
表1 面板说明
表 2 电源参数
表 3 一般规格
表 4 标准运行条件
表 5 运输/保存条件(包装条件下)

它带有一个通用处理器接口、EEPROM接口、10/100 PHY和16KB的SRAM (其中13KB用来接收FIFO,3KB用来发送FIFO)。
DM9000支持MII(Media Independent Interface 介质无关)接口,可以连接到HPNA(Home Phone-line Networking Alliance)即家用电话网络联盟的设备上。
它支持8各类CPU,还有IEEE 802.3x全双工流量控制。

DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.DM9000AEthernet Controllerwith General Processor InterfaceDATA SHEET(中文数据手册)PreliminaryVersion: DM9000A-DS-P03Apr. 21, 2005目录1. 概述 (5)2. 模块图 (5)3. 特性 (5)4. 引脚配置 (6)4.1(16位模式) (6)4.2(8位模式) (7)5. 引脚描述 (7)5.1处理器接口 (7)5.1.1 8位模式引脚 (8)5.2 EEPROM接口 (8)5.3时钟引脚 (9)5.4 LED接口 (9)5.5 10/100 PHY/Fiber (9)5.6其他 (10)5.7电源引脚 (10)5.8捆绑引脚列表(Strap pins table) (10)6. 控制和状态寄存器列表 (10)6.1网络控制寄存器(NCR) (12)6.2网络状态寄存器(NSR) (13)6.3发送控制寄存器(TCR) (13)6.4数据包1发送状态寄存器1(TSR I) (13)6.5数据包2发送状态寄存器2(TSR II) (14)6.6接收控制寄存器(RCR) (14)6.7接收状态寄存器(RSR) (15)6.8接收溢出计数寄存器(ROCR) (15)6.9背压阈值寄存器(BPTR) (15)6.10流控制阈值寄存器(FCTR) (16)6.11接收/发送流控制寄存器(RTFCR) (16)6.12 EEPROM与PHY控制寄存器(EPCR) (17)6.13 EEPROM与PHY地址寄存器(EPAR) (17)6.14 EEPROM与PHY数据寄存器(EPDRL/EPDRH) (18)6.15唤醒控制寄存器(WCR) (18)6.16物理地址(MAC)寄存器(PAR) (18)6.17多播地址寄存器(MAR) (19)6.18通用目的控制寄存器(GPCR) (19)6.19通用目的寄存器(GPR) (19)6.20 TX SRAM读指针地址寄存器(TRPAL/TRPAH) (20)6.21 RX SRAM写指针地址寄存器(RWPAL/RWPAH) (20)6.22厂家ID寄存器(VID) (20)6.23产品ID寄存器(PID) (20)6.24芯片版本寄存器(CHIPR) (20)6.25发送控制寄存器2(TCR2) (20)6.26操作测试控制寄存器(OCR) (21)6.27特殊模式控制寄存器(SMCR) (21)6.28即将发送控制/状态寄存器(ETXCSR) (22)6.29校验和控制寄存器(TCSCR) (22)6.30接收校验和控制状态寄存器(RCSCSR) (22)6.31内存数据预取读命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MRCMDX) (23)6.32内存数据读命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MRCMDX1) (23)6.33内存数据读命令寄存器(地址加1)(MRCMD) (23)6.34内存数据读地址寄存器(MRRL/ MRRH) (23)6.35内存数据写命令寄存器(地址不加1)(MWCMDX) (23)6.36内存数据写命令寄存器(地址加1)(MWCMD) (24)6.37内存数据写地址寄存器(MWRL/ MWRH) (24)6.38发送数据包长度寄存器(TXPLL/TXPLH) (24)6.39中断状态寄存器(ISR) (24)6.40中断屏蔽寄存器(IMR) (24)7.EEPROM格式 (25)8.PHY寄存器描述 (26)8.1基本模式控制寄存器(BMCR) (27)8.2基本模式状态寄存器(BMSR) (28)8.3 PHY ID标识符寄存器#1(PHYID1) (29)8.4 PHY ID标识符寄存器#2(PHYID1) (29)8.5自动协商通知寄存器(ANAR) (30)8.6自动协商连接对象寄存器(ANLPAR) (31)8.7自动协商扩展寄存器(ANER) (32)8.8 DAVICOM指定配置寄存器(DSCR) (33)8.9 DAVICOM指定配置和状态寄存器(DSCSR) (34)8.10 10BASE-T配置/状态(10BTCSR) (36)8.11掉电控制寄存器(PWDOR) (36)8.12指定配置寄存器(SCR) (37)9. 功能描述 (38)9.1 主机接口(HI) (38)9.2 直接内存访问控制(DMAC) (38)9.3 数据包发送(PT) (38)9.4 数据包接收(PR) (38)9.5 100Base-TX操作 (39)9.5.1 4B5B编码器 (39)9.5.2扰频器(Scrambler) (39)9.5.3 并--串转换 (39)9.5.4 NRZ码到NRZI码转换 (39)9.5.5 NRZI码到MLT-3码转换 (39)9.5.6 MLT-3驱动 (39)9.5.7 4B5B编码 (40)9.6 100Base-TX接收器 (40)9.6.1 信号检测 (41)9.6.2 自适应补偿 (41)9.6.3 MLT-3到NRZI解码 (41)9.6.4 时钟复原模块 (41)9.6.5 NRZI 到NRZ (41)9.6.6 串-并转换 (41)9.6.7 扰频器 (41)9.6.8 编码组对齐模块 (41)9.6.9 4B5B解码 (42)9.7 10Base-T操作 (42)9.8 冲突检测 (42)9.9 载波检测 (42)9.10 自动协商 (42)9.11 省电模式 (42)9.11.1 掉电模式 (43)9.11.2 降低发送损耗模式 (43)10 DC与AC电器特性 (43)10.1 最大绝对额定值 (43)10.1.1 工作条件 (43)10.2 DC电器特性(VDD=3.3V) (44)10.3 AC电器特性与时序 (44)10.3.1 TP接口 (44)10.3.2 晶振/振荡时钟 (44)10.3.3 I/O读时序 (45)10.3.4 I/O写时序 (45)10.3.5 EEPROM接口时序 (46)11应用说明 (46)11.1网络接口信号接线 (46)11.2 10Base-T/100Base-TX自动MDIX应用 (47)11.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX无自动MDIX变压器应用 (47)11.4电源退偶电容 (47)11.5地平面布局 (48)11.6电源平面分割 (49)11.7铁氧体磁珠选择指导 (50)11.8晶振选择指导 (50)12封装信息 (50)13订购信息 (52)DM9000A翻译人:许建华、刘煜、程志成2009-9-1版权:翻译版权归作者三方所有,不得随意传播。
ZSPM9000Al1R中文资料(ZMDI)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」


支持处理器读写内部存储器的数据操作命令以字节/字/双字的长度进行 集成 10/100M 自适应收发器 支持介质无关接口 支持背压模式半双工流量控制模式 IEEE802.3x 流量控制的全双工模式 支持唤醒帧,链路状态改变和远程的唤醒 4K 双字 SRAM 支持自动加载 EEPROM 里面生产商 ID 和产品 ID 支持 4 个通用输入输出口 超低功耗模式 功率降低模式 电源故障模式 可选择 1:1 YL18-2050S,YT37-1107S 或 5:4 变压比例的变压器降低格外功率 兼容 3.3v 和 5.0v 输入输出电压 100 脚 CMOS LQFP 封装工艺
3:ALL:忽略所有多点传送。 2:RUNT:忽略不完整的数据包。 1:PRMSC:混杂模式(Promiscuous Mode) 0:RXEN:接收使能。 RSR(06H):接收状态寄存器(RX Status Register ) 7:RF:不完整数据帧。该位置位表示接收到小于 64 字节的帧。 6:MF:多点传送帧。该位置位表示接收到帧包含多点传送地址。 5:LCS:冲突延迟。该位置位表示在帧接收过程中发生冲突延迟。 4:RWTO:接收看门狗定时溢出。该位置位表示接收到大于 2048 字节数据帧。 3:PLE:物理层错误。该位置位表示在帧接收过程中发生物理层错误。 2:AE:对齐错误(Alignment)。该位置位表示接收到的帧结尾处不是字节对齐,即不是以 字节为边界对齐。
该 DM9000 是一款完全集成的和符合成本效益单芯片快速以太网 MAC 控制器与一般处理 接口,一个 10/100M 自适应的 PHY 和 4K DWORD 值的 SRAM 。它的目的是在低功耗和高性 能进程的 3.3V 与 5V 的支持宽容。

Dm9000调试备忘平台:mips alchemy db1250 500Mhz, 128M DDR2Dm9000 block diagram:Internal SRAM 总共16K bytes,分为13K 的Rx buffer 和 3K 的Tx buffer。
调试环境:备用常识:7 layers of OSI Model: 4 layers of TCP/IP Model:RFC793 TCP Frame Format:RFC791 IP Header format:Ether II frame format (802.3)1 byte Sequence 4 byes网卡的工作原理:很多人都说网卡工作在OSI模型的最后两层,其实并不是特别合理,OSI模型只是抽象的对数据传输进行层次划分,和硬件没有直接联系。
MII:PHY和MAC直接的接口MII(Media Independed Interfade)由IEEE802.3定义,其作用是将不同的PHY以相同的MAC连接,以简化上层设计,MII其实是一种通用总线,使用4跟线传输数据。
发送过程:将MAC发过来的并行数据转换为串行流数据,并且每4个bit增加一个校验码,再按照802.3规定的格式(进行10base-T NRZ或者100base-T的曼切斯特编码)编码。
MAC:Media Access Control。
由IEEE802.3定义,dm9000的MAC除了包括框图中的Rx/Tx Machine 以外还包括Flow control,MII management等。

主机接口只有两个寻址口(addressing port),一个是索引口(index Port),另一个是数据口(data port)。
接下来的13K 字节用作接收包的缓冲区。
类似的,在读存储器操作时,当IMR 的第七位置一时,如果存储器地址增量到达接收缓冲区的末尾(16K)时将强置为0x0C00。
9.3数据包传输有两个传输包,依次是INDEX I和INDEX II,可以被同时保存到发送SRAM中。
传输的起始地址是00H,软件复位或者硬件复位后,当前包是INDEX I。
首先使用DMA 口写数据到TX SRAM,然后写字节数到的字节数寄存器,即发送包长度寄存器(0FCH/0FDH)。

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持设备)使用同一保险丝和保护开关,一旦机器发生故障,或产生过流,或者开机时瞬间的 冲击电流,可能导致跳闸。
第 1 章 整机概述 ..............................................................................................................1-1 1.1 综述 ...........................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 外观 ...........................................................................................................................1-2 1.3 硬件原理说明..............................................................................................................1-4 1.4 软件原理说明............................................................................................................1-12 第 2 章 系统框图及系统原理描述 .....................................................................................2-1 2.1 综述 ............................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 参数功能与原理 ..........................................................................................................2-1 第 3 章 板件电原理框图、原理图及原理描述 ...................................................................3-1 3.1 系统检测.....................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 各参数的检验和校准 ...................................................................................................3-3 第 4 章 板件调整 ..............................................................................................................4-1 4.1 机器各部件的拆卸图 ...................................................................................................4-1 4.2 故障排除指南..............................................................................................................4-3 第 5 章 机器内部连线及插座脚定义 .................................................................................5-1 5.1 仪器装箱检查..............................................................................................................5-1 5.2 通电准备.....................................................................................................................5-1 5.3 接通电源.....................................................................................................................5-1 5.4 其他注意事项..............................................................................................................5-1 第 6 章 部件更换拆卸、装配方法 .....................................................................................6-1 6.1 基本操作指南..............................................................................................................6-1 6.2 监护仪使用 .................................................................................................................6-2 第 7 章 故障处理 ..............................................................................................................7-1 7.1 清洁 ............................................................................................................................7-1 7.2 杀菌 ............................................................................................................................7-1 7.3 消毒 ............................................................................................................................7-2 第 8 章 错误信息、故障代码及处理流程 ..........................................................................8-1
Agilent N4900系列串行BERT数据手册说明书

N4906B Serial BERT Data SheetVersion 3.0New: Enhanced measurement suiteSerial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3The N4906B Serial BERTGeneralThe N4906B serial BERT is a general-purpose bit error ratio tester designed for testing high-speed digital communication components and systems. It is ideal for cost-effective manufacturing and tel-ecom device testing.It offers a 3.6 Gb/s or 12.5 Gb/s pattern generator and error detector with excellent price/perform-ance ratio.The 12.5 Gb/s error detector can be configured with CDR (option 102) to test clockless interfaces and with true differential inputs to test LVDS and other differential interfaces.The 3.6 Gb/s error detector is equipped with true differential inputs.The compact size of the N4906B saves rack space and LAN, USB and GPIB interfaces allow smooth integration into automated test environments. For bench users the N4906B serial BERT offers an intuitive user interface with a state-of-the-art Windows ® XP based color touch-screen.Available configurations for N4906B up to 3.6 Gb/s:N4906B option 003: 150 Mb/s to 3.6 Gb/s; differential analysisAvailable configurations for N4906B up to 12.5 Gb/s:N4906B option 012: 9.5 Gb/ to 12.5 Gb/sN4906B option 101: differential analysis, fast eye mask and enhanced measurement suite N4906B option 102: extension to full frequen- cy range 150 Mb/s to 12.5 Gb/s & clock data recoveryKey values & benefits150 Mb/s to 3.6 Gb/s (option 003) or9.5 Gb/s to 12.5 Gb/s (option 012) pattern generator and error detector (option 102: 150 Mb/s - 12.5 Gb/s)Fast eye mask measurement for pass/fail test- ing (option 101)< 50 mV pp input sensitivityFast bit synchronization on bursted pattern Intuitive user interface, state-of-the-art Windows XP color touch screenSmall form factor to save bench and rack space Compatibility with existing remote commands, e.g. Agilent 71612, 86130A series and N4900 series••••••••••••Pattern generatorPattern generation for PRBS or memory based patternsPre-defined for sonet/SDH frames and patterns for 10 GbEFlexible levels addressing a broad range of technologies, e.g. ECL, PECL (3.3 V), LVDS, CML< 25 ps (10%-90%) transition times for option 012< 50 ps (10%-90%) transition times for option 003 using N4915A-001 transition time con-verterError detectorBER measurementsAutomatic threshold alignmentAutomatic sampling point alignment Automatic data polarity alignment G. 821 measurementMeasurement featuresBit error ratio (BER)Fast eye mask measurement including pass/fail (option 101)BERT scan (option 101)Fast total jitter (option 101)Spectral jitter decomposition (option 101)Eye contour (option 101)Output level (option 101)Error location capture (option 101)••••••••••••••••••Key characteristics:Excellent price/performance ratio Data rate up to 3.6 Gb/s or 12.5 Gb/s <50 mV pp input sensitivityEnhanced measurement suite (option 101)Small form factorLAN, GPIB and USB for remote control Color touch screen, Windows XP•••••••3Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3User Interface/Remote ControlThe time needed to set up a measurement is mini-mized based on intuitive and easy-to-learn inter-faces.By utilizing network capabilities, the N4906B serial BERT is remote controllable via LAN, GPIB andUSB interface. Test executives can control the sys-tem by using Agilent TestExec or Vee, Microsoft® Excel or Visual Basic and National Instruments’LabVIEW.The serial BERT N4906B user interface is easily fit-ted to manufacturing testing applications. In addi-tion, the fast eye mask measurement (option 101) guarantees an immediate return on investment.The user interface provides the following functions:• P attern generator setup • E rror analyzer/ dectector setup • P attern editor • B ER result, G. 821 result • E nhanced measurement suite (option 101)Figure 1: Pattern generator setupFigure 2: Pattern editorThe pattern editor allows to enter user-specificdata or select pre-defined test or PRBS patterns.The pattern generator screen allows simple access to timing & level parameters, as seen above.4The sampling point setup allows simple access to sampling point position dependent on timing and voltage threshold.Figure 4: Fast eye mask measurementFigure 3: Error detector setupThe fast eye mask measurement screen shows the results for up to 32 pre-defined test points. This measurement is ideal for fast pass/fail testing in manufacturing. (option 101 only).Enhanced Measurement Suite (option 101)Figure 5: BERT scan including RJ/DJ speparation and total jitter The BERT scan is used to measure the timing and jitter behavior of the output signal of a device under test (DUT). It measures the bit error ratio (BER) versus the sampling point delay. The result can be displayed as a so-called”bathtub” curve or as a his-togram. A table shows the measured total jitter and the separation into random jitter and deterministic jitter components. The measurement method is equivalent to the IEEE 802.3ae method.Figure 6: Fast total jitter measurement for quick and accurate total jitter measurementsThe fast total jitter measurement method provides fast and feasible total jitter measurements, around 40 times faster than a common BERT scan but with comparable confi dence level. Instead of compar-ing bits until the BER reaches a defi ned numberof bits or a defi ned number of errors, it only com-pares bits until it can decide with a 95% confi dence level whether the actual BER is above or below the desired BER.Figure 7: Spectral jitter decomposition for debugging the jitter sources in a designThe spectral jitter measurement provides a method for investigating the spectrum of the jitter in terms of its power distribution over frequency. Determin-istic jitter can be caused by repetitive data pat-terns. It can also be caused by internal or external periodic effects. The spectral jitter measurement detects even small periodic components that may be hidden in a high level of random noise. It shows the frequencies of such components and measures their contribution to the total jitter. This helps to identify jitter sources and to reduce or eliminate their influence.Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3 5Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.36Figure 8: Eye contour with colors indicating the BER level The eye contour measurement generates a three-di-mensional bit error rate (BER) diagram as a func-tion of the sample delay and the sample threshold. With this measurement, the complete eye of the DUT output signal is measured. The results com-prise the voltage and timing of the eye opening and the BER level. Different result views are available: eye contour, pseudo colors and equal BER plots.Figure 9: Error location capture indicates the position of errored bitsThe error location capture measurement allows capturing the actual position of errored bits in a memory-based pattern. The instrument searches for the fi rst bit errored in the incoming bit stream and marks it in the pattern. The address of the errored bits can be displayed after the error is located. This feature can be used to fi nd rare or random errors. A DUT could have problems handling long series of zeroes. Error location capture can be used to locatethe bit errors in such cases.Figure 10: Output level measurementThe output level measurement allows to character-ize the behavior of the output levels of a device under test (DUT). The sampling delay is fi xed. The error detector’s decision threshold is automatically swept within a user-defi ned range. A direct result is the determination of the optimum decision thresh-old level for receiving data from the DUT with maxi-mum confi dence. Three result views are available: Q-factor, BER vs. threshold, and dB histogram vs. threshold.Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3 7The pattern generator generates hardware-basedPRBS up to 231-1 and user defined patterns. It provides a memory depth of 32 Mbit. Pattern format is compatible within the N4900 series. Therefore user defined patterns can be trans-ferred across the N4900 serial BERT series.Features:Differential outputs Adjustable output Amplitude and levelsClock/data relative delay adjustment Adjustable crossing pointOutput blanking (burst mode)Error insertion Trigger outputAlternating pattern•••••••••Figure 11: Front view of pattern generatorWaveform example for differential data outputData OutputFigure 12: Output signal at 50% crossing point and 12.5 Gb/s(option 012)Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3Figure 13: Block diagram for the clock sectionThe clock of the N4906B provides three different operation modes:Internal clockExternal clock signal to CLK IN.10 MHz reference signal to 10 MHz REF IN: in this mode the internal clock is derived from the applied 10 MHz reference signal.•••Clock input and 10 MHz reference input1) 150 MHz to 3.6 GHz external clock, 620 MHz to 3.6 GHz internal clock.2) O nly in combination with option 012.3) 150 MHz to 12.5 GHz external clock, 620 Mb/s to 12.5 Gb/s internal clock.4) U nused outputs must be terminated with 50 Ω to G ND.5) O nly option 012 at 10 Gb/s.6) F or positive termination voltage or termination to G ND, external termination voltage must be less than 3 V below VOH. For negative termination volt-age, external termination voltage must be less than 2 V below VOH. External termination voltage must be less t han 3 V above VOL.7) 10 GHz @ 10 kHz offset, 1Hz bandwidth.8) R ecommended for option 003.8Figure 15: Level sensitiveFigure 16: Output blankingSerial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.39Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3PatternsPatterns are used as stimulus data on the genera-tor as well as expected data on the error detector. These patterns can be setup commonly for the gen-erator and error detector or independently.User-programmable test patternsUser defined patterns are available with variable length from 1 bit to 33,554,432 bits (32 Mbit).Alternate test patternSwitch between two equal length userprogrammable patterns, each up to 16,777,216 bits (16 Mbit). Switching is possible by using a front panel key, GPIB or the auxiliary input port. Changeover is synchronous with the end of the pattern. The length of the alternating patterns should be a multiple of 512 bits. Two methods of controlling pattern changeover are available: one-shot and alternate.PRBS (HW generated)231 - 1 Polynomial: x 31 + x 28 + 1 = 0(inverted)223 - 1 Polynomial: x 23 + x 18 + 1 = 0 (inverted) (ITU-T O.151)215 - 1 Polynomial: x 15 + x 14 + 1 = 0 (inverted) (ITU-T O.151)211 - 1 Polynomial: x 11 + x 9 + 1 = 0 (inverted) (ITU-T O.152)210 - 1 Polynomial: x 10 + x 7 + 1 = 0 (inverted)27 - 1 Polynomial: x 7 + x 6 + 1 = 0 (inverted) (ITU-T V.29)Zero substitutionZeros can be substituted for data to extend the longest run of zeros in the patterns below. The longest run can be extended to the pattern length -1. The bit following the substituted zeros is set to 1.Variable mark densityThe ratio of ones to total bits in the patterns below can be set to 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 7/8.Available test patterns for zero and variables:• 8388608 bits based on 223 PRBS • 32768 bits based on 215 PRBS • 8192 bits based on 213 PRBS • 2048 bits based on 211 PRBS • 1024 bits based on 210 PRBS • 128 bits based on 27 PRBS••••••10Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3Figure 17: Front view error detectorThe error detector compares each individual bitagainst the expected data (deterministic data or data pattern) in real time. The incoming bits must be periodic.Features:Data input: normal / invertedDifferential data inputs (option 101 or 103)Variable clock / data sampling delay Clock / data auto-alignment0/1 decision threshold auto-alignment Clock data recovery (CDR) for selected Frequency ranges or ext. clock (option 102)Data input•••••••The CDR works with specified PRBS patterns up to 231-1. The CDR expects a DC balanced pattern. The CDR expects a transition density of one transition for every second bit.11Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V3This provides an electrical signal to indicate received errors. The output is the logical ‘OR’ of errors in a 128-bit segment of the data.Gating inputIf a logical high is applied to the gate input the analyzer will ignore incoming bits during a BER measurement. The ignored bit sequence is a multi-ple of 512 bits.For measuring data in bursts of bits, rather than one continuous stream of bits, a special operating mode is used. This is the burst sync mode. In this case, the signal at the gating input controls the timing of synchronization and error counting for each burst. This is an important feature for recir-culation loop measurements.If the clock data recovery (CDR) is used to recover the clock out of the burst data, the CDR needs the first bits of the burst data to settle. The number of bits the systems needs to synchronize itself during a burst depends on wether the pattern consists of hardware based PRBS data or memory based data. To run properly in burst mode the system requires a backlash of data after the gate input returned to high. During each burst the gate input has to remain passive for a certain time.Figure 18: Burst mode12Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V3Automatic AlignmentAutomatic threshold (0/1 threshold center)The error detector centers the 0/1 threshold level automatically. If singled ended measurements are done, the error detector is able to continuously track the mean DC level of the input signal and adjust the threshold accordingly. The adjustment interval is 100 ms. The tracking is limited to a 2 V window selected by the user.Figure 21: Automatic 0/1 threshold center searchFigure 20: Clock-data sampling point searchFigure 19: Automatic center13Serial BERT N4906B, Data Sheet V.3Order InstructionsN4906B-003Serial BERT 3.6 Gb/s;pattern generator & error detector with differential analysis; 4 x 50 Ω terminations; 6x 2.4 mm to 3.5 mm APC adapter; no cables included N4906B-012 Serial BERT 12.5 Gb/s;pattern generator & error detector; 4 x 50 Ω terminations;6x 2.4 mm to 3.5 mm APC adapter; no cables includedN4906B-101Differential analysis, fast eye mask and enhanced measurement suite (only applicable with N4906B-012, no retrofit)N4906B-102Extension to full frequency range 150 Mb/s - 12.5 Gb/s + clock data recovery (only applicable with N4906B-012, no retrofit)Calibration/test data:N4901B-UK6Commercial calibration with test dataAccessories:N4910A Cable kit: 2.4mm matched cable pair N4911A-002 Adapter 3.5mm female to 2.4 mm male N4912A 2.4mm, 50 Ω termination, male N4915A-001 47 ps transition time converter 7.49 GHz; recommended for N4916B-003 (single-ended meas- urements: 2x N4915A-001, differ- ential measurements: 4x N4915A-001)N4914A-FG Rack mount kitWarranty:R1280A 1 year Return-to-Agilent is included with every serial BERT N4906B.Calibration:R1282ACalibration plans are available to order for 3 years; calibration inter-val 12 month.Productivity Assistance:R1380-N49XXRemote productivity assistance or on-site productivity assistance.Mainframe CharacteristicsDisplay8” color LCD touchscreenData entryColor touch-screen display, numeric keypad with up/down arrows, dial-knob control or external key-board and mouse via USB interfaceHard diskFor local storage of user patterns and data. External disk via USB interface also available.Removable storageFloppy disk drive 1.44 MBInterfacesGPIB (IEEE 488), LAN, parallel printer port, VGA out-put, 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 1.1 portsOnline helpFor comprehensive software supportI/O librariesI/O libraries to control the N4906B via LAN, USBand GPIB are included.Specification assumptionsThe specifications in this brochure describe the instrument’s warranted performance. Non-war-ranted values are stated as typical.All specifications are valid in a range from 5°C to 40°C ambient temperature after a 30 minute warm-up phase. If not otherwise stated, all inputs and outputs need to be terminated with 50 Ohms to ground. All specifications, if not otherwise stated, are valid using the recommended N4910A cable set (24 mm, 24” matched pair).14For more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusPhone or FaxUnited States:(tel) 800 829 4444(fax) 800 829 4433Canada:(tel) 877 894 4414(fax) 800 746 4866China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 800 820 2816Europe:(tel) 31 20 547 2111Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Korea:(tel) (080) 769 0800 (fax) (080)769 0900Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500Taiwan:(tel) 0800 047 866 (fax) 0800 286 331Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 6375 8100 (fax) (65) 6755 0042Email:*****************Revised: 09/14/06Product specifications anddescriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007,2005Printed in USA, May 23rd 20075989-2406ENFor more information, please visit us at:Related Agilent Literature Pub.No.J-BERT N4903A 5989-2899EN Data sheet86100 Inifniium DCA-J 5989-0278EN Data sheetAgilent Physical 5988-9514EN Layer Test Brochure ParBERT 81250 5968-9188EProduct OverviewFast Total Jitter 5989-3151EN Solution, Application Note3.125 Gb/s Serial BERT 5989-4752EN Data SheetFor more information, please visit us at Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.For the latest version of this document, please visit our website at/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select./find/agilentdirect Quickly choose and use your test equip-ment solutions with confidence./find/openAgilent Open simplifies the process of connecting and programming test systems to help engineers design, validate and manufacture electronicproducts. Agilent offers open connectivity for a broad range of system-ready instru-ments, open industry software, PC-stand-ard I/O and globalsupport, which are combined to more eas-ily integrate test system development.Remove all doubtOur repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you, performing like new, when promised. You will get full value out of your Agilent equipment throughout its lifetime. Your equipment will be serviced by Agilent-trained techni-cians using the latest factory calibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will always have the utmost confi dence in your measure-ments. Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services for your equipment, including ini-tial start-up assistance onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, and project management.For more information on repair and calibration services, go to:/find/removealldoubt/find/N4900_series /find/N4900_series。

Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools 汽车数字诊断专用工具系列汽车数字诊断工具箱技术手册北京爱德盛业科技有限公司ADD3500无线汽车异响探测仪汽车数字诊断工具箱ADD9000Automotive Digital Diagnostics Tools Kits目录一、汽车传感器模拟测试仪 (3)二、汽车专用万用表ADD51 (20)三、汽车专用红外测温仪 (23)四、汽车短路/断路检测仪ADD330 (36)五、汽车数字钳表 (44)六、汽车电解液/冷却液/检测仪ADD501 (49)七、空调专用数字温度计 (51)八、数字式激光转速表使用说明书 0九、数显测试电笔 (2)十、万用测试线 (4)一、汽车传感器模拟测试仪一.安全指引..................................................................................................................................3 二.重要提示..................................................................................................................................3 三.目测检查:..............................................................................................................................4 四.技术指标..................................................................................................................................4 五.仪器操作.. (11)一.安全指引z 戴上安全防护眼镜、 穿上安全工作服、不要带手饰和留长头发。

BL0940 datasheetBL0940免校准计量芯片数据手册版本更新说明目录版本更新说明 (2)1产品简述 (5)1.1功能简介 (5)1.2主要特点 (5)1.3系统框图 (6)1.4封装与管脚描述 (7)1.5寄存器列表 (8)1.6特殊寄存器说明 (9)1.6.1用户模式选择寄存器 (9)1.6.2温度模式控制寄存器 (10)1.7性能指标 (11)1.7.1电参数性能 (11)1.7.2极限范围 (12)2功能描述 (13)2.1电流电压瞬态波形计量 (13)2.2有功功率 (14)2.3有功功率偏置校准 (14)2.4有功功率的防潜动 (15)2.5电能计量 (16)2.6电流电压有效值 (17)2.7电流电压有效值偏置校准 (18)2.8过流检测 (18)2.9相角计算 (20)2.10过零检测 (21)2.11温度计量 (22)3通讯接口 (24)3.1SPI (24)3.1.1工作模式 (24)3.1.2帧结构 (25)3.1.3写入操作时序 (25)3.1.4读出操作时序 (26)3.1.5SPI接口的容错机制 (26)3.2UART (27)3.2.1概述 (27)3.2.2描述 (27)3.2.3每个字节格式 (27)3.2.4写入时序 (27)3.2.5读取时序 (28)3.2.6数据包发送模式 (29)3.2.7UART接口的保护机制 (30)4封装 (30)1产品简述1.1功能简介BL0940是一颗内置时钟免校准电能计量芯片,适用于单相多功能电能表、智能插座、智能家电、电动自行车充电桩等应用,具有较高的性价比。
BL0940集成了2路高精度Sigma-Delta ADC,参考电压,电源管理等模拟电路模块,以及处理有功功率、电流电压有效值等电参数的数字信号处理电路。

dm9000初始化过程2009-05-07 15:01drivers/dm9000x.c eth_init()函数这里的初始化并不复杂,首先对dm9000进行复位 static void dm9000_reset(void) { DM9000_DBG("resetting\n"); DM9000_iow(DM9000_NCR, NCR_RST); udelay(1000); /* delay 1ms */ } 这里将NRC寄存器的第0位置1,之后要保持至少20us的延时。
int dm9000_probe(void) { u32 id_val; id_val = DM9000_ior(DM9000_VIDL);id_val |= DM9000_ior(DM9000_VIDH) << 8; id_val |= DM9000_ior(DM9000_PIDL) << 16; id_val |= DM9000_ior(DM9000_PIDH) << 24; if (id_val == DM9000_ID) { printf("dm9000 i/o: 0x%x, id: 0x%x \n", CONFIG_DM9000_BASE, id_val); return 0; } else { printf("dm9000 not found at 0x%08x id: 0x%08x\n", CONFIG_DM9000_BASE, id_val); return -1; } } 复位结束后到网卡的vendor ID 寄存器和product ID寄存器读取id,检测此网卡是否是dm9000。
static void identify_nic(void) { struct board_info *db = &dmfe_info; /* Point a board information structure */ u16 phy_reg3; DM9000_iow(DM9000_NCR,NCR_EXT_PHY); phy_reg3 = phy_read(3); switch (phy_reg3 & 0xfff0) { case 0xb900: if (phy_read(31) == 0x4404) { db->nic_type = HOMERUN_NIC; program_dm9801(phy_reg3); DM9000_DBG("found homerun NIC\n"); } else { db->nic_type = LONGRUN_NIC; DM9000_DBG("found longrun NIC\n"); program_dm9802(); } break; default: db->nic_type = FASTETHER_NIC; break; } DM9000_iow(DM9000_NCR, 0); } 接着是检测网卡类型,是FASTETHER, HOMERUN 或LONGRUN类型。

Although this unit is designed with a high degree of immunity to ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI), proper installation and wiring methods must be followed to ensure compatibility in each application. The type of the electrical noise, source or coupling method into the unit may be different for various installations. In extremely high EMI environments, additional measures may be needed. Cable length, routing and shield termination are very important and can mean the difference between a successful or a troublesome installation. Listed below are some EMC guidelines for successful installation in an industrial environment. 1. Use shielded (screened) cables for all Signal and Control inputs. The shield (screen) pigtail connection should be made as short as possible. The connection point for the shield depends somewhat upon the application. Listed below are the recommended methods of connecting the shield, in order of their effectiveness. a. Connect the shield only at the panel where the unit is mounted to earth ground (protective earth). b. Connect the shield to earth ground at both ends of the cable, usually when the noise source frequency is above 1 MHz. c. Connect the shield to common of the unit and leave the other end of the shield unconnected and insulated from earth ground. 2. Never run Signal or Control cables in the same conduit or raceway with AC power lines, conductors feeding motors, solenoids, SCR controls, and heaters, etc. The cables should be run in metal conduit that is properly

如下图所示:电源和测试接口VDD/GND/AGND/BGGND/TEST与处理器接口控制接口:IOR(读信号)/IOW(写信号)/CMD(数据/地址选择信号)/CS(片选信号)/PWRST (复位线)/INT(中断线)数据接口:SD0-SD15(16位)与93c46接口EEDCS(片选线)、EEDCK(时钟线)、EEDIO(通讯线)晶振接口X1/X2与网络变压器接口RX+/RX-/TX+/TX-/BGRES/AVDD25/SD/LED1/LED2配置接口管脚复用,EECS(EEDCS)/EECK(EEDCK)/GP61.2硬件配置DM9000A的访问时序可以通过管脚和EPROM配置。
EPROM 中的信息可以在上电时自动读取,自动修改MAC寄存器,也可以通过MAC寄存器中EPDRL、EPDRH读取,内容如下图所示:为了统一接口,除了0-5字节MAC地址采用地址分配规则另行规定,6-15字节强制为:45 54 46 0A 00 90 E7 01 80 C1统一接口16位工作模式CS低电平使能IOR低电平使能IOW低电平使能INT高电平使能RST低电平使能显示灯采用LED1模式1.3布板规范RJ45、网络变压器、以太网接口芯片要尽量近,对于DM9000A来说,网络变压器和以太网接口芯片之间不要超过20mm,但是RTL8139要宽松很多,不超过10-12cm。

手册编号制造日期手册版本3ª版本日期 2005年1月目录1. 序言. . . . . . . . . . .32. 使用说明和技术参数.. . . . . . . .3•使用说明. . . . . . . . . . 3 •技术参数和外形尺寸 . . . . . . . . 3 •噪声 . . . . . . . . . . 3 •振动 . . . . . . . . . . 3 •主要部件. . . . . . . . . . 4 3. 运输与安装. . . . . . . . . . 4•拆箱 . . . . . . . . . . 4•电气安装. . . . . . . . . . 4•带包装搬运. . . . . . . . . . 5•带底座搬运. . . . . . . . . . 5•不带底座搬运. . . . . . . . . . 54. 使用. . . . . . . . . . . 6•主要控制元件. . . . . . . . . . 6•移动加工. . . . . . . . . . 8•固定加工. . . . . . . . . . 8•悬挂移动加工. . . . . . . . . . 9•倒角尺寸设置. . . . . . . . . 10•倒角角度设置. . . . . . . . 10. . . . . . . . 10•切深 . .5. 维护与调节. .•刀片更换. . . . . . . . . . 10 6. 附件. . . . . . . . . . . 11请在安装和使用本机器之前,仔细阅读本手册内容,并认真遵循说明!1. 序言本手册旨在说明MOD. 900型倒角机的安全性以及正确使用的相关注意事项。

dm90001、总体介绍该DM9000是一款完全集成的和符合成本效益单芯片快速以太网MAC 控制器与一般处理接口,一个10/100M 自适应的PHY 和4K DWORD 值的SRAM 。
它的目的是在低功耗和高性能进程的3.3V 与5V 的支持宽容。
DM9000物理协议层接口完全支持使用10MBps 下3类、4类、5类非屏蔽双绞线和100MBps 下5类非屏蔽双绞线。
这是完全符合I EEE 802.3u 规格。
还支持IEEE 802.3x 全双工流量控制。
2、特点支持处理器读写内部存储器的数据操作命令以字节/字/双字的长度进行集成10/100M 自适应收发器支持介质无关接口支持背压模式半双工流量控制模式IEEE802.3x 流量控制的全双工模式支持唤醒帧,链路4K 双字SRAM支持自动加载EEPROM 里面生产商ID 和产品ID支持4个通用输入输出口超低功耗模式功率降低模式电源故障模式可选择1:1YL18-2050S,YT37-1107S 或5:4变压比例的变压器降低格外功率兼容3.3v 和5.0v 输入输出电压100脚CMOS LQFP 封装工艺3、引脚描述I=输入O=输出I/O=输入/输出O/D=漏极开路P=电源LI=复位锁存输入#=普遍低电位介质无关接口引脚引脚号引脚名I/O功能描述37LINK_I I外部介质无关接口器件连接状态38、39、40、41RXD[3:0]I外部介质无关接口接收数据4位半字节输入(同步于接收时钟)43CRS I/O外部介质无关接口的载波检测44COL I/O外部介质无关接口的冲突检测,输出到外部设备45RX_DV I外部介质无关接口数据有效信号46RX_ER I外部介质无关接口接收错误47RX_CLK I外部介质无关接口接收时钟49TX_CLK I/O外部介质无关接口发送时钟50~53TXD[3:0]O外部介质无关接口发送数据低4位输出TXD[2:0]决定内部存储空间基址:TXD[2:0])*10H+300H54MDIO I/O外部介质无关接口串行数据通信57MDC O外部介质无关串行数据通信口时钟,且与中断引脚有关该引脚高电平时候,中断引脚低电平有效;否则高有效注意:以上介质无关端口都内部自带60K欧姆的下拉电阻处理器接口引脚1IOR#I处理器读命令低电平有效,极性能够被EEPROM修改,详细请参考对EEPROM内容的描述2IOW#I处理器写命令低电平有效,同样能修改极性3AEN#I芯片选择,低电平有效4IOWAIT O处理器命令就绪当上一指令没有结束,该引脚电平拉低表示当前指令需要等待14RST I硬件复位信号,高电平有效复位1~682~89SD0~15I/O0~15位的数据地址复用总线,由CMD引脚决定当期访问类型93~98SA4~9I地址线4~9;仅作芯片选择信号(SA4~9:TXD0~2,011)被选中92CMD I访问类型高电平是访问数据端口;低电平是访问地址端口91IO16O字命令标志,默认低电平有效当访问外部数据存储器是字或双字宽度时,被置位100INT O中断请求信号高电平有效,极性能修改37~5356SD31~16I/O双字模式,高16位数据引脚57IO32O双字命令标志,默认低电平有效注意:以上引脚除去SD8,SD9和IO16,都内部自带60K欧姆的下拉电阻EEPROM引脚64EEDI I数据输入引脚65EEDO I/O EEPROM数据引脚与WAKEUP引脚一起定义访问数据存储器的总线宽度WAKEUP EEDO总线宽度0016位0132位108位11未定义66EECK I时钟信号67EECS I/O片选也做LED模式选择引脚高电平时,LED模式1,否则模式注意:EECS EECK EEDO引脚都内部自带60K欧姆下拉电阻时钟引脚21X2_25M O25M晶振输出22X1_25M I25M晶振输入59CLK20MO O20M晶振再生输出给外部介质无关设备,自带60K欧姆下拉电阻LED引脚60SPEED100#O低电平指示100M带宽指示,高电平指示10M带宽61DUP#O全双工指示LEDLED模式0时,低电平显示工作在10M带宽,或在100M带宽浮动62LINK&ACT#O连接LED,在模式0时,只作物理层的载波监听检测连接状态10/100物理层与光纤接口24SD I光纤信号检测PECL电平信号,显示光纤接收是否有效25DGGND P带隙地信号线26BGRES I/O带隙引脚27AVDD P带隙与电源保护环28AVDD P接收端口电源29RXI+I物理层接收端的正极30RXI-I物理层接收端的负极31AGND P接收端口地32AGND P发送端口地33TXO+O物理层发送端口正极34TXO-O发送端口负极35AVDD P物理层发送端口负极各种其他功能引脚16~19TEST1~4I工作模式Test1~4(1,1,0,0)正常工作状态48TEST5I必须接地68~69GPIO0~3I/O通用I/O端口通用端口控制寄存器和通用端口寄存器能编程该系列引脚GPIO0默认输出为高来关闭物理层和其他外部介质无关器件GPIO1~3默认为输入引脚78LINK_O O电缆连接状态显示输出,高电平有效79WAKEUP O流出一个唤醒信号当唤醒事件发生内置60K欧姆的下拉电阻80PW_RST#I上电复位低电平激活DM9000的重新初始化,5us后初始化当该引脚测试到电平变化74,75,77NC无用电源引脚DVDD P数字电源5,20,36,55,72,90,73DGND P数字地15,23,42,5863,81,99,76内部寄存器DM9000(A)包含一系列可被访问的控制状态寄存器,这些寄存器是字节对齐的,他们在硬件或软件复位时被设置成初始值。


今天对DM9000进行了移植,大概情况如下;首先要移植我们应该了解LINUX管理驱动的架构,这个我们在前面已经知道了;在arch/arm/plat-s3c24xx/common-smdk.c加入以下代码,登记资源和把网卡加入设备表:/* DM9000 */#if defined(CONFIG_DM9000)|| defined(CONFIG_DM9000_MODULE)static struct resource s3c_dm9k_resource[] = {[0] = {.start = S3C2410_CS4,.end = S3C2410_CS4 + 3,.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,},[1] = {.start = S3C2410_CS4 + 4,.end = S3C2410_CS4 + 4 + 3,.flags = IORESOURCE_MEM,},[2] = {.start = IRQ_EINT7,.end = IRQ_EINT7,.flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ,}};/* for the moment we limit ourselves to 16bit IO until some * better IO routines can be written and tested*/static struct dm9000_plat_data s3c_dm9k_platdata = {.flags = DM9000_PLATF_16BITONLY,};static struct platform_device s3c_device_dm9k = {.name = "dm9000",.id = 0,.num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_dm9k_resource),.resource = s3c_dm9k_resource,.dev = {.platform_data = &s3c_dm9k_platdata,}};#endif加入到内核设备列表中static struct platform_device __initdata *smdk_devs[] = { #if defined(CONFIG_DM9000) || defined(CONFIG_DM9000_MODULE) &s3c_device_dm9k,#endif&s3c_device_nand,&smdk_led4,&smdk_led5,&smdk_led6,&smdk_led7,};现在要进行对应的代码修改了,修改哪里呢,修改dm9000_probe它完成的是硬件的枚举,即初始化的,要针对性的修改,修改之前还有些东西需要知道;在mini2440的开发板上DM9000在BANK4,所以为了很好的使用DM9000,我们就要设置存储控制器BANK4相关的两个寄存器,BWSCON,BKCON4。
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dm90001、总体介绍该DM9000是一款完全集成的和符合成本效益单芯片快速以太网MAC控制器与一般处理接口,一个10/100M自适应的PHY和4K DWORD值的SRAM 。
该DM9000支持8位,16位和32 -位接口访问内部存储器,以支持不同的处理器。
DM9000物理协议层接口完全支持使用10MBps 下3类、4类、5类非屏蔽双绞线和100MBps下5类非屏蔽双绞线。
这是完全符合I EEE 802.3u规格。
还支持IEEE 802.3x全双工流量控制。
2、特点支持处理器读写内部存储器的数据操作命令以字节/ 字/ 双字的长度进行集成10/100M自适应收发器支持介质无关接口支持背压模式半双工流量控制模式IEEE802.3x流量控制的全双工模式支持唤醒帧,链路状态改变和远程的唤醒4K双字SRAM支持自动加载EEPROM里面生产商ID和产品ID支持4个通用输入输出口超低功耗模式功率降低模式电源故障模式可选择1:1 YL18-2050S,YT37-1107S 或5:4变压比例的变压器降低格外功率兼容3.3v和5.0v输入输出电压100脚CMOS LQFP封装工艺3、引脚描述I=输入O=输出I/O=输入/输出O/D=漏极开路P=电源LI=复位锁存输入#=普遍低电位介质无关接口引脚引脚号引脚名I/O 功能描述37 LINK_I I 外部介质无关接口器件连接状态38、39、40、41 RXD [3:0] I 外部介质无关接口接收数据4位半字节输入(同步于接收时钟)43 CRS I/O 外部介质无关接口的载波检测44 COL I/O 外部介质无关接口的冲突检测,输出到外部设备45 RX_DV I 外部介质无关接口数据有效信号46 RX_ER I 外部介质无关接口接收错误47 RX_CLK I 外部介质无关接口接收时钟49 TX_CLK I/O 外部介质无关接口发送时钟50~53 TXD[3:0] O 外部介质无关接口发送数据低4位输出TXD[2:0]决定内部存储空间基址:TXD [2:0]) * 10H + 300H54 MDIO I/O 外部介质无关接口串行数据通信57 MDC O 外部介质无关串行数据通信口时钟,且与中断引脚有关该引脚高电平时候,中断引脚低电平有效;否则高有效注意:以上介质无关端口都内部自带60K 欧姆的下拉电阻处理器接口引脚1 IOR# I 处理器读命令低电平有效,极性能够被EEPROM修改,详细请参考对EEPROM内容的描述2 IOW# I 处理器写命令低电平有效,同样能修改极性3 AEN# I 芯片选择,低电平有效4 IOWAIT O 处理器命令就绪当上一指令没有结束,该引脚电平拉低表示当前指令需要等待14 RST I 硬件复位信号,高电平有效复位1~6 82~89 SD0~15 I/O 0~15位的数据地址复用总线,由CMD引脚决定当期访问类型93~98 SA4~9 I 地址线4~9;仅作芯片选择信号(SA4~9:TXD0~2 ,011)被选中92 CMD I 访问类型高电平是访问数据端口;低电平是访问地址端口91 IO16 O 字命令标志,默认低电平有效当访问外部数据存储器是字或双字宽度时,被置位100 INT O 中断请求信号高电平有效,极性能修改37~53 56 SD31~16 I/O 双字模式,高16位数据引脚57 IO32 O 双字命令标志,默认低电平有效注意:以上引脚除去SD8,SD9和IO16,都内部自带60K 欧姆的下拉电阻EEPROM引脚64 EEDI I 数据输入引脚65 EEDO I/O EEPROM数据引脚与WAKEUP引脚一起定义访问数据存储器的总线宽度WAKEUP EEDO 总线宽度0 0 16位0 1 32位1 0 8位1 1 未定义66 EECK I 时钟信号67 EECS I/O 片选也做LED模式选择引脚高电平时,LED模式1,否则模式0注意:EECS EECK EEDO引脚都内部自带60K欧姆下拉电阻时钟引脚21 X2_25M O 25M晶振输出22 X1_25M I 25M晶振输入59 CLK20MO O 20M晶振再生输出给外部介质无关设备,自带60K欧姆下拉电阻LED引脚60 SPEED100# O 低电平指示100M带宽指示,高电平指示10M带宽61 DUP# O 全双工指示LEDLED模式0时,低电平显示工作在10M带宽,或在100M带宽浮动62 LINK&ACT# O 连接LED,在模式0时,只作物理层的载波监听检测连接状态10/100 物理层与光纤接口24 SD I 光纤信号检测PECL电平信号,显示光纤接收是否有效25 DGGND P 带隙地信号线26 BGRES I/O 带隙引脚27 AVDD P 带隙与电源保护环28 AVDD P 接收端口电源29 RXI+ I 物理层接收端的正极30 RXI- I 物理层接收端的负极31 AGND P 接收端口地32 AGND P 发送端口地33 TXO+ O 物理层发送端口正极34 TXO- O 发送端口负极35 AVDD P 物理层发送端口负极各种其他功能引脚16~19 TEST1~4 I 工作模式Test1~4(1,1,0,0)正常工作状态48 TEST5 I 必须接地68~69 GPIO0~3 I/O 通用I/O端口通用端口控制寄存器和通用端口寄存器能编程该系列引脚GPIO0默认输出为高来关闭物理层和其他外部介质无关器件GPIO1~3默认为输入引脚78 LINK_O O 电缆连接状态显示输出,高电平有效79 WAKEUP O 流出一个唤醒信号当唤醒事件发生内置60K欧姆的下拉电阻80 PW_RST# I 上电复位低电平激活DM9000的重新初始化,5us后初始化当该引脚测试到电平变化74,75,77 NC 无用电源引脚5,20,36,55, DVDD P 数字电源72,90,73DGND P 数字地15,23,42,5863,81,99,76内部寄存器DM9000(A)包含一系列可被访问的控制状态寄存器,这些寄存器是字节对齐的,他们在硬件或软件复位时被设置成初始值。
以下为DM9000的寄存器功能详解:NCR (00H):网络控制寄存器(Network Control Register )7:EXT_PHY:1选择外部PHY,0选择内部PHY,不受软件复位影响。
2-1:LBK:回环模式(Loopback)00通常,01MAC内部回环,10内部PHY 100M模式数字回环,11保留。
NSR (01H):网络状态寄存器(Network Status Register )7:SPEED:媒介速度,在内部PHY模式下,0为100Mbps,1为10Mbps。
TCR(02H):发送控制寄存器(TX Control Register)7:保留。
TSR_I(03H):数据包指针1的发送状态寄存器1(TX Status Register I)7:TJTO:Jabber传输超时。
TSR_II(04H):数据包指针2的发送状态寄存器2(TX Status Register II)同TSR_I略。
RCR(05H):接收控制寄存器(RX Control Register )7:保留。
1:PRMSC:混杂模式(Promiscuous Mode)0:RXEN:接收使能。
RSR(06H):接收状态寄存器(RX Status Register )7:RF:不完整数据帧。