



计算机文化基础复习题第二套一、单项选择题(每题1分,共30分)1、( ) 是数据库与用户进行交互操作的最好界面A、查询B、窗体C、报表D、宏2、以下( ) 命令用于监测网络连接是否正常A、pingB、ipconfigC、netD、cmd3、以下恶意攻击方式不属于主动攻击的是( )A、修改、删除B、截获、窃取C、制造病毒D、伪造、添加4、IE 的网页标题栏中显示的标题对应于HTML文件中( ) 标记之间的内容。

A、< Ti >…… < /Ti >B、< Hd >…… < /Hd >C、< Head > …… </ Head >D、< Title >…… < /Title >5、第四代计算机的主要逻辑元件是( ) 。

A、中小规模集成电路B、晶体管C、电子管D、大规模或超大规模集成电路6、第三代互联网是指( ) 。

A、网格B、传统互联网C、阿帕网D、Web7、IP v6是一种( )A、协议B、浏览器C、图像处理软件D、字处理软件8、下面关于样式的说法有错误的是( ) 。





9、在Excel 2000 中,列表的最大标识是( )A、IVB、FFC、ZZD、Z10、在Excel 2000 中,设A1单元格值为李明,B2单元格值为89 ,则在C3 单元格输入“= A1 "数学" B2”,其显示值为( )A、李明数学89 ?B、A 1 数学B2C、"李明" 数学"89 "D、李明"数学" 8911、Word2000程序中,滚动条上的"选择浏览对象"按钮不可以用来选择下面哪种浏览方式( ) 。
















59.通常用屏幕水平方向上显示的点数乘垂直方向上显示的点数来表示显示器清晰程度,该指标称为_分辨率_ _。






A)RAM B)ROM C)PROM D)CD-ROM65.微型计算机中,控制器的基本功能是__D_________。


中国传统文化概论第二套习题 试题与答案

中国传统文化概论第二套习题 试题与答案












11. 中国人有机论的过程性思维导致____的习惯产生。

12. 整体型思维注重研究事物的____,分析型思维则注重研究事物的____。

13. 北宋哲学家是把______当作____问题进行讨论的第一人。

14. 墨子用于推理的工具是他提出的“三表法”,包括__、___和___。

15. “庄周梦蝶”、“朝三暮四”说明了庄子的______思想。

16. 中国古代系统观揭示了______、______、______和______等四种主要的系统关系。

17. 在中国传统观念里,系统内通常会保持稳定的机制,其构成来自两方面,一是____________________,一是____________________。

18. 中国传统宗教观带有很浓厚的现世实用的味道,表现在⑴_________;⑵________。

19. 以朝代为顺序,评述因史事件始末,并独立成篇的史书体裁,叫做________。

20. 从表现手法来看,艺术分为____艺术、____艺术、____艺术和____艺术等几类。

暑假培训试题第二套(含答案) (1)

暑假培训试题第二套(含答案) (1)





()A 特殊需要B 身心特点C 随机喜爱D 年龄特点5.重视丰富幼儿多方面的,将探索、交往等实践活动作为幼儿最重要的学习方式。

()A 书本知识B 社会认知C 直接经验D 实践操作6.科学照料幼儿,指导和协助保育员做好班级常规保育和卫生工作。


A发展状况B性格特征C情感需要D年龄特点8.保证幼儿每天睡( ),其中午睡一般应达到2小时左右。


A、8~10小时B、10~11小时C、11~12小时D、12小时以上9.《指南》从几个领域描述幼儿的学习与发展()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.510.《指南》中每个领域按照幼儿学习与发展最基本、最重要的内容划分为若干方面。

每个方面由几部分组成()A.2 B.3 C.4 D.511.《指南》以什么为目标()A.促进幼儿德智体美各方面的协调发展B.促进幼儿学习与发展的教育途径与方法C.帮助幼儿园教师和家长了解3-6岁幼儿学习与发展的基本规律和特点D.为幼儿后继学习和终身发展奠定良好素质基础12.以下说法,正确的是()A.健康是指身体上的完满状态及良好的适应能力B.幼儿的语言能力是在交流和运用的过程中发展起来的C.《指南》是《纲要》的细化D.幼儿每天要睡10-11个小时13.4~5岁幼儿在讲话和表达方面的典型性表现是()A.能有序、连贯、清楚的讲述一件事情B.愿意与他人讨论问题,敢在众人面前说话C.能基本完整地讲述自己的所见所闻和经历的事情,讲述比较连贯D.能口齿清楚地说儿歌、童谣或复述简短的故事14.人际交往和社会适应是幼儿社会学习的主要内容,也是()发展的基本途径A.社会性B.语言C.沟通能力D.身体健康15.《指南》共有多少个学习和发展目标,多少条教育建议()A.23,87B.23,78 C.32,87 D.32,7816.数学认识的发展目标是让幼儿()A.完全掌握形状与空间关系B.初步感知生活中数学的有用和有趣C.深刻理解数、量及数量关系D.能发现生活中许多问题都可以用数学的方法来解决,体验解决问题的乐趣。





A.柴可夫斯基B.德立勃C.贝多芬D.安德鲁7. 请听音乐,该曲的名称是()A. 《手拉风箱呼呼响》B.《刘大哥讲话理太偏》C.《洗菜心》D. 《北风吹》8.该曲是我国常见地方剧种()《花木兰》中的选段A.黄梅戏B.越剧C. 花鼓戏D.豫剧9. 聆听音乐,此作品1964年在北京首演,选自芭蕾舞剧()。

A.卡门B.敦煌飞天C.木兰辞D.红色娘子军10.聆听作品,该剧发源于冀东滦县一带农村,是在民间说唱“对口莲花落”及民间歌舞“蹦蹦”的基础上发展起来的剧种()A. 京剧B.黄梅戏C. 京韵大鼓D.评剧11.请听音乐,这段音乐是下列哪部音乐作品的主题?()A.《拉德斯基进行曲》B.《图画展览会》C.《月光》D.《我的祖国》12. 请听音乐,这段音乐的主奏乐器是哪一件?()A.琵琶B.二胡C.竹笛D.古筝13. 聆听音乐,()是我国民族舞剧《丝路花雨》序曲中的一段音乐,乐曲配合在天际遨游的仙女向人间撒播花语的舞台场景,塑造了敦煌壁画中“飞天”的形象A.《军民团结一家亲》B.《飞天仙子》C.《婚礼场面舞》D.《鱼美人》14. 这是一首由我国作曲家龚荣光根据几内亚民间乐曲填词改编而成的合唱曲,具有浓郁的非洲音乐风格,该曲的名字是()A.阿伊亚——非洲的灵感B.非洲的节日C.鼓声D.快乐的马车15.聆听乐段,该剧原来是北京舞蹈学校为庆祝中华人民共和国成立十周年,作为献礼节目而编排的三幕民族舞剧,由北京舞蹈学校编导训练班集体编导,吴祖强杜鸣心编曲,该舞剧是()A.丝路花雨B.天鹅湖C.黑桃皇后D.《鱼美人》16.请听音乐,这段音乐是下列哪位作曲家的作品?()A.贝多芬B.莫扎特C.肖邦D.约翰.斯特劳斯17.请听东北民歌《东北风》,这段音乐的演唱形式是()A.独唱B.对唱C.轮唱D.齐唱18.聆听音乐片段《对花》,该曲选自黄梅戏传统曲目()A. 《打猪草》B.《天仙配》C.《梁祝》D.《女驸马》19.该曲是一首具有浓郁东北地方风格的东北民歌,通过聆听该曲的风格是()A. 深沉舒缓B. 忧郁含蓄C. 热情奔放D.深情低沉20.聆听二胡名曲《空山鸟语》音乐,该曲的曲作者是()A. 刘天华B.贝多芬C. 马思聪D. 徐沛东21.下列音乐作品中哪首是著名的二胡独奏曲?()A.《二泉映月》B.《酒狂》C.《梁祝》D.《十面埋伏》22.《义勇军进行曲》的曲作者是()A.聂耳B.冼星海C.贺绿汀D.黄自23. X X ︱XX X ︱XX XX ︱X —‖ 这段节奏的拍号是()A.2/4 B.4/4 C.2/2 D.4/424.下列哪件乐器不属于曲艺的伴奏乐器()A.三弦B.古筝C.板胡D.板鼓25.下列哪件乐器不属于民族乐器()A.二胡B.古筝C.板胡D.小号26.京剧唱腔中板式中的一板三眼相当于()拍。



广西科技大学(重修班复习材料)年秋季学期期末考试试题(考试时间:120分钟)一、语法词汇(每小题1分,共30分)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. We have continued to work for one week, and the work is _____ finished.A. all the moreB. no moreC. more or lessD. what is more2. I forgot that I had presented him_____ a dictionary.A. toB. /C. withD. about3. I would like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and_____ in a quiet neighborhood.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. over all4. The case against Robert Jones was _____ for lack of evidence.A. discoveredB. dismissedC. eliminatedD. resigned5. There were some_____ flowers on the table.A. artificialB. unnaturalC. falseD. unreal6. She never laughed, _____ lose her temper.A. nor she ever didB. or she ever didC. or did she everD. nor did she ever7. It was _____ that the queen would visit China next year.A. producedB. reviewedC. exposedD. revealed8. The change in government is a/an _____ event of our time.A. historicB. historicalC. permanentD. external9. If you decrease the_____ of alcohol in this solution, it would be less dangerous.A. partB. portionC. sectionD. share10. Only in that way_____ English well.A. we can learnB. we will learnC. can we learnD. can learn we11. He thought the painting was of little _____, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.A. costB. valueC. priceD. expense12. _____, I agree to the plan.A. On the wholeB. As a wholeC. At the wholeD. In the whole13. Masked robbers _____a branch of the bank in the southern suburbs of the city last night.A held back B. held over C. held up D. held off14. After the surgery, Jerry’ wife tried to persuade him to stay longer in the hospital, but withno ___.A. affectB. efficiencyC. effectD. effort15. In this terrible accident, all of the passengers in the bus ____fortunately, only some gotbadly hurt.A. surpassedB. remainedC. maintainedD. survived16. The teenage boy complained that his parents devoted all their time to work and______him.A. missedB. ignoredC. neglectedD. raised17. The young teacher tried new approach _____English, which proved to be effective ininvolving students in classroom activities.A. to teachB. to teachingC. in dealingD. dealing18. The company advertised for advertised with a university degree_____ at least two years’working experience.A. plusB. orC. addingD. except’19. At the _____ stage of learning English, the learners should put an emphasis on listeningand speaking.A. initiallyB. initiateC. initialD. imitate20. ____ the two months, the fourth year students will finish their graduation thesis, or theycan’t get the bachelor’s degree.A. ThroughB. OverC. onD. For21. When the fire broke up, the people who lived in this building were _____ and foughttheir way out.A. scaredB. frightenedC. fearedD. panicked22. The angry doctor _____ at the nurse for not preparing well enough for the surgery, whichmade the nurse burst into tears.A. yelledB. shoutedC. screamedD. cried23. My mother seemed to have something on her mind and was _____ no mood to look atmy school report.A. atB. ofC. withD. in24. Mark Twain tried many ways to memorize his speech and finally found an__ one.A. efficientB. affectiveC. effectiveD. effect25. Not only_____ have poorer memories they also had trouble telling important information from insignificant details.A. did active smokers tend toB. active smokers tended toC. a parent would choseD. would a parent choose26. Bacteria is so small that_____ a microscope can it be examined.A. upon usingB. only by usingC. after usingD. by using27. _____ had the top designers laid down the law when women all over the world rushed to obey.A. No soonerB. RarelyC. OnlyD. Scarcely28. Bacteria is s small that ______a microscope.A. upon usingB. only by usingC. after usingD. by using29. The middle-age people had better be careful about what they eat or they______ to gain overweigh.A.mention B. tend C. intend D. sensible30. Without ______ permission, visitors are not allowed to photograph these tare paintings in the museum.A. particularB. particleC. positiveD. Emphasize二、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneDeaths from cigarettes are likely to more than triple over the next quarter century to 20 every minute around the world, scientists warn in a new global survey. The survey covers 45 countries, 15 more than the previous study. The additional nations are from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.Sixty million deaths have been caused by smoking since the 1950s, the investigators estimate. They predict smoking will kill about 10 million people a year by 2020, the vast majority in developing countries where the habit continues to attract young women.Investigators were unable to acquire smoking statistics from every country, which would allow the most precise estimates. Instead, they compared data on lung-cancer death rates among American non-smokers to the lung-cancer death rate in each country to get an estimate of the number of smoking in a nation.The researchers said they used lung-cancer rates as the yardstick (标尺) because in developed countries, lung cancer is closely related to smoking and so seldom caused by any other factor among non-smokers.According to the report, 10 percent of middle-age British men will die from smoking by the time they are 35 to 69 years old. In Poland, 20 percent of men are doomed to die from smoking, the researchers predict.31. It can be inferred from the passage that now the deaths from cigarettes every minute are most close to ____.A.6B.7C. 8D. 932. According to the passage, in the previous report countries from ____ are not included.A. AsiaB. AmericaC. the eastern EuropeD. Africa33. One reason that more deaths from cigarettes are from developingcountries is ____ .A. the medical conditions there are very poorB.many women start to smoke thereC.there’s no control over cigarette advertisingD. there are more male smokers34. Why lung-cancer is used in the research?A. Because lung-cancer among non-smokers is mainly caused by smoking.B. Because it’s easiest to collect information about lung-cancer.C. Because most smokers have lung-cancer.D. Because lung-cancer is the biggest killer of human beings.35. Non-smokers have lung-cancer mainly because ____.A. people around them smokeB. they are infected by other patientsC. they work too hardD. lung-cancer is the most widespread disease nowadaysPassage TwoWomen often say they feel the effects of alcohol more than men do, even if they drink the same amount relative to body size. Now there’s medical evidence that women do become affected more quickly, in part because their stomachs are less able to break down alcohol.Scientists have found that, in general, about 30 percent more alcoholappears in the bloodstreams of women than of men of similar weight after up to two drinks have been consumed. And considering that men are usually bigger than women, the findings suggest that the first drink for a woman may have the same effect as the first two drinks for a man.Some of the alcohol that people drink is broken down by a stomach enzyme(酶) and never reaches the bloodstream. Since the stomach enzyme is half as active in women as in men, more of what women drink enters the bloodstream in the form of pure alcohol. It is also found that the enzyme activity is lower in alcoholics -particularly women -who had no noticeable protection. This may help explain why more alcoholic women suffer from liver damage than alcoholic men.36. " break down" in the first paragraph can be best replaced by ____.A. "split into"B. "decompose"C. "share"D. "cut down"37. Which of the following statements is true based on the passage?A. Women are affected more quickly by alcohol than men.B. One drink a woman have may have the same effect as two drinks for a man.C. Men can drink more alcohol than women.D. Women are more likely to get drunk.38. Women's stomachs are less active because ____.A. they are of smaller sizeB. they do not often exerciseC. their stomach enzyme is less activeD. they usually drink less39. The enzyme activity is the lowest in ____.A. women who do not drinkB. men who do not drinkC. women who often drinkD. men who often drink40.Men may be in advantageous position over women in drinking because ____.A. they are stronger and of bigger sizeB. their livers are more resistant to liver damageC. they have a bigger stomachD. less alcohol they drink will appear in the bloodstreamPassage ThreeExtra money does buy some happiness. But not as much as many people would think. Recently, two economists have constructed a sort of happiness index that assigns”3” to “very happy”, “2” to “pretty happy” and “1” to “not too happy”, and thus they reckon that an extra dollar provides 0.000004.9 in additional happiness. Or $10.000 would give you 0.04 units of extra happiness.The two economists, using this index, assign a dollar value to other factors that areassociate with more or less happiness. They find:Second and following marriages are less happy than first marriages on average. A 16-year-old boy whose parents divorced has a lower level of well-being in adulthood.Other findings include:To bring African-Americans up to average happiness levels, they would need an extra $30.000 in annual income.This, the authors guess, may be the impact of racial prejudice. Over the past few decades, however, their happiness level has risen. “Blacks have made up some ground,” they say.Unemployment is highly damaging to men’s happiness. It would take $60.000 a year to make up for being jobless.Men’s happiness has trended up. Women’s sense of well-being, though higher than that of men, had fallen” noticeably”.Policies aimed at ending prejudice against women in fact have not increased their happiness on the whole.The educated people tend to be happier than those who are less educated. Many people may think that this is because they have higher income that often goed with greater education. But in fact even when separated from the higher income, the educated may have a higher sense of well-being.Happiness and life satisfaction are U-shaped according to age. In the United States, people’s sense of well-being goes down to a low around 40 and then rises.Perhaps, the authors suggest, people adapt to their circumstances, give up some unfulfilled ambition by the middle of their lives, and enjoy life more.Generally the number o children and siblings a person has doesn’t have an impact on both children and siblings. Some scientists found in their separate study, ” The Rising Well-Being of the Young”.41. Extra money_____.A. may buy some happinessB. can buy as much happiness as people expectC. is certain to buy some happinessD. is impossible to buy happiness42. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Generally, first marriages are the happiest ones.B. Parents’ divorce will also decrease the children’s happiness.C. African-Americans ten to be happier than other people.D. Being jobless will decrease men’s happiness level.43. The passage states that _____.A. women’s happiness level has gone down sharplyB. the educated people ten to be happier than less educated people because they havehigher incomeC. women tend to be less happy than men because there exists prejudice againstwomenD. higher income will certainly go with greater education44. generally, _____ have the lowest sense of well-being.A. people above 40B. people around 40C. people under 40D. people under 3045. A good title for this passage is “_____”.A. Happiness LevelB. Happiness IndexC. Happiness and Life SatisfactionD. Sense of Well-Being三、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best fits into the passage. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.A contract (合同) is an agreement between two or more people (46) _____ one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by (47) _____. Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both (48) _____. It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in (49) _____ for what is given or done by the other. If one person does (50) _____ was promised and the other may be sued (控告,起诉) in court and required by court order to make good. He or she (51) _____ also be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things (52) _____ by both parties must be stated in definite terms (53) _____ the court will hold that the contract is (54) _____ vague (模糊的) and general to be enforced. (55) _____, the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract.46. A. in which B. that C. which D. on that47. A. another B. the other C. other D. others48. A. parts B. parties C. people D. aspects49. A. replace B. payment C. change D. exchange50. A. that B. the thing C. what D. something51. A. need B. ought C. has D. may52. A. to be done B. done C. to do D. being done53. A. and B. else C. or D. so54. A. so B. rather C. too D. over55. A. Similar B. Similarly C. The same D. Too四、英译汉(共15分)the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your answer on the answer sheet.56. Getting help is not a sign of weakness, but self-care. If you value time with family over time spent in cleaning then it makes sense to get support. Time is precious. Wouldn’t you rather spend it doing something other than fighting over whose turn it is to clean the toilet? I know I would.五、汉译英(共15分)57.当我们处于困境时,同事们伸出了援手,连平时常板着脸的老板也不例外。

电力系统分析 试题第二套

电力系统分析 试题第二套


















A 、正序分量、负序分量和零序分量;B 、正序分量和负序分量;C 、零序分量。

5、在简单电力系统中,如某点的三序阻抗021∑∑∑==Z Z Z ,则在该地点发生不同类型短路故障时,按对发电机并列运行暂态稳定性影响从大到小排序,应为( )。



英语网考试题(第二套)一、交际英语1 ----We’d like two Cokes, please.----___________.A Small, medium or large?B You must pay first.C Thank you.D You are welcome.2 ---What time does our plane leave?----_________A SaturdayB Eight o’clock in the morningC Last weekD This week3 ---Would you please show me your bankbook?----________A Sorry, I have no idea.B Here you are.C Come with me.D Yes, I’d like to.4 ---Why don’t you come to my birthday thisSunday?----________________A Because I’m very busy.B Ok, I don’t.C Ok, I do.D Ok, I will.5 ----Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.----_________A Hello, Peter.B Sorry, I don’t know him.C Let me introduce myself, too.D Thank you for introduce.二、阅读理解Passage One:We were sorry that we had to ask the young man to leave the job. It was not that he was unpopular with the other people in the office. Everyone liked him. Nor was it that he was incapable. He has plenty of abilities. The problem was that so much of his work was unsatisfactory: it wasn’t good enough.Sometimes he would leave a job unfinished, and never come back to complete it. Other times his writing would be so illegible that you couldn’t read it. Or he might disappear from the office for an hour or so with no explanation of where he had been. Once or twice he sat unoccupied(不做事)for a while, doing nothing at all, until someone noticed him and gave him some work. I supposed he felt that we had mistreated him, that we had not been fair to him. But I didn’t think we have misjudged him .We didn’t make up our minds until we had given him every chance to show what he could do. However, I confessed that it made me uncomfortable to have to tell him that he had lost his job. A person sent to us by an employment agency(职业介绍所)would replace him the next week.6 From the passage, the young man was asked to leave the job because _________.A he was unpopularB he was incapableC he was irresponsible(不负责任)D he was slow7 In the passage “illegible”(in line5) refers to________.A difficult or impossible to readB easy and ready to readC easy and smooth to writeD difficult or impossible to write8 We learn from the passage that the author did the following EXCEPT______.A misjudging the young manB giving the young man every chance to show what he could doC observing the young man’s performance in his jobD explaining the reasons why the young man had to leave the job9 The author felt ___to tell the young man he had lost the job.A excitedB angryC delightedD uncomfortable10 _______with take the young man’s place next week.A a person recommended by a managerB a person recommended by an employment agencyC a person recommended by a schoolD a person recommended by a business organizationPassage TwoAmericans are big tippers(给小费者). Generally the custom is more common in a large city than in a small town. Customers are expected to give a tip, or small amount of money, whenever services are performed. A tip is expected by the porter who carries your baggage, by taxi drivers(in the case, 15 percent of the fare)and by those who serve you in hotels and restaurants. For example, in hotels it is customary to give a tip to the porter who carries your suitcase and shows you to your room. In this case, 50cents for each bag issatisfactory: in restaurants you generally leave about 15 percent of the bill on the table as a tip for the person who has served you.There are two common explanations for the origin of tipping. The oxford English Dictionary says tip is seventeenth century underworld slang for “give”—as in the threat “tip me your wallet or your life”. Opponents(反对者)of tipping will probably prefer this explanation and they argue that tipping suggests the practice that is originally a form of theft or robbery. The second explanation which is still less reputable is that in Renaissance(文艺复兴时期的)coffee—houses, boxes were set near the door, into which customers could drop tips. These boxes, according to the story, bore the explanatory words “To Insure Promptitude(快捷)”,which was gradually shortened to TIP.Tipping became common in England by the middle of the eighteenth century. Because this practice is not suitable to a countrywithout an established servant class, it did not catch on in America until after the Civil War, when the Southern former slave—owners suddenly found themselves having to pay the service and when the nouveau riche(暴发户)century the custom had been made an American one.11 One should give a tip to the following persons EXCEPT_______.A a porterB a waitressC a nurseD a taxi-driver12 If your meal is $20, you are expected to leave ____on the table.A exactly $20B less than $20C about $23D about $3013 If you have 2 bags, you should pay ____to the porter as the tip.A 50 centsB 60 centsC 80 centsD one dollar14 According to the explanations in thepassage, the original tipping is__.A voluntary(自愿的)B compulsoryC sensibleD reputable15 It can be inferred that the Southern former slave—owners felt ___to tip for the service.A depressive(沮丧的)B excitedC proudD disappointed三、词汇与语法16 Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you’ll soon get tired ___him.A ofB withC atD on17 The managers discussed the plan that they would like to ___the next year.A carry outB carrying outC carried outD to carry out18 There ____a book and some magazines onthe desk.A isB areC haveD has19 ---______is your girl friend like?-----She is very kind and good—looking.A HowB WhatC WhichD Who20 Young ___he is, he knows to get along with others.A likeB asC althoughD however四、完型填空Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found 21 the look of the package has a great effect 22 the “quality ”of the product and on how well it 23 because “Consumers generally cannot 24 between a product and its package. Many products are packages and many packages are products,”as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumers’feeling for packaging, noticed.Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movements have shown that colors draw human 25 quickly. Take V8 forexample. For many years, the bright red color of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. And the word “green”today can keep food prices 26 .27are another attraction. Circles often suggest happinessand peacefulness, because these shapes are 28 to both the eye and the heart. That’s 29 the round yellow M signs of McDonald’s are inviting to both young and old.This new consumer response to the colors and shapes of packages reminds producers and sellers that people 30 to satisfy both body and soul.21 A that B what C such D as22 A with B of C at D on23 A buys B sells C offers D words24 A show B display C tell D differ25 A attention B eye C presence D perception26 A to go up B to go down C going upD going down27 A Package B Shapes C Tools D Products28 A pleasantly B pleasing C pleasedD pleasure29 A how B because C where D why30 A sell B make C buy D produce五、英译汉31 I read the local newspapers with great interest every evening.32 What’s the time by your watch?33 Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world.六、写作Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文The Job I like。











二:请选出下面各题中的正确答案(将所选择的答案号填在括号内,每题2分,共20分)1:在极不均匀电场中,击穿电压主要取决于( )A. 间隙距离B.电极形状C.电极表面粗糙度D.电极尺寸2:先导通道的形成是以( )的出现为特征。

A.碰撞游离B.表现游离C.热游离D.光游离3:变电所中变压器到避雷器的最大允许电气距离与( )A.侵入波的幅值成反比B.避雷器残压成正比C.变压器的冲击耐压值成反比D.侵入波陡度成反比4:下列选项中,哪像属于非破坏性试验( )A.绝缘电阻试验B.操作冲击耐压试验C.雷电冲击耐压试验D.交流耐压试验5:决定雷电流波形的主要参数是( )A.幅值和陡度B.幅值和波头时间C.波头时间和波尾时间D.陡度和波尾时间6:SF6气体具有较高绝缘强度的主要原因之一是( )A.无色无味性B.不燃性C.无腐蚀性D.电负性7:以下属于操作过电压的是( )A.工频电压升高B.电弧接地过电压C.变电所侵入波过电压D.铁磁谐振过电压8:切除空载变压器出现过电压的主要原因是( )A.电弧重燃B. 电容效应C.截流现象D.中性点不接地9:构成冲击电压发生器基本回路的元件有冲击性主电容C1,负荷电容C2,波头电阻R1和波尾电阻R2。

为了获得一很快由零上升到峰值然后较慢下降的冲击电压,应使( )A.C1>>C2,R1>>R2B.C1>>C2,R1<<R2C.C1<<C2,R1>>R2D.C1<<C2,R1<<R2 10:220kV线路在空载时,线路各点电压( )A.均相等B.首端最高C.末端最高D.中间最高三. 简答题(每题6分,共30分)1:叙述汤逊理论的基本观点和流注理论的基本观点以及它们的适用范围。



一、单选(每小题2分)1.下列属于计算机在人工智能方面的典型应用是( C )(A)图书管理(B)服装设计(C)人机博弈(D)视频播放2.下列能有效防止感染计算机病毒的措施是( A )(A)安装防、杀毒软件(B)不随意删除文件(C)不随意新建文件夹(D)经常进行磁盘碎片整理3.下列属于存储设备的是( B )(A) CPU (B)硬盘(C)显示器(D)打印机4.下列用于输出音频信息的设备是( A )(A)音箱(B)键盘(C)打印机(D)显示器5.计算机系统资源管理中,主要负责对内存分配与回收管理的是( B )(A)处理器管理(B)存储器管理(C)I/O设备管理(D)文件系统管理6.利用Windows 98附件中的“画图”软件制作的图像文件,其扩展名一般是( D )(A).txt (B).doc (C).xls (D).bmp7.在Windows中,需要查找以n开头且扩展名为.com的所有文件,在查找对话框内的名称框中应输入( D )(A) (B)n?.com (C)com.n* (D)n*.com8.在Windows 中,需要查找一个大于500MB的视频文件时,可以采用的查找方式是( C )(A)按名称查找(B)按日期查找(C)按高级查找(D)按位置查找9.通常所说的ADSL是指( A )A)上网方式(B)电脑品牌(C)网络服务商(D)网页制作技术10.调制解调器的主要作用是实现( D )(A)图形与图像之间的转换(B)广播信号与电视信号的转换(C)音频信号与视频信号的转换(D)模拟信号与数字信号的转换11.下列四项中表示电子邮件地址的是( A )(A)ks@ (B) (C) (D)12.欲将一个play.exe文件发送给远方的朋友,可以把该文件放在电子邮件的( B )(A)正文中(B)附件中(C)主题中(D)地址中13.要表示7种不同的状态,至少需要的比特数是( B )(A)1 (B)3 (C)5 (D)714.大写字母A的ASCII编码为100 0001,则大写字母C的编码是( B )(A) 100 0010 (B) 100 0011 (C) 100 0100 (D) 100 010115.下列文件中,通常属于音频文件的是( C )(A)music.bmp (B)music.doc (C)music.mid (D)music.txt16.WinZIP是一种( C )(A)文字编辑软件(B)视频制作软件(C)文件压缩软件(D)网页浏览软件17.下列可以作为宏名称的是( C )(A)3c_a (B)_pro (C)pro_ex1 (D)浙江18.录制一个画矩形的宏,其主要操作过程如下:①点击“停止录制”按钮②点击“录制宏”按钮③单击“绘图”工具栏上的“矩形”按钮,并画一个矩形正确的操作顺序是( A )(A)②③①(B)①②③(C)③①②(D)①③②19.有如下Visual Basic 程序段:t = 1For I = 1 To 3t= t * 2Next该程序段运行后,变量t的值是( D )(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 820.以下的网络分类方法中,哪一组分类方法有误( B )?A.局域网/广域网B.对等网/城域网C.环型网/星型网D.有线网/无线网21、计算机硬件能直接识别和执行的只有( D )A)高级语言 B)符号语言 C)汇编语言 D)机器语言22、把WINDOWS的窗口和对话框作一比较,窗口可以移动和改变大小,而对话框( B )A)既不能移动,也不能改变大小 B)仅可以移动,不能改变大小C)仅可以改变大小,不能移动 D)既能移动,也能改变大小23、在WINDOWS中,“任务栏”的作用是( D )A)显示系统的所有功能 B)只显示当前活动窗口名C)只显示正在后台工作的窗口名 D)实现窗口之间的切换20、当个人计算机以拔号方式接入INTERNET网时,必须使用的设备是( B )A)网卡 B)调制解调器(MODEM)C)电话机 D)浏览器软件21、默认情况下,启动excel工作窗口之后,每个工作簿由三张工作表组成,工作表名字为( C )A)工作表1、工作表2和工作表3 B)BOOK1、BOOK2和BOOK3C)SHEET1、SHEET2和SHEET3 D)工作簿1、工作簿2和工作簿322.微机在工作中突然掉电,则计算机中( B )的内容将会丢失。



《统计学原理》第2套测试题〔第4~5章〕一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的4个备选项中选择1个正确答案并将其字母填写在题后的括号内)1. 作为认识现象的起点、提供反映现象总体特征的基础数据的统计指标是(A)A.总量指标B.平均指标C.相对指标D.价值量指标2.反映各种能源的生产总量和消耗总量,通常采用(A)A.价值量指标B.实物量指标C.标准实物量指标D.劳动量指标3.下列指标中属于时期指标的是(A)A.固定资产总额B.负债总额C.对外贸易总额D.存款余额4.下列指标中属于时点指标的是( B )A负债总额B出生人数C新增固定资产总额D外商投资总额5.为了综合反映全国农产品总量,应采用( B )A.实物量指标B.价值量指标C.劳动量指标D.标准实物量指标6.某企业计划要使本月产品的单位成本比上月降低2%,实际降低了1.5%,则该项计划的计划完成程度为(A)A.75.00%B.99.49%C.100.51%D.133.3%7. 在各种数量分析方法中,最简单、应用最广泛的统计分析方法是( D )A.差异分析B. 动态分析C. 平衡分析D.对比分析8. 某商场某月商品销售额为1200万元,月末商品库存额为400万元,这两个指标( C )A.是时期指标B.是时点指标C.前者是时期指标,后者是时点指标D.前者是时点指标,后者是时期指标9.计量单位可以表现为复名数形式的相对指标是()A.结构相对数B.比例相对数C.动态相对数D.强度相对数10.同一总体的同一指标在不同时间的数值之比,所得的比率称为(D)A.结构相对数B.比例相对数C.强度相对数D.动态相对数11.相对指标来反映总体的内部构成状况,此类相对指标的对比基础是()A.总体数值B.总体中有关部分的数值C.计划数D.基期数值12.两个年级同学的《统计学》平均成绩相等,但成绩的标准差不等,则( D )A.标准差标准差值小,其代表性较大B.标准差值大,其代表性较大C.两个平均数代表性相同D.无法进行正确判断13.基期甲、乙两组工人的平均日产量分别为70件和50件,若报告期两组工人的平均日产量不变,乙组工人数占两组工人总数的比重上升,则报告期两组工人总平均日产量( D )A.上升B.下降C.不变D.可能上升也可能下降 14. 当各变量值的频数相等时,该变量的( B )A.众数不存在B.众数等于均值C.众数等于中位数D.众数等于最大的数据值15. 8个大学生的年龄分别为21、24、28、22、26、24、22、20岁,他们的年龄中位数为(D ) A. 21 B. 22 C. 23 D .2416.有三批产品,废品率分别为1.5%、2%、1%,废品数量相应为25件、30件、45件,则这三批产品平均废品率的计算式应为( C )A.3%1%2%5.1++ B.3%1%2%5.1⨯⨯C.%145%230%5.125453025++++ D.453025%1%2%5.1++++17.某地区城市和乡村平均每人居住面积分别为7.3和18平方米,标准差分别为2.8和6平方米,则居住面积的差异程度( C )A.城市大B.乡村大C.城市和乡村一样D.二者不能比较18.假定某人6个月的收入分别是2800元、2840元、2840元、2840元、2840元、8800元,反映他月收入一般水平应该采用( D )A.算术平均数B.几何平均数C.众数D.调和平均数19.某公司下属10个企业,共有6500名职工。



1、驾驶机动车上坡时,在将要到达坡道顶端时要加速并鸣喇叭2、这个标志是何含义?A、 Y型交叉口B、主路让行C、注意分流D、注意合流3、对未放置检验合格标志上道路行驶的车辆,交通警察可依法予以扣留。









大学英语四级考试COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST–Band Four –(2022.06-02)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are going to write a proposal to your school clinic for improving its service. You are to write about its current problems and possible solutions to these problems. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)说明:据多数学生反馈,本次考试只有一套听力试题,第二套为重复题目,只是选项顺序不同,故不再重复。

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line throughthe centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.If you’ve ever looked at the ingredients list while grocery shopping, chances are you’ve seen the term “natural flavors”.But have you taken a 26 to consider what these natural flavors actually are?Most of us might think that “natural flavors” are, well, naturally good for us. A recent study in the journal Appetite found that when the word “natural” appears on packaging, people 27 that the food within is indeed healthier. In truth, natural flavors do not 28 much, at least chemically speaking, from their flavor-boosting 29 : artificial flavors. Both can be made in a lab by trained flavorists, but artificial flavors use chemicals to give a product a 30 smell or taste.Natural flavors come from plant or animal 31 , like fruit, vegetable, meat, fish or milk that is then processed or refined in some way. In short, natural flavors are 32 from plants and animals to create specific flavors for processed foods. But that doesn’t 33 make it easier to tell what’s really in your food. Because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not 34 the term, companies can use it to refer to pretty much anything derived from a plant or animal. And natural flavors can also include a variety of chemical additives, such as preservatives. The FDA doesn’t require companies to reveal what additional chemicals a specific item 35 . So if you want to know for certain what you’re getting with your groceries, you might want to stick to the farmer’s market.Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Fake holiday villa websites prompt warningA)During the British winter, the thought of two weeks in a coastal villa ( 别) with soul-stirringviews of the sea and a huge pool to enjoy is enough to offset ( 抵消) the labor until the holidays start. For a growing number of people, however, their yearly break is turning into a nightmare as they find that the property they have paid thousands for does not exist and the website through which they booked it has disappeared.B)Consumers have been warned to be aware of the potential for deception in this market, whichis far from uncommon. In 2017 there were 1,632 cases of reported “villa fraud (诈骗)”, with victims losing an average of £2,052, according to Action Fraud, the national center for reporting such frauds. “Millions of pounds are lost each year by holidaymakers,” says SeanTipton of the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA).C)The problem has ballooned in the last 10 years, with frauds becoming more and moresophisticated. The fake websites have authentic-sounding names involving a mix of keywords, typically including the place name, “summer”, “villas” or “rentals”. Details of legitimate (合法的) villas are often stolen from other sites. “When the fraudsters first started it was unsophisticated – the websites looked amateur and there wasn’t a lot of effort,” says Tipton.“Now they are clever. They extensively rip off legitimate websites and use a different website name. They’ll have pictures of a sales team and it might be a poor actor in New York that is down as their head of sales.”D)Fraudsters target popular seaside destinations for British tourists visiting Spain where pricescan soar if demand exceeds supply. Prices are kept within reasonable ranges to avoid arousing suspicion. “A villa might cost £5,000 elsewhere and they will offer it at say £3,500. But a bit of a giveaway is that the villa will be cheaper than on other websites and there’s unlimited availability,” says Tipton. Fraudsters also invest in pay-per-click advertising to feature at the top of search engines when people type in phrases such as “Spanish seasid e villas”.E)With such a degree of professionalism, how can consumers find out if the website they’relooking to book with is trustworthy? “When people book holiday villas they are doing so through rose-colored glasses,” says Tony Neate, chief executive of G et Safe Online. “They should be Googling the property, and looking on websites like Google Maps and StreetView to see if it’s there. Also, speak to the person you’re booking the villa with on a landline phone, as fraudsters tend to only use mobiles.” He a lso suggests asking someone not going on the holiday to have a look at the website. “They might spot problems you don’t spot.” Anotherpotential red flag is being asked to pay by bank transfer. “The problem is that when the money leaves your account it’s in theirs straightaway and it’s very hard to track it,” says Barclays’ head of digital safety, Jodie Gilbert. “We generally recommend ot her forms of payment, like credit card.”F)Little seems to be known about these fraudsters. “There is no way to definitely know whothey are,” says Neate. “It could be anyone. It could be your next-door neighbor or organized crime in Russia.” Action Fraud sa ys people should ensure the company renting the villa is a member of a recognized trade body such as ABTA.G)“By working with industry partners such as ABTA and Get Safe Online, we are able to issuealerts about the latest threats they should be aware of. If you believe you have fallen victim to fraud or cyber-crime, please report it to Action Fraud,” it adds. ABTA says it is trying to combat the issue by running public awareness campaigns. “It’s a growing problem and people can’t stop fraudsters being dishonest,” says Tipton. “They’re still going to do it. It’s not impossible to stop but as it’s internet-based it’s harder to pursue.”H)Nick Cooper, the founder and co-owner of villa booking company Villa Plus, estimates hiscompany has uncovered more than 200 fake villa websites over the past two years, and doesn’t believe enough is being done. “It is hopeless to report fake villa websites to the internet giants who host them,” he says. “I found it impossi ble to speak to anyone. Also, once one bank account gets reported, they simply use another.”I)For now the only way to stop fraudsters appears ultimately to lie in the hands of the consumer.“When people book their holidays they get so emotionally involved, and when they find that villa at a good price with availability in peak season, they are an easy target,” says Cooper.“The public has to learn to be far more aware they are a target for these sort of frauds.” But it’s not just the finan cial cost. “A family will turn up at villa and find out it doesn’t exist or the owner doesn’t know who you are,” says Tipton. “The problem then is you have to find accommodation at short notice. It can be incredibly expensive but it’s the emotional cost, too.”J)Carla O’Shaughnessy from Sydenham was searching last year for a good deal to book a villa in Majorca for a summer break for the family. I was comparing prices online and found one on that came in a bit cheaper than others,” says O’Shaughnessy. She e mailed the company via its website, asking how far the villa was from the airport and about local restaurants. “They came back with plausible answers; it was all very friendly and professional,” she says. Happy with the responses, O’Shaughnessy paid the fu ll amount of £3,000 via bank transfer into the travel agent’s account and then forgot about it until a month before the booking.K)“I tried logging on to the website and couldn’t,” she recalls. “I Googled the agent’s name and there were lots of complaints about him being a fraudster. If only I’d Googled before but I never thought of it.” Although she found another villa in time for their holiday, she admits she was much more cautious. “I paid through a secure third-party site and had phone conversations with the agent. But I wasn’t able to relax until we turned up and I had the keys.”36.Fraudsters often steal villa-booking information from authentic holiday websites.37.Fraudsters keep changing their bank accounts to avoid being tracked.38.It is suggested that people not going on the holiday might help detect website frauds.39.More and more British holidaymakers find the seaside villas they booked online actuallynonexistent.40.By checking an agent’s name online before booking a villa holidaymakers can avoid fallinginto traps.41.Fraudsters are difficult to identify according to an online safety expert.42.Holidaymakers have been alerted to the frequent occurrence of online villa-booking frauds.43.It is holidaymakers that can protect themselves from falling victim to frauds.44.Holidaymakers are advised not to make payments by bank transfer.45.Fraudsters advertise their villas at reasonable prices so as not to be suspected.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Social media can be a powerful communication tool for employees, helping them to collaborate, share ideas and solve problems. Research has shown that 82% of employees think social media can improve work relationships and 60% believe it can support decision-making processes. These beliefs contribute to a majority of workers connecting with colleagues on social media, even during work hours.Employers typically worry that social media is a productivity killer; more than half of U.S. employers reportedly block access to social media at work. In my research with 277 employees ofa healthcare organization I found these concerns to be misguided. Social media doesn’t reduce productivity nearly as much as it kills employee retention.In the first part of the study, I surveyed the employees about why and how they used platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Respondents were then asked about their work behaviors, including whether they felt motivated in their jobs and showed initiative at work. I found that employees who engage in online social interactions with coworkers through social media blogs tend to be more motivated and come up with innovative ideas. But when employees interact with individuals outside the organization, they are less motivated and show less initiative. These findings suggest that the effects of social media depend on who employees interact with; employees who interact with their colleagues share meaningful work experiences, but those making connections outside the organization are distracted and unproductive.In the second part of the study, I found 76% of employees using social media for work took an interest in other organizations they found on social media. When I examined how respondents expressed openness to new careers and employers, I found that they engaged in some key activities including researching new organizations and making new work connections.These findings present a dilemma for managers: employees using social media at work are more engaged and more productive, but they are also more likely to leave your company. Managers should implement solutions that neutralize the retention risk caused by social media.They can create social media groups in which employees will be more likely to collaborate and less likely to share withdrawal intentions or discussions about external job opportunities. Managers can use social media to directly reduce turnover ( 跳槽) intentions by recognizing employees’ accomplishments and giving visibility to employees’ success stories.46.What does previous research about social media reveal?A)Most employees think positively of it.B)It improves employees’ work efficiency.C)It enables employees to form connections.D)Employees spend much of their work time on it.47.What did the author’s own research find about social media ?A)It influences employees’ work negatively.B)It does much harm to employee loyalty.C)It kills employees’ motivation for work.D)It affects employers’ decision-making.48.What did the author find in his study about the effect of online social interactions?A)It differs from employee to employee.B)It tends to vary with the platform used.C)It has much to do with whom employees interact with.D)It is hard to measure when employees interact with outsiders.49.What problem was found with employees using social media for work?A)They seldom expressed their inner thoughts.B)Most of them explored new job opportunities.C)They were reluctant to collaborate with others.D)Many of them ended with lower productivity/50.What does the author suggest managers do to neutralize the retention risk?A)Give promotions to employees for their accomplishments.B)Create opportunities for employees to share success stories.C)Acknowledge employees’ achievements through social media.D)Encourage employees to increase their visibility on social media.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.In the coming era of budget cuts to education, distance learning could become the norm. The temptation for those in charge of education budgets to trade teachers for technology could be so strong that they ignore the disadvantages of distance learning. School facilities are expensive to build and maintain, and teachers are expensive to employ. Online classes do not require buildings and each class can host hundreds of people simultaneously resulting in greater savings, thus increasing the temptation of distance education for those concerned more about budgets than learning. But moving away from a traditional classroom in which a living, breathing human being teaches and interacts with students daily would be a disaster. Physically attending school has hidden benefits: getting up every morning interacting with peers, and building relationships with teachers are essential skills to cultivate in young people. Moreover, schools should be more than simple institutions of traditional learning. They are now places that provide meals. They are places where students receive counseling and other support.Those policy-makers are often fascinated by the latest technology in education and its potential to transform education overnight. But online education does not allow a teacher to keep a struggling student after class and offer help. Educational videos may deliver academic content, but they are unable to make eye contact or assess a student’s level of engagement. Distance education will never match the personal teaching in a traditional classroom. In their first18 years of life,American children spend only 9% of their time in school. Yet teachers are expected to prepare them to be responsible citizens, cultivate their social skills, encourage successful time management, and enhance their capacity to flourish in an increasingly harsh labor market. Given these expectations, schools should not become permanently “remote”.The power of the classroom is rooted in the humanity of the people gathered in the same place, at the same time. Personal teaching is about teachers’ showing students a higher path and about young people going through the process together. Technology, no matter how advanced, should simply be a tool of a good teacher.51.What mainly accounts for the possibility that distance learning could become the norm?A)Advances in education technology.B)Shrinking financial resources.C)Shortage of school facilities.D)Lack of qualified teachers.52.What does the author say is one possible benefit of students attending school physically?A)Developing the habit of getting up early.B)Eating nutritionally well-balanced meals.C)Growing into living and breathing human beings.D)Cultivating relationships with peers and teachers.53.What does the author think of the latest technology in education?A)It may have potential disadvantage.B)It may render many teachers’ jobless.C)It may add to student’s financial burden.D)It may revolutionize classroom teaching.54.What does the author say teachers are expected to do?A)Enhance student’s leadership capacity.B)Elevate students to managerial positions.C)Enable students to adapt to the chances in life.D)Prepare students to be competitive in the future.55.Why couldn’t technology replace a good teacher?A)It lacks humanity.B)It cannot track students’ growth.C)It is still immature.D)It cannot cater to personal needs.Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.从前有个农夫嫌他种的禾苗长得慢,就到地里把禾苗一株株地拔高了一点。



数字电子技术(第2版)第二套一、单选题(每题1分)1. 下列数中,最大的数是()。

A.( 65 ) 8 B.( 111010 ) 2 C.( 57 ) 10 D.( 3D ) 162.以下代码中为无权码的为()。

A. 8421BCD码 B. 5421BCD码 C. 余3BCD码 D. 2421BCD码3. 已知逻辑函数,可以肯定Y = 0的是()A.A = 0,BC = 1; B.BC = 1,D = 1; C.AB = 1,CD =0; D.C = 1,D = 0。

4. 已知逻辑函数的真值表如下,其表达式是()A. B. C. D.图22025. 组合逻辑电路( )。

A 一定是用逻辑门构成的B 一定不是用逻辑门构成的C 一定是用集成逻辑门构成的D A与B均可6. 对TTL与非门多余输入端的处理,不能将它们( )。

A 与有用输入端并联B 接地C 接高电平D 悬空7. 下列逻辑函数中不相等的是()。

A. B.C. D.8.数字信号的特点是()A.在时间上和幅值上都是连续的。




9. 一个用555定时器构成的单稳态触发器输出的脉冲宽度为( )。

A 0.7RCB 1.4RCC 1.1RCD 1.0RC10. 逻辑函数,其最简与或表达式为( )A. B. C. D.二、判断题(每题1分1. 适当提高施密特触发器的回差电压,可以提高它的抗干扰能力。

()2. 555定时器可实现占空比可调的RC振荡器。

()3. 逻辑函数的化简是为了使表达式简化而与硬件电路无关。

()4. 表示逻辑函数的逻辑表达式与真值表是等价的。

( )5. 分析组合逻辑电路一定得写出逻辑表达式。

( )6. 逻辑函数已是最简与或表达式。

()7. 若两个函数具有相同的真值表,则两个逻辑函数必然相等。

()8. 四个全加器可以组成一个串行进位的四位数加法器。



一、单项选择题1.哲学是( )a.科学的世界观和方法论b.科学性和革命性相统一的世界观c.理论化和系统化的世界观d.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义2.辩证法发展过程中经历的三种历史形态是( )a.朴素辩证法、唯心辩证法、唯物辩证法b.唯物辩证法、社会辩证法、自然辩证法c.唯心辩证法、系统辩证法、科学辩证法d.自然辩证法、历史辩证法、革命辩证法3.现代西方哲学的两股主要思潮是( )a.唯物主义和唯心主义b.辩证法和形而上学c.人本主义和科学主义d.悲观主义和乐观主义4.古代朴素唯物主义把世界的本原归结为( )a.客观存在的各种物体b.宇宙中存在的一切现象c.物质的具体形态和结构d.某种具体的“原初物质”5.形而上学唯物主义物质观的错误是( )a.否认物质的客观性b.否认物质的可知性c.把自然科学的物质结构理论与哲学的物质范畴相混淆d.把可直接感知的实物当作世界的本原6.中国古代哲学家荀子说:“天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。

”这句话体现的哲学道理是( )a.物质运动规律具有普遍性b.物质运动规律具有重复性c.物质运动规律具有稳定性d.物质运动规律具有客观性7.下列各项正确反映物质和运动关系的是( )a.运动是内容,物质是其形式b.运动是现象,物质是其本质c.运动是暂时的,物质是永恒的d.运动是物质的固有属性,物质是运动的主体8.唯物辩证法认为,发展是( )a.事物永不停息的运动变化b.事物从过去到现在再到将来的变化c.事物由低级到高级的运动变化d.事物由小到大、由少到多的变化9.对立统一规律揭示了( )a.事物发展的动力和源泉b.事物发展的状态和形式c.事物发展的方向和道路d.事物发展的两种趋向10.“两点论”和“重点论”统一的原理,要求我们在社会主义建设中( )a.既要坚持以经济建设为中心,又要做好其他各项工作b.既要坚持四项基本原则,又要实行改革开放c.既要量力而行,又要积极进取d.既要坚定信心,又要有克服困难的准备11.在实际工作中,要注意掌握分寸,防止“过”或“不及”,这在哲学上属于( )a.抓事物的主要矛盾b.确定事物的质c.认识事物的量d.把握事物的度12.在内容和形式的矛盾运动中( )a.内容是相对稳定的,形式是活跃易变的b.内容是活跃易变的,形式是相对稳定的c.内容和形式都处在不停的显著变动状态d.内容的变化总是落后于形式的变化13.马克思主义实践观是从( )a.主观性中把握人的活动的b.客观性中把握人的活动的c.生物性中把握人的活动的d.主观与客观的关系中把握人的活动的14.认识发展过程的第一次飞跃是( )a.从感性认识到理性认识的过程b.从感觉和知觉到表象的过程c.从认识到实践的过程d.从意识到物质的过程15.要正确实现理性认识到实践的飞跃,必须使理论为群众所掌握,化为群众的自觉行动。

金融学 第2套 试题及答案

金融学  第2套  试题及答案

金融学第2 套试题及答案一、单项选择题(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. 某公司以延期付款方式销售给某商场一批商品,则该商场到期偿还欠款时,货币执行()职能。













A.原始存款 B.派生存款 C.活期存款 D.储蓄存款14.下列不属于中央银行经营活动原则的是()。

A. 非盈利性B. 流动性C.被动性D.公开性15.资本市场包括股票市场、债券市场和()。




2023年3月大学英语四级考试真题(第2套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you have read a book recently and intend to recommend it to other members of your book club via an online forum. Briefly introduce the book and explain why it is worth reading.You will have 30 minutes for this task and should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words.____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 说明:由于2023年3月四级考试全国只考了一套听力,本套真题听力与第一套内容完全一样,只是顺序不一样,因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。




A. 一类B. 二类C. 三类2、我国国标对220KV及以上系统规定的电压波动允许值是()。

A. 1.6%B. 2%C. 2.5%3、多绕组变压器的额定容量是()。

A. 最大的绕组额定容量B. 各个绕组额定容量之和C. 各个绕组额定容量的平均值4、如果忽略变压器一、二次绕组的漏电抗和电阻时,变压器一次侧电压有效值等于(),二次侧电压有效值等于二次侧感应电势有效值。

A. 一次侧感应电势最大值B. 一次侧感应电势瞬时值C. 一次侧感应电势有效值5、三相变压器绕组为D联结时,绕组相电流乘以3就等于()。

A. 线电流B. 最大电流C. 相电流6、双绕组变压器的额定容量()绕组额定容量。

A. 大于B. 等同于C. 小于7、在忽略变压器内部损耗地情况下,变压器的一、二次电流之比与( )之比成反比。

A. 一、二次侧电压瞬时值B. 一、二次侧电压最大值C.一、二次侧电压有效值8、变压器()开路,一次绕组施加额定频率的额定电压时,一次绕组中流过的电流为空载电流。

A. 一次绕组B. 二次绕组C. 高压绕组9、变压器一次绕组加额定电压,二次绕组()时,二次电压大小将随负载电流大小和负载功率因数大小的改变而改变。

A. 带负载运行B.空载运行C. 短路运行10、在电力系统中,()能将不同电压等级的线路连接起来。

A. 变压器B. 电流互感器C. 电压互感器11、远距离输送电能时,首先要将发电机的输出电压通过升压变压器升高到几万伏或几十万伏,以()输电线上的能量损耗。

A. 减小B. 增大C. 改变12、几万伏或几十万伏高压电能输送到()后,必须经过不同的降压变压器将高电压降低为不同等级的电压,以满足各种负荷的需要。

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密封线(考生 答 题 不 得 过此线)注意① 考生没有在正确位置就坐参加考试,成绩作“0”分计。

② 考生序号、准考证号和姓名务必按指定的位置填写,凡错填、漏填或字迹不清的试卷,考试成绩一律以“0”分计。

浙05857 商务沟通与谈判 试卷 第1页 共4页 浙05857 商务沟通与谈判 试卷 第2页(共4页)浙江省2011年1月高等教育自学考试商务沟通与谈判试题 课程代码:一、单项选择题(本大题共20题,每小题 2分,共40分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。

错选、多选或未选均无分 1.( )过程反应着信息发出者的逻辑思维能力的高低和信息量的多少。

A.信息编码 B.信息策划 C.信息传输 D.信息解码2. ( )指沟通主体长期的文化积淀,即沟通主体较稳定的价值取向、思维模式、心理结构和总和。

A.文化背景B.心理背景C.物理背景D.社会背景 3. ( )是人产生人际沟通需要的原动力。

A.人的社会属性B.人的生理、心理需求C.他人的评价与赞赏D.社会分工协作 4. ( )是人产生人际沟通需要的直接动力。

A.人的社会属性B.人的生理、心理需求C.他人的评价与赞赏D.社会分工协作 5.( )是指根据不完全的信息作出以偏概全的判断。

A.近因效应B.首因效应C.晕轮效应D.顺序效应6.当听到应聘者的背景或喜好与自己的相似时,面试者就会对他产生好感和偏好,这说面应试者存在( ).A.与我相似的心理B.自我定义的心理C.酸葡萄心理D.甜柠檬心理 7.关于商务礼仪的说法错误的是( )。

A.礼出于俗,俗化为礼B.礼仪式一个人修养的素质和外在表现C.商务礼仪适用于任何场合D.商务礼仪式商务活动中的一种行为准则 8.关于位次排列的说法错误的是( )。

A.举行双边谈判应该使用长桌或椭圆桌子,宾主应该分坐桌子两侧B.谈判桌子横放时,面对正门的一方为上,应属于客方;背对正门的一方为下,应属于主方C.队列签字时,中央者职位高于两侧,居左侧者职位高于右侧D.举行双边签字仪式,双方签字者面对而做,宾在右,主在左 9.将合同分为口头合同和书面合同的是( )。

A.以参加商务谈判和签订合同为主体来分 B.以合同标的物来分 C.以合同形式来分D.以合同当事人直接和间接性来分10.用以反映合同的名称、编号、签约的日期和地点、双方的法定名称和地址以及合同序言等内容的是合同的( )。

A.附件B.约首C.正文D.约尾 11.以下又称“吹毛求疵策略”的是( )。

A.软硬兼施策略B.先苦后甜策略C.“情绪爆发”策略D.车轮战术策略 12.( )是商务谈判中一个最主要、最关键的内容。

A.品质 B.价格 C.数量 D.装运 13.根据谈判人员的具体分工,( )的主要任务就是要在谈判过程中,根据不同情况采取强硬的态度甚至是近似无理的口气,有意去激怒对方,使对方怒中失态,怒中出错。

A.“主谈者” B.“调和者” C.“黑脸者” D.“贪权者” 14.下列有关谈判信息划分错误的是( )。

A.按信息载体不同,谈判信息可划分为口头语信息和人体语言信息B.按产生时间的先后,谈判信息科分为谈判前信息、谈判中信息、和谈判后信息C.按产生领域的不同,谈判信息可分为政治性信息、经济性信息、科技性信息、社会性信息D.按信息载体划分,谈判信息科分为语言信息、实物信息、文献信息 15.下列有关谈判性格说法错误的是( )。

A.贪权者在谈判中十分难处,他们不会给人留下任何余地,在大部分问题上,在大部分实践中,他们始终以自我为中心,我行我素考 生 答 题 不 得 过 此 线浙05857 商务沟通与谈判 试卷 第3页 共4页 浙05857 商务沟通与谈判 试卷 第4页(共4页)B.说服着在谈判中十分随和,能迎合对手的话题与兴趣,在不知不觉中把别人说服C.忠实的执行者在谈判中执著于细节问题,总想找出最好的解决办法D.在某种程度上,贪权者比说服着更难对付 16.谈判小组可由( )组成。

A.一个人B.两人以上C.两人以上、五人以下D.五人以上 17.( )是商务谈判人员在谈判中充分发挥作用、驾驭各种复杂局面所应具备的重要条件。

A.业务能力 B.思想品德素质 C.分析判断能力 D.商谈能力18. 同一个谈判信息在不同的谈判者手中所起的作用是不同的,体现了谈判信息的( )。

A.复杂性 B.时效性 C.系统性 D.目的性19.( )是指在商务谈判中既要坚持自己的原则和底线,但同时更要应变,适时把握成交的机会,促使商务谈判取得成功。

A.灵活应变原则B.遵守伦理原则C.平等主体原则D.整合创造原则 20. 对于企业为代表的组织而言,( )是达成交易、实现交易双赢的基本手段。

A.组织沟通 B.营业推广 C.人员推销D.商务谈判 二、简答题(本大题共5题,每小题 6分,共30分)1. 简述常规的五种信息收集法。

2. 简述交谈的技巧。

3. 简述模拟谈判的作用。

4. 简述主场谈判的优缺点。

三、论述题(本大题共2题,每小题9分,共18分)1. 简述商务谈判人员素质的要求。











浙05857商务沟通与谈判 答案卷 第1页 共4页 浙05857商务沟通与谈判 答案卷 第2页(共4页)答案卷一、单项选择题(本大题共20题,每小题 1分,共20分)二、简答题(本大题共5题,每小题 6分,共30分)1. 简述常规的五种信息收集法。

答:1.收集公开传播的有关信息(①阅读法 ②视听法) 2.向有关单位索取信息 3.委托收集4.通过信息交换来收集5.实地收集(①面谈法 ②问卷法 ③观察法 ④访问法 ⑤购买实物法) 2. 简述交谈的技巧。

答:1.寒暄与聊天的技巧:①善于寻找话题 ②善于调整话题③善于把严肃的话题和语言幽默化 2.接待与介绍的技巧:①对客人要准确地叫出其称谓与名字②找出恰当的理由给予客人简单的,却是发自内心的感谢和赞扬 ③接待室要注意把客人带到适当的地方简单介绍活动安排④接待工作要一直持续到活动完毕,把客人都送走之后才算结束 3.赞美与批评的技巧 4.求人与被求的技巧3. 简述模拟谈判的作用。

答:1.模拟谈判可以使谈判人员及时发现和弥补谈判方案中的漏洞 2.模拟谈判可以使 企业从众多方案中选择最佳方案 3.模拟谈判可以锻炼我方谈判人员的实战能力 4. 简述主场谈判的优缺点。

答:优越性:1.以逸待劳,在心理上占据优势2.可多方面使用有利条件3.临时找专业技术人员或查找技术资料比较方便4.若谈判发生意外,可直接向上级汇报并取得指示 缺点:1.烦琐的接待工作会浪费我方人员不少宝贵的时间和精力2.谈判人员会受到本企业日常事务的干扰5. 简述报价的原则。

答: 1.卖方的报价一般而言都是越报越低的,所以,其第一次报出的高价也就是卖方想得到的最大利益的一次尝试2.报价越高报价者所留的让步余地也就越大3.报价的高低直接影响着买方对卖方的评价4.报价的高低对最终成交水平有很大影响 三、论述题(本大题共2题,每小题9分,共18分)1. 简述商务谈判人员素质的要求。

答: 1.思想品德素质①忠于职守、遵纪守法 ②谦虚谨慎、团结协作 ③城市无欺、讲求信誉 2.业务能力①复合型知识结构 ②分析判断能力 ③核算能力④商谈能力(倾听能力,推理能力,运用语言能力) ⑤协调能力 3.心理素质①自制能力 ②随机应变③创造力与灵活性 2. 简述人际沟通的作用与意义。

答: 1.人际沟通有助于传播人类的智慧 2.人际沟通有助于人际关系的协调与改善 3.人际沟通有助于自我意识的形成和发展 4.人际沟通有助于个体的相互联系考 生 答 题 不 得 过 此 线浙05857 商务沟通与谈判 试卷 第3页 共4页 浙05857 商务沟通与谈判 试卷第4页(共4页)四、案例题(本大题12分)答:谈判前的信息搜集对谈判成功与否是非常关键的。







考浙05857商务沟通与谈判答案卷第1页共4页浙05857商务沟通与谈判答案卷第2页(共4页)考生答题不得过此线浙05857 商务沟通与谈判试卷第3页共4页浙05857 商务沟通与谈判试卷第4页(共4页)浙05857商务沟通与谈判答案卷第1页共4页浙05857商务沟通与谈判答案卷第2页(共4页)。
