



The technique applied is referred to as…
The approach adopted widely is called…
This is a working theory based on the idea that…
The theory is characterized by…
6. 除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和 化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。
7.不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出 版的著作。
选择适当的时态和语态,是使摘要符合英 文语法修辞规则的前提。通常情况下, 摘要中谓语动词的时态和语态都不是通 篇一律的,而应根据具体内容而有所变 化,否则容易造成理解上的混乱。但这 种变化又并非无章可循,其中存在着如 下一些规律:
① 叙述研究过程,多采用一般过去时。
brake 自 动 制 动 器 ; power feed 自 动 进 给 ;


• No common senses and comments in abstract,don’t mention the contents that should be written in Introduction.
• Don’t simply remention the meaning of the title.
2 How to write
(Language Focus → → Li Chuanyang )
3 Practice
(Case analysis → → Dong Chengpeng )
➢ Definition
A short passage showing the substantive research contents and informantions briefly and clearly without any comments and extra explainations.
• The elements should be expressed briefly and clealy,and don’t make the abstract divided into sections.
• Use the third person and standardized expressions.
➢ Different types of abstract
✓ Informative abstract: Summarizing the odjective,methods,primary datas and conclusions of the paper comprehensively and briefly. Usually, this abstract can partly replace reading the full text.About 200~300words.That depends.

How to write an abstract 怎么写摘要 英语作文论文 写作技巧

How to write an abstract 怎么写摘要 英语作文论文 写作技巧

How to write an abstract如何写摘要Hey guys, welcome! In this article we are going to know how to write an abstract and complete a written text perfectly. Stay connected if you want to write the best abstract.If you need to know how to write an abstract for an academic or scientific paper, don’t panic! Your abstract is simply a short, stand-alone summary of the work or paper that others can use as an overview. You can get the ideas and gather information by experts to make it concise yet effective through assignment help. As far asthe other specifics are concerned, we will discuss them here.Before moving further let’s have an overview of this article to see what you are going to know:-What is an abstract?-How to write an abstract?-Why is it important to write an abstract?-How to write an abstract quickly?-The way to write an abstract for science?What is an abstract?Before moving to how to write an abstract, you should know the abstract meaning. An abstract describes what you do in your essay, whether it’s a scientific experiment or a literary analysis paper. It should help your reader understand the paper and help people searching for this paper decide whether it suits their purposes prior to reading.To write an abstract, finish your paper first, then type a summary that identifies the purpose, problem, methods, results, and conclusion of your work. After you get the details down, all that’s left is to format it correctly. Since an abstract is only a summary of the work you’ve already done, it’s e asy to accomplish!Majorly, there are three types of abstract:-Informative-Descriptive-CriticalHow to write an abstract?1. Write down the paper firstlyThe first thing to know how to write an abstract is : Even though an abstract goes at the beginning of the work, it acts as a summary of your entire paper. Rather than introducing your topic, it will be an overview of everything youwrite about in your paper. Save writing your abstract for last, after you have already finished your paper.-A thesis and an abstract are entirely different things. The thesis of a paper introduces the main idea or question, while the abstract works to review the entirety of the paper, including the methods and results.-Even if you think that you know what your paper is going to be about, always save the abstract for last. You will be able to give a much more accurate summary if you do just that –summarise what you’ve already written. Let’s move to the next step to know how to write an abstract.2. Review and understand any requirements for writing your abstractThe paper you’re writing probably has specific guidelines and requirements, whether it’s for publication in a journal, submission in a class, or part of a work project. Before you start writing, refer to the rubric or guidelines you were presented with to identify important issues to keep in mind. Answer the following questions before knowing how to write an abstract.-Is there a maximum or minimum length?-Are there style requirements?-re you writing for an instructor or a publication?3. Consider your targeted audienceAbstracts are written to help readers find your work. For example, in scientific journals, abstracts allow readers to quickly decide whether the research discussed is relevant to their own interests. Abstracts also help your readers get at your main argument quickly. Keep the needs of your readers in mind this is the best thing to know for how to write an abstract.-Will other academics in your field read this abstract?-Should it be accessible to a lay reader or somebody from another field?4. Determine the type of abstractBefore moving to the question how to write an abstract, focus on which type of abstract do you want to write. Although all abstracts accomplish essentially the same goal, there are two primary styles of abstract: descriptive and informative. You may have been assigned a specific style, but if you weren’t, you will have to determine which is right for you. Typically, informative abstracts are used for much longer and technical research while descriptive abstracts are best for shorter papers.Have a look at the types of abstracts againDescriptive abstracts explain the purpose, goal, and methods of your research but leave out theresults section. These are typically only 100-200 words.Informative abstracts are like a condensed version of your paper, giving an overview of everything in your research including the results. These are much longer than descriptive abstracts, and can be anywhere from a single paragraph to a whole page long.The basic information included in both styles of abstract is the same, with the main difference being that the results are only included in an informative abstract, and an informative abstract is much longer than a descriptive one.A critical abstract is not often used, but it may be required in some courses. A critical abstract accomplishes the same goals as the other typesof abstract, but will also relate the study or work being discussed to the writer’s own research. It may critique the research design or methods.5. Identify your motive of writing an abstractYou’re writing about a correlation between lack of lunches in schools and poor grades. So what? Why does this matter? The reader wants to know why your research is important, and what the purpose of it is. Start off your descriptive abstract by considering the following questions:How did you conduct your research?What did you find?Why is this research and your findings important?Why should someone read your entire essay? How to write an abstract6. Describe the problemAbstracts is something that expresses the “problem” behind your work. Think of this as the particular issue that your project addresses. You can sometimes combine the problem with your motivation, but it is best to be clear and separate the two.7. Describe your methodsMotivation – check. Problem – check. Methods? Now is the part where you give an overview of how you accomplished your study. If you didyour own work, include a description of it here. If you reviewed the work of others, it can be briefly explained.-Discuss your own research including the variables and your approach-Describe the evidence you have to support your claim-Give an overview of your most important sources.8. Describe your resultsThis is where you begin to make difference between your abstract between a descriptive and an informative abstract. You want to know how to write an abstract and this is somethingwhich should be in your priority list. In an informative abstract, you will be asked to provide the results of your study. What is it that you found?-What answer did you reach from your research or study?-Was your hypothesis or argument supported?-What are the general findings?9. Give the conclusion of abstractYou must finish up your summary and provide a closure to your abstract. In it, address the meaning of your findings as well as the importance of your overall paper. This format of having a conclusion can be used in bothdescriptive and informative abstracts, but you will only address some questions in an informative abstract.10. Keep the format rightIn the run to know how to write an abstract, format is a vital factor to consider. There are specific questions your abstract must provide answers for, but the answers must be kept in order as well. Ideally, it should be according to the overall format of your essay, with a general ‘introduction, ‘body,’ and ‘conclusion.’ Many journals have specific style guides for abstracts. If you’ve been given a set of rules or guidelines, follow them to the letter11. Provide helpful informationUnlike a topic paragraph, which may be intentionally vague, an abstract should provide a helpful explanation of your paper and your research. Word your abstract so that the reader knows exactly what you’re t alking about, and isn’t left hanging with ambiguous references or phrases.-Avoid using direct acronyms or abbreviations in the abstract, as these will need to be explained in order to make sense to the reader. That uses up precious writing room, and should generally be avoided.-If your topic is about something well-known enough, you can reference the names of people or places that your paper focuses on.-Don’t include tables, figures, sources, or long quotations in your abstract. These take up too much ro om and usually aren’t what your readers want from an abstract anyway. For making your abstract even better you gather relevant ideas, for doing so you can go to the expert writes through assignment help online12. Write it down from scratchA abstract is a summary of the main paper, yes, but it should be written completely separate from your paper. Don’t copy and paste direct quotes from yourself, and avoid simply paraphrasing your own sentences from elsewhere in your writing. Write your abstract using completely new vocabulary and phrases to keep itinteresting and redundancy-free. So, far we have gone through detailed information and steps to know how to write an abstract. But, what if someone is in a hurry and yet has to come up with a perfect abstract? Well, I have tips such people as well, continue to read and know how to write an abstract in lesser time.How to write an abstract quickly?Simply ace your abstract.An abstract is like a movie trailer. It offers a preview, highlights key points, and helps the audience decide whether to view the entire work. Abstracts are the pivot of a research paperbecause many journal editorial boards screen manuscripts only on the basis of the abstract.If your abstract doesn’t grab their attention and make a good fi rst impression, there’s a good chance your research paper will be rejected at the outset. Moreover, even after your research paper is published, your abstract will be the first, and possibly only, thing readers will access through electronic searches. They will only consider reading the rest of the manuscript if they find your abstract interesting.For studies in the humanities and social sciences, the abstract is typically descriptive. That is, it describes the topic of research and its findings but usuall y doesn’t give specific information about methods and results. These abstracts may also be seen in review articles orconference proceedings. In scientific writing, on the other hand, abstracts are usually structured to describe the background, methods, results, and conclusions, with or without subheadings.Make sure that your abstract does not constitutes the following-New information that is not present in the paper -Undefined abbreviations or group names-A discussion of previous literature or reference citations-Unnecessary details about the methods usedFollow these 10 steps to know how to write an abstract quicklyNow how do you go about fitting the essential points from your entire paper—why the research was conducted, what the aims were, how these were met, and what the main findings were—into a paragraph of just 200-300 words? It’s not an easy task, but here’s a 10-step guide that should make it easier:1. Begin writing the abstract after you have finished writing your paper.2. Pick out the major objectives/hypotheses and conclusions from your Introduction and Conclusion sections3. Select key sentences and phrases from your Methods section.4. Identify the major results from yourResults section.5. Now, arrange the sentences and phrases selected in all steps into a single paragraph in the following sequence: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.6. Confirm that there is consistency between the information presented in the abstract and in the paper.7. Ask a colleague to review your abstract and check if the purpose, aim, methods, and conclusions of the study are clearly stated.8. Check to see if the final abstract meets the guidelines of the target journal (word limit, type of abstract, recommended subheadings, etc.9. Remove all extra information and then link your sentences to ensure that the information flows well, preferably in the following order: purpose; basic study design, methodology and techniques used; major findings; summary of your interpretations, conclusions, and implications.10. Now revisit your abstract with these steps in mind, and I’m sure you’ll be able to revise it and make it more attractive.How to write an abstract for science?So, here is something for science buffs. We know that science students are less into writing and formatting. But, they are one of the students who are indulged in research papers to the most. So, here is a collection of vital information for all the students who are going to write down a scientific research paper. Want to know how to write an abstract for science? Continue to read..An abstract should be the shortest part of the abstract and should very briefly outline the following information:What is already known about the subject, related to the paper in questionWhat is not known about the subject and hence what the study intended to examine (or what the paper seeks to present)Things you should rememberIn most cases, the background can be framed in just 2–3 sentences, with each sentence describing a different aspect of the information referred to above; sometimes, even a single sentence may suffice. The purpose of the background, as the word itself indicates, is to provide the reader with a background to the study, and hence to smoothly lead into a description of the methods employed in the investigation.Usually authors publish papers the abstracts of which contain a lengthy background section.There are some situations, perhaps, where this may be justified. In most cases, however, a longer background section means that less space remains for the presentation of the results. This is unfortunate because the reader is interested in the paper because of its findings, and not because of its background.Why an abstract is needed?Most journals require authors to submit abstracts along with their articles, This requirement has two main needs-An abstract offers readers a helpful, succinct summary of the longer argument developed in the essay.-It identifies keywords that will make it easier for search engines to find the essay.Apart from these two main reasons it serves two other needs as well. They are:Showcases the perspectiveNotice that these rationales presuppose the publication of both abstract and essay and, in so doing, assume that the main audience for the abstract is prospective readers of the publishedessay. However, from the perspective of an author submitting work to a journal, there is another important audience to consider: the journal editor and the external reviewers to whom the editor send it.Keep the audience connectedThis audience looks at your abstract with their most pressing question in mind: is this article publishable in this journal? A good abstract tilts them toward an affirmative answer by leaving them well-disposed toward the longer argument in th e article. A bad abstract won’t by itself cause this audience to reject an article, but it does incline the audience toward an initial negative answer. In that way, an ineffectiveabstract becomes an obstacle that your article needs to overcome.ConclusionHope, you guys have understood each and every aspect of writing an abstract. In this article, we went into the detailed discussion to know how to write an abstract. We started with abstract meaning and then moved to the steps which essayed the right way to write down one. Next, we studied points on how to write an abstract quickly. So, that those who are in a hurry to prepare a written text can write aptly. Thereafter, we went to know how to write an abstract for science and ended up in knowing why an abstract is vital.。



摘要怎么写(Abstract how to write)摘要怎么写(Abstract how to write)Abstract how to writeAbstract: the substantive content concise, specific to reflect the content of the show, enough information, innovation of the important details show the general object, by specific research methods, results and conclusion four elements.The object is the research and development of related and investigation of the specific range of topics, the main research contents, the problems to be solved, the problem is proposed, and the establishment of the target location on the direction of the.The method is used to study the process of the research object inthe theory, principle, condition, material, technology, structure, methods, procedures, is a necessary means to complete the research object.The author is using the research method of experiment, the resultsof the research object, effect, data, identified the relationship, is the result of scientific research.Conclusion: the results of research, analysis, comparison, evaluation, application and put forward the problems, is a summary of the results, the results show the reliability, practicality, innovation, value and academic level of the study, the search window is determined by the.Chinese abstract writing requirements:1. the theme concept does not omit the principle of Chinese abstract words in 200-300 words, English to 100-150wordsAt the beginning of 2. important facts, the paper highlights the new information, which is a new topic, new methods and conclusions and results of innovation etc.The 3. must be complete, clear, concise and to the point, stronger logic, structural integrity, delete the background and research information in the past, the author should not contain plans for the future, to prevent modification and useless narrative literature The 4. involved in the work of others or research results, try tolist their names5. do not begin with a number of English must correspondAbstract ChineseThis is a comprehensive summary of the contents of the brief, allowing readers to quickly dominate the content. With the same title, but also a variety of common object retrieval Abstract database.This is the most important part of the whole thesis. The author, once published in journals, abstracts will be as part of a collection of abstract print or electronic version, began its active and long career "". As readers, first contact with a psychology paper are mostly from the beginning of the reading. The majority of the required system literature search throughcomputer retrieval, only the part of the display on a computer screen. Read in the academic journals, the most is the first reading of the paper, and then the basis to decide whether to read the whole paper. Therefore, the information should have not only high concentration, but also the readability, but also the whole structure, short and independent articles. A good abstract should have the following characteristics:Accuracy.Abstract should accurately reflect the purpose and content of the paper should not be included in the content. If the study is mainly based on a previous study on the extension of the previous studies, then it should be noted in previous studies of the author's name and year in the abstract. The level of the title and abstract comparison is an effective method to verify the accuracy of the.Independence. The abstract should be self-contained, independent articles, so the special terms, all abbreviations (units excepted), ellipsis explanation, spelling out the name of the drug (drug use and common name). There is no appropriate Chinese new terms or terms, available original or translated after the parentheses indicate the original. In reference to other publications including the author's name and date of publication (in the reference table to fully explain the source of literature).Concise and specific.Every sentence in the abstract to maximize the information asmuch as possible and concise. The length is generally not more than 300 words. The start to put the most important information (but not duplication).It can be objective or topic, also can be the result or conclusion. The most simply consists of 4 or 5 of the most important points, results or meaning.The method can save space:(1) do not take this subject in the field of knowledge content into abstract, but also not too deep, so that the general reader to understand; avoid the should appear in the preface written in;(2) general nor simple duplication of existing information. For example, an article title is "characteristics and development" to solve the problem of infant behavior, the start stop writing "characteristics and development of infant problem solving behavior was studied."(3) in addition to really inflexible, generally do not have the mathematical formula, does not appear as illustrations and tables.(4) no citation, unless the documents confirm or deny others have been published.(5) in the third person. Recommended for...... The research "and" report...... The current situation, the...... Investigation and record way, without the use of "article","author" as the subject.。


• 二是认为英文摘要是中文摘要的硬性对译,对 中文摘要中的每一个字都不敢遗漏,这往往使 英文摘要用词累赘、重复,显得拖沓、冗长。
英文摘要是用英文来表述文章的重要部分, 写作要求很高:ABC原则,即
A:准确(accuracy) 文字表达要准确,不引起
B:简练(brevity)写短句; 尽量去掉多余的词
(4) 一个名词不宜用多个前置形容词来修饰,可 改用复合词,兼用后置定语
(5) 力求简捷 需采取的措施
in this paper, It is reported that…, Extensive investigations show that…, The author discusses…,This paper concerned with…,
EI 数据库建议
用过去时态叙述作者工作 用现在时态叙述作者结论
可以在主语部分集中较多的信息,起到信息前 置,语义鲜明突出的效果
主动语态表达的语句文字清晰、简捷明快,表 现力强,动作的执行者和动作的承受者一目了 然,往往给人一种干净利落、泾渭分明的感觉
试观察并比较下列两段短文的主语。 2. IR, DSC, and NMR were used to investigate the structure of the polymer. 我们用红外、热分析和核磁来 研究聚合物的结构。 3. 我们用苯乙烯和丁二烯为单体共聚制备丁苯橡胶 Styrene and butadiene were used as monomers to prepare SBR through co-polymerization.



论文季Howtowriteanabstract如何写英文摘要Write an Abstract如何写英文摘要春暖花开,又到了写论文的季节。

没有时间踏青?还在为论文苦恼?本期我们就一起来学习一下如何写英文摘要吧!在这个春天,我们一起做灿烂的学术宅什么是摘要 What is an abstract?An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis.摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。

为什么要写摘要 Why write an abstract?Selection: Abstracts allow readers who may beinterested in the paper to quickly decide whether it is relevant to their purposes and whether they need to read the whole paper.Indexing: Most academic journal databases accessed through the library enable you to search abstracts. This allows for quick retrieval by users. Abstracts must incorporate the key terms that a potential researcher would use to search.允许读者进行快速筛选,检索,通过题目,关键词等方法判断他们是否需要阅读整篇文章。

What to include in an abstract1Reasons for WritingThe importance of the research and why would readers be interested in this large work?首先,摘要中应该包含本篇论文的重要性,言简意赅阐述清楚写作目的。

第四讲 HOw to write an abstract

第四讲 HOw to write an abstract
(Type A is commonly used.)
Spelling of a title
Title __Spelling of non-content words
A. All Positive Factors Thought of B. Good Friend to Depend on C. on effect of the Winter Weather in Chongqing on Vegetables D. Difference between Chinese and American College Education

Title translation
3.重庆地区大学生数学课堂表现评价研究 A Research on SW University Students’ Classroom Performance Assessment in Mathematics 4.上海商务管理人士成功因素研究 Positive Factors Contributing to Successful Businessmen Managegment of Shanghai
Author’s name
1. Expression of name: a. Family name + given name b. Given name + family name
2. Spelling of an author’s name: 李卫东:Li Weidong, LI Weidong, Li,Weidong, Weidong Li, Wei D. Li, Wei-dong Li W.D.LI
Spelling of a title

How to Write an Abstract(英汉双语)

How to Write an Abstract(英汉双语)

Writing PracticeHow to Write an Abstract怎样写一份好的摘要1.What is an abstract?An abstract is a summary of points of a writing presented in skeletal form, which highlights the important information covered in an article or a paper. It helps the reader to find out quickly whether the writing is of their interest or not, and whether they need to read the whole paper or not. Moreover, national or international conference organizers decide whether a participant is eligible or not usually by reviewing the abstract submitted. Therefore, writing a good abstract is of great importance for scholars and researchers.1.什么是摘要?摘要是以梗概形式呈现的一篇文章要点的总结,它强调了一篇文章所包含的重要的信息。




2.Criteria of a good abstract.In terms of content, a good abstract states clearly the purpose of the writing, the method used, the findings, the originality, or the implication etc. EI, for example, requires a good abstract in English should answer the following questions:1)What do you want to do?2)How did you do it?3)What results did you get and what conclusion did you draw?4)What is original in your paper?To meet the requirements, a good abstract should be accurate, concise, specific, self-contained, and coherent.*Being accurate means that an abstract presents the information that actually occurs in the paper, and avoids vagueness in definition, word choice and elsewhere.*Being concise means that an abstract includes only the most important ideals, findings, or implications, etc, and avoids wordy expressions. There is a word limit for abstract of journals or periodicals, usually within 250 words. The length varies. One should comply with the specific requirements of the journal that he/she is going to publish his/her paper. However, an abstract should not be over-simplified; otherwise the readers cannot get sufficient information about the paper.*Being specific means that an abstract should be concrete, and to the point rather than general and indirect so as to reduce vagueness and misunderstanding.*Being self-contained means an abstract is complete in itself. It covers the important points in the paper, with formalized structure showing the topic, the supporting evidence, and the conclusion.*Being coherent means that an abstract is logical and make sense. A good abstract uses tense correctly, and avoids too many changes between active voice and passive voice.2.一份好摘要的必备要素关于内容,一份好的摘要会清楚明确的叙述写作的目的,使用的方法,最新的发现,文章的原创性,或相关的应用等。



4. 摘要
5. 关键词
Key words
6. 引言
7. 材料与方法
Materials and methods
8. 结果
9. 讨论
10. 致谢
Acknowledgments (optional)
11. 引文
12. 附录
Parts of an Abstract
The abstract should briefly state:
the purpose of the research (introduction),
how the problem was studied (methods),
the principal findings (results),
Appendices (optional)
The IMRAD article: Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion
A b strac t Int ro du ction
Abstract Introduction
Ma ter ials and m eth ods
Informative abstract
报道型摘要 也常称作信息性摘要 或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要 地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数 据和结论。 通常, 这种摘要可以部分 地取代阅读全文。
该种摘要不但包含研究目的、方 法,同时还提供给读者研究结果、 结论和建议
Informative abstract

How to Write an Abstract怎么写摘要

How to Write an Abstract怎么写摘要

How to Write an Abstract(Draft 10/20/97)Phil Koopman, Carnegie Mellon UniversityIntroductionNow that the use of on-line publication databases is prevalent, writing a really good abstract has become even more important than it was a decade ago. Abstracts have always served the function of "selling" your work. But now, instead of merely convincing the reader to keep reading the rest of the attached paper, an abstract must convince the reader to leave the comfort of an office and go hunt down a copy of the article from a library (or worse, obtain one after a long wait through inter-library loan). In a business context, an "executive summary" is often the only piece of a report read by the people who matter; and it should be similar in content if not tone to a journal paper abstract. 现在,上线发布数据库的使用是普遍的,写一个很好的抽象变得更加重要比十年前。



(完整word版)如何写英文AbstractHow to Write an Abstract一、什么是摘要Abstract?an abstract comprises one paragraph which describes the main content of a paper and appears at the very beginning of the paper.摘要是叙述文章主要内容的一个段落,并且位于文章的开头部分。





二、写作Abstract的目的对于科技论文的摘要,Abstract的目的有以下几点:1.Introduce journal articles./doc/529728219.html,rm readers about article`s content.3.Help readers decide whether or not to read article.4.Overview conference programs,abstract collections,and book chapters.三、学习写作Abstract的必要性1.Helps you present complex information in a clear,concise manner.2.Helps you read abstracts more effectively.3.Helps you conduct research.4.Helps you write abstracts for future publications.5.Helps you condense report information into a short format for database searches.四、Abstract的写作要求/doc/529728219.html,e one or more well-developed paragraphs,which areunified,coherent,concise,and able to stand alone(200-300 words)./doc/529728219.html,e an introduction-body conclusion structure in which the parts of the parts of the report are discussed inorder:purpose,researcquestions,method,findings,conclusion s,recommendations.3.Follows strictly the chronology of the report.五、Abstract的分类/doc/529728219.html,rmative abstract 内容摘要- the primary research objective or purpose- method employed in solving the problems- principal findings or results- major conclusions and serves as a substitute for the full paper2.descriptive abstract指示性摘要outlines the topics covered in the paper and is like a table of contents in paragraph form.六、Abstract的结构1.Background – why do you want to do the research?2.Research question –what question are you trying to answer and what is the research topic of your paper?3.Method –how (what material, what method, and what procedures) do you get answers to your research question?4.Results – what is your answer to the question?5.Conclusions – what implications does the answer imply?七、Abstract的特点1.Concise –write everything relevant to the paper in as simple terms as possible.2.Objective – states objectively the main points of the paper.3.Consistent – be consistent with the other parts of the whole paper, and never include what has not been mentioned in the paper./doc/529728219.html,plete –cover all the main points of the paper and be a miniature of the paper.5.Brief – conveys in as few words as possible the essential information contained in the body of the paper.八、Abstract的常用句式1、介绍文章背景和目前研究的问题(1) Although (the research subject)…, (the related problem)…is as yet undetermined.(2) (The research subject)…, however, (the related problem)…remains unsolved.(3) (Previous studies) have examined…, (the related problem) is that…, despite…(4) (Problems in certain research area) are…, yet (the present solution) hasfrequently been questioned because…(5) This paper describes/presents…(the argument) within…(a theoreticalcontext)(6) While (the debate on certain research subject) seems to…, (the presentagreement) is still problematic.2、叙述研究目的(1) This pa per advances the view that…(2) The article advocates/discusses/develops/focuses on/gives detailed explanation for/investigates into/proposes/holds that/…(3) The purpose/intention of this paper is…(4) The primary goal/aim of this research is…(5) The ove rall objective of this study is…(6) In this paper/study, we aim at…(7) The work/investigation presented in this paper focuses on…(8) This research is designed to determine/measure/evaluate…(9) The author intends/attempts o outline the framework of/obtain someknowledge of…3、指出观察问题的视角(1) …from the angle of…(2) …in the light of the context that…(3) To view something at a different angle/from various angles…(4) From the point of view of…(5) From the perspective of…4、指出文章参与者(1) The present study has investigated…by using/analyzing…(participants/materials)(2) In this study, we inquired/examined/evaluated…(participants/materials)(3) The experiments/investigations of the present study involved…(participants/materials)5、研究方法和过程(1) Detailed information has been acquired by the authorsusing..(2)Several sets of experiments have been performed to test the validity of…(3) The technique the author adopted is referred to as…(4) The experiments consisted of four steps, which are described in…(5) The met hod/approach used in the present study is…(6) The experiment/investigation in the paper is conducted by adopting…(7)The procedure the present study followed can be briefly described as…(8) The experiment/study consisted of the following steps: …(9) Inc luded in the experiment were…(10) Based on the idea that…, we conducted the present study, categorized…, and evaluated…6、研究结果、发现、结论(1) The results of the experiment indicate/suggest that…; it is also found that…(2) The results are as follows: …(3) The analysis of the samples indicates that..(4) The data obtained seem to be very similar o those reported earlier by…(5) It is concluded that..; the results also imply the further study into…(6) The investigation/experiment varied by…and the results also revealed that…(7) These findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion that…(8) Based on/upon the outcome/findings of the research, …(9) The data/results obtained appear to…, thus we mayconclude that…(10) As a result of the current experiments, we conclude that…(11)The author points out/recommends/concludes that…(12) In summing up it may be stated that…(13) All the preliminary results throw light on the nature of…(14) These findings of the research have naturally led the author to the conclusionthat…九、写一份摘要的步骤(1) 在完成整篇论文之后再来起草你的摘要,因为这样你对文章所表达的观点和发现等才能有一个清楚的轮廓。



What is an abstract?
An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book; presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project; has a brief, non-repetitive style.
Informative abstracts资料性摘要
The informative abstract, also known as the complete abstract, is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Usually between 100 and 200 words, the informative abstract summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points. A format for scientific short reports that is similar to an informative abstract has been proposed in recent years. Informative abstracts may be viewed as standalone documents.

研究生写作 摘要部分 Abstract幻灯片PPT

研究生写作 摘要部分 Abstract幻灯片PPT
题名的字数。题名不应过长。总的原那么是,题名应确切、简练、醒目, 在能准确反映论文特定内容的前提下,题名词数越少越好。
中英文题名的一致性。 题名中的冠词。 题名中的大小写。题名字母的大小写有以下3种格式。全部字母大写,每
个词的首字母大写,但3个或4个字母以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写, 题名第1个词的首字母大写,其余字母均小写。 题名中的缩略词语。已得到整个科技界或本行业科技人员公认的缩略词 语,才可用于题名中,否那么不要轻易使用
Han Fang Dec. 23, 2021
What is Abstract
A statement summarizing the important points of a text.
Short account of the contents of a paper.
Abstract and Summary
A descriptive abstract merely describes what the paper is about.
An informative abstract introduces important information about the purpose, method, result /conclusion and recommendation.
文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。 除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学构造式,不出现插图、表格。 不用引文,除非该文献证实或否认了他人已出版的著作。 缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时
必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确 使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。
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Classification of abstracts Structure of an informative abstract Features of an abstract
Classification of abstracts
informative abstract - the primary research objective or purpose - method employed in solving the problems - principal findings or results - major conclusions and serves as a substitute for the full paper
Features of an abstract
Concise – write everything relevant to the paper in as simple terms as possible.
Objective – states objectively the main points of the paper.
I. What is an abstract ?
Abstract is a short description of the entire paper that appears right at the beginning of the body part and it is often regarded as the most important component in a research paper.
Brief – conveys in as few words as possible the essential information contained in the body of the paper.
To DEFINE the background and argument of the present study
How to Write an Abstract
I. Definition of abstract II. Function of abstract III. Contents of abstract IV. Suggestions for abstract
writing V. Keywords writing
(Previous studies) have examined…, (the related problem) is that…, despite…
descriptive abstract outlines the topics covered in the paper and is like a table of contents in paragraph form.
Structure of an informagh (the research subject)…, (the related problem)… is as yet undetermined.
(The research subject)…, however, (the related problem)… remains unsolved.
Consistent – be consistent with the other parts of the whole paper, and never include what has not been mentioned in the paper.
Complete – cover all the main points of the paper and be a miniature of the paper.
The 3 Key Elements in an Abstract
A. The statement of purpose about your research;
B. The method of your research; C. The conclusion of your research.
STRUCTURE of Abstract
Background – why do you want to do the research? Research question
– what question are you trying to answer and what is the research topic of your paper? Method – how (what material, what method, and what procedures) do you get answers to your research question? Results – what is your answer to the question? Conclusions – what implications does the answer imply?
III. Contents of abstract
Topic specification 主题说明 Background information 背景信息 Purpose statement 目的陈述 Methodology and data 方法与数据 Results/findings 研究结果 Implication/Conclusion 结论
II. What is the function of an abstract ?
An abstract is used by potential readers(潜在读者) to determine its relevance to their interest and finally to decide whether or not he/she needs to read the entire paper.