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Unit 1

pronounce, memorize, aloud, note, wise

1.Both of you pronounce correctly, because this word has two __________.

2.You should take ______ carefully when you are having English classes.

3.What about reading ______ to practice your spoken English?2-1-c-n-j-y

4.__________ the new words is a great challenge for every English learner.

5.In my opinion, as long as you use your money ____, there is nothing wrong to be rich.

6.When you are in a 400-metre race, _______速(度 ) is the most important.

7.Wide reading will _________ (增加 ) your vocabulary.

8.It is Columbus that ________(发现) the continent of America over 500 years ago.

9.As you know, the ______ (秘密) to success is hard work21cn.

10.He said that he had no interests in ______化(学 ), so he ________失(败 ) in the latest test.

11.He often ________ (联系 ) what he reads with what he sees around him21. 教育网

12.The _________ (表情 )on her face suggests that she has made it clear about this matter21.

13. "Rome was not built one day." So please be耐(心),it takes time.

14.Many of us didn ’ t pay ___________(注意) to the importance of the eye care.

15.·The little girl is b______ with the voice of a singer.


You must have been around 16 years old. Are you ________from that when you were 9 years old? Are

you__________ (wonder) if you have already grown up? You may be a physical adult before you finish

_______(study). Some people may finish their growing at high school, _________ others are still growing

after they leave school. Even when puberty (青春期 ) is over and you think you are a grown- up, you ’ ll

still face some physical and relationship problems that you should_________ with.

Parents are very ________ (help) for your growing, but it’ s not necessary for them to do e you. Sometimes you might have your________ idea. What they should do is to make sure that you can

make your own______. Of course you should do it _____the right way.

Remember, caring parents and families are the best support you can have. Anyway, wish you grow up

_________(healthy) and happily!

Unit 2


spread play steal lay trick

1. Mike ’ s father was angry with him because he _________ others’ things.

2.I don ’ t think________ these flowers in the kitchen is a good idea.

3.The teacher wanrned us not ____________ football in front of the classroom.

4.The young children got into the cinema by a ___________.

5.Sam _________ the news to the whole school and soon everyone knew it.


It was Mother ’ s Day Last Sunday. Li Xue and Lin Hao celebrated it in different ways.

Li Xue comes from a family filled with __________(温暖 ) and happiness. Her mother always

____________(对待 ) her as a friend instead of a child .Though she is very busy on _________(生意 ),

she always spends time with Li Xue as much as ___________(可能的 ). On Mother ’Day,s Li Xue gave

her mother a card made by herself.

Lin Hao’ s mother is___________(严格的 )with him. There are some family rules for him when he

was young. He couldn ’playt computer games and even couldn ’readt _________(小说 ). When he did
