学术英语人文Unit 5
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Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
• 读历史有用吗?
• 估计很多人心中会有这个问题,中国几千年的封 建社会,从秦汉到明清,在形式上表现为朝代的 更替,一个王朝在建国的初期一般会有几十年的 励精图治,但随着后续统治者越来越昏庸奢靡, 国家就会逐渐衰落,直到被别的王朝所取代,在 这个不断循环的过程中,其政治组织形式没有什 么变化,并且后代的统治者并没有吸取前朝兴亡 的经验和教训,依旧是该灭亡时就灭亡,所以历 史对于部分统治者来讲没有起到什么作用。
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
• 再深入地读历史该是研究者了。他们开始 注重故事与故事的联系,注重书,表,志 中的记录,注重读书方法,开始探寻历史 事件偶然性背后的必然性,开始总结历史 经验教训,开始著书立说,让更多的人去 深刻自己的历史知识,让更多的人去利用 历史经验“前事不忘后事之师”,避免历 史教训。
Unit Contents
• Lead-in • Text A • Text B • Text C • Academic Language and Discourse • Listening • Speaking • Writing
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
学术英语 人文
Academic English
for Humanities
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
• 历史是重要的,这是大家的共识。我们的 教育体系中也重视历史知识的普及,那时 我们热爱民族的情感源泉
• 对于一般读者,读历史的意义在于满足自 己的兴趣,有助于自己的内心修养,做一 个内在思想比较丰富的人
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
• 读历史的最大意义在于现实,满足今人的 需求,让历史为今人服务。
• 有人读历史,是想学习一些名人的精神, 有人是想挖掘到民族的精神,还有人是想 通过社会的演变来思考今日。
• 读史可以明智,可以促进思考,思考就是 力量。
• 我们从小就读历史,那时没有个人的目的 ,但于父母,老师,整个民族是有目的的 ,那就是:要下一代了解过去,了解民族 灿烂的文化。这无论对民族对个人都是有 益的,培养了我们善恶美丑的辨识力。
• 当我们都中学,大学以后,有些人会主动 地读历史书,有些人读中国历史,也读世 界历史,这时是有个人目的的,历史知识 有利于增加人生厚度,增长人的见识,可 以陶冶性情。至少和别人谈话时也是一种 资本。
Retell the major views of Text A, as summarized in Task 1/Critical reading and thinking/Text A.
Pair up to discuss the questions in Task 2/ Critical Reading and Thinking/Text A.
• Lead-in
– Lead-in activities
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Do you love your history classes? Why or why not? How do you study history?
• 缜密的分析,明确的历史态度以及深度的 思考才能获得对历史的真正意义。
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
• Text A
Why Study History?
– Classroom activities – Supplementary information – Suggested answer key
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Suggested answer key
Task 1 / Overview P88
Biblioteka BaiduSuggested answer:
1. people; societies; 2. change; society; 3. art; aesthetic; 4. moral; 5. identity; 6. citizenship
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Supplementary information
Why Study History?
The Norman Conquest of England
The Norman conquest of England (1066) was a pivotal event in English history. It began with the invasion of England by William, Duke of Normandy. The Norman conquest largely removed the native ruling class, replacing it with a foreign, French-speaking monarchy, aristocracy and clerical hierarchy. It linked England more closely with Continental Europe and created one of the most powerful monarchies in Europe. It also changed the English language and culture.
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Classroom activities
Why Study History?
Discuss the question: Why should people learn about things that happened far away and long ago?
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Supplementary information
Why Study History?
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin (1809–1882) was an English naturalist and writer, best known as the originator of the theory of biological evolution by natural selection. In 1831, he joined a five year scientific expedition on the survey ship HMS Beagle. When he returned to England in 1936, he tried to solve the riddles of his observation, proposing a theory of evolution. He worked on his theory for 20 years. After learning that Alfred Russel Wallace had developed similar ideas, he made a joint announcement with Wallace of their discovery in 1858. In 1859 Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Supplementary information
Why Study History?
More reasons for studying history
Besides the reasons discussed in Text A, there are many other reasons for studying history, for example, Cultivate creative and critical thinking;
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Suggested answer key
Task 2 / Points for discussion P89
Suggested answer to Q1:
“Pastness of the past” refers to the ways people in the past constructed their lives, or the state and quality of being past.
Offer an extensive body of information and rich data base for economics, political science and sociology; Offer flexibility in the pursuit of jobs.
History majors may land jobs in journalism, publishing, museums, state and federal governmental agencies, public relations …
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Suggested answer key
Task 2 / Points for discussion P89
Suggested answer to Q3:
Possible reasons for a strong desire to know your family history: • a passion for history • an interest in migration patterns • an interest in ethnic origin • a desire to achieve a sense of identity • a desire to solve congenital health problems • a passion to track down a family tradition …
Unit 5 Studying History: Why and How?
Text A
Suggested answer key
Task 2 / Points for discussion P89
Suggested answer to Q2:
The phrase “history teaching by example” indicates that great and ordinary people of the past can provide inspiration in how successfully they worked through moral dilemmas or lessons in courage, diligence and many other virtues.