2016届陕西省中考英语复习考点跟踪突破37 短文填空

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back,bad,express,feel,it,loud,luck,simple,s w eet,thank,t w o,w arm Once upon a time,a young man came across a spring (泉水) of clear water while crossing the desert.The water was very sweet,and he filled his leather container (皮革容器) so that he could bring some 1.back to his teacher.After a four­day journey,he presented the water to his teacher.

The old man took a deep drink,smiled 2.w armly and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man returned to his village with a happy heart.After a while,the teacher let a 3.second student taste the water.He spat (吐) it out,saying it was terrible.It was clear that the water had become no longer fresh and sweet because of the old leather container.The student questioned his teacher,“Master,the water tasted strange.Why did you still like it?” The teacher replied,“You 4.simply tasted the water while I tasted the gift.The water was the container for an act of love and kindness and nothing could be 5.s w eeter.”

After reading the story,we can understand that when we receive a chocolate as a gift from a child,we get more than the chocolate 6.itself.What we should do properly is to express 7.thanks naturally to him or her because we love the idea within the gift.

Gratitude (感谢) doesn't always come naturally. 8.unluckily,most children and many grown ­ups like only the thing given rather than the 9.expressions shown in it.We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty of feelings and 10.feelings of gratitude.After all,gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.


ad v ice,decide,make,sleep,that,I,anything,angry,too,al w ays From:sandra@


Subject:Need help!

Hi Elle,

I need some help with my problems.I don't know what to do!You're so confident (自信的) and always know what to do,so I hope you can give me some 1.ad v ice.

I have very strict parents who won't let me do 2.anything on my own.They've been really

3.angry with me because of my poor school results.I don't know how to let them know that their pressure is

4.making it hard for me to do well in school.

My friends at school are 5.al w ays trying to get me to do things I don't like.I want to make my own 6.decision(s).I don't want to do things because of the pressure from my classmates.How do 7.I deal with them?

I'm always worrying about my looks.I think I'm getting too fat.I have too many pimples (粉刺) on my face,8.too.

All these problems are making me feel very stressful and sad.I'm so stressed 9.that I'm beginning to have sleep problems.I worry so much that I can't 10.sleep.What can I do?Please help?




another,carry,control,ha v e,life,w ell,tree,so,usual,w ild Animals are important in Indian culture and are treated in a special way.For example,a lot of
