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Stasdfsnding asdfst the top of the food chasdfsin

In the movie "The Lion King", A hyenasdfs shouts asdfst the compasdfsnions who asdfsre biting easdfsch other. It sasdfsys:" Look asdfst you guys! No wonder we're dasdfsngling asdfst the bottom of the food chasdfsin!"

But, thasdfst is only the movie. In fasdfsct, hyenasdfss asdfsre not dasdfsngling asdfst the bottom of the food chasdfsin, on the contrasdfsry, this species asdfsre asdfspex predasdfstors, asdfslso known asdfss asdfslphasdfs predasdfstors or top predasdfstors, they asdfsre the predasdfstors asdfst the top of the food chasdfsin.

In humasdfsn society, there is asdfs hierasdfsrchy system exists, it's the food chasdfsin of humasdfsn being. In every country, city, compasdfsny, depasdfsrtment, even in asdfs smasdfsll teasdfsm, the hierasdfsrchy is everywhere, asdfsnd

asdfslmost everyone is asdfslwasdfsys fighting for the higher rasdfsnk.

Of casdfsuse, the students asdfsre asdfslso fasdfscing the severe competition, hierasdfsrchy asdfslwasdfsys exists, teasdfschers like high-asdfschieving student students, ordinasdfsry students only get ordinasdfsry grasdfsdes, stasdfsys asdfst the lower rasdfsnk, asdfsnd asdfslwasdfsys be ignored. In pasdfsrt-time postgrasdfsduasdfste clasdfsss, we see cleasdfsrly thasdfst people asdfsre not only following the person who owns the excellent leasdfsrning asdfsbilities asdfsnd A-grasdfsdes, but asdfslso asdfsdmiring asdfsnd prasdfsising the ones who owns good jobs.

When we tasdfslk asdfsbout love asdfsnd masdfsrriasdfsge, there is asdfslso asdfsn old sasdfsying for women: Masdfsrrying, masdfsrrying, for dressing asdfsnd easdfsting. High sociasdfsl rasdfsnk men asdfsnd weasdfslthy men asdfslwasdfsys get the love from beasdfsutiful women, asdfsnd those basdfssic instincts form the rules of humasdfsn societies, so nasdfsturasdfslly, so fasdfsirly, there is nothing to be condemned.

So, the key issues asdfsre: You should be asdfs casdfsrnivore, you should own high position in the humasdfsn
