小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈

小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈
小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈

小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈

hello!my name isz engliyan.look!it’s a picture of myself.don’t you think

i’m very confident(自信的)?

ok!let me get down to business(言归正传).today i want to say

something about my dear mother.

my mother is a beautiful woman.her hair is very long.her eyes are

not big and not small.she usually wears a white sweater and apair of black


my mother likes noodles and vegetables.she likes fish,too.

my mother is a worker.she often wins praises for(因……赢得称赞)her


this is my dear mother.i love her very much.













小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈

小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈 hello!my name isz engliyan.look!it’s a picture of myself.don’t you think i’m very confident(自信的)? ok!let me get down to business(言归正传).today i want to say something about my dear mother. my mother is a beautiful woman.her hair is very long.her eyes are not big and not small.she usually wears a white sweater and apair of black trousers. my mother likes noodles and vegetables.she likes fish,too. my mother is a worker.she often wins praises for(因……赢得称赞)her hardwork. this is my dear mother.i love her very much. 党员年终工作总结范文 回顾一年来的经历,有收获也有不足。思想上有了一定的进步,学习上也比较刻苦努力,现将我一年来的思想、工作和学习等方面的情况作一个总结性的汇报。 一、自觉加强理论学习,组织纪律性强 加强理论学习,首先是从思想上重视。理论源于实践,又高于实践。在过去的一年中,我主动加强对政治理论知识的学习,主要包括继续深入领会“三个代表”重要思想并配合支部的组织生活计划,切实地提高了自己的思想认识,同时注重加强对外界时政的了解,通过学习,提高了自己的政治敏锐性和鉴别能力,坚定了立场,坚定了信念,在大是大非问题面前,能够始终保持清醒的头脑。 今年我顺利转正,成为一名中共正式党员,这给了我无限的信心的同时也有更多的压力。时刻提醒着我注意,什么是一个党员该做的,什么是不该做的,更促进了我的进步。首先,我深刻而清楚地认识到自己的缺点和不足,并在生活中循序渐进地改善,一个人改正错误和缺点的过程我想不会再一朝一夕。所以我做好了充分的心理准备。尤其,在组织生活会上,同志们再次提出了我的不足之处,这使我感到自己还有很多路要走还有很多是要学,当然自己的努力是少不了的。


小学两分钟英语演讲稿 篇一:小学生英语演讲稿2分钟 good morning, dear friends and guests!it’s my great honor to participate in this activity. my name is huang guanyu, i’m nine years old this year. the title of my speech is: my dream. i have many dreams, such as playing the piano, dancing, drawing, singing and so on. but now, i really fell in love with english. when i grow up, i hope i can study abroad in foreign countries, because i want to be a good diplomat in the future. by that time, i can travel all the world, enjoy the scenery of different countries, and understand their different customs and habits. this is the reason why i like english. now, let me sing a song for you, please enjoy. (sing) this is all of my you!篇二:小学2分钟英语故事演讲小


篇一:《我的梦想》小学英语演讲稿 theperson i admire most if, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, ill take good rudder. 翻译: 我的梦想 各位老师们上午好,我很高兴能参加这次比赛。我的名字叫冷凌萱,今年我12岁了。我是来自横路中心完小六年级一班。现在我将开始我的演讲《我的梦想》。 每个人都有自己的梦想,有些人想成为医生有些人想成为作家家。但是我的梦想是成为一个老师。因为我钦佩老师。老师在学校不能教我们很多东西,但是他们尽他们最大的努力去教我们怎么学习。由于他们我们学到了很多知识。并且同时我们学到了怎样去过一个幸福的生活。他们花大部分的时间在他们的学生身上。他们在我心里是最好的。 我知道我的梦想实现不是那么容易。张海迪阿姨有次说过:“每个人的生活是一艘船,理想就是船帆。”假如说理想是驶向成功的船,我将要掌好船舵。 所以从现在开始我将更努力的学习。我相信我的梦想总有一天将会实现。我的演讲结束,谢谢您们的聆听。篇二:小学生英文演讲稿 i love you , china good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i’m very glad to make a speech here .today my topic is “i love you , china”. since the day i was born .i began to have a proud name---chinese. since the day i began to talk the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you ,china !” i love you .china and i’m so proud of being a chinese . i’m proud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin , black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language is the world ----chinese. i love you , china . i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind .i’ve learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers . i’ve learned about the great wall and the chang jiang river . i’ve learned about zhang heng and i’ve learned zheng he. i love you , china . as a young student , all we should do is to study hard and devote ourselves whole –heartedly in the future , to the great cause of building you into an even stronger and greater country in the world . i love you , china ! thank you for your listening!篇三:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后,我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we had


我爱我校的演讲稿 我不是诗人,不能用漂亮的诗句讴歌我们美丽的校园;我不是学者,不能用深邃的思想思考我校的价值;我更不是歌手,不能用动听的歌喉赞美我们的学校。下面是小编为大家整理的我爱我校的演讲稿范文,欢迎阅读。 我爱我校的演讲稿范文1 尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、老师、亲爱的同学们: 下午好! 在这个秋高气爽的季节里,在这个充满紧张而又激动的时刻,能与大家在这里相遇,我倍感荣幸,谢谢大家给了我这样一个机会,我演讲的题目是:我爱我校! 风轻轻,天蓝蓝,漫步在这坏境优美的校园内,我的内心是多么的舒畅,多么的自豪啊!职教中心,在这里我要真诚的说声谢谢你,是你给了我无限的希望,是你把我从痛苦的深渊拯救到人间天堂,回想中考结束的那段黑色日子,确实让我伤心绝望,上一高的理想与我无缘,路漫漫其修远已,而我的路却在何方?回校复读,不!那样在同学面前太没面字,退学打工,也不行,年龄太小有无一技之长,怎么办?怎么办?彷徨与困惑,失意与孤寂,时时刻刻纠结这我,难道我的一生就这样碌碌无为的度过?不!我不甘心!这不是我的性格。一日,我看见招生广告中“职教中心”这个名字

在我眼前一亮,对!就选择它!我下定决心带着憧憬、带着希望、带着崭新的梦想来到这里。开学典礼时间校长的一番话更坚定了我的信心:职教中心是孕育人的摇篮,是造就精英的基地,职教中心能帮助你们就业,职教中心能给你们提供更宽更宽的舞台!这番话让我激动不已,我似乎看到幸运之神在向我招手。于是,教室里有了我朗朗的读书声,操场上有了我运动的身影,朋友间有了我爽朗的笑声。我像一只活泼、快乐的小鸟,我的生活充满阳光,我的身体内充满活力,我的身上散发着青春朝气! 难忘去年元旦晚会上我做节目主持人的风光,当时我身穿舞台装,手拿话筒,站在那偌大的舞台上时,我简直不敢相信这是真的,真好像站在梦中的舞台天堂,当同学们表演的节目越来越精彩时,当台下观众的掌声越来越响,一浪高过一浪时,我自己问自己,那个能说话得体,热情高涨的主持人真的是我吗?我会成长的那样优秀吗?当元旦晚会结束后,我还沉浸在快乐之中,好久没有回过神来,那幸福的感觉在我浑身流淌,我只想说谢谢职教中心的老师们对我的精心培养,谢谢职教中心的领导们,管理有方!谢谢职教中心的同学们给了我那么多的关爱!谢谢职教中心让我健康成长! 时光如梭,一年的学习,一年的生活,职教中心让我看


小学生英语演讲稿4篇 since the day i was born, i began to have a proud name —chinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you, china!” i love you, china, and i’m so proud of being a chinese. i’m proud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the world—chinese. i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. while at , he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?”“about a month,”i answered, “how lucky you are!”he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such perfect english?”i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “i’m proud of you, china ” 小学生英语演讲稿My Pet小学生英语演讲稿(2)| when i


小学生英语演讲稿 小学生英语演讲稿(1): Hello! My name is XXX。I'm ten。I study in WZ children arts school。I'm in Class one Grade four 。 Wele to Our ClassroomThis is my classroom。There is a sign on the door。It says: Wele to Our Classroom! There are many desks。This is my desk。My name is on it。] This is my teacher’s desk。There are many interesting things。 There is a fish bowl on the cabinet。His name is Goldy。Her name is Swimmy。 There is a large blackboard on the front wall。My teacher writes our homework on it。 There is a birthday chart on the back wall。My teacher puts our names and birthdays on it。 There is a round clock above the door。It tells us what time it is。 There are our drawings on the side wall。This is mine。This is Jenny’s。


优质文档在您身边/双击可除小学生简单英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:简单的英语演讲稿 简单的英语演讲稿 good morning everybody!it’s my honor to speak here,and i am very glad to share my topic with you. then today i’d like to talk something about which is more important, time or money. some people often say:“money is more important than time.”they think that if people have money. they can buy clothes, foods, drinks, houses, cars, computers and so o n. but l don’t think so. because when time is gone we can’t get it back. but we can keep on making more money. we can use time to get money. however we can’t use money to get time. lost wealth maybe replaced by industry. lost knowledge by study. lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. i cannot afford to waste my time making money. so i think time is more important than money. we must make full use of our time to study and work. each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. students, do you love life? then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of. life is long if you know how to use it. so let’s save our time. ok,thank you for listening,that’s all 第二篇:小学生英语自我介绍简单归纳 自我介绍 低年级 hello, my name is xxxx. i’m xx years old. i’m in grade xx. and i came from xxxx primary school. i like watching tv / singing / dancing and drawing. so i live a very happy life. and i wish all of you are happy and have a good luck. hello, everyone, it is my pleasure to take this chance to introduce myself. i’m xxx from class xxx grade xxx. my english name is xxx. i like singing and dancing. above all, i like english very much. i like reading english books and listening to the english songs. there are lots of english tapes and cds in my bedroom. they are my good helper to improve my english. and i wish all the competitors are good luck. 高年级 hello, everyone, it’s my honor to stand here introducing myself. my name is xxx from grade xxx. my english name is xxx; i’m a happy and talented girl / boy. i’m good at xxx ing and many of my works have won prizes. at the same


我爱我校演讲稿600字 【我爱我校演讲稿600字一】 大家好!我是xx班的xx,我代表我班为大家演讲的题目是:《xx初级中学,我爱你》! 同学们,相信你们一定很喜欢自己的校园吧!当然,我也不例外。因为校园是我们学习的宝地,是我们成才的摇篮。这儿有芬芳馥郁的花草树木,这儿有相伴晨昏的书声歌声;这儿有默默无闻甘于奉献的老师,他们“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”;这儿有朝气蓬勃勤奋学习的同学,他们“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”。 我们的校园——xx初级中学,座落在巍峨的铁顶山下,运输繁忙的襄渝铁路和汉渝公路从她的左侧穿行而过,三溪河的碧水像一条玉带在她的面前蜿蜒远去,四周是肥沃的农田和青翠的山林,传递着浓郁的乡土气息。好一派恬静宜人的田园风光!在这样的环境中学习,怎能不叫人心旷神怡!怎能不叫人专心致志!! 走近校园,教学楼顶上“xx中学”四个鲜红的大字便映入你的眼帘,洁白的外墙瓷砖在阳光照射下熠熠生辉;高高的旗杆上,鲜艳的五星红旗在迎风飘扬;宽阔的操场上,锻炼身体的同学们个个龙腾虎跃;四周的大小花台里,绿树成阴,花香扑鼻;尤其是教学楼前那两棵苍翠的塔柏,像两个忠诚的卫士,日夜守护着我们的校园;又像两支刚劲的毛笔,书写着我校辉煌的历史。听!上课的钟声响了,喧闹的校园一下子归复于平静,只有老师那抑扬顿挫的讲授和同学心领神会的问答;每当清晨第一缕阳光破窗而入的时侯,教室里早已是琅琅书声。 看!教学楼里,每一间教室都窗明几净,同学们在老师的引导下正聚精会神的学习。教研室里,空堂的老师正在全神贯注地备课或者批改作业;顶楼上还有设备先进的多媒体教室和微机室,以方便我们接受现代信息技术教育,跟上时代前进的步伐。我爱我的校园,我爱校园里清幽的环境,我爱校园里意气风发的同学,我更爱校园里辛勤工作的老师。是他们无私地为我们开启心灵的窗户,带领我们在知识的海洋里遨游。 “明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。”——是语文老师指导我们吟诵诗词美文;x+y=z,(a+b)(a-b)=a平方-b平方——是数学老师引领我们探索数学王国的奥秘;iloveyou,mymotherland;iloveyou,myschool——是英语老师教会我们向外国朋友表达自己的心声;政治课让我们明辨是非,树立了正确的人生观;历史课使我们知道了祖国的悠久历史和灿烂文明;地理课让我们了解了祖国的地大物博和各地的风土人情……啊,老师,您是辛勤的园丁,培育我们茁壮成长!啊,校园,你是我们力量的源泉,我们将在你这里获得知识的动力,展翅高飞! 也许,在外人看来,我们的校园并不美丽,甚至,还有些简陋,显得土里土气,算不上“大雅之堂”。 是的,我们的校园地处偏僻的乡村,她没有繁华富丽的外表,没有齐全完备的设施,没有城里名校的规模,甚至没有强大的师资队伍。然而,正是这样一所“其貌不洋”的初级中学,建校年来,却为上一级学校培养输送了大量德才兼备的高才生,为xx人民培养了一大批合格的建设者!她以自己独特的魅力,吸引着来自四面八方的莘莘学子!


小学生英语演讲稿范文10篇 小学生英语演讲稿范文10篇 演讲稿的写法比较灵活,可以根据会议的内容、一件事事后的感想、需要等情况而有所区别。随着社会一步步向前发展,演讲稿在我们的视野里出现的频率越来越高,为了让您在写演讲稿时更加简单方便,下面是为大家的小学生英语演讲稿范文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, Id like to talk something about English. I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has bee the most mon language on Inter and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure. When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.


简单的小学生英语演讲稿篇1 A man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. As he did so a glass eye fell into his hand. He looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down. “Is this yours?” he asked. She said, “Yes, could you bring it up?” and the man agreed. On arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink. As she was very attractive he agreed. Shortly afterwards she said, “I'm about to have dinner. T here's plenty. Would you like to join me?” He readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal. As the evening was drawing to a close the lady said, “I've had a marvelous evening. Would you like to stay the night?” The man hesitated then said, “Do you act like this with every man you meet?” “No,” she replied, “Only those who catch my eye.”


学校,是指教育者有计划、有组织地对受教育者进行系统的教育活动的组织机构。名称起源于民国。学校教育是由专职人员和专门机构承担的有目的、有系统、有组织的,有计划的以影响受教育学校教育者的身心发展为直接目标并最终使受教育者的身心发展达到预定目的的社会活动。为大家整理了我爱我校英语3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 我爱我校英语演讲稿篇1 Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen, I’m Wang from ClassGrade.It’s my pleasure to stand here today to talk about my school—Dalian No.9 Middle school. Two years ago,when I first stepped into No.9 Middle school,I immediately fell in love with it. It is a beautiful school.The buildings are new and the walls are covered with wild roses that dazzle theeyes in the bee-humming air. I’ve thought of it often.How the grass turns green in the springtime,and how the mocking birds flutter their tails and sing,how the moon shines down on the building,how the Cuckoo Waltz rings out the precious short-lived hours,how the teenagers in bright summer dresses promenade the grassy lawn.


Good morning, everyone !My name is Wang Jinkun,my English name is Sam. I am ten years old. I like reading books in my free time. Today I’ll tell an English story for you. The name of the story is《The poor man and The rich man》. There is a poor man. He has an orange tree. On the tree ,there are many fine oranges. One of them is very, very big. It is as big as a football. Nobody sees so big an orange. The poor man is very happy. He takes it to the king. The king is so happy that he gives the man a lot of money for it. When a rich man hears of it, he says to himself, “It’s only an orange. Why does the king give so much money for it? I’ll take my gold cup to the king. He’ll give me more money.” The next day when the king receives the gold cup, he says to the rich man, “What a beautiful cup! I’ll show you something wonderful. Please take this great orange.” That’s all ,Thank you。 大家早上好,我叫王锦坤,英文名字叫Sam。我今年10岁了,在课外时间我喜欢读英语故事,今天我将给大家讲个英语故事,故事的名字是《穷人和富人》。 从前有个穷人,他有一颗橘子树,树上有许多非常好的橘子,其中有一个非常非常的大,差不多和足球一样大,从来没有人见过如此大的一个橘子,穷人非常的高兴。就把它带给了国王,国王非常高兴,就给了他很多的钱有一个富人听说了这件事,心里想,“就只有一个橘子,为什么国王给他那么多钱,如果我把我的金杯给国王,,他会给我更多的钱。第二天,当国王收到这个金杯的时候,就对这个富人说:“多么漂亮的金杯,我要给你看一件好东西,请把这个大橘子拿走吧。” 这就是我的故事,谢谢大家!


小学生英文演讲稿 小学生英文演讲稿 第一篇: 小学生英文演讲稿 i have a bus father and a kind mother. m father is a businessman. he is 42 ears old. he is short. he likes reading nespapers after meals. he athes tv in the evening. he goes to ork b ar. he has got a nie blak ar. he often plas golf ith his friends on the eekend. he does not often eat dinner ith us. m mother is a houseife. she doesn’t ork. she stas at home. she is beautiful. she has long hair. she does houseork in the morning. she often goes shopping in the afternoon. she is kind, but she is strit to m stud. she likes reading. she athes tv at night, too. i love m parents. and the love me too. i have man friends in m lass. the're lovel and interesting. i ould like to introdue some of them. alie is ver ute. she's also kind to everone and she's ver enthusiasti. she's alas read to help everone, but she is forgetful. she alas forgets to bring her textbooks, but our teahers alas forgive her. ben is the most talkative bo in our lass. his nikname is “hatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he alas makes me laugh linda


go.The rabbis of old put it this way “A man comes to the world with his fist clenched,but when he dies,his hand is open.”I’ve learned a lot from my classmates and friends,we have overcomed many difficulties.They have always been optimistic and humorous.When my feet hurt,they all cared about me and some of them offered to help me up and down stairs.We play together,we learn together and we grow up together.It’s the help between our classmates that tells me how to love my life.However mean life is ,meet it and live it.It’s the school motto that tells me to improve myself,seek truth and develop innovations. I love my school because of all this,besides,there is something

more than I can say. To end my speech ,let’s all give our best wishes to thefurther development of our campus! Thank you. 《我爱我校英语演讲稿》


小学英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 自我介绍 hello everyone. my name is xxx. 大家好,我的名字叫谁谁谁。 today i am so happy to be here to introduce myself. 今天我很高兴站在这里给大家介绍我自己。 i am now studying in xxx primary school in my x。 my favourite book is called xxx and my favourite tv programme names xxx. i love my family and i love my life. 我爱我的家庭,我热爱我的生活。 i love english.

我热爱英语。 i hope i can learn more about it and tell everyone more about myself next time. 我希望我能学更多英语,下次能用它告诉各位更多关于我的故事。 thank you! 谢谢大家! 小学英语演讲稿范文dear teacher and classmates: i am very glad to say something here. at this time, i’d like to talk about my hobbies. i have many hobbies. first, i like playing video games. computer games are cool. i like cs best. i could play it all day. secound, i like all kinds of sports. i like being outdoors. i love fresh air and sunshine. playing football with friends is fun. swimming in the sea is my favorite. in addition, i like to draw pictures at home. i often read comics on the bed in the eve ning. it’s my secret. hey, buddy. please


篇一:小学2分钟英语故事演讲 小学2分钟英语故事演讲 篇二:小学英语课前两分钟演讲内容 小学英语课前两分钟演讲内容 大家好,今天轮到我演讲,我要讲的题目是我的寒假生活。 in the winter im very happy. i saw a lot of animals,such as chickens, cattle, sheep,and beautiful fireworks。in the new years day, i got a lot of lucky money,so im very happy。finally, happy new year everyone! 在寒假我过得非常开心,在寒假中我看看到了许多动物,有鸡、牛、羊等。还看见了很多漂亮的烟花。在年初一,我还得到了许多压岁钱,我非常开心。最后,祝大家新年快乐! 篇三:精选小学生英语演讲稿6篇下载 1.学生两分钟英语演讲稿 good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. first of all, i would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. my english is not high, i wish i could within the next two years to learn english well. i hope you will be able to learn english after graduation to have a good future. finally, i wish the students and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. well! i finished the speech. thank you for listening。 大家早上好,今天是轮到我讲话。首先,我要说的是,快速测试,我们希望很好的准备,良好的测试的所有,是唯一回家的路上有一个良好的一年。我的英语水平不高,我希望我能在未来两年内学好英语。我希望,你将能够学习英语毕业后有一个美好的未来。最后,我祝愿学生和教师的快乐新的一年里,进一步研究和工作。好!我完成了讲话。谢谢你听。 2.英语两分钟自我介绍演讲稿 hello,everyone! today i am very happy,because i can talk about with you.you see i am e their lives because o f water.if we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow. my dear friend let us start from the trivial side,to be a good kid keeper. 3.小学英语3分钟演讲稿 my favourite super star is jj , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . now let me tell you the story about jj . he enterde the music indestry at the year 2004 , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . he was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived . now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy . he is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident . 4. i love english 我喜欢英语 i love english my honorable teachers , my beloved schoolmates.good morning everyone, may i have your attention,please? i am glad to be able to give a lecture on this classroom. this once , i want to talk about english. my topic of conversation is that i love
