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一、单项选择 (20分)

( )1. Dick is active boy and h e is member of our football team.

A. an; an

B. an; a

C. a; a

D. a; an

( )2. Let me take your temperature to see if you have a .

A. stomachache

B. cough

C. headache

D. fever

( ) 3.My hobby is ______.

A. collect dolls

B. collecting dolls

C. collection dolls

D. collected dolls.

( )4. It is fine today. How about sightseeing in the countryside with me?

A. going

B. go

C. to go

D. went

( )5. —How are you feeling, Julia? —I’m feeling now. I think I can go to school today.

A. lonely

B. awful

C. well

D. sad

( )6.what makes you _____ he is a teacher ?

A. think B .thinking C .thinks D. to think

( )7. Usually I go to school under-ground, but sometimes foot.

A. on; in

B. on; by

C. in; on

D. by; on

( )8. Do n’t too much time playing computer games. It’s harmful to your eyes.

A. cost

B. take

C. spend

D. pay

( )9. My mother has taught English in this school three years ago.

A. for

B. since

C. until

D. when

( )10. I the book for ten days. I have to return it to the library today.

A. have bought

B. bought

C. have had

D. having

( ) 11.There is ______ milk in t he bottle .

A. a little of

B. a bit

C. a lot

D. a bit of

( ) 12. Show ______ his stamps, please.

A. me

B. my

C. I

D. him

( )13. —Can you tell me to keep fit, Doctor Liu?

—More exercise and healthy diet.

A. why

B. when

C. what

D. how

( )14. —Why does Jim look so tired? —Because he has too much homework every day.

A. done

B. to do

C. doing

D. did

( )15. fine weather! Why not go out to enjoy the sunshine?

A. How a

B. What

C. How

D. What a

( )16. —do you exercise, Mr Huang? — Twice a week.

A. How much

B. How long

C. How often

D. How many

( )17. It’s time for the maths class, Tony. I’m afraid you have to stop football.

A. playing

B. plays

C. to play

D. played

( )18. I am glad to join the sports club. It has helped me get

A. full

B. short

C. fatter

D. fitter

( )19. —My father felt ill and I had to look after him. —

A. Not really.

B. That’s the problem!

C. Sorry to hear that!

D. I don’t think so. ( )20.About 300____ trees have been planted since 1985.

A. million

B. millions

C. million of

D. millions of

二、完形填空 (10分)


My family went on a camping trip. There were signs (标识) all 21 the campground(野营地). The signs said “This Is Bear Country.” I 22 what that meant. Bears were close by.

At 23 we stayed up late by the campfire. Then we went back to our tent (帐篷) to go to sleep. We stayed in our sleeping bags and I closed my 24 .

I had not fallen asleep when I heard a sound. 25 was moving in front of our tent. I could not

26 anything in the dark. I got scared (害怕的) and 27 , “AHHHHH!” Dad heard the bears outside, and he heard me crying. He started using pots and pans together to make 28 . Dad was trying to make them go away. His plan must have worked. It got very 29 outside our tent.

No one wanted to go outside and see 30 the bears were still there. We were all too scared. When morning finally came, we left the camping area. “Let’s rent a cabin next time,” Mum said.

( )21. A. around B. about C. on D. with
