


针对婴儿和幼儿,提供适 合其年龄和发育阶段的产 品,如软质玩具、布书等 。
面向学龄前儿童,提供更 具挑战性和教育意义的产 品,如拼图、益智游戏等 。
针对小学生及更高年龄段 的孩子,推出有助于巩固 学校知识和提升技能的产 品。
金宝贝产品秉持“寓教于乐”的 教育理念,将学习与游戏相结合 ,让孩子在轻松愉快的氛围中成
产品根据孩子的学习进度和能力,为其规划个性化的学习路径,以 最大限度地发挥教学方法的优势。
金宝贝的教师团队经过严格选拔和培训,他们熟悉并掌握各种教学 方法,以确保教学质量和效果。
金宝贝将以用户需求为导向,持续优化产品设计和功能,提升用户体验。通过深入了解用户需求和反馈,金宝贝将确 保产品始终贴合市场,满足消费者期望。
在产品研发过程中,金宝贝将注重环保理念,选用环保材料,降低产品对环境的影响。同时,金宝贝将 积极推广绿色生活方式,引导消费者关注环保问题,共同守护地球家园。

【Roots课程解析】⾦宝贝Play育乐课程⼤揭秘⾦宝贝多元课程体系——育乐课程篇多元成长课程体系——⾦宝贝将3S育⼉发展理念充分融⼊到课程设计中,0-3岁阶段的课程为孩⼦打好发展基础,2-6岁的课程激发孩⼦的学习兴趣,插上梦想的翅膀!育乐课 Play让孩⼦在多元宽敞的空间中⾃主地探索和学习根据Play Value 为孩⼦精⼼设计的教具,激发孩⼦⾃主探索和学习的兴趣。
育乐课当中,3S育⼉发展理念是如何贯穿其中的——Sweet 性格发展主动的探索学习,激发孩⼦的⾃信;多元的空间和场景,为孩⼦提供社交互动的机会;Strong 体格发展通过挑战的体能动作和活动,训练孩⼦肌⾁和关节的能⼒,⾝体的协调性和灵敏度,同时也加强⼼肺的训练;Smart 认知发展因果相关性的学习加强认知及思考;从概念的学习到逐步激发想象⼒的培养;育乐课课程学阶划分根据宝宝的⽉龄特点,⾦宝贝为孩⼦制定了7个阶段的成长学习计划;并将通过核⼼课程与特⾊课程,让每个阶段的孩⼦都能发挥潜能、快乐成长。
育乐L1(0-6个⽉)⼩⼩观察者课程⽬标:平缓情绪,集中注意⼒,对周围世界充满好奇, 尝试探索世界的兴趣。


金宝贝早教课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解并掌握“金宝贝早教”课程中基础数学概念,如数数、分类和比较。
2. 学生能认识并描述课程中涉及的常见几何图形和颜色。
3. 学生能通过故事、歌曲和游戏等活动,学习并记忆相关的英文单词和简单句子。
技能目标:1. 学生通过互动游戏和小组活动,提升问题解决和逻辑思维能力。
2. 培养学生运用观察、表达和合作的能力,通过实践操作完成指定任务。
3. 提高学生的听觉和视觉辨识能力,通过音乐和美术活动激发创造力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对学习的兴趣,激发探索未知的好奇心。
2. 培养学生与同伴友好相处的合作精神,增强集体荣誉感。
3. 培养学生遵守规则、尊重他人的良好品质,形成积极向上的人生态度。
二、教学内容本课程依据课程目标,结合以下教学内容,确保教学活动的科学性和系统性:1. 数学认知:- 数数与基本运算:通过实物操作,学习1-10的数字及其顺序,初步理解加法和减法概念。
- 形状与空间:认识圆形、正方形、三角形等基础图形,理解大小、长短、高矮等比较概念。
2. 语言表达:- 词汇学习:围绕日常生活主题,学习相关英文单词和短语。
- 句子练习:通过角色扮演和情景对话,练习使用简单句子进行表达。
3. 艺术创造:- 音乐节奏:学习基本音阶,体验节奏感,培养音乐兴趣。
- 美术手工:运用不同的美术材料和手法,创作美术作品,激发创造力。
4. 社会情感:- 社交技能:通过小组互动游戏,学习分享、合作和轮流等社交行为。
金宝贝 课程

营销: 利用各种市场活动提高会员的转介绍率 例:生日会可以邀请小朋友的朋友参加, 和各个婴幼儿高端品牌厂家合作… 渠道:医院,孕婴店,儿童摄影, 妇幼保健站….
• 顾问要具有 • 敏锐的观察力,1熟悉高端婴幼儿用品,高端的服 饰,包,手表…..2察言观色 • 把握好儿童发展阶段知识综合分析:
最好是在孩子在参观园或是听课结束后找出孩子发展需要提高的地方,突出 早教课程会带给他的好处,如果不注意会如何….
时间管理:对毫无生产力的事情说NO! 请你改变习惯!把工作变成生产力! 现在怎样不重要,关键是你想成为什么样的人!
• 管理好自己的东西:随手拿,随手放! • 早教顾问要求:专业,有一定的自我
• 常遇到的问题: • 赠课数量的控制 • 超合同期的家长如何面对(合同不可变) 一旦定下来的事情不可变 每个顾问都要用心服务,你一定要做的更贴 心 ★扣课家长找课问题
• 顾问奖金制度与发放原则 • 家长的各种投诉 • 处理办法:首先倾听;舒缓情绪,当然如 果自己有理可以做到不卑不亢。
• 签约后的服务要和原来一样, • 和家长处好关系,以便以后转介绍
• 假如一个家长说自己可以和朋友一起参加试听课 吗?你怎么回答? • 不可以起来,留下电话,以后安排
A类客户:有早教意识 有钱
金宝贝早教活动方案 ppt课件

Love for Children - GYMBOREE 金宝贝
一、活动整体概述 二、讲座内容介绍 三、讲座品牌展位招商
➢讲座主题:待定 ➢讲座地点:紫金花大酒店五层(凭票入场) ➢讲座时间:2012年7月21日 上午9:00-12:00 ➢针对人群:长春0-3岁宝宝家长、金宝贝会员(长春高尖端人群) ➢活动人数:500-600人
•智慧的父母是你吗? •爱孩子!懂孩子! •最好的投资——孩子的未来! •影响孩子一生的早期(家庭+社会)教育
1、品牌知名度高 2、在同行业中位居前三 3、符合金宝贝高尖端家 庭受众群体
3、品牌商可提供400-600份宣传页,主办方为品牌商现场发放宣 传页。
地产: 中信城、万科、中海、绿地等 银行: 招商银行、长春农商行 汽车: 奔驰、宝马 生活家居: 美克美家、双立人 美丽妈妈、玛花纤体 教育: 英孚教育、贝慧源、清华同方 儿童摄影: 嘉爱国际儿童映像 其它: 中国黄金、香港美玉会所 媒体: 东亚经贸、新文化报、母爱时光台电


家 庭 收 入
的 善
子 女 教 育 金
规划家庭收入 ,用家庭收入中的 一小部分投入到金 宝贝的教育金积累 方案中!
谢 谢!
亲,王女士希望自己的儿子以后能接 受高等教育,成为社会的栋梁。为了 保证宝儿将来不会因为经济原因失去 受教育的机会,王女士决定从宝儿0 岁起逐渐帮宝儿准备一笔教育金。经 过仔细的考虑,王女士决定为宝儿选
享受分红 保费豁免
按中档分红演 示,如果采用累 计生息的方式, 宝儿25岁时可以 一次性领取红利 54178元
如投保人发生由 意外导致的一至三 级残疾或身故,豁免 以后各期保险费, 宝儿的教育金计划 可以实现
被保险人身故, 返还所交保费并 按年增率2.5%的 单利增值
0.5% 20% 17% 25% 36% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
根据盖洛普(GALLUP )最新市场调研:中国对少儿保险市场需求为20%。
在父母的生命中最值得骄傲的是孩子; 每一个孩子都有受教育的权利; 每一位父母都希望自己的孩子健康、平安; 别让孩子输在起跑线上 尽父母责任,给孩子一份珍贵的礼物—— 为孩子的未来存钱,越早存就越有利,越有计划就越轻松

Gymboree(金宝贝)Gymboree(金宝贝)CD01 gold baby PLAY class English music, a set of 1 CDCD02 - CD05 golden baby MUSIC English MUSIC, a total of 2 sets, each set of 2, a total of 4 CDSThe first set (cd2-cd3) is: 16 months to 30 months (Half Notes 1/2 Notes)The second set (CD4 - CD5) is: 30 months to 5 years old (Whole Notes full note)CD 06 - CD 17 gold baby series 12 CDS (original value of nearly 2000 yuan)CD06 01 Friends, Forever FriendsFriends, Forever Friends Coconut CafeHopscotch A Mind of His OwnThe Cowboy Song Manners Make A Princess ShineIko - Iko Lunch Box RockThe Straw Ten Little Gymboree FriendsThe Snapshot TinkerboxerCD07 02 Happy to be HereHappy to be Here When I Go to SchoolWhat Will I Take to the Moon?Smooth Movin 'Boogie Express The Changing Garden of Mr BellPolka-dots, Checks and Stripes Ups and DownsMy History Willy FalldownAs Long As We're Together Friendship ChainCD08 03 Over EasyOver Easy Indian LullabyTie a Bow Living on a Planet I LoveA Warm Wooly Blanket Fi - Fiddle - Diddle - I - Ay Beddy Bye - Bye Grandpa JoeFloat, Drift and Dream in 'Bobo 's Bedtime My ShadowCD09 04 Sunny Side UpRiggedy Jig Sunny Side UpAround the Block I Can Do ThatCan You Show Us? Scooby-doo - Wacka scooby-doo Fantasy Automobile Sing Along SongButterfly Goo - Goo - Giggly - I - oYou and Me Parade The Shapes GameBirthday Cake Bye Bye Pizza PieCD10, 05 Circle of FriendsCircus Song Circle of FriendsGood Morning, Neighbors Wiggle Your BonesThe Farm is Down on the Farm Red Means StopI'm Going on a Lion Hunt When I Build My House When You Come Over to My House la-la ManWalkin 'in My Neighborhood Baby of MineCD11 06 Feel the MusicKickin 'the Can Feel the MusicThe Color Song I Like YouPut Your Finger On BubblesDance Puppet Dance World of Make BelieveGood Night, Moon Time to Get Ready to GoWho Am I? These HandsCD12 07 Love Me Playful: Happy Interactive Songs CD (Happy Interactive Songs CD)America's Dr Toy 100 best children's productsGive baby games when listening to the songs, the winning entries of CD music is easy to let the baby to accept, first by the children's music art including 16 winners and early childhood music experts Gwendolyn McGraw design and performanceSong:01 A Happy Song02 Booglie Wooglie Piggy03 Our Pony, MacaroniRhyme Time: Mother Goose Suite05 Happy RagI've Been Working on the Railroad07 Toyland8 Peekaboo, It's My Baby!09 Kebe Mama10 Bake You a Cake11 Puppets!12 Take Me Out to the Ballgame13 give it Bitsy Medley14 Pretty Bubbles!Hush, Little Baby16 Birdie -o WaltzCD 13 08 Love Me Tender: Peaceful Lullabies CDThe American Dr Toy 100 best children's products won the quietlullabyFor the peaceful music, these songs can bring joy and joy to the baby and the parents! This lullaby CD is easy for babies and children to accept, and there are 14 songs that are choreographed and performed by music expert Gwendolyn McGraw.Song:01 Love Me an02 Go to Sleepy03 Ally Bally04 Sail, Sail Baby05 Cradle and All06 Over the Rainbow07 Summertime08 Do, Do, Fais Do Do09 Nino Querido10 BoysieAll the Pretty Little Horses12 EdelweissSleep, Baby to Sleep14 Brahms LullabyCD14 09 Don 't BlinkDon't Blink in CD included 14 high-spirited original song will promote children's curiosity and encourage them to sing, dance, play Parachute Express talented trio group performed "Don 't Blink" "Razz - Ma - Tazz" Dress Up "Queen" and other music journeySong:01 Don 't Blink02 Something Bout A circle03 Right Foot Left Foot04 the Let 's Go05 Razz - Ma - Tazz6 I Like Trucks07 Chicken Pox Party08 I "m Making Breakfast09 Giving Tree10 Sailing11 Gotta Lotta Love12 the Clean Up Crew13 Dress Up Queen14 Pioneer BabyCD15 10 play & music (Canadian version) (with a few similar tracks to play & music)CD 16 11 Music From the Coffee Lands II01 Ceumar (Brazil) Dindinha ""02 Mario Rui Silva (Angola) "Nzaji"03 Geraldo Azevedo (Brazil) "Quem Muito Querido a Mim"4. Titico Y Los Caracoles del Amargue (Dominican Republic) "Atabal DE Mi Negra"05 Correo Aereo (Mexico) "Fiesta Lianera"06 Sabah Habas Mustapha & The Jugala All Stars (Indonesia/Java) "Di Nagara Deungeun"07 Gigi (Ethiopia) Guramayle ""8 Jose luis martinez vesga (Colombia) "Bunde Tolismense"09 Emeline michel (Haiti) "Moso Manman"Martinique, "monte la rivie"11 Denis tshibayi (vongo) "Nge Na Munu"CD 17 12 Caribbean Playground (Caribbean Playground)The fairground series won the parents' choice award and was awarded the 2004 NAPPA Gold Award2004 NAPPA Gold awardPutumayo's children embark on a fun music cruise to the Caribbean playgrounds, full of upbeat songs, revealing a colorful life, and the Caribbean playground is a festive carnival.CD 18 textbook ebook 1 CD diskIncluding 1-3 years specialist training program, part of the CD the words, text, and shall be accompanied by a lot of parenting class education books, story books, a fairy tale book (the market value of the original books ebook nearly 3000 yuan, this is other sellers do not oh, scientific parenting, science education, telling stories, said the fairy tale, let the children amused)Book provided by means of these activities is America's most famous young children grow up experts specifically for 1 to 3 years oldchildren carefully designed, and the corresponding ages 100 youngchildren's experiment proved that the effect is very sure and safe.These activities not only full of fun, for young children with strong attraction, and each activity purpose is very clear, to inspire and cultivate the imagination,creativity, language ability, the comprehensive coordination ability and the promotion of all aspects of physical development has obvious effect, can make it in the future in the process of learning and growing.Skill focus describes the training focus and education significanceof each activity.Parental tips and research reports help parents understand the rulesof baby growth and learning.The exquisite color photographs for this book clearly show each activity.Bibliography:1. The total number of parenting textbooks is 2201 "the montessori education law" seriesEvery parent can be successfulChildren's game and activity guide for children aged 0 to 3Change a lesson in lifeThe 21 teaching habits of highly effective parentsTell the child, you are wonderfulHarvard children's pillow bookGive me your hand, childWhat does a child want to know - how to answer a child's question The good mother comes slowly11 calwitt's education12 zero years old education13 Mozart education stormTian zhen -- the best parenting method of the 21st centuryHetian -- the best parenting method of the 21st centuryThe best parenting method of the 21st century17 tantai - the best parenting method of the 21st centuryTian zhen -- the best parenting method of the 21st century19 listen to your childHow to train gifted children: Dr. Sujianyun teaches childrenLearn to speak to your child -- good parent practiceOneself is a treasure -- Chen 'anSecond, the world gold award children's library (upper, lower) 115 fairy tales, the catalogue is not listedThere are 60 e-books in children's fairy tales.CD19 - CD29 11 universal baby CDSTen-week trip around the world, games, music, dance, folk custom and the activities of the international intake from gymboree, let baby to experience the different styles of world culture, encourage each baby travelers become citizens of the world, even if he had just learned to unsteady walk, must be a wonderful tripCD19 01 African background musicCD20 02 Asian Dreamland Asian dreamCD21 03 latina backgroundCD22 04 World Christmas global celebrationCD23 05 Music From The Coffee Lands comes From The Coffee country MusicCD24 06 Sing Along With PutumayoCD25 07 Kids SamplerCD26 08 Summer samplerCD27 09 World PlaygroundCD28 10 Dreamlands worldCD29 11 French Kids SamplerCD30 - - CD34 5 English baby Helen Doron Early EngliahThis set of 5 CDS contains the teaching CDS of the six phases of Helen Doron Early Engliah. The original 868 yuan, the only resource on taobao, is now being Shared with parents.Parents, had been to gymboree early education center will be foundto have an independent from the gymboree curriculum system, but also and gymboree matching courses by foreign teachers to teach English For Infants, it is: six months to learn English, since Helen English baby!Three characteristics:01 native language teaching: class, emphasize no textbooks, nopinyin or the phonetic symbol, not teach grammar, deliberately in the home repeatedly broadcast course content, including music and children's songs, and stories for children to build a English as a native language environment, made her familiar with the content of the professor will, in the atmosphere of the game in the unconscious memory course content, to achieve the effect of language learning.02 TSEL sensory learning method (sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch) : in class, the teacher guide children through sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch five senses, vivid lets the child understand already familiar words and sentences, and make him learn English, in the form of memory after understanding completely reached to the same level of the British and American countries of the same age children.03 P.I.G.. Learning methods: thousands of props and game, theteacher in the class will be props and game together, let the children to play or entity props in natural understanding learning content, and through repeated practice to consolidate their memories, and grasp thecontent of children to learn through interaction, let the children learn English naturally.CD35 - CD41 new 2008 annuity baby released 7 music CDSCD01 Hawaiian Playground - the latest edition of 2008CD02 Animal playgroundCD03 Folk PlaygroundCD04 Brazilian PlaygroundCD05 New part that goes from the PlaygroundCD06 French playgroundCD07 Reggae playgroundThere are three CD42 - CD44, one of which is a DVD tutorial, and two are children's classical music, but they don't know what the order is.Golden baby PLAY&MUSIC DVD tutorial material (with 2 childrenclassic music)This is high-definition DVD tutorial, different from other sellersof VCD video, high-definition audio and video, the high quality music is biggest to the child's eyes and ears are responsible for (buy need to $400 each) in gymboree, mom and dad are now you can see the baby in gymboree learning environment and learning methods, and end the gymboree family parent-child tutorial.。

安徒生童话:金宝贝(英)The Golden Treasureby Hans Christian Andersen(1865)THE drummer's wife went into the church. She saw the new altar with the painted pictures and the carved angels. Those upon the canvas and in the glory over the altar were just as beautiful as the carved ones;and they were painted and gilt into the bargain. Their hair gleamed golden in the sunshine,lovely to behold;but the real sunshine was more beautiful still. It shone redder,clearer through the dark trees,when the sun went down. It was lovely thus to look at the sunshine of heaven. And she looked at the red sun,and she thought about it so deeply,and thought of the little one whom the stork was to bring,and the wife of the drummer was very cheerful,and looked and looked,and wished that the child might have a gleam of sunshine given to it,so that it might at least become like one of the shining angels over the altar.And when she really had the little child in her arms,and held it up to its father,then it was like one of the angels in the church to behold,with hair like gold—the gleam of the setting sun was upon it.“My golden treasure,my riches,my sunshine!”said the mother;and she kissed the shining locks,and it sounded like music and song in the room of the drummer;and there was joy,and life,and movement. The drummer beat a roll—a roll of joy. And the Drum said—the Fire-drum,that was beaten when there was a fire in the town:“Red hair!the little fellow has red hair!Believe the drum,and not what your mother says!Rub-a dub,rub-a dub!”And the town repeated what the Fire-drum had said.The boy was taken to church,the boy was christened. There was nothing much to be said about his name;he was called Peter. The whole town,and the Drum too,called him Peter the drummer's boy with the red hair;but his mother kissed his red hair,and called him her golden treasure.In the hollow way in the clayey bank,many had scratched their names as a remembrance.“Celebrity is always something!”said the drummer;and so he scratched his own name there,and his little son's name likewise.And the swallows came. They had,on their long journey,seen more durable characters engraven on rocks,and on the walls of the temples in Hindostan,mighty deeds of great kings,immortal names,so old that no one now could read or speak them. Remarkable celebrity!In the clayey bank the martens built their nest. They bored holes in the deep declivity,and the splashing rain and the thin mist came and crumbled and washed the names away,and thedrummer's name also,and that of his little son.“Peter's name will last a full year and a half longer!”said the father.“Fool!”thought the Fire-drum;but it only said,“Dub,dub,dub,rub-a-dub!”He was a boy full of life and gladness,this drummer's son with the red hair. He had a lovely voice. He could sing,and he sang like a bird in the woodland. There was melody,and yet no melody.“He must become a chorister boy,”said his mother. “He shall sing in the church,and stand among the beautiful gilded angels who are like him!”“Fiery cat!”said some of the witty ones of the town.The Drum heard that from the neighbors' wives.“Don't go home,Peter,”cried the street boys. “If you sleep in the garret,there'll be a fire in the house,and the fire-drum will have to be beaten.”“Look out for the drumsticks,”replied Peter;and,small as he was,he ran up boldly,and gave the foremost such a punch in the body with his fist,that the fellow lost his legs and tumbled over,and the others took their legs off with themselves very rapidly.The town musician was very genteel and fine. He was the son of the royal plate-washer. He was very fond of Peter,and would sometimes take him to his home;and he gave him a violin,and taught him to play it. It seemed as if the whole art lay in the boy's fingers;and he wanted to be more than a drummer—he wanted to become musician to the town.“I'll be a soldier,”said Peter;for he was still quite a little lad,and it seemed to him the finest thing in the world to carry a gun,and to be able to march one,two—one,two,and to wear a uniform and a sword.“Ah,you learn to long for the drum-skin,drum,dum,dum!”said the Drum.“Yes,if he could only march his way up to be a general!”observed his father;“but before he can do that,there must be war.”“Heaven forbid!”said his mother.“We have nothing to lose,”remarked the father.“Yes,we have my boy,”she retorted.“But suppose he came back a general!”said the father.“Without arms and legs!”cried the mother. “No,I would rather keep my golden treasure with me.”“Drum,dum,dum!”The Fire-drum and all the other drums were beating,for war had come. The soldiers all set out,and the son of the drummer followed them. “Red-head. Golden treasure!”The mother wept;the father in fancy saw him “famous;”the town musician was of opinion that he ought not to go to war,but should stay at home and learn music.“Red-head,”said the soldiers,and little Peter laughed;but when one of them sometimes said to another,“Foxey,”he would bite his teeth together and look another way—into the wide world. He did not care for the nickname.The boy was active,pleasant of speech,and good-humored;that is the best canteen,said his old comrades.And many a night he had to sleep under the open sky,wet through with the driving rain or the falling mist;but his good humor never forsook him. The drum-sticks sounded,“Rub-a-dub,all up,all up!”Yes,he was certainly born to be a drummer.The day of battle dawned. The sun had not yet risen,but the morning was come. The air was cold,the battle was hot;there was mist in the air,but still more gunpowder-smoke. The bullets and shells flew over the soldiers' heads,and into their heads—into their bodies and limbs;but still they pressed forward. Here or there one or other of them would sink on his knees,with bleeding temples and a face as white as chalk. The little drummer still kept his healthy color;he had suffered no damage;he looked cheerfully at the dog of the regiment,which was jumping along as merrily as if the whole thing had been got up for his amusement,and as if the bullets were only flying about that he might have a game of play with them.“March!Forward!March!”This,was the word of command for the drum. The word had not yet been given to fall back,though they might have done so,and perhaps there would have been much sense in it;and now at last the word “Retire”was given;but our little drummer beat “Forward!march!”for he had understood the command thus,and the soldiers obeyed the sound of the drum. That was a good roll,and proved the summons to victory for the men,who had already begun to give way.Life and limb were lost in the battle. Bombshells tore away the flesh in red strips;bombshells lit up into a terrible glow the strawheaps to which the wounded had dragged themselves,to lie untended for many hours,perhaps for all the hours they had to live.It's no use thinking of it;and yet one cannot help thinking of it,even far away in thepeaceful town. The drummer and his wife also thought of it,for Peter was at the war.“Now,I'm tired of these complaints,”said the Fire-drum.Again the day of battle dawned;the sun had not yet risen,but it was morning. The drummer and his wife were asleep. They had been talking about their son,as,indeed,they did almost every night,for he was out yonder in God's hand. And the father dreamt that the war was over,that the soldiers had returned home,and that Peter wore a silver cross on his breast. But the mother dreamt that she had gone into the church,and had seen the painted pictures and the carved angels with the gilded hair,and her own dear boy,the golden treasure of her heart,who was standing among the angels in white robes,singing so sweetly,as surely only the angels can sing;and that he had soared up with them into the sunshine,and nodded so kindly at his mother.“My golden treasure!”she cried out;and she awoke. “Now the good God has taken him to Himself!”She folded her hands,and hid her face in the cotton curtains of the bed,and wept. “Where does he rest now?among the many in the big grave that they have dug for the dead?Perhaps he's in the water in the marsh!Nobody knows his grave;no holy words have been read over it!”And the Lord's Prayer went inaudibly over her lips;she bowed her head,and was so weary that she went to sleep.And the days went by,in life as in dreams!It was evening. Over the battle-field a rainbow spread,which touched the forest and the deep marsh.It has been said,and is preserved in popular belief,that where the rainbow touches the earth a treasure lies buried,a golden treasure;and here there was one. No one but his mother thought of the little drummer,and therefore she dreamt of him.And the days went by,in life as in dreams!Not a hair of his head had been hurt,not a golden hair.“Drum-ma-rum!drum-ma-rum!there he is!”the Drum might have said,and his mother might have sung,if she had seen or dreamt it.With hurrah and song,adorned with green wreaths of victory,they came home,as the war was at an end,and peace had been signed. The dog of the regiment sprang on in front with large bounds,and made the way three times as long for himself as it really was.And days and weeks went by,and Peter came into his parents' room. He was as brown as a wild man,and his eyes were bright,and his face beamed like sunshine. And his mother held him in her arms;she kissed his lips,his forehead,and his red hair. She had her boy back again;he had not a silver cross on his breast,as his father had dreamt,but he had sound limbs,a thingthe mother had not dreamt. And what a rejoicing was there!They laughed and they wept;and Peter embraced the old Fire-drum.“There stands the old skeleton still!”he said.And the father beat a roll upon it.“One would think that a great fire had broken out here,”said the Fire-drum. “Bright day!fire in the heart!golden treasure!skrat!skr-r-at!skr-r-r-r-at!”And what then?What then!—Ask the town musician.“Peter's far outgrowing the drum,”he said. “Peter will be greater than I.”And yet he was the son of a royal plate-washer;but all that he had learned in half a lifetime,Peter learned in half a year.There was something so merry about him,something so truly kind-hearted. His eyes gleamed,and his hair gleamed too—there was no denying that!“He ought to have his hair dyed,”said the neighbor's wife. “That answered capitally with the policeman's daughter,and she got a husband.”“But her hair turned as green as duckweed,and was always having to be colored up.”“She knows how to manage for herself,”said the neighbors,“and so can Peter. He comes to the most genteel houses,even to the burgomaster's where he gives Miss Charlotte piano-forte lessons.”He could play!He could play,fresh out of his heart,the most charming pieces,that had never been put upon music-paper. He played in the bright nights,and in the dark nights,too. The neighbors declared it was unbearable,and the Fire-drum was of the same opinion.He played until his thoughts soared up,and burst forth in great plans for the future:“To be famous!”And burgomaster's Charlotte sat at the piano. Her delicate fingers danced over the keys,and made them ring into Peter's heart. It seemed too much for him to bear;and this happened not once,but many times;and at last one day he seized the delicate fingers and the white hand,and kissed it,and looked into her great brown eyes. Heaven knows what he said;but we may be allowed to guess at it. Charlotte blushed to guess at it. She reddened from brow to neck,and answered not a single word;and then strangers came into the room,and one of them was the state councillor's son. He had a lofty white forehead,and carried it so high that it seemed to goback into his neck. And Peter sat by her a long time,and she looked at him with gentle eyes.At home that evening he spoke of travel in the wide world,and of the golden treasure that lay hidden for him in his violin.“To be famous!”“Tum-me-lum,tum-me-lum,tum-me-lum!”said the Fire-drum. “Peter has gone clear out of his wits. I think there must be a fire in the house.”Next day the mother went to market.“Shall I tell you news,Peter?”she asked when she came home. “A capital piece of news. Burgomaster's Charlotte has engaged herself to the state councillor's son;the betrothal took place yesterday evening.”“No!”cried Peter,and he sprang up from his chair. But his mother persisted in saying “Yes.”She had heard it from the baker's wife,whose husband had it from the burgomaster's own mouthAnd Peter became as pale as death,and sat down again.“Good Heaven!what's the matter with you?”asked his mother.“Nothing,nothing;only leave me to myself,”he answered but the tears were running down his cheeks.“My sweet child,my golden treasure!”cried the mother,and she wept;but the Fire-drum sang,not out loud,but inwardly.“Charlotte's gone!Charlotte's gone!and now the song is done.”But the song was not done;there were many more verses in it,long verses,the most beautiful verses,the golden treasures of a life.“She behaves like a mad woman,”said the neighbor's wife. “All the world is to see the letters she gets from her golden treasure,and to read the words that are written in the papers about his violin playing. And he sends her money too,and that's very useful to her since she has been a w idow.”“He plays before emperors and kings,”said the town musician. “I never had that fortune,but he's my pupil,and he does not forget his old master.”And his mother said,“His father dreamt that Peter came home from the war with a silver cross. He did not gain one in the war,but it is still more difficult to gain one in this way. Now he has the cross of honor. If his father had only lived to see it!”“He's grown famous!”said the Fire-drum,and all his native town said the same thing,for the drummer's son,Peter with the red hair—Peter whom they had known as a little boy,running about in wooden shoes,and then as a drummer,playing for the dancers—was become famous!“He played at our house before he played in the presence of kings,”said the burgomaster's wife. “At that time he was quite smitten with Charlotte. He was always of an aspiring turn. At that time he was saucy and an enthusiast. My husband laughed when he heard of the foolish affair,and now our Charlotte is a state councillor's wife.”A golden treasure had been hidden in the heart and soul of the poor child,who had beaten the roll as a drummer—a roll of victory for those who had been ready to retreat. There was a golden treasure in his bosom,the power of sound;it burst forth on his violin as if the instrument had been a complete organ,and as if all the elves of a midsummer night were dancing across the strings. In its sounds were heard the piping of the thrush and the full clear note of the human voice;therefore the sound brought rapture to every heart,and carried his name triumphant through the land. That was a great firebrand—the firebrand of inspiration.“And then he looks so splendid!”said the young ladies and the old ladies too;and the oldest of all procured an album for famous locks of hair,wholly and solely that she might beg a lock of his rich splendid hair,that treasure,that golden treasure.And the son came into the poor room of the drummer,elegant as a prince,happier than a king. His eyes were as clear and his face was as radiant as sunshine;and he held his mother in his arms,and she kissed his mouth,and wept as blissfully as any one can weep for joy;and he nodded at every old piece of furniture in the room,at the cupboard with the tea-cups,and at the flower-vase. He nodded at the sleeping-bench,where he had slept as a little boy;but the old Fire-drum he brought out,and dragged it into the middle of the room,and said to it and to his mother:“My father would have beaten a famous roll this evening. Now I must do it!”And he beat a thundering roll-call on the instrument,and the Drum felt so highly honored that the parchment burst with exultation.“He has a splendid touch!”said the Drum. “I've a remembrance of him now that will last.I expect that the same thing will happen to his mother,from pure joy over her golden treasure.”And this is the story of the Golden Treasure.。
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金宝贝 育乐课程1(0-6个月宝宝) 通过俯卧撑、闪光灯游戏、第一歌曲和其他的游戏培养宝宝的感观, 开发宝宝的视觉和听觉能力。设有父母交流时间,以帮您了解您宝宝 的成长发展。
金宝贝汇集国际早教专家所设计的七学阶亲子教育课程,每一阶 都强调并开发宝宝在相应年龄段所经历的特定发展标志——包括 幼儿透过感官探索来了解因果关系、与他人互动交流、阶段性的 体能发育、想象力游戏、以及早期的听力和语言技能学习。每一 学阶都运用一些基础而又引人入胜的活动,帮助孩子开发智能、 社交能力和身体技能。
音乐课 II (16-28个月宝宝) 每个月通过拉丁、摇滚、古典和其他不同的音乐形式学习舞蹈和唱歌。
音乐课 III (28个月-5岁宝宝)
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针对0-5岁幼儿 依据年龄的系统教材
六、寓教于乐 科学而有系统的教育方式
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艺术 在艺术创作的世界,激发宝宝的无限想象和自我表现能力。宝宝艺术教育 课程通过绘画、雕刻、素描、拼图、戏剧表演和其他艺术活动树立宝宝的 自信心,开发宝宝的艺术潜力。
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金宝贝的育乐课专门为刺激和强化 幼儿包括感官、生理技能、智力、 语言、社会竞争力及自尊等各方面 领域达到最佳效果而精心打造的
幼儿园学前技能(3-5岁宝宝) 在开发语言、艺术、科学探索、小组游戏的能力的同时,帮助宝宝学习独立 及团体生活,培养社交能力, 学习及适应幼儿园入学前所必须的社交能力,智 力及语言学习的能力,协助宝宝未来顺利进入幼儿园所。
金宝贝生动的音乐类亲子课程将给宝宝带来丰富的音乐风格。通过唱歌、 跳舞、音乐游戏和乐器,宝宝将学到重要的音乐知识,比如节奏、节拍、速 度和旋律等,是培养宝宝未来音乐修养的入门。同时,音乐课程还将有效推 动宝宝在语言、体能、社交、情感和智力方面的全面发展。
通过歌曲、舞蹈、运动游戏和乐器开展幼儿的声律启蒙,开发宝宝的音乐智力和 增强宝宝对音乐的热情。在培育宝宝德智体技能的同时,我们的课程通过各种各 样的音乐形式开发宝宝对韵律、节奏、音调和节拍的感应能力。 音乐课 I (6-16个月宝宝) 在播放欢快的歌曲节目时,发觉音乐中的音调、音高和节奏。
金宝贝 育乐课程2(6-10个月宝宝) 学习因果关系,通过爬坡、滑行和攀缘增强宝宝的体力。设有父母交 流时间,以帮助您了解您宝宝的成长发展。
金宝贝 育乐课程3(10-16个月宝宝) 培养宝宝的互动交流能力。寓教于乐的学习环境鼓励宝宝多多发现、学会权 和协调的能力,帮助父母进一步了解宝宝如何与他们及与外界的互动1和6 交流
• 信誉 - 美国纳斯达克上市(编码:GYMB) • 权威 - 权威商业杂志「Entrepreneur」评
• 快乐比知识更重要 游戏+体验=学习 重复性促进发育 跟随孩子的发育步伐 理解每个孩子的独特性 给孩子“肯定”的环境
• 金宝贝早教中心理念:通过游戏、音乐、 艺术以及丰富多彩的选修课程来开发宝宝 的潜能。
金宝贝 育乐课程4(16-22个月宝宝) 在游戏中学习形状和顺序,帮助宝宝了解世界,并学会如何巧妙地解决问题。
金宝贝 育乐课程5(22-28个月宝宝) 通过创意游戏来增强宝宝的象征思维、语言表达能力和社交互动的能力,进而 激活宝宝的想象力。
金宝贝 育乐课程6(28-36个月宝宝) 让宝宝在独自玩耍或与小伙伴游戏的过程中,学会通过合作和交流联结思路。