



计算机领域08-09较重要的国际会议汇总1 WISA'08 July 8,2008 LNCS Jeju Island, Korea ★★★2 LAACS'08 July 8,2008 Gramado, Brazil3 POPL'09 July 8,2008 ACM Savannah, Georgia, USA ★★★★★4 IWIC'09 July 9,2008 ACM Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA USA ★★★5 ICCIT'08 July 10,2008 IEEE Busan, Korea ★★★6 CollaborateCom'08 July 10,2008 LNCS Orlando, FL, USA ★★★7 ICDIM'08 July 10,2008 IEEE London, UK ★★★8 Computational Intell July 10,2008 Springer Book Chapter ★★★9 SYNASC'08 July 10,2008 IEEE (post) Timisoara, Romania ★★★10 IWSOS'08 July 10,2008 LNCS Vienna, Austria ★★★11 MMM'09 July 13,2008 LNCS Sophia Antipolis, France ★★★12 OPODIS'08 July 14,2008 LNCS Luxor, Egypt ★★★13 SEAL'08 July 14,2008 LNCS Melbourne, Australia ★★★14 ICDCN'09 July 14,2008 LNCS Hyderabad, India ★★★15 CCNC'09 July 14,2008 IEEE Las V egas, NV, USA ★★★16 ASP-DAC'09 July 14,2008 Y okohama, Japan17 WICON'08 July 15,2008 ACM Maui, Hawaii, USA ★★★18 SKG'08 July 15,2008 IEEE Beijing, China ★★★19 SITIS'08 July 15,2008 IEEE Bali, Indonesia ★★★20 BIONETICS'08 July 15,2008 ACM Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan ★★★21 ASWC'08 July 15,2008 LNCS Pathumthani, Thailand ★★★22 ICST'08 July 15,2008 IEEE Tainan, Taiwan ★★★23 ICCIT'08 July 15,2008 IEEE Khulna, Bangladesh ★★★24 Communication Optimi July 15,2008 Journal of Supercomputing Special Issue ★★★★25 GCC'08 July 15,2008 IEEE Shenzhen, China ★★★26 ReConFig'08 July 18,2008 IEEE Cancun, Mexico ★★★27 FGCN'08 July 20,2008 IEEE Sanya, Hainan, China28 e-Science'08 July 20,2008 IEEE Indianapolis, Indiana, USA ★★★29 HiPerGRID'08 July 20,2008 IEEE Bucharest, Romania ★★★30 eHealth'08 July 20,2008 LNICST London, UK31 iiWAS'08 July 21,2008 Austrian Computer Society Linz, Austria32 BIOSIGNAL'09 July 21,2008 Springer Porto, Portugal ★★★33 MoMM'08 July 21,2008 ACM Linz, Austria ★★★34 BIOSTEC'09 July 21,2008 Springer Porto, Portugal ★★★35 ICAART'09 July 22,2008 Springer Porto, Portugal ★★★36 IPC'08 July 22,2008 IEEE Sydney, Australia ★★★37 ISABEL'08 July 25,2008 IEEE Aalborg, Denmark ★★★38 IMSAA'08 July 27,2008 IEEE Bangalore, India ★★★39 ICWIS'09 July 30,2008 Chennai, India40 Serious Games July 30,2008 IEEE CG&A Special Issue ★★★★★41 ICOIN'09 July 31,2008 IEEE Chiang Mai, Thailand ★★★42 ICIS'08 July 31,2008 Kingdom of Bahrain43 Information and Comm July 31,2008 IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Special Issue ★★★★44 Self-Adaptive and Se July 31,2008 ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems Special Issue ★★★★★45 CMC'09 July 31,2008 IEEE Kunming, China ★★★46 IFMT'08 July 31,2008 ACM Cairo, Egypt ★★★47 CIS'08 July 31,2008 IEEE Suzhou, China ★★★48 PACIIA'08 Aug. 1,2008 IEEE Wuhan, China ★★★49 PDP'09 Aug. 1,2008 IEEE Weimar, Germany ★★★★50 Communication Optimi Aug. 1,2008 Journal of Supercomputing,Special Issue ★★★★51 ASPLOS'09 Aug. 1,2008 ACM Washington, DC, USA ★★★★★52 MGC'08 Aug. 1,2008 ACM Leuven, Belgium ★★★★53 IM'09 Aug. 1,2008 IEEE New Y ork, New Y ork, USA ★★★★54 PRIA'08 Aug. 1,2008 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia55 Peer-to-Peer Grid Te Aug. 1,2008 Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue ★★★★56 ICDT'09 Aug. 7,2008 ACM Saint-Petersburg, Russia ★★★57 HPCA-15 Aug. 10,2008 IEEE Raleigh, North Carolina, USA ★★★★★58 ICS'08 Aug. 10,2008 Tamkang, Taiwan59 PSIVT'09 Aug. 11,2008 LNCS Tokyo, Japan ★★★60 PSIVT'08 Aug. 11,2008 Tokyo, Japan61 PPoPP'09 Aug. 11,2008,ACM Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA ★★★★★62 IWT'09 Aug. 15,2008 S鉶Paulo, Brazil63 ICIT'09 Aug. 15,2008 IEEE Churchill, Victoria, Australia ★★★64 AI and Cultural Heri Aug. 15,2008 IEEE Intelligent Systems Special Issue ★★★★★65 ICUT'08 Aug. 15,2008 IEEE Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam ★★★66 Probabilistic Graphi Aug. 16,2008 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Special Issue ★★★★★67 SAC'09 Aug. 16,2008 ACM Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA ★★★★68 e-CASE'09 Aug. 18,2008 Singapore69 Inscrypt'08 Aug. 20,2008 LNCS Beijing, China ★★★70 Infocom'09 Aug. 22,2008 IEEE Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL ★★★★★71 ICUIMC'09 Aug. 29,2008 ACM Suwon, Korea ★★★72 SIGCSE'09 Aug. 29,2008 ACM Chattanooga, TN, USA ★★★★73 VEE'09 Aug. 29,2008 USENIX Washington, DC, USA ★★★★★74 CIMCA'08 Aug. 29,2008 IEEE Vienna, Austria ★★★75 e-Forensics'09 Aug. 29,2008 LNICST Adelaide, Australia76 ICONIP'08 Aug. 31,2008 LNCS Auckland, NZ ★★★77 Trust and Reputation Aug. 31,2008 Journal of Computer Science and Technology Special Issue ★★★★78 ISSNIP'08 Aug. 31,2008 IEEE Sydney, Australia ★★★79 Wireless Ad Hoc, Sen Sept. 1,2008 Telecommunication Systems Journal Special Issue ★★★★80 ISCSCT'08 Sept. 1,2008 IEEE Shanghai, China ★★★81 IITA'08 Sept. 1,2008 IEEE Shanghai, China ★★★82 Innovations'08 Sept. 1,2008 Al Ain, United Arab Emirates83 DigitalWorld'09 Sept. 1,2008 IEEE Cancun, Mexico ★★★84 Peer-to-Peer Systems Sept. 1,2008 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Special Issue ★★★85 Knowledge Discovery Sept. 1,2008 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data Special Issue ★★★★★86 ESSoS'09 Sept. 8,2008 LNCS Leuven, Belgium ★★★87 ICC'09 Sept. 8,2008 IEEE Dresden, Germany ★★★★88 Social Computing, Be Sept. 10,2008 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data Special Issue ★★★★★89 EDBT'09 Sept. 12,2008 ACM Saint-Petersburg, Russia ★★★90 ICARA'09 Sept. 13,2008 Wellington, New Zealand91 AINA'09 Sept. 15,2008 IEEE Bradford, UK ★★★92 Swarm Intelligence: Sept. 15,2008 Theoretical Computer Science Special Issue ★★★★93 IMAGAPP'09 Sept. 15,2008 Springer Porto, Portugal ★★★94 VISAPP'09 Sept. 15,2008 Springer Lisbon, Portugal ★★★95 GRAPP'09 Sept. 15,2008 Springer Lisbon, Portugal ★★★96 PerCom'09 Sept. 15,2008 IEEE Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA ★★★★★97 W ALCOM'09 Sept. 15,2008 LNCS Kolkata, India ★★★98 HPCAsia'09 Sept. 18,2008 IEEE Kaohsiung, Taiwan ★★★99 Complex'09 Sept. 20,2008 LNICST Shanghai, China ★★★100 FPGA'09 Sept. 21,2008 ACM Monterey, CA, USA ★★★★101 WiSec'09 Sept. 22,2008 ACM Zurich, Switzerland ★★★102 AICCSA'09 Sept. 29,2008 IEEE Rabat, Morocco ★★★103 ICASSP'09 Sept. 29,2008 IEEE Taipei, Taiwan ★★★★104 CISIS'09 Sept. 30,2008 IEEE Fukoka, Japan ★★★105 ARES'09 Sept. 30,2008 IEEE Fukoka, Japan ★★★106 GlobeNet'09 Oct. 1,2008 IEEE Guadeloupe, French Caribbean ★★★107 IPDPS'09 Oct. 3,2008 IEEE Rome, Italy ★★★★★108 SDM'09 Oct. 3,2008 SIAM John Ascuaga's Nugget, Sparks, Nevada, USA ★★★★★109 SEIROS'08 Oct. 10,2008 Chongqing, China110 HotMobile'09 Oct. 13,2008 ACM Santa Cruz, CA, USA ★★★★111 HGS'08 Oct. 15,2008 Huangguoshu National Park of China, Guizhou112 HotPar'09 Oct. 17,2008 USENIX ★★★★★113 SIMUTools'09 Oct. 19,2008 ACM Rome, Italy ★★★114 MDM'09 Oct. 25,2008 IEEE Taipei, Taiwan ★★★115 WEBIST'09 Oct. 29,2008 Springer Lisboa, Portugal ★★★116 ALGORITHMY'09 Oct. 31,2008 Podbanske, Slovakia117 Cross-Layer Design f Nov. 1,2008 Wireless Personal Communications Special Issue ★★★★118 InfoSys'09 Nov. 1,2008 IEEE V alencia, Spain ★★★119 Dependable Semantic Nov. 1,2008 EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing Special Issue ★★★120 EuroSys'09 Nov. 7,2008 ACM Nuremberg, Germany ★★★★★121 SpringSim'09 Nov. 15,2008 ACM San Diego, CA, USA ★★★★122 GPC'09 Nov. 30,2008 LNCS Geneva, Switzerland ★★★123 Ada-Europe'09 Dec. 1,2008 LNCS Brest, France ★★★124 CCIW'09 Dec. 1,2008 Saint-Etienne, France125 PervasiveHealth'09 Dec. 5,2008 IEEE London, UK ★★★126 LOCA'09 Dec. 18,2008 LNCS Tokyo, Japan ★★★127 WebTel'09 Dec. 20,2008 IEEE V enice, Italy ★★★128 Next Generation Mobi Jan. 1,2009 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Special Issue ★★★★129 WiMAX Integration in Jan. 1,2009 International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems Special Issue ★★★130 Next Generation Netw Jan. 1,2009 The Computer Journal Special Issue ★★★★131 IFITA'09 Jan. 10,2009 IEEE Chengdu, China ★★★132 CIVR'09 Feb. 1,2009 ACM Island of Santorini, Greece ★★★★133 DEST09 Feb. 1,2009 IEEE Istanbul, Turkey ★★★134 Sensor'09 March 31,2009 IEEE Christchurch, New Zealand ★★★135 MMSP'09 April 17,2009 IEEE Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ★★★。



IFIP International Conferences on Networking
International Conference on Network Protocols International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Internet Measurement Conference International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing International Workshop on Quality of Service
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Theory of Cryptography Conference USENIX Security Symposium Workshop on Information Hiding
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
序号 1
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques European Symposium on Research in Computer Security IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection







早在2005年12月17日,CCF YOCSEF就举办了“从SCI反思中国的学术评价体制”的专题论坛,探讨为何SCI会成为衡量大学、科研机构和科学工作者学术水平的最重要的甚至是唯一的尺度,提出了如何建立中国公正合理的学术评价体制的问题。





2010年9月附:国际学术会议及期刊目录计算机科学理论 (2)计算机体系结构 (8)计算机网络 (14)人工智能与模式识别 (19)软件工程 (28)数据库 (35)计算机图形学、几何造型、多媒体、可视化、虚拟现实等方向,不含算机视觉与模式识别 (42)网络/信息安全 (46)综合类刊物 (51)第 1 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机科学理论一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.TALG ACM Transactions on Algorithms ACM /2.SICOMP SIAM Journal on Computing Society for Industrial andApplied Mathematics/sicomp二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.TOCL ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM /rmation & Computation Elsevier /locate/ic3.TIT IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE /portal/site/mainsite/menuitem.81 8c0c39e85ef176fb2275875bac26c8/index.jsp?&pNa me=corp_level1&path=pubs/transactions&file=tit.x ml&xsl=generic.xsl&4.TCS Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier /locate/tcs5.Formal Aspects of Computing Springer /content/102822/6.Acta Informatica Springer /content/100460/7. MSCS Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Cambridge University /action/displayJournal?jid=MSC8.Algorithmica Springer /link.asp?id=100117putational Complexity Springer /content/101499/10.Journal of Complexity Birkhäuser Basel第 2 页 共 51 页11. JSL Journal of Symbolic Logic Association forSymbolic Logic/journals-journal.html12. APAL Annuals of Pure and Applied Logic Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505603/description#description13.Discrete Applied Mathematics Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505609/description#description14. JSC Journal of Symbolic Computation Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622902/description#description LMCSLogical Methods in Computer Science /index.php三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. IJFCS International Journal of Foundations ofComputer ScienceWorld Scientific /~ijfcs/2.Discrete Event Dynamic Systems – Theory andApplications Springer /math/applications/journal/106263.Formal Methods in System Design Springer /content/100266/4. HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer /computer/foundations/journal/109905.Archive for Mathematical Logic Springer /math/journal/153第 3 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM /stoc/2. FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations of ComputerScienceIEEE /二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE http://wwwrmatik.hu-berlin.de/lics/2. ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languagesand Programming EuropeanAssociation forTheoreticalComputer Science(EATCS)http://icalp09.cti.gr/index.php/Main/HomePage3. SCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry ACM /4. SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SIAM /meetings/da07/5. SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms andArchitecturesACM /SPAA/ 6. CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE /jrogers/Complexity/第 4 页 共 51 页第 5 页 共 51 页7. CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopIEEE /CSFWweb/8. DATE IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM /9. ISIT IEEE Symposium on Information Theory IEEE /10. CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgrammingSpringer http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/cp2008/11. TACAS Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of SystemsSpringer /~tacas2008/ 12. RTA Rewriting Techniques and Applications Springer http://rewriting.loria.fr/rta/13. TLCA Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications Springer http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/rdp07/tlca.html 14. CSL Computer Science LogicSpringer/oucl/conferences/CSL05/15. MFPS Mathematical Foundations of Programming SemanticsElsevier /~mfps/ 16. TCS IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science Springer Science and Business Media http://bioinformatics.bio.disco.unimib.it/tc1/ 17. STACS International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceSpringer http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr/STACS06/ 18. MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceSpringerhttp://www.mfcs.sk/19. FCT International Symposium Fundamentals of Computation Theory Springer http://www.conferences.hu/fct2007/ 20.FSTTCSConference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science IARCS, the Indian Association for/第 6 页 共 51 页Research in Computing Science21.ICLPInternational Conference on Logical ProgrammingSpringerhttp://iclp08.dimi.uniud.it/三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. CGOInternational Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM / 2. PEPMPartial Evaluation and Program ManipulationACM/PEPM083. CSB IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference IEEE /4. FoSSaCS International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures Springer http://fossacs08.pps.jussieu.fr/5. iFM integrated Formal MethodsSpringer/ifm2007/6. APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsSpringer /~grama/APLAS2008/ 7. ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisSpringer http://pswlab.kaist.ac.kr/atva2008/ 8. TAMC Theory and Applications of Models of ComputationSpringer /tamc2008/page/main.jsp 9. FORMATSInternational Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed SystemsSpringer http://formats08.inria.fr/ 10.HSCC International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and ControlACM, Springer/Springer /11.CIAA International Conference on Implementation andApplication of AutomataSpringer /spin08/ 12.SPIN International SPIN Workshop on Model CheckingSoftwareSpringer /vmcai08/Conference on Verification, Model13.VMCAI InternationalChecking, and Abstract InterpretationSpringer http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/FMCO/fmco08.htmlSymposium on Formal Methods for14.FMCO InternationalComponents and ObjectsConference on Formal Methods forSpringer http://discotec08.ifi.uio.no/FMOODS08/ 15.FMOODS InternationalOpen Object-based Distributed SystemsIEEE /memocontest08/International Conference on Formal16.MEMOCODE ACM/IEEEMethods and Models for Co-Design第 7 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机体系结构一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TOCS ACM Transactions on Computer Systems ACM /2. TOPLAS ACM Transactions on Programming Languagesand Systems ACM http:///~toplas/3. TPDS IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystemsIEEE /tpds/4. TOC IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE /portal/web/tc二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TACO ACM Transactions on Architecture and CodeOptimizationACM /2. TOS ACM Transactions on Storage ACM /3. CAL IEEE Computer Architecture Letters IEEE /~tcca/4. JSA Journal of Systems Architecture Elsevier /locate/sysarc/5. JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622895/description6.Parallel Computing Elsevier /locate/parco第 8 页 共 51 页7.Performance Evaluation Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505618/description#description8. TECS ACM Transactions on Embedded ComputingSystemsACM 9. TJS The Journal of Supercomputing Springer /link.asp?id=100302三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. FGCSFuture Generation Computer Systems Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505611/description#description2.Microprocessors and Microsystems Elsevier /locate/micpro3.Design Automation for Embedded System Springer /link.asp?id=1002554.Concurrency and Computation: Practice andExperience John Wiley & Sons,Ltd/journal/117946197/grouphome/home.html第 9 页 共 51 页第 10 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机体系结构)一、A 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. ISCA International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureACM SIGARCH, IEEE TCCA /pubs/contents/proceedings/series/isca/2. MICRO MICRO IEEE, ACM SIGMICRO/3. HPCA High-Performance Computer ArchitectureIEEE /~hpca/二、B 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsACMSIGOPS/SIGARCH/SIGPLAN /pubs/contents/proceedings/serie s/asplos/2. FAST Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX /events/bytopic/fast.html3. PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques IEEEACM SIGARCH/ 4. PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming ACM SIGPLAN/ppopp08/5. SPAAACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and ArchitecturesACM /~spaa/2007/6. SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement andModeling of Computer Systems ACMSIGMETRICS/~sigmet08/7. RTSS Real-Time Systems Symposium IEEE /8. ICCD International Conference on Computer Design IEEE /9. MSST Mass Storage Systems and Technologies IEEE /2007/10. HOTCHIPS A Symposium on High Performance Chips IEEE /11. HPDC High-Performance Distributed Computing IEEE /hpdc2007/12.CLUSTER Cluster Computing IEEE /13.IPDPS International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposiumIEEE 14.EuroSys EuroSys ACMhttp://www.gsd.inesc-id.pt/conference/EuroSys2007/15.ICDCS International Conference onDistributed Computing SystemsIEEE http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/icdcs07/16.ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing IEEE /~icpp2007/17.Euro-Par European Conference on Parallel and DistributedComputingSpringer http://europar2007.irisa.fr/18.FPGA International Symposium on Field-ProgrammableGate ArraysACM SIGDA /~kati/fpga2008/19.LCTES Conference on Language, Compiler and ToolSupport for Embedded SystemsACM SIGEBD /第 11 页 共 51 页第 12 页 共 51 页三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. FPT International Conference on Field-Programmable TechnologyIEEE http://www.kameyama.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/icfpt07/2. HiPC International Conference on High Performance ComputingIEEE, ACM SIGARCH / 3. ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and SystemsIEEE/4. HiPEAC International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and CompilersSpringer /conference/ 5.ICPADSInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed SystemsIEEE .au/conferences/icpads2008/?print_friendly=true6. CCGRID Cluster Computing and the GridIEEE http:// ccgrid07.lncc.br 7. GRID International Conference on Grid ComputingIEEE/ACM/8. ANCS Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems ACM/IEEE /9. CGOCode Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM /10. HotOS Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems USENIX/events/hotos03/11.CASESInternational Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsACM http://www.irit.fr/recherches/ARCHI/MARCH/CAS ES2007/index.htm 12. ICS International Conference on SupercomputingACM/13.CODES+ISSS International Conference on Hardware/SoftwareACM, IEEE /Codesign & System Synthesis14.RTAS Real-Time and Embedded Technology andIEEE / Applications Symposium15.EMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software ACM /16.VEE Virtual Execution Environments ACM /17. FCCM Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines IEEE /18.FPL Field Programmable Logic and Applications IEEE http://ce.et.tudelft.nl/FPL/19. SC International Conference for High PerformanceIEEE /Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis20. HotInterconnects Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects IEEE /第 13 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机网络一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址IEEE /net/1. TON IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking ACM,IEEE /dl/jrnal/jsac.html2. JSAC IEEE Journal of Selected Areas inCommunications3. TOIT ACM Transactions on Internet Technology ACM /二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TMC IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing IEEE /portal/web/tmc2. CN Computer Networks Elsevier /locate/comnet3. TOC IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE /dl/jrnal/transcom.html4. TOSN ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks ACM /5. CCR Computer Communication Review ACM /ccr/6. TWC IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE /dl/jrnal/twc.htmlACM /7. TOMCCAP ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing,Communications and Applications第 14 页 共 51 页三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TVT IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE /puter Communications Elsevier /locate/comcomworks John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. /WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productC d-NET.html4.Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. /WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productC d-WCM.html5.Ad hoc Networks Elsevier /locate/adhoc6. JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622895/description#description7. JNCA Journal of Network and Computer Applications Elsevier /wps/find/products_in_subject_and_group.cws_home/6228938.Wireless Networks Springer /engineering/signals/journal/112769. JCN Journal of Communications and Networks Korean Informationand CommunicationsSocietyhttp://jcn.or.kr/10. MONET Mobile Networks & Applications Springer /engineering/signals/journal/1103611. JHSN Journal of High Speed Networks IOS Press /content/103170/12.IET Communications IET /IET-COM13.Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Springer /engineering/signals/journal/12083第 15 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机网络)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SIGCOMM Special Interest Group on Data Communication ACM /ACM /mobicom/2008/2. MOBICOM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems,Users, Data and Computing3. INFOCOM Conference on Computer Communications IEEE /confs/infocom/2008/二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SenSys ACM Conference on Embedded NetworkedACM /2008/organizers.htmlSensor SystemsIEEE .hk/~percom08/2. Percom International Conference on Pervasive Computingand Communications3. IMC Internet Measurement Conference ACM/USENIX /imc-2008/4. IWQoS International Workshop on Quality of Service IEEE http://iwqos08.ewi.utwente.nl/ACM /co-next2008/5. CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emergingNetworking EXperiments and TechnologiesUSENIX /event/nsdi08/6.NSDI Symposium on Network System Design andImplementation第 16 页 共 51 页第 17 页 共 51 页7.Networking International Conferences on Networking IFIP .sg/SCE/networking2008/8. MobiHocInternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing ACM/IEEE /mobihoc/2008/ 9. ICNP International Conference on Network Protocols IEEE/homes/fahmy/icnp2008/ 10.IPTPSInternational workshop on Peer-To-Peer SystemsACM/USENIX/三、C 类序号 会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. IPSN International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks IEEE/ACM /2008/2. ISCC IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsIEEE /iscc/2008/ 3. IM IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management IFIP/IEEE /2007/_rubric/index.php_rubr ic=Home.html 4. MSWiMInternational Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsACM http://www.cs.unibo.it/projects/mswim2008/ 5.SECON IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks IEEE /6. NOMS Network Operations and Management SymposiumIFIP/IEEE http://www2.dcc.ufmg.br/eventos/noms2008/ 7. LCN IEEE Conference on Local Computer NetworksIEEE /8.FORTEFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed SystemsSpringer http://www-higashi.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/FORTE08/9.HotNets The Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks ACM /learn/hotnets-workshop/ACM /10.NOSSDA V Network and Operating System Support forDigital Audio and VideoIEEE /11.WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications & NetworkingConferenceIEEE /12. Globecom IEEE Global Communications Conference,incorporating the Global Internet Symposium13. ICC International Conference on Communications IEEE /第 18 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物人工智能与模式识别一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址Intelligence ELSEVIER/science/journal/000437021. AI ArtificialIEEE /tpami/2.TPAMI IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence3.JMLR Journal of Machine Learning Research MIT Press /4.IJCV International Journal of Computer Vision Springer /content/二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址Learning Springer /content/1.Machine2.Neural Computation MIT Press /putational Linguistics MIT Press /loi/coliResearch AAAI /AI4. JAIR Journalof5.TEC IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation IEEE /pubs/tecIntelligence Blackwell /putationalScience Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/627.Cognitive01948.TNN IEEE Trans on Neural Networks IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=72第 19 页 共 51 页第 20 页 共 51 页9. Evolutionary Computation MIT Press/journal-home.tcl?issn=1063656010.IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punu mber=8911. Pattern Recognition ELSEVIER /locate/pr 12. CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding ELSEVIER /locate/cviu 13. IS IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE /intelligent/14.Artificial Intelligence ReviewSpringer/content/100240/15. Neural Networks ELSEVIER /locate/neunet 16. Machine Translation Springer /content/100310/ 17. T-RA IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7018. IJAR International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ELSEVIER /science/journal/0888613X19. KER Knowledge Engineering Review Cambridge /journals/20. DKE Data and Knowledge EngineeringELSEVIER/wps/product/cws_home/50560821. TCBB IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology and BioinformaticsIEEE /tcbb/index.htm 22. T-ITB IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine IEEE http://www.vtt.fi/tte/samba/projects/titb/titb_informa tion/scope.html 23. TFS IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsIEEE/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=9124.TSLPACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingACM /pubs/tslp.html25.TALIP ACM Transactions on Asian LanguageInformation ProcessingACM /26.JournalofAutomatedReasoning Springer /computer/foundations/journal/1081727. AICom AICommunications IOS http://www.iospress.nl/html/09217126.html 三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. IDA IntelligentDataAnalysis ELSEVIER /wps/locate/ida2.AppliedIntelligence Springer /content/100236/3.SMC IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, PartA &B &C IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=34774. NLE NaturalLanguageEngineering CambridgeUniversity/5.AMAI Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Springer /sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-147-70-35674745-0,00.html6.IJDAR International Journal of Document Analysis andRecognitionSpringer /content/101562/ 7. KBS Knowledge-BasedSystems ELSEVIER /locate/knosys8.Neurocomputing ELSEVIER /locate/neucom9.NCA Neural Computing & Applications Springer /content/102827/10.NPL Neural Processing Letters Springer /content/100321/11.PRL Pattern Recognition Letters ELSEVIER /locate/patrec12.PAA Pattern Analysis and Applications Springer /content/ 103609/第 21 页 共 51 页13.Connection Science Taylor & Francis /journals/tf/09540091.html14.AIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/15.DSS Decision Support Systems Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/16.IVC Image and Vision Computing ELSEVIER /science/journal/andApplications Springer /sgw/cda/ Vision17.MachineImageAnalysis Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/ 18.MedicalComputing Springer /sgw/cda/ 19.NaturalComputing Springer /sgw/cda/20.Soft21.ESWA Expert Systems with Applications ELSEVIER /wps/product/cws_home/22.EAAI Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ELSEVIER /wps/find/journaleditorialboard.cws_home/975/editorialboardSystems Blackwell / 23.ExpertWorld Scientific .sg/ijprai/ijprai.shtml24.IJPRAI International Journal of Pattern Recognition &Artificial Intelligence25.IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley InterScience /journal/36062/home?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=026.IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems World Scientific .sg/journals/ijns/27.AAI Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis /journals/tf/08839514.html28.Cybernetics and Systems Taylor & Francis /journals/tf/01969722.htmlCommunications ELSEVIER /locate/specom29.Speechputer Speech and Language ELSEVIER /locate/csl31.WIAS Web Intelligence and Agent Systems IOS http://www.iospress.nl/site/html/15701263.html32.Fuzzy Sets and Systems ELSEVIER /wps/product/cws_home/第 22 页 共 51 页33.IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal IEEE /xpl/World Scientific .sg/ijcia/ijcia.shtml34.IJCIA International Journal of ComputationalIntelligence and ApplicationsTaylor & Francis /journals/tf/0952813X.html35.JETAI Journal of Experimental and Theoretical ArtificialIntelligence36.International Journal of Uncertainty, FuzzinessWorld Scientific /ijufks/ijufks.shtml and KBS37.IJAES International Journal of Applied Expert Systems Taylor Granham /~acc025/ijaes.html38.Artificial Life MIT Press /journal-home.tcl?issn=1064546239.AAMAS Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Springer /content/102852/中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(人工智能与模式识别)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址Morgan Kaufmann 1.IJCAI International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligence2.ICCV International Conference on Computer Vision IEEE /3.ICML International Conference on Machine Learning ACM /conferences/icml2007/IEEE /4.CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition5.AAAI AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI 第 23 页 共 51 页二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址MIT Press 6.NIPS Annual Conference on Neural InformationProcessing SystemsMorgan Kaufmann /7.KR International Conference on Principles ofKnowledge Representation and ReasoningACL /8.ACL Annual Meeting of the Association forComputational LinguisticsSpringer /1.AAMAS International Joint Conference on AutonomousAgents and Multi-agent Systems2.ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision Springer http://eccv2008.inrialpes.fr/3.ECML European Conference on Machine Learning Springer 4.ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence IOSPress http://www.ece.upatras.gr/ecai2008/Springer /colt2007/5.COLT Annual Conference on Computational LearningTheoryAUAI /6.UAI International Conference on Uncertainty inArtificial IntelligenceAAAI /7.ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planningand SchedulingSpringer /8.ICCBR International Conference on Case-BasedReasoning第 24 页 共 51 页第 25 页 共 51 页9. COLING International Conference on Computational LinguisticsACM / 10. ALT International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory Springer http://www-alg.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/~thomas/ALT07/alt 07.jhtml 11.ILPInternational Conference on Inductive Logic ProgrammingSpringer /conferences/ilp2007/ 12. ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation IEEE /13. CogSciCognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press /cogsci.html 14. IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning15.EMNLPConference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ACL /~yarowsky/SIGDAT/emnlp06.html三、C 类序号 会议简称 会议全称出版社网址16. PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceSpringer / 17.NAACLThe Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsNAACL /meetings/hlt-naacl07/1.ACCVAsian Conference on Computer VisionSpringerhttp://www.am.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/ACCV2007/2. IJCNN International Joint Conference on NeuralIEEE /NetworksIEEE /International Conference on Acoustics,3. ICASSP IEEESpeech and SP4.DS International Conference on Discovery Science Springer http://www.i.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~ds07/IEEE http://ictai07.ceid.upatras.gr/5.ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools withArtificial Intelligence6. ICANN InternationalConference on Artificial NeuralSpringer /NetworksIEEE /7. ICDAR InternationalConference on Document Analysisand RecognitionACM /gecco-2006/index.html 8.GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationConference9.CEC IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation IEEE .sg/InternationalConference on Fuzzy Systems IEEE /10. FUZZ-IEEE IEEE11.IJCNLP International Joint Conference on NaturalACL /Language ProcessingSpringer /12. ICONIP International Conference on Neural InformationProcessingACM13.CVIR International Conference on Content based Imageand Video RetrievalIEEE14.FGR International Conference on Face and GestureRecognition第 26 页 共 51 页15. ICB InternationalConference on Biometrics IEEE16.CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL ts.ua.ac.be/conll2007/Springer .au/scitech/eit/ksem07/ 17. KSEM International conference on Knowledge Science,Engineering and ManagementConference on Pattern Recognition IEEE /18. ICPR International19.COSIT International Conference on Spatial InformationTheory第 27 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物软件工程一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TOSEM ACM Transactions on Software EngineeringMethodologyACM /pubs/tosem/2. TSE IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE ComputerSociety/portal/site/transactions3. TOPLAS ACM Transactions on Programming Languages& SystemsACM /toplas二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.Automated Software Engineering Springer /computer/ai/journal/105152.Formal Methods in System Design Springer Netherlands /content/1572-8102/3.Empirical Software Engineering Springer /content/1573-7616/4. ASEAnnals of Software Engineering Springer /computer/swe/journal/1048 05.Formal Aspects of Computing Springer London /content/1433-299X/6.IEE Proceedings – Software the Institution ofEngineering andTechnology/Publish/Journals/Profjourn/Proc/sen/7.Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and John Wiley & Sons, /cgi-bin/jhome/5第 28 页 共 51 页Practice Ltd3918. SPESoftware: Practice and Experience John Wiley & Sons,Ltd/cgi-bin/jhome/17529. IJSEKE International Journal on Software Engineeringand Knowledge Engineering World Scientific .sg/journals/ijseke/ijseke.shtml10. JSS Journal of Systems and Software Elsevier Science /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505732/description#description11. JPL Journal of Programming Languages Chapman & Hall http://elib.cs.sfu.ca/Collections/CMPT/cs-journals/P-ChapmanHall/J-ChapmanHall-JPL.html12. SCP Science of Computer Programming Elsevier Science /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505623/description#description13. RE Requirements Engineering Journal Springer /content/1432-010X/三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址14.ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ACM /SEN/15. FGCS Future Generations Computer Systems Elsevier Science /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505611/description#description16. HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer Netherlands /content/1573-0557/17. SEJ Software Engineering Journal Institution ofElectrical Engineers(IEE) /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punum ber=222518. STTT International Journal on Software Tools for Springer /content/1433-2787/第 29 页 共 51 页。


ACMInternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
InternationalConference on MobileSystems,Applications,andServices
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
IEEEInternational Conference on Data Engineering
The AnnualConference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
International Conference on Computer Vision
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication



31 IEEE Asian Test Symposium
Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
国际普适计算年会,本领域最权威的学术会议之一,每 年一次
PerCom: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
领域顶级国际会议,全文的录取率极低,但 Poster 比较 多媒体技术,数据
IEEE ICIP: International conference on Image Processing
IEEE ICME: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
IEEE ICASSP: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
是语音和声学信号处理领域最权威的国际学术会议之 一,也是图像、视频信号处理领域的权威会议之一,每 年举办一次
IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
一。覆盖包括语音、数据、图像和多媒体通信等热点问 题的技术和其它活动。GLOBECOM 每年一次,一般都在十
一月举行,录用率约为 30%-40%。



计算机学科领域高质量国际学术会议分区表1.AREA: Data Bases一区 (332)1.SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data (78)2.PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB Systems(30)3.VLDB: Very Large Data Bases (96)4.SIGKDD –ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery andData Mining (128)二区 (230)1.ICDE: Intl Conf on Data Engineering (93)2.EDBT /ICDT: EDBT/ICDT joint conference (27)3.ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (70)4.SDM - SIAM Conference on Data Mining (40)2.AREA: Software Engineering:一区(225)1.ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering (56)2.FSE: ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (42)3.OOPSLA: ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingSystems, Languages and Applications (33)4.ASE: IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(94)二区 (230)1.ISSTA: ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing andAnalysis (33)2.ECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (27)3.ESEC: European Software Engineering Conference (50)4.ICSM: IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (40)5.RE: IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (39)6.ICSR: International Conference on Software Reuse (41)3.AREA: Security:一区 (102)1.S&P: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (28)S: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (51)enix security: Usenix Symposium on Security (23)二区 (68)1.NDSS: ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (22)2.ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications (46)4.AREA: Architecture一区 (136)1.ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer Architecture (37)2.MICRO: Intl Symp on Microarchitecture (35)3.HPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp Architecture (34)4.PACT: IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Architectures and CompilationTechniques (30)二区(22)1.ISPASS: IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis ofSystems and Software (22)5.AREA: Programming Languages:一区(95)1.PLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design &Implementation (34)2.POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of ProgrammingLanguages (35)3.PPoPP: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of ParallelProgramming(26)二区 (21)1.CGO: International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization6.AREA: System Technology一区(114)1.OSDI: USENIX Operating Systems Design and Implementation (26/2=13)2.SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles (25/2=13)3.ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OS (31)4.FAST: USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (23)enix: Annual Usenix Technical Conference (34)二区(155)1.DSN: Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systemsand Networks (59)2.Eurosys: European Conference in Computer Systems (26)3.HOTOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (24)4.SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed Systems (28)5.VEE: International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments. (18) 7.Distributed and Parallel Computing一区: (62)1.PODC: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (32)2.NSDI: Usenix Symposium on Networked Systems Design andImplementation (30)二区: (247)1.ICS: Intl Conf on Supercomputing (37)2.SC: ACM/IEEE Conf on High Performance Networking and Computing(65)3.HPDC: High Performance Distributed Computing (18)4.ICDCS: IEEE International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystems(74)5.SPAA: ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (53)8.AREA: Networking一区(125)1.SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps (36)2.MOBICOM: ACM SIGMOBILE Annual International Conference on MobileComputing and Networking (31)3.SIGMETRICS: ACM SIG on computer and communication metrics andperformance (36)4.MOBISYS: ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on Mobile Systems,Applications, and Services (22)二区 (374)COM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc (311)2.MOBIHOC: The ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad HocNetworking and Computing (44)3.IMC: Internet Measurement Conference(19)9.Area:Multimedia Processing,Vision,graphics一区(201)1.ICCV:International Conference on Computer Vision (47)2.SIGGRAPH (98)3.ACM MM:ACM Multimedia Conference (56)二区(133)1.CVPR:Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (65)2.ECCV:European Conference on Computer Vision (40)Vis:IEEE Information Visualization Conference (28)10.A rea: AI ,NLP,Machine learning,Neural Networks一区(380)1.IJCAI:International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (212/2=106)2.ICML:International Conference on Machine Learning (155)3.ACL:Association of Computational Linguistics (119)二区(581)1.AAAI:(227)2.UAI:Conference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (73)3.NIPS:Advances in Neural Information Processing (28)4.COLT:Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (47)5.CONLL:Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (20)6.COLING:International Conference on Computational Linguistics (153/2=77)7.EMNLP:Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing(109)11.A REA: Algorithms and Theory一区(172)1.STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of Computing (77)2.FOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer Science (63)3.CRYPTO: Advances in Cryptology (32)二区 (442)1.SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete Algorithms (139)2.ICALP:International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming(128)3.ESA: European Symp on Algorithms (67)4.SCG: ACM Symp on Computational Geometry (42)5.EUROCRYPT: European Conf on Cryptography (33)6.TCC: Theory of Cryptography (33)12.A REA: Web and Service Computing一区(174)1.WWW: International World Wide Web Conference (89)2.SIGIR:ACM International Conference on Information Retrieval (85)二区 (225)1.WI:IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (78)2.ISWC :International Semantic Web Conference (57)3.ICWS:The International Conference on Web Services (90)13.A REA: HCI and CSCW一区 (221)1.CHI: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (157)2.CSCW: the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work(64)二区 (85)1.UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (24)2.GROUP: ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (38)3.ECSCW: European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work(23)14.A REA: embedded一区 (152)1.DAC: Design Automation Conference (152)二区(138)1.IC-SAMOS: International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems:Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (31)2.LCTES: ACM conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools forEmbedded Systems (17)3.EMSOFT: IEEE International conference on Embedded software (20)4.CASES: Intl Conf on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for EmbeddedSystems (27)5.CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware-Software Codesignand System Synthesis (43)。



1.2计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议1.3自动化重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议数据挖掘相关的权威期刊和会议-----------------------------------------------[Journals]1.ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)2.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)3.Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery4.Knowledge and Information Systems5.Data & Knowledge Engineering[Conferences]1.SIGMOD:ACM Conference on Management of Data (ACM)2.VLDB:International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Morgan Kaufmann/ACM)3.ICDE:IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE Computer Society)4.SIGKDD:ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM)5.WWW:International World Wide Web Conferences (W3C)6.CIKM:ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM)7.PKDD:European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Springer-Verlag LNAI)JournalsACM TKDD /DMKD/content/1573-756X/?p=859c3e83455d41679ef1be783 e923d1d&pi=0IEEE TKDE /organizations/pubs/transactions/tkde.htm ACM TODS /tods/VLDB Journal /ACM Tois /pubs/tois/ConferencesSigKDD /ICDM /~icdm/SDM /meetings/sdm08/PKDD /VLDB /SigMod /sigmod/ICDE http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/tcde/conf_e.htmlWWW /conferencesOnline Resources网址集合/Computers/Software/Databases/Data_Mining// A google co-op search engine for Data Mining/coop/cse?cx=006422944775554126616%3Aixcd3tdxkke Data Mining, University of Houston/boetticher/CSCI5931%20Data%20Mining.htmlData Mining Program, University of Central Florida / Data Mining Group, University of Dortmundhttp://www-ai.cs.uni-dortmund.de/index.htmlData Mining, MIT OCW/OcwWeb/Sloan-School-of-Management/15-062Data-MiningSpri ng2003/CourseHome/Data Mining Group, Tsinghua /dmg.html KDD oral presentations video Data Mining Events Feed /DataMiningEvents ToolsWeka /ml/weka/Rapid Miner(Yale) /content/view/3/76/lang,en/IlliMine /Alpha Miner http://www.eti.hku.hk/alphaminerPotter's Wheel A-B-C /abc/。



国际顶级会议列表(计算机相关)zz2007-12-14 19:30AREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related SubjectsRank 1:AAAI: American Association for AI National ConferenceCVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionIJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer VisionICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningKR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & ReasoningNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsUAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIICAA: International Conference on Autonomous AgentsACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)Rank 2:NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACLAID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignAI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationCAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and PatternsCSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionEAI: European Conf on AIEML: European Conf on Machine LearningGP: Genetic Programming ConferenceIAAI: Innovative Applications in AIICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural NetworksICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AIAMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsDAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsWACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionCOLING: International Conference on Computational LiguisticsEMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingEACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Lingustics CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningRank 3:PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIAAI: Australian National Conf on AIACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionAI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AIANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in EngineeringANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. SystemsCAIA: Conf on AI for ApplicationsCAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DMEPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceFCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine LearningICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningICGA: International Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingIEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert SysICMS: International Conference on Multiagent SystemsICPS: International conference on Planning SystemsIWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural NetworksPACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsSCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceSPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent SystemPAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningSMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and CyberneticsPAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningWCNN: The World Congress on Neural NetworksWCES: World Congress on Expert SystemsINBS: IEEE Intl Symp on Intell. in Neural \& Bio SystemsASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft ComputingPACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ICCC: International Conference on Chinese ComputingICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital LibrariesRANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingNLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim SymposiumOthers:ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationNNSP: Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SPGCCCE: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationICAI: Intl Conf on Artificial IntelligenceAEN: IASTED Intl Conf on AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksWMSCI: World Multiconfs on Sys, Cybernetics & InformaticsLREC: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: Hardware and ArchitectureRank 1:ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignDAC: Design Automation ConfMICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureHPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRank 2:FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines SUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfHCS: Hot Chips SympVLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsISSS: International Symposium on System SynthesisDATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceRank 3:ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall ProcEuroMICRO: New Frontiers of Information TechnologyACS: Australian Supercomputing ConfUnranked:Advanced Research in VLSIInternational Symposium on System SynthesisInternational Symposium on Computer DesignInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceInternational Symposium on Physical DesignInternational Conference on VLSI Design--------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: ApplicationsRank 1:I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsSIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceDCC: Data Compression ConfSIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysSIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalPECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm Sys WWW: World-Wide Web ConferenceRank 2:EUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceCGI: Computer Graphics InternationalCANIM: Computer AnimationPG: Pacific GraphicsNOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/VPADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist Simulation WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumMASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPENetStore: Network Storage SymposiumMMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingJCDL: Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRank 3:ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext ConfMMM: Multimedia ModellingICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & ExpoDSS: Distributed Simulation SymposiumSCSC: Summer Computer Simulation ConferenceWCSS: World Congress on Systems SimulationESS: European Simulation SymposiumESM: European Simulation MulticonferenceHPCN: High-Performance Computing and NetworkingGeometry Modeling and ProcessingWISEDS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsIEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul and Real-Time Applications ECIR: European Colloquium on Information RetrievalUn-ranked:DVAT: IS\&T/SPIE Conf on Dig Video Compression Alg \& Tech MME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in EducationICMSO: Intl Conf on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationICMS: IASTED Intl Conf on Modelling and Simulation-----------------------------------------------------------------AREA: System Technology (Including networking and security)Rank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsSPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingMassPar: Symp on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityS&P (Oakland): IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingMOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing ICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsOPENARCH: IEEE Conf on Open Arch and Network ProgPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechINFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocRank 2:USENIX Symp on Internet Tech and SysCC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympMOBISYS: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services SenSys: ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingUsenix Security SymposiumNDSS: ISOC Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityRAID: International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceIPSN: International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor NetworksIPTPS: Annual International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer SystemsCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommIMC: Internet Measurement ConferenceIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsFast Software EncryptionSecureComm: Int. Conf on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communication NetworksAsiaCCS: ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications SecurityACNS: International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network SecurityAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksIMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia SysNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceEEE: IEEE Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (Suggested by Roy Gr??nmo. Thanks)Un-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems Engineering-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: Programming Languages and Software EngineeringRank 1:POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsPLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & ImplOOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and ApplicationsICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingJICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint) Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringFSE: ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE when held jointly) FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeCAV: Computer Aided VerificationRank 2:CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgTACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of SystemsESOP: European Conf on ProgrammingICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesPEPM: Symp on Partial Evalutation and Prog ManipulationSAS: Static Analysis SymposiumRTA: Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsESEC: European Software Engineering ConfIWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & DesignCAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringITC: IEEE Intl Test ConfIWCASE: Intl Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software EngSSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilitySEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge EngineeringICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseASE: Automated Software Engineering ConferencePADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesISRE: Requirements EngineeringICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsIEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsIntl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsFOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp StructRank 3:FASE: Fund Appr to Soft EngAPSEC: Asia-Pacific S/E ConfPAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingPLILP: Prog, Lang Implentation & Logic ProgrammingLOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & TransfICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler ConstructionCOMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications ConfCSM: Conf on Software MaintenanceTAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W DevWCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringAQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsIFIP Intl Conf on Open Distributed ProcessingIntl Conf of Z UsersIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And Verificati PSI (E UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling LanguageEDOC: IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing (Suggested by Roy Gr??nmo.)Un-ranked:Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsFormal Methods PacificInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsJFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingL&L - Workshop on Logic and LearningSFP - Scottish Functional Programming WorkshopHASKELL - Haskell WorkshopLCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceVLFM - Visual Languages and Formal MethodsNASA LaRC Formal Methods Workshop(1) FATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software(1) Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing(1) DSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering(1) FTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs(*) WFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming(*) FOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented L anguages(*) SREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Sec urity(*) HLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications(*) INAP - International Conference on Applications of Prolog(*) MPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages(*) PADO - Symposium on Programs as Data Objects(*) TOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems(*) Australasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time Systems--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: Algorithms and TheoryRank 1:STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of ComputingFOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer ScienceCOLT: Computational Learning TheoryLICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer ScienceSCG: ACM Symp on Computational GeometrySODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete AlgorithmsSPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures PODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed Computing ISSAC: Intl. Symp on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation CRYPTO: Advances in CryptologyEUROCRYPT: European Conf on CryptographyRank 2:CONCUR: International Conference on Concurrency Theory ICALP: Intl Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Prog STACS: Symp on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science CC: IEEE Symp on Computational ComplexityWADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresMFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science SWAT: Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryESA: European Symp on AlgorithmsIPCO: MPS Conf on integer programming & comb optimization LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceALT: Algorithmic Learning TheoryEUROCOLT: European Conf on Learning TheoryWDAG: Workshop on Distributed AlgorithmsISTCS: Israel Symp on Theory of Computing and Systems ISAAC: Intl Symp on Algorithms and ComputationFST&TCS: Foundations of S/W Tech & Theoretical CS LATIN: Intl Symp on Latin American Theoretical Informatics RECOMB: Annual Intl Conf on Comp Molecular Biology CADE: Conf on Automated DeductionIEEEIT: IEEE Symposium on Information TheoryAsiacryptRank 3:MEGA: Methods Effectives en Geometrie AlgebriqueASIAN: Asian Computing Science ConfCCCG: Canadian Conf on Computational GeometryFCT: Fundamentals of Computation TheoryWG: Workshop on Graph TheoryCIAC: Italian Conf on Algorithms and ComplexityICCI: Advances in Computing and InformationAWTI: Argentine Workshop on Theoretical InformaticsCATS: The Australian Theory SympCOCOON: Annual Intl Computing and Combinatorics Conf UMC: Unconventional Models of ComputationMCU: Universal Machines and ComputationsGD: Graph DrawingSIROCCO: Structural Info & Communication ComplexityALEX: Algorithms and ExperimentsALG: ENGG Workshop on Algorithm EngineeringLPMA: Intl Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-Agents EWLR: European Workshop on Learning RobotsCITB: Complexity & info-theoretic approaches to biologyFTP: Intl Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP)CSL: Annual Conf on Computer Science Logic (CSL)AAAAECC: Conf On Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algms & ECC DMTCS: Intl Conf on Disc Math and TCSUn-ranked:Information Theory Workshop----------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: Data BasesRank 1:SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataPODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsVLDB: Very Large Data BasesICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRank 2:SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesDEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsFODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationEDBT: Extending DB TechnologyDOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesDASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge Management SSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtCoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)Rank 3:COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of DataBNCOD: British National Conference on DatabasesADC: Australasian Database ConferenceADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems DaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryRIDE WorkshopIFIP-DS: IFIP-DS ConferenceIFIP-DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database SecurityNGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and AppsADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and IntegrationFEWFDB: Far East Workshop on Future DB SystemsMDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data MiningVDB - Visual Database SystemsIDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application SymposiumOthers:ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database SystemsCODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv AppsDBPL - Workshop on Database Programming LanguagesEFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) SystemsKRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesNDB - National Database Conference (China)NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data BasesKDDMBD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases MeetingFQAS - Flexible Query-Answering SystemsIDC(W) - International Database Conference (HK CS)RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time DatabasesSBBD: Brazilian Symposium on DatabasesWebDB - International Workshop on the Web and DatabasesWAIM: Interational Conference on Web Age Information Management(1) DASWIS - Data Semantics in Web Information Systems(1) DMDW - Design and Management of Data Warehouses(1) DOLAP - International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP(1) DMKD - Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(1) KDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop(1) NRDM - Workshop on Network-Related Data Management(1) MobiDE - Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access(1) MDDS - Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems(1) MEWS - Mining for Enhanced Web Search(1) TAKMA - Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagement(1) WIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management(1) W2GIS - International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems* CDB - Constraint Databases and Applications* DTVE - Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises* IWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object Management* IW-MMDBMS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base ManagementSystems* OODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems* PDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information Systems---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AREA: MiscellaneousRank 1:Rank 2:AMIA: American Medical Informatics Annual Fall SymposiumDNA: Meeting on DNA Based ComputersRank 3:MEDINFO: World Congress on Medical InformaticsInternational Conference on Sequences and their ApplicationsECAIM: European Conf on AI in MedicineAPAMI: Asia Pacific Assoc for Medical Informatics ConfSAC: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingICSC: Internal Computer Science ConferenceISCIS: Intl Symp on Computer and Information SciencesICSC2: International Computer Symposium ConferenceICCE: Intl Conf on Comps in EduEd-MediaWCC: World Computing CongressPATAT: Practice and Theory of Automated TimetablingNot Encouraged (NO INTENTION TO OFFEND THESE ORGANIZERS):International Multiconferences in Computer ScienceSCI: World Multi confs on systemics, sybernetics and informaticsSSGRR: International conf on Advances in Infrastructure for e-B, e-Edu and e-Science and e-Medicine IASTED conferencesCCCT: International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies。



计算机学科国际会议排名序号会议名称会议介绍代表领域1 ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps ACM的旗舰会议之一,也是网络领域顶级学术会议,内容侧重于有线网络,每年举办一次,录用率约为10%左右。

网络通信领域2 IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications IEEE计算机和通信分会联合年会,由IEEE计算机通信技术委员会和IEEE通信协会联合举办,是信息通信领域规模最大的顶尖国际学术会议,录用率约为16%左右。


网络通信领域3 IEEE International conference on communications IEEE国际通信大会,是IEEE通信学会的两大旗舰会议之一。


网络通信领域4 IEEE Globecom: Global Telecommunications Conference IEEE全球电信会议,IEEE通信学会的两大旗舰会议之一。



网络通信领域5 IEEE ITC: International Test Conference 创始于1970年,是测试领域顶级学术会议,对工业界影响巨大。


网络通信领域6 IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks IEEE可靠系统和网络会议,是IEEE容错计算技术委员会主办的最重要的国际会议,也是可靠系统和网络领域历史最悠久,地位非常高的学术会议。



计算机专业部分国际会议及刊物影响因子排名4.0 国际专业顶级会议(A类或引用因子>0.9)ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication(SIGCOMM)ACM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Sys-tems, Users, Data and Computing (MOBICOM)ACM Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation (SIGMETRICS)ACM/IEEE Intl Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC)ACM/IEEE World Wide Web Conf. (WWW)Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD)IEEE Intl Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE)Intl Conf. on Very Large DataBase (VLDB)Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval_r(SIGIR)ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data/Principles of DB SystemsExtending DB Technology (EDBT)Usenix Symp on OS Design and Implementation (OSDI)ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles (SOSP:)Intl Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML)Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics) (ACL)Intl Conf on Extending DB Technology (EDBT)Database and Expert System Applications (DEXA)Symposium on High-Perf Comp Architecture (HPCA )3.5 国际专业品牌会议(B类或0.8<引用因子<0.9)ACM Intl Conf. on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems(SenSys)ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)IEEE Intl Conf. on Network Protocols (ICNP)IEEE Conf. on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)IEEE Intl Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)IEEE Intl Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)IEEE Conf. on Local Computer Networks (LCN)IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf. (WCNC)IEEE Intl Conf on Networking Topology in Computer Science Conf.(ICN)IEEE Intl Conf. on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems(MASS)USENIX USENIX Annual Technical Conf.USENIX Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)Intl conf. on Wireless Networks (ICWN)USENIX Conf on Internet Tech and SysIntl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil Tech (PACT)Symposium on Parallel Algms and Architecture (SPAA )Intl Database Engineering and Application Symposium (IDEAS)3.0 国际专业品牌会议(C类或0.7<引用因子ACM/USENIX Intl Conf. on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys)ACM/IEEE Annual Intl Conf. on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking andServices (MOBIQUITOUS)ACM Intl Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch)ACM/IEEE Intl Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)ACM Intl Conf. on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)ACM/IEEE Joint Conf. on Digital Libraries (JCDL)IEEE Intl Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS)IEEE Intl Parallel and Dist Processing Symp (IPDPS)IEEE/ACM Conf. on High Performance Computing Networking and Storage (Supercomputing)IEEE/ACM Intl Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)IEEE Intl Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM)IEEE Global Communications Conf., incorporating the Global Internet Symposium (Globecom)IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & Communications(IPCCC)USENIX Conf. on File and StorageTechnologies(FAST)USENIX Symp on Networked Systems Design & Implementation (NSDI)USENIX Intl Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS)Intl conf. on Computer Communication (ICCC)IFIP Intl Conf.s on Networking (Networking)Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Acc (MobiDE)European Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML)European Conf. on Information Retrieval_r(ECIR)Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA)2.5 地区专业品牌会议(0.6<引用因子<0.7)ACM Intl Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) IEEE Conf on P2P Computing(P2P)IEEE Communications Society Conf on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks(SECON)IEEE Intl Conf on Comp Comm and Networks (ICCCN)IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS (ISCC)IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conf (VTC)IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (MONS)IEEE/IFIP Intl Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM)IEEE Intl Symposium on Reliable DistributedSystems(SRDS)FORTE Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed SystemsThe Pacific-Asia Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(PAKDD)Asia Pacific Web Conf / Intl Conf. on Web Age Information Management (APWeb / WAIM)Text REtrieval Conf(TREC)Human Language Technology Conf(HLT)Conf of the Intl. Committee on Computational Linguistics (COLLING)Intl Semantic Web Conf(ISWC)European Semantic Web Conf(ECWC)Intl Conf. on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL)European Conf. on Digital Libraries (ECDL)2.0 地区专业品牌会议(0.5<引用因子<0.6)Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)ACM Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WOWMOM)IEEE Intl Conf. on Communications (ICC)Intl Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA)Intl Conf on Pervasive Systems and Computing (PSC)Asia Information Retrieval Symp (AIRS)Asia Pacific Web Conf. (APWEB)Intl Conf. on Web-based Learning (ICWL)1.0 国内发起并主办的国际会议Grid Computing Conf. (GCC)Semantic Knowledge Grid (SKG)Intl Conf. on Natural Computation / Intl Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC/FSKD) mobiCHINA0.0 国内会议SEWM: Sympo of Search Engine and Web MiningCNCC:中国计算机大会4.0 国际专业著名刊物ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)ACM Transactions on Information systemsACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)ACM COMPUTING SURVEYSIEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKINGIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONSIEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering (TKDE)Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery (JKDD)Data and Knowledge Engineering(DKE)VLDB Journal (VLDBJ)Information Processing and Management(IP&M)3.5 国际专业著名刊物ACM Transaction on StorageIEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems (TPDS)IEEE Transactions on ComputerELSEVIER JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONSIntl Journal of Concurrency and ComputationIntl Journal of Parallel Distributed SystemIntl Journal of Computer NetworksBioinformatics3.0国际专业著名刊物ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMSACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKSACM COMPUTER COMMUNICATION REVIEWACM JOURNAL OF THE ACMIEEE Transactions on ComputerIEEE NETWORKIEEE INTERNET COMPUTINGIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTINGIEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERSELSEVIER ad hoc networksELSEVIER computer networksELSEVIER JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONSELSEVIER Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsELSEVIER Pervasive and Mobile ComputingSPRINGER WIRELESS NETWORKSSPRINGER MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONSJournal of Computer Networks3.0 国际专业品牌刊物ACM Intl Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) ACM ACM TRANSATIONS ON INTERNET TECHNOLOGYIEEE Transactions on vehicular technologyIEEE Transactions on ComputerELSEVIER computer communicationsELSEVIER AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKSJOHN WILEY&SONS INC NETWORKSJOHN WILEY&SONS INC WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSData and Knowledge Engineering (DKE)Information Systems (IS)WORLD WIDE WEB JournalKnowledge and Information Systems (KIS)Information RetrievalJournal of Web SemanticsSIGMOD RecordJournal of Computer NetworksJournal of Software and Systems2.0 国际有一定知名度的刊物/国内重要期刊Intl Journal of Information Technology,Journal of Information Science,Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Journal of Web EngineeringJOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY (JCST)KICS JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKSIEICE TRANSATION ON COMMUNICATIONS《中国科学》《科学通报》2.0 国际在线/国内一级学术期刊《计算机学报》《软件学报》《电子学报》《计算机学报》《计算机研究与发展》《软件学报》Dlib Magazine (在线杂志)1.0 国内核心期刊?《计算机工程与应用》《计算机应用》《情报学报》0.0 国内核心期刊?《计算机工程与应用》《计算机工程与设计》。


(软件工程、系统软件与程序设计语言) 一、A 类
1 2 3
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
(软件工程、系统软件与程序设计语言) 一、A 类
ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation of Software Engineering/ European Software Engineering Conference Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications International Conference on Software Engineering USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles


中文版 562 426 235 294 218
影响因子 0.450 0.294 0.692 0.232 0.280 0.855 0.280 0.330 0.921 0.806 0.329 0.428
中文版 0.316 中文版 0.935
0.390 0.919 0.343 0.415 0.533 0.275 E 辑 0.444
21 IEEE VR:IEEE Virtual Reality
IEEE 虚拟现实会议,每年一次
ACM VRST:ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology
虚拟现实软件与技术 ACM 年会,一年一次
IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
IEEE 可靠系统和网络会议,是 IEEE 容错计算技术委员会 主办的最重要的国际会议,也是可靠系统和网络领域历 史最悠久,地位非常高的学术会议。
计算语言学会议,也是本领域最权威的国际学术会议之 一,两年一次
计算语言学,自然 语言处理 计算语言学,自然 语言处理
rank2 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank2 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1 rank1
偏重于建模和测量的重要国际会议,内容覆盖系统和网 络,录用率为 10%左右。



附件3: 计算机类国际会议列表:以下按4个研究方向排列1.Databases / Knowledge and Data Management / Data Security / Web / Mining1)SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data (0.99)2)VLDB: Very Large Data Bases (0.99)3)KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (0.97)4)ICDE: Intl Conf on Data Engineering (0.97)5)ICDT: Intl Conf on Database Theory (0.94)6)SIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information Retrieval (0.94)7)PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB Systems (0.94)8)WWW: World-Wide Web Conference (0.92)9)FODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data Organization (0.92)10)ER: Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)11)(0.91)12)CIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge Management (0.90)13)DOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (0.90)14)DEXA: Database and Expert System Applications (0.90)15)SSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB Mgmt (0.90)16)COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of Data (0.90)17)EDBT: Extending DB Technology (0.90)18)VDB: Visual Database Systems (0.88)19)SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial Databases (0.88)20)CoopIS: Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (0.87)21)IFIP-DS: IFIP-DS Conference (0.86)22)DaWaK: Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (0.86)23)ADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration (0.86)24)NGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and Apps (0.83)25)MDM: Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)26)(0.83)27)ARTDB: Active and Real-Time Database Systems (0.83)28)SAM: Intl Conference on Security and Management (0.83)29)CODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv Apps (0.83)30)IFIP-DBSEC: IFIP Workshop on Database Security (0.83)31)EFIS/EFDBS: Engineering Federated Information (Database)32)Systems (0.83)33)IDEAS: International Database Engineering and Application Symposium (0.82)34)USITS: USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (0.82)35)KRDB: Knowledge Representation Meets Databases (0.82)36)ADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems (0.81)37)DBPL: Workshop on Database Programming Languages (0.80)38)ICOMP: International Conference on Internet Computing (0.80)39)NDB: National Database Conference (China)40)(0.79)41)IKE: Intl Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (0.79)42)NLDB: Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases (0.79)43)FQAS: Flexible Query-Answering Systems (0.79)44)DMIN: Intl Conference on Data Mining (0.79)45)DASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced Applications (0.79)46)IDC(W): International Database Conference (HK CS)47)(0.79)48)NRDM: Workshop on Network-Related Data Management (0.78)49)RTDB: Workshop on Real-Time Databases (0.78)50)BNCOD: British National Conference on Databases (0.76)51)WebDB: International Workshop on the Web and Databases (0.76)52)MEWS: Mining for Enhanced Web Search (0.76)53)DASWIS: Data Semantics in Web Information Systems (0.76)54)DMDW: Design and Management of Data Warehouses (0.76)55)OODBS: Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems (0.76)56)ADC: Australasian Database Conference (0.75)57)USENIX Security: USENIX Security Symposium (0.75)58)PDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (0.75)59)WCW: Web Caching Workshop (0.75)60)DOLAP: International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (0.75)61)WECWIS: Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web BasedInformation Systems (0.74)62)ICDM: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (0.73)63)KDEX: Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop (0.72)64)MobiDE: Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (0.71)65)MDDS: Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems (0.71)66)TAKMA: Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management (0.71)67)WIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (0.70)68)DMKD: Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(0.69)69)WAIM: International Conference on Web Age Information Management (0.69)70)CDB: Constraint Databases and Applications (0.69)71)SWWS: Semantic Web and Web Services (0.69)72)DTVE: Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises (0.69)73)IWDOM: International Workshop on Distributed Object Management (0.69)74)PAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (0.65)75)ADMA: Advanced Data Mining and Applications (0.65)76)PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery and Data Mining (0.64)77)W4A: Workshop on Web Accessibility (0.63)78)DATESO: Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects (0.62)79)K-CAP: International Conference on Knowledge Capture (0.62)80)PKDD: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (0.62)81)KDDMBD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases Meeting(0.61)82)KES: International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information andEngineering Systems (0.61)83)DBA: Databases and Applications (0.60)84)DNIS: Databases in Networked Information Systems (0.59)85)PAKM: Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (0.57)86)KDID: International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases(0.55)87)SCN: International Conference on Security in Communication Networks (0.54)88)KR: International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation andReasoning (0.53)89)SDM: SIAM Intl Conference on Data Mining (0.51)2. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning1)AAAI: American Association for AI National Conference (0.99)2)NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems (0.98)3)IJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AI (0.96)4)ICCV: Intl Conf on Computer Vision (0.96)5)CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition (0.96)6)ICML: Intl Conf on Machine Learning (0.95)7)CSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference (0.92)8)UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AI (0.91)9)ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)10)(0.90)11)NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACL (0.88)12)GP/GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (0.85)13)AID: Intl Conf on AI in Design (0.84)14)CAIP: Intl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and Patterns (0.84)15)IPCV: Intl Conf on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition(0.83)16)IEEE/WIC Intl Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology(0.82)17)CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language Learning (0.82)18)EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (0.79)19)AIME: AI in Medicine in Europe (0.76)20)AAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (0.76)21)ICAI: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (0.76)22)IAAI: Innovative Applications in AI (0.76)23)ICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint)24)Conference on Neural Networks (0.76)25)ECML: European Conf on Machine Learning (0.76)26)ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition (0.76)27)ECAI: European Conf on AI (0.76)28)ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (0.75)29)ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AI (0.74)30)ANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (0.72)31)AI-ED: World Conference on AI in Education (0.72)32)DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (0.71)33)ICIP: Intl Conf on Image Processing (0.71)34)EA: International Conference on Artificial Evolution (0.70)35)WACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision (0.65)36)COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics (0.64)37)ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision (0.63)38)EACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Linguistics (0.62)39)DocEng: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (0.61)40)CAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (0.60)41)AMAI: Artificial Intelligence and Maths (0.60)42)ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (0.60)43)WCES: World Congress on Expert Systems (0.60)44)ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision (0.59)45)CAIA: Conf on AI for Applications (0.57)46)IEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. and Eng. Apps of AI and Expert Sys (0.57)47)MLMTA: Intl Conf on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications(0.57)48)ICCBR: International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (0.57)49)ICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SP (0.57)50)ASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft Computing (0.57)51)PACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (0.56)52)ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information Processing (0.56)53)IWPAAMS: Intl Workshop on Practical Applications of Agents and MultiagentSystems (0.56)54)SMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (0.55)55)CAPEPIA: Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (0.55)56)IWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art and Natural Neural Networks (0.55)57)CIA: Cooperative Information Agents (0.55)58)ICGA: International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (0.54)59)RANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (0.54)60)ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural Networks (0.54)61)NLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim Symposium (0.54)62)ACIVS: International Conference on Advanced Concepts For Intelligent VisionSystems (0.53)63)ICAPS/AIPS: Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (0.53)64)ECAL: European Conference on Artificial Life (0.53)65)MAAMAW: Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World (0.52)66)ANTS: Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (0.51)67)NC: ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (0.51)3. Architecture / Hardware / High-Performance Computing / Tools1)ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer Architecture (0.99)2)MICRO: Intl Symp on Microarchitecture (0.97)3)OSDI: USENIX Operating Systems Design and Implementation (0.96)4)SUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (0.96)5)HPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp Architecture (0.96)6)ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OS (0.95)7)FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines(0.93)8)HCS: Hot Chips Symp (0.92)9)DAC: Design Automation Conf (0.92)10)IPDPS: Intl Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (0.91)11)PACT: IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (0.88)12)ISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits Conf (0.87)13)VLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI Circuits (0.87)14)ICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided Design (0.86)15)CODES+ISSS: Intl Conf on Hardware/Software Codesign & System Synthesis(0.86)16)DATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference (0.85)17)ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall Proc (0.85)18)ICN: IEEE Intl Conf on Networking Topology in Computer Science Conference (0.85)19)ERSA: Intl Conf on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (0.84)20)ASAP: IEEE / Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (0.84)21)CHARME: Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (0.83)22)FPL: Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (0.82)23)PDPTA: Intl Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications(0.81)24)ICCD: Intl Conference on Computer Design (0.81)25)PPoPP: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of ParallelProgramming (0.78)26)CASES: Intl Conf on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems(0.77)27)PARCO: Parallel Computing Conference (0.75)28)ICS: Intl Conf on Supercomputing (0.74)29)SC: ACM/IEEE Conf on High Performance Networking and Computing (0.73)30)PADS: IEEE Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (0.72)31)CANPC: Communication, Architecture, and Applications for Network-Based ParallelComputing (0.71)32)ESA: Intl Conf on Embedded Systems and Applications (0.69)33)RTAS: IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium (0.69)34)CDES: Intl Conf on Computer Design (0.68)35)CHES: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (0.67)36)PPSC: SIAM Conf on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (0.65)37)NOSA: Nordic Symposium on Software Architecture (0.64)38)ACSAC: Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (0.62)39)ICPP: Intl Conf. on Parallel Processing (0.61)40)RTCOMP: Intl Conf on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (0.60)41)GCA: Intl Conf on Grid Computing and Applications (0.60)42)ASYNC: Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (0.59)43)CAMP: Intl Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception (0.59)44)PPSN: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (0.56)45)HPCS: Intl Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (0.56)46)HPDC: IEEE Intl Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (0.56)47)VTS: IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (0.56)48)CCGRID: Intl Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (0.56)49)ISPA: Intl Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications(0.55)50)CLUSTER: Intl Conf on Cluster Computing (0.54)51)GCC: Intl Conf on Grid and Cooperative Computing (0.54)52)ICPADS: Intl Conf on Parallel and Distributed Systems (0.53)53)RTCSA: IEEE Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (0.53)54)RTSS: IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (0.53)55)VLSI Design: IEEE Intl Conf on VLSI Design / India (0.51)4. Applications / Education / Software / Theory / Communications (later, will be divided into different categories; there are some overlaps)1)SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps (0.99)2)STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of Computing (0.99)3)INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc (0.99)4)CSCW: Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (0.99)5)FOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer Science (0.99)6)RECOMB: Annual Intl Conf on Comp Molecular Biology (0.99)7)COLT: Computational Learning Theory (0.98)8)LICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer Science (0.98)9)SCG: ACM Symp on Computational Geometry (0.98)10)SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete Algorithms (0.98)11)PLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & Impl (0.98)12)ISSAC: Intl. Symp on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (0.98)13)CRYPTO: Advances in Cryptology (0.98)14)SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles (0.98)15)SOSDI: USENIX Symp on OS Design and Implementation (0.97)16)IEEE Visualization (0.97)17)CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications Security (0.97)18)POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog Langs (0.97)19)EUROCRYPT: European Conf on Cryptography (0.97)20)OOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and Applications (0.97)21)ICFP: Intl Conf on Function Programming (0.97)22)JICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint)23)Intl Conf/Symp on Logic Prog (0.97)24)SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference (0.97)25)FSE: ACM Conf on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE)26)(0.97)27)FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/Europe (0.97)28)ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp Systems (0.97)29)I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics (0.97)30)ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia Conference (0.97)31)DCC: Data Compression Conf (0.97)32)PECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp & Comm Sys (0.97)33)ISTCS: Israel Symp on Theory of Computing and Systems (0.96)34)EUROGRAPH: European Graphics Conference (0.96)35)CGI: Computer Graphics International (0.96)36)CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint Prog (0.96)37)ICSE: Intl Conf on Software Engineering (0.96)38)CONCUR: International Conference on Concurrency Theory (0.96)39)AMIA: American Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium (0.96)40)STACS: Symp on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (0.96)41)CAV: Computer Aided Verification (0.96)42)BIOCOMP: Intl Conf on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (0.95)43)WABI: Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (0.95)44)ICNP: Intl Conf on Network Protocols (0.95)45)ICALP: Intl Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Prog (0.95)46)CC: IEEE Symp on Computational Complexity (0.95)47)WADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (0.95)48)IPCO: MPS Conf on integer programming & comb optimization (0.95)49)LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer Science (0.94)50)ALT: Algorithmic Learning Theory (0.93)51)CSC: Intl Conf on Scientific Computing (0.93)52)APLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (0.93)53)EUROCOLT: European Conf on Learning Theory (0.93)54)ISAAC: Intl Symp on Algorithms and Computation (0.93)55)CADE: Conf on Automated Deduction (0.93)56)SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp Sys (0.93)57)TACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of Systems (0.92)58)ESOP: European Conf on Programming (0.92)59)MOBICOM: ACM/IEEE Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networking (0.91)60)ESA: European Symp on Algorithms (0.91)61)ICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer Languages (0.91)62)PEPM: Symp on Partial Evaluation and Prog Manipulation (0.91)63)SAS: Static Analysis Symposium (0.90)64)IWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & Design (0.89)65)SSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software Reusability (0.88)66)SEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge Engineering (0.88)67)MFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (0.88)68)ICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software Reuse (0.88)69)ASE: Automated Software Engineering Conference (0.88)70)PADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (0.88)71)ISRE: Requirements Engineering (0.88)72)ICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer Systems (0.88)73)FOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp Struct (0.88)74)MPC: Mathematics of Program Construction (0.88)75)MOBIHOC: The ACM Intl Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing(0.87)76)ICSC2: International Computer Symposium Conference (0.87)77)ECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (0.87)78)ICSM: Intl. Conf on Software Maintenance (0.87)79)MEGA: Methods Effectives en Geometrie Algebrique (0.87)80)FCT: Fundamentals of Computation Theory (0.86)81)WG: Workshop on Graph Theory (0.86)82)SAC: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (0.85)83)ISCIS: Intl Symp on Computer and Information Sciences (0.85)84)ICCE: Intl Conf on Comps in Edu (0.85)85)ICWN: Intl Conf on Wireless Networks (0.85)86)PATAT: Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (0.85)87)CIAC: Italian Conf on Algorithms and Complexity (0.85)88)COCOON: Annual Intl Computing and Combinatorics Conf (0.85)89)ECAIM: European Conf on AI in Medicine (0.85)90)APAMI: Asia Pacific Assoc for Medical Informatics Conf (0.85)91)PODC: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (0.85)92)ICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler Construction (0.85)93)COMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications Conf (0.84)94)LCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks (0.84)95)WCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (0.83)96)TAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W Dev (0.83)97)INBS: IEEE Intl Symp on Intell. in Neural & Bio Systems (0.82)98)SPAA: ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (0.82)99)UMC: Unconventional Models of Computation (0.82)100)MCU: Universal Machines and Computations (0.81)101)GD: Graph Drawing (0.80)102)SIROCCO: Structural Info & Communication Complexity (0.79)103)ALEX: Algorithms and Experiments (0.79)104)ALG: ENGG Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (0.78)105)LPMA: Intl Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-Agents (0.78)106)EWLR: European Workshop on Learning Robots (0.77)107)CITB: Complexity & info-theoretic approaches to biology (0.76)108)FTP: Intl Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP)109)(0.75)110)SERP: Intl Conf on Software Engineering Research and Practice (0.75) 111)CSL: Annual Conf on Computer Science Logic (CSL)112)(0.75)113)JCDCG: Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry (0.75) 114)CANIM: Computer Animation (0.75)115)NOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/V (0.75)116)ASS: IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium (0.75)117)GLOBECOM: Global Comm (0.75)118)IPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & Communications (0.75)119)CC: Compiler Construction (0.74)120)EEE: Intl Conf on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, e-Government (0.74)121)PAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint Tech (0.74)122)ALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic Programming (0.73)123)PLILP: Prog, Lang Implementation & Logic Programming (0.73)124)LOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & Transf (0.72)125)WCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse Engineering (0.70)126)AQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev Tools (0.69)127)UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (0.69) 128)IC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and Networks (0.69)129)SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed Systems (0.69)130)MPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt Interconns (0.69)131)ASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array Processors (0.68)132)MSV: Intl Conf on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (0.68) 133)Euro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel Computing (0.68)134)MMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking (0.67)135)ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext Conf (0.67)136)DSS: Distributed Simulation Symposium (0.65)137)FCS: Intl Conf on Foundations of Computer Science (0.65)138)ESS: European Simulation Symposium (0.65)139)ECIR: European Colloquium on Information Retrieval (0.64)140)MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing Systems (0.63)141)FECS: Intl Conf on Frontiers in Education: Computer Sci. and Computer Eng.(0.62)142)ICCC: Intl Conf on Comp Communication (0.62)143)NOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management Symp (0.62)144)CONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel Processing (0.62)145)ICON: Intl Conf on Networks (0.62)146)MME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in Education (0.61)147)DOA: International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (0.60) 148)IUI: Intelligent User Interfaces (0.58)149)CIC: Intl Conf on Communications in Computing (0.57)150)MIS: Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems (0.57)151)WOWMOM: Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia ((0.55)152)LDTA: Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (0.54) 153)IWST: International Workshop on Scheduling and Telecommunications (0.54) 154)FLA: Fuzzy Logic and Applications Meeting (0.54)155)ICATPN: International conference on application and theory of Petri nets (0.54) 156)BIBE: IEEE Intl Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (0.53) 157)ICC: IEEE Intl Conference on Communications (0.53)158)CGVR: Intl Conf on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (0.53)159)CAGD: International Symposium of Computer Aided Geometric Design (0.53) 160)LATIN: Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (0.53)161)PSC: Intl Conf on Pervasive Systems and Computing (0.53)162)CHT: International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer(0.53)163)MSA: Metacomputing Systems and Applications Workshop (0.52)164)GEM: Intl Conf on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods (0.50)165)OPODIS: Intl Conf on Principles of Distributed Systems (0.50)166)ADG: Automated Deduction in Geometry (0.50)。




Rank #1(1) AAAI: AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(2) CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(3) CRYPTO: International Cryptology ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(4) CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(5) FOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(6) HPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(7) ICCV: International Conf on Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(8) ICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(9) ICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(10) ICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(11) IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(12) INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(13) ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(14) MICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(15) MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(16) OOPSLA: OO Programming Systems, Languages and ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(17) POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(18) SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(19) SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(20) SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(21) STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of ComputingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(22) VLDB: Very Large Data BasesRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(23) ACL: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational LinguisticsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(24) ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(25) NIPS: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing SystemsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(26) PLDI: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(27) S&P: IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(28) SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(29) WWW: International World Wide Web ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(30) FSE: ACM Conf on the Foundations of Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(31) ICDCS: International Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(32) LICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(33) ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(34) COLT: Annual Conference on Computational Learning TheoryRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(35) PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(36) PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(37) SIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1)(38) SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete AlgorithmsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(39) UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(40) DAC: Design Automation ConfRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(41) KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(42) SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(43) ICALP: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(44) IPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(45) AAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(46) CAV: Computer Aided VerificationRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(3) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(47) FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(48) I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(3) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(49) ICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(50) ICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(51) ICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(52) JICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: Joint Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(53) KR: International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(54) PACT: International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(55) RTSS: IEEE Real-Time Systems SymposiumRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(56) SPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algorithms and ArchitecturesRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(57) DCC: Data Compression ConfRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(58) ICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(59) ISSAC: Intl Symp on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(60) PODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(61) SCG: ACM Symp on Computational GeometryRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) NUS(1)(62) PECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp & Comm SysRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) NUS(1)(63) SOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) NUS(1)(64) CIKM: Intl Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(65) RECOMB: Annual Intl Conf on Comp Molecular BiologyRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(66) RTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumRefs: CCF(3) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(67) ISMB: International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular BiologyRefs: NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(68) OSDI: Symposium on Operation systems design and implementationRefs: SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1)(69) SIGKDD: ACM Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningRefs: CCF(1) SJTU(1)(70) EUROCRYPT: European Conf on CryptographyRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(71) MOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(72) FAST: Conference on File and Storage TechnologiesRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(1)(73) NSDI: Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation Refs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(1)(74) SC: IEEE/ACM Conference on SupercomputingRefs: SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2)(75) USENIX Symp on Internet Tech and SysRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(1)(76) MassPar: Symp on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcRefs: UCLA(1)(77) OPENARCH: IEEE Conf on Open Arch and Network ProgRefs: UCLA(1)(78) SIGCHI: ACM SIG CHIRefs: CCF(1)(79) Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Refs: TSINGHUA(1)Rank #2(80) COLING: International Conference on Computational LinguisticsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(81) CONCUR: International Conference on Concurrency TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(82) ECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(83) USENIX Security: USENIX Security SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(84) ALT: International Conference on Algorithmic Learning TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(85) ASE: International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(86) ASIACRYPT: Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information SecurityRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(87) CC: International Conference on Compiler ConstructionRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(88) DATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(89) ECAI: European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(90) ECML: European Conference on Machine LearningRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(91) EDBT: International Conference on Extending DB TechnologyRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(92) EMNLP: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(93) ER: Intl Conf on Conceptual ModelingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(94) ESOP: European Symposium on ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(95) Euro-Par: European Conference on Parallel ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(96) FSTTCS: Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(97) ICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(98) ICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(99) MFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(100) PEPM: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Programming ManipulationRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(101) RTA: International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(102) SAS: International Static Analysis SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(103) STACS: Symp on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(104) TACAS: International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(105) CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(106) CSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRefs: CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(107) CSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(108) ECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingRefs: CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(109) IEEEIT: IEEE Symposium on Information TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(110) ISRE: Requirements EngineeringRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(111) PG: Pacific GraphicsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(112) CGI: Computer Graphics InternationalRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(113) FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(114) FoSSaCS: International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation StructuresRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(115) ICC: IEEE International Conference on CommunicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(116) ICDM: IEEE International Conference on Data MiningRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(3)(117) ICME: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & ExpoRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(118) ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(119) ICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(120) LCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(121) NDSS: Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(122) NOSSDAV: Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(123) CADE: Conference on Automated DeductionRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(124) CAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(125) CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(126) CoopIS: Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(127) DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(128) DASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(129) DEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(130) EACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Linguistics Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(131) ESA: European Symp on AlgorithmsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(132) ICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(133) ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(134) ICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(135) ICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(136) ICSM: Intl Conf on Software MaintenanceRefs: CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(137) ICTAI: IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(138) IJCNN: Intl Joint Conference on Neural NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(139) IPCO: MPS Conf on integer programming & comb optimizationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(140) ISAAC: Intl Symp on Algorithms and ComputationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(141) JCDL: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(142) MASCOTS: Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation On Computer and Telecommunication SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(143) NAACL: The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(144) PADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(145) SEKE: International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(146) SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(147) SSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(148) VLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(149) WACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(150) WCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(151) AI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(152) AID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(153) AMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(154) AMIA: American Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(155) ASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array Processors Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(156) ASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(157) CAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and Patterns Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(158) CANIM: Computer AnimationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(159) CC: IEEE Symp on Computational ComplexityRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(160) CCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(161) DNA: Meeting on DNA Based ComputersRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(162) DOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(163) EUROCOLT: European Conf on Learning TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(164) EUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(165) FODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(166) HCS: Hot Chips SympRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(167) IAAI: Innovative Applications in AIRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(168) IEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(169) IPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & Communications Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(170) IPTPS: Annual International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(171) ISTCS: Israel Symp on Theory of Computing and Systems Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(172) Intl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(173) LATIN: Intl Symp on Latin American Theoretical Informatics Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(174) LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(175) MMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(176) NetStore: Network Storage SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(177) PADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Dist Simulation Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(178) PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech & Tools for CPE Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(179) SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(180) SUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(181) SWAT: Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(182) SenSys: ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(183) WADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(184) WCW: Web Caching WorkshopRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(185) WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(186) DSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(4)(187) CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(188) CODES+ISSS: Intl Conf on Hardware/Software Codesign & System SynthesisRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(189) ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(190) WCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(191) ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(192) APLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(193) CSCW: Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkRefs: NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(194) ESEC: European Software Engineering ConfRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(195) ESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(196) FPL: Field-Programmable Logic and ApplicationsRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(197) Fast Software EncryptionRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(198) GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ConferenceRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(199) HASKELL: Haskell WorkshopRefs: UCLA(4) NTU(2) NUS(2)(200) IC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(201) IEEE VisualizationRefs: NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(202) IMC: Internet Measurement Conference/WorkshopRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(203) IWSSD: International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2)(204) PPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingRefs: NTU(4) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(205) RAID: International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(206) WABI: Workshop on Algorithms in BioinformaticsRefs: NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(207) DSIC: Intl Symp om Distributed ComputingRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(208) DocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(209) EUROSYS: EUROSYSRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(210) European Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(211) HPDC: IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing Refs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(212) IEEE/WIC: International Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Refs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(213) ISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2)(214) MOBISYS: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Refs: UCLA(2) TSINGHUA(2)(215) MPC: Mathematics of Program ConstructionRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(216) MPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2)(217) SCA: ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer AnimationRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(218) SSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilityRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2)(219) UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(220) CSL: Annual Conf on Computer Science LogicRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(3)(221) IH: Workshop on Information HidingRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(3)(222) COMPSAC: International Computer Software and Applications ConferenceRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(3)(223) FCT: International Symposium Fundamentals of Computation TheoryRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(3)(224) ICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(3)(225) ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationRefs: UCLA(4) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(4)(226) ILP: International Workshop on Inductive Logic ProgrammingRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(4)(227) PKDD: European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesRefs: CCF(2) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(4)(228) EC: ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceRefs: NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(229) IJCAR: International Joint Conference on Automated ReasoningRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) NUS(4)(230) IPSN: International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) TSINGHUA(3)(231) ITC: IEEE Intl Test ConfRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(4) NUS(4)(232) MiddlewareRefs: NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(233) PPSN: Parallel Problem Solving from NatureRefs: NTU(4) CORE(2) NUS(4)(234) TLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and ApplicationsRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) NUS(4)(235) CCC: IEEE Conference on Computational ComplexityRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(236) CEC: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary ComputationRefs: CCF(3) CORE(2)(237) CLUSTER: Cluster ComputingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(238) CoNEXT: ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and TechnologiesRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(239) ECDL: European Conference on Digital LibrariesRefs: NTU(4) NUS(2)(240) EGSR: Eurographics Symposium on RenderingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(241) EuroGraphics: EuroGraphics Symposium on geometry processingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(242) FPGA: International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate ArraysRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(243) GCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering Refs: NTU(4) NUS(2)(244) ICAPS: International Conference on Automated Planning and SchedulingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(245) ISSS: International Symposium on System SynthesisRefs: UCLA(2) TSINGHUA(3)(246) IWQoS: International Workshop on Quality of ServiceRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(247) Networking: International Conferences on NetworkingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(248) PKC: International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key CryptographyRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(249) Percom: International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(250) SDM: SIAM International Conference on Data MiningRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(251) SPM: ACM Solid and Physical Modeling SymposiumRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(252) TCC: Theory of Cryptography ConferenceRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(253) ACM SIGARCHRefs: CCF(2)(254) AOSD: Aspect-Oriented Software DevelopmentRefs: TSINGHUA(2)(255) CHI: Computer Human InteractionRefs: TSINGHUA(2)(256) ECRTS: Euromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsRefs: CORE(2)(257) EuroVis: Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on VisualizationRefs: CCF(2)(258) GP: Genetic Programming ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2)(259) HOT CHIPS: A Symposium on High Performance ChipsRefs: CCF(2)(260) ICCD: International Conference on Computer DesignRefs: CCF(2)(261) ICMI: International Conference on Multimodal InterfaceRefs: CCF(2)(262) ICWE: International Conference on Web EngineeringRefs: NUS(2)(263) ISWC: International Semantic Web ConferenceRefs: TSINGHUA(2)(264) IWCASE: Intl Workshop on Computer-Aided Software EngRefs: UCLA(2)(265) LCTES: Conference on Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems Refs: CCF(2)(266) MFPS: Mathematical Foundations of Programming SemanticsRefs: CCF(2)(267) MSST: Mass Storage Systems and TechnologiesRefs: CCF(2)(268) MoDELS: International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Refs: CCF(2)(269) SGP: Eurographics Symposium on Geometry ProcessingRefs: CCF(2)(270) TCS: IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceRefs: CCF(2)(271) WDAG: Workshop on Distributed AlgorithmsRefs: UCLA(2)Rank #3(272) ECIR: European Conference on Information RetrievalRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(3)(273) MDM: Intl Conf on Mobile Data Access/ManagementRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(3)(274) ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(275) APSEC: Asia-Pacific Software Engineering ConferenceRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(276) Globecom: IEEE Global Communications Conference, incorporating the Global Internet SymposiumRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(277) ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(278) ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(279) ICPADS: Intl Conf on Parallel and Distributed SystemsRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(280) LOPSTR: International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation Refs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(281) NOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(282) PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(283) PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(284) SAC: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(285) FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(3)。



International Conference on Hybrid Systems: ACM, Springer / Computation and Control International Conference on Implementation and Springer Application of Automata International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Springer Software International Conference on Verification, Model Springer Checking, and Abstract Interpretation International Symposium on Formal Methods for Springer Components and Objects International Conference on Formal Methods for Springer Open Object-based Distributed Systems ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal IEEE Methods and Models for Co-Design / /spin08/ /vmcai08/ http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/FMCO/ fmco08.html http://discotec08.ifi.uio.no/FMOODS08/ /memocontest08/
第 6 卷 第 10 期 2010 年 10 月
序号 会议简称 1. 2. 3. ISCA MICRO HPCA 会议全称 主办 网址 International Symposium on Computer ACM SIGARCH, IEEE h t t p://w w w.a c m.o r g/p u b s/c o n t e n t s/ Architecture TCCA proceedings/series/isca/ MICRO High-Performance Computer Architecture IEEE, ACM SIGMICRO / IEEE /~hpca/



计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议⼀、A 类会议序号英⽂名称英⽂简称中⽂名称备注1. International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureISCA 计算机体系结构国际会议2. ACM SigcommACM Sigcomm3. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory IEEE ISIT IEEE 信息理论国际会议4. The Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing STOCACM 计算理论年会5. International Conference on V ery Large DatabasesVLDB6. ACM Siggraph: Computer Graphics and Interactive techniquesACM Siggraph ACM 计算机图形与交互技术会议发表在ACM Trans. onGraphics 上。

7. Design Automation ConferenceDAC 设计⾃动化会议 8. International Conference on Computer VisionIJCV计算机视觉国际会议 9. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI⼈⼯智能联合国际会议⼆、B 类会议序号英⽂名称英⽂简称中⽂名称备注10. International Conference on Parallel Processing ICPP并⾏处理国际会议 11. IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS 并⾏与分布处理国际会议12. International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer SystemsIPTPS13. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing CCGridU S S T CEand the Grid 14. IEEE InfocomIEEEInfocom15. IEEE International conference on communications ICCIEEE 通讯国际会议 16. IEEE GlobecomIEEE Globecom17. Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceFOCSIEEE 计算机科学基础年会18. The IEEE international conference on Web Service ICWS19. International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE软件⼯程国际会议20. EurographicsEurographics 欧洲图形学会议发表在Computer Graphics Forum 杂志上。




2:供硕士生选择的相关刊物序号刊物名称(以期刊名称的拼音为序) 总被引频次影响因子影响因子学科内排名1 电子学报(英文版、中文版)1676 0.450 电子类第12 高技术通讯(英文版、中文版)540 0.294 综合类第22名3 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报945 0.692 计算机类第5名4 计算机工程1342 0.232 计算机类第19名5 计算机工程与应用2165 0.280 计算机类第14名6 计算机集成制造系统819 0.855 计算机类第3名7 计算机科学712 0.280 计算机类第14名8 J COMPUT SCI & TECH 141 0.330 计算机类第12名9 计算机学报1370 0.921 计算机类第1名10 计算机研究与发展1308 0.806 计算机类第4名11 计算机应用785 0.329 计算机类第13名12 计算机应用研究1073 0.428 计算机类第8名13 计算数学(英)中文版242 中文版0.316 数学类第4名中文版4511 中文版0.935 综合类第1名14 科学通报(英)15 模式识别与人工智能348 0.390 计算机类第10名16 软件学报1598 0.919 计算机类第2名17 通信学报581 0.343 电子类第7名18 系统仿真学报867 0.415 信息类第7名19 系统工程理论与实践1372 0.533 信息类第3名20 小型微型计算机系统746 0.275 计算机类第16名E辑 403 E辑 0.444 综合类第10名21 中国科学22 中国图象图形学报1155 0.616 计算机类第7名23 中文信息学报270 0.635 计算机类第6名24 自动化学报(英文版、中文版)中文版876 0.60125 自然科学进展(英文版)中文版562 中文版0.430 综合类第11名26 计算机测量与控制426 0.406 计算机类第9名27 计算机工程与科学235 0.234 计算机类第18名28 计算机仿真294 0.206 计算机类第20名29 计算机工程与设计218 0.203 计算机类第21名30 微电子学与计算机31 中国科学院研究生院学报3:SCI或SCIE收录的计算机学科刊物清单/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=K和/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=D查看。



CCF推荐国际学术会议类别如下计算机系统与⾼性能计算,计算机⽹络,⽹络与信息安全,软件⼯程,系统软件与程序设计语⾔,数据库、数据挖掘与内容检索,计算机科学理论,计算机图形学与多媒体,⼈⼯智能与模式识别,⼈机交互与普适计算,前沿、交叉与综合中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (计算机系统与⾼性能计算)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages andOperating SystemsACM2FAST Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX3HPCA High-Performance Computer Architecture IEEE4ISCA International Symposium on Computer Architecture ACM/IEEE5MICRO MICRO IEEE/ACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1HOT CHIPS A Symposium on High Performance Chips IEEE2SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms andArchitecturesACM3PODC ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing ACM4CGO Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM 5DAC Design Automation Conference ACM6DATE Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM 7EuroSys EuroSys ACM8HPDC High-Performance Distributed Computing IEEE9SC International Conference for High PerformanceComputing, Networking, Storage, and AnalysisIEEE10ICCD International Conference on Computer Design IEEE 11ICCAD International Conference on Computer-Aided Design IEEE/ACM12ICDCS International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystemsIEEE13HiPEAC International Conference on High Performance andEmbedded Architectures and CompilersACM14SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modelingof Computer SystemsACM15ICPP International Conference on Parallel Processing IEEE 16ICS International Conference on Supercomputing ACM17IPDPS International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposiumIEEE18FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate ArraysACM19Performance International Symposium on Computer Performance,Modeling, Measurements and EvaluationACM20LISA Large Installation system Administration Conference USENIX 21MSST Mass Storage Systems and Technologies IEEE 22PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques IEEE/ACM 23PPoPP Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming ACM24RTAS Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumIEEE25USENIX ATC USENIX Annul Technical Conference USENIX26VEE Virtual Execution Environments ACM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CF ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers ACM2NOCS ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip ACM/IEEE3ASP-DAC Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference ACM/IEEE4ASAP Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors IEEE5CLUSTER Cluster Computing IEEE6CCGRID Cluster Computing and the Grid IEEE7Euro-Par European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Springer 8ETS European Test Symposium IEEE9FPL Field Programmable Logic and Applications IEEE 10FCCM Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines IEEE 11GLSVLSI Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI Systems ACM/IEEE12HPCC IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and CommunicationsIEEE13MASCOTS IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, andSimulation of Computer and Telecommunication SystemsIEEE14NPC IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing Springer15ICA3PP International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel ProcessingIEEE16CASES International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesisfor Embedded SystemsACM17FPT International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology IEEE18CODES+ISSSInternational Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign & SystemSynthesisACM/ IEEE19HiPC International Conference on High Performance Computing IEEE/ ACM 20ICPADS International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems IEEE 21ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems IEEE 22ISLPED International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design ACM/IEEE 23ISPD International Symposium on Physical Design ACM 24ITC International Test Conference IEEE25HotInterconnectsIEEE26VTS IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (计算机⽹络)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1MOBICOM ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and NetworkingACM2SIGCOMM ACM International Conference on the applications,technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communicationACM3INFOCOM IEEE International Conference on ComputerCommunicationsIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址2CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and TechnologiesACM3SECON IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor andAd Hoc Communications and NetworksIEEE4IPSN International Conference on Information Processing inSensor NetworksIEEE/ACM5ICNP International Conference on Network Protocols IEEE6MobiHoc International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking andComputingACM/IEEE7MobiSys International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications,and ServicesACM8IWQoS International Workshop on Quality of Service IEEE9IMC Internet Measurement Conference ACM/USENIX10NOSSDAV Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio andVideoACM11NSDI Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation USENIX三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ANCS Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems ACM/IEEE2FORTE Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems Springer3LCN IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks IEEE4Globecom IEEE Global Communications Conference, incorporating theGlobal Internet SymposiumIEEE5ICC IEEE International Conference on Communications IEEE6ICCCN IEEE International Conference on ComputerCommunications and NetworksIEEE7MASS IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc andSensor SystemsIEEE8P2P IEEE International Conference on P2P Computing IEEE9IPCCC IEEE International Performance Computing andCommunications ConferenceIEEE10WoWMoM IEEE International Symposium on a World of WirelessMobile and Multimedia NetworksIEEE11ISCC IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications IEEE 12WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference IEEE 13Networking IFIP International Conferences on Networking IFIP14IM IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network ManagementIFIP/IEEE15MSWiM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis andSimulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsACM16NOMS Asia-Pacific Network Operations and ManagementSymposiumIFIP/IEEE17HotNets The Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks ACM中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (⽹络与信息安全)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CCS ACMConferenceonComputerand CommunicationsSecurityACM2CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer 3EUROCRYPT European Cryptology Conference Springer 4S&P IEEESymposiumonSecurityandPrivacy IEEE5USENIXSecurityUsenix Security SymposiumUSENIXAssociation⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACSAC Annual Computer Security ApplicationsConferenceIEEE2ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theory andApplication of Cryptology and Information SecuritySpringer3ESORICS EuropeanSymposiumonResearchinComputerSecuritySpringer4FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer5NDSS ISOC Network and Distributed System SecuritySymposiumISOC6CSFW IEEE Computer Security FoundationsWorkshop 7RAID International Symposium on Recent Advancesin Intrusion DetectionSpringer8PKC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in PublicKey CryptographySpringer9DSN The International Conference on DependableSystems and NetworksIEEE/IFIP10TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer11SRDS IEEE International Symposium on Reliable DistributedSystemsIEEE12CHES Springer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1WiSec ACM Conference on Security and PrivacyinWireless and Mobile NetworksACM2ACMMM&SECACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM3SACMAT ACM Symposium on Access Control Modelsand TechnologiesACM4ASIACCS ACM Symposium on Information, Computerand Communications SecurityACM5DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management ACM 6ACNS Applied Cryptography and Network Security Springer7ACISP AustralasiaConferenceonInformation SecurityandPrivacySpringer8DFRWS Digital Forensic Research Workshop Elsevier 9FC Financial Cryptography and Data Security Springer10DIMVA Detection of Intrusions and Malware &Vulnerability AssessmentSIDAR、GI、Springer11SEC IFIP International Information SecurityConferenceSpringer12IFIP WG11.9IFIP WG 11.9 International Conferenceon Digital ForensicsSpringer13ISC Information Security Conference Springer14SecureCommInternational Conference on Security andPrivacy in Communication NetworksACM15NSPW New Security Paradigms Workshop ACM 16CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer 17SOUPS Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security ACM 18HotSec USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security USENIX 19SAC Selected Areas in Cryptography Springer20TrustCom IEEE International Conference on Trust, Securityand Privacy in Computing andCommunicationsIEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (软件⼯程、系统软件与程序设计语⾔)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1FSE/ESEC ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation ofSoftware Engineering/ European Software Engineering ConferenceACM2OOPSLA Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and ApplicationsACM3ICSE International Conference on SoftwareEngineeringACM/IEEE4OSDI USENIX Symposium on Operating SystemsDesign and ImplementationsUSENIX5PLDI ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming LanguageDesign & ImplementationACM6POPL ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming LanguagesACM7SOSP ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles ACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming AITO2ETAPS European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice ofSoftwareSpringer3FM Formal Methods, World Congress FME IEEE International Conference on Program4ICPC IEEE International Conference on ProgramComprehensionIEEE5RE IEEE International Requirement Engineering Conference IEEE6CAiSE International Conference on Advanced InformationSystems EngineeringSpringer7ASE International Conference on Automated SoftwareEngineeringIEEE/ACM8ICFP International Conf on Function Programming ACM9LCTES International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Toolsand Theory for Embedded SystemsACM10MoDELS International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and SystemsACM, IEEE11CP International Conference on Principles and Practice ofConstraint ProgrammingSpringer12ICSOC International Conference on Service Oriented Computing Springer 13ICSM International. Conference on Software Maintenance IEEE14VMCAI International Conference on Verification,Model Checking, and Abstract InterpretationSpringer15ICWS International Conference on Web Services(Research Track)IEEE16SAS International Static Analysis Symposium Springer17ISSRE International Symposium on Software ReliabilityEngineeringIEEE18ISSTA International Symposium on Software Testing andAnalysisACMSIGSOFT19Middleware Conference on middleware ACM/IFIP/ USENIX20WCRE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering IEEE21HotOS USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems USENIX三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1PASTE ACMSIGPLAN-SIGSOFTWorkshoponProgram AnalysisforSoftwareToolsandEngineeringACM2APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems Springer3APSEC Asia-Pacific Software EngineeringConferenceIEEE4COMPSAC International Computer Software and ApplicationsConferenceIEEE5ICECCS IEEE International Conference on Engineeringof Complex Computer SystemsIEEE6SCAM IEEE International Working Conferenceon Source Code Analysis and ManipulationIEEE7ICFEM International Conference on FormalEngineering MethodsSpringer8TOOLS International Conference on Objects, Models,Components, PatternsSpringer9PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation andSemantics Based Programming ManipulationACM10QSIC International Conference on Quality Software IEEE11SEKE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringKSI12ICSR International Conference on Software Reuse Springer 13ICWE International Conference on Web Engineering Springer14SPIN International SPIN Workshop on ModelChecking of SoftwareSpringer15LOPSTR International Symposium on Logic-basedProgram Synthesis and TransformationSpringer16TASE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software EngineeringIEEE17ICST The IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and ValidationIEEE18ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisVerification and Analysis19ESEM International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineeringand MeasurementACM/IEEE20ISPASSSystems and SoftwareIEEE21SCC International Conference on Service Computing IEEE22ICSSP International Conference on Software and System Process ISPA中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议 (数据库,数据挖掘与内容检索)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SIGMOD ACM Conference on Management ofDataACM2SIGKDD ACM Knowledge Discovery and DataMiningACM3SIGIR International Conference on ResearchanDevelopment in Information RetrievalACM4VLDB International Conference on Very LargeData BasesMorganKaufmann/ACM5ICDE IEEE International Conference on Data EngineeringIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CIKM ACM International Conference onInformationand Knowledge ManagementACM2PODS ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principlesof DB SystemsACM3DASFAA Database Systems for AdvancedApplicationsSpringer4ECML-PKDDEuropean Conference on Principles andPractice of Knowledge Discovery inDatabasesSpringer5ISWC IEEE International Semantic WebConferenceIEEE6ICDM IEEE International Conference on DataMiningIEEE7ICDT International Conference on DatabaseTheorySpringer8EDBT International Conference on ExtendingDBTechnologySpringer9CIDR International Conference on InnovationDatabase ResearchOnlineProceeding10WWW International World Wide WebConferencesSpringer11SDM SIAM International Conference on DataMiningSIAM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1WSDM ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data MiningACM2DEXA Database and Expert SystemApplicationsSpringer3ECIR European Conference on IR Research Springer4WebDB International ACM Workshop on Weband DatabasesACM5ER International Conference on Conceptual ModelingSpringerModeling6MDM International Conference on Mobile Data ManagementIEEE7SSDBM International Conference on Scientificand Statistical DB ManagementIEEE8WAIM International Conference on Web Age Information ManagementSpringer9SSTD International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal DatabasesSpringer10PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningSpringer11APWeb The Asia Pacific Web Conference Springer12WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Springer13ESWC Extended Semantic Web Conference Elsevier中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM2FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations ofComputer ScienceIEEE3LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in ComputerScienceIEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1SoCG ACM Symposium on ComputationalGeometryACM2SODA ACM-SIAM Symposium on DiscreteAlgorithmsSIAM3CAV Computer Aided Verification Springer4CADE/IJCAR Conference on Automated Deduction/The International Joint Conference onAutomated ReasoningSpringer5CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE6ICALP International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and ProgrammingSpringer7CONCUR International Conference onConcurrency TheorySpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSL Computer Science Logic Springer2ESA European Symposium on Algorithms Springer3FSTTCS Foundations of Software Technologyand Theoretical Computer ScienceIndianAssociationfor Researchin ComputingScience4IPCO International Conference on Integer Programming and CombinatorialOptimizationSpringer5RTA International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsSpringer6ISAAC International Symposium onAlgorithms and ComputationSpringer7MFCS Mathematical Foundations ofComputer ScienceSpringer8STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspectsof Computer ScienceSpringer9FMCAD Formal Method in Computer-Aided Design ACM 10SAT Theory and Applications of Springer10SAT Theory and Applications ofSatisfiability TestingSpringer中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机图形学与多媒体)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACM MM ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACM2SIGGRAPH ACM SIGGRAPH Annual Conference ACM3IEEE VIS IEEE Visualization Conference IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ICMR ACM SIGMM International Conference on MultimediaRetrievalACM2i3D ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics ACM 3SCA ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation ACM 4DCC Data Compression Conference IEEE5EG EurographicsWiley/ Blackwell6EuroVis Eurographics Conference on Visualization ACM7SGP Eurographics Symposium on Geometry ProcessingWiley/ Blackwell8EGSR Eurographics Symposium on RenderingWiley/ Blackwell9ICME IEEE International Conference onMultimedia &ExpoIEEE10PG Pacific Graphics: The Pacific Conference on ComputerGraphics and ApplicationsWiley/Blackwell11SPM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling SMA/Elsevier三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CASA Computer Animation and Social Agents Wiley2CGI Computer Graphics International Springer3ISMAR International Symposium on Mixed and AugmentedRealityIEEE/ACM4PacificVis IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium IEEE5ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speechand SPIEEE6ICIP International Conference on Image Processing IEEE7MMM International Conference on Multimedia Modeling Springer8GMP Geometric Modeling and Processing Elsevier9PCM Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia Springer10SMI Shape Modeling International IEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(⼈⼯智能与模式识别)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1AAAI AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI2CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision andPattern RecognitionIEEE3ICCV International Conference on ComputerVisionIEEE4ICML International Conference on MachineLearningACM5IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Morgan Kaufmann5IJCAI⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1COLT Annual Conference on ComputationalLearning TheorySpringer2NIPS Annual Conference on Neural InformationProcessing SystemsMIT Press3ACL Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational LinguisticsACL4EMNLP Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingACL5ECAI European Conference on ArtificialIntelligence IOS Press6ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision Springer7ICRA IEEE International Conference on Roboticsand AutomationIEEE8ICAPS International Conference on AutomatedPlanning and SchedulingAAAI9ICCBR International Conference on Case-BasedReasoningSpringer10COLING International Conference on Computational LinguisticsACM11KR International Conference on Principles ofKnowledge Representation and ReasoningMorgan Kaufmann12UAI International Conference on Uncertaintyin Artificial IntelligenceAUAI13AAMAS International Joint Conferenceon Autonomous Agents and Multi-agentSystemsSpringer三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision Springer2CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL3GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationConferenceACM4ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceIEEE5ALT International Conference on AlgorithmicLearning TheorySpringer6ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural NetworksSpringer7FGR International Conference on Automatic Faceand Gesture RecognitionIEEE8ICDAR International Conference on DocumentAnalysis and RecognitionIEEE9ILP International Conference on Inductive Logic ProgrammingSpringer10KSEM International conference on KnowledgeScience,Engineering and ManagementSpringer11ICONIP International Conference on NeuralInformation ProcessingSpringer12ICPR International Conference on PatternRecognitionIEEE13ICB International Joint Conference on Biometrics IEEE14IJCNN International Joint Conference on NeuralNetworksIEEE15PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference onArtificial IntelligenceSpringer16NAACL The Annual Conference of the NorthAmerican Chapter of the Associationfor Computational LinguisticsNAACL17BMVC British Machine Vision Conference VisionAssociation中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(⼈机交互与普适计算)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CHI ACM Conference on Human Factors in ComputingSystemsACM2UbiComp ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing ACM⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1CSCW ACM Conference on Computer Supported CooperativeWork and Social ComputingACM2IUI ACM International Conference on Intelligent UserInterfacesACM3ITS ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletopsand SurfacesACM4UIST ACM Symposium on User Interface Software andTechnologyACM5ECSCW European Computer Supported Cooperative Work Springer6MobileHCI International Conference on Human Computer Interactionwith Mobile Devices and ServicesACM三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1GROUP ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM2ASSETS ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work ACM3DIS ACM Conference on Designing InteractiveSystemsACM4GI Graphics Interface conference ACM5MobiQuitous International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems:Computing, Networking and ServicesSpringer6PERCOM IEEE International Conference onPervasive Computing and CommunicationsIEEE7INTERACT IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-ComputerInteractionIFIP8CoopIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems Springer9ICMI ACM International Conference on MultimodalInteractionACM10IDC Interaction Design and Children ACM 11AVI International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces ACM12UIC IEEE International Conference on UbiquitousIntelligence and ComputingIEEE中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(前沿、交叉与综合)⼀、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1RTSS Real-Time Systems Symposium IEEE⼆、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1EMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software ACM/IEEE/IFIP2ISMB International conference on Intelligent Systems forMolecular BiologyOxford Journals3CogSci Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press4RECOMB International Conference on Research inSpringer4RECOMB International Conference on Research inComputational Molecular BiologySpringer5BIBM IEEE International Conference on Bioinformaticsand Biomedicine IEEE三、C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社⽹址1AMIA American Medical Informatics Association Annual SymposiumAMIA2APBC Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference BioMed Central3COSIT International Conference on Spatial InformationTheoryACM。

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CCF: Conference Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2013)CORE: Conference Rank (A*, A, B, C) from Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (2013) CCF CORE 简称AC4MICMCMPAKDD*DSNMobisysNetworkingBICoBGPCGPC'MobiSecServITNGICACIISSNIPMobiMediaCAiSEICTMDMMobiHocGISTAMENASEBigMMSustainITICDCSAISPAISPIMECS GLSVLSIICMT NOSSDAV WiOptCI ISORCEBW ICME IEA-AIECADSAIISBA EWCN NetSoftETS SOSE ICT4Agei ngWell WEBISTVTCBMSBGI Pervasiv e Health ICSIS CLOUDTECH ECOOP AIMPE CSIT APMediaCastICEIT NVICT ICFCCScilabTECFMDINWCe-EnergyFCCMEBECEGCDIPDMWCWCOPSEAMSHotOSICSISMBECCBCloudCom-AsiaPetriNetsITiCSEWTSAda-EuropeISNCCMOBILESoftEICSHPDC*LICSSPAAICMRISPDCIJCNNICDM'MLDMACSDICACCFDisCoTecDAISFORTECOORDINATIONAIMSBlackSeaComACNSICEUCESWCCOMPSACICWSMDDECSIDCISCCSACMATGECCOINTERACTISSTA *SIGCOMMIMISCISIS *SIGIRCSCSIH &MMSECCIS'RAMIACCChinaSIPFAWINDINICARCPMTSPMSRMobileHCI*ICMLLANMANICGSE *IJCAIWiSecEC*PODCSIESEUSIPCOMDADEBSISSCSDSPICALPDATAICSOFTPerDisKDDICECEISLPEDMobiquitous*ACLIJCNLPCLUSTER *ICFPDICTAPTAEECEPADSParCoINTECHAICoBICPPICETESIMULTECHICINCOPACISICCTIMICSSPOBDFiCloudMobiWISISCEAIPRDEISESECFSEWeb3DMASCOTSWIMSAVSSSSTD ICCCEGTrustComBDSE ISPASMCMM ICCSE ICER ICETC ICITA ICDP ESEM FedCSIS SIGDOC FGCTICT-DMACN ICIA'SLE GPCE Context BODYNETS ACPR ICESS' FGCNMAS MulGraBACSNPSIVT GCIRE ISDF ICeNDICIISCT ICDMMIPA DDDMBD EEETEM SECONWCCI计算机类国际会议列表nk (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2013)(exteded)International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists2014-12-8Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI2014-12-92015-2-3########(exteded)International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for DigitalAudio and Video########2015-2-2International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc,and Wireless Networks########2015-2-15########(exteded)########(exteded)International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web ########2015-2-12########(exteded)########(exteded)International CAD Conference and Exhibition ########2015-1-15########(exteded)International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis ########2015-1-20International Conference on Emerging Wireless Communications and Networking ########2015-2-15IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization ########2015-2-15European Test Symposium ########2015-2-20########(exteded)International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies forAgeing Well and e-Health########2015-3-11International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies ########2015-3-11########(exteded)International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting ########2015-3-2Graphics Interface Conference ########2015-2-26International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare ########2015-3-6International Conference on Software and Information Systems########2015-1-20International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications ########2015-2-28European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming########International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Power and Energy ################International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology########2015-2-9Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting ########2014-2-23########(exteded)International Conference on New Visions for Information and CommunicationTechnology########2015-3-15International Conference on Future Computer and Communication 2015-1-12015-1-20International Conference on Educational and Information Technology2015-1-25Vehicular Technology Conference 2015-1-26International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering 2015-1-6Science and Information Conference 2015-1-15International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems 2015-2-27International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2015-3-15International Symposium on Real-time Distributed Computing 2015-1-30International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2015-1-5International Conference on Multimedia TechnologyInternational Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing 2015-1-21International Scilab Users Conference2015-1-22015-2-10International Symposium on Formal Methods2015-1-22015-3-13International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and WirelessCommunications2015-1-3International Conference on Future Energy Systems2015-1-52015-4-1International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom ComputingMachines 2015-1-62015-3-2International Conference on Electrical and Bio-medical Engineering, CleanEnergy and Green Computing2015-1-8International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, andWireless Communications2015-1-8International Doctoral Symposium on Components and Architecture 2015-1-92015-2-9International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems2015-1-92015-2-18USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems2015-1-92015-3-16International Conference on Supercomputing2015-1-92015-3-16International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology2015-1-92015-3-27European Conference on Computational Biology2015-1-92015-3-27International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data2015-1-102015-2-20International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets andConcurrency2015-1-102015-3-1International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer ScienceEducation2015-1-11Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2015-1-112015-2-8International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies 2015-1-112015-3-12015-1-11(exteded)International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems 2015-1-122015-2-16ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems2015-1-122015-2-17International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and DistributedComputing2015-1-122015-3-16IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science2015-1-122015-3-30ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures2015-1-142015-3-23International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval2015-1-152015-3-152015-1-15(exteded)International Joint Conference on Neural Networks2015-1-152015-3-15Industrial Conference on Data Mining2015-1-152015-3-18International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining 2015-1-152015-3-18International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design2015-1-152015-3-26International Conference on Autonomic Computing 2015-1-152015-4-10International Conference on Computer Frontiers2015-1-162015-2-20International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques 2015-1-162015-3-6International Conference on Distributed Applications and InteroperableSystems 2015-1-162015-3-6International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems2015-1-162015-3-6International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages2015-1-162015-3-6International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing 2015-3-15International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications 2015-3-5International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management andSecurity2015-1-162015-3-11International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking 2015-1-162015-3-15International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2015-1-162015-3-17International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing2015-1-172015-2-17Extended Semantic Web Conference2015-1-172015-3-9International Computer Software and Applications Conference 2015-1-172015-3-15International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media2015-1-182015-3-9IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits andSystems 2015-1-182015-3-13International Conference on Interaction Design & Children2015-1-192015-3-2IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications 2015-1-192015-3-27ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies2015-1-202015-3-20Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference2015-1-212015-3-202015-1-23(exteded)International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2015-1-232015-4-1Annual Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on DataCommunication 2015-1-232015-4-24International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing2015-1-252015-3-25International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software IntensiveSystems 2015-1-252015-3-25International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 2015-1-28International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science2015-1-312015-3-8ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security 2015-1-312015-3-31International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems2015-1-312015-3-31International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics2015-1-312015-3-312015-1-31(exteded)IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and InformationProcessing2015-1-312015-4-20International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop 2015-2-12015-3-10International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2015-2-12015-4-10International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2015-2-12015-4-15Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching2015-2-22015-3-31International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing2015-2-52015-4-10Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories2015-2-62015-3-16International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devicesand Services2015-2-62015-4-20International Conference on Machine Learning2015-2-62015-4-24International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks2015-2-82015-3-15International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2015-2-82015-3-27International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence2015-2-82015-4-16ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks2015-2-102015-4-7ACM Conference on Economics and Computation2015-2-102015-4-16ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing2015-2-102015-4-27International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems2015-2-132015-3-27European Signal Processing Conference2015-2-132015-5-22International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals2015-2-152015-3-18International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems2015-2-152015-4-20International Advance Computing Conference2015-4-2International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2015-3-13International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability,Security and Robustness2015-2-152015-6-27International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems 2015-2-162015-4-6International Conference on Digital Signal Processing2015-2-162015-4-13International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming 2015-2-172015-4-15International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications2015-2-172015-5-6International Joint conference on Software Technologies2015-2-172015-5-62015-2-18(exteded)ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining2015-2-20International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering 2015-2-202015-3-15International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design 2015-2-222015-5-1International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing,Networking and Services2015-2-232015-4-30Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2015-2-272015-4-23International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing2015-2-272015-4-23IEEE Cluster2015-2-272015-4-23ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming 2015-2-272015-5-1International Conference on Digital Information and CommunicationTechnology and its Applications2015-2-282015-3-28International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronicsand Computer Engineering2015-2-282015-3-28ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation2015-2-282015-4-1International Conference on Parallel Computing2015-2-282015-5-15International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology 2015-3-12015-4-1International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology2015-3-22015-4-10International Conference on Parallel Processing2015-3-22015-4-24International Joint Conference on e-business and Telecommunications 2015-3-32015-4-28International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies,Technologies and Applications2015-3-32015-4-28International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics2015-3-32015-4-28Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems2015-3-42015-5-222015-3-5(exteded)International Conference on Software and System Process2015-3-92015-5-4International Conference on Open and Big Data2015-3-102015-5-30International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud 2015-3-102015-5-30International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems 2015-3-102015-5-30IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics2015-3-142015-4-24International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2015-3-16International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems2015-3-16European Software Engineering Conference2015-3-16ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering2015-3-16International Symposium on Web3D Technology2015-3-162015-4-19International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computerand Telecommunication Systems2015-3-162015-5-20International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics 2015-3-172015-4-27International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance2015-3-222015-5-24International Conference on Computing Technology and InformationManagement2015-4-1International Symposium on Pervasive Displays2015-3-27ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software forHumanity2015-3-25 International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases2015-3-272015-5-22 International Conference on Cloud Computing and e-Governance2015-3-302015-4-15 International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing andCommunications2015-3-312015-5-31 International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering2015-3-312015-5-31International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing withApplications 2015-3-312015-5-31International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics2015-3-312015-6-1ACM Multimedia2015-3-312015-7-6 International Conference on Computer Science & Education2015-4-12015-5-15 International Conference on Computing Education Research2015-4-132015-6-1 International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers2015-4-15International Conference on Information Technology and Applications2015-4-152015-5-1 International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention2015-4-152015-5-25 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement2015-4-222015-6-10 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems2015-4-242015-6-15 ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication2015-4-302015-5-15 International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies2015-5-12015-6-10 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies forDisaster Management2015-5-22015-7-21 International Conference on Advanced Communication and Networking2015-5-152015-5-30 International Conference on Informatics & Applications2015-5-252015-6-20 International Conference on Software Language Engineering2015-6-1 International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences2015-6-1 International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context2015-6-12015-7-13 International Conference on Body Area Networks2015-6-12015-7-31 Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition2015-6-12015-8-17 International Conference on Electronics and Software Science2015-6-20 International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking2015-6-302015-7-15 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation2015-6-302015-7-15 International Conference on Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting2015-6-302015-7-15 International Conference on Advanced Computer Systems and Networks:Design and Application2015-7-202015-7-30 Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology2015-7-242015-9-9International Conference on Green Computing, Intelligent and RenewableEnergies 2015-8-82015-8-18International Conference in Information Security and Digital Forensics2015-8-82015-8-18 International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development2015-8-102015-8-15 International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and ComputingTechnologies2015-8-18 International Conference on Data Mining, Multimedia, Image Processing andtheir Applications2015-8-18International Conference on Database, Data Warehouse, Data Mining and BigData 2015-8-25International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Telecommunication Engineering, and Mechatronics2015-9-27IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad HocCommunications and Networks2015-12-52015-3-13 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence2016-1-152016-3-152015-3-18Hong Kong, China1031722015-5-20Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA2522982015-3-19Portland, Oregon, USA 2529902015-5-25IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India1334812015-3-26Paris, France 322012015-6-22London, UK 030752015-3-23Hong Kong, China0202015-4-6Erbil, Iraq 04652015-4-13London, UK1692015-5-25Cluj-Napoca, Romania 203692015-5-20Lisbon, Portugal 02392015-5-20Lisbon, Portugal 1126412015-6-17Ghent, Belgium1024282015-6-3Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada4127722015-5-21Istanbul, Turkey 92212015-5-9Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 01702015-6-2Marrakech, Morocco 41162015-7-6Prague, Czech Republic2934582015-4-11Xiamen, China 25372015-3-18Amman, Jordan716322015-4-23Bali, Indonesia 0122015-5-27Amman, Jordan 21472015-5-20Singapore7180Glasgow, Scotland 8134022015-3-19Florence, Italy 2015-5-11410542015-3-30San Francisco, California, USA939152015-7-28London, UK 01017Torino, Italy 1655382015-6-10Seoul, Korea 2015-6-292830202015-4-13Auckland, New Zealand1830332015-2-16Innsbruck, Austria 6210Mashhad, Iran0892015-3-28Sydney, Australia 2015-3-3435672015-5-21Paris, France7125 2015-6-24Oslo, Norway2028412015-2-3Moscow, Russia34842015-7-14Bangalore, India652 2015-5-3Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada2328842015-1-28Dubai, United Arab Emirates0269 2015-1-28Dubai, United Arab Emirates0236 2015-5-4Montreal, Canada202128 2015-5-18Florence, Italy1029032015-5-18Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland153150 2015-6-8Newport Beach, California, USA293482 2015-7-10Dublin, Ireland233870 2015-7-10Dublin, Ireland1427752015-6-17Huangshan, China01464 2015-6-24Brussels, Belgium361836 2015-7-6Vilnius, Lithuania203470 2015-4-15New York City, New York, USA01902 2015-6-22Madrid, Spain202712 2015-5-12Sousse, Tunisia0166 2015-5-16Florence, Italy248 2015-6-23Duisburg, Germany72238 2015-6-15Portland, Oregon, USA2440342015-7-6Kyoto, Japan303554 2015-6-13Portland, Oregon, USA273596 2015-6-23Shanghai, China032172015-6-29Limassol, Cyprus1426042015-7-11Killarney, Ireland04345 2015-7-15Hamburg, Germany143185 2015-7-20Hamburg, Germany113455 2015-6-24Brussels, Belgium152458 2015-7-7Grenoble, France123377 2015-5-18Ischia, Italy122155 2015-6-2Grenoble, France1071 2015-6-2Grenoble, France152240 2015-6-2Grenoble, France3530192015-6-2Grenoble, France1720472015-6-22Ghent, Belgium 924482015-5-18Constanta, Romania 314242015-6-2New York City, New York, USA1343572015-7-17Oslo, Norway 726022015-5-31Portoroz, Slovenia 1231102015-7-1Taichung, Taiwan 3948772015-5-26Oxford, UK 928822015-4-22Belgrade, Serbia1818062015-6-21Boston, Massachusetts, USA142932015-7-6Larnaca, Cyprus 2075122015-6-1Vienna, Austria 2040212015-7-11Madrid, Spain2451702015-7-12Baltimore, Maryland, USA1542602015-8-17London, UK2172022015-7-8Blumenau, Brazil 934792015-7-8Blumenau, Brazil 925402015-8-9Santiago, Chile 3845212015-5-27Bucharest, Romania 201502015-6-17Portland, Oregon, USA 325192015-7-15Angkor Wat, Cambodia 71902015-7-15Angkor Wat, Cambodia 72192015-7-12Chengdu, China 3182015-7-3Guilin, China 933052015-7-22Cambridge, UK 1330132015-7-27Istanbul, Turkey 1747342015-6-28Ischia Island, Italy 2628322015-7-9Prague, Czech Republic38222015-5-16Florence, Italy 1223952015-8-24Copenhagen, Denmark 1718182015-7-6Lille, France 33109192015-4-22Beijing, China 2113372015-7-13Ciudad Real, Spain 10142015-7-25Buenos Aires, Argentina 2534702015-6-22New York City, New York, USA827882015-6-15Portland, Oregon, USA 1631142015-7-21Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain3431132015-6-8Siegen, Germany 1021732015-8-31Nice, France 2333972015-7-11Hamburg, Germany 1025662015-6-29Oslo, Norway930635468Bamberg, Germany 157092015-6-12Bangalore, India 2015-9-142015-8-19Taipei, Taiwan 114172015-7-9Iasi, Romania 12182015-7-21Singapore 203152015-7-6Kyoto, Japan4236122015-7-20Colmar, Alsace, France 4832015-7-20Colmar, Alsace, France 10982015-8-10Sydney, Australia 2162652015-4-18Guilin, China 538322015-7-22Rome, Italy 1533852015-7-22Coimbra, Portugal1231802015-7-26Beijing, China 5335432015-7-26Beijing, China 730392015-9-8Chicago, Illinois, USA1738572015-8-31Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2028102015-4-29Beirut, Lebanon 528712015-4-29Beirut, Lebanon 323342015-6-15London, UK 2926922015-9-1Edinburgh, Scotland 1636362015-5-20Galicia, Spain 58862015-8-4Mexico City, Mexico 2152015-9-1Beijing, China 4440732015-7-20Colmar, Alsace, France 12802015-7-21Colmar, Alsace, France 5922015-7-21Colmar, Alsace, France12782015-7-6Singapore191662015-8-24Tallinn, Estonia 1131482015-8-24Rome, Italy 0162015-8-24Rome, Italy 35102015-8-24Rome, Italy 1215702015-6-17Madrid, Spain 1936992015-4-16Shenzhen, China 22782015-4-16Shenzhen, China 314602015-8-31Bergamo, Italy 1031762015-8-31Bergamo, Italy 2347482015-6-18Heraklion, Crete, Greece 2021062015-10-5Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2325812015-7-13Limassol, Cyprus 5762015-8-25Karlsruhe, Germany122844392015-4-21Johor, Malaysia 22982015-6-10Saarbrucken, Germany 4########Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA026712015-8-26Seoul, Korea142663 2015-6-25Seoul, Korea424802015-8-20Helsinki, Finland1425882015-8-20Helsinki, Finland4480 2015-8-20Helsinki, Finland133556 ########Hong Kong, China02785 ########Brisbane, Australia233187 2015-6-22Cambridge, UK105677 2015-8-10Omaha, Nebraska, USA113142 2015-5-20Bangkok, Thailand2253 2015-7-1Sydney, Australia102948 2015-7-15London, UK6287 ########Beijing, China92564 2015-9-13Lodz, Poland02334 2015-7-16Limerick, Ireland045 2015-7-29Luton, UK42212########Rennes, France2162015-7-8Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia73012 2015-7-20Takamatsu, Japan42194 ########Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA866 ########Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA142173 2015-11-2Larnaca, Cyprus917 2015-9-28Sydney, Australia1043 2015-11-3Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia3140 2015-7-20Takamatsu, Japan0148 ########Jeju Island, Korea92580 ########Jeju Island, Korea41919 ########Jeju Island, Korea716712015-9-14Lviv, Ukraine71574########Auckland, New Zealand73377 2015-9-29Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia0181 2015-9-29Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2506 2015-9-21Lodz, Poland421442015-9-18Udaipur, Rajasthan, India0247 2015-9-18Udaipur, Rajasthan, India0233 2015-9-10Tangerang, Indonesia0186 ########Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia0268 2015-6-30Seattle, Washington, USA123224 2016-7-25Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada03738。
