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摘 要.....................................................................I ABSTRACT................................................................II 第一章 绪 论. (1)

§1.1课题背景 (1)

§1.2国内外研究现状 (1)

§1.3本课题研究的科学意义与应用前景 (2)

§1.4本文的主要内容 (3)

第二章 微小型四旋翼无人直升机建模 (4)

§2.1引言 (4)

§2.2机体构造与飞行原理 (4)

§2.3旋翼空气动力学 (5)

§2.3.1旋翼和桨叶的相对气流 (5)

§2.3.2空气动力与力矩 (6)

§2.4动力系统模型 (11)

§2.5微小型四旋翼无人直升机动力学 (12)

§2.6本章小结 (15)

第三章 基于Backstepping的微小型四旋翼无人直升机控制 (17)

§3.1引言 (17)

§3.2 Backstepping方法 (17)

§3.2.1 Lyapunov稳定性 (17)

§3.2.2严格反馈系统 (19)

§3.2.3 Backstepping算法及其稳定性证明 (19)

§3.3基于Backstepping的飞行控制系统设计 (22)

§3.3.1动力学模型 (22)

§3.3.2飞行控制系统设计 (23)

§3.3.3 Backstepping控制器设计及其稳定性分析 (24)

§3.4仿真结果与分析 (29)

§3.5本章小结 (32)

第四章 基于ADRC的微小型四旋翼无人直升机控制 (33)

§4.1引言 (33)

§4.2 ADRC基本原理 (33)

§4.2.1 ADRC系统结构 (34)

§4.2.2 ADRC数学模型 (35)

§4.2.3 ADRC收敛性分析 (38)

§4.2.4 ADRC典型应用 (38)

§4.3基于ADRC的飞行控制系统设计 (39)

§4.3.1动力学模型 (40)

§4.3.2飞行控制系统设计及其稳定性分析 (40)

§4.3.3 ADRC算法及其参数整定原则 (42)

§4.4仿真结果与分析 (43)

§4.4.1 ADRC控制仿真结果与分析 (44)

§4.4.2 PD-ADRC控制仿真结果与分析 (47)

§4.5本章小结 (48)

第五章 微小型四旋翼无人直升机状态估计 (49)

§5.1引言 (49)

§5.2 SR-UKF滤波算法 (49)

§5.2.1 UT变换 (50)

§5.2.2矩阵QR分解与Cholesky分解因数更新 (51)

§5.2.3状态估计SR-UKF滤波算法 (51)

§5.3微小型四旋翼无人直升机状态估计算法 (53)

§5.3.1状态方程与量测方程 (53)

§5.3.2仿真实验与分析 (54)

§5.4本章小结 (56)

第六章 总结与展望 (57)

参考文献 (59)

硕士期间发表的学术论文 (61)

致 谢 (62)










Micro/mini quadrotor is an excellent, novel vertical take-off and landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UA V) for both military and civilian usages. Based on a summary of the research status quo, the key technologies and the future applications of the micro/mini quadrotor, this paper concentrates on its special characteristics, mainly researched the problems on mathematical modeling, nonlinear controller and state estimation. Some important theoretical analysis and research results are as follows:

Firstly, the dynamics and kinematics equations of the prototype quadrotor are established by mathematical modeling. And the system equations are transformed to affine nonlinear form.

Secondly, the underactuated characteristic of the quadrotor is analyzed, based on the backstepping, a flight controller is designed for both hovering and tracking, then the Lyapunov stability of the system is analyzed. Simulations show that the proposed controllers are validity.

Thirdly, the Active Disturbances Rejection Controllers(ADRC) are designed for the direct driven states of the quadrotor to stabilize the vehicle and control the flight height; the PD-ADRC double closed loops are introduced to diminish the zero dynamics, then the Lyapunov stability of the double closed loops is analyzed, so that the quadrotr can hover. The validity of these controllers is proved by simulations.

Finally, the states of the quadrotor needed by the controllers are estimated by a Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter(SR-UKF).

Keywords: micro/mini UA V; quadrotor;dynamic model;backstepping; ADRC; Lyapunov stability; SR-UKF
