

we wish you a merry christmas歌词

we wish you a merry christmas歌词

we wish you a merry christmas歌词导读:恩雅,1961年5月17日出生于爱尔兰,著名独立音乐家,她的作品融合了爱尔兰传统乐风与现代化高科技的'音响手段,她的声音清静高贵,是爱尔兰的代表女声。

We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Enyawe wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐good tidings we bring to you and your kin 我们把佳音带给你及你的亲友we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐bring us a figgy pudding给我们一个无花果布丁bring us a figgy pudding给我们一个无花果布丁bring us a figgy pudding给我们一个无花果布丁so bring it fight here所以再加一杯啤酒we won't go until we get some吃不到我们就不走we won't go until we get some吃不到我们就不走we won't go until we get some吃不到我们就不走so bring some out here所以快点拿些出来吧good tidings we bring to you and your kin 我们把佳音带给你及你的亲友we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐good tidings we bring to you and your kin 我们把佳音带给你及你的亲友we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐we wish you a merry christmas祝你圣诞快乐and a happy new year新年快乐【we wish you a merry christmas歌词】1.merry christmas歌词2.英语作文:Merry Christmas3.I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker歌词4.Upon A Christmas Night圣诞之夜歌词5.英文歌 A Hunting We will go歌词6.merry christmas圣诞节英语作文7.圣诞节英语作文:Merry Christmas8.圣诞节英语作文:Merry Christmas上文是关于we wish you a merry christmas歌词,感谢您的阅读,希望对您有帮助,谢谢。




以下是小编为您收集整理提供到的范文,欢迎阅读参考,希望对你有所帮助!圣诞英语歌曲_有关平安夜的歌曲推荐1.Ave Maria(圣母颂 Charlotte Charles Francois Gounod)天籁美声Charlotte重新诠释Gounod完美结合平均率之版本2. Gloria In Excelsis Deo(荣耀归于神伴奏版)全地颂赞新生王降生3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen愿上帝赐给世人喜乐,古典圣诞名曲4. Joy To The World(伴奏版)耶稣降生,普世欢腾,圣诞必备名曲5. Frosty The Snowman欢乐温馨的气氛,圣诞歌曲代表之一6. Here Comes Santa Claus (Elvis Presley)百听不厌的轻快圣诞歌曲7. Jingle Bells年年必备的传统圣诞名曲,少了它,圣诞就不圣诞啦!8. Santa Claus is Coming to Town经典圣诞歌曲,圣诞老人来啦!9. Silver Bells(演奏)圣诞蓝调名曲10. Sleigh Ride (Billy Gilman)超级轻快圣诞代表歌曲之一11. The First Noel (all 4 one)第一个圣诞,那会是怎么样的一个夜晚12. Mary’s Boy Child(伴奏版)小耶稣安祥的躺在圣母怀里,多么伟大的夜里13. We Three Kings Of Orient Are东方三博士只愿见救主一面,带有近东风格的圣诞名曲 14. What Child Is This古典疗伤系圣诞名曲《绿袖子》15. silent night(Elvis Presley)说到平安夜,怎么能漏了这首让人心安宁的不朽名曲呢?16. O Holy Night(Celine Dion)Celine Dion重新诠释荡气回肠圣诞经典圣诗17. O Holy Night(Leann Rimes)Leann Rimes重新诠释荡气回肠圣诞经典圣诗18. Halleluja连皇帝都要为之肃立的名曲!19. Have Yourself A merry little Christmas冬日深情款款传世抒情圣诞名曲20. When A Child Is Born(演奏)圣诞英语歌曲_有关平安夜的歌曲推荐2《The First Noel 第一支圣诞歌》第一个圣诞,那会是怎么样的一个夜晚?耶稣降生,东方升起一颗新星,三位智者决心按着星星指引的方向寻觅基督,哪怕路迢迢。



1. Christmas Eve - 圣诞夜
2. Christmas Day - 圣诞节
3. Santa Claus / Father Christmas - 圣诞老人
4. reindeer - 驯鹿
5. sleigh - 雪橇
6. chimney - 烟囱
7. fireplace - 壁炉
8. Christmas tree - 圣诞树
9. tinsel - 金属箔丝(装饰圣诞树用)
10. ornaments - 装饰品
11. Christmas lights - 圣诞灯饰
12. wreath - 圣诞花环
13. Advent calendar - 圣诞降临日历
14. Yuletide - 圣诞节期
15. eggnog - 蛋酒(圣诞传统饮品)
16. gingerbread house - 姜饼屋
17. Christmas carol - 圣诞颂歌
18. Christmas pudding - 圣诞布丁
19. stocking - 圣诞袜
20. presents / gifts - 礼物
21. roast turkey - 烤火鸡(西方国家常见的圣诞大餐主菜)
22. candy cane - 彩色拐杖糖
23. Christmas crackers - 圣诞拉炮



二、借着分工合作来完成任务 游戏方法: 1.主持人请每组每人抽签。 2.首先,抽到嘴巴的必须借着抽到手的 两人帮助来把汽球给吹起(抽到嘴巴的 人不能用手自已吹起汽球);然后二个 抽到脚的人抬起抽到坐的人去把汽球给 坐破。
三、循环相克令 人数:两人 方法:令词为“猎人、狗熊、枪”,两人 同时说令词,在说最后一个字的同时做出 一个动作——猎人的动作是双手叉腰;狗 熊的动作是双手搭在胸前;枪的动作是双 手举起呈手枪状。双方以此动作判定输赢, 猎人赢枪、枪赢狗熊、狗熊赢猎人,动作 相同则重新开始。
Legend (圣诞袜的传说):
很久很久以前有一个心地善良的贵族,他的妻子因病去 逝,抛下他和他的三个女儿。 这个贵族尝试了不少发明, 都失败了,但也因此耗尽了钱财,所以他们不得不搬到一家 农舍里生活,他的女儿们也只得亲自烧煮、缝纫和打扫。 一晃几年过去,女儿们陆续到了出嫁的年龄,父亲却 变得更加沮丧,因为他没钱给女儿们买嫁妆。一天晚上,女 儿们洗完衣服后将长统袜挂在壁炉前烘干。圣人Nicholas知 道了她们父亲的境况后,就在那天晚上,来到她们的家门前。 他从窗口看到一家人 都已睡着了,同时也注意到了女孩们 的长统袜。随即,他从口袋里掏出三小包黄 金从烟囱上一 个个投下去,刚好掉在女孩们的长统袜里。 第二天早上,女儿们醒来发现她们的长统袜里装满了 金子,足够供她们买嫁妆了。这个贵族也因此能亲眼看到他 的女儿们结婚,从此便过上了幸福快乐的生活。 后来,世界各地的孩子们都继承了悬挂圣诞袜的传统。 有些国家的孩子则有其它类似的风俗,如在法国,孩子们将 鞋子放在壁炉旁等等。
Merry christmas

12月25日是基督教徒纪念耶稣基督诞 生的日子,是西方国家每年最重要节日 之一,类似我国春节。英文 Christmas由Christ(基督)和Mass(弥 撒)两字组成,意思是圣诞节这一天教徒 们到教堂去,举行崇拜仪式以庆祝耶稣 基督的诞生.






爱荷华大学将陆续举办以下Halloween主题校园活动:Creepy Campus Crawl (毛骨悚然校园游)时间:10月24日(周五)晚上6:30-8:30地点:Old Capitol Museum,UI Museum of Natural History建议穿着Halloween主题服装Haunted House (鬼屋)时间:10月24日(周五)下午5:00至25日(周六)凌晨1点地点:IMU建议穿着Halloween主题服装XXCultural Ball - Masquerade Night Presented by OASIS (化妆舞会)Pumpkin Carving (雕刻南瓜)时间:10月29日(周三)下午5:30地点:1117 UCCHalloween Ball(万圣节舞会)学校万圣节活动主题名称一、目的:为了丰富学生的校园生活,增强学生对西方文化的了解,将英语融入日常生活当中,增进学生英语学习兴趣,扩充学习领域,搭建英语运用平台,充实生活内涵,特开展圣诞节文化体验活动。

二、活动主题:快乐圣诞!欢乐新年!Merry Christmas and happy new year!三、活动时间:XX年12月21日星期五第六、七节()。


五、内容安排及建议:1. 各班以班级为单位,由正副班主任共同组织开展圣诞节班级联欢活动(一二三年级可以演唱英语歌曲,朗诵英语歌谣;四五六七年级可以表演课本剧等,也可是有关英语的知识问答),活动以游艺类节目为主,穿插圣诞节、圣诞树、圣诞老人的传说、外教扮演圣诞老人分发礼物时,班主任老师组织学生与外教一起活动。

Merry Christmas!英语教案

Merry Christmas!英语教案

Merry Christmas!英语教案一、教学内容本节课选自《新概念英语》第二册第四章,详细内容为“Merry Christmas!”。


二、教学目标1. 掌握与圣诞节相关的词汇和短语,如:Christmas tree、santa claus、stocking、present等。

2. 学会使用一般现在时描述圣诞节的庆祝活动。

3. 能够运用所学知识进行日常对话,提高英语口语表达能力。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:一般现在时的用法,以及与现在进行时的区别。

2. 教学重点:与圣诞节相关的词汇和短语,以及运用一般现在时进行对话。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、黑板、录音机、圣诞树装饰品等。

2. 学具:教材、笔记本、彩色笔等。

五、教学过程1. 导入:播放圣诞歌曲,引导学生谈论对圣诞节的了解和期待。

2. 新课内容展示:通过PPT展示与圣诞节相关的词汇和短语,引导学生跟读并模仿。

3. 语法讲解:讲解一般现在时的用法,结合例句进行说明。

4. 例题讲解:给出几个关于圣诞节的例句,让学生判断时态并解释原因。

5. 随堂练习:分组进行对话练习,运用所学词汇和语法描述圣诞节的庆祝活动。

6. 小组活动:每组设计一个关于圣诞节的情景,进行角色扮演。

六、板书设计1. 词汇:Christmas tree、santa claus、stocking、present等。

2. 语法:一般现在时的结构及用法。

3. 例句:几个关于圣诞节的例句。

七、作业设计1. 作业题目:根据所学内容,编写一段关于圣诞节庆祝活动的对话。

2. 答案示例:A: Do you celebrate Christmas in your family?B: Yes, we do. We always have a Christmas tree and decorate it with lights and ornaments.A: What about the presents? Do you buy them before Christmas?B: Usually, we buy presents in advance. My parents put them in stockings, and we open them on Christmas morning.八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:关注学生在课堂上的参与度和口语表达能力,及时调整教学方法。



圣诞颂歌优美句子20个1. 圣诞颂歌英文好句圣诞颂歌英文好句:Dashing through the snowIn a one horse open sleighO'er the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bob tails ringMaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to laugh and singA sleighing song tonightOh, jingle bells, jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh, what fun it is to rideIn a one horse open sleighJingle bells, jingle bellsJingle all the wayOh, what fun it is to rideIn a one horse open sleighA day or two agoI thought I'd take a rideAnd soon Miss Fanny BrightWas seated by my sideThe horse was lean and lankMisfortune seemed his lotWe got into a drifted bankAnd then we got upsot——取自“ jingle bells”2. 形容圣诞节的词语最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:李鹏亚关于圣诞节的好词【篇一:圣诞节英语单词】与圣诞节有关的英语单词圣诞:thebirthdayofjesuschrist圣诞歌:christmascarol圣诞卡:christmascard圣诞老人:santaclaus圣诞树:christmastree圣诞快乐:merrychristmas圣诞柴:yulelog(圣诞节原木形大蛋糕)圣诞节的次日:boxingday圣诞晚会:christmasparty圣诞节日历:menology圣诞节前夕(12月24日):christmaseve圣诞节期:christmastime圣诞季节:yule,yuletide,yuletime圣诞节快乐!merrychristmas!christmasgreetings圣诞祝贺christmasshopping 圣诞采购christmascard圣诞卡reindeer驯鹿christmaseve圣诞节前夕candy糖果christmasday圣诞节chimney烟囱christmasseason圣诞节节日fireplace壁炉christmastime圣诞节假期(自十二月二十四日至一月一日或一月六日)magi由东方来朝见初生的耶稣的三个贤人candle蜡烛candlestick烛台christmasfeast圣诞大餐package包裹christmasdinner圣诞大餐poinsettia圣诞红glitteringdecorations灿烂耀眼的装饰物品bethlehem伯利恒(耶稣降生地)christmasgift圣诞礼物jesuschrist耶稣基督christmaspresent圣诞礼物christchild圣婴christmastree圣诞树christmascarol圣诞颂歌christmasspirit圣诞气氛manger马槽christmasmusic圣诞音乐angel天使christmashymn圣诞圣歌christmasfestival圣诞佳。



英语圣诞节介绍Christmas is a traditional festival of Christian, celebrated on December 25th. It is a day of family reunion, gift exchange, dinner celebration and religious services. The origin of Christmas is to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, which is a symbol of love, peace and redemption. In Christmas, people usually decorate their houses with red and green color, and put a Christmas tree and other decorations. Children usually receive gifts from Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. In addition, there will be some Christmas activities and concerts in the church to celebrate this festival.Christmas is a time for family reunion. It is a day when family members will get together to share their joy and happiness. They usually have a traditional dinner, exchange gifts and sing Christmas songs. The dinner menu usually includes roast turkey, Christmas pudding and other traditional dishes. The gifts are usually small gifts that express the sender's love and care.In addition to family reunion, there will also be some religious activities in the church on Christmas Day. The church will hold a religious service to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The service usually includes singing, reading scriptures and praying. Many people will go to the church to participate in the service to express their gratitude and praise for the birth of Jesus Christ.In general, Christmas is a festival full of joy, hope and love. It not only brings people together, but also spreads the spirit of love and kindness. It is a festival that people look forward to every year.中文对照:圣诞节是基督徒的传统节日,在12月25日庆祝。



四年级上册MerryChristmas阿旺镇中心小学岳亚丽一、教学目标(一)让学生能听、说、会读单词merry,Christmas,FatherChristmas,bless,singsongs,lotsof,food,give 。















六年级英语听力:英文歌—圣诞节12天(The twelve days of christmas)歌词、译文和曲谱

六年级英语听力:英文歌—圣诞节12天(The twelve days of christmas)歌词、译文和曲谱

The twelve days of christmas(圣诞节的12天)一、历史这首歌的歌词,表面上是讲圣诞节的十二天里要做的事,看起来只是一首很可爱的歌而已,好像没有什么太大的含意在里面,其实,不是这样喔!“圣诞节的十二日”可以说是一首寓意极为深远的“启蒙歌曲”。





注:十二种礼物所代表的寓义:1 a partridge in a pear tree (一只站在梨树上的鹧鸪鸟) = 即神之子,耶稣基督。

2 Turtle Doves (两只鸠)= 旧约及新约圣经。

3 French Hens (三只法国母鸡)= 信、望、爱三教义。

4 Calling Birds (四只鸣唱的鸟儿)= 新约圣经的前四卷,或者这四福音的四位作者。

5 Golden Rings (五只金戒指)= 摩西五经,主要是在讲人类为何堕入凡尘。

6 Geese A-laying (六只生蛋的鹅)= 主创造世界的六天7 Swans A-swimming (七只游水的天鹅)= 七种圣事,即洗礼、坚信、圣礼、告解、涂油、叙阶和婚姻。

8 Maids A-milking (八位挤奶的佣妇)= 八福,即稣登山训众所说的八种幸福。

9 Ladies Dancing (九位跳舞的女士)= 九种圣果,即仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制。

10 Lords A-leaping (十个跳跃的男人)= 十诫。

11 Pipers Piping (十一个吹风笛的风笛手)= 十一个忠心的使徒。



收集圣诞节歌曲英语作文Introduction:Christmas, also known as the "Festival of Lights," is a time of joy, love, and celebration. One of the best ways to get into the festive spirit is by listening to Christmas songs. These songs not only bring happiness to our hearts but also remind us of the true essence of Christmas. This article will present a collection of Christmas songs in English, showcasing the diversity of genres and artists that have contributed to the beloved holiday tradition.1. Traditional Christmas Songs:1.1 "Jingle Bells":"Jingle Bells" is a classic Christmas song that is recognized and loved worldwide. Written by James Lord Pierpont in 1857, this upbeat tune captures the excitement and delight of Christmas. The lyrics tell the story of a sleigh ride through the snow and the joyous sound of jingling bells. With its catchy melody and festive spirit, "Jingle Bells" is a must-listen during the holiday season.1.2 "Silent Night":"Silent Night" is a beautiful hymn that is often sung in churches during Christmas Eve services. Composed by Franz Xaver Gruber and lyrics written by Joseph Mohr in 1818, this song encapsulates the peacefulness and serenity of Christmas night. With its gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics, "Silent Night" has become a timeless favorite among both religious and non-religious individuals.1.3 "O Holy Night":"O Holy Night" is another cherished Christmas song that focuses on the religious significance of the holiday. Written by Adolphe Adam in 1847, this song showcases the awe-inspiring story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The lyrics emphasize the hope and redemption that Christmas represents. The soaring vocals and powerful crescendos make "O Holy Night" a true standout among Christmas songs.2. Pop and Rock Christmas Songs:2.1 "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey:"All I Want for Christmas Is You" is a modern-day Christmas classic that has gained immense popularity since its release in 1994. Sung by the iconic Mariah Carey, this upbeat and catchy song is a declaration of love and desire during the holiday season. Its infectious melody and festive lyrics have made it a staple on Christmas playlists worldwide.2.2 "Last Christmas" by Wham!:"Last Christmas" is a pop hit by the British duo Wham! Released in 1984, this song tells the tale of a failed relationship during Christmas time. Despite the heartbreak, the song maintains a catchy rhythm and sing-along quality that has made it an enduring favorite among fans of pop music.2.3 "Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney:"Wonderful Christmastime" is a cheerful tune that exudes the holiday spirit. Released by Paul McCartney in 1979, this song is characterized by its synthesized sound and catchy chorus. The lyrics celebrate the joy and merriment of Christmas, making it a perfect addition to any Christmas party playlist.3. R&B and Soul Christmas Songs:3.1 "This Christmas" by Donny Hathaway:"This Christmas" is a soulful Christmas song by Donny Hathaway, released in 1970. With its smooth vocals and groovy rhythm, this song captures the essence of love and togetherness during the holiday season. The lyrics paint a picture of warmth and celebration, making it a popular choice for public gatherings and intimate gatherings alike.3.2 "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" by Jackson 5:"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" is a classic R&B rendition of the beloved Christmas song. Sung by the Jackson 5, this energetic and joyful version adds a touch of Motown flair to the holiday season. The performance of the young Michael Jackson and the harmonies of his brothers make this song a timeless masterpiece.3.3 "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" by Brenda Lee:"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" is an upbeat and lively Christmas song that combines elements of rock and roll with a festive twist. Released by Brenda Lee in 1958, this song has become a favorite for dance parties and family gatherings. Its catchy rhythm and energetic tempo make it impossible not to tap your feet and sing along.4. Country and Folk Christmas Songs:4.1 "Christmas in Dixie" by Alabama:"Christmas in Dixie" is a country Christmas song that celebrates the spirit of the holiday in the southern United States. Released by Alabama in 1982, this song showcases the group's harmonious vocals and heartfelt lyrics. It paints a picture of a warm and cozy Christmas in the southern states, complete with family, friends, and traditions.4.2 "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" by Elmo & Patsy:"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" is a humorous and slightly irreverent Christmas song that has become a novelty favorite. Released by Elmo & Patsy in 1979, it tells theamusing story of Grandma's unfortunate encounter with Santa's reindeer. Despite the dark humor, the catchy melody and comedic lyrics have made it a holiday classic.4.3 "Mary, Did You Know?" by Pentatonix:"Mary, Did You Know?" is a contemporary folk Christmas song that poses profound questions about the birth of Jesus. Released by the a cappella group Pentatonix in 2014, this song showcases their vocal talents and ability to create beautiful harmonies. The lyrics provoke thoughts about the immense significance of the Christmas story and the impact it has had on the world.Conclusion:The beauty of Christmas songs lies in their ability to evoke emotions and create memories. Whether it's through traditional carols, pop hits, soulful melodies, or country tunes, there is a Christmas song for everyone. This collection of songs in English highlights the diversity of artists, genres, and moods that have contributed to the timeless tradition of Christmas music. So, this holiday season, gather your loved ones, turn up the music, and let the magic of Christmas songs fill your hearts with joy and warmth.。







1. 圣诞节相关词汇以下是一些与圣诞节有关的常用英语词汇:•Christmas: 圣诞节•Santa Claus: 圣诞老人•Christmas tree: 圣诞树•Reindeer: 驯鹿•Gift: 礼物•Carol: 圣诞颂歌•Decoration: 装饰•Stocking: 长统袜•Snowman: 雪人•Snowflake: 雪花•Mistletoe: 槲寄生•Gingerbread: 姜饼•Poinsettia: 一品红•Snow globe: 风雪球2. 圣诞节相关表达除了单词外,以下是一些与圣诞节相关的常用表达:•Merry Christmas! (圣诞节快乐!)•Happy holidays! (节日快乐!)•Have a joyful Christmas! (祝你圣诞节快乐!)•Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! (祝你圣诞快乐和新年快乐!)•Christmas is just around the corner. (圣诞节就要来了。

)•What are your plans for Christmas? (你在圣诞节有什么计划?)•I’m going to spend Christmas with my family. (我将和家人一起过圣诞节。

)•Let’s decorate the Christmas tree together. (让我们一起装饰圣诞树。

)•Don’t forget to hang the stockings by the fireplace. (别忘了把长统袜挂在壁炉旁。




以下是一些常见的与圣诞节有关的英语词汇及其含义:1. Christmas: 圣诞节,是庆祝耶稣基督诞生的节日。

2. Christmas Eve: 圣诞节前夕,即12月24日。

3. Christmas Day: 圣诞节当天,即12月25日。

4. Santa Claus: 圣诞老人,是圣诞节期间给孩子们送礼物的神秘人物。

5. Reindeer: 驯鹿,据说圣诞老人乘坐驯鹿拉的雪橇来分发礼物。

6. Christmas tree: 圣诞树,是圣诞节期间用来装饰的常绿植物。

7. Christmas card: 圣诞卡,是人们互相赠送的祝福卡片。

8. Christmas present: 圣诞礼物,是亲朋好友间互相赠送的礼物。

9. Christmas carol: 圣诞颂歌,是圣诞节期间演唱的歌曲,如《铃儿响叮当》。

10. Chimney: 烟囱,据说圣诞老人通过烟囱进入屋内送礼。

11. Fireplace: 壁炉,是圣诞节期间家庭聚会的温馨场所。

12. Christmas feast: 圣诞大餐,是圣诞节期间丰盛的晚餐。

13. Candy cane: 圣诞拐杖糖,是圣诞节期间特有的红白相间的糖果。

14. Christmas stocking: 圣诞袜,是孩子们挂在壁炉上等待圣诞老人填充礼物的袜子。

15. Christmas lights: 圣诞彩灯,是圣诞节期间装饰家庭和街道的彩灯。

16. Christmas decorations: 圣诞装饰品,包括彩灯、花环、圣诞树装饰等。

17. Bethlehem: 伯利恒,是耶稣基督诞生的地方。

18. Magi: 三位智者,是传说中从东方来到伯利恒朝见耶稣的贤人。

19. Yule log: 圣诞原木,是圣诞节期间燃烧的木柴,象征温暖和光明。

20. Boxing Day: 节礼日,是圣诞节次日,英国等国家将这一天作为礼物交换的日子。



Lingling:It’s Chinese New Year today. What are you
making, Mum?Mum: 1
.What do you
like?Lingling: 2
.What’s grandma
doing?Mum: She is making soup. Mum:
.Lingling: Yes, I can. What’s Dad doing?Mum:
Listen and say. Then sing.
Look and remember. Then ask and answer.
A: Does Daming eat peanuts at Christmas?
B: No, he doesn't.
Do and say.
Moudle 10 Unit 2 Merry Christmas!
1. 理解并运用本课重点单词:merry, Christmas, Merry Christmas! 2. 理解并能运用 Merry Christmas!这一祝福语。 3. 能够唱 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.这首歌曲。
【时态】一般现在时 【结构】 At/On+节日名称, we+动词原形+其他。 【用法】描述我们在某个节日做某事。 【例句】 At the Mid-autumn Festival, we eat moon cakes.在中秋节,我们吃月饼。
3. At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. 在春节, 我们吃一顿丰盛的家庭晚餐。 family,家庭、家人



【圣诞节前夜英文】圣诞节前夜平安夜(Silent Night),指12月24日晚,是圣诞夜(Christmas Eve)的意思,既圣诞前夕,圣诞前夜。


供大家参考!圣诞节前夜平安夜(Silent Night),指12月24日晚,是圣诞夜(Christmas Eve)的意思,既圣诞前夕,圣诞前夜。

















圣诞节英语单词圣诞节英语单词大全现在已经进入2021年12月份了,今天就是圣诞节,大家都知道哪些关于圣诞节的英语单词吗?以下是店铺整理的关于圣诞节英语单词大全,一起学起来吧!Aangel 天使artificial tree 人造树Bbells 铃,钟birth 出生blizzard 暴风雪boots 靴子bough 树干bow 弓box 盒子,箱子Ccandle 蜡烛candy 糖candy cane 圣诞的拐杖糖,典型的红白相间的那种。

cap 帽子card 卡片carolers 圣诞颂歌caroling 唱圣诞颂歌carols 颂歌celebrate 庆祝(动词)celebration 庆祝(名词)ceremony 仪式charity 慈善,慈善机构chestnuts 栗子chimney 烟囱Christmas 圣诞Christmas card 圣诞卡片Christmas carol 圣诞颂歌Christmas Eve 平安夜Christmastide 圣诞节节期(从圣诞夜到元旦的假期时间,在英国一直到1月6日)Christmas tree 圣诞树Christmas tree stand 圣诞树支架cider 苹果酒coal 煤炭cookie 饼干Ddecorate 装扮,装饰(动词)decorations 装扮,装饰(名词)display 展示Eeggnog 蛋酒,eggnog latte就是蛋酒拿铁elf 小精灵elves 小精灵复数eve 前夕evergreen 常绿树,常绿的exchange 交换Ffamily 家庭family reunion 家庭欢聚Father Christmas 圣诞老人feast 节日Feliz Navidad 圣诞快乐,这个是西班牙语,一起了解。

festival 节日fir 枞木,就是圣诞树fireplace 壁炉firewood 柴frankincense 乳香,是从树上提炼的一种有甜味的树脂. frosty 冷冰冰的fruitcake 水果蛋糕Ggarland 花环gift 礼物gift-giving 赠送礼物gingerbread 姜饼gingerbread house 姜饼屋gingerbread man 姜饼人gingerbread woman 姜饼女人(看醉啦)goodwill 善意,友好greetings 招呼guest 客人Hhappy 快乐holiday 假日holly 冬青hot chocolate 热巧克力hot cider 热苹果酒hug 拥抱Iice skates 滑冰icicle 冰柱icy 冰的ivy 常春藤JJack Frost 严寒Jesus 耶稣jingle bells 铃儿响叮当jolly 欢乐joy 欢乐joyful 欢乐的Joyeux Noel 法语的圣诞快乐Kkings 国王Krampus 坎卜斯(Krampus)是在奥地利传说中流传了千百年的一个半羊半魔的角色,最为人所知的就是会在圣诞节时修理顽皮的小孩。






1. Christmas (圣诞节)Christmas是英语中表示圣诞节的单词。



2. Santa Claus (圣诞老人)Santa Claus是圣诞节的象征之一,被认为是送礼物给好孩子的人。



3. Christmas tree (圣诞树)Christmas tree是圣诞节庆祝活动中不可或缺的元素之一。



4. Decoration (装饰)在圣诞节期间,人们会花费大量时间和精力来装饰房屋、树木以及室内外空间。



5. Gift (礼物)在圣诞节这天,人们常常会互相交换礼物,以表达彼此的关爱和祝福。



6. Carol (圣诞颂歌)圣诞颂歌是圣诞节期间不可或缺的音乐元素。


其中最经典的圣诞颂歌包括《铃儿响叮当》(Jingle Bells)、《平安夜》(Silent Night)等,这些歌曲传唱至今,成为圣诞节不可或缺的一部分。

7. Reindeer (驯鹿)圣诞老人的雪橇上拉着一群驯鹿。






圣诞树(Christmas Tree)圣诞节最重要的象征之一便是圣诞树。



圣诞老人(Santa Claus)圣诞老人是圣诞节的主要角色之一。




圣诞食物(Christmas Food)圣诞节是一年中人们最喜欢享用美食的时节。



圣诞礼物(Christmas Gifts)圣诞节是送礼物的时刻。




圣诞歌曲(Christmas Carols)圣诞歌曲是圣诞节期间最受欢迎的音乐形式之一。



圣诞节习俗(Christmas Customs)除了圣诞树和圣诞老人,圣诞节还有许多其他有趣的习俗。




圣诞节英语儿歌歌曲歌词Here comes Santa Claus 圣诞老人来了中英歌词:Here comes Santa Claushere comes Santa ClausRight down Santa Claus LaneVixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer pulling on the reinsBells are ringing children singing all is merry andbrightHang your stockings and say your prayers cause Santa Claus comes tonight圣诞老人来了圣诞老人来了就沿着圣诞老人的小路Vixen和Blitzen以及他所有的驯鹿都卖力的拉着缰绳铃儿叮当孩子们欢唱,一片欢乐与光明快挂上你红色袜子说出你的祈祷,只因圣诞老人今晚就要来Here comes Santa Claushere comes Santa Clausright down Santa Claus LaneHe's got a bag that's filled with toys for boys and girls againHear those sleigh bells jingle jangle what a beautiful sightJump in bed cover up your head cause Santa Claus comes tonight圣诞老人来了圣诞老人来了就沿着圣诞老人的小路他又有满满一袋的玩具送给男孩和女孩们聆听见那雪橇铃儿叮当响彻那是多么美妙的情景快钻进被窝盖住头,只因圣诞老人今晚就要来Here comes Santa Claushere comes Santa Clausright down Santa Claus LaneHe doesn't care if you're a rich or poor for he loves you just the sameSanta knows that we're God's children that makes everything rightFill your hearts with Christmas cheer cause Santa Claus comes tonight圣诞老人来了圣诞老人来了就沿着圣诞老人的小路他不在乎你是否富裕或平穷,他一样爱你们圣诞老人知道我们都是上帝让一切都美好的孩子让圣诞节欢呼填满你的心, 只因圣诞老人今晚就要来Here comes Santa ClausHere comes Santa ClausRight down Santa Claus LaneHe'll come around when the chimes ring out it's Christmas morn againPeace on Earth will come to all if we just follow the lightLet's give thanks to the Lord above cause Santa Claus comes tonight(Let's give thanks to the Lord above) cause Santa Claus comes tonight圣诞老人来了圣诞老人来了就沿着圣诞老人的小路当编钟鸣响他就将来到你我身边,又再是圣诞节黎明倘若我们紧随那光明,那这星球就将一派祥和与安宁就让我们感恩于那上苍的主,只因圣诞老人今晚就要来就让我们感恩于那上苍的主,只因圣诞老人今晚就要来。

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Jingle bells Jingle bells jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh Hey Jingle bells jingle bells
Jingle bells jingle bells
Like thunder, gonna shake the ground You held me down, but I got up Get ready cause I’ve had enough I see it all, I see it now I got the eye of the tiger, a fire, dancing through the fire Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar Louder, louder than a lion Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive
Lately I've been I've been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be Baby I've been I've been praying hard Said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars Lately I've been I've been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be Baby I've been I've been praying hard Said no more counting dollars we'll be we'll be counting stars Yeah!~
beautiful and bright! Share your light, let’s celebrate tonight! Hey moon, hey moon,hey moon!
Counting stars
Lately I've been I've been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be But baby I've been I've been praying hard Said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars Yeah we'll be counting stars I see this life like a swinging vine Swing my heart across the line In my face is flashing signs Seek it out and ye shall find Old but I'm not that old Young but I'm not that bold And I don't think the world is sold I'm just doing what we're told I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing I could lie could lie could lie
Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You’re gonna hear me roar~~~
Hey, moon
Hey moon, I see you shining for all the people, And shining for me too. Moon, moon, moon Shining in the night! Moon, moon, moon So beautiful and bright! Share your light, let’s celebrate tonight! Hey moon, hey moon.
Jingle all the way
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
Oh what fun it is tபைடு நூலகம் ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
(老师一句,合唱一句:) Hey moon! what's new I see you du du du... hey moon! what's new I see you du du du... (合唱:)
Moon, moon, moon
Shining in the night!
Moon, moon, moon
Roar 点标题出音乐
I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath Scared to rock the boat and make a mess So I sat quietly, agreed politely I guess that I forgot I had a choice I let you push me past the breaking point I stood for nothing So I fell for everything You held me down, but I got up Already brushing off the dust You hear my voice, your hear that sound