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Unit1 college life


1. approach [????????] v. 走近,接近n. ①道路②学习(研究方法)

【例句】The approach of the CET Band-4 makes me nervous.


【词组】at the approach of在……快到的时候;be approaching (to)与……差不多,大致相等

【辨析】approach, approximate与near

approach 表“接近、走近、靠近”的含义时,可指时间、地点接近,也可指接近某个人,还可表示“对待、处理”问题、任务、困难等。approximate 意为“接近、大致为”,表示抽象意义上的接近时可与approach互换使用,比后者常用,只有在词组approximate to 中作vi.。near 表“接近、临近”的含义,大多出现在文学作品中,指人或者空间、时间上的接近时可与approach互的使用。

【巧记】ap (to) +proach (near)→接近,靠近

【词汇扩展】approachable adj.可接近的,平易近人的

【特别提示】注意approach 作动词用时,后不能跟to,作名词用表示“方法”则跟to。如:a new approach to the study of English. 学习英语的新方法。

[错] We approached to the school.

[对] We approached the school.


2. assurance [?????????] n. ①担保,确信②保险

【例句】Despite repeated assurances he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.


【词组】have full assurance of完全相信;make assurance doubly / double sure加倍小心,特别慎重;shake sb.’s assurance动摇某人的信心;with assurance有把握地,自信地【巧记】构词分析:词根sure确定,肯定;as-表示to→assure v.保证,确信,保险;派生词:assurance保证,保险;同根词:insure v.投保,保险;insurance 保险【词汇扩展】assurance n. 确信,保证;ensure v. 确保

3. broaden [???????] v. 使放宽,加阔

【例句】For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook.


4. commencement [???????????] n. ①开始,开端②毕业典礼

【例句】At the commencement of the banquet, the chairman delivered a toast.


【词组】annual commencement学年结业典礼;commencement of business开始营业;commencement of the limitation period时效期间的开始

5. confidence [??????????] n. ①信心,相信,自信②向知已倾诉的秘密,知心话③信任,信赖

【例句】Improved consumers confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.


【大纲词组】in confidence 私下地,秘密地

【例句】She told me this in confidence. 她秘密地把这事告诉了我。

【辨析】confidence对自己或自己的能力信任,如:He spoke with great confidence. 他说话时十分自信。assurance强调事实,对自己的能力确定无疑,如:I had full assurance of safety. 我对安全充满自信。

【巧记】con (full充分地)+fide (to trust相信) +nce(名词词尾)→信任→吐露秘密【词汇扩展】confident a. 确信的,有信心的;confidential a. 机密的,秘密的

6. confident [??????????] adj. 确信的;有自信的;有把握的

【例句】I抦confident of my success/that I will succeed. 我确信我会成功。

【词组】 a confident smile 信赖的微笑;a confident bearing 自信的举止;a confident attack 大胆的攻击;对……坚信,肯定;be confident in (of) (doing) sth.对……充满信心【巧记】近义词联想记忆:believing有信仰的;certain确定的,必然的;convinced 确信的,深信的;sure 确信某事可靠的

7. conquer [??????] vt. ①攻取,占领②克服(困难)等

【例句】They conquered the southern part of the kingdom with comparative ease.


【辨析】conquer, overcome与defeat

conquer指“征服、战胜”,特别指“获得对人、物或感情的控制”,如:conquer nature 征服自然。overcome指“战胜、克服”,尤指“感情”而言,如:overcome difficulties克服困难。defeat 指“赢得胜利”,尤其指“军事上的胜利”,如:defeat the enemy打败敌人。

【词汇扩展】conquerable adj.可征服的;conquest n. 攻取,征服

8. engineering [?????????????] n. 工程,工程业

【例句】The thirty-story building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever undertaken.这幢30层大楼是他们接到过的最具挑战性的工程之一。

【词汇扩展】engineer n. 工程师;engine n. 发动机

9. essay [???????????] n. 文章,短论,随笔,小品文

【例句】The other day I came across an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon.


【词组】political essay政治论文;essay question问答题;make an essay to assist sb. 试图帮助某人

10. graduate [???????????????????] n.(大学)毕业生v.毕业adj. 研究生的,毕业了的

【例句】The university alone graduated 350 students last year.


【词组】 a graduate (student)研究生;graduate from从……毕业

【词汇扩展】graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼

11. huddle [?????] v. 聚在一起,挤作一团n. 杂乱的一群

【例句】During the crisis the President’s national security advisers huddled.



huddle通常指出于寒冷或恐惧等挤在一起,如:The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm.男孩们在山洞里挤作一团,使身体暖和些。crowd多指无秩序地聚集在一起,如:Swimmers crowded the beaches.游泳者挤满了海滩。

12. impress [???????] v. ①铭刻,使铭记②把……压入;印,压印

【例句】My father impressed me with the value of hard work.

