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Unit 4 单元练习题

I. 单选(选出最佳答案)(共20分)

1. The childre n are very quiet; I won der what they are up _ . A agai nst B for C to D with come

will dreams more and more tech no logy, and scie nee of developme nt 2. the

B. miss ing; played

C. missed; play ing

D. missed; played

about 4. My brother is interested in history history of

America rece ntly.

A. the; a

B. /; the

C. the; /

D. /; a 5.

late tomorrow morning, you should set off on your own.

A. Should I arrive

B. I should arrive

C. Had I arrived

D. I had arrived 6. Can you tell me a situati on these phrases are used? A. which B. where C. that D. whe n

7. The expressi on on his face suggested that the football match was A. excited; excited B. excited; excit ing C. excit ing; excited

D. excit ing; excit ing

8. This website is very useful. It has in formati on that we n eed.


A. ma ny

B. little

C. a few

D. ple nty of

9. Today more tha n 80 perce nt of the Australia ns

in the six big cities ---------------------

arou nd the coast.


A. live; locati ng

B. liv in g; locati ng

C. liv in g; located

D. live; located

10. The accide nt could have bee n much worse; fortu nately no _ w as done to the boy. D. help C. n eed

A. stress

B. harm

11. ----I feel like a film this eve ning.


——But I would like the football match on TV this eve ning.


A. seeing; watching

B. to see; to watch

C. seeing; to watch

D. to see; watching dan ger. protect as be so acti ons 12. Immediate should to the species in ani mal A. made B. take n C. do ne D. built

is the populati on of the area

true. A. With

B. To

C. As

D. Of

3. The girl

was last see n n ear the Central Park.

A. miss ing; play ing

in general. He is reading a book


——About 4 million. Two third of the population

A. How ma ny, is

B. How much, are

C. What, is

D. What, are

14 .My sister a good cha nee to go abroad for further study of En glish. A. was provided B. was prese nted C. was supplied D. was offered 15 .What effects will the Olympic Games have the host city? A. in B. off C. on D. for

16. --- What did you suggest __ , Joa n? ---I suggested ___ h er father for his opinion. A. her doing, to ask do;

she D. B she did; ask ing C. her to do; to ask ask ing

offer. , for the job we rejected because your major( the related work ing experie nee.

(缺乏)you lacks more C. In other words D. In a word 'A. As a result B. What18. There is no from my bedroom wi ndow except for some factory chi mn eys. ____

A. view

B. picture

C. sight

D. look

19. I think my duty to help people in trouble. ____

A. that

B. it

C. what

D. which

20. --- Would you like to stay at home or go out for a walk? s all the same to me. ----


___________ s up to you. t mention. D. It'A. All right. B.

That's all right. C. Do n'

II .单词拼写:根据首字母提示或汉语意思填上合适的单词。

1. His bad readi ng habits have a _____ h is eye-sight.

)of a new town. 2. The serious earthquake caused the total ________________ (毁灭)in the crowds. 消失 3. A few minutes later, the old man___________ (4. He o ____ me 300 dollars for that televisi on.

)that you have bee n employed.

正式 5. You are in formed (


to attend the meeting. 安排 6.He has _____________ (7. His accent s here. 8. Scie ntists ofte n do s research.

)a request from the old man.

9. He ________ (拒绝)will be put into prison for



________ (罪犯 s Day. 11. There are all kinds of _____________ ( on

Childre n'their stude nts with poor does has a lot of work to help those The 12. Hope studies. )at the meeti ng last week. 13. The old man made a very good ________ ( a h eve nt of Chi na.


目的地 15. Beijing is our final _________________ (16. I know the place well, so let me be your g _______ .

)by the Cha ngjiang River.

坐落在 17. My hometow n is __________ (). 18. I want to own

a house at the __________ ( 海滨)19. They lived in the ____________ (


20. They are on a wedding _________ ( 旅游 分)(共//III. 单句改错:(只改动去掉//添加 一个单词)15stude nts.

ten of con sisted group the is, That stude nts. ten of up made is group The 1.


专业)is not fit 17. You are (

------- )for me _ he was a stranger

10. It is said that this

娱乐活动)for children 建议 14. This is
