ISM 船舶国际安全管理规则-英文版

• Identification of the need for, and the provision of training. • Reporting and investigation of accidents, hazardous
occurrences and non-conformities.
understood, implemented effectively, ashore / onboard.
• To contribute to the continual improvement of the
system by means of corrective and preventive action.
• The systematic planning and control of operations and
emergency responses.
• The maintenance & continual improvement of system.
• A.913(22) para. 3.12 addresses that failure to correct
a Technical Inspection.
Revised guidelines
(+/- 3 months) Annual

附录 1ISM规则理解指南1A部分实施1 总则1.1 定义以下定义适用于本规则的A和B两部分。
1.1.1 “国际安全管理规则”系指由国际海事组织大会通过的,并可由该组织予以修正的“国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则”。
【理解】这是对《国际安全管理规则》的界定,特指由国际海事组织大会 A.741(18)号决议通过且由该组织修正的《国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则》,亦称ISM规则。
5.4 ISM规则和ISPS规则

5.4 ISM 规则和ISPS 规则83.Administrations should bear in mind the significance of ______ in maintaining safety of life and property at sea and in preventing marine pollution.A.advanced nautical equipmentB.emergency equipmentC.advanced performance main enginesmunication and language skills84.The International Management Code for the Safe operation of ships and for Pollution Prevention is referred to as ______.A.ISM CodeB.IOPP CodeC.IMS CodeD.ISPS Code85.Which of the following about ISM Code is NOT right?A.It aims to ensure safety at sea.B.It aims to avoid damage to the environment.C.It aims to prevent human injury or loss of life.D.It aims to provide a method to run a company.86.Which kind of vessel is not required to comply with the ISM code until 2002?A.Passenger ships and high-speed crafts of 500 gross tons or more.B.Oil tankers and chemical tankers and gas carriers.C.Bulk freight vessels.D.General cargo vessels.87.Which of the following is false?A. A company should develop a SMS and implement it.B. A company implementing a SMS properly may obtain a DOC.C.Once a company obtains its DOC, each vessel of this company will obtain a SMC.D.DOC is valid for 60 months unless “major non-conformity” is found.88.Which of the following is true?A. A company should develop an ISM and implement it.B. A company implementing an ISM properly may obtain a DOC.C.Once a company obtains its DOC, each vessel of this company will obtain a SMC.89.In the ISM code, “company” doesn’t mean ______.A.the ship ownerB.the manager or bareboat chartererC. a person assuming the responsibility for ship operationD. a business enterprise dealing with freight90.The “person” in the phrase “to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management” refers to ______.A.the manager of the shipping companyB.the master of the shipC.the designated person on board shipD.the designated person ashore91.The company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained _______ the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations.A.out of accordance withB.in conformity withC.in relation toD.in connection with92.The term “the company” in the ISM Code is defined as ______.A.the shipownerB.any person who has assumed responsibility for operating the shipC.either A or BD.neither A nor B93.The safety management objective of the ISM Code is ______.A.to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environmentB.to establish safeguards against all identified risksC.to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel, including preparing foremergenciesD.all of the above94.The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the ______ of equipment or systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.A.visibilityB.reliabilityC.abilityD.capability95.The company should ensure that _______ documents are promptly removed.A.absoluteB.outdatedC.updatedD.new96.The requirements of the ISM Code may be applied to ______.A.only oil tankersB.only containersC.only passenger shipsD.all ships97.The objectives of the ISM Code are to ensure _______.A.safety at seaB.avoidance of damage to the marine environment and to propertyC.prevention of human injury or loss of lifeD.all of the above98.The company should ensure that ______ involved in the company’s SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines.A.mastersB.crewC.chief engineersD.all personnel99.The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide _______ standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.A. a regionalB.an internationalC.the bestD.an ideal100.The company is responsible ______ that adequate resources and shore-based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.A.to ensureB.for ensureD.for ensuring101.The company should ensure that the master is fully ______ with the company’s SMS.A.familiarB.conversationC.understandD.confused102.Safety-management objectives of the company should establish safeguards _______ all identified risks.A.forB.againstC.toD.above103.The company should ensure that the master is given necessary support ______ the master’s duties can be safely performed.A.in order toB.such thatC.in order thatD.so as to104.The company should ensure that the ship’s personnel ______ effectively in the execution of their duties related to the SMS.A.are able to communicateB.are unable to communicateC.is able to communicateD.is unable to communicate105.Personnel carrying out audits should be ______ of the areas being audited.A.dependB.dependentC.independenceD.independent106.The results of the audits and reviews _______ to the attention of all personnel having responsibility in the area involved.B.should takeC.should be broughtD.should be taken107.A document of compliance should be accepted as evidence that the company ______ complying with the requirements of the ISM Code.A. is able toB. is capable ofC. canD. is subjected to5.4.2 ISPS 规则简介108.In order to strengthen maritime security and prevent and suppress acts of terrorism against shipping, a new, comprehensive security regime for international shipping was set to enter into force in July 2004. The new regime is ______.A.ISM CodeB.ISPS CodeC.FSS CodeD.IBC Code109.The objective of ISPS Code is ______.A.to protect the marine environmentB.to provide a method to avoid an accidentC.to protect the ship from collisionD.to keep terrorism action away from ships110.The ISPS Code consists of a mandatory section-Part A, which shows _______.A.the detailed security-related requirementsB.guidelines to meet security-related requirementsC.the detailed security-related requirements and the guidelines to meet themD.how to run a shipping company considering the potential terrorism action111.According to the ISPS Code, for a sailing ship, the followings except ______ should be onboard.A. a ship security planB. a ship security officerC. a company security officerD.certain onboard equipments112.In order to communicate the threat at a port facility or for a ship, the Contracting Government will set the appropriate security levels. Security level 1 corresponds to _______.A.normal situationsB.medium situationsC.high threat situationsD.special situations113.New adopted regulation of SOLAS says the master shall ______ when maintaining the security of the ship.A.take actions by the company’s orderB.take actions by the shipowner’s orderC.exercise his professional judgmentD.exercise his professional judgment but be constrained by the company114.When the ship security alert system is activated, it shall not ______.A.initiate a ship-to-shore security alertB.transmit a ship-to-shore security alertC.initiate an alert identifying the ship and its locationD.raise a security alarm on-board the ship indicating that the ship is under threat115.______ means a plan developed to ensure the application of measures on board the ship designed to protect persons on board, cargo, cargo transport units, ship’s stores or the ship from the risks of a security incidents.A.Ship security planpany security planC.Port facility security planD.National security plan116.Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by ______.A.the chief engineer officerB.the master of the shipC.the manager of the companyD.the Administration117.The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance in Part B of ______.A.the ISM CodeB.the ISPS CodeC.the IBC CodeD.the IGC Code118.Under the terms of ISPS Code, shipping companies are required to designate a company security officer for the company and a ______ for each of its ships.A.ship security officerB.designated person ashoreC.internal auditorD.patrol team119.The ship security plan should be submitted to ______ for approval.A.the SSOB.the PSCOC.the CSOD.the Administration120.The Ship Security Plan should indicate the operational and physical _______ the ship itself should take to ensure it always operates at security level 1.A.precaution measuresB.safety measuresC.security measuresD.emergency response measures121.Under ISPS Code, the ship to which it applies has to carry _______.A.an International Ship Security CertificateB.an international Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateC. a Safety Management CertificateD.an International Ballast Water management Certificate122.Under ISM Code, the ship to which it applies has to carry ______.A.an International Ship Security CertificateB.an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateC. a Safety Management CertificateD.an International Ballast Water Management Certificate123._______ means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times.A.Security level 1B.Security level 2C.Security level 3D.Lowest safety level124._______ means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.A.Security level 1B.Security level 2C.Security level 3D.Lowest safety level125._______ means the level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target.A.Security level 1B.Security level 2C.Security level 3D.Lowest safety level126._______ shall set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents.A.The contracting governmentsB.The port authoritiesC.The masterD.The company security officer127.A ship can request completion of a ______ when the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with.A. DOCB. DOSC. SSPD. SMC128.If a ship is required by the Administration to set or is already at a higher security level than that set for the port it intends to enter or in which it is already located, then the ship shall advise, without delay, the ______ of the contracting government within whose territory the port facility is located and the port facility security officer of the situation.petent authorityB.CSOC.PSCOD.Master5.4.3 其他最新公约和规则129.The introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by ______ has been identified as one of the four greatest threats to the world’s oceans.A.ships’ ballast waterB.ships’ cargoC.ships’ hullD.ships’ chain130.According to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, the maximum hours of work shall not exceed _______.A.14 hours in any 24-hour periodB.77 hours in any seven-day periodC.10 hours in any 24-hour periodD.88 hours in any seven-day period131.According to Maritime Labout Convention, 2006, the maximum hours of work shall not exceed ______.A.14 hours in any 24-hour periodB.72 hours in any seven-day periodC.10 hours in any 24-hour periodD.88 hours in any seven-day period132.According to Maritime Labout Convention, 2006, the minimum age at the time of the initial entry into force of this Convention is _______ years.A.18B.16C.22D.20133.According to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, the minimum age at the time of the initial entry into force of this Convention is 16 years. Night work of seafarers under the age of ______ shall be prohibited.A.18B.16C.22D.20134.In order to limit the introduction of alien species by ship, _______ was adopted on 13 Feb, 2004 at the IMO.A.Revised MARPOL annex IB.Revised MARPOL annex IIC.International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water andSedimentsD.ISPS Code135.Ships are not permitted to the TBT paint after 2008. It is required by _______.A.the International Convention for the Safety of the Life at SeaB.the International Convention for the Prevention from ShipsC.the International Convention on Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on ShipsD.the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water andSediments136.The installation and supplyment of fire fighting equipment are mainly subject to _______.A.ISM codeB.ISPS codeC.IBC codeD.FSS code137.Engine parameters shall be corresponded to NO(x) Technical Files. This is required by _______.A.MARPOL Annex IIIB.MARPOL Annex VIC.MARPOL Annex VD.MARPOL Annex VI。

ISM规则的生效 公约规定: 1998年7月1日起,适用于客船、高速客 船、油轮、化学品船、气体运输船、散货 船和高速货船; 2002年7月1日起,适用于移动式近海钻 井装置和500总吨及以上其他货船。
全称 《中华人民共和国船舶安全营运和防止污染管理 规则》
通过有效的管理和技术手段,减少和防 止人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,这就 是预防原理。
(1)、偶然损失原则( 事故与损失之间 存在着偶然性。一个事故的后果产生的损失 大小或损失种类是由偶然性决定的,反复发 生的同类事故并非产生相同的损失。----为 防止发生重大损失,唯一的办法是防止事故 的再次发生。)
(2)、因果关系原则(海因里希理论、事件 链理论、墨菲定理)
(3)、3E原则:事故的原因是由于员工技 能、知识、态度原因造成;需要采取工程技 术、教育、强化监督的方式来加强管理。
实现安全化,从根本上消除事故发生的可能性, 从而达到预防事故发生的目的。
安全是人力资源、投资管理、运营流程等一切 经营管理行为的否决标准;
所有事故都可以通过管理预防; 事故预防可以产生效益,安全是最大的财富,
人的伤害是最大的损失; 管理人员对于事故预防有直接责任,所有员工
稳定性。即系统由于内部子系统或要素的运 动,总是使整个系统趋向某一个稳定状态。 其表现是在外界相对微小的干扰下,系统的 输出和输入之间的关系,系统的状态和系统 的内部秩序(即结构)保持不变,或经过调 节控制而保持不变的性质。

A. ISM是国际船舶安全管理的缩写
B. ISM规则主要涉及船舶的结构安全
C. ISM规则不适用于货船
2. SOLAS公约全称为____。()
3. MARPOL 73/78公约的附则VI主要涉及____。()
4. IMDG规则中,危险品的分类主要基于其____和____。()
5. STCW公约规定,船员必须接受____、____和____等方面的培训。()
3. MARPOL 73/78公约的重要性在于减少了船舶对海洋环境的污染,包括防止油类、化学物质、废物和污水等的排放。具体措施包括使用低硫燃油、建立油污水分离系统、禁止非法废物排放等。
7. IMDG的英文缩写是什么?()

第八条 应急准备 第九条 对不符合规定情况、事故和险 情的报告和分析 第十条 船舶和设备的维护
第十一条 文件 第十二条 公司审核、复查和评价
第十三条 发证、审核和监督
第一、安全管理体系 以使公司人员有效实 施公司的安全和环保 方针为总体目标。 第二、安全管理体系 必须是文件化的。 第三、安全管理体系 必须是结构化的。不 是一简单的文件汇编。
ISM规则 一.ISM规则概述
全称:国际船舶安全营运及 防止污染管理规则 简称:国际安全管理规则
英文全称:International Management
Code for the Safe Operation of Ship and
for Pollution Prevention 英文简称: ISM CODE
船岸 职责 手册
岸上 应急 计划
船舶 操作 手册
船舶 维护 手册
船舶 应急 手册
安 全 管 理 手 册 的 编 写
目录 公司简介 安全和环保方针 公司机构描述和权责规定 指定人员介绍 船长职责规定及船长权力的声明
资源与人员 制定船上操作方案的程序 应急准备概要 事故和不符合规定情况的报告原则 船舶和设备维护规定概要 文件控制程序要点 内审复查和评价和相关文件介绍等
实施ISM规则的 港口国监督指南
2.详细检查 当“明显依据”(Clear Grounds)存在时,应对 其SMS进行详细检查,通过对体系文件进行的核查 确认其具有《ISM规则》要求的文件化程序,并有 效实施。 “明显依据”包括下列各项:没有证书或证书无 效、存在其他可导致滞留的缺陷、存在较多非滞 留性质的缺陷。 详细检查(查验有关记录、询问船上有关人员) 的内容。

企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility)是指企业履行公民义务,不仅满足自身经济利益考量,而且认可其在社会环境和公众利益方面的责任,以及满足企业社会管理责任和经济责任的能力。

Rules and regulation规则1.Are there any rules at your home?/ Do you have some rules at home? Yes, there any rules in your home. For example, in my family, I must do my homework first. If I finish my homework, I can watch TV and play computer games. Second I must get up at six o’clock, because I have an English class on the morning. Third, everyone knows, no pain no gain. If I want get some pocket money, I must do something to exchange. Such as sweep the floor and wash the dishes, I think it is good for my health.2.Which rule do you have to obey first at home?3.What do you think of the rules in your home? / Tell me something aboutyour family rules.There are some rules in my family, such as Respect the elders; wash hands before each meal; take shower before bed; Take off shoes before entering the bedrooms.4.Are you allowed to watch TV for a long time every day?5.If you don’t listen to your parents, what will happen?If I don’t listen to my mum, most of time she will persuade me to accept her suggestion. But sometimes she may be angry at me. I don’t think that will work. Parents can suggest children to do something but not order them. I have heard of that American parents never order their children in order to help them to be independent.6.Are there any rules in your school?/ Do you know any school rules? Yes. We should go to school on time. We must wear the school suit on Monday and Thursday. It’s not allowed to run in the hall. No fighting. Be polite to teachers and students. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.7.How can traffic accidents be prevented?I think the most important thing is we should obey the traffic rules, all of them are necessary. For example, when we cross the road, we should wait for the traffic light, but I see many people could hardly wait to rush into road. That’s very dangerous. Some people drive after drinking alcohol. It’s also very dangerous for both driver and the people on the road.8.Which rules are unfair in your school?Answer1:The rule ‘we can’t run in the hallways anytime’ is unfair. I always follow this rule. But I can see many children, even some teachers always run in the hallway. No one criticizes them. If it’s an unreasonable rule, it should be revoked. But before this, in order to be serious to the school rules, all the people who break rules should be punished.Answer2:We must stay at classroom in break, but some low grade student can play on the playground, I think that is the most unfair rules in my school. We can’t play basket ball, can’t play foot ball, can’t play hide and seek. We just can talking about friend and play some small games. If you are in my class and you will know it is very boring. We ask the teacher but the teacher told us that is good for our study and safety. So I think that is the most unfair rules in my school. 9.What kind of rules do we need to obey in our life?/ How much do you knowabout rules?Answer1:There are many rules we should obey. For example, in school we shouldn’t be late for class, don’t eat snacks in the class, don’t leave classroom freely if we are in class time…and so on. In public, don’t smoke in public area, don’t spit everywhere, don’t break public property … and so on. I think if we all obey these rules strictly, the world will become better and better.Answer2:Rules are something people should obey so as to make the world a better place to live in. For example, the school rules are made to guarantee student’s health physically and mentally.10.What public rules do you have to obey?你必须遵守哪些公共规则?11.If you see someone smoking in public, what would you do?I’ll smile at him and say: Hi Sir, may I possibly ask you not to smoke? The government has banned smoking in all public places. You know, when you smoke, the people around you will have the passive smoking. Furthermore, smoking really does harm to yourself.12.Have you ever broken any public rules?Yes. Sometimes I eat food will have some noise; it will broken the public rule.I think it is not very polite. If I have some noise, people will feel very terrible. And then they won’t want to eat food. They will think I am an impolite boy. They will not want eat meal with me. I think we must obey the public rule. Otherwise you will be very disgusting.Yes, I know some rules in public place and I can tell them to you. First, we can’t smoke in public place. I believe everyone knows it. Because I think smoking is bad for our health. If some people smoke in public place, we will smoke the second-hand smoking, it’s also very bad for our body. Second, we can’t play fire in the filling station. If play fire in the filling station, the filling station will explosion, it’s very dangers. Third we can’t spit in public place, it’s not very sanitary. So I think we must obey the rules.14.Can teachers smoke in school?15.Will teachers be punished if they smoke?16.If you drive the car, when should you stop, when should you go?You can go at a green traffic light and stop at a red light.17.Do you think it’s important for people to obey laws? / How important arerules and regulations for you? Why?Yes, I do. I think that’s important. Because when we obey rules, we will in safe. Policeman and other people can help me. if we don't obey rules, word will in chaos(混乱)and we will in dangers.18.Why do people setup the rules or regulations?/ What do you think aboutrules?It’s very important to have rules. In Chinese idiom, No square and circle without rules. Rules give the boundary to control you and also protect you. For example, you should go to school on time. If you don’t, you will miss some class and disturb your classmates. These rules also protect you from being disturbed by others.19.Does your father smoke? If so, what rules stop him from smoking?20.What will happen to you if you are late or absent for school?Teacher will punish(惩罚) me cruel(残酷的). Such as: you must go out the classroom for 1 hour or you won’t have the examination paper.the best in the word. I think it will be better and better in future.22.How to obey the traffic rules?Traffic rules are the general practices and procedures that road usersfollow, especially motorists and cyclists. Such as stopping for pedestrains to cross at the zebra-crossing. Traffic rules can also be obey easily if the driver pay more attention to the road signs beside the roads. The signs tell the driver everything that needs to be take note, example the speed limit, highway code(交通法规) and priority(优先). If the driver take note of allthese signs and keep in mind, then obeying the traffic rules is not aproblem.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------话题:Rules & Regulations1. Can you tell me some rules on a plane?I am glad to make you answer. I know some rules on a plane. Such as you can’t use your mobile phone during the flight and you must wear a seatbelt at takeoff or landing. These rules can protect us.2. Can you tell me some rules in a library?I can tell you some rules in a library. Such as “you can make noisy in library” or “you can’t break books in the library” if we obey these rules other people can study well, so rules in library are very important.3. Do you know any rules for keeping pets?Yes, I know something about it, such as: we shouldn’t bring pets to the shops, restaurant, or other public area. The pets have to go to hospital every year to keep them healthy. We should streat pets as our friends, love them, and take care of them.4. What do you think about the rules in your class? Do you have any class rules?There are lots of rules in my class. You have to go to school on time. You have to follow what the teacher says in the class and shouldn’t talk before you get the permission to talk. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.But I think some rules in our class are redundant. Such as “no smoke!” are redundant. Because no student smoke.5. Do you know some traffic rules? How to obey these rules?Yes. You can go at a green traffic light and stop at a red light and don’t park your car in the wrong place. If you need to walk across the street, you need to follow the zebra crossing. I know some traffic signs from class, like no parking, speed limit, etc. You have to obey these rules. These rules protect you.6. Want rules do you need to obey when you’re in a car?When you get into the car, you need to wear the safety belt. You should not stick your head and hands out of the window. Do not distract the driver. Keep the door closed. We must wear a seat belt in a car; we can’t drive the car when we make a phone call.7. What do you think about the safety belt?My mother always asks me to wear the safety belt when I’m in the car. I think it’s because if some accident happens, the safety belt can save your life. It’s a very good habit to wear the safety belt whenever you are in the car.8. What rules do you think are important in life why?I think school rules are important in life. Because it can teach us “be kind to other” or “share with other”. These can help us to make friends and study well.9. Do you think it is necessary for student to wear uniforms at school?I think this rule is very excellent. Beautiful if student wear uniforms at school, teacher can differentiate them easily, it’s easier for the theater to take care of them.10. If you can change one rule today, what rule will you change?If I can change a rule today, I will change a rule that: under the age of 12, children can’t ride bike on road. I will cut off it because it isn’t convenient.11. Do you know it is necessary to have lots of family rules for children? Why?I think that’s wrong. Because if mom makes a lot of rules, children won’t have any free time, we will unhappy. I think they can make a bit rules.12. Many people think that occasional(偶尔的), minor(较小的)breaches (破坏)of the law are ok, what do you think?In sometimes that’s ok. If something is very emergency, we can be a minor breach. It can help we leave the emergency.13. If there’s no rule what will the world be?It’ll be very bad. I even can’t imagine it. For example, if there is no traffic rule, all the people will be unsafe when they go out. If there is no rule for the country, we would see crime everywhere. The people would suffer hell on earth.14. What if you break your family rules?I will get punishment and cover some house work. If I break the rules, I will pay much money. Such as if I go bed after 10 o’ clock, I must pay 50yuan. ButI can get more money by some rules too! If I wash the dish, I will get 1yuan.15. If there are no rules what should we do?If there are no rules, I’m quite sure that we will make some rules. When we play some game with classmates or friends, we usually need to get agreement on certain rules first. If we don’t do that early, we will have trouble later. We may argue or make somebody very unhappy. If we want to continue, we have to figure out some rules that all of us agree and follow..16. If you could adopt one new rule in your school, which rule will you use/adopt?Answer1:I will use such a new rule ‘s tudent must do exercises for one hour everyday’. You know we are at the age of physical growth, but we also have very heavy burden in study. More and more major subjectsoccupy(占据)the break and PE class. In order to(为了…)be good for(利于)our health and study, we should do exercises at least one hour every day. I’ll be very happy if my school can adopt this rule. Answer2:We must stay at classroom in break, but some low grade student can play on the playground, if I can adopt one new rule in my school, I will adopt that we can play on the playground in break. But now, we can’t play basket ball, can’t play foot ball, can’t play hide and seek on the playground. We just can talking about friend and play some small games in the classroom. If you are in my class and you will know it is very boring. We ask the teacher but the teacher told us that is good for our study and safety. So if I can adopt one new rule in my school, I will adopt that we can play on the playground in break.17. Some primary school students have a mobile phone at school.What's your opinion on it?A mobile phone is the modern communication tool for everybody. I’m not surprised to see that some students hold a mobile phone. I have a mobile phone, but I only use it when I need it. When I go to a camp, I can talk with my parents although I don’t like it they always ask me what I have done.18. Are school rules important, why?Yes, I think school rules are very important, because they are designed to make school a better place for us to stay. I know something about school rules such as Be kind to others, respect school property, learn to share and take turns. ride bikes; don’t park your car in the wrong place.19. What if you break the traffic rules?If I break the traffic rules, I will get a ticket, and I need to pay money for that.。

1 ISM规则实施对船员市场的冲击实施ISM规则,核心在于建立安全管理体系并落实执行,而安全管理体系的内容之一就是要求有足够的资源和人员。

轮机长英文面试60题(含答案,供参考)1.你能谈谈你的最后一艘船吗?您体验过哪些类型(品牌)的主机?在我的最后一艘船上,我主要关注发动机类型等细节DOOSAN MAN B&W 8K90MC-C,36560 KW,总吨位 39906/净吨位 24504,从印度海航行到欧洲我有使用过几种不同类型的主机的经验,例如苏尔寿、MAN B&W 和 UEC 等。
2. 总工程师应该具备哪些能力?<>n>首先,我认为对于一个总工程师来说,工作中的熟练和熟练是非常重要的。
4. 能否请您详细描述一下加注程序?我应该先按照船东的指示制定加油计划,然后报船长批准。
我的值班工程师应注意油压、温度和油样n 和 u sed 作为未来的证据。
顺便说一句,负责工程师应该注意,需要再取一瓶样品油,这些油样将在容器中储存三年,以满足MARPOL VI 的要求。


1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship?The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following。
(1) Day—to—day running of the Engine room。
(2) Management of the Engine department personnel。
(3) Safety matters in the Engine room。
(4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship(5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears,emergency equipments in engine room, etc.(6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System)(7) Requisition for,receipt and control of spare parts and stores(8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew.(9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation.2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel?I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations.3。

13.8 “安全管理证书”的有效性应当服从于由主管机关或主管机关认可的机 构,或者是应主管机关的请求由另一缔约国政府实施的至少一次的中间审核。 如果只进行一次中间审核,且“安全管理证书”的有效期为5年,中间审核
2.1 公司应当制定安全和环境保护方针。 2.2 公司应当保证船岸各级机构均能执行和保持此方针。
3 公司的责任和权力
3.1 如果负责船舶营运的实体不是船舶所有人,则船舶所有人必须向主管机 关报告该实体的全称和详细情况。
3.2 对涉及和影响安全和防止污染工作的管理、执行以及审核的所有人员, 公司应当以文件形式明确规定其责任、权力及其相互关系。
6 资源和人员 6.1 公司应当保证船长: 1 具有适当的指挥资格; 2 完全熟悉公司的安全管理体系; 3 得到必要的支持,以便可靠地履行其职责。
6.2 公司应根据本国和国际有关规定,为每艘船舶配备合格、持证并健康的船员。
6.3 公司应建立有关程序,以便保证涉及安全和环境保护工作的新聘和转岗人员适当 熟悉其职责。
IMO以前的强制性文件都是针对船舶构造、船舶设备和船员的技术性 的要求或标准作出的,而ISM规则却是要求负责船舶营运的公司和其所营运 的船舶建立起一套科学、系统和程序化的安全管理体系,并要求船旗国主 管机关对公司和船舶的安全管理体系进行审核和发证。
5 船长的责任和权力
5.1 公司应当以文件形式明确规定船长的下列责任: 1 执行公司的安全和环境保护方针; 2 激励船员遵守该方针;

根据2007年7月份USCG滞留船舶的情况分析,7月份在美国各港口共滞留船舶20艘,其中有12艘涉及ISM缺陷,占滞留船舶的60%;20艘船舶共开出52项缺陷,其中有23 项是ISM方面的缺陷,占缺陷总数的44.2%。

国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则(国际安全管理(ISM)规则)1 总则1.1 定义1.1.1 “国际安全管理规则”系指由国际海事组织大会通过的,并可由该组织予以修正的“国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则”。
1.1.2 “公司”系指船舶所有人,或已承担船舶所有人的船舶营运责任并在承担此种责任时同意承担本规则规定的所有责任和义务的任何机构或个人,如管理人或光船承租人。
1.1.3 “主管机关”系指船旗国政府。
1.2 目标1.2.1 本规则的目标是保证海上安全,防止人员伤亡,避免对环境,特别是海洋环境,造成危害以及对财产造成损失。
1.2.2 公司的安全管理目标尤其应该是:.1 提供船舶营运的安全做法和安全工作环境;.2 针对已认定的所有风险,制定防范措施;以及.3 不断提高岸上及船上人员的安全管理技能,包括安全及环境保护方面的应急准备。
1.2.3 安全管理体系应当保证:. l 符合强制性规定及规则;.2 对国际海事组织、主管机关、船级社和海运行业组织所建议的适用的规则、指南和标准予以考虑。
1.3 适用范围本规则的要求可适用于所有船舶。
1.4 安全管理体系的功能要求每个公司均应建立、实施并保持包括以下功能要求的安全管理体系:.1 安全和环境保护方针;.2 确保船舶的安全营运和环境保护符合有关的国际和船旗国立法的须知和程序;.3 船、岸人员的权限和相互间的联系渠道;.4 事故和不符合本规则规定情况的报告程序;.5 对紧急情况的准备和反应程序;以及.6 内部评审和管理性复查程序。
2 安全和环境保护方针2.1 公司应制定安全和环境保护方针,说明如何实现第1.2段所述目标。
2.2 公司应当保证船岸各级机构均能执行和保持此方针。
3 公司的责任和权力3.1 如果负责船舶营运的实体不是船舶所有人,则船舶所有人必须向主管机关报告该实体的全称和详细情况。
3.2 对管理、从事和审核涉及安全和防止污染工作的所有人员,公司应当明确并用文件形式规定其责任、权力和相互关系。
第一节 国际安全管理规则(ISM)

国际安全管理规则(ISM)1、______ is not among the Safety management objectives of the Company.A.to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment B.to establish safeguards against all identified risksC.to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships,including preparing for emergencies related both to safety and environmental protectionD.to avoid damage to the environment,in particular,to the marine environment,and to property2、______ is not required to be included in SMS of a Company.A.Procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of this CodeB.Application of the codes,guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization,Administrations,classification societies and maritime industry organizationsC.Procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situationsD.Procedures for internal audits and management reviews3、______ is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.A.The AdministrationB.The GovernmentC.The CompanyD.The Organization4、A look-out should report objects sighted using ______.A.True bearingsB.Magnetic bearingsC.Gyro bearingsD.Relative bearings5、A maritime lien may be placed against ______.A.Any assets that a ship's owner may haveB.A vessel,cargo,or freightC.Objects that are fixed and immovable,such as wharvesD.The vessel only6、Acceptance of delivery shall not ______ any waiver of Charterer's rights hereunder.A.prostituteB.instituteC.consistD.constitute7、All expenses of Cargo-handling are ______.A.To be accounted for the CharterersB.To be paid for the CharterersC.To be handled for the CharterersD.To be paid by the Charterers8、All the following are the objectives of ISM code except ______.A.to ensure safety at seaB.to ensure prevention of human injury or loss of lifeC.to ensure avoidance of damage to the environment,in particular,to the marine environment,and to propertyD.to ensure achievement of shipping profits by both the carrier/owner and the shipper 9、Do you know ________.A.Where is the chief officerB.Where the chief officer isC.Is where the chief officerD.The chief officer is where10、If shore personnel are not permitted to work due to failure of the Owners to comply with the necessary regulations,or because of a lack of necessary certificates,any time so that lost to count as ______.A.DemurrageB.DespatchC.Off-hireD.Delay11、If the Charterer nominates an unsafe port and the ship is damaged through going there,______ will be liable for the damage,subject to that the master acts reasonably in going there.A.HeB.SheC.The ownerD.The shipper12、If the ship is delayed by reason of Charterer's failure to name a port,______ will be liable for the damages.A.the ownerB.the ChartererC.the shipperD.the carrier13、Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must ______.A.conduct a fire drillB.conduct a boat drillC.log the fore and aft draft marksD.test the emergency generator14、Procedures for the implementation of corrective action should be established by ______.A.The AdministrationB.The GovernmentC.The CompanyD.The Organization15、Refrigeration machinery is often surveyed before loading reefer cargo.Thissurvey is usually performed by the ______.A.MSAB.CCSC.CCIQD.Local port authority16、That the ______ showed that the ship complied with the requirements of the said Convention.A.LookingB.SeeingC.SightseeingD.Inspection17、The Company should clearly define and document the master's responsibility with regard to all the following items except ______.A.implementing the safety and environmental protection policy of the Company B.motivating the crew in the observation of that policyC.designing the procedures for internal audits and management reviews D.issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner18、The Company should clearly define and document the master's responsibility with regard to all the following items except ______.A.implementing the safety and environmental protection policy of the Company B.preparing procedures to respond to emergency situationsC.verifying that specified requirements are observedD.reviewing the SMS and reporting its deficiencies to the shore based management 19、The Company should ensure that the Safety and Environmental Protection policy is implemented and maintained ______.A.at the level of ship based organizationB.at the level of shore based organizationC.at all levels of the organization both ship based as well as shore basedD.at highest level of the organization20、The document on a vessel,annually endorsed by an American Bureau of Shipping surveyor,is called the ______.A.Certificate of InspectionB.Classification CertificateC.Load Line CertificateD.Seaworthy Certificate21、The Master may have his/her license suspended or revoked for ______.A.carrying stowawaysB.sailing shorthandedC.being negligentD.All of the above22、The master shall be ______ the marine environment when taking collision-avoiding action.A.Aware ofB.Clear ofC.In charge ofD.Interested with.23、The person on a ship who is responsible for maintaining the engineering spaces ina clean and sanitary condition is the ______.A.Master,or person in chargeB.Chief Engineer,or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is required C.Senior mechanic,or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designated D.Senior electrician,or electrician on duty if no senior electrician designated24、The Third Officer's duty is to ______ when vessel is commanded under the pilot or Captain.A.Operate the wheel and stand byB.Keep a lookout and operate steering gearC.Enter telegraph orders in the bell bookD.Operate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book25、When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side ________.A.Bow to the sea and no way on your vesselB.Sea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowlyC.Sea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowlyD.Sea on the quarter with sternway on the ship26、Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day ________.A.Third officerB.Second officerC.Chief officerD.Assistant officer。

政府代表主管机关签发《符合证明》 (DOC),该《符合证明》则被作该公司符 合ISM规则要求的证据予以接受。《符合证 明》副本存放在船上,以便向检查机关出示 或被验证。 主管机关及其授权的认证机构(我国交 通部授权中国船级社)对船上管理符合认可 的“SMS”时,应当签发给船上一份《安全管 理证书》(SMC)。
不断改进,不断完善,从而将一切安全和防 污染管理活动置于严格控制之下,实现安全 与防污染管理的总目标。
四.ISM规则适用范围、对象和实施日期 • 适用范围、对象 ISM规则适用于一切船舶,即各种商用船 舶、专用船舶(但政府用于非商业目的的船 舶除外),同时也适用于船舶所有人、管理 人和船舶经营管理人及光船承租人。
ISM规则所提供的是船舶安全管理、安 全营运和防止污染的国际管理标准。该规则 有IMO第18届大会通过,并被列入《SOLAS
二.ISM规则的产生 •安全和环境保护的法律、法规的发展经历 的三个阶段: •基本阶段——惩罚文化; •第二阶段——符合文化; •高级阶段——安全自我管理文化。
国际船舶安全营运及防止污染管理规则 简称:国际安全管理规则
英文全称:International Management Code for
the Safe Operation of Ship and for Pollution Prevention 英文简称: ISM CODE
目录 公司简介 安全和环保方针 公司机构描述和权责规定 指定人员介绍 船长职责规定及船长权力的声明

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1.Have you ever studied SMS? What is SMS?
A:Yes,I have studied SMS.SMS stands for a safety management system.
2. Do you have ISM certificate?
A:Yes, I am holding ISM certificate issued by
3.What is DOC?
A:DOC stands for “Documentation of compliance”. It is issued to a company.
4.What is SMC?
A:SMC means Safety Management Certificate. It is issued to a ship
5.What is DP mean in ISM code?
A:DP mean stands for Designated Person
6.What is NCR in ISM Code?
A:NCR is Non-conformity Report.
7.Who takes care of documents on board?
A:Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the Captain.
What is ISM code?
Its mean International Safety Management code,
国际安全管理规则,International management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention,简称ISM CODE)。