG.W.= gross weight 毛重GBP=great britain pound 英镑GL.= grain line 布纹GOH.= garment on hanger 走挂装H.= hip 坐围h/s= 手擦HTM=how to measure 量度方法imag. line= imaginary line 参考线in.= inch 英寸iq.= including quota 包括配额irre. L/C= irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证jkt.= jacket 夹克k.= knit 针织l.= large 大号l.= left 左l.= length 长度L=ligne 莱尼,号。

高考英语需要掌握的特殊词汇与练习Unit 11. series n.连续;系列;丛书2. complain vi.抱怨;投诉3. solve vt.解决;解答4. survey n.调查Unit 25. launch n.发射6. career n.职业,一生的事业7. involve vt.涉及;参与8. charity n.慈善;施舍Unit 39. dragon n.龙10. lunar adj.月球的11. snack n.小吃,快餐12. opportunity n.机会13. calendar n.日历14. pudding n.布丁Unit 415. virtual adj.虚拟的16. pessimistic adj.悲观的17. optimistic adj.乐观的18. military adj.军事的,军用的19. fashion n.时髦,时尚◇fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的20. site n.(事件发生)位置,场所21. location n.位置,场所◇locate vi.使……坐落于:位于22. suburb n.市郊,郊区23. surf n.海浪 v.冲浪◇surfing n.冲浪24. cuisine n.烹饪Unit 525. costume n.服装26. realistic adj.现实(主义)的Unit 627. emphasise vt.强调28. detail n.细节,详情29. concrete n.混凝土30. subway n.(美)地铁Unit 1031. resolution n.决心要做的事32. economy n.经济33. laptop n.笔记本电脑34. contact vt.&n.接触,联系35. current adj.当前的,现在的Unit 1236. contrast n.对比;反差 vt.对比Unit 1337. personality n.个性,性格Unit 1538. frankly adv.坦率地,真诚地39. assign vt.指(选)派;分配◇assignment n.作业;任务40. image n.景象,形象41. facility n.(供特定用途的)场所;设备Unit 1742. genius n.天才Unit 1843. inner adj.内部的,里面的44. stuff n.东西,材料45. cute adj.娇小可爱的Unit 1946. input n.(信息) 输入47. output n.(信息) 输出48. bet vt.打赌49. emotion n. 情感,情绪◇emotional adj.情感(上)的50. journal n.杂志51. issue n.问题;议题52. source n.来源;出处53. invest vt.投资◇investment n.投资(额);投入Unit 2154. threat vi.威胁55. complicated adj.复杂的56. interpret vt.翻译;解释57. identify vt.认出;识别Unit 2258. claim vt.声称59. drought n.旱灾60. species n.(动植物的)物种61. extinct adj.灭绝的,绝种的62. habitat n.产地,栖地63. negative adj.消极的,负面的64. soundproof adj.隔音的(sound声音+proof防……的) Unit 2365. community n.社区66. council n.委员会67. criticise vt.批评68. despite prep.不管Unit 2469. preserve vt.保护,维持;保存preservation n.维护,保存70.moreover adv.再者,此外71.resistance n.反抗,抵制72.leisure n.闲暇,空闲高考命题中,课标词的派生词或合成词,是不算超标词的,试题中若出现这两类词是不会注明汉语的。

“婚奴”(wedding slave),“房奴”(mortgage slave),“宅男”(Otaku),“宅女”(Otaku girl),“卧槽族”(job-hugging clan),“赖校族”(campus dwellers),等;有网络流行用语,如“躲猫猫”(hide-and-seek),“闪孕”(quick pregnancy),“山寨版”(cheap copy),“装嫩”(act young)……mall rats喜欢逛街的人mall walking在购物中心散步的运动box office票房couch potato整天坐在沙发上看电视的人山寨copycatting囧be sunk/sunken很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent槑nuts打酱油get some soy sauce喜洋洋与灰太狼Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 尽管去做Just do it博客Blog月光族Moonlight clan哥只是个传说Only a legend发飙have a cow带薪年假paid annual leave拍马屁flatter sb欠条IOUs老油条wily old bird; old slicker闹情绪be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique拍拖being in love; having a love affair泡妞chase after the girl s外卖take-away老油条wily old bird,old slicker三好学生merit student,three good student(good in study,attitude and health)人肉搜索(online vigiliantism)月光族(moonlight clan)麦霸(microphone hog)宅男宅女(the stay-at-home type)人妖(lady boy)穷忙族(the working poor)工作狂(workaholic)闪婚(flash marriage)婚外恋(extramarital affair)拼客(the pooling clan)秒杀:seckill(ing)抢抢族:freebie / freebee monger(s)折客族:coupon freak(s)。

灰色市场 Grey market
反倾销 anti-dumping
经济二次探底 double dip
吃白食的人 freeloader
橙色预警 orange signal warning
公关 public relation
不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day
限时抢购:flash sale
期房:forward delivery housing
荧光纹身:glow tattoo
团购:group purchase
扎啤:jug beer
名人八卦杂志:kiss and tell
低腰牛仔裤:low-rise jeans
吉利的日子 saints' days
人肉搜索 flesh search
廉租房 low rent housing
限价房 capped-price houousing
替罪羔羊 whipping boy
对口支援 partner assistance
达人:big gun (还有许多种翻译)
小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man
二奶:kept woman
麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen
型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)
泄洪 release flood waters
狂热的 gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him

1. Fashionable - 时髦的,时尚的
例句:She is always dressed in fashionable clothes. 她总是穿很时尚的衣服。
2. Stylish - 有型的,时尚的
例句:The model is wearing a stylish dress. 这个模特穿着一件很时尚的连衣裙。
3. Trendy - 流行的,时髦的
例句:This trendy handbag is very popular this season. 这个时髦的手提包这个季节非常流行。
4. In fashion - 流行的
例句:Small accessories are in fashion this year. 这一年小配件都是流行元素。
5. Faddish - 流行的,时髦的
例句:Faddish clothes come and go very quickly. 时尚的衣服变化很快。
6. À la mode - 按照时尚的,流行的
例句: The àla mode style keeps changing every season. 流行风格每个季节都在变。

diligent 勤劳的; carefully 仔细地; kind 和蔼的; sincere 真诚的; get along with 与…相处融洽; respected 受人尊敬的; honest 诚实的; upright 正直的; have a sense of humor 有幽默感; outward expression of joy 快乐写在脸上; serious 严肃的; hard working type 努力工作型; goof off 懒惰。
smart 潇洒的; scruffy 邋遢的;well-dressed 衣着华丽的; casual 随便的; conservative 不显眼的; elegant 优雅的; fashionable 时髦的; suave 文雅的; untidy 不整洁的.A. He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit.他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。
笑容(smile):bright 欢快的; broad 无所顾忌的; charming 可爱的; cunning 狡猾的; faint 不明显的; happy 高兴的; pleasant令人愉快的; sad 伤心的; sweet 甜蜜的; pleased 满意的; grinning 露齿而笑的; smirking 傻笑的; friendly 友好的; warm 温暖的,热情的; cold 不热情的.A. Because of his high scores, he smiles brightly.因为他得了高分,所以笑得很灿烂。
B. A friendly smile will help you to win others heart.友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心。
C. She is charming when she smiles.她笑起来的时候很用英语描写面部容貌的时候,可以从脸型、头发、五官入手。

2. 柏拉图式恋爱:柏拉图是古希腊著名的唯心主义哲学家,苏格拉底的弟子,亚里士多德的老师。

一、服装与饰品1. Fashion(时尚)- The popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, or body piercing.2. Style(风格)- A distinctive appearance, design, or fashion, typically one that is fashionable or currently popular.3. Trend(时尚潮流)- A general direction in which something is developing or changing.4. Designer(设计师)- A person who plans the form, look, or workings of something before its being made or built, typically by drawing it in detail.5. Collection(系列)- A set of new designs, typically for a specific season or occasion, produced by a fashion designer or brand.6. Haute couture(高级定制)- The creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing.7. Accessory(配饰)- A thing that can be added to something else to enhance or complete it, such as jewelry, handbags, or scarves.8. Runway(时装秀T台)- A narrow platform along which models walk to display clothes before an audience.9. Vintage(复古风)- Denoting something from the past of high quality, especially something representing the best of its kind.10. Statement piece(突出的单品)- A bold, eye-catching item of clothing or accessory that draws attention and makes a statement.二、时尚事件与活动1. Fashion show(时装秀)- A show or spectacle arranged as a presentation of glamorous clothing.2. Red carpet(红毯)- A long, narrow red carpet laid on the ground for someone on an important or ceremonial occasion to walk on.3. Fashion Week(时装周)- A fashion industry event lasting approximately one week, which allows fashion designers, brands, or fashion houses to display their latest collections in runway shows and buyers and the media to take a look at the latest trends.4. Fashion blogger(时尚博主)- An individual who uses a blog to showcase their personal fashion style, give fashion advice, and share insights about the fashion industry.5. Street style(街拍风格)- Fashion that is considered to have emerged not from studios, but from the grassroots streetwear. It is commonly associated with youth culture, and is often seen on the streets of major cities.6. Fashion magazine(时尚杂志)- A magazine that focuses on the latest trends and developments in the fashion industry, including fashion shows, designers, and style tips.7. Fashion icon(时尚偶像)- A person who is highly influential in the fashion industry and widely recognized for their sense of style and fashion choices.三、时尚词汇与用语1. Chic(时髦的)- Elegantly and stylishly fashionable.2. Trendy(潮流的)- Very fashionable or up to date in style or influence.3. Couture(时装高级定制)- The design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a client's specific requirements and measurements.4. Refined(精致的)- Elegant and cultured in appearance, manners, or taste.5. Avant-garde(前卫)- New and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts or the people introducing them.6. Edgy(前卫犀利的)- Having a bold or provocative quality, often associated with contemporary or unconventional fashion.7. Minimalist(极简主义)- Characterized by simplicity and a lack of adornment or unnecessary details.8. Bohemian(波西米亚风格)- A person who has informal and unconventional social habits, especially an artist or writer.9. Glamorous(富有魅力的)- Full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way.10. Streetwear(街头时尚)- Casual clothing that reflects the lifestyles of young people, often associated with urban fashion and street culture.时尚英语词汇丰富多样,可以帮助我们更好地描述时尚趋势、讨论喜爱的设计师或品牌,并与他人交流时尚观点。

体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版重点词汇Unit1P6 AValue for money 花钱值得luxurious 奢侈的,豪华的timeless 不受时间影响的Well-made 做工考究的top of the range 高端的durable 耐用的inexpensive 便宜的cool 酷的Reliable 可靠的stylish 流行的(有型个性)fashionable时髦的(潮流时尚)Well-designed 精心设计的P7 ABrand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 the tendency to always buy a particular brand brand image 品牌形象 the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand brand stretching 品牌扩张 using an existing name on another type of product brand awareness 品牌意识 how familiar people are with a brandbrand name 品牌名字 the name given to a product by the company that makes itproduct launch 产品发布 the introduction of a product to the market product lifecycle 产品生命周期 the length of time people continue to buy a productproduct range 产品范围 the set of products made by a companyproduct placement 植入式广告 when products are used in films or TV programmes product endorsement 产品代言 the use of a well-known person to advertise productsBrand positioning 品牌定位P8Gross margins 毛利润Manufacturing 制造业Solely 唯一的Low-cost market 低成本市场Outsources 外包Licensing arrangement 特许授权Flagship store 旗舰店Offshore 离境;海外Country of origin 原产地Identify the marker 确定产品来源或制造者Simplify product handing 简化产品,操作和追踪Organize accounting 帮助组织进存货和做会计记录Offer legal protection 提供法律保护Unit2P14 B1 not enough leg .....room....... 没有足够的伸腿空间2 lost or delayed ......luggage......... 遗失或延迟行李3 long .......queues...... at check-in 签入时的长队列4 poor quality ........food......... and drink 质量差的食品和饮料5 no baggage ........trolleys...... available 没有可用的行李手推车6 overbooking of ........seats........ 超额预订座位7 flight delays and .......cancellations........ 航班延误和取消8 ....jet.....- lag 时差(飞机时差反应)P15 A1 subway h) underground 地铁2 city centre k)downtown 市中心区3 carry-on baggage i) hand luggage 手提行李4 one way f)single 单程票5 return j) round trip 往返旅行6 freeway a)motorway 高速公路,快车道7 rest room c) public toilet 公共厕所8 elevator b)lift 电梯,升降机9 coach class e) economy class 经济舱10 timetable d) schedule 时刻表11 car park g) parking lot 停车场 BEReading1 mass market 大众市场 niche market 缝隙市场/利基市场2 a steep climb 急剧攀升3 stem from 来自,起源于(因为)4 mass unrest 大规模骚乱5 mid-flight 飞行途中6 be at fault 对某事负责7 cabin ventilation 客舱通风设备8 optimum 最适宜的 9 aviation fuel 航空燃料10 be in the front line 奋战在第一线的人11 stiffer penalty 更严厉的惩罚12 concession 让步P19 skillsExtension 分机Be engaged 太忙而不能接电话,繁忙/电话占线UNIT3P22A reserved parking space 专用车位Flying business class 商务舱Have fixed working hours 有固定的工作时间P23Subsidiary子公司Head office 总公司Call centre 呼叫中心Distribution centre 分配中心Warehouse仓库Branches/outlets分店分销店Bureaucratic 官僚主义的Bureaucracy 官僚主义Centralised 中央集权的Conservative 保守的Decentralised 权力下放Democratic民主的Hierarchical 等级制度的Hierarchic 等级制度Impersonal 没有人情味的Marketing-driven 以市场为导向Progressive 进步的革新的P24Cutting-edge 尖端的前沿的Key ingredients 关键要素Budget report 预算报告Eliminated all perks and status symbol 取消特权和身份符号Rigorous exam 严格的考试Time management时间管理,budgeting,people skill 人际交往Decentralising responsibility and authority 下方责任和权利Autonomy 自主性Accountability 责任感Performance benchmarks 评判的标准Rate=evaluateP25Measuring performance业绩测定Benchmarks 基准merge 兼并Unit4P31Bottom line 底线Reinvent 改造Discount store 折扣商店Speciality retailers 专门零售商Discounter 折扣Floor space 房屋面积,建坪Vendor 小贩Booth 售货棚,临时货摊Seducing 吸引Merchandise 商品;货物;Upgraded 升级Fitting room 试衣间Lounge area 休息区Computer kiosk 公用电脑亭Shopping carts 手推车Wholesalers 批发商Retailers 零售商Kiosk 小卖部P33 ADownsize 缩小Downgrade 降级Decentralise 权力下放Deregulate 解除管制;解除控制;Upgrade 提升Reorganise 重组Retrain 重新教育,再教育;Redevelop 重建,重新开发;Relaunch 重启relocate 迁移;重新安置;Restructure 重建;调整;重组;B1.It is now so expensive to rent offices in the city center that many companies are relocating to the suburbs.2.The company has recently had to downsize its workforce. Reducing the number of employees is the best way to stay profitable in the current economic climate.3.Excellent customer service is vital to keep up with the competition. The company has introduced new working practices and is retraining all part-time staff.4.The seating plan in our office has been reorganized to accommodate new staff.5. Our product hasn’t been selling well recently. The marketing team has decided to relaunch the product with a more up-to-date image.6. The company has noticed that too many decisions are made at head office. It is decentralizing the decision-making process so that branch managers are more involved at an earlier stage.7. The company has finalized the plans to redevelop the disused car park site. It is going to become a model in three-storey office block.8. The most successful change in Our company was the decision to restructure the company hierarchy. Now there is more opportunity for promotion.P35Open-plan-office 开放式办公室Hot-desking 办公桌轮用制Unit5毛利润Gross margin:diference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producting it经济衰退 recession: a period of time when business activity decreases because the economy is doing badly股份 shares: equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is divided欠款debt: money owed by one person or organisation to another person or organisation .股票市场 stock market: a place where company shares are bought and sold .投资 investment: money which people or organisations put into o business to make a profits每股收益 earings per share are a company's profits divided by the number of its shares预测 A forecast is a discription of what is likely to happen in the future . 破产 bankruptcy is when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts 利息 A dividend is a part of the profits of a company paid to the owner of shares 税前利润 Pre-tax profits are the money a business makes before payment to the goverment收入 Revenues are money which businesses receive selling goods and servicesIn our home markets it has been another excellent year. forecast for Pre-tax profits are up by £ 23 million, and the ____forecast_______ _____________ the next quarter is equally good. Profits from abroad are down because of a _____recession_______ recession in Japan. However, our performance overall has been good, and the __earnings per share__ have dividend will be increased to 4.3p increased to 26.4p and the _____dividend______ per share, which will pleaseour shareholders. We plan to issue new ___shares______ in order to finance expansion in Asia. We also plan to increase our __investment__ in plant and equipment before entering the Chinese market. We are particularly pleased with our performance in France and Germany where ___profits_______ have increased. As a result of using a new distributor, our costs fell, giving us a ________ gross margin_______ of 40 percent on our main product line. We will use any extra cash debt to reduce the level of our _debt______. Our performance in Italy should improve significantly following the _______ bankruptcy_____ of our biggest competitor. However, we should not become too satisfied with our share price as economic __revenues__ will continue to conditions remain uncertain and the __revenues_________ reflect this. Share prices will not rise in the short term.Unit8These days many applicants submit their(1)CV/resume speculatively to companies they would like to work for. In other words, they do not apply for an advertised job but hope the employer will be interested enough to keep their CV on file and contact them when they have a vacancy. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often fill in a/an (2)application form and write a/an (3)covering letter. The employer will then invite the best candidates to attend a/an(4)interview. Sometimes candidates will take a/an(5)psychometric test before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a/an(6)probationary period in a company. This is usually three or six month; after that they are offered a permanent post.Unit9书78页Barriers障碍 open borders开方便接 free port 自由港Developing industries 新兴行业 dumping 倾销 tariffs 关税Strategic industries 战略性行业 restrictions 限制Quotas 定额 laisser-faire 自由放任 liberalise 使自由Customs 海关 deregulation 解除管制 subsidise 补贴Regulations 监管市场 government intervention 政府干预。

【今日词汇】style [stail]n.风格, 作风, 体裁, 式样文体; 说话态度[语调]模样; 风采; 品格称呼, 称号历法铁笔; 铅笔; 雕刻刀; 唱针时髦(式样); 生活方式【植】花柱;【动】尾片; 节芒, 尾须; 产卵器【常用短语】a democratic style民主作风the epic style史诗体the Old S-(=Julian Calendar)西洋旧历the New S-(=Gregorian Calendar)新历(即现在通用的阳历)【习惯用语】come into style 变得时髦; 流行起来cramp sb.'s style 使某人觉得不自由, 妨碍某人high style (女人服装的)时髦式样, 新款式in style 别具风格地, 时髦地; 很成功地in the style of 仿...式like [as if] it's going out of style [fashion] [口](象过时的东西一样)不值钱; 毫不爱惜live in style 过豪华生活out of style 不时髦的, 不时新的put on style 摆架子, 妄自尊大set the style (合唱前的)示音; 起示范作用That's the style. [口](表示赞同)这正对路; 正是如此。
The style is the man. [谚]文如其人。
the [that] style of thing 那样的事, 说法, 做法, 事件【词性变化】word-activityvt.styled, styling设计;造型命名;称呼She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor.她的头发是在美容院做的。
【背句子记单词】A style depicting everyday life.描绘日常生活的一种绘画风格。

1. 时髦 (trendy) - 时尚世界的流行趋势和潮流。
2. 时尚博主 (fashion blogger) - 在社交媒体上分享时尚风格和建议的个人。
3. 个性 (individuality) - 表达自我独特风格的标志。
4. 潮流 (trend) - 当前流行的服饰或风格。
5. 休闲 (casual) - 舒适、随意和日常的服装风格。
6. 时髦达人 (fashionista) - 对时尚有深入了解并经常追随时尚潮流的人。
7. 设计师 (designer) - 创建高端时尚设计的专业人士。
8. 风格 (style) - 個人的时尚偏好和表达方式。
9. 时装秀 (fashion show) - 展示设计师最新作品的走秀活动。
10. 比基尼 (bikini) - 女性游泳装的一种。
11. 高定 (haute couture) - 高级定制时装的法国术语。
12. 摄影师 (photographer) - 擅长拍摄时尚照片的专业人士。
13. 混搭(mix and match) - 不同风格的服装和配饰组合在一起。
14. 可持续时尚 (sustainable fashion) - 更加环保和可持续的时尚理念。
15. 时尚品牌 (fashion brand) - 在时尚行业享有声誉的公司或产品。
16. 皮草 (fur) - 动物皮毛制成的衣物或配饰。
17. 时尚杂志 (fashion magazine) - 关于时尚行业的印刷媒体。
18. 时尚周 (fashion week) - 在全球主要城市举行的时尚盛会。
19. 时尚大片 (fashion editorial) - 高端时尚杂志中的时尚摄影作品。
20. 时髦灵感 (fashion inspiration) - 从不同渠道获得的时尚创意和想法。

Status-gap marriage(格差婚)指夫妻双方在收入、家庭条件、社会地位等方面相差悬殊的婚姻,多指女方“下嫁”的情况。
A "status-gap marriage" is one in which there is a clear gap in income, pedigree, social status, etc. between the husband and wife. The phrase usually refers to marriages in which a woman marries "beneath herself," such as the marriage between Japanese actress Norika Fujiwara and her husband, the lesser-known comedian Tomonori Jinnai. They ended in divorce in 2009.车轱辘话Hamster wheels are exercise toys used by hamsters and other rodents. Most of these toys are composed of a runged wheel held on a stand by a pair of stub axles. Hamster wheels allow rodents to run even when their space is confined.Hamster wheel(仓鼠转轮)是专供仓鼠及其他啮齿类小动物消遣的玩具。
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绝对是那本初一的《快乐暑假》是吧?公平、公开just, fair and open好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster黄金时段prime time假唱lip-synch劲射power shot拉拉队cheering squad来电显示电话机caller ID telephone论文答辩(thesis) oral defense泡沫经济bubble economy票贩子scalper, ticket tout拳头产品competitive products; knockout products; blockbuster三角恋爱love triangle三维动画片three-dimensional animation"扫黄打非" eliminate pornography and illegal publications申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 市场疲软sluggish market素质教育education for all-around development筒子楼:tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 网吧Internet bar网恋online love affair网上冲浪surf the Internet网上交易平台online trading platform网友net friend无人售票self-service ticketing无绳来电显示电话cordless telephone with caller ID无线应用协议WAP (wireless application protocol )下岗laid-off workers下海plunge into the commercial sea下网off line小康之家well-off family; comfortably-off family新秀up-and-coming star, rising star新新人类New Human Being ;X Generation信息港inforport形象小姐/ 先生image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网virtual net学生处students' affairs division研究生毕业证/ 学位证graduate diploma/graudate degree's diploma摇钱树cash cow以人为本people oriented; people foremost义务教育compulsory education易拉罐pop can应试教育examination-oriented education system舆论导向direction of public opinion运球dribble在职博士生on-job doctorate早恋puppy love招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office证券营业部stock exchange; security exchange知识产权intellectual property rights中专生secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱mainstay, chief corner stone专卖店exclusive agency; franchised store自我保护意识self-protection awareness综合国力comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网integrated service digital network (ISDN)总裁助理assistant president综合治理comprehensive treatment安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents信息化information-based; informationization智力密集型concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerrybuilt projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation民族国家nation state** "independence of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan authorities台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. 西部大开发Development of the West Regions可持续性发展sustainable development风险投资risk investment通货紧缩deflation扩大内需to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction (CAI)网络空间cyberspace虚拟现实virtual reality网民netizen (net citizen)电脑犯罪computer crime电子商务the e-business网上购物shopping online应试教育exam-oriented education学生减负to reduce study load1. 山寨copycatting“山寨”是依靠抄袭、模仿、恶搞等手段发展壮大起来,反权威、反主流且带有狂欢性、解构性、反智性以及后现代表征的亚文化的大众文化现象。
This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds ofbandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolvedto refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies。
2. 囧be sunk/sunken网义:郁闷、悲伤、无奈、无语等等,示意很好很强大,指处境困迫,喻尴尬,为难。
This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced jiong. It means"light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to expressembarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it looklike a disappointed face?3. 很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violent网络流行语,语出2007年12月27日CCTV新闻联播一则关于净化网络视听的新闻里,一个名叫张殊凡的小学生接受央视记者采访时说道:“上次我上网查资料,突然弹出来一个网页,很黄很暴力,我赶紧把它给关了。
”During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation,a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up onher computer.She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Somebelieve the girlwas told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mockthe way thenetwork covers news。
4. 槑nuts网络热词,音同“梅”,字由二呆组成,故成为形容人比呆还呆的意思。
Pronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". Butitalso looks like a double version of the character 呆(dai),which meansstupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or verystupid"。
5. 叉腰肌Psoas muscle叉腰肌即髂腰肌8月17日8时30分,中国女足在香河基地进行了奥运会的赛后总结。
Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association,once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoasmuscles.(This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it'simportantfor motion。