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1、Dont ______ water on your suit.


B.had split






2、No sooner had we reached home ________ a violent storm broke out.

A. when

B. that

C. until

D. than



【详细解答】 no sooner … than  “一…就…”

3、The professor asked a question, and David ________ a good answer.

A. put up with

B. stood up for

C. came up with

D. looked down upon


【您的答案】:C 【答案正确】

【详细解答】 A 忍受、忍耐    B保卫、支持

     C 想出、提出    D 轻视、看不起

4、If the operation ________ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.

A. was not

B. has not been

C. had not been

D. were not


【您的答案】:C 【答案正确】


5、The book fair has received a positive ________ from readers.

A. result

B. response

C. settlement

D. solution



【详细解答】A 结果,效果 B 反应,回答
C 解决,协议 D 解决,解答

6、Having decided to rent a flat, we ________ contacting housing agencies in the city.

A. set about

B. set down

C. set out

D. set up



【详细解答】A 着手,开始做 B 制定,放下,记下
C 出发,动身 D 建立,提出

7、Jenny complained that the hospital ________ her too much for the treatment.

A. expended

B. paid

C. cost

D. charged



【详细解答】A 花费 B 付款
C 费用 D 收费

8、Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be ________.

A. shut down

B. done away

C. taken off

D. called off



【详细解答】A 关闭,停业 B 废除,终止(与with连用)
C 离开,起飞 D 取消

9、The volleyball match was televised ________ on CCTV.

A. alive

B. life

C. live

D. lively


【您的答案】:C 【答案正确】

【详细解答】A 活的,活跃的 B 生活,生命
C 以现场直播方式 D 活跃的,热烈的

10、It is no use arguing _______ the plan because it has been rejected.

A. with

B. against

C. for

D. on



【答案解析】:argue作动词时,意为“争论;争吵;争辩”。argue for意为“为……辩护”;argue with sb about / over sth指“就某事和某人争论”;argue against意为“据理反对;争辩……”。根据句意,应该用for。

11、They prefer to _______ the rest of the morning walking in the garden.

A. spending

B. spent

C. be spending

D. spend


【您的答案】:D 【答案正确】

【答案解析】:本句运用的是prefer to do sth这种用法。 

12、Please remind me _______ her this note.
