变频器 说明书
![变频器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e7e8d84702020740bf1e9b14.png)
P039---加速时间 由P039和A147决定加速时间 P040---减速时间 由P040和A148决定减速时间
从 “端子组态” 中可以做以下设置:
T051---数字量输入1选择 T052---数字量输入2选择 T053---数字量输入3选择 T054---数字量输入4选择 T055---继电器输出1选择 T060---继电器输出2选择 T069---模拟量输入1选择 T073---模拟量输入1选择 T082---模拟量输出1选择
1.专用开关 容量要与变频器相匹配 (选用开关1.5-2.5倍) 2.专用电柜 要根据现场情况选择合适保护等级的电柜,要选择合适的排风装置. 3.进线熔断器 要选择动作快、分断能力高并且质量好的快速熔断器,熔断器额定电流的选择可根 据变频器的功率进行选择。
例如:22KW的变频器应选用60A的快速熔断保险。 4.进线电抗器 对于大与7.5KW的电机变频器,要安装进线电抗器以便滤掉谐波电流. 5.出线电抗器 对于电机距变频器较远的工况,要安装出线电抗器,出线电抗器还能改善功率因数品 质. 6.控制回路 我们使用的变频器,控制回路都是直流24V或是无源的,所以要特别注意不要使高压 进入. 7.主回路电缆 注意不要将进线和出线接错位置.接点要牢固.电缆容量要与电机相匹配.
P042---自动模式 需要停车进行设置 相关参数:T051
T052 T053 T054
有源电力滤波装置用户手册APF-100目录1 范围 (1)2 引用标准 (1)3 APF功能特点 (1)3.1 功能 (1)3.2 性能 (1)4 原理图 (2)5 使用过程 (2)5.1 人机交互操作界面 (2)5.2 用户操作 (7)5.3 出错处理和自动恢复 (13)5.4 断电操作 (13)6 简易操作流程 (13)6.1 系统投入 (13)6.2 应急处理 (13)6.3 APF退出 (14)附件1 国家技术监督局颁布的GB/T14549-93 (15)有源电力滤波装置(APF-100)用户手册1 范围本手册根据阿城继电器股份有限公司的并联型有源电力滤波装置(APF-100,以下简称:APF)的相关资料进行编制,仅适用于“三相三线380V/66KVA有源电力滤波装置”的操作者日常维护与使用。
2 引用标准GB12325-1990:电能质量供电电压允许偏差GB12326-2000:电能质量电压波动和闪变GB/T14549-1993:电能质量公用电网谐波GB/T15543-1995:电能质量三相电压允许不平衡度GB/T15945-1995:电能质量电力系统频率允许偏差GB/T18481-2001:电能质量暂时过电压和瞬态过电压3 APF功能特点3.1 功能本APF用于对低压配电系统中的电流谐波进行补偿,即对用户生产过程中用电设备产生的谐波进行补偿,进而提高生产用机电设备供电的安全性、降低能耗和抑制谐波对公共电网的污染。
3.2 性能3.2.1 APF补偿能力本APF满足低压电气设备相应的国家安全标准,投入使用后能保证谐波含量满足GB-T14549《电能质量公用电网谐波》等国家电能质量的相关标准要求。
3.2.2 自动运行本APF在启动后能够连续自动运行,在系统谐波电流较小的情况下,自动转入监控状态;在系统谐波电流超过标准值时,自动转入补偿工作状态,无需人工干预。
四标准依据:《中华人民共和国兽药典》2010年版一部五正文:1 质量标准:见《聚乙二醇400质量标准》。
2 试剂:按试剂配制操作规程配制纯化水、稀盐酸、甲醇、10%磷钼酸溶液、氯化钡试液、氢氧化钠滴定液、酚酞的吡啶溶液(1→100)、0.001%乙醛溶液、50%氯化镁的无水乙醇混悬液。
3 仪器与用具:分光光度仪、电子天平、高效气相色谱仪、量瓶、试管、试管架、玻璃棒、烧杯、锥形瓶、扁形称量瓶、烘箱(或干燥器)、坩埚、移液管、量筒、毛细管、滴定管。
4 操作步骤4.1性状4.1.1本品为无色或几乎无色的黏稠液体;略有特臭。
EXFO FIP-400光纤检查探头说明书
![EXFO FIP-400光纤检查探头说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4859e76730126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f72f7.png)
S P E C S H E ETKEY FEATURESEasy back-panel connector inspectionTruly rugged and lightweight solution for the fi eld Image-capture capability for report documentation Ideal for all types of connectors: APC, UPC, MTP and more Slim design for easy use in crowded patch panels Compatible with EXFO test instrumentsFIP-400 FIBER INSPECTION PROBENETWORK TESTING—OPTICAL1981C ONNECTOR M AX ANALYSIS SOFTWAREAutomatic pass/fail analysis with multiple-platform flexibility› A vailable on the portable FTB-1, FTB-200 and FTB-500 platformsSave time and money› L ightning-fast results in seconds through simple one-touch operationComplete test reports for future referencing› S tores images and results for record-keepingDelivering fast pass/fail assessment of connector endfaces, E XFO’s ConnectorMax Analysis Software is designed to save both time and money in the field. The industry’s first platform-based, automated inspection application, ConnectorMax eliminates guesswork, instead providing clear-cut connector endface analysis.ConnectorMax enables field technicians to analyze defects and scratches and measure their impact on connector performance. Results are then compared against pre-programmed IEC/IPC standards or user-defined criteria, leading to accurate pass/fail verdicts established right on-site.ConnectorMax therefore helps avoid two time- and money-consuming situations: undetected connector defects that force technicians to later return to the site, and unnecessary replacement of connectors whose slight defects are notenough to get a “fail” verdict.Automatic pass/fail analysis in any FTB platformZOOM IN ON CLARITYIt’s a known fact: optical network problems are often caused by dirty and/or damaged connectors. Using a fiber inspection probe to ensure that connectors/adapters are clean and exempt of any defect is where accurate testing starts.Thanks to EXFO’s FIP-400 Fiber Inspection Probe, checking connectors and other fiber terminations for polish quality and cleanliness has never been easier. Benefit from the best optical resolution in the industry and see scratches and dirt particles as small as 1 µm. Also, use a USB converter to send image captures to a portable platform or a PC.Dirty connectorClean connectorFiber Probe ViewerVideo Inspection Probe1721 3.5” TFT LCD screen2 Rechargeable Li-ion battery3A djustable brightness and contrast4 Probe connector (EXFO type)5 Image capture button6 Focusing device7 Interchangeable tip8 Magnification knob (dual model)APPLICATIONSPatchcord inspection › C ompatible with a wide range of connector types› O ffers great optical performance for patchcord quality assurance› U se it as a stand-alone unit to perform fi eld applications or with a USBadapter in a manufacturing environmentPatch panel bulkhead inspection› G et a clear view of both sides of an interconnection › Inspect hard-to-reach connecto r s without stressingadjacent fibers, thanks to the FIP-400’s slim designSingle-fiber connector inspection › C ompatible with 1.25 mm and 2.5 mm angled-polishedand ultra-polished connectors (APC and UPC)Multifiber connector inspection› C ompatible with male and female ribbon connectors such asMTP multifi ber APC and UPC connectorsConnection inspection through ConnectorMax Analysis Software› D elivers clear-cut pass/fail verdicts, eliminating guesswork in the fi eld and helping you save time and money› L ightning-fast: results in 4 seconds through simple one-touch operation ›Full test reports for future referencingTHE INDUSTRY’S MOST VERSATILE PROBEWith EXFO’s FIP-400, you have the choice—you can either use it with a PC, with one of our test sets or with our lightweight,handheld monitor. Choose the way that works best for you.Patchcord inspection in a manufacturing environmentPatch panel bulkhead inspectionSPECIFICATIONSGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSTemperature operating–10 C to 50 CACCESSORIESOptional StandardORDERING INFORMATIONNotesa. Dual model onlyb. Works with USB 2.0 adapter, FOT-930 and FTB-200c. Without battery。
主要技术指标与使用要求目录1 结构简介 .............................................................................. - 4 -1.1主电路原理图 .............................................................. - 4 -1.2外形和主要结构尺寸 .................................................. - 5 -2 安装 (6)2.1机械安装 (6)2.2装置电气安装 (6)2.3 TA电气安装 (8)3 显示面板 (9)3.1主要功能及性能指标 (9)3.2界面说明 (10)4 运行操作 (17)4.1开机前检查 (17)4.2控制板及信号测试 (17)4.3试运行操作 (18)4.4运行操作 (18)5 维护 (20)6 故障处理 (21)6.1维修维护注意事项 (21)6.2故障处理一览表 (22)7 附件 (24)1 结构简介本装置由功率变流器、功率电感、直流侧电容、控制板、显示操作面板、高频滤波电路、电流电压检测电路、机柜等构成。
德殷能源科技(上海)有限公司 4.4 外形及安装图 .............................................................................................................. 19
4.4.1 壁挂式外形及安装图............................................................................................ 19 4.4.2 柜式外形及安装图................................................................................................ 20 5 功能与操作界面说明 ............................................................................................................... 20 5.1 人机界面概述................................................................................................................ 20 5.2 启动画面......................................................................................................................... 21 5.3 主界面 ............................................................................................................................ 22 5.4 监控界面........................................................................................................................ 23 5.5 系统参数........................................................................................................................ 23 5.5.1 电源侧参数 ........................................................................................................... 24 5.5.2 负载侧参数 ........................................................................................................... 24 5.5.3 APF 侧参数 ............................................................................................................ 25 5.5.4 联机状态............................................................................................................... 26 5.5.5 设备参数................................................................................................................ 27 5.6 曲线显示 ......................................................................................................................... 28 5.7 参数设置 ......................................................................................................................... 29 5.7.1 补偿设置................................................................................................................ 30 5.7.2 内部参数................................................................................................................ 31 5.7.3 报警故障............................................................................................................... 35 5.7.4 LCD 设置 ............................................................................................................... 36 5.7.5 联机设置............................................................................................................... 37 5.7.6 诊断维护设置 ....................................................................................................... 38 5.8 事件记录 ......................................................................................................................... 38 5.9 操作说明 ......................................................................................................................... 39 5.9.1 上电检查................................................................................................................ 39 5.9.2 启动步骤............................................................................................................... 39 5.10 设备维护........................................................................................................................ 40 6 常见问题的处理....................................................................................................................... 41 6.1 异常处理说明.................................................................................................................. 41 6.2 常见故障处理.................................................................................................................. 42
EXFO FIP-500和FIP-400B微观检查器的说明书
![EXFO FIP-500和FIP-400B微观检查器的说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5c3cb100777f5acfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb9f28.png)
EMBOUTS POUR CÂBLE DE RACCORDEMENT / ADAPTATEURS MULTIFIBRES / APC ET UPC / MONOVOIE / MULTIVOIES / DUPLEXLa plus grande gamme d’adaptateurs et pointes de l’industries’adaptant à tous les connecteurs dans tous types de situation.Mécanisme innovant de connexion rapideRemplacez les pointes en un quart de tour - une innovation qui facilite grandement la vie. Pas de pièces détachées, pas une seconde perdue. Le changement d’embout peut se faire d’une seule main, si nécessaire. Il n’a jamais été aussi facilede passer d’un connecteur unitaire, à un duplex, à un multiple.FIP-500 SmarTipsInspection la plus rapide de l’industrie pour les connecteurs duplex, monovoies et multivoiesLe saviez-vous ?En appuyant votre SmarTip sur le FIP-500, les seuils de réussite/échec seront automatiquement ajustés au type de connecteur testé. Ce remarquable niveau d’automatisation permet d’éviter les erreurs de sélection des seuils et rendl’inspection des fibres plus facile que jamais!FIPOPTICAL HEADSMARTIP20214.5SmarTips pour les types de connecteurs les plus courants Chaque connecteur nécessite l’adaptateur approprié lorsqu’il s’agit d’inspecter des fibres. Pour faciliter au maximuml’utilisation ou la commande de l’adaptateur de pointe nécessaire, EXFO a élaboré ce guide de référence rapide. Il comprend la gamme complète des pointes disponibles, les connecteurs associés et les informations de commande correspondantes.OHSF OHSF-A60STIP-U2.5-ASTIP-SC-ASTIP-SC-A-LSTIP-U2.5-USTIP-SC-U-A60OHSF STIP-U1.25-APriseOHMFTête optiqueOHMF-A60Tête optique avec un angle de 60° pour les RAC-MPO-12-Type A+STIP-MPO-USTIP-MPO-UOHMFTête optiqueOHMF-A60 RAC-MPO-12-Type A+STIP-MPO-ASTIP-MPO-ARAC-MPO-16-Type A+STIP-MPO-USTIP-MPO-URAC-MPO-16-Type A+STIP-MPO-ASTIP-MPO-ARAC-MPO-12-Type A+STIP-MPO-A-KLSTIP-MPO-A-KLRAC-MPO-12-MTRAC-MPO-12-MTRAC-MPO-12-MTRAC-MPO-12-MTOHMF Tête optiqueOHMF-A60Tête optique avec un angle de 60° pour les STIP-LC-DF-U+Adaptateur de STIP-LC-DF-UOHMF Tête optiqueOHMF-A60Tête optique avec un angle de 60° pour lesSTIP-SN-DF-USTIP-SN-DF-USTIP-CS-DF-USTIP-CS-DF-USTIP-QODC-2-DF-U-FSTIP-QODC-2-DF-U-M Inspection duplex unique en une seule étapeFaites un gain de temps de 50 % sur l’inspection des connecteurs duplex, grâce à la conception innovanteSmarTip qui fournit un diagnostic succès/échec pour chaque fibre, ainsi qu’une vue en double fibre.PriseOHSF OHSF-A60STIP-U2.5-ASTIP-OTAP-AOHSFOHSF-A60 STIP-SFADP-400+FIPT-400-ODC-SSTIP-SFADP-400+FIPT-400-ODC-STIP-SFADP-400FIPT-400-ODC-4PIN-P-KOHMFTête optique OHMF-A60STIP-QODC-12-U-F STIP-QODC-12-U-MOHMFTête optique pourOHMF-A60 STIP-QODC-12-A-F STIP-QODC-12-A-MSTIP-QODC-2-DF-U-F STIP-QODC-2-DF-U-M STIP-OTIP-A-F STIP-OTIP-A-MSTIP-IP9-MPO-A STIP-MPO-AFIP-500 SmarTip informations pour la commandeEXFO offre plusieurs pointes de câble de raccordement et adaptateurs de cloison pour les connecteurs monovoies et multivoies. Ces embouts et adaptateurs sont conçus pour s’adapter à la vaste gamme rencontrés sur le terrain. Les pointes et adaptateurs suivants sont compatibles avec les séries FIP-500 et FIP-400B d’EXFO et peuvent être commandés séparément ou en kits. Veuillez consulter les tableaux ci-dessous pour obtenir des renseignements complets sur la façon de commander.Câbles de raccordement universel STIPSTIP-U1.25-UCâble de raccordementuniversel 1,25 mm/UPCConnecteurs de cloison STIPsConnecteur de cloison STIPsCompatibilité du FIP-500 avec les emboutsFIP-500TÊTE OPTIQUEADAPTATEURFIPT-400Les types de connecteurs et d’embouts les plus courants pour la série FIP-400B ou le FIP-500 équipé d’un OHSF sont énumérés ci-dessous.Série d’embouts pour FIP-400BNos microscopes d’inspection de fibres FIP-400B utilisent un jeu d’embouts différent. Cependant, ces pointes peuvent également être utilisées avec le FIP-500 en ajoutant simplement la tête optique pour fibre monovoie.FIPT-400-U25MAFIPT-400-U25MFIPT-400-FC-SCFIPT-400-FC-APCFIPT-400-STFIPT-400- FIPT-400-E2000FIPT-400-U12MAFIPT-400-LX5-APCFIPT-400-U12MFIPT-400-LX.5FIPT-400-MU FIPT-400-LC-APCFIPT-400-LC-SQFIPT-400-LC-D-APCFIPT-400-LC-DFIP EMBOUTS,FIP EMBOUT BUSE ADAPTATEURNon nécessaire lorsque la buse dédiée au connecteurmâle est disponible.Voir page suivante* Nécessite la version FIP-400B MF-Ready.FIP-400B Tip information de commandeFIPT-400-U25MA-R®FIPT -400-FC-SC-A6FIPT -400-MTRJ*FIPT -400-MUFIPT -400-SC-APC-L* Analyse réussite/échec non prise en charge.Pointes, buses et adaptateurs multifibres automatisés* Têtes FIPT-400-MF-MPODescription Embout automatisé pourconnecteurs MPO/UPC(rangée de 12 fibres),utilisable d’une seulepatible avec les* Nécessite la version FIP-400B MF-Ready.* L’analyse réussite/échec n’est pas prise en charge par ConnectorMax Mobile pour les appareils intelligents.FIPT -400-QODC-2P-K20220444V2© 2023 EXFO Inc. Tous droits réservés.Imprimé au Canada 23/041Écrou de retenue argentéPour plus d’informations sur l’inspection automatisée des fibres, consultez le site /KeepTheFocus1234。
FVN P-400 无直接燃烧空间暖气器操作指南说明书
![FVN P-400 无直接燃烧空间暖气器操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b950f067e97101f69e3143323968011ca300f724.png)
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL(Please retain for future reference)ForFVN/P-400 INDIRECT FIRED SPACE HEATERSCERTIFIED FOR USE IN CANADA AND U.S.A.As per Standard ANSI Z83.7/CSA 21.4 2000 Gas Fired Construction Heaters / Unattended Type.Issue date October 1, 2008FLAGRO INDUSTRIES LIMITEDST. CATHARINES, ONTARIOCANADAGENERAL HAZARD WARNING:FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS HEATER, CAN RESULT IN DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE FROM HAZARDS OF FIRE, EXPLOSION, BURN, ASPHYXIATION, CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING, AND/OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK.ONLY PERSONS WHO CAN UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD USE OR SERVICE THIS HEATER.IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE OR HEATER INFORMATION SUCH AS AN INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL, LABELS, ETC. CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER.WARNING:FIRE, BURN, INHALATION, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD. KEEP SOLID COMBUSTIBLES, SUCH AS BUILDING MATERIALS, PAPER OR CARDBOARD, A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE HEATER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INSTRUCTIONS. NEVER USE THE HEATER IN SPACES WHICH DO OR MAY CONTAIN VOLATILE OR AIRBORNE COMBUSTIBLES, OR PRODUCTS SUCH AS GASOLINE, SOLVENTS, PAINT THINNER, DUST PARTICLES OR UNKNOWN CHEMICALS.WARNING:NOT FOR HOME OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE USE.WARNING:INTENDED USE IS PRIMARILY THE TEMPORARY HEATING OF BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR OR EMERGENCIES ONLY.ALWAYS PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION. 1 SQ. IN. OF FRESH AIR MUST BE SUPPLIED FOR EVERY 1000 BTUH OF HEAT.THIS HEATER SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT IT IS NOT DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO WATER SPRAY, AND/OR DRIPPING WATER.This heater is designed and approved for use as aconstruction heater under Standard ANSI Z83.7/CGA 2.14. 2000.We cannot anticipate every use which may be madeof our heaters. CHECK WITH YOU LOCAL FIRESAFETY AUTHORITY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONSABOUT APPLICATIONS.Other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heatproducing products in specific applications. Your localauthority can advise you about these.SPECIFICATIONSModel …………………………………………………….…. FVP-400 PropaneFVN-400 Natural Gas Input …………………………………………………….…... 390,000 btuhFuel …………………………………………………………. FVP-400 PropaneFVN-400 Natural Gas Manifold Pressure …………………………………………. 3.2” W.C. Propane2.0” W.C. NG Maximum Inlet Pressure ………………………………… 13.0” W.C. Propane10.0” W.C. NG Ignition ……………………………………………………… Direct Spark Ignition …….……………………………………………...… Thermostat Control Air Circulation ………………………………………………. 2500 cfmFuel Consumption ………………………………………..... 18.5 lbs/hr PropaneNG 380cfh Approved …………………………………………………..... cETLus listedINSTALLATION:The installation of this heater for use with natural gas shall conform with local codes or, in the absence of codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z233.1/NFPA 54 and the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1-00. This heater must be installed by a qualified gas technician, following local codes published by the authority having jurisdiction. All installations performed in the state of Massachusetts must be completed by a qualified plumber and gas fitter of the State of Massachusetts.The installation of this heater for use with propane tank or cylinder shall conform with Local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI Z233/NFPA 54 and the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.This heater must be located at least 10ft (3m) from any propane gas cylinder. This heater shall not be directed toward any propane gas container within 20ft (6m).CONNECTING THE CYLINDER (LP Models only):If cylinders are used to supply the heater, no cylinders smaller than 100lb capacity shall be used. These cylinders must supply a vapor withdrawal only.1. All cylinder connections must be made using a wrench to tighten the POLfitting.2. Be sure that the cylinder valve is in the closed position when connection ordisconnecting the cylinder.3. A soap and water solution must be applied to all connections in order toleak check the system.The gas must be turned off at the propane supply cylinder(s) when the heater is not in use. When the heater is to be stored indoors, the connection between the propane supply cylinder(s) and the heater must be disconnected and the cylinders removed from the heater and stored in accordance with Standard for the Storage and Handling or Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58 and CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.PIPING:This heater must be installed by a qualified gas technician following local codes published by the authority having jurisdiction. Sizing ofsupply piping must be determined using the length of pipe run aswell as total btuh rating of the appliance(s). Appropriate pipingtables must be used to determine size of supply piping dependanton the length of run from source.PRESSURES:MAXIMUM INLET PRESSURES: LP: 13.0 IN. WC.IN.WC.10.0NG:MINIMUM INLET PRESSURES: LP: 8.0 IN. WC.IN.WC.4.0NG:This heater must be supplied by pressures indicated on theapproval label. Over pressure may cause controls to fail.DONOT supply this unit with more than ½ psig (14.0 in.W.C.)Note: A second stage regulator must be installed if thesupply pressure exceeds ½ psig.FUEL:This heater will operate on propane OR natural gas – NOTBOTH. The manifold pressures are listed on the approvallabel. To determine which fuel to use see rating plate. DONOT attempt to use the heater without consulting the ratingplate.Note: The proper main burner orifice must be installed andrating plate must reflect the fuel the heater burning. DONOT operate the heater with out consulting the rating plate.Heater conversion must be done by a qualified technicianand rating plate must reflect any change.HOSES:All hoses used to connect this heater of fuel supply must beType 1 approved propane / natural gas hose assemblies.ELECTRICAL:WARNINGInstructionsGroundingElectricalThis appliance is equipped with a three-prong (grounding)plug for your protection against shock hazard and should beplugged directly into a properly grounded three-prongreceptacle.115v supply must be available. Please note that the heaterrequires 15 amps for proper operation. Ensure appropriategauge extension cord is used.• 12/3 AWG at 50 Feet• 10/3 AWG at 100 FeetCLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES:PIPE TOP FRONT SIDES REAR FLUE3 ft 10 ft 3 ft 3 ft 3 ftDUCTING: Canvas heater duct with a minimum temperature handling of300 deg F. including wire reinforcement to preventcollapsing. Heater is designed for use with 2 x 12” diameterducts equipped with pin lock couplings (FV-D12).Install ducting to outlet on the heater using pin-locksprovided on collar of ducting. Ducting should be inspectedperiodically for tearing and/or wear marks. Ducting should bestored in a dry area when not in useFLUE PIPE: Flue pipe connection must terminate with a vertical run atleast 2ft long.The vent outlet on the heater is 6” diameter. Certified ventingmust be used at all times. Vent cap should be installed insituations where downdrafts occur. All venting mustcorrespond with the CSA B149 standard or in its absence,local codes.FV SERIES CONSTRUCTION HEATER – VENTING REQUIREMENTS1. VERTICAL FLUE TERMINATIONSFLUE OUTLET OF HEATER2. HORIZONTAL FLUE TERMINATIONSFLUE OUTLET OF HEATERA - VENT TERMINATION MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2FT HIGHER THAN ANY POINTWITHIN 10FT.B - MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL RUN IS 30FT.NOTE: 90deg ELBOW = 10ft HORIZONTAL VENT ALLOWANCE45deg ELBOW = 5ft HORIZONTAL VENT ALLOWANCEC - VENT TERMINATION IN HORIZONTAL POSITION MUST BE MINIMUM 4ft FROM ANYCOMBUSTABLE SURFACED - EXTERIOR VERTICAL VENT TERMINATION MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2ft.NOTE: ALL VENT TERMINATIONS MUST HAVE A RAIN CAP INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS.MAINTENANCE:1. Every construction heater should be inspected before each use, and atleast annually by a qualified service person. Incorrect maintenance my result in improper operation of the heater and serious injury could occur.2. Service and maintenance should only be done by a qualified service person.3. The hose assemblies shall be visually inspected prior to each use of theheater. If it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear, or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the heater being put into operation. The replacement hose assembly shall be that specified by the manufacturer.4. The appliance must be kept clear and free from combustible materials,gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids.5. The flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed. Be sure tocheck the fan assembly and ensure that the motor and blade are operating properly.6. Compressed air should be used to keep components free of dust and dirtbuild up. Note: Do not use the compressed air inside any piping or regulator components.7. Fan Limit Switch (Part# FV-407A) should be replaced if the fan motor doesnot shut off after the heat exchanger has cooled down.8. High Limit Switches (Part# FV-406 and FV-437) should be checked eachseason. These limit switches will ensure the burner shuts down if the temperature exceeds 150°F degrees at rear of unit and 290°F at the outlet. 9. Heat Exchanger should be cleaned if smokey conditions continue even afterthe air adjustments on the burner are made.START UP INSTRUCTIONS:1. Be sure the switch is in the “OFF” position.2. Ensure electrical cord is grounded and heater is on a level surface.3. Plug in supply cord to 115v, 15amp outlet.4. Move switch to “MANUAL” position for manual control.5. Move switch to “THERMOSTAT” position for thermostatic control. Please Note:1. If using Thermostat on unit, unit must be started in Thermostat position.2. When changing between manual and thermostat operation, the heatermust be left in the “OFF” position for 30 seconds to prevent the burner from locking out.3. When using a generator for electrical supply, make sure the generator isproperly grounded and generator is at a 60Hz frequency.4. In the event that a generator is being used and the generator runs out offuel, make sure the heater switch is in the “OFF” position before restarting generator, failure to do so may damage heater.TO SHUT DOWN:1. Close main gas supply valve while heater is operating.2. Move switch to “OFF” position.3. Disconnect heater from gas supply.NOTE: Fan will continue to operate after the burner shuts down. Once the unit cools down, the fan will stop.IF HEATER FAILS TO START:1. Press manual reset button at rear of burner.2. Check gas pressure supply. Supply and manifold pressure mustfollow those on rating plate.3. Ensure proper power supply and extension cord is being used.4. If heater fails to ignite after 3 attempts, call your supplier for service.SAFE OPERATION PRECAUTIONS:1. For use with propane or natural gas only. See approval label.2. Use switch to shut down the heater. Do not try to shut down the heaterby unplugging the electrical cord.3. Do not plug anything other that the thermostat into the “Thermostat”plug.4. Follow electrical requirements shown on rating plate and/or Electricalrequirements section of this manual.5. Before removing any guards or performing any maintenance, be surethat the main power supply is disconnected.COMBUSTION AIR ADJUSTMENTS:NOTE:Proper combustion air adjustment must be achieved using a certified combustion analyzer to ensure complete combustion.The air adjustment should be made to achieve 10% CO2 on naturalgas and 12% CO2 on propane.SETTING THE AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATEA) Regulation of the combustion air flow is made by adjustment of the manual AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATE (1) after loosening the FIXING SCREWS (2 and 3). The initial setting of the air adjustment plate should be made according toColumn 5 in the Burner Set-up Chart.B) The proper number on the manual AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATE (1) should line up with the SETTING INDICATOR (4) on the fan housing cover. Once set, the air ad-justment plate should be secured in place by tightening SCREWS 2 and 3.C) The final position of the air adjustment plate will vary on each installation. Use in-struments to establish the proper settings for maximum CO 2.NOTE: Variations in flue gas, CO 2 and temperature readings may beexperienced when the burner cover is put in place. Therefore, the burner cover must be in place when making the final combustion instrument readings, to ensure proper test results.BURNER SET-UP CHART12345FIRING RATE (BTUH) ORIFICE-LP ORIFICE-NG HEAD SETTINGAIR DAMPER SETTING390,000PART # FVP-425PART # FVN-42654.8TEMPERATURE FEELER GAUGE ADJUSTMENT(ATTACHED TO FAN SWITCH)The temperature feeler gauge is required to be always touching the heater exchanger.The temperature feeler gauge controls the air flow over the fan switch, which eliminates any unnecessary fan cycling. The temperature feeler gauge can be adjusted for different outside temperatures, by rotating the location of the temperature feeler gauge holes. This will provide maximum performance of the unit in different applications.If supply air is warm (-5° C, indoor application):Turn the temperature feeler gauge so that the holes are parallel with the heat exchanger. This will help the fan switch to remain cool and not overheat. See following:If supply air is cold (under -5° C):Turn the temperature feeler gauge so that the holes are closed off as the air goes over the heat exchanger. This will reduce fan cycling and the unit from shutting down.See following:In extreme cold conditions, cover the holes on the temperature feeler gauge using foil tape. Ensure that the temperature feeler gauge is readjusted for warmer weather conditions. Failure to do so may result in burning out fan switches – not covered under warranty.PRINCIPAL BURNER COMPONENTS1. Air Damper (Optional Delete)2. Air Gate Lock-screws3. Wiring Terminal Block4. Air Pressure Switch5. Motor6. Lockout Lamps and ResetButton7. Cover Screw8. Rubber Grommet9. CapacitorBURNER DIMENSIONSModel 400 A B C F G *G1 H inches 10 5/16 12 1 3/8 13 11/16 3 3/4 10 4 1/8 mm 2262 305 35 347 95 255 61 *G1 is for LBT version - Gasket thickness is 4 millimetersELECTRODE AND FLAME PROBE ADJUSTMENTSIMPORTANT: Do not turn the ignition electrode. Leave it as shown in the drawing. If the ignition electrode is put near the ionization probe, the amplifier of the control box may be damaged.TYPICAL GAS TRAIN LAYOUTFIELD SUPPLIED RIELLO SUPPLIEDGAS TRAIN LEGENDn GAS SUPPLY & FLOW DIRECTIONOF GASrGAS APPLIANCE PRESSURE REGULATORo AS SUPPLY MAIN SHUTOFF MANUAL VALVE (FIELD SUPPLIEDsSAFETY SHUTOFF GAS VALVE (VS) 24V OR 120V SUPPLIED) OPERATEDp GAS SUPPLY PRESSURE TESTPOINT (FIELD SUPPLIED)tMAIN GAS VALVE (V1) 24V OR 120V OPERATED SINGLE STAGEq GAS TRAIN PIPE DIAMETER SIZE(S): BURNER G120 1/2" NPT (REDUCED AT COMBUSTION HEAD TO 3/8") BURNER(S) G200 & G400 3/4" NPTuGAS BURNER MANIFOLD TEST POINTGAS SUPPLY PRESSURE RANGES:NATURAL GAS PRESSURE: MIN. = 4.0″WC MAX. 10.5″ WCL.P. PROPANE GAS PRESSURE MIN. = 8.0″ WC MAX. 13.0″ WCFIELD WIRING DIAGRAMFACTORY WIRING DIAGRAMNOTE:1. This burner is approved for use without the motorized air damper. In theseinstances optional wiring is used2. The SAFETY SWITCH on the 525 SE CONTROL BOX is equipped with acontact allowing remote sensing of burner lockout. The electrical connection is located on the CONTROL BOX terminal 4 as indicated. Should burner lockout occur, the 525 SE CONTROL BOX will supply a power source of 120 Vac to the connection terminal. The maximum allowable current draw on this terminal is 1 A.PARTS PRICE LIST 2008/2009FVN-400 & FVP-400 INDIRECT FIRED HEATERSPART NUMBER DESCRIPTION LIST PRICEFV-401 Primary Fan Motor 488.40FV-402 16” Fan Blade 169.80FV-403 16” Wheel 195.00FV-404 18” Power Cord 36.00FV-405 SS Heat Exchanger 2140.00FV-406 High Limit Switch (Outlet) 37.80FV-407A Fan Limit Switch (Adjustable) 39.80FV-408 Fan Motor Canopy 90.00FV-409 Toggle Switch (on control box) 39.50FV-410 Green Light (on control box) 18.40FV-411 Red Light (on control box) 18.40Contactor 52.50 FV-412 RelayFV-414 Thermostat Plug (on control box) 11.25FV-414A Thermostat Plug (on control box) 2008> 11.25FVNP-424 Riello Burner (FVN-400 & FVP-400) 3287.00FVP-425 LP Burner Orifice for FVP-400 56.20FVN-426 NG Burner Orifice for FVN-400 56.20AssemblyHose 30.20S6012-12 Valve349-12E Steel Elbow (3/4”MP X 3/4”F.JIC) 14.8340-100-12 Sch 40 Elbow (3/4”) 1.47FVNP-427 Maxitrol Regulator (RV52) 115.60FVNP-428 Mag Type 200 Solenoid Valve 380.25FVNP-429 Asco Solenoid Valve 235.40FVNP-430 Valve Assembly Mounting Brackets (2) 18.00FV-431 Burner Gasket 32.50Gauge 13.60 FV-433 FeelerGauge-Solid 13.60 FV-433B FeelerFV-434 Front Face Plate (2 x 12”) 182.00FV-434A Front Face Plate (1 x 16”) 182.00FV-437 High Limit (Rear) 37.80Harness 129.20 FV-438 LiftingFV-439 Circuit Breaker 15 Amps 16.80FV-446 Sight Glass c/w Fiber gasket 11.10FV-447 Sightwasher 11.10GlassFVNP-300162 Ignition Module (LP/NG) 701.90FVNP-3005447 Gas Pressure Test Point Adapter 16.95FVNP-3006688 Chassis Mounting Collar 61.00FVNP-3006699 Distributor Head & Mixing Plate 190.50Assembly 156.48 FVNP-3007276 ElectrodeAssembly 88.92 FVNP-3007277 FlameRodLead 10.10 FVNP-3007310 IonizationFVNP-3007448 Ground Lead & Connector For G400 Burner 11.00 FVNP-3020321 Air pressure Switch for G400 Burner 352.00ACCESSORIESFV-D12 12” X 12ft Canvas Ducting 212.00 FV-D16 16” X 16ft Canvas Ducting 530.00 FV-TH Thermostat c/w 25FT Cord 236.00 FVN-427 LP to NG Conversion Kit for FVP-400 56.20 FVP-428 NG to LP Conversion Kit for FVN-400 56.20FV-VK 6” x 3FT C-Vent c/w Rain Cap 74.20。
Mobile Fuel Filtration All 400 Series 手动燃油滤芯水分离器说明
![Mobile Fuel Filtration All 400 Series 手动燃油滤芯水分离器说明](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b29c6e82db38376baf1ffc4ffe4733687f21fc1a.png)
All 400 Series spin-on fuel filter/water separators feature a hand (palm) operated fuel priming4120R 490R460R445Rcontamination, and are available in 2, 10 and30 micron. Filtration needs should be basedon application, fuel quality, operating climates,and maintenance schedules. Also included are445R460R490R4120R60 GPH (227 LPH)90 GPH (341 LPH)120 GPH (454 LPH)3/4”-16 SAE(SAE J1926)4222.0 in. (5.1 cm)1”-1415.0 in. (38.1 cm)4.5 in. (11.4 cm)73Hand actuatedprimer pump Installation Instructions Refer to Mounting Instructions and InstallationDiagram and install as follows:Make sure engine is off and cool to touch.45R, 460R and 490R: Apply thread sealantto NPT fittings (do not use thread tapes asparticles may break off and contribute toValve400 SeriesElement replacement frequency is determined by contamination level in fuels. Fuel flow to engine becomes restricted as element gradually plugs with contaminants, resulting in noticeable power loss and/or hard starting. As a guideline, change element every 500 hours, 10,000 miles, every other oil change, annually, or at first indication of power loss, whichever occurs first. Always carry extra replacement elements as one tankful of excessively dirty fuel can quickly plug a filter.1. Make sure engine is off and cool to touch.2. C lose all fuel valves, if applicable, to makesure excess fuel does dot spill duringservicing.3. D isconnect water probe and heaterconnectors, if equipped.4. Open vent plug on mounting head.5. Drain unit of fuel.6. R emove bowl and element. Dispose elementproperly. Bowl is reusable.7. L ubricate new element seals with motor oil orclean fuel and install only with new element.8. R e-install bowl and tighten by hand only - donot use tools.9. C onnect water probe and heater connectors,if equipped.10. Open all fuel valves, if applicable.11. O perate hand primer pump until fuel purgesfrom vent.12. C lose vent plug and start engine. Correct asnecessary with engine off.Draining the Collection BowlWater is heavier than fuel and will settle to bottom of bowl and appear different in color if collected in a clear jar. In high humidity environments, check bowl frequently (daily if a poor fuel source is suspected). 400 Series bowls are equipped witha water sensor port that will accept a water probe (sold separately) and will alert operator of a high water condition in the filter.Do NOT use water probe electronics in gasoline applications - an explosion could occur.1. Make sure engine is off and cool to touch.2. Open vent plug.3. D rain water from filter by opening self-ventingdrain. Close as soon as all water hasevacuated.If drain is open too long, the entire filter may drain completely of water and fuel4. Follow priming instructions.Priming Instructions1. P rime filter by operating hand primer pumpuntil fuel spills out of vent port.2. Close vent plug snugly.3. Verify all other connections are tight.4. S tart engine and check for leaks. Correct asnecessary with engine off.If a 400 Series filter fails to hold prime, first check vent plug, drain valve, fittings, head, element and bowl are properly tightened. Next, check fuel line connections and verify that they are free of pinches or unnecessary bends and check to see if fuel tank strainer (or pick-up tube) is clogged. If problems persist and element is new, call Racor Technical Support at the number listed below.Service InstructionsTroubleShooting76Technical Support:800.344.3286 ext. 7555racortech@108 10。
ABB ACS400 变频器 说明书
![ABB ACS400 变频器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f2f8ebafd1f34693daef3e1e.png)
警告 ! 电机停止后,在主回路端子上 (U1, V1, W1 和 U2, V2, W2 及 U 存在。
警告 ! ACS 400 断电后,在继电器端子上 ( RO1A, RO1B, RO1C, RO2A, RO2B, RO2C) 依 然可能有外部危险电压。 警告 ! 不要试图修理损坏的单元,请与供应商联系。 警告 ! 当输入电源断电之后再次恢复时,如果外部运行指令为 ON,ACS 400 将自动起动。 警告 ! 当两个以上的 ACS100/140/400 的控制端子并联使用时,用于控制连接的辅助电源应 来自同一个单元或外部电源。 警告 ! 散热器的温度可能很高 ( 参看 S,表 11)。 注意 ! 欲获取详细的技术信息,请与供应商联系。
ACS 400
编程 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
控制方式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 输出显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 菜单结构 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 设定参数值 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 菜单功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 LED 指示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 故障诊断显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 控制盘复位故障 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 对比度调整 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ACS100-PAN 控制盘 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 控制方式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 输出显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 菜单结构 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 设定参数值 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 菜单功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 故障诊断显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 控制盘复位故障 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ACS 400 基本参数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 应用宏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 应用宏 Factory (0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 应用宏 Factory (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 应用宏 - ABB 标准型 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 应用宏 - 三线型 (3-wire) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 应用宏 - 交变型 (Alternate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 应用宏 - 电动电位器型 (Motor Potentiometer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 应用宏 - 手动 / 自动型 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 应用宏 - PID 控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 应用宏 - 预磁通 (Premagnetise) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 应用宏 - PFC 控制 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
FVO-400RC 间接燃烧空间加热器操作说明手册说明书
![FVO-400RC 间接燃烧空间加热器操作说明手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/30ffeef064ce0508763231126edb6f1aff00719f.png)
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL(Please retain for future reference)ForFVO-400RC INDIRECT FIRED SPACE HEATERS CERTIFIED FOR USE IN CANADA AND U.S.A.As per CSA B140.8 Portable Oil Fired Heaters / CSA B140.02003 Oil Burning Equipment Construction Heaters Unattended Type/ UL 733 Oil-fired Air HeatersIssue date: September 9, 20162003325FLAGRO INDUSTRIES LIMITEDST. CATHARINES, ONTARIOCANADAGENERAL HAZARD WARNING:FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS HEATER, CAN RESULT IN DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE FROM HAZARDS OF FIRE, EXPLOSION, BURN, ASPHYXIATION, CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING, AND/OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK.ONLY PERSONS WHO CAN UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD USE OR SERVICE THIS HEATER.IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE OR HEATER INFORMATION SUCH AS AN INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL, LABELS, ETC. CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER.WARNING:FIRE, BURN, INHALATION, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD. KEEP SOLID COMBUSTIBLES, SUCH AS BUILDING MATERIALS, PAPER OR CARDBOARD, A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE HEATER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INSTRUCTIONS. NEVER USE THE HEATER IN SPACES WHICH DO OR MAY CONTAIN VOLATILE OR AIRBORNE COMBUSTIBLES, OR PRODUCTS SUCH AS GASOLINE, SOLVENTS, PAINT THINNER, DUST PARTICLES OR UNKNOWN CHEMICALS.WARNING:INTENDED USE IS PRIMARILY THE TEMPORARY HEATING OF BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR OR EMERGENCIES ONLY.This heater is designed and approved for use as aconstruction heater under CSA B140.8 Portable OilFired Heaters / CSA B140.02003 Oil Burning Equipment.UL 733Oil-fired Air HeatersWe cannot anticipate every use which may be madeof our heaters. CHECK WITH YOU LOCAL FIRESAFETY AUTHORITY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONSABOUT APPLICATIONS.Other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heatproducing products in specific applications. Your localauthority can advise you about these.SPECIFICATIONSModel …………………………………………………….…. FVO-400RC Input …………………………………………………….…... Range325,000 – 390,000 Fuel …………………………………………………………. No.1, No. 2,diesel orkerosene Fuel Pressure …………………………………………….... 170 psiNozzle ………………………………………………………. 2.25 x 45B390,000 Btu2.00 x 60B/W353,000 BTU1.75 x 60B/W325,000 BTUElectrical……………………………………………………. 120V 15AMP Ignition ………………………………………………………. Direct Spark …….……………………………………………...…. ThermostatControlAir Circulation ………………………………………………. 4000 cfm Fuel Consumption ………………………………………...... 2.75 Gal/hr Approved …………………………………………………...... cETLus listedINSTALLATION:The installation of this heater for use with No.1, No.2, Diesel or Kerosene and shall conform with local codes or, in the absence of codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54. Installation of the unit shall be in accordance with the regulations of the authorities having jurisdiction or the CSA Standard B139.CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES:TOP FRONT SIDES REAR FLUE PIPE3 ft 10 ft 3 ft 3 ft 3 ft FUEL:This heater will operate with No.1, No.2, Diesel or Kerosene.Note:No.1 Fuel Oil or Kerosene must be used fortemperatures less than –10º C (8º F).REMOTE TANK OPTION:The FVO-400RC may be installed with a remote fuel tank providing the manufacturer approved FVO-TLS remote fuel kit is used. This kit includes the tiger loop system using a single line supply and pressure relief valve. This system prevents overpressure fuel supply and stops the fuel flow in the case of a leak in the fuel line where pump vacuum pressure is lost. A maximum of 50 ft supply hose must be used with this installation.All installations must conform to local installation codes and authorities having Jurisdiction.ELECTRICAL:WARNINGElectrical Grounding InstructionsThis appliance is equipped with a three-prong (grounding)plug for your protection against shock hazard and should beplugged directly into a properly grounded three-prongreceptacle.115v supply must be available. Please note that the heaterrequires 15 amps for proper operation. Ensure appropriategauge extension cord is used.• 12/3 AWG at 50 Feet• 10/3 AWG at 100 FeetFLUE PIPE: Flue pipe connection must terminate with a vertical run at least 2ft long.The vent outlet on the heater is 6” diameter. Certified ventingmust be used at all times. Vent cap should be installed insituations where downdrafts occur. All venting mustcorrespond with the CSA B149 standard or in its absence,local codes.FV SERIES CONSTRUCTION HEATER – VENTING REQUIREMENTS1. VERTICAL FLUE TERMINATIONSDFLUE OUTLET OF HEA TER2. HORIZONTAL FLUE TERMINATIONSFLUE OUTLET OF HEATHIS HEATER IS CONSIDERED A CATEGORY 3 APPLIANCE (SPECIAL VENTING SYSTEM) STACK TEMPERATURE CAN BE UP TO 900 DEGREE F.A - VENT TERMINATION MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2FT HIGHER THAN ANY POINTWITHIN 10FT.B - MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL RUN IS 30FT.NOTE: 90deg ELBOW = 10ft HORIZONTAL VENT ALLOWANCE45deg ELBOW = 5ft HORIZONTAL VENT ALLOWANCEC - VENT TERMINATION IN HORIZONTAL POSITION MUST BE MINIMUM 4ft FROM ANYCOMBUSTABLE SURFACED - EXTERIOR VERTICAL VENT TERMINATION MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2ft.NOTE: ALL VENT TERMINATIONS MUST HAVE A RAIN CAP INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS.OUTLET DUCTING:Hitex heater duct with a minimum temperature handling of300 deg F. including wire reinforcement to prevent collapsing.Heater is designed for use with 2 x 12” (FV-HD12) diameteror 1 x 16” (FV-HDG16) ducts equipped with pin lock couplingsor cuff & buckle.Install ducting to outlet on the heater using pin-locks or cuff &buckle provided on collar of ducting. Ducting should beinspected periodically for tearing and/or wear marks. Ductingshould be stored in a dry area when not in use.INLET DUCTING:Ventflex duct must be used on the return air. The heater isdesigned for 16” inlet diameter ducting. P/N FV-HDV16 MAINTENANCE:1. Every construction heater should be inspected before each use, and atleast annually by a qualified service technician. Incorrect maintenance my result in improper operation of the heater and serious injury could occur.2. Service and Maintenance only to be performed by a qualified servicetechnician.3. The hose assemblies shall be visually inspected prior to each use of theheater. If it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear, or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the heater being put into operation. The replacement hose assembly shall be that specified by the manufacturer.4. The flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed. Be sure tocheck the fan assembly and ensure that the motor and blade are operating properly.5. Compressed air should be used to keep components free of dust and dirt buildup. Note: Do not use the compressed air inside any piping or regulator components.6. Change fuel filter insert (Part# FVO-419) once per month. Change fuel filtercartridge (Part# FVO-418) once every 6 months.7. Change oil nozzle once per year. FV-435B (2.00 X 60B/W), FV-435WC (1.75X 60B/W)8. Fan Limit Switch (Part# FV-407A) should be replaced if the fan motor does notshut off after the heat exchanger has cooled down.9. The High Limit Switches (Part# FV-406 & FV-437) should be checked eachseason. These limit switches will ensure the burner shuts down if the temperature exceeds 150º F at rear of unit and 250º F at the outlet.10. Fuel tank should be drained on a regular basis by removing drain plug. CAUTION: Do not have any source of ignition near the heater when draining tank. NOTE: No.1 fuel oil or kerosene is recommended for temperatures below -10º C / 8º F11. Heat Exchanger should be cleaned if smokey conditions continue even afterthe air adjustments on the burner are made.START UP INSTRUCTIONS:1. Position heater properly on a level surface.2. Ensure the toggle switch is in the “OFF” position3. Ensure Burner “air gate” is properly set at4.54. Ensure electrical cord is grounded and plugged into a 115V 15ampoutlet. Verify cord size – 12/3 AWG at 50ft & 10/3 AWG at 100ft5. The power indicator light on the control box will engage. If the greenlight illuminates, you have proper power supply. If not, refer to thesticker on the heater to verify power supply issue(s). Correct the powersupply issue(s) before operating the heater.6. Move toggle switch to “MANUAL” position for manual control.7. Move toggle switch to “THERMOSTAT” position for thermostatic control.Thermostat must be plugged into heater first.Please Note:1. If using Thermostat on unit, unit must be started in Thermostat position.2 When changing between manual and thermostat operation, the heatermust be left in the “OFF” position for 30 seconds to prevent the burner fromlocking out.3. When using a generator for electrical supply, make sure the generatoris properly grounded and generator is at a 60Hz frequency.4. In the event that a Generator is being used and the generator runs out offuel, make sure the heater switch is in the “OFF” position before restartinggenerator, failure to do so may damage heater.TO SHUT DOWN:1. Move Burner switch to “OFF” positionNOTE: The main fan will continue to operate after the burner shuts down.Once the unit has cooled down, the fan will stop.IF HEATER FAILS TO START:1. Press manual reset button at rear of burner. (Red button).2. Check fuel level. There must be 2-4 gallons of fuel in the tank for theheater to start properly.3. Make sure there are no air locks in fuel lines or filter.4. Ensure proper power supply and extension cord is being used.5. Check for dirty fuel filter or blocked fuel supply line.6. Check burner nozzle assembly.NOTE: IF THE BURNER HAS BEEN RESET SEVERAL TIMES THERE MAY BE AN ACCUMULATION OF OIL IN THE CHAMBER! DO NOT CONTINUE TO TRY AND START THE HEATER!DRAIN OIL FROM HEAT EXCHANGER USING DRAIN HOLE AT FRONT OF HEAT EXCHANGER FOR 15-20 MINUTES BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO RELIGHT. LET REMAINING EXCESS OIL BURN OFF BEFORE CHECKING COMBUSTION OF UNIT.SAFE OPERATION PRECAUTIONS:1. Do not fill fuel tank while heater is operation.2. Do not attempt to start heater if excess oil remains in the heatexchanger.3. Use switch to shut down the heater. Do not try to shut down the heaterby unplugging the electrical cord.4. Do not plug anything other that the thermostat into the “Thermostat”plug.5. Do not use any fuel other that those listed on rating plate.6. Follow electrical requirements shown on rating plate and/or Electricalrequirements section of this manual.7. Before removing any guards or performing any maintenance, be surethat the main power supply is disconnected.COMBUSTION AIR ADJUSTMENTS:NOTE: Proper combustion air adjustment must be achieved using a certified combustion analyzer and smoke tester to ensure completecombustion.The air adjustment should be made to achieve 10% CO2and No. 1 or “trace” smoke. (Bacharach Scale)SETTING THE AIRADJUSTMENT PLATEA) Regulation of thecombustion air flow is made byadjustment of the manual AIRADJUSTMENT PLATE (1) afterloosening the FIXINGSCREWS (2 & 3). The initialsetting of the air adjustmentplate should be madeaccording to Column 5 in theBurner Set-up Chart.B) The proper number on the manual AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATE (1) should line up with the SETTING INDICATOR (4) on the fan housing cover. Once set, the air adjustment plate should be secured in place by tightening SCREWS 2 and 3.C) The final position of the air adjustment plate will vary on each installation.and a smoke Use instruments to establish the proper settings for maximum CO2reading of zero.NOTE: Variations in flue gas, smoke, COand temperature readings may be2experienced when the burner cover is put in place. Therefore, the burner cover must be in place when making the final combustion instrument readings, to ensure proper test results.BURNER SET-UP CHART* Note – Air damper setting is typically set at 4 for operation in coldertemperatures. A combustion analyzer should always be used when setting the burner.TEMPERATURE FEELER GAUGE ADJUSTMENT(ATTACHED TO FAN SWITCH)The temperature feeler gauge is required to be always touching the heater exchanger.The temperature feeler gauge controls the air flow over the fan switch, which eliminates any unnecessary fan cycling. The temperature feeler gauge can be adjusted for different outside temperatures, by rotating the location of the temperature feeler gauge holes. This will provide maximum performance of the unit in different applications.If supply air is warm (-5º C, indoor application):Turn the temperature feeler gauge so that the holes are parallel with the heat exchanger. This will help the fan switch to remain cool and not overheat. See following:If supply air is cold (under -5ºC):Turn the temperature feeler gauge so that the holes are closed off as the air goes over the heat exchanger. This will reduce fan cycling and the unit from shuttingIn extreme cold conditions, cover the holes on the temperature feeler gauge using foil tape. Ensure that the temperature feeler gauge is readjusted for warmer weather conditions. Failure to do so may result in burning out fan switches- not covered under warranty.POWER SUPPLY INDICATOR LIGHT/VOLT METER/PRE-HEATER: The power supply indicator light will help detect any faulty power supplied to the heater such as; grounding issues, reverse polarity or missing/poor connections. Warning Light IndicationsGreen Light ……………… Meets Power RequirementsSolid Red Light………….. Reverse PolaritySolid Red & Green Light… Ground IssueVolt Meter – Measure Volts supplied to HeaterATTENTION: IF SOLID RED & GREEN IS INDICATED, MAKE CORRECTIONS TO POWER SUPPLY BEFORE TURNING HEATER ON. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL VOID ANY WARRANTY.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSIt is advisable to leave the control box off the sub-base while completing the electrical connections to the burner.The burner may be controlled using either a DIRECT LINE VOLTAGE control circuit (120V AC 60 cycle) OR a LOW VOLTAGE control (24V AC 60 cycle) using a R8038A Honeywell switching relay or equivalent.Using the appropriate diagram below, make electrical connections to the burner. All wiring must be done in accordance with existing electrical codes, both national and local.When all electrical connections have been made, the control box may be put back in place on the sub-base.WARNING: DO NOT activate burner until proper oil line connections have been made, or failure of the pump shaft seal may occur.APPLICATION FIELD WIRINGREMOTE SENSING OF SAFETY LOCKOUT: The SAFETY SWITCH in the 530SE CONTROL BOX is equipped with a contact allowing remote sensing of burner lockout. The electrical connection is made at terminal 4 (●) on the SUB-BASE. Should lockout occur the 530SE CONTROL BOX will supply a power source of 120Vac to the connection terminal. The maximum allowable current draw on this terminal (4) is 1 Amp.INSERTION / REMOVAL OF DRAWER ASSEMBLYA) To remove drawer assembly, loosen SCREW (3), then unplug CONTROLBOX (1) by carefully pulling it back and then up.B) Remove the AIR TUBE COVER PLATE (5) by loosening the two retainingSCREWS (4).C) Loosen SCREW (2), and then slide the complete drawer assembly out of thecombustion head as shown.D) To insert drawer assembly, reverse the procedure in items A to C above, andthen attach fuel line to the pump.NOZZLE PLACEMENTA) Remove the NOZZLE ADAPTER (2) from the DRAWER ASSEMBLY byloosening the SCREW (1).B) Insert the proper NOZZLE into the NOZZLE ADAPTER and tighten securely(Do not over tighten).C) Replace adapter, with nozzle installed, into drawer assembly and secure withscrew (1).ELECTRODE SETTINGTURBULATOR SETTINGA) Loosen NUT (1), then turn SCREW (2) until the INDEX MARKER (3) is alignedwith the correct index number as per the Burner Set-up chart, on page 12.B) Retighten the RETAINING NUT (1)NOTE: Zero and five are scale indicators only. From left to right, the first line is5 and the last line 0.OIL LINE CONNECTIONSNote:Pump pressure must be set at time of burner start-up. A pressure gauge is attached to the PRESSURE PORT (8) for pressure readings. Two PIPE CONNECTORS (5) are supplied with the burner for connection to either a single or a two-pipe system. Also supplied are two ADAPTORS (3), two female 1/4” NPT, to adapt oil lines to burner pipe connectors. All pump port threads are British Parallel Thread design. Direct connection of NPT threads to the pump will damage the pump body. Riello manometers and vacuum gauges do not require any adaptors, and can be safely connected to the pump ports. An NPT (metric) adapter must be used when connecting other gauge models.F-10 OIL FIRED BURNER - PARTS DIAGRAMRIELLO BURNER F10 - PARTS LIST DIAGRAMN#PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION1FV-20136636-OIL PLASTIC BURNER COVER C/W LABELS2FVO-3006992SUPPLY LINE4FVO-3006993RETURN LINE16FVO-3020076PUMP ADAPTER FOR NOZZLE HOLDER FUEL LINE18FVO-C700-1029IGNITION MODULE19FVO-3002278SUB-BASE FOR IGNITION MODULE20FVO-3006553COIL U-BRACKET C/W KNURLED NUT21FVO-3002279PUMP COIL22FVO-20136488BURNER PUMP23FVO-3000443PUMP DRIVE KEY24FVO-C7001034BURNER MOTOR25FVO-3007317AIR TUBE COVER PLATE26FVO-20132573PHOTO CELL27FVO-3005854SEMI FLANGE28FVO-3005855MOUNTING FLANGE30FV-3005788BURNER FAN31FVO-3005844BURNER CAPACITOR32FV-3007205AIR DAMPER33FVO-3006978TURBULATOR DISC34FVO-3006966ELECTRODE SUPPORT35FVO-20136639NOZZLE HOLDER36FVO-3005889REGULATOR ASSEMBLY37FVO-3005891ELECTRODE ASSEMBLY38FVO-3005869ELECTRODE PORCELAIN39FVO-3006982BLAST TUBE40FVO-3006983END CONE ADAPTER41FVO-3006984END CONE42FVO-20136491PREHEATER26 Benfield Drive , St.Catharines Ontario Canada905-685-4243PARTS LIST FOR FVO-400RCPart Number Part DescriptionFV-401A 1 HP FAN MOTOR FOR FVO/FVN/FVP (RC UNIT)FV-402RC16" BC IMPELLER FOR FV-400RCFV-402RCA VENTURI FOR 16" BC IMPELLERFV-403A16" WHEEL - FLAT FREEFV-40418" POWER CORD C/W PLUG ENDFV-405SS HEAT EXCHANGER40-113-D7GALV1/2" X 7" GALVANIZED NIPPLE40-108-8GALV1/2" GALVANIZED CAPFV-406HIGH LIMIT SWITCH (OUTLET)FV-407A FAN LIMIT SWITCH (ADJUSTABLE)FV-407G FAN LIMIT SILICONE GASKETFV-P01RC TOP BODY PANELFV-P02BOTTOM BODY PANELFV-P04RC REAR BURNER MOUNT PANELFV-P05RC MOTOR MOUNT BRACKETFV-P08RC CONTROL BOXFV-P09RC CONTROL BOX LIDFV-P10LIMIT BOX (DOUBLE HOLE)FV-P11LIMIT BOX (SINGLE HOLE)FV-P12LIMIT BOX LIDFV-408RC RECIRCULATING FAN MOTOR CANOPYFV-408IFP CANOPY INNER FACEPLATEFV-408IR CANOPY INLET RINGFVO-FRC FRAME FOR FVO-400RCFV-411RED LIGHT (ON CONTROL BOX)FV-414B THERMOSTAT PLUG (ON CONTROL BOX)FV-415A MALE CONNECTOR FOR FV-THBFVO-415RIELLO BURNER (F10)FVO-416A42 US GALLON OIL TANK (POLY TANK)FVO-416HRC OIL TANK HARNESS/ WITH LIFT POCKETSFVO-416G FUEL GAUGEFVO-417B OIL TANK CAP (POLY TANK)40-121-6GALV OIL TANK DRAIN PLUG (FOR POLY TANK) FVO-418FUEL FILTER (COMPLETE)FVO-419FUEL FILTER (INSERT ONLY)FVO-420A CLEAR FUEL LINE 14" (TANK TO FILTER)FVO-421A CLEAR FUEL LINE 6.5" (FILTER TO BURNER)FVO-422A CLEAR FUEL LINE 14" (BURNER TO TANK)48-6C BRASS FITTING (POLY TANK TO FILTER)2103-C-CGA3/8" SHUT OFF VALVE122-C3/8" BRASS HEX NIPPLE49-6C3/8" MP X 3/8" M.FL BRASS ELBOW49-6B1/4" MP X 3/8" M.FL BRASS ELBOWFV-431BURNER GASKETFV-433FEELER GAUGEFV-433B FEELER GAUGE - SOLIDFV-434CB12FRONT FACE PLATE (2 X 12")FV-434CB16FRONT FACE PLATE (1 X 16")FV-435H OIL BURNER NOZZLE (1.75 X 60W)FV-435B OIL BURNER NOZZLE (2.00 X 60W)FV-436A SUPPORT LEG (POLY TANK)FV-437HIGH LIMIT (REAR)FV-438RC LIFTING HARNESSFVO-440A WHEEL AXLE - (POLY TANK)FV-446SIGHT GLASS C/W FIBER GASKETFV-447SIGHT GLASS WASHERFV-448MAIN RELAYFV-450SI POWER SUPPLY INDICATOR FOR FV-SERIES 2014> FV-461PUMP INLET/OUTLET ADAPTERFV-469120V LED VOLT METERACCESSORIES FV-HD1212" X 12-FT HITEX VINYL DUCTING PIN LOCKFV-HD12X2512" X 25-FT HITEX VINYL DUCTING PIN LOCKFV-HDG1616" X 25-FT HITEX VINYL DUCTING CUFF & BUCKLE FV-HDV1616" X 25-FT VENTFLEX DUCTING CUFF & BUCKLE FV-VK6" X 3 FT C-VENT C/W RAIN CAPFVO-C7050010VACUUM & PRESSURE TESTER MANIFOLDFVO-C7001001EMERGENCY SERVICE KITLine GrdNeutralFV-400RC WIRING DIAGRAM120 VoltMeter Power Supply Indicator1 6Relay 1 HP 1725 RPM MotorFan LimitRiello BurnerManual Off Remote Toggle250F High LimitThermostat Connection150F High LimitRed Burner Lockout120 Volt Meter "4"OR"8"FV-400RC WIRING DIAGRAM - 2020RELAY CONNECTIONS:"8" - HARTLAND RELAY "4" OMRON RELAY。
APF使用说明书APF使用说明书1.简介1.1 概述1.2 目的1.3 范围2.准备工作2.1 系统要求2.2 安装APF2.3 获取许可2.4 登录APF3.界面介绍3.1 主界面3.2 导航栏3.3 仪表盘3.4 设置4.配置项目4.1 新建项目4.2 项目设置4.3 定义阶段4.4 计划阶段4.5 执行阶段4.6 收尾阶段5.任务管理5.1 创建任务5.2 分配任务5.3 任务进度追踪 5.4 任务完成标记5.5 任务评估6.资源管理6.1 添加资源6.2 分配资源6.3 资源利用率监控6.4 资源调整7.进度管理7.1 定义项目进度7.2 监控项目进度7.3 提前预警和延迟处理8.风险管理8.1 识别项目风险8.2 分析风险8.3 规划风险应对措施8.4 监控风险9.文档管理9.1 创建文档9.2 版本控制9.3 共享文档9.4 文档批准流程10.讨论与沟通10.1 项目讨论10.2 沟通记录10.3 问题解决11.报告与分析11.1 报告11.2 数据分析11.3 项目绩效评估12.功能扩展12.1 插件系统12.2 集成API12.3 自定义字段13.帮助与支持13.1 联系我们13.2 常见问题解答 13.3 使用指南13.4 入门视频教程附录:附件2、使用许可证法律名词及注释:1.APF - Advanced Project Management FrameworkAPF是一种先进的项目管理框架,提供了丰富的功能和工具,用于帮助项目团队有效地规划、执行和控制项目。
Raspberry Pi 400 用户手册说明书
![Raspberry Pi 400 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c37ff73df342336c1eb91a37f111f18583d00cf7.png)
Raspberry Pi 400 Published in November 2020OverviewFeaturing a quad-core 64-bit processor, wireless networking, dual-display output and 4K video playback, Raspberry Pi 400 is a complete personal computer, built into a compact keyboard.Raspberry Pi 400 is ideal for surfing the web, creating and editing documents, watching videos, and learning to program using the Raspberry Pi OS desktop environment.Raspberry Pi 400 is available in a number of different country variants and as either a computer kit, containing everything you need to get started (except fora TV or monitor), or as a computer unit only.SpecificationProcessor: B roadcom BCM2711 quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARMv8)****************RAM: 4GB LPDDR4-3200Connectivity: D ual-band (2.4GHz and 5.0GHz) IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac wireless LAN, Bluetooth 5.0, BLEGigabit Ethernet2 × USB 3.0 and 1 × USB 2.0 portsGPIO Horizontal 40-pin GPIO headerVideo & Sound: 2 × micro HDMI ports (supports up to 4Kp60)Multimedia: H.265 (4Kp60 decode); H.264 (1080p60 decode,1080p30 encode);OpenGL ES 3.0 graphicsSD card support: M icroSD card slot for operating system and datastorageKeyboard: 78- or 79-key compact keyboard (depending onlanguage variant)Power: 5V DC via USB connectorOperating temperature: 0°C to +40°CDimensions: 286 mm × 122 mm × 23 mm (maximum)Compliance: F or a full list of local and regional product approvals,please visitw /documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/conformity.mdMicroSD card slot USB-C power USB 2.0Ordering options* price excludes sales tax, any applicable import duty, and local shipping costsKeyboard print layouts UKUSDEFRITESWARNINGS• A ny external power supply used with Raspberry Pi 400 shall comply with relevant regulations and standards applicable in the country of intended use.• T his product should be operated in a well-ventilated environment and should not be covered when being operated.• T he connection of incompatible devices to Raspberry Pi 400 may affect compliance, result in damage to the unit, and invalidate the warranty.• T here are no user-serviceable parts inside Raspberry Pi 400, and opening the unit is likely to damage the product and will invalidate the warranty.• A ll peripherals used with this product should comply with relevant standards for the country of use and be marked accordingly to ensure that safety and performance requirements are met. These articles include, but are not limited to, mice, monitors and cables when used in conjunction with Raspberry Pi 400.• T he cables and connectors of all peripherals used with this product must have adequate insulation so that relevant safety requirements are met.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSTo avoid malfunction or damage to this product please observe the following:• D o not expose to water or moisture whilst in operation.• D o not expose to heat from any source; Raspberry Pi 400 is designed for reliable operation at normal ambient temperatures.• T ake care whilst handling to avoid mechanical or electrical damage to the computer.。
TABLE OF CONTENTSInstallation and Setup (3)Maintenance & Disassembly (3)Troubleshooting Guide (4)Pneumatic Circuit (5)Part List (6)Parts Drawing (7)MACHINE GUARDINGMachine guarding is the responsibility of the user. Provisions must be made to protect the operator and other employees from injury as a result of contact with work in progress, moving parts, mechanical motions of the press, etc. Air-Hydraulics cannot provide “standard” guards for its products due to the variety of tooling used by its owners. However, Air-Hydraulics will be happy to install guards and similar safety devices for operator protection. These safety devices must be produced at the request of and with the design approval of the purchaser.WARRANTYWe warrant to the original user that all products of our manufacture will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will possess the characteristics represented in writing by us. Claim for breach of the above warranty must be made within a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery to the user. Upon satisfactory proof of claim, we will make any necessary repairs or corrections, or, at our option, replace defective parts at the factory, transportation charges prepaid. Charges for correcting defects will not be allowed, nor can we accept goods returned for credit unless we are notified in writing and the return or correction is authorized by us in writing. The FOREGOING IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT. This paragraph sets forth the extent of our liability for breach of any warranty in connection with the sale or use of our products. It is understood we will not be liable for consequential damage such as loss of profit, delays, or expense whether based on tort or contract.INSTALLATION1.Place press on rigid bench or table at a convenient height for operator. Bolt securely to thebench.2.Connect 100 P.S.I. filtered shop air supply (40 micron min) to 3/8 N.P.T. inlet port of pressureregulator.SET UP AND OPERATION1.Loosen locknut and adjust pressure regulator until pressure gauge reads desired pressure(100 P.S.I.). CAUTION: Do not operate at pressure greater than 125 P.S.I.2.Adjust speed control valve to slow descent of shaft by turning outer hex sleeve.3.Check to make sure safety sleeve assembly is in the correct position on the press beforeoperating4.Keeping hands clear of shaft, actuate press by depressing hand valve pedal (s).5.Release pedal (s). Shaft should return to fully retracted position.6.Remove safety sleeve from press.7.Loosen locking nut and adjust stop nut to obtain desired stroke. Distance between bottomof the stop nut and top surface of stop cap or frame is the stroke of the shaft. CAUTION: Donot back off locking nut beyond top of threaded shaft. Doing so may damage packings.8.Replace safety sleeve and re-actuate press.9.If necessary, re-adjust stop nut, speed control and pressure regulator to obtain desiredsetting. CAUTION: Never operate press unless safety sleeve is in place and hands are clearof shaft.10.Install tooling into hole provided in shaft, securing with set screw.11.Install dies, nests or anvils onto base using tapped holes provided.12.Make any final stroke, speed and pressure adjustments to obtain desired workpiececonfiguration with tooling in place.MAINTENANCELUBRICATIONAir presses are lubricated at the factory and should require no additional lubrication. However, if a press is disassembled for service or replacement of parts, all internal surfaces should be coated with a light bearing grease such as Lubriko M6 (Master Chemical Co.) or equivalent.PRESS DISASSEMBLYShould press disassembly become necessary, use extreme caution. This press has a heavily compressed return spring under the piston. When removing cylinder end cap, the cap should be securely held in position until retaining screws are removed and then raised very slowly until spring compression is fully released. Failure to do so will result in various parts separating abruptly, possibly causing injury to personnel. Re-assembly should be approached in the same cautious manner. Torque cylinder mounting fasteners to 23 ft. lbs. each.Air-Hydraulics, Inc. maintains complete facilities at all times for the repair of presses. If qualified maintenance personnel are not available at a customer’s plant, the press may be returned to the Air-Hydraulics, Inc. for service.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEPNEUMATIC DIAGRAMSINGLE ACTING CYLINDER WITHDUAL PALMS & ANTI-TIE DOWNAP 1200Length of Stroke 0-2” adjustable Throat Depth 5.00”Opening of Ram to Base 5.00”Tool Hole in Ram .56 dia. X 1.50 deep Force at 100 P.S.I. Up to 400 lbs. Ram Style KeyedNet Weight (less controls) 48 lbs.Controls (optional) Flow Control ValvePressure RegulatorPressure GaugeExhaust Air MufflerPARTS LIST AP400 AIR PRESSAP400 PARTS DRAWING。
APV FX 牛奶过滤器单元说明书
![APV FX 牛奶过滤器单元说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e8413264590216fc700abb68a98271fe900eaf4e.png)
FAST D E LIVE RY, H I G H QUALITYThe APV brand FX Milk Pasteurizer can be used for pasteurization of fresh milk.PR OD U CT B E N E FITS AN D FEATU R E SThe APV brand FX Milk Pasteurizer is a flexible solution that can be delivered, installed and commissioned within a very short time, offering a unique combination of advantages:• Modular system for complete flexibility• Pre-assembled and factory-tested with water before delivery for easy and fast installation based on standardized design • Simply connect and run • Automatic control • Rapid production increase • Less product loss• Integration with existing control system • Skid-mounted for flexible relocation• Capacities ranging from 1,004 to 9,246 gal/h (3,800 to 35,000 L/h)• Lower investment costs• Short pay-back time and high ROI over a long service life • Global availability with SPX FLOW global service and support OPTI M U M OUTPUT• Wide choice of capacity to suit all needs R E D U CE D I NVE STM E NT• Enables realization of full production capacity to optimize efficiency and ROI with minimum investmentH I G H QUALITY AN D SAFETY• Automatic control of pasteurization temperature • Automatic flow diversion• Continuous recording for full traceability E FFE CTIVE CLEAN-I N-PLACE (CI P)• Fully CIP preparedS H ORT TI M E TO PR OD U CTI ON• Each module contains a full set of installation instructions for fast assembly and connection.Increase output quickly with minimum investmentPR OVE N R E LIAB I LITY• T esting with water of each unit by SPX FLOW specialists prior to shipping• Rapid installation and commissioning• Proven functionality and performanceSTAN DAR D I ZE D TU R N K EY PACKAG E• Skid-mounted pasteurization system• Fast delivery• Commissioning• All in the box – all in the priceWI D E RAN G E OF OPTI ON S• Homogenizer• T ubular heat exchangers• Deaerator• Separator• PLC controller• Divert coolingS E RVI CE AN D S U PP ORT• Customized service and maintenance agreements• Global delivery of genuine SPX FLOW spare parts• Application consulting• Application testing at the SPX FLOW Innovation Center• Customer specific equipment/ instrumentationU N I QU E U HT E X PE RTI S ESPX FLOW is a world leader in UHT processing with a comprehensive portfolio of tried and tested UHT plant solutions comprising plate, tubular, injection and infusion UHT plant technologies.The SPX FLOW Innovation Center based in Silkeborg, Denmark, operates a UHT pilot plant capable of running all the main UHT systems. This pilot plant is available for customers wishing to test new processes and optimize existing process parameters with the assurance of production scalability. Plant is also available for rent,enabling customers to conduct trials on their own premises.Global locationsAM E R I CAS S PX FLOW611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115USA+1 262 728 1900APAC S PX FLOW7F, No. 1568, Huashan Road,Shanghai, 200052China+86 21 2208 5888E M EA S PX FLOWOestmarken 7DK-2860 Soeborg Denmark +45 70 278 222SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit .The green “” and “” are trademarks of SPX FLOW, Inc.ISSUED 09/2017 6211-02-01-2012-US COPYRIGHT © 2017 SPX FLOW, Inc.S PX FLOW611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115P: (262) 728-1900 or (800) 252-5200E:**********************Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX FLOW, Inc. (NYSE: FLOW) is a multi-industry manufacturing leader. For more information, please visit 。
欢迎新老客户来公司参观指导!目录第一章有源电力滤波器(APF).................................................................................................一、电力系统谐波简介.....................................................................................................二、谐波限值相关标准.....................................................................................................三、有源电力滤波器的技术原理.....................................................................................四、YL有源电力滤波器的技术优势................................................................................五、YL有源电力滤波器的性能及参数............................................................................六、YL有源电力滤波器的补偿方式................................................................................七、功率模块示意图.........................................................................................................八、有源电力滤波器的应用范围..................................................................................... 第二章静止无功发生器(SVG).............................................................................................一、SVG基本原理及特点..................................................................................................二、SVG的组成..................................................................................................................三、SVG的执行标准..........................................................................................................四、SVG的性能指标.......................................................................................................... 第三章选型手册.......................................................................................................................有源电力滤波器选型.........................................................................................................静止无功发生器选型.........................................................................................................第一章有源电力滤波器(APF)一、电力系统谐波简介1.电力系统谐波的产生当正弦波电压施加在非线性电路上时,电流就变成非正弦波,非正弦波电流在电网阻抗上产生压降,会使电压波形也变为非正弦波。
注 意 事 项. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 安 装 指 引. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 保修期内维修指引...................... 22 用 户 投 诉 途 径. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 免 费 安 装 和 “ 三 包 ” 免 费 包 修 政 策. . . . . . . . . .2 2 美的空调安装监督卡.................... 23 美 的 空 调 保 修 卡A联 ( 安 装 通 知 单 ). . . . . . . . .2 4 不属于“三包”服务范围的内容........... 25
定时关:遥控器开机状态下,按压“定时” 按键,进入定时关调整状态。 ③ ( 连 续 ) 按 压 “ 定 时 ” 按 键 , 将 定 时 开/关 机 时 间 调 整 到 您 所 需 要 的 时 间 。 ④ 调 整 完 毕 后 , 遥 控 器 发 射 定 时 信 息 , 定 时 开/关 机 设 定 完 毕 。 ⑤ ( 连 续 ) 按 压 “ 定 时 ” 按 键 , 将 定 时 开/关 机 时 间 调 整 为0即 可 取 消 定 时 设 定 。 ■ 本 机 特 设 预 冷 预 热 功 能 , 定 时 开 机 前5分 钟 如 果 满 足 条 件 空 调 器 将 会 以 低 频 预 备 运 转 。 ■定时时间为相对时间,即相对于操作遥控器或控制板之际的标准时间延迟的相对时间。
■当听不到室内机发出的接收信号的响声时,或遥控器显示屏上的发射符号“ ”没闪烁时,则需更换
FAAC 400系列说明书
![FAAC 400系列说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/caf74740e97101f69e3143323968011ca300f7ab.png)
732871 - Rev. B9FAAC S.p.A.Via Benini, 140069 Zola Predosa (BO) - ITALIATel.: 051/61724 - Fax: 051/758518www.faac.it732871 Rev. BEC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY FOR MACH INES .........................................................................p. 10 WARNINGS FOR TH E INSTALLER .........................................................................................................p. 10 1. DESCRIPTION AND TECH NICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................p. 111.1. DIMENSIONS .........................................................................................................................p. 112. ELECTRIC DEVICES (standard system) ...........................................................................................p. 113. INSTALLING TH E AUTOMATED SYSTEM .............................................................................................p. 123.1. PRELIMINARY CH ECKS ..........................................................................................................p. 123.2. INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................p. 123.2.1. GENERAL RULES FOR DETERMINING TH E INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS ............................p. 123.3. INSTALLATION OF TH E OPERATORS ........................................................................................p. 124. START-UP .......................................................................................................................................p. 144.1. ADJUSTING TH E ANTI-CRUSH ING SYSTEM ...............................................................................p. 145. FINAL OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................................p. 146. AUTOMATED SYSTEM TEST ..............................................................................................................p. 157. MANUAL OPERATION ....................................................................................................................p. 158. RESTORING NORMAL OPERATION MODE .......................................................................................p. 159. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS FOR SWING LEAF GATES ...........................................................................p. 159.1. OPENING TOWARD TH E OUTSIDE, WITH OPERATOR INSTALLED INSIDE ....................................p. 1510. MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................................p. 1611. REPAIRS .......................................................................................................................................p. 1612. TROUBLESH OOTING .....................................................................................................................p. 16101)ATTENTION! To ensure the safety of people, it is important that you readall the following instructions. Incorrect installation or incorrect use of the product could cause serious harm to people.2)Carefully read the instructions before beginning to install the product.3)Do not leave packing materials (plastic, polystyrene, etc.) within reachof children as such materials are potential sources of danger.4)Store these instructions for future reference.5)This product was designed and built strictly for the use indicated in thisdocumentation. Any other use, not expressly indicated here, could compromise the good condition/operation of the product and/or be a source of danger.6)FAAC declines all liability caused by improper use or use other than thatfor which the automated system was intended.7)Do not install the equipment in an explosive atmosphere: the presenceof inflammable gas or fumes is a serious danger to safety.8)The mechanical parts must conform to the provisions of Standards EN12604 and EN 12605.F or non-EU countries, to obtain an adequate level of safety, the Standards mentioned above must be observed, in addition to national legal regulations.9)FAAC is not responsible for failure to observe Good Technique in theconstruction of the closing elements to be motorised, or for any deformation that may occur during use.10)The installation must conform to Standards EN 12453 and EN 12445.F or non-EU countries, to obtain an adequate level of safety, the Standards mentioned above must be observed, in addition to national legal regulations.11)Before attempting any job on the system, cut out electrical power .12)The mains power supply of the automated system must be fitted with anall-pole switch with contact opening distance of 3mm or greater. Use of a 6A thermal breaker with all-pole circuit break is recommended.13)Make sure that a differential switch with threshold of 0.03 A is fittedupstream of the system.14)Make sure that the earthing system is perfectly constructed, andconnect metal parts of the means of the closure to it.15)The safety devices (EN 12978 standard) protect any danger areasagainst mechanical movement Risks , such as crushing, dragging,and shearing.16)Use of at least one indicator-light (e.g. FAACLIGHT ) is recommendedfor every system, as well as a warning sign adequately secured to the frame structure, in addition to the devices mentioned at point “15”.17)FAAC declines all liability as concerns safety and efficient operationof the automated system, if system components not produced by FAAC are used.18)For maintenance, strictly use original parts by FAAC.19)Do not in any way modify the components of the automated system.20)The installer shall supply all information concerning manual operationof the system in case of an emergency, and shall hand over to the user the warnings handbook supplied with the product.21)Do not allow children or adults to stay near the product while it isoperating.22)Keep remote controls or other pulse generators away from children,to prevent the automated system from being activated involuntarily.23)Transit through the leaves is allowed only when the gate is fully open.24)The user must not attempt any kind of repair or direct action whateverand contact qualified personnel only.25)Maintenance: check at least every 6 months the efficiency of thesystem, particularly the efficiency of the safety devices (including,where foreseen, the operator thrust force) and of the release devices.26)Anything not expressly specified in these instructions is not permitted.WARNINGS FOR THE INSTALLERGENERAL SAFETY OBLIGATIONSEC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY FOR MACHINES(DIRECTIVE 98/37/EC)Manufacturer:FAAC S.p.A.Address:Via Benini, 1 - 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA - ITALY Declares that:400 mod. operator,•is built to be integrated into a machine or to be assembled with other machinery to create a machine under the provisions of Directive 98/37/EC;•conforms to the essential safety requirements of the following EEC directives:73/23/EEC and subsequent amendment 93/68/EEC.89/336/EEC and subsequent amendment 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EECand also declares that it is prohibited to put into service the machinery until the machine in which it will be integrated or of which it will become a component has been identified and declared as conforming to the conditions of Directive 98/37/EC.Bologna, 01 January 2005The Managing DirectorA. Bassi11(1) Closing - (2) Opening and closingThese instructions apply to the following models:400 CBC - 400 CBAC - 400 SB - 400 SBS - 400 CBACR -400 CBAC long - 400 SB long.The FAAC 400 automated system for swing leaf gates consists of an enbloc composed of an electric pump and a hydraulic piston which transmits drive to the leaf.The models with a hydraulic locking do not require installation of electric locks, as they guarantee mechanical locking of the leaf when the motor is not operating.The models without a hydraulic locking, require the installation of electric locks to ensure the leaf is mechanically locked.The 400 automated systems were designed and built to automate swing leaf gates. Do not use for any other purpose.LE D O M C B C C A B C B S S B S R C A B C N L C A B C N L B S ec r o f t s u r h t /n o i t c a r T )N ad (x a m 026026026577564564564)m m (e k o r t s e v i t c e f f e d o R 062062062062062083083)s /m c (d e e p s r a e n i l d o R 11157. K (t h g i e w r o t a r e p O u o h /s e l c y c (y c n e u q e r f e s U 07070706080505)n i m /l (e t a r -w o l f p m u P 11157. n i k c o l c i l u a r d y H )1()2(//)2()2(/)m (h t g n e l m u m i x a m f a e L 02.202.24702.202.205.2y l p p u s r e w o P .z H 05/)%01-%6+(c a V 032)W (r e w o p d e b r o s b A 022)A (t n e r r u c d e b r o s b A 1)m p r (r o t o m c i r t c e l E se l o p 4-0041no i t c e t o r p l a m r e h T g n i d n i w n o C °021r o t i c a p a c t s u r h T .V 004/F u 8tn e i b m a g n i t a r e p O e r u t a r e p m e t C°55+C °02-ss a l c n o i t c e t o r P 55P I Tab. 1: Technical specifications of “400 Operator”12If the dimensions indicated in table A or B cannot be executed,the following must be considered in order to determine different measurements:-to obtain 90° opening of the leaf: a + b = c.-to obtain over 90° opening of the leaf: a + b < c.-lower a and b dimensions will result in higher speeds . We advise you to observe the current legal regulations;-limit the difference of the a and b dimensions to within 40mm : higher differences will considerably vary speed during the opening and closing motion;-for reasons of operator dimensions, the minimum Z dimension is 50 mm (Fig. 4);-if the pilaster dimensions or the position of the hinge (dimension d ) do not make it possible to contain dimension a to the required size, a niche must be made in the pilaster To ensure a correctly operating automated system, the structure of the existing gate or gate to be built must satisfy the following requirements:•Max length of leaves according to the dimensions of Table 1.• A strong and rigid leaf structure.•Smooth, uniform leaves movement, without any irregularfriction during the entire travel;•Existing hinges in good condition.•Travel limit mechanical stops must be provided.We advise you to carry out the metalwork jobs before installing the automated system.The condition of the structure directly influences the reliability and safety of the automated system.indications in Tables A/B . Modify, if necessary, the length of the supplied attachment.Attention : To avoid compromising good operator functionality, we recommend you to respect the indicated dimensions.• For iron pilasters, accurately weld the rear attachment (ref.ባ, Fig. 6) directly on the pilaster.• For masonry pilasters, select one of the following solutions:A)appropriately lay a walling-in plate and then accurately weld the rear attachment.B)secure, with screws and expansion plugs, the rear attachment plate (ref. a, Fig.6) to the pilaster and then accurately weld the rear attachment to the plate as shown in Fig. 6.Table B : Recommended dimensions for long operators(*) Rod effective stroke (**) maximum dimensiongn i n e p O e l g n a a )m m (b )m m ()*(c )m m ()**(d )m m (s )m m (°0900206108305102°51107106108301102°5210310710830802(*) Rod effective stroke (**) maximum dimension c = The effective rod stroke is shorter than the maximum stroke,in order to prevent the rod from reaching its stop point internally, during the opening and closing stages.1314The 400 automated system has an anti-crushing safety device which limits the operator's force if an obstacle is encountered while the gate is moving. To adjust the intervention threshold of the anti-crushing system, temporarily open the release unit.-Lift the protective plug (Fig. 13, ref. ቢ) and fit the supplied key (Fig. 13, ref. ባ).-Turn the key 90°clockwise to open the cover.-Lift up the cover (Fig. 14).-Back off the screw (Fig. 14, ref. ቤ) which secures the knob, and withdraw the knob (Fig. 14, ref. ብ).-Turn the force adjustment screws (By-Pass) (F ig. 14, ref. ቦ and ቧ) on the operator.-OPEN screw (green wording) : gate opening direction.-CLOSE screw (red wording) : gate closing direction.-To reduce torque, turn the screws anti-clockwise.-To increase torque, turn the screws clockwise.-When you have finished adjusting, re-position the knob (Fig. 14,ref. ብ) and fasten the screw (Fig. 14, ref. ቤ).-Close the cover and lock it by turning the key anti-clockwise.To adjust the torque limiters, consult Standards EN 12453 and EN 12445 for EU member countries and current legal regulations in the other countries.F inish the installation operations as follows:- Close the cover of the release device with the key.- Remove the breather screw (Fig.12, ref. ባ)- Connect the power cable of the operator (Fig.14A).- Fasten the screws (Fig. 14A).15F or this special application, refer to Table 1, and select the STANDARD operator according to leaf length.For leaves with a length of up to 2.2 m, we advise you to use the CBAC STANDARD operators.For leaves longer than 2.2 m, we advise you to use only operators without the hydraulic locking, externally installing the ground level electric lock too. The installation dimensions are shown in table C.Instructions to adjust the anti-crushing system for outward opening gates only, contrary to what we indicated in paragraph 4.1:- OPEN screw (green wording) : gate closing direction.- CLOSE screw (red wording) : gate opening direction.- To reduce torque, turn the screws anti-clockwise.- To increase torque, turn the screws clockwise.When you have finished installing, apply the danger signal sticker on the side of the operator so that it is clearly visible (Fig.15).Run an accurate functional check of the automated system and of all the accessories connected to it, especially the safety devices. Hand the “User’s Guide” to the Client, explain correct operation and use of the operator, and indicate the potentially dangerous areas of the automated system.If the gate has to be moved manually due to a power cut or fault of the automated system, use the release device as follows:-Lift the protective plug (Fig. 16, ref. ቢ) and fit the supplied key (Fig. 16, ref. ባ).-Turn the key 90°clockwise to open the cover.-Lift up the cover (Fig. 16 ref. ቤ).-Turn the release knob anti-clockwise for about two turns (F ig.16, ref. ብ).-Open or close the leaf manually.To prevent an involuntary pulse from activating the operator during the manoeuvre, cut power to the system before re-locking the operator.- To re-lock the operator, turn the release knob clockwise until it stops (Fig. 16, ref. ብ).- Close the cover and turn the key 90° anti-clockwise (Fig. 16, ref. ባ).- F inally, remove the key and close the protective plug (Fig. 16, ref. ቢ).(*) Rod effective stroke (**) maximum dimensionTable C : Recommended dimensions for standard operatorsg n i n e p O e l g n a a )m m (b )m m (s )m m ()**(d )m m ()*(c )m m (°0900109005091°09011001006012°09021011007032°090310210805216se t o NRead the instructions carefully before using the product and store them for future useIf correctly installed and used, the 400 automated system ensures a high degree of safety.Some simple rules on behaviour can prevent accidental trouble:-Do not pass between the leaves when they are moving.Wait for the leaves to open fully before passing through them.-Do not, on any account stay in between the leaves.-Do not stand near the automated system, and do not allowchildren, persons or things to do so, especially when it is operating.-Keep remote controls or other pulse generators away fromchildren, to prevent the automated system from being activated involuntarily.-Do not allow children to play with the automated system.-Do not willingly obstruct leaves movement.-Prevent any branches or shrubs from interfering with leavesmovement.-Keep indicator-lights efficient and easy to see.-Do not attempt to activate the leaves by hand unless youhave released them.-In the event of malfunctions, release the leaves to allowaccess and wait for qualified technical personnel to do the necessary work.-When you have set manual operation mode, cut power tothe system before restoring normal operation.-Do not in any way modify the components of the automatedsystem.-Do not attempt any kind of repair of direct action whateverand contact qualified personnel only.-At least every six months: arrange a check by qualifiedpersonnel of the automated system, safety devices and earth connection.400 CBC - 400 SB - 400 SBS - 400 CBAC - 400 CBACR -400 CBAC long - 400 SB long.The FAAC 400 automated system for swing leaf gates consists of a hydraulic enbloc composed of an electric pump and a hydraulic piston which transmits drive to the leaf.The models with a hydraulic locking do not require installation of an electric lock, as they guarantee mechanical locking of the leaf when the motor is not operating.The other models, without a hydraulic locking always require one or more electric locks to ensure the leaf is mechanically locked.Leaves of up to 7 mt can be automated depending on the selected model.The functioning of the operators is controlled by an electronic control unit, housed in an enclosure with adequate degree of protection against atmosphere agents.The leaves are normally closed.When the electronic control unit receives an opening command from the radio control or any other pulse generator, it activates the hydraulic appliance which rotates the leaves until they reach the opening position to allow access.If automatic mode was set, the leaves close automatically after selected pause time has elapsed.If the semi-automatic mode was set, a second pulse must be sent to close the leaf again.A stop pulse (if supplied) always stops movement.For details on the behaviour of the automated system in different function logics, consult the installer.Automated systems include safety devices (photocells) that prevent the leaves from moving when there is an obstacle in the area they protect.The 400 automated system is supplied standard with a hydraulic anti-crush protection safety device (BY-PASS) which limits the torque transmitted to the leaves.The warning-light indicates the current leaf movement.If the gate has to be moved manually due to a power cut or fault of the automated system, the release unit must be temporarily opened (fig.1).- Remove the protective plug and insert the supplied key.- Turn the key 90°clockwise to open the cover.- Lift up the cover.- Turn the release knob anti-clockwise for about two turns. Open or close the leaf manually.N.B.: IN MODELS WITHOUT THE LOCKS, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO MANUALLY RELEASE THE ELECTRIC LOCK.Before re-locking the operator, cut power to the system. Turn the release knob clockwise until it stops.Close the cover and turn the key 90° anti-clockwise. F inally,remove the key and close the protective plug.M A I N T E N A NI n s t a l l a t i o n t e c h n i c i a n ________________________________________________C u s t o m e r ___________________________________________________________________T y p e o f s y s t e m ________________________________________________________S e r i a l n u m b e r _________________________________________________________I n s t a l l a t i o n d a t e ______________________A c t i v a t i o n ________________________S y s t e m c o n f i g u r a t i o nT R A P L E D O M RE B M U N L A I R E S e r o t a u t t A 400C A A F 1e c i v e d y t e f a S 2e c i v e d y t ef a S 1s l l e c o t o h p f o r i a P 2s l l e c o t o h p f o r i a P 1e c i v e d l o r t n o C 2e c i v e d l o r t n o C lo r t n o c o i d a R pm a l g n i h s a l F ec i v ed re h t O ec i v ed re h t O I n d i c a t i o n of r e s i d u a l r i s k s a n d o f f o r e s e e a b l e i m p r o p e r u s e_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。
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AFP-300/AFP-400 消防控制柜操作手册目录表1.简介概述操作特点部件2.使用控制盘概述系统状态指示灯LED控制健3.操作方式正常操作故障操作火灾报警监视信号非报警点操作故障监控点操作通知广播设备电路(NAC)操作事件控制操作释放功能智能检测器功能预报警操作(AWACS)时间功能概述操作编码功能预警/报警顺序(PAS)操作专用系统计时器水流电路操作禁止/允许操作STYLE6操作4.读取状态概述如何读取状态读状态选择读取点和区域状态读取检测器,模板和输出状态读取历史状态查看报警历史查看或打印隐藏历史预警信号延时释放区时间控制区假日区NAC编码区预报警区系统参数信号器显示选择信号器显示选择实例5.声音报警系统概述操作特点本节内容开始准备AMG-1/AMG-E音频消息发生器AMG-1/AMG-E概述AMG-1/AMG-E操作特点操作AMG-1选择AMG-1组功能选择AMG-E音调和消息ATG-2音频音调发生器ATG-2概述如何操作ATG-2选择ATG-2音调选择主通道(撤空)音调选择从通道(警告)音调选择操作方式消防电话(FFT-7/FFT-7S)概述FFT-7操作部件操作FFT-7音频放大器概述音频放大器特点AA-30音频放大器AA-100/AA-120音频放大器调整音频增益电平(AA-30,AA-100/AA-120音频放大器)选择AA-100/AA-120后备音调AMG声音消息选择概述安装1.简介概貌AFP-300/AFP-400是模块化,智能消防控制盘,具有广泛且强大的功能。
●正向报警顺序(PAS),按NFPA 72 1993 预信号。
部件图1中给出了与控制盘操作有关的部件2.操作控制盘概述表1 列出控制与指示灯以及使用信息:表1 控制与指示灯系统状态指示灯控制盘有8个LED指示灯,其标签如下:图1系统状态指示灯表2中系系统状态指示灯LED的说明表2系统状态指示灯的说明控制健控制盘上有5个控制健:确认/步进,报警消音,报警激励,系统复位,和灯测试键。
按此健控制盘完成如下功能:●消除控制盘音响;●使闪亮灯变亮;●发送确认消息到历史文件,可选打印机,可选显示屏;●发出消音信号使LCD-80和ACS 上的音响禁止;可以使用该键显示多个报警或故障。
按此健控制盘完成如下任务:●全部盘上指示灯亮;●控制盘音响器发声;●LCD码管的各段灯亮;3.操作方式正常操作当系统中无报警或无故障时,系统为正常方式操作,控制盘显示消息如下:图3 所有系统正常消息正常方式时,控制盘周期性地执行如下操作:●查询所有信号总线电路(SLC)设备,4个NAC检查有效的应答,报警,故障,电路完整性,等。
图5给出消息故障例子:图5消息故障例子如果所有故障消除,无监控或火灾条件存在,控制盘进行如下工作:●返回正常操作方式;●发送“系统正常”消息到LCD显示屏,历史文件,可选LCD-80, 可选打印机;●即使故障没有确认,自动重新存储故障。
在此方式下,控制盘的工作如下:●发出恒定的音响;●激励系统报警继电器(MPS-400,TB),系统报警灯闪亮;●LCD显示屏上,显示报警状态标志;●锁定报警,使其在产生报警设备返回正常条件前和操作员复位控制盘以前,不能消除报警;●启动事件控制动作;●开始记时(消音抑制,自动消音);●激励总报警区(Z00)报警状态标志图6 火警显示监视信号监视信号使控制盘进行如下操作:●产生鸟鸣声音调;●激励监控继电器(MPS-400 TB5),监控灯闪亮;●控制盘状态标志位显示“Active”;●关闭所有可消音的音报警的控制盘音响器。
状态标志Active图7 典型监控信号显示非报警点操作非报警点是MMX可寻址模板,用于激励事件控制。
这种类型模板的操作类似于故障,其区别如下:●LCD状态标志显示“active”;●类型编码为“Trouble Mon ”;●模板锁定—直到故障返回到正常条件,或操作员进行控制盘复位;●MMX模板可作为事件控制。
通知广播电路(NAC) 操作4个NAC电路(在MPS-400上TB7-TB10)具有事件控制和故障功能,类似于SLC上CMX可编址模板。
NAC电路与CMX模板的区别如下:●地址(LCD上最后三个字符)B01, B02, B03或. B04;●缺省编码类型字段为:“Bell Circuit”;●除了由CMX模板控制外,控制盘NAC电路可用于编码的功能(行进时间,等)。
每个输入点(探头,MMX)和输出点(CMX NAC)可以编程为5个区。
●输出:当软件区激励时,输出设备为ON.CBE 示例探头D102 列于区Z205。
B01 列于区Z205 和Z207。
每个释放区包括如下选择:表4 交叉区选择使用交叉区选择交叉区可使你对控制盘编程,使两个启动设备串联起来,激励一个释放区。
(若不使用交叉区,设置CROSS = N)表5给出交叉区的类型总结和激励释放区的条件。
表5 交叉区类型交叉区示例表6 给出了设备影射到释放区(Z1表示释放区1)示例。
表6 设备影射到释放区表6说明如下:●Cross = N任何一个探头报警,均激励释放电路●Cross = Y任何两个探头的报警,均激励释放电路●Cross = Z 影射到不同的区的两个探头激励则释放。
●Cross = H 当温感探头D104和一个烟感探头(D101,D102,D103)激励时产生释放。
智能探头功能表7 为控制盘智能探头功能说明。
表7 智能探头功能预报警操作(AWACS)如果一个SDX或CPX探头超过编程设定的预警级别,预警条件产生:操作盘音响器和区F9激励;预警LED灯点亮。
图8 警示预警消息如果把控制盘编程为预警ACTION,显示相同,但是单词“Action” 代替”Alert”。
控制盘锁定在ACTION 预警位置上,并执行编程编入的控制操作。
表8 给出了说明和典型应用。
表8 控制时间功能操作编码功能区8——保留作为NAC编码功能——只有当把NAC电路编入区8才有效。
表9 区8编码类型注:CMX模板把CMX编入CBE方式,区8不工作。
双级报警发生时,编为双级的NAC未被其它区激励时,产生20PPM 脉冲。