JEL分类号JEL分类系统,是美国经济学会《经济文献杂志》(Journal of Economic Literature)所创立的对经济学文献的主题分类系统,并被现代西方经济学界广泛采用。
目录A-经济学总论和教学B-经济学思想流派和方法论C-数理和数量方法D-微观经济学E-宏观经济学和货币经济学F- 国际经济学G-金融经济学H-公共经济学I-卫生经济学,教育经济学和福利经济学J-劳动经济学和人口经济学K-法律和经济学L-产业组织M-企业管理和商务经济学;市场营销学;会计学N-经济史O- 经济发展,技术变迁和增长P-经济体制Q-农业经济学和自然资源经济学R-城市经济学,农村经济学和区域经济学Z-其他专题A-经济学总论和教学( A- General Economics and Teaching )A1A1 - General EconomicsA10 - GeneralA11 - Role of Economics; Role of Economists; Market for Economists A12 - Relation of Economics to Other DisciplinesA13 - Relation of Economics to Social ValuesA14 - Sociology of EconomicsA19 - OtherA2A2 - Economics Education and Teaching of EconomicsA20 - GeneralA21 - Pre-collegeA22 - UndergraduateA23 - GraduateA29 - OtherA3A3 - Multisubject Collective WorksA30 - GeneralA31 - Multisubject Collected Writings of IndividualsA32 - Multisubject VolumesA39 - OtherB-经济学思想流派和方法论( B-Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology )B0B0 - GeneralB00 - GeneralB1B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925B10 - GeneralB11 - PreclassicalB12 - ClassicalB13 - Neoclassical through 1925B14 - Socialist; MarxistB15 - Historical; InstitutionalB16 - QuantitativeB19 - OtherB2B2 - History of Economic Thought since 1925B20 - GeneralB21 - MicroeconomicsB22 - MacroeconomicsB23 - Econometrics; Quantitative StudiesB24 - Socialist; MarxistB25 - Historical; Institutional; Evolutionary; Austrian B29 - OtherB3B3 - History of Thought: IndividualsB30 - GeneralB31 - IndividualsB4B4 - Economic MethodologyB40 - GeneralB41 - Economic MethodologyB49 - OtherB5B5 - Current Heterodox ApproachesB50 - GeneralB51 - Socialist; Marxian; SraffianB52 - Institutional; EvolutionaryB53 - AustrianB59 - OtherC-数理和数量方法(C-Mathematical and Quantitative Methods)C0C0 - GeneralC00 - GeneralC1C1 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: GeneralC10 - GeneralC11 - Bayesian AnalysisC12 - Hypothesis TestingC13 - EstimationC14 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric MethodsC15 - Statistical Simulation Methods; Monte Carlo Methods; Bootstrap MethodsC16 - Specific DistributionsC19 - OtherC2C2 - Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models; Single VariablesC20 - GeneralC21 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect ModelsC22 - Time-Series ModelsC23 - Models with Panel DataC24 - Truncated and Censored ModelsC25 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice ModelsC29 - OtherC3C3 - Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple VariablesC30 - GeneralC31 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect ModelsC32 - Time-Series ModelsC33 - Models with Panel DataC34 - Truncated and Censored ModelsC35 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice ModelsC39 - OtherC4C4 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special TopicsC40 - GeneralC41 - Duration AnalysisC42 - Survey MethodsC43 - Index Numbers and AggregationC44 - Statistical Decision Theory; Operations ResearchC45 - Neural Networks and Related TopicsC49 - OtherC5C5 - Econometric ModelingC50 - GeneralC51 - Model Construction and EstimationC52 - Model Evaluation and TestingC53 - Forecasting and Other Model ApplicationsC59 - OtherC6C6 - Mathematical Methods and ProgrammingC60 - GeneralC61 - Optimization Techniques; Programming Models; Dynamic AnalysisC62 - Existence and Stability Conditions of EquilibriumC63 - Computational TechniquesC65 - Miscellaneous Mathematical ToolsC67 - Input–Output ModelsC68 - Computable General Equilibrium ModelsC69 - OtherC7C7 - Game Theory and Bargaining TheoryC70 - GeneralC71 - Cooperative GamesC72 - Noncooperative GamesC73 - Stochastic and Dynamic Games; Evolutionary GamesC78 - Bargaining Theory; Matching TheoryC79 - OtherC8C8 - Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer ProgramsC80 - GeneralC81 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic DataC82 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic DataC87 - Econometric SoftwareC88 - Other Computer SoftwareC89 - OtherC9C9 - Design of ExperimentsC90 - GeneralC91 - Laboratory, Individual BehaviorC92 - Laboratory, Group BehaviorC93 - Field ExperimentsC99 - OtherD-微观经济学(D-Microeconomics)D0D0 - GeneralD00 - GeneralD01 - Microeconomic Behavior: Underlying PrinciplesD02 - Institutions: Design, Formation, and OperationsD1D1 - Household Behavior and Family EconomicsD10 - GeneralD11 - Consumer Economics: TheoryD12 - Consumer Economics: Empirical AnalysisD13 - Household Production and Intrahousehold AllocationD14 - Personal FinanceD18 - Consumer ProtectionD19 - OtherD2D2 - Production and OrganizationsD20 - GeneralD21 - Firm BehaviorD23 - Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights D24 - Production; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity D29 - OtherD3D3 - DistributionD30 - GeneralD31 - Personal Income, Wealth, and Their DistributionsD33 - Factor Income DistributionD39 - OtherD4D4 - Market Structure and PricingD40 - GeneralD41 - Perfect CompetitionD42 - MonopolyD43 - Oligopoly and Other Forms of Market ImperfectionD44 - AuctionsD45 - Rationing; LicensingD46 - Value TheoryD49 - OtherD5D5 - General Equilibrium and DisequilibriumD50 - GeneralD51 - Exchange and Production EconomiesD52 - Incomplete MarketsD57 - Input–Output Tables and AnalysisD58 - Computable and Other Applied General Equilibrium Models D59 - OtherD6D6 - Welfare EconomicsD60 - GeneralD61 - Allocative Efficiency; Cost–Benefit AnalysisD62 - ExternalitiesD63 - Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and MeasurementD64 - AltruismD69 - OtherD7D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-MakingD70 - GeneralD71 - Social Choice; Clubs; Committees; AssociationsD72 - Economic Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting BehaviorD73 - Bureaucracy; Administrative Processes in Public Organizations; CorruptionD74 - Conflict; Conflict Resolution; AlliancesD78 - Positive Analysis of Policy-Making and Implementation D79 - OtherD8D8 - Information, Knowledge, and UncertaintyD80 - GeneralD81 - Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty D82 - Asymmetric and Private InformationD83 - Search; Learning; Information and KnowledgeD84 - Expectations; SpeculationsD85 - Network FormationD86 - Economics of Contract LawD89 - OtherD9D9 - Intertemporal Choice and GrowthD90 - GeneralD91 - Intertemporal Consumer Choice; Life Cycle Models and Saving D92 - Intertemporal Firm Choice and Growth, Investment, or FinancingD99 - OtherE-宏观经济学和货币经济学(E-Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics)E0E0 - GeneralE00 - GeneralE01 - Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and WealthE1E1 - General Aggregative ModelsE10 - GeneralE11 - Marxian; Sraffian; Institutional; EvolutionaryE12 - Keynes; Keynesian; Post-KeynesianE13 - NeoclassicalE17 - Forecasting and SimulationE19 - OtherE2E2 - Consumption, Saving, Production, Employment, and Investment E20 - GeneralE21 - Consumption; SavingE22 - Capital; Investment (including Inventories); CapacityE23 - ProductionE24 - Employment; Unemployment; WagesE25 - Aggregate Factor Income DistributionE26 - Informal Economy; Underground EconomyE27 - Forecasting and SimulationE29 - OtherE3E3 - Prices, Business Fluctuations, and CyclesE30 - GeneralE31 - Price Level; Inflation; DeflationE32 - Business Fluctuations; CyclesE37 - Forecasting and SimulationE39 - OtherE4E4 - Money and Interest RatesE40 - GeneralE41 - Demand for MoneyE42 - Monetary Systems; Standards; Regimes; Government and the Monetary SystemE43 - Determination of Interest Rates; Term Structure of Interest RatesE44 - Financial Markets and the MacroeconomyE47 - Forecasting and SimulationE49 - OtherE5E5 - Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and CreditE50 - GeneralE51 - Money Supply; Credit; Money MultipliersE52 - Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects)E58 - Central Banks and Their PoliciesE59 - OtherE6E6 -Macroeconomic Policy Formation, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, Macroeconomic Policy, and General Outlook E60 - GeneralE61 - Policy Objectives; Policy Designs and Consistency; Policy CoordinationE62 - Fiscal Policy; Public Expenditures, Investment, and Finance; TaxationE63 - Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; StabilizationE64 - Incomes Policy; Price PolicyE65 - Studies of Particular Policy EpisodesE66 - General Outlook and ConditionsE69 - OtherF- 国际经济学(F-International Economics)F0F0 - General F00 - GeneralF01 - Global OutlookF02 - International Economic Order; Noneconomic International Organizations ·Economic Integration and Globalization: GeneralF1F1 - TradeF10 - GeneralF11 - Neoclassical Models of TradeF12 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale EconomiesF13 - Commercial Policy; Protection; Promotion; Trade Negotiations; International OrganizationsF14 - Country and Industry Studies of TradeF15 - Economic IntegrationF16 - Trade and Labor Market InteractionsF17 - Trade Forecasting and SimulationF18 - Trade and EnvironmentF19 - OtherF2F2 - International Factor Movements and International Business F20 - GeneralF21 - International Investment; Long-Term Capital MovementsF22 - International MigrationF23 - Multinational Firms; International BusinessF29 - OtherF3F3 - International FinanceF30 - GeneralF31 - Foreign ExchangeF32 - Current Account Adjustment; Short-Term Capital Movements F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and InstitutionsF34 - International Lending and Debt ProblemsF35 - Foreign AidF36 - Financial Aspects of Economic IntegrationF37 - International Finance Forecasting and SimulationF4F4 - Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance F40 - GeneralF41 - Open Economy MacroeconomicsF42 - International Policy Coordination and TransmissionF43 - Economic Growth of Open EconomiesF47 - Forecasting and SimulationF49 - OtherG-金融经济学(G-Financial Economics)G0G0 - GeneralG00 - GeneralG1G1 - General Financial MarketsG10 - GeneralG11 - Portfolio Choice; Investment DecisionsG12 - Asset PricingG13 - Contingent Pricing; Futures PricingG14 - Information and Market Efficiency; Event StudiesG15 - International Financial MarketsG18 - Government Policy and RegulationG19 - OtherG2G2 - Financial Institutions and ServicesG20 - GeneralG21 - Banks; Other Depository Institutions; MortgagesG22 - Insurance; Insurance CompaniesG23 - Pension Funds; Other Private Financial InstitutionsG24 - Investment Banking; Venture Capital; BrokerageG28 - Government Policy and RegulationG29 - OtherG3G3 - Corporate Finance and GovernanceG31 - Capital Budgeting; Investment PolicyG32 - Financing Policy; Capital and Ownership StructureG33 - Bankruptcy; LiquidationG34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance G35 - Payout PolicyG38 - Government Policy and RegulationG39 - OtherH-公共经济学(H-Public Economics)H0H0 - GeneralH00 - GeneralH1H1 - Structure and Scope of GovernmentH10 - GeneralH11 - Structure, Scope, and Performance of GovernmentH19 - OtherH2H2 - Taxation, Subsidies, and RevenueH20 - GeneralH21 - Efficiency; Optimal TaxationH22 - IncidenceH23 - Externalities; Redistributive Effects; Environmental Taxes and SubsidiesH24 - Personal Income and Other Nonbusiness Taxes and Subsidies H25 - Business Taxes and SubsidiesH26 - Tax EvasionH27 - Other Sources of RevenueH29 - OtherH3H3 - Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic AgentsH30 - GeneralH31 - HouseholdH32 - FirmH39 - OtherH4H4 - Publicly Provided GoodsH40 - GeneralH41 - Public GoodsH42 - Publicly Provided Private GoodsH43 - Project Evaluation; Social Discount RateH49 - OtherH5H5 - National Government Expenditures and Related PoliciesH50 - GeneralH51 - Government Expenditures and HealthH52 - Government Expenditures and EducationH53 - Government Expenditures and Welfare ProgramsH54 - Infrastructures; Other Public Investment and Capital Stock H55 - Social Security and Public PensionsH56 - National Security and WarH57 - ProcurementH59 - OtherH6H6 - National Budget, Deficit, and DebtH60 - GeneralH61 - Budget; Budget SystemsH62 - Deficit; SurplusH63 - Debt; Debt ManagementH69 - OtherH7H7 - State and Local Government; Intergovernmental RelationsH70 - GeneralH71 - State and Local Taxation, Subsidies, and RevenueH72 - State and Local Budget and ExpendituresH73 - Interjurisdictional Differentials and Their EffectsH74 - State and Local BorrowingH77 - Intergovernmental Relations; FederalismH79 - OtherH8H8 - Miscellaneous IssuesH80 - GeneralH81 - Governmental Loans, Loan Guarantees, and CreditsH82 - Governmental PropertyH83 - Public AdministrationH87 - International Fiscal Issues; International Public Goods H89 - OtherI-卫生经济学教育经济学和福利经济学(I-Health, Education and Welfare)I0I0 - GeneralI00 - GeneralI1I1 - HealthI10 - GeneralI11 - Analysis of Health Care MarketsI12 - Health Production: Nutrition, Mortality, Morbidity, Substance Abuse and Addiction, Disability, and Economic Behavior I18 - Government Policy; Regulation; Public HealthI19 - OtherI2I2 - EducationI20 - GeneralI21 - Analysis of EducationI22 - Educational FinanceI23 - Higher Education Research InstitutionsI28 - Government PolicyI29 - OtherI3I3 - Welfare and PovertyI30 - GeneralI31 - General Welfare; Basic Needs; Living Standards; Quality of Life; HappinessI32 - Measurement and Analysis of PovertyI38 - Government Policy; Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs I39 - OtherJ-劳动经济学和人口经济学(J-Labour and Demographic Economics)J0 - GeneralJ00 - GeneralJ1J1 - Demographic EconomicsJ10 - GeneralJ11 - Demographic Trends and ForecastsJ12 - Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family StructureJ13 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth J14 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped J15 - Economics of Minorities and Races; Non-labor Discrimination J16 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor DiscriminationJ17 - Value of Life; Foregone IncomeJ18 - Public PolicyJ19 - OtherJ2J2 - Time Allocation, Work Behavior, and Employment Determination and Creation; Human CapitalJ20 - GeneralJ21 - Labor Force and Employment, Size, and StructureJ22 - Time Allocation and Labor SupplyJ23 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-EmploymentJ24 - Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor ProductivityJ26 - Retirement; Retirement PoliciesJ28 - Safety; Accidents; Industrial Health; Job Satisfaction; Related Public PolicyJ29 - OtherJ3J3 - Wages, Compensation, and Labor CostsJ30 - GeneralJ31 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Occupation, etc.J32 - Nonwage Labor Costs and Benefits; Private PensionsJ33 - Compensation Packages; Payment MethodsJ38 - Public PolicyJ39 - OtherJ4 - Particular Labor MarketsJ40 - GeneralJ41 - Contracts: Specific Human Capital, Matching Models, Efficiency Wage Models, and Internal Labor MarketsJ42 - Monopsony; Segmented Labor MarketsJ43 - Agricultural Labor MarketsJ44 - Professional Labor Markets and OccupationsJ45 - Public Sector Labor MarketsJ48 - Public PolicyJ49 - OtherJ5J5 - Labor–Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective BargainingJ50 - GeneralJ51 - Trade Unions: Objectives, Structure, and EffectsJ52 - Dispute Resolution: Strikes, Arbitration, and Mediation; Collective BargainingJ53 - Labor–Management Relations; Industrial JurisprudenceJ54 - Producer Cooperatives; Labor Managed FirmsJ58 - Public PolicyJ59 - OtherJ6J6 - Mobility, Unemployment, and VacanciesJ60 - GeneralJ61 - Geographic Labor Mobility; Immigrant WorkersJ62 - Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational MobilityJ63 - Turnover; Vacancies; LayoffsJ64 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search J65 - Unemployment Insurance; Severance Pay; Plant ClosingsJ68 - Public PolicyJ69 - OtherJ7J7 - Labor DiscriminationJ70 - GeneralJ71 - DiscriminationJ78 - Public PolicyJ79 - OtherJ8 - Labor Standards: National and International J80 - GeneralJ81 - Working ConditionsJ82 - Labor Force CompositionJ83 - Workers' RightsJ88 - Public PolicyJ89 - OtherK-法律和经济学(K-Law and Economics)K0K0 - GeneralK00 - GeneralK1K1 - Basic Areas of LawK10 - GeneralK11 - Property LawK12 - Contract LawK13 - Tort Law and Product LiabilityK14 - Criminal LawK19 - OtherK2K2 - Regulation and Business LawK20 - GeneralK21 - Antitrust LawK22 - Corporation and Securities LawK23 - Regulated Industries and Administrative Law K29 - OtherK3K3 - Other Substantive Areas of LawK30 - GeneralK31 - Labor LawK32 - Environmental, Health, and Safety LawK33 - International LawK34 - Tax LawK35 - Personal Bankruptcy LawK39 - OtherK4K4 - Legal Procedure, the Legal System, and Illegal Behavior K40 - GeneralK41 - Litigation ProcessK42 - Illegal Behavior and the Enforcement of LawK49 - OtherL-产业组织(L-Industrial Organization)L0L0 - GeneralL00 - GeneralL1L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance L10 - GeneralL11 - Production, Pricing, and Market Structure; Size Distribution of FirmsL12 - Monopoly; Monopolization StrategiesL13 - Oligopoly and Other Imperfect MarketsL14 - Transactional Relationships; Contracts and Reputation; NetworksL15 - Information and Product Quality; Standardization and CompatibilityL16 - Industrial Organization and Macroeconomics; Macroeconomic Industrial Structure; Industrial Price IndicesL19 - OtherL2L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and BehaviorL20 - GeneralL21 - Business Objectives of the FirmL22 - Firm Organization and Market Structure: Markets vs. Hierarchies; Vertical Integration; ConglomeratesL23 - Organization of ProductionL24 - Contracting Out; Joint VenturesL25 - Firm Performance: Size, Age, Profit, and SalesL29 - OtherL3 - Nonprofit Organizations and Public EnterpriseL30 - GeneralL31 - Nonprofit Institutions; NGOsL32 - Public EnterprisesL33 - Comparison of Public and Private Enterprises; Privatization; Contracting OutL39 - OtherL4L4 - Antitrust Issues and PoliciesL40 - GeneralL41 - Monopolization; Horizontal Anticompetitive PracticesL42 - Vertical Restraints; Resale Price Maintenance; Quantity DiscountsL43 - Legal Monopolies and Regulation or DeregulationL44 - Antitrust Policy and Public Enterprise, Nonprofit Institutions, and Professional OrganizationsL49 - OtherL5L5 - Regulation and Industrial PolicyL50 - GeneralL51 - Economics of RegulationL52 - Industrial Policy; Sectoral Planning MethodsL53 - Government Promotion of FirmsL59 - OtherL6L6 - Industry Studies: ManufacturingL60 - GeneralL61 - Metals and Metal Products; Cement; Glass; CeramicsL62 - Automobiles; Other Transportation EquipmentL63 - Microelectronics; Computers; Communications Equipment L64 - Other Machinery; Business Equipment; ArmamentsL65 - Chemicals; Rubber; Drugs; BiotechnologyL66 - Food; Beverages; Cosmetics; TobaccoL67 - Other Consumer Nondurables: Clothing, Textiles, Shoes, and LeatherL68 - Appliances; Other Consumer DurablesL69 - OtherL7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and ConstructionL70 - GeneralL71 - Mining, Extraction, and Refining: Hydrocarbon FuelsL72 - Mining, Extraction, and Refining: Other Nonrenewable ResourcesL73 - Forest Products: Lumber and PaperL74 - ConstructionL78 - Government PolicyL79 - OtherL8L8 - Industry Studies: ServicesL80 - GeneralL81 - Retail and Wholesale Trade; Warehousing; e-CommerceL82 - Entertainment; Media (Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Broadcasting, Publishing, etc.)L83 - Sports; Gambling; Recreation; TourismL84 - Personal, Professional, and Business ServicesL85 - Real Estate ServicesL86 - Information and Internet Services; Computer SoftwareL87 - Postal and Delivery ServicesL88 - Government PolicyL89 - OtherL9L9 - Industry Studies: Transportation and UtilitiesL90 - GeneralL91 - Transportation: GeneralL92 - Railroads and Other Surface Transportation: Autos, Buses, Trucks, and Water Carriers; PortsL93 - Air TransportationL94 - Electric UtilitiesL95 - Gas Utilities; Pipelines; Water UtilitiesL96 - TelecommunicationsL97 - Utilities: GeneralL98 - Government PolicyL99 - OtherM-企业管理和商务经济学;市场营销学;会计学(M-Business Administration and Business Economics; Marketing; Accounting)M0M0 - GeneralM00 - GeneralM1M1 - Business AdministrationM10 - GeneralM11 - Production ManagementM12 - Personnel ManagementM13 - EntrepreneurshipM14 - Corporate Culture; Social ResponsibilityM19 - OtherM2M2 - Business EconomicsM20 - GeneralM21 - Business EconomicsM29 - OtherM3M3 - Marketing and AdvertisingM30 - GeneralM31 - MarketingM37 - AdvertisingM39 - OtherM4M4 - Accounting and AuditingM40 - GeneralM41 - AccountingM42 - AuditingM49 - OtherM5M5 - Personnel EconomicsM50 - GeneralM51 - Firm Employment Decisions; Promotions (hiring, firing, turnover, part-time, temporary workers, seniority issues)M52 - Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects (stock options, fringe benefits, incentives, family support programs, seniority issues)M53 - TrainingM54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, job satisfaction)M55 - Labor Contracting Devices: Outsourcing; Franchising; Other M59 - OtherN-经济史(N-Economic History)N0N0 - GeneralN00 - GeneralN01 - Development of the Discipline: Historiographical; Sources and MethodsN1N1 - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; Growth and FluctuationsN10 - General, International, or ComparativeN11 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N12 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N13 - Europe: Pre-1913N14 - Europe: 1913–N15 - Asia including Middle EastN16 - Latin America; CaribbeanN17 - Africa; OceaniaN2N2 - Financial Markets and InstitutionsN20 - General, International, or ComparativeN21 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N22 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N23 - Europe: Pre-1913N24 - Europe: 1913–N25 - Asia including Middle EastN26 - Latin America; CaribbeanN27 - Africa; OceaniaN3N3 - Labor and Consumers, Demography, Education, Income, and WealthN30 - General, International, or ComparativeN31 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N32 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N33 - Europe: Pre-1913N34 - Europe: 1913–N35 - Asia including Middle EastN36 - Latin America; CaribbeanN37 - Africa; OceaniaN4N4 - Government, War, Law, and RegulationN40 - General, International, or ComparativeN41 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N42 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N43 - Europe: Pre-1913N44 - Europe: 1913–N45 - Asia including Middle EastN46 - Latin America; CaribbeanN47 - Africa; OceaniaN5N5 - Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment, and Extractive IndustriesN50 - General, International, or ComparativeN51 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N52 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N53 - Europe: Pre-1913N54 - Europe: 1913–N55 - Asia including Middle EastN56 - Latin America; CaribbeanN57 - Africa; OceaniaN6N6 - Manufacturing and ConstructionN60 - General, International, or ComparativeN61 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N62 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N63 - Europe: Pre-1913N64 - Europe: 1913–N65 - Asia including Middle EastN66 - Latin America; CaribbeanN67 - Africa; OceaniaN7N7 - Transport, International and Domestic Trade, Energy, Technology, and Other ServicesN70 - General, International, or ComparativeN71 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N72 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N73 - Europe: Pre-1913N74 - Europe: 1913–N75 - Asia including Middle EastN76 - Latin America; CaribbeanN77 - Africa; OceaniaN8N8 - Micro-Business HistoryN80 - General, International, or ComparativeN81 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N82 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N83 - Europe: Pre-1913N84 - Europe: 1913–N85 - Asia including Middle EastN86 - Latin America; CaribbeanN87 - Africa; OceaniaN9N9 - Regional and Urban HistoryN90 - General, International, or ComparativeN91 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N92 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N93 - Europe: Pre-1913N94 - Europe: 1913–N95 - Asia including Middle EastN96 - Latin America; CaribbeanN97 - Africa; OceaniaO- 经济发展,技术变迁和增长(O-Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth)O1O1 - Economic DevelopmentO10 - GeneralO11 - Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic DevelopmentO12 - Microeconomic Analyses of Economic DevelopmentO13 - Agriculture; Natural Resources; Energy; Environment; Other Primary ProductsO14 - Industrialization; Manufacturing and Service Industries; Choice of TechnologyO15 - Human Resources; Human Development; Income Distribution; MigrationO16 - Financial Markets; Saving and Capital InvestmentO17 - Formal and Informal Sectors; Shadow Economy; Institutional Arrangements: Legal, Social, Economic, and PoliticalO18 - Regional, Urban, and Rural AnalysesO19 - International Linkages to Development; Role of International OrganizationsO2O2 - Development Planning and PolicyO20 - GeneralO21 - Planning Models; Planning PolicyO22 - Project AnalysisO23 - Fiscal and Monetary Policy in DevelopmentO24 - Trade Policy; Factor Movement Policy; Foreign Exchange PolicyO29 - OtherO3O3 - Technological Change; Research and DevelopmentO30 - GeneralO31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and IncentivesO32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&DO33 - Technological Change: Choices and Consequences; Diffusion ProcessesO34 - Intellectual Property Rights: National and International IssuesO38 - Government PolicyO39 - OtherO4O4 - Economic Growth and Aggregate ProductivityO40 - GeneralO41 - One, Two, and Multisector Growth ModelsO42 - Monetary Growth ModelsO47 - Measurement of Economic Growth; Aggregate Productivity O49 - OtherO5O5 - Economywide Country StudiesO50 - GeneralO51 - U.S.; CanadaO52 - EuropeO53 - Asia including Middle EastO54 - Latin America; CaribbeanO55 - AfricaO56 - OceaniaO57 - Comparative Studies of CountriesP-经济体制(P-Economic Systems)P0P0 - GeneralP00 - GeneralP1P1 - Capitalist SystemsP10 - GeneralP11 - Planning, Coordination, and ReformP12 - Capitalist EnterprisesP13 - Cooperative EnterprisesP14 - Property RightsP16 - Political EconomyP17 - Performance and ProspectsP19 - OtherP2P2 - Socialist Systems and Transitional EconomiesP20 - GeneralP21 - Planning, Coordination, and ReformP22 - PricesP23 - Factor and Product Markets; Industry Studies; Population P24 - National Income, Product, and Expenditure; Money; Inflation。
因此,其本来含义是指治理家庭财物的方法,到了近代扩大为治理国家的范围,为了区别于之前的用法也被称为“政治经济学”(Political Economy)。
围的距离;如果一天之内没有交易 ,那么就使用最近一个交易日的最高价和最低价作为 近似替代 。
(3)该 价 差 的 估 计 假 定 两 天 期 的 股 票 的 真 实 方 差 的 期 望 值 等 于 一 天 期 的 股 票 的 真 实 方 差 的 期 望 值
(一)高低价差计算方法 Corwin and Schultz(2012)提供了一种使用每日的最高价和最低价来计算买卖价差的简单方 法 ,具体思路为 :通常情况下 ,最高价和最 低价的比值 将既反映 股价的真实 方差 ,又 反 映 买卖价差 , 其中方差部分会随着时间的延长而等比例增加,但价差成分不会,这就意味着我们可以构造出两 个方程,进而推算出价差水平和方差水平。 最终得到的高低价差公式详见式(1):
计算年度的单日价差的平均值之前将所有负值设为 0 而得到的高低价差指标 hlspread_before,三
是在计算年度的单日价差的平均值之后将所有负值设为 0 而得到的高低价差指标 hlspread_after。
(二)Roll 价差计算方法
Roll(1984)提供了另外一种使用日间数据计算买卖价差的简单方法 ,具体思路为 :假定股票
* 陈辉,广东金融学院中国金融转型与发展研究中心 ,副教授,经济学博士。 作者感 谢国家自然科学基金 (71272203)、广东 省自然科学基金博士启动项目 (S2013040013732)、广东金融学院 2010 人 才引进科研项目(2013RCYJ001)、2011 年中央财政专项 资金“金融学省级重点学科建设项目”的资助。
在标准的金融市场微观结构理论中,用买卖价差衡量的交易成本和知情交易者与非知情交易 者之间的信息不对称是这一方面理论研究关注的焦点(奥哈拉,2007)。 又由于知情交易者掌握的 信 息 会 通 过 交 易 反 映 在 股 票 价 格 之 中 ,成 为 了 导 致 买 卖 价 差 形 成 的 重 要 原因之一(Glosten and Milgrom,1985;Kyle,1985),使得交易成本问题成为了金融市场微观结构研究 事实上的核心,后续 的交叉研究也首先在交易成本的角度做出了突破。 于是,找到一个低频指标以替代衡量交易成本 的高频指标(通常是相对有效价差)就显得尤为重要了。 在 Roll(1984)之后,许多学者开始致力于 构造能够准确测度交易成本的低频指标,也取得了一些很有意义的研究成果,如 Roll(1984)提出
F 经济F0 经济学F0-0 马克思主义政治经济学(总论)F01 经济学基本问题F011 经济学的对象和方法F012 经济规律F014 经济范畴F014.1 生产、生产力、生产关系、生产方式F014.2 劳动、劳动生产率、劳动分工 F014.3 商品生产与交换F014.31 价格理论F014.32 需求理论、供给理论F014.35 经济效益F014.36 经济机制F014.39 资本和剩余价值F014.4 国民收入与分配F014.5 消费与积累F014.6 社会再生产F014.9 其他经济范畴F015 宏观经济学F016 微观经济学F019 其他经济理论F019.1 均衡理论F019.2 静态经济学、动态经济学F019.3 规范经济学、实证经济学F019.4 合理预期{F019.5} 公共选择F019.6 经济政策理论F02 前资本主义社会生产方式F021 原始社会F022 奴隶社会F023 封建社会F03 资本主义社会生产方式F030 生产关系、所有制F031 商品生产与交换F031.1 商品、商品生产[F031.2] 货币F031.3 价值、价值规律F031.4 价格F031.5 经济效益F031.6 经济机制F032 资本和剩余价值F032.1 资本F032.2 剩余价值及其分配F033 陀劳动和工资F034 资本积累和无产阶级贫困化F035 社会资本再生产F035.1 社会生产、再生产F035.2 部门间的关系F035.3 社会总产品、国民生产总产值 F035.4 计划和市场F036 国民收入和分配F036.1 国民财富F036.3 消费与积累F036.5 生活方式F037 经济循环F037.1 经济周期与经济波动F037.2 经济停滞、衰退与复苏F037.3 景气预测F038 垄断资本主义-帝国主义F038.1 金融资本和金融寡头F038.2 垄断与竞争F038.3 资本输出F038.4 国家垄断资本F038.5 经济军事化F038.6 帝国主义对殖民地的经济掠夺 F045.51 国家的经济职能F045.6 经济机制F045.9 资本和剩余价值F046 社会主义分配制度F046.1 按劳分配原则F046.2 物质鼓励F046.3 分配方式F046.31 全民所有制经济F046.32 集体所有制经济F046.33 私有制经济[F046.4] 工资制度F047 国民收入与分配F047.1 国民财富F047.2 社会总产品和国民收入 F047.3 积累和消费F047.5 生活方式F048 社会主义再生产F048.1 简单再生产、扩大再生产 F048.2 部门间的关系F049 经济循环F05 共产主义社会生产方式F06 经济学分支科学[F061.1] 生产力经济学F061.2 增长经济学F061.3 发展经济学F061.4 福利经济学F061.5 区域经济学F061.6 国土经济学F062.1 资源经济学F062.2 生态经济学F062.3 科学经济学、知识经济学F062.4 技术经济学F062.5 信息经济学F062.6 公共经济学F062.9 产业经济学F063.1 非生产领域经济学[F063.2] 消费经济学[F063.3] 国防经济学F063.4 家庭经济学F063.6 民族经济学[F064.1] 计量经济学F064.2 比较经济学F065.2 短缺经济学{F069} 其他F069.9 其他F08 各科经济学F09 经济思想史F091 世界F091.1 古代经济思想(公元前约3500~公元476年) F091.2 中世纪经济思想(476~1640年)F091.3 近现代经济思想(1640年~)F091.31/.33 (特殊分类规定)F091.31 重商主义F091.32 重农主义F091.33 古典经济学F091.34/.355 (特殊分类规定)F091.34 庸俗经济学F091.341 马尔萨斯主义F091.342 历史学派、新历史学派F091.343 奥地利学派(心理学派)F091.344 社会学派F091.345 数理经济学派(洛桑学派)F091.346 北欧学派(瑞典学派、斯德哥尔摩学派) F091.347 剑桥学派(新古典学派)F091.348 凯恩斯学派、凯恩斯主义F092.2 古代F092.6 近代F092.7 现代 F093/097 各国经济思想F1 世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理F11 世界经济、国际经济关系F11-0 世界经济学、国际经济学F11-6 世界经济、国际经济关系参考工具书F11-66 世界经济统计资料F110 政策、规划F112 世界经济概况F112.1 发展中国家经济F112.2 发达国家经济F112.5 社会主义国家经济F112.7 资本主义国家经济F113 世界经济问题F113.1 世界经济结构与体制F113.2 国际经济技术合作F113.3 世界资源问题F113.4 世界经济发展水平、趋势及预测F113.7 世界经济波动与经济危机F113.8 国民收入与支出、国民财富F113.9 人民生活状况F114 国际经济关系F114.1 国际分工F114.3 国际经济新秩序F114.4 国际经济合作F114.41 国际经济一体化F114.42 社会主义国家间的经济关系F114.43 发展中国家间的经济关系F114.44 发达国家与发展中国家间的经济关系F114.46 区域间经济关系F114.49 其他F115 国际经济矛盾和斗争F116 国际经济组织与会议[F116.1] 联合国经济机构F116.2 发展中国家F116.5 社会主义国家F116.7 发达国家F117 国际经济条约、协定F119 世界经济史F119.9 世界经济地理F12 中国经济F120 方针政策及其阐述F120.2 中国社会主义经济基本理论问题 F120.3 经济发展道路、模式F120.4 经济发展战略F121 社会经济结构与体制F121.1 过渡时期经济成分及其改造F121.2 社会主义所有制形式F121.21 全民所有制F121.22 集体所有制F121.24 合营经济F121.25 中外合资经营F121.26 股份制、租赁制 F121.29 其他经济成分F121.3 产业结构F123 国民经济计划及其管理 F123.1 计划管理F123.11 计划工作F123.13 计划调节F123.14 中央与地方关系 F123.15 国家与企业关系 F123.16 宏观经济管理F124.4 专业化与协作F124.5 资源开发与利用F124.6 提高经济效益F124.7 国民收入、国民财富F124.8 经济波动F124.9 其他F125 对外经济关系F125.1 对外经济政策F125.2 组织与活动F125.3 经济条约、协定F125.4 对外经济合作F125.5 对各国经济关系F126 人民生活状况F126.1 人民消费水平、结构F126.2 人民收入与家计调查F127 地方经济F127.8 少数民族经济F127.9 特区经济、经济技术开发区经济 F129 中国经济史F129.9 中国经济地理F13/17 各国经济54 对外经济合作55 与各国经济关系6 人民生活7 地方经济78 少数民族经济9 经济史99 经济地理F2 经济计划与管理F20 国民经济管理F201 经济预测F202 经济决策F203 生产行业管理F203.9 工商行政管理F204 科学技术管理F205 资源、环境和生态管理 F206 能源管理F207 生产布局和区域经济管理 F208 经济信息管理F21 经济计划F210 国民经济计划原理F211 国民经济计划体系54 对外经济合作55 与各国经济关系6 人民生活7 地方经济78 少数民族经济9 经济史99 经济地理F2 经济计划与管理F20 国民经济管理F201 经济预测F202 经济决策F203 生产行业管理F203.9 工商行政管理F204 科学技术管理F205 资源、环境和生态管理F206 能源管理F207 生产布局和区域经济管理F208 经济信息管理F21 经济计划F210 国民经济计划原理F211 国民经济计划体系F213 各种专门计划F213.1 综合生产计划[F213.2] 基本建设计划F213.3 价格成本与流通费用计划 F213.4 国民收入计划F213.5 部门经济计划F213.9 其他F22 经济计算、经济数学方法F221 经济核算F222 经济统计学F222.1 经济统计方法F222.3 专门经济统计F222.31 部门经济统计F222.32 劳动统计F222.33 国民经济计算体系F222.34 人民生活统计F222.39 其他专门经济统计F222.5 国际经济统计F222.7 经济统计组织与工作F223 投入产出分析F224 经济数学方法F224-3 经济研究方法、工作方法F224-39 电子计算机的应用F224.0 数量经济学F224.1 经济控制论、系统论、信息论 F224.11 经济控制论F224.12 经济系统分析F224.13 经济信息理论F224.3 运筹学在经济中的应用F224.31 线性规划F224.32 博弈论F224.33 网络理论、统筹法F224.34 排队论F224.5 费用效益分析(成本-效益分析)F224.7 概率论与数理统计在经济中的应用 F224.9 经济数学方法的应用F23 会计F230 会计学F230.9 会计数学F231 会计簿记方法F231.1 资产负债表F231.2 复式记账和账户F231.3 会计凭证和财产清查[F235.91] 房地产开发企业会计[F235.92] 文化、电影、新闻出版企业会计 [F235.99] 其他F239 审计F239.0 审计学F239.1 审计方法与技术F239.2 审计工作组织与制度F239.21 世界F239.22 中国F239.220 政策F239.222 组织机构F239.227 地方审计业务F239.23/.27 各国F239.4 各类审计F239.41 财政财务审计、财经法纪审计F239.42 经济效益审计F239.43 民间审计F239.44 国家审计 F239.45 内部审计F239.47 经济责任审计F239.6 专业审计F239.61 农业审计F239.62 工业、交通、邮电、旅游审计F239.63 基本建设审计、物资审计、水利审计 F239.64 商业、外贸审计F239.65 财政、金融审计F239.66 行政事业审计F239.67 外资审计F24 劳动经济F240 劳动经济理论F241 劳动力F241.1 劳动力计划F241.21 劳动力需求F241.23 劳动力市场类型F241.3 劳动制度F241.31 劳动体制F241.32 用工制度[F241.33] 培训制度F241.34 退休制度F241.4 劳动就业与失业F242 劳动生产率F243 劳动组织和管理F243.1 劳动组织F243.2 劳动分工与协作F243.3 劳动定额F243.4 劳动竞赛F243.5 劳动纪律、生产责任制 F244 劳动工资、劳动报酬F244.1 工资形式F244.2 工资制度F244.3 奖励制度F245 劳动工时F246 劳动关系[F247] 劳动保护F249 世界各国劳动经济概况F249.1 世界F249.11 发展中国家F249.12 发达国家F249.15 社会主义国家F249.17 资本主义国家F249.19 劳动经济史F249.2 中国F252.24 物资流通专业化F252.3 物资流通费用、资金和利润 F252.4 物资价格F252.5 物资流通经济效益F252.8 各类物资流通F252.81 原材料流通F252.82 设备流通F253 物资企业经营与管理F253.1 计划管理F253.2 采购管理F253.3 质量管理F253.4 库存、储备及调运管理F253.5 定额消耗与节约F253.7 财务管理F253.9 物资经济现代化管理F259 世界各国物资经济F259.1 世界F259.2 中国F259.21 物资计划与管理体制F259.22 物资流通F259.23 物资企业经营与管理F259.27 地方物资经济F252.24 物资流通专业化F252.3 物资流通费用、资金和利润F252.4 物资价格F252.5 物资流通经济效益F252.8 各类物资流通F252.81 原材料流通F252.82 设备流通F253 物资企业经营与管理 F253.1 计划管理 F253.2 采购管理F253.3 质量管理F253.4 库存、储备及调运管理F253.5 定额消耗与节约F253.7 财务管理F253.9 物资经济现代化管理F259 世界各国物资经济F259.1 世界F259.2 中国F259.21 物资计划与管理体制F259.22 物资流通F259.23 物资企业经营与管理F259.27 地方物资经济F259.29 物资经济史F259.3/.7 各国F27 企业经济F270 企业经济理论和方法F270-05 企业经济与其他科学的关系 F270.3 企业经济效益[F270.5] 企业管理的数学方法F270.7 企业现代化管理F271 企业体制F272 企业计划与经营决策F272.1 预测F272.2 计划F272.3 经营决策F272.5 经济评价F272.9 企业行政管理F272.91 企业领导F272.92 人事管理F272.93 民主管理F273 企业生产管理F273.1 企业技术管理F273.2 产品管理F273.4 企业资产管理F273.7 企业(行业)间联系F274 企业供销管理F275 企业财务管理F275.1 企业资金管理F275.2 企业会计核算F275.3 企业成本管理F275.4 利润与收入分配F275.5 经济活动分析F276 各种企业经济F276.1 国有企业经济F276.2 合作经济、合作社F276.3 中小型企业、乡镇企业F276.4 联合企业经济F276.41 部门间经济综合体 F276.42 科研、生产联合企业 F276.43 合资经营企业F276.44 高新技术企业F276.5 私营企业F276.6 公司F276.7 跨国公司F276.8 垄断组织F279 世界各国企业经济[F287.2] 工业建设[F287.3] 交通运输建设[F287.4] 商业、服务业建设[F287.5] 文教事业建设[F287.6] 科研事业建设[F287.7] 公用事业建设[F287.8] 住宅建设F29 城市与市政经济F290 城市经济理论F291 城镇的形成与发展F291.1 城市发展道路、城市化 F291.3 城乡经济联系[F292] 城镇规划与建设F293 城市经济管理F293.1 城市经济结构F293.2 城市土地开发与利用F293.3 房地产经济F293.30 房地产经济理论F293.31 房地产制度F293.33 房地产管理F293.35 房地产市场F294 基础设施、公用事业建设与管理 F294.1 公用事业F294.2 动力设施F294.3 交通运输与邮电设施F294.9 其他市政设施F299 世界各国城市市政经济概况F299.1 世界F299.11 发展中国家F299.12 发达国家F299.15 社会主义国家F299.17 资本主义国家F299.2 中国F299.21 城镇形成与发展[F299.22] 城镇规划与建设F299.23 城市经济管理F299.24 基础设施与公用事业F299.27 地方城市经济F299.29 城市经济史F299.3/.7 各国F3 农业经济F30 农业经济理论F301 土地经济学F301.0 土地政策F303.3 农业现代化建设F303.4 农业资源的开发与利用F304 农业生产F304.1 农业部门结构与综合开发F304.2 农业商品生产与价格F304.3 农产品经营与农产品市场F304.4 农业资金、农业投资F304.5 农肠F306.2 农机站F306.3 农业试验场、农业技术推广站、科学园区 F306.4 农业合作组织F306.5 农工商联合企业F306.6 农业生产服务组织F307 农业部门经济F307.1 种植业F307.11 粮食作物F307.12 经济作物F307.13 园艺作物F307.2 林业F307.3 畜牧业、饲养业F307.4 渔业、水产业F307.5 农家副业、农产品加工工业 F31 世界农业经济F310 农业经济政策F311 土地问题F312 农业经济概况F312.1 发展中国家F312.2 发达国家F312.5 社会主义国家F312.7 资本主义国家F313 农业建设与发展F316 农业部门经济F316.1 种植业F316.11 粮食作物F316.12 经济作物F316.13 园艺作物F316.2 林业F316.20 经济政策F316.21 经济概况F316.23 林业建设与发展F316.25 林业企业组织F316.29 林业经济史F316.299 林业经济地理F316.3 畜牧业、饲养业F316.4 渔业、水产业F316.5 农家副业、农产品加工工业 [F318] 农民生活状况F319 农业经济史F319.9 农业经济地理F32 中国农业经济F320 方针政策及其阐述F320.1 农业现代化道路、模式F320.2 农村经济改革F320.3 农村发展与建设方针F321 农村经济结构与体制F321.1 土地问题F321.2 农业社会主义改造F321.21 互助组F321.22 初级农业生产合作社F321.23 高级农业生产合作社F321.3 农业所有制F321.31 全民所有制F321.32 集体所有制F321.33 个体所有制F321.4 农业合作形式F321.41 生产责任制F321.42 经济联合体 F321.5 农村雇工 F322 农业计划与管理F323 农业经济建设与发展F323.0 农业发展速度与部门间比例F323.1 农业区域规划与生产布局F323.2 农业资源开发与利用F323.21 农业资源类型及评价F323.211 土地、耕地资源F323.212 山地、草原资源F323.213 水资源F323.214 农村能源F323.22 农村生态环境保护F323.24 国土整治F323.3 农业技术改造、农业技术经济F323.4 集约耕种、多种经营、综合开发F323.5 农业商品生产、农业劳动生产率F323.6 农业劳动力与农业人口F323.7 农产品价格与市场F323.8 农业收入与分配F323.89 农村社会保障、福利事业F323.9 农业资金、农业投资F324 农业企业组织与管理F324.1 农场F324.2 农机站F324.3 农业试验站、农业技术推广站、科技中心 F324.5 农工商联合体F324.6 农业生产服务组织F324.9 其他F325 农村生产组织与经营管理F325.1 生产组织F325.11 生产大队、生产队F325.12 联合组织、经济联社F325.14 专业户F325.15 个体农民F325.2 生产管理、经营管理F325.21 生产计划F326.4 渔业、水产业F326.5 农家副业、农产品加工工业 F326.6 农村生产服务业F327 地方农业经济F327.8 少数民族农业经济F327.9 特区农业经济[F328] 农民生活状况F329 中国农业经济史F329.0 各时代史F329.1/.7 各地区史F329.9 中国农业经济地理F33/37 各国农业经济0 政策1 农业经济结构与体制11 土地制度、土地政策、土地利用 19 农业所有制形式3 农业建设与发展31 农业规划、生产布局32 农业技术水平、技术改造33 农业劳动力与农业人口34 农业投资4 农业企业组织与经营管理5 农产品交换6 农业部门经济61 种植业62 林业63 畜牧业、饲养业64 渔业、水产业65 农家副业、农产品加工工业7 地方农业经济[8] 农民生活状况9 农业经济史99 农业经济地理F4 工业经济F40 工业经济理论F401 工业经济结构与体制F401.1 资本主义工业所有制 F401.3 社会主义工业所有制 F402 工业计划与管理体制F402.1 工业计划工作F402.2 工业管理体制F402.3 行业管理与组织F402.4 工业统计F403 工业建设与发展F403.1 工业国有化F403.2 工业部门结构、发展速度与比例关系 F403.3 工业生产布局与资源利用F403.4 工业部门协作与配合、工业专门化 F403.5 工业基本建设投资F403.6 工业技术发展与革新F403.7 工业技术经济分析F403.8 工业经济效益F404 工业劳动与工资、劳动生产率F404.1 劳动力供应与培训F404.2 劳动与工资F404.3 劳动生产率F405 工业品供销与市场F406 工业企业组织与管理F406.1 工业组织领导与行政管理F406.11 经营策略与领导方法F406.12 民主管理F406.13 工业心理学F406.14 现代化管理F406.15 人事管理、劳动管理F406.17 行政管理F406.2 生产管理、生产过程组织F407.44 轻工机械工业F407.45 化工机械工业F407.47 交通运输机械工业F407.471 汽车F407.472 机车、车辆F407.474 船舶F407.48 武器工业F407.5 航空、航天工业F407.6 电气、电子工业F407.61 电力、电机工业F407.63 电子工业F407.67 自动化技术、计算机工业F407.7 化学工业F407.8 轻工业、手工业F407.81 纺织、印染F407.82 食品F407.83 造纸F407.84 印刷F407.85 皮革F407.86 服装工业F407.87 钟表工业F407.88 林产、木材加工工业、家具工业F407.899 手工业F407.9 建筑、水利工程F41 世界工业经济F410 工业政策F414 工业建设与发展F415 国际工业经济关系F415.1 国际分工、联合F415.2 技术引进、技术转让 F416 工业部门经济F416.1 地质、矿业F416.2 能源工业、动力工业 F416.21 煤炭工业F416.22 石油、天然气工业 F416.23 核能工业F416.3 冶金工业F416.31 钢铁工业F416.32 有色金属冶金工业 F416.4 金属加工、机械工业 F416.41 金属加工工业F416.42 重型机械工业F416.44 轻工机械工业F416.47 交通运输机械工业F416.471 汽车F416.472 机车、车辆F416.474 船舶F416.48 武器工业F416.5 航空、航天工业F416.6 电气、电子工业F416.61 电力、电机工业F416.63 电子工业F416.67 自动化技术、计算机工业F416.7 化学工业F416.8 轻工业、手工业F416.81 纺织、印染F416.82 食品F416.83 造纸F416.84 印刷F416.85 皮革 F416.86 服装工业 F416.87 钟表工业F416.88 林产、木材加工工业、家具工业 F416.89 其他轻工业F416.899 手工业F416.9 建筑、水利工程 [F418] 工人生活状况F419 工业经济史F419.9 工业经济地理F42 中国工业经济F420 方针政策及其阐述F421 工业经济结构与体制 F421.1 工业国有化F421.2 工业社会主义改造 F421.3 工业所有制形式 F421.31 全民所有制F421.32 集体所有制F421.33 个体所有制F421.34 联合体F421.35 中外合资经营 F421.36 股份制F421.37 租赁制F421.39 其他F423 工业计划与管理F423.1 工业计划F423.2 工业管理体制1 工业结构与体制3 工业计划与管理4 工业建设和发展5 工业企业组织和经营管理6 工业部门经济61 地质、矿业62 能源工业、动力工业63 冶金工业64 金属加工、机械工业65 航空、航天工业66 电力工业、电机工业、电子工业67 化学工业68 轻工业、手工业69 建筑、水利工程7 地方工业经济[8] 工人生活状况9 工业经济史99 工业经济地理F49 信息产业经济(总论)F5 交通运输经济F50 交通运输经济理论F502 运输业计划和管理体制F503 运输业建设与发展F506 运输企业组织与经营管理F51 世界各国概况F511 世界F511.0 交通运输政策F511.3 运输业建设与发展F511.31 运输业基本建设与布局 F511.33 国际合作与协调运输 F511.4 国际联合运输F511.41 货物运输F511.43 旅客运输F511.5 国际组织和会议F511.6 条约、协定F511.9 交通史F511.99 交通经济地理F512 中国F512.0 方针政策及其阐述F512.1 运输业计划与管理体制 F512.3 交通运输建设和发展F512.4 联合运输F512.41 国内F503 运输业建设与发展F506 运输企业组织与经营管理F51 世界各国概况F511 世界F511.0 交通运输政策F511.3 运输业建设与发展F511.31 运输业基本建设与布局 F511.33 国际合作与协调运输 F511.4 国际联合运输F511.41 货物运输F511.43 旅客运输F511.5 国际组织和会议F511.6 条约、协定F511.9 交通史F511.99 交通经济地理F512 中国F512.0 方针政策及其阐述F512.1 运输业计划与管理体制 F512.3 交通运输建设和发展F512.4 联合运输F512.41 国内F512.43 国际F512.6 运输企业组织与管理 F512.7 地方交通运输概况F512.9 中国交通史F512.99 中国交通地理F513/517 各国0 政策2 运输业计划与管理体制3 运输建设与发展4 联合运输41 国内43 国际6 运输企业组织与管理7 地方交通运输事业9 交通史99 交通地理F53 铁路运输经济F530 铁路运输经济理论F530.1 铁路计划与管理体制 F530.3 铁路建设与发展F530.31 铁路基本建设与投资 F530.32 铁路配置F530.33 铁路技术改造与革新F530.34 铁路统计学[F530.35] 铁路选线经济[F530.36] 铁路施工经济F530.4 铁路工业经济F530.5 铁路运输成本、运价、票价 F530.51 运输成本F530.52 运价、票价F530.55 运输经济效益F530.6 铁路企业组织和管理F530.61 管理机构与组织系统F530.63 技术管理、定额管理F530.64 劳动组织F530.65 生产责任制F530.66 劳动竞赛、增产节约F530.67 固定资产管理F530.68 财务管理F530.69 劳动保护、安全生产F530.7 各种铁路的经营与管理F530.8 运输业务[F530.81] 行车组织F532.7 各线路概况F532.9 中国铁路史F533/537 各国铁路运输经济F54 陆路、公路运输经济F540 陆路、公路运输经济理论F540.3 公路建设与发展F540.31 建设经济调查分析与预测 F540.32 建设规划与布局F540.33 技术发展与革新F540.34 建设筹资与投资F540.35 公路统计学F540.4 公路运输成本、运价、票价 F540.5 公路运输企业组织与管理 F540.51 国营运输企业F540.52 集体和个体运输企业F540.54 合营运输企业F540.55 劳动组织与生产责任制 F540.57 固定资产管理F540.58 财务管理F540.7 其他陆路运输F540.8 公路运输业务F532.7 各线路概况F532.9 中国铁路史F533/537 各国铁路运输经济F54 陆路、公路运输经济F540 陆路、公路运输经济理论F540.3 公路建设与发展F540.31 建设经济调查分析与预测 F540.32 建设规划与布局F540.33 技术发展与革新F540.34 建设筹资与投资F540.35 公路统计学F540.4 公路运输成本、运价、票价 F540.5 公路运输企业组织与管理 F540.51 国营运输企业F540.52 集体和个体运输企业F540.54 合营运输企业F540.55 劳动组织与生产责任制 F540.57 固定资产管理F540.58 财务管理F540.7 其他陆路运输F540.8 公路运输业务F550.8 水路运输业务[F550.82] 客运工作F550.83 水路联运F550.84 国际联运F551 世界水路运输经济F552 中国水路运输经济F552.0 方针政策及其阐述F552.1 管理体制F552.3 建设与发展F552.4 联合运输F552.42 国内F552.43 国际F552.5 运输成本、运价和票价 F552.6 企业组织和经营管理 F552.61 国营运输企业F552.62 集体和个体运输企业 F552.64 合营运输企业F552.65 劳动组织F552.7 地方水路运输经济F552.9 中国水路交通史F553/557 各国水路运输经济F550.8 水路运输业务[F550.82] 客运工作F550.83 水路联运F550.84 国际联运F551 世界水路运输经济F552 中国水路运输经济F552.0 方针政策及其阐述F552.1 管理体制F552.3 建设与发展F552.4 联合运输F552.42 国内F552.43 国际F552.5 运输成本、运价和票价F552.6 企业组织和经营管理F552.61 国营运输企业F552.62 集体和个体运输企业F552.64 合营运输企业F552.65 劳动组织F552.7 地方水路运输经济F552.9 中国水路交通史F553/557 各国水路运输经济F56 航空运输经济 F560 航空运输经济理论F560.3 航线开辟与航运基本建设F560.5 运价与客运票价、运输成本与利润 F560.6 航运企业组织与经营管理F560.7 专业飞行F560.8 运输业务F560.81 机场管理、站务F560.82 机上管理F560.83 客运F560.84 货运F560.85 国际联运、空运国际合作F560.9 服务员F561 世界航空运输F562 中国航空运输F562.0 方针政策及其阐述F562.1 航运管理体制F562.3 航运建设与发展F562.5 运输成本、运价、票价及经济核算 F562.6 航运企业组织与经营管理F562.8 地方航空运输经济F562.9 航空运输与民航事业史F563/567 各国航空运输与民航事业F57 城市交通运输经济F570 城市交通运输经济理论F570.3 城市交通运输建设F570.5 运输成本、运价、票价与经济核算 F570.6 企业组织与管理F570.7 各种车辆运输F570.71 公共汽车、出租汽车F570.72 电车F570.73 地下铁路运输F570.79 其他运输方式F570.8 运输业务F570.81 货运F570.82 客运F571 世界城市交通运输经济F572 中国城市交通运输经济F572.88 地方城市交通运输经济F572.89 城市交通史F573/577 各国城市交通运输经济F59 旅游经济F590 旅游经济理论与方法F601 邮电业计划与管理体制F603 邮电业建设与发展F606.1 组织机构F606.3 邮电业务F606.6 财务管理、会计核算F61 邮政F611 邮政事业计划和管理F614 邮政建设与发展F615 邮政业务收入、成本与利润F616 邮政企业组织与经营管理F616.1 组织机构F616.3 现代化管理F616.5 固定资产管理F616.6 财务管理和经济核算F618 邮政业务F618.1 邮件收受、处理、运送、投递 F618.3 邮政其他业务F618.9 邮费和邮票F619 邮务员、分拣员F62 电信F621 电信事业计划和管理体制F601 邮电业计划与管理体制F603 邮电业建设与发展F606.1 组织机构F606.3 邮电业务F606.6 财务管理、会计核算F61 邮政F611 邮政事业计划和管理F614 邮政建设与发展F615 邮政业务收入、成本与利润F616 邮政企业组织与经营管理F616.1 组织机构F616.3 现代化管理F616.5 固定资产管理F616.6 财务管理和经济核算F618 邮政业务F618.1 邮件收受、处理、运送、投递 F618.3 邮政其他业务F618.9 邮费和邮票F619 邮务员、分拣员F62 电信F621 电信事业计划和管理体制F623 电信建设与发展F626 电信企业组织和经营管理F626.1 电话企业 F626.11 企业组织和管理 F626.111 劳动组织、劳动效率F626.112 技术设备管理、材料管理F626.115 财务管理、经济核算F626.116 事业收入、成本和利润F626.12 电话业务F626.13 话务员F626.2 电报业F626.21 企业组织和管理F626.22 电报业务F626.23 报务员F626.3 无线电通信企业F626.5 通信网络企业F627 国际电信F63 世界各国邮电事业F631 世界F631.0 政策F631.6 国际邮电事业F631.9 邮电事业史F631.99 邮电地理F632 中国F632.0 方针政策及其阐述F632.1 邮电计划和管理体制 F632.3 邮电事业建设和发展 F632.6 对外邮电业务关系 F632.7 地方邮电事业F632.9 邮电事业史F632.99 邮电地理F633/637 各国F7 贸易经济F71 国内贸易经济F710 贸易经济理论与方法F711 贸易经济结构与体制F711.1 资本主义所有制F711.2 商业的社会主义改造 F711.3 社会主义所有制F712 贸易计划与管理体制F712.1 贸易计划F712.2 贸易管理体制F712.3 贸易统计F713.581 城市市场F713.582 农村市场F713.584 技术市场F713.6 经纪人F713.7 商品陈列布置。
JEL 分类系统Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification SystemA -- General Economics and Teaching 经济学总论和经济学教学B -- Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology经济思想流派和经济学方法论C -- Mathematical and Quantitative Methods 数理方法与数量方法D -- Microeconomics 微观经济学E -- Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics 宏观经济学和货币经济学F -- International Economics 国际经济学G -- Financial Economics 金融经济学H -- Public Economics 公共经济学I -- Health, Education, and Welfare 健康、教育和福利J -- Labor and Demographic Economics 劳动经济学和人口经济学K -- Law and Economics 法与经济学L -- Industrial Organization 产业组织M -- Business Administration and Business Economics;Marketing; Accounting 企业管理和企业经济学;市场营销;会计学N -- Economic History 经济史O -- Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth经济发展,技术变迁与经济增长P -- Economic Systems 经济体系Q -- Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics 农业经济学和自然资源经济学;环境与生态经济学R -- Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics 城市经济学、农村经济学和区域经济学Y -- Miscellaneous Categories 综合类Z -- Other Special Topics 其他专题A -- General Economics and Teaching 经济学总论和经济学教学A1 - General Economics 经济学总论A2 - Economics Education and Teaching of Economics 经济学教育与经济学教学A3 -Multisubject Collective Works 多主题论文集B -- Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology经济思想流派和经济学方法论B0 - General 总论B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925 经济思想史(至1925年)B2 - History of Economic Thought since 1925 1925年以来的经济思想史B3 - History of Thought: Individuals 思想史:经济学家个人B4 - Economic Methodology 经济学方法B5 - Current Heterodox Approaches 当代非主流经济学思想C -- Mathematical and Quantitative Methods 数理方法与数量方法C0 - General 总论C1 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General 计量经济学方法与统计学方法:总论C2 – Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models; Single Variables计量经济学方法:单方程模型;单变量C3 -Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models 多变量或联立方程模型C4 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special Topics计量经济学方法与统计学方法:特定领域C5 - Econometric Modeling 计量经济学模型建构C6 –Mathematical Methods and Programming 数理经济学方法与数学规划C7 - Game Theory and Bargaining Theory 博弈论与讨价还价理论C8 - Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs数据搜集和数据估计方法;计算机程序C9 - Design of Experiments 实验设计D -- Microeconomics 微观经济学D0 - General 总论D1 -Household Behavior and Family Economics 家庭行为和家庭经济学D2 - Production and Organizations 生产与组织D3 – Distribution 分配D4 -Market Structure and Pricing 市场结构和定价D5 - General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium 一般均衡与非均衡D6 - Welfare Economics 福利经济学D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making 集体决策分析D8 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty 信息,知识和不确定性D9 - Intertemporal Choice and Growth 跨期选择与增长E -- Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics 宏观经济学和货币经济学E0 - General 总论E1 - General Aggregative Models 一般总量模型E2 - Macroeconomics: Consumption, Saving, Production, Employment, and Investment宏观经济学:消费,储蓄,生产,就业与投资E3 - Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles 价格,商业波动和周期E4 - Money and Interest Rates 货币与利率E5 -Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit货币政策,中央银行,货币供给与信贷E6 - Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook 宏观经济政策,公共金融的宏观经济层面,总体展望F -- International Economics 国际经济学F0 - General 总论F1 - Trade 贸易F2 - International Factor Movements and International Business 国际要素流动和国际商务F3 - International Finance 国际金融F4 -Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance国际贸易与国际金融的宏观层面F5 - International Relations and International Political Economy国际关系与国际政治经济学G -- Financial Economics 金融经济学G0 - General 总论G1 - General Financial Markets 金融市场总论G2 - Financial Institutions and Services 金融机构和服务G3 - Corporate Finance and Governance 公司财务和公司治理H -- Public Economics 公共经济学H0 - General 总论H1 - Structure and Scope of Government 政府结构和范围H2 - Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue 税务,补贴和税收H3 - Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents 财政政策与经济主体行为H4 - Publicly Provided Goods 公共供给的产品H5 - National Government Expenditures and Related Policies 政府支出及其相关政策H6 - National Budget, Deficit, and Debt 国家预算,赤字和债务H7 - State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations州和地方政府;政府间的关系H8 -Miscellaneous Issues 其它各种观点I -- Health, Education, and Welfare 健康、教育和福利I0 - General 总论I1 - Health 健康I2 - Education 教育I3 - Welfare and Poverty 福利和贫困J -- Labor and Demographic Economics 劳动经济学和人口经济学J0 - General 总论J1 - Demographic Economics 人口经济学J2 - Demand and Supply of Labor 劳动力的需求和供给J3 -Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs 工资,薪酬和劳动成本J4 - Particular Labor Markets 特定劳动市场J5 - Labor–Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective Bargaining劳资关系,贸易同盟以及集体谈判J6 - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies 流动,失业以及职位空缺J7 - Labor Discrimination 劳动歧视J8 - Labor Standards: National and International 劳动标准:国内与国际K -- Law and Economics 法与经济学K0 -General 总论K1 - Basic Areas of Law 法的基本领域K2 - Regulation and Business Law 管制和企业法K3 - Other Substantive Areas of Law 法的其他重要领域K4 - Legal Procedure, the Legal System, and Illegal Behavior法律程序、法律体系和违法行为L -- Industrial Organization 产业组织L0 - General 总论L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance市场结构;企业战略和市场绩效L2 – Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior 企业目标、组织和行为L3 - Nonprofit Organizations and Public Enterprise 非盈利性组织和公用企业L4 - Antitrust Issues and Policies 反垄断问题和政策L5 - Regulation and Industrial Policy 管制与产业政策L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing 行业研究:制造业L7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction 行业研究:初级产品和建筑业L8 - Industry Studies: Services 行业研究:服务业L9 - Industry Studies: Transportation and Utilities 行业研究:运输和公用事业M -- Business Administration and Business Economics;Marketing; Accounting 企业管理和企业经济学;市场营销;会计学M0 - General 总论M1 - Business Administration 企业管理M2 - Business Economics 企业经济学M3 - Marketing and Advertising 市场营销与广告M4 - Accounting and Auditing 会计和审计M5 - Personnel Economics 人力资源管理学N -- Economic History 经济史N0 - General 总论N1 - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; Growth and Fluctuations宏观经济学和货币经济学;经济增长和波动N2 – Financial Markets and Institutions 金融市场和金融机构N3 - Labor and Consumers, Demography, Education, Health, Income, and Wealth劳动者和消费者,人口、教育、卫生、收入和财富N4 - Government,War, Law, and Regulation 政府;战争;法律;管制N5 - Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment, and Extractive Industries农业,自然资源,环境,采掘业N6 - Manufacturing and Construction 制造业;建筑业N7 - Transport, International and Domestic Trade, Energy, Technology, and Other Services 交通,国际和国内贸易;能源、技术及其他服务N8 - Micro-Business History 小企业史N9 - Regional and Urban History 区域与城市历史O -- Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth经济发展,技术变迁与经济增长O1 - Economic Development 经济发展O2 - Development Planning and Policy 发展计划与政策O3 - Technological Change; Research and DevelopmentO4 - Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity 经济增长和总生产率O5 – Economywide Country Studies 经济视角的国别研究P -- Economic Systems 经济体系P0 - General 总论P1 - Capitalist Systems 资本主义经济体系P2 - Socialist Systems and Transitional Economies 社会主义体系和转型经济P3 - Socialist Institutions and Their Transitions 社会主义制度及其转型P4 - Other Economic Systems 其他经济体系P5 - Comparative Economic Systems 比较经济体制Q -- Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics 农业经济学和自然资源经济学;环境与生态经济学Q0 - General 总论Q1 - Agriculture 农业Q2 - Renewable Resources and Conservation 可再生资源与资源保护Q3 - Nonrenewable Resources and Conservation 不可再生资源与资源保护Q4 - Energy 能源Q5 - Environmental Economics 环境经济学R -- Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics城市经济学、农村经济学和区域经济学R0 - General 总论R1 - General Regional Economics 区域经济学通论R2 - Household Analysis 家户分析R3 - Production Analysis and Firm Location 生产分析与厂商选址R4 - Transportation Systems 交通运输体系R5 - Regional Government Analysis 地方政府分析Y -- Miscellaneous Categories 综合类Y1 - Data: Tables and Charts 数据:表格和图Y2 - Introductions and Prefaces 引论和前言Y3 - Book Reviews (unclassified) 书评(不分类)Y4 - Dissertations 论文(不分类)Y5 - Further Reading (unclassified) 进一步的阅读材料(不分类)Y6 - Excerpts 摘录Y8 - Related Disciplines 相关学科Y9 - Other 其他Z - Other Special Topics 其他专题Z0 - General 总论Z1 - Cultural Economics; Economic Sociology; Economic Anthropology文化经济学;经济社会学;经济人类学A - General Economics and Teaching 经济学总论和经济学教学A1 - General Economics 经济学总论A10 - General 总论A11 - Role of Economics; Role of Economists;Market for Economists经济学的作用;经济学家的作用;经济学家市场A12 - Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines 经济学与其它学科的关系A13 - Relation of Economics to Social Values 经济学与社会价值的关系A14 - Sociology of Economics 经济学的社会学A19 - Other 其它A2 - Economics Education and Teaching of Economics 经济学教育与经济学教学A20 - General 总论A21 - Pre-college 大学前教育A22 - Undergraduate 大学教育A23 - Graduate 研究生教育A29 - Other 其它A3 -Multisubject Collective Works 多主题论文集A30 - General 总论A31 - Multisubject Collected Writings of Individuals 多主题的个人论文集A32 - Multisubject Volumes 多主题丛书A39 - Other 其它返回主菜单B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches经济思想史、经济学方法论与非正统流派B0 - General 总论B00 - General 总论B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925 经济思想史(至1925年)B10 - General 总论B11 - Preclassical 前古典B12 - Classical 古典B13 - Neoclassical through 1925 新古典(至1925 年)B14 - Socialist; Marxist 社会主义;马克思主义B15 - Historical; Institutional 历史学派;制度学派B16 - History of Economic Thought: Quantitative and Mathematical经济思想史:数量和数理经济学B19 - Other 其它B2 - History of Economic Thought since 1925 1925年以来的经济思想史B20 - General 总论B21 - Microeconomics 微观经济学B22 - Macroeconomics 宏观经济学B23 - History of Economic Thought: Econometrics; Quantitative and Mathematical Studies 经济思想史:经济计量学;数量与数理方法研究B24 - Socialist; Marxist; Sraffian 社会主义;马克思主义;斯拉法主义B25 - Historical; Institutional; Evolutionary; Austrian历史学派;制度学派;演化学派;奥地利学派B29 - Other 其它B3 - History of Thought: Individuals 思想史:经济学家个人B30 - General 总论B31 – Individuals 经济学家个人B32 - Obituaries 已故经济学家B4 - Economic Methodology 经济学方法B40 - General 总论B41 – Economic Methodology 经济学方法B49 - Other 其它B5 - Current Heterodox Approaches 当代非主流经济学思想B50 - General 总论B51 - Socialist; Marxian; Sraffian 社会主义;马克思主义;斯拉法主义B52 - Institutional; Evolutionary 制度学派;演化学派B53 - Austrian 奥地利学派B54 - Feminist Economics 女性主义经济学B59 - Other 其它返回主菜单C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods 数理方法和数量方法C0 - General 总论C00 - General 总论C01 – Econometrics 计量经济学C02 - Mathematical Methods 数理方法C1 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General 计量经济学方法与统计学方法:总论C10 - General 总论C11 - Bayesian Analysis 贝叶斯分析C12 - Hypothesis Testing 检验假设C13 - Estimation 估计C14 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods 半参数和非参数方法C15 - Simulation Methods 模拟方法C16 - Specific Distributions 特定分布C19 - Other 其它C2 – Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models; Single Variables计量经济学方法:单方程模型;单变量C20 - General 总论C21 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect Models; Quantile Regressions横截面模型;空间分析模型;组间比较效应模型;分位数回归C22 - Time-Series Models; Dynamic Quantile Regressions时间序列模型;动态分位数回归C23 - Models with Panel Data 面板数据模型C24 - Truncated and Censored Models 截尾与截取数据模型C25 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models; Discrete Regressors离散回归和定性选择模型;离散回归量C29 - Other 其它C3 -Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models 多变量或联立方程模型C30 - General 总论C31 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect Models; Quantile Regressions横截面模型;空间分析模型;组间比较效应模型;分位数回归C32 - Time-Series Models; Dynamic Quantile Regressions时间序列模型;动态分位数回归C33 - Models with Panel Data 面板数据模型C34 - Truncated and Censored Models 截尾与截取数据模型C35 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models; Discrete Regressors 离散回归和定性选择模型;离散回归量C39 - Other 其它C4 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special Topics计量经济学方法与统计学方法:特定领域C40 - General 总论C41 - Duration Analysis 持续期限分析C42 - Survey Methods 调查方法C43 - Index Numbers and Aggregation 指数与加总C44 - Statistical Decision Theory; Operations Research 统计决策理论;运筹研究C45 - Neural Networks and Related Topics 神经网络及其相关论题C46 - Specific Distributions; Specific Statistics 特定分布;特定统计C49 - Other 其它C5 - Econometric Modeling 计量经济学模型建构C50 - General 总论C51 - Model Construction and Estimation 模型建构与估计C52 - Model Evaluation and Selection 模型评估与选择C53 - Forecasting and Other Model Applications 预测与模型的其它应用C59 - Other 其它C6 –Mathematical Methods and Programming 数理经济学方法与数学规划C60 - General 总论C61 - Optimization Techniques; Programming Models; Dynamic Analysis最优化技术,数学规划模型,动态分析C62 - Existence and Stability Conditions of Equilibrium 均衡的存在和稳定条件C63 - Computational Techniques; Simulation Modeling 计算技术;仿真建模C65 - Miscellaneous Mathematical Tools 混合数理工具C67 - Input–Output Models 投入-产出模型C68 – Computable General Equilibrium Models 可计算一般均衡模型(CGE 模型)C69 - Other 其它C7 - Game Theory and Bargaining Theory 博弈论与讨价还价理论C70 - General 总论C71 - Cooperative Games 合作博弈C72 - Noncooperative Games 非合作博弈C73 - Stochastic and Dynamic Games; Evolutionary Games; Repeated Games 随机与动态博弈;进化博弈;重复博弈C78 - Bargaining Theory;Matching Theory 讨价还价理论;匹配理论C79 - Other 其它C8 - Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs数据搜集和数据估计方法;计算机程序C80 - General 总论C81 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data 微观数据的搜集、估计和组织方法C82 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data 宏观数据的搜集、估计和组织方法C83 - Survey Methods; Sampling Methods 调查方法;抽样方法C87 - Econometric Software 计量经济学软件C88 - Other Computer Software 其它计算机软件C89 - Other 其它C9 - Design of Experiments 实验设计C90 - General 总论C91 - Laboratory, Individual Behavior 个体行为实验C92 - Laboratory, Group Behavior 群体行为实验C93 - Field Experiments 现场试验C99 - Other 其它返回主菜单D - Microeconomics 微观经济学D0 - General 总论D00 - General 总论D01 - Microeconomic Behavior: Underlying Principles 微观经济行为:基本原理D02 - Institutions: Design, Formation, and Operations 制度:设计,形成与运作D03 - Behavioral Economics; Underlying Principles 行为经济学:基本原理D1 -Household Behavior and Family Economics 家庭行为和家庭经济学D10 - General 总论D11 - Consumer Economics: Theory 消费经济学:理论D12 - Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis 消费经济学:实证分析D13 - Household Production and Intrahousehold Allocation家庭生产和家庭内部配置D14 - Personal Finance 个人理财D18 - Consumer Protection 消费者保护D19 - Other 其它D2 - Production and Organizations 生产与组织D20 - General 总论D21 – Firm Behavior 厂商行为D23 - Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights组织行为;交易成本;产权D24 - Production; Cost; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity生产;成本;资本和全要素生产率;生产能力D29 - Other 其它D3 – Distribution 分配D30 - General 总论D31 - Personal Income, Wealth, and Their Distributions 个人收入、财富及其分配D33 - Factor Income Distribution 要素收入分配D39 - Other 其它D4 -Market Structure and Pricing 市场结构和定价D40 - General 总论D41 - Perfect Competition 完全竞争D42 - Monopoly 垄断D43 - Oligopoly and Other Forms of Market Imperfection寡头及其它形式的市场不完善D44 - Auctions 拍卖D45 - Rationing; Licensing 配给;许可D46 - Value Theory 价值理论D49 - Other 其它D5 - General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium 一般均衡与非均衡D50 - General 总论D51 - Exchange and Production Economies 交换与生产经济D52 – Incomplete Markets 不完全市场D53 - Financial Markets 金融市场D57 - Input–Output Tables and Analysis 投入-产出表以及分析D58 - Computable and Other Applied General Equilibrium Models可计算一般均衡模型,以及其它应用性的一般均衡模型D59 - Other 其它D6 - Welfare Economics 福利经济学D60 - General 总论D61 - Allocative Efficiency; Cost–Benefit Analysis 配置效率;成本-收益分析D62 - Externalities 外部性D63 - Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement公平、公正、不平等以及其它规范性标准及其测度D64 - Altruism 利他主义D69 - Other 其它D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making 集体决策分析D70 - General 总论D71 - Social Choice; Clubs; Committees; Associations社会选择,俱乐部,委员会,协会D72 - Economic Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting Behavior 政治活动的经济模型:寻租,选举,立法以及投票行为D73 - Bureaucracy; Administrative Processes in Public Organizations; Corruption官僚主义;公共组织的行政管理;腐败D74 - Conflict; Conflict Resolution; Alliances 冲突;冲突消解;联盟D78 - Positive Analysis of Policy-Making and Implementation政策制定与执行的规范分析D79 - Other 其它D8 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty 信息,知识和不确定性D80 - General 总论D81 - Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty风险与不确定下的决策D82 - Asymmetric and Private Information 非对称信息和私人信息D83 - Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge; Communication; Belief搜寻;学习;信息与知识;交流;信念D84 - Expectations; Speculations 预期;推测D85 - Network Formation and Analysis: Theory 网络的形成和分析:理论D86 - Economics of Contract: Theory 契约经济学:理论D87 – Neuroeconomics 神经经济学D89 - Other 其它D9 - Intertemporal Choice and Growth 跨期选择与增长D90 - General 总论D91 - Intertemporal Consumer Choice; Life Cycle Models and Saving跨期消费选择;生命周期模型和储蓄D92 - Intertemporal FirmChoice and Growth, Investment, or Financing厂商跨期选择、增长、投资或融资D99 - Other 其它返回主菜单E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics宏观经济学和货币经济学E0 - General 总论E01 - Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and Wealth国民收入、生产帐户及财富的测算与数据E02 - Institutions and the Macroeconomy 制度与宏观经济E1 - General Aggregative Models 一般总量模型E10 - General 总论E11 - Marxian; Sraffian; Institutional; Evolutionary马克思主义;斯拉法主义;制度学派;演化学派E12 - Keynes; Keynesian; Post-Keynesian 凯恩斯;凯恩斯主义;后凯恩斯主义E13 - Neoclassical 新古典E17 - Forecasting and Simulation 预测和模拟E19 - Other 其它E2 - Macroeconomics: Consumption, Saving, Production, Employment, and Investment 宏观经济学:消费,储蓄,生产,就业与投资E20 - General 总论E21 -Consumption; Saving; Wealth 消费;储蓄;财富E22 - Capital; Investment; Capacity 资本;投资;生产能力E23 - Production 生产E24 - Employment; Unemployment; Wages; Intergenerational Income Distribution;Aggregate Human Capital 就业;失业;工资;代际收入分配;总人力资本E25 - Aggregate Factor Income Distribution 总要素收入分配E26 - Informal Economy; Underground Economy 非正式经济;地下经济E27 - Forecasting and Simulation 预测和模拟E29 - Other 其它E3 - Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles 价格,商业波动和周期E30 - General 总论E31 - Price Level; Inflation; Deflation 价格水平;通货膨胀;通货紧缩E32 - Business Fluctuations; Cycles 商业波动;周期E37 - Forecasting and Simulation 预测和模拟E39 - Other 其它E4 - Money and Interest Rates 货币与利率E41 - Demand for Money 货币需求E42 - Monetary Systems; Standards; Regimes; Government and the Monetary System;Payment Systems 货币体系;标准;体制;政府与货币体系;支付体系E43 - Determination of Interest Rates; Term Structure of Interest Rates利率的决定;利率的期限结构E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy 金融市场与宏观经济E47 - Forecasting and Simulation 预测和模拟E49 - Other 其它E5 -Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit货币政策,中央银行,货币供给与信贷E50 - General 总论E51 - Money Supply; Credit; Money Multipliers 货币供给;信贷;货币乘数E52 - Monetary Policy 货币政策E58 - Central Banks and Their Policies 中央银行及其政策E59 - Other 其它E6 - Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook 宏观经济政策,公共金融的宏观经济层面,总体展望E60 - General 总论E61 - Policy Objectives; Policy Designs and Consistency; Policy Coordination政策目标;政策设计和一致性;政策协调E62 - Fiscal Policy 财政政策E63 - Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Stabilization财政和货币政策的比较分析或联合分析;稳定性E64 - Incomes Policy; Price Policy 收入政策;价格政策E65 - Studies of Particular Policy Episodes 特定政策事件研究E66 - General Outlook and Conditions 总体态势及其展望E69 - Other 其它返回主菜单F - International Economics 国际经济学F0 - General 总论F00 - General 总论F01 - Global Outlook 全球展望F02 - International Economic Order 国际经济秩序F1 - Trade 贸易F10 - General 总论F11 - Neoclassical Models of Trade 新古典贸易模型F12 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies不完全竞争和规模经济的贸易模型F13 - Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations 贸易政策;国际贸易组织F14 - Country and Industry Studies of Trade 贸易国及贸易行业研究F15 - Economic Integration 经济一体化F16 - Trade and Labor Market Interactions 贸易与劳动力市场的相互影响F17 - Trade Forecasting and Simulation 贸易预测和模拟F18 - Trade and Environment 贸易与环境F19 - Other 其他F2 - International Factor Movements and International Business 国际要素流动和国际商务F20 - General 总论F21 - International Investment; Long-Term Capital Movements国际投资;长期资本流动F22 - International Migration 国际移民F23 - Multinational Firms; International Business 跨国公司;国际商务F24 – Remittances 汇款F29 - Other 其它F3 - International Finance 国际金融F30 - General 总论F31 - Foreign Exchange 外汇F32 - Current Account Adjustment; Short-Term Capital Movements经常帐户调整;短期资本流动F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions 国际货币协议及制度F34 - International Lending and Debt Problems 国际借贷问题F35 - Foreign Aid 国外援助F36 - Financial Aspects of Economic Integration 经济一体化的金融层面F37 - International Finance Forecasting and Simulation 国际金融的预测和模拟F39 - Other 其它F4 -Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance国际贸易与国际金融的宏观层面F40 - General 总论F41 - Open Economy Macroeconomics 开放经济的宏观经济学F42 - International Policy Coordination and Transmission 国际政策协调和传导F43 - Economic Growth of Open Economies 开放经济的经济增长F47 - Forecasting and Simulation 预测和模拟F49 - Other 其它F5 - International Relations and International Political Economy国际关系与国际政治经济学F50 - General 总论F51 - International Conflicts; Negotiations; Sanctions 国际冲突;谈判;制裁F52 - National Security; Economic Nationalism 国家安全;经济民族主义F53 - International Agreements and Observance; International Organizations国际协议和惯例;国际组织F54 - Colonialism; Imperialism; Postcolonialism 殖民主义;帝国主义;后殖民主义F59 - International Relations and International Political Economy: Other国际关系与国际政治经济学:其它返回主菜单G - Financial Economics 金融经济学G0 - General 总论G00 - General 总论G01 - Financial Crises 金融危机G1 - General Financial Markets 金融市场总论G10 - General 总论G11 - Portfolio Choice; Investment Decisions 证券组合选择;投资决策G12 - Asset Pricing; Trading Volume; Bond Interest Rates资产定价;交易额;债券利率G13 - Contingent Pricing; Futures Pricing 随机定价;期货定价G14 - Information and Market Efficiency; Event Studies信息与市场有效性;金融事件研究G15 - International Financial Markets 国际金融市场G17 - Financial Forecasting 金融预测G18 - Government Policy and Regulation 政府政策与管制G19 - Other 其它G2 - Financial Institutions and Services 金融机构和服务G20 - General 总论G21 - Banks; Other Depository Institutions; Micro Finance Institutions; Mortgages 银行;其它存款机构;小额金融机构;抵押机构G22 - Insurance; Insurance Companies 保险业;保险公司G23 - Pension Funds; Other Private Financial Institutions退休(养老)基金;其它私人金融机构G24 - Investment Banking; Venture Capital; Brokerage; Ratings and Ratings Agencies 投资银行业务;风险投资;经纪业;评级与评级机构G28 - Government Policy and Regulation 政府政策与管制G29 - Other 其它G3 - Corporate Finance and Governance 公司财务和公司治理G30 - General 总论G31 - Capital Budgeting; Fixed Investment and Inventory Studies资本预算;固定投资和存货研究G32 -Financing Policy; Financial Risk and Risk Management; Capital and Ownership Structure 融资政策;财务风险和风险管理;资本和所有权结构G33 - Bankruptcy; Liquidation 破产;清算G34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance合并;收购;重组;公司治理G35 - Payout Policy 配息政策G38 - Government Policy and Regulation 政府政策与管制G39 - Other 其它返回主菜单H - Public Economics 公共经济学H0 - General 总论H00 - General 总论H1 - Structure and Scope of Government 政府结构和范围H10 - General 总论H11 - Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government 政府的结构、范围和业绩H19 - Other 其它H2 - Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue 税务,补贴和税收H20 - General 总论H21 - Efficiency; Optimal Taxation 效率;最优税收H22 - Incidence 税收归宿H23 - Externalities; Redistributive Effects; Environmental Taxes and Subsidies外部性;再分配效应;环境税与补贴H24 - Personal Income and Other Nonbusiness Taxes and Subsidies个人收入和其它非营业税与补贴H25 - Business Taxes and Subsidies 营业税与补贴H26 - Tax Evasion 逃税H27 - Other Sources of Revenue 其它税收来源H29 - Other 其它H3 - Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents 财政政策与经济主体行为H30 - General 总论H31 - Household 家庭H32 - Firm 个人H39 - Other 其它H4 - Publicly Provided Goods 公共供给的产品H40 - General 总论H41 - Public Goods 公共产品H42 - Publicly Provided Private Goods 公共供给的私人产品H43 - Project Evaluation; Social Discount Rate 项目评估;社会贴现率H44 - Publicly Provided Goods: Mixed Markets 公共供给的产品:混合市场H49 - Other 其它H5 - National Government Expenditures and Related Policies 政府支出及其相关政策H50 - General 总论H51 - Government Expenditures and Health 政府支出和卫生健康H52 - Government Expenditures and Education 政府支出和教育H53 - Government Expenditures and Welfare Programs 政府支出和福利项目H54 - Infrastructures; Other Public Investment and Capital Stock基础实施;其它公共投资和资本存量H55 - Social Security and Public Pensions 社会保障和公共养老金H56 - National Security and War 国家安全与战争H57 - Procurement 政府采购H59 - Other 其它H6 - National Budget, Deficit, and Debt 国家预算,赤字和债务H60 - General 总论H61 - Budget; Budget Systems 预算;预算体系H62 - Deficit; Surplus 赤字;盈余H63 - Debt; Debt Management 债务;债务管理H68 - Forecasts of Budgets, Deficits, and Debt 预算、赤字和债务的预测H69 - Other 其它H7 - State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations州和地方政府;政府间的关系H70 - General 总论H71 - State and Local Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue州和地方税务,补贴与税收H72 - State and Local Budget and Expenditures 州和地方预算与支出H73 - Interjurisdictional Differentials and Their Effects (行政)区域差别及其效应H74 - State and Local Borrowing 州和地方政府的借款H75 - State and Local Government: Health, Education, and Welfare州和地方政府:健康,教育和福利H76 - State and Local Government: Other Expenditure Categories州和地方政府:其它支出H77 - Intergovernmental Relations; Federalism; Secession政府间的关系;联邦主义;退出(联邦)H79 - Other 其它H8 -Miscellaneous Issues 其它各种观点H80 - General 总论H81 - Governmental Loans, Loan Guarantees, and Credits政府借款,借款担保和信贷H82 - Governmental Property 政府财产H83 - Public Administration; Public Sector Accounting and Audits公共管理;公共部门会计与审计H87 - International Fiscal Issues; International Public Goods国际财政观点;国际公共产品H89 - Other 其它返回主菜单I - Health, Education, and Welfare 健康,教育与福利I0 - General 总论I00 - General 总论I1 - Health 健康I10 - General 总论I11 - Analysis of Health Care Markets 医疗保健市场分析I12 - Health Production 保健产品I18 - Government Policy; Regulation; Public Health 政府政策;管制;公共卫生I19 - Other 其它I2 - Education 教育I20 - GeneralI20 - General 总论I21 - Analysis of Education 教育分析I22 - Educational Finance 教育财政I23 - Higher Education Research Institutions 高等教育研究机构I28 - Government Policy 政府政策I29 - Other 其它I3 - Welfare and Poverty 福利和贫困I30 - General 总论I31 – General Welfare 福利总论I32 - Measurement and Analysis of Poverty 贫困的测量与分析I38 - Government Policy; Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs政府政策;福利项目的提供与效应I39 - Other 其它返回主菜单J - Labor and Demographic Economics 劳动经济学与人口经济学J0 - General 总论J00 - General 总论J01 - Labor Economics: General 劳动经济学:总论J08 - Labor Economics Policies 劳动经济学政策J1 - Demographic Economics 人口经济学J10 - General 总论J11 - Demographic Trends and Forecasts 人口的趋势和预测J12 - Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family Structure 婚姻;婚姻解组;家庭结构J13 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth生育;计划生育;儿童照料;儿童;青年J14 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped老年人经济学;残疾人经济学J15 - Economics of Minorities and Races; Non-labor Discrimination少数民族和种族经济学;非劳动歧视J16 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor Discrimination 性别经济学;非劳动歧视J17 - Value of Life; Foregone Income 生命价值;放弃的收入J18 - Public Policy 公共政策J19 - Other 其它。
american economic reviews的文章格式 -回复
![american economic reviews的文章格式 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/96e181ac988fcc22bcd126fff705cc1754275f58.png)
american economic reviews的文章格式-回复美国经济评论(American Economic Review,简称AER)是世界上最具影响力和最顶尖的经济学术期刊之一。
1. 标题页(Title Page):每篇AER文章都需要包含一个标题页。
此外,标题页还可以包括文章的JEL分类号(Journal of Economic Literature,即经济学文献分类号码)。
2. 引言部分(Introduction):在AER文章的引言部分,作者通常会介绍研究的背景和动机,并提出研究问题和目的。
3. 文献综述(Literature Review):在文章的研究方法或分析部分之前,作者通常会进行文献综述。
4. 研究方法或分析(Methods or Analysis):在AER文章的这一部分,作者会详细描述自己研究的方法或者分析框架。
5. 实证结果(Empirical Results):对于实证研究,AER文章通常包含对研究结果的详细描述和分析。
6. 讨论和结论(Discussion and Conclusion):在讨论和结论部分,作者会回顾自己的研究目的和发现,并进行进一步的讨论。
市场研究网络(MKT) 是由 Al Silk, Lincoin Filene哈佛商学院工商管 理荣誉退休教授执导。 音乐与作曲研究网络, 由Andre de Quadros执 导,波士顿大学音乐学 谈判研究网络( NEG) 院音乐教育教授。 是由Max H. Bazerman 执导的,哈佛商学院企 业管理教授。 政治科学网络(PSN)是由 David A. Lake 和 Mathew D. McCubbins执导。Lake是加利福 尼亚大学教授,McCubbins是杜 克大学的政治学和法学教授。
经济类期刊的检索1. 引言经济类期刊是经济学研究中重要的信息来源之一,对于经济学研究人员和学生具有重要的参考价值。
2. 经济类期刊数据库2.1 JSTORJSTOR(全称为Journal Storage)是一个数字化期刊存储平台,提供了大量的经济学期刊文章。
2.2 EconLitEconLit是经济学领域的专业数据库,由美国经济学会(American Economic Association)维护。
2.3 SSRNSSRN(Social Science Research Network)是一个社会科学研究的在线预印本和会议论文库。
3. 如何进行高效的检索3.1 精确关键词选择在进行检索之前,首先要明确我们所需的信息和关键词。
1. 宏观经济学(JEL代码:E)
2. 微观经济学(JEL代码:D)
3. 金融学(JEL代码:G)
4. 国际经济学(JEL代码:F)
5. 发展经济学(JEL代码:O)
6. 经济史(JEL代码:N)
7. 实证经济学(JEL代码:C)
《国际贸易》JEL Classification
![《国际贸易》JEL Classification](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/68f803106bec0975f565e245.png)
A00 General Economics and TeachingA10 General Economics: GeneralA11 Role of Economics; Role of Economists; Market for EconomistsA12 Relation of Economics to Other DisciplinesA13 Relation of Economics to Social ValuesA14 Sociology of EconomicsA19 General Economics: OtherA20 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: GeneralA21 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: Pre-collegeA22 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: UndergraduateA23 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: GraduateA29 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: OtherA30 Collective Works: GeneralA31 Collected Writings of IndividualsA32 Collective VolumesA33 HandbooksA39 Collective Works: OtherB00 History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox ApproachesB10 History of Economic Thought through 1925: GeneralB11 History of Economic Thought: Preclassical (Ancient, Medieval, Mercantilist, Physiocratic)B12 History of Economic Thought: Classical (includes Adam Smith)B13 History of Economic Thought: Neoclassical through 1925 (Austrian, Marshallian, Walrasian, Wicksellian)B14 History of Economic Thought through 1925: Socialist; MarxistB15 History of Economic Thought through 1925: Historical; Institutional; EvolutionaryB16 History of Economic Thought through 1925: Quantitative and Mathematical A00一般经济学与教学A10综合经济学:一般A11经济学的作用;经济学家的角色;经济学家市场A12经济学与其他学科的关系A13经济学与社会价值观的关系A14经济学社会学A19一般经济学:其他A20经济教育与经济学教学:综述A21经济教育与经济学教学:大学预科A22经济教育与经济学教学:本科生A23经济教育与经济学教学:研究生A29经济教育与经济学教学:其他A30集体作品:一般A31收集的个人着作A32集体卷A33手册A39集体作品:其他B00经济思想,方法论和异端方法的历史B10到1925年的经济思想史:将军B11经济思想史:古典(古代,中世纪,重商主义,物理主义)B12经济思想史:古典(包括亚当·斯密)B13经济思想史:1925年新古典主义(奥地利,马歇尔,瓦尔拉斯,威克塞利安)B14 1925年经济思想史:社会主义;马克思主义B15到1925年的经济思想史:历史;机构;发展的B16到1925年的经济思想史:数量和数学B17到1925年的经济思想史:国际贸易和金融B19到1925年的经济思想史:其他B20自1925年以来的经济思想史:将军B21经济思想史:微观经济学B22经济思想史:宏观经济学B23经济思想史:数量和数学B17 History of Economic Thought through 1925: International Trade and FinanceB19 History of Economic Thought through 1925: OtherB20 History of Economic Thought since 1925: GeneralB21 History of Economic Thought: MicroeconomicsB22 History of Economic Thought: MacroeconomicsB23 History of Economic Thought: Quantitative and MathematicalB24 History of Economic Thought since 1925: Socialist; Marxist; SraffianB25 History of Economic Thought since 1925: Historical; Institutional; Evolutionary; Austrian; Stockholm SchoolB26 History of Economic Thought since 1925: Financial EconomicsB27 History of Economic Thought since 1925: International Trade and FinanceB29 History of Economic Thought since 1925: OtherB30 History of Economic Thought: Individuals: GeneralB31 History of Economic Thought: Individuals B32 ObituariesB40 Economic Methodology: GeneralB41 Economic MethodologyB49 Economic Methodology: OtherB50 Current Heterodox Approaches: General B51 Current Heterodox Approaches: Socialist; Marxian; SraffianB52 Current Heterodox Approaches: Historical; Institutional; EvolutionaryB53 Current Heterodox Approaches: Austrian B54 Feminist EconomicsB55 Social Economics‡B59 Current Heterodox Approaches: OtherC00 Mathematical and Quantitative Methods: GeneralC01 EconometricsC02 Mathematical Methods B24自1925年以来的经济思想史:社会主义;马克思主义者; SraffianB25自1925年以来的经济思想史:历史;机构;进化;奥地利; Stockholm学校B26自1925年以来的经济思想史:金融经济学B27自1925年以来的经济思想史:国际贸易与金融B29自1925年以来的经济思想史:其他B30经济思想史:个人:一般B31经济思想史:个人B32讣告B40经济学方法论:一般B41经济学方法论B49经济学方法论:其他B50当前的异端方法:一般B51当前的异端方法:社会主义;马克思主义; SraffianB52当前的异端方法:历史;机构;发展的B53目前的异端方法:奥地利人B54女权主义经济学B55社会经济学‡B59当前的异端方法:其他C00数学和定量方法:一般C01经济学C02数学方法C10计量经济学和统计方法与方法学:总则C10 Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology: GeneralC11 Bayesian Analysis: GeneralC12 Hypothesis Testing: GeneralC13 Estimation: GeneralC14 Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods: GeneralC15 Statistical Simulation Methods: General C18 Methodological Issues: GeneralC19 Econometric and Statistical Methods: OtherC20 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: GeneralC21 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect Models; Quantile RegressionsC22 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: Time-Series Models; Dynamic Quantile Regressions; Dynamic Treatment Effect Models; Diffusion ProcessesC23 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: Panel Data Models; Spatio-temporal Models C24 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: Truncated and Censored Models; Switching Regression Models; Threshold Regression ModelsC25 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models; Discrete Regressors; Proportions; ProbabilitiesC26 Single Equation Models: Single Variables: Instrumental Variables (IV) EstimationC29 Single Equation Models; Single Variables: OtherC30 Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple Variables: GeneralC31 Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models: Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect Models; Quantile Regressions; Social Interaction Models C11贝叶斯分析:一般C12假设检验:一般C13估算:一般C14半参数和非参数方法:一般C15统计模拟方法:一般C18方法问题:一般C19计量经济学和统计学方法:其他C20单方程模型;单变量:一般C21单方程模型;单变量:横截面模型;空间模型;治疗效果模型;分位数回归C22单方程模型;单变量:时间序列模型;动态分位数回归;动态治疗效果模型;扩散过程C23单方程模型;单变量:面板数据模型;时空模型C24单方程模型;单变量:截断和截尾模型;切换回归模型;门限回归模型C25单方程模型;单变量:离散回归和定性选择模型;离散回归器;的比例;概率C26单方程模型:单变量:仪器变量(IV)估计C29单方程模型;单变量:其他C30多个或同时的方程模型;多个变量:一般C31多个或同时的方程模型:横截面模型;空间模型;治疗效果模型;分位数回归;社交互动模型C32多个或同时的方程模型:时间序列模型;动态分位数回归;动态治疗效果模型;扩散过程;状态空间模型C33多个或同时的方程模型:面板数据模型;时空模型C34多个或同时的方程模型:截断和截尾模型;切换回归模型C35多个或同时的方程模型:离散回归和定性选择模型;离散回归器;比例C36多个或同时的方程模型:仪器变量(IV)估计C38多个或同时的方程模型:分类方法;聚类分析;主要组成部分;因子模型C39多个或同时的方程模型;多个变量:其他C40计量经济学和统计学方法:专题:一般C41持续时间分析;最优时间策略C42分类于2008年停产。
JEL分类系统(Journal of Economic Literature classification System)目录A - General Economics and Teaching 经济学总论和教学B - Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology 经济思想流派和方法C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods 数理和数量方法D - Microeconomics 微观经济学E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics 宏观经济学和货币经济学F - International Economics 国际经济学G - Financial Economics 金融经济学H - Public Economics 公共经济学I - Health, Education, and Welfare 健康、教育和福利J - Labor and Demographic Economics 劳动和人口统计学K - Law and Economics 法和经济学L - Industrial Organization 产业组织M - Business Administration and Business Economics;Marketing; Accounting 企业管理和企业经济;市场营销;会计N - Economic History 经济史O - Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth经济发展,技术变化和经济增长P - Economic Systems 经济体系Q-Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics农业和自然资源经济学;环境和生态经济学R - Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics 城市、农村和区域经济学Y - Miscellaneous Categories 综合类别Z - Other Special Topics 其他特殊科目本分类系统根据美国经济学会《经济文献杂志》(Journal of Economic Literature)对经济学文献主题的分类,由《金融研究》编辑部翻译,仅供作者和读者参考。
JEL分类系统(Journal of Economic Literature classification System)目录A - General Economics and Teaching 经济学总论和教学B - Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology 经济思想流派和方法C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods 数理和数量方法D - Microeconomics 微观经济学E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics 宏观经济学和货币经济学F - International Economics 国际经济学G - Financial Economics 金融经济学H - Public Economics 公共经济学I - Health, Education, and Welfare 健康、教育和福利J - Labor and Demographic Economics 劳动和人口统计学K - Law and Economics 法和经济学L - Industrial Organization 产业组织M - Business Administration and Business Economics;Marketing; Accounting 企业管理和企业经济;市场营销;会计N - Economic History 经济史O - Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth经济发展,技术变化和经济增长P - Economic Systems 经济体系Q-Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics农业和自然资源经济学;环境和生态经济学R - Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics 城市、农村和区域经济学Y - Miscellaneous Categories 综合类别Z - Other Special Topics 其他特殊科目本分类系统根据美国经济学会《经济文献杂志》(Journal of Economic Literature)对经济学文献主题的分类,由《金融研究》编辑部翻译,仅供作者和读者参考。
Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification System for Journal Articles本文拟对现今在国外经济学论文中经常用到的JEL的经济学文献分类系统作一个详尽的介绍。
JEL,全称The Journal of Economic Literature, 即经济文献杂志,于1969年始在美国经济协会(AEA)赞助下在每年的3月,6月,9月和12月季度发行。
JEL分类号JEL分类系统,是美国经济学会《经济文献杂志》(Journal of Economic Literature)所创立的对经济学文献的主题分类系统,并被现代西方经济学界广泛采用。
目录A-经济学总论和教学B-经济学思想流派和方法论C-数理和数量方法D-微观经济学E-宏观经济学和货币经济学F- 国际经济学G-金融经济学H-公共经济学I-卫生经济学,教育经济学和福利经济学J-劳动经济学和人口经济学K-法律和经济学L-产业组织M-企业管理和商务经济学;市场营销学;会计学N-经济史O- 经济发展,技术变迁和增长P-经济体制Q-农业经济学和自然资源经济学R-城市经济学,农村经济学和区域经济学Z-其他专题A-经济学总论和教学( A- General Economics and Teaching )A1A1 - General EconomicsA10 - GeneralA11 - Role of Economics; Role of Economists; Market for Economists A12 - Relation of Economics to Other DisciplinesA13 - Relation of Economics to Social ValuesA14 - Sociology of EconomicsA19 - OtherA2A2 - Economics Education and Teaching of EconomicsA20 - GeneralA21 - Pre-collegeA22 - UndergraduateA23 - GraduateA29 - OtherA3A3 - Multisubject Collective WorksA30 - GeneralA31 - Multisubject Collected Writings of IndividualsA32 - Multisubject VolumesA39 - OtherB-经济学思想流派和方法论( B-Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology )B0B0 - GeneralB00 - GeneralB1B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925B10 - GeneralB11 - PreclassicalB12 - ClassicalB13 - Neoclassical through 1925B14 - Socialist; MarxistB15 - Historical; InstitutionalB16 - QuantitativeB19 - OtherB2B2 - History of Economic Thought since 1925B20 - GeneralB21 - MicroeconomicsB22 - MacroeconomicsB23 - Econometrics; Quantitative StudiesB24 - Socialist; MarxistB25 - Historical; Institutional; Evolutionary; Austrian B29 - OtherB3B3 - History of Thought: IndividualsB30 - GeneralB31 - IndividualsB4B4 - Economic MethodologyB40 - GeneralB41 - Economic MethodologyB49 - OtherB5B5 - Current Heterodox ApproachesB50 - GeneralB51 - Socialist; Marxian; SraffianB52 - Institutional; EvolutionaryB53 - AustrianB59 - OtherC-数理和数量方法(C-Mathematical and Quantitative Methods)C0C0 - GeneralC00 - GeneralC1C1 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: GeneralC10 - GeneralC11 - Bayesian AnalysisC12 - Hypothesis TestingC13 - EstimationC14 - Semiparametric and Nonparametric MethodsC15 - Statistical Simulation Methods; Monte Carlo Methods; Bootstrap MethodsC16 - Specific DistributionsC19 - OtherC2C2 - Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models; Single VariablesC20 - GeneralC21 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect ModelsC22 - Time-Series ModelsC23 - Models with Panel DataC24 - Truncated and Censored ModelsC25 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice ModelsC29 - OtherC3C3 - Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models; Multiple VariablesC30 - GeneralC31 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models; Treatment Effect ModelsC32 - Time-Series ModelsC33 - Models with Panel DataC34 - Truncated and Censored ModelsC35 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice ModelsC39 - OtherC4C4 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special TopicsC40 - GeneralC41 - Duration AnalysisC42 - Survey MethodsC43 - Index Numbers and AggregationC44 - Statistical Decision Theory; Operations ResearchC45 - Neural Networks and Related TopicsC49 - OtherC5C5 - Econometric ModelingC50 - GeneralC51 - Model Construction and EstimationC52 - Model Evaluation and TestingC53 - Forecasting and Other Model ApplicationsC59 - OtherC6C6 - Mathematical Methods and ProgrammingC60 - GeneralC61 - Optimization Techniques; Programming Models; Dynamic AnalysisC62 - Existence and Stability Conditions of EquilibriumC63 - Computational TechniquesC65 - Miscellaneous Mathematical ToolsC67 - Input–Output ModelsC68 - Computable General Equilibrium ModelsC69 - OtherC7C7 - Game Theory and Bargaining TheoryC70 - GeneralC71 - Cooperative GamesC72 - Noncooperative GamesC73 - Stochastic and Dynamic Games; Evolutionary GamesC78 - Bargaining Theory; Matching TheoryC79 - OtherC8C8 - Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer ProgramsC80 - GeneralC81 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic DataC82 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic DataC87 - Econometric SoftwareC88 - Other Computer SoftwareC89 - OtherC9C9 - Design of ExperimentsC90 - GeneralC91 - Laboratory, Individual BehaviorC92 - Laboratory, Group BehaviorC93 - Field ExperimentsC99 - OtherD-微观经济学(D-Microeconomics)D0D0 - GeneralD00 - GeneralD01 - Microeconomic Behavior: Underlying PrinciplesD02 - Institutions: Design, Formation, and OperationsD1D1 - Household Behavior and Family EconomicsD10 - GeneralD11 - Consumer Economics: TheoryD12 - Consumer Economics: Empirical AnalysisD13 - Household Production and Intrahousehold AllocationD14 - Personal FinanceD18 - Consumer ProtectionD19 - OtherD2D2 - Production and OrganizationsD20 - GeneralD21 - Firm BehaviorD23 - Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights D24 - Production; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity D29 - OtherD3D3 - DistributionD30 - GeneralD31 - Personal Income, Wealth, and Their DistributionsD33 - Factor Income DistributionD39 - OtherD4D4 - Market Structure and PricingD40 - GeneralD41 - Perfect CompetitionD42 - MonopolyD43 - Oligopoly and Other Forms of Market ImperfectionD44 - AuctionsD45 - Rationing; LicensingD46 - Value TheoryD49 - OtherD5D5 - General Equilibrium and DisequilibriumD50 - GeneralD51 - Exchange and Production EconomiesD52 - Incomplete MarketsD57 - Input–Output Tables and AnalysisD58 - Computable and Other Applied General Equilibrium Models D59 - OtherD6D6 - Welfare EconomicsD60 - GeneralD61 - Allocative Efficiency; Cost–Benefit AnalysisD62 - ExternalitiesD63 - Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and MeasurementD64 - AltruismD69 - OtherD7D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-MakingD70 - GeneralD71 - Social Choice; Clubs; Committees; AssociationsD72 - Economic Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting BehaviorD73 - Bureaucracy; Administrative Processes in Public Organizations; CorruptionD74 - Conflict; Conflict Resolution; AlliancesD78 - Positive Analysis of Policy-Making and Implementation D79 - OtherD8D8 - Information, Knowledge, and UncertaintyD80 - GeneralD81 - Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty D82 - Asymmetric and Private InformationD83 - Search; Learning; Information and KnowledgeD84 - Expectations; SpeculationsD85 - Network FormationD86 - Economics of Contract LawD89 - OtherD9D9 - Intertemporal Choice and GrowthD90 - GeneralD91 - Intertemporal Consumer Choice; Life Cycle Models and Saving D92 - Intertemporal Firm Choice and Growth, Investment, or FinancingD99 - OtherE-宏观经济学和货币经济学(E-Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics)E0E0 - GeneralE00 - GeneralE01 - Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and WealthE1E1 - General Aggregative ModelsE10 - GeneralE11 - Marxian; Sraffian; Institutional; EvolutionaryE12 - Keynes; Keynesian; Post-KeynesianE13 - NeoclassicalE17 - Forecasting and SimulationE19 - OtherE2E2 - Consumption, Saving, Production, Employment, and Investment E20 - GeneralE21 - Consumption; SavingE22 - Capital; Investment (including Inventories); CapacityE23 - ProductionE24 - Employment; Unemployment; WagesE25 - Aggregate Factor Income DistributionE26 - Informal Economy; Underground EconomyE27 - Forecasting and SimulationE29 - OtherE3E3 - Prices, Business Fluctuations, and CyclesE30 - GeneralE31 - Price Level; Inflation; DeflationE32 - Business Fluctuations; CyclesE37 - Forecasting and SimulationE39 - OtherE4E4 - Money and Interest RatesE40 - GeneralE41 - Demand for MoneyE42 - Monetary Systems; Standards; Regimes; Government and the Monetary SystemE43 - Determination of Interest Rates; Term Structure of Interest RatesE44 - Financial Markets and the MacroeconomyE47 - Forecasting and SimulationE49 - OtherE5E5 - Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and CreditE50 - GeneralE51 - Money Supply; Credit; Money MultipliersE52 - Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects)E58 - Central Banks and Their PoliciesE59 - OtherE6E6 -Macroeconomic Policy Formation, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, Macroeconomic Policy, and General Outlook E60 - GeneralE61 - Policy Objectives; Policy Designs and Consistency; Policy CoordinationE62 - Fiscal Policy; Public Expenditures, Investment, and Finance; TaxationE63 - Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; StabilizationE64 - Incomes Policy; Price PolicyE65 - Studies of Particular Policy EpisodesE66 - General Outlook and ConditionsE69 - OtherF- 国际经济学(F-International Economics)F0F0 - General F00 - GeneralF01 - Global OutlookF02 - International Economic Order; Noneconomic International Organizations ·Economic Integration and Globalization: GeneralF1F1 - TradeF10 - GeneralF11 - Neoclassical Models of TradeF12 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale EconomiesF13 - Commercial Policy; Protection; Promotion; Trade Negotiations; International OrganizationsF14 - Country and Industry Studies of TradeF15 - Economic IntegrationF16 - Trade and Labor Market InteractionsF17 - Trade Forecasting and SimulationF18 - Trade and EnvironmentF19 - OtherF2F2 - International Factor Movements and International Business F20 - GeneralF21 - International Investment; Long-Term Capital MovementsF22 - International MigrationF23 - Multinational Firms; International BusinessF29 - OtherF3F3 - International FinanceF30 - GeneralF31 - Foreign ExchangeF32 - Current Account Adjustment; Short-Term Capital Movements F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and InstitutionsF34 - International Lending and Debt ProblemsF35 - Foreign AidF36 - Financial Aspects of Economic IntegrationF37 - International Finance Forecasting and SimulationF4F4 - Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance F40 - GeneralF41 - Open Economy MacroeconomicsF42 - International Policy Coordination and TransmissionF43 - Economic Growth of Open EconomiesF47 - Forecasting and SimulationF49 - OtherG-金融经济学(G-Financial Economics)G0G0 - GeneralG00 - GeneralG1G1 - General Financial MarketsG10 - GeneralG11 - Portfolio Choice; Investment DecisionsG12 - Asset PricingG13 - Contingent Pricing; Futures PricingG14 - Information and Market Efficiency; Event StudiesG15 - International Financial MarketsG18 - Government Policy and RegulationG19 - OtherG2G2 - Financial Institutions and ServicesG20 - GeneralG21 - Banks; Other Depository Institutions; MortgagesG22 - Insurance; Insurance CompaniesG23 - Pension Funds; Other Private Financial InstitutionsG24 - Investment Banking; Venture Capital; BrokerageG28 - Government Policy and RegulationG29 - OtherG3G3 - Corporate Finance and GovernanceG31 - Capital Budgeting; Investment PolicyG32 - Financing Policy; Capital and Ownership StructureG33 - Bankruptcy; LiquidationG34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance G35 - Payout PolicyG38 - Government Policy and RegulationG39 - OtherH-公共经济学(H-Public Economics)H0H0 - GeneralH00 - GeneralH1H1 - Structure and Scope of GovernmentH10 - GeneralH11 - Structure, Scope, and Performance of GovernmentH19 - OtherH2H2 - Taxation, Subsidies, and RevenueH20 - GeneralH21 - Efficiency; Optimal TaxationH22 - IncidenceH23 - Externalities; Redistributive Effects; Environmental Taxes and SubsidiesH24 - Personal Income and Other Nonbusiness Taxes and Subsidies H25 - Business Taxes and SubsidiesH26 - Tax EvasionH27 - Other Sources of RevenueH29 - OtherH3H3 - Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic AgentsH30 - GeneralH31 - HouseholdH32 - FirmH39 - OtherH4H4 - Publicly Provided GoodsH40 - GeneralH41 - Public GoodsH42 - Publicly Provided Private GoodsH43 - Project Evaluation; Social Discount RateH49 - OtherH5H5 - National Government Expenditures and Related PoliciesH50 - GeneralH51 - Government Expenditures and HealthH52 - Government Expenditures and EducationH53 - Government Expenditures and Welfare ProgramsH54 - Infrastructures; Other Public Investment and Capital Stock H55 - Social Security and Public PensionsH56 - National Security and WarH57 - ProcurementH59 - OtherH6H6 - National Budget, Deficit, and DebtH60 - GeneralH61 - Budget; Budget SystemsH62 - Deficit; SurplusH63 - Debt; Debt ManagementH69 - OtherH7H7 - State and Local Government; Intergovernmental RelationsH70 - GeneralH71 - State and Local Taxation, Subsidies, and RevenueH72 - State and Local Budget and ExpendituresH73 - Interjurisdictional Differentials and Their EffectsH74 - State and Local BorrowingH77 - Intergovernmental Relations; FederalismH79 - OtherH8H8 - Miscellaneous IssuesH80 - GeneralH81 - Governmental Loans, Loan Guarantees, and CreditsH82 - Governmental PropertyH83 - Public AdministrationH87 - International Fiscal Issues; International Public Goods H89 - OtherI-卫生经济学教育经济学和福利经济学(I-Health, Education and Welfare)I0I0 - GeneralI00 - GeneralI1I1 - HealthI10 - GeneralI11 - Analysis of Health Care MarketsI12 - Health Production: Nutrition, Mortality, Morbidity, Substance Abuse and Addiction, Disability, and Economic Behavior I18 - Government Policy; Regulation; Public HealthI19 - OtherI2I2 - EducationI20 - GeneralI21 - Analysis of EducationI22 - Educational FinanceI23 - Higher Education Research InstitutionsI28 - Government PolicyI29 - OtherI3I3 - Welfare and PovertyI30 - GeneralI31 - General Welfare; Basic Needs; Living Standards; Quality of Life; HappinessI32 - Measurement and Analysis of PovertyI38 - Government Policy; Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs I39 - OtherJ-劳动经济学和人口经济学(J-Labour and Demographic Economics)J0 - GeneralJ00 - GeneralJ1J1 - Demographic EconomicsJ10 - GeneralJ11 - Demographic Trends and ForecastsJ12 - Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family StructureJ13 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth J14 - Economics of the Elderly; Economics of the Handicapped J15 - Economics of Minorities and Races; Non-labor Discrimination J16 - Economics of Gender; Non-labor DiscriminationJ17 - Value of Life; Foregone IncomeJ18 - Public PolicyJ19 - OtherJ2J2 - Time Allocation, Work Behavior, and Employment Determination and Creation; Human CapitalJ20 - GeneralJ21 - Labor Force and Employment, Size, and StructureJ22 - Time Allocation and Labor SupplyJ23 - Employment Determination; Job Creation; Demand for Labor; Self-EmploymentJ24 - Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor ProductivityJ26 - Retirement; Retirement PoliciesJ28 - Safety; Accidents; Industrial Health; Job Satisfaction; Related Public PolicyJ29 - OtherJ3J3 - Wages, Compensation, and Labor CostsJ30 - GeneralJ31 - Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Occupation, etc.J32 - Nonwage Labor Costs and Benefits; Private PensionsJ33 - Compensation Packages; Payment MethodsJ38 - Public PolicyJ39 - OtherJ4 - Particular Labor MarketsJ40 - GeneralJ41 - Contracts: Specific Human Capital, Matching Models, Efficiency Wage Models, and Internal Labor MarketsJ42 - Monopsony; Segmented Labor MarketsJ43 - Agricultural Labor MarketsJ44 - Professional Labor Markets and OccupationsJ45 - Public Sector Labor MarketsJ48 - Public PolicyJ49 - OtherJ5J5 - Labor–Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective BargainingJ50 - GeneralJ51 - Trade Unions: Objectives, Structure, and EffectsJ52 - Dispute Resolution: Strikes, Arbitration, and Mediation; Collective BargainingJ53 - Labor–Management Relations; Industrial JurisprudenceJ54 - Producer Cooperatives; Labor Managed FirmsJ58 - Public PolicyJ59 - OtherJ6J6 - Mobility, Unemployment, and VacanciesJ60 - GeneralJ61 - Geographic Labor Mobility; Immigrant WorkersJ62 - Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational MobilityJ63 - Turnover; Vacancies; LayoffsJ64 - Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search J65 - Unemployment Insurance; Severance Pay; Plant ClosingsJ68 - Public PolicyJ69 - OtherJ7J7 - Labor DiscriminationJ70 - GeneralJ71 - DiscriminationJ78 - Public PolicyJ79 - OtherJ8 - Labor Standards: National and International J80 - GeneralJ81 - Working ConditionsJ82 - Labor Force CompositionJ83 - Workers' RightsJ88 - Public PolicyJ89 - OtherK-法律和经济学(K-Law and Economics)K0K0 - GeneralK00 - GeneralK1K1 - Basic Areas of LawK10 - GeneralK11 - Property LawK12 - Contract LawK13 - Tort Law and Product LiabilityK14 - Criminal LawK19 - OtherK2K2 - Regulation and Business LawK20 - GeneralK21 - Antitrust LawK22 - Corporation and Securities LawK23 - Regulated Industries and Administrative Law K29 - OtherK3K3 - Other Substantive Areas of LawK30 - GeneralK31 - Labor LawK32 - Environmental, Health, and Safety LawK33 - International LawK34 - Tax LawK35 - Personal Bankruptcy LawK39 - OtherK4K4 - Legal Procedure, the Legal System, and Illegal Behavior K40 - GeneralK41 - Litigation ProcessK42 - Illegal Behavior and the Enforcement of LawK49 - OtherL-产业组织(L-Industrial Organization)L0L0 - GeneralL00 - GeneralL1L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance L10 - GeneralL11 - Production, Pricing, and Market Structure; Size Distribution of FirmsL12 - Monopoly; Monopolization StrategiesL13 - Oligopoly and Other Imperfect MarketsL14 - Transactional Relationships; Contracts and Reputation; NetworksL15 - Information and Product Quality; Standardization and CompatibilityL16 - Industrial Organization and Macroeconomics; Macroeconomic Industrial Structure; Industrial Price IndicesL19 - OtherL2L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and BehaviorL20 - GeneralL21 - Business Objectives of the FirmL22 - Firm Organization and Market Structure: Markets vs. Hierarchies; Vertical Integration; ConglomeratesL23 - Organization of ProductionL24 - Contracting Out; Joint VenturesL25 - Firm Performance: Size, Age, Profit, and SalesL29 - OtherL3 - Nonprofit Organizations and Public EnterpriseL30 - GeneralL31 - Nonprofit Institutions; NGOsL32 - Public EnterprisesL33 - Comparison of Public and Private Enterprises; Privatization; Contracting OutL39 - OtherL4L4 - Antitrust Issues and PoliciesL40 - GeneralL41 - Monopolization; Horizontal Anticompetitive PracticesL42 - Vertical Restraints; Resale Price Maintenance; Quantity DiscountsL43 - Legal Monopolies and Regulation or DeregulationL44 - Antitrust Policy and Public Enterprise, Nonprofit Institutions, and Professional OrganizationsL49 - OtherL5L5 - Regulation and Industrial PolicyL50 - GeneralL51 - Economics of RegulationL52 - Industrial Policy; Sectoral Planning MethodsL53 - Government Promotion of FirmsL59 - OtherL6L6 - Industry Studies: ManufacturingL60 - GeneralL61 - Metals and Metal Products; Cement; Glass; CeramicsL62 - Automobiles; Other Transportation EquipmentL63 - Microelectronics; Computers; Communications Equipment L64 - Other Machinery; Business Equipment; ArmamentsL65 - Chemicals; Rubber; Drugs; BiotechnologyL66 - Food; Beverages; Cosmetics; TobaccoL67 - Other Consumer Nondurables: Clothing, Textiles, Shoes, and LeatherL68 - Appliances; Other Consumer DurablesL69 - OtherL7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and ConstructionL70 - GeneralL71 - Mining, Extraction, and Refining: Hydrocarbon FuelsL72 - Mining, Extraction, and Refining: Other Nonrenewable ResourcesL73 - Forest Products: Lumber and PaperL74 - ConstructionL78 - Government PolicyL79 - OtherL8L8 - Industry Studies: ServicesL80 - GeneralL81 - Retail and Wholesale Trade; Warehousing; e-CommerceL82 - Entertainment; Media (Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Broadcasting, Publishing, etc.)L83 - Sports; Gambling; Recreation; TourismL84 - Personal, Professional, and Business ServicesL85 - Real Estate ServicesL86 - Information and Internet Services; Computer SoftwareL87 - Postal and Delivery ServicesL88 - Government PolicyL89 - OtherL9L9 - Industry Studies: Transportation and UtilitiesL90 - GeneralL91 - Transportation: GeneralL92 - Railroads and Other Surface Transportation: Autos, Buses, Trucks, and Water Carriers; PortsL93 - Air TransportationL94 - Electric UtilitiesL95 - Gas Utilities; Pipelines; Water UtilitiesL96 - TelecommunicationsL97 - Utilities: GeneralL98 - Government PolicyL99 - OtherM-企业管理和商务经济学;市场营销学;会计学(M-Business Administration and Business Economics; Marketing; Accounting)M0M0 - GeneralM00 - GeneralM1M1 - Business AdministrationM10 - GeneralM11 - Production ManagementM12 - Personnel ManagementM13 - EntrepreneurshipM14 - Corporate Culture; Social ResponsibilityM19 - OtherM2M2 - Business EconomicsM20 - GeneralM21 - Business EconomicsM29 - OtherM3M3 - Marketing and AdvertisingM30 - GeneralM31 - MarketingM37 - AdvertisingM39 - OtherM4M4 - Accounting and AuditingM40 - GeneralM41 - AccountingM42 - AuditingM49 - OtherM5M5 - Personnel EconomicsM50 - GeneralM51 - Firm Employment Decisions; Promotions (hiring, firing, turnover, part-time, temporary workers, seniority issues)M52 - Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects (stock options, fringe benefits, incentives, family support programs, seniority issues)M53 - TrainingM54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, job satisfaction)M55 - Labor Contracting Devices: Outsourcing; Franchising; Other M59 - OtherN-经济史(N-Economic History)N0N0 - GeneralN00 - GeneralN01 - Development of the Discipline: Historiographical; Sources and MethodsN1N1 - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; Growth and FluctuationsN10 - General, International, or ComparativeN11 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N12 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N13 - Europe: Pre-1913N14 - Europe: 1913–N15 - Asia including Middle EastN16 - Latin America; CaribbeanN17 - Africa; OceaniaN2N2 - Financial Markets and InstitutionsN20 - General, International, or ComparativeN21 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N22 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N23 - Europe: Pre-1913N24 - Europe: 1913–N25 - Asia including Middle EastN26 - Latin America; CaribbeanN27 - Africa; OceaniaN3N3 - Labor and Consumers, Demography, Education, Income, and WealthN30 - General, International, or ComparativeN31 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N32 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N33 - Europe: Pre-1913N34 - Europe: 1913–N35 - Asia including Middle EastN36 - Latin America; CaribbeanN37 - Africa; OceaniaN4N4 - Government, War, Law, and RegulationN40 - General, International, or ComparativeN41 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N42 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N43 - Europe: Pre-1913N44 - Europe: 1913–N45 - Asia including Middle EastN46 - Latin America; CaribbeanN47 - Africa; OceaniaN5N5 - Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment, and Extractive IndustriesN50 - General, International, or ComparativeN51 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N52 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N53 - Europe: Pre-1913N54 - Europe: 1913–N55 - Asia including Middle EastN56 - Latin America; CaribbeanN57 - Africa; OceaniaN6N6 - Manufacturing and ConstructionN60 - General, International, or ComparativeN61 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N62 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N63 - Europe: Pre-1913N64 - Europe: 1913–N65 - Asia including Middle EastN66 - Latin America; CaribbeanN67 - Africa; OceaniaN7N7 - Transport, International and Domestic Trade, Energy, Technology, and Other ServicesN70 - General, International, or ComparativeN71 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N72 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N73 - Europe: Pre-1913N74 - Europe: 1913–N75 - Asia including Middle EastN76 - Latin America; CaribbeanN77 - Africa; OceaniaN8N8 - Micro-Business HistoryN80 - General, International, or ComparativeN81 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N82 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N83 - Europe: Pre-1913N84 - Europe: 1913–N85 - Asia including Middle EastN86 - Latin America; CaribbeanN87 - Africa; OceaniaN9N9 - Regional and Urban HistoryN90 - General, International, or ComparativeN91 - U.S.; Canada: Pre-1913N92 - U.S.; Canada: 1913–N93 - Europe: Pre-1913N94 - Europe: 1913–N95 - Asia including Middle EastN96 - Latin America; CaribbeanN97 - Africa; OceaniaO- 经济发展,技术变迁和增长(O-Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth)O1O1 - Economic DevelopmentO10 - GeneralO11 - Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic DevelopmentO12 - Microeconomic Analyses of Economic DevelopmentO13 - Agriculture; Natural Resources; Energy; Environment; Other Primary ProductsO14 - Industrialization; Manufacturing and Service Industries; Choice of TechnologyO15 - Human Resources; Human Development; Income Distribution; MigrationO16 - Financial Markets; Saving and Capital InvestmentO17 - Formal and Informal Sectors; Shadow Economy; Institutional Arrangements: Legal, Social, Economic, and PoliticalO18 - Regional, Urban, and Rural AnalysesO19 - International Linkages to Development; Role of International OrganizationsO2O2 - Development Planning and PolicyO20 - GeneralO21 - Planning Models; Planning PolicyO22 - Project AnalysisO23 - Fiscal and Monetary Policy in DevelopmentO24 - Trade Policy; Factor Movement Policy; Foreign Exchange PolicyO29 - OtherO3O3 - Technological Change; Research and DevelopmentO30 - GeneralO31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and IncentivesO32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&DO33 - Technological Change: Choices and Consequences; Diffusion ProcessesO34 - Intellectual Property Rights: National and International IssuesO38 - Government PolicyO39 - OtherO4O4 - Economic Growth and Aggregate ProductivityO40 - GeneralO41 - One, Two, and Multisector Growth ModelsO42 - Monetary Growth ModelsO47 - Measurement of Economic Growth; Aggregate Productivity O49 - OtherO5O5 - Economywide Country StudiesO50 - GeneralO51 - U.S.; CanadaO52 - EuropeO53 - Asia including Middle EastO54 - Latin America; CaribbeanO55 - AfricaO56 - OceaniaO57 - Comparative Studies of CountriesP-经济体制(P-Economic Systems)P0P0 - GeneralP00 - GeneralP1P1 - Capitalist SystemsP10 - GeneralP11 - Planning, Coordination, and ReformP12 - Capitalist EnterprisesP13 - Cooperative EnterprisesP14 - Property RightsP16 - Political EconomyP17 - Performance and ProspectsP19 - OtherP2P2 - Socialist Systems and Transitional EconomiesP20 - GeneralP21 - Planning, Coordination, and ReformP22 - PricesP23 - Factor and Product Markets; Industry Studies; Population P24 - National Income, Product, and Expenditure; Money; Inflation。
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JEL分类系统,是美国经济学会《经济文献杂志》(Journal of Economic Literature)所创立的对经济学文献的主题分类系统,并被现代西方经济学界广泛采用。
·A:经济学总论和教学(General Economics and Teaching)
·B:经济学思想流派和方法论(Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology)
·C:数理和数量方法(Mathematical and Quantitative Methods)·D:微观经济学(Microeconomics)
·E:宏观经济学和货币经济学(Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics)
·F:国际经济学(International Economics)
·G:金融经济学(Financial Economics)
·H:公共经济学(Public Economics)
·I:卫生经济学,教育经济学和福利经济学(Health, Education and Welfare)
·J:劳动经济学和人口经济学(Labour and Demographic Economics)·K:法律和经济学(Law and Economics)
·L:产业组织(Industrial Organization)
·M:企业管理和商务经济学;市场营销学;会计学(Business Administration and Business Economics; Marketing; Accounting)·N:经济史(Economic History)
·O:经济发展,技术变迁和增长(Economic Development, Technological Change, and Growth)
·P:经济系统(Economic Systems)
·Q:农业经济学和自然资源经济学(Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics)
·R:城市经济学,农村经济学和区域经济学(Urban, Rural and Regional Economics)
·Z:其他专题(Other Special Topics)。