

可编辑修改精选全文完整版英语教学反思英文版20篇简短1. Reflection on English TeachingAs an English teacher, I constantly reflect on my teaching methods and strategies to ensure that my students are engaged and learning effectively. I believe that self-reflection is crucial for professional growth and improvement in the classroom.2. The Importance of Reflecting on English Teaching Reflecting on my English teaching allows me to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. It also helps me to adapt my teaching to meet the diverse needs of my students and create a positive learning environment.3. Challenges in English TeachingTeaching English can be challenging, especially when working with students who have different language abilities and learning styles. Reflecting on these challenges helps me to find creative solutions and improve my teaching practice.4. Adapting to Student NeedsReflecting on my English teaching has taught me the importance of adapting my lessons to meet the individual needs of my students. This may involve modifying my teaching methods, providing additional support, or offering alternative learning materials.5. Engaging Students in English LearningReflecting on my teaching has shown me the value of engaging students in their English learning. By incorporating interactive activities, real-life examples, and technology into my lessons, I can create a more dynamic and enjoyable learning experience for my students.6. Building a Positive Learning EnvironmentReflecting on my English teaching has highlighted the significance of creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. By fostering a supportive classroom culture, I can encourage my students to participate, take risks, and develop their English language skills with confidence.7. Using Feedback to ImproveReflecting on feedback from students, colleagues, andsupervisors has been instrumental in improving my English teaching. By considering and acting on constructive feedback, I can refine my teaching methods and enhance the learning experience for my students.8. Embracing Continuous Professional DevelopmentReflecting on my English teaching has reinforced the importance of continuous professional development. By seeking out new teaching strategies, attending workshops, and staying informed about current trends in English education, I can continue to grow as an effective teacher.9. Balancing Traditional and Innovative Approaches Reflecting on my English teaching has shown me the value of balancing traditional teaching methods with innovative approaches. By incorporating a variety of instructional techniques, I can cater to the diverse learning preferences of my students and keep them engaged in their English learning.10. Celebrating Progress and AchievementsReflecting on my English teaching has reminded me to celebrate the progress and achievements of my students. By acknowledgingtheir efforts and successes, I can motivate them to continue developing their English language skills and build their confidence as learners.11. Overcoming Language BarriersReflecting on my English teaching has taught me how to overcome language barriers in the classroom. By using visual aids, gestures, and simplified language, I can help my students understand and engage with the English content more effectively.12. Fostering a Love for English LearningReflecting on my teaching has reinforced the importance of fostering a love for English learning in my students. By making my lessons enjoyable, relevant, and meaningful, I can inspire my students to become lifelong learners of the English language.13. Cultivating Critical Thinking SkillsReflecting on my English teaching has shown me the value of cultivating critical thinking skills in my students. By encouraging them to analyze, evaluate, and apply their Englishlanguage knowledge, I can help them become more independent and proficient language users.14. Promoting Cultural AwarenessReflecting on my English teaching has highlighted the significance of promoting cultural awareness in the classroom. By incorporating diverse perspectives, literature, and discussions into my lessons, I can help my students appreciate and respect different cultures while improving their English language skills.15. Collaborating with ColleaguesReflecting on my English teaching has emphasized the importance of collaborating with colleagues. By sharing ideas, resources, and best practices, I can enhance my teaching and contribute to a supportive and professional English teaching community.16. Embracing Technology in English TeachingReflecting on my teaching has shown me the value of embracing technology in English education. By integrating digital tools, multimedia resources, and online platforms into my lessons, I can enhance the learning experience and prepare my students forthe digital age.17. Supporting English Language LearnersReflecting on my English teaching has taught me how to better support English language learners. By providing additional language support, scaffolding, and differentiated instruction, I can help my students develop their English language skills at their own pace.18. Encouraging Student AutonomyReflecting on my English teaching has reinforced the importance of encouraging student autonomy. By providing opportunities for self-directed learning, goal setting, and reflection, I can empower my students to take ownership of their English language development.19. Reflecting on Assessment and FeedbackReflecting on my English teaching has highlighted the significance of effective assessment and feedback. By using a variety of assessment methods and providing timely, constructive feedback, I can help my students track their progress and improve their English language skills.20. Looking Ahead in English TeachingReflecting on my teaching has inspired me to look ahead and consider the future of English education. By staying informed about new methodologies, technologies, and trends, I can continue to evolve as an effective English teacher and prepare my students for success in the global community.。

第一类是最容易拼读的词汇:a and ask at back bag bed bigblack box bus but by cake can car cat class dad desk这些词汇,教师就能够让学生先听,然后试着去拼写。
第二类是规律性的由字母组合构成的词汇:car star all walkwhich who that this slow know play gay这些词汇就需要教师加以归类和总结,告诉学生一般发音规律,以及例外的读音状况。
如ow字母组合读/ ou/音,但在cow中读/au/音。
第三类的词汇就是一些无规律的词汇:half one uncle在这些词汇中,个别字母的读音须引起同学们的注意。
2、根据读音来分类(如把有/ei /的单词归类): a ageaustralia away baby cake day eig ht eighteen eighty erasergame grade great hey late make name ok plane play same saystay t able take they today way weekday。

英语教案教学反思6篇英语教案教学反思篇1活动目标:1、培养幼儿对英语的兴趣2、复习用英语说衣物,学习用英语说出情绪并能正确发音3、通过游戏促进幼儿交往能力和初步竞争意识活动内容:学习单词happy angry sad活动准备:魔术袋子、娃娃脸谱〈用来练习认知〉活动过程:一、开始部分1、用英语问候Hello,boys and girlsHello,Miss Pan2、复习单词今天老师和小朋友们一起来回顾下衣服,Look,what’s this?(有实物外套)幼:It’s a coat.师:Yes,very good! Whats this? (有物件毛衣)幼:Its a sweater!师:Very good! ...Ok,看来小朋友都记得非常牢,真棒!来,咱们来唱首歌吧!OK?幼:OK!GO!(师幼共同唱《音乐之声》)二、学习新知识师:唱完歌,老师给小朋友们变个魔术!小朋友们肯定会喜欢的!一二三,变!小朋友们看,我现在很......?幼:很开心!在笑!(幼儿会有自己不同的回答)师:那现在呢?(教师可以逐一换面具,为了让幼儿区别情绪。
happy高兴的angry生气的sad伤心的三、游戏比赛记忆单词师:小朋友们真聪明!来!我们来鼓励下自己!伸出小手准备!Gugaga,gugaga,good,good,very,very good!接下来咱们要进行一次竞赛咱们分第一,第二,第三,第四小组,看看谁是NO.1!(教师讲解游戏玩法和规则,要求幼儿在最快时间内到教室的每个角落找表情面具,找到的用英语说出名字,每组每个小朋友要找到不同的表情。
)四、结束活动师:小朋友,小娃娃脸真漂亮,他们要回家了,先和他们说再见吧幼:Good bye!Happy! Good bye!Angry! Good bye!Sad! Good bye!五、活动自评通过本次英语活动,幼儿基本上可以掌握所学单词,并复习到一些简单的英语口语。

英语教学反思最新8篇英语教学反思篇一教学设计:授课类型读写课课时安排一课时教学目标知识目标1、Key Vocabulary:mountain2 、Target language--How was yourweekend?--It was great/OK/---3、Irregular Verbs能力目标Train students’ speaking students’ communicative competence.情感目标If you have some difficulty memorizing irregular verbs, don’t worry. Take it easy and be confident, you’ll be sure to……教学反思:1、本课力求通过一系列生动活泼的教学设计,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及团结合作的能力,使学生初步形成该话题的会话能力。
根据教材中的情景,真实再现于课堂并创造新的环境,如教What’s your hare? How old are you?时情景有“结识新朋友”。

英语口语教学反思(精选13篇)英语口语教学反思 1本课程设计了若干情景与活动,并提供了一些必要的句型结构,旨在让学生积极参与学习活动,开口说英语,并使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握语言知识,锻炼口语能力。
英语口语教学反思 2小学是学生学好英语的基础和关键时期,同时培养学生具备良好的语感、语音、语调,使他们初步形成用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,是非常重要的。
英语教学反思 英文版

英语教学反思英文版English Teaching ReflectionEnglish language teaching is an ever-evolving field that requires constant reflection and refinement to ensure effective learning outcomes. In this document, we will delve into the key aspects of English language teaching and reflect on strategies to enhance the teaching process.Importance of Reflection in English TeachingReflection plays a crucial role in improving English language teaching practices. It allows teachers to evaluate their teaching methods, identify strengths, and address areas for improvement. By reflecting on their teaching experiences, educators can adapt their strategies to better meet the needs of their students.Student-Centered ApproachOne of the most effective strategies in English language teaching is adopting a student-centered approach. This approach focuses on engaging students in active learning by encouraging participation, promoting critical thinking, and providing opportunities for students to collaborate with their peers.Integration of TechnologyTechnology has become an integral part of English language teaching. Incorporating technology tools and resources in the classroom can enhance the learning experience, facilitate communication, and provide access to a wide range of online resources. Teachers can use online platforms, multimedia materials, and interactive games to engage students and make learning more interactive.Cultivating a Positive Learning EnvironmentCreating a positive and inclusive learning environment is essential for effective English language teaching. Teachers should strive to create a supportive atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing their ideas, asking questions, and engaging in discussions. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, teachers can create an environment that promotes learning and growth.Continuous Professional DevelopmentContinuous professional development is key to improving English language teaching practices. Teachers should actively seek opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills, attend workshops and conferences, engage in peerobservation, and participate in professional learning communities. By staying informed about the latest trends and best practices in English language teaching, educators can continuously improve their teaching methods and enhance student learning outcomes.ConclusionIn conclusion, effective English language teaching requires continuous reflection, innovation, and a commitment to lifelong learning. By adopting student-centered approaches, integrating technology, cultivating positive learning environments, and engaging in continuous professional development, educators can create impactful learning experiences that empower students to succeed in their language learning journey.。

根据教材中的情境,真实再现于课堂并创造新的怀境,如教“What’s you name? How old are you?”时,情境有“小歌手大赛报到处”、“迷路的小孩子与警察”、“结识新朋友”、“医生与生病的孩子”、“自己介绍”等等一些语境,使学生积极参与,到讲台上锻炼英语表达本事和胆量。
如师生早晚问好、道谢、道别等,学生已经习惯用Hello、Good morning、thank you、You are wele、See you、Good bye……与我交流。

大家提出了几个很及时的建议与问题,如:26个字母是否顶格书写?因为PEP 教材与新标准教材衔接上不同;当然大家也强烈建议PEP小学英语教材中的单词表中应标上音标与词性,这样便于学生了解与熟悉。
4、时间上合理分配,难易区分,突破难点,难的发音,可以强调元音ai ai ai kite kite kite fly fly fly运用chant进行练习。

英语教学反思(精选15篇)英语教学反思1本节课的教学内容是新课标英语教材七年级上册第四单元“Where’s my school bag?”的第一课时。
特别是在“Let’s play a guessing game”这个环节我设计了一只小鸽子,让它将不同的物品叼到各个位置,激发了学生的学习兴趣和热情。

英语教学反思万能模板范文英文版In recent years, reflecting on English teaching methods has become an essential aspect in enhancing language learning efficiency. To facilitate this process, a universal reflection template is proposed to guide educators in evaluating their teaching strategies and incorporating necessary improvements.I. Introduction The introduction sets the foundation for the reflection process by providing background information on the teaching context, the objectives of the English course, and the target student population.II. Lesson Planning This section focuses on the planning stage of English lessons. Educators are encouraged to critically assess the alignment between learning objectives, instructional materials, and assessment methods. Suggestions for enhancing lesson coherence and relevance are also discussed.III. Classroom Management Effective classroom management is crucial for creating a conducive learning environment. Educators are prompted to reflect on their techniques for engaging students, managing group dynamics, and addressing behavioral challenges. Strategies for fostering a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere are highlighted.IV. Teaching Strategies This section delves into the various teaching strategies employed during English lessons. Educators are encouraged to reflect on the effectiveness of their approach in promoting language acquisition, communication skills, and critical thinking. Suggestions for integrating interactive and student-centered activities are provided.V. Assessment and Feedback Assessment plays a pivotal role in gauging student progress and informing instructional decisions. Educators are urged to reflect on the alignment between assessment methods and learning objectives, as well as the clarity and fairness of feedback provided to students. Strategies for implementing formative assessment practices are discussed.VI. Professional Development Continuous professional development is essential for enhancing teaching practices. Educators are encouraged to reflect on their own professional growth, identify areas for improvement, and seek opportunities for further training and skill development. The importance of staying abreast of current trends in English teaching is emphasized.VII. Conclusion In conclusion, the universal reflection template serves as a comprehensive guide for educators to critically evaluate their English teaching practices and identify areas for enhancement. By engaging in reflective practices, educators can continuously improve their teaching methodologies and ultimately enhance the language learning experience for their students.Through the utilization of the English teaching reflection template, educators can effectively assess their teaching practices, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall learning experience for students. By adopting a reflective approach to English teaching, educators can continuously refine their strategies, adapt to the evolving needs of their students, and cultivate a dynamic and engaging classroom environment.。

英语教学反思全英文版Language is the bridge that connects people around the world. As globalization continues to impact our society, the importance of English language learning becomes increasingly apparent. English is not just a subject in school, but a vital tool for communication, education, and career advancement in the modern world. Therefore, the methods and approaches used in teaching English have a significant impact on students’ proficiency and success in using the language.In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using full English immersion as a method of teaching English. This approach advocates using English as the sole medium of instruction in the classroom, with the aim of creating an environment where students are constantly exposed to and required to use English. While this method has its merits, it also raises some important questions and considerations that require careful reflection.One of the main arguments in favor of full English immersion is that it provides students with authentic language input from the beginning, helping them develop a natural understanding of the language. Proponents of this method believe that constant exposure to English will improve students’ listening and speaking skills, as well as their overall language fluency. Additionally, they argue that using English exclusively in the classroom can create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable making mistakes and practicing their language skills without fear of judgment.However, critics of full English immersion raise concerns about the potential negative impact on students’ comprehension and learning experience. For many students, especially those at the beginner level, learning complex concepts in a second language can be challenging and overwhelming. In a fully English-speaking environment, students may struggle to understand instructions, explanations, and discussions, leading to frustration and disengagement. This can hinder their ability to grasp key concepts and make meaningful progress in their language learning journey.Furthermore, the use of full English immersion may inadvertently promote a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching, overlooking the diverse needs and learning styles of individual students. Not all students learn best in the same way, and some may require additional support, explanations, or translations to fully grasp new concepts. By enforcing a strict English-only policy, educators risk alienating students who may benefit from a more personalized, flexible approach to learning English.In light of these considerations, it is essential for educators to strike a balance between full English immersion and the incorporation of other teaching methods and strategies. While exposure to English is crucial for language development, it is equally important to provide students with the support and resources they need tounderstand and engage with the material effectively. By integrating a variety of teaching techniques, such as visual aids, gestures, real-life examples, and opportunities for practice and feedback, educators can create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of all students.In conclusion, the debate over full English immersion in language teaching is complex and multifaceted. While this method has the potential to enhance students’ language fluency and communication skills, it also presents challenges that must be carefully considered and addressed. By reflecting on the benefits and limitations of full English immersion, educators can develop a more holistic approach to teaching English that prioritizes student learning and engagement above all else. Ultimately, the goal of language education should be to empower students to communicate effectively and confidently in English, regardless of the teaching methods employed.。

第一类是最容易拼读的词汇:a and ask at back bag bed bigblack box busbut by cake can car cat class dad desk这些词汇,教师就能够让学生先听,然后试着去拼写。
第二类是规律性的由字母组合构成的词汇:car star all walkwhich who thatthis slow know play gay这些词汇就需要教师加以归类和总结,告诉学生一般发音规律,以及例外的读音状况。
如ow字母组合读/ ou/音,但在cow中读/au/音。
第三类的词汇就是一些无规律的词汇:half one uncle在这些词汇中,个别字母的读音须引起同学们的注意。
2、根据读音来分类(如把有/ei /的单词归类): a ageaustralia away baby cake day eig ht eighteen eighty erasergame grade great hey late make name ok plane play same saystay t able take they today way weekday。

第一类是最容易拼读的词汇:a and ask at back bag bed bigblack box bus but by cake can car cat class dad desk这些词汇,教师就能够让学生先听,然后试着去拼写。
第二类是规律性的由字母组合构成的词汇:car star all walkwhich who that this slow know play gay这些词汇就需要教师加以归类和总结,告诉学生一般发音规律,以及例外的读音状况。
如ow字母组合读/ ou/音,但在cow中读/au/音。
第三类的词汇就是一些无规律的词汇:half one uncle在这些词汇中,个别字母的读音须引起同学们的注意。
2、根据读音来分类(如把有/ei /的单词归类): a ageaustralia away baby cake day eig ht eighteen eighty erasergame grade great hey late make name ok plane play same saystay t able take they today way weekday。

英语课堂教学反思20篇简短Reflection on 20 English Classroom TeachingsAs an English language teacher, I have had the privilege of guiding students through their language learning journey. Over the years, I have encountered a diverse range of students, each with their unique learning styles, backgrounds, and proficiency levels. Through these experiences, I have gained valuable insights that have shaped my teaching approach and helped me to better serve my students. In this reflection, I will share 20 key lessons I have learned from my English classroom teachings.1. Understand your students' needs: Effective teaching begins with understanding the needs and learning styles of your students. Take the time to get to know your students, their interests, and their struggles, so that you can tailor your lessons to meet their specific requirements.2. Encourage active participation: Engaging students in active learning is crucial for language acquisition. Incorporate interactive activities, group discussions, and hands-on exercises that encourage students to actively use and practice the language.3. Provide constructive feedback: Feedback is an essential component of the learning process. Offer constructive and specific feedback that helps students identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and provide guidance on how to progress.4. Foster a supportive learning environment: Create a classroom atmosphere that is welcoming, supportive, and free of judgment. Encourage students to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them without fear of criticism.5. Incorporate diverse teaching methods: Different students respond better to different teaching methods. Use a variety of instructional approaches, such as visual aids, audio resources, and kinesthetic activities, to cater to the diverse learning preferences in your classroom.6. Promote self-directed learning: Encourage students to take ownership of their learning by providing them with opportunities to explore, research, and discover language concepts on their own. This fosters independent learning and critical thinking skills.7. Adapt to changing needs: As students progress and their needs evolve, be prepared to adjust your teaching strategies accordingly. Regularly assess and reflect on your lessons to identify areas forimprovement and make necessary changes.8. Emphasize real-world application: Relate the language learning to real-world situations and practical applications. This helps students understand the relevance of what they are learning and motivates them to continue their language journey.9. Encourage peer learning: Foster a collaborative learning environment by incorporating group activities and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. This not only reinforces language skills but also promotes social interaction and teamwork.10. Celebrate small victories: Recognize and celebrate the progress and achievements of your students, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement boosts their confidence and encourages them to continue striving for success.11. Incorporate technology: Leverage technology to enhance the learning experience. Utilize digital resources, online platforms, and multimedia tools to make lessons more engaging and accessible to students.12. Promote cultural awareness: Integrate cultural elements into your lessons to help students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of the English-speaking world.13. Encourage critical thinking: Beyond teaching the mechanics of the language, challenge your students to think critically and analyze information. This fosters intellectual growth and prepares them for real-world problem-solving.14. Maintain a growth mindset: Approach teaching with a growth mindset, embracing challenges and viewing them as opportunities for learning and improvement. This mindset can be instrumental in helping students overcome language learning obstacles.15. Continuously reflect and improve: Regularly reflect on your teaching practices, seek feedback from students and peers, and continuously strive to improve your skills and techniques. This commitment to professional development will benefit both you and your students.16. Collaborate with colleagues: Engage in professional discussions and collaborations with fellow English teachers. Share best practices, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences to enhance your teaching repertoire.17. Promote language fluency: While accuracy is important, emphasize the development of fluency and communication skills. Encourage students to express themselves freely and focus onconveying meaning effectively.18. Differentiate instruction: Recognize that each student has unique learning needs and abilities. Differentiate your instruction to accommodate these differences and ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.19. Foster a love for language learning: Inspire a genuine passion for language learning in your students. Share your own enthusiasm for the English language and its cultural richness, and help students discover the joys of language acquisition.20. Maintain a balanced approach: Strive to strike a balance between grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills in your lessons. Ensure that your teaching encompasses a well-rounded language learning experience for your students.These 20 lessons have been instrumental in shaping my approach to English language teaching. By reflecting on and implementing these principles, I have witnessed the transformative power of education and the profound impact it can have on the lives of my students. As I continue my teaching journey, I remain committed to honing my skills, adapting to the evolving needs of my students, and striving to create a learning environment that fosters language proficiency, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for the English language.。

英语教学反思20篇简短XXX (1):XXX school English。
it is important to make it real and natural。
and to be close to students' lives。
The words and XXX the most common and basic in society。
but for us reasons。
some students still cannot grasp their XXX well。
especially for some difficult words.At the beginning of learning English。
students learn based on their XXX hands-on and game parts of the classroom。
but they are XXX。
As time goes by。
coupled with the fact that some words are difficult to read。
they XXX focus。
so even if they XXX knowledge in class。
they et it immediately after class。
With the continuous increase in learning materials。
the learning problems of these students XXX they realize the importance of learning English。
they XXX。
they even have the idea of not XXX.Some students。
due to their introverted and unsociable personalities。

二、存在的不足和需要改进的地方1. word table环节不够流畅,教师应该先引导,再让学生完成。

陕西旅游版英语很多内容都是需要学生通过Let’s learn,Let’s pracitise等活动形式来完成。

教师要善于发现学生的优点,及时给予鼓励,教师要善待学生的不足,及时给予鼓励,但要注意度的把握在评价性语言方面体现科学性,不要动不动就verygood 另外要针对问题本身,针对学生回答情况,要量体裁衣,不能是goodyoudidverywellBest等简单重复。
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english teaching summaryfirst、seize the opportunity and render english classroomatmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students interest and curiosity.second、the full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching.it’s always from easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. at the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the students learning interests to make the students’ thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. secondly, we should increase the teaching linksthird、pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role.the past teaching often emphasizes the teachers leading, but only consider students as the object of education. and students’ mind is seen as the container that can be filled with knowledge.so education characteristics and students’subjective initiative are ignored. teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body development.teachers should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students potential, drive the development the basic view of human nature is the premise of the relationship between teachers and students. if educators believe that human nature is lazy, shiftless, the need for strict teachings is to enlightening conscience, then the authority type relationship between teachers and students should be the most effective. the traditional the teachers dignity is the embodiment of authoritative relation between teachers and students. the modern education view is that human nature is positive and upward with the potential for growth and progress. the purpose of education is to improve the development of the development of human potential. the promotion of human, and authoritative type relationship between teachers and students will no doubt kill creativity and endowment of children.in the teaching process, patience is very important. it is the embodiment of a teacher of good behavior. teachers job is to solve the problem of students of different degrees of problems, which in addition to teaching, but also the soul. the work of educating people is hard, because they must deal with all kinds of problems. and countless students should be faced with a warm heart patient. most of the students, especially the poor students , their english learning persistence and patience are poor, so while learning their mood is often in a state of suppression. they feel that learning is boring. therefore, in the classroom besides to give them participate in activities and the opportunity to speak, especially for their questions and doubts, even simple we teachers should also be patient to answer, and give support and praise, so to eliminate their heart fear and sense of loss is very favorable.ⅰ preparation and teaching processⅱ students’ learning processfor most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. it seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. however, i found someproblems when they stood up to give me answers. at that time, i felt nervous about my teaching effect. “was my teaching method unsuitable for them?”, i said to myself, but i had no time to think. i tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. it really worked. the students and i cooperated well during the following steps.in my teaching process, i felt it a pity that i didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which i thought i should keep in mind for future teaching. after the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. ⅲ the organization of the class in terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. they were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. from the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class.warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. i was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. they could give correct answers when they stood up. the feedback information was ideal at this point.人教版初中英语教学反思从走上教育岗位到现在已经七年有余了,时间如流水般来也匆匆去也匆匆。